I’m here to tell you tonight, we believe we’re on track to win this election. We knew because of the unprecedented early vote and the mail-in vote it was going to take a while. We’re going to have to be patient until the hard work of tallying the votes is finished. And it ain’t over until every vote is counted, every ballot is counted. But we’re feeling good. We’re feeling good about where we are....
As I’ve said all along, it’s not my place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this election. That’s the decision of the American people. But I’m optimistic about this outcome.... Keep the faith guys, we’re going to win this.... Your patience is great.
Does he really believe it's not his place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this election?
Just yesterday, I read in Axios: "If news organizations declare Joe Biden the mathematical president-elect, he plans to address the nation as its new leader, even if President Trump continues to fight in court." That's not leaving it to "the American people," but to the news organizations who have been bending over backwards to help Biden.
Unlike Trump, Biden doesn't need to declare his own victory.
The elite media will declare it for him if they can, but Biden wasn't planning to wait until the entire process of ballot-counting ended. He was planning to seize strategic advantage in the ballot-counting battle and "address the nation as its new leader" — and that's more than Trump has done.
७४ टिप्पण्या:
I am pretty sure that by that time, Biden’s people had told him which way the cookie was crumbling, and had a pretty good idea about it.
What remains is to see what objections Trump comes up with. Democrats have been excoriating Al Gore for conceding without a fight in 2000, so let’s wait and see, as sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Amazing how all uncounted ballots are Biden votes.
Wendy Davis seems to have lost. “No cloud so dark” as the saying goes.
They don't care Ann. They are Democrats and they can do whatever and say whatever they want...No Problem. Orange Man BAD...cannot. He is Hitler if he does. See the difference...This is mild compared to most of the hypocrisy we have put up with for the last 12 years......
Oh well... so the fix is in. Nothing I can do about it.
Beautiful day in the Catskills. High of about 60º.
I’m going for a 15 mile bicycle ride.
There’s more to life than who’s president.
Joe is surprising coherent. Must be the meds.
Also, no pesky numbers or relatives to remember.
Disappointed though, that he didn't work "Scranton," "Corn Pop," or "C'mon, man!" into the speech.
They were on my bingo card.
Congratulations, Althouse! Don't you feel special? Your withholding of support for the President may have contributed to this situation. Here's a cookie.
As of 9:15 am Eastern, NASDAQ (Big Tech) futures are up 3.5%! Their election interference seems to be paying off!
It's over. President Biden.
Putting aside all partisan politics, who in their right mind could vote for a mentally challenged guy who has been bribed by foreigners?
What the hell is wrong with people?
AlGore tried to steal the election in 2020 with a selective recount of spoiled ballots.
AlGore did not run an honest recount. It took the US Supreme Court to stop the shenanigans of counting spoiled ballots for Gore.
This time, it is just a numbers game. No postmark necessary, a week after the election to cheat. Here's hoping the Supreme Court can stop the manufacture of fake ballots.
Ann, I'm curious as to why you seem to think Trump has won. I hope he did, but right now I'm feeling pretty queasy about it.
Joni Ernst 2024
It’s funny how Twitter, whose brand should be that they are a community of sophisticated information consumers, is “fact checking” opinions right and right. No, they don’t fact check lefty opinions. It’s like they think that their users are so many sheep.
Fun bit of indirect evidence: I play around with FOREX--day trading relatively small amounts of money. Once in a while, I make enough to pay that month's mortgage or something, but mostly I'm just up one day and down the next.
Since the polls closed last night, I've noticed the dollar strengthens on good news for Trump and weakens on good news for Biden. I went to bed expecting a much stronger dollar when I woke--it was stronger, but not to the extent I expected. It got weaker as races tightened, until about an hour ago, when it started strengthening again. This has continued even through the flip of MI from slightly Trump to slightly Biden--the dollar continues to strengthen.
Maybe means nothing, but for some reason, the money guys aren't impressed by Biden's gains in MI even though that alone should be enough to end Trump's path to reelection.
Well, if Trump can stave off Philly fraud and protect his 600K lead in Penn, we may be headed for a 269-269 tie.
DJT has 214:
1. Penn 20
2. GA. 15
3. NC. 16
4. Alas. 3
5. Maine 2nd Dist - 1
Somebody check my math!
Seems like the margins in Georgia, Pennsylvania are too large to steal. Surprised to see Biden retake lead in Michigan. Wisconsin I sort of gave up on as I went to bed last night. Arizona still too close to call.
Aside from that has to be a very bitter awakening to the democrats to see republicans hold senate and increase seats in the house. It wasn't supposed to be this way was it? It was supposed to be a blue tsunami to repudiate trump and all who supported him.
And the Libertarians in Michigan give you President Harris.
WI in the Biden side. MI just got moved into the Biden side.
I can hear a fat lady singing off in the distance. I wonder what it's like to live under Socialism? I guess we'll find out soon enough. My Grandfather (from Russia) told me this would happen here some day. He fled Russia to get away from it. He's been dead for years, but he's right. He could see it coming years ago.
By the way, I wondered how long it would take for some commenters to blame Althouse for not voting, and thus turning WI over to Biden. I'll say it right here. It's not up to Althouse. It was always up to Trump to win it. He didn't do it.
But...he's not going away. I have a feeling he's just beginning.
As many predicted, including me, they keep counting until Biden wins. Welcome to the new world order under President Harris. GND, fracking ban, end of free speech, end of Chinese tariffs, China takes Taiwan, government healthcare, placement of Dems is all government SES jobs, purging of all non-Dems, allowing government to do the party's bidding.
I was hoping 4 more years before the new wave of college grads tilted the scale. At least I have an escape plan to another country.
Apparently the ruling in PA was “no clear postmark” which is different than “no postmark”
If hundreds of thousands of late ballots show up with smudged postmarks, I don’t even think PA would stoop that low. Plus, they don’t need to.
Onion on his belt
It was the style at the time.
Joe Biden? C'mon, man.
I have read twice now that 100,000 votes showed up in Wisconsin that were 100% for Biden. This is so improbable as to be impossible. So let’s see what the courts can find out.
Biden looks prescient. POTUS looks bonkers (per usual post-covid).
Eh, Biden won.
MI will easily go after they get done finding votes in Detroit.
PA doesn't matter then.
"I have read twice now that 100,000 votes showed up in Wisconsin that were 100% for Biden. This is so improbable as to be impossible. So let’s see what the courts can find out."
-- If the votes have been counted and added to the general pile: Not a thing, most likely.
If only votes were tracked with as much tenacity as money.
Imagine real elections
I wonder if you can
No need to stop voting
To put new votes in the Joe's hand
Imagine all the criminals
That want to be governing US
Watching Fox with some friends last night I can understand how much the tv has a hold of peoples minds.
I'm glad mine went in the trash the day I left my college roomate.
Bay Area Guy, Trump lost that 1 EV in Nebraska.
270 - 268 Biden wins.
At 950 EST, it seems that a moderately bad, but reasonably honest, government will be replaced by a government with significantly worse social, fiscal, military,labor, housing, energy, and diplomatic policies, and pervasive corruption. Go Dems! The media, academia, big labor,race hustlers, open borders, and the "learned" professions are going to be in charge. They will keep their mouths shut about the corruption and incompetence of Joe Biden and his running mate.They will try to import enough voters to prevent another close race.
Special sarcastic kudos to the never trumpers. Let's see how it works for you. I already know how it will work for me.
On the other hand, the republicans are going to retake the house in 2022 if, even with this turnout, it looks like they've lost a handful of seats.
but i'll be watching from my ex-US house.
I hoped for 4 more years to shore up my early retirement but I guess I'll just find cheaper hobbies and go for earlier retirement.
Stop calling them "elite". They're connected and pedigreed, but they are not elite.
So if Biden wins (a likely outcome now that the outcome is in the hands of Dem officials) how long til Harris replaces Joe? I wonder if the odds makers are taking bets yet. I don't think he will last a year.
I agree with Dave Begley. "What the hell is wrong with people?"
If Biden pulls this off, then this country deserves him. And that's a sad shame.
How people could vote for that decrepit and ancient carcass, who was even more corrupt than Hillary, and who chose a superficial leftist ideologue as a running mate, is beyond me.
How people living in states with riots and looting and constant threats of violence, could vote for the party that winks at all that and enables it and encourages it, is incomprehensible.
How people can still believe the deception and manipulation and fear mongering of the news media, after these past four years have exposed their lies and biases consistently and repeatedly, is just baffling.
I could go on. But what's the point. I still hope Trump pulls it off. I pray for a miracle. But I am angry and demoralized at the sad condition this country is in. It should not have been close. A demented candidate owned by China whose party misuses federal agencies to spy on opponents and encourages violent anarchy on the streets should not have won a single state.
Screw these people if Biden wins. Enjoy the thought police and your collapsing socialist economy.
Tim in Vermont, I believe it's either. Here's a quote from a Fox Story quoting the PA SoS
A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Secretary of State said that in this specific scenario, it will be presumed that ballots were postmarked by Election Day absent evidence that indicates otherwise.
“Under the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that allows the three-day extension, ballots with no postmark or an illegible postmark are presumed to have been postmarked by the Election Day deadline, unless there is evidence the ballot was mailed after the deadline,” the spokesperson said.
It comes because the USPS does not always post mark pre-paid mail, and the ballots are prepaid. So the standard is....there has to be evidence it was mailed after the deadline for it to not count.
Can someone explain to me how 100% of what is being this counted this morning are Biden votes? Or so it seems...
The graphs do not lie.
After they "stopped counting" last night both Michigan and Wisconsin had massive dumps for Biden.
230,000 votes don't just appear for one candidate like this.
The Wisconsin graph with the vertical blue line is disheartening and blatant.
Fuck you.
Very odd situation here this morning.
My Trump hating family members are assuming a Biden victory. But from their talk it's almost like they're not happy about it and are blaming Trump.
And lots of hate being dumped on Bernie Sanders for dragging Socialism into the election and making a mess.
Talked to a co-worker with a young child.
Not only is she convinced Biden never sniffed a little girl in a weird manner, she says her news sources (she does her own research, see!?!) tell her that any claims that Joe Biden sniffed little girls is fake.
Even the official White House photos from the Obama Administration.
The news media has kept people ignorant.
The media had a plan and they executed the plan flawlessly.
I never wanted to live in a world where I had to depend on Mitch McConnell.
I love the "Pipe Burst" in Georgia.
That has some creativity at least.
The Apparatchiks in Wisconsin just openly changed Biden's number.
tim, do you have a reference for that extraordinary claim?
Or is this something you heard from Guiliani?
Trump needed to be beyond the range of fraud this morning. He isn't.
That was part of the story, the final chapter. The mediaswine lie their asses off about everything, Trump, Covid, the polls, Hunter, Joe - everything!
States fearfully switch over to mail order voting with extended counting deadlines. The Dems keep counting until they win. The leftmediaswine declare ChiCom Joe the winner, We’ve seen something similar with Al Frankenstein in Minnesota.
Hunter’s fees will go from millions to billions. What a country! The land of opportunity!
The clerisy, the ChiComs, the economic illiterates and the Brownshirts are orgasmic. The Trump hiatus is over. We’re toast!
Isn't it Weird, how the late votes ALWAYS go 85% democrat?
Isn't it Weird, how recounts ALWAYS help the democrat?
Isn't it Weird, how more people can vote (late) in a district than are registered there?
Isn't it Weird?
The media elite
Althouse language is getting more and more right wing, but then is it? Elite is a bit more leftist in tone, but combined with media, it sounds Trumpian. One of the complaints by the media about Trump is that he is turning the people against them. I don't believe that is true, and Althouse is a good example. The media turned people against them by becoming overly bias to the extent of manipulation. People don't like being manipulated, all the more so when it is obvious.
There is no "margin of fraud". The potential for fraud is infinite, when you can have urban districts with more votes than registered voters and the reaction is "this is fine".
DavidUW said...
On the other hand, the republicans are going to retake the house in 2022 if, even with this turnout, it looks like they've lost a handful of seats.
the thing of it is; the race that mattered was the race for the Senate
Remember 2010? when Barry O'Bama lost the House and most of the Senate?
without a Majority 2021, there goes ending the filibuster
without ending the filibuster, there goes statehood for PR and DC
without ending the filibuster, there goes packing the court
come 2022,
are people going to be SO IN LOVE, with Commie Law Harris, that they'll add Senate seats?
are people going to be SO IN LOVE, with Commie Law Harris, that they'll add House seats?
President Trump got LOTS of stuff done,
Lots of that stuff will be hard to erase without control of the Senate
come 2024 can (former) President Trump make like Grover Cleveland?
I'm done with google, facebook, twitter, amazon, hollywood, professional sports, the elite corrupt press. No more support from me.
gonna live the simple life. Fuck the corrupt left.
I just took a look at the internet now. If the "leaning" states fall to the current leader we could wind up with something like a 269-270 split in the Electoral College--my math may be off, but it's going to be a close result in any case.
I'm going to take a couple of aspirin--wake me up on Friday where there will be a result--and a starting gun for the legal teams demanding recounts where the margin was close.
"I have read twice now that 100,000 votes showed up in Wisconsin that were 100% for Biden. This is so improbable as to be impossible. So let’s see what the courts can find out."
Matt Sablan: "-- If the votes have been counted and added to the general pile: Not a thing, most likely."
At 4am in WI, 138,000 votes were dumped out of Milwaukee and they went 98% for Biden.
A mathematical impossibility.
In MI, we got a 200,000 vote dump at 4am which went for Biden at 99%.
Its out in the open. Not even bothering to hide it.
And its a full power play in PA as well because due to the mail in fraud schemes, including no postmarks required, no signature matching, etc., we will never have a sufficient detailed granular understanding of what existed at the precinct level which will make it very difficult to attack.
As of a few minutes ago, a Trump 800,000 lead has already been reduced to around 40,000 now. Just a few minutes ago.
DeSantis and Rick Scott were able to win in 2018 in FL because there were sufficient controls in place to protect the integrity of the ballots.
All controls and protections have been removed in the democratical states.
At 5pm today, Joe Biden will announce he is the winner and what is anyone going to do about it?
Quick note: we are not at the fraudulent "official" Trump lead of only 40,000 in PA, but we will be there within the next 48 hours or so based on the estimates of what is occurring.
Recall when Biden slipped to tell us they are building the largest voter fraud machine ever.
Not a slip!
The people who lied to you with the polls will now tell you how cleanly the election was run.
The left are probably cheating. Twitter is banning speech that discusses it.
Did anyone notice that we changed our voting system, effectively at the last minute, without any opportunity to make sure it was sound, to 'save' people from spreading and catching COVID, which created a lot of mistrust in the system, then, on election day, the CDC told people they could get out of their COVID sick beds and go to the polls and vote?
Yes, that's what happened.
sorry, was unclear in my typing.
1) looks like Senate is R and will be in 2021. So the worst of Harris will be halted. not all of it of course, but no ramming a new Obamacare through for example. I suspect there will be another "compromise" on taxes like when Barry was president to up the rate on $400K plus to 39.6, but the trade will be not busting the Social Security limits, for example.
2) R's look to be picking up a couple seats in the House. Think about that. If Biden pulls this off, especially due to a decent number of suburbs swinging back to D, but R's STILL pick off a few house seats, what's it going to look like in 2022? I'd say odds favor R
3) 2022 senate as I recall puts more Dem seats at risk, kind of the flip of this election.
anyway, See ya from St. Kitt's.
"The elite media will declare it for him if they can"
Of course. The question now is, what else are they going do for him?
Opposing Trump was their business model. What now?
Joe will soon appear deficient even to true believers. Will they cover it up, demand press conferences, push back in some way? Or will they give him the O treatment, and kowtow?
Will any late-nighter dare to make any joke about Joe introducing his granddaughter as Beau?
MayBee said...It comes because the USPS does not always post mark pre-paid mail, and the ballots are prepaid.
While the 3-day no postmark rule is outrageous, I don't think it will be the big source of fraud many on the right fear. In order to dump a lot of official ballots today and tomorrow, they would have to have a bunch of official ballots. If they have them, why not mail them a few days or a week ago? Why wait? Is there a reason they would not come into possession of those ballots until today?
“Even the looters don’t know what to do now” - Scott Adams
Remember all those articles about voter fraud being nonexistent and not a problem? Those were just prepping the battle space for the next week of "discovering" new ballots.
It would have been cool if the sheep considered their vote longer than "He says mean things on Twitter!" before handing the country to people who think 8 year olds should be put on puberty blockers.
tim in vermont said...
And the Libertarians in Michigan give you President Harris.
As of now, the Libertarian vote total is much larger than Biden's lead in Nevada, Wisconsin and Michigan. Trump would win the presidency with any one of these states.
Biden is ahead in NV by less than 8,000 and Jorgensen has over 13,000 votes. In Wisconsin, Biden's lead is less than 21,000 and Jorgensen has more than 38,000.
This doesn't mean the absence of the Libertarian option would have resulted in all those votes going to Trump, but it does show how small the margin is in some states.
The other "coincidence" was that as soon as Fox called Arizona far too early for Biden (there is still about 20% or more outstanding of Election day votes to count in Maricopa County which was breaking for Trump at a stellar 70% and Trump would need just 61% or so the remaining vote to take AZ) that was immediately followed by the midwestern state democraticals to shut down their vote counting "until tomorrow"....which was a lie, because they cranked the vote counting shops in the dem cities back up at 4am to generate their massive vote dumps.
There are now about a dozen unprecedented, inexplicable (not really) actions and voting outcomes that are well outside anything approaching statistical validity.
But that's where we are now.
And as I've noted many times before, the lefties here know the cheating has occurred and that's precisely what they like most about it: You know they are cheating and they know you know they are cheating...and on it goes.
After last night and today, we have probably passed a tipping point to nationwide "Green Grocer" status.
I guess the things we'll have to fascinate us are :1. How Joe actually functions in office; 2. what role Jill will play in governance - Edith Wilson redux?-; 3. what Kamala can accomplish after being a completely failed candidate ; 4. identifying who is really running the show; 5. whether Antifa subsides with the Dam victory or whether its will continue its destructive ways; 6 and, of course, watching the press run around doing their best to perform fellatio on all the new Dems in town.
There has to be some comic relief and I am sure there will be. I will predict now that the House goes Republican in 2022.
"Last night, between 4am and 4:30am, a thumb drive containing 128,000 votes was delivered to a Michigan ballot counting center.
All 128,000 votes were for Biden. Not a single one was for Trump.
At about the same time, something very similar happened in Wisconsin.
this is mob rule, that they are pushing guerilla war, by another proxy,
I watched Fox last night. A mistake. Terrible nonsense spewed from people who have more looks than brains being fed info by people who are not neutral.
I did the math myself this morning and it looks like Biden will win. He assures his followers, in not so many words: "Be patient, the fix is in." What an evil man.
I saw something personal yesterday on Twitter. Someone had posted a photo of a man removing a ballot collection box in Philadelphia in the middle of the day. I recognized the location -- my old high school. I know that neighborhood and that it is a Trump supporting area. I don't know what it meant but the obvious conclusion is vote suppression. Multiply this scenario by a thousand others in Philly like the pollwatchers refused entrance and a person handing out Democratic literature to people in line waiting to vote, and Kamala Harris speaking to people waiting to vote, and how can anyone not be disgusted by all that?
And then we have a social media which suppresses the transmission of this information and a press which ignores it.
God help us.
they would have to have a bunch of official ballots. If they have them, why not mail them a few days or a week ago? Why wait?
To know how many they need. Always count the Republican votes first. Then , like ballot box 13, you know how many to print.
Should Trump lose watch a real disaster unfold. The thousands of Liberal Media outlets will go out of business. Trump will be gone. He singlehandedly gave the Liberal Media such artificial 'demand'. How will the industry replace this demand in the marketplace? It won't!
DavidUW: "3) 2022 senate as I recall puts more Dem seats at risk, kind of the flip of this election."
If the dems can pull off what they are doing right now, what makes you think any Senate seat anywhere is any safer?
The focus this time was DJT, but with expanded social media/democrat power in full coordination with the deep staters, the left can pull the trigger on any republican they want, anywhere, at any time, and run them right out of the ring.
And that's not even counting yet immediate amnesty and citizenship, by executive order (do you really think the Supreme Court will stand in the way?) of, not 11 million, more like 20 million illegals/DACAs.
And there will be zero border enforcement leading to massive inflows of future democraticals.
The democrats don't even have to pack the court right now. That can wait until after 2022, after which we will become effectively a one party state.
If you think about it, there is a reason no democracy or republic has lasted that long.
hstad: "Should Trump lose watch a real disaster unfold. The thousands of Liberal Media outlets will go out of business."
On the contrary. There will be a gatekeeper function established for government approved media and its members followed by expanded content controls enforced by the dems Big Tech allies.
Which is hardly different than what we see today.
The biggest structural change that will remain long past this election is vote by mail. Ushered in by the pandemic, it is now established everywhere and "voting" will become a matter of ballot harvesting by the activists. GOP better figure out how to play that game. They have 2 years.
Holy Kowznofski!
Ted Wheeler re-elected in Portland!
How much you want to bet it was because most of Antifa either forgot to vote or couldn't vote because they've got felony convictions?
Way to keep the angst dialed to 11, Drago. Your like the stereotypical ex-wife who still begrudges the skivvies you Left on the deck fifteen years ago.
You people did great. The Democrats are in charge but are trussed up in a straight jacket. Have a cigar and a drink of pure grain alcohol with rainwater.
Oh, you're going to have a little wash and brush up, are you? What a good idea. Always did wonders for a man that, Drago. A little wash and brush up, water on the back of the neck. Makes you feel marvelous. That's what we need, Drago! Water on the back of the neck and the code...
Mmm...mmm...mmm. So much angst. A long time ago, a man got on his knees to ask God to guide him in an impossible task. General George Washington wasn't being safe. He wasn't prioritizing safety. He didn't even think about 'saving just one life!
The United Kingdom, the most powerful force in the World was being confronted by a pipsqueak upstart. Can't happen. Won't happen.
It happened. Logic and reason failed the day that Cornwallis surrendered.
Be safe. ..in an abundance of caution. Safety is our #1 priority!
These are women's words.
God please...talk to men...tell them to stop wearing masks. Tell them to stop being afraid. If Men are afraid, women are afraid.
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