Said Trump, in the second half of what began as the Thanksgiving call to the troops. Here's the transcript. Video:
Did the reporters change the subject from Thanksgiving to the election results? The question was cleverly framed so that it can be staunchly denied that the reporter brought up the election: "Mr. President, do you have any big plans for your last Thanksgiving in the White House?" But that word "last" was, quite obviously, a dagger.
Trump certainly didn't pretend not to see it. He immediately said "we don't know what is 'last,' if you look at what's going on," and he proceeded to explain "what's going on" at great length. Then he talked about the Georgia runoff election in detail and spoke of doing a rally there on Saturday — with a "tremendous crowd."
When there was finally an opening for another question, it was: "Mr. President, if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden on December the 14th, will you concede to Joe Biden?"
Trump answered: "It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud."
The reporter pressed: "But will you?"
He said: "As to whether or not I can get this apparatus moving this quickly, because time isn’t on our side, everything else is on our side. Facts are on our side. This was a massive fraud. This should never take place in this country. We’re like a third world country."
That goes on for a while, and the reporter finally says: "Sir, just to be clear, if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, will you concede?"
Trump: "If they do, they made a mistake, because this election was a fraud."
Reporter: "But will you?"
Trump: "Just saying, I said, this election was a fraud. They have Biden beating Obama, and Obama’s vote, in areas that mattered in terms of the election, in swing states, and yet he’s losing to Obama all over the place, but he’s beating Obama in swing states, which are the states that mattered for purposes of the election. No, I can’t say that at all.
Reporter: "You won’t concede?"
Trump: "I think it’s a possibility. They’re trying to… Look, between you people..."
The reporter interrupts, and Trump snaps: "Don’t talk to me that way. You’re just a lightweight. Don’t talk to me that way. I’m the President of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the President that way." He cuts the reporter off and goes to someone else.
The new questioner has this: "If the Electoral College does elect President-Elect Joe Biden, are you not going to leave this building?"
Trump: "Certainly I will. Certainly I will, and you know that. But I think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of January, a lot of things. Massive fraud has been found. We’re like a third world country. We’re using computer equipment that can be hacked. They talk about glitches...." And it's back to the details of the voting. "If you look at the glitch, the glitch means, 'Oh, we got caught. We got caught with the votes and now let’s just call it a glitch.' It wasn’t the machinery. By the way, the machinery, if you look, just take a look anywhere on the internet, you will see many, many people where they’re experimenting with this stupid machinery, where if you set it a certain way, the votes go from Trump to Biden."
The next question is: "If Joe Biden takes over the White House on January 21st, will you announce a candidacy for 2024?"
Trump: "No, I don’t want to talk about 2024 yet."
Reporter: "Will you run again?"
Trump: "... This has a long way to go. This has a long way to go. You’re going to find tremendous fraud. You’re going to find fraud of hundreds of thousands of votes per state. You’re going to find fraud of many, many times the votes that I need." And he goes on again about the fight to win in 2020.
There's more discussion of the Georgia runoff. He calls the Georgia Secretary of State "an enemy of the people... whether he’s Republican or not" — "This man, what he’s done, supposedly he made a deal, and you’ll have to check this." He goes on at great length here.
Finally a reporter gets a question: "You know that it’s tradition for previous presidents to go to the next president’s inauguration. So will you attend Joe Biden’s?"
Trump: "I don’t want to say that yet."
Reporter: "But he is going to be inaugurated."
Trump: "I mean, I know the answer, I’ll be honest. I know the answer, but I just don’t want to say it yet."
Reporter: "Is that a yes?" Ha ha. It's easy to guess! We know it's yes. How could it not be yes?
Trump: "Look. A thing like this possibly has never happened before, but maybe people just didn’t catch it, but we’ve caught it." And back to the details of the 2020 vote count. I won't copy the whole text, but here's how it ends:
"[Joe Biden] is not a candidate that could get 80 million votes. This is just not a candidate. This is not a candidate that beat Barack Hussein Obama with the Black voter, okay? This is not a candidate that beat Obama with the Black voter. This is not a candidate that beat Hillary Clinton to a pulp. It just doesn’t work that way. But when you look at the number, when you look at the data, and when you look at the things we have, we have affidavits from hundreds and hundreds of people. This election was a rigged election. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you."
२१९ टिप्पण्या:
219 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»So Trump didn't make America great, we actually became a third world country during his Presidency.
Straight from the lips of our stable genius.
What a douchebag
Trump is fighting for his life. He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president. This is a desperate man. He is a discredit to this nation. Yes, I’m trying to read his mind, that whirlwind of chaos, lies and whatever else swirls around in there.
Trump isn't fighting for his life, he's fighting for yours.
Against the media, which called the election and all the facts around it.
uh oh the lame-os are getting the first word!
Don't have to think to do their type of post
Let me try...
Why aren't they happy with Pres Sleepy, First Son crackhead, VP Blow Job, and John F'in Kerry ready for duty?
"Althouse Trolls Report"... by Prohias
"Trump isn't fighting for his life, he's fighting for yours."
This. Some are too crazed by hate to see that fraudulent elections are not in anyone's best interest.
Ken Thompson's Turing Lecture pdf on what chips have to do with it. You can't trust any computer without a complete history of the code, the compiler, the assembler, the microcode assembler, and the hardware design history.
Code doesn't necessarily do what it says it does. It's a simple principle that can be put also in the hardware.
A complete history is the key, of every version of everything.
Or, simpler, paper ballots.
The questions are, obviously, obnoxious.
You’re about to get your wish for boredom, prof. No more obnoxious reporters disgracing themselves by asking vicious, pointless questions.
It will be all softballs and puff pieces with Biden.
“He obviously knows he will be indicted...”
Might be time to ban Inga again for deliberate, vicious lying. Note that this vicious, stupid woman doesn’t even state a crime that might lead to Trump’s indictment. What a lowlife, vicious, stupid, liar. This woman is pure, unadulterated evil.
Yahoo News has been playing this game, too. “Trump will yield office only on one condition!” The headline screamed this morning. Turns out that this “condition” is that the Electoral College certifies the election. Of course, this is the sole condition for yielding office that actually matters.
The reporter’s questions, and the Yahoo headline are just malicious clickbait for evil monsters like Inga.
The desperation of the leftist frauds is growing more evident day by day. Eau de flop sweat.
He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president.
Obvious to you.
Is this how people get manipulated into wagering with a bot?
The raw lust for a Trump indictment for something, anything, is the strongest emotion I can perceive from people who should be reveling in a Biden victory. I suppose that presenting these proceedings is how the media plans to keep its numbers up without having Trump available in the WH.
Imagine how much stronger these feelings will be should he manage to hold onto office? Stay tuned.
I guess I’m going to have to state the obvious here.
Trump has never once stated that he will refuse to obey the law and respect the decision of the Electoral College.
The press invented this scheme out of nothing to stir up vicious, stupid, evil rats like Inga.
The notion that Trump ever intended to refuse to obey the law in terms of succession is a complete fabrication of fake news.
It’s just clickbait for worthless, evil creeps like Inga.
Shouting Thomas asks Althouse to cancel Inga.
Cancel culture alive and well among conservatives here.
Kill the filthy tribe swill and stack their corpses in Times Square.
Nothing will change for the better until then.
They yearn for the "good old days" of their Messiahs - Lenin and Stalin - who they helped murder FIFTY MILLION across Russia and Eastern Europe. But those do not count since they were mostly only Goyim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Althouse’s one cancellation, for those of you who are not long time commenters was... Inga.
Inga was canceled for repeatedly invoking the “Nice people” lie about Charlottesville.
I admire Althouse’s commitment to free speech, but it’s up to her whether to allow a forum for vicious, evil liars like Inga.
Inga is a compulsive, vicious, psychotic liar. If I were running any kind of comment board, I’d ban her in the interest of simple decency.
The Russia! Russia! Russia! press have no interest in election fraud.
They’re going to learn what it means to work in a third-world country.
The Biden White House will write their stories and the tech companies will distribute them.
Man. Journalists are atrocious at their jobs.
Mark and Inga continue to amaze. Trump indicted? Good grief, are these people that obtuse? Do they think 70 million Trump voters are going sit idly by if this occurs? Frankly, I would be surprised if the aforementioned Trump voters sit by if the stolen election is handed to Biden.
"Journalists are atrocious at their jobs"
Democrat/communist activists, not journalists.
Oh, there's going to be canceling after this fraud, Mark. Y9u better believe there's going to be canceling. And people who lie in service of that fraud are going to be remembered.
I’ve been watching Scott Adam’s Periscope session on YouTube for the past few days.
I suggest you do, too. No, Adams is not a die-hard Trump supporter. That’s fake news.
Adams talks at some length in these sessions about this “we’re going to indict Trump for something or other” shit.
He rightly calls this tactic pure evil, and labels people who employ it as scumbags.
Why is Trump complaining about Philadelphia? He got more votes there than he did in 2016 and Biden got less than Clinton got.
Unlike these reporters flop sweating, desperately trying to push the President out prematurely, I'll wait for the results of the legal fight.
The fact this was the coordinated line of attack the 'reporters' took is one more data point that makes me think the left isn't all that confident about the election results. If they were they'd be glowing in the gossip about which lefties get which jobs in the new administration but they aren't doing that- forced uneasiness about it at best...
Journalists are atrocious at their jobs
...depends on the job description they are operating with.
Okay, so it's a computer chip. I wasn't sure at first if it was a reference to gambling or a way of saying something very small.
It's hard to get any clarity on this. The blanket denials by the media encourage skepticism, but so do the over-the-top rumors on the internet. The exaggerated rumors give the media a justification for their denials and refusal to investigate. Powell and Wood aren't helping. Neither are the people calling for corpses.
"Adams talks at some length in these sessions about this “we’re going to indict Trump for something or other” shit."
Funny, didn't Trump lead rallies in 2016 threatening to lock his opponent up for perceived crimes?
And now you decide that threats to prosecute the other side are too much? Typical hypocrisy from Repubes.
"Trump is fighting for his life. He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president."
What was the crime again? Or is one necessary?
I don't know if I have ever met any people as full of hate as Inga and Chuck. It's pathological.
Funny, didn't Trump lead rallies in 2016 threatening to lock his opponent up for perceived crimes?
Trump named the offense... Hillary's illegal e-mail server.
If you recall, the guy who launched the Russia collusion hoax, James Comey, then director of the FBI, held a lengthy news conference in the summer of 2016 in which he struggled to explain why the FBI was not going to indict Hillary.
His explanation was that, yeah Hillary might have committed a felony by the strict letter of the law, but she didn't do it with the intention of committing a felony.
Many people think that Comey's confused effort to explain his refusal to indict Hillary cost her the election.
Douchebag is sexist, unless you use it for bleeding brake systems.
Trump is correct of course. Biden did not legally get more votes than Obama. Biden barely campaigned. When he did, 50 people showed up. When he spoke, he very often misspoke or garbled his words. He told Black voters they had no individual agency. He referred to Trump as Abe Lincoln in the final debate. As people in decline do, he told the truth when he blurted out having a superior voter fraud organization. It’s as plain as day that he could not have won this election by honest means.
Trump's crime is reporting the value of land and buildings for tax purposes, and reporting the value of the ongoing business for bank loan purposes. The two values don't match! It's as if he minimized the first and maximized the second to screw the tax collector and the banks.
I've had multiple friends (on the left who assume I'm a fellow traveler) make a comment over the last couple of weeks that Trump is going to be indicted, or end up in jail, or that he's going to have to pardon himself.
When I ask what for, the answer is a generalized sort of mix: Because he's a crook. He's corrupt. His taxes.
Huh? Can one of you who are saying he's going to be indicted, or think he's going to need to pardon himself, explain to me why? And, do not play the 'it's his taxes' game. There's much more to business tax law than 99% of the people on this blog fully understand. Aside from 'his taxes' what exactly is he to be indicted for?
For not thinking Right Thought? Or speaking Approved Language?
You know who said mail in ballots can only be trusted if there's signature verification?
Barack Obama said that.
Oh you better believe there's indictments coming. A flaming hellstorm of criminal indictments. But they won't be against Trump.
What a great blog post. Perfect video, with the transcript.
It’s no longer necessary for Trump’s critics to say that he is deranged when the world can watch video that shows him to be deranged.
And you know who should definitely be indicted as a co-conspirator to the fraud?
"Fraudulent or not, it's a win for me" Chuck.
“What was the crime again? Or is one necessary?”
1.Hush money to Stormy Daniels
2.Bank Fraud- falsifying assets to receive bank loans.
Just for starters.
“Could you imagine if I lose? I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country—I don’t know.”
Trump at one of his super spreader rallies.
"Trump's crime is reporting the value of land and buildings for tax purposes, and reporting the value of the ongoing business for bank loan purposes,"
How is property tax on the value of the land and buildings equivalent to future business potential (EBITDA) for loan purposes?
I love Kevin Dowd’s prediction that the press will languish without Trump because Biden will be so boring. I suppose that Althouse will love that scenario because she loves to pick up the NYT’s slack on she loves boring. On the other hand, I predict that a Biden presidency will be bad for Althouse’s numbers as well because Blogger/Google is not going to let her pick on Biden with impunity.
The democrats fucked with the wrong guy. And after four years the good guys have had enough. They may succeed in running out the clock. But what they have done will not sit well with most of the country. All they will have to show for it is the demented creep and loser Biden and the Hunter baggage that will hound him forever...a lifetime laughingstock of the Democratic party...and his cock sucking whore running mate, who couldn't get one delegate in the primaries and was the first to fold. These two will not be able to pull their fat from the fire.
I do think that one of the bigger problems for the press and our journalists is their outspoken certainty regarding the future. Rather than let the future happen (and then report on it once it has happened) there is such an insistence on "knowing" what WILL happen.
These things WILL come to be.
Oh? Will they? Perhaps they will, but let's wait to see, first, shall we?
“1.Hush money to Stormy Daniels”
Not a crime.
“2.Bank Fraud- falsifying assets to receive bank loans.”
The very essence of the Fannie Mae/Countrywide liar’s loan scam that brought down the economy in 2008.
If you want to prosecute this (and I’m not saying Trump did it), you’d have to indict every politician and every manager of every financial institution in the U.S.
Trump's crime is reporting the value of land and buildings for tax purposes, and reporting the value of the ongoing business for bank loan purposes
I live with an MST and we're hard pressed to see how this would be a crime. There's more than one method of estimating the value of real property and you're required to use different methods for loan appraisal filling out a 1040. Timing also matters- estimate fair value a few days later could easily provide a different number.
Why the obsession with concession? It seems like the only reason to obsess over it is to cut off inquiries into voting irregularities. Other than that, it doesn't really make any difference whether or not a losing candidate concedes.
The Dems need Trump-hate to hold their shaky coalition together. Without it they will be at each others throats. In fact, they already are.
I mean, it's certainly a twitter crime, as judged by certain twitterers....
Why the obsession with concession?
I've been here for several days talking about this- we're in a political phase of the determining the election winner. Though the judiciary will decide what's put before it, what is put before it is decided by other actors, and there's inertia and political will to overcome. Badgering the President about concessions is one of many ways media is trying to sap the fight out their opponents...
“1.Hush money to Stormy Daniels”
Not a crime.”
Trump is an unidicted co conspirator in the Michael Cohen case. Michael Cohen went to jail for crimes committed in an illegal campaign finance scheme.
"Or, simpler, paper ballots."
These places at issue don't use paper ballots?
Those are easy; hand recount, done.
You're never going to figure out the provenance of each ballot when they've been long separated from the envelopes.
Keep fishing, inga.
You really are a low life cunt.
One of the worst lying low life’s I’ve encountered on the web.
“Unindicted” f/y/a, you dumb lying cunt, means that there’s no basis for charging him with a crime.
How many patients have you murdered? I suspect many but I can’t prove it. I’m just judging by your general character.
It seems the con in chief has run his lies up against the courts of law and it is not working. Each day of lie reveals a small and petty man who has diminished himself and the country.
Indicted for what, Inga?
What crime are you alleging?
John Henry
Trump doesn’t need to concede. He will be removed from the White House by after Biden in sworn in. How he leaves is really not important.
You just lied again, Inga.
The assertion that Trump will not recognize the outcome in the Electoral College is a clickbait lie to tell in vicious, no good, stupid liars like you.
What was the crime again? Or is one necessary?
Show Comrade Inga the Man, and Comrade Inga will show you the crime.
And now you decide that threats to prosecute the other side are too much? Typical hypocrisy from Repubes.
No, stupid, I said there was a solid basis for claiming that Hillary should be prosecuted, i.e., the FBI’s investigation of her illegal e-mail server.
You’re a remarkably stupid, dunderheaded idiot.
Mark, some advice...
You’re illiterate. You don’t really understand words like “hypocrisy.”
You just wave those words around as if they are some sort of magic amulet.
Take a remedial English course.
Why is douchbag sexist?
It refers to an enema device. Consult the Book of Knowledge if you don't believe me
Men and women have asshole equality.
John Henry
A difficult thing for a President Biden would be for those two Georgia seats to also go to Democrats, especially by means of fraud similar to the type seen in the presidential race.
Both in terms of jeopardizing his own electoral legitimacy, and pushing his administration too far left.
I suspect the Biden people in control know that.
Why should anyone care at this point what he has to say about the election? It's over.
Indicting Trump is not going to make him less popular. There's a reason that Trump didn't try to indict Hillary after he won.
As far as a leftward shift in congress, however, Biden could position himself as a "moderate" standing up to the extremists in his own party.
If you think the press, lefties in general, are done attacking Trump, his camp, and his supporters after he leaves're about to get an education as to the true nature of an individual that makes them a hate filled lefty in the first place.
Why should anyone care at this point what he has to say about the election? It's over.
Because it’s boffo clickbait for reeling in lowlife idiots like Inga.
In 2012, election officials in Miami-Dade County rejected 2,500 “phantom” absentee ballot requests submitted by an unknown computer overseas. I wonder if election officials were less observant this time?
Does Big DNC-Media think we will forgot the millions of news stories we absorbed, most passively, about Democrats fearing, predicting, alleging, demanding action and naming the names Diebold and calling e-voting “ATMs for Bush votes” and much much worse. It was common knowledge at least some fraud occurs in every election, which is why whenever we try to investigate Democrats firm a tightly constructed verbal wall with the ever-ready “there is no evidence of WIDESPREAD voter fraud” and trusty “Republicans never have proof it changed the outcome”. We are well conditioned to hear these standard building blocks AFTER hinky elections, with media minions repeating them ad nausium and Republicans slinking away.
But we don’t forget. And lots of people do get caught with ballots and the machine voting issue fades away. Didn’t hear a peep about machines after Hillary lost. Nope. Every media critter parroted the line that Russia stole the election and that Trump was illegitimate. Like they said about Bush in 2004. Like they said about Bush in 2000. They said GHW Bush flew to Iran to rig the election for Reagan. I was too young to pay attention before that. But EVERY R president in memory has been alleged to be illegitimate. Democrats have always said so and their swinepals in media allowed them to use incendiary language without labeling their statements as “conspiracy theories” or even questioning the immense damage they do to our country by impeding the function of our republic.
So I am enthusiastically wishing success on Trump’s legal team and especially Ms. Powell’s efforts to drag the e-voting truth out of the Swamp. This total news blackout on any news that might seem favorable to Trump just shows us we are on the right track. The Democrats are so scared of losing their vote creating ability that their friends the mediaswine are happily tramping on their own reputations just to help. Hell, Fox walked away from their audience. That may make Inga giggle but it is adverse to their business plan. No normal business loses a third of their customers overnight without trying to correct it. But they did and apparently don’t care. Does that seem right? A company that took out full back-page ads in the WSJ for 30 straight years proclaiming WE ARE NUMBER ONE IN CABLE NEWS! suddenly is in third place and shrugging it’s shoulders.
America sees something is up and we will not stand for having cheating frauds steal the votes of millions. The Rubicon has been crossed.
Steve uhr: "It's over."
Indeed it is. But not in the way you think.
My goodness, losing is such a terrible drama for many who cannot accept reality. The stable genius, a 1 term fluke, retires reluctantly,(or will be dragged out) remember opening night he claimed he won. Dewey and Truman much? Electoral blowout(ask trump about them blowout numbers) and over 6 ,000,000 popular vote defeat and still counting and not a lick of court proven fraud...none ,zippo, zilch. That's a right talking point been around forever. Tweeting, cheating and grift out of the limelight and uneventfulness back in the republic. America is back and the world is cheering.(well except Kim and Putin and Erdogan and the Kings of the world. XI will remain King ,it is what it is. just another 1 term mistake due to apathy that woke up the voting population, finally. They are inventing new sites for butt hurt FOXERS to go and whine on each others shoulders and talk more unproven scenarios courts throw out rapidly. It is what it is. and Rudy..your kidding right.
You know why the Left is getting so obviously desperate?
They've been committing voter fraud for decades. And their number two defense, after just mindlessly screaming "Racist!", was always "If that much voter fraud had happened, there'd be hundreds of witnesses!"
Well. They can't use that one anymore. All they have left to cover up their panic now is snark and gaslighting.
Maybe the fraud wasn't outcome determinative. But it does seem like something huge happened.
Biden didn't win. And we all know that.
There seems to be a strong positive correlation between those who are convinced there was election fraud in the 2016 election and those who think the president should concede after the 2020 election....
A template with few, if any, outliers:
Jesse Kelly
REMINDER: Everything that results in a win for the Right is “illegitimate” and everything that results in a win for the Left is 100% legitimate and any question about said legitimacy is a threat to democracy and America itself.
Funny, didn't Trump lead rallies in 2016 threatening to lock his opponent up for perceived crimes?
No he didn’t and you do love those fake Trump myths and keep lying because you need lies like that to comfort you. It was the people at the rallies who have ALWAYS spontaneously chanted LOCK HER UP when Trump mentions Hillary. We knew she was guilty in 2015 when she defied subpoenas and destroyed evidence while prepping her run for president. We knew she a d her team lied to Congress. We knew her husband met with the AG secretly (!) for reasons still unexplained the day before Comey determined the FBI would clear her and concentrate on their Crossfire Hurricane “labor of love.” We saw Weiners laptop get covered up (foreshadowing the Hunter one!) by the FBI. We’d known for years Hillary was the unindicted coconspiritor in Whitewater, only let off because it was bad firm to arrest the First Lady. So yeah WE THE PEOPLE screamed LOCK HER UP. Not Trump. Us. She is a crook. She should be locked up. Everything she tried to get Trump set up for she had actually already done and she gets away. Team D. Always protected. Trump let the people vent. I’m glad it still bugs you enough you keep lying about it. I think the continued attempt to build such Trump myths indicates a certain mental dysfunction on your side Mark.
"Inga said...
“1.Hush money to Stormy Daniels”
Not a crime.”
Trump is an unidicted co conspirator in the Michael Cohen case. Michael Cohen went to jail for crimes committed in an illegal campaign finance scheme."
What a dullard.
Good morning boys and girls. It's a beautifully gloomy day to be Alive. Not to worry, #DiaperDon will not be convicted because he can't be tried as an adult. Therefore, it's on you people to enlist your lives, your fortunes and your scared honor in a great civil war against the Libtard cities. Or maybe just take out your frustrations by swalling your anger and engage in aggressive road rage.
Your Libtard algorithm masters are enjoying your spinning angst. In this manner you are heros taking one for the team to enrich globalists brazillianaires.
Come on Man!
Joe is gonna destroy the virus. Just like he says. It’s easy when you’ve been in government for 47 years.
We’re tired of chaos and nastiness. Let’s just let Joe return us to normalcy so we can sleep. Sleep a nice deep sleep.
Shouting Thomas, I have no idea why you'd keep coming to a place that angers you this much. Goodness knows Meade is constantly showing Charles Randall of Lawton, MI that he's a cyberstalker with Weinstein-sized entitlement, but there aren't many places where you can be 100% free of leftists. Especially if you don't intend to moderate your comments.
Vox Day at Blogspot is one such place, if you're interested. Before going there, ask yourself this: if the Supreme Court ruled that obvious and decisive fraud took place, but the Electoral College insisted on electing Faux Biden, would you expect Donald Trump to simply surrender the Presidency?
YOu think the corrupt press care about the massive fraud that pushed their corrupt joke of a candidate across the line?
One thing that Trump has made clear is that the Press consists of the most partisan hacks of all time.
I'm also sorely disappointed in Fox News and Laura Ingraham in particular.
Why doesn't Fox do some actual reporting? What is the status of the cases in all the states?
I lost all respect for Laura when she said Trump had lost. She's a lawyer! Let the lawsuits play out. There's lots of solid evidence that Biden cheated.
Shouting Thomas, I have no idea why you'd keep coming to a place that angers you this much.
I’m not angry.
Have you noticed that Inga enjoys the attention I’m giving her? It’s like sex for her.
Another aspect of a supremely twisted, perverted personality.
Funny, didn't Trump lead rallies in 2016 threatening to lock his opponent up for perceived crimes?
Perceived crimes?
Actual crimes. Then FBI Director James Comey held a public press conference, laying out specific crimes Hillary committed. It was the talk of the town for weeks. Sorry you missed it.
"Have you noticed that Inga enjoys the attention I’m giving her? It’s like sex for her."
Well, to be fair, she's closed up shop down there.
How does the phrase go? When you have lost Ingraham ....
Also, when you read Inga and think of sex ....
"Trump was an unindicted co conspirator...
Unindicted definition: "not charged with a crime by the finding or presentment of a grand jury : not indicted"
You should really stick to bedpanology.
Trump losing is like diving on a grenade to save the Platoon. Now admittedly it looks like he needs a push, but the bottom line is his sacrifice will save the Republic Party. Then he will rise up from the tomb just like Jesus and answer all your prayers from his Cable news network.
Rejoice, oh ye of little faith
The prof is something of an ace of clickbait, too.
She’s reported an actual conflict between the fake news and Trump, that’s true.
But the notion that Trump will refuse to leave office is a clickbait fabrication of fake news.
There’s absolutely nothing here of any substance in this post, but the prof has “garnered” 87 comments.
She’s good at this game.
Stormy signed a contract for the money. No crime. If NDAs are suddenly illegal then a LOT of famous lefties would be very nervous. But it ain’t happening. Cohen is an idiot that pled guilty in a scheme to sell taxi medallions. IF as a lawyer he advised Trump to break the law that’s probably why he the lawyer is actually in jail and not his client Trump.
Try again Inga. By the way, the IRS is the most aggressive tax collector and after 6 straight greats under audit they’ve got nothing on Trump so I think you’re drilling another dry one there. Cmon he must be at least as crooked as the average Obama cabinet creature, right? Not clean like Biden who’s son was in Ukraine business with Kerry’s son who was also partners with Mitt’s best friend. So cozy!
Trump doesn’t need to concede. He will be removed from the White House after Biden in sworn in if he doesn’t leave willingly. How he leaves is really not important.
Lin Wood
Nov 21
Let’s speak truth about
Why are they doing little or nothing to support efforts by GA citizens to address unlawful election & need for
to order special session of legislature?
If not fixed, I will NOT vote in GA runoff.
Will you?
Trump doesn’t need to concede. He will be removed from the White House after Biden in sworn in if he doesn’t leave willingly. How he leaves is really not important.
You are one determined liar, Inga. You’re passing on a clickbait fabrication as if it had any substance.
Write something that isn’t a deliberate fucking lie. I don’t think you have it in you.
I have 25 years in software and network systems design. (Not configuration - the core design and development. I was an engineering manager during the build out of the core networks and network systems in the US during the 90s and then worked on the buildout of the core global networks and network systems. ) Here is the one statement I’ll make, the underlying myriad points of which I will skip for “brevity.”
The mere idea of having computerized vote capturing systems and networks of systems, is completely insane.
Talking processes alone, the degree to which you would need security measures and nondestructive audit logs at each development and operation phase, would make electronic voting machines unaffordable by any state. Basically you’d need as much security as ICBM systems, the NSA systems, the NORAD command center, etc. plus dual or treble auditors as skilled as PWC and beyond, checking and rechecking every step. I have not been advised of one shred of evidence any of that has happened. And that’s just securing the design and operation PROCESS steps.
Looking at design architecture itself, you’d need two or three completely independent vote capture, storage, and transmission paths, each of which paths use all different components and software, and then a third or fourth final stage where the results of each independent path are compared for consistency (much as autopilot systems do.) The systems would need to be totally isolated from the Internet and we need to have complex mechanisms to secure access to the underlying code and version controls mechanisms.
Do we have any evidence that such rigor has taken place and is maintained? Any? Maybe we do, but I don’t see anyone talking about it.
All I’ve heard about is how additional votes were found or came in on a thumb drive. And for anyone who knows technology, need I say anything more than that?
I will cite one example. If you want to know the degree of sophistication and complexity at which state actors are operating in this domain, read about the stuxnet virus.
Really, Inga, I’m curious.
You undoubtedly conduct your personal life in the same way you conduct your online life.
So, you’re undoubtedly a psycho liar in your personal relationships and at work.
How does that work out for you?
That’s what pisses them off ST. Trump doesn’t need DC like they need DC. He had/will have a fine life independent of politics. For so many of the opposition politics is EVERYTHING and their continued enrichment depends on having that power to manipulate events. They can NOT lose control or the gravy train stops and indictments begin. It’s life or death for the party of Jackson and Jefferson. And many Rino types liked playing along to get along. Not Trump. So he’s fighting all the D, all the Press and half the R on my behalf. Thank you Bad Orange Man! Keep it up.
I mean he’s turning the OC red again. Trump is doing God’s work here. Thank God for Trump.
Quayle said: "All I’ve heard about is how additional votes were found on a thumb drive. And for anyone who knows technology, need I say anything more than that?"
IIRC, there were vote tally's that were expressed with 2 digits to the right of the decimal. How does that happen? How do you get a portion of a vote?
As was expressed earlier, unless we know the exact functional detail of the machine instructions (and all higher level code) we have no idea what those machines are doing.
It has been reported that voting machines were being "updated" a few days before the election. Really?
I agree that we need to go back to paper ballots and whatever is needed to ensure a chain of custody for those ballots.
Blogger Inga said...
Trump doesn’t need to concede. He will be removed from the White House after Biden in sworn in if he doesn’t leave willingly. How he leaves is really not important.
Inga I think that we both know that the real meaning and importance of a Trump concession is for the good of the country. It’s not any personal favor to Biden, or Biden supporters, or the media. A concession carries little if any legal import. The benefit of a concession — and there is enormous benefit to be sure — is to allow the country to have some certainty and clarity and the ability to move on to the next administration. Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about the country; not when his refusal to concede can be turned into a permanent grievance narrative to push back against any permanent Loser narrative. All that, plus the monetization of that grievance.
My guess is that Trump won’t ever concede and won’t ever attend another inauguration. He will go to Florida for the holidays this December and never return to Washington.
I say this, of course, not to correct you but to add to your comment.
In this manner you are heros taking one for the team to enrich globalists brazillianaires.
No, they are running your candidate. We are the party of small business, and increasingly working people. You've got the bazillionaires in Santa Clara who use Nancy as the money spigot.
The "country club Republican" is now "Woke" and has become a mindless robot. They are on your side. Small business people used to include most doctors but, since Obamacare destroyed Medicine, they are all employees who never sign the front of a paycheck and vote like employees.
If we want to use electronic vote counting or have any software component to the vote gathering and counting process, it all needs to be open sourced, and run on well-known hardware. But it still won't be as bullet proof as paper ballots.
The circumstantial case for massive fraud is so persuasive, citing only facts like voter turnout in certain areas, 2016 vs. 2020 vote totals and ratios in some areas vs. others, comparisons of Obama and Hillary votes vs. Biden's take in some areas vs. other areas, that even Trump haters can see things are fishy. I know because I just watched a couple such people acknowledge as much yesterday. Trying to assert that what Trump said on this call is lunacy, creeping madness, is not going to convince many people, since his points increasingly seem like common sense to more and more people.
Trump’s jabs at Obama and Hillary are pretty good. Biden got way more votes than you two.
Their egos won’t get the better of themselves to cause them to blurt out “Biden’s vote total is bullshit.”
But it stings.
The problem with fraud is that everybody is focusing on a single event, the election.
The fraud was an eight month long psy-ops campaign that included the virus, rioting, looting, arson and cop killing and economic sabotage. Plus the fake news disappearance of Biden bribery scandals and the fake news refusal to interrogate Biden over any substantive issue.
The election fraud is pretty obvious. The Dems fought unsuccessfully to institute mail-in voting in Congress, and lost, because that gambit was a transparent attempt to enable fraud.
The eight month long psy-ops campaign was the back up to justify mail-in voting fraud at the state level.
“You wouldn’t want people to die from the virus trying to vote, huh?”
LOL Chuck, and Trump didn't actually want to win in 2016, this was all some brand-building PR stunt gone awry, and he's had to pretend to be president for the last four years, a job he never actually wanted or thought he'd get. Yep, he's still desperately looking for an excuse to slip quietly out of DC.
You're a silly rabbit.
ST, Inga hasn't worked for years. Bedpans are obsolete.
Chuck just complained that Trump is engaging in a "permanent grievance narrative".
Yes, THAT Chuck. The one who's been curled up in the fetal position ululating a primal scream of angst and rage and flat out lies for four straight years.
The same Chuck who just a couple of days ago said "Fraudulent or not, it's a win for me."
But Trump is supposed to concede when his opponents are openly declaring that they'd be okay winning by fraud, and if he doesn't, he's damaging the country.
I hope you hang, Chuck. After a fair trial, of course.
My guess is that Trump won’t ever concede and won’t ever attend another inauguration. He will go to Florida for the holidays this December and never return to Washington.
I’ll bet $1,000 against you on that one.
You’re lying, so you’re too much of a coward to take up the bet.
I want your money. Let’s communicate in private about it. This is going to be the easiest, guaranteed bet ever.
It’s been four years of these outrageously stupid lies about what Trump was supposed to do. Haven’t you learned your lesson yet, idiot?
Remember when Trump was guaranteed literally Hitler. Who is it who actually locked down their states, imprisoned people in their homes, destroyed “non-essential businesses” and sent rioters and looters out into the streets to intimidate us?
It was, of course, Democrats.
We only have two choices at this point: a nation of laws or one of fraud. We have laws to handle a fraud like this. We either do that according to the law or we don't, but the fraud will exist now as part of our history. The lasting question about America now will be: How did it handle that fraud? From here on that fraud will be exposed more and more. We could be an example for the world, as we have been since our creation, but it's likely that the corrupt among us have taken that away from America too. Our children will never have the pride we enjoyed as an exceptional nation. The choice was to make America great again, but corrupt people, both big and small, chose the opposite.
There some degree of humor in the egregious, outrageous lying about what Trump is planning to do or has done that the Ingas and Chucks have been up chucking for the past four years.
I mean, I don’t get it.
The Ingas and Chucks of this world, for some inexplicable reason, believe that the wilder and more hysterical the lie when applied to Trump, the better.
Russia collusion was the greatest of the wild, crazy and entirely bogus lies, but what fun.
We’re now approaching 100 comments on a clickbait fake news tale that Trump might refuse to leave office, based on zilch.
Congratulations, professor.
You’re a champ. Gotta love this shit.
Blogger rhhardin said...
Trump's crime is reporting the value of land and buildings for tax purposes, and reporting the value of the ongoing business for bank loan purposes. The two values don't match! It's as if he minimized the first and maximized the second to screw the tax collector and the banks.
You're funnin' us, right? I've been reading you a long time and I know you are it this stupid. Inga, yes. She's so stupid she gives stupid a bad name. But not you, I didn't think.
In what universe does a taxpayer tell the tax assessor the value of the property? In the universe I live in, the assessor tells the taxpayer the value. You might contest it, but in the end it is govt, not taxpayer that decides.
Ditto the bank mortgage. You can go to the bank and ask for a $100mm mortgage. You can tell the bank what you think the property is worth. But they are going to do an appraisal, including past, actual and potential income streams. THEY, not the owner, is going to decide what it is worth.
AND as others have said, the value may be very different from one day to the next. It might be worth a lot because it is no the proposed new light rail trolley stop.
Then, the next day when the light rail project is cancelled, it might be worth half as much.
And none of this would be federal anyway. It would be city/county/state. And unless they can show fraud, not even a crime.
John HEnry
I don’t think that the Biden win was fraudulent. I am certain that it was not fraudulent. That it was a clean, fair, decent, inspiring win that should be confidence-inspiring for the nation.
I want YOU to think that the election was a fraud. I want you and all other Trump cultists to marinate in your own bogus beliefs about the election. So that your own despair and depression about elections in general keeps you out of electoral politics; by your own choice and doing.
If Trump and half the country are robbed in this way, it may just be the necessary sacrifice in a long trail of them. Epic stories always need big sacrifices to fuel the eventual resetting resolution. That is if the story is to be a truely great one.
Chuck, what about the $1,000?
You were lying, weren’t you?
Really, I don’t get your strategy of wild, insane lying.
It seems to get you off in some strange way. What the fuck is up with that?
Chuck lies again. Chuck knows that the candidate he supported despite his being, in Chuck's words, a "shitty candidate", stole the election outright.
Chuck simply supports the fraud. He has admitted this explicitly.
You are right that, if the fraud succeeds, the social compact will be utterly destroyed, and the victims of the theft won't participate in electoral politics again. There'd obviously be mo point. But you won't like what they will be forced to do instead.
No matter how many times I repeat this, the Ingas and Chucks of this world are too thick headed to amass it.
The notion that Trump will refuse to leave office is a clickbait lie manufactured by the fake news. Althouse undoubtedly knows it’s BS too, but she’s pulling your leg and reeling in the hits.
Have you noticed that there are no riots, no looting, no arson? Trump voters have accepted the results peacefully. Remember all those predictions about how the Trump militias would be out there like Antifa and BLM?
It’s your side, Inga and Chuck, that resorts to violence and intimidation when you lose. In addition to being pathological liars, you can’t seem to stop yourself from accusing others of what you are doing.
There’s a perverse, criminal side to your behavior, Inga and Chuck. You keep imagining offenses that justify retaliation, when in fact you are clearly the sole instigator. It’s you, Inga and Chuck. You’re the guilty parties.
You'll notice that none of the media questions even approached the real story of this election. The story that will last long after 2020. These "journalists" really have no purpose anymore in this democracy. It's just lazy titillation, and 24 hour circle jerks.
John Henry:
I think rhhardin was being sarcastic. The argument is so ridiculous that just stating it is inherent mockery of it.
I would not expect PDJT to concede even if Joe Biden gets 270 votes in the election.
It's not REALLY over until the House of Representatives accepts the EC's vote and certifies it.
John Henry
Trump is absolutely correct. why do the fucking republicans ALWAYS have turncoats and traitors? Every single time, you have a Republican trying to take or Keep power, and its close, there ALWAYS some RINO who will stab us in the back or turn Democrat. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Trump has been talking about outright fraud and signatures, but if you go to the Conservative Treehouse, and watch the video put out by the Organization for Voter Integrity, you'll find their analysis shows that they found almost 10,000 votes by people in GA who live out-of-state, or voted twice, gave PO of Fedex Boxes as their home address, or were sent Absentee ballots when they didn't request one, or told the Organization they didn't vote, but the Data says they did!
“My guess is that Trump won’t ever concede and won’t ever attend another inauguration. He will go to Florida for the holidays this December and never return to Washington.”
That would be the best scenario for him and for the Country, to stay in Florida after the holidays. I hope you’re right. I think in a round about way, that it’s a benefit to America for Trumpists to keep themselves busy developing and promulgating one conspiracy theory after another, they’ll keep up the fight and distract them from trying to start Civil War 2.0.
Wayne county = clean as a whistle. OK lawyer Chuck. Your reputation precedes you.
This analysis covers Wisconsin, Penn, Michigan, Arz, and Nevada, and the amount of invalid votes they've shown EXCEEDS Biden's vote Margin in Nevada and Winsc. They almost stumbled upon something interesting about Wisconsin.
Supposedly, in Wisconsin you have to show ID to get a Absentee ballot. The only way you can get around this is by declaring yourself "Indefinitely Confined". IOw, you're bed-ridden and can't leave your residence. BTW fearing CV-19 is NOT being "Indefinitely Confined".
So, here's the interesting fact. IC ballots have averaged 1500-2000 a year from 2012-2019. But in 2020, 167,000 people got IC Ballots! Which did NOT require them to provide ID. So why isn't someone looking into this? It looks like a fraudulent attempt to get around the ID Requirement.
... they’ll keep up the fight and distract them from trying to start Civil War 2.0.
Once again, it was your Brownshirt thugs, Antifa and BLM, that engaged in looting, rioting, arson, extortion and cop killing.
In addition to being a compulsive fucking liar, you’ve got a criminal mentality, Inga.
Have you served time?
Has even one Chuck prediction ever panned out? Did Flynn get convicted and sentenced and I missed it?
There’s a sort of hallucinatory aspect to Inga’s lies, isn’t there?
It’s like those months of her Brownshirt thugs killing cops and destroying cities never happened. She disappeared it.
Inga, your side committed the political crimes. You did it. The blood is on your hands.
the fact is the media REFUSES to inform the American public of the RAZOR THIN vote margins in GA, Arz, Nev, Michagan, PEnn, and winsc. OR That there's proven fraud and the casting of invalid votes for Biden. And that we need an analysis to prove exactly WHO won the Legal and valid votes inn these swing states.
I'm not interesting in reading a lot Democrat/Liberal Bullshit about "WE won, but lets not look at the votes". Anybody who pushes that, is a dishonest piece of shit.
You still haven’t produced a single posting that isn’t a damned deliberate lie, Inga.
I challenge you to write something, anything, that isn’t a deliberate, vicious lie.
I don’t think you can do it.
ST: You're wrong. We haven't accepted anything peacefully yet. We're waiting to see if there's any vestige of this government left uncorrupted enough to derail this obvious coup. I am still hopeful at this point.
But if there isn't, well, the American revolution was fought by 3% of the population. If you think not even that many patriots will refuse to peacefully submit to becoming North Venezuela at the hands of these tyrants, to quietly surrender their rights and become serfs, I think you're quite mistaken. They went way too far this time, and if this happens, the only subsequent hills to die on will be made of the corpses of the Left's victims. With today's technology, the 100 million that the Communists killed in the 20th century will look like batting practice.
That it was a clean, fair, decent, inspiring win that should be confidence-inspiring for the nation.
Should we stat calling these "Chuckisms?"
I see people on this comment section are just as boring and stupid as ever. Adios until tomorrow.
"I don’t think that the Biden win was fraudulent."
Well, of course. Imagine you knew that it was fraudulent. Nobody here thinks you would admit it anyway. Neither would Chuck or Inga, or Readering. We all know that about you. We have the last four years of proof in your own words. Lie after lie accepted, even after you knew they were lies.
I'm willing to accept the outcome whatever it is, as long as it's thoroughly proven beyond a reasonable doubt. You people don't even want an investigation after insisting on them over and over for four years with no proof whatsoever.
If the idea that he has lost is so debilitating, why doesn't he resign?
Quinn, I think that Trump supporters are all too busy with jobs and family.
Trump will leave office peacefully and there will probably not even be any significant demonstrations.
The maniacs on both sides will satisfy themselves with online ranting.
Oh well, off to do other stuff.
Congratulations, prof, on another clickbait triumph.
Where would we be without it?
ST: Exactly. Happy Thanksgiving
ST: You realize that what you're saying is precisely what the enemy wants everyone to believe? That their victory is inevitable and resistance is futile? Why are you aiding their psyop?
Sorry Hardin. It should have read "not this stupid"
John Henry
The Chuck:
“Trump won’t run.” Doh!
“Trump won’t win the nomination.” Doh!
“Trump can’t beat Hillary.” Doh!
“Nobody will work for Trump.” Doh!
“Trump can’t get his tax cut passed.” Doh!
“Trump tariffs won’t make China do squat.” Doh!
“Trump is going down for [Comey/Mueller/Ukraine/Cohen/Avanatti/whatever]!” Doh!
“Moving the embassy will start a war.” Doh!
“Trump will postpone the election.” Doh!
>YOU ARE HERE>>> “Trump won’t concede.”
(Doh! to follow as needed)
“Trump won’t leave the White House.”
“Trump won’t stop talking about fraud.”
“Trump won’t serve out his whole second term.”
“Trump can’t pass another tax cut!”
Happy Thanksgiving, Howard!
"He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president."
Why do low-IQ lefties keep saying this? It's a goddamn mantra for them.
He had Mueller up inside his colon (along with the full might of the intelligence services) for years and they found NOTHING!!!
HE is the most vetted man in the history of the universe.
'But he didn't release his taxes!' Mueller has seen all of his taxes.
'But he obstructed justice!' Then why didn't the walking cadaver indict him?
He may be indicted by the partisan hacks in the SDNY, but it will be for partisan political points, not for the pursuit of justice.
Go away.
"He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president."
This is pure projection. Biden knows he was going to jail over the Ukraine, China, the laptop and everything else unless he won this election. This is why he (and a ton of others on the Left who aided and abetted or participated) went all in on his "superior voter fraud organization". He literally had nothing left to lose. It was either 100% chance of jail if he didn't cheat and lost, or 0% chance of jail if he cheated and got away with it. Their choice to cheat to the level of millions of votes was entirely rational, once they'd compromised themselves beyond redemption.
You should be happy if Trump is indicted because the Republicans will pick up even more midterm seats.
I mean, seriously, if the worst case result for the lefties to cheat would be that they were convicted of voter fraud ON TOP OF being convicted for all the other crimes we already have massive evidence of that would put them in jail for life, what is their disincentive to do it? Please don't say "a conscience".
Quinn. I'm not your enemy. We're all Americans.
Time to make a good faith effort to put aside our differences and rally behind our new president for the good of the republic.
"Quinn. I'm not your enemy. We're all Americans."
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
- Samuel Adams, Philadelphia Statehouse, August of 1776
"Time to make a good faith effort to put aside our differences and rally behind our new president for the good of the republic."
Is there evidence of voter fraud in this election?
There is in fact much evidence of voting fraud. Deniers of this fact are harming the Republic. Deniers of voting fraud don’t believe in science. Deniers of voting fraud therefore have an agenda and are not to be trusted in any capacity.
I am certain that it was not fraudulent.
My lefty sister had actually heard about the Hunter laptop. She didn't know what was in it, but she knows it's fake.
steve uhr said...
Quinn. I'm not your enemy. We're all Americans.
Time to make a good faith effort to put aside our differences and rally behind our new president for the good of the republic.
But not ever rally behind the current President for any reason- for the good of the republic. Seems that's been the Democrat/MSM mantra for the last several years.
Mike (MJB Wolf):
I predicted that Trump would lose in 2916.
I never predicted that no one would work for Trump; I predicted that a Trump Administration would be filled mostly with 3rd division players. I singled out a few Trump appointees for praise; Jeff Sessions; Betsy DeVos; later Scott Gottlieb and Gina Haspel.
And I wrongly praised Trump for appointing Barr as AG.
I never made any predictions about trade or tariffs or tax legislation or anything else like that.
I never predicted any fallout from moving an embassy.
I never predicted that Trump would delay any election.
I DID predict that Trump would lose, and about 8 or 10 percent of his 2016 voters would turn against him. Like I did.
Now for your benefit; I DO predict that Trump will never stop talking about 2020 election fraud. And that he will never fully concede that he lost fairly. And that there will never be another Trump term as President.
You’ve got a lot nerve, and even more stupidity, to try to attribute all of those phony made up quotes from me. Mostly lies. Where do you step off with shit like that? You’d never do it if we were in the same room.
"Now for your benefit; I DO predict that Trump will never stop talking about 2020 election fraud. And that he will never fully concede that he lost fairly."
It doesn't matter if Trump does or doesn't stop talking about it. It doesn't matter if Trump concedes completely.
This isn't about Trump anymore. We've seen the evidence of massive voter fraud for ourselves, and the response has been nothing but censorious and disingenuous gaslighting. Trump could concede utterly, you will still never stop hearing about 2020 election fraud from the 80 million citizens that voted for him.
The Electoral Press has ruled... the transphobic (i.e. trans/homosexual) judge has ruled... the liberals have diverged... democracy is aborted at The Twilight Fringe.
bagoh20 said...
I'm willing to accept the outcome whatever it is, as long as it's thoroughly proven beyond a reasonable doubt. You people don't even want an investigation after insisting on them over and over for four years with no proof whatsoever.
What I don’t care about is answering your questions. Your doubts are not “reasonable doubt.” And I care not about proving anything to your satisfaction. There is no bargaining with the Trump cult. Electoral defeat is the answer for them.
Blogger steve uhr said..."Time to make a good faith effort to put aside our differences and rally behind our new president for the good of the republic."
For four years I have, by association, been called a racist and a Nazi.
You and your fellow travelers can go fuck yourself.
Mastriano is pushing for a resolution to officially decertify pennsylvanias electors,
GoSpace -- Trump never once reached out to people who didn't share his views. Instead, he denigrated and misrepresented them at every turn. He plays to his base and no one else.
One would think, if our doubts were not "reasonable doubt", Chuck would have actually successfully presented ANY evidence that conservative documentation of voter fraud were incorrect, aside from citing a single page with errors in a single affidavit (the correct information was on every other page, appears it was just a draft page that got left in by accident) and then monstrously lying about it.
But that has not happened. Not even once. His entire position is of nothing but gaslighting assertion.
But let's give him one last opportunity to redeem himself.
Chuck, how is it legitimately possible that in multiple states, following the massive dump of votes in the middle of the night after unprecedented stops of the election (and Powell has video of those who stopped the count in Georgia continuing to work the machines after they stopped and sent observers home), dozens of consecutive batches of votes came in with the exact same ratio of Biden votes to Trump votes? Dozens. Consecutive. Exact same ratios.
Explain how concerns about all of that, statistically utterly impossible events happening one after another, isn't "reasonable doubt".
Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Has even one Chuck prediction ever panned out? Did Flynn get convicted and sentenced and I missed it?
The one and only thing that I ever predicted with Flynn was that after Sydney Powell became Flynn’s lawyer, and Flynn began the process of withdrawing his guilty plea, was that the District Court would not accept it and would hold Flynn to his appeal. I was not wrong.
“This isn't about Trump anymore. We've seen the evidence of massive voter fraud for ourselves, and the response has been nothing but censorious and disingenuous gaslighting. Trump could concede utterly, you will still never stop hearing about 2020 election fraud from the 80 million citizens that voted for him.”
“...hold Flynn to his PLEA...”
Damned spellcheck.
Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Wayne county = clean as a whistle. OK lawyer Chuck. Your reputation precedes you.
What does this even mean?
Inga I think that we both know that the real meaning and importance of a Trump concession is for the good of the country.
I've been thinking about this and the election of 1960. There was evidence of fraud then but Nixon conceded. It's interesting to me to speculate on what would have been different if Nixon had challenged the counts. Would we have gone to war in Vietnam? Would the Bay of Pigs invasion had air support from us? Would the Berlin Wall have even been built? There are lots of potential changes, good and bad, if that one concession hadn't been made.
It's short-sighted to think that a concession now is only about unifying the country or some other vague goal. 75% of registered voters, millions of people, think there was fraud. Do you think that belief will go away if Trump concedes? A conclusive investigation into the election would do more for the "good of the country" than a concession would.
Trump will never concede. If he goes, that will be his parting gift to the Chucks and Ingas. It took them four years, but they’ve earned it.
Barack Obama himself has stated that mail in ballots are only trustworthy with signature verification.
Democrats then dismantled signature verification in state after state, deliberately and unconstitutionally.
But thinking that's even slightly suspicious is, according to Chuck, utterly and completely illegitimate. Outside the realm of "reasonable doubt". Something only a crazy person could believe.
This is known as gaslighting.
Qwinn, I have told you before; I am not going to answer your crazed theories about how the election was stolen from Trump. I don't care what your theories are. There's nothing in it for me, to waste my time checking those conspiracy theories out.
Here's another thing I've said before; see you in court! I care less than nothing, what gets posted at the Conservative Treehouse or at 4Chan or 8Chan or 32Chan, or among the QAnon crowd. We'll see y'all in court. Bring your best stuff. Then you can post some more stuff about how the courts and the media and the whole fricking government is part of the Deep State and won't give Trump a chance.
Haha. You're getting your asses kicked by the Deep State.
Who knew the smell of flop sweat could carry all the way from Michigan to Pennsylvania?
Take a bath, Chuck.
Quinn said:
"One would think, if our doubts were not "reasonable doubt", Chuck would have actually successfully presented ANY evidence that conservative documentation of voter fraud were incorrect, aside from citing a single page with errors in a single affidavit (the correct information was on every other page, appears it was just a draft page that got left in by accident) and then monstrously lying about it."
Does this work for you as ANY evidence.
Trump constantly harps as key evidence of fraud the fact that he was way ahead Tuesday night and this shifted in the middle of the night to Biden being ahead. That was expected and predicted because many states didn't count the mail in votes till after they counted the in person votes, and everyone knew the mail in votes would lean to Biden as compared to the in person votes, esp since Trump was telling his people for months NOT to vote by mail.
Similarly, in many states the rural votes came in before the big city votes. Doesn't take a genius to see how that might change who was winning.
While your at it -- Trump announced he won on Tuesday night before many (most?) votes had been counted. Why did he think he won? Sounds to me that he thought HE had the system rigged.
"Does this work for you as ANY evidence."
"Trump constantly harps as key evidence of fraud the fact that he was way ahead Tuesday night and this shifted in the middle of the night to Biden being ahead."
That is not the key evidence at all. That is the *effect* of the fraud, not the evidence of it. I've cited actual key evidence several times. How about answering the questions I actually posed instead of bringing up straw men.
As was stated in the Pennsylvania Senate hearing, there was a middle-of-the-night spike that had 570,000 votes for Biden and 3,200 votes for Trump.
THAT is what Trump is referring to about what happened Tuesday night.
Those numbers are utterly, completely impossible. Not just that the ratio is so ridiculous that Saddam Hussein would be too embarrassed to try and defend it. But that that many votes could even come in and be tabulated properly in the short amount of time that it occurred.
And this isn't from "Conservative Treehouse", or "4Chan". This is from an elected Pennsylvania State Legislator.
Oh, and Twitter literally censored, shut down the account, of the elected PA official who led that Senate hearing.
No. I have literally no doubt whatsoever of massive voter fraud. It is proven beyond unreasonable doubt, never mind reasonable doubt.
and over 6 ,000,000 popular vote defeat and still counting
Really? Is this the kind of incompetent trolling we are stuck with? The best commentariat in the interwebs, and we get this kind of raw idiocy? I seldom petition our hostess with advice on how she conducts things here, but I find myself asking respectfully, "can you please find at least one person of intellect to troll here"?
"Popular vote" how stupid. Also believes that voters are voting for the President. Everything leftists know... just isn't so.
If you haven't been following Scott Adams' Periscope series on YouTube, you're missing out on a lot.
Today's episode was particularly good, especially the last few minutes.
Adams has been explaining how Trump uses Twitter to force the media to cover a subject it doesn't want to cover, and probably doesn't know how to cover... election fraud.
It's hilarious and quite revelatory, and directly related to the fake news gambit Althouse has used to promote this post.
“The mere idea of having computerized vote capturing systems and networks of systems, is completely insane.”
Bug or feature? My money is on feature.
Also a feature of Dominion Voting Systems: storing votes in decimal instead of integer.
We all understand perfectly, based on HOW they did it, after hours without over-site, that fraud occurred.
the witness accounts are horrific and that sort of thing only happens in a banana republic.
rhhardin said...
Trump's crime is reporting the value of land and buildings for tax purposes, and reporting the value of the ongoing business for bank loan purposes.
For income tax purposes the basis of land and buildings is based on cost less depreciation adjusted for amounts at risk and disallowed passive losses. For property tax purposes, most taxing authorities assess based on similar sales and income as reported at an appropriate capitalization rate with various restrictions on increases based on local and state law. These valuations are posted and there are procedures for challenging over assessments. Banks and other lenders generally require third party appraisals and assess both ability to repay and the realizable value of the asset if repossessed. It is extremely unlikely that these valuations are going to match but the fact they don't match is not an indication of criminality.
Hillary clearly did something that other people go to jail for - mishandling classified information. So far I haven't seen a thing Trump has done that there's a law against nor has he ever ignored a court decision in a civil matter. He must be the cleanest real estate developer in the world.
More BS. Trump was referring to what happened in many states, not PA. You know that because you listen to what he says.
And I don't believe what you say about the 570000/3200. Link me to your evidence. Something other than a complaint or a random person at the "hearing" (which wasn't a Pennsylvania Senate hearing, it was a group of republican legislators meeting (w/o any democrats) at some hotel listening to preselected trump supporters say whatever not under oath.) That's how official government hearings work in North Korea
It's from an "elected Pennsylvania State Legislator" Pardon me. Where did he get the information? Pull it out of his ass. Probably. After three weeks surely this allegation has been documented with evidence admissible in a court of law? Hearsay from some random trump supporter, elected or not, doesn't cut it.
You are claiming massive fraud and yet you think it is my obligation to prove it didn't happen? Doesn't work that way. Sorry.
You have "literally no doubt" Well that sure carries the day. QUINN HAS NO DOUBT. TRUMP WINS. GAME OVER.
And Twitter is a private company. Don't like it too bad. Free Enterprise. Want more government regulation of the media? You would be happy in North Korea.
"More BS. Trump was referring to what happened in many states, not PA. You know that because you listen to what he says."
Yes, it did happen in many states, and those states will present evidence that it happened in those states. The PA hearing presented the evidence of it happening in PA, not Michigan. This is your argument? Oh my God, I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
"And I don't believe what you say about the 570000/3200. Link me to your evidence."
As if evidence would matter to you. As if, if the evidence were presented, you wouldn't just motorize the goalposts.
"You are claiming massive fraud and yet you think it is my obligation to prove it didn't happen? Doesn't work that way. Sorry. "
Actually, yes, in this case it DOES work that way, because it is Democrat governors and judiciaries that brazenly usurped the power of the legislature to set election law. They removed the voter signature verification requirement from mail in ballots, and only mail in ballots, when EVEN YOU explicitly admitted that that was expected to heavily favor Biden. They extended the time mail in ballots would be accepted days beyond election day, again violating PA election law. When Alito ordered that they not intermingle those votes with the regular votes so whether that was legit could be adjudicated after the election, the PA SoS brazenly defied him and threw them into the general batch.
When you're caught deliberately dismantling every last voter integrity check on ballots that you "expected to favor Biden", and only those, you sure as fuck do have the burden of proof of demonstrating how the validity of those votes can possibly be assured. Period.
You are wrong . Evidence does matter to me. It is the ONLY thing that matters. Where is it Quinn?? It must exist because you say it is TRUE beyond doubt.
You are a fool. I waste too much time talking to fools.
LMAO - every single one of the 900 military absentee ballots in Fulton County, GA supposedly went for Joe Biden.
Every single one.
Trump won the military vote in 2016 by 60-34%.
I wonder if Trump's lawyers will be able to find a single soldier who voted in Fulton County, GA that voted for Trump.
Cause if they find even one that did, voter fraud.
"You are wrong . Evidence does matter to me. It is the ONLY thing that matters. Where is it Quinn?? It must exist because you say it is TRUE beyond doubt. "
When you dismiss in advance any evidence provided by your political enemies ("It's from an "elected Pennsylvania State Legislator" Pardon me. Where did he get the information? Pull it out of his ass."), and only accept evidence provided by your political allies, the evidence manifestly does not matter to you. Not even the slightest little bit.
Fuck, you don't even care about evidence that hurts your case if it comes from your political allies.
Here's Barack Obama in 2008 saying mail in ballots require signature verification, otherwise they can't even "check to make sure that in fact the right people are voting":
Barack Obama: Well, I think we have to figure out whether this is fraud proof. I mean, Oregon has a terrific mail-in system but they’ve already scanned everyone’ signature whose registered to vote so that they can check to make sure that in fact the right people are voting.
But when Democrats unconstitutionally remove signature verification from mail in ballots, for no plausible reason whatsoever other than to enable fraud, you don't even respond or try to offer a plausible excuse. I've asked at least half a dozen times. No one has attempted to answer it.
And that's how we know, know with absolute certainty, that you know very well there was fraud, and all your protestations are nothing but gaslighting.
So, go fuck yourself.
Hey, steve uhr, you claim to be a lawyer, right? Can you explain to us what the doctrine of spoilation is? And what it does to the burden of proof?
My profound and humble apologies to the Althouse commentariat. I wrote that the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals would hammer the Trumpists' appeal late in the day on Wednesday, And I was wrong.
Rudy Giuliani asked for oral argument.
And so CA3's hammering of that appeal did not occur until about an hour ago. I was off, by about 35 hours. Again, my sincere apologies.
"Scathing," is how the Washington Post describes the 21-page opinion which I have not yet read. Looking forward to that blog post.
You are a fool. I waste too much time talking to fools.
I agree. You are getting to sound like one.
Michael K:
I get you were trying to insult steve uhr, but that kinda hit me too. Was that intentional? Honestly curious.
Do you think that belief will go away if Trump concedes?
Inga doesn't think. It is all reflexes, like a robot.
And if you can't trust the WaPo to treat conservatives fairly, who can you trust?
Still waiting for your full contact gym's address.
"Hillary clearly did something that other people go to jail for - mishandling classified information."
And turning $1,000 into $100,000 dabbling in cattle futures (on her first try!) wasn't suspicious at all.
The woman and her whole family are a cancer on this nation.
*shrug* If my posts are considered foolish even by those who should be in agreement, I will stop posting. I'm not Chuck. Off to find greener pastures I guess.
He obviously knows he will be indicted when he no longer is president. - Russian Troofer/WW III expert
Recall, this is the same idiot - who just the other day - accused us of running around believing every conspiracy theory coming down the pike.
Freakin' psycho.
You know, for people who supposedly 'won' the election, the leftists on this board sure seem like a bunch of angry fuckheads.
I mean, read their posts. They're mental.
Does Trump not understand how much blue voters hate him? They only voted for Biden because "I hate Trump and his supporters" was not on the ballot.
Told ya Chuck was a crooked lawyer.
So the Third Circuit decided to skip having a hearing and today affirmed the federal decision in PA. Unanimous. Written by a judge appointed by Trump. Trashes the Giuliani case multiple ways. Nothing for the USSC.
Jenna Ellis accuses activist Judicial machinery of cover-up. Like I said, Trump appointed the author of the unanimous opinion refusing to use judicial machinery to nullify the votes.
I'll leave on this:
The 3rd District decision was complete bullshit. They rejected a case that wasn't at all about fraud as "no evidence of fraud". This was the Equal Protection case, and the facts of that case are utterly indisputable, and do not require "evidence of fraud" in any way, shape or form.
There's no lawful or legitimate reason for such a complete abdication of their role. I have to give it to Chuck - he did in fact know the fix was in. The corruption is complete. The Republic is done. As am I.
I have to give it to Chuck - he did in fact know the fix was in. The corruption is complete. The Republic is done. As am I.
All these cases are going to the USSC. It doesn't matter what the third circuit says.
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