"OK, I’ve seen enough. What’s going to happen to these guys (McCabe, Comey & the gang of treasonous thugs)? @SenJohnKennedy @MariaBartiromo @TheJusticeDept They, and many others, got caught. DO SOMETHING!!!"Who is he quoting?
From 200,000 votes to less than 10,000 votes. If we can audit the total votes cast, we will easily win Arizona also!That's a comment on an azcentral politics story that says "Biden's lead in Arizona keeps shrinking, but not enough for Trump to overtake him."
Big Jim is the greatest!That's a comment on the KDKA story, "West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice refused to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the presidential election."
It took long enough! What is taking North Carolina so long? Are they looking for more ballots to fix that one also? Now with a recount, we will win Georgia also. Pennsylvania & Michigan wouldn’t let our Poll Watchers & Observers into counting rooms. Illegal!That's a comment on the AP story, "BREAKING: Donald Trump wins Alaska."
It attempted to alter our election and got caught?That's a comment on a tweet that reads "What do we know about Dominion?" I don't know what that means!
Nobody wants to report that Pennsylvania and Michigan didn’t allow our Poll Watchers and/or Vote Observers to Watch or Observe. This is responsible for hundreds of thousands of votes that should not be allowed to count. Therefore, I easily win both states. Report the News!And:
I am pleased to announce that I have given my full support and endorsement to Ronna McDaniel to continue heading the Republican National Committee (RNC). With 72 MILLION votes, we received more votes than any sitting President in U.S. history - and we will win!And:
Everyone is asking why the recent presidential polls were so inaccurate when it came to me. Because they are FAKE, just like much of the Lamestream Media!That's not including the retweeting, of which there is much at the link.
I looked for an answer to my question about Dominion and think it's a voting machine company. Gateway Pundit, commenting on Trump's tweet, says: "We’ve reported that there were numerous instances in this election where votes were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden in states predominantly using Dominion voting machines.... Tonight the President responded that the Dominion voting systems were involved in election fraud and they got caught."
२०८ टिप्पण्या:
208 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Ann, if you don't know what Dominion is, you must not have even looked at the comments of your various election threads for nearly a week. It's probably been 30% of our discussion (the other 70% being all the other ways in which voter fraud was conductex).
The Dominion voting machines...look into Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi's connection...not to mention George Soros. I don't trust any of them. Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy working for her for 20 years, and nobody bats an eye?? Forgive me for laughing at the Democrats who are still trusting the same people who have lied to us for years....
I have outlined their tendrils from obamas eu ambassador to the georgia state house. Through the back door.
Ann, I've posted this on other sites asking people for verification. I've not received any comments. But this is what the story is about (follow the links for data).
Votes switched from Trump to Biden
There's a lot out there. Don't know what's real and what is just unmoored data. Need people smarter than me, or just people with more time to spend on it.
This was the means
Dominion? I thought he was referring to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Didn't know he was a fan.
Better leave the plywood up a while longer.
Cardassian, like the name of a secretive corporation on mi 5 might have been a clue.
Just start with the premise that States, especially Blue ones, and Wisconsin included, REFUSE to purge and clean up voter rolls according to the law. Why? Fraud. Why do Democrats LOVE ballot harvesting? It blurs the chain of ballot custody. Fraud. Why do Democrats refuse any voter ID measures? Fraud. Why did Democrats push fake COVID fear to increase mail in and absentee ballots? Fraud. Why did they push out GOP poll watchers in Philly? Fraud. Why did the count just magically stop on election night? Because software was switching votes in real time. Fraud. Why do Democrats refuse to even look under the rock? Fraud. Why were absentee vote total delivered under to cover of darkness? Fraud. Why won’t the media put ANY of the whistle blowers on TV? Because they are the biggest part of the fraud. This cruel neutrality is becoming part of the fraud.
I'm surprised you don't know Dominion. I didn't realize it was a bubble issue.
My Dad and his wife retired to Venice, FL two years ago and moved there from Alpharetta, GA. They both received ballots in the mail, at their FL address, from the State of GA. This is going on everywhere. And out of state voting is one of the main fraudulent activities in Nevada.
"Ann, if you don't know what Dominion is, you must not have even looked at the comments of your various election threads for nearly a week. It's probably been 30% of our discussion...."
I'm skipping a lot on this subject for sure. If I saw the word "Dominion," I forgot it. These assumptions that there must be fraud...
Frankly, it's fucking outrageous that we're this far into this shitshow and you (and, I presume, tens of millions of other bubble-dwellers) aren't already familiar with the Dominion issue.
Not that I blame you, specifically. My mom only watches CNN and she has zero clue, either.
If Trump does get this thing reversed, it's going to cause millions of heads to explode, because people who rely on the NYTs and CNN are wholly unequipped at this point to even grasp how it could be possible.
“I’m not reading the information, then accusing people who ARE reading the information of making assumptions.”
lol wut, Althouse?
The Dominion thing is pretty much BS. If it isn’t, the counts will show it. It’s too hard to cover the tracks to use that approach. The real votes come from approving ballots that shouldn’t have been approved. Then on a recount, you just send those same ballots through the machine. That’s how it is traditionally done, and that’s why poll watchers were disallowed from doing their job. In Philly they were ‘in the room” but not allowed to actually perform their function.
Cameras on canvasser’s desks should be the norm, hi-res cameras.
Catch-up, please, professor. Supposedly, IT contractors with Dominion have come forward to attest that the source codes in Dominion's software were altered in such a way as to affect the vote-counting. This was Rudy's big hot take last night. The Twitter-verse is alive with further speculation and diatribe, and the documentation supposedly will be added to the litigation later today....
You can only verify ballots that have matching envelopes stubs and the digital record, that was the tipoff.
It does stink that Dominion is owned by powerful Democrats. That shouldn’t be allowed, any more than foreign ownership of our newspapers should be allowed.
This post seems an appropriate place for some recommendations from Ann Coulter.
The Democrat's Guide to Losing Gracefully
Trump should lay off the all caps. Makes it look like he doesn’t have a case.
I expect plaintiffs in the election fraud litigation will try to link testimony from Dominion IT contractors to expert testimony from this MIT professor's study:
I hope he's tenured and can't be doxxed....
Screw it, this is a theft in plain day light or by the light of the conjured up broken water main.
Trump does not have 73M votes now, that’s the only clear case of fraud in the counting that I have seen.
Agree tim, I usually read all caps as indicating the writer has come unhinged. Somewhat like multiple exclamation and question marks at the end of sentences.
“That's a comment on a tweet that reads "What do we know about Dominion?" I don't know what that means!” If you pretend the Wash Post, the NYT, Axios, etc… are reliable sources committed to cruel neutrality, it’s no wonder people like the Professor are now just finding out about Dominion, and Hammer & Scorecard. Giuliani, a GREAT prosecutor, said yesterday in regards to Dominion whistle blowers coming forward “We don’t have to contact them, they’re calling us”. Dominion info has been out for three to four days now. Let’s make a better effort to catch up. Can you imagine having some of these law professors as your defense attorney? This is the biggest criminal story of our lives.
Dr. Shiva analysis of Michigan voting irregularities and voting machines.
"I looked for an answer to my question about Dominion and think it's a voting machine company."
For someone who writes about the *news*, you seem to miss an awful lot of it.
Seriously...today, November 12, is the first time you heard of Dominion?
"These assumptions that there must be fraud..."
It would appear to be more than assumptions by now, but who knows for sure? I wonder if anybody will bother to check it out- the NYT or WaPo, maybe?
The State of Texas has rejected Dominion Voting Systems software at least three times now because of its security and other problems.
Restated: Dominion software was detectably defective on repeated occasions in advance of it ever being used to count votes.
Why would anyone in his right mind accept any unaudited results produced by such software?
Dr Shiva is the type of overeducated coastal elite that you people love. remember don't take the vaccine because Bill Gates will then be able to track you more efficiently than Google can through your phone.
These assumptions that there must be fraud...
What of the assumptions there most certainly wasn't?
The court cases are going well, no? I expect to hear you people crowing over the victories here soon.
It's a difficult post. There seem to be several unattributed tweets, and references.
Here’s what’s happening in my social media universe as FB and Twitter suppress news about fraud (and give you their editorial opinion unsolicited):
Everybody’s moving to MeWe and Parler. Since many of my conservative friends have also moved from FoxNews to NewsMax, polarization is about to intensify.
Now I have to keep up with four social media platforms.
Why would anyone in his right mind accept any unaudited results produced by such software?
When you ask your wife to look for an alternate travel route, and the response includes the phrase "Siri says".
When you have Nancy Pelosi who's tied to Dominion, stating that once the votes are counted, Biden will be president, then you hear that thousands of votes in various counties were flipped by the software due to some glitch from trump to bide, there's nothing to see here right?
It looks like that Federal Agent sent to “investigate possible fraud” who claims that the postal worker “recanted” his allegations, and refused to give the guy a copy of the document he signed under duress is a rabid anti-Trumper.
The Dems oppose voter ID laws. Any rational observer will assume that this means they intend to commit fraud. It really is that simple. There's lots more to get angry about involving the Dems and voting, but that one simple fact tells all.
"Why would anyone in his right mind accept any unaudited results produced by such software?”
I don’t think there is any there there, but I wouldn’t accept the results without one.
Considering Joe Biden didn't really win the primary ... that is its own farce... It's not a leap to comprehend that the powers that be installed Joe. When the leftwing media (the media) talk of "Blue Wall" -that's what this is all about.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
We are supposed to trust lying liars who lie.
I found the Althouse Blog in 2011 during the Walker/Act 10 / Recall battle. Meadehouse had the BEST, most honest, cruelly neutral coverage of everything happening in Madison at the time. And I thought it took guts to be a professor at UW and be willing to take the risk to post the videos, in person interviews etc… You couldn’t get the same on Channel 3000, the State Journal, or the Milwaukee Journal. It was front line. It was a MSM alternative, and I’ve been coming here EVERY DAY since for nine years. But something has changed. Was it retirement? And now, it seems, front line information from Citizen Journalists and whistleblowers risking everything is being ignored as if it is not credible. I will always admire the commitment to free speech the Professor Althouse provides. Ann, I fully respect that this is your blog. You built it. But you are slipping into the Fox News syndrome of ignoring the largest segment of your audience. I’ve turned at least fifty friends on to this blog. They don’t comment, but I know they read it, and read the comments. If it wasn’t for Trump, would you have ever found out about Dominion?
As I said a while back, what I would need to take the fraud question seriously — the question whether fraud revelations could change the outcome — would be a very clear page at Trump's campaign website that listed the allegations and cited the proof.
If there is such a page, LINK TO IT NOW.
I'm not interested in comments that just gasp about how bad I am for not micro-following the debate. I read them as an implicit admission that you DO NOT HAVE THE EVIDENCE.
Put up now. I'm not interested in all the bullshit hysteria. It opposite of works on me.
To me, Trump's tweets this morning look like a big hot mess. That's not the way to challenge the results of the election if you actually have the evidence.
well, either you're all in or all out, at this point.
I'm going to tend to my garden
Why should I care that you've been posting a lot of comments on the topic? The question is what do you have that is sound and high quality and related to changing the outcome? It should be clear and stated in factual, clear terms. Otherwise you just look like you're blowing off steam because you lost. I'm not going to look at that. Write something that's worth looking at by people who are not needing to process a personal loss.
tomaig said...
"For someone who writes about the *news*, you seem to miss an awful lot of it."
Hey, she reads the Times. She reads WaPo. That's two whole newspapers!
Meanwhile in Shawno County, WI ... the recanvas has found that Trump incorrectly got 300 votes.
Proven, located incorrect tally of votes from this election. Odd that those so upset about irregularities don't mention that one.
You can expect them not to pay to recount Wisconsin, as having the total # of votes reduced would be bad PR and this is nothing but a PR stunt aimed at Georgia's Senate runoff.
Ann: the best compendium I have found so far of voter fraud evidence is at thegatewaypundit.com . Take a look, or not. It's a staggering amount of evidence, which the MSM is not just ignoring but actively suppressing. I know that you have noticed and acknowledged many times the unfairness with which the MSM treats Trump, but now they have doubled down with actual mass censorship. THAT is why you heard none of it. I am just surprised that that censorship in itself doesn't seem to be activating your bullshit detector, cause your last couple of posts seem to suggest it's OUR fault.
How do you tweet in all caps anyway? I can't picture him sitting at a PC.
Does iPhone let you lock all caps? I wouldn't know how to do it on my android phones.
If a person is accused of fraud, our justice system assumes he is innocent, until overwhelming evidence of his guilt is shown. That's because we believe the consequences of a false conviction are worse than the consequences of a false acquittal. But the situation is reversed with election fraud. An audit or recount costs very little, compared to the vast amounts we spend on elections. But allowing a small group of corrupt and venal local governments to steal a national election, and then allowing a few large newspapers owned by stateless billionaires to sweep that theft under the rug and declare a winner, undermines the entire idea of American democracy.
The Dems oppose voter ID laws. Any rational observer will assume that this means they intend to commit fraud. It really is that simple. There's lots more to get angry about involving the Dems and voting, but that one simple fact tells all.
The Dems have convinced people like my wife that voter ID is just an attempt to suppress the black vote. The story is that the barriers to getting acceptable ID for poor black people are unacceptably high and require unreasonable efforts by the poor to obtain said ID. Therefore, voter ID is racist.
That is the CNN/MSNBC/WaPo/NYT storyline.
GA has ordered a full recount and audit before thay will certify their results.
This should give us some data about how up and up the process was in that one state. I think this is a good thing, but the Left is going apeshit over this.
I can't think of a good reason why they should.
Trump is dragging this out in order to keep the rubes sending money, which he will use to prop up his ego and "glamorous life-style".
Do any of you even wonder if that 1000% matching is real? It's not. It's just another transparent lie (in his parlance a "marketing tactic") to lure the simple minded. Shocking, huh?
The left have dismantled vote integrity. It's all by design. Blue wall.
Biden was a candidate that lost votes each time he left the basement. Luckily, Democrats had months to manufacture votes--the only American manufacturing they've endorsed in decades.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
To me, Trump's tweets this morning look like a big hot mess. That's not the way to challenge the results of the election if you actually have the evidence.
He has lawyers for that. The Media has them in a basement deeper than Biden's so you don't hear about them. Your cruel neutrality is wearing thin.
You don't seem to mind if Biden sets up an"Office of the President Elect" before he is one.
Blogger Howard said...
The court cases are going well, no? I expect to hear you people crowing over the victories here soon.
Howard, do you really think the Hate Trump Media will report on those ?
The propaganda campaign continues. Thank you for playing.
Of course not Mike I agree with you completely. Would you please please post some links that have factual information on the successful progress of the current Trump fraud Court cases?
It's a public process so the actual facts on the status of every court case is available to everybody.
No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread voting problems.
"Ann: the best compendium I have found so far of voter fraud evidence is at thegatewaypundit.com ."
That's a URL for an entire website. I want a page within a website that marshals the evidence. I'm not looking for a right-wing news source to read instead of the mainstream newspapers and magazines. I am not going to wade through the stuff that's there to feed people who want to constantly consume things they want to hear.
You were gone for awhile so maybe you didn't notice.
The NYT is maybe the last place most people here go for credible, unbiased information.
Hi Inga. I hope you are staying safe it looks like Wisconsin is blowing up with kovid
Twitter actively censoring right wing views.
Facebook actively censoring right wing views.
The entire MSM is censoring right wing views.
Even Fox News is censoring right wing views.
And you refuse to find out what right wingers are saying from right wingers themselves.
Well. I guess the Democrat/Chinese propaganda and censorship plan is working flawlessly then.
For the record, the gateway pundit front page IS almost entirely devoted to the voter fraud issue.
honest question. in the accusation of voter fraud, why does a question of "will it change the outcome" have any bearing on the accusation?
Me:"Your Honor, my neighbor stole one of my 5 cars"
Judge: "Well, you still have 4 cars, please leave my Court"
I don't like the CalvinBall of starting the game saying "There is NO fraud, show me just one example of fraud?"
then when shown examples of fraud the fraudster changes the game "your one example is not enough to change the outcome"
Dominion Voting Systems
Mark Malloch Brown.
Gem: Exactly! And now they play the game where they accomplished the fraud using 3 or 4 different methods that we're already aware of, but since each specific one of those methods didn't change the outcome *by itself*, we need not look at any of them.
That's their play, looks to me.
“Hi Inga. I hope you are staying safe it looks like Wisconsin is blowing up with kovid”
Hi Howard,
It sure is. I’m doing what I’ve done all along and so far so good. Not so for anti mask cousin of mine, who just days before the election told me that she thought we all would stop talking about Covid after the election. Luckily our conversation was not in person, as she is now is hospitalized with Covid, not doing well. Stay well Howard and family.
"I am not going to wade through the stuff that's there to feed people who want to constantly consume things they want to hear."
NYT says "What?"
do we still like Scott Adams?
Scott Adams
Nov 12
If you think massive election fraud did not happen this election primarily because it did not happen in past elections, you are officially a fucking idiot.
oops we forgot Scytl
Shiva Ayyadurai and two others are talking about the Dominion Voting Systems Corporation software which many states use in this video:
Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.
Now most of that rather long video is about statistical evidence that votes for Trump were counted as votes for Biden in Michigan (and this has nothing to do with Benford's Law by the way). Instead these men have found what seems to be an unbelievable correlation between two kinds of voting that Michigan allows: a) voting on each candidate or office individually versus; b) voting 'Republican' or 'Democrat,' where that means you vote for the 'Republican' in every race or vice-versa.
Now in past elections there has been a fairly straightforward correlation between these two kinds of voting. In this election though it's bizarre. There's a consistent pattern but it doesn't seem to make rational sense.
So either something unprecedented happened, or this is evidence of votes being altered by the software.
But before they get into that analysis they talk about a function, or a sub-program, within the Dominion vote counting software that allows the user to give different weights to different kinds of voters. So for instance the state of Michigan could give Republican voters a 'weight' of 0.9 and Democratic voters a 'weight' of 1.0. That would mean a vote for a Republican would only count for 9/10ths of what a Democratic vote would count.
Shiva Ayyadurai and company believe that they have found evidence that someone gave lower weights to Republican voters that didn't vote straight ticket where the weighting is proportional to the degree to which that precinct is Republican. Or in other words the weighting varies by the degree to which a district is Republican and the more Republican a district is the less 'weight' the software gives to the votes of non-straight ticket Republicans.
I think their argument and reasoning is quite good. But I also think most people are going to have a hard time following the math.
Of course the R's will now have to search for stations that continue to spread conspiracies,tell lies, and deceive the public..Its a tough call but somebody has to do it...trump tv is the chill intheir loins,,,oh please Donny go back on TV!!
There's a split on the right between those who think Biden has won and Trump should concede, those who think Trump has won and should stick to his guns (metaphorically and sometimes even literally), and those who think there should be recounts and investigations, but that Biden probably won. This is on top of the split between people who support the president and those who have never supported him (and even passionately opposed him). It gets ugly as people who have been more or less on the president's side for most of the last four years get lumped in with those who have been actively working against him for all that time.
I say have the recounts. That's pretty much standard in situations like this. Have investigations. They will be eye-opening and educational. But maybe because so few people where I live voted for the president, I could accept the possibility that he might have lost. It's possible that some of the fraud won't ever be detected, and it's possible that doing so wouldn't even matter: it's possible that Biden's numbers can't be overcome even after throwing out fraudulent ballots. It's a close election, with no mandate either way, but it's entirely possible that Biden was able to get more votes, even without cheating.
justice dept and fbi currently involved in election fraud investigation
news segment video
Who really has the burden of providing evidence? As an election observer, I followed precise rules to create evidence that votes were fairly collected and counted and reported. My burden was to provide that evidence, as it is the burden for the state election officials. That evidence includes initialing ballots, tallying votes only when witnessed by others who all sign their agreement on the tally, etc. All that after administering oaths to each observer that the law will be followed. The blatant failure of many states to meet that burden of evidence should be the focus. The burden does not shift to the voters to provide evidence of failure to collect, count and report votes fairly as to every vote and every ballot reported---or provide evidence the outcome will shift. There comes a tipping point where the state's inability to meet its burden of evidence that the votes were fairly counted requires the state do it again, with another vote, and so attempt a second time to provide evidence an election is run fairly.
To say those disputing the vote are not providing evidence of fraud is to ignore the states' failure to meet its burden of evidence, and overlooks the real failure.
Here's a source document from MI that if proven could affect the disposition of the election results.
Hey, does everyone remember that burst pipe that forced a shutdown of the vote counting in ATL?
Well, about that . . .
Ann Althouse said...
Why should I care that you've been posting a lot of comments on the topic? The question is what do you have that is sound and high quality and related to changing the outcome? It should be clear and stated in factual, clear terms. Otherwise you just look like you're blowing off steam because you lost. I'm not going to look at that. Write something that's worth looking at by people who are not needing to process a personal loss.
My opinion of your judgement and critical thinking abilities just crashed.
You really are being a lazy thinker.
Cruel neutrality requires unbiased thinking.
You don’t seem capable of that.
The problem here is that we've been watching the FBI and the Justice Dept going hammer and tongs after Trump for four years. They even sat on Hunter Biden's laptop during the entire impeachment and an additional 10 months, despite it being about as relevant as freaking humanly possible. Their entire conduct has shown no greater priority than to cover up Democrat crimes.
And now they're going to "investigate" it, and we're supposed to trust that they won't just cover up for them again?
I doubt even one in ten conservatives will accept such a whitewash. That will trigger entirely justified violence, given the mountains of evidence of fraud. And unlike left wing violence, right wing violence doesn't involve looting the local Footlocker.
This isn't just us "processing grief over the loss", Ann. This is deadly serious. You're casually dismissing the anger of 70 million Americans who are absolutely certain the system has been wildly rigged, using COVID as an excuse to utterly remove all chain of custody requirements from voting, something our own State Dept would never tolerate in another country.
All along, my hypothesis has been there were several different types of fraud happening. The Dem party told their local machines in the big blue cities, "Do your thing, we'll do ours." The national party relied on ops conducted thru Dominion software, and the locals used their tried and true methods of sneaking ballots through that shouldn't have counted or outright ballot manufacture.
At one point somebody posted that the mail in ballots rejection rate in PA in 2016 was 30x higher than in 2020.
Does anyone have a source for that?
How would the Left react if a Trump owned company made one third of the voting machines?
Jim Justice sits alone in White Sulfur Springs parroting Dumb Donald's claims: "Pennsylvania & Michigan wouldn’t let our Poll Watchers & Observers into counting rooms. Illegal!"
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear the Trump suit claiming election observers in Philadelphia weren’t allowed to watch ballot counting from a close enough distance.
Thanks to Philadelphia City Commissioners, you and everyone with an internet connection could have kept an eye on Pennsylvania election workers tallying votes in real-time. A 50 inch screen should have put observers right in the middle of everything. FWIW, MSNBC broadcast the Philly live vote every time they discussed Pennsylvania vote counts.
More lies. Shameful.
There is not a shred of evidence of fraud sufficient to overturn the result in even one state essential to Biden's victory.
Recall that, with the sole exception of one law suit in which Trump got to move his observers four feet cloer, all claims about opportunity to observe have failed.
Recall further that lack of opportunity to observe, even if proven, does not alter the count.
New information: the vaunted Michigan lawsuit turns out to contain very little evidence that goes to the count in Wayne County. The incidents of alleged miscounting involve a few hundred ballots and appear to reflect a misunderstanding of the procedures for tallying. And this is in a state where Biden won by 150,000.
Of course there is damage to Biden here, but the deeper damage is to trust in the system more generally, and that hurts us all. And this after an election in which turnout went way up on both sides, and in which, state by state and county by county, in Red, Blue and Purple states, the system responded remarkably well to the severe problems posed by voting in a pandemic--a result of which the nation can and should be proud.
Trump's words and actions are profoundly destructive and unpatriotic. Where are the Republicans with the courage to call it out? WHen will you commenters, or Althouse, find the sense and will to do so?
Donn: And not only that, but the Trump machines were used in every single swing state.
The Left would burn the country down if Trump won under that circumstance. But the Right is just supposed to suck it up and even demanding investigating is a sign of our evil, or just whining because we lost. It's gaslighting and its fucking infuriating.
Trump stood in the rain to honor the vets (no umbrella naturally). Biden "put on lid" on his day at 1130 and went back to the basement. To all the assholes who voted for Biden - Hell of job!
There is no Fraud.
Blah, blah, blah.
The votes are pure as the driven snow.
No review or audit or analysis should be done.
Oh, and Trump. The Russians handed him the 2016 election, because....yeah.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear the case. LOL! you mean the 4 liberal/left justices who unconstitutionally overrode the state election law to help Biden win? Yeah, I'm sure they'll give Trump a REAL fair hearing. VERY, VERY, fair.
@ Qwinn re: rejected mail in ballots
Just like last time, every word posted by Stephen is a lie.
I was a poll watcher in PA. *I* was denied access to the in person voting, only allowed in once an hour to check totals. I was never even allowed to *see* a single mail in ballot.
And when I did the math, I found that Biden performed better in the category "mail in ballot" than he did in the category "in person registered Democrat", despite only 66% of mail in ballots being requested by registered Democrats.
Which is mathematically fucking ridiculous. And I say this as a 30 year Data Analyst trusted by the Department of Defense to provide reporting. And yes, I signed a declaration of all this with the Trump team.
If that case was rejected, it is to me 100% proof, as an actual first hand witness and victim of illegal acts, that even the courts are party to the fraud.
trump and the RNC needs to have a page with all the facts, showing the voting irregularities, Of course, since this is all going to be litigated, Trump may not want to do that.
According to Rasmussen, only 56% of Biden voters were actually voting FOR Biden, the rest were voting against Trump. If it's all an act, a studied technique to achieve the results he wants, then Trump needs to take the hint and tone it down. A lot more people like his policies than like him. His pugnacious style may be necessary to counter the media's smears, but if he had bothered to learn to walk that line a little better, he would be a two-term president in a blowout. As it is, we are almost certainly doomed to 4 years of Biden, or, rather, a few months of Biden and 3 1/2 years of Harris.
Based on his policies, he should have won by a landslide.
trump and the RNC needs to have a page with all the facts, showing the voting irregularities, Of course, since this is all going to be litigated, Trump may not want to do that.
They voted for Biden. It doesn't matter why. How does one do a valid survey of why 70 million people voted for Biden? That's just crazy. Its impossible to have valid poll on motives.
"There is not a shred of evidence of fraud sufficient to overturn the result in even one state essential to Biden's victory." - wrong, especially if you apply 'falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus'.
"Recall that, with the sole exception of one law suit in which Trump got to move his observers four feet cloer, all claims about opportunity to observe have failed." - also wrong, because election officials ignored court orders to move observers, or moved them closer but then moved the counting tables further away. And blocked windows with cardboard.
"Recall further that lack of opportunity to observe, even if proven, does not alter the count." - it does if unobserved ballots get thrown out as tainted.
"New information: the vaunted Michigan lawsuit turns out to contain very little evidence that goes to the count in Wayne County." - there is clear statistical evidence of misconduct in collar counties and in Detroit wards.
"but the deeper damage is to trust in the system more generally, and that hurts us all." - Good. We ought to experience some pain for putting up with such shoddy election procedures all these years and allowing Democrats to dilute trust in the process through various shenanigans and rules.
"Trump's words and actions are profoundly destructive and unpatriotic." - False. Trump wants a secure, honest vote. Few things could be MORE patriotic.
"WHen will you commenters, or Althouse, find the sense and will to do so?" - did you speak up about the ridiculous Russian collusion charges, or did you find joy in Clinton paying for Russian intel to generate a bogus "dossier" and circulate it via a modern day Kim Philby?
Sit the fuck down Stephen. Adults are talking.
"I was a poll watcher in PA. *I* was denied access to the in person voting, only allowed in once an hour to check totals. I was never even allowed to *see* a single mail in ballot."
Qwinn, you should get in touch with a few folks and let them know your story. Here are some Twitter accounts who are looking for accounts of what went on during election night at precincts in PA.
Sorry Qwinn, I missed this part of your comment: "And yes, I signed a declaration of all this with the Trump team."
Still, might not hurt to tell your story to the folks who run the accounts above.
So far, for the past four years, Trump has seemed to know what he is doing. The Hostess is impatient. For someone who didn't know the Dominion issue (which is all over the internet, just ignored by her MSM, she sure wants things spoon fed to her. Or ELSE! I'll wait to see if Trump is on target here. I don't demand proof before it is in the public domain of courts. NEVER trust a MSM journalist's version of it. I wouldn't hire one of those clowns to be a sign spinner
The Hostess: "the stuff that's there to feed people who want to constantly consume things they want to hear." The PERFECT description of her NYTimes and WashPost. Bwahahahah
Cruel Neutrality, my Irish ass
rcocean said...They voted for Biden. It doesn't matter why. How does one do a valid survey of why 70 million people voted for Biden? That's just crazy. Its impossible to have valid poll on motives.
It doesn't matter why? Not to the outcome, but that's hardly the only thing a person or party might be interested in. Of course you can poll motives; the same way you poll anything else--you ask people.
"The Dems oppose voter ID laws. Any rational observer will assume that this means they intend to commit fraud. It really is that simple. There's lots more to get angry about involving the Dems and voting, but that one simple fact tells all."
Exactly this.
Even worse, they claim that voter ID is racist because it would be difficult for blacks and other minorities to obtain FREE voter ID.
So blacks and minorities are stupid.
Who's racist?
Careful, AA or your commenters will abandon you along with Drudge and Fox News.
"I'm not looking for a right-wing news source to read instead of the mainstream newspapers and magazines." And there it is. The cruel neutrality still insists the mainstream are the mainstream and not left-wing, but the other sources are right wing. This is what happens when you are locked down in fear in Madison, WI for any extended period of time.
Still just rumors of fraud. No links on the court cases because you people got nothing.
"NEVER trust a MSM journalist's version of it. I wouldn't hire one of those clowns to be a sign spinner"
We've been living in a world where online, citizen journalists have been outperforming their highly paid, well-coiffed MSM counterparts for the better part of 25 years. It started when Drudge broke the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, and it's only gotten more true since. Meanwhile, the brick and mortar institutions, along with their Establishment online hangers-on (like Slate, Huffpo, Buzzfeed, etc) are run by deep state sycophants and produce stories generated by clueless millennials who don't know or don't care about how journalism actually works. It's raw advocacy.
This cruel neutrality is becoming part of the fraud.
If it hasn't been obvious
Our hostess is Cruel but NOT neutral
Then...I have Nigerian prince that I would like to introduce you to.
Write something that's worth looking at by people who are not needing to process a personal loss.
What is your opinion of Gen Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell's statements concerning electric voter fraud?
So long thanks for all the fish
enjoy your nyt, wapoo etc
...et all elite criticism.
aye readering adieu
Thanks to all the great commenters here!
Qwinn, If that’s what you saw why haven’t you contacted Trump’s lawyers to give an affidavit or declaration? And how does what you saw add up to 50000 votes? And if your meta theory is correct, why isn’t it part of a lawsuit already?
Time to put up or shut up.
Imagine your Oncologist being like the liberal elite.
"why yes, I do see about one thousand cancer cells on this slide; But since your body contains about 1 trillion cells, we just don't have enough reason to do any more testing at this time."
As Hugh Hewitt points out, there is not a single pending lawssuit whose claims could change the result in any of the close states under discussion. Trump was claiming fraud for months, ever since pandemic led to changes in states' voting rules. But he never actually prepared for post-election litigation. (Hanging with Giuliani does not count.) And this is something he cared about, unlike covid.
Another one of those affidavits Chuck cares so much about.
IT Contractor for Dominion Ballot Counting Software Co. Exposes Massive Ballot Fraud in Detroit Michigan…
If what Ms. Mellissa Carone outlines is true, this would explain how the ballots in Michigan were manipulated. Ms. Carone was a contracted worker for Dominion a company providing software services for ballot counting machines in Detroit.
Carone was sent to Detroit, Michigan, to provide technical support for the ballot counting process. While she was there she noted poll workers repeatedly double scanning ballots to generate multiple votes from the same batch of ballot sheets. When she reported this to her employer, Mr. Nick Ikonomakis of Dominion, Carone was told it was not her role to review what the poll workers are doing; essentially to ignore it.
Dominion is owned by Soros. And Pelosi.
Fox News daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose.
One person’s Orange Hitler is another person’s Golden Goose.
rcocean said...
No review or audit or analysis should be done.
I know this is one of the talking points. Please provide an instance where anyone is standing in the way of recounts or investigations.
The only actual investigation I've heard about is that postal worker in Erie, PA. From what he says now, his brain went rogue and, with some help from a known fraudster, talked the other half of his brain into some bullshit.
"Qwinn, If that’s what you saw why haven’t you contacted Trump’s lawyers to give an affidavit or declaration? And how does what you saw add up to 50000 votes? And if your meta theory is correct, why isn’t it part of a lawsuit already?
Time to put up or shut up."
He did put in a statement. Read his entire comment. Might be time for you to follow your own advice.
"I know this is one of the talking points. Please provide an instance where anyone is standing in the way of recounts or investigations."
Here you go. Many others, but I don't want to drown you in data that you are too inept to find yourself.
"Still just rumors of fraud. No links on the court cases because you people got nothing."
Whoops. Howard had something to say. Anytime that happens, you know it's because he's behind the times.
"As Hugh Hewitt points out, there is not a single pending lawssuit whose claims could change the result in any of the close states under discussion."
Relevant evidence is still being gathered. Earlier rejected suits showed what the evidenciary bar for these cases would be, and that bar is slowly but surely being met. And of course no SINGLE pending case could overturn the results. That's why there will be many, many cases, across many, many states. You do know how elections work, right?
HH knows how they work, and the litigation. Equivalent of vaporware from Trump litigation effort.
I'm not interested in comments that just gasp about how bad I am for not micro-following the debate. I read them as an implicit admission that you DO NOT HAVE THE EVIDENCE.
Put up now. I'm not interested in all the bullshit hysteria. It opposite of works on me.
We have linked repeatedly to sworn court affidavits.
You are not cruelly neutral.
You are just being purposely stupid.
I will link them when I am on the home computer again so you can ignore them some more. Go stick your head back up in your wapo bubble like a good little serf.
From the you-had-just-one-job department. Maricopa County GOP chair resigning after revealed she did not certify the pre-election test of voting machines because no-show.
I am not going to wade through the stuff that's there to feed people who want to constantly consume things they want to hear.
Someone who reads axios and wapo just posted this.
That is just really fucking stupid.
"As Hugh Hewitt points out, there is not a single pending lawssuit whose claims could change the result in any of the close states under discussion."
It's okay to ignore cheating as long as it doesn't affect the results? So why are they doing it?
Trump's words and actions are profoundly destructive and unpatriotic. Where are the Republicans with the courage to call it out? WHen will you commenters, or Althouse, find the sense and will to do so?
Unpatriotic? To who? You?
Why don't you fuck right off.
At hearing in the Arizona case (suspended for technical transmission difficulties!) Trump's lawyer (from 2 person firm; Snell & Wilmer withdrew) opened by disclaiming any fraud allegation. Just mistakes alleged. (Which could not possibly eat into a 5 figure vote deficit.)
How come the personal insults here seem to come from Trumpists? Was there a Trump University course.
arizona secretary of state, was all about 'charlottesville' maricopa party chair was obviously out to lunch,
Don't read any of these affidavits from the Michigan court filing Ann.
I found the link to these court filings on www.thegatewaypundit.com but I posted the scribd link so you didn't have to dirty yourself with things that might make you uncomfortable.
They weren't posted in the WAPO or Axios.
You could wade through stuff that wasn't approved by your masters an you might have to think a little bit.
Or you can remain in your stupid little bubble with these other idiots who claim there is no evidence of fraud.
I also love how the goal posts have moved from there is no evidence of fraud to there isn't enough fraud proven to overturn the election.
You are lying to yourself if you think you are in any way neutral.
Stephen said...
Trump's words and actions are profoundly destructive and unpatriotic. Where are the Republicans with the courage to call it out? WHen will you commenters, or Althouse, find the sense and will to do so?
You are a piece of shit.
Judge overturns PA Secretary of State extension on ballot validation."
Another blow to Alhouse's credibility.
you certainly wont find this story reported in Axios.
Dominion voting machines were not certified in Maricopa county.
It is just as important to get the McCain GOP infiltrators out as it is to defeat democrats.
Just some thoughts on "evidence."
If a plaintiff is bringing complex suits to multiple courts on an issue that they claim is so broad and deep and insidious - to reveal their total hand (in detail) via a website would be foolhardy. Just enables the "defendants" to potentially cover their tracks - and to construct/back-hoe "explanations."
Within the court proceedings they will have to reveal of course - but they are under no obligation to do that via websites pre-emptively. That type of reveal could, of course, possibly help to sway public opinion - and by extension, state legislators - but, if they are truly taking a court pathway a full public reveal is neither necessary nor advisable. Especially if they are attempting to continue to gather evidence and to acquire statements from witnesses that may then be subject to harassment (or worse).
This is just a process comment. I.e., as a strictly abstract legal matter, it is neither telling nor pertinent one way or the other whether Chris Wallace or our gracious host (AA) is currently convinced that there is evidence of fraud in state x or state y.
If I was on the Trump legal team, many of the things that I would be putting out publicly would be a distraction or mis-information - or, a lure. With just a very few real "crumbs" sprinkled in - for flavour.
Presume we'll know one way or the other in less than 30 days whether they ultimately provide evidence that there is a there there.. In the big scheme of things, a mere sneeze of time. What's the rush? Biden knows where all the rooms are in the White House already...
Is investigating potential election fraud some type of "third-rail" that one can't dare touch? Totally irrelevant whether the plaintiff uses all-caps or not. Or whether they're an undisciplined loudmouth or not. Or, it should be. Maybe such typographically irresponsibles should seek legal cover as a protected class...you know... like ... can't be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or Twitter behaviour.
Prediction - coming in either summer of 2021 - or summer of 2025 - Trump's alternative to Twitter: Trumpeter.
they were also never trumpers apparently, which is like those too pitiful to commit seppuku,
This is interesting.
PA officials admit to breaking election law.
More whistle blower affidavits.
I know this is tough for Axios readers to comprehend.
A lot of syllables and legal filings are long and kinda dry.
Don't read any of this if you like your bubble or you want to be a douchey piece of shit and pretend we are unpatriotic.
Apropos of Gateway Pundit as a source, I went there and had a look at the "bombshell" which Trump retweeted. It actually referred me to a second site. And what I found there was incomprehensible as an analysis--talk about not showing your work! Moreover, the substance has no inherent plausibility. Voting machines, of a kind used all over the country in Red, Blue and Purple jurisdictions, are dropping millions of votes for Trump, and adding them to Biden's tally. In Pennsylvania alone 220,000 votes switched and 941,000 lost! The largest vote fraud in recorded American history! And not one election official, Republican or Democrat, noticed or will admit it!
Yes, and the moon is made of green cheese.
On its face, this is not just implausible, but batshit crazy. And that's why you don't see it in court--lawyers who put it forward could destroy their professional credibility forever. Not to mention feel ashamed for having spouted such dangerous nonsense about the republic that they love.
Of course, that doesn't stop our President--but he's only about his own narcissistic pathology and has no feeling for this country or its institutions.
But I am an open minded person. So here's a fair challenge to those of you who read the site. Explain how this theory actually works, in plain English, and then explain to me why, if it has any legs at all, no Republican official in any relevant state is giving it any credence, and no Trump lawyer dares state it in a pleading. If you can't do so, then you should drop this garbage and condemn Trump for repeating it.
There is no evidence that there was ever a leak in Atlanta.
Why did they need a pretext to stop counting votes in Atlanta?
We already had a discussion about how long it takes to manufacture ballots and how many it takes.
But again that takes a level of thinking that Axios readers probably have trouble with because they are stupid.
Whoever commented that the Trump campaign would be filing lots of lawsuits maybe had inside information. The campaign just filed one relating to Detroit voting in the DC Court of Federal Claims. Like the name and location suggest, it's a court for claims against the Federal Government. GENIUS.
Stephen said...
Yes, and the moon is made of green cheese.
Why were poll observers removed from counting sites?
Why did democrats file lawsuits in court to block observers from observing?
You are a completely dishonest person.
I appreciate the fact that President Trump is throwing stuff up against the wall which could undermine the legitimacy of the Election and Joe Biden. But Democrats just spent 4 years - RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - undermining Trump with zero evidence so I am going to give him a little leeway here.
Anyone that looks at what happened at 3am in the morning when clearly Trump was on track for re-election (I have seen no one dispute this fact) would have to be completely unreasonable to not at least suspect shenanigans. Someone in Philly was convicted of election fraud just this past May and someone pled guilty to election fraud in Texas this week, so quit saying our elections are clean. They are not clean.
Why wouldn't we want to root out every instance of election fraud even if it does NOT change the outcome. Are you ok running elections with a known amount of fraud as long as you kinda maybe think it would not change the results. Also, why are people risking going to jail for election fraud if it doesn't change outcomes?
If there is nothing "there", Biden will still get elected by Electoral College in December. Relax, there is nothing to worry about right? And as an extra added bonus it will make Trump look like a fool. That's a win/win.
This story is just the best. Axios readers might even be able to read it.
"About 20 minutes later, Spanberger somehow overtook Freitas by over 5000 votes. I was shocked. How could that happen? It turns out that an election official “found” an overlooked flash drive mislabeled as “provisional ballots.”
The flash drive contained over 14,000 new votes!?
Out of the 14,000 ballots, Spanberger won precisely 64% of the votes. She immediately declared victory, leaving supporters of the former Green Beret shocked. A lot of my friends in the area were upset at the outcome. Many wondered why poll workers stored votes on a flash drive marked “provisional ballots.” According to Henrico Registrar Mark Coakley, who found the drive, it was a cost-saving measure to store the live votes on a drive marked “provisional ballots.”
Trump was never on track for re-election, but I agree there is an upside to his litigation shenanigans. Just not worth it in terms of getting new administration ready. State Department not even passing on well-wishes of foreign governments. Crazy.
Philidelphia election official pleads guilty to stuffing ballot boxes for democrats.
"Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, a former judge of elections in South Philadelphia, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights when he padded the votes for the elected positions, U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain announced Thursday.
“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain in a statement."
Can Axios readers understand a word of that? It might be 6th grade level.
Readering said...
Trump was never on track for re-election, but I agree there is an upside to his litigation shenanigans. Just not worth it in terms of getting new administration ready. State Department not even passing on well-wishes of foreign governments. Crazy.
Someone who blubbered incessantly for 4 years about "Russian Collusion" and accused Trump of Treason on clearly manufactured evidence just posted this without irony.
Screw you people.
Stephen said...
Qwinn, If that’s what you saw why haven’t you contacted Trump’s lawyers to give an affidavit or declaration? And how does what you saw add up to 50000 votes? And if your meta theory is correct, why isn’t it part of a lawsuit already?
Time to put up or shut up.
It is in filed affidavits. Some have been linked right here.
For example Hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots in Pennsylvania without matching signatures were illegally counted.
But as we have seen axios readers have the reading comprehension and critical thinking skills of a cabbage.
The legislature certifies the election.
They will not certify this election.
Readering - Vegas betting markets were up to 80% Trump until the 3am miracle. He was on track.
Achilles, AA keeps all the comments. Gather mine and quote if you can. You definitely attended a course in insults at Trump University. Use your share of the class action fraud settlement t to contribute to Trump litigation fund. Then you can join a future class action fraud settlement.
Stephen: Not sure why I'm bothering, since you are providing nothing but bad faith, but:
Republicans picked up what's looking like at least 13 House seats.
Republicans kept the Senate despite having WAY more seats to defend.
In states with decent voter security, like OH and FL, Trump outperformed 2016 sigridiculous. Eight points in OH!
Trump made gains in every single minority demographic.
And given all that, we're supposed to believe that Biden underperformed Hillary *everywhere* except the 5 cities in 5 critical swing states. In those, he outperformed Obama. Mostly among blacks.
Right after the country found out about Hunter's laptop, and the basis of the impeachment was a complete sham.
The notion that WE are the ones who are pushing a completely implausible position is laughable. A "huge Biden victory", as if Basement Biden is the best and most popular Democrat in the country, outperforming all of them, even Obama, is LOL ridiculoua.
The Soros-funded Arizona Secretary of State, in charge of the vote, the one telling us its outrageous that we question voting integrity in her state, has called Trump a Neo-Nazi.
Yeah, no.
OSU 92: fair enough, but panicked gamblers covering their earlier bets is not the way most people followed the returns Tuesday night. I guess if I had I could have made a lot of money.
Little reminder that Joe Biden agreed when a constituent called Trump illegitimate - back in 2019. "Unity!!"
Judge in PA (Leavitt) orders segregated ballots not to be counted. I believe this amount is enough to flip PA.
Oh yes, Republicans also picked up more state legislatures and even added a governor.
Republicans rocked everywhere - admitted by Democrats who are rebelling against Nancy as we speak over it - *except* we hugely lost to the candidate whose vote totals visibly increased on multiple channels on live TV while the same number was *deducted* from Trump's number, right after those same 5 cities all unprecedentedly *stopped counting* on Election night...
Yeah, what WE are suggesting isn't plausible.
10000 "late" ballots that aren't in the count giving Biden 50k plus lead. Presumably PA Supreme Court will repeat its earlier contrary ruling, and then we will have to see what USSC does this time. But immaterial to the count, so Jones Day rightly taking a lot of heat for this.
The Left ignored Alito's order to keep those PA ballots segregated. Oh, sure, some small number to make it plausible, but, well, we know they were backdating ballots en masse. Per sworn affidavits.
The success of down ballot Republicans is proof that this election, with greatest turnout in history, was a personal repudiation of Trump. Which is why he's not taking it very well, although self-interest would lead him to acting differently.
Wait a second, has anyone checked the latest online dictionary edits? Just like "bigot" and "woman", I think maybe the Left changed the definition of "affidavits" and that's why they keep refusing that those are evidence.
For that matter, maybe they changed the definition of "evidence" too.
Achilles: thanks for the link to the article about the judge's ruling today. That's a great victory of course none of the late votes that were thrown out have been counted yet so it doesn't do anything to change the tally it is a nice victory for you people and so I'm happy for you
Another link to something that Howard is too stupid to understand.
It might be hard for Axios readers in general.
Readering: it's a mistake to think that Trump didn't have a huge victory in this election. He got the second most votes recorded for president in American history. We're going to have to deal with these idiots until they die off or until the Democrats get smart enough to pull the Bernie Bros back.
I apologize for missing the part of Qwinn's post in which he said he had given a declaration about his experience. Good for him. And just out of interest, how is that lawsuit going?
Again, can somebody explain the Dominion theory in plain English? Achilles, how about you? Instead of name calling and ranting, you could tell us how this works, how it moved enough votes to change the outcome, how is it that no Republican official with responsibility for the count in any state gives it any credence, and why we haven't seen any allegations about it in a pleading.
It's not an answer to way that Republicans are keeping their cards close to their vest in order to claim the advantage in litigation. Simply to file a pleading in federal court, you need to make allegations that are plausible, or your claim will be dismissed without discovery. And right now, these allegations aren't plausible.
C'mon, step right up!
I'll wait for someone else to weigh through that legal document and figure out what it all means Achilles but thank you very much for posting it. I'm glad someone is at least getting out some facts
Readering said...
10000 "late" ballots that aren't in the count giving Biden 50k plus lead. Presumably PA Supreme Court will repeat its earlier contrary ruling, and then we will have to see what USSC does this time. But immaterial to the count, so Jones Day rightly taking a lot of heat for this.
More like a few hundred thousand.
"The lawsuit also includes a postal worker from Erie County who claimed that he had heard his supervisors talking about illegally backdating ballots that arrived late so that they appeared legitimate. His claim was also cited by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation."
We have audio of federal thugs trying to get him to change his story too.
But Axios readers are too stupid to connect too different lawsuits together,
The Ottawa County, MI elections boss told me we don't use Dominion. Another system whose name I promptly forgot.
He said the flipped six thousand votes in Antrim County--deep red and rural--was a "human error".
Let's presume that Trump lost and all kinds of checking and rechecking and finding some honest broker in the DoJ actually happens and...Trump lost in reality.
What remains was a gigantic effort at fraud which turned out to superfluous. What are we to make of that, going forward?
USB Encryption keys for Dominion election machines stolen in Philadelphia.
Remember the USB drives stolen in Philly? Those USB drives were admin access devices to enter the configuration and debug screens of the voting machines. With those stolen drives, someone could potentially change, purge, or inject ballots with impunity.
I am sure the thieves were good though.
Axios readers can be confident that there is no election fraud.
Except for the "only 10000 votes" that have already been thrown out. Other than that there is no evidence of election fraud.
Howard said...
The whistle blower is a Marine.
But you wouldn't know anything about that.
"What remains was a gigantic effort at fraud which turned out to superfluous. What are we to make of that, going forward?"
We need secure, trusted elections. Regardless of outcome here and now, we need those going forward. How we get there I don't know. My thoughts on some ground rules:
1) No mass-mailed ballots. Absentee ballots can be requested up to 6 months out from election day, and will be mailed 2 months out, but must arrive to be tallied (not opened, just tallied so the total count of mailed ballots is known) by noon on Election Day. The latest date to REQUEST an absentee ballot is 4 calendar weeks from Election Day.
2) Election Day stays the same (first Tue after first Mon in Nov), but early in-person voting can happen from the Saturday before up to 8PM on Election Day. That gives people one weekend and two weekdays to show up and cast a vote.
3) State picture ID is mandatory for all in-person voting. Signature safeguards will be in place for all mail-in ballots, along with picture ID when registering to vote.
4) Ballot harvesting will be limited to licensed care facilities only, and conducted under chain of custody rules that require both major parties to have representatives present for all activities.
5) Eliminate same-day voter registration. The number of registered voters must be known no later than the start of in-person voting on Saturday morning.
6) All state voter rolls are purged of inactive voters after this cycle, and a serious audit to find dead/CoA/CoLN voters and remove them must be performed.
7) In districts/wards where counting occurs and there aren't enough representatives of both political parties to satisfy oversight rules, verified out-of-district observers may fill the gap. All observers have a right to call for a select number of spot audits and checks on demand during the counting.
8) Counting continues until completed. Maybe some exceptions can be though of, like a counting site having a power failure or actual natural disaster (no dripping fucking pipes), but there needs to be extra measures taken if that occurs (treat the area like a crime scene).
Anyone else have any ideas? I think all of the above is fair and workable.
Kyzer SoSay - You assume that everyone wants to have basic ballot integrity. I wish it were so.
There is a reason that Florida could count 11M votes on election day without a hiccup and Pennsylvania couldn't even tell us the total number of ballots that arrived prior to election day. Both "systems" are by design.
If you are stealing elections (or at least committing fraud on a baseline level) you will vigorously oppose these laws and then claim voter suppression for cover.
Readering said...
Achilles, AA keeps all the comments. Gather mine and quote if you can. You definitely attended a course in insults at Trump University. Use your share of the class action fraud settlement t to contribute to Trump litigation fund. Then you can join a future class action fraud settlement.
Notice that these people no longer say there was no fraud.
Now it is just not enough fraud to change the result.
They think this is convincing.
Howard said...
I'll wait for someone else to weigh through that legal document and figure out what it all means Achilles but thank you very much for posting it. I'm glad someone is at least getting out some facts
Don't worry.
I am sure the NYT's or Axios will bring you some comfort soon.
Meanwhile you might join those federal agents trying to convince your fellow marine he just needs to remember things better.
I used to read Gateway Pundit all the time.
Then at some point it turned into a tabloid and I just couldn’t read it any more, I haven’t checked it out in a long time.
I'm looking forward to the process playing itself out. It is what it is. I'll leave the spinning and rumor mongering and kvetching to everyone else.
“If I was on the Trump legal team, many of the things that I would be putting out publicly would be a distraction or mis-information - or, a lure. With just a very few real "crumbs" sprinkled in - for flavour. “
Here is how I think it will go down after hearing Giuliani talk at NewsMax.
Contrary to what our leftists are claiming and pretending, suits in two key states (PA, MI) have been filed. Both states (plus the other 8 at issue) claim in particular that Republicans were intentionally excluded from watching the counting of the Mail In ballots that arrived late Election Night. In some cases, they were completely excluded from the premises. In others, they were kept in corral far away from the counting that they couldn’t see what was going on. Sufficient access by observers to see what was going on is required by law in al ten states. At this point anything done Unobserved by Republican poll watchers should legally be thrown out. We are talking hundreds of thousands of ballots in each of those two states, almost all for Biden, of course. I think that it was PA where the number 700k of ballots legally should be thrown out (which, of course is, in all cases, far more than the Biden victory).
As a note, a recount is not an option for these questioned ballots, because it is their provenance that is at issue, and that was irreconcilably destroyed by the way that the ballots were handled by the state employees and the Dems.
As noted, in a perfect world, probably north of a million ballots, in those two states, mostly for Biden should be discarded and not counted. But, as we have already seen, there are enough Dem judges that have already been seen circumventing the law in order to give Biden the win. After all, all of the problem sites are in big Dem controlled cities. In some, they can expect the Supreme Courts of the states to do the right thing. But, as we all saw in 2000, they don’t always, esp if the Dems have a majority on those courts.
So does SLO Joe get the electors of the states where their courts refuse to enforce the election laws on the books on Election Day (required under Bush v Gore). Probably not. Why not? Because the state legislatures have to do the certifying, and any that have Republican control in at least one House can just refuse to certify until an investigation has been completed to their satisfaction. Which, of course means that, without either candidate having a majority of electors, the decision is sent to the House for te Presidency, and the Senate (I believe) for the VP. The problem, for the Dems is that state delegations vote as such, and get a single vote per state. MT and WY get one vote each, as does CA. And the Republicans win in that situation.
Ann, if you want a "one-stop-shopping" site that aggregates the things that make sensitive people's antennae quiver about this election, I suggest Larry Correira. (Bruce Hayden mentioned him twice in a previous thread, but misspelled the name, which might have thrown you off.) The guy is now basically a sci-fi/fantasy novelist with a taste for detailed descriptions of military hardware, which of course makes some people queasy, but in a previous career he was a forensic accountant, which means exactly what you think it does.
He has a new post today titled "I asked one simple question to people who worked with fraud," that question being, "Have you ever seen a case with this many red flags on it that didn't turn out to be fraud?" He posts all the responses. They are a uniform "no." Sometimes, though not always, "Aw, HELL no." Of course, his readership is probably ideologically skewed :-) But I note that he isn't claiming that all claims on the Trump side are legitimate. Only the obviously correct ones.
There are two prior posts on there, "Election 2020: Fuckery [sorry] is afoot," and "The more fuckery update." [Again, sorry.]
All these can be found, sequentially, on www.monsterhunternation.com.
To a more general point: It isn't necessary for any one instance of fraud to have turned the election, even in a single state. In fact, I think there was a mix of amateur and professional efforts, more-or-less uncoordinated. What I've read above about Dominion software (what sort of legitimate voting-machine company allows its results to be tabulated any other way than "one human being, one vote"?) There are many, many streams contributing to this, and it's entirely possible that no single one would have turned the election in a particular state, only the confluence of all.
Urgh. I meant that sentence beginning "What I've read above" to be a complete sentence, not a fragment. What I meant was that Dominion has built capabilities into its voting machines that have no rational basis for existence. You just don't design a voting machine with a built-in means of multiplying the Rep vote by a number smaller than one unless you contemplate using it.
One more article for Ann: Tucker Carlson (yes, yes, I know) on the March of the Dead People. Again, certainly not big enough by itself to swing squat, but indicative of a certain mindset, nyet? Here.
Probably not. Why not? Because the state legislatures have to do the certifying, and any that have Republican control in at least one House can just refuse to certify until an investigation has been completed to their satisfaction. Which, of course means that, without either candidate having a majority of electors, the decision is sent to the House for te Presidency, and the Senate (I believe) for the VP.
I mentioned this possibility a couple of days ago and got a ration of you-know-what from all the lefties. The problem is the personal safety of the legislators. We have already seen serious threats against a Congresswoman from PA. There are Hodgkinsons out there.
Said it earlier but it seems relevant here: Over at Ace, somebody noted that, should this go to the states, the least popular job in the state would be a republican legislator. How many screaming mobs--not even envisioning a Hodgkinson style assassination attempt--would it take to intimidate a legislator.? Who didn't sign up to have his children hassled or harmed. And you don't need it in every relevant state. Just once, just one time. Someplace.
If you are stealing elections (or at least committing fraud on a baseline level) you will vigorously oppose these laws and then claim voter suppression for cover.
Exactly. Round 2 in Georgia coming up.
Michigan GOP requires full election audit before certifying the vote.
Because contrary to what readers of Axios believe, Joe Biden has not been declared the winner of the election by anyone that matters.
He has been declared the winner by a bunch of traitors and fuckwits.
The first point they make is that Dominion software has already been caught changing 6000 votes.
The second point they make is that hundreds of eye witnesses have signed sworn statements under penalty of perjury describing:
Counting ineligible ballots
Counting batches of ballots multiple times
Instructing poll workers to backdate ballots
Counting late ballots after illicitly backdating them
Using false information to process ballots filling in fake birthdays and other registration information
Duplicating ballots
Counting ballots with names that had no matching voter on voting rolls
Ordering election workers not to verify voter signatures
Coaching voters to vote
Barring poll observers from observing certification of votes.
That is what normal people call evidence of voting fraud.
Axios readers however think that this doesn't change enough votes to change the election so we should just ignore it.
Because the "no evidence of fraud" bullshit is so clearly stupid.
"Anyone else have any ideas? I think all of the above is fair and workable."
No counts to be released by any counting location until all counting locations are finished. There is no legitimate reason for anybody to know how many votes any candidate still needs before the counting is done.
Just some thoughts on "evidence."
If a plaintiff is bringing complex suits to multiple courts on an issue that they claim is so broad and deep and insidious - to reveal their total hand (in detail) via a website would be foolhardy. Just enables the "defendants" to potentially cover their tracks - and to construct/back-hoe "explanations."
I had this exact thought earlier this week but I'm not a lawyer, so what do I know?
Presidential Transition Live Updates: Election Was Most Secure in U.S. History, Government Officials Say
Top government security and election officials released a joint statement on Thursday definitively declaring that the presidential election last week “was the most secure in American history” and making clear that “there is no evidence” that any voting system was compromised in any way.
The statement, attributed to a high-ranking official at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — part of the Department of Homeland Security — along with several top elections officials, amounted to a strong rebuke of President Trump’s repeated baseless assertion that the election had been stolen from him through widespread voter fraud.
“In the statement, officials listed the many ways in which they said elections officials in states with close contests would recheck their counts and add “security and resilience” to their processes.
“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the statement said.
“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should, too,” officials added in their statement. “When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.””
"No counts to be released by any counting location until all counting locations are finished."
I like this too. I'm assuming you're talking on a state-by-state level, where no district in say, Illinois, can release their totals until the word is passed from on high that all locations in Indiana are ready to report. Then they all report at once, and someone on high adds them up (with observers and witnesses) and then the state releases it's total.
I would add that I think it would be good to let districts release the number of counted ballots, though not the candidate totals. That way if counting were to suddenly stop at one location in the dead of night, and restart the next morning, people would know about it and could raise concerns.
I would add one more to my list of rules above as well, concerning overseas Military ballots. I would like to allow them to arrive up to the Friday after Election Day, as long as they bear a valid postmark showing mailing by the Friday before Election Day. Any that don't, or the postmark is illegible beyond reasonable comprehension, get tossed. So yeah, overseas military need to be on the ball and get their ballot sent sometime before in-person voting begins in CONUS, but I don't think that's too much of an issue.
A few years ago some friends and I discussed what changes we'd personally make. An idea I had that garnered some agreement was that if you are currently on any form of public welfare (aside from unemployment, SS, Medicare - which we all get by virtue of age or being laid off from productive work), or have been in the 3 months prior to the election, your vote counts for some fraction of a single vote, say 0.75 or some such. I'm still open to that. Not sure how it would be tracked or verified, maybe the week beforehand the voter rolls are compared with the TANF, SNAP, WIC, etc rolls to check. But I personally feel that if you're sucking on the public teat, your voice ought to be a little quieter than those of us who aren't. Not sure if this would affect D or R parties worse (probably the L's wouldn't be affected much, if they're ideologically consistent), but I'd be open to exploring that.
Oh look, another article from that crew of student activists that took over a newspaper and rely on either Deep State flunkies or "anonymous sources" for all their "scoops". Yikes.
Achilles, the pope can give testimony, but it can still be inadmissible hearsay.
The dust should settle by Thanksgiving.
“When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”
Domenick DeMuro was unavailable to comment. So was Alex Mendez. So was Leslie Dowless. The list goes on.
This particular Pope's testimony should be dismissed as Maosay.
I guess Trump is about to fire a bunch of people at the Department of Homeland Security.
“ If a plaintiff is bringing complex suits to multiple courts on an issue that they claim is so broad and deep and insidious - to reveal their total hand (in detail) via a website would be foolhardy. Just enables the "defendants" to potentially cover their tracks - and to construct/back-hoe "explanations."”
I think that the distraction is the Dominion tally issue. Sure, it was probably illegal. But the discrepancies would show up and e corrected on a recount. Contrast this with the truckloads of illegal ballots that were snuck into central tallying locations around the country at 4 AM or thereabouts, in big cities around the country. That was the big drive, and attacking that fraud is what it is going to take.
"I'm assuming you're talking on a state-by-state level, where no district in say, Illinois, can release their totals until the word is passed from on high that all locations in Indiana are ready to report."
I'd go bigger, it should be nationwide. Why should the counters in one state know that any particular candidate is leading or falling behind based on reports from other states while they're still counting? Releasing the total number of ballots counted but not the results? That would be fine.
So Arizona had their evidentiary hearing. No testimony of fraud. No testimony of mistakes, really.
Questions about fewer than two hundred presidential ballots. (More for some judge races.) With 10000+ vote margin.
What else have you got?
Inga said...
Presidential Transition Live Updates: Election Was Most Secure in U.S. History, Government Officials Say
Nobody actually believes this.
Not even the people like Inga actually believe this is true.
It is a measure of desperation the NYT's even thinks it has to feed words like this to the idiots that read it.
Readering said...
Achilles, the pope can give testimony, but it can still be inadmissible hearsay.
The dust should settle by Thanksgiving.
This is how stupid you have to be to be a democrat.
Too bad I don't know if Achilles is a bot so I can't really picture him eating crow later this month.
I really appreciate your response.
Donald Trump ran very strong in many parts of the country. So did the Dems. Both sides increased their registration and turnout. Credit is due to both sides.
Your thesis that "Biden underperformed Hillary *everywhere* except the 5 cities in 5 critical swing states" is not, however supported by the data. Instead, what they show (and they are available all over the internet) is that Trump outperformed Biden in rural areas, and Biden outperformed Trump in cities, just as in 2016. What drove Trump's defeat was the suburbs, where Biden did better than 2016, and Trump worse. Again, that shift was in suburbs all over the country, including in Red states like Ohio and Texas. In the five decisive states, shifts against Trump in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Athlanta and Phoenix flipped those states to Biden. Do you think that America's suburbs in purple states are hotbeds of fraud?
Michelle Dulak Thompson, I had a look at the site of the alleged forensic expert. He asked an open ended question ("Have you ever seen so many badges of fraud") of a group of unidentified people, some of whom he claims are experts. We have no idea what badges of fraud he was referring to, what badges the recipients thought he was referring to, who the recipients actually were, whether they were actually expert in detecting voter fraud, or what their political biases might be.
So what weight should we put on that? As contrasted with the government officials and other experts who issued a statement debunking claims of fraud. Those people are bipartisan, clearly identified, and recognizably expert. Moreover, every state official, Republican or Democratic, who has been interviewed or given testimony has confirmed that view.
Why would you favor a questionable website, and an even shadier poll of third parties whom you know nothing about, that endorses a completely unspecified theory of fraud, over the uniform bipartisan testimony of those who actually ran the elections?
A final point. I read you as saying that there were multilple forms of fraud, which cumulatively combined to shift the election to Biden. But to move beyond being a sore loser, those mechanisms need to be identified and quantified and demonstrated to the satisfaction of some neutral party. I don't see a such evidence in a single posting here, or in any paper filed in any of the pending litigations.
Still waiting for that coheerent explanation of the Doominion theory, folks!
“Achilles, the pope can give testimony, but it can still be inadmissible hearsay.”
Not sure what you think is hearsay, or how much you really understand it’s place in the FRE (etc). But if you are talking about the sworn affidavits attached to the complaints - that isn’t Hearsay, per se, but is rather treated like direct evidence. Pretty much, if you can testify directly about something, it is equivalent to putting it in an affidavit, then swearing before a notary that it is true.
Bruce Hayden, not an attorney? The Rules of Evidence apply to affidavits, just like they apply to documents offered as exhibits.
The only difference with affidavits versus live/video testimony is that there are no credibility determinations. So pope and porn star treated same.
hear•say hîr′sā″►
n.Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.
n.Evidence that is not within the personal knowledge of a witness, such as testimony regarding statements made by someone other than the witness, and that therefore may be inadmissible to establish the truth of a particular contention because the accuracy of the evidence cannot be verified through cross-examination.
n.Information communicated by another; report; common talk; rumor; gossip.
Calling eye witness statements in an affidavit hearsay is really stupid.
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