November 9, 2020

Where will Biden put Buttigieg?

Buttigieg will get some important position, Axios tells us (with no acknowledgement that there's any uncertainty that Biden has indeed been elected President).

Biden officials have made clear to donors and party officials the question surrounding Buttigieg is not if, but where, he lands, Democrats close to Biden tell Axios.

The position Buttigieg wants, we're told, is ambassador to the U.N., and of course it makes sense that his background as mayor of a small city in the midwest sets him up well to deal with international affairs. 

One key question: How would Kamala Harris feel about having a potential 2024 rival lurking the Cabinet and building a donor base from a perch at the United Nations — and around New York City's big donors? 

I hope that doesn't become the key question at every turn — How would Kamala Harris feel? Ugh. I hope this isn't the beginning of a new phase of semi-conscious misogyny: Because the Vice President is a woman, we must think about the Vice President's feelings. Does anyone ever wonder how Mike Pence feels? 

As for the image of "lurking" from a "perch" — don't get me started. It's not possible to lurk on a perch. Lurking involves hiding — lying in wait. It's sneaky. A perch is a high place. It's about being conspicuous — showing off. How do images like this happen? I hope it's not homophobia — 2 stereotypes about gay men popping up in the same sentence. 


TheThinManReturns said...

some federal place, probably

Greg Hlatky said...

It's hard to imagine a more powerless, irrelevant position than Ambassador to the UN.

TheThinManReturns said...

it might not be paid, however

jaydub said...

Such is the problem with identity politics. The same thing would be said if the roles were reversed. The real issue with these two is that neither is qualified for any cabinet position, but that doesn't matter in Democrat politics. If it did, Kamala would not have been on the ticket in the first place.

Unknown said...

There must be some hole Biden can plug

DEEBEE said...

‘ Because the Vice President is a woman,’
After kinda scolding the article for being to certain.

I am only needling, because this is the psyoos, against the judiciary, that Dems want, daring them to overturn the “zeitgeist” of the people who can become poltergeists in a heartbeat.

Kate said...

He's an evil little troll, regardless of his sexual orientation. He's lurker *and a percher. I'd keep him and his shiv as far away from my back as possible, and in plain sight.

MayBee said...

Yes, I believe this is exactly what we are headed for with Harris as VP.
My friends on the left tell me they were crying at her speech the other night.

I would say this about Pete: remember what Obama and Brennan did to Petraeus. Be careful about serving in your rival's administration. Especially with these guys.

Ozymandias said...

"Lurk" "perch": Love these baleful dissections of bad writing.

Wilbur said...

Pete's a smooth talker ... should fit in very well at the UN, where the goal is to drain as much cash as possible from the USA while passing useless resolutions.

Greg Hlatky said...

I hope this isn't the beginning of a new phase of semi-conscious misogyny

I hope it's not homophobia

Is this what we can look forward to for the next four years in Bidenstan? Status-anxious wine moms passive-aggressively examining our very utterance for offences to Grievance groups? Just shoot me now and send the bill for the bullet to my survivors.

Breezy said...

Goodness, if they do win, she is one person in a system of hundreds or thousands depending on the perspective. I hope we don’t have to worry about her vs each one of them. If so, she shouldn’t have been picked. (Which is actually true btw - she bailed cuz no one supported her candidacy.)

wendybar said...

I know a really good warm safe place Biden can stick him!!

gadfly said...

"Does anyone ever wonder how Mike Pence feels?" Not since Trump made him his personal toady and Pence demonstrated his complete acceptance of this demeaning role. As a result, Pence has had no chance of becoming Trump's predecessor unless the enormously overweight and obviously demented occupier of the White House happened to pass while in office.

As for Mayor Pete, he was and is a far smarter and an obviously better presidential candidate than Kamala. He prefers appointment as UN Ambassador over the thankless VA Secretary job and Biden owes him bigtime. It might be a good idea for a Trump-less GOP to recruit Buttigieg in four years since there is no concern among whiteys over the mayor's infamous fight with his black police chief.

Chuck said...

So, uh; Pete Buttiegieg, with no formal State Department experience, would simply be an “identity politics” pick for UN ambassador. And he’d be problematic, insofar as he might be a presidential candidate-rival to the Vice President in the future.

Totally unlike Nikki Haley.

Kevin said...

Identify politics dictates he goes where the government has the fewest gay people.

But since the election isn't over yet, I think Biden should shove him up his ass.

Humperdink said...

Good grief, Biden has yet to be emancipated/inaugurated and we are worried about homophobia?

Waiting for the day when the US hits peak identity politics.

PB said...

How does this happen? Poor use of language? It's reflective of the quality of education. When words can mean anything you want they mean nothing. I think Lewis Carrol wrote something on this.

Greg Hlatky said...

Good grief, Biden has yet to be emancipated/inaugurated and we are worried about homophobia?

It's never too early to start drawing up the proscription lists.

J. Farmer said...

US Ambassador to the UN is an incredibly lame, but not unsurprising, choice for Buttigieg. He is an extremely ambitious careerist who ran for Mayor of South Bend at 27, chair of the DNC at 35, and president at 38. His CV reads like an elite membership application checklist: Harvard University, Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford and a PPE degree, McKinsey & Company, and now a guaranteed position in the White House. Un ambassador is a low-risk job, and it will primarily serve to shore up foreign policy experience for a future presidential run.

Buttigieg is a good example of how the meritocratic transformation in the early 20th century changed the composition of the elites. He does not come from a prominent or politically-connected family, and he did not earn a great deal of wealth. Rather, through metrics like GPA and SAT scores, people can gain access to elite universities, which provide social connections to other elite individuals and organizations.

Buttigieg is the poster child for the kind of white, urban, college-educated technocrat that dominate the Democratic establishment. He's a Clinton clone. Left on cultural issues, center-left on economic issues, and center-right on militarism.

rehajm said...

I know a really good warm safe place Biden can stick him!!


cacimbo said...

If the vote totals were reversed the headlines would be calling for patience until the court cases and counting are finalized. Instead the propagandists (I refuse to call them journalists) are pushing Biden administration picks. This steamrolling actually makes allegations of voter fraud more believable.

Political Junkie said...

Do I think he is the best person for Secretary of State - no. Can I make an argument that in today's world he will nominated for Secretary of State position - yes. Will I make that argument publicly - no.

MayBee said...

After Mayor Pete's great success in helping develop an app for vote tallying in Iowa, we should put him in charge of something really big. Maybe a special panel on voting reform or tech issues.

Or we could use his fantastic ideas on Supreme Court Reform to maybe put him at the DOJ or AG.

Jaq said...


Jaq said...

In America, people still get their day in court, even if the media refuses to cover it

In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business, Giuliani said as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in Pennsylvania, and that the Trump campaign will reveal this evidence in court. Bartiromo asked Giuliani if the Trump campaign believes it has enough evidence that it could alter the apparent results of the election.

Humperdink said...

Biden's new mantra: "Pack the Court with Pete".

Danno said...

A new Department of Gloryholes?

Phil 314 said...

I wish someone would share the scoring system, ‘cause I can’t keep track.

How many points do you get for being black? And If you’re 1/2 black, does that matter? How many for gay? Are there gradations of gay?

It sure would help me pick the right person. (I can still say “person” right?)

Jaq said...

James Woods@RealJamesWoods
And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go fuck yourself.”

I think I will wait to see what the courts say. Trump has all the cards if he can show fraud affected the election, which is why they are censoring him. Stories like this are just more gaslighting.

Amadeus 48 said...

Questions that no one is asking for $400, Alex.

DanTheMan said...

>> And If you’re 1/2 black, does that matter?

Ask former president Obama.

wendybar said...

Richard Grenell was the first Gay US Ambassador to Germany, and then the acting DNI director.(making him the first openly gay person to serve at a Cabinet-level in the United States.)..all under fanfare, no going to the Media and bragging about how diverse he is....He just does with the many women and blacks he has in his cabinet. He doesn't need to broadcast it to get votes.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I should change my screen name to Perch Lurker.

Jaq said...

I hope he doesn’t call any foreign leaders during this purported ‘transition’ because as of the last election we have Joe Biden’s legal opinion that that would be a violation of the Logan Act and will require an FBI investigation along. with the involvment of the CIA and NSA and much unmasking, of course.

narciso said...

Grenell is not the israel hating son of amarxist propagandist.

TwinsLawyer said...

"lurking" and "perch" are gay stereotypes? Not sure I've heard those before.

MayBee said...

tim in vermont said...
I hope he doesn’t call any foreign leaders during this purported ‘transition’ because as of the last election we have Joe Biden’s legal opinion that that would be a violation of the Logan Act and will require an FBI investigation along. with the involvment of the CIA and NSA and much unmasking, of course.

Geeze I hope this gets out there before Trump goes. Of course now, only Fox and the Post will report it.

Marcus Bressler said...

Dog whistle? You heard it, Ann?

Temujin said...

This is the Democrat Party. Bottom feeders who lose, get promotions and career jobs in our Government. Somehow or some way. Biden. Harris. Buttigieg. All losers in their own primary, about to run this country. Harris couldn't make it out of Iowa. NO ONE in her own party wanted anything to do with her. Now? She's the Queen. She'll be regaled far and wide for her lack of white penis while taking office. (harsh, but you know it's true).

How does this shit happen?

narciso said...

He accepted the steal in iowa and didnt complain.

tastid212 said...

you have to wonder what sort of promises were made or understandings reached that encouraged Harris, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar suddenly to come out in support of Biden during the primaries.

Iman said...

“What... me worry?”

—- Pete E. Buttiegieg

TreeJoe said...

I really miss the days we sought to be governed by people who were both dedicated to public service and had big, bold accomplishments they could proudly claim to their own credit.

Now unsuccessfully running in a presidential primary, after being a small town mayor or short term senator, is a gateway to the highest levels of federal government.

Howard said...

J Farmer is the only adult in the room.

rehajm said...

Where will Biden put Buttigeig?

Nobody puts Butti in the corner!

tim maguire said...

Harris will be running for reelection in 2024, so there need not be any particular concerns for her Democratic rivals. Ambassador to the UN might be a good place to put Buttigieg now if he's being groomed for the White House in 2028.

Howard said...J Farmer is the only adult in the room.

Ooh, that's brutal. Sorry J. Farmer. You probably didn't expect a reputation destroying attack like that when you hit Publish this morning.

narciso said...

He will be a toady of china and iran, put israel in the dock.

Bob Boyd said...

Does anyone ever wonder how Mike Pence feels?

Mayor Pete, but he hates himself for it.

Lurker21 said...

The position Buttigieg wants, we're told, is ambassador to the U.N., and of course it makes sense that his background as mayor of a small city in the midwest sets him up well to deal with international affairs.

Nice irony to start the morning, but Pete thinks Harvard and Oxford have prepared him for all possible jobs. And hey, he was a lousy mayor, so maybe the world stage is more his thing.

J. Farmer said...


Grenell is not the israel hating son of amarxist propagandist.

Gramscian would be more accurate, but it doesn't have the scaremongering quality of "Marxist." And referring to Buttigieg as "Israel hating' is deranged. He's a huge Israel suck up and is probably to the right of half the Israeli population.

Lagernoggin said...

Lurking from a perch.

Bob Boyd said...

Where will Biden put Buttigieg?

A President elect wears a lot of hats. Peter puter is just one of them.

My suggestion, make Pete head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and ambassador to the United States. His background as mayor of a small city in the midwest sets him up well to deal with domestic affairs.

J. Farmer said...

@tim in vermont:

Ooh, that's brutal. Sorry J. Farmer. You probably didn't expect a reputation destroying attack like that when you hit Publish this morning.

I try to make a habit of not quarreling with someone who agrees with me.

p.s. I hope you stay safe and dry as Eta makes our acquaintance.

iowan2 said...

As for Mayor Pete, he was and is a far smarter and an obviously better presidential candidate than Kamala.

By this metric President Trump is superior to both. The President thanks you.

narciso said...

Gramsci was the leading european propagatot of marxism, but stick to your race theories.

Lurker21 said...

"lurking" and "perch" are gay stereotypes? Not sure I've heard those before.

"Lurking," sure. In washrooms. From the old days.

"Perch?" Must be a Cage aux folles thing.

Do we have a word for what a vulture might be doing looking down on its prey and waiting for the right moment?

Lurking? Looming? Maybe we have to invent one?

Buttigieg may be a careerist (I resist the hightist temptation to put little in front of the word), but is he really vulturine?

It's not easy to picture Alfred E. Newman as a bird of prey.

Lurker21 said...

Where will Biden put Buttigieg?

Remember before the gay thing came out and we could naively call him "Buttplug" without shame?

"Where will Biden put buttplug?" indeed.

John henry said...

To sensitive hearers, every word spoken by the deplorables (I am proud to be one) is a dog whistle.

Including "and" and "the"

John Henry

Shouting Thomas said...

The stereotypes of gay men are almost invariably true.

You are one of the founders of “woke” professor.

Herein is one of the foundations.

I lived through the AIDS epidemic in NYC and SF. Lived in the West Village for decades.

Your attempt to portray the validity of the stereotypes of gay men as a form of bigotry is one of the foundations of “woke.” Your false insistence that American woman were ever oppressed is the other foundation of “woke.”

It all got out of hand, which still seems to surprise you.

mikee said...

The press won't have to worry about VP Harris andher opinions for long. Biden has dementia and will be removed at the pleasure and timing of his handlers.

John henry said...

In the event that Biden wins the election in December 14, it may be a good idea to start discussing this now. It may all be moot, though.

In some Muslim countries pb's orientation is a capital offense. And then pb is not only oriented, he practices homosexuality and flaunts it by being married to another man.

That's how they see it, anyway.

So are these countries going to be willing to deal with him?

Are we willing to force them to? "you work with Peter the same as any other ambassador or NO MONEY FOR YOU!"

We could also discuss whether we should be forcing our cultural values on others. Isn't that cultural genocide or something?

John Henry

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

As for the image of "lurking" from a "perch" — don't get me started. It's not possible to lurk on a perch. Lurking involves hiding — lying in wait. It's sneaky. A perch is a high place. It's about being conspicuous — showing off. How do images like this happen? I hope it's not homophobia — 2 stereotypes about gay men popping up in the same sentence.

But the Lurking Perch is the gayest of all fishes!!!

narciso said...

Hes a dhimmi like an honorary aryan if hes serving their purpose they wont mind.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

I watched a documentary about the epidemic of murders in the black community in New Orleans.

Among the problems cited as contributing to this: less than 60% of black kids complete high school, black kids turn their school rooms into undisciplined madhouses where the teachers fear their students, practically everybody knows multiple murder victims and virtually every family boasts one or more members in prison.

And the conclusion: The problem is stereotyping and police profiling!

Clyde said...

Nobody puts Butti in the corner!

Fernandinande said...

It's not possible to lurk on a perch.

Here's one of your pictures with an owl lurking on a perch. There's a reason their feathers look like tree bark.

Meade said...

"Here's one of your pictures with an owl lurking on a perch. "


I'm Not Sure said...

"She'll be regaled far and wide for her lack of white penis while taking office. (harsh, but you know it's true)."

On the other hand, she does have experience with black ones. So she has that going for her, which is nice.

DavidUW said...

UN ambassador might be the position he does the least damage.
outside of ambassador to Vanuatu or somewhere similar.

Ice Nine said...

You guys are off your game today. A hundred comments in and no one has snarked that Axios photo that hilariously projects into the face of the viewer the irregular predilections of both of those dipshits?

It fairly cries out for a caption contest.

Unknown said...

While I normally dislike disagreeing with the least meaningful part of a post on semantic grounds, I need to reject the premise of your last post.

It's entirely possible to lurk on a perch.

dbp said...

"lurking" from a "perch"

When a little fish is skulking around and acting suspicious.

Howard said...

It's looming from a perch. Minnows skulk from the lurking perch. Oh boy

Howard said...

Lurking at Hooters... I miss the good old days.

Narr said...

I know where I'd put the little asshole.

Back in his closet, and nail it shut

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Your false insistence that American woman were ever oppressed is the other foundation of “woke.””

You are saying that American women were Never oppressed. I think that is too strong. My view is that their lot improved throughout the latter half of the 19th Century, probably up through the end of WW II. My mother had letters from a great great grandmother writing to her sisters, in the 1850s, about their three goals: female suffrage, abstinence (from alcohol), and emancipation of the slaves. By the 1920s, they had achieved all of them. By the 1940s, my grandmother on the other side would have a graduate degree and be teaching in the (now) Business School at the University of Denver. But what happened to my parents’ generation, was that the men went off to war, and the women stepped into their jobs, to keep the country going and war production up. The war was won, the men came home, and initially, the women, enjoying the independence of those jobs, balked a bit. And, indeed, at that point, the women were often better qualified than the men. For example, my mother graduated from college in 1945, several years before my father did (having been drafted out of college). The solution for getting the men back into the jobs that they had given up to go to war, and to get the women to give them up, was to convince them to get married and have kids. Hence, the (real) Baby Boom, starting in roughly 1949. Both of my grandmothers had college degrees, and worked out of the house - though for my maternal grandmother that ended with the advent of WW II, where she had to play the part of a dutiful wife of a field grade officer (ultimately Colonel) in the Army.

I really do think that my mother believed that post war society had pushed her to give up her career in order to raise her family. She had graduated first in her class at the University of Illinois (in the Science school, but also had enough liberal arts for Phi Beta Kappa, etc). Far higher in her class than my father. I always felt her resentment, no matter how hard she tried to hide it (I inadvertently triggered the only fight I ever saw between my parents by suggesting that she had given up her career for my father - she said “of course”, he said that he never would have asked it). The point here is that early (real) Boomers, like me (1950) and Ann (1951) often grew up with mothers resenting the loss of freedom they were pressured to give up for the supposed common good after the War. The fake Boomers (born 1945-48) started the protests, and the revolution, but it wasn’t until the real Boomers hit college (1967) that things really started to change. Starting the next year, I watched our college go from students never allowed in the rooms of the opposite sex, along with chaperones in every female dorm and sorority house, to 24 hour intervisitation, and even dorm rooms mixed by gender in the same unit (which is where things still stood a decade ago when my kid was in college).

Nowadays, I don’t think women the least bit oppressed. Instead, I see much of society biased against men. Women can flaunt their sexuality, but if the wrong guy responds, she can claim sexual harassment. If a woman has consensual sex, and regrets it later, or her boyfriend finds out, the guy is typically assumed to be at fault. She is excused if drunk. He is not. Etc. We almost had a (very corrupt) female President four years ago, and may have a female VP this January. I had Obama’s National Science Advisor two years behind me in my department in college, and one of my female classmates in HS and college was the first female Dean of a service academy (at our 45th college reunion, she didn’t remember me, until I reminded her that we were in HS together). There is almost no real oppression of women left, and esp in elite, college educated society. But the leading edge of the Baby Boom generation has risen to the top of the opinion making sector of our society, and they remember how things were.

Known Unknown said...

Quite the headline, Madam.

Known Unknown said...

Joe Biden Insult Bot:

You're barkin' up the wrong dog-leg, you no-good perch lurker!

Joe Smith said...

He kept reminding us of his Rambo-like military service.

Put him at defense. He can implement an all-tranny corps...

That'll scare the Chi-coms.

Joe Smith said...

Btw, nothing worse than a perch-lurker...

Shouting Thomas said...

@Bruce Hayden

That little bit about men serving in combat in WWII while women did not is... rather important.

My father endured four years of the most horrific combat in human history as a second lieutenant in artillery.

My mother didn't.

Dad suffered his entire life from that experience with what we would now call PTSD, but used to call "shell shock." What he saw and experienced in combat traumatized him. This probably contributed to the onset of Alzheimer's in his mid-60s.

Women of that generation didn't have a bitch. The men really did earn the return of their jobs for their sacrifice.

Achilles said...

Buttigieg doesn't need to worry about any of this.

Biden will not be president.

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"I hope that doesn't become the key question at every turn — How would Kamala Harris feel? Ugh. I hope this isn't the beginning of a new phase of semi-conscious misogyny: Because the Vice President is a woman, we must think about the Vice President's feelings."

Sorry, too late. And who are you to complain? Of course, it becomes the key question at every turn, and of course progs will use "misogyny" to their advantage, and of course we must think about women's feelings, particularly because the woman in question has not thoughts for us to think about. I mean, we could think about how she reviled Joe as racist, but she appears to have banished that thought. Anyway, this is real feminism in action. Expect more of it.

"I hope it's not homophobia — 2 stereotypes about gay men popping up in the same sentence."

Huh? Some gaydar you got there.

mccullough said...

AOC is more likely to be president than Mayor Pete

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The position Buttigieg wants, we're told, is ambassador to the U.N., and of course it makes sense that his background as mayor of a small city in the midwest sets him up well to deal with international affairs.

Nice snark there. :-)

dd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dd said...

"I hope that doesn't become the key question at every turn — How would Kamala Harris feel? Ugh. I hope this isn't the beginning of a new phase of semi-conscious misogyny: Because the Vice President is a woman, we must think about the Vice President's feelings. Does anyone ever wonder how Mike Pence feels?"

This has nothing to do with misogyny. Biden is likely to be a one term president and Kamala has big hopes of following him as president. Reasonable question to ask how this will impact her and whether she will agree to it. "Feelings" is shorthand for asking what she thinks of it. C'mon you know that.

Pence is not someone that people expect to seriously compete for the presidency in the future even if Trump would have won. So no one really cared how it impacts his future career. Furthermore, everyone knows Trump will do what he wants and put in whomever he wants and doesn't care about what Pence thinks. We all think that Biden does care about what Kamala Harris thinks and that she will have a say in things.

This has nothing to do with misogyny and everything to do with the different dynamics and career paths of the players. Stop seeing boogeymen around every corner and behind every door.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Whatever happens will be reported with glowing accolades from big media...the first gay this, the first brown that, the first trans something else.
Every administration interview will be puffball questions about how it "feels" to be so wonderful and amazing. Maybe Althouse will finally get disgusted enough to cancel her Post and Times subscriptions.

Narr said...

Have American women ever been "oppressed"?

Look up the meaning and history of the legal doctrine of Coverture, and submit a 150-200 word essay with your answer.

20% of your weekly grade.

Neatness counts!

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Biden will make Buttigieg Secretary of the Navy. Because of that Village People song.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...


I used to be a nihilist, like Farmer, but now I don’t even believe in that anymore

As I said before, your perspective will remain skewed so long as you stay ensconced in your Cold War victim mentality. It takes a jaundiced eye to look the events of the last 40 years and think that a primary threat to American society has been Western Marxism and the theory of cultural hegemony.

The primary threat is the same as it has always been.

Our history as a species has been driven by 3 major forces: The drive to seek safety and providence in order to pass our genes to subsequent generations, the attraction of corruptible people to positions of power in society, and the desire to mingle genetics across tribal barriers.

Western Marxism is just another tool used by the corrupt people in power. When boiled down Venezuela looks just like any Middle Eastern theocracy.

Unless we address our animal instincts honestly we will never evolve as a race. Everything is driven by our genes and their desire to exist.

Headofberries said...

Wasn't Pete the front runner before he weirdly dropped out for no reason leaving Biden to win the nomination? This has already been worked out.

JohnAnnArbor said...

He's a failed mayor.

J. Farmer said...


Gramsci was the leading european propagatot of marxism, but stick to your race theories.*

As I said before, your perspective will remain skewed so long as you stay ensconced in your Cold War victim mentality. It takes a jaundiced eye to look the events of the last 40 years and think that a primary threat to American society has been Western Marxism and the theory of cultural hegemony.

* I deleted the original comment because I accidentally quoted another commenter from another thread. My apologies.

Marc in Eugene said...

I don't care where he's put because while he will inevitably do more damage than a man of the Right it may be that he'll not do as badly in his office as Mr Kerry will at State or Dr Yellen at the Treasury.

'To perch' doesn't necessarily involve much elevation, though. 'She perched herself on a big settee.'

J. Farmer said...


Unless we address our animal instincts honestly we will never evolve as a race. Everything is driven by our genes and their desire to exist.

Sure, a chicken is just an egg's way of making more eggs. While I accept the premise that humans are biological organisms with mental capacities shaped by evolutionary forces, I don't find evolutionary psychology a very useful endeavor, and its advocates are often prone to making wildly unsubstantiated claims about human nature. On what basis you can determine and rank order what major forces" have "driven" human history is not clear to me. I would think that the capacity for symbolic communication and social cooperation on a large scale are important for understanding our history as a species. Also, I have no clue what it means to "address our animal instincts honestly" or or how we would do that.

RigelDog said...

I don't think the article's wondering how Harris would "feel" about a potential rival's appointment to the UN is an example of sexism. Much more likely that it's just another example of the ubiquitous sloppy substitution of the word "feel" for the word "think." It's not sexist to wonder what Harris would *think* about Buttigieg.

Paul Mac said...

re: How Pence feels there has already been a lot of speculation, particularly regarding a potential Pence v. Haley standoff for the nomination. I expect if Trump leaves office that gives Haley a bump, but who knows. Trump Jr. also seems to be testing the waters some, of course Trump could run again but I think that may be a stretch by 2024 that he would rather than putting Trump Jr. or Ivanka forward to.

DEEBEE said...

Think your title is backwards

Doodad said...

I'm still laughing and shuddering at the possible imagery.

gilbar said...

Western Marxism is just another tool used by the corrupt people in power. When boiled down Venezuela looks just like any Middle Eastern theocracy.

I should know better than to comment on J Farmer... but

Seems like a BIG difference between Venezuela and a mid eastern theocracy, is that places like Iran seem to be able to provide oil, both internal and for export

J. Farmer said...


I should know better than to comment on J Farmer... but

I didn't write that. The commenter Attonasi did.

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