November 7, 2020

"Weasels and chainsaws distracted me."



It's a podcast.

Topics: "Mutated minks in Denmark, Chainsaw Gordy, Biden’s speech, chanting at the sun, a gracious concession, the cookie crumbles, tracking down fake ballots, irrational faith in Biden’s laying on of hands."


Ken B said...

Birkel gets a shout out!

Indigo Red said...

From my European friends, I am told the Mink CoVid-19 first manifests in people as luxurious, soft, silky hair. Be aware, people.

Narr said...

Indigo Red--my wife would like some. Can we get it through the portal?

So, I have some friends and relatives, boomers all, of diverse interests and opinions, and some of them smoke [looks about furtively] pot. I'd say half of them voted for Biden-Harris. When I mention her career as an opportunistic and unethical drug warrior and her role in the ruin of many lives, they look at me like stunned weasels. Stoned weasels.

The D's are better at voter fraud than Putin and Roger Stone put together!

Shouting Thomas said...

Not in any way blaming anybody.

You’re about to get your wish, prof. Things will get very boring.

The White House press corp will suddenly become very docile and polite in January.

Softball questions only. No more sarcasm. No more disrespect.

I appreciate that you maintain this forum.

roesch/voltaire said...

People dancing in the streets what a difference from the way Trump supporters celebrated four years ago. And no folks with body armor and AR 15 rifles, just families with kids and young folks, many young women happy for this historic moment.

Shouting Thomas said...

“And no folks with body armor and AR 15 rifles...”

Then there’s that little matter of your storm troopers looting, rioting, committing arson and murdering cops over the past seven months.

When you lie, you go all out.

Democrats holding big parties in NYC. No masks. No social distancing. Suckers! You’ve been had.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’ll never vote again. This election was a fraud.

The virus was the wedge to force mail in voting, and that was the wellspring for the fraud.

All elections in the U.S. are now frauds. Waste of time.