He gives the good news, mentions the vaccines, and turns and leaves.
The Guardian commemorates the occasion with the headline "Trump fails to answer questions or formally concede in bizarre 90-second briefing – video."
What was bizarre?
CNN’s Jim Acosta said White House staff were suddenly shouting at journalists to get into their seats because the president wanted to walk into the briefing room. After Trump’s departure, a reporter was heard to say: ‘Well, that was weird as shit’.Yeah, well, what was weird was all the times he did stand there and answer all your questions.
११३ टिप्पण्या:
Jim Acosta is still around? I thought by this time that President Trump would have disappeared JA to the wilds of Juno, Alaska. Would anyone miss JA if he disappeared? I think not.
Problem is, the WH press corps is too dumb to miss him when he's gone.
Meanwhile, they're already writing nonsense about Biden's goddam socks in Politico ffs. All they want is a deep whiff; sock or taint, they'll take it and like it coming from Biden, Obama, or any of their preferred pro-nonces.
Mike of Snoqualmie @ 2:48: "...wilds of Juno, Alaska." Juneau AK is not nearly wild enough for Acosta. I'd suggest Tuktoyaktuk or some other garden spot directly on the Arctic Ocean. He could study polar bears and wind chill.
It was the best of times, it was the weirdest as shit times.
The stock market obviously is happy that there are going to be vaccines. No shit Sherlock.
When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
And if Buffoon Biden takes over... you are gonna miss Trump bad.....
Mark my words.
Trump spent months giving hour+ long press briefings in the spring and the news story was always "Trump Insults Press." So now he gives 90 seconds of information. But darned if the story isn't still the same.
So is the stock market just reacting to the very good news that vaccines will be available soon if the FDA blesses them quickly so they will be available before Christmas? Are they happy that a Slo Jo administration will mean a return to the status quo and there will be more bribe money available to all concerned once the swamp is back in charge? Are they happy that The Holidays have been officially canceled in most blue states? Are they happy because they have been hitting the booze early? Are they happy that the 'real smart people' will be back in charge to 'manage Americas decline'?
What is the answer?
Someone said...
The stock market obviously is happy that there are going to be vaccines. No shit Sherlock.
And since the Trump administration was key to getting regulatory approvals for these vaccines in record time, it's good and proper for the President to acknowledge this success indirectly through his mentioning the current stock market boom.
Understand now, Sherlock?
Althouse is zinging the comebacks these days. Well played.
All briefings should be so brief.
More like a 60-second briefing, with multiple repetitions of the one thing he was addressing.
Pence came out for that?
Stock market glad 270 votes certified and the transition begun.
They are gonna love Joe Biden’s answers to their questions, his answers will mostly be like this:
“Ooh, a little faster, now slower... yeah, that’s the ticket, c’mon man! You don’t swallow? Get this guy out of here!"
Inga: "The stock market obviously is happy that there are going to be vaccines. No shit Sherlock."
Vaccines in under a year.
Something the democraticals said would literally "take a miracle to deliver" in that time frame.
And when Trump suggested it could happen he was called a liar by the democraticals/media.
And when Trump's team developed the supply chain and logistics network capabilities to rapidly deliver the anticipated vaccine, Trump was called a liar again.
And yet here we are with both, a vaccine and distribution network, primed and ready to go.
“Understand now, Sherlock?”
I understand that what he’s doing is patting himself on the back in public as if to say “See what did, aren’t I a good boy, won’t you miss me when I’m gone?” More than half of America won’t miss him and if he wouldn’t have been such an asshole and governed in a way that didn’t add to the tremendous surge in Covid resulting in 250,000+ deaths and countless long term disabilities in the hundreds of thousands of other people, maybe we would’ve been kinder to him. Does he think that getting a vaccine on a fast track isn’t what any other American president would’ve done, that only HE could’ve done it? Oh please.
“Stock market glad 270 votes certified and the transition begun.”
Yes, no doubt there’s that contributing to Wall Street's joy today too.
Inga: "Does he think that getting a vaccine on a fast track isn’t what any other American president would’ve done, that only HE could’ve done it? Oh please."
No President has ever done it before.
Every democratical said it couldnt be done this time, that it would take a miracle.
Every democratical called Trump a liar for saying it would be done and that nothing that was done by Trump in this time frame could be trusted.
And yet here we are now: trusted and tested vaccines, developed in record time and in an unprecedented way by Trump altering the Federal govt/private businesses operating practices, and all reasy to launch into an already fully developed and deployed unprecedented networked distribution structure.
Was it weird as shit, when Joe Biden never answered their questions before the election???
Inga: "and governed in a way that didn’t add to the tremendous surge in Covid resulting in 250,000+ deaths and countless long term disabilities in the hundreds of thousands of other people, "
NBC News:
FACT CHECK: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a miracle to be right.
Miracle delivered, goal posts motorized.
All the experts, including Fauci, said there could be 2 million deaths by now, and there'd be 200,000 deaths even if he did everything perfectly.
He did everything perfectly. Goal posts motorized.
The vast bulk of the deaths happened in states where Democrats rule. Presumably they handled things the way Inga would have preferred, and those places were the hardest hit.
Democrat policies got the most people killed. Goal posts motorized.
wendybar: "Was it weird as shit, when Joe Biden never answered their questions before the election???"
Not really since all the questions and all the answers had been fully scripted long before those moments.
Trump getting them used to Biden not taking questions.
"governed in a way that didn’t add to the tremendous surge in Covid resulting in 250,000+ deaths and countless long term disabilities in the hundreds of thousands of other people"
Pray tell, what would a president Hillary Clinton, Obama, or Biden have done differently that would've avoided the "tremendous surge"?
You probably think the Republicans and righties/deplorable types who weren't predisposed to wearing masks would be more easily persuaded to fall in line on masks and such by Clinton/Obama/Biden. That's where the whole thing of Trump's mishandling Covid response falls apart. That and some mysterious yet ostensibly constitutional power you may imagine the federal government has over the state administrations to impose top-down restrictions and one-size-fits-all solutions across the continent.
But the travel restrictions at the borders/airports? Those were terrible, xenophobic, and absolutely wrong - shouldn't have been done. Well, not done until at least 3 or 4 months later, when Biden got around to saying "Aww shucks, they weren't the worst idea..." like the galumphing buffoon he's proving to be.
We'll await your undoubtedly humorous self-defeating response. Show us how terrific Clinton, Obama or Biden would've been in the same moment. C'mon!
Not yet tired of winning.
Not watching ANY news and reading tiny amounts is very refreshing. Cleansing even. Hey I hear acostas network is beating Fox. Funny thing is cnn isn’t much improved it’s just fox’s audience went away hard. LOL. Even Tucker fell behind Pooper Anderson. Ha!
How interesting that every city that Trump had rallies in had a Covid surge a couple of weeks later.
Trump campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, Stanford researchers say
I understand that what he’s doing is patting himself on the back in public as if to say “See what did, aren’t I a good boy, won’t you miss me when I’m gone?”
Yeah- he is patting himself on the back; do you think the democrats are going to give him any credit for doing a great job on this? You get stuff done, you get to take credit.
More than half of America won’t miss him and if he wouldn’t have been such an asshole and governed in a way that didn’t add to the tremendous surge in Covid resulting in 250,000+ deaths and countless long term disabilities in the hundreds of thousands of other people, maybe we would’ve been kinder to him.
So Trump himself added to the "tremendous surge" in COVID? You mean he did something like order NY geriatric cases of COVID to move into old folks home to "isolate"? Did he refuse to lend aid in the form of medical ships to highly infected areas in order to attain a true medical quarantine for those most vulnerable? You mean he didn't work with industries to get a lot more respirators to hospitals back when the medical establishment told him that was the way to go? Wow, I guess that really was ass-holish behavior on the part of a... ahem, government official.
Does he think that getting a vaccine on a fast track isn’t what any other American president would’ve done, that only HE could’ve done it? Oh please.
You mean like the SARS vaccination effort that Biden lead as VP that never produced anything meaningful? I'm really sure that once he emerges from his basement, Biden's going to take decisive measures such as ordering national shutdowns that will really show that nasty coronavirus who's boss!
Pray tell, what would a president Hillary Clinton, Obama, or Biden have done differently that would've avoided the "tremendous surge"?
No need to speculate. Just point to the president or governor or prime minister or dictator that did handle it perfectly and explain how their approach differed from Trump’s. We know for a fact Joe did nothing for H1N1, although Obama put him in charge.
Just as the stock market has gotten accustomed to low to zero interest rates forever, so have newspapers, TV news, and TV comedians gotten used to DJT providing them with their material every day. He will soon leave the stage for a smaller one, and they’re going to have to up their game to stay in business. As for the many (including me) who have watched their stock portfolios rise without much effort, we’re going to have to work harder for our money.
"Are they happy that The Holidays have been officially canceled in most blue states?"
Gov. Newsome hardest hit- wait, what... French Laundry? What's that again?
“Hey I hear acostas network is beating Fox. Funny thing is cnn isn’t much improved it’s just fox’s audience went away hard. LOL. Even Tucker fell behind Pooper Anderson. Ha!”
I agree, that IS funny, ha!
Did anyone else hear Cuomo today call law enforcement that intends to ignore his extra-Constitutional edicts to bust up people for having too many people over for Thanksgiving "dictators"?
See, they're not allowed to pick and choose what laws they enforce.
First, pretty sure they actually do.
Second, Cuomo's edicts aren't law. The legislature had nothing to do with them.
The dictator is Cuomo. And for how *he* handled COVID, by deliberately sending infected people into nursing homes, killing tens of thousands, when Trump quickly provided him not one but TWO places he could've sent them but which Cuomo never used, and for bizarrely refusing to shut down the subways forever, Cuomo frankly deserves to hang from a gibbet. Probably ranks as the biggest mass murderer in the history of the US.
well h1ni sars was in 2003-4, the reason they were studying the virus, at wildfire, I mean wuhan, biden's advice then was not to travel, at all, this was also the administration that allowed ebola patients into the country in 2014 (lara logan almost died from the bug in sierra leone)
Why is Twitter allowing Libtards to peddle election disinformation by advocating writing in Trump for Georgia Senate?
"That and some mysterious yet ostensibly constitutional power you may imagine the federal government has over the state administrations to impose top-down restrictions and one-size-fits-all solutions across the continent."
Yesterday: "Trump thinks he's a dictator!"
Today: "Trump doesn't do anything!"
Tomorrow: "Trump thinks he's a dictator!"
What with all the flip-flopping, goalpost shifting and jumping to conclusions, progressives have got to be the fittest people on the planet.
Soaring Dow Jones Industrial Average after Trump caves on transition.
we never got an update of what the nhs, nih, french health ministry got for their money, at wuhan,
The stock market is great if you own stock, but it's really an indicator of the amazon economy.
It's not an indicator of the strength of the mom and pop small business area.
That's why Wuhan-Democrat cheat to win virus was administered.
To you asshole leftists - the stock market was fairly strong thru most of the Trump years. so - do eat shit.
“Not yet tired of winning.”
Me neither, MI, PA and NV have certified along with the other states, more to come.
the four trillion dollar tax raise, coming after they steal georgia, will likely tamp down the markets,
so will the continued lockdowns as per klaus schwab's orders,
Maddow-Castro says:
People Who Contest Elections Should ‘Go to Jail’
Inga: "How interesting that every city that Trump had rallies in had a Covid surge a couple of weeks later."
It was wise of Inga to abandon her earlier lies about how any President would do what Trump did after it was pointed out how every single democratical, without exception, said it would take a miracle and was impossible and called Trump a liar for saying it was possible.
To this very day we dont have an H1N1 vaccine....and yet obama/biden had years to deliver.
And obama/biden left the equipment cupboard bare...and now its chock full.
Must have been another impossible miracle that Trump delivered.
I'm still waiting for war to break out in the Middle East after Trump moved the embassy. Something all the democraticals said was impossible to avoud if Trump followed thru on that.....
I'm starting to discern a pattern here....
"Pence came out for that?"
I'm favorable to the suggestion that in the middle of December, Trump resign, declare "mission accomplished!," and make Pence President. Then Pence could nominate a short-term Cabinet (regardless of whether they have time to get confirmed), pardon everyone in the Trump administration for whatever BS will be thrown at them, and dominate the news cycle for awhile. Just to screw with everyone's head. Maybe President Pence could announce the appointment of a dozen special counsels to look into various aspects of Biden's corruption, and the worst aspects of the Obama administration. One for China, one for Ukraine, one for Iran, one for Libya, etc. Let the Trump-Pence administration go out with a bang and not (as it is now w/Giuliani et al) a whimper. Pence should give a long, dramatic speech the night before Biden's inauguration, laying out Trump's accomplishments, and detailing the corruption of Biden, his family, and each potential member of his Cabinet. Announce the declassification of thousands of documents. Pardon Assange, Snowden, and a few others. Give a brief presentation on the tell-tale signs of dementia, with clips of Biden as examples. Create a toll-free hotline for anyone in DC who is assaulted or violated by Biden during his presidency. Show some videos of Biden sniffing or caressing young girls, and discuss the more serious accusations. Then repeat the hotline number. Then announce a drinking game for all the screw-ups that Biden might make in his speech the next day. Suck all the energy out of the transition. Let Biden start his presidency permanently crippled.
On 2/25/20, @ 7:33 PM
Inga once said...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient."
On 2/25/20, @ 8:24PM
Inga then stated...
"Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."
& Inga also said...
"Biden, Shut up and go away."
We hold these truths to be snuffleupagus. Dog faced pony soldiers unite.
Breaking 30,000 is pretty cool. For whatever reason, there's a psychological barrier at the zeroes. When it's broken, it'll go further.
That is, until January 20th, when most of us will take our chips off the table.
Has any government entity anywhere in the world handled the virus to universal acclaim, or even general satisfaction of their constituents? Anyone? Buehler?
Biden and his freak show will hike taxes as punishment. It will not be for revenue enhancement. Biden will not tax his billionaire class.
Bernie is fine with it.
The democraticals are still livid that republican governors refused to shove infected patients back into nursing and retirement homes.
I dont know why that makes democraticals like Inga so angry, but it does.
You'll have to ask them why that is.
Pence should give a long, dramatic speech the night before Biden's inauguration, laying out Trump's accomplishments, and detailing the corruption of Biden, his family, and each potential member of his Cabinet.
This would be awesome. And no network would cover it.
This would be awesome. And no network would cover it.
Mic drop. Trump will always be able to say he was President when the stock market first hit 30,000. That this happened in the middle of a pandemic makes it even more impressive.
That will be a powerful persuasion weapon, especially if the Dow goes down after Biden takes office.
cthluthu must have their sacrifice, it is written, no avril haines, erotic poetry reader, is the paste eaters choice for dni, lol, susan rice's op ed, did not get her into the top ranks,
That 90 seconds was probably longer than the combined total of all Biden's press conferences after the 2nd year of his administration.
“Why is Twitter allowing Libtards to peddle election disinformation by advocating writing in Trump for Georgia Senate?”
How Trump’s conspiracy theories have inspired some supporters to boycott the Georgia runoffs. Lying to his supporters about elections being rigged is having an unintended consequence.
Jake Sullivan, Biden’s NSA Pick, Tied to Hillary’s Emails, Russia Hoax
of course.
What Stephen said at 3:51 PM. I think my retirement date just got later.
“Trump will always be able to say he was President when the stock market first hit 30,000. That this happened in the middle of a pandemic makes it even more impressive.”
Trump can brag about how the Stock Market celebrated after MI, PA and NV were certified for Biden.
We were promised Civil War II and instead we get a 90-second press conference on Sacred Stock Market 30,000?
Inga, as usual, is showing how smart she is.
That is, until January 20th, when most of us will take our chips off the table.
When Clinton was elected, I bought gold shares and futures. Made a nice profit.
It will be interesting to see what the economy would do if Biden is inaugurated.
“That this happened in the middle of a pandemic makes it even more impressive.”
OTOH, that it happened following the incoming administration’s announcements re the incoming economic team does muddy the water a bit.
Not to mention that, as a result of the pandemic, the gov has spent trillions to support companies. If trillions hadn’t been funneled to companies, they’d have trillions less propping them up. Covid windfall.
The comments section here was a lot better when a certain bint was supposedly busy doing other things.
Hey Bimbo, or whatever dumb name you’re calling yourself now, I haven't changed my mind about Biden much. He’s slightly less senile than I first thought, but as I’ve said all long even the dog catcher would’ve been an improvement on Trump. The people around Biden will make sure the Country is in good hands. Operation Chaos is over.
It is amazing to have Trump's stock market so high, indicating that his administration helped create an extremely robust economy. However, the big corporations that make up the stock market are happy that Covid restrictions from Democrat governors have effectively destroyed their competition - small businesses.
Let's see what happens after 4 years of a Biden/DNC administration. We are going to see significant inflation over the next four years. Stay diversified in your investments.
Democrat party is corrupt. Congratulations.
Wow! Trump worked a miracle. And not just the vaccine. He saved over 10 million people. According to the experts anyway. Add to that less taxes and government intrusion. Less wage disparity, less poverty might even count for something. Might as well throw in a Nobel Peace Prize.
But Jim Acosta doesn't like him. We should go with a halfwit, criminal enterprising, lackey instead. That's the ticket. Rioting and looting is much better. Shear the sheep. Morons.
Francisco: a rich day trader friend urged me to get out of the market in January, something neither of us did in 2008. My response, I wouldn't know when to get back in. Glad I stayed put. Market inscrutable.
What were the three policies of Trump you liked the least?
He gives the good news, mentions the vaccines, and turns and leaves.
He no longer takes questions from activists.
Inga: "The people around Biden will make sure the Country is in good hands. Operation Chaos is over."
The people around Biden are obamas people...and are the people that helped hand over US jobs to the ChiComs and kept us at the mercy of overseas energy interests and used US forces as the worlds policemen while never demanding our "allies" contribute their fair share.
We will be in "good hands" only if you believe the hands in Beijing and Brussels are good ones.
Its also interesting that obama told us you cant drill your way to energy independence....and then Trump came along and did just that.
Another miracle I guess.
So many of those in the last several years.
Inga, why do you suppose your earthly messiah obama told us we could not drill our way to energy independence?
Are you excited about the prospect of Biden shutting all that down and rewarding the iranians and russians?
Shutting down fracking in the US. Yep, that means literally a trillion more dollars in Putins pocket and the iranians can finally accelerate their nuke production.
No wonder Israel is scrambling with the Arab states. They know whats coming with obamas team.
Great decision about the market. Make a plan on how much index stock/bond funds and how to allocate it. Stick to the plan and you'll automatically buy low and sell high. Sticking to the plan I bought stock funds as the market went down, when the ratio was 5% out of balance. Likewise, after it recovered I sold stock funds when it was stocks 5% above their target level.
Yes, markets are inscrutable. Stick to the plan.
Explanations of why the market did what it did are usually post hoc ergo propter hoc. Tell me what the market is going to do tomorrow, and I will pay attention.
The answer is that corporations will manage a lot of regulatory capture under a Biden Administration. Rules will prevent competitors from challenging their established positions. The companies on the stock exchanges are those large companies. They will do very well. The rich will get much, much richer.
Meanwhile, the middle classes will revert back to their natural position under UniParty Rule: losing to inflation.
And the poor will be traded baubles for votes.
Poor, poor Jim Acosta, whatever will he do without Trump around to strengthen his brand. An ankle biting press guy can distinguish and differentiate himself. A boot licker, on the other hand, just blends in.
The democraticals are still livid that republican governors refused to shove infected patients back into nursing and retirement homes.
Choice. Recall the Communists' had one-child, while the Progressives' normalized selective-child. Both are Planned Population schemes dictated by a minority. Nazis had the final solution. Dezis have the wicked solution. Planned Parent and Parenthood are forward-looking imperatives of a left-wing utopia.
At least Trump ended Obama/Biden's legacy of social justice adventurism (e.g. elective coups, elective wars, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform), Harris's indulgence of prosecutorial discretion and likely payback for progress while kneeling in front of a black man #MeToo, and exposing Obamacare's progressive prices hidden in the darkness of single/central solutions and pommisory notes.
Well, here's to Biden collusion, Biden pedophilia, influence peddling, Americans second and third, and social progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
I got out of the market at 27,000
Bought back in below 21,000
And here I sit at 30,000
But my investments still beat the hell out of even those numbers.
You should see some of the REITs from March.
There were trades to be made all over the market.
Index funds were for shitbrains.
Royal ass Inga and readering should be in CDs.
I am so freaking sick of “these” people.
Aren’t you?
I sincerely hope that - some day: futuristically speaking.... there is a reckoning
Where Truth is the highest bar set.
Not some perspective perversion by paid contortionists-
So sick of lies.
When the markets come down - and they will come down rather suddenly - Trump will be glad that he’s not the President. We’re so far past rational valuation that it is now only a matter of time. We are well above Dutch Tulip equivalence.
I wonder if Biden will hold any press conferences. He has so much trouble speaking spontaneously and intelligibly. I wouldn't be surprised if the number goes to zero.
Once he's sworn in, the press will not feel the need to protect him. If they side with the AOC "squad," they'll be happy to portray him as a bumbling white man who needs to get woke or get out of the way.
Birkel: "I got out of the market at 27,000
Bought back in below 21,000
And here I sit at 30,000
But my investments still beat the hell out of even those numbers.
You should see some of the REITs from March."
Ah, but you see, in the end, you cannot win because at some point, after the democraticals have opened up the borders and brought in tens of millions more illegals who will start voting immediately because who is going to stop them, they will gain permanent one party control.
Then, as elsewhere the lefties take over, they will simply nationalize all private retirement accounts.....for the "common good" dont you know.
But dont worry. You will be given a government document which "guarantees" your retirement funds that the govt now controls (wink wink) even as that lefty govt struggles to find cash to pay the great masses who didnt save anything....and then the govt will "discover" where the cash is! And your paper document, with official seals and guarantees will be....a piece of paper.
Now if you are worried about how Bill Gates and Buffet will fare under this new regime, not to worry. They funded the "correct" political team and their funds will ve recategorized in such a way as to completely protect them.
Think of it as the Financial equivalent of a Gavin Newsom French Laundry Restaurant Get Out Of Financial Jail Free Card.
It will probably be modeled on the ChiCom structure of which the democraticals and LLR-lefties appear to be very enamored.
Friend who follows China closely sure gov will devalue and urges shorting yuan. My response, do I look like a currency trader?
Crown and ginger...
Good Lord my teeth are numb😊
"Yeah, well, what was weird was all the times he did stand there and answer all your questions."
No worries, it's all back to boring for the next 4 years at least. High sounding scripted blather, non-descript but pleasant sounding policy drivel that fails to explain anything and inspires no one. No uncomfortable questions or honest answers. A knowing wink and a friendly nod off camera, because all the right people are holding the reins of power as it should always be.
Readering: "Friend who follows China closely sure gov will devalue and urges shorting yuan."
This is correct.
And with the "correct people" coming back into power, expect the ChiComs to resume fully their currency manipulations in conjunction with the full expectation that it will be "back to business as usual, pre-2017, again".
I put that quote in there because that is precisely what was shared with me today by a COO of a very large international manufacturing firm. In fact, that firm is already moving on contingency plans to reinvigorate their supply chain moves to China, leaving at least 3 US manufacturers in the lurch because those US manufacturer suppliers were only put into play due to Trump cracking down on the ChiComs. Now that Trump is going, so is the need for American suppliers for those components.
All roads during the Harris/obama/Biden reign lead back to Beijing and Brussels.
That's not quite the reasoning I got. China exports hurt by 60 year record low dollar v yuan. Gov, which for sure manipulates its currency, will feel it has to take action, and some may be anticipating that action.
Remember Trump slow to act against China in early 2020 because he believed he was on the verge of a great trade deal.
So Trump started "weird as shit" according to Bush the warmongering/murderer* dullard and ends the same way, all nice and symmetrical.
Nice reality you have there, shame if Satan fooled ya.
*Warmonger extraordinaire past and present but actual murderer past only
**I find enjoyment spelling weird wierd but can't in a quote
Vaccine in done in 1/5 the normal time.
Remember how long it took for the Obama/Biden administration to build the ACA website, and it still didn't work. The people they hired were just about the worst possible people to do it, but they had connections. And the administration didn't have a clue how bad it was until too late, and then their response was no better than the first round. That's the kind of shit you are gonna get now. Nothing will get done except things that control, tax, or inhibit the American people. The Dems have a way with that stuff. Maybe it's where they find their passion. Have you noticed that anytime we need some bill passed, no matter how important, the Dems first instinct is to dump in extra spending for their pet projects, and by "pet", I mean will enrich friends and family. Then the whole fight in Congress is about their cut, and not the original purpose of the bill.
"Remember Trump slow to act against China in early 2020 because he believed he was on the verge of a great trade deal"
That's amazing. This is the level of memory and bullshit we have come to expect now.
I do remember seeing with my own eyes, Pelosi, Biden and lots of other Dems telling us he acted too soon, or should not have done anything at all, it was xenophobic, racist and irresponsible, because we should be partying down in Chinatown or some other bullshit.
Readering: "Remember Trump slow to act against China in early 2020 because he believed he was on the verge of a great trade deal."
The level of deceit in this comment is truly something to behold.
Truly, readering is reaching LLR-lefty Chuck levels.
And why not? They are on the same team and share the same goals.
"Have you noticed that anytime we need some bill passed, no matter how important, the Dems first instinct is to dump in extra spending for their pet projects, and by
'pet,' I mean will enrich friends and family. Then the whole fight in Congress is about their cut, and not the original purpose of the bill."
Oh, please. This is part and parcel of all legislation in Washington. If you think the Republicans aren't equally ass-deep in it, you are simply ignoring it.
Things That Are Wrong With Today's News Media, #6,287:
"After Trump's departure, a reporter was heard to say: 'Well, that was weird as shit'" is printed as if an offhand remark of a partisan hack reporter is newsworthy.
Readering said...
Remember Trump slow to act against China in early 2020 because he believed he was on the verge of a great trade deal.
You are such a piece of shit.
January 31:
Joe Biden
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.
The Speaker Nancy Pelosi says there's no reason for people to live in fear.
"That was the best thing she could do," said owner Tane Chan. "It's safe. It's wonderful. We welcome everybody. Come. Keep coming."
The walk ended with a stop for lunch at a restaurant called Dim Sum Corner. The Speaker sat at a long table surrounded by Chinatown community leaders."
California Gov. Gavin Newsom apologizes for flouting his OWN coronavirus restrictions by attending a 50th birthday party with 22 friends at 3-star Michelin restaurant where a tasting menu costs up to $850
They spent 15k on booze.
But yeah Readering is a lying sack of shit.
I thought I heard a reporter say, DOW 30K? Holy shit!
Was I wrong?
Or was it the reporters who were wrong?
Nothing is sacred.
sterlingblue said..."That will be a powerful persuasion weapon, especially if the Dow goes down after Biden takes office."
If the Dems take the Senate and follow though on their tax increase of taking the corporate rate back to 35% or even 28%, the earnings of all U.S. corporations will be decreased by 7% or 14% of pretax profit. Do you think the stock market will react favorably to this?
I am aware of that contingency but not worried. I plan to follow the legal and accounting strategies of the billionaires who will be bribing Washington, DC. Both aliens and domestic-anti-Americans.
And I would liquidate and go to all-cash if necessary.
But if it goes that far I would anticipate a much shorter investment horizon for myself and several others.
Google Trump China trade agreement.
Adds nothing to use ad himinem invective. Especially when itself bs!
Readering said...
Google Trump China trade agreement.
You can google all the lies you want. We are talking about the same media that calls several hundred eye witness statements no evidence.
You are a liar and you are trying to rewrite history.
They only thing you were talking about in February and March was impeaching Trump. You probably called him a racist for shutting down travel to China just like all the other democrats did.
You are being completely dishonest and you know it.
We are not going to let pieces of shit like you run from your actions and your lies.
Ok if you think all facts are bs there's nothing that can persuade you.
Shit, aka pooping to you plebes, is someting Bush's never do.
That is precisely why, for one instance, why Bush's are Bush Bush.
They don't poop like you deplorable's poop. Idiots.
Hunter has third-worlders to handle all bodily functions.
Trump's defeat exposing the loons.
At the end of a BRIEF press BRIEFing, an ink-stained wretch member of The Nerd Prom Committee uttered the following, inspiring words:
"After Trump’s departure, a reporter was heard to say: ‘Well, that was weird as shit’."
Yeah, let's see how many times Biden has a press conference. Trump has always been available to talk to the press. His self-important predecessor was rarely available.
But "journalists" can be the ficklest of jackals. If the Dow suddenly start tanking in late January, assuming the current outcome stands, or if unemployment starts soaring, or if the COVID body count, assuming CNN and MSNBC are in that business in late January, spikes horrendously, it's more likely you'll see the Pope at a bar mitzvah than that you'll see Biden or Mistress VP, and the press, such as it is, will turn on them. Shoot, we might even hear about the Hunter Biden laptop.
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32768 is the number to wait for. That's 15 doublings from 1.
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