२१ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"Trump is a bully. He’s famous in many well-documented instances of asking or doing things that are inappropriate in most people’s view. I don’t think it would be surprising that he’d do something inappropriate today."
Said Rick Snyder — the ex-governor of Michigan — ironically using the same form of reasoning Trump is using in his effort to fight to win the election: You know what kind of people we're dealing with here, the kind of thing they do....
८४ टिप्पण्या:
Democrats aim their stuff at women, Trump aims his stuff at men.
Feelings (bad man) vs system (votes have to be honest).
Trump is a bully!
Any evidence that NY Governor Sonny Cuomo is a bully? Nah. PA Governor Herr Wolf? Nope. French Laundry Newsome? Boat Launch Whitmer? Never!
Projection is thy name. Hypocrisy is thy game. Give it a rest.
A lot of argument on the woke-left is what I call "persuasion by bullying", of the form, "Oh you don't agree with me? Then you are a racist."
The case is narrowing down to Dominion. At least this claim is susceptible to hard proof—either the software contains the vote shifting code or it doesn't. If it does, there us no need to prove the code was used; its existence is proof enough.
Powell also claimed that Dominion executives are on the run. Their failure to show up at a hearing the next day supports her claim, but it would be helpful if some enterprising reporter would go to the Dominion offices and see who’s there and what they’re doing. Has any reporter done that? This should be easy. Everyone involved with the accusations is readily identifiable. But so far as I know, no reporter has bothered.
When it all falls down....I will be pointing and laughing at those on the left who were crying about Trump. Joe is already lashing out at reporters...yet, they don't attack him like they ALWAYS attack anybody associated with Trump. You get what you deserve. Enjoy the downfall.
I continue to be surprised at the hatred some folks have for Donald Trump. When it is a public official I can't help but think the source is the threat to their status or way of life, real or perceived, that Trump is.
A lot of argument on the woke-left is what I call "persuasion by bullying", of the form, "Oh you don't agree with me? Then you are a racist."
That's the beauty of it. The very act of disagreeing with them is proof that you are not merely wrong, but evil. And since you're wrong and evil, your words carry no weight...proving that they are right! Win-win!
"But so far as I know, no reporter has bothered."
As Newsmax and OANN don't seem to employ reporters that cover things and you've thrown every legacy journalism source under the bus, good luck with that.
Just rewards.
You know, "Mark" (sure, you're a sockpuppet, but I'll play along), I actually get Newsmax on my smart TV. I've resisted watching it, since they seem a little too right-wing, tin-foil-hat for my taste.
But it's obvious that they scare the crap out of people like you, so...I'll give 'em a look. Thanks!
Yeah, that's terribly believable.
Its funny when people who started posting after I did try to make up claims about me.
I'll take it as an admission that my points are valid, given you attack the speaker and not the facts.
"It ain't over until we say it's over."- Bluto Blutarsky
Humperdink @5:54am +1
"legacy journalism"
The people that post corporate press reports as news articles, yet won't cover a press conference unless they can ask Biden what is his favorite ice cream flavor?
Mark, Please explain what is a “legacy journalism source” and why that seems to matter. What legacy do you claim they have? What does “legacy” bring with it, in your view?
No, he was talking about a specific individual, who we all know much too well.
I hear from reliable sources that Rudy's next press is going to have a big reveal and Biden will have to concede.
Snyder was the mark who let whitmer take it, so whats the surprise.
Another day
another Narrative Pose
Those who were on hillarys rizzottp tray contact list.
Mark said...
"But so far as I know, no reporter has bothered."
As Newsmax and OANN don't seem to employ reporters that cover things and you've thrown every legacy journalism source under the bus, good luck with that.
Just rewards.
I don’t think they've done their jobs in the past; therefore, no one has the right to expect them to do their jobs in the future? Is that how it works in Mark land?
Now we get the sense that any attempt to persuade a state legislature to ignore both popular vote and the usual "elector" procedure is evil. Surely the argument is that the state legislature need only point to sufficient irregularities to cast doubt on the outcome, or something like that.
By any chance, have some of the Trump haters who now denounce the idea of an "unfaithful legislature" previously defended the "unfaithful electors" who didn't want to vote for Trump? Are some of them trying to get the electoral college to align with national popular vote?
Newsmax and oann has turned out real news, not the requisite narrative
If he were a smart bully he could be tolerated, but he is a dumb pathological liar and America fraught back by grabbing him by the ballot.
Aren't paywalls "bullying"?
No reporter wants to cover the story yet cranks on the internet claim it a big deal.
Sorry crazy uncles, but no one believes you or your 'internet conspiracy expert' credentials.
Enjoy 'owning' people on Althouse as thats all the success your crazy scheme to overturn the election will have.
roesch/voltaire said...
If he were a smart bully he could be tolerated, but he is a dumb pathological liar and America fraught back by grabbing him by the ballot.
The election was "fraught" alright, Professor Freud, with fraud.
Did you hear Joe attack the CBS activist yesterday for asking questions?? They backed right down though and did not yell and scream at him like they do to Trump or his people. They SHOULD treat Joe the same way they treated Trump. WHERE are the questions to Joe about the Laptop??? What about his dealings with UKRAINE??? What about China??? They don't care..because Orange Man bad is the only thing they know. It's pathetic. This is why they are suiciding their careers. Nobody trusts or believes them anymore, and never will again.
Whenever ... the President is a bully or asks or does things that are inappropriate in most people’s view, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Snyder was the mark who let whitmer take it, so whats the surprise.
Be careful with that logic. Trump was the mark who lost a head-to-election to Joe Biden.
Try again
Are NeoCons in bed with corrupt democratics?
The military industrial complex gives clues. I wonder if Bill Kristol owns big military manufacturer stock?
Neocons Agitating for More Victory-Free Wars, Again
" If Donald Trump doesn't take the Oath of Office on January 20, 2021, one principal but little-noted reason for this may be that he crossed one of the most powerful and least accountable forces in the nation: the military-industrial complex. As Trump said last September, "the top people in the Pentagon...want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. But we're getting out of the endless wars, you know how we're doing." Now, however, that Joe Biden has been anointed "President-elect" by the establishment media, the propaganda is already starting to get us back into one of those endless wars, in Syria.
We learned just recently that we never really left Syria in the first place. As Victoria Taft noted at PJ Media Friday, President Trump's former special envoy for Syria, Never-Trumper Jim Jeffrey, has boasted that he circumvented Trump's orders to withdraw American troops from Syria by lying to the president. Jeffrey explained: "We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there," and "the actual number of troops in northeast Syria is 'a lot more than' the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019."
What the Masters of War have in mind, however, is a far greater commitment of American troops than even Jeffrey's shell game allows for. After all, how else are they going to keep happy "all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes"?
Our press is corrupt.
Imagine if Trump's kids were crack whores who made millions off of government connections and international pay-to-play schemes and American tax payer mega-bucks washed clean for "daddy" and his secret wealth store.
Being a bully seems to be a requirement for political involvement today. Look at Biden threatening to beat Trump up behind the school, and Cuomo scolding reporters, ranting at sheriffs, and blaming victims. Bossiness and bullying are a big part of the response to COVID, and the "without evidence" "nothing to see here, people, move" on approach to journalism is a way of cowing and shaming people into agreement. Trump fits into all that, I suppose, but if he stands out it's more as a loudmouth than a bully: others are far more quick with threats and ridicule. If you need someone or something to fear, it's not Trump, who has half the country opposed to him, laughing at him and hating him. It's "uniters" and "healers" who don't arouse much resistance and make us do things "for our own good."
tim maguire said...
The case is narrowing down to Dominion. At least this claim is susceptible to hard proof—either the software contains the vote shifting code or it doesn't. If it does, there us no need to prove the code was used; its existence is proof enough.
Powell also claimed that Dominion executives are on the run. Their failure to show up at a hearing the next day supports her claim, but it would be helpful if some enterprising reporter would go to the Dominion offices and see who’s there and what they’re doing. Has any reporter done that? This should be easy. Everyone involved with the accusations is readily identifiable. But so far as I know, no reporter has bothered.
The answer is Yes.
Anyone interested, please follow timeline in https://twitter.com/TheRealKeean
The case is narrowing down to Dominion. At least this claim is susceptible to hard proof.
Without proof this claim is indistinguishable from the allegations against Diebold made on Daily Kos message boards following John Kerry’s 2004 defeat.
Well never mind
I hear from reliable sources that Rudy's next press is going to have a big reveal and Biden will have to concede.
Nobody claimed the Thursday Press conference was going to provide any evidence.
That is the lie pushed by the media. The media claim it was a dud. But where exactly did the notion come from evidence was going to be presented? Never existed, no claims ever made.
This is not response to Howard-the-troll
Just an observation of how the media creates from thin air a "factiod" that never existed, and then hammer away at the lie. People like Howard are the victims of the not-so-slight of journalistic hand.
From someone who has been inside the beast
Zbig said..."Powell also claimed that Dominion executives are on the run. Their failure to show up at a hearing the next day supports her claim, but it would be helpful if some enterprising reporter would go to the Dominion offices and see who’s there and what they’re doing. Has any reporter done that? "
Someone on last night's open thread referenced this page and video from a couple of guys in Toronto who went to the Dominion office at 215 Spadina Rd: Rebel News - Dominion Voting Systems.This is what the MSM used to do when they actually had reporters. Now, it takes enterprising young guys like this to do it.
Also, go check out Dominion Voting Systems page on LinkedIn. List all the 126 employees LinkedIn pages and see how many no longer will expose their name. Guess they don't want to be doxxed.
What is the sound of one fopdoodle trespassing?
Trump efforts to expose widespread vote corruption thwarted by two Democratical judges.
Possible rewrite of the headline.
Factcheck is dubious
D.D. Driver said...
Trump was the mark who lost a head-to-election to Joe Biden.
Not yet. The election has not even been held yet. We have about 3 more weeks. More if it kicks to the Repo held House.
He may not have even lost in the cluster fuck that happened on the 3rd.
Chickens,count, don't.
John Henry
narciso said...
When some people just say "interesting" but don't say why I find it annoying and generally ignore it.
When Narciso says "interesting" and nothing more I have no idea what he is talking about or what the link will lead me to.
But I always click through. I've found that 19 time out of 20 if he finds it interesting I will too.
This is one of the 19 times.
John Henry
Sorry crazy uncles, but no one believes you or your 'internet conspiracy expert' credentials.
Enjoy 'owning' people on Althouse as thats all the success your crazy scheme to overturn the election will have.
Lefty Mark, what is your theory about why 30% of Democrats agree the election was stolen ?
Trump is a bully, but it is the left who wants to put us in reeducation camps because we don't think like they do. The left beats up people wearing Maga hats. The left censors the right constantly. The left cancels anybody who doesn't think or vote like they do. But Trump is a bully.
The election was stolen from Trump. He won the legal/valid votes in Michagan, GA, wincs, Nevada and Arizona. The establishment, both R and D, just doesn't care about voter fraud. The R's just want to be good losers, and the D's just want to win.
Synder, like Bush, Rommey, McCain, and Paul Ryan. Wanted to Hillary to win in 2016. The R party without Trump is a worthless piece of shit.
yes it's about the source of smartmatic, from a cable some 16 years ago,
from 10 years ago,
"Lefty Mark, what is your theory about why 30% of Democrats agree the election was stolen ?"
Wait, you believe polls now?
Nice try.
"Both mail-in ballots and provisional ballots voted in person are folded before being placed into a privacy envelope, making the absence of any creases odd. The odd batches were overwhelmingly for Biden. On one occasion, more auditors counted more than 500 of the pristine ballots in a row for the former vice president."
No evidence at all.
" Mark said...
"Lefty Mark, what is your theory about why 30% of Democrats agree the election was stolen ?"
"Wait, you believe polls now?
Nice try."
11/21/20, 10:38 AM
This is what I mean by you never get them to defend their position. You ask a legitimate question, they wish you hadn't, and the best you get is snark, or deflection. You never get a serious answer. They do not debate in good faith, because they can't defend their positions, and they know it.
Synder, like Bush, Rommey, McCain, and Paul Ryan. Wanted to Hillary to win in 2016. The R party without Trump is a worthless piece of shit.
Pretty much true, which is why I don't expect the GOP legislatures to do the right thing. Plus, of course, they have been threatened by Lefty Mark's allies who have demonstrated in Kenosha and elsewhere that violence is their preferred tactic.
How many people go into politics these days for the right reasons? I've been involved in state and local politics since 1978. It's been mostly a disappointment.
bagoh20 said...
This is what I mean by you never get them to defend their position. You ask a legitimate question, they wish you hadn't, and the best you get is snark, or deflection. You never get a serious answer. They do not debate in good faith, because they can't defend their positions, and they know it.
Assertions harden.
Questions undermine.
Assume they are NPCs.
Then it all makes sense.
If they are people, the results are the same.
Every day, the person that is most critical of your personal paradigm, must be you.
Have you challenged everything you believe today?
Have you sought out the opinions of people who disagree or have you turned your back?
Why would you turn your back to danger?
I've noticed over the past few years that people who condemn Trump for some personality flaw - like this guy, with the 'bully' stuff - say these things in such a way that presents them as a worse example of what they're condemning him for. And when they criticize Trump for saying something they call 'vile', they do it in a way that is even more-so.
We live in an age of pundits who specialize in being their own immediate worst enemy, making pronouncements that are loaded with scuttling charges that are set to go off even as they utter them. The age of anti-punditry.
Michael K said...
"rcocean said...
Synder, like Bush, Rommey, McCain, and Paul Ryan. Wanted to Hillary to win in 2016. The R party without Trump is a worthless piece of shit."
Pretty much true, which is why I don't expect the GOP legislatures to do the right thing. Plus, of course, they have been threatened by Lefty Mark's allies who have demonstrated in Kenosha and elsewhere that violence is their preferred tactic.
How many people go into politics these days for the right reasons? I've been involved in state and local politics since 1978. It's been mostly a disappointment.
Everyone here should be asking why they voted for everyone they vote for. Look at the past results of voting for George Bush. John McCain. Mitt Romney. Barrack Obama. Bill Clinton.
Did you vote for a tribal leader?
Did you vote for someone you honestly thought was going to try to help you?
Was your vote conscious thinking or was it animal thinking?
Pointless post.
Mark said...
"Lefty Mark, what is your theory about why 30% of Democrats agree the election was stolen ?"
Wait, you believe polls now?
Nice try.
Are there differences between polls or are they all the same?
Can someone fill me in on the Twin defeats?
I hit a paywall and I am busy at the moment. I would like to know what they are.
Has Ann posted anything about Georgia being driven to do a signature audit?
readering said...
Pointless post.
Why is it pointless?
rhhardin said...
Democrats aim their stuff at women, Trump aims his stuff at men.
Feelings (bad man) vs system (votes have to be honest).
Do you think all women think one way?
Do you think all men think one way?
Mark said...
"But so far as I know, no reporter has bothered."
As Newsmax and OANN don't seem to employ reporters that cover things and you've thrown every legacy journalism source under the bus, good luck with that.
Just rewards.
Do you read sources of news that do not share your world view?
Do the majority of sources you read agree with you or disagree with you?
Perhaps Trump is a bully, perhaps not.
Nonetheless it seems apparent that even if he can be characterized as a bully, while in office as POTUS he's been far more bullied than he has bullied.
To date I have not seen Trump attack a single person by name who did not attack him first.
Prove me wrong.
Summing up
"Do you read sources of news that do not share your world view?"
Yes, I do. I do not chase the right wing flavor of the month outlets.
They rarely deliver much quality and so often are gone before you know it.
16 trimesters and WaPo is still spinning, trying, projecting.
"Oh you don't agree with me? Then you are a racist."
A diversitist (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racist, who denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination.
Blogger Mark said...
"Do you read sources of news that do not share your world view?"
Yes, I do. I do not chase the right wing flavor of the month outlets.
They rarely deliver much quality and so often are gone before you know it
Lefty Mark is lying as usual. He think HuffPo is right wing.
Bubble boy Mark.
Leftist punches someone. Someone punches back.
"Moooommmy! The bully hit me!!!!"
Fuck you people.
Mark said...
"Do you read sources of news that do not share your world view?"
Yes, I do. I do not chase the right wing flavor of the month outlets.
They rarely deliver much quality and so often are gone before you know it.
Have you heard any of the interviews of Sidney Powell this week?
Does she strike you as a person that is concerned about their reputation?
Do you think she is stupid?
Lefty Mark is one of about 40% of the country that thinks the election was just fine, they never heard of Hunter Biden and those riots that burned down cities were by white supremacists. They never get outside the bubble to one of those "right wing sites" where they could learn something.
Enjoy your projection. It's incorrect, but I am glad it brings you joy.
It's all you have left now that Trump lost and keeps throwing a tantrum.
Are you really this thick, Mark?
How has trump lost? The election hasn't even been held yet.
John Henry
Any assertion that starts off with, "As is well documented..." or "As everybody knows..." is usually false.
Any assertion that starts off with, "Any assertion that starts off with..." is usually false.
Im waiting for Rudy to get some of trumps yellow hair dye now that trump dyed his white.Rudy is gonna have to learn though you have to wash it out thoroughly or you'LL look like RUDY DRIPPING and sweating in a Lie fest on TV..The worst lawyer in History representing the most criminal organization since way back... SDNY smacking their lips...IVANKA mad at daddy for getting caught up in his grift not just hers.. family dinner at the typhoid Don COVD positive setting..how grand that shall be.
Another beat down...how many now? 1 for 34? Trump vows to appeal judge's dismissal of Pennsylvania election challenge...Please send in your $$$ to help fight this travesty to the trump family to help with their legal debts ,dont worry we will continue to solicit you over and over again,why do you think we are stalling?
C'mon man! (tim) Judge Brutally Dismisses Rudy Giuliani's Attempt To Disenfranchise Pa. Voters
prove something,anything...evidence that doesn't get thrown out not just rantings of sore losing...cmon man..
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