The NYT covers the Hunter-Biden-laptop story in
"Their First Try Backfired, but Giuliani and Allies Keep Aiming at Biden
The former New York mayor’s dirt-digging effort on Hunter Biden in 2019 ended with President Trump’s impeachment. Now he is back with new associates. So far it is not going exactly as planned." Written by Kenneth P. Vogel, Jim Rutenberg and Maggie Haberman.
While highlighting questions about the business activities of Hunter Biden and the former vice president’s brother James Biden, Mr. Giuliani and his allies have failed to prove that Joe Biden was involved in or a beneficiary of them. And they have distracted from the documents about which there are fewer questions related to the chain of custody by making unsubstantiated claims and publishing salacious pictures and videos that have no apparent relevance to Mr. Biden’s candidacy....
[Tony] Bobulinski says he met twice with the former vice president after he left office.
The [Wall Street] Journal dug into Mr. Bobulinski’s account, and in the end reported that corporate records showed “no role for Joe Biden” in the deal and that the documents provided by Mr. Bobulinski “don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.”....
५६ टिप्पण्या:
“He’s unpresidential.”
“He’s crude and unkind.”
“He’s just not a good man.”
These things, and much worse, are commonly said of President Donald Trump. His personality totally eclipses his record.
So we, seemingly, have him on the dunk tank, ready for a very cold bath.
Let’s play dump the lout.
But is this really what it’s about?
This newspaper has not supported a Republican for president since 1972. But we believe Mr. Trump, for all his faults, is the better choice this year.
You can pull the same scam on low information voters every 4 years, as Giuliani has shown.
If I believed the Times was an honest broker, I might find this summary damning. But as it is, I don’t even find it persuasive that the WSJ didn’t support Bobulinski’s account.
There was no official role for Crooked Joe Biden, I find that believable. A phone call here, a suggestion there, a little percentage of the take safely laundered through this son or brother. I’m sure the FBI could find the money trail if they wanted to look. There’s no indication that they wanted to look.
Kind of hard to drive a conversation when the media are not only ignoring them, but actively lying about them and pretending they are "discredited".
Hard to drive a broader narrative when the main stream media simple does not cover the story.
When Twitter band retweeting the story and locks the New York Post out of its account.
When Facebook takes active measures to stop the story.
When Google hides the story so it’s not on the first page of search results.
When reporters won’t ask Biden questions.
The media’s journalistic malpractice is breathtaking.
Demo get out of jail free card
We don't even have to look to know it failed to prove!
We declare Joe Biden free of selling influence
BULLSHIT. There is more evidence here, than in all the reporting of evidence they found against Trump and Russia. Their eyes are closed because they want them closed. PERIOD. Sick of the Media and their lies. They are done.
Business people give $millions to people all the time, expecting and getting nothing in return. Listen to the NYT. Crack-smoking Hunter was a bargain at any price. You'd be lucky to have him work for you.
The best part is, in their minds, they are brave warrior truth tellers opening the eyes of the misinformed. How does one become that delusional?
That's an amazing amount of evasion. The scandal is not that Hunter arranged meetings related to Joe's candidacy; he arranged meetings related to Joe's elected office, for example the infamous White House meeting with the CCP-backed group of Chinese billionaires. And it is not that Joe was supposed to have a formal role in the "business" ventures, but that he was a beneficiary and influencer of them.
David Burge on Twitter: "Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving."
It's too bad Vogel, Rutenburg and Haberman don't read the WSJ Opinion page. On Thursday the Journal said, "Joe owes the public a response about the family business.". What the Journal news page said was they found no evidence that Biden received any money. They also said "Whether Mr. Biden was an active participant, or simply lent his prestige so Hunter could close the deals, Joe Biden appears to have aided his son's transactions with ofter shady characters in Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and beyond."
Finally, the WSJ said that, "Mr. Bobulinski sounded credible" when speaking to Tucker Carlson. The editorial goes on in great detail to make the case that Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's business. Even Chris Wallace recognizes this fact. After about 30 years, I quit buying the Times in 2002. That decision not only saved my thousands or dollars but also many hours of precious time.
Now do their breathless reports on Christine Blasey Ford, and HER evidence......
LOL Yeah, Hunter and Jim got billions from Ukraine and China and the big guy didn't have any part in it.
Where did Joe get the money for his three mansions?
Congratulations to the NY Post and Tucker Carlson for forcing the story out into the open.
Too late to have an impact?
Hunter's niece can give him a footjob or you can. Decide wisely.
The readers of the NYT are truly retarded idiots. I mean, if they think their readership cant see what the NYT is doing, the NYT is treating their readers as idiots they are.
I'm supposed to believe Sloe Joe deposited $10,000,000 in his checking account and foreign govts sent out 1099's every February.
I'm really tired of the coastal elites telling me how erudite they are, when they can't think their way out of a Biden circle painted on the ground
Bobulinski says he met twice with the former vice president after he left office. The [Wall Street] Journal dug into Mr. Bobulinski’s account, and in the end reported that corporate records showed “no role for Joe Biden” in the deal and that the documents provided by Mr. Bobulinski “don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.”....
I do not believe that's what the WSJ reported. They reported there were no documents showing Biden had a corporate role.
Big Mike said...I’m sure the FBI could find the money trail if they wanted to look. There’s no indication that they wanted to look.
THIS^^^ in a nutshell.
"It's not as bad as the Clinton e-mail thing!"
The new standard.
Democrats here, I really want to know:
Can you look at this information and still say Trump should have been *impeached* for asking the president of Ukraine about it?
So many things for the NYT to not write about these days.
Is the newspaper half empty or half full?
I can’t get over the supposedly exonerating fact that Joe Biden’s name doesn’t appear on any of the corporate documents. As though that settles it when a politician would have reason to try to conceal his involvement. I doubt any of these reporters are so naive. If they are, they are in the wrong profession.
It's interesting, isn't it, that the NYT can spend years supporting the collusion hoax on the basis of less than nothing, and dismisses evidence of family corruption that, if a semblance of it existed in the Trump family, would be treated as explosive.
but they printed every drip of danchenko's drinking circle,
The NYT covers the Hunter-Biden-laptop story ...
with a pillow until it stops breathing.
Hat tip to Instapundit.
Hunter Biden's text messages about the Biden family
It must have been painful for the NYT to decide they had to write something about the laptop.
Did the Clinton e-mails drive the narrative, or is that being said just to keep from acknowledging that Hillary! Clinton was the worst presidential candidate in US history?
"...corporate records showed..."
That the Bidens were JUST smart enough NOT to record things like:
Met today with ChiCom guy and got those bags-o' hundreds in the SUV.
Make sure you deposit the "Big Guy's" share in the hidden account # 123877
Well there you have the proof. Innocent!
FWIW, if this WERE Russian generated, don't you think they would have slipped in an e-mail or two mentioning Joe by name?
“No corporate records” ?!
Well no shit Sherlock. That’s not the same as “no evidence”.
People indulging in such things are not dumb enough to leave an official audit trail. They know how to hide illegal activities.
Goodness these reporters cannot really be stupid enough to think we are stupid enough to buy that load of garbage?
In other words, this has all been pre-bunked.
In whatever sense you define the word.
The rollout was terrible and the media blackout was almost 100 percent.
Land of the free my ass.
in the emails, hunter relates his contacts with victor pinchuk, the ukrainian oligarch who was employing bolton in some capacity, before he became national security adviser,
"What, like with a cloth or something? … I don't know how it works digitally at all."
So what is it about Hunter Biden that would make rich global players want to give him so much money, and pay him to work on things he knows nothing about? We know that happened, but why did they do it? What do you suppose they are planning for the future if Biden wins?
If Hunter Biden (or Jim Biden, as it turns out) were holding a piece of the equity on behalf of Joe then of course it would not be in the corporate records reviewed by WSJ.
Heck, if we’re talking about LLCs, the only public corporate records filed with the Del Sec State would be a 1 or 2 page certificate of formation, which says almost nothing. The LLC Agreement / Operating Agreement doesn’t have to be publicly filed at all. And even that document wouldn’t have any subterfuges spelled out.
The news division of the WSJ thinks we’re really dumb. They were also the training ground for the folks at Fusion GPS.
"[Tony] Bobulinski says he met twice with the former vice president after he left office."
Joe Biden has said repeatedly that he knew nothing about his son's business affairs. That was clearly not true. Maybe he just forgot. Joe is forgetful.
Horribly slanted. The NY Times makes it all about Rudy Guiliani and some Chinese guy smoking cigars and having them explode in their faces, supposedly. In my Sunday morning print edition: “Foiled once, Giuliani’s team peddles more dirt.”
"… the latest in an often-bumbling series of attacks that began two years ago with the goal of undercutting Mr. Biden as a threat to Mr. Trump’s re-election by linking him to [at least they admit the following] messy personal and business affairs for his son.”
Later, the “news story” proclaims (or sneers), “While highlighting questions about the business activities of Hunter Biden and the former vice president’s brother … around the world, Mr. Guiliani and his allies have failed to prove Joe Biden was involved in or a beneficiary of them.”
The NYT focuses on "Republicans Pounced" not the actual evidence and emails written by Hunter & Co.. Al Capone's tax returns didn't show any bootlegging income and Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting wasn't listed on her schedule either. Case closed!
20% for Hunter Biden
20% for Rob Walker
20% for James Gilliar
20% for Tony Bobulinski
10% for Jim Biden
10% for "Big Guy" held by H
In the official filings for the Chi-Com Oneida venture, the Big Guy's 10% went away and Jim Biden's share went to 20%. We May Never Know What Happened(tm).
The denial is staggering, really. Worse, when they stop lying to themselves, they really wouldn't mind having a president in the pay of China.
Now, Maggie and crew, do a story on the moral corruption of the NYT. Can you hear the crickets? This corruption is deep and decades old, and why any thinking person would give this rag any credence is beyond me.
Interesting that Bobulinski’s explanations of Creepy Joe’s involvement based on his first hand knowledge count for nothing, but that the NYT and other leftmediaswine were enthusiastic about the impeachment of our President based on nothing but the rankest hearsay offered by Trump haters.
Aren’t we relieved to hear that all the censorship and obfuscation were unnecessary now that the NYT, the ultimate arbiter of “all the news that [fits]” has made its pronouncement that Joe the Grifter, despite Bobulinski’s account, Hunter’s computer and Joe’s recorded extortion of Ukraine, is clean.
The swamp abides while Evangelicals continue to pray that the country won’t get what it deserves.
"The NYT covers the Hunter-Biden-laptop story in "Their First Try Backfired, but Giuliani and Allies Keep Aiming at Biden The former New York mayor’s dirt-digging effort on Hunter Biden in 2019 ended with President Trump’s impeachment. Now he is back with new associates. So far it is not going exactly as planned." Yes, covers it up. Cynical?? Moi???? You betcha!! And Boy, HOWDY!!
Of course Joe Knew. Joe is the Chairman, the big guy.
Blogger alanc709 said...
Kind of hard to drive a conversation when the media are not only ignoring them, but actively lying about them and pretending they are "discredited".”
The media keeps using that word “discredited”, but the biggest thing discredited is themselves. Without credibility, they have nothing.
FBI queried Hunter Biden whistleblower on 'Big Guy' email
How and why is Biden allowed to hide his riches?
The IRS never caught wind of his millions and millions?
So, because Joe was bright enough to keep his name out of the official documents, the entire scandal does not exist?
Uh huh.
I don’t even find it persuasive that the WSJ didn’t support Bobulinski’s account.
The WSJ news division is almost as left-biased as the NYT and WaPo. It has a firewall between the news and editorials, whereas the NYT and WaPo have more of a blender.
So the rule is if your name isn't on it but all of the profit is based on your position you are totally in the clear. The Rodham brothers and Roger Clinton would have had a lot more latitude under that rule than Bill and Hillary let them have. I'd also comment is that John Kerry's stepson fled the arrangements.
Given articles about Trump's "so-called depreciation" implying that proper use of tax code deductions shows corruption, this excuse mongering for Biden is particularly egregious.
The same campaign that could not get buses for its supporters as
adter rallies entrusted its Hunter Biden disinformation operation to Rudy Giuliani. Voila.
The obvious error: there is nothing mysterious about the hard drive.
Hunter's MacBook harddrive is "mysterious"! The Steele dossier and the clinton campaign paying 2 million dollars for it and listing it as a legal expense and the fbi using it two weeks later after their Carter Page warrant request was denied by a court that had rubber stamped over ten thousand requests for warrants without one denial is "credible"
How weird the NYT chose to use the WSJ fig leaf as the debunker of record. Whatever! The tide has turned. Joe’s edifice is crumbling at a crucial time. Gotta give the NYT at least a C- for effort here. Too little too late.
Blogger Readering said...
The same campaign that could not get buses for its supporters as
adter rallies entrusted its Hunter Biden disinformation operation to Rudy Giuliani. Voila.
Readering is getting like Biden. Needs a translator. Also, the FBI has validated the laptop so you are a bit late with that lie.
There are texts on the laptop that say words to the effect, "Don't mention Joe in writing,They're paranoid about that." and we're supposed to be impressed and surprised that there is no mention of Joe in the documents?
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