So begins the new episode of "This American Life." (That link goes to the transcript. Here's the audio.)
१६ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"OK, so here's a weird thing to happen at your temp job. A chunk of the country decides that you, personally, are trying to steal the election from the president of the United States."
"This actually happened to a guy. He's in this video that's been circulating online, retweeted by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., viewed over 5 million times, of him.
He's this worker in the Georgia vote counting operation. In the video, you see him at a desk in short sleeves, people doing their jobs all around him. He picks up one piece of paper after another, puts them in a stack. And then, something happens. He flinches and he slams down a piece of paper kind of angrily — or that's how it looks in the video. The sound on the video is somebody narrating who's not identified — 'This dude has a fit about something, flips off a ballot, and then crumples it up.' That's more or less true. The guy gives a finger to something and then does crumple up some piece of paper and then drops it to the side. The narrator and so many commenters online for the video assume this is a Trump ballot. And this fits the mold of all the things the president has been saying about the election being stolen."
९० टिप्पण्या:
NPR trying to trivialize the biggest political crime ever in This American Life.
This is no fucking joke. The election was stolen. The Krackrn will be released this week.
I don't know krackens but political people being political doesn't seem like much of a story
We need to call the Dems out for what they are doing: It’s a coup. Funny and petty little NPR stories don’t make it less so.
The lawyers will save the Republic.
Maybe this should have gotten a "things might not be what they look like" tag rather than the more definitive one you gave it. All we have is the guy's word. Any interview with a poll watcher who might have seen this, or investigation as to whether poll watchers got to observe this step? Any attempt to confirm with others that these machines sometimes destroyed ballots, and if so, how often? Any idea what this guy's backstory is, what motivations he may or may not have? Were people all working 22 hour shifts, or just him? Was anything done at this stage to ensure integrity of the ballots, like collecting and checking the materials being thrown away?
The lawyers will save the Republic.
Let's hope so. They owe us...
I’ve done temp work, I’ve worked with many temps. A temp is exactly the kind of person who would throw out ballots he didn’t like.
That's a nice anecdotal story about how Ms. Johnson's grandfather was a LLR but voted for Biden. At least it was nice until they showed his reasons (handling of the virus and children in cages). Maybe if he got his news from sources other than The View or Stephen Colbert he would not say things like, "That's why I like Joe Biden, because he has a soft voice and he doesn't tell lies."
I have no proof of vote fraud, although I suspect that it was epic in scope. I’ll wait for the Trump admin’s evidence.
I’m just looking at the precedents of the past four years.
The Democratic Party and its media lied blatantly and maliciously to fabricate the Russia collusion hoax.
Same group disappeared the story of the Bidens’ bribery scheme, blamed the schemes on Trump and impeached him to obstruct an investigation of the Bidens.
In the last year, the Democrats have waged a war of terror and extortion in our cities, employing riots, arson, and cop killing.
In this context, why would the Democrats stop short of wholesale electoral fraud? They crossed over into wild, deliberate lying and criminal rackets some time ago.
I haven't handled mail-in ballots, but I have handled lots of other types of mailings. In my experience, once you handle a few, you can tell immediately by weight and feel if an envelope has more in it than it should (the added instructions, poems...). If he knows that this would cause the machine to jam, why would he keep putting the heavier/fuller envelopes in it?
I don't think David Begley understands what the word ever means.
Either that or its all hyperbole, like his Kraken line hoping for domestic terrorism.
I very much understand the meaning of the word “ever.” Watch the recent interviews of lawyer Sidney Powell. She says she’s got proof of the Dems using software to steal the election for Biden. She said she was going to release the Kracken. The Kracken is this evidence.
Omaha is the home of ESS. They used to have a duopoly in the election business. Then Dominion showed and took share. I’m thinking lower prices, bribes and lobbying did it for Dominion.
Well...I guess that proves there was no fraud. Nothing to see here. Move along. Keep moving along. No, I mean- go home. No one is allowed outside. Go home. Wear your mask. No Thanksgiving for you!
And if you talk about a fraudulent election, we will deplatform you. CTH
I spent the last 4 years hearing friends and relatives as well as talking heads on the news talk about how Trump "stole" the election in 2016. Saw a video this week (the internet is forever) of Biden calling Trump "illegitimate" at a campaign stop in early 2019. What I have never heard is someone even try to explain the actual process Russia used to steal the election for Trump in 2016. Did they use a computer program that actually switched the numbers in the reporting process? Was there a guy outside every reporting place in every voting precinct in the United States with envelopes full of cash?
But I know a lot of people who believe it as fact.
I am old enough to remember the politician Richard Dailey and the stories of the 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon. Kennedy's successor, Johnson, had his own history with election irregularities. After each election there are stories of precincts with 135% turnout or that ALL the votes went to one candidate or another. There was a long fight to enable poll watchers to get into the room decades ago. When they are kicked out or locked out of a room, I do question why.
The people I don't trust are the people who claim that there is no election vote tampering whatsoever.
but; AREN'T they trying to steal the election?
that is to say: DIDN'T they steal this election?
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see the TAL interview answer the question: who made this video, for what purpose and who released it?
Looked like it was taken by a camera right under the guys nose, didn't it, as if he made it himself?
Ira Glass: Dominion is another one of those stories tweeted by the president and circulating on the internet. It's one of a bunch of stories about rigged software giving votes to Joe Biden. It has been dis-proven. Google Dominion if you're curious.
Remind me exactly who is relying on anecdotes and internet memes?
When they are kicked out or locked out of a room, I do question why.
it's All in the interests of Transparency!
You see? There was NO fraud, or vote stealing, or ANYTHING BAD AT ALL
That's why, they COULDN'T let poll watchers watch them count
They HAD TO kick the poll watchers out, FOR TRANSPARENCY!!!
Since there was NO FRAUD... And they Wanted to make sure people SAW that there was no fraud...
They HAD TO keep the observers from observing. See? TRANSPARENCY!
Some things HAVE TO be done in secret, because There Is NOTHING To HIDE
LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER!!! ALL HAIL OUR MASTERS! ALL HAIL THE STATE!!! his Kraken line hoping for domestic terrorism...
That's an irresponsible accusation. I took it to mean an aggressive legal fight.
The Democrats thought they had the election rigged. Then they found out Trump had gotten 10 million more votes than when he smoked Hillary. That's when they got sloppy.
Ira Glass, “Today on our program, in this moment when the president is not backing down from his unproven claim that the election was stolen from him, this moment when I know that when I call the president's tweets disinformation, there are a lot of you out there like him who think that I am part of the problem and not looking at the truth....”
The proof is coming dear Ira.
NPR is leftwing Fake News. We aren’t fooled any more.
It would be incredibly stupid to write the theft into the software—to leave a smoking gun lying around with nothing to protect you but the hope nobody looks in the right place. I have no doubt there was fraud, because there always is. And how could you not be suspicious when, in state after state, Biden got the votes he needed, just enough and no more. But thinking about the mechanics of how that would have to happen, it seems like a daunting prospect and I don’t see how they could have been so consistently successful.
Let’s be serious. Mail-in voting was ripe for fraud; just hard to prove.
Both sides are offering this irrelevant incident to low information voters as confirmation of their bias.
They have put out the manual, which shows how you can hack the results.
NPR + faux folksy populist story tellers = anecdotal evidence. But hey, let's wait for what Garrison Keillor thinks. That could decide everything.
Doesn't John Kerry still think the 2004 election was stolen from him? Voting machines in Ohio. The more you know about Kerry, the less likely it is that he could win an election in Ohio, or nationally, even against Bush, but that's what Kerry and his supporters believed - and maybe still believe.
I want to know how many stories NPR ran debunking the Russia Collusion Hoax and Fake Impeachment we suffered through for three years.
American Democracy died a quiet death in 2020, because the media didn't cover it.
I’m going to repeat this.
The Democratic Party deployed it’s Brownshirt storm troops, BLM and Antifa, in a year long campaign of terror, extortion, arson, looting, rioting and cop killing in our major cities.
There is no limit to the criminal tactics Democrats endorse and employ. They’ve broadcast this. They demonstrated this unequivocally.
It’s safe to assume they didn’t shrink from mass vote fraud, too.
Maybe Ira Glass can now debunk the video showing the “murder” of George Floyd. It’s on Power Line. Floyd died of a drug overdose; not a foot on his back/neck.
Why electronic voting machines are an incredibly bad idea.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that they think we are so stupid that we are just going to forget about this. We will just pretend it didn't happen if they make it disappear from the narrative. We will remember that little.
Chuck enjoyed it, so the narrative has been preserved. I read the transcript of the piece. Personally, I choose to believe that every word of it is a lie and constructs an alternate reality we have no tool to disprove. I say this today, because I am allowed to do so.
I may not have that right in the future. Keep smiling behind that mask!
How many times did they take up concord catering or butina or any of a hundred squirrels. While burying hunters obvious lesuo.
Shouting Thomas said...
"I have no proof of vote fraud, although I suspect that it was epic in scope. I’ll wait for the Trump admin’s evidence.
I’m just looking at the precedents of the past four years.
The Democratic Party and its media lied blatantly and maliciously to fabricate the Russia collusion hoax." ...
I think it goes farther back. I observed the ascension of Trump, like magic, through the group of conventional GOP contenders for the presidential campaign, and that over the disdain of the RNC, until he had a lock on the nomination. I saw how the major news outlets blandly reported his run as unconventional and historic...until he was certain to be the nominee. Then, out came the oppo research and fake collusion stories.
I believe there was collusion in the 2016 election - between the Democratic Party leadership, the news media, and sympathetic members of the governmental machine. Trump was supposed to lose the election just as Todd Akin did in Missouri; but unlike that test run, the DNCC's strategy backfired. Hence the continual rage since November 2016 until (and beyond) now.
A three week lockdown is going to save us from COVID?
The numbers of infected are skyrocketing?
All churches are shut down and thanksgiving travel blocked and political rallies closed... except Biden victory parties, Gavins dinner parties, and BLM marches.
We see you guys.
I believe they do have the source code and testimony of how these voting machines were used in other countries.. I doubt they have admin logs and the cities trying to pull this off have mail in votes to back their counts up. The audit of envelopes is being corrupted the exact same way as the counts were.
The fact we used voting machines designed to steal elections will not be enough in Democrat controlled court houses. It probably will be enough to start a general insurrection.
They are going to try to brazen this out and use the fear of COVID to keep their peasants under control.
You’re posting the small potatoes in the voting fraud scandal of our lifetime. There are first person videos like this all over. You just have to look outside the Wash Post and NYTs.
The Dominion (hardware) and Hammer and Scorecard (software) that Sydney Powell (Flynn’s Attorney) and Lin Wood (Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney) are going after are the two systems where the corruption and fraud is the deepest. Millions of votes. Trump won in a landslide.
David, if you think this is the biggest political crime ever, I don't think you know history.
I get it, you want to be like Trump and add -est to everything.
Doing so does not make it so. Nor does calling Trump legal suit #237 'the Kraken' make it any more legitimate than #1 through #236.
When they laugh the Kraken out of court will you finally take a deep look at your evidence and sources?
A Russia tech firm spends less than a million dollar on ad buys, most of which support BLM messages; and we spend 3 years investigating how the Russians stole the election for Donald Trump. There is far more evidence here, and I have no problem with another 3 years of investigation. I rather have this election investigated than someone as questionable as Biden forcing a lockdown of the entire country for 6 weeks, while his cronies spread around $2 Trillion with nobody is allowed to watch.
"And this fits the mold of all the things the president has been saying about the election being stolen." - This is propaganda, and it is not ALL the President has been saying. They are re-framing words and messages. Dominion and Hammer and Scorecard are at the Federal CIA / FBI level.
But yes...the Democrat butcher, baker, and candlestick makers were in on the lower level efforts. That is true.
There are much bigger issues. This is chicken shit and it's everywhere. Of the first had videos this is one of the lightest.
Now we will see who validates the propaganda as mainstream.
The good cases are filed in federal courts. Federal courts exist, in part, to avoid corrupt state courts. And the judges are better.
Name the biggest political crime in US history.
I trust Sidney Powell. She doesn't say stuff on TV unless she can back it up.
I just sent an email to This American Life asking them to debunk the George Floyd video.
Chuck, let us know if they do that story. Ok?
I believe there was collusion in the 2016 election - between the Democratic Party leadership, the news media, and sympathetic members of the governmental machine. Trump was supposed to lose the election just as Todd Akin did in Missouri; but unlike that test run, the DNCC's strategy backfired. Hence the continual rage since November 2016 until (and beyond) now.
I can't really see anything wrong with this.
The fact that America's most well-known narcissist was the vehicle of our deliverance is true proof of God's sense of humor. I didn't understand that He had a sense of irony as well until I got old, but I do now.
I’m just looking at the precedents of the past four years.
The Democratic Party and its media lied blatantly and maliciously to fabricate the Russia collusion hoax.
Same group disappeared the story of the Bidens’ bribery scheme, blamed the schemes on Trump and impeached him to obstruct an investigation of the Bidens.
In the last year, the Democrats have waged a war of terror and extortion in our cities, employing riots, arson, and cop killing.
If you do shitweasely things, it's no surprise to find people will consider you to be a shitweasel.
I think the election was stolen, notwithstanding Lefty Mark. I have doubts that the theft can be reversed. The left has all the institutions on it's side. All we have are the people and that is not going to be enough. We see the lefties here blandly state falsehoods as gospel. I think they really believe this stuff. They hated Trump and his supporters so much that "By Any Means Necessary" is OK. The people that stole the election are going to be running the country and probably have plans to steal the next, and the next.
It was a great 250 years.
Do I believe Ira Glass? No
Do I think Althouse is gullible? Affirmative.
I am worried and you know the reason of my concern, have we crossed the rubicon. That isnt clear yet.
Democrat Logic:
The Dominion story has been disproved. I know that because all of my friends know that.
If you do shitweasely things, it's no surprise to find people will consider you to be a shitweasel.
Don't forget the Kavanaugh hoax. I see more parallels between the election hoax and the Kavanaugh hoax. It's easy to see if you try the same exercise:
If you were going to commit a grand offense for political gain and get away with it, what would it look like? Given the resources available, the winning accomplices and the uncertainty of success, what would you do? What would have to occur in order for you to succeed?
Given that context the seemingly unbelievable realities of the present make perfect sense...
“The Democrats thought they had the election rigged. Then they found out Trump had gotten 10 million more votes than when he smoked Hillary. That's when they got sloppy”
I think that they started believing their own polls. And then the votes started coming in, with Trump crushing Biden in key states. It wasn’t that they got sloppy. It is that they got desperate. They panicked.
Keep this in mind. The Durham investigation isn’t going away any time soon, absent a Biden inauguration. And ditto investigations into Biden, Inc. Think about it for a minute - the Dem VP (and their current Presidential candidate) sold the power of his office to our enemies, in particular, Red China, which gave us COVID-19, which has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, will kill more of them, caused much of the world to shut down their economies, etc, taking our jobs, exporting machines and software containing PLA created viruses and Trojan horses etc. They dropped a couple billion on the Bidens, and as a result got protection and preferential treatment. Best money they ever invested. Two Dem Presidential candidates in a row have been purchased by our enemies.
The Democrats cannot afford four more years of Trump, esp given how he has made progress dynamiting their grand coalition by peeling off a record number of Hispanics and Black males. Where is their permanent ruling majority, if they lose the Hispanic vote?
So, of course they panicked.
I thought the Durham investigation had basically folded with no indictments?
I'd be happy for that to be wrong..
As long as Republicans in Georgia believe Trump will be inaugurated until after January 5.
Don't forget the Kavanaugh hoax. I see more parallels between the election hoax and the Kavanaugh hoax.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Althouse still believes Christine Blasey Ford.
David Begley said...We need to call the Dems out for what they are doing: It’s a coup.
Plenty of establishment Republicans (not just Mitt Romney) are happy with that outcome. Trump was too much of a disrupter for them. They want to go back to "normal".
Calm yourselves. If the evidence of malfeasance is a tenth of what you believe, the election results will be changed by the Courts and/or state legislature and/or true patriotic electors.
Have some confidence in Trump and his crack team of legal eagles. I am sure they are organizing a huge ambush to crush the evil cheaters just when the Libtards think they have gotten away with it.
If you want to rescue the USA, please cash in your 401K and send it to PSJT. Since he is the only man standing up to certain tyranny, it's your responsibility to Mutually Pledge To Each Other yOur Lives, yOur Fortunes, And yOur Sacred Honor.
That is all.
serious question
It is Clear; that our government is Not 'our' government, but THE government.
{this has probably been the case for ever; but it Sure is OBVIOUS now}
That being the case; WHY should anyone care about
a) following its rules (as opposed to: Not getting caught)?
b) do ANYTHING to assist The Government... In ANY WAY ?
c) CARE if the country goes down the tubes?
Is it time to say; FUCK THE UNITED STATES?
asking for a friend
gilbar leading the way to the acceptance stage of grief.
Dave, your claim `biggest political crime ever' did not stipulate a country or period in history.
If you wanted to clarify it multiple ways, you had that opportunity with your opening claim.
But now, like Trump's court cases, your initial claims vaporize when given more than a cursory glance.
Keep all your eggs in Sidney Powell's basket.
Yeah, those CRAZY conservatives thinking there was vote Fraud. Gosh, its not like the Trump Russia collusion which was REAL. Or Trump supporting Neo-nazis. That's real. those poor deluded Republicans.
And why does Ira Glass always sound like someone cut off his balls and drugged him?
it saves time, rcocean, to think of it that way, back in the 90s and into the early 00s, I remember the whole gang of mucklucks, david sagal, charlie pierce, et al,
Blogger Howard said...
Calm yourselves. If the evidence of malfeasance is a tenth of what you believe, the election results will be changed by the Courts and/or state legislature and/or true patriotic electors.
Thanks, Howard. I like to think that but I fear the crooks on your side might pull this off. Like Comrade Stalin said, "Steal a few votes and it is a crime. Steal millions of votes and it is a statistic."
Employing standard rules of statutory construction, my reference to the "biggest political crime ever" is used in the same sentence as "This American Life" a radio show and podcast.
"This American Life" only covers stories about the USA.
Ergo, I was referring to American political crimes.
There are Latin phrases and the treatise Sutherland on Statutory Construction that back me up.
All the lawyers - and law professors emerita - on this blog will agree with me.
Aside: Serving on the Creighton Law Review was one of my best law school experiences as that is where I learned many of the canons of statutory construction.
I'm one of those voters who believes there was fraud in many elections. If the Republicans can't produce evidence of fraud, then the matter will fail and as much as I don't like it, Biden will be the legitimate president on Jan 20. If they aren't allowed to put up the evidence, then we will officially be a banana republic. In that case, I intend to retire fully next January. Once retired, I can structure my income in ways to put myself into the 10-12% tax bracket. That will greatly reduce the amount of money I'll be paying into a corrupt government. I'll also do everything I can to discourage my grandchildren from joining the military, as I and so many members of my family have done for generations. The military of a banana republic serves to protect the corrupt leadership from the citizenry, not serve the nation as a whole. My family has served enough. If they want a military for their banana republic, let them send their own kids to serve. Or, more likely, they'd reintroduce a draft to keep drafting other people's kids so their kids won't have to serve.
Which is worse, using numerous anecdotes to suggest that a serious crime needs investigated, or using one to suggest that the alleged crime should be ignored?
Why would anyone want to hide the truth about whether or not an American election was stolen? I know that if my guy won, I'd want it confirmed beyond just a one-sided cheerleader press saying so. That's like asking the defense attorney if his client is guilty? Even if he knows he is, he'll give you a dozen reason why he's not. How many people do you guess at NPR voted for Trump? At This American Life? Would you trust such a group to decide this if you were Trump? It ridiculous on it's face. I wonder how many Trump voters think he should concede at this point. Why don't we just take their opinion and call it done? The inverse of that is what's being done here.
I think it's only fair to point out that we said this was going to happen, way ahead of the election. We said, if you run an election with massive numbers of mail-in votes, there may well be enormous voting fraud, there certainly will be a lot of people who don't trust the election.
It is part of the job of the people who run the elections to do it in a way that everyone can tell that it is was done honestly. If they didn't do that, it's on them.
(He of course does not work for NPR, or NPR News. His show is independently produced and sold to public radio stations, many of whom associate with NPR.)
He doesn't work for NPR, he just derives his income from them. That is what is known as a distinction without meaning.
A close relative suddenly found she was dying of cancer and this together with all the attendant grief and confusion over treatments disrupted my thinking and when I returned to the country's problems, I wasn't where I was before. Oh yes, Trump won; and Biden stole on behalf of China and Number One Son; and freedom is under threat. But I found myself thinking constantly of the old anti-slavery meme" "Am I not a man and a brother?" This was engraved around a picture of a kneeling slave who is appealing for assistance. I felt that we had come to the end of that at least as said from a member of the black community or any minority community (including China) to a member of the white community and that this was signified by the enormous vote Trump got from American minorities. It was as if Trump said to each member of the black community: "Am I not a man and a brother? Did I not try to restore jobs for all Americans? Did I not try to help all American children escape failing schools? Did I not recognize all police officers' service to their communities? Were we not poorer after Obama? Will not Biden impoverish us again. And yet it needn't happen. Am I not a man and a brother? Vote for me." And many did. And it is these exact votes that are being cancelled by an enormous operation. In the old days - 2012 to be exact - it did not matter if the Dems manufactured votes in precincts in the black or Hispanic communities because the inhabitants would have voted Dem if they bothered to vote. But in 2020 vote-manufacturing in those areas in cancelling actual black and Hispanic votes which went to Trump and won him the election. And for why? Because the Dems want the members of those communities on their knees as all through the 19th and most of the 20th century, appealing to Dems for special assistance rather than standing on their feet and judging us all as we say: "Am I not a man a brother, or rather, a woman and a sister?" Trump passed the test. But everyone who stands by while the vote within the black and Hispanic communities is nullified is an oppressor. Of us all, as it happens. James Clyburn, you above all, should be ashamed.
Judges appear increasingly frustrated with Trump's legal claims about 2020 election
“"At what point does this get ridiculous?" the exasperated judge, an appointee of President Barack Obama, asked before ruling against the Republicans.
In court hearings and opinions around the country, judges are voicing similar frustrations with the Trump campaign's legal filings to a degree rarely seen in venues where political rhetoric is generally unwelcome, experts and courthouse veterans said.
"Judge after judge after judge has asked, in essence, 'Where is the beef?'" said Karl Racine, the attorney general for the District of Columbia and a frequent Trump critic, in a call with reporters Friday.
The Trump campaign and its supporters have filed at least 18 cases in battleground states, targeted because the president trailed Democrat Joe Biden by a comparatively narrow margin. With rare exception, the Trump campaign has been losing in court -- regardless of whether the judges were appointed by Democratic or Republican presidents. The filings have only garnered two favorable rulings to date, and numerous denials and dismissals.”
You've set out the constitutional equal protection argument that Trump's lawyers will make.
By manufacturing votes, the votes cast by legal voters aren't treated equally with the fake votes. They real votes get diluted.
I don’t know much about that website, but I am grateful for the thought provoking implication that temps don’t suffer from TDS and are unlikely to engage in election fraud. /Sarc
"..the Georgia vote counting operation"
Rep. Doug Collins
Nov 14
The hand count process in Georgia MUST include a review of signatures on absentee ballots and envelopes to verify whether the signature verification process was properly executed.
This is absolutely CRITICAL.
Without this, Georgia CANNOT properly certify the election results.
So....cannot properly=won't?
My original comment was the one and only comment that praised Althouse for her blog post. And the subject of my two comments went directly to the subject matter of the post.
Meanwhile, we see the usual Trump supporters spouting extraneous theories on why the election got stolen; calling Althouse "gullible"; veering off into "the Durham investigation" and "the Kavanaugh hoax"; suggesting "FUCK THE UNITED STATES."
Such is "moderation" at the Althouse blog.
---Dave, your claim `biggest political crime ever' did not stipulate a country or period in history.
If you wanted to clarify it multiple ways, .... [Marky]
Yawn, gave up when yet another lefty dodged answering even one basic question. Weak, weaker, weakest.
Speaking of election fraud, Joe Biden ran fourth in Iowa (14%), then 5th in NH (9%), managed 2nd in Nevada (19%), then suddenly, miraculously vaulted to the lead in South Carolina with 49%. Somehow, Biden got more delegates out of Iowa than any other candidate despite placing 4th (while Sanders, who came in 1st, got less delegates than both Biden and Buttigieg), but otherwise he was just another also-ran until the SC primary, when he doubled the vote total of the second place candidate (Sanders, who was even with Biden in the immediate pre-vote polling), won every single county and became an unstoppable juggernaut.
Seem legitimate to you?
Trump lawyers have dropped their challenge in Wisconsin federal court. Still trying to raise money. The grift continues.
yes Howard, i am grieving the death of the United States
Glad you agree with me, thanx!
Dave Begly,
Not only are the federal judges less likely to be in the tank for the state as well as better in general, 20-25% have been appointed by pdjt.
And vetted by the Federalist society.
Also on the youngish side so will be there a loooong time after pdjt leaves office in 24.
John Henry
To people like Glass, voter fraud - or colluding with foreigners to influence an election - is only bad if it hurts the Democrats and/or Leftists.
Its really that simple. don't overthink it.
The power of the MSM to gaslight the country is truly amazing. Remember the 2000 recount? It was on the news 24/7. Everyone on TV, including then late nite talk show hosts were talking about it. It seemingly went on and on, till after 37 days, the SCOTUS finally put an end to it. And Gore had NO CASE. He came up with the absurd notion that a couple of D counties needed to have a recount because too many people voted for Pat Buchanan!
But the Democrat's and the media ran with it, and it was 37 days of non-stop drama and hysteria.
But now, the D's won. So its "voter fraud, what's that? Stop wasting our time. And how about that Masters Tournament?"
Don't forget NFL. Those catches in Phoenix!
mezzrow said...
[Quote of my previous post, truncated for brevity - "Trump was supposed to lose the election just as Todd Akin did in Missouri; but unlike that test run, the DNCC's strategy backfired. Hence the continual rage since November 2016 until (and beyond) now."]
"I can't really see anything wrong with this.
The only thing wrong, though it's a biggie, is the manipulation of our electoral process. That it accrued to our country's benefit is serendipity.
"The fact that America's most well-known narcissist was the vehicle of our deliverance is true proof of God's sense of humor. I didn't understand that He had a sense of irony as well until I got old, but I do now."
Howard said...
Calm yourselves. If the evidence of malfeasance is a tenth of what you believe, the election results will be changed by the Courts and/or state legislature and/or true patriotic electors.
Any attempt to exclude the Trump campaign observers from actually watching what the "vote counters" are doing is illegal.
The only reason why they would be committing the crime of excluding those observers, is because they're planning on engaging in other crimes with the ballots.
This is like a police officer deliberately turning off his body cam right before shooting someone.
The high vote totals for Biden are like a police shooting
The fact that those vote totals are unsusal is "the guy who was shot was unarmed"
The fact that those vote counters ALL stopped counting until the other votes were in, so they knew how many votes they needed to steal the election is "the police officer had previous encounters with the person he shot"
The fact that they kicked out the vote watchers / put then where they could not observe what was going on is "the officer deliberately turned off his body cam before going to the encounter with someone eh'd had conflict with before"
So, if you're honest (no, I know Howard isn't honest, but there are other people here), the illegal exclusion of the ballot watchers, would, in and of itself, cause you to throw out every ballot they "counted" while not being effectively watched.
Adding in the rest? That says "no ballot counted by those people can be considered valid"
Either PA, WI, MI, & GA don't get any EC votes this election, or else they have re-votes, or else the votes from the 4 corrupt cities are tossed and Trump is awarded the EC votes
Or else the Democrats have been allowed to steal the Presidential election, and our social compact is dead
Sidney Powell on Rush today. Says she is very optimistic about the lawsuits.
She's a real trial lawyer; former US Attorney or AUSA.
like his Kraken line hoping for domestic terrorism.
How cute. Months and months of you and your fellow thugs committing domestic terrorism in the streets and now you're imagining somebody else suggesting it?
You're as stupid as you are dishonest. Way to go, champ.
You girls have Lost your sand. Not to worry, you'll still have Trump on NewsMax TV if in he can't get over the hump in Court.
More R's conspiraciesWITH NO EVIDENCE,,,courts throwing trumps nonsense out at a rapid pace..hen you cant prove anything just keep saying it right? Face it ,trump was a fluke president based on Americas voting apathy and a 1 term loser of the biggest sort and now SDNY ready to tear him up..He cant run in 2024 because he will be an indicted felon,he thinks runnng the country is hard he would fail again with a NEWS channel the guy is a loser based on the history...NO PROOF JUST NOISE,,trumps own department said this was the most secure election in history with no fraud of any kind..All the obstruction,mail shenanigans,pulling of mailboxes,8 hour waiting lines,didnt work,JOE WINS BY AT LEAST 7 MILLION popular votes and runs an ELECTORAL landslide (ask trump that was his 306 was)trump is now insignificant ,he'll try and burn the place down but no ones paying attention he is an old news 1 termer ,a fluke from the beginning and the most devisive in American wll be good to get back to boring with real facts (not alternative facts deemed by this criminal organization and respoNsible for the biggest death toll o Americans since 1918..He'll go down in history worse then Bendict Arnold BET!
Such is "moderation" at the Althouse blog.
What makes you think that Althouse dislikes this sentiment?
Or you, should PDT be re-inaugurated?
Howard said...
You girls have Lost your sand. Not to worry, you'll still have Trump on NewsMax TV if in he can't get over the hump in Court.
11/16/20, 2:32 PM
You repeat yourself lately. I know just like Joe-mentia views Hunter, you are the smartest person you know.
Semper Fud!
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