In early summer during the first Covid panic Sweden was 7th in world deaths per million. They did no mandatory lock down and mostly trusted their people to use information wisely. They have now dropped to 23rd place. The U.S. is 9th. Belgium leads the pack.
The U.S. has sacrificed the most by far over Covid, because we had the most to lose. We had the best economy, the best trajectory, the most free people, the most respect for individual liberty, and a President accomplishing unprecedented peace agreements and improvements in the way nations respected our interests. The rest of the world could only hope to have a piece of that to lose. We threw it all away, or let it be stolen if you understand the Constitution, which was not written for lawyers and politician to twist and ignore, but for the American people to understand and protect like they should any article of personal protection that they and their family's lives depend on.
Pennsylvania Rep had posted some interesting stats on the election fraud. To whit:
Trump Election Votes in Person: 2.8 million Joe Biden election votes in Person: 1.4 million.
Trump mail in votes: 0.6 million Biden mail in votes: 2.0 Million.
we're honestly supposed to believe that 60% Biden's voters did so by mail, but only 20% of Trump's. And that Trump won the vote by actual real people who showed up at the polls by 2-1, but lost the Mail in vote 25-75! Not believable. Fraud!
That is obvious fraud, rcocean, but they will still gaslight about it and pretend it's plausible.
But this can't be gaslighted. Live video of various MSM sources from election night with evidence of votes being switched from Trump to Biden. In four different states. I don't even remotely believe that the same MSM that is telling us there's no evidence of fraud isn't fully aware that utterly undeniable evidence was broadcast by themselves that very night.
The discussion of whether or not there was massive voter fraud is over. There literally can't possibly be more definitive evidence of fraud than those videos.
It's over.
Trump won. The election was stolen outright. Tens of thousands of votes being switched from Trump to Biden was on video that very same night. And there isn't a single honest person who can see those videos and deny it now.
There is no way that a Biden presidency will be accepted peacefully anymore. None.
Just watch the scrolling vote counts in these clips:
Venezuela fire: Thousands of voting machines burned
While Venezuelans were busy uncovering election fraud from their country's electronic voting machines, a warehouse storing the machines was burned down.
A couple days ago, I went out to my weight bench, which is set up under a black maple. When we bought the place, in '98, that tree was 8 feet high, and about the thickness of my thumb. I mowed 5-foot grass for two days to clear the lot, and I almost took that scrawny sapling out too, a couple good whacks with a machete would have done it. But it wasn't really in the way of anything I had planned, so I just mowed around it. Now it is at least 40 feet high, and a foot thick. It lost most of its leaves in October, but there on the bench, right where I lay my head to bench press, stem down and centered, as if carefully placed, was a single, large leaf, mostly pale yellow, with a stripe of dull brown. I should have pressed it, it's all crumpled now.
"The discussion of whether or not there was massive voter fraud is over. There literally can't possibly be more definitive evidence of fraud than those videos."
Well, no. The videos are definitely suggestive, but what remains to be shown is how they are connected to the process of vote-counting. It is conceivable that those displays were based rather directly on electronic transmissions from the computers compiling vote counts. As a former systems guy, I find that unlikely, but I have no direct knowledge. But if somebody in an office at WKRP is keeping his own tallies on a legal pad, from numbers someone at the precinct is phoning in to him, and he gets an addition wrong and corrects it a few minutes later, you would see those same videos, and they would be proof of nothing much.
That's what discovery is for. To find the evidence to prove, or dispel, the suspicions. But in a civil matter, the standard of proof is preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt.
The same "error", in four different states, all in the same direction on the same night, where the number of votes gained by one and lost by the other was identical?
I always had respect for you, Jupiter. That respect is gone. No one can be that moronic. It has to be dishonesty.
If this does not constitute absolute evidence of fraud, that it is only "suggestive" of fraud, is straight up gaslighting. If you are willing to dismiss *that*, there is literally nothing discovery could turn up that you wouldn't dismiss just as lightly. There can be no more obvious hard evidence than this.
Wisconsin is about to go for Trump. WI has a voting category for people "indefinitely confined" or something like that. In the last election, 20k people voted that way. In Dane and Milwaukee county, the total is well over 100k. All those ballots should be thrown out.
People need to wait and see. Important court victory in PA yesterday. The state legislatures might not certify the vote. As former constitutional law professor Ann Althouse knows, the state legislatures are the ones who pick the electors to the EC. Art. 2, Sec. 1 and the 12th Amendment.
"Absolute evidence" is "suggestive evidence" that was investigated thoroughly enough to be substantiated one way or the other. Refusing to do that is additional and even more suggestive of fraud.
I don't dismiss the suggestive value of the videos. I am myself nearly certain that what took place was a concerted fraud. The counting stopped, for no reason or for false reasons, in the five places where Democrats controlled it, and Trump was winning. After they had time to confer, the counting began again, and miraculously, Biden was winning. You would have to be a Democrat not to suspect fraud, and even many Democrats are wriggling their noses. Something stinks.
What I am doubting is the probative value of the videos. We need better evidence to win in court. We need testimony about how the votes were counted, how the counts were managed, and how those counts were transmitted to the people who displayed them on television. And I believe that if we persevere, we will get that evidence. But it is essential that we persevere, as there are many, with wealth and power, who want to close the matter and stick Joe the Schmo in the White House, so they can get on with their schemes.
I just finished collecting about 200 pine cones from the back yard, blown over in a high wind from the neighbor's pine trees. I don't know why pine trees bother with cones because nothing ever grows from them.
I utterly object to it being described as merely "subjective". This is as hard as hard evidence gets.
If Hillary in 2016 had found 6 videos of every major network showing votes switching from her to Trump, all in the same direction, all by identical amounts, Trump would have been executed by firing squad, on pay per view, with full support from every Republican on the planet, including me.
Instead, we have networks that KNOW these switches happened on their coverage robotically accusing Trump of making "false accusations" based on "no evidence".
Democrats of course want to set the evidentiary bar for establishing fraud happened beyond reasonable doubt, beyond unreasonable doubt, to the point where it is literally impossible to meet. We expect that from Democrats. When conservatives agree to such insane double standards setting the evidentiary bar far above what it is literally possible to meet, when the gaslighting has gone on so long that we have literally lost our own sanity because we can no longer even *recognize* the wildly inconsistent standard and describe concrete evidence of fraud as merely "suggestive", I lose all hope for the Republic.
We heard about this happening once weeks ago. The media answered it by claiming that it was simply a data error that was later corrected. I didn't go nuts about it then. I didn't consider it hard evidence then. Because that as an excuse is plausible once. Maybe even twice.
But once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
And a vote switch happened at least 6 times, in 4 states, with video evidence.
That is where the bullshit excuse that it was a simple error completely falls apart. There is no way it happens 6 times, all in the same direction, as an innocent error. Even if all 6 cases were corrected later, that just means they were noticed and they covered their tracks... but if it happened 6 times, and those 6 times were ONLY caught because the every-20-second updates on the major networks caught actually showed Trump's count *dropping*, it is insane to suggest that the vote can be trusted. That a concerted effort at fraud didn't happen.
Everything you describe about discovery is good and should happen. We want to find out who actually pulled the trigger. But this is concrete, hard evidence that there is a dead body with a bullet in his brain. And frankly, we shouldn't have to find who pulled the trigger to establish that a murder happened. And I will not accept the world telling me that everything is fine while standing on the rotting stinking corpse.
I wrote a comment here a couple of days after the election pointing out that the absentee ballot numbers from Pennsylvania were ridiculous based solely on the party registration numbers claimed by the SoS office. I pointed out that get Biden's margins on the mail in vote, Biden would have had to win 100% of the registered Democrats that returned an absentee ballot, 100% of the non-party affilitated voters who returned an absentee ballot, and 15% of the Republicans who returned an absentee ballot- very, very improbable.
I am not the only person who noticed this. This twitterer, using the just released statewide numbers from all the counties, did a more reasonable calculation approach using the exit polling data of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, and then generously upped the expected percentages in the absentee vote to calculate how out of whack the absentee vote is in Pennsylvania- he demonstrates that Biden would have come up at least 150K votes short of his reported totals, and likely closer to 200K short. To actually get to the numbers reported, he would have had to win almost exactly what I described in that first comment 3 weeks ago.
Yancey, did you ever see me lay out the numbers for the district for which I was a poll watcher? I did the same analysis for the purpose of showing the same improbable result. The way I like to put it is, we're supposed to believe that Biden did better in the category "mail in ballot" than the category "in person registered Democrat", despite only 66% of mail in ballots being from registered Democrats.
I guess the Democrats plan is to brass it out and claim that the courts have no way to overturn elections. This isn’t true, of course, Judges have overturned elections in the past. It’s just that you can order a revote for Senator, as has been done. This is not possible for POTUS, so you have two choices. You can argue that the Constitution provides a procedure for alternatives given the time line, or you can argue that courts must throw up their hands, even in the case of the most egregious misconduct by election officials when it comes to the most important office in our government.
Four years ago media outlets as directed by their Democrat masters were arguing that the electoral college was specifically designed for the purpose of rectifying election issues, now they are saying that it should never be used.
You can compare Pennsylvania, for example, to North Carolina. In NC, Trump won 28% of the absentee ballots while Republicans only requested 18% of the ballots, so Trump wasn't vastly underperforming on pure mail in ballots with either Republicans and/or Independents vs the election day vote, or the in-person early vote (which Trump won on both of the latter).
I can do this same analysis for states that are deep blue rather than light pink as the case is for NC, and Biden didn't come close to winning the absentee votes in those states (see NY and CA, for the prime examples) by anywhere close the margin seen in PA (and likely MI, too, though I haven't seen the final statewide numbers there yet- just what is reported at the NYT which is imcomplete, but likely won't change much with all the other counties- PA didn't- Biden just dropped a couple of percent and Trump rose a couple of percent). There is definitely fraud in the absentee vote in PA. The twitter account I linked in the first comment thinks the votes were simply switched, but I am not convinced this was how it was done- he could be right, and a hand recount might catch this.
I think that is is the fact that people have been misstating and then getting shot down:
While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
tim, that quote understates the implausibility. He didn't just outperform Hillary in only those 4 places. He outperformed Obama. Among overwhelmingly black voters. And Trump gained ground with black voters everywhere else.
I so wish some black voters somewhere would get together and audit their own vote. Count their own heads, how they voted, and compare that to their district counts. I believe the results would be at least 30% off.
There is the old quote: “If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.”
Biden's fraud is too big for any official or judge to be expected to overturn: when it comes down to it, no one will have the balls for that heavy lifting.
So limited-hangout fraud will be acknowledged as mistakes, panels will be set to make airy promises that mean nothing, and the truest words of the Swamp ever said will apply: ‘What difference, at this point, does it make?'
@Qwinn (and anybody else who wants to growl about guns) please follow Tuco's advice in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." If you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
You're making threats you aren't going to follow up on. In your own way you're as bad as folks like Chuck and Howard, taunting people. You aren't going to shoot anyone, you know you aren't going to shoot anyone, they know you have too much to lose to shoot them, and so they just laugh at you.
In Georgia, the absentee fraud was concentrate in exactly the four big counties around Atlanta Fulton County- Cobb, Gwinnett, and DeKalb. These were all counties Clinton won in 2016, but Biden picked up about 100% of the increase in the vote from 2016 to 2020 (the same applies pretty much in all the swing states urban areas, states Biden "won", but nowhere else except for NC and TX, which I am convinced are also states with some massive cheating in the urban areas, but just not enough to put Biden over the top- and, also not coincidentally the states that more or less finished their counting on election night. The controls are the deep blue states like CA, IL, and NY, followed by the deep red states with very blue urban areas like TN, IN, MO, and KY.
If you want further evidence- Ohio had about half the percentage of outstanding vote to count in the early hours of November 4th as did PA (and distributed similarly to the urban counties as they always are), and Trump was ahead by 8.5%. However, as the vote count reached >98% in Ohio over the next two weeks, Biden only made up about 0.3% of margin, unlike the 17% of margin Biden made up in PA, and the 13% he made up in Michigan.
Was watching the PA Senate hearing on Newsmax. One of the witnesses mentioned Republicans looking themselves up and seeing that their in person votes were not registered.
So I looked me and my wife up. (The district we voted in was not the one I watched). If didn't even occur to me that in person votes would have been discarded.
It has to be carefully stated because people have overstated Biden’s performance in those areas, then they get shot down with the actual statistics, and people think that that proves the Biden won fair and square. It points to fraud in those specific areas, which would have been targeted by Democrats the day after the last election.
I read somewhere that Detroit urban talk radio, callers were laughing at the idea that Biden outperformed Obama in the black community. I don’t have the link, though.
I kind of agree with Laslo, but then there is this from Bush v Gore:
In a per curiam decision, the Court first ruled 7–2 (Justices Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissenting), strictly on equal protection grounds, that the recount be stopped. - Wikipedia
I do have a morbid curiosity about how the court is going to get around the problem that Democratic leaning and Republican leaning counties had different rules in place regarding canvassing of absentee ballots, even in the same Congressional district.
Did you vote absentee, Qwinn? Because a survey of PA Republicans found that 40+% of them who thought they had voted absentee, when looked up, their vote was never counted.
Unfortunately, Laslo is spot on with the comment at 3:35 p.m.- the fraud is so big and audacious, that no judge, at least not at the district level, is going to open up the can of worms. The fraud would be easy to prove- all you have to do is to audit the signatures on the absentee ballot envelopes- the fraud would pop out immediately-we can see the evidence of it in just the ballot rejection rates which cratered everywhere this election, but which, unsurprisingly, didn't crater during this Summer and early Fall's primary elections where it is Republican vs Republican and Democrat vs Democrat. In the local primary elections, the incentive to allow cheating isn't nearly as strong any longer- your own party members working the precincts might not all be on the team- it is also why you see more elections get tossed out in primaries- the cheating that does happen gets far more whistleblowers.
Trump's only real hope is to overturn the Georgia election in a court ordered audited recount- this is why Powell's suit is the one to watch. If he can do that, it would give the Republican legislatures cover to appoint their own slates and throw the election to the House. Now, even if that happened, I don't think Trump would win in the House- it is far more likely that Pence would end up President, but either occurence is low probability at this point- less than 1% in my opinion.
I suspect that if Powell can win discovery, you will likely find that the envelopes have been shredded already in all the suspect counties, but Powell has to win such action first, and that is a longshot.
Imagine how incompetent of Trump's lawyers not to harvest all the wonderful evidence from AA commenters and eat into Biden's electoral vote landslide (Trump's word). Rudy should skip that Phoenix hotel Monday and start harvesting.
In Bush V. Gore (IIRC) Gore was attempting D-county only re-counts. Cherry picked areas. Courts said no. So he could attempt to pick what he needed to put him over the top. Gore wasn't accusing anyone of fraud - he was looking for votes.
Riffing on the quote“If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.”
The Florida recount was a $100 problem: one confined area, one set of laws to be interpreted.
Biden is the $100 million problem: way too many moving parts in different states for someone to commit to overhauling all of it. I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270.
Too much cancer to excise without killing the patient.
Just based on the win rates in some of the states for Biden on the absentee ballots, I think it possible that up to 5% of the absentee votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona are fraudulent. The only state right now whose results I fully trust, ironically, is New York's- it is one state in which voting absentee was never easy, and the strictures weren't really eliminated even because of COVID.
Okay, phew. It showed that we didn't vote based on the download I did on Nov 7th. That download showed hundreds of votes in our district on November 3rd. Why those votes had registered by the 7th, but my wife and I's votes hadn't, seems exceedingly strange to me. But I just paid $20 again and redid the download, and it does show that we voted now.
I was seriously going to go ballistic.
Which is the first time I believe I've said anything even remotely gun related, Big Mike, so I have no idea what you're talking to me about.
While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
This is evidence of the likelihood of fraud.
Except that every piece of this is false. Stop hoaxin'!
Holy shit, that's just what some lacky at CNN typed in a box on his laptop on election night! Those aren't the "real votes." Although, I am deeply amused by idea that a civil war breaking out over some CNN intern's typos.
Before you roll out the guillotines, switch to decaf for crying out loud.
If you want further evidence- Ohio had about half the percentage of outstanding vote to count in the early hours of November 4th as did PA (and distributed similarly to the urban counties as they always are), and Trump was ahead by 8.5%. However, as the vote count reached >98% in Ohio over the next two weeks, Biden only made up about 0.3% of margin, unlike the 17% of margin Biden made up in PA, and the 13% he made up in Michigan.
Not fraud, just reflects when election day votes were counted relative to absentee votes. In Mich and Penn, election day votes counted first. In Ohio, mail votes counted first
If you paid attention you would have known this before Nov 3. 538 reported on Oct 31:
"Margins will probably shift toward Democrats in the days after Nov. 3 as mail votes are added to the results."
"Election-night results are expected to be disproportionately made up of Election Day votes, which will probably skew Republican. Then, as absentee ballots are counted in the ensuing days, the state will probably experience a blue shift."
"The first results on election night (absentee ballots) will probably skew Democratic. Then, we’ll probably see a red shift as Republican-leaning Election Day votes are counted. Finally, the last vote dump on Nov. 14-18 (more absentee ballots) could benefit Democrats."
The Constitution guarantees to every state and citizen a republican form of government. But a government chosen by Dominion Election Cheatware and ballots dumped out of the back of Al Franken's Buick after midnight is not a representative government. It is a Potemkin Storefront illusion of a republican government, a tyrannical fraud sealed with a smiley-face "I Voted!"-sticker.
The Framers' fraud-resistant loosely-decentralized voting system of individual states was purposely thwarted by a nationalized computer cheatware system. If most states are running the same same computer program, they are really no longer independent. Not to mention a nearly nation-wide Cheat-by-Mail crime wave, conveniently ushered in by a Global Plandemic.
This Court is headed for a Dred Scot Moment in History.
They will soon choose between affirming the slavery of stolen Consent and plunging this nation into Civil War, or affirming the Right of Free People to Honestly Choose their own Destiny.
At least the Justices get to vote without some corrupt scumbag Democrats and RINOS stuffing the ballot box after midnight in a stunning 34-5 upset decision.
Must be nice.
We have that Right, too. And we will never cede it to the Obama Crime Family and their Globo-Gangsters.
Biden is the $100 million problem: way too many moving parts in different states for someone to commit to overhauling all of it. I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270.
Too much cancer to excise without killing the patient.
I am Laslo.
I think I agree with you Laslo. This will be worked out, if ever, over years. The question now is whether GOP legislators have any balls and are willing to go to the House.
tim, that quote understates the implausibility. He didn't just outperform Hillary in only those 4 places. He outperformed Obama. Among overwhelmingly black voters. And Trump gained ground with black voters everywhere else.
Election results also show that Trump was somewhat successful in cutting into Biden's huge margins in predominantly Black and Latinx neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
In the most predominantly Black wards, where more than 90% of residents are Black, Biden got almost 2,900 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Meanwhile, in those same wards, Trump gained ground, picking up about 300 more votes than in 2016.
bagoh20: In early summer during the first Covid panic Sweden was 7th in world deaths per million. They did no mandatory lock down and mostly trusted their people to use information wisely. They have now dropped to 23rd place. The U.S. is 9th. Belgium leads the pack.
"Live video of various MSM sources from election night with evidence of votes being switched from Trump to Biden. In four different states. I don't even remotely believe that the same MSM that is telling us there's no evidence of fraud isn't fully aware that utterly undeniable evidence was broadcast by themselves that very night."
Your link does not refute the point I made, D.D. Maybe you should read what I said more carefully. It starts "While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States... *except*.”
Your article notes that Biden outperformed Hillary in Milwaukee.
It does’t *prove* fraud, it just suggests that there was a thumb on the scale in big city counting operations in big cities in swing states. We have a lot of affidavits as to how it might have happened.
"The only state right now whose results I fully trust, ironically, is New York's- it is one state in which voting absentee was never easy, and the strictures weren't really eliminated even because of COVID."
You're looking at this wrong. Who won NY? If NY were to be stolen, who would have stolen it? That's why NY wasn't stolen.
Q - Where could a small group of conspirators with a means of altering vote counts steal an election for Joe Biden?
A - Where Joe Biden was losing a state with a large city controlled by Democrats.
I did a search for “excess deaths” in your WWWT link, Skippy, and it came up empty. No matter how “complicated” it is, the excess deaths seem to match the COVID counts, so we have a sanity check. No matter how many angels Kip Hansen can make dance on the head of a pin, that stubborn fact does not go away. He should have addressed it. Maybe I missed it, you read it carefully, you tell me.
If you are going to bring up Johns Hopkins report on that webinar somebody gave, maybe you could go over to the other thread and debunk my criticisms. Nobody else has. Everybody is sick of reading it, why rehash it here?
"I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270."
Thanks a bunch, Laslo. This is really helping. I bet if your kid was having an operation, you'd be right there in the operating theater, telling the surgeon not to bother, he hasn't got a chance.
In large part, what happens in the next few weeks will depend upon how successful the MSM is in making it appear that no one is concerned about the obvious fraud with which the Democrats are hoping to steal this election. If judges and legislators understand that Americans are sickened by this corruption, and angry about it, they will be more likely to act to put an end to it. That's why readering and its ilk are here spreading their lies and evasions. Right, DD?
If you paid attention you would have known this before Nov 3. 538 reported on Oct 31:
"Margins will probably shift toward Democrats in the days after Nov. 3 as mail votes are added to the results."
"Election-night results are expected to be disproportionately made up of Election Day votes, which will probably skew Republican. Then, as absentee ballots are counted in the ensuing days, the state will probably experience a blue shift."
"The first results on election night (absentee ballots) will probably skew Democratic. Then, we’ll probably see a red shift as Republican-leaning Election Day votes are counted. Finally, the last vote dump on Nov. 14-18 (more absentee ballots) could benefit Democrats."
Good one. Proves the fix was in, just like Trump predicted, mail in gonna be fraud ridden. Thanks for that.
I have better luck finding movies to watch on Comcast where you can find a list of 10,000 movies not “selected for me” than I do on Netflix and Amazon when AI is in control of suggestions. It almost looks on Netflix like there are only about 200 movies. It’s hard to break outside of the box they put you in. Oh well, between the three streaming services I should be able to find something good.
TiV: I did a search for “excess deaths” in your WWWT link, Skippy, and it came up empty. No matter how “complicated” it is, the excess deaths seem to match the COVID counts, so we have a sanity check. No matter how many angels Kip Hansen can make dance on the head of a pin, that stubborn fact does not go away. He should have addressed it. Maybe I missed it, you read it carefully, you tell me.
Of course it came up empty for "excess deaths", just as it came up empty for "concept impaired".
The article is all about complex, and subjective, cause of death coding is.
It cannot be said that excess deaths match COVID counts, because no one knows what the deaths would have been, otherwise. Unless you can put a number to the deaths associated with the societal reactions to C-19, then you don't know how many excess deaths are due to C-19. Furthermore, you have no idea how much earlier these deaths occurred than they would have otherwise.
Hypothetically, assume that over each of the next two years, deaths are 100,000 fewer than they would have been without C-19, because the vast majority of deaths came only slightly earlier than they would have otherwise.
Is crushing the economy, and rubbishing the concept of limited government, still worth it?
Thanks. Tempted to buy into the newer R5-R6 system (RF mount) but in this shit economy I'm hesitant on dropping 7k on a whole new system (although it would surely be impossible to be disappointed in the R5 my god.)
Another Trumpist defeat today in PA Supreme Court. Lost count of the score. But Trumpists continue to do well in AA comments. Don't forget to contribute $$ in response to appeals from Trump family.
Blogger Readering said... Another Trumpist defeat today in PA Supreme Court. Lost count of the score. But Trumpists continue to do well in AA comments. Don't forget to contribute $$ in response to appeals from Trump family.
The PA supreme court, like the 2000 Florida SC, is dominated by Democrats. I assume you knew that and were gaslighting, otherwise known as lying.The whole scam began as the PA SC rewriting election laws, just like the FL SC in 2000. Remember what happened with that ?
Did anyone think the Pennsylvania Supreme Court EVER was going to rule in the R's favor? This bunch of Stalinists are RESPONSIBLE for the fraud. This will have to be put right by the SCOTUS or the Penn legislature. Stop thinking Democrat Judges will rule on ANYTHING other than their politics!
When is the Center Right going to understand Demcorat Judges are the ENEMY. They use the law to help the DNC. But hey, lets be "good losers" and pretend they are our "Noble adversaries" and care about the Constitition.
These days I live in a town on the Wisconsin-Minnesota border, about an hour drive NE of the Twin cites. It's a beautiful area. the actual border is the Saint Croix River and its valley. Lots of scenic spots and curvy roads that wind through the woods and farmlands. In the spring, summer, and fall highway 35 is packed with tourists, usually not in Late November. But today there were a lot of tourists in town & the highway was crowded. Minnesota has a lockdown on restaurants & bars & other fun things by a decree of Mad King Walz. In Wisco, it tends to go county by county, and rural counties like mine are pretty wide open. Today's tourists here are refugees from the terrible reality life in the Twin Cities has become.
Democratic justices strike down Pennsylvania order on lamest grounds. Even though plaintiffs did not sue until they suffered injury, court decides they had to sue before they suffered injury, even though had they done so, court would have then struck the case for no "standing."
In Milwaukee City there are a couple of dozen voting wards which show 20 or less votes for Trump (some less than 10) where Biden had several hundred). So therefore if Trump's lawyers or the Republicans went in those voting wards looking for people who voted for Trump and found more than 10 in some or more than 20 in others, that would be evidence of Fraud. Then you get the election people in those wards under oath or put them on trial and plea bargain and find out how they defeated Wisconsin's safeguards. Then we'd know how it was done in the larger wards in Milwaukee. This would answer Laslo's concern about how it's too big. Different states had different ways of counting but we only need to know the mechanism in each state. We could find the mechanics by looking at precincts, voting wards, whatever, which showed very small totals for Trump, get affidavits showing more voted for him than that, prosecute, and get confessions on the mechanics in each state. And we should do this because otherwise it will just go on extending itself. And also, Biden's economy is going to be very hard on the Milwaukee City black community. No one can say that it is some left-handed kind of justice if votes were altered in their areas giving the victory to the man whose economy is going to grind them under. No one should try to achieve unity by remaining silent as the black community is disenfranchised and ground under by waves of job-stealing illegal immigrants, by rising prices for gas and fuel oil, and by Chinese theft of manufacturing and research. Black Lives Matter even if it means acknowledging that Democrats Steal Elections in big cities.
The following is the kind of work reporters used to do before they became full time fellatrices for Democrats. Remember, the media are telling us that the dead don't vote in large numbers and that people don't vote in 2 or more states when you read the following and the pdfs and the large spreadsheet:
In the first link, the author simply compares the reported voters by birth date, full name, and address with online obituary notices for Washington County, PA. In this county, he finds 173 dead people voted in the 2020 general election. Just one on of 76 counties in PA, and not a large one either in population. If Philadelphia County had the same proportion, it would be over 1000, and these 173 are just the ones he could confirm via online obituaries- the ability to check all obituaries wasn't available.
In the second of the links above, he does the same analysis of online obituaries in PA s 45th district (for PA Senate, there are 50 such districts with about 250,000 residents). All he did was review the votes of the 19,000 people listed as being over the age of 80 in the district who are also listed as voting. He found 273 such dead voters by comparing the data, full name, address, and date of birth to the available online obituaries. If this district is representative of the state, there are 13,000 such dead voters in PA alone. And, again, I remind you- these are the ones for which he can find the obituary listed at The list is by no means complete. He has promised a third article on the dead voters, but it hasn't been written yet.
In the third link, he gives a spreadsheet of 160,000 voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania alone, matched by full name and date of birth, who appear to have voted in at least 2 different locations, and in the bried sampling I did of the Excel spreadsheet, voted in both states in this past election. I was even able to confirm in a random sample of five of them that they are, indeed, the same person by checking social media and described history. That is 160,000 people in just these two states who voted twice in this past election.
As a relatively successful and busy man who lives in the city, my greatest fear is losing my girlfriend to a hometown hunk with a young son who teaches her the true meaning of Christmas...
Steve Uhr, you are wrong about Ohio. The vote left at the end of the night was almost exclusively mail in vote, about half of which was Cuyahoga County if you believe the NYTimes site data from that night. The NYTimes reported Ohio was at 90% of the expected vote, but that the election day vote was >98%- it was how Trump overcame the early lead Biden had in the state. But that last 10% was only won by Biden by a small margin, and I imagine the Cuyahoga County mail in vote mirrored the county's 2 to 1 break towards Biden.
Basically, the mail in vote in Ohio was vastly different than that in Michigan and Pennsylvania for some "unknown" reason, no matter when it was counted.
Like I wrote above, one of the lawsuits has to get discovery or, at the very least, get the state respondants to put up actual data refuting the claims of fraud and error. The best bet for this is the Georgia and Michigan suits by Powell etal. Those lawsuits have strong claims of fraud backed up by both statistical analysis and eye witness testimony. The states, will, or should, have to put up an actual defense that doesn't amount to citing news stories about a lack of fraud. If Powell gets actual discovery, then that might be enough to get the legislatures to actually take this more seriously.
Which is the first time I believe I've said anything even remotely gun related, Big Mike, so I have no idea what you're talking to me about.
@Qwinn, you closed your comment at 12:27 with a call for firing squads. Were you planning to have your firing squads do their jobs without guns? How would that work?
"Everyone deserves blame, which is why the GOP base is so pissed: they've been yelling about these issues for years but the GOP doesn't care. They're in on the con."
Yep. Many (most?) of the GOP would be fine with a Trump loss, it's not like he gets the kind of support from them that Obama got from the dems. The goal of both sides in the imperial capital is to get back to business as usual, and Trump gets in the way of that.
Perhaps sufficient doubt is enough for R legislators to hide behind to do the right thing without fragging. Re SCOTUS, not knowing GA Senate race results, do they have reason to fear disenfranchisement themselves should a runaway Rad Dem alliance pack the court? Maybe they should think on that.
Anecdotal info here. I live in suburban Philly. There were many signs on lawns that said Be Safe Vote By Mail. Next to most of those signs were Biden signs. There is no doubt in my mind that Biden voters were more likely to vote by mail. I voted in person. I did not trust govt drones to tally my Trump vote by mail.
I'm not sure is correct: Most of the GOP want to be rid of Trump. They do want to maintain control of the Senate, however. GOP leadership consists largely of eunuchs. What we need is a new party.
Big Mike, I think Qwinn was just using hyperbole. Although the thought of firing squads makes for pleasant fantasies ;-). And, yes, I'm also using hyperbole.
"Anecdotal info here. I live in suburban Philly. There were many signs on lawns that said Be Safe Vote By Mail. Next to most of those signs were Biden signs. There is no doubt in my mind that Biden voters were more likely to vote by mail. I voted in person. I did not trust govt drones to tally my Trump vote by mail."
There is no doubt this is true, but here is the problem with Pennsylvania and probably Michigan, too. In PA, we actually know the party registration of every voter who requested and returned an absentee ballot. We know this for some other states, too. All the other states for which we have the absentee voter data shows that Biden won the absentee vote almost exclusively due to the margin at which Democrats requested the ballots over Republicans. For example, if Democrats requested and returned 40% of the absentee ballots and Republicans requested and returned 20% of them (the balance of 40% going to minor third party and Independents), then Biden won the absentee vote by a margin of 2 to 2.5 to 1- largely the independents break slightly towards Biden in the absentee ballots and towards Trump in the election day vote. You see this in state after state for which we have the full data on the absentee vote. In the deep blue states, Biden's margin in the absentee vote closely mirrors his overall performance in the same state (see California or New York), and in the deep red states he won the absentee by small percentages, but still won them, and for the same reasons- Democrats simply returned a small margin more of them.
Pennsylvania is a huge outlier- like several standard deviations of an outlier. Like I wrote above, based on Pennsylvania's own data, in the absentee vote, Biden won 100% of the Democrats, 100% of the independents, and 15% of the Republicans who returned a ballot. This is statistically improbable bordering on impossible. Sure, Biden could have won 15% of the Republicans who voted by absentee, but that still doesn't explain no Democrats or Independents voting Republican. I did a quick back of the envelope calculation based on the other states who reported the partisan breakdown of returned absentees- had Pennsylvania's absentee voters behaved similarly, Trump would have won the state by over 150,000 votes, and the state is almost tied if you just give Biden the 100%D and 100%I and give Trump 100%R.
The key to overturning PA in a contest is going to be examining the absentee signatures, though a hand count might actually be enough. That PA officials have fought so hard against even a recount suggests they have something to hide.
'soup, please point to rebuttal. I was at a stop the steal rally and one guy said that was being ascribed to a primary. I suggested "so it should have been a concern much earlier?"
Yancey: I think the Dems counterfeited many ballots for Biden and they were tallied in the county offices with the valid ballots. I also think plenty of Trump mail in ballots were probably trashed. Those two things meantbBiden votes were way high versus other states.
As far as I can tell, Pennsylvania reported the same number of returned ballots on the 3rd and later in month- the numbers are close to totals reported today.
However, there is an issue that might be source of the discrepancy. In Georgia, you are supposed to enter the returned ballot in a specific database. There is no doubt the Georgia database is showing a 96,000 vote discrepancy (see the Powell suit). There might be a similar database in Pennsylvania that doesn't have public facing total that shows the 1.8 million number. In other words, I don't know specifically where the 2.6 million returned ballot number comes from, nor do I know where to look for how many ballots are recorded as being mailed out.
What you really need is an audit of the reporting system with log files. At this point, I would trust the PA government if they told me the sky was blue. I will tell you this- during the counts of November 4th and 5th, it seemed to me that the number of outstanding ballots in PA kept rising as gross total from after 8 p.m. Now, I based this on the NYTime's estimates- they would give a number of, for example, 92% of the expected vote has been counted, and I would take the present count and calculate how many votes would left to count- that latter number fell significantly more slowly than the added count rose. In other words, PA would show 100,000 additional vote counted in a period, but the calculation would show that the left to count number fell only 50,000- when I went to the county level, it was even worse when I did the same calculation for Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties. This, of course, is one of my perennial complaints about American elections- nobody seems to know how many fucking votes there are to count at any give time. Surely PA could have at any point could have given an exact number of the remaining vote, but they nor does any state actually do this- they make you guess, and I can't think of any innocent reason for this.
Walter - I think the number of requested mail ballots is significantly understated. I believe the source for the number was a news story written well before the election. So it was only a pleliminAry number.
Seriously- it should be trivial to give a number on the closing of the polls exactly how many votes there will be at the end of adjudication- all valid votes + invalid votes should equal that number within a +/- of about 2000 votes for a typical state (should be even tighter range given today's technology, but I am feeling generous). We shouldn't have to depend on media dogs saying, "State X has 94% of precincts reporting" or "State X has counted 92% of the expected vote". It should be like this- "State X started with 1,600,400 votes to count, and has counted 853,400 of them so far with the following results...." That no state tells you how many votes it has to count at the closing of the polls is criminal, both philosophically and in reality most likely.
It was hilarious watching one particular site that was scraping the actual data from Edison, trying to estimate how many votes were left to count in NV, AZ, PA, MI, and GA- at some point they just fucking gave up as they were finding the same thing I was finding- the remaining to count vote refused to square itself with the added vote. At some point, they started just reporting "unknown number left to count". Black box voting.
All the states that had those big Democratical cities shut down counting at the same time and got the same Biden spikes. No explanations are offered. Seems legit. /sarc
Interesting. Cited in fact check Has disclaimer "These vote totals do not include any votes from mail ballots received between 8 p.m. on election day and 5 p.m. the following Friday."
@mockturtle, I think I can recognize hyperbole when I see it, but between idiots like readering, Howard the fool, Chuck, Inga, and others taunting and people who should know better making threats of gun violence, I think back to the period leading up to the Civil War in 1859 - 1860. Lots of violent rhetoric, lots of taunting, lots of wishful thinking that the other side won't really fight. I'm coming up on three quarters of a century, and I think this could get really, really bad without anyone really wanting it to.
Real rabblerousers organize riots and worse on twitter and instagram, only those who point it out likr andy ngo get unpersonned metered et al. Occassionally there is the coen bros militia but thats so rare its almost not worth mentioning.
readering, Imagine the your clan's clenched sphincters should enough numbers of your supposed votes be rendered illegal. Have you an explanation for the swing state pause that refreshed while excluding monitoring? All ears, buddy.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 9h The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!
"As a relatively successful and busy man who lives in the city, my greatest fear is losing my girlfriend to a hometown hunk with a young son who teaches her the true meaning of Christmas..."
Oh, I'm dead serious about firing squads and hangings, but I didn't say *I* was going to be in that squad. No, actually, I was thinking of the recent news item that the DOJ applied to reinstate both of those as available methods for the federal death penalty, the only current option available being lethal injection. Which is WAY too good and painless for the traitors attempting to steal this election.
So yes, when the evidence identifies the actual culprits of this staggering fraud, following a fair trial, firing squads and hangings are absolutely the order of the day. Not just to dissuade them from ever attempting it again,, but also in no way should our Republic pay for lifetime imprisonment for the traitors who attempted to destroy that Republic. Even the cost of the bullets or rope should be paid from their confiscated assets.
Trump was asked if he was going to attend the inauguration if Biden wins the electoral college, assuming that all the legal challenges are unsuccessful. Trump didn't want to dignify the question or give energy to the prospect that the challenges will fail. But the real question for me is if this massive fraud is allowed to stand and if there is a Biden inauguration, will it turn out to be a large scale riot? What if 500K Trump supporters and other patriots show up on January 20 to voice their disapproval?
So far I have seen the judges appear to operate under the fear that there is no way the election could be overturned, not because there is no evidence of fraud, but because that would cause too much upheaval. They are afraid of riots. After all, we all saw how cities were boarded up prior to Nov. 3 just in case Trump won. So because of all the riots by the left our legal authorities believe it's easier to look the other way, declare there was no fraud, and maybe just to be magnanimous, promise to work on election security so there is no chance of anything like what people think happened from ever happening in the future. Heaven knows Biden could form a committee of Democrats to research election fraud and how to build more security.
But I have a feeling that approach to this situation is not going to satisfy Trump supporters who have gotten some valuable lessons from the "No Justice No Peace" and BLM demonstrators -- and I am not so certain that sweeping this election under the rug is the safest option or will be met with sighs of peaceful resignation.
I am a very peaceful person who in recent years doesn't like the hassle of traveling but in this case I am extremely motivated to travel to DC to protest a Biden inauguration whether there is an official ceremony or not. I suspect many others feel the same or even more so.
Rosalyn, Yeah..agree. Althouse has eschewed Scott Adams, lately..and though he seems to assume fraud, hopes SCOTUS saves us from conflict, regardless of law iirc was a Chuck! complaint Joementia Chyna inc
Please if we accept this fraud there will never be another legitimate election in my life time, and they will dial to eleven because who will challenge them
readering, You have real comprehension deficits if that's your take-away. His current schtick is Dems naturally/logically committed extensive, albeit targeted fraud. But SCOTUS' obligation is to save us from that sad, conflict enabling reality.
But nevermind that. Goe Joe! I eagerly await Chuck!'s heralding of conserving conservatism policies of Biden, inc.:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!
It's the folks here who remain in a bubble. Who must believe Ted Cruz stole the Iowa caucuses and millions of undocumented aliens carried CA for Clinton because Trump tweeted as much.
But readering, tell me how I have Adams wrong. if you boil it down, he assumes fraud, but wants SCOTUS to save his toon drawing ass from societal repercussions. Solid!
narciso said...Please if we accept this fraud there will never be another legitimate election in my life time, and they will dial to eleven because who will challenge them
I see this opinion all over the place and it’s hyperbole.
First, at least one election already has been stolen and the Republic survived. We all know about Nixon in 1960 putting faith in the system ahead of his own win. The electoral system did not suffer for it. Republicans are 8-6 since.
Second, it’s not a great tragedy if the guy who got the most votes, but they were poorly located, wins over the guy who got fewer votes but they were better dispersed. When the will of the people is so finely divided, it will not suffer greatly from a wrong outcome.
Finally, voting rules are set by state legislatures and the Republicans hold most of those, so even if Biden successfully “steals” this election, nothing is stopping the states from cleaning up their voting processes—which they desperately need to do no matter what.
"So yes, when the evidence identifies the actual culprits of this staggering fraud, following a fair trial, firing squads and hangings are absolutely the order of the day. Not just to dissuade them from ever attempting it again,, but also in no way should our Republic pay for lifetime imprisonment for the traitors who attempted to destroy that Republic. Even the cost of the bullets or rope should be paid from their confiscated assets."
So when Guiliani, Powell, and Trump's attempt to illegitimately overturn the election fails, I take it we should punish their attempt to destroy the Republic?
If its good for the goose, then it's good for the gander, right?
What tim said, Mark. And before you ask, your side has been gleefully using the Constitutions (state and federal) for toilet paper throughout this. Trump has abided by and respected them more throughout his Presidency than any other President in my lifetime. Only Reagan contends, and I think Trump wins it.
So there's only one goose here, no gander. And yours will be cooked soon enough.
But I think it's funny that you suggest your side would bother with fair trials. No one believes that, on either side.
Mark, you people haven't followed a single legitimate procedure yet. The list is endless and repeated here every day. And we're sick of the gaslighting too.
Finally, voting rules are set by state legislatures and the Republicanshold most of those,
Why do you insist on assigning motive by R,D? After five years it cant be more clear that there are plenty of R's working against this President. So stop with the idiocy of validating your fact free opinion by using party affiliation.
OK, so Qwinn was serious. Sorry, Big Mike, my bad. But if people are found to have tampered with the election then that is treason and should be punished by hanging or firing squad. Violent rhetoric has its place. :-)
So when Guiliani, Powell, and Trump's attempt to illegitimately overturn the election fails, I take it we should punish their attempt to destroy the Republic?
Lefty Mark sounds hysterical. Lefty Mark do you menstruate ?
First, at least one election already has been stolen and the Republic survived. We all know about Nixon in 1960 putting faith in the system ahead of his own win.
That was during the Cold War and I submit we are still living with consequences of the Vietnam War and the 60s that resulted.
Would Nixon have gotten us into Vietnam? Eisenhower turned down the French when they tried to get us involved. Kennedy became enamored of Maxwell Taylor and his book, "Uncertain trumpet," which was critical of Eisenhower. Kennedy started playing with Special Forces, which looked like a cheap way to conduct a war. He OK'd the assassination of Diem, which made it our war. Then he got shot.
Along came LBJ whose only skill was politics.
Had Nixon won, I doubt we would have gotten into Vietnam.
tim maguire: You are massively begging the question (the original and correct meaning of that term). Your argument assumes and is completely dependent on the notion that this election woukd have been close absent fraus, and that Biden won the popular vote. This... is disputed.
I think Trump won in a landslide. I base this on his amazing perforance in the in person vote (64.4% in my historically blue PA district that previously went 70-30 for Democrats). The mail in vote was unconstitutional and stripped of ALL voter integrity checks, and all claims that the results are plausible are coming only from people who like the result. Whereas lots of the witnesses signing affidavits as witnesses to fraud were Biden voters.
As far as being 8-6 since, it's more like 4-10 Do you really think conservatives picked the Bushes? McCain? Romney? The most leftist-friendly, conservative-hating Republicans in existence at each moment in time? The only times I believe the Uniparty was denied their picks since Nixon were Reagan and Trump. All supposed leftist hatred for the other candidates was pure show, at least from the leadership, though I don't doubt a lot of the useful idiots believed the con that they were really Hitler.
Would Nixon have allowed South Vietnam to go communist? I've always wondered what stopped the Viet Minh from taking over the whole country in 1954. Assumed it was PRC fear of Eisenhower using nukes coupled with assurances of elections bound to win in 56. (Cancelled with Ike's support.) Ike was a hawk during Kennedy administration. Would he have influenced President Nixon? Interesting question.
I have you, therefore, above my desk, A smile which distinguishes nobody, The tasted, tasteless essence ‘Of that forbidden tree’ The heart is not willing to forsake: For what is knowledge but love Repelled by the Other, Broken back, angular, Reflecting merely surface. And yet strangely, somewhere beneath Being does speak to being. That uncounted kernel of one.
I have you, therefore, always within reach: No, I would say ‘inside’ if to perceive Brought the soul from the body Reduced to viscera, lung and bone. And that smile always a dawn Barely perceptible (Or is it the twilight of the east, A star which leads To the seemingly humble Centre of things?) Self secluding, occluding Almost everyone, perhaps everyone.
It is the silence that focuses everything: From where, two, one, alone, being calls for Being.
A Sundays gentle cycle through seas of empty streets Shadowing the shadow of Paul. We are expecting death, September’s enervation as yet unyellowed, A stilled silence at the grieving bed.
Or the hidden poor that scuttle out of view, the boxed porter, Trader, shopmen with wives babed, again gestating. The desperation of pubs bellowed by tongues of swollen want, The dissipation of drunks, sickened
By that tumbled sense of all in one oned on Saturday, Now stirred to listless cry of child, distorted hand of care. On the makeshift carpet of grass men and women quiesced By capital poison of fat and food.
An empty hall of towered streets, sepulchre of feet’s Ghostly echo, the solitary essence of crowd, work, money, The staccato knock of question and frigid stone. Lost the prepared confusion of route,
The lanes that rebelled to be straightened, Wrens Imperfect gloom twisted to a bridge and Thames.
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१७० टिप्पण्या:
In early summer during the first Covid panic Sweden was 7th in world deaths per million. They did no mandatory lock down and mostly trusted their people to use information wisely. They have now dropped to 23rd place. The U.S. is 9th. Belgium leads the pack.
The U.S. has sacrificed the most by far over Covid, because we had the most to lose. We had the best economy, the best trajectory, the most free people, the most respect for individual liberty, and a President accomplishing unprecedented peace agreements and improvements in the way nations respected our interests. The rest of the world could only hope to have a piece of that to lose. We threw it all away, or let it be stolen if you understand the Constitution, which was not written for lawyers and politician to twist and ignore, but for the American people to understand and protect like they should any article of personal protection that they and their family's lives depend on.
Ferns Gone Wild!
Beautiful. Like a Collide-o-Scope of a sunrise landscape.
The centerpiece with the reflection on the table would be striking were it not for the ferns.
Pennsylvania Rep had posted some interesting stats on the election fraud. To whit:
Trump Election Votes in Person: 2.8 million
Joe Biden election votes in Person: 1.4 million.
Trump mail in votes: 0.6 million
Biden mail in votes: 2.0 Million.
we're honestly supposed to believe that 60% Biden's voters did so by mail, but only 20% of Trump's. And that Trump won the vote by actual real people who showed up at the polls by 2-1, but lost the Mail in vote 25-75! Not believable. Fraud!
Grotons are my fave rainbows. They are always like summer.
not that she shouldn't, but will Althouse ignore the Biden Pet Psychic?
Biden Pet Psychic
That is obvious fraud, rcocean, but they will still gaslight about it and pretend it's plausible.
But this can't be gaslighted. Live video of various MSM sources from election night with evidence of votes being switched from Trump to Biden. In four different states. I don't even remotely believe that the same MSM that is telling us there's no evidence of fraud isn't fully aware that utterly undeniable evidence was broadcast by themselves that very night.
The discussion of whether or not there was massive voter fraud is over. There literally can't possibly be more definitive evidence of fraud than those videos.
It's over.
Trump won. The election was stolen outright. Tens of thousands of votes being switched from Trump to Biden was on video that very same night. And there isn't a single honest person who can see those videos and deny it now.
There is no way that a Biden presidency will be accepted peacefully anymore. None.
Just watch the scrolling vote counts in these clips:
Firing squads. Hanging. It's the only way.
No real American table could be that clean the morning after Thanksgiving unless the the dogs are allowed on the table.
Venezuela fire: Thousands of voting machines burned
While Venezuelans were busy uncovering election fraud from their country's electronic voting machines, a warehouse storing the machines was burned down.
hey, well shit happens, right?
But dont you worry about those machines stateside.
Love this photo. It’s more uplifting.
The last few sunrises were forlorn.
That rug really ties the room together.
A couple days ago, I went out to my weight bench, which is set up under a black maple. When we bought the place, in '98, that tree was 8 feet high, and about the thickness of my thumb. I mowed 5-foot grass for two days to clear the lot, and I almost took that scrawny sapling out too, a couple good whacks with a machete would have done it. But it wasn't really in the way of anything I had planned, so I just mowed around it. Now it is at least 40 feet high, and a foot thick. It lost most of its leaves in October, but there on the bench, right where I lay my head to bench press, stem down and centered, as if carefully placed, was a single, large leaf, mostly pale yellow, with a stripe of dull brown. I should have pressed it, it's all crumpled now.
"The discussion of whether or not there was massive voter fraud is over. There literally can't possibly be more definitive evidence of fraud than those videos."
Well, no. The videos are definitely suggestive, but what remains to be shown is how they are connected to the process of vote-counting. It is conceivable that those displays were based rather directly on electronic transmissions from the computers compiling vote counts. As a former systems guy, I find that unlikely, but I have no direct knowledge. But if somebody in an office at WKRP is keeping his own tallies on a legal pad, from numbers someone at the precinct is phoning in to him, and he gets an addition wrong and corrects it a few minutes later, you would see those same videos, and they would be proof of nothing much.
That's what discovery is for. To find the evidence to prove, or dispel, the suspicions. But in a civil matter, the standard of proof is preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt.
The same "error", in four different states, all in the same direction on the same night, where the number of votes gained by one and lost by the other was identical?
I always had respect for you, Jupiter. That respect is gone. No one can be that moronic. It has to be dishonesty.
If this does not constitute absolute evidence of fraud, that it is only "suggestive" of fraud, is straight up gaslighting. If you are willing to dismiss *that*, there is literally nothing discovery could turn up that you wouldn't dismiss just as lightly. There can be no more obvious hard evidence than this.
Wisconsin is about to go for Trump. WI has a voting category for people "indefinitely confined" or something like that. In the last election, 20k people voted that way. In Dane and Milwaukee county, the total is well over 100k. All those ballots should be thrown out.
People need to wait and see. Important court victory in PA yesterday. The state legislatures might not certify the vote. As former constitutional law professor Ann Althouse knows, the state legislatures are the ones who pick the electors to the EC. Art. 2, Sec. 1 and the 12th Amendment.
Oak leaves?
"Absolute evidence" is "suggestive evidence" that was investigated thoroughly enough to be substantiated one way or the other. Refusing to do that is additional and even more suggestive of fraud.
That leaf was suggestive evidence that there is a tree somewhere in Oregon.
I don't dismiss the suggestive value of the videos. I am myself nearly certain that what took place was a concerted fraud. The counting stopped, for no reason or for false reasons, in the five places where Democrats controlled it, and Trump was winning. After they had time to confer, the counting began again, and miraculously, Biden was winning. You would have to be a Democrat not to suspect fraud, and even many Democrats are wriggling their noses. Something stinks.
What I am doubting is the probative value of the videos. We need better evidence to win in court. We need testimony about how the votes were counted, how the counts were managed, and how those counts were transmitted to the people who displayed them on television. And I believe that if we persevere, we will get that evidence. But it is essential that we persevere, as there are many, with wealth and power, who want to close the matter and stick Joe the Schmo in the White House, so they can get on with their schemes.
"That leaf was suggestive evidence that there is a tree somewhere in Oregon."
A deciduous tree.
I just finished collecting about 200 pine cones from the back yard, blown over in a high wind from the neighbor's pine trees. I don't know why pine trees bother with cones because nothing ever grows from them.
I utterly object to it being described as merely "subjective". This is as hard as hard evidence gets.
If Hillary in 2016 had found 6 videos of every major network showing votes switching from her to Trump, all in the same direction, all by identical amounts, Trump would have been executed by firing squad, on pay per view, with full support from every Republican on the planet, including me.
Instead, we have networks that KNOW these switches happened on their coverage robotically accusing Trump of making "false accusations" based on "no evidence".
Democrats of course want to set the evidentiary bar for establishing fraud happened beyond reasonable doubt, beyond unreasonable doubt, to the point where it is literally impossible to meet. We expect that from Democrats. When conservatives agree to such insane double standards setting the evidentiary bar far above what it is literally possible to meet, when the gaslighting has gone on so long that we have literally lost our own sanity because we can no longer even *recognize* the wildly inconsistent standard and describe concrete evidence of fraud as merely "suggestive", I lose all hope for the Republic.
(Sorry, I meant I object to it described as merely "suggestive". Damn autocorrect.)
By the way, I need to add:
We heard about this happening once weeks ago. The media answered it by claiming that it was simply a data error that was later corrected. I didn't go nuts about it then. I didn't consider it hard evidence then. Because that as an excuse is plausible once. Maybe even twice.
But once is happenstance.
Twice is coincidence.
Three times is enemy action.
And a vote switch happened at least 6 times, in 4 states, with video evidence.
That is where the bullshit excuse that it was a simple error completely falls apart. There is no way it happens 6 times, all in the same direction, as an innocent error. Even if all 6 cases were corrected later, that just means they were noticed and they covered their tracks... but if it happened 6 times, and those 6 times were ONLY caught because the every-20-second updates on the major networks caught actually showed Trump's count *dropping*, it is insane to suggest that the vote can be trusted. That a concerted effort at fraud didn't happen.
Everything you describe about discovery is good and should happen. We want to find out who actually pulled the trigger. But this is concrete, hard evidence that there is a dead body with a bullet in his brain. And frankly, we shouldn't have to find who pulled the trigger to establish that a murder happened. And I will not accept the world telling me that everything is fine while standing on the rotting stinking corpse.
As for who pulled the trigger:
REVEALED: Video Released of Phone Call Recording to Chinese Manufacturer Requesting a Bulk Order of Fake US 2020 Ballots
Is this only "suggestive" as well?
"I don't know why pine trees bother with cones because nothing ever grows from them”
Shhh! If the trees find out the cones don’t work, they will go extinct!
I wrote a comment here a couple of days after the election pointing out that the absentee ballot numbers from Pennsylvania were ridiculous based solely on the party registration numbers claimed by the SoS office. I pointed out that get Biden's margins on the mail in vote, Biden would have had to win 100% of the registered Democrats that returned an absentee ballot, 100% of the non-party affilitated voters who returned an absentee ballot, and 15% of the Republicans who returned an absentee ballot- very, very improbable.
I am not the only person who noticed this. This twitterer, using the just released statewide numbers from all the counties, did a more reasonable calculation approach using the exit polling data of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, and then generously upped the expected percentages in the absentee vote to calculate how out of whack the absentee vote is in Pennsylvania- he demonstrates that Biden would have come up at least 150K votes short of his reported totals, and likely closer to 200K short. To actually get to the numbers reported, he would have had to win almost exactly what I described in that first comment 3 weeks ago.
doesn't matter anyway, those cones are all stupid women.
Yancey, did you ever see me lay out the numbers for the district for which I was a poll watcher? I did the same analysis for the purpose of showing the same improbable result. The way I like to put it is, we're supposed to believe that Biden did better in the category "mail in ballot" than the category "in person registered Democrat", despite only 66% of mail in ballots being from registered Democrats.
I guess the Democrats plan is to brass it out and claim that the courts have no way to overturn elections. This isn’t true, of course, Judges have overturned elections in the past. It’s just that you can order a revote for Senator, as has been done. This is not possible for POTUS, so you have two choices. You can argue that the Constitution provides a procedure for alternatives given the time line, or you can argue that courts must throw up their hands, even in the case of the most egregious misconduct by election officials when it comes to the most important office in our government.
Four years ago media outlets as directed by their Democrat masters were arguing that the electoral college was specifically designed for the purpose of rectifying election issues, now they are saying that it should never be used.
You can compare Pennsylvania, for example, to North Carolina. In NC, Trump won 28% of the absentee ballots while Republicans only requested 18% of the ballots, so Trump wasn't vastly underperforming on pure mail in ballots with either Republicans and/or Independents vs the election day vote, or the in-person early vote (which Trump won on both of the latter).
I can do this same analysis for states that are deep blue rather than light pink as the case is for NC, and Biden didn't come close to winning the absentee votes in those states (see NY and CA, for the prime examples) by anywhere close the margin seen in PA (and likely MI, too, though I haven't seen the final statewide numbers there yet- just what is reported at the NYT which is imcomplete, but likely won't change much with all the other counties- PA didn't- Biden just dropped a couple of percent and Trump rose a couple of percent). There is definitely fraud in the absentee vote in PA. The twitter account I linked in the first comment thinks the votes were simply switched, but I am not convinced this was how it was done- he could be right, and a hand recount might catch this.
I think that is is the fact that people have been misstating and then getting shot down:
While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
This is evidence of the likelihood of fraud.
tim, that quote understates the implausibility. He didn't just outperform Hillary in only those 4 places. He outperformed Obama. Among overwhelmingly black voters. And Trump gained ground with black voters everywhere else.
I so wish some black voters somewhere would get together and audit their own vote. Count their own heads, how they voted, and compare that to their district counts. I believe the results would be at least 30% off.
Pine cones feed squirrels and chipmunks on my deck. Whatta mess when they're disassembled.
There is the old quote: “If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.”
Biden's fraud is too big for any official or judge to be expected to overturn: when it comes down to it, no one will have the balls for that heavy lifting.
So limited-hangout fraud will be acknowledged as mistakes, panels will be set to make airy promises that mean nothing, and the truest words of the Swamp ever said will apply: ‘What difference, at this point, does it make?'
I am Laslo.
@Qwinn (and anybody else who wants to growl about guns) please follow Tuco's advice in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." If you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
You're making threats you aren't going to follow up on. In your own way you're as bad as folks like Chuck and Howard, taunting people. You aren't going to shoot anyone, you know you aren't going to shoot anyone, they know you have too much to lose to shoot them, and so they just laugh at you.
In Georgia, the absentee fraud was concentrate in exactly the four big counties around Atlanta Fulton County- Cobb, Gwinnett, and DeKalb. These were all counties Clinton won in 2016, but Biden picked up about 100% of the increase in the vote from 2016 to 2020 (the same applies pretty much in all the swing states urban areas, states Biden "won", but nowhere else except for NC and TX, which I am convinced are also states with some massive cheating in the urban areas, but just not enough to put Biden over the top- and, also not coincidentally the states that more or less finished their counting on election night. The controls are the deep blue states like CA, IL, and NY, followed by the deep red states with very blue urban areas like TN, IN, MO, and KY.
If you want further evidence- Ohio had about half the percentage of outstanding vote to count in the early hours of November 4th as did PA (and distributed similarly to the urban counties as they always are), and Trump was ahead by 8.5%. However, as the vote count reached >98% in Ohio over the next two weeks, Biden only made up about 0.3% of margin, unlike the 17% of margin Biden made up in PA, and the 13% he made up in Michigan.
Oh, my, God.
Was watching the PA Senate hearing on Newsmax. One of the witnesses mentioned Republicans looking themselves up and seeing that their in person votes were not registered.
So I looked me and my wife up. (The district we voted in was not the one I watched). If didn't even occur to me that in person votes would have been discarded.
"tim, that quote understates the implausibility.”
It has to be carefully stated because people have overstated Biden’s performance in those areas, then they get shot down with the actual statistics, and people think that that proves the Biden won fair and square. It points to fraud in those specific areas, which would have been targeted by Democrats the day after the last election.
I read somewhere that Detroit urban talk radio, callers were laughing at the idea that Biden outperformed Obama in the black community. I don’t have the link, though.
Here is a Chesnut-sided Warbler from this fall's migration
I kind of agree with Laslo, but then there is this from Bush v Gore:
In a per curiam decision, the Court first ruled 7–2 (Justices Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissenting), strictly on equal protection grounds, that the recount be stopped. - Wikipedia
I do have a morbid curiosity about how the court is going to get around the problem that Democratic leaning and Republican leaning counties had different rules in place regarding canvassing of absentee ballots, even in the same Congressional district.
Did you vote absentee, Qwinn? Because a survey of PA Republicans found that 40+% of them who thought they had voted absentee, when looked up, their vote was never counted.
I am jealous of that lens garage. Sweet pic.
Qwinn - don't sit tight with that. Call one of the local elected officials.
Unfortunately, Laslo is spot on with the comment at 3:35 p.m.- the fraud is so big and audacious, that no judge, at least not at the district level, is going to open up the can of worms. The fraud would be easy to prove- all you have to do is to audit the signatures on the absentee ballot envelopes- the fraud would pop out immediately-we can see the evidence of it in just the ballot rejection rates which cratered everywhere this election, but which, unsurprisingly, didn't crater during this Summer and early Fall's primary elections where it is Republican vs Republican and Democrat vs Democrat. In the local primary elections, the incentive to allow cheating isn't nearly as strong any longer- your own party members working the precincts might not all be on the team- it is also why you see more elections get tossed out in primaries- the cheating that does happen gets far more whistleblowers.
Trump's only real hope is to overturn the Georgia election in a court ordered audited recount- this is why Powell's suit is the one to watch. If he can do that, it would give the Republican legislatures cover to appoint their own slates and throw the election to the House. Now, even if that happened, I don't think Trump would win in the House- it is far more likely that Pence would end up President, but either occurence is low probability at this point- less than 1% in my opinion.
I suspect that if Powell can win discovery, you will likely find that the envelopes have been shredded already in all the suspect counties, but Powell has to win such action first, and that is a longshot.
Imagine how incompetent of Trump's lawyers not to harvest all the wonderful evidence from AA commenters and eat into Biden's electoral vote landslide (Trump's word). Rudy should skip that Phoenix hotel Monday and start harvesting.
In Bush V. Gore (IIRC) Gore was attempting D-county only re-counts. Cherry picked areas. Courts said no. So he could attempt to pick what he needed to put him over the top. Gore wasn't accusing anyone of fraud - he was looking for votes.
Shredding election envelopes and ballots this early - is illegal. I thought.
Riffing on the quote“If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.”
The Florida recount was a $100 problem: one confined area, one set of laws to be interpreted.
Biden is the $100 million problem: way too many moving parts in different states for someone to commit to overhauling all of it. I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270.
Too much cancer to excise without killing the patient.
I am Laslo.
Just based on the win rates in some of the states for Biden on the absentee ballots, I think it possible that up to 5% of the absentee votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona are fraudulent. The only state right now whose results I fully trust, ironically, is New York's- it is one state in which voting absentee was never easy, and the strictures weren't really eliminated even because of COVID.
Okay, phew. It showed that we didn't vote based on the download I did on Nov 7th. That download showed hundreds of votes in our district on November 3rd. Why those votes had registered by the 7th, but my wife and I's votes hadn't, seems exceedingly strange to me. But I just paid $20 again and redid the download, and it does show that we voted now.
I was seriously going to go ballistic.
Which is the first time I believe I've said anything even remotely gun related, Big Mike, so I have no idea what you're talking to me about.
While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
This is evidence of the likelihood of fraud.
Except that every piece of this is false. Stop hoaxin'!
Just watch the scrolling vote counts in these clips:
Firing squads. Hanging. It's the only way.
Holy shit, that's just what some lacky at CNN typed in a box on his laptop on election night! Those aren't the "real votes." Although, I am deeply amused by idea that a civil war breaking out over some CNN intern's typos.
Before you roll out the guillotines, switch to decaf for crying out loud.
Yancey Ward said
If you want further evidence- Ohio had about half the percentage of outstanding vote to count in the early hours of November 4th as did PA (and distributed similarly to the urban counties as they always are), and Trump was ahead by 8.5%. However, as the vote count reached >98% in Ohio over the next two weeks, Biden only made up about 0.3% of margin, unlike the 17% of margin Biden made up in PA, and the 13% he made up in Michigan.
Not fraud, just reflects when election day votes were counted relative to absentee votes. In Mich and Penn, election day votes counted first. In Ohio, mail votes counted first
If you paid attention you would have known this before Nov 3. 538 reported on Oct 31:
"Margins will probably shift toward Democrats in the days after Nov. 3 as mail votes are added to the results."
"Election-night results are expected to be disproportionately made up of Election Day votes, which will probably skew Republican. Then, as absentee ballots are counted in the ensuing days, the state will probably experience a blue shift."
"The first results on election night (absentee ballots) will probably skew Democratic. Then, we’ll probably see a red shift as Republican-leaning Election Day votes are counted. Finally, the last vote dump on Nov. 14-18 (more absentee ballots) could benefit Democrats."
The Constitution guarantees to every state and citizen a republican form of government. But a government chosen by Dominion Election Cheatware and ballots dumped out of the back of Al Franken's Buick after midnight is not a representative government. It is a Potemkin Storefront illusion of a republican government, a tyrannical fraud sealed with a smiley-face "I Voted!"-sticker.
The Framers' fraud-resistant loosely-decentralized voting system of individual states was purposely thwarted by a nationalized computer cheatware system. If most states are running the same same computer program, they are really no longer independent. Not to mention a nearly nation-wide Cheat-by-Mail crime wave, conveniently ushered in by a Global Plandemic.
This Court is headed for a Dred Scot Moment in History.
They will soon choose between affirming the slavery of stolen Consent and plunging this nation into Civil War, or affirming the Right of Free People to Honestly Choose their own Destiny.
At least the Justices get to vote without some corrupt scumbag Democrats and RINOS stuffing the ballot box after midnight in a stunning 34-5 upset decision.
Must be nice.
We have that Right, too. And we will never cede it to the Obama Crime Family and their Globo-Gangsters.
Biden is the $100 million problem: way too many moving parts in different states for someone to commit to overhauling all of it. I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270.
Too much cancer to excise without killing the patient.
I am Laslo.
I think I agree with you Laslo. This will be worked out, if ever, over years. The question now is whether GOP legislators have any balls and are willing to go to the House.
tim, that quote understates the implausibility. He didn't just outperform Hillary in only those 4 places. He outperformed Obama. Among overwhelmingly black voters. And Trump gained ground with black voters everywhere else.
This is not true. Stop hoaxin'!
Election results also show that Trump was somewhat successful in cutting into Biden's huge margins in predominantly Black and Latinx neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
In the most predominantly Black wards, where more than 90% of residents are Black, Biden got almost 2,900 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Meanwhile, in those same wards, Trump gained ground, picking up about 300 more votes than in 2016.
bagoh20: In early summer during the first Covid panic Sweden was 7th in world deaths per million. They did no mandatory lock down and mostly trusted their people to use information wisely. They have now dropped to 23rd place. The U.S. is 9th. Belgium leads the pack.
The US has 265,000 Mao Tse Lung deaths.
How do we know? On account of Science!
(It's well worth the time to read.)
That's true in *some* Milwaukee wards, DD. The insane overperformance was localized to a few specific wards in Milwaukee. Which is to be expected.
Everyone remembers the end of Soylent Green, right?
The horror wasn't Charlton Heston discovering that Soylent Green was human bodies.
The horror was that the population inevitably shrugged, said 'Eh - who cares?' and went back to eating their crackers.
I am Laslo.
Once you eat all of the ground corn, you have to start eating the people that ate the ground corn.
THEN comes rock soup.
In New America, the Donner Party has more relevance than the Mayflower.
I am Laslo.
Qwinn said:
"Live video of various MSM sources from election night with evidence of votes being switched from Trump to Biden. In four different states. I don't even remotely believe that the same MSM that is telling us there's no evidence of fraud isn't fully aware that utterly undeniable evidence was broadcast by themselves that very night."
Journalism died in darkness.
Your link does not refute the point I made, D.D. Maybe you should read what I said more carefully. It starts "While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States... *except*.”
Your article notes that Biden outperformed Hillary in Milwaukee.
It was an excerpt from this article.
It does’t *prove* fraud, it just suggests that there was a thumb on the scale in big city counting operations in big cities in swing states. We have a lot of affidavits as to how it might have happened.
"The only state right now whose results I fully trust, ironically, is New York's- it is one state in which voting absentee was never easy, and the strictures weren't really eliminated even because of COVID."
You're looking at this wrong. Who won NY? If NY were to be stolen, who would have stolen it? That's why NY wasn't stolen.
Q - Where could a small group of conspirators with a means of altering vote counts steal an election for Joe Biden?
A - Where Joe Biden was losing a state with a large city controlled by Democrats.
Although I don't blame Joe Biden. I doubt he even knows the election was stolen. Why would they tell him?
true, they don't distract with anything that would make him think,
I did a search for “excess deaths” in your WWWT link, Skippy, and it came up empty. No matter how “complicated” it is, the excess deaths seem to match the COVID counts, so we have a sanity check. No matter how many angels Kip Hansen can make dance on the head of a pin, that stubborn fact does not go away. He should have addressed it. Maybe I missed it, you read it carefully, you tell me.
If you are going to bring up Johns Hopkins report on that webinar somebody gave, maybe you could go over to the other thread and debunk my criticisms. Nobody else has. Everybody is sick of reading it, why rehash it here?
"I expect minor Trump courtroom victories here and there that carefully add up to the predetermined outcome of him not getting to 270."
Thanks a bunch, Laslo. This is really helping. I bet if your kid was having an operation, you'd be right there in the operating theater, telling the surgeon not to bother, he hasn't got a chance.
In large part, what happens in the next few weeks will depend upon how successful the MSM is in making it appear that no one is concerned about the obvious fraud with which the Democrats are hoping to steal this election. If judges and legislators understand that Americans are sickened by this corruption, and angry about it, they will be more likely to act to put an end to it. That's why readering and its ilk are here spreading their lies and evasions. Right, DD?
Why doesn’t Twitter have a disclaimer that says
(!) Biden’s claim that he is president elect is disputed.
Steve uhr says:
If you paid attention you would have known this before Nov 3. 538 reported on Oct 31:
"Margins will probably shift toward Democrats in the days after Nov. 3 as mail votes are added to the results."
"Election-night results are expected to be disproportionately made up of Election Day votes, which will probably skew Republican. Then, as absentee ballots are counted in the ensuing days, the state will probably experience a blue shift."
"The first results on election night (absentee ballots) will probably skew Democratic. Then, we’ll probably see a red shift as Republican-leaning Election Day votes are counted. Finally, the last vote dump on Nov. 14-18 (more absentee ballots) could benefit Democrats."
Good one. Proves the fix was in, just like Trump predicted, mail in gonna be fraud ridden. Thanks for that.
the answer is yes,
"mail in gonna be fraud ridden”
Saw a funny meme: “If voting by mail is so secure, why don’t they do drug tests by mail?"
Here is a Johns Hopkins 'pre-buttle' to your interpretation of WUWT’s article.
If you bothered to read one, you should bother to read the other.
I have better luck finding movies to watch on Comcast where you can find a list of 10,000 movies not “selected for me” than I do on Netflix and Amazon when AI is in control of suggestions. It almost looks on Netflix like there are only about 200 movies. It’s hard to break outside of the box they put you in. Oh well, between the three streaming services I should be able to find something good.
TiV: I did a search for “excess deaths” in your WWWT link, Skippy, and it came up empty. No matter how “complicated” it is, the excess deaths seem to match the COVID counts, so we have a sanity check. No matter how many angels Kip Hansen can make dance on the head of a pin, that stubborn fact does not go away. He should have addressed it. Maybe I missed it, you read it carefully, you tell me.
Of course it came up empty for "excess deaths", just as it came up empty for "concept impaired".
The article is all about complex, and subjective, cause of death coding is.
It cannot be said that excess deaths match COVID counts, because no one knows what the deaths would have been, otherwise. Unless you can put a number to the deaths associated with the societal reactions to C-19, then you don't know how many excess deaths are due to C-19. Furthermore, you have no idea how much earlier these deaths occurred than they would have otherwise.
Hypothetically, assume that over each of the next two years, deaths are 100,000 fewer than they would have been without C-19, because the vast majority of deaths came only slightly earlier than they would have otherwise.
Is crushing the economy, and rubbishing the concept of limited government, still worth it?
Welcome to my ilk!
I am jealous of that lens garage. Sweet pic.
Thanks. Tempted to buy into the newer R5-R6 system (RF mount) but in this shit economy I'm hesitant on dropping 7k on a whole new system (although it would surely be impossible to be disappointed in the R5 my god.)
Another Trumpist defeat today in PA Supreme Court. Lost count of the score. But Trumpists continue to do well in AA comments. Don't forget to contribute $$ in response to appeals from Trump family.
Blogger Readering said...
Another Trumpist defeat today in PA Supreme Court. Lost count of the score. But Trumpists continue to do well in AA comments. Don't forget to contribute $$ in response to appeals from Trump family.
The PA supreme court, like the 2000 Florida SC, is dominated by Democrats. I assume you knew that and were gaslighting, otherwise known as lying.The whole scam began as the PA SC rewriting election laws, just like the FL SC in 2000. Remember what happened with that ?
The search function in Netflix might open things a bit.
Did anyone think the Pennsylvania Supreme Court EVER was going to rule in the R's favor? This bunch of Stalinists are RESPONSIBLE for the fraud. This will have to be put right by the SCOTUS or the Penn legislature. Stop thinking Democrat Judges will rule on ANYTHING other than their politics!
When is the Center Right going to understand Demcorat Judges are the ENEMY. They use the law to help the DNC. But hey, lets be "good losers" and pretend they are our "Noble adversaries" and care about the Constitition.
Here's where I come for top flight legal analysis.
This is playing on the radio tonight:
Bob Dylan - Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
The Pennsylvania GOP legislature is the one who expanded mail-in voting in 2019 despite the state constitution’s limitations.
They deserve a fair amount of blame here.
These days I live in a town on the Wisconsin-Minnesota border, about an hour drive NE of the Twin cites. It's a beautiful area. the actual border is the Saint Croix River and its valley. Lots of scenic spots and curvy roads that wind through the woods and farmlands.
In the spring, summer, and fall highway 35 is packed with tourists, usually not in Late November.
But today there were a lot of tourists in town & the highway was crowded. Minnesota has a lockdown on restaurants & bars & other fun things by a decree of Mad King Walz. In Wisco, it tends to go county by county, and rural counties like mine are pretty wide open.
Today's tourists here are refugees from the terrible reality life in the Twin Cities has become.
Lost count of the score
Score? Like with points? Some victories will make other victories pointless...
How about a new protest group: DLM. Deplorable Lives Matter.
Democratic justices strike down Pennsylvania order on lamest grounds. Even though plaintiffs did not sue until they suffered injury, court decides they had to sue before they suffered injury, even though had they done so, court would have then struck the case for no "standing."
In Milwaukee City there are a couple of dozen voting wards which show 20 or less votes for Trump (some less than 10) where Biden had several hundred). So therefore if Trump's lawyers or the Republicans went in those voting wards looking for people who voted for Trump and found more than 10 in some or more than 20 in others, that would be evidence of Fraud. Then you get the election people in those wards under oath or put them on trial and plea bargain and find out how they defeated Wisconsin's safeguards. Then we'd know how it was done in the larger wards in Milwaukee. This would answer Laslo's concern about how it's too big. Different states had different ways of counting but we only need to know the mechanism in each state. We could find the mechanics by looking at precincts, voting wards, whatever, which showed very small totals for Trump, get affidavits showing more voted for him than that, prosecute, and get confessions on the mechanics in each state.
And we should do this because otherwise it will just go on extending itself.
And also, Biden's economy is going to be very hard on the Milwaukee City black community. No one can say that it is some left-handed kind of justice if votes were altered in their areas giving the victory to the man whose economy is going to grind them under. No one should try to achieve unity by remaining silent as the black community is disenfranchised and ground under by waves of job-stealing illegal immigrants, by rising prices for gas and fuel oil, and by Chinese theft of manufacturing and research. Black Lives Matter even if it means acknowledging that Democrats Steal Elections in big cities.
The following is the kind of work reporters used to do before they became full time fellatrices for Democrats. Remember, the media are telling us that the dead don't vote in large numbers and that people don't vote in 2 or more states when you read the following and the pdfs and the large spreadsheet:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
In the first link, the author simply compares the reported voters by birth date, full name, and address with online obituary notices for Washington County, PA. In this county, he finds 173 dead people voted in the 2020 general election. Just one on of 76 counties in PA, and not a large one either in population. If Philadelphia County had the same proportion, it would be over 1000, and these 173 are just the ones he could confirm via online obituaries- the ability to check all obituaries wasn't available.
In the second of the links above, he does the same analysis of online obituaries in PA
s 45th district (for PA Senate, there are 50 such districts with about 250,000 residents). All he did was review the votes of the 19,000 people listed as being over the age of 80 in the district who are also listed as voting. He found 273 such dead voters by comparing the data, full name, address, and date of birth to the available online obituaries. If this district is representative of the state, there are 13,000 such dead voters in PA alone. And, again, I remind you- these are the ones for which he can find the obituary listed at The list is by no means complete. He has promised a third article on the dead voters, but it hasn't been written yet.
In the third link, he gives a spreadsheet of 160,000 voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania alone, matched by full name and date of birth, who appear to have voted in at least 2 different locations, and in the bried sampling I did of the Excel spreadsheet, voted in both states in this past election. I was even able to confirm in a random sample of five of them that they are, indeed, the same person by checking social media and described history. That is 160,000 people in just these two states who voted twice in this past election.
As a relatively successful and busy man who lives in the city, my greatest fear is losing my girlfriend to a hometown hunk with a young son who teaches her the true meaning of Christmas...
Steve Uhr, you are wrong about Ohio. The vote left at the end of the night was almost exclusively mail in vote, about half of which was Cuyahoga County if you believe the NYTimes site data from that night. The NYTimes reported Ohio was at 90% of the expected vote, but that the election day vote was >98%- it was how Trump overcame the early lead Biden had in the state. But that last 10% was only won by Biden by a small margin, and I imagine the Cuyahoga County mail in vote mirrored the county's 2 to 1 break towards Biden.
Basically, the mail in vote in Ohio was vastly different than that in Michigan and Pennsylvania for some "unknown" reason, no matter when it was counted.
Like I wrote above, one of the lawsuits has to get discovery or, at the very least, get the state respondants to put up actual data refuting the claims of fraud and error. The best bet for this is the Georgia and Michigan suits by Powell etal. Those lawsuits have strong claims of fraud backed up by both statistical analysis and eye witness testimony. The states, will, or should, have to put up an actual defense that doesn't amount to citing news stories about a lack of fraud. If Powell gets actual discovery, then that might be enough to get the legislatures to actually take this more seriously.
Cats live to be old teenagers. There better be a succession plan in place if they take on that responsibility... least they should wait until they find out if they're moving...
Which is the first time I believe I've said anything even remotely gun related, Big Mike, so I have no idea what you're talking to me about.
@Qwinn, you closed your comment at 12:27 with a call for firing squads. Were you planning to have your firing squads do their jobs without guns? How would that work?
"Everyone deserves blame, which is why the GOP base is so pissed: they've been yelling about these issues for years but the GOP doesn't care. They're in on the con."
Yep. Many (most?) of the GOP would be fine with a Trump loss, it's not like he gets the kind of support from them that Obama got from the dems. The goal of both sides in the imperial capital is to get back to business as usual, and Trump gets in the way of that.
Perhaps sufficient doubt is enough for R legislators to hide behind to do the right thing without fragging.
Re SCOTUS, not knowing GA Senate race results, do they have reason to fear disenfranchisement themselves should a runaway Rad Dem alliance pack the court?
Maybe they should think on that.
Anecdotal info here. I live in suburban Philly. There were many signs on lawns that said Be Safe Vote By Mail. Next to most of those signs were Biden signs. There is no doubt in my mind that Biden voters were more likely to vote by mail. I voted in person. I did not trust govt drones to tally my Trump vote by mail.
Have they reconciled the purported 1.8 mil mail vote forms going out returning 2.5 mil in PA?
Walter: I’m pretty sure those numbers are wrong but they keep getting repeated.
I'm not sure is correct: Most of the GOP want to be rid of Trump. They do want to maintain control of the Senate, however. GOP leadership consists largely of eunuchs. What we need is a new party.
Big Mike, I think Qwinn was just using hyperbole. Although the thought of firing squads makes for pleasant fantasies ;-). And, yes, I'm also using hyperbole.
"Anecdotal info here. I live in suburban Philly. There were many signs on lawns that said Be Safe Vote By Mail. Next to most of those signs were Biden signs. There is no doubt in my mind that Biden voters were more likely to vote by mail. I voted in person. I did not trust govt drones to tally my Trump vote by mail."
There is no doubt this is true, but here is the problem with Pennsylvania and probably Michigan, too. In PA, we actually know the party registration of every voter who requested and returned an absentee ballot. We know this for some other states, too. All the other states for which we have the absentee voter data shows that Biden won the absentee vote almost exclusively due to the margin at which Democrats requested the ballots over Republicans. For example, if Democrats requested and returned 40% of the absentee ballots and Republicans requested and returned 20% of them (the balance of 40% going to minor third party and Independents), then Biden won the absentee vote by a margin of 2 to 2.5 to 1- largely the independents break slightly towards Biden in the absentee ballots and towards Trump in the election day vote. You see this in state after state for which we have the full data on the absentee vote. In the deep blue states, Biden's margin in the absentee vote closely mirrors his overall performance in the same state (see California or New York), and in the deep red states he won the absentee by small percentages, but still won them, and for the same reasons- Democrats simply returned a small margin more of them.
Pennsylvania is a huge outlier- like several standard deviations of an outlier. Like I wrote above, based on Pennsylvania's own data, in the absentee vote, Biden won 100% of the Democrats, 100% of the independents, and 15% of the Republicans who returned a ballot. This is statistically improbable bordering on impossible. Sure, Biden could have won 15% of the Republicans who voted by absentee, but that still doesn't explain no Democrats or Independents voting Republican. I did a quick back of the envelope calculation based on the other states who reported the partisan breakdown of returned absentees- had Pennsylvania's absentee voters behaved similarly, Trump would have won the state by over 150,000 votes, and the state is almost tied if you just give Biden the 100%D and 100%I and give Trump 100%R.
The key to overturning PA in a contest is going to be examining the absentee signatures, though a hand count might actually be enough. That PA officials have fought so hard against even a recount suggests they have something to hide.
'soup, please point to rebuttal.
I was at a stop the steal rally and one guy said that was being ascribed to a primary. I suggested "so it should have been a concern much earlier?"
Yancey: I think the Dems counterfeited many ballots for Biden and they were tallied in the county offices with the valid ballots. I also think plenty of Trump mail in ballots were probably trashed. Those two things meantbBiden votes were way high versus other states.
Walter I don’t understand your last question. Please clarify.
Tell us the policy wins you see from abra cadaver Joe-mentia.
Its rather striking how devoid of analytics their diktats are yancey well they think silver and cohn are authorities so its not that surprising.
As far as I can tell, Pennsylvania reported the same number of returned ballots on the 3rd and later in month- the numbers are close to totals reported today.
However, there is an issue that might be source of the discrepancy. In Georgia, you are supposed to enter the returned ballot in a specific database. There is no doubt the Georgia database is showing a 96,000 vote discrepancy (see the Powell suit). There might be a similar database in Pennsylvania that doesn't have public facing total that shows the 1.8 million number. In other words, I don't know specifically where the 2.6 million returned ballot number comes from, nor do I know where to look for how many ballots are recorded as being mailed out.
What you really need is an audit of the reporting system with log files. At this point, I would trust the PA government if they told me the sky was blue. I will tell you this- during the counts of November 4th and 5th, it seemed to me that the number of outstanding ballots in PA kept rising as gross total from after 8 p.m. Now, I based this on the NYTime's estimates- they would give a number of, for example, 92% of the expected vote has been counted, and I would take the present count and calculate how many votes would left to count- that latter number fell significantly more slowly than the added count rose. In other words, PA would show 100,000 additional vote counted in a period, but the calculation would show that the left to count number fell only 50,000- when I went to the county level, it was even worse when I did the same calculation for Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties. This, of course, is one of my perennial complaints about American elections- nobody seems to know how many fucking votes there are to count at any give time. Surely PA could have at any point could have given an exact number of the remaining vote, but they nor does any state actually do this- they make you guess, and I can't think of any innocent reason for this.
How/to what extent are those numbers wrong?
Yes you need to match all data points the electronic record, the dated envelopes the stubs and if you cant reconcile them
How is it that only one swing state had the sense to provide a (lame) excuse for shutting down counting?
So lazy..privileged...
Walter - I think the number of requested mail ballots is significantly understated. I believe the source for the number was a news story written well before the election. So it was only a pleliminAry number.
Seriously- it should be trivial to give a number on the closing of the polls exactly how many votes there will be at the end of adjudication- all valid votes + invalid votes should equal that number within a +/- of about 2000 votes for a typical state (should be even tighter range given today's technology, but I am feeling generous). We shouldn't have to depend on media dogs saying, "State X has 94% of precincts reporting" or "State X has counted 92% of the expected vote". It should be like this- "State X started with 1,600,400 votes to count, and has counted 853,400 of them so far with the following results...." That no state tells you how many votes it has to count at the closing of the polls is criminal, both philosophically and in reality most likely.
It was hilarious watching one particular site that was scraping the actual data from Edison, trying to estimate how many votes were left to count in NV, AZ, PA, MI, and GA- at some point they just fucking gave up as they were finding the same thing I was finding- the remaining to count vote refused to square itself with the added vote. At some point, they started just reporting "unknown number left to count". Black box voting.
All the states that had those big Democratical cities shut down counting at the same time and got the same Biden spikes.
No explanations are offered.
Seems legit.
Cited in fact check
Has disclaimer "These vote totals do not include any votes from mail ballots received between 8 p.m. on election day and 5 p.m. the following Friday."
Well, Uplay Online AS Casino and EVO Club may offer better fare right now.
I'll sign off now and look for resolution of all these issues in the morning when I check back in.
Don't disappoint me!
A renegade overflowing urinal can cross many state lines...
Beautiful. Like a Collide-o-Scope of a sunrise landscape.
You mean......Kaleidoscope.
Chuck! is still thinking.
@mockturtle, I think I can recognize hyperbole when I see it, but between idiots like readering, Howard the fool, Chuck, Inga, and others taunting and people who should know better making threats of gun violence, I think back to the period leading up to the Civil War in 1859 - 1860. Lots of violent rhetoric, lots of taunting, lots of wishful thinking that the other side won't really fight. I'm coming up on three quarters of a century, and I think this could get really, really bad without anyone really wanting it to.
Real rabblerousers organize riots and worse on twitter and instagram, only those who point it out likr andy ngo get unpersonned metered et al. Occassionally there is the coen bros militia but thats so rare its almost not worth mentioning.
Things were much worse in '68.
Nothing gonna get started on AA comments!
Plus, if you feel this way, imagine how the 80 million (and still counting in NY!) who voted for the winner think!
But we console ourselves with the thought this may be undermining GOP efforts in the GA runoffs.
Imagine the your clan's clenched sphincters should enough numbers of your supposed votes be rendered illegal.
Have you an explanation for the swing state pause that refreshed while excluding monitoring?
All ears, buddy.
Election month! Hasnt even started yet. Dont worry about it.
True narciso
Such a lovely picture
Donald J. Trump
The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!
"As a relatively successful and busy man who lives in the city, my greatest fear is losing my girlfriend to a hometown hunk with a young son who teaches her the true meaning of Christmas..."
This is a hilarious comment : )
From Ace:
As rush pointed out the 2005 commission on election reform looked down on mail vote for many of the reasons we see now.
Oh, I'm dead serious about firing squads and hangings, but I didn't say *I* was going to be in that squad. No, actually, I was thinking of the recent news item that the DOJ applied to reinstate both of those as available methods for the federal death penalty, the only current option available being lethal injection. Which is WAY too good and painless for the traitors attempting to steal this election.
So yes, when the evidence identifies the actual culprits of this staggering fraud, following a fair trial, firing squads and hangings are absolutely the order of the day. Not just to dissuade them from ever attempting it again,, but also in no way should our Republic pay for lifetime imprisonment for the traitors who attempted to destroy that Republic. Even the cost of the bullets or rope should be paid from their confiscated assets.
Trump was asked if he was going to attend the inauguration if Biden wins the electoral college, assuming that all the legal challenges are unsuccessful. Trump didn't want to dignify the question or give energy to the prospect that the challenges will fail. But the real question for me is if this massive fraud is allowed to stand and if there is a Biden inauguration, will it turn out to be a large scale riot? What if 500K Trump supporters and other patriots show up on January 20 to voice their disapproval?
So far I have seen the judges appear to operate under the fear that there is no way the election could be overturned, not because there is no evidence of fraud, but because that would cause too much upheaval. They are afraid of riots. After all, we all saw how cities were boarded up prior to Nov. 3 just in case Trump won. So because of all the riots by the left our legal authorities believe it's easier to look the other way, declare there was no fraud, and maybe just to be magnanimous, promise to work on election security so there is no chance of anything like what people think happened from ever happening in the future. Heaven knows Biden could form a committee of Democrats to research election fraud and how to build more security.
But I have a feeling that approach to this situation is not going to satisfy Trump supporters who have gotten some valuable lessons from the "No Justice No Peace" and BLM demonstrators -- and I am not so certain that sweeping this election under the rug is the safest option or will be met with sighs of peaceful resignation.
I am a very peaceful person who in recent years doesn't like the hassle of traveling but in this case I am extremely motivated to travel to DC to protest a Biden inauguration whether there is an official ceremony or not. I suspect many others feel the same or even more so.
Althouse has eschewed Scott Adams, lately..and though he seems to assume fraud, hopes SCOTUS saves us from conflict, regardless of law iirc was a Chuck! complaint Joementia Chyna inc
i.e. "Scott Adams doesn't care about law!"
Now, Chuck!?
Please if we accept this fraud there will never be another legitimate election in my life time, and they will dial to eleven because who will challenge them
Who is we?
re what, readering.
Readering said...
Who is we?
How big is your world Readering?
How many people do you talk to who disagree with you?
How many websites do you go to that have information that challenges your paradigm?
Have you talked to any Veterans lately?
By Adams's logic the Trump supporters must have committed election fraud because they really wanted to see Trump win.
I spend a lot of time here with my ilk.
You have real comprehension deficits if that's your take-away.
His current schtick is Dems naturally/logically committed extensive, albeit targeted fraud. But SCOTUS' obligation is to save us from that sad, conflict enabling reality.
But nevermind that. Goe Joe!
I eagerly await Chuck!'s heralding of conserving conservatism policies of Biden, inc.:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!
It's the folks here who remain in a bubble. Who must believe Ted Cruz stole the Iowa caucuses and millions of undocumented aliens carried CA for Clinton because Trump tweeted as much.
Of course the real hall monitors on this site seem to think i am being paid by some Soros affiliate to write here after collecting daily instructions.
soros would not deem you worthy of funding.
But readering, tell me how I have Adams wrong.
if you boil it down, he assumes fraud, but wants SCOTUS to save his toon drawing ass from societal repercussions.
Poor readering..
narciso said...Please if we accept this fraud there will never be another legitimate election in my life time, and they will dial to eleven because who will challenge them
I see this opinion all over the place and it’s hyperbole.
First, at least one election already has been stolen and the Republic survived. We all know about Nixon in 1960 putting faith in the system ahead of his own win. The electoral system did not suffer for it. Republicans are 8-6 since.
Second, it’s not a great tragedy if the guy who got the most votes, but they were poorly located, wins over the guy who got fewer votes but they were better dispersed. When the will of the people is so finely divided, it will not suffer greatly from a wrong outcome.
Finally, voting rules are set by state legislatures and the Republicans hold most of those, so even if Biden successfully “steals” this election, nothing is stopping the states from cleaning up their voting processes—which they desperately need to do no matter what.
"So yes, when the evidence identifies the actual culprits of this staggering fraud, following a fair trial, firing squads and hangings are absolutely the order of the day. Not just to dissuade them from ever attempting it again,, but also in no way should our Republic pay for lifetime imprisonment for the traitors who attempted to destroy that Republic. Even the cost of the bullets or rope should be paid from their confiscated assets."
So when Guiliani, Powell, and Trump's attempt to illegitimately overturn the election fails, I take it we should punish their attempt to destroy the Republic?
If its good for the goose, then it's good for the gander, right?
That word “illegitimately” carries a lot of freight in your comment, Mark. As long as they follow the constitution, it’s not “illegitimate."
---That PA officials have fought so hard against even a recount suggests they have something to hide. [YWard]
As in your 8:03 pm post, more examples of PA Democrats at work:
This has been going on for probably 100 years, but they are getting better and more shameless at it. Even Joe Frazier! Why not.
The number must be at least 10x what any observer has been able to demonstrate, possibly more than that.
Still, it seems to me it's the machinery and its software that are suddenly operating on a different order of magnitude.
tim, tell that to Qwinn.
He seems to be threatening people who are following legitimate procedures that he does not agree with.
What tim said, Mark. And before you ask, your side has been gleefully using the Constitutions (state and federal) for toilet paper throughout this. Trump has abided by and respected them more throughout his Presidency than any other President in my lifetime. Only Reagan contends, and I think Trump wins it.
So there's only one goose here, no gander. And yours will be cooked soon enough.
But I think it's funny that you suggest your side would bother with fair trials. No one believes that, on either side.
Mark, you people haven't followed a single legitimate procedure yet. The list is endless and repeated here every day. And we're sick of the gaslighting too.
Finally, voting rules are set by state legislatures and the Republicans hold most of those,
Why do you insist on assigning motive by R,D? After five years it cant be more clear that there are plenty of R's working against this President. So stop with the idiocy of validating your fact free opinion by using party affiliation.
OK, so Qwinn was serious. Sorry, Big Mike, my bad. But if people are found to have tampered with the election then that is treason and should be punished by hanging or firing squad. Violent rhetoric has its place. :-)
So when Guiliani, Powell, and Trump's attempt to illegitimately overturn the election fails, I take it we should punish their attempt to destroy the Republic?
Lefty Mark sounds hysterical. Lefty Mark do you menstruate ?
First, at least one election already has been stolen and the Republic survived. We all know about Nixon in 1960 putting faith in the system ahead of his own win.
That was during the Cold War and I submit we are still living with consequences of the Vietnam War and the 60s that resulted.
Would Nixon have gotten us into Vietnam? Eisenhower turned down the French when they tried to get us involved. Kennedy became enamored of Maxwell Taylor and his book, "Uncertain trumpet," which was critical of Eisenhower. Kennedy started playing with Special Forces, which looked like a cheap way to conduct a war. He OK'd the assassination of Diem, which made it our war. Then he got shot.
Along came LBJ whose only skill was politics.
Had Nixon won, I doubt we would have gotten into Vietnam.
tim maguire: You are massively begging the question (the original and correct meaning of that term). Your argument assumes and is completely dependent on the notion that this election woukd have been close absent fraus, and that Biden won the popular vote. This... is disputed.
I think Trump won in a landslide. I base this on his amazing perforance in the in person vote (64.4% in my historically blue PA district that previously went 70-30 for Democrats). The mail in vote was unconstitutional and stripped of ALL voter integrity checks, and all claims that the results are plausible are coming only from people who like the result. Whereas lots of the witnesses signing affidavits as witnesses to fraud were Biden voters.
As far as being 8-6 since, it's more like 4-10 Do you really think conservatives picked the Bushes? McCain? Romney? The most leftist-friendly, conservative-hating Republicans in existence at each moment in time? The only times I believe the Uniparty was denied their picks since Nixon were Reagan and Trump. All supposed leftist hatred for the other candidates was pure show, at least from the leadership, though I don't doubt a lot of the useful idiots believed the con that they were really Hitler.
Would Nixon have allowed South Vietnam to go communist? I've always wondered what stopped the Viet Minh from taking over the whole country in 1954. Assumed it was PRC fear of Eisenhower using nukes coupled with assurances of elections bound to win in 56. (Cancelled with Ike's support.) Ike was a hawk during Kennedy administration. Would he have influenced President Nixon? Interesting question.
Her Smile
I have you, therefore, above my desk,
A smile which distinguishes nobody,
The tasted, tasteless essence
‘Of that forbidden tree’
The heart is not willing to forsake:
For what is knowledge but love
Repelled by the Other,
Broken back, angular,
Reflecting merely surface.
And yet strangely, somewhere beneath
Being does speak to being.
That uncounted kernel of one.
I have you, therefore, always within reach:
No, I would say ‘inside’ if to perceive
Brought the soul from the body
Reduced to viscera, lung and bone.
And that smile always a dawn
Barely perceptible
(Or is it the twilight of the east,
A star which leads
To the seemingly humble
Centre of things?)
Self secluding, occluding
Almost everyone, perhaps everyone.
It is the silence that focuses everything:
From where, two, one, alone, being calls for Being.
The City.
A Sundays gentle cycle through seas of empty streets
Shadowing the shadow of Paul. We are expecting death,
September’s enervation as yet unyellowed,
A stilled silence at the grieving bed.
Or the hidden poor that scuttle out of view, the boxed porter,
Trader, shopmen with wives babed, again gestating.
The desperation of pubs bellowed by tongues of swollen want,
The dissipation of drunks, sickened
By that tumbled sense of all in one oned on Saturday,
Now stirred to listless cry of child, distorted hand of care.
On the makeshift carpet of grass men and women quiesced
By capital poison of fat and food.
An empty hall of towered streets, sepulchre of feet’s
Ghostly echo, the solitary essence of crowd, work, money,
The staccato knock of question and frigid stone.
Lost the prepared confusion of route,
The lanes that rebelled to be straightened, Wrens
Imperfect gloom twisted to a bridge and Thames.
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