Said Bernie Sanders, quoted at "Bernie Sanders: 'Enormously insulting' if Biden ignores progressives in his administration/Sanders, Elizabeth Warren remain interested in serving in Biden's Cabinet" (Politico).
२५ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"It seems to me pretty clear that progressive views need to be expressed within a Biden administration. It would be, for example, enormously insulting if Biden put together a 'team of rivals'..."
"... and there's some discussion that that's what he intends to do — which might include Republicans and conservative Democrats — but which ignored the progressive community. I think that would be very, very unfortunate."
१८४ टिप्पण्या:
Biden will install his loyalists and those who helped he and his family stuff and line their pockets with international pay to play money.
Sanders doesn't give two shits about that.
Blinken = return to the war machine. (added bonus - he was on the ground floor aiding the international Biden family retirement fund)
Don't understand how a senator from a state with a Republican governor can consider herself in running for position in Biden administration.
Hunter Biden sought a meeting with his president-elect dad’s pick for secretary of state shortly after joining the board of a controversial Ukrainian energy company in 2015, according to a report Tuesday. Biden emailed Antony Blinken, then the US deputy secretary of state, to request the sit-down, Fox News said. “Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee? I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things,” Hunter Biden reportedly wrote on May 22, 2015. Blinken replied, “Absolutely,” and the two exchanged several more messages regarding the time and place, Fox News said. On May 27, 2015,
Good and hard
Dick Cheney as an advisor is a nice touch too. W did BIden a couple of mitzvahs to grease Joe’s palm.
In fact it looks like Biden is getting the whole Libya gang back together again, except for Hillary, it would seem.
Refugees are still washing ashore drowned from that little shit show
It’s a testament to the power of propaganda that Europeans want this guy back.
"serving in a democrat cabinet" = insider pocket lining.
I don't know what Bernie, Warren, and all the other radicals and their supporters expected. They're pretty stupid if they really believed that Biden would reward them. Perhaps time will show that the only thing that truly unified the Democrats was their hatred of Trump. And if Trump is no longer a factor, the knives are going to come out.
Bernie is one of the biggest cuck traitors in history. I am not sure anyone has so thoroughly sold out their followers.
Not to worry, Bernie. It will be all-lefty, all-the-time.
It is fun to watch leftists threaten other leftists.
'Come on man'
Bernie, Buttijudge, Warren, the entire D-camp (cept' the Russian assets *wink*) - they all dropped to their knees in unison when it became obvious Biden was the "chosen" hack to steal the election.
Yo Joe - where's the loyalty? The thanks? The gratitude, man.
This isn't about ideology. This about is about The Swamp taking care of its own, and most of The Swamps denizens are "moderate" Democrats. They don't want ANYONE rocking the boat, from the Right or from the Left. They want you to obey while they quietly line their pockets with Federal tax monies.
I don't know why big media even tries explaining how Biden will do this or that. Democrats and republicans and practically everyone else knows that Joe's only half there and that other people are making hiring and policy decisions. It's as if big media feels morally obligated to continue the lies or just keep up their craft.
And by "progressive," Bolshie Bernie means of course "retrogressive State cultists."
It is fun to watch the international socialists get frozen out by the national socialists.
Time for a couple more wars.
Maybe Obama can come back as czar of drone strikes. He has bragged he is really good at killing people.
It's true, not only according to Halperin and Heilemann, but all other available statistics on the matter. Obama is better at killing people than any commander-in-chief to date. Estimates vary, and honestly no one's bothering to keep track, but 5,000 dead bodies is a decent guess -- which is based largely on Sen. Lindsey Graham's tally of 4,700 from last February. It's likely higher by something between "a smidge" to "HolyJeebusGodinHeaven!"
So, woo-hoo, 5,000 terrorists dead, yeah? Would you take no instead?
The actual number of people these figures represent who were really considered a threat to the United States is closer to just 100.
Bernie got beat badly this time.
What state did The Progressives help Biden win?
None. Biden won by doing well with suburban whites.
They aren’t Socialists yet.
He wanted communism and a dacha.
He's getting fascism.
Someone should just pat Bernie on the head. "There, there, little Comrade. You'll always have your dachas"
Progressives all got panned in the primaries. Voters are not progressive, at any level to get elected. I would think even the progressives would have to agree with President Trump. The Swamp is in charge, and that needs to change. Harris couldn't raise enough money from the teck giants to make it to the first primary. Nobody supported her. Obvious that the wizard of election politics, Obama, is running things, he picked Harris. Obama is why Democrats did so well down ticket. Right?
Biden won by underperforming Hillary everywhere except four Democratical cities:
Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta
mccullough is fucking stupid.
Remember when they called you a Russian stooge, Bernie? Should have been a clue.
Of course Bernie and the rest of that crew would say that. But the election results very strongly indicated that almost all of the American people rejects their politics. If there was any mandate from the election, as indicated by the way "toss up" elections went and how many "safe" Democratic seats were almost lost, it was to reject the far left.
Shorter message from Biden to Sanders, Warren, et al: I won, you lost.
The quote from 'Animal House' fits perfectly in this situation.
mccullough said...
What state did The Progressives help Biden win?
Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan.
Specifically Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit.
But they didn't help him win with more voters.
Warren deserves consideration for staying in the race one extra day after the field was cleared by whoever clears fields in the Democrat party, just to cut the legs out from under Bernie. What a pair.
Progressives will be given the keys to kiddie cars with the free spinning plastic steering wheels
How long before Ann notices that Trump Campaign lawyers are taking depositions in Nevada with a hearing set for November 3rd?
Does Ann know that 160,000 ballots were thrown out in a congressional race in Nevada? But those votes were still counted in the presidential race?
Only people who read trashy news know this stuff though.
The surprises will just keep coming for everyone else.
Allegheny County:
2016: Trump 259,000 votes
Hillary 367,000 votes
2020: Trump 274,000 votes
Biden 416,000 votes
Birkel is a fucking moron.
"Progressives will be given the keys to kiddie cars with the free spinning plastic steering wheels”
Which party will implode first, I wonder.
Waukesha County:
2016: Trump 146,000
Hillary 79,000
2020: Trump 160,000
Biden 104,000
Birkel is a fucking moron.
This video from Australia will make the rounds.
The kid got choked out and body slammed for not wearing a mask.
Going to point out he was not resisting the fat fuck that choked him out at all.
Then they just drag him out the door.
And the women at the table behind the action, without masks on because they were eating, are priceless.
Tim, I think the Republicans have already imploded and will reform by 2022. The Dems are at least 4-years behind
The entirety of Libera/Progressive/Democrat America is so....1960s. Time for them to be put out to pasture- all of them, young and old.
"Birkel said: Biden won by underperforming Hillary everywhere except four Democratical cities:
Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta"
Is this actually true? Or is it just being asserted? Would love to see documentation.
Cobb County:
2016: Trump 153,000
Hillary 159,000
2020: Trump 165,000
Biden 222,000
Birkel is a fucking moron.
I suppose having group of fantastically corrupt, globalist, corporatist, warmongering shitheals running things is just slightly preferable to radical, socialist lunatics.
Between true-believing progs and normal deep-state Dem grifters, I guess I'll take the latter.
Yep, Trump demolished as much of the old GOP as he could, and the D's in their giddiness may well wreck themselves much sooner than 4 years--especially as their infighting serves so many and more-focused special interests, foreign and domestic.
Parties are asshole
Progressives all got panned in the primaries.
@iowan2, that is simply not true. Bernie won Iowa and New Hampshire (despite frantic efforts on the part of the DNC to claim a tie with Pate Buttigieg) and took Nevada handily. That’s 3 out of 3. Then Clyburn’s support swing South Carolina to Creepy Joe, and on Super Tuesday most of the states swung into line. Most, but not all. Bernie still won California, Colorado, and Vermont (duh!).
What is it about profoundly confused that you don't understand??
It would be great to see Joe govern as an actual 'moderate.'
It would piss off the radicals and lose them a ton of seats in the midterms.
But I don't think he's smart enough to resist the commmies with Obama pulling all the strings.
Biden won by underperforming Hillary everywhere except four Democratical cities:
Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta
Repeating the same lies over and over again do not make them true. Votes in Milwaukee were largely flat. Trump did well in Milwaukee's predominately black districts and poorly in the near suburbs.
Let's look at the other side of your claims that "everywhere else" Biden underperformed HRC. This, too, is complete bullshit. Here are two examples (the only examples I looked at).
Indianapolis/Marion County
HRC 212,899
Biden 247,772
Ft. Worth/Tarrant County
HRC 288,0001
Biden 411,567
Stop hoaxin', y'all.
Maricopa County:
2016: Trump 1,021,000
Hillary 936,000
2020: Trump 996,000
Biden 1,041,000
Of course Biden will put together a team of Republicans (whether they're registered as Republicans or as Democrats)! Of course he will have a conservative, establishment- and Pentagon-friendly administration that will continue to serve the same financial and corporate interests that every administration serves!
Was anyone naive enough to think otherwise?
Luke Lea said...
Is this actually true? Or is it just being asserted? Would love to see documentation.
You could duck duck it.
You can go look at election results.
Link one.
Link 2.
Link 3.
I hope I don't have to read them for you.
The math behind all of this is impossible. Any reasonable person who makes an effort will come to one conclusion. There are reasons why less than half the people in the country think Biden won the election fairly.
Cook - besides Cheney - care to name these republicans?
"Blinken = return to the war machine."
It's not as if we ever left it to begin with. It's also not as if any on the right found any fault with our war machine prior to Obama's term in office, so quit pretending.
For those curious about what the turnout actually looked like in Milwaukee.
Stop hoaxin'!
"Cook - besides Cheney - care to name these republicans?"
Read what I said again. I'm including Democrats who are really Biden is.
"s this actually true? Or is it just being asserted? Would love to see documentation.”
I have never seen it documented anywhere. I have seen it debunked to my satisfaction by Stephen McIntyre on twitter, but it goes way back in his feed. This kind of stuff is a distraction from the real crap that happened. Lot’s of people who moved to blue states from swing states voted their old address, and many even voted twice, for example. Thousands of BS addresses in GA where PO box was listed as “Apt” for another example. Thousands of absentee ballots got “lost.”
None of these things will show up in a whitewash, err, I mean recount.
But if Birkel has the receipts, I am happy to look at them.
Cook - Biden ran as a democrat. He is a democrat. Bernie gave Biden his endorsement.
Are you now saying Biden is a republican?
How convenient, Cook.
Now that the corruptocrats are in charge - they morphed into Republicans.
The equal protection case in Pennsylvania is ironclad.
You all gonna be sad when Roberts is forced to join the other 5 justices.
Best case in Georgia for Biden is it is thrown out.
This election is most likely going to the House.
That Sanders endorsed Biden is one reason I have zero respect for Sanders, despite his espousing policies I agree with. He always turns and stands with the Democrats, who are really Republicans. He supported Hillary Clinton after he lost the chance for the nomination in 2016, and he supported Biden in this last race after he (again) lost the chance at the nominiation, even though all purported policy prescriptions are rejected by all establishment Democrats (nearly all of them).
The Dems did not just "morph" into Republicans, they've mostly been that for decades, at least since Clinton's terms in office, (if not even earlier).
In other news...
The Biden Transition Team today called a lid after President-Elect Joe Biden suggested that his West Wing staff would consist entirely of members of Mrs. Phelps' (of South Scranton Intermediate School) 3rd period gym class.
The conditions that produced Bernie still exist, and will probably intensify. The conditions that produced Trump still exist, and will probably intensify. Do not expect Kumbaya.
Macomb County:
2016: Trump 225,000
Hillary 176,000
2020: Trump 264,000
Biden 224,000
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Cook - Biden ran as a democrat. He is a democrat. Bernie gave Biden his endorsement.
Are you now saying Biden is a republican?
How the fuck can you ignore the republican complicity in all of this?
What party does Brad Raffensberger belong to? Kemp? Those are just some of the elected ones.
Why is Obamacare still in place? Or should I say Mitt Romneycare? What world do you live in? Grow up.
Chorenky in Maricopa County was a republican before she resigned.
The SOS in Washington State is a republican and the elections here are complete banana republic.
The republican malfeasance is grotesque.
What is Paul Ryan doing right now?
This has absolutely nothing to do with Republican vs. Democrat. That is a red herring meant to keep you from seeing what is really going on.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "How convenient, Cook.
Now that the corruptocrats are in charge - they morphed into Republicans."
In the same way the lefties/LLR-lefties/democraticals have reassigned slavery, the confederacy, segregation and Jim Crow to the republicans, there has been a movement for for some time to reassign Stalin himself to the "conservatives".
So cook's actions in this regard are quite consistent with the rest of the left/LLR-left.
Cook - If you're talking about the uni-party - then I suppose a drop of that makes a drop of sense.
What you are ignoring is the idea of supporting the closest faction who can win.
Bernie was only being practical. Nothing new under the sun.
Biden is not a republican. Biden is a corrupt Obama democrat.
"Biden is not a republican. Biden is a corrupt Obama democrat."
How is that different from the Republicans?
Achilles makes note of that which has been true for quite some time which Trump's Presidency fully exposed: the realignment of political figures and policies regardless of party designation, into the establishment and populist/nationalist/whatever wings.
This kind of stuff is a distraction from the real crap that happened. Lot’s of people who moved to blue states from swing states voted their old address, and many even voted twice, for example. Thousands of BS addresses in GA where PO box was listed as “Apt” for another example. Thousands of absentee ballots got “lost.”
What will happen is that there will be a handful of token prosecutions. I think you are right that there is always some level of double voting at two addresses, widower voting his dead wife's ballot, etc. But it is 100% a bipartisan issue. You bet your ass republicans get busted trying to vote twice. To some extent, some of the fraud cancels its self out. So, I agree that t's a serious issue, but I am skeptical that it swung this election. Tens of thousands of votes is a big margin.
"It's not as if we ever left it to begin with. It's also not as if any on the right found any fault with our war machine prior to Obama's term in office, so quit pretending."
I am not your typical 'conservative' as I am probably more liberal than you on social issues, but I was vehemently opposed to Iraq and I was right.
A lot of actual conservatives also happen to be anti-interventionist.
I'm happy to nuke a country if they fuck with us, but if some dictator stays in his lane and just kills his own people, I'm good with that.
You can't give people freedom...
Oakland County
2016: Trump 289,000
Hillary 343,000
2020: Trump 326,000
Biden 434,000
Look, everybody.
mccullough wants to pretend the official vote totals - obtained via fraud - are real.
You proving my point is a nice touch, mccullough.
Does it hurt when you try to think.
Stupid people are a curious artifact to me.
Is this actually true? Or is it just being asserted?
I don't think it is. Clearly it's not true that "Biden underperformed Clinton everywhere" except in those cities. It looks to me like Biden did better than Clinton in most of the country, with a few exceptions (Arkansas, Nevada, Utah, Florida, New York), but it depends on what you're counting. Raw votes? Percentages? Margins? Cities? Metropolitan areas? States? It also depends on how you handle the minor candidates who were a factor in 2016, but not this year. I'd have to assess that claim as false. Not everything one finds on the internet is based on a rigorous examination of the evidence.
Drago said...
In the same way the lefties/LLR-lefties/democraticals have reassigned slavery, the confederacy, segregation and Jim Crow to the republicans, there has been a movement for for some time to reassign Stalin himself to the "conservatives".
You all need to get past the labels and address the realignment that has occurred.
George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush were just as destructive to the working class as Obama if not more so.
The "Conservative" political alignment is dead.
Nobody on our side wants Free Trade or Endless Wars anymore. Nobody wants open borders more than several Republicans who are making it the first priority right now in talks with Biden. Nobody cares about gay marriage anymore.
We are a working class party now. Progressive tax structure, subsidies to working class, functional tariff regimes, minimal overseas combat operations.
Your only path to a Republic comes with becoming a part of that political alignment.
Will those who say Biden underperformed Hillary in the suburbs of these states now retract their false information?
Drago said...
Achilles makes note of that which has been true for quite some time which Trump's Presidency fully exposed: the realignment of political figures and policies regardless of party designation, into the establishment and populist/nationalist/whatever wings.
This must become the central core of our message.
It is to the point where we must completely gut the current republican apparatus and wear it like a skin because they made it the only way to get on the national ballot.
"Nobody on our side wants Free Trade or Endless Wars anymore. Nobody wants open borders more than several Republicans who are making it the first priority right now in talks with Biden. Nobody cares about gay marriage anymore. “
That’s the fucking truth. The Democrat Party is now about shipping deplorable’s jobs to China and sending their kids off to war, while undermining the bargaining power of workers with illicit labor and visa programs to provide indentured servants to big tech which purportedly has won the election for Biden by withholding the news from the American people. I disagree with Achilles on a lot of stuff, but I would vote for him for Congress in a heartbeat.
So now Waukesha County is in on The Fix?
Macomb County?
You are delusional.
Biden outperformed Hillary in the suburbs of Milwaukee and Detroit.
He outperformed Hillary in Pittsburgh and its suburbs.
He outperformed Hillary in Phoenix and its suburbs.
He outperformed Hillary in the Atlanta suburbs.
That’s how Biden won.
He outperformed Hillary in the suburbs of the states he flipped: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Suburbs have 56% of the population in the US. Cities have 28% of the population of the US. Rural areas have 16% of the population of the US.
Progressive tax structure, subsidies to working class, functional tariff regimes, minimal overseas combat operations.
So, the Republicans have just become the democrats? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I don't think it's a winning strategy when the other guys will see your "subsidies to working class" and raise you. Your opponent will always outbid you. Good luck with that.
"Tens of thousands of votes is a big margin.”
There is enough documentable crap that we don’t know who deserved to win.
Anybody who is actually interested in what real evidence looks like can watch this video, you can skip to 7:00 where the presentation starts.
It’s kind of amazing how many people can’t get their birthdays right in official documents, too.
"So, the Republicans have just become the democrats?”
Have you checked out the war mongers Biden is hoping to pack his cabinet with? You are just referring to the Democrat propaganda.
Biden learned at the foot of the master, Obama. The progressive left, like the Blacks, can and should be taken for granted. (See, e.g., Obamacare's structure favoring health insurers, Big Pharma, etc. Or the financial bailouts of Wall Street and all the architects of the 2008 crash, and no criminal prosecutions. Warren and The Bern in a Biden cabinet? Yeah, that's totally going to happen.
Trump lost because of the suburbs. In North Fulton County Trump underperformed Perdue by over 90,000 votes. This election was both a personal rejection of Trump and the Democrat’s worst instincts.
Sometimes when people say things like “that would be very unfortunate”, they actually have some sort of remedy or revenge in mind so that they then get what they want. Basically its a threat or a shot across the bow. As Trump likes to say, “Let’s see what happens!”.
W bailed out Wall Street. He was also one of the architects of the financial crash.
His “ownership society” bullshit promoted handing out home loans.
He bragged about it.
The only democrat-republicans I know for certain are The Bush family, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romeny. Perhaps a few more like the gov of GA. whatever.
Mitt Romeny is a tool and he probably voted for Biden - but he DID come thru for Amy C. Barrett. Romney DID come thru on other important judicial nominations.
The Bush family voted for Hillary and Biden. At least the Bush Brothers did.
So what?
Paul Ryan voted for Hillary and Biden. he's not in congress anymore.
"W bailed out Wall Street. He was also one of the architects of the financial crash.”
Now who is he cozied up to? The same guy whose palm he greased by giving his kid a seat on Amtrak’s board.
Romney* (sp)
The open-borders members of the GOP are a disgrace. Not a doubt.
**I think that makes them democrats.
"So, the Republicans have just become the democrats?”
From my point of view, the Democrats have become the Republicans. But, you say potato, I say po-TAH-to!
PA Court blocks cerifictation
I am just going on trusting Tim Pool here.
uni-party = open borders and war.
Except there is one option that is specifically BIDEN, CLINTON, PELOSI FAMILY -
The international illegal pocket stuffing/ American tax payer dollar washing machine for D-family enrichment.
Fake votes from fake non-existent people.
The left stuffed the ballot boxes.
NTD live
Macomb County:
Do these numbers seem just a bit odd to you? I live in Macomb County, and you cannot get me to believe that Biden had that much more excitement than either Hillary or Obama in '08 and '12. That vote jump is enormous from 2016 to now in this county, considering the population didn't grow accordingly.
I Callahan,
The excitement was to vote against Trump.
It exceeded the excitement to vote for Trump.
PA gov website removed a bunch of election info on VOTE TOTALS AND numbers - YESTERDAY.
And DD Driver and others here are missing something. Those additional votes that happened in the middle of the night in those 4 states of course didn't all come from just those 4 cities. But they WERE added in in the vote counting centers in those cities. I know enough about the voters in my own state that there is no way the state became more liberal than 4 years ago, while at the same time, states like Ohio, Iowa, Florida and others became more conservative.
Something stinks to high heaven, and nitpicking about just the 4 cities doesn't negate that.
The excitement was to vote against Trump.
Not in those numbers. There is no way that's true in Michigan.
Bernie did not stand on a national stage and call Biden a racist so there he is.
Bide rode to power on a Megalodon of Hate so he did not have to delineate much else.
The Choo-Choos are probably coming. It is doubtful Biden forgot about that potential for boondoggle, hell he will probably appoint a top grifter like Rahm Emanuel of Chicago for Secretary of Transportation.
Maybe Gavin Newsom needs an escape path. How the hell is Politico only publishing about a billion dollars being stolen from the California CARES Act unemployment plan now? (Nancy was trying at the last minute to negotiate more state money from the stimulus, in my state we cannot figure out or see what they did with the first federal hand out)
Here’s a link to the billion stolen article:
(They are saying the money is probably gone as a lot of it left the country)
YouTube has a warning under the BleachBit’s hearing video claiming that there are “robust safeguards” protecting mail in ballots. I would love to see the peer reviewed science that backs that up. It’s just YouTubes uniformed opinion, which Citizens United ruling allows them, I guess.
Please watch my link at 12:02
PA witnesses.
I Callahan,
Why did Michigan elect Whitmer two years ago?
It's so funny to see Dems claim other Dems are not far left enough when all Dems are far left. There are no moderates left - that Rep. Spanberger got recorded saying "I don't eant to hear about defunding the police almost cost me my seat". What she meant was don't say that stuff out loud and in public. Every one of them is a socialist and will vote for any far left program that gets to the floor.
Again - live link at 12:02
Witnesses testifying on Philly vote irregularities.
*this message is not approved by corrupt leftwing tech oligarchs.
mccullough said...
W bailed out Wall Street. He was also one of the architects of the financial crash.
His “ownership society” bullshit promoted handing out home loans.
He bragged about it.
Does the name "Barney Frank" strike a familiar note?
That whole debacle was a bi-partisan fuck-up.
From YouTube's warning on BleachBit’s video
Reality: Robust safeguards including canvassing and auditing procedures help ensure the accuracy of official election results.
Really reality:
Watch live testimony of election poll watchers in PA
"It's so funny to see Dems claim other Dems are not far left enough when all Dems are far left."
Hahahahahaha!! Yes, it's funny alright!
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Watch live testimony of election poll watchers in PA
You can watch the poll watchers obliterate under oath the “warning” that YouTube has put on the video.
YouTube is owned by... Google.
google's pant wad is owned by the corrupt left and the Chinese communists.
'Re-counting fraudulent votes' is a joke.
YouTube and Twitter are expecting the Biden Administration, if it happens, to provide another large tranche of indentured servants to undermine American programmers wages and who will be forced to leave the country if they quit their current jobs.
This is what the Democratic Party has become. It’s fascism.
Social justice adventurism (e.g. war without borders without cause, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform). Progressive medical and academic prices and availability. Influence peddling. Planned Parent and Parenthood. Social progress, too.
From my point of view, the Democrats have become the Republicans. But, you say potato, I say po-TAH-to!
Not really. The democrats have always been reckless with other people's money.
May the first leftists up against the wall in the Biden administration not be the last.
"May the first leftists up against the wall in the Biden administration not be the last."
First they'll have to find any.
"The democrats have always been reckless with other people's money."
You don't think the Republicans have been just as ready as the Dems to keep pouring more and more money into the bottomless maw of the War Department?
Cookie - you may be dumber than Biden.
"You don't think the Republicans have been just as ready as the Dems to keep pouring more and more money into the bottomless maw of the War Department?”
That’s why we threw them out and now they all seem to be Joe Biden’s best new friends.
Cookie - you may be dumber than Biden.
Sure, I may be, anyone may be.
But I'm not. What about you?
"The democrats have always been reckless with other people's money."
You don't think the Republicans have been just as ready as the Dems to keep pouring more and more money into the bottomless maw of the War Department?
Sure. But $1,200 Trump welfare checks that went from honest taxpayers to the coffers of Walmart and Amazon...those are not traditionally "conservative" ideas. And for good reason. What a massive fuck up. Let's give people free money precisely when small business are closed so that the only place to spend the money is Amazon. How rich has Jeff Bezos become off the back of Trump checks?
"That’s why we threw them out...."
Who did you throw out? And do you really expect the Republicans to start opposing bills to increase the War budget every year? Good luck with that!
witness calling out the fake fact checkers.
aka - lying liars who lie for the corrupt D party.
I think that would be very, very unfortunate.
Bernie has always been at the table, but he could never figure out who was the sucker.
I was reliably promised by Althouse’s dopey commenters that a Biden Administration would be at least half Antifa, and now it’s possible Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren may be displaced by Republicans?
"Who did you throw out?”
Bolton for one, after he tried to start a hot war with Iran. Look at all of the neocons who are now Democrats because they were no longer welcome. Max Boot is jumping for joy that Biden looks like he might win. Trump is one man against the entire “foreign policy consensus.”
Impeachment was about Raytheon and General Dynamics calling their friend in the Democratic Party and asking them where their weapons money was, what was holding it up, daughter needs a pony.
Jenna Ellis@JennaEllisEsq
BREAKING: Pennsylvania Court grants hearing in election integrity case challenging the constitutionality of Act 77 (mail-in ballots).
Prole - who said Biden admin would be filled with half antifa?
name? date?
The witnesses are re-counting obvious fraud.
If it turns out Biden is a crook - that must mean he's a sekrit republican.
If you're a good and honorable progressive, holy and morally superior, and all that, why would you want to be a player on team Beijing Biden?
I promised the Pro-Fa forces would usher in a fascist regime of cooperation between big business (alien and anti-American alike) and a regulatory captured bureaucracy.
Turns out I was correct again.
Leviathan State took a four year break from hating the citizens to hate the president.
They will regain their form immediately.
tim in vermont said...
Jenna Ellis@JennaEllisEsq
BREAKING: Pennsylvania Court grants hearing in election integrity case challenging the constitutionality of Act 77 (mail-in ballots).
Didn't Cook tell us that today was going to be...Hammer Time????
Folks looking into the data, like @MattBraynard and others, are finding unusual turnout patterns at some nursing homes, almost as if, someone other than the patients filled out those ballots. Is that why ALL the key states are scared to allow an audit of the signature matches?
It would go a long way to assuring people that this election was fair if the signature matches could be audited. Instead all we have are big tech’s reassurances that there are robust safeguards which we must not question.
Sure. But $1,200 Trump welfare checks that went from honest taxpayers to the coffers of Walmart and Amazon...those are not traditionally "conservative" ideas. And for good reason. What a massive fuck up. Let's give people free money precisely when small business are closed so that the only place to spend the money is Amazon. How rich has Jeff Bezos become off the back of Trump checks?
Probably an unfair analysis. The effort was bipartisan. If you do a stimulus during a crisis— faster is better— looked like it worked for awhile. The mess in California is not from the $1,200 — it is from the unemployment plan. California is Democrats all the way down and the fraud is a billion using prisoners names. You would think they would be more interested and motivated to prevent fraud when it amounts to a billion dollars.
If I get audited by the IRS, am I allowed to set aside certain books and bank accounts that we just don’t need to look at? Is that Google’s definition of a “robust” audit?
WITTINESS testifying that the democrats in charge wanted to slap her.
please watch the live feed. Trump is on the phone.
My impression of Biden and and most of the top tier old guard elected Democrats (and certain Republicans), is that they don't really have an idealogy beyond enriching themselves and their legacy. They'll adopt whatever position they need to in order to aquire and/or maintain power. That's the game.
Given that, the reason why the radicals are getting the proverbial cold shoulder from the incoming Biden administration is obviously because Biden's crew has a pretty good idea about how most voters feel about said radicals at this point. But believe you me, if a majority of voters clearly wanted the radicals in positions of power, Biden would have no problem granting them that. And he'd have no problem adopting whatever position was required. They're a fairly amoral bunch, not immoral.
You don't think the Republicans have been just as ready as the Dems to keep pouring more and more money into the bottomless maw of the War Department?
Cook, I admit that back when Comrade Stalin was alive and in his prime, the Defense Department was called "The War Department." Time has moved on, even if you haven't. Aside from Afghan and Syria where Deep Staters of the military branch lied to the president, there are no wars we are conducting.
And Comrade Stain is dead. Probably voted for Biden.
Don't understand how a senator from a state with a Republican governor can consider herself in running for position in Biden administration.
The Mass Legislature can easily change the rules for her replacement again, as they did when Romney was governor (IIRC).
Readering: Because in Massachusetts, R governors are stripped of the ability to appoint an R to fill a vacated US Senate seat. When Mitt Romney was governor of MA, the legislature removed that power from the governor. As soon as D Deval Patrick was elected, the power was returned to the governor. Currently, the MA legislature is plotting legislation to compel the governor to appoint a replacement from the same party as the departing US Senator. Gov. Charlie Baker (R) has indicated he'll veto. Given the paucity of Rs in MA's House and Senate, the veto will be easily overridden. And when another D is elected, that bill will be repealed too.
It’s become clearer in the past few days that one thing that they DO NOT WANT is an audit of the signatures on the mail in ballots.
“You want to recount all of the votes we let in? Sure! Knock yourselves out!”
“Wait, wut? You want to audit the process where we allowed and disallowed ballots???? You out of your fucking minds????
Wisconsin nice!
They switched votes, the stuffed the ballot box, they cheated.
poop. that's what the left smeared on everyone.
The Castro Maduro Hugo Chavez left.
Stephen Colbert wants to drink Obama in.
Is it any wonder we have masses of uneducated idiots who fall in line for the D?
Probably an unfair analysis. The effort was bipartisan.
I know. That's my point. FREE MONEY!!! is now bipartisan.
Poor Bernie, he's like Charlie Brown/Lucy with the football. He was never going to get the nomination. He's not getting a substantial position in the administration. The progressive wing of the party remains in the fringe. They aren't needed. All decisions will be made for the sole purpose of entrenching wing of the party that is now in power.
The nomination and election have been orchestrated from day 1. The selection of Harris as VP is part of the plan. I went from a Trump hater to full cabal/deep state conspiracy theorist in four short years.
I also love the hilarious notion that our hero who will "protect us from socialism" is the same guy who insisted that his name appear on the $1,200 checks of other people's money.
Why did Michigan elect Whitmer two years ago?
Because the GOP sent a weaker, northern Michigan candidate as their standard bearer. He had no pull in Wayne, Oakland, Genesee and Saginaw counties. Because Michigan switches governor parties every 8 years, and it was her turn. Because legalized pot and allowing mail-in ballots were on the ballots when she was elected as well.
I'm not sure what this has to do with my point about Michigan voters in general.
DD Driver. I don't think that's true.
Those checks were in the context of lock-downs mandated from on high in response to the devastating financial losses due to the ChiCom virus - that arrived right on time to aid Democrats in their election fraud.
Never forget.
Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Not Russia, but the country which, from its inception to its demise, was utterly opposed to -- was the enemy of -- the United States and Western Civilization.
Bernie Sanders is a hypocrite, a sell-out and a fraud. Why so many progressives hang their hat on him, is beyond me.
I Callahan,
The GOP candidate for governor was the AG of the state for 8 years.
So he had won a statewide election twice.
He then lost a statewide election for governor by 10 points. That’s a blow out.
Michigan last elected a GOP US Senator in 1994.
Perhaps you don’t understand Michigan voters.
"I'm not sure what this has to do with my point about Michigan voters in general."
It means they sound like California voters except for the part about switching governor parties every eight years.
Amazing Californians rejected Prop 15 (upending old Prop 9 protection for commercial property), rejected Prop 16 (government affirmative action), and approved Prop 22 (supporting independent contractors) but reliably vote for the same Democrat executive and legislative clowns who unreservedly push "progressive" policies at every turn.
Trump beat Hillary in Michigan in 2016. But that was because of the Russians. Maddow and Hillary said so.
D.D. Driver: "I also love the hilarious notion that our hero who will "protect us from socialism" is the same guy who insisted that his name appear on the $1,200 checks of other people's money."
Those 2 things are not incongruent.
And given the policies of the Trump admin over the last 4 years, it is demonstrably and irrefutably true that Trump moved US policy strongly in an anti-socialist direction.
But that's a hard thing to argue against, since it would be wrong and stupid, so its prudent and unsurprising you didn't even try.
Good for you. Its important to know your limits.
Haha Bernie. You lost.
"'Who did you throw out?'
"Bolton for one, after he tried to start a hot war with Iran."
You didn't throw him out, and neither did any other voters. Trump did, because he is wont to fire people who tick him off. (Good, I say, as Bolton is a shit, a pernicious presence in government.)
"I was reliably promised by Althouse’s dopey commenters that a Biden Administration would be at least half Antifa, and now it’s possible Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren may be displaced by Republicans?"
Yup. No surprise. Biden-haters who thought/think he is "far left" and Biden voters who didn't expect this, who weren't voting for him strictly as an anti-Trump vote, are chumps.
"Didn't Cook tell us that today was going to be...Hammer Time????"
Uh, no, I didn't. I don't even know what is supposed to be significant about today. (Not that I think the vote will be overturned or that Trump will prevail.)
"That's my point. FREE MONEY!!! is now bipartisan.”
"It’s easier for the right to move left on economics than it is for the left to move right on social issues.” said some twitter wag.
Personally I am all in for giving up this project of endless war.
Biden isn't even Biden at this point. Biden is a shell of his former self and yes - his former self is various dead branches of progressive leftist statism, faux-moderate democratic "this is a big fucking deal" Pelosi shove-down of government run uselessness and waste, and faux-populism. Biden is the 40 year in government example of trickle down gas-light next-step-socialism. You'll get it good and hard when Obama's finished golfing for the day.
Biden is a crook and his family made their loot the old fashioned way. International money laundering, pay-to-play, and media sanctioned grift.
"That's my point. FREE MONEY!!! is now bipartisan.”
But it's not free money. It is money earned by American citizens and paid to the government as taxes. Now that so many citizens are in dire need, it is appropriate and right that the government return that money to those who paid it to begin with. They need to return more as long as this crisis is threatening Americans with going without food and, more seriously, with the loss of their homes. We can do without that money going to pay for one or two new high-tech warplanes whose only purpose for being built is to transfer American tax dollars into the pockets of the weapons merchants. If the crisis continues longer and longer, we can give up another few useless high-tech warplanes to help Americans keep their homes and feed their families.
Looking at Biden's preliminary Cabinet and advisor nominees, I'm reminded of Talleyrand's description of the restored Bourbon Dynasty: "They had learned nothing, and forgotten nothing."
I hate to break it to you folks, but Biden is not picking his cabinet. The DNC is making the choices.
To a large extent, The DNC and RNC typically pick most of the incoming administration for Republican and Democrat administrations. When Obama was elected, the DNC played a bigger role than usual because of BHO's inexperience. With Biden, the DNC will likely choose 98-99% of his administration for obvious reasons.
The problem is China. We blew it since Nixon, but it took a while to get rolling, and now it's at a critical state. We simply can't afford to let this run as we have. Trump was the first President to try and apply some brakes to the juggernaut. Biden is going to simultaneously weaken us and strengthen them via the same policies that got us here. I already got mine, and life has been good, but the yungins are in for a bad run.
Blogger D.D. Driver said...
I also love the hilarious notion that our hero who will "protect us from socialism" is the same guy who insisted that his name appear on the $1,200 checks of other people's money.
Again, it was California that let a billion dollars escape to fraud. Money from the CARES act unemployment program that should have went to California’s citizens in need.
I get your desire to obfuscate, misdirect and then the usual talisman of scapegoat politics, because California is a prime example of Democrats unfettered. Trump is the nearest Republican you can do the usual blame casting whirling dervish dance with— look away from all those Cali Dems!
A billion dollars.......POOF!
The minority vote began to move strongly against the Dems in this election. Many wanted the Trump economy in which they were employed with rising wages, not a reversion to the Obama years in which they ended up poorer in 2016 than they were in 2008. And the question is: How many? We want to be very sure that votes were counted correctly. We don't want to call for "unity" meaning by that that the white community unites in silence about the fact that the black community in particular may have been disenfranchised in the vote counting. The black community has been excluded from white unity several times - once at the Revolution, and once after the Civil war. And the result was economic hard times for the black community. Now if we don't look into the unusual aspects of the 2020 vote because we want white unity; and we condemn the black community to the Biden economy when they voted against it and they may have swung the election to the Trump economy, then how are we any better than the post Civil War white community which allowed segregation and ensuing poverty in the name of unity? We have to look into the voting before we throw minorities into poverty in the name of "unity." I'm sure not united with disenfranchising and then impoverishing the black community - again.
Speaking of moderate Dems - they are extinct. If not, why are all the Dems here far left whackjobs? I can't think of even one moderate Dem who posts here? Inga? Cookie? RV? Readering? Chuck the LLR? Maybe Althouse but she's pretty left.
Blogger Francisco D said...
I hate to break it to you folks, but Biden is not picking his cabinet. The DNC is making the choices.
Or the Deep State, which of course is the bureaucracy. The retreads Biden is naming are not policy makers. The bureaucracy will handle that. Sadly, they are incompetent unlike the French bureaucracy, which ran the country but could not win the war.
Blogger I'm Full of Soup said...
Speaking of moderate Dems - they are extinct. If not, why are all the Dems here far left whackjobs?
Howard is probably as close as they come but this is not the Democrat Party before Nixon. The 60s destroyed it.
"Speaking of moderate Dems - they are extinct. If not, why are all the Dems here far left whackjobs? I can't think of even one moderate Dem who posts here? Inga? Cookie? RV? Readering? Chuck the LLR? Maybe Althouse but she's pretty left."
Yes, I're full of soup.
The majority of Dems in Washington are moderates, (at best). They've been moving right for years. As for the "far left whackjobs" who post here, how do you know those you have named are Democrats? I, technically, am a Democrat, as that is the party I'm registered with at this time. However, I haven't voted for a Democrat for president in 24 years. (And I sure haven't voted Republican, even though when I was younger and lived in Florida, I was a registered Republican and voted that way.)
For you to say Althouse is "pretty left" suggests you are party to information she has not communicated on this blog, or that you are wrong. My impression is that she is a moderate, tending slightly left of center. I could be wrong about that, but she certainly has never said anything to suggest her to be "pretty left." Your comment simply reveals how far to the extreme right you are.
D.D. Driver said...
Progressive tax structure, subsidies to working class, functional tariff regimes, minimal overseas combat operations.
So, the Republicans have just become the democrats? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I don't think it's a winning strategy when the other guys will see your "subsidies to working class" and raise you. Your opponent will always outbid you. Good luck with that.
Democrats give subsidies to people who do not work, want mass immigration, want numerous new wars, and want free trade with China. They want to crush all domestic competition with heavy regulation and high taxes and keep tariffs low so they can maximize profits from globalist capital investments. Democrats want low skill immigrants that cannot speak English or assimilate into a free society.
The Republican party needs to continue to counter this by making sure tariffs on foreign produced goods are at least as high as taxes on domestic production. They need to limit immigration to levels that depend on demand in the private sector. Low skill immigration needs to be curtailed. High skill immigration promoted. And we need to continue Trump's ending of stupid overseas adventures and to crush bad faith actors like China and Iran.
Why did Michigan elect Whitmer two years ago?
Soros money behind the "progressive" fascists... Read on... Georgie boy has been buying Secretary of State and Atty General positions for a while now. Read up.. its coming your way
Robert Cook said...
The majority of Dems in Washington are moderates, (at best). They've been moving right for years.
The left <> right dichotomy is over. It is anachronistic and it is stupid. It was a chimera to distract. It is a pipe dream.
The government produces nothing. It creates nothing. There is no wealth derived from the activities of government. Government is a sunk cost and the percentage that it takes from the private sector is a loss. Minimization of this loss is why the United States has lifted billions in the world from poverty.
The only thing a government can do is to support friends and sanction enemies. It is what the government does in every country and every group of people.
The only thing you can do is to limit the number of people a government can sanction. It will always sanction someone. It is who and why they are sanctioned that we fight over.
There is no right or left in this continuum. And if you kill equal justice then you are strictly limited to a tribal spoils system.
Cook is using as a baseline Comrade Stalin, his hero.
It all makes sense now.
Robert Cook - I love ya man - but you are high.
Teh democrats have been moving LEFT for decades. Not straight left, into the gutter left - corruption mob. Think Adam Schitt and Pelosi family grift.
Family Grift Goes to the Heart of Biden's Integrity
Robert Cook: I do agree 100% with your assessment of Ann's politics. Also - since she is gracious to let us post here, I do not think it's a good idea to pester her or obsess over it.
WE all get one vote.
Unless you live in PA.
I love it:
Here is the anti-corruption warning label tag to post on all of twitter/facebook censorship.
"In case there was any doubt that Facebook and Twitter are corruptly partisan, the social-media giants censored The Post’s story Wednesday on Hunter Biden’s e-mails suggesting he took cash for access to his father, Joe Biden."
I hit a nerve huh Cookie. U split hairs re your actual political party. No matter the label, a socialist is still a socialist.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Robert Cook - I love ya man - but you are high.
Teh democrats have been moving LEFT for decades. Not straight left, into the gutter left - corruption mob. Think Adam Schitt and Pelosi family grift.
What is left?
What is right?
They are words. Republican and Democrat.Words words words. They mean nothing. Two teams on a sporting field that doesn't matter to what actually happens.
You really need to get over your republicans good democrats bad fixation.
It is limiting you. The shittiest people in the country are republicans, not democrats.
Nancy Pelosi is a terrible human being. Paul Ryan is working towards the same goals as Nancy Pelosi and he lied to everyone in his district about what he was trying to do.
Paul Ryan = Nancy Pelosi + Betrayer. He is a republican and he is worse than Nancy Pelosi.
I'm Full of Soup said...
I hit a nerve huh Cookie. U split hairs re your actual political party. No matter the label, a socialist is still a socialist.
Socialist is just a word. It does not accurately describe anything without 1000 other words attached to it.
This effort to boil every damn thing down to right-left-socialist-fascist crap is very frustrating.
Until you people stop letting words dominate your thinking you will just be pawns on a chess board.
There aren't that many socialists in elected positions in Washington, it's true, but if Democrats get everything on the wish list that gets bandied about -- new states, an end to the filibuster, court packing -- it could add up to major, dare I say radical, changes in the country. Add to that "jungle primaries" and ranked choice voting and no investigation of election irregularities and it's quite a package.
Mr. Obama should remind Mr. Sanders that election matter.
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