UPDATE: Rudy Giuliani holds a press conference, explaining the lawsuits and citing the evidence.Important News Conference today by lawyers on a very clear and viable path to victory. Pieces are very nicely falling into place. RNC at 12:00 P.M.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2020
४७६ टिप्पण्या:
476 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Has been talked about here extensively...
Our corrupt corporate leftist press would never ever say one positive thing in Trump's direction.
It would be great if this pans out, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Opening sentence of the front-page story from the AP in my local newspaper:
"Getting nowhere in the courts, President Donald Trump's scattershot effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory is shifting toward obscure election boards that certify the vote as Trump and his allies seek to upend the electoral process, sow chaos and perpetuate unsubstantiated doubts about the count."
How many loaded opinion words can you count in the lead of this "news" story?
Would you have seen this kind of thing even 5 years ago?
Is this more like truth-seeking journalism or Soviet-style propaganda?
Which means at 12 noon, the media will have something major for Joe Biden.
The other election news is the Zoom call where the WI Elections Commission is trying to change their election manual in response to Trump's recount.
Milwaukee Recount Meeting trainwreck
First things first: Define Victory
We'll soon see the true level of chaos in our voting process. The Democrats never thought anyone would invest the time and money to investigate voting fraud. It will be impossible for the Democrat/Media cabal to prevent the coming transparency.
It is very do-able.
The Kracken is the proof regarding how the Dominion software was corrupt and was used to steal the election for Joe.
The statistical evidence is circumstantial, but it backs this up.
I don't believe for one minute that 80 million people voted for Biden.
And, of course, reports of the server in Germany seized. That's the real Kracken.
I believe Sidney Powell over Adam Schiff.
"Getting nowhere in the courts, President Donald Trump's scattershot effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory is shifting toward obscure election boards that certify the vote as Trump and his allies seek to upend the electoral process, sow chaos and perpetuate unsubstantiated doubts about the count."
How many loaded opinion words can you count in the lead of this "news" story?
Well, there's "getting nowhere", "scattershot", "Joe Biden's victory", "obscure", "upend", "chaos" and "unsubstantiated". (And, of course, "Trump".) At least they left out "white supremacy".
Would you have seen this kind of thing even 5 years ago?
A Dem was in the White House five years ago, so, no.
I believe Joe Isuzu over Adam Schiff.
Theres a publisher in new york state who is agita over the ap.
Voting systems are not secure and, in many places, scattershot and corrupt. But that's anecdotal not real proof.
So the bad news is Trump can't possibly win here. The good news [sarc] our Beltway Elites will promise to "reform" our voting systems. Yeah right - when is the last time any "reform" from the Imperial City was actually an improvement?
I have no doubt that the election was stolen, but I also don't think that sufficient proof of fraud will be adduced before the electoral college acts. So we're stuck with Biden, who I also think will probably serve out his term, senility notwithstanding--after all Woodrow Wilson spent his last year in office as a near vegetable, his condition covered up by his wife & doctors. On the upside, I think it's pretty likely that the GOP will win the midterm elections decisively, and they can spend the following 2 years making the Biden administration miserable. Looking forward to that...
Uh. Ok. Let's see who gets trolled by this.
Dave Begley said...
And, of course, reports of the server in Germany seized. That's the real Kracken.
I believe Sidney Powell over Adam Schiff.
John Solomon reports the server seized in not connected to the voting.
Even the FEC chair says if Sydney Powell says there is fraud...there is fraud.
Rmc gets an A+. Thanks for playing "AP or Pravda"!
...seek to upend the electoral process, sow chaos and perpetuate unsubstantiated doubts about the count.
Very conspicuously, AP left out: To crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
I believe strongly the left cheated where they needed to cheat. Media corruption hid Biden's crimes - and that goes way back.
Lord Clanfiddle said...
"I have no doubt that the election was stolen, but I also don't think that sufficient proof of fraud will be adduced before the electoral college acts."
It is beyond a reasonable doubt that the Democrats engaged in major voter fraud. But what is the burden of proof for the courts? Is it a preponderance of evidence? I'd imagine it is so wide spread that fighting it has to be targeted. Wayne County, MI. Dane and Milwaukee Counties in Wisconsin. Georgia recount. Nevada out of State ballots.
But the Dominion story being pushed by Sydney Powell seems to be the biggest. Big Tech and "fact checkers" are "debunking" the raid story this morning. That means there is something actually there.
I can't imaging Trump's team is showing all their cards at the moment. The covering of tracks has to be going on at warp speed. But we will get a chance over the next week to see Dane and Milwaukee County incompetence and corruption so that should be fun.
I'm barely paying attention to any of this.
My fear/belief is that the cheating happens at the registration/ballot acceptance level. That's just going to be very hard to find, especially early in the process. The way we run our elections is a clown show. But I fear that the Trump team, in trying to find where the fraud happened, is not going to have time to investigate where the real fraud happened (look how long it took for the papers to 'count the votes' in Florida) and thus the left will forever pretend this is the way to run elections.
One thing is for certain - if we don't fix our voting system to a true "one vote/one person" system - the corrupt left will ruin it .... and we all fear - for good.
"Getting nowhere in the courts, President Donald Trump's scattershot effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory is shifting toward obscure election boards that certify the vote as Trump and his allies seek to upend the electoral process, sow chaos and perpetuate unsubstantiated doubts about the count."
And? If Democrats have done nothing wrong, there won't be anything to find. Right? So what's the problem again?
If this examination of irregularities is stopped, no one will have faith in any election in the future.
Who can trust the Georgia Senate elections?
So is this before or after John Durham's indictments? Sigh.
I'm getting really tired of the "coming soon" claims. Democrats and Republicans alike base all their hopes on "coming soon"--this is finally the scandal that gets Trump! This investigation will finally expose those Dems! Cruz absolutely destroyed [whomever]!!
And then nothing happens.
Here's what I want to see: I want to see all this anger and energy focused on state legislatures to pressure them to create secure and transparent voting systems. In criminal law, there is a model penal code, which offers guidance to states in writing criminal laws so that the laws are well written, with some consistency across states, no unintended consequences, and people know what to expect. The general use of the code is a strong encouragement for states to follow it. (You don't use it? Why are you out of step with everybody else?)
I want to see the same for elections--a model elections law to guide the states in reforming their elections so we have security, consistency, reliability, and fairness. Right now, our elections system is a mess. It needs to be fixed. In the long run, that is more important than whether Trump or Biden ultimately prevails in this election.
I don't even know what a kraken is but at least I can spell it.
Breath isn't being held.
I am cautiously optimistic. It better be "overwhelming" though or it won't go anywhere. It has to be so undeniable as to make a Project Veritas report look like a Biden news conf.
I was starting to worry about the kraken.
It has been forecasted to appear again and again, yet never showed.
Then again, this press conference might be a 'weekend at bernies' situation with the kraken, yet another time.
I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
I agree with Mickey Kaus; it's been fun but I don't think I want a second Trump term. He's too crazy-acting.
Much more fun with a divided government.
Scott Adams more or less challenged the President’s team to put up or shut up by closing time today.
Adams said he wanted to see some real evidence or he was going to reduce his prediction of an election shakeup to 50%.
Trump had to do something today. Whether he has the Kraken... who knows? Maybe we’ll find out.
I'm afraid Trump's comments just give life to the conspiracy theories about a "Stolen Election". Exactly how was it stolen? There were republican operatives all over the place watching the counts. I haven't heard a single piece of evidence that tells us that 10's of thousands of votes in key states were miscounted. It is time for Trump and the GOP to stop this. Stop it right now. While it is true the mainstream media and Democrats never gave Trump an honest shot at running the country and intentionally created the perception that he is a racist, it is also true that this country needs to move on. Don't for a minute think a violent and bloody revolution cannot happen in this country. The seeds for it are already sown.
This is the clearest written tweet he’s ever sent that’s not in ALL CAP screaming that he won.
I wonder if that’s because the path is actually viable and clear or if he’s keeping up appearance but his heart isn’t in it.
I’m guessing with Trump, there is a deep desire to want to pull off this win and cement himself as the greatest comeback story in American history.
Will the clear viable path include a stop at CJ Roberts convenience store?
Rich you are not paying attention. Signed affidavits from HUNDREDS of eye witnesses document individual cases of fraud.
I really don't see how there is enough time left to overturn the election.
That being said, I think Trump's objective is to shine a hard light on how corrupt our election system has become, and by extension how far the Democrats are willing to go to win elections.
Assuming we can prevent the larceny from continuing in the GA senate runoff races, Biden will be a lame duck President, but Trump will be far from a lame duck ex-president. He is a crusader, and his cause celeb the next 4 years will be election reform.
Will the press conference be at the Ritz-Carlton Smoking and Novelty Gifts shop?
wild chicken:
I hope the yoke of socialism rests easily on your neck.
And on the respective necks of your progeny, also.
You deserve that much.
I really don't see how there is enough time left to overturn the election.
That's easy. The state legislatures refuse to certify the results and choose their own electors.
This sounds more sanguine than the emails asking for contributions.
I think the election was rife with fraud and stolen by the Democrats. But believing that and proving it are two different things. Trump and his people are starting to sound a lot like Bhagdad Bob during the Gulf War. We're rapidly getting to put up or shut up time. I hope they are able to "put up," but time is running out.
I love all the "this is taking too long, he can't have anything real" talk from all the concern trolls. It's only been 12 business days since the election, FFS.
I like how the excess votes in Pennsylvania were delivered in batches of 6000.
In Wisconsin it was batches of 4800.
That's not suspicious at all.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
"Scott Adams more or less challenged the President’s team to put up or shut up by closing time today. Adams said he wanted to see some real evidence or he was going to reduce his prediction of an election shakeup to 50%."
Everybody likes a good Kraken. I saw that too. Adams is right and wrong. If they have a plan, they have a timeline, and also have misdirection. Public opinion is now one thing, but Federal Courts are another. The latter will now decide, even though the public already elected Trump.
Figure a lot of things have to happen simultaneously. GA recount. Wayne County, MI. Milwaukee / Dane Wisconsin Counties being recounted. Maybe we will find out today what has been filled in Federal Court. Is it Dominion?
At this point, the Trump team needs to present a credible confession of someone who used computers to massively affect votes. Without such a confession, Trump has lost the election.
Unfortunately for Biden, a huge portion of the electorate will believe that he won only because of election fraud. This will be one of many reasons why he will not be able to unite the country.
I think that the Republicans will hold their Senate majority now and will win a House majority in 2022.
The Biden Presidency will be very limited in its ability ever to pass any legislation.
Here’s an interesting Constitutional question. Let’s say this dispute drags on, Nancy Pelosi has to serve as interim President, and Donald Trump runs again in 2024 and wins, and then an hour before noon on the morning of January 20, 2025, the House awards the 2020 election to Donald Trump. Having been twice elected President, would Trump be barred from serving the “third” term?
In criminal law, there is a model penal code, which offers guidance to states in writing criminal laws so that the laws are well written, with some consistency across states, no unintended consequences, and people know what to expect.
Laws only work on honest people. You expect me to trust politicians with a vested interest in the outcome to follow laws? Hell even judges refuse to follow laws. A judge changed the voting date weeks before the election. Follow laws...how stupid.
The FBI lied to the secret FISA court FOUR TIMES. Nothing has happened, nor will happen because it is seeming impossible to punish bad actors. No consequences = no laws
We cant do something simple like verify the identity of every voter. That is a partisan battle for some unknown reason.
A simple tally of votes cast as of the moment the polls close would be a great check on corruption. I haven't seen a single Republican suggest we at least get an account of votes cast.
The balloting rules in wisconsin didnt pass
Remember SCOTUS did not overturn the FL Supreme Court until December 12, 2000 and Gore conceded the following day. I realize info moves faster today, especially via Twitter, but it seems if and "overturn" is going to happen it will be closer to the 2000 timeline.
If they do release or give details to the Dominion Kracken today, it will take that long to get to SCOTUS...no?
Maybee at 838 - Agree. The "fraud" is way upstream. Once the votes are sitting in front of us, I don't hold out much hope for overturning the "results".
Is anyone else getting Baghdad Bob vibes? Sure, sure, Donny, the infidels are on the run and you've got them right where you wanted them....
I want to see the same for elections--a model elections law to guide the states in reforming their elections so we have security, consistency, reliability, and fairness
The BarnesLaw guy says this was largely done after 2000, but it doesn't look like some close states are following their own rules.
"stop this. Stop it right now."
...or what? You'll stamp your little feet?
Based on precedent, I'm fine with Trump following whatever legal recourse he wants until December 12th or so.
Mike Sylwester said...
Unfortunately for Biden, a huge portion of the electorate will believe that he won only because of election fraud. This will be one of many reasons why he will not be able to unite the country.
11/19/20, 9:15 AM
True on the first bit. On the second, sorry but everyone understood those were just the words he was expected to say. No one (his side or ours) believed a word of it. He will not and did not plan to "unite" a damned thing. They are already compiling lists.
Like EVERY OTHER Democrat, every word out of his pie hole is a lie, to include "the" and "and".
My biggest fear with a Biden presidency is that the Deep State will retrench. Another Trump term keeps the fight alive. They won't even let the CiC take troops out of Afghanistan ffs.
Guys, you know there is also a million dollar bounty for anyone who can bring forthevidence of voter fraud.
You don't think a single one of those dastardly democrat election stealer guys wants a cool million? This leads me to think one of two things: (1) George Soros has already bribed the entire democrat party with riches and kiddie porn; or (2) it didn't happen.
Nobody's taking the plywood off the windows yet.
Just to clarify: is this press conference at the RNC, or at RNC Total Landscaping?
"December 14, 2020: Electors Vote in Their States
Monday after the second Wednesday in December of
presidential election years is set (3 U.S.C. §7) as the date on
which the electors meet and vote. In 2020, the meeting is on
December 14."
I don't see the Supreme Court voting for an exception to this. Those on the left want the Electoral College to confirm Biden; those on the right are strict constructionists, and the language of this law is impossible to misinterpret.
"I really don't see how there is enough time left to overturn the election."
The following comment is not directed personally at Jersey Fled, but at the idea that "there is not enough time" to contest the election...
The election was held- what? Just a little over two weeks ago. Unless the idea is that election results should automatically be accepted regardless of any concerns about legitimacy, how can there not be enough time to make sure the count is right? And why would anyone who values an honest election oppose taking the time that's needed to make sure the count is right? Is winning more important than that?
The last question is rhetorical, of course.
Fuck you Rich. This has to be pursued. Otherwise, there will be a civil war and people like you will be gutted.
DD Driver wants Democraticals to win and therefore thinks uncovering Democratical cheating is a bad idea.
readering said...
From last night in the AM:
Achilles,if you turn out to be wrong about Michigan will you finally stfu? No, because you are a troll.
Russia Hoax troll has something to say. You have been lying for 5 years and you still wont shut up about Russia stealing the 2016 election and you say this? You still continue to claim Trump could be charge with crimes and you drool on your keyboard with this garbage?
You are a fascist. You are a pathetic fool who completely lacks self awareness.
You and your violent socialist scum party are going to lose for a generation after we get paper ballots, voter ID, and purple thumbs.
I think there was plenty of election fraud. Unless there was some massive manipulation of votes by computers, however, I will have to say that Biden would have won even without the usual election fraud.
Here are some reasons that I see for Trump's defeat:
Many Blacks, especially Black males, sat out the 2016 election, but did vote in the 2020 election. They accepted the arguments that Trump was racist. There was plenty of time and opportunity for ballot harvesters to socially pressure such Black voters to fill in and then hand over their ballots to the ballot harvesters.
Trump lost hundreds of thousands of votes because of his obnoxious behavior in this first debate with Biden.
Trump apparently has not learned anything at all about the climate-change issue during the past four years. In this regard, all he can talk about is clearing debris from California forests. The climate-change issue is very important to many voters.
The recent legal challenge to ObamaCare has caused many people to fear that ObamaCare is in danger of being canceled by the US Supreme Court. Meanwhile, Trump remains unable to present and explain his own alternative to ObamaCare. All he can talk about is requiring medicines to be sold at foreign prices.
His insistence on conducting mass rallies during the epidemic alarmed many people who are very afraid of the epidemic. His not wearing a mask might have been tolerable, but any mass rallies were perceived to be self-indulgent and dangerous.
For various reasons, a significant portion of the electorate would not vote for Clinton in 2016 but would vote for Biden in 2020.
DD Driver wants Democraticals to win and therefore thinks uncovering Democratical cheating is a bad idea.
Uncover away my friend. I want desperately for you prove it. I think its a GREAT idea for you to prove it. Release the Kraken already. Release Sasquatch, too. And, Nessie if you can find him.
I want you to prove it. With evidence and not gossip. This is how we do things in America. We go to court. We take our evidence. We prove our case. Then we move on.
But, there is a point when you are just embarrassing yourself. When you utter the phrase, "Release the Kraken," you have passed that point.
The current efforts are not to "overturn" the election. It is the process of figuring out the real winner. The language the left uses to frame everything matters here. They have already pissed away the Constitution giving the media power to declare a winner. I'd imagine turncoat Chief Justice John Roberts in SCOTUS deliberations will use the term...like "yes, that may be true Amy, but is it enough to overturn an election?".
Rich said...
I'm afraid Trump's comments just give life to the conspiracy theories about a "Stolen Election". Exactly how was it stolen? There were republican operatives all over the place watching the counts. I haven't heard a single piece of evidence that tells us that 10's of thousands of votes in key states were miscounted. It is time for Trump and the GOP to stop this. Stop it right now. While it is true the mainstream media and Democrats never gave Trump an honest shot at running the country and intentionally created the perception that he is a racist, it is also true that this country needs to move on. Don't for a minute think a violent and bloody revolution cannot happen in this country. The seeds for it are already sown.
We would prefer violent bloody revolution to democrats seizing power through fraud and destroying the republic.
BLM and Antifa have been running a 6 month Krystallnacht.
As someone once said, "Give me liberty, or give me Death."
Have a nice day.
One thing I saw: with mass mailings of ballots to all registered voters, there was unusually high percentage of eligible voters voting, especially in inner city black neighborhoods (which makes sense: easier to fill out a ballot at home than show up at the polling place). The question is: how many of these ballots were filled out and mailed by the person they were sent to?
My takeaway: signature verification should be an essential part of the verification process. Absent it and fraud can run rampant.
This election month, revealed the fraud, climate change is just a tool to seize power, trump only responded to bidens havkneyed attempt to nullify barretts choice. The changes to obamacare are mostly administrative and couldnt be explained in a format like so.
What Achilles said.
"It is time for Trump and the GOP to stop this. Stop it right now."
Uh huh. Not because hundreds of Democrats will probably go to jail if we don't "stop it right now". Not because blacks will discover that Democrats have been stealing their votes for generations. Because "this country needs to move on".
Uh huh.
"There were republican operatives all over the place watching the counts."
And I was a "republican operative", a certified poll watcher, in Bucks County PA. I was denied the right to watch either the in-person vote (only allowed to check registration totals once an hour) and not even allowed to SEE a single mail in ballot.
So, seriously, picture me saying the following with maximum enthusiasm and sincerity: Go. Fuck. Yourself.
Mike Sylwester said...
I think there was plenty of election fraud. Unless there was some massive manipulation of votes by computers, however, I will have to say that Biden would have won even without the usual election fraud.
So Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major city except for 6 cities where he got over 90% turnout, Maduro like margins, and won 95% of votes cast/counted after the election.
Joe Biden one 1/17 counties that no victorious candidate won fewer than 13 since 1916.
It is good to get a handle on reasoning abilities.
We can disagree civillly. Something i noticed brian hancock certified the last batch of voting machines in february 2017, three years later hes on the board of unisys on the conference call with krebs saying there is no fraud.
D.D. Driver said...
I want you to prove it. With evidence and not gossip. This is how we do things in America. We go to court. We take our evidence. We prove our case. Then we move on.
We have signed affidavits and witness statements and videos from hundreds of poll watchers describing democrats keeping them from monitoring the vote counting process.
That is enough right there to invalidate the entire election.
That is black letter violation of election laws. None of us will trust an election where democrats completely ignored election law in widespread manner.
The rest is just gravy.
Buckle up buttercup. You get to defend your corrupt rapist in person soon.
See here
What a bullshitter. Lol.
I’m going to miss Trump.
I think there was plenty of election fraud.
"plenty" is not enough for you to invalidate a voting district? How much more that "plenty" is your standard?
Wayne county votes need to be disqualified. The State Totals will be certified without those votes. Control of the elections are in the hands of the people. They choose to invalidate their own power, they will suffer the consequences.
This whole mess exists because people in positions of power never suffer from their own actions.
narciso said...
We can disagree civillly. Something i noticed brian hancock certified the last batch of voting machines in february 2017, three years later hes on the board of unisys on the conference call with krebs saying there is no fraud.
We can disagree civilly.
But for the last 6 months democrat antifa/blm thugs have shown us they don't want to.
And the two Wayne County election commissioners are standing up to the thugs that threatened their children and families.
We can do no less.
Birkel said:
I like how the excess votes in Pennsylvania were delivered in batches of 6000.
In Wisconsin it was batches of 4800.
I would not put any trust in The Gateway Pundit's numbers (Or Pamela Geller) when they are discussing the Edison data. They misunderstand the data set.
The 4800 and 6000 values occur because the data sent is the total votes plus a rounded value of the candidate's percentage. The actual votes are then extrapolated from there. It is a stupid way to send over data. IF they sent actual vote totals for the candidates you can then calculate total and percentage. But the other way is ambiguous.
For example, if the vote total was 2,400,000 and And Trump had 50.2%, his vote total could be anywhere from 1,206,000 (50.24999%) and 1,203,600 (50.15000%) a difference of 2400 votes.When new votes came in causing Trump's percentage to drop from 50.1500 to 50.14999 and Biden goes from 49.84999 to 48.85000, the resultant "swing" in votes would look a lot like 4,800 votes. It also would mean prior to the "swing" it would appear that each got the same percentage of new votes for multiple updates because the votes they get are based on the reported percentage, rather than the vote count.
Michigan Secretary of State on Wayne County Republicans: "There is no legal mechanism for them to rescind their vote." Trump has dismissed his Michigan lawsuit since it's clear he won't getting anything from the court.
Anyone seen the Kraken?
They will allow no dissent
Luke Lea said...
My takeaway: signature verification should be an essential part of the verification process. Absent it and fraud can run rampant.
11/19/20, 9:52 AM
Sorry but screw that. For mail in ballots, there should be a place on the security envelope where you have to put your thumb print and it is verified and your name checked off before it is put into the "count this" pile.
Government, secure photo ID for in person to enter polling place.
Finger print on security envelope for mail in and only allow mail in for military outside of country.
Finger print less for identity and more for one person, one vote.
End of story.
Rudy's co-counsel let out of the Pennsylvania federal case. (The one who got the mean phone call.) Everything is falling into place.
Who is this "DD Driver" troll? Is it Ritmo back with another ID?
Outrageous statements posted with zero evidence.
Mike Sylvester said (9:45): “For various reasons ....” A significant reason why people voted for Biden but not Hillary was the leftmedia and Big Tech censorship of the NY Post story establishing that the Biden family is as corrupt as the Clintons and in a more dangerous way.
Democrats held on to a majority of the black vote because wealthy black race traitors like Whoopi, LeBron, Mad Maxine and Lemon told the the guys who reduced their unemployment, reformed the criminal justice system, funded black colleges and created opportunity zones for black people is a racist.
Thanks for the Democrat talking points though. You have no doubt noticed that many of us are chafing at the bit to become Democrats. /s It’s just that our commitment to critical thinking, the Constitution, traditional American values and the country gets in the way.
We have signed affidavits and witness statements and videos from hundreds of poll watchers describing democrats keeping them from monitoring the vote counting process.
That is enough right there to invalidate the entire election.
Great!!! Then you should have no problem proving election fraud. With these witnesses' testimony it will be easy to go back to the poll books to make sure that the signatures in the poll book match the number of ballots cast. That way we will know that there were not "thousand" of fake ballots that were counted. If these witnesses know where to find the fraud it will be that much easier to prove!
And if they can't prove it it did not happen.
Achilles at 9:55 AM
So Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major city except for 6 cities where he got over 90% turnout, Maduro like margins, and won 95% of votes cast/counted after the election.
In the most important six cities for the election, Biden's ballot harvesters did harvest an extraordinary number of ballots. I think that did happen. (I think also that plenty of the usual election fraud did happen.)
Blacks who did not want to vote were not left in peace. All of them were socially pressured continually for several weeks. Ultimately, an extraordinary number of them indeed did vote for Biden.
Obama's memoir selling very well. Maybe the press conference is to announce Trump's.
One thing I saw: with mass mailings of ballots to all registered voters, there was unusually high percentage of eligible voters voting, especially in inner city black neighborhoods
A real reporter got a list of the returned absentee ballots, contacted several hundreds and got responses back. some never requested, some more never returned. It's a mystery. All you get for election officials is blank looks.
iowan2 at 10:09 AM
"plenty" is not enough for you to invalidate a voting district? How much more that "plenty" is your standard?
Invalidating a voting district is not my decision to make.
The people who will make the decision are not going to invalidate, say, all of Milwaukee's votes because there was plenty of voting fraud there.
I guess AA commenters too busy reading here:
BREAKING: Fox Ratings
Cavuto: Down 52%
Ingraham: Down 45%
Fox & Friends: Down 45%
Hannity: Down 39%
Carlson: Down 33%
DD Driver,
The first time I utter "release the Kraken" outside the context of watching "Clash of the Titans" or responding to your stupidity will be the first.
Blogger readering said...
Rudy's co-counsel let out of the Pennsylvania federal case. (The one who got the mean phone call.) Everything is falling into place.
Despicable readering's "Mean phone call.
My wife last night was talking about all the evil in the world that has appeared.
Court papers revealed that Philadelphia lawyer Linda Kerns has received official protection after people sent her “threats of harm.”
Kerns is one of the lawyers representing President Donald Trump’s campaign, “which is challenging his projected loss to Joe Biden in the crucial Keystone State.”
The threats came “in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason – all for representing the President of the United States’ campaign in this litigation.”
The official protection comes from “police and US Marshals.”
This poor lady also claimed a lawyer from the firm representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Bock left her an “abusive voicemail” only two days ago.
Yes, readering. You are one of the evil ones.
Stay off your phones. POTUS may be calling you to overturn the election result in your county.
I'm referring specifically to the phone call where the lawyer sought sanctions by the court. Court said no.
Not seen you comment on all the abusive phone calls and threats to election officials in close states doing their jobs.
hombre at 10:17 AM
Mike Sylvester said (9:45): “For various reasons ....” A significant reason why people voted for Biden but not Hillary was the leftmedia and Big Tech censorship .... wealthy black race traitors like Whoopi, LeBron, Mad Maxine and Lemon told the the guys who reduced their unemployment, reformed the criminal justice system, funded black colleges and created opportunity zones for black people is a racist.
You seem to imagine that I disagree with you about those factors.
But thanks for the micro aggression.
Anticipation of press conference causing Michael K to lose his usual sangfroid.
It is wonderful that you discovered conservatives' disdain for the Pail Ryan wing of the MSM: FOXNews.
As per usual you are only years and months behind the curve.
“Scott Adams more or less challenged the President’s team to put up or shut up by closing time today.”
I assume this is sarcasm from Adams. Regardless, the Trump team would be wise to “breast their cards” lest the Dems accelerate the coverup.
Sangfroid? Michael K has posted twice to this thread, readering... 9 times.
Just sayin'.
When you have lost Scott Adams . . . .
When you have lost Birkel . . . .
I'm so excited . . . .
What kind of scrutiny should this press conference get? I'll go with normal.
Wa St Blogger said...
The 4800 and 6000 values occur because the data sent is the total votes plus a rounded value of the candidate's percentage. The actual votes are then extrapolated from there. It is a stupid way to send over data. IF they sent actual vote totals for the candidates you can then calculate total and percentage. But the other way is ambiguous.
Are you saying TGP and Geller are lying with statistics?
Or are you saying the software went to lengths to transfer ambiguous data?
For example, if the vote total was 2,400,000 and And Trump had 50.2%, his vote total could be anywhere from 1,206,000 (50.24999%) and 1,203,600 (50.15000%) a difference of 2400 votes.When new votes came in causing Trump's percentage to drop from 50.1500 to 50.14999 and Biden goes from 49.84999 to 48.85000, the resultant "swing" in votes would look a lot like 4,800 votes. It also would mean prior to the "swing" it would appear that each got the same percentage of new votes for multiple updates because the votes they get are based on the reported percentage, rather than the vote count.
This doesn't work. First the vote totals are not stored as Integers in the dominion systems. They are stored as Floats. Are you trying to say that TGP was calculating the vote totals based off the percentage?
Second you are not addressing the system shutdown, the adjustment in the numbers that happened during the shutdown, and the perfect ratio of 50 Biden - 49 Trump that occurred in all six states in every report that came in after 4:30AM on the 4th.
The DNC press will be pushing the narrative that the Republicans are trying to disenfranchise the Black voters of Detroit. It's not the Republicans, but the Democrat poll workers stuffing the ballot box with illegal votes. I'd love to see a Detroit resident sue the elections department for civil rights violations.
Mark said...
"I was starting to worry about the kraken.
It has been forecasted to appear again and again, yet never showed."
"Waiting For Kraken" by Sidney Powell.
Coming soon to an off-Broadway theater near you.
readering said...
I guess AA commenters too busy reading here:
BREAKING: Fox Ratings
Cavuto: Down 52%
Ingraham: Down 45%
Fox & Friends: Down 45%
Hannity: Down 39%
Carlson: Down 33%
Did you bother to go see why?
You really are an imbecile.
It should be obvious that the drive to get more turnout by extending the voting period to weeks is undermining the purpose of elections.
If everyone votes on the first Tuesday, 8 AM to 8 PM, you get snapshot of the electorate on the day. Not perfect, but that is what you get.
What do you get when you have an election that is a month long?
For one, you get more than one electorate. The people who vote absentee or by mail are a different polity than the people who show up & vote at the polling place on the first Tuesday in November.
You also get plain old mud. Absentee voters and vote by mail people may change their minds if new information comes out in the days after they cast their vote and election day. There could be economic collapse or war. A candidate could be exposed in a major scandal or could die or could withdraw.
How is this supposed to make our democracy "better"?
The kraken was released Monday.
Since she is an undersea monster, all we've seen so far has been ripples as she moves about.
Will this be when she breaks the surface?
John Henry
It took Fox News over a week to rescind their call that the Democrats would pick up 5 to 10 seats in the House. Democrats ended up losing all of the races listed as toss-ups, and who knows, may have even lost the House if Fox hadn’t called the election way before the voting was over.
I hope Fox News enjoys their three way struggle for liberal viewers like seagulls fighting over a rotting fish.
Everything Paul Ryan touches turns to shit.
D.D. Driver said...
We have signed affidavits and witness statements and videos from hundreds of poll watchers describing democrats keeping them from monitoring the vote counting process.
That is enough right there to invalidate the entire election.
Great!!! Then you should have no problem proving election fraud. With these witnesses' testimony it will be easy to go back to the poll books to make sure that the signatures in the poll book match the number of ballots cast. That way we will know that there were not "thousand" of fake ballots that were counted. If these witnesses know where to find the fraud it will be that much easier to prove!
And if they can't prove it it did not happen.
So democrats sought to remove all republican poll watchers.
They used courts to removed witness signature requirements and signature matching.
And mailed ballots to millions of people.
And if we can't prove fraud it didn't happen.
I choose war.
Have a nice day.
Videos removed as digital iron curtain falls over Germany
Listen to a man's door in Germany being smashed and watch as his life is threatened by the police because he is making a video about the US presidential election.
Or maybe it's because he made videos protesting the Covid-19 lockdown. But who knows for sure? Certainly there seems to be a media blackout on reporting on or any discussion of the subject. There is a no way for most people to even know such a thing is happening.
It's astonishing. It's frightening. And it's probably our future if the left gets in power.
readering said...
What kind of scrutiny should this press conference get? I'll go with normal.
How the press treated Biden normal?
I agree with Mickey Kaus; it's been fun but I don't think I want a second Trump term. He's too crazy-acting.
Much more fun with a divided government.
We have had divided government for the last 4 years - Trump pres. with D. House for the last 2 years, Trump pres. with Rep. Sen/House the prior 2 years.
Scott Walker pointed this out:
1) Incomplete absentee ballots may not be counted under Wisconsin law. In violation of state law, the Wisconsin Elections Commission directed clerks to illegally alter incomplete absentee ballots. Wisconsin state statute reads, “ If a certificate is missing the address of a witness, the ballot may not be counted.” (Wis. Stat. § 6.87(6d)). Only legally cast ballots should be counted in the final results.
2) A written application is required for an absentee ballot. Ballots issued without a written application are in violation of the law. Despite the law, many clerks issued absentee ballots without written applications - particularly during the two week in-person absentee voting period from October 20 to November 1, 2020. Here is the law: “the municipal clerk shall not issue an absentee ballot unless the clerk receives a written application therefor from a qualified elector” 6.86(1)(ar). Only legally cast ballots should be counted in the final results.
3) Voter identification must be presented to vote using an absentee ballot unless the person is “indefinitely confined” according to state law. County clerks in Democrat-leaning counties advised voters to illegally mis-characterize that they were “indefinitely confined” to circumvent state law requiring phono identification. Only legally cast votes should be counted in the final results.
That is black letter election law.
Any changes to that law not made by the legislature are illegal.
The hand recount of Milwaukee is going to be lit.
...but Trump will be far from a lame duck ex-president.
This would be the first time in my lifetime that there is an ex-President who is Constitutionally able to run again and who has expressed an intention to do so. Sorry America, but if Biden is seated, every waking moment of the next four will be contested and campaigned against in real time.
Look for Jimmy Carter to throw his hat in the ring..
I posted that late last night, and apparently no one saw it. I'm going to repost this part:
“Everything was in total disarray,” Susan Voyles, a poll manager with 20 years of experience handling ballots, wrote in her affidavit about her experience at a recount center in Fulton County.
Pristine Ballots
Voyles said that ballots usually show signs of handling, like written marks, creases, and torn edges. But a batch she counted while working as a recount auditor at the Georgia World Congress Center on Nov. 14 “stood out.”
“It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper—it was if they were intended for absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose,” Voyles testified. “There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed.”
Now, here's the important context for this: you have to fold your GA absentee ballot in order to fit it into the envelope you mail it in with."
It is my understanding that every single one of those absentee ballots had to be delivered in the envelope. So that would make every one of those ballots fraudulent.
My advice to the Trump camp:
1: Get an injection ordering De Kalb and Fulton Counties to stop doing ANYTHING with the ballots.
2: Get a court order to go through those ballots and separate out everyone one without a visible fold mark
3: Set up 8 photo stations, all identical. In four of them take pictures of each of the never-folded ballots. In the other fours, get randomly grabbed ballots with normal markings, and take pictures of them, too, But on those ballots, only expose the votes for President and Senator. If they only have a vote for President, take a picture of the whole ballot. This lets us get a feel for "how many ballots have ONLY the President voted?"
4: Make a video. On one side, pictures of the normal ballots. On the other, pictures of the obviously fraudulent ones. For the first 100 or so, do it one picture per second. Then speed it up until it's 10 / second.
If the Democrat and Republican poll watchers have not lied in their affidavits, there should be thousands of those ballots. Let's find out how many. This could, in and of itself, undo the Dem steal of GA for Biden, and might even under the Perdue - Ossoff runoff
readering said...
I'm so excited . . . .
11/19/20, 10:38 AM
Are you Toobin-ing?
If the Dems are successful in stealing this presidential election, why does anyone think the results will be different in the runoff in GA and every election going forward?
Here you all go. Some PEN testers went at the Michigan election boxes. They filed an affidavit in a court motion.
The audit of the Michigan election is going to be glorious now that it isn't certified. There is some tech jargon but it is readable for most.
A glitch was reclassified as a "clerical error" in Antrim county because machines would have to be re certified if it was a glitch.
Standard voting districts with 350% turnout.
A clear abrupt change to voting patterns after 2AM on Friday and how to over ride votes in the Dominion software
A 2 hour and 38 minute window where an impossible number of ballots were counted with equipment on hand.
Over 96% turnout in 47 precincts. 25 Precincts showing exactly 100% turnout.
All of the records that should be requested from Dominion.
So democrats sought to remove all republican poll watchers.
The fight about poll workers is two fold: (1) the GOP argues that should have been permitted more poll watchers in certain places and (2) the GOP argues that it should have been able to be closer to the poll workers at certain sites. Poll workers getting "kicked out" seems to be fake news.
I can't speak to how elections work everywhere, but I know quite a bit about Wisconsin and elections are run by a bipartisan commission. There are GOP eyes everywhere. When I used to observe at MKE Central Count the GOP election commissioners would be in and out half a dozen times through out the course of the day. This is the source of my skepticism. The type of coordinated fraud that you guys are hoping exists would be incredibly difficult to pull off (you just need one witness who wants a million dollars for starters). If its even possible, the democrats are not smart enough (or disciplined enough) to pull it off.
Live right now. Rudy is talking through a bunch of the affidavits.
It is on twitch.
Rudy just destroyed the "no evidence" garbage. He is rubbing it the press's face right now.
"Poll workers getting "kicked out" seems to be fake news."
I wasn't "kicked out", I was never even allowed to *see* a single mail in ballot, despite asking to three times.
If sworn testimony is still considered evidence in this country Giuliani is right. Let's see what Sydney Powell has to say.
Scary that the truth sounds so strange to the ear after hearing and reading so much propaganda and censorship. So much so the President had to inform this blog publisher about Dominion.
D.D. Driver said...
So democrats sought to remove all republican poll watchers.
The fight about poll workers is two fold: (1) the GOP argues that should have been permitted more poll watchers in certain places and (2) the GOP argues that it should have been able to be closer to the poll workers at certain sites. Poll workers getting "kicked out" seems to be fake news.
You are a liar.
You can watch Rudy destroy your stupidity live.
Or you can continue to lie.
None of us are buying it.
None of us are accepting your stasi press. Most of this is an attack on the press.
Rudy is talking about how Detroit poll workers re-dated late ballots in defiance of the Alito order.
Achilles said... "Live right now. Rudy is talking through a bunch of the affidavits. It is on twitch. Rudy just destroyed the "no evidence" garbage. He is rubbing it the press's face right now."
It's on YouTube live as well. If Giuliani is the warm up act...they rest should be good.
220 affidavits in the Michigan case. Two---hundred---twenty. He's talking about the 4am truck pulling up with ballots. Milwaukee was probably the same.
I can wait until mid December to see this play out, but I can’t follow every story. I think that Gateway Pundit is throwing out more herrings than a Zuiderzee fishmonger, and most of them are red. I don’t think he is doing Trump any great service. I guess he keeps the troops fired up.
If Trump can demonstrate fraud, it will be the biggest accomplishment of a great presidency.
Note to readering:
FOXNews never had me.
I know your two dimensional worldview prohibits you understanding that concept.
Are you saying TGP and Geller are lying with statistics?
Or are you saying the software went to lengths to transfer ambiguous data?
I am saying that TGP and PG do not understand they data set. I think it is ignorance about the data and not a willful misleading. The data DOES look suspicious, but when you understand the data set, the results they are concerned about are actually an artifact of the data that was sent, and not proof of fraud.
This doesn't work. First the vote totals are not stored as Integers in the dominion systems. They are stored as Floats. Are you trying to say that TGP was calculating the vote totals based off the percentage?
I am saying that the Edison data, the data that we obtained from the NY Times (This is the data that is sent to news agencies for them to report on) is not in an ideal format. It presents total vote and a percentage of total for candidates. It is problematic for doing the kind of analysis that is being reported on by TGP and PG.
I am saying that the vote totals used by TGP and PG are extrapolated from the Edison data set. They are saying they are using the Edison data set, and it does not include raw vote totals from the candidates, AS far as I can tell), so they must be extrapolating the data. I can duplicate their results because I too have the data set.
Second you are not addressing the system shutdown, the adjustment in the numbers that happened during the shutdown, and the perfect ratio of 50 Biden - 49 Trump that occurred in all six states in every report that came in after 4:30AM on the 4th.
That is correct. I am not addressing that issue at all. I have not claimed there is no fraud and do not imply that no votes were manufactured for Biden. I am only addressing a particular failure to analyze a particular set of data.
The Edison data can be used to infer vote rates, showing that after a certain point Biden votes outstripped Trump votes at a 2:1 ratio, but they did not come in discrete 4800 (or 6000) chunks. There are also large inputs on the order of 150,000 and even 300,000 where Biden received on the order of 80% of the votes. These are still useful things to investigate.
Constantino vs. City of Detroit.
Apparently only Fox and Newsmax are showing this news conference. The rest of the networks are just sticking with the "no evidence" lie.
I haven't confirmed this myself, and really can't, don't currently have control of the channel. If someone knows of another network that is *not* actively suppressing this listing of the evidence, please let me know.
Wa St Blogger said...
That all makes more sense. Appreciated. There is a lot of stuff that I have been filtering like that.
"On the upside, I think it's pretty likely that the GOP will win the midterm elections decisively, and they can spend the following 2 years making the Biden administration miserable."
Why would they have to do that? Jitterin' Joe is sure to pursue Republican-friendly policies, he being a loyal vassal of long vintage (his whole career!) to the big-money interests who also own the Republicans.**
**(And the Dems! --Ed.)
tim maguire said...
Here's what I want to see: I want to see all this anger and energy focused on state legislatures to pressure them to create secure and transparent voting systems.
Then you want to see the Democrat Governors not veto the schemes
Then you want to see the Secretaries of State enforce the rules. This means the Republican ones will have to get the moral backbone to call out any and all violations of the laws, and the Democrat ones will have to all be voted out of office, because their stated focus is "more people voting." Not "more legal votes cast in a verifiable manner", in fact they're strong opposed to most of the concepts in that phrase.
Then you want to see judges not work with corrupt officials and outside groups to create "consent decrees" that do an end run around the laws
Or, we have to start decorating lamp posts.
If Biden gets to steal this election, I give it a 1 in 3 chance that at least one Democrat ballot "counting" center gets firebombed the night of the 2022 elections. Because if the law isn't going to stop the Democrats there from stealing elections, you've lost any grounds for telling people whose vote is being stolen that they can't engage in self-help to protect their votes
I don't care about readering's politics. It's the minimizing of threats to Republican officials and lawyer's children that he/she/it minimizes as "mean phone calls." That is just evil. The Democrats have already demonstrated how they will loot and burn and attack peoples homes.
Rudy is getting tired. He needs to let other people talk.
narciso said...
narciso's link is better.
Twitch has a painful delay.
“Here's what I want to see: I want to see all this anger and energy focused on state legislatures to pressure them to create secure and transparent voting systems. In criminal law, there is a model penal code, which offers guidance to states in writing criminal laws so that the laws are well written, with some consistency across states, no unintended consequences, and people know what to expect. The general use of the code is a strong encouragement for states to follow it. (You don't use it? Why are you out of step with everybody else?)”
“I want to see the same for elections--a model elections law to guide the states in reforming their elections so we have security, consistency, reliability, and fairness. Right now, our elections system is a mess. It needs to be fixed. In the long run, that is more important than whether Trump or Biden ultimately prevails in this election.”
In these states, the election laws are mostly just fine (election law in states like CA are not fine - they are designed to facilitate election fraud). The problem was not the laws, but that election officials and courts in these states waived critical fraud prevention provisions in the election laws in these states, ostensibly on account of COVID-19. Which, of course, was one of the big reasons that we overreacted to the virus.
See above with the quotes from former WI Gov Walker. The provisions he cited probably would have eliminated almost all of the actual ballot fraud in his state, if they hadn’t been waived by election officials. And Trump probably would have won the state easily.
This is also why I have expected the real action to be in the federal courts all along. This falls neatly into the Equal Protection theory that was the basis for the Bush v Gore decision twenty years ago, as well as the Alito, Reinquest, Thomas Concurrence’s Article II, § 1, ¶ 2 theory that the courts (and executive) cannot change election law in regards to Presidential electors - only the state legislatures can. My reading of the Justices has 4 solids, one probable (Kavenaugh), and with 5 CJ Roberts comes along to keep Thomas or Alito from writing the decision.
God bless him, Rudy’s hair dye is running with his sweat.
Do the press respond by circling the wagons for Biden?
Giuliani calling out Madison and Milwaukee as crooked is awesome. No application, no ballot. Back dated ballots. More votes in Democrat districts that registered voters (overvotes) at 150% to 200%.
I blame Madison for the corruption more than Milwaukee, although Milwaukee was used as their pawn. Madison considers itself the Hunger Games Central City Panem in the State of Wisconsin. The unhinged arrogance and strive for a lifetimes of comfort off those in the outliers has truly turned them corrupt. Pensions must be paid. It ain't LaFollet's Madison anymore.
Thanks Bruce.
Looks like all ballot irregularities so far. Better than all the other crazy theories I've heard. Computer stuff is hard. Election processes are hard enough. It's obvious most of the players have no first hand knowledge.
Release the Kraken, Sydney!
D.D. Driver said...
The fight about poll workers is two fold: (1) the GOP argues that should have been permitted more poll watchers in certain places and (2) the GOP argues that it should have been able to be closer to the poll workers at certain sites. Poll workers getting "kicked out" seems to be fake news.
1: Fulton County informed the GOP vote watchers at 10:30 Pm that they should go home, because there would be no more vote counting that night. The Vote watchers left. Fulton County then resumed "counting" ballots, and kept on doing so until at least 1 AM
THAT is "kicking out the vote watchers"
2: Not allowing a vote watcher back in after he went out to discuss the ongoing vote fraud with a colleague is "kicking out the vote watcher". We have affidavits about that I'm Detroit
3: Forcing the vote watchers to stand where they can not actually see what's going on is "kicking out the vote watchers." Their job is to monitor the activities' nd confirm that nothing illegal is going on. If they can't do their job because the vote "counters" won't let them, they are effectively kicked out
4: Unless there is already at least one GOP watcher for each worker doing anything with the ballots or vote totals, then the vote "counters" have no legitimate right to keep out more watchers. The point is to prevent fraud, which you can't do when the majority of the potential fraudsters are not being watched
Do you ever get tired of being completely wrong?
Sidney Powell just opened up with Venezuela making our voting machines.
I see a lotta people here still mired in the "Denial" stage of grief. Don't get stuck there; it's not good for the digestion.
She is blabbering, she needs to read. She is nervous.
As Scott Adams has stated, why would we expect the Democrats NOT to commit massive fraud to defeat Trump. After all, he's "Just like Hitler" to them.
Its astounding, maddening, and sad, that Democrat officials don't wont to win the legal vote, but by ANY MEANS NECCESSARY. You'd think that any person elected as Secretary of State, would want the D to win by LEGAL votes, not illegal ones.
But these people won't do the right thing, unless forced to.
Powell is doing fine. This is huge. If she can prove all of this in court, it is the story of our lifetime.
i find the liberal/left commentators here boring as fuck. Just the Party line, over and over and over again. BORING!
I see a lotta people here still mired in the "Denial" stage of grief. Don't get stuck there; it's not good for the digestion.
Where were you the last four years?
Robert Cook said...
I see a lotta people here still mired in the "Denial" stage of grief. Don't get stuck there; it's not good for the digestion.
While some of us are reveling in catharsis.
She's not just doing fine, this IS a frikkin' Kraken.
Blogger Unknown said...
First things first: Define Victory
1) PDJT is re-inaugurated in January
2) Dick pays off on our bet.
John Henry
Rich said...
I'm afraid Trump's comments just give life to the conspiracy theories about a "Stolen Election". Exactly how was it stolen? There were republican operatives all over the place watching the counts. I haven't heard a single piece of evidence that tells us that 10's of thousands of votes in key states were miscounted.
Then you need to pull your head out of your ass.
You cannot "watch the counts" when you can't see the ballot, can't see the computer the clerk is entering information into.
It is meaningless to "watch the counts" when the chain of custody on the ballots is completely broken.
The POINT of keeping the poll watchers from closely monitoring the activities of the poll workers is that it allows the poll workers to create fraud taht can't be caught later.
So what you look for is "was that done?" The answer is "yes." Therefore the answer is: this election is unalterably tainted by fraud, and must be tossed out.
This for an audience of one. Courts 1-29 against.
Terms and names for Althouse to catch up on:
Sworn Testimony
Bob, Dean, and Marge
Gusty Winds said...
Powell is doing fine. This is huge. If she can prove all of this in court, it is the story of our lifetime.
Meh. I know she realizes her life is on the line. She has a right to be nervous. I just made an observation.
Trump needs to restart the rallies.
They made their point. The networks are ignoring this of course.
It is no longer about proving fraud. That is done. Nobody believes Biden actually got 79 million votes.
Readering said...
This for an audience of one. Courts 1-29 against.
Your politics are fine.
Your support for intimidation and violence are not.
Trump is not going to concede. We are not going to concede.
Go get your 80 million Biden voters. We don't believe they exist.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
My reading of the Justices has 4 solids, one probable (Kavenaugh), and with 5 CJ Roberts comes along to keep Thomas or Alito from writing the decision.
Don't forget that Kavenaugh, Roberts and Barrett were all on Bush's legal team making the original equal treatment argument in 2000.
Does anyone think that PDJT did NOT have this in mind when he nominated Kavenaugh and Barrett?
That he might need some like minded thinkers on the court in 2020.
PDJT has always been a long term thinker and has always used the appearance of chaos as misdirection. While everyone was focused on fraud, he blindsided them (most of them) with the equal treatment arguments.
Note that I said the "appearance" of chaos. Nobody could be as successful as he has been over the past 40 years or so if their thinking, planning and acting were really chaotic.
John Henry
The woman that came in after Powell is good at this.
She just curb stomped the media.
Powell left only one thing out.
She forgot to drop the mic.
Achilles: Powell seems genuinely pissed. At this point we know Trump won by a landslide, the count was interrupted to implement Plan B after the Chavez Smartmatic algorithm failed and the trucks full of votes were wheeled in at 4am.
What they just laid out is pretty easy to follow. We all knew something was wrong on election night when the corrupt swing states stopped counting.
Everyone in Wisconsin knows what Madison and Milwaukee did. Except maybe the people in Madison and Milwaukee pretending it didn't.
Wow holy crap I am just catching this now...
The tall lady, I think that is Sidney Poweall—what she said was shocking.
Jenna Ellis.
Notice that Rudy is not hovering over her like he did with Sidney Powell.
She is breaking the Overton window the media built.
Did you see J Ellis on Maher..?
She’s a tiger momma and honey badger wrapped into one.
Tim Pool pointed out something interesting. As recently as a week ago, the media was saying there was no fraud in the elections.
Now they are saying there is no widespread fraud.
Reminds me of the old joke about the woman accepting an offer of $1,000 for sex but turning down an offer of $10. We already know what kind of woman she is, a whore. Now it is a quibble about price.
The media is now admitting fraud and trying to defend it as not much. Baby steps but at least in the right direction.
John Henry
Gusty Winds said...
Achilles: Powell seems genuinely pissed.
I agree.
She is also clearly unused to that emotion.
I wish I could help train her on how to be pissed.
Powell seems genuinely pissed
Ya, she seems authentic. One thing if this was a balancing equation— since there were laws changed and voting extended and counting of ballots arriving after Nov. 3rd then time should —in fairness— be extended in order to unravel this past the safe harbor of December 8th.
Rudy is bleeding from the head. WTF??
"As recently as a week ago, the media was saying there was no fraud in the elections.
Now they are saying there is no widespread fraud."
My rant from election day pointed out that this is how Democrats have ALWAYS responded to voter fraud. You'd think they'd start with "no widespread", but it's like motorized goalposts are actually recommended in their psyops training.
Rudy is actually crushing it now.
He was floundering early on.
That conference was entertaining bullshit.
Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and Genna Ellis are crushing it at the news conference. They have made their opening statement and cited direct evidence (hundreds of affidavits) of multi-level fraud in multiple jurisdictions, ranging from dumping Trump votes, accepting defective or false mail ballots, denying observers the ability to monitor the inspection and count of votes, and the overarching manipulation of tabulation software using Dominion’s vote-flipping algorithms. Now they are flaying the Prog media for hopeless incompetence and bias.
Thank you for the updates Achilles. They are helpful.
That bit about the Dominion logging feature not creating a robust audit trail but instead one that is subject to operator whim is beyond belief for me as a software developer who spent a lot of hours creating audit trail features that could be trusted.
That right there is a loophole you could drive a truckload of ballots through. Which is probably why it is there. I mean, imagine the design meeting where they discuss the audit trail feature of election software and the consensus that comes out of that meeting is that the audit trail should be easily manipulatable by the very operators ‘counting’ votes that it should be intended to keep honest.
I hope it’s not true.
And for Scott Adams, if you are watching, you said that there is fraud in ALL elections and always has been.
Not in Puerto Rico.
Not until this year.
What happened this year? A new election law allowed easy access to absentee ballots. Previously only military and college students and a VERY few others could request them.
Ballots were counted by Dominion scanners and transmitted to the State Electoral Commission electronically. They are still finding uncounted votes.
Previously hand marked paper ballots were counted in the same room where they were cast. They were totaled for the school (which would have multiple voting rooms) and the numbers transmitted to San Juan.
We had TV started reporting totals around 6PM Tuesday and we had final numbers by 9 or so. A second, certifying count in San Juan would take 2-3 weeks and almost never found any differences from Tuesday.
We need to go back to honest elections or I am de-registering.
John Henry
Rudy is bleeding from the head. WTF??
Politics ain’t beanbag.
Rudy just openly laughed at CNN.
These people are showing confidence.
Rudy is just laughing at the FBI. He is clowning on them. This is going to be viral material.
And now Powell is coming off the top turn buckle with the People's Elbow.
More votes in Democrat districts that registered voters (overvotes) at 150% to 200%.
it DOES make you wonder; how Many times DID our professor vote?
i mean; Sure, SHE didn't cast any.... But
No punches being pulled. They’ve gone DEFCON 1.
Biden does not have the personal ability to defend against this and establish himself a legitimate president.
“Come on, man, you know me” won’t cut it, certainly not outside the press.
YouTube is awfully convenient but should I be relying on it? I just pulled it up now so I could watch this news event that you are all talking about. There is zip; there is nothing.
This should be on the page of everyone's video recommendations given it's relevance to the election, but if it's not on mine, when I've viewed many videos on the topic, then it's surely going to be on no one's.
Once again we are in a situation where we, on this forum, know what's happening but 99% of the rest of the country knows almost nothing about it.
I will be interested in seeing Scott Adams take.
They dropped the mic for him.
Rudy was sweating like a dog.
David Shafer@DavidShafer
We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables. There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been be signed off by two official counters.
Sounds like the way honest people with nothing to hide would run an election.
What precincts had more votes than registered voters?
Rudy is good, but he’s getting old. That’s why they did the “he’s always drunk” smear against him, because he is showing his age. He isn’t great on camera, he should be working in written form, let other people do the presentation stuff.
The media isn't even showing this. They would if it were the other way around, but they hide the truth from people dumbing them down further than our educators do....
She is also clearly unused to that emotion.
She is very likely powerfully professional, evidenced by cases she's pursued in her career. This case must be stupendously evil, and it's overloaded her emotional controls. God help her!
Courts 1-29 against
Now that we've heard from the Hawaiian judges what say you Supremes?
Terrifying to watch. My blood ran cold, especially listening to Powell.
What a monstrous crime. Monstrous.
God help us.
I linked right side broadcasting network, cleaner feed, it was on rush simulcast.
mandrewa said...
Once again we are in a situation where we, on this forum, know what's happening but 99% of the rest of the country knows almost nothing about it.
What is becoming clear is that Trump is never going to back down and that they are just as all in as the frauds are.
Now Rudy just busted the corrupt democrat cities not enforcing court orders.
"Honestly I don't know what Joe Biden was aware of or not aware of."
Sidney Powell wants to eat a reporter alive. She is new to this "pissed" thing.
"So now you are going to ask me to take seriously the Secretary of State in Michigan?"
"What precincts had more votes than registered voters?”
Achilles link:
If it was Biden accusing Trump of stealing the election, the networks would not only carry the press conference, they would force people to watch it at gunpoint.
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