He doesn't give the details, only directs us to a new column at the NY Post and says:
The left is again showing that it can’t stand anyone who disagrees. “Moral superiority is an addictive drug, and perhaps the most unfortunate legacy of the Civil Rights era is that it got people on the left dependent on moral superiority for their self-esteem.”
Are we supposed to read that as a statement why he's quit USA Today? The indented material above is all from the NY Post column, which isn't about leaving USA Today, of course. I'm just saying that, as it appears at Instapundit, with the news that he's quitting USA Today, it reads like a statement about why.
Here's the NY Post column. Excerpt:
This year’s presidential election hasn’t provided the catharsis that many on the left were awaiting. Instead of the hoped-for “Blue Wave,” we have a still-too-close-to-call presidential election, while Republicans picked up House seats and appear to have held on to the Senate. One response might be self-criticism: to wonder how, after four years of single-mindedly trying to get rid of Trump and marginalize his followers, things didn’t go better. Instead, Democrats’ thinkers seem to be asking themselves variations on “How can I live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump?”...
He hasn't said why explicitly, but USA Today rejected his column on Hunter Biden, which I suspect was the impetus.
I'm sure Glenn is much more comfortable in his new safe space.
What Churchy said exactly.
Moderates like Glenn are finally understanding. Guess what "moderates" and "Reasonable Conservatives", the Liberal/left press doesn't need you anymore. They've stopped pretending they're "neutral" or "objective", so why do they need a "moderate" voice?
This is bad news for Erick Erickson, Rich Lowry, and Jonah Goldberg. They'll be fewer "reasonable Conservative" slots on Meet the Press, CNN, etc. Sads.
Well, Howard, if Reynolds' columns won't get run in USAT unless they fit the editorial board's point of view, then it would seem pretty silly for him to stick around. If Althouse deleted your posts on the basis that your point of view doesn't fit that of the majority of her "customers," would you still be here?
Social progress (e.g. pedophilia), influence peddling, and backing violent coups and their refugee aftermath, are to be done, and not reported.
Somehow this moral superiority is the result of a century of Positivism, where we eliminated any "normative" bias and refrained from "value judgments."
Remember all that? Good times.
The leftists in charge want to silence any and all dissent.
They have all the platforms to do it.
**See- Twitter and Facebook and the entire MSM banning NYPost (or any media outfit - in this case it happens to be the brave NY Post) reporting of anything negative about the corrupt Biden family.
If Bobulinski had the goods on Trump or his family - we would have heard about it from all MSM sources.
I’m in a full media boycott except for a handful of blogs and the international news on OAN. I loved The Five but I can’t stand watching Bill Hemmer stumble through their unlikely what-if scenarios and the other frustrating interruptions (Chris “red diaper” Wallace and John “Ted stevens” Robert’s?!?! Really?). Juan’s new role is to offer a counter to every argument or OPINION the other four make. I won’t even DVR Tucker. I have zero respect for Fox. They don’t respect the audience that built them. I’d rather live with no media than blatantly biased media. I can get a glimpse through blogs I trust. But I’ve no need to expose myself to toxic DNC-Media bullshit. They have aided and abetted the gaslighting and theft of our franchise. Funny how we DEMAND transparency, except when it comes to counting votes. Then they’re all in on democracy dying in the darkness. Fuck ‘em.
Fire on Fort Sumter, Democraticals.
Let's see who holds their manhoods cheap.
The left are giddy with all this suppression of anything negative about any democrat.
Glenn Reynolds is among that shrinking minority of Americans not content to live as a Communist Chinese.
Moderates like Glenn are finally understanding.
The same epiphany with Communist progress in Russia. Probably the same in China but history was colored and the evidence was either suppressed or outright aborted. Water Closet was not a novel venue.
Churchy is probably correct. They censored one of his columns for blatantly political reasons.
Reynolds is incorrect that the republicans have held the Senate.
In fact, on January 5th, you will see both republican Senate candidates in GA lose their runoff elections, delivering a 50-50 split with Kamala as tie-breaker.
And that's assuming the democraticals/big tech/media decide to let Thom Tillis continue to lead Cunningham in NC. The democraticals might just decide to keep counting newly found votes there too....
We are now well beyond the point of no return for election fraud.
We are entering a period of time where permanent one party rule is upon us and if you thought the corruption and cancel culture was bad before, just wait.
Glenn Reynolds is a public employee with tenure. A few people had your way tenure would be abolished and he would be fired because he's not sticking to the law he's driving outside of his Lane. Shut up and dribble
Jesus Drago. You people have had a remarkable turnout and resounding success by gaining in the house and by not outright losing the Senate at a time in which the leader of your party has fumbled the coronavirus pandemic. I can't believe you don't have more faith in your fellow countrymen. You're starting to sound as though you are part French. Never shot and only dropped once.
I guess what really stings is all the judgmentalism about women who support Trump, who is a rapist! who might grab you by the pussy!
This, after bill clinton and #metooing all the nice ideal liberal heartthrobs like garrison keillor, charlie rose, matt lauer, and oh so many more!
Proving that men with money and fame - even progressives! - would be like Trump if they could.
Bah. More navel gazing from just another asshole that enabled this. 'Didn't see it coming' isn't a valid excuse.
I'm asking myself, how can I live in a county where 75% voted to RE-elect Trump?
My answer is that I know them to be decent people. Misguided, in my opinion, but good honest people.
The minority of nut-jobs for Trump, well represented among the crew of commenters here, should not be taken as typical of Trump voters.
They pulled one of his columns. When he asked for clarification he was told the editor was away.
Drago wakes up, realizes that he and the other denialists have cost the country dearly.
People in NYC who really only hear from the nut-jobs via media have an unrealistic picture of what has happened. Hopefully the new administration will understand what needs to be done to heal the country: give the 30-40-something poorly educated positive reasons to support democracy.
More like 55% supported Trump.
Reynolds is in no way a "moderate."
Ask yourself what was USA Today giving him that the Post does not. Really, does anyone read USA Today? It is a shell of what it once was...how many pages is each daily issue--12?
Even if its paper edition isn't important, was he reaching 'anyone' with that vehicle? My sense is that most of its circulation is via free giveaways at hotels not unlike CNN's monopoly at airports through long-term contracts.
The Post has become the most important conservative 'paper' in the country and is taken seriously in a way that USA Today is not. Was USA Today ever taken seriously?
"The minority of nut-jobs for Trump, well represented among the crew of commenters here, should not be taken as typical of Trump voters."
What Jim is saying, is that his owners have assured him the other cattle will calm down, once a few trouble-makers have been dealt with.
Drago said: "In fact, on January 5th, you will see both republican Senate candidates in GA lose their runoff elections, delivering a 50-50 split with Kamala as tie-breaker."
I would be surprised if that happens. In the race for Isakson's seat, Warnock (D) got just 32% of the vote, the two Rs split much of the rest. There were a large number of minor party/vanity candidates. I can't see any Collins voters going for the D; Loeffler should win.
I could be wrong but I think Perdue beats Ossof. He has a very substantial lead on him (about 100K votes), he probably would have got the 50%+ if it wasn't for the Libertarian candidate.
What MJB Wolf said @9:28am.
Hundreds of thousands of votes appearing after the election tipping multiple states to a candidate like Joe Biden are not going to carry this.
They have awakened the giant. Nobody out here has accepted this.
I thought I was alone until I went and talked to some of my vet friends.
Buckle up people.
Buckle up.
What Drago said at 9:32.
OTOH, there are two other possibilities. Since the where and how of Democrat election cheating was predictable, Trump and Co. may have gathered evidence beyond the obvious that all can see. Also, if Trump can’t benefit, perhaps Never Trump fat cats will get off their fat asses and contribute bigly to Georgia Senate runoffs.
Kind of interesting as another cog in the gear: https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/alert-why-does-biden-have-so-many-more-votes-than-democrat-senators-in-swing-states/
Thomas Wictor and Brian Cates were both banned from Twitter yesterday. Not suspended, banned.
Brian was suspended specifically for his thread on taggants in ballots that I mentioned yesterday.
Wictor had been suspended from Twitter and came back as Carlos Osweda. He had been writing a lot about the fraud. He started writing about it a couple weeks ago.
He did not mention taggants specifically but he has been saying for a year or so that PDJT has been planting traps in the election process without saying much about what they were.
I miss him already. Cates is now on Parler as @drawandstrike.
Most recent post is a link to https://www.cisa.gov/election-security
I'd never heard of CISA before. A quick glance shows some interesting stuff there.
Churchy is correct i think. Plus with Biden's win they no longer need a columnist that can appeal to the right
The Left really needs to ask itself, "Why does the Right hate us so much? What are we doing wrong?"
HAHAHAHAHA. That'll be the day.
Ken B said...
Drago wakes up, realizes that he and the other denialists have cost the country dearly.
Meh. Go back to your Molson and smoke some meat.
MountainMan said...
I could be wrong but I think Perdue beats Ossof. He has a very substantial lead on him (about 100K votes), he probably would have got the 50%+ if it wasn't for the Libertarian candidate.
Stop being obtuse.
They have flagrantly attempted to steal the election with blatant fraud.
How many votes were counted in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia after election observers were kicked out?
All of those votes were illegal.
This election will have zero bearing on who has power in a month. None. Democrats know it was not legitimate.
"Ken B said...
Drago wakes up, realizes that he and the other denialists have cost the country dearly."
The country? Canada?
Instead, Democrats’ thinkers seem to be asking themselves variations on “How can I live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump?”
Try this: “How can I live in a country where Democrats have to rig an election in order not to lose to Donald Trump?”
To me, the statistics (if what I've seen are accurate) are the most telling. Did Biden really get more votes that Obama in predominantly African-American districts? The answer may be, "Yes he did", and it might be because the neighborhoods were canvassed door to door and the canvasing persons sat and waited for the votes to be done, or returned to get them. Was that illegal? I'm thinking it was not illegal under "COVID" rules.
Drago said: "In fact, on January 5th, you will see both republican Senate candidates in GA lose their runoff elections, delivering a 50-50 split with Kamala as tie-breaker."
Is it possible for the current Senate to re-establish the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments?
Are we to the point where we only have offical state run Chi-Com media?
Only approved voices that say nice things about wonderful democrats allowed.
It will be fun when they audit the results in Milwaukee.
Anyone want to defend the results in Milwaukee? Anyone who understands math knows what 5.5 standard deviations means.
Biden found a way to outperform Barrack Obama in turnout.
But only in 5 or 6 cities.
Years ago Jay Leno called USAToday the world's largest school newspaper.
How long before Reynolds becomes samizdat?
I enjoy Howard in his droll way insisting that Joe Biden will unite the country after the era of big bad Trump; talk about rose colored glasses.
Are we supposed to read that as a statement why he's quit USA Today?
Wouldn't any reasonable person take it that way?
Blogger Ken B said...
Drago wakes up, realizes that he and the other denialists have cost the country dearly.
What those of us who don't buy what Ken B is trying to sell are missing.
The latest lockdown protest in Melbourne was brutal. Police trapped, pepper-sprayed, beat, arrested and fined 400 attendees.
Police forced protesters into breaking the rules before pouncing even though there is almost zero Coronavirus in the state.
Ken B's ideal state.
McLeaving McPaper.
Instead, Democrats’ thinkers seem to be asking themselves variations on “How can I live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump?”
And that's despite their best efforts to downplay and even ignore his positive accomplishments, twist his words, and invent corruption that has never existed (while ignoring Biden corruption that is well documented).
The answer is that they can't live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump. They must commit suicide.
I hate to say I told you all so, but I did.
I've said for many months nothing matters except turnout and electoral fraud.
All of the debates and the endorsements and the polls and the gaffes and the primaries - hell, the Democrat Party didn't even bother nominating someone who won a single primary - none of that matters when one party decides it's OK to blatantly steal the result.
And Howard thinks it's funny. Doesn't deny the fraud occurring but says we're just sore losers. Because you know, electoral fraud by the Democrats is just what they do, like the rascals and clever imps they are. They think it's cute.
jim: “The minority of nut-jobs for Trump, well represented among the crew of commenters here, should not be taken as typical of Trump voters.”
Absolutely right, Jim. Never mind that most of us are likely better educated and are obviously better informed than you. Don’t bother to give us the benefit of the doubt since we are only concerned about fraud, dementia, Biden family grifting, job killing policies, open borders, infanticide, a Kamala Presidency and other trivialities.
Meantime, non-nutty Biden supporters are concerned about Trump’s personality and ... uh, and.... Hmmm. There must be something else.
USA Today has always been a rag and it is even worse today.
Ok, this Fight Club, then. 😉
And I really, really appreciate Althouse's devotion to Free Speech and this Free Speech forum.
If we don't have Free Speech and the Rule of Law in this country, then we are finished.
When did I say Biden would unite the country? I said that he essentially lost the election with the weak house and Senate showing. The Democrat party still does not get it. It remains the DNC essential oil vapor filled room shilling for globalization and ignoring Bernie Bros.
Years ago Jay Leno called USAToday the world's largest school newspaper.
Ha- I was going to write something like Reynolds has his work cut out for him- writers in the young adult fiction category usually fail to make the jump to adult fiction. I guess that's why I don't get paid like Jay Leno for my comedy...
The cop violence and cop riot inducement produced the five sigma result in POC strong holds. That's why those neighborhoods were targets for USPS slowdowns. In any event, the courts will review and sort it all out. Patience is the best part of valor.
USA Today helps digest greasy Hampton inn "free" breakfast.
"Dave Begley said...
And I really, really appreciate Althouse's devotion to Free Speech and this Free Speech forum."
Yeah we know. And everything Nebraska.
Lol. People think the Democrats are going to lose a lot of House seats and not control the Senate. I have bad news for you guys- all those House races in blue states that the Republicans lead in but haven't been called yet are going to be won by the Democrats after all the count is done in December. I saw this exact same story in 2018- the Republicans lost all of such races they were ahead in after the 1st week of voting- only just all of them. Why would this election be any different.
As for the Senate, the Democrats will control that, too, after they win both Georgia runoffs in December- it will a thin margin with the President-elect Harris having to vote each time, but it will be control none-the-less. Even Tillis isn't likely to survive when North Carolina finishes counting in January. And when Mitt Romney switches parties or McConnell dies from a COVID induced heart attack, then Harris won't have to stick around the Senate so much and can start planning her administration.
Agreed- thank you Ann Althouse for the free speech forum.
The mainstream media is terrible. They are slipping into leftwing censorship, just like Twitter and FB and did so against Reynolds.
Honorable liberals need to speak up more forcibly to protect First Amendment rights (and principles within the private sector).
"Ok, this is Fight Club, then."
If you can keep it.
USA today is a joke. They are now one of the leading FALSE fake checkers on Face Book. Their fact checks are a joke. They stuffed themselves up Obama's butt, and they haven't come out yet....
hombre said...
Never mind that most of us are likely better educated and are obviously better informed than you.
Ah so, bwana, you big-educated nut-job.
"Moral superiority is an addictive drug, and perhaps the most unfortunate legacy of the Civil Rights era is that it got people on the left dependent on moral superiority for their self-esteem." It's how Madison Wisconsin lives with itself.
Somewhat on topic (I hope) is a strong rant by Larry Correia at his blog, Monster Hunter Nation. He says he used to be an accountant and speaks pretty convincingly of how audit flags get thrown. A big "tell" is when things don't break in all directions, i.e. randomly. Instead the "mistakes" and "flukes" have a direction to them.
At the risk of exposing readers to some salty prose, I think this is worth a read. https://monsterhunternation.com
It's time to walk away from all forms of democrat party corruption.
I always looked forward to USA Today on my visits to the car dealer for repairs and maintenance. That, and the donuts and coffee.
But since the CCP Lung Crud pandemic, the donuts and coffee are no longer offered.
I blame Trump
Meade said...
"Ok, this is Fight Club, then."
If you can keep it.
I applaud the gesture and respect given fr33d0m.
I think g00g1e is going to find this place and shut it down.
It may be too late but I am going to start trying to mess with the m@th stuff.
Here is the single best write up I have seen of the voting fraud that has been and is occurr as I write this comment. You may have to try to load it several times- it took me five tries to get to it. If you have trouble opening it, I will post its contents here in this thread later today. I don't do it now because I want the guy to get actual web traffic for his excellent essay.
It is a long essay, but a very good one, and balanced, too. He takes apart a lot of the bad arguments, too, which is why I admire it so much- I have been lampooning some of the arguments myself at other sites. This is a guy who thinks deeply about what is being seen and written about.
Look at all of this disinformation!
"The most striking feature of the data is a fact that cries out for clarification: in seven wards, voter turnout appears to have exceeded 100 percent. In two of those wards, turnout exceeded 200 percent. In another 15 wards, voter turnout exceeded 95 percent. Joe Biden carried 21 of the 22 wards of the 95-plus-percent wards. But then again, he carried all but one of the 67 additional wards in which the turnout was above 90 percent and won 80 percent of the vote citywide."
Trump must be stopped!
"If you can keep it."
Keep what?
You know — the thing.
You know- the thing
Ah trumalipazrme, or whatever it was.
As trust in the media further erodes I wonder what other platforms will spring up to allow dissenters to get their viewpoints out? Its not like things can snap back to normal after this election debacle. From the universal phony poll manipulation to hastily calling races for Biden and slow walking Trump ones half of the country will be looking for different news sources.
Agreed- thank you Ann Althouse for the free speech forum.
They're empowered and are coming for you. Only a matter of time...
Georgia Republican senate candidates will win easily if. If there are no mail in ballots. Because COVID?
We need to vote like in Iraq. Show ID. Vote in person. Dye on the voters thumb. Easy. Civilized.
If there are no mail in ballots. Because COVID
COIVD is such a Tuesday thing. There will still be rules but starting this week they'll be enforced like immigration laws in sanctuary cities...
Gusty Winds said...
"Moral superiority is an addictive drug, and perhaps the most unfortunate legacy of the Civil Rights era is that it got people on the left dependent on moral superiority for their self-esteem."
I think there's another important corollary to this. Leftists today weren't involved in the Civil Rights movement. Even the earliest boomers would have been children when the Civil Rights laws were passed. The real movement - when people were risking lives and livelihoods - was in the 50s. Civil Rights laws - which were trailing indicators passed after the culture largely embraced the movement's goals - passed in 63 & 64. So boomers were very young children during the difficult part and still teenage children when the civil rights victories were won by the silent and greatest generations.
The motivating psychology of the boomers and later leftists is regret they were not able to participate in this last great societal battle. Ever since then leftists they have been trying to re-win that victory to create their moral superiority. To do that they need all their enemies to be the same old racists their parents and grandparents fought. So they create a fantasy this is so and engage in ever more extreme justifications to maintain that fantasy. And further the left's political leadership realize how powerful this fantasy is in driving political loyalty.
This is how we end up with claims rational thought and planning ahead are white supremacy.
Agreed- thank you Ann Althouse for the free speech forum.
They're empowered and are coming for you. Only a matter of time...
I don't think that's true, her age and financial circumstance puts her beyond their reach. But if she were 40 years younger she'd never become a law professor in the first place. At least not the one she was - an honest diversity statement would disqualify her.
But face it: this forum is a tiny place in the world. There is zero chance it can retard the broader culture's evolution.
"I'm sure Glenn is much more comfortable in his new safe space."
As are the readers and editors of USA Today.
I started reading Reynolds' blog, Instapundit.com, when he was mentioned on IMAO.us as a notorious serial hobo murderer who drank puppy milkshakes made in a blender. Always thought he'd end up making a lot of people at least a bit more thoughtful. Here's hoping the Post gig works out for him. It will definitely be a boon to the paper's readers.
Reynolds is an influential voice, but his impact is with the Instapundit blog not by any column. Limbaugh appears on television where he's another talking head but, on radio, he is The Voice.....Politicians in Philly and Detroit routinely go to prison for various crimes. What is it about vote counting that is so uniquely sacrosanct that they would never, ever indulge in such a ghastly sin? They might cheat on their wives, but they would never rape their mother while she's laying in bed trying to recover from a stroke. Voting fraud is just something they would never do. It's beyond all comprehension.....Here's something for the plus column. If Biden won, doesn't that make Hillary's defeat all the more a failure. I'll say this for Biden. His corruption is a small, boutique retail outlet. The Clintons were the Amazon of bribe disposal favors.....Biden will probably end up in the White House. That's the way the cookie crumbles, but Hillary lost the last election.
"Moderates like Glenn"
Huh? Glenn Reynolds is a clear libertarian leaning conservative
I guess when one is on one extreme anyone 2 steps closer to the center looks like a moderate. Kinda like that old New Yorker cartoon regarding a New York perspective on the world.
"does anyone read USA Today? It is a shell of what it once was"
Wasn't it always a shell.
Wasn't always that paper that hotels etc gave away for free. (And with those weird graphs)
If you ever have some time, try going to the instapundit.com archives and read what Reynolds wrote pre-9/11.
He was a cheerful, moderate, thoughtful, libertarian.
Twenty years of exposure to internet culture did a number on him.
What's interesting to me is how Althouse, another law prof, didn't succumb to the same pressures to become more partisan. If anything, she's less partisan than she was before 2004.
Cruel neutrality is a thing.
I think that Reynolds identifies an important issue: it will not do for those who oppose Trump to reject his supporters or to feel morally superior to them.
Fair enough, but must it not follow that Trump supporters, including Reynolds, should not proceed on the assumption of moral superiority in talking about those who have opposed Trump.
Put another way, if the presumption of good faith doesn't run in both directions, then it's invocation is not likely to be very persuasive.
And if both sides are acting in good faith, then both right and left should be open to information that might change their views or indicate the existence of common ground.
My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog. Further, they are not open to new information that does not fit their priors. Same for Reynolds, actually.
So if each side mistrusts the other and is not open to new information, what is the way forward. Can't ask either side to unilaterally lay down its guard, right? So where will the incentive come from to look for shared facts and beneficial compromises?
Michael: "Georgia Republican senate candidates will win easily if. If there are no mail in ballots. Because COVID?"
The Georgia governor is basically an establishment republican nevertrump kind of guy so the Senate runoff election will be a very good test to see if he will allow the same horrendous level of fraud against the Senators as he did for the Presidential race.
Of course, given the democratical control over the FISA702 database raw information and the amount of personal information the democraticals are able to mine and weaponize against everyone in positions of power and influence using their federal "law enforcement" arm, its quite possible the Georgia Gov can be "convinced" to allow the democrats to do in January what they are doing as we speak.
If I had to guess, my guess is that Kemp will allow the democraticals to pull all the same election fraud stunts, openly, with little pushback.
That will give us a 50-50 senate with Kamala as the tie breaker and adios to the republic.
Ken B: "Drago wakes up, realizes that he and the other denialists have cost the country dearly."
I am starting to think its not really a game with you and you actually believe this.
“How can I live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump...?" That's pretty easy to answer - you don't think of Politics 24/7. Foremost, you think about your Family, Job, and daily life over a once every four year political event. If you don't then you need to commit yourselves into a treatment program.
BTW, the wonderful thing about this election business, for both Republicans and Democrats, the next election is only 2 years away. I really like how our Founders structured these elections to [auto-correct] prevent our country from going off the rails. Now some of you believe that Obama damaged our country over 8 years. Maybe, but the result, if true, you got Donald Trump elected. So, assuming Biden wins, 4 years is not that long, especially with a divided Congress.
On the plus side for Ken B, the theft of the presidency for Biden will also mean a return to the Ken B definition of "Free Trade": Massive tariffs on US products going to other countries with low or zero tariffs on products coming into the US
Fair enough, but must it not follow that Trump supporters, including Reynolds, should not proceed on the assumption of moral superiority in talking about those who have opposed Trump.
Put another way, if the presumption of good faith doesn't run in both directions, then it's invocation is not likely to be very persuasive.
And if both sides are acting in good faith,
The Left isn't.
then both right and left should be open to information that might change their views or indicate the existence of common ground.
My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog.
Heavy doses of snark, stuffed with bullshit, do not signal good faith
Further, they are not open to new information that does not fit their priors.
@Stephen, that's a lie and you're a liar.
Mountain Man: "I could be wrong but I think Perdue beats Ossof. He has a very substantial lead on him (about 100K votes), he probably would have got the 50%+ if it wasn't for the Libertarian candidate."
What Drago said.
With all the disappointed Dem mega-donors focussed on one state election for the whole Senate, why would we expect the vote in any Biden ward to decrease from the general election? Conversely, is there any Republican machine in place to harvest equivalent percentages of R ward ballots in a special election that won't have Trump at the top of a ticket? (If so, why didn't it work to do that for Trump?) What am I missing?
That was a good link, Yancey. I'm kind of fatalistic about it but it would be nice if a few people went to prison.
hstad: "BTW, the wonderful thing about this election business, for both Republicans and Democrats, the next election is only 2 years away. I really like how our Founders structured these elections to [auto-correct] prevent our country from going off the rails."
Sorry to burst your bubble but the "rails" have been completely removed. The elections will now go in whatever direction the powers that be direct.
Up next: Biden and the globalists fulfill their explicit threats against the UK and force the UK to utilize EU regulations/courts/requirement/immigration laws in order for the UK to trade with the US.
With this globalist/ChiCom/Iran/Democratical "win" in the US, it sets up those same players to now destroy Brexit.
Oh, Britain will be "independent" alright. Its just that Britain has to abide by everything Brussels puts out....just like before.
And just wait until Boris comes up for election again and Big Tech/media/Labour join forces to execute a "2020" on the Brits.
After which an official return to EU membership for Britain will occur.
As mentioned far above, USA Today didn't publish what turned out to be Reynolds' last column. I think it was at least partly about the Hunter Biden scandals and the separate scandal about media's suppression of the story. I noticed this by Reynolds in the comments section of his blog:
Well, I wanted to get the Biden/normalcy one in before the election. But I no longer felt comfortable there
And if both sides are acting in good faith, then both right and left should be open to information that might change their views or indicate the existence of common ground.
My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog. Further, they are not open to new information that does not fit their priors. Same for Reynolds, actually.
Stephen, all we have seen from you lefties is "Hate Trump !" There have been a few lunatic proposals from the Bernie wing, like stop fracking, no fossil fuels, global warming is going to kill us all in 5 years≥
My favorite is your Russian collusion myth that I see lefties quote every day.
There was a time when Democrats were mostly sane. Labor unions for trades, for example. Now it is all about labor unions for government employees, which even Roosevelt rejected.
Glenn Reynolds claims in the New York Post:
Instead of the hoped-for “Blue Wave,” we have a still-too-close-to-call presidential election, while Republicans picked up House seats and appear to have held on to the Senate.
Really? Reynolds makes it sound like Republicans mainly won in both houses of Congress. But of course, Democrats won the House again. And there are two run-off elections in the future that will decide whether the Senate is 50-50. If it is, then presumably Vice President Kamala Harris will break any 50-50 ties in favor of President Biden.
The presidential election hasn't been resolved yet, but all indications are that Biden is on his way to winning the presidency by a lot more than Trump's narrow win in 2016. Not only is Biden winning all 3 states that clinched Trump's election in 2016; Biden also seems to be winning "red" states that Obama lost in both 2008 and 2012 (though they're close and we need to wait for all the official results). Obviously there will be some recounting and litigation. But even if there's a possibility that some of the results will marginally change, would there be any precedent for a race like this to flip to a candidate who seemed to be losing by so many votes in so many states?
I don't understand the need to make sweeping pronouncements about what the election all means, when we're still waiting on the full election results. What harm would it do to have a little patience?
Really? Reynolds makes it sound like Republicans mainly won in both houses of Congress.
Reynolds point seems to have been that no matter how you spin it, it's hardly a "blue wave". In this case I interpret a "blue wave" as Dems decisively winning the Senate and extending their lead in the House (as opposed to actually losing seats). To be clear, this definitely isn't a "win" for Republicans either, but it may be indicative about what moderate voters feel about both the Republican and Democrat narratives of late.
I choose to interpret it as meaning that most middle of the road voters aren't exactly thrilled with some of the more extreme propositions coming from certain vocal elements of the Democrat party (defunding the police, Green New Deal ect).
@ John Althouse Cohen - I was prepared to like you, given my high regard for your mother. How do you explain multiple precincts with an excess of 200% turnout? Are you unable to cognize the potential for ruthless people to grossly manipulate the vote?
@ John Althouse Cohen - Here's a link for you. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/milwaukee_officials_have_some_explaining_to_do.html?fbclid=IwAR3ZUQK85xhvGskjf0QzCgs3e041QIPkmR-0O5gOwnLLQEQY7ez0SNMxRBQ#.X6VTQWPKqvY.facebook
@Oso Negro, John Althouse Cohen doesn't believe information that does not come from a left of center source.
His mother might have taught him that real is real and facts are facts, and neither has a position on the left-right spectrum. But apparently she didn't.
JAC: "Glenn Reynolds claims in the New York Post:
'Instead of the hoped-for “Blue Wave,” we have a still-too-close-to-call presidential election, while Republicans picked up House seats and appear to have held on to the Senate.'"
Really? Reynolds makes it sound like Republicans mainly won in both houses of Congress. But of course, Democrats won the House again."
Actually, Reynolds does not "make it sound like" anything of the sort. Reynolds explicitly said republicans picked up House seats (Spoiler: they did) and "appear to have held on to the Senate" (Spoiler: also true, at least for now).
But it would be difficult to argue against those plainly objectively true facts so JAC decides to launch a strawman or two.
I've come to expect nothing less.
But it would be difficult to argue against those plainly objectively true facts so JAC decides to launch a strawman or two.
I've come to expect nothing less.
Yes, I quickly scroll past his comments.
Next up for JAC: Why did Reynolds defend white supremacists with his "fine people on both sides" comment?!!
I mean, if you are going to make up stuff JAC, make it punchier.
Columns should never last forever; everyone becomes a parody of their own cliches at some point.
Prof. Reynolds was a smart voice to add a few years ago, when An Army of Davids was new. But it's not a bad thing to give someone else a shot now, in a different time.
JAC don't know jack.
The obvious and important question is of course, why did Putin abandon his guy this time?
American politics used to be about interests; now American politics is a substitute religion. You can negotiate and compromise around your interests; you can’t negotiate and compromise your morality.
Back in the day shop rats were the only ones "reading" USA TODAY. They'd take out the sports section and toss the rest. Don't know how accurate that is anymore.
The white left stole a senate seat from a black man in MI.
I'm certain of it.
The reponses to my post and to JAC's posts kind of prove my point. There is no tolerance or respect for differing views to be found here.
There is no tolerance or respect for differing views to be found here.
It's always amusing when left wingers who offer no respect whine about not getting any in return.
The left are trying to crush all dissent. Who does that remind you of?
I don't understand the need to make sweeping pronouncements about what the election all means, when we're still waiting on the full election results. What harm would it do to have a little patience?
I am not so much waiting on the full election results as I am waiting on the push to clean up our election procedures. By protesting the results, Trump has an opportunity to expose longstanding election fraud by urban Democrats.
We will survive a Biden presidency, although he may not. However, we cannot survive the stacked deck that Democrats have had since the 1960's. To avoid a totalitarian future, we first need to make voting fair and transparent. The second thing is to develop an alternative media that is not 99% in bed with one political party.
BTW, I am eager to see a Biden press conference and compare it to the Reagan, Bush and Trump press conferences. Do you see a problem with the differences?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
The white left stole a senate seat from a black man in MI.
I'm certain of it.
Now, now, BleachBit! I'm sure he didn't pass the Biden Blackness Test.
Once and for all "fine people on both sides" refers to citizens who show up to protest on either side of the dispute/issue. Ordinary citizens do actually show up with their signs - on both sides and they are not always there to destroy things.
It's also a slice of the larger context where Trump disavowed white supremacists. He did and you leftists lie about that. Joe Biden lies about it. Apple tree and all that.
Funny - the left are never asked to disavow antifa Brownshirts and their rioting and arson.... why is that?
Not everyone is an antifa thug - in the same way not everyone is a white supremacist. That's all Trump was saying. He's clumsy but he didn't say what the liar left claim he said. It's all a big lie. Just like Joe Biden. He's a walking talking LIE.
On top - We all see the actions of the antifa thugs way more often that these so-called white supremacists. but not by the MSM. No they hide the actions of antifa thuggery. Why? They are all on the same side.
When will leftists be forced to disavow brownshirts and arson?
Here's an interesting bit of corruption. Notice despite left wingers here claiming PA is run by Republicans the Secretary of State overseeing elections is a Democrat. This reminds me of the Secretary of State Project funded by Soros and other left wing groups specifically to get partisan Dems into positions overseeing elections.
When there were errors found among the absentee ballots, Democrats went out—in violation of the law—found Democrat voters, and told them they needed to vote again.
...and specifically didn’t do that for GOP voters.
Stephen: "The reponses to my post and to JAC's posts kind of prove my point. There is no tolerance or respect for differing views to be found here."
Stephen is very upset that others noticed JAC was not being honest in his characterization of Reynold's column.
It is very difficult for those on the left when others don't play along with their fictions.
Prepare for the next phase of the 2nd Civil War. I'm really curious as to how a modern war will play out as far as violence goes. Try to imagine how many dems would have volunteered to fight in the 1861 version when 700,000 fell forever (or republicans for that matter). Real guts is not an abundant commodity among the younger generations today, especially the professional classes.
Dox every enemy of the Constitution. Especially the media, put their names, addresses, any kind of info you can get on them out there for all to see. Start email chains of info to like-minded friends (remember 6 degrees of separation). Adopt the guerilla tactics of the left short of organized violence. March on Washington on Inauguration day. Sit-in and shut down the city with 10 millions of people. It can be done. Every time I see a pair of Nike sneakers I remind the wearer he passively supports slave labor. It is not appreciated by the hearer.
If you want tolerance you can have it -
tolerance = amused contempt =/= respect
and not visiting violence upon persons
Regarding a new Civil War:
if Lincoln looked around today, would he not realize that the first one ended up not being worth it?
I am Laslo.
Could it be that the New York Post offered Glenn a better deal than USA Today? Maybe the NYP is imagining that it can position itself as the Conservative newspaper of record. The Washington Times hasn’t been able to do that. The WSJ comes close, but is more Republican than Conservative. To become a newspaper of record I would think the Post would have to pick up its game, but perhaps Conservatives are fine with the level it is currently playing.
"I guess when one is on one extreme anyone 2 steps closer to the center looks like a moderate."
When I first started reading Insty about 15 years ago, it seems like the blog was more moderate than it seems now. I don't know whether that's because the Prof. has changed or whether it's that the left has become so unhinged that Instapundit looks more conservative by comparison.
At any rate, he did say in the comment section that writing for USAT "wasn't fun anymore" and that he "no longer felt comfortable there." I got the impression that it was coming anyway, but the rejection of his Biden column might have been the last straw.
Prepare for the next phase of the 2nd Civil War. I'm really curious as to how a modern war will play out as far as violence goes.
As I've mentioned here before, I divide my time between the bluest of blue America in the San Francisco East Bay and the Occupied State of Jefferson in deep red Northern California, and in neither place have I ever heard a single person utter a single word that could remotely be construed as a desire to kill their fellow Americans in a Second Civil War.
Earnest Prole said...
Prepare for the next phase of the 2nd Civil War. I'm really curious as to how a modern war will play out as far as violence goes.
As I've mentioned here before, I divide my time between the bluest of blue America in the San Francisco East Bay and the Occupied State of Jefferson in deep red Northern California, and in neither place have I ever heard a single person utter a single word that could remotely be construed as a desire to kill their fellow Americans in a Second Civil War.
But have you asked anyone since Election Day?
Hopefully the new administration will understand what needs to be done to heal the country.
Fuck. You.
How's that for healing?
Stephen said
My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog. Further, they are not open to new information that does not fit their priors. Same for Reynolds, actually.
Oh really? Then tell us why Obama called so many of us "bitter clingers" and Hillary put us in her "basket of Deplorables". Or why AOC and others are muttering darkly about a "Trump Accountability List" that they say they want to use to ruin the lives and reputations of people they disagree with politically.
Have you been an induced coma the past fifteen years or so?
My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog.
You - of all people - lecturing the rest of us on good faith.
That's rich.
Howard said:
The Democrat party still does not get it. It remains the DNC essential oil vapor filled room shilling for globalization and ignoring Bernie Bros.
I fear you do not get it. The DNC ignored the Bernie Bros and still got their votes with cries of OrangeManBad. They will have the Presidency, the House and possibly the Senate anyway. They got power and all you got for it was Biden announcing at the debate that the Biden-Sanders pact did not really affect how he was going to govern.
If the Democrats actually ban fracking, vote Medicare for All and pull back from the endless wars, I'll eat my words. But I suspect the Bernie Bros will soon find themselves just as much out in the wilderness as the Trumpers. And if you try to say anything, CNN and MSNBC will run some stories about the socialist wing of the party giving aid and comfort to the Republicans.
"The presidential election hasn't been resolved yet, but all indications are that Biden is on his way to winning the presidency by a lot more than Trump's narrow win in 2016. Not only is Biden winning all 3 states that clinched Trump's election in 2016; Biden also seems to be winning "red" states that Obama lost in both 2008 and 2012 (though they're close and we need to wait for all the official results). Obviously there will be some recounting and litigation. But even if there's a possibility that some of the results will marginally change, would there be any precedent for a race like this to flip to a candidate who seemed to be losing by so many votes in so many states?
I don't understand the need to make sweeping pronouncements about what the election all means, when we're still waiting on the full election results. What harm would it do to have a little patience?"
2 questions, JAC.
1. Doesn't that make you wonder how that could possibly happen?
2. If after all the votes are counted, Trump actually wins AZ, GA, NC and PA--all by very narrow margins, of course--and accordingly wins the election--will you say "OK, its all good, Trump is re-elected and we should all respect that."?
My own take is that once the election is "called", it's awfully hard to put that genie back in the bottle. And that's the harm that "a little patience" does when the fraud is being perpetrated while we all watch.
Dear Howard,
At some point, yo may want to quit pulling the wings off of flys (troll). If what you've supported for such a long time on these boards happens (as seems increasingly likely), you'll be the ant in the sun beneath the magnifying glass. I suspect this is just entertainment for you and that you do not really hold the views that you espouse here.
JAC: you are either blindfolded to your biases, or a willing liar. Pick one. You disgust me.
Jim @5:42 QFT: My own experience on this blog has been that the Trump supporters here are not willing to extent a presumption of good faith to Trump opponents who comment on this blog.
You - of all people - lecturing the rest of us on good faith.
That's rich.
Good faith? I personally take everyone here as posting in good faith--until repeated demonstrations to the contrary.
So let me be clear, I think JAC and Stephen post their nonsense in good faith.
Good faith and a dollar get me a cup of coffee at the Exxon
The left/liberals/Democrats have shown their true face. They are willing lie to lie and cheat to win. I don't give a shit about anyone who condones the fraud that is going on. This isn't the America I grew up with.
Anyway, who "hands waves" this criminal stealing of a Presidency because it was Trump, I have only a few words for you:
Eat shit and die.
If you want a war, let it begin here.
The Larry Correia (Monster Hunter Nation) article mentioned above: THE 2020 ELECTION: FUCKERY IS AFOOT
Anger stage for a while. Bargaining begins after Thanksgiving
“ We will survive a Biden presidency, although he may not. However, we cannot survive the stacked deck that Democrats have had since the 1960's. To avoid a totalitarian future, we first need to make voting fair and transparent. The second thing is to develop an alternative media that is not 99% in bed with one political party.”
Maybe not. The Dems shot their wad this year, from suckering the various states into fraud prone mail-in (which isn’t absentee) voting, to all of the blatant cheating this week, they have to win, or can expect to face prison terms. Keep in mind that Hitler and his Nazis didn’t get a majority in 1932. Rather he came to power as the head of a coalition. And by 1934 he had consolidated power with the help of his AntiFA (Nazi Sturmabteilung or SA), justified by the supposed violence of the communists, much of which appears to have been instigated by his own SA.
Also, keep in mind, as Yancey pointed out, that if Biden wins through cheating, the Dems probably pick up the two Georgia and one Arizona Senate seats, giving them effective control over the political branches of government. That will allow them to institutionalize their voter fraud practices, as well as reverse the peace process in the Middle East, cozy up to the people who gave us the CCP virus (and have been the biggest founders of Biden, inc), and crash the economy.
Having pulled off a Hail Mary with mail-in ballots (and TGTBT results in a handful of cities), Dems are going to push for more mail-in voting. No way in hell are we going to get election integrity.
I apologize in advance in this point has been made: why did USA Today & Glenn part ways? Look up the phrase "libido dominandi."
And the fault lies at the feet of USA Today.
"As I've mentioned here before, I divide my time between the bluest of blue America in the San Francisco East Bay and the Occupied State of Jefferson in deep red Northern California, and in neither place have I ever heard a single person utter a single word that could remotely be construed as a desire to kill their fellow Americans in a Second Civil War."
Try asking in Portland.
"Juan’s new role is to offer a counter to every argument or OPINION the other four make. "
I thought he was there to make black people look stupid, and predictable. His role is a racist dog whistle.
Why did Glenn Reynolds quit USAT? Most likely, because USAT refused to run his column last week,
John Hinderaker of the Power Line blog in a recent piece is of the opinion that the Democrats — though they will certainly try, and try hard — will be unable to steal either of the two Georgia Senate seats in the required upcoming runoff elections: [quoting…]
Which leaves the Senate. Control will depend on the outcome of two runoff races in Georgia. If Democrats win both, the Senate will be tied 50-50, with Kamala Harris wielding the deciding vote. But I am confident that won’t happen. It is true that Democrats will pour unfathomable amounts of money into Georgia to try to flip those seats, but this year’s results remind us that money, beyond a certain level, is more or less irrelevant, especially when it is spent on television advertising. Witness the fact that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham won re-election easily. Republicans still represent the largest voting bloc in Georgia, which is why David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler won pluralities in their races. Beyond that is the fact that many Americans prefer divided government. If the question posed to Georgians is whether they want the Democrats to control the presidency, the House and the Senate, the answer will be No.
I certainly hope he's right.
Agreed- thank you Ann Althouse for the free speech forum.
Sometime in February they'll shut her down or simply just make it too complicated to continue.
I used to enjoy free speech and all those other thing in that thing.
I think that if the Democrats successfully steal this election, they will be very sorry they did so
Because one effective response to "ballot counters steal the election" is "truck bomb takes out ballot counters, and all their ballots."
Note: I don't say this is a "good" response, because it isn't. But it, or Molotov cocktails, breaking in, shooting the blood people, then burning all the ballots, etc are going to be considered responses.
Because that's what happens when a dictatorial "elite" decides to take the vote away from formerly free people. They fight back
By any means necessary
"Hopefully the new administration will understand what needs to be done to heal the country."
What ails the country is an infection of statism. What can cure it is liberty. It's doubtful that either Dementia Joe or his running mate, Queen Cacklepants II, are going to push for that cure.
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