"Drilled in loyalty to the great leader, the boy told the authorities. Days later she was executed by firing squad. Zhang remains distraught. 'I killed my mother. I am tormented by this.' A tragedy so far from our experience: state spies in the home; blood betrayed for the regime. And yet, extraordinarily, we may ourselves be heading to a future in which children could snitch on their parents for expressing the wrong opinions. Last week Humza Yousaf, the Scottish justice secretary, talked about changes he wishes to make to hate crime legislation.... The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill will introduce an offence of 'stirring up hatred' against people with protected characteristics, including disability, age and sexual orientation.... Yousaf believes that this law should apply not only in public places but in private dwellings.... An Englishman’s home is his castle, a Scotsman’s home may soon be a sieve with forbidden conversations leaking out to the rozzers.... [A] fervently 'progressive' new son-in-law comes over to spend his first Christmas Day with the family, only to be appalled by batty aunt Doris with her tutting about 'coloured' people and her wondering aloud whether long hair on a young man automatically signifies that he is gay these days...."
I learned a new word there. "Rozzers." Cops.
५९ टिप्पण्या:
Drilled in loyalty to the great leader, the boy told the authorities. Days later she was executed by firing squad. Zhang remains distraught. 'I killed my mother. I am tormented by this.'
this is what the America left want.
"is a foolish way to promote tolerance" Uh, yeah. You could say that.
There is something deep in the human psyche that makes such things probably inevitable. The present age of Western Culture is most likely the aberration, the Cultural Revolution the historic norm.
No true Scotsman would advocate government intrusion into private conversations in the home.
Right Hamza Yousaf?
Can you draw Mohammed cartoons in the privacy of your home?
Humsa Yousof is no Brave Heart.
The intellectual justifications for such rules are being developed in our universities.
"Hey, Alexia; please ignore that last conversation"
"The personal is political" means that there is no realm that is outside of politics. The Eye of the State replaces the all-seeing moral eye of God or conscience.
Such thought always ends in the mass cruelty of a Cultural Revolution of some sort.
The BLM riots made Kystallnacht look small.
The cultural revolution has been ongoing on college campuses for decades.
We have caught the Gestapo spying on a political opponent.
They tried to impeach Trump for investigating their crimes.
They are trying to make it happen here.
But we wont let it.
But all of the people that sit on the sideline while this is going on like cowards should contemplate ritual seppuku.
For those black young men who think somehow they can align themselves with Trump, not only are they terrible mistaken, any of them showing their face, I will never, ever forgive them for undermining the possibility to help their own people and their own communities.”
Waters concluded by saying that a black vote for President Trump was “unconscionable” and “shameful,” saying that anyone considering voting for Trump should spend some time trying to understand how others might be struggling “and how they would be able to help us in this struggle.”
Maxine Waters
Democrats are all racist shits.
Coming soon to a progressive nirvana near you.
Yancey Ward said...
There is something deep in the human psyche that makes such things probably inevitable. The present age of Western Culture is most likely the aberration, the Cultural Revolution the historic norm.
There are a lot of factors that went into the creation of the United States.
But it is absolutely a deviation from the river of history.
Governments have always been formed along Tribal lines.
The Democrats are trying to return us to those norms.
Trump shouldn't be winning against the forces arrayed against him. But he is.
It forces me to contemplate Intelligent Design.
If we were in a simulation and someone outside was trying to help human culture and society improve how would the United States be different?
These last 4 years have been amazing.
The enemies of freedom are giving all they have and failing.
Of course the creators of the simulation would have created the environment that leads to tribal societal constructs and government organizations.
Some things are very hard to explain.
There are those who think that 1984 was an instruction manual and not a warning.
"A tragedy so far from our experience: state spies in the home; blood betrayed for the regime."
"so far"? Not at all. We are close.
Do any progs actually object? Do any of them think the state, once under full prog control, should not root out doubleplusungood wrongthink? On what progressive grounds should there be any limits on state enforcement of the right ideology?
From Mad Magazine 60+ years ago:
"It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide."
(It's crazy to pay off police with counterfeit money.)
He's a Muslim.
He wants to make criticism of Muslims illegal.
These are not unrelated facts.
A strong, solid Scottish name like Humza Yousaf is nice to see.
But remember kids: people who warned against the dangers of multiculturalism and/or importing millions of people with fundamental values very different from your own--those people were all vicious stupid racists and it's a good thing we cast them out of our society.
Diversity, included colored language, and inferred intent, breeds adversity is a progressive condition.
I've always believed and said that hate crimes laws are unconstitutional, and wholly objectionable for practical reasons as well.
One of the most important thoughts ever produced is this, by Thomas Paine:
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
And then there is the new American Maoist loving Left.
Nice totalitarian theme today. So do you abstainers still believe she isn’t voting to stem the rise if these people here? Ha. This election is no longer two men it is truly the fork in the road, totalitarianism by slaking horse candidates or freedom and a return to a more normal America with freedom and open businesses and even Disneyland could resume operations.
No worries, though I have spent the last three days deleting old tweets, retweets and likes...maybe I should do the same at Facebook...
No worries though. What, me worry?
Western Civ is absolutely the historical aberation.
Anyone who has a rudimentary understanding of human history understands that we are in an unprecidented period of wealth and safety. This was hard fought and won against centuries of totalitarianism thst took many fifferent flavors.
Expectations that this is normal, easy to achieve and unassailable with the expectation that it can never go away will lead to the decadence and weakness that will allow it to collapse from within.
It WILL end someday, the only question is how long can we keep it at bay, and how do we plan for what comes after.
The barbarians are always at the gates.
Where did "Cancel Culture" come from?
.... The scourge of cancel culture ... dominates most of big tech and has infected many private companies and certain wings of the government. But, as [NYT writer Bari] Weiss noted in her letter of resignation, the NYT wasn’t always hostile to “unorthodox” viewpoints. On the contrary, it encouraged “intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.” The same can arguably be said about many of the country’s main institutions.
What happened? Weiss’ answer is simple: College campus culture seeped into everyday American culture. When asked about her thoughts on the 2018 book The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, Weiss said she thinks the book is significant because, although it focuses on college students, much of its analysis now “applies to nearly every American institution.”
The book, for example, describes the proliferation of “safetyism” in campus culture. “Safetyism” describes students’ desire — and expectation — to be “protected” from ideas with which they disagree or that make them uncomfortable. Students or speakers, for instance, who believe that “men are not women” are deemed dangerous and deserving of being shut down. Similarly, students demand that professors provide “trigger warnings” in class to warn them of content they might find upsetting.
In the past, Weiss noted, people looked at campus politics as a temporary phase students go through as they mature into adulthood. The idea was that as students “left the quad behind, they would moderate their views, the excesses of campus culture would be left behind,” and they would adjust to the expectations of the real world. But, instead of American institutions molding young Americans, the reverse has taken place.
“They have gone, from college, into the institutions that are critical to American life and they have transformed those institutions from within,” Weiss said. She quoted writer Andrew Sullivan who said “we all live on campus now.” ....
But it's a great way to promote compliance.
I read about this the other day and my first thought was, Whoa...aren't the Scottish famously independent people? If this can happen to them, the rest of us are already lost.
Why it's as if the younger generations learned no actual history at all while in school.
Rozzers? Either you don't watch British TV or you need to get out more.
This is a glimpse of our future...
Liberals always overplay their hands. Always.
One of the reasons I don't fear a liberal establishment of one-party government--they can't help exposing the parts of themselves that normal people find repulsive.
Why is a guy named Humza Yousaf minister of anything in SCOTLAND?
A synomym for "fascist" is "honest liberal".
A synomym for "fascist" is "honest liberal".
Ganderson said...
Why is a guy named Humza Yousaf minister of anything in SCOTLAND?
Ask Tony Blair. Why is Omar here ? Ask Obama .
this charming lad,
Oh crikey, it's the rozzers."
This is the goal. We let academia drive too much of our culture and society generally and dropped our standards for academia at the same time. Logic was no longer prized but sophistry was - else how to explain post-modern or critical studies.
One of my colleagues tells me that we remind her of the stories that her grandfather (who was sent to a re-education camp) used to tell her of the Cultural Revolution in China.
And these fools say that they want a Cultural Revolution like it is a good thing.
The sensible Scots left centuries ago.
In China, one will be disappeared into the gulag if one criticizes Xi.
Will, in a few years, if one criticizes the Scottish Minister land one in a Scottish gulag?
I assume a number of you remember the Mitchell Trio, which was one of my favorite groups from the 1960's. This post reminds me of a line from their song "The John Birch Society", which goes "if mommy is a Commie then you got to turn her in". Of course, not surprisingly, the reality was just the opposite, namely, if mommy's not a Commie then you got to turn her in.
Ann, you didn't pay attention to Mad Magazine while you had the chance! You missed the greatest wisdom of the 20th century, which appeared in issue after issue::
It's crackers to tip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.
Which means, It's crazy to bribe a bobby with counterfeit money.
I see this, and note that Twitter has
"Then you are no longer my mother.", How the election is dividing America
trending on twitter. It's Reuters. I'm not going to click on it. Anyone want to claim that the hater there is NOT a Democrat?
Joe Smith,
Yeah. Ann seriously needs to catch up on her Elizabeth George.
Why is a guy named Humza Yousaf minister of anything in SCOTLAND?
Well, why is a guy named Siddiq Khan Mayor of London?
Just an FYI. The Soviet equivalent.
Pavel Trofimovich Morozov 14 November 1918 – 3 September 1932), better known by the diminutive Pavlik, was a Soviet youth praised by the Soviet press as a martyr. His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year-old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family. His story was a subject of reading, songs, plays, a symphonic poem, a full-length opera and six biographies. The apotheotic cult had a huge impact on the moral norms of generations of children, who were encouraged to inform on their parents.
Robert Cook,
Joe Smith,
California has a ballot issue this year (Prop 16) which repeals a prior ballot issue in 1996 which forbade preferential treatment based on race, ethnicity, etc (the usual suspects). If Prop 16 passes California can revert back to affirmative action.
Polls indicate 16 will be soundly defeated, just as Prop 209 24 years ago enthusiastically was passed. It's strange in a state with liberal one-party rule that the electorate can step up and broadly do something sensible.
Strange but encouraging.
"Yeah. Ann seriously needs to catch up on her Elizabeth George."
"Rozzers" probably wouldn't appear too often in an Elizabeth George novel...not gritty enough.
But big thumbs up for EG...good writing.
All Communist countries have stories like that. I must say that I completely misjudged the Scottish. They've been completely taken over by a bunch of left-wing posers. IF you gave them (Scotland) independence, they'd immediately import 5 million 3rd worlders to their country, and pat each other on the back for doing so. The Irish don't seem much better. You wonder how long it will be before the native born Irish are a minority in their own country.
Liberals always overplay their hands. Always.
They are, in principle, divergent, and prideful, and many are progressive, albeit generational, or sectarian.
BTW, the Canadians are currently importing 1% of their population every year with no end in sight. Both the Conservatives and Liberals want more and more foreigners in Canada. The goal is 75 Million Canadians by 2050.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
No true Scotsman would advocate government intrusion into private conversations in the home.
Right Hamza Yousaf?
11/2/20, 11:27 AM
Note that he/she/it waited until Sean Connery died.
This election is no longer two men it is truly the fork in the road, totalitarianism by slaking horse candidates or freedom and a return to a more normal America with freedom and open businesses and even Disneyland could resume operations.
Mike, she doesn't care. She just doesn't care. She doesn't know the difference.
If she did, she would probably prefer the evil. Althouse always likes what is bad, though she has been conditioned at the same time to assume a pretense of taste and aesthetic judgment. Evil has the best uniforms, just ask Hugo Boss.
But women like Althouse don't really have a stake in freedom vs slavery. Pussy power works the same in either system.
"Then you are no longer my mother."
You are a *snort*!
The fact that Scotland has a "Justice Minister" named "Humza Yousaf" is all that needs to be said about their predicament. God help them, Allah certainly won't.
Separately, I agree with Robert Cook regarding "hate crime" laws. They are stupid on the face of it: What, are the others "love crimes" that deserve lesser punishment? Worse, they leave defendants open to double jeopardy since the Feds can go after them after the State has their fun. Crimes are supposed to be about observable behavior, not peoples' thoughts. What a crock!
All the freedom loving Scots willing to fight for same were kicked out of Scotland or left voluntarily, especially during the period referred to as the Highland Clearances. Many went to Prince Edward Island, including a few of my 4g- grandparents. Some to Georgia- a few more of my distant multi g grandparents. Some to New Zealand and Aus- and I’ve tracked one of my New Zealand DNA matches to a common ancestor.
From Stripes : “That means our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We’re the underdog. We’re mutts!” There’s a reason that line resonates. It’s very much true. Crossing the ocean in the 16-1700s wasn’t done for tourism. I have the aforementioned Scots in my heritage, along with Huguenots, Anabaptists, and Methodist dissidents. People making that trip for freedom.
"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." ~John Stuart Mill (because the Burke version is in dispute)
Liberal democracy is facing an existential threat by the progressive in Western Culture. They seek to destroy the very rights and freedoms that our constitution meant to protect in an effort to remake society in their own image.
EVERY time this has been done it has resulted in mass murder and incarceration by the state.
This will succeed as good men look on and do nothing. Any vote for a Democrat is aiding and abetting. Any failure to vote for a Republican is "doing nothing."
This is for this time and this place. If Republicans gained such power and attempted to subvert our Constitution, our obligation would be to oppose them. But today we must oppose the the progressive hegemony of school, academia, big tech, main stream media, the administrative state, and the Democratic party.
"It's strange in a state with liberal one-party rule that the electorate can step up and broadly do something sensible.”
You have to hand it to Democrats for nailing down the votes of the same people that they keep out of Harvard.
"Hey, Alexia; please ignore that last conversation”
You know Alexa will have a “Streisand Effect” subroutine (Jordy speak) for that.
I dunno about safetyism. I mean, we're H. Sap. We spent a million years coming up the hard way. Turned to mush in under twenty years?
Nope. Works like this: Some kid hears, "Men and women are different." and notes that, if people were to believe this, progressivism would not progress as fast as desired. So it must be shut down. Kid goes to the nearest adult authority figure and claims to be on the verge of collapsing into a puddle of angsty glop unless the Father Figure protects him. Authority, not wanting progressivism hindered either, pretends to believe the kid and must save him from the evil hate and threat and uncomfortablenessishness to which the unspeakable phrase has subjected him. Shuts down the speaker. Kid and authority figure wink at each other and go on about their business.
Expect the rest of us either to be fooled or to pretend to believe.
Don't worry, in another generation or so this will all appear normal!
Carry on.
Don't worry, in another generation or so, this will all appear to be normal.
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