Writes Maureen Dowd's brother Kevin, taking over her column space for Thanksgiving.
November 27, 2020
"Democrats have been quick to dismiss any Trump supporter as a racist, homophobe or redneck, but they all shared a common trait with him..."
"... an unapologetic love of America.
The Republican success down-ballot and in state legislatures shows the folly of this condescension and sends a clear message that a majority of Americans are not ready for the socialist agenda favored by the radical left. Not only were there more Trump voters in 2020, there were more Hispanic and African-American voters backing Trump. The supreme irony here is that gradually the Republicans are becoming the party of the working class.... [T]o the media:... Your ratings and circulation are about to tank.... [T]o Fox News: Your not-so-subtle shift leftward is a mistake.... Watching the quick abdication of Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum following the election (joining an already hostile Chris Wallace) was like finding out my wife was cheating.... Maybe now is the time for Trump to move on. There should not be a run in 2024. He can start a media empire to replace an increasingly disappointing Fox News...."
Right wing media can't survive unless what the left is saying now keeps up as the topic. There's no market for hard news.
Maybe now is the time for Trump to move on...
His sister made him say that...
There needs to be some DNA testing done here. This sane man can’t be the brother of that detestable shrew.
What would be better is if the judiciary determines the election was so compromised we need to move to the given alternatives for determining the next President. That would instill confidence in the outcome...
The people that need to move on is the news. Yet they persist, so the viewers/readers are moving on.
Smarter than his sister...that's for sure.
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
I'm not handing the NYT clicks, but there is one thing that I can take out of the blurb. There are a lot of people, including nominal conservatives, who would shrug off their wives cheating on them. They might even celebrate a chance to cheat themselves! It's the nature of their marriage and moral values.
For quite a few men, particularly of the working class, being cuckolded would be a devastating threat to their core identity. Did you know 1527 women were killed by their "intimate partners" in 2017? It's a very small part of all domestic violence, but obviously the most consequential part.
I bet that Meade could’ve written that column as well!
We are also certain the left cheated. Why not? The left are lying liars who lie. Cheating cheater who cheat.
"Right wing media can't survive unless what the left is saying now keeps up as the topic.”
He’s got a point.
I can only imagine the comments at that leftwing NYT.
"But they are all racists! we should round them up and put the deplorables in ovens! They are Nazis!"
Leftwing media+Hollywood - what will they do without Trump?
readering said...
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
That's your best shot on this topic? Pretty pathetic.
He's not wrong.
Wilbur said...
readering said...
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
That's your best shot on this topic? Pretty pathetic.
That's all they have, because they all know this election was fraudulent, and Joe Biden couldn't lead us out of a paper bag.
The self-love in politics category winners go directly to The Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas and the Pelosis.
Calling it condescension is too mild. Calling it folly recognizes only that it's ineffective. It's time for them to disown it for the vile calumny that it is. If they can't do that then their hate remains intact, and all the rest is mere can't.
What do the Palmists say?
I trust a working class party before I would trust the same kinds of intellectual pricks and nimrods who got us into horrific bloodbaths on foreign shores from WWI to Libya. Those guys had all of the right educational credentials.
Note to readering - 1 a.m. is the middle of the day for lots of troops.
I read this at Paddy O’Googahan’s Authentic Irish Pub.
There are pictures of the Guinness Toucan on the bathroom halls and an old bicycle on the walls.
The Pogues are sweetening my ears like an Irish lass pulling clovers from the grass
That’s Paddy O’Googahan’s Authentic Irish Pub & Grill off Rte 9.
Apparently the NYT has been publishing the wrong Dowd all these years. Hahaha, obvious joke, but it sure would liven up their op-ed pages if they had someone who is *not* far left for a little viewpoint diversity.
We worship at the Altar of Diversity — except for that ugly “viewpoint” diversity which is gross and stupid and has cooties
Does MoDo really have a brother, or is Kevin an invention to allow her to write things like this?
Just because Libya was not our blood, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a bloodbath. It’s on us, it’s on Obama/Biden/Hillary all of these drowned refugees. Just do a search on drowned refugees europe and pick a story. I am not sure why Europe wants these people back in power, but they do.
My guess is Europe is just as corrupt as the US, which is why they backed Biden up on his story that everybody wanted that prosecutor gone when you can only find public statements to that effect after Biden fired the guy his son was hired to get rid of.
Another little narrative push by a swamp dweller. Acknowledge the down ballot victory and perhaps a problem for the Dems, which they need to work on in the future. This allows for the, perhaps implausible, narrative that up-ballot Trump lost and no fraud here. Just a whole lot of sophisticated electorate.
The Pogues!
gradually the Republicans are becoming the party of the working class.
Started long ago when the South went Republican, the Democrat's are the party of credentialed grifters. Just look at the corruption Biden proposes to carry into the White House.
The paragraph is confusing because even though "they" properly refers to the most recent nouns, rednecks et al, it seems to instead refer to Democrats. Who can be patriotic and all but I don't think that's what it's saying.
Did I read that right?
Anyway the column is similar to this one at TNR. It reminds me of the good old days New Republic.
Ratings only matter for specific demographics.
Do corporations really care if individuals with little to no extra consumer spending money watch their programming?
They really only care about households that make over over 125k, that's all that matters advertisers.
Anything and everything to make this demographic feel good about themselves, even at the expense of their fellow Americans.
".... the Democrat's are the party of credentialed grifters. Just look at the corruption Biden proposes to carry into the White House"
And yet on Twitter, we see liberals just gush that Biden bring normalcy and saneness.
Blogger readering said...
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
More evidence of the left's obsession with Trump. Where do you find these factoids? It's just like Bush and the "plastic turkey." Maybe Trump was playing golf because it was Thanksgiving and he is not as obsessed with the election as you are. He has and had a life before politics, which very few in DC had.
More evidence of Michael K's obsession with Readering.
The Republicans have been the party of small business for 50 years. The working class, and especially blacks, are discovering that their party left them for the donors. The donor class has figured out that Democrats are for sale and they can afford them. Lots of Republican Congress people, like Ryan and Cantor, are still attached to their donors but Trump is showing another way.
His analogy of the cheating wife is exactly what I felt. So now I’m seeing other people (OANN and Newsmax), although I haven’t dropped Fox News entirely. I just know that they aren’t exactly what they have represented themselves to be.
He still lost.
Blogger readering said...
More evidence of Michael K's obsession with Readering.
You have so many comments, especially in that vein, that I can't scroll past fast enough.
Lin Wood is hilarious. He is clearly angling for a political office. He is whip smart (at least for a racist, red-neck homophobe).
I wonder why.
Colonel Mustard said...
Note to readering - 1 a.m. is the middle of the day for lots of troops.
Readering? Doesn't fit the narrative you lifted from some other Leftist, does it?.
Trump lifted people out of Poverty.
Obama made his rich supporters richer.
Is it any wonder the tech oligarchs worship the Democrats?
Proof at TNR
"Trump didn’t sell out his supporters. In fact, his presidency saw something extraordinary, even if it was all but invisible from the country’s globalized cities: the first egalitarian boom since well back into the twentieth century. In 2019, the last non-Covid year, he presided over an average 3.7 percent unemployment rate and 4.7 percent wage growth among the lowest quartile of earners. All income brackets increased their take. That had happened in the last three Obama years, too. The difference is that in the Obama part of the boom, the income of the top decile rose by 20 percent, with tiny gains for other groups. In the Trump economy, the distribution was different. Net worth of the top 10 percent rose only marginally, while that of all other groups vaulted ahead. In 2019, the share of overall earnings going to the bottom 90 percent of earners rose for the first time in a decade."
he should write a fantasy piece
about what Joe Biden's handlers are thinking
To really fill her footwear
It is really hard for me to see Democrats as loving America. I'm certainly not saying they hate America. But the zeitgeist of the left is definitely one of a begrudging acceptance that America is the country they live in and they will have to make due until they can hopefully fix it to their liking.
Blogger The Vault Dweller said...
It is really hard for me to see Democrats as loving America
The same for me. They seem to regard it as a work in progress that is not very good and needs Socialism to thrive.
You should get out more.
Kevin Dowd, the hillbilly-whisperer. I prefer him to JD Vance.
Democrats love power, they love their team, the have a lot of issues with blind faith.
when the D's in power follow thru with a bad idea sold as a good idea, & that bad idea wrecks lives, the hivemind loyalists never admit or confess the negative consequences. It's all - "go team go."
I'm not sure he's as good at yuppie-whispering, though. Ostentatious love of country is an obvious sign of simplicity, at best, and most likely a sense of white superiority. People exhibiting such a tendency should be dismissed from polite company as soon as politely possible, and nothing they may say need be considered seriously. America is, at best, a project unfulfilled, and who could love that?
The best commentary I've seen so far on this issue is, perhaps surprisingly, by Christopher Caldwell in a recent piece in -- wait for it! -- The New Republic (before you gag, remember Caldwell is a conservative Claremont Review type). Aside from his overall analysis of the
"internal contradictions" of the Democratic Party, he has at least one great line -- "And so, the party of the one per-cent is ALSO
the party of those who want to expropriate the one per-cent."
much like alger hiss 75 years ago,
Her brother?
Dr. Barnard: 'Hey Bill, I'm late for my tee time, can you just pop that heart in Mrs. Smith?'
Dr. Barnard's brother Johannes: 'Sure Christiaan. Hit 'em straight.'
"It is really hard for me to see Democrats as loving America. I'm certainly not saying they hate America."
I certainly am saying it.
There's a reason every member of the military swears an oath to defend against enemies, foreign and domestic.
The masks have dropped. They are domestic enemies. And this fraud is just one more Act of War among hundreds.
I certainly am saying it. This just sounds ludicrous to me. There is no way I can see any of the lefty people I know actually disliking, let alone hating America. It is more of a relationship that a girlfriend has with a boy that she can never change. She may try in earnest to remake him, but he will never actually be different, but she still likes him. She just wishes he was 'more proper'.
"It is really hard for me to see Democrats as loving America. I'm certainly not saying they hate America."
There is a substantial fraction of Democrats who are beginning to wonder what is going on with the Democrat party. They have been Democrats all their lives, and the idea of becoming a Republican is repugnant to them - going over to the Dark Side! But riots, burning and looting in the streets? Thugs marching through residential neighborhoods, shouting threats at children? Destroying statues, and claiming that all white people, including themselves, are incurably racist? According to the lying MSM, 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen. In the America they grew up in, elections don't need to be stolen.
It was in the NYT, therefore it is Communist propaganda. Because they are not yet in power, they have to wrap the hook in a narrative confection, but if you take a bite, here is what is left wrapped around your jawbone;
"Maybe now is the time for Trump to move on."
Damn, I messed up my joke above : (
All the Progressives I know do not -- objectively -- seem to love America. It would be closer, I think, to say they hate the country, as a cesspit of systemic racism and misogyny, infected with capitalism and patriarchy, inhabited by hillbillies and rednecks (i.e., anyone who disagrees with them). But God forbid you question their patriotism
There is a substantial fraction of Democrats who are beginning to wonder what is going on with the Democrat party. They have been Democrats all their lives, and the idea of becoming a Republican is repugnant to them - going over to the Dark Side! But riots, burning and looting in the streets? Thugs marching through residential neighborhoods, shouting threats at children? This I think is happening. I think this happened to quite a few people in Kenosha, WI. There was quite the swing between 2016 and 2020.
In some ways the current state of the nation echoes the '60s antiwar movement:
A youthful vision of a 'new' nation is at odds with a traditional 'love of country'.
All of which means by the end of this decade, we'll be listening to Southern rock.
readering said...
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
11/27/20, 9:11 AM
Source? I am having a problem finding any news article that states the time of the call. Thanks in advance.
kevin, is a little naive, the dems have made it plain, they intend to persecute trump, and anybody who glanced at him, 'to perditions way' why else would you suggest a slytherin like sally yates for attorney general,
Diversity, transphobia, and flyovers, too? The bigots.
My husband told me about this piece yesterday, but when I went to the NYT Op-Ed piece it wasn't visible. Then I Googled "NYT Kevin Dowd" and it came up -- but not first; ahead of it were three earlier Kevin Dowd Thanksgiving pieces. (Evidently she's lent him her space once a year for several years.) The one that came up first was from 2019, and I started reading it before noticing my mistake. (The total absence of COVID was pretty obvious.)
Now, at the time, the 2020 piece was all of six hours old. How could Google possibly not list it first? I know, "algorithms," but still. There seems no sense at all in listing the results this way. Hell, 2017 came out above 2020; is it conceivable that more people were sending one another links to a piece three years old than to one published yesterday?
Anyway, went back to the NYT and looked up Maureen's byline from the menu, and it was there, though still unmentioned on the actual Op-Ed page. Later in the day it was.
Any news on the next NYT mutiny? I'm sure there's one brewing after this piece came out.
If the Left has an "unapologetic love of America", why do they screech about how awful America is, how racist and sexist and [fill in the blank] we are? Why did the NYT create the 1619 project to throw America into the cesspit of history? The Left never displays the flag, never say sings the National Anthem or its proposed alternative, America the Beautiful. The Left hates us. The Democrat National Committee endorses this view.
Or, as the lamentable Peggy Noonan put it back before she went bat-shit crazy “we are condescended to by our inferiors”
Jim Mattis says with Trump out, Trump's America First policies are out to. If the President, the cabinet members and the ambassadors are not putting America first, who are they putting first? The U.N., the E.U., or maybe China? Sounds like Jim Mattis thinks it should be China. Any Dem who thinks likewise should be given a one way ticket to China without passing Go and without collecting $200. Also, without taking any of their ill-gotten gains with them.
There is no way I can see any of the lefty people I know actually disliking, let alone hating America.
They hate America if they're not in charge.
unapologetic love for America? Then why die he play golf before calling troops in middle east after 1 am their time? He loves himself. Period.
Uh yes, because were I to get a call from the President of the United States at 1am, my first instinct would be to complain that he interrupted my sleep.
You people are fucking psychotic.
DEEBEE said...
Another little narrative push by a swamp dweller. Acknowledge the down ballot victory and perhaps a problem for the Dems, which they need to work on in the future. This allows for the, perhaps implausible, narrative that up-ballot Trump lost and no fraud here. Just a whole lot of sophisticated electorate.
Yep. An electorate so sophisticated that it cast votes by the hundreds of thousands for Biden and no one else down-ticket, not even for a single lower office, in several states.
Makes perfect sense! Nothing to see here, move along....
"According to the lying MSM, 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen."
Imagine what the *real* number is.
The Vault Dweller said... There is no way I can see any of the lefty people I know actually disliking, let alone hating America.
How else do you explain why people make up lies to denigrate America? They just want other people to hate America but they don't actually hate it themselves? Occam's Razor would seem to apply.
People who unapologetically love America don't bang the tray on their high chairs and threaten to move to another country if the election doesn't go their way.
“According to the lying MSM, 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen."
Imagine what the *real* number is.”
All Democrats believe the election was stolen, and they approve. Did not their mothers tell them that if you cheat and win, your victory will be only ashes? That is why politicians do anything for money. If they have no honor or self respect, at least they have the money.
tim in vermont said...
"Right wing media can't survive unless what the left is saying now keeps up as the topic.”
He’s got a point
Of course the media rejection of right wing viewers creates an opening for a right-wing media. All that means is that right-wingers thirst for unbiased news and would choose it if it were an option.
LOL Maureen, we all know your family did not invite you for the holiday. No need to virtue signal about Fauci as an excuse.
hombre: There needs to be some DNA testing done here. This sane man can’t be the brother of that detestable shrew.
Alec and Adam Baldwin are brothers.
According to the lying MSM, 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen
And an additional 70% know it was and are celebrating their cleverness and disregard of the law.
MoDo writes these columns. Once a year or so she can wrestle control from her Demon. The "brother" is a gimmick. No matter how many good things were said in the column from a right-wing perspective, her bottom line is to surrender to the coup and accept the theft of the election. Let evil win, let American democracy die.
How else do you explain why people make up lies to denigrate America?
I don't think anyone is motivated by wanting to do "bad things". I think lots of people on the left have a giant moral inferiority complex and are desperate to feel good about themselves. They have figured out a neat psychological trick where they convince themsleves that the right is motivated by pure evil etc. and then in compairson they feel good about themselves even though they didn't do much. It is very rare for a person to feel like they can do something naughty like lying. So to the extent it "knowingly" takes plaace I largely attribute that to people again concvincing themsleves that the other side is much, much worse. SO therefore their "momentary" lapse in ethics is ok because it is for the greater good.
They have figured out a neat psychological trick where they convince themselves that the right is motivated by pure evil etc.
Even if the right were much worse that can only explain why people support the left. It cannot explain why the left lies to denigrate America.
The truth is that leftists want everyone to hate America as they do. That's how you generate support for "fundamental change".
Rick - Bingo.
Since zerobama ran for president, I have said that he does not love my country. He and his cohort despise me and everyone else who lives this country, with all it's faults. And the dick was right up front in saying that he was going to "fundamentally change" the country.
"All Democrats believe the election was stolen, and they approve."
I don't think that is true. I could certainly believe that a lot of them would rather not look into the question too closely, but I think a large proportion of Democrats hold democracy in considerably higher regard than I do. The idea of a small group operating in secrecy to determine the outcome of the election by illegitimate means is exactly the sort of thing they think we would do.
And that is what excuses them actually doing it, Jupiter.
Democrats just read, watch and/or listen to the MSM pronouncements of "allegations of election fraud without evidence" and believe them. The MSM are burying the evidence of way too many ballots vs. voters, election observer obstructions and hackable voting machines. The evidence could bite the MSM script readers on the nose, and they still say: "Nothing to see here, move along."
Kevin Dowd, filling in for his sister Mo at the NYT, wrote:
"Democrats have been quick to dismiss any Trump supporter as a racist, homophobe or redneck, but they all shared a common trait with him, an unapologetic love of America.
Hard to believe Maureen Dowd came from that gene pool, but, hey, families have all types. Anyway, I completely disagree with his statement about Dems having an "unapologetic love" for The Republic, assuming those words were his and not hers, or worse, those of some woke, tattooed 22-year-old editorial assistant. Dems like Sam Nunn and George Mitchell are gone, quaint memories. They have been replaced by The Sneering Authoritarians, who hate regular folk but love power at the expense of The Republic.
I read that to mean Trump supporters share an unapologetic love of America with Trump, not that Democrats do.
Bro Kev is smarter than MoDo. Sample of one is ONLY an indicator. Your mileage may differ.
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