I'm reading "Harris’s allies wonder anxiously: Will she have real clout?" by Chelsea Janes and Sean Sullivan in The Washington Post.
१५ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"But while Black activists remain excited about Harris’s ascent, many now worry that the administration will not deliver much beyond her historic election..."
"... a fear sharpened by Democrats’ disappointing performance in congressional races, which has dramatically limited Biden’s maneuvering room.
Their worries are underlined by the ongoing uncertainty over what exactly Harris’s portfolio will be in the Biden administration, and how much freedom she will have to chart her own course on issues like racial justice and immigration.... Biden has not announced a portfolio for Harris, the way Biden handled the economic stimulus for Obama, and Harris’s allies are watching anxiously to see if she will be allowed to choose her top staffers or if Biden loyalists will be installed.... But the prospect of Harris carving out her own identity within the administration would be a departure from the traditional role of the vice president as a low-profile servant of the president, one without a separate agenda.... As Biden was contemplating whom to choose as his running mate earlier this year, his inner circle was split over Harris. Some worried she would seize any opportunity to advance her own career, citing her attack on Biden’s record on race during the Democratic primary...."
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
She's an admitted quota hire. Joe said so himself.
She'll work on the touchy-feely stuff because she's not qualified nor smart enough to do anything else.
I expect Michelle Obama Lite.
Ya think?
Except for treating them like slow minded children what have democrats ever done for the black vote?
Any state funerals expected?
All she has to do if she wants to be POTUS is sit back and bide her time. Ha! Be biden'
She's not someone people are clamoring to hear from, and she can only hurt herself if she tries to maintain too high a profile. So wait it out.
These people are too stupid to walk and chew gum
Assuming, for the sake of argument, that Joe Biden is elected...
a) do y'all expect him to serve??
b) do y'all expect him to serve for long?
Assuming, for the sake of argument, that Joe Biden serves as President...
a) do y'all expect HIM to have any input into the doings of 'his' admin?
b) do y'all expect his 'inner circle' to have any input into the doings of 'his' admin?
Of the things that i can conceive of happening, Jo Biden (or his 'inner circle') having any input is NOT one of them
Did Jo Biden have ANYTHING to do with the 2020 election?
WHY would he have ANYTHING to do with the Presidency ?
What did they think was going to happen?
Biden and the Women in His Life?
suck out life
suck out life
LOL yeah, much like their messiah in 2008, it's all about the color...
She is a quota hire. True.
However, she scared me the first time I saw her, during her run for the senate. She was a minority, female George W Bush, with much better speaking skills.
My off the wall prediction - Biden turns out more moderate than the left wants, Biden runs for reelection in 2024, and K runs against him in the primary. That would be fun! Some weird Carter v Kennedy 1980 rerun.
Biden is past his sell by date. She will offer to race him up the Capital steps.
Fortunately, she is stupid but she is malicious.
Blacks who are excited by a dot Indian being elevated to vice-president are deluded.
I wish I were wrong, but there is no way Biden will be a moderate. He’s already telegraphing the far left policies he’s in favor of, and the Dems who’ve taken over the left won’t allow him to moderate his positions.
It's hard to believe they found a less "black" African American candidate than Obama to tout as the new black Dem savior, but that's just an indication of my own imagination's limitations. The answer to the question "How stupid do they think we are?" keeps changing, from really fucking stupid to even stupider yet. And so far, they're still winning elections.
"Deliver" a growing economy for the masses?
Or just perks to the elite?
It's interesting to compare the current "excitement" about Kamala Harris with her dismal performance and apparent inability to generate excitement during primary season.
Obama had a lengthy spell in Chicago and in Reverend Wright's church to learn how to do the black politician thing, and some credibility Wright could lend him, and an actual "African American" wife. Kamala's fraudulent identity is a pathetically thin veneer. Besides woke white people, I don't think too many people buy it.
They are going to keep Harris under wraps for as long as possible so the country won't realize what a dud she is. She makes Dan Quayle sound like Socrates.
Laughable. Are black American interested in Amnesty and open borders aka "Immigration"? Doubtful. And Harris isn't particularly black, so there's that. In any case, African American vote 85-95% D, No matter what. So I doubt Joe/Kam will spend much time caring about a bunch of yellow dog Democrats. Or rather sheep. Black sheep.
Kammy has a ceremonial job until 2024 when she runs for POTUS. The DNC will give her opportunities on the stage that other VPs have not had, but she will not be a decision maker.
The DNC will run the country while Joe rests in the White House basement.
Obviously the difficulties over the next four years will all be Trump's fault as the DNC screws things up. They need to placate the far left while not completely alienating suburban white women. They do not have to worry about Althouse. She will never vote for a nominally conservative Republican.
Does anyone think Sundown Joe would - assuming he steals the election - last 4 years? Harris is going to be well taken care of because she's going to be the next POTUS, assuming their fraud works.
Anyone want to take a bet that Biden will be President in 2024? Laughable.
Kamala's cackle, that's what we'll all get. Good and hard.
This is just battlespace preparation for employing the 25th Amendment.
A rational Democratic party would ask why it is losing so much engagement with its recent client groups, and how to reverse that trend. But being the modern Democratic party, it won't.
Vice-President does whatever the president allows withe tie breaking vote in the Senate being the constitutional duty.
By the way, wasn't Obama supposed to have taken care of all the historical stuff already?
A person who didn't even make it to the Iowa caucuses is now the leader of your pathetic party. Heckuva job, Democrats.
Harris was a candidate detested by the Left who couldn't muster even a single delegate in the primaries (you need to squint to find her but she's third to last on this list). No one gives a flying fuck about her.
In Re the 25th amendment- it isn't an easy way to remove a president, and I do not see Biden voluntarily leaving so that means 2/3ds of both houses would have to vote to remove him.
Now, why would Republicans in the Senate vote to make Harris predident over Biden?
Or Republicans in the House of representatives?
Of course Biden will resign. He's always been a good party member and he can barely function now. But then, who knows what Jill Biden, will do?
It will NEVER get to the 25th Admendment stage. That's just silly.
What’s truly amazing is that Biden and Harris are both essentially Democrat also rans.
Harris was a candidate detested by the Left who couldn't muster even a single delegate in the primaries
And yet, here she is, "Vice President elect." Althouse and others noticed early on that Harris was the establishment choice. That she couldn't must a single delegate was no obstacle to her installation as de facto party leader, or at least the somewhat black-looking lady who plays the role on TV. We'll be stuck with her as long as the people backing her find her useful.
He will resign when Jill is tired of being President or the payoff is right.
It will be 2 years if they can manage it so that Kamala can theoretically run for 2 terms herself. She is pretty unlikable so that is a plan that I doubt will work.
These people are too stupid to walk and chew gum
I saw proof of this just the other day. Someone keeled over on the sidewalk and I ran over to him in case I could help. It turned out that once he removed the gum from his mouth he was OK and able to continue his journey. People should be required to wear I voted for Biden pins so we are better able to assist them when things like this occur.
While excited, Harris backers are afraid they won't get what they really want - to be able to commit all manner of brazen anti-white crimes without consequence because they were looked at funny by 'Karen' or perhaps 'Ken'. Supporters fear they may also still have to face arrest for perpetrating heinous crimes before lying about being called the n-word and being let off by the local DA. Crackers, particularly cracker women, who support Harris also fear less opportunities to virtue-signal their love for minorities and self-hatred on Twitter and TikTok.
Joe Biden has been running for president since 1987, he isn't leaving voluntarily.
I am looking forward to Kamala becoming the face of the Democratic Party.
Where is the evidence that Harris is actually capable of doing anything, however trivial and meaningless? For that matter, where is the evidence Biden is capable of anything but lining his own pockets?
I can only assume by "change" that Harris's supporters mean "Can she deliver full blown national socialism?"
Harris will be President in less than 3 years.
Let me say it now, President Biden did not commit suicide...
As much as I hope Trump still prevails, a Biden-Harris administration is sounding like a lot of fun. If the damage can be kept to a minimum, perhaps it will be worth it for the entertainment value of watching the Dems eat each other alive.
Remember the villain's soliloquy in Skyfall, something like "one rat left standing"? Let's see which of the rats remain standing after four years of power struggles.
This is the scene I meant. Pretend the island is Washington DC, and the Dems are the rats of which he speaks. One can only dream.
She hasn't been elected.
When Republicans take the majority in the House in 2022 by a huge margin and increase their majority in the Senate, the only fair thing for them to do will be to impeach President Harris. Do they need a reason? Absolutely not! The Democrats have shown them the way. You don't need legal, moral or ethical reasons to impeach the president, all you need is hate. The big mistake the Democrats made was in pursuing impeachment when they knew the Senate wouldn't convict. Republicans won't make that mistake because they won't have to. Their 60-40 Senate majority will see to that. Will this benefit the nation and its people? No, of course not, but once again the Democrats have shown the way. Politics isn't about notions like "the public good" or "government by the people", it's about power. Democrats have pretty much wrecked the republic. We might as well make them choke on it as it collapses entirely.
Of course they won't deliver - the Demos don't give a shit about blacks.
Biden will be kept in office until January 21, 2023. Any sooner, and Harris’ potential time in office is cut short. All bets are off after that date though, especially if the Dems get shellacked in 2022. The left won’t be able to be contained if that happens.
Initial exit polls exhibited a substantial increase in Black and Hispanic votes for President Trump. Who produced a record of Blacks and Hispanics for Republicans for down ticket voting. White voters, who Trump got back in 2016 went to Biden in large numbers as a result of the 'pandemic' and the 'economy'. Without these related events the Dems ethnic coalition would've shown a massive collapse. As more Northeastern voters (liberal baby boomers) retire their voting habits tend to change from Liberal to Conservative. By 2022, the majority of 'Baby Boomers' will have retired, then we'll see the impact of their voting will be far greater vs. the Dems fictional ethnic coalition.
Harris for President: More people in prison for, albeit self-defeating, but non-violent crimes.
I seem to recall that we already had a Black President. Possibly two if you count Warren Harding who was accused by Democrats of having Negro ancestors.
Blacks worried about how much free stuff they'll really get.
Biden is a collective noun now. He's team Biden. Whatever he thinks or feels or can think or feel the people he puts in place now aren't going to yield easily to Harris.
That puts a new wrinkle on coverage of a possible Biden administration. Team Biden's tendency is to keep Biden under wraps and give him fewer opportunities to interact with the media in uncontrolled situations. That means a much more buckled up White House with fewer leaks.
But if Team Biden and Team Harris are forever jockeying for position and each trying to outrace the other, that means more leaks and disorder in messaging (though not as much leaking as we see under Trump). And of course, there will be fist-fighting on Capitol Hill to be the one Kamala eventually picks as her own VP.
Althouse and others noticed early on that Harris was the establishment choice.
Exactly. Harris is a solid pillar of the capitalist wing of the Democratic party, acceptable to the same big-money interests that supported Biden and Hillary before him. The idea Harris is some kind of radical who will deliver for BLM is a delusion of the Right.
How many camels can dance on the lid of a pinhead?
Wait for Biden and Harris to say "Build Back Better." That's the dogwhistle for The Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution Communist Order. Klaus Schwab/World Economic Forum shit.
Why didn’t these Black Activists get what they wanted from Obama?
The idea Harris is some kind of radical who will deliver for BLM is a delusion of the Right.
I think she has no principles, similar to Biden who is out for the graft.
I don't know if you consider that a feature. Her response to the questions about her attacks on Biden in the primaries was quite revealing.
When Republicans take the majority in the House in 2022 by a huge margin
Are you fucking kidding? What makes you think that future elections will be on the up and up, if you let the felons cheat their way to victory in this one? There should be ropes waiting for all involved--for deterrent value alone.
Many Black activists are not waiting to find out. Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Movement for Black Lives, has written a letter on the group’s behalf to Biden and Harris requesting a meeting to convey their demands.
“Black people won this election,” Cullors wrote. “Alongside Black-led organizations around the nation, Black Lives Matter invested heavily in this election. . . . We want something for our vote. We want to be heard and our agenda to be prioritized.”
Biden often described his goal of finding a running mate with whom he was “simpatico,” citing his closeness with Obama, whom he publicly called “Barack.” He is already in the habit of referring to Harris as “Kamala.”
Trump refers to Pence as—“Mike” — and absolutely no one comments on it. But now, we have this conclusion.
I give Biden until April Fool's Day to continue breathing. After that it is Weekend in Delaware with Hunter and Jill on either side of the meat.
I think she has no principles, similar to Biden who is out for the graft.
Willie Brown, Harris' "mentor," was once asked by a leftist what he'd ever done to help California's poor. Brown responded that he stayed out of their way while they're shopping at K-Mart.
Forget the 25th Amendment route.
After Jill, you know, that famous doctor, has been given her whirl as First Drifter Wife Joe'll be done in.
"Congenital heart failure" is as good as any type of excuse.
I've been reading that Biden and Harris will bring back dignity to the White House. Let that sink in for a minute. An admitted plagiarizer most known internationally for being on sale and a woman most famous for rising via fellatio and hiding exculpatory evidence, both from the party of Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, and Jeffrey Toobin are going to bring back dignity. I think Democrats have their own language. The words they use don't mean the same thing in English.
It's a very poor President who is eclipsed by their Vice President.
I think any Democrat has to recall what a terrible Presidential candidate Harris was, dropping out even before Iowa! Who supports her now?
Harris' portfolio is obvious from the campaign. Stand Black and watch her laugh. Kamala is living proof that Black Lives Matter to Democrats. Her identity is her job, and vice versa.
50 shades of post-apartheid Progressive South Africa. Hutu/Tutsi rabid diversity?
That said, Trump addressed prosecutorial discretion. He worked to overturn and replace Obamacares' health care reform for the subsidized few. He pursued Revitalization, Rehabilitation, Reconciliation in urban jungles without kneeling to diversity and adversity. He ended Obama/Biden's wars a.k.a. "social justice adventurism", including "Springs" and their collateral offshoots, a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. He ended the JCPOA and denial of counterclaims, took affirmative action to confront Iranian-sponsorship of Middle East terrorism. He marred Biden's legacy of influence peddling for Green, and greenbacks, and confronted the socially progressive policies of the Chinese Communist Party in domestic and trade affairs. He stood for controlled immigration as people advocated for relaxed control for foreign-based tuition rates. He stood against Planned Parent, and for early treatment that has reduced mortality by 80 to 90% globally (i.e. signal diversity). He stood for human rights on principle: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. #BabyLivesMatter
I just hope Frodo throws that damn ring into the fires of Mt. Doom. And the sooner the better.
What's taking him so long, I wonder.
Black activists may be thrilled with Kamala, but when she was placed in front of ordinary black voters she was overwhelmingly rejected by them.
I liked it better when we could vote for Pres and VP separately. Also, repealed the 17th amendment.
It is amazing that the media keep assuming that Biden actually has any power, ignoring his obvious declining mental capacity. Of course, they spent the good part of the year lying about it, so why change now? I suppose it is a good question on whether Biden's puppet masters will have any role for Harris, which leaves open the question of who the puppet masters are, assuming that has actually been decided and there is not some behind the scenes power struggle going on that they are also not reporting on.
Wait until December 14th. She might have bupkiss.
Since its a felony to move to Georgia for a short time just to vote, Andrew Yang’s opinion notwithstanding, I think it’s pretty long odds that the Democrats are going to take the Senate. So Democrats are going to be left with executive orders.
At a minimum the ballots should be checked against AirBnB’s list of addresses.
Let's see. She got about 1% of the vote in the primary, but was selected as VP candidate because she is somewhat dark-complected, and not only identifies as female but is, in fact, biologically female. Hell, put her in charge of health care. What could go wrong? If it bleeds, it leads!
Most importantly, from a feminist role model example, she got to where she is thanks to Willie
Brown. He did the preliminary testing. The golf ball got through the garden hose, no problem. Dems can worship the woman's true path to the top.
Dems can't find a suitable African American woman? C'mon man.
many now worry that the administration will not deliver much beyond her historic election..."
How could she be anything else given that she was chosen as a sop to white college-educated women, the only demographic who ever really cared about her, to be "historic" and add more "First South Asian American" and "Frist African American" to the "Achievements" section of her CV.
The old Obama machine, which will be running the show, likes Kamala because she's an empty vessel they can fill up with whatever content they want. For them, Kamala's the heir and Biden's the spare.
Kamala as heir to Obama is so fitting. The first African-Americans to be president and vice president, and they aren't even African-Americans. Kamala actually has the stronger case, but she has way more authenticity problems than Obama. He had the benefit of coming up in the more cutthroat atmosphere of Chicago politics versus Kamala's passive-aggressive San Francisco milieu.
p.s. I was going to make a crude joke about Obama having the benefit of not having to start his career on his knees, but then I remembered that subset of Obama Derangement Syndrome about him about a closeted sexual deviant with a gay bathhouse fetish. The things that take up space in people's minds are fascinating.
People are taking refuge in the fact that Biden and Harris are "Unprincipled" as opposed to Left-wing ideologues. Hello? Harris is the most left-wing Senator in Congress next to Bernie, and Biden always was a 100% liberal. Show me all the "Conservative" positions these two have taken. If Biden 'ran to the center' during the General Campaign i must have missed where he repudiated all his left-wing positions.
Biden and Harris will be as far left as they can be. IOW, they are NOT going to stop the Democrats from going far left, they will go along with them. 'All Unprincipled" means they are Not going to kill themselves pushing some unpopular Left-wing idea BUT it also means they WILL push a left-wing position as far as they can if they get no blowback.
Obama was supposedly a "Nice" "Unprincipled" "Moderate" - he's come out for packing the Court, getting rid of the filibuster, and "adjusting" the Electoral college. Both Biden and Obama in 2008 said they against Gay Marriage, now both of them are in favor of the most radical transgender positions.
Michael K said
"I think she has no principles, similar to Biden who is out for the graft."
Kamala Harris is an "I Use my Pussy for Power" woman. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that, women are survivors, and have honed that asset over vast millenia, it may very well be part of how we are all still around. Knowing how to pander and profit from those assets is instinct, in our wiring.
Al Gore is used to getting massages from kamala types, apparently, and i'd estimate 33-77% of women that got their chance in Harvey Weinstein's office did not leave him unsatisfied.
I have been struck at the irony that high-minded #MeToo ladies are excited to vote for Kamala, the exact kind of woman the future President Trump was talking about in those famous tapes.
The media flooded our #MeToo moment with tales of virtuous women being assaulted, but never explored the mirror image of the weepers: should we call them #Kamalas perhaps?
"Kamala actually has the stronger case, but she has way more authenticity problems than Obama."
If so, its an incredibly weak case. Her parents divorced when she was young, she spent her childhood in Berkeley, and ages 12-18 in Montreal Canada with her Hindu mother. She did go to an all-black college, but then went back to the "Ghetto" in a toney part of SF.
She's married to white man - a Jew. BTW, when she talked about "Busing" experience, she was a 6 year old kid in 70's Berkeley. If you know anything about Berkeley, the idea of "busing" there being akin to desegregating Atlanta to be hilarious.
"Dems can't find a suitable African American woman? C'mon man."
Kamala is entirely suitable. For a certain definition of suitable.
Black activists worry about Biden's administration delivering power and money to THEM.
That racist bastard Trump only delivered an economy with the lowest black unemployment rate ever measured, a good thing for Black people, but damn him, he did nothing,
NOTHING, for the black activist coalition. Damn him!
The old Obama machine, which will be running the show
I doubt if Obama is anything more than a Front Man for the Machine which bears his name.
I bet she’d just kill for a bigger role in the administration.
"Some worried she would seize any opportunity to advance her own career"
And the others never heard of Willie Brown.
I doubt if Obama is anything more than a Front Man for the Machine which bears his name.
Any president is a front man for the machine that bears his name. Managing a team is what the job is all about, including resisting efforts by the team to manage you. They're swamp creatures, who float around and wait for the revolving door of DC jobs to move them back into positions of power and authority.
"... Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Movement for Black Lives, ...".
WaPo can't even get the name of her Communist front group right.
Ha Ha
The Narrative Engineers know
She's a DUD
So they already applying
Affirmative Action
What do you suppose is the position of the Movement for Black Lives on killing Blacks while they are still in their mothers wombs? I guess as long as it isn't the police killing them, their lives are pretty much irrelevant. They just don't matter.
If so, its an incredibly weak case.
That's why I said neither of them are African-America. Nonetheless, Kamala's father descended from African slaves brought by the British to work sugar plantations. Obama's paternal ancestry is East African. That's the only reason I said she had a stronger case.
Harris is the most left-wing Senator in Congress next to Bernie, and Biden always was a 100% liberal.
That's actually evidence she's an opportunist and not an ideologue. The whole point of those votes (which made no difference to the outcome) was to build a left-wing record, given that her record as district attorney and Attorney General was being attacked from the left.
So the quote from the article up above from Patrisse Cullors, that I messed up the formatting on— in the article they call her the co-founder of Movement for Black Lives but it is BLM.
So according to this article she says they won the election for Biden and she deserves a seat at the table. And the Democrat party did give them a lot of worship at the DNC convention.
Here is a bit at wiki about her spiritual beliefs and battling for the soul of America—
She developed an interest in the Nigerian religious tradition of Ifá, incorporating its rituals into political protest events. But of course the media only makes fun of the religious on the right.
Here she is quoted in Time magazine:
Cullors weaves her intellectual influences into this narrative, from black feminist writers like Audre Lorde and bell hooks, to Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. Reading those social philosophers “provided a new understanding around what our economies could look like,” she says.
WaPo can't even get the name of her Communist front group right.
I doubt it is a mistake...
"... but then I remembered that subset of Obama Derangement Syndrome about him about a closeted sexual deviant with a gay bathhouse fetish. The things that take up space in people's minds are fascinating."
Well, he married a man didn't he?
J. Farmer said...
I doubt if Obama is anything more than a Front Man for the Machine which bears his name.
Any president is a front man for the machine that bears his name. Managing a team is what the job is all about, including resisting efforts by the team to manage you. They're swamp creatures, who float around and wait for the revolving door of DC jobs to move them back into positions of power and authority.
Was Ike a front man for the machine that bears his name? And what was the name of the machine?
Was Ike a front man for the machine that bears his name? And what was the name of the machine?
It has a few, but the most common are "Eastern Establishment" and "Rockefeller Republicanism." Some of the members include Richard Nixon, Thomas Dewey, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., John Dulles, and Prescott Bush.
"NYPost: Biden Cancer Charity Spent More Than $3M on Salaries, Zero on Research, Grants"
Bringing dignity back.
"Harris’s allies wonder anxiously: Will she have real clout?"
She'll have as much as she's allowed, no doubt.
The VP has no duties under the Constitution except to serve as president of the Senate.
This presiding role has largely been abdicated by vps over the past 200 years.
So the VP has been largely relegated to being a presidential flunky performing such roles as the president requests.
Not what the president requires. The press has no, none, zip, authority over the vp. Can't order them to do anything. Can't fire them. Can't cut their pay. Can't even take away their airplane. (prez could ask congress to take it away. They might or might not)
Otoh, the president of the Senate has a lot of small powers and privileges if they decided to exercise them.
Look what lbj did with the various small powers and privileges of the majority leader.
I don't think we need to worry, though. Kamala wants to be president and won't piss off the other senators and party leaders who could stop her.
John Henry
"Obama's paternal ancestry is East African."
It has been credibly alleged that the man who calls himself Barack Obama is the illegitimate son of a Black Communist named Frank Marshall Davis who associated with his family in Hawaii. If he has any relatives in Kenya, it would be a simple matter to demonstrate that fact through genetic testing. If such testing has been done, the results have not been made public. Therefore, we can only rely upon the evidence we have, which shows that Davis took nude photographs of Obama's mother around that time, Davis evinced far more interest in young Barry than the Kenyan grad student ever did, and Obama does not seem to have much interest in his supposed Kenyan family.
1. Kamala Harris didn't date just Willie Brown. She also was involved with wonderful, wonderful Gavin Newsom, the CA governor who after hectoring everyone for months about indoor gatherings, was outed for attending a 12-person dinner party at 3-Michelin-star The French Laundry last Friday. (Puts one in mind of Chris Christie and fam enjoying the closed beaches that the proles couldn't visit a couple summers back. His career was circling the drain already, and that killed it.)
2. Kamala's activist approach to prosecution -- threatening to jail parents of truant students -- was pretty unpopular. (Odd fact: Deep blue CA slams the hammer down harder on people who are generally not problems than on people who absolutely are problems.)
3. If (haha) Kamala had got traction in the 2020 D primaries, the momentum would have been stopped cold in her home state of CA.
4. Willie Brown may not be your favorite politico, but at least he's smart. Really smart. Nobody in the state will say the same about the LA mayor or the governor or many, many others. Look at the initiative and referenda election results this month -- people aren't buying it.
5. Neither Kamala nor Joe will be the Democratic candidate in 2024. If anyone offers you a bet that such will happen, invest every cent you have in the opposite side. Heck, bet your IRA. You can only win.
cf said..
"I Use my Pussy for Power" woman. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that, women are survivors, and have honed that asset over vast millenia,
My dick shriveled right up into my groin when I read that.
I associate honing with razors knives axes etc.
John Henry
It has been credibly alleged that the man who calls himself Barack Obama is the illegitimate son of a Black Communist named Frank Marshall Davis who associated with his family in Hawaii.
Joel Gilbert is a goofball who peddles in conspiracy theories and mockumentaries. There were no nude photos of Obama's mother. I'm sure it was only a coincidence that this story became a thing a few months before the 2012 election. Unfortunately, it was drowned out by the larger birther lunacy.
Obama Derangement Syndrome, like similar syndromes, requires an ever more complicated web of conspiracy, deceit, and intrigue because it is grounded in a false assumption about Obama. The alien, America-hating, radical Communist Islamist anti-colonialist Obama that is a figment of the imagination. A delusional, partisan fever dream. Starting with this round hole insured that every subsequent square peg wouldn't fit. Obama was a center-left version of Bush. There was way more continuity between their presidencies than divergence.
Biden, even before the onset of dementia, was known for his stupidity (his nickname was, and remains, "Slow Joe."). The idea that Biden is carefully crafting some "portfolio" for Harris is hilarious.
You ignore everything obama has ever spoken on and taught, he is the foremost rival of western values and yet you ignore that
"Obama Derangement Syndrome, like similar syndromes, requires an ever more complicated web of conspiracy, deceit, and intrigue because it is grounded in a false assumption about Obama."
Suppose Obama was born in Hawaii in 1962, but what if he was swapped out for a Kenyan-born half brother? What then?
Lol, the "Obama was born in Kenya!" people are not on the cutting edge of human intellectual achievement. Did they really think that someone would produce some raggedy-ass Kenyan birth certificate from sixty years ago, and Obama (who of course has no memory of being born anywhere), would shrug, say "It's a fair cop," and be willingly led out of the white house in hand cuffs?
"Joel Gilbert is a goofball who peddles in conspiracy theories and mockumentaries. There were no nude photos of Obama's mother ..."
There most assuredly are nude photos of Obama's mother, and the evidence is strong that Davis took them. Your confident assertion that there are no such photos could not possibly be other than baseless, unless you are omniscient. All I know about Joel Gilbert is that he is 100% right that the woman who testified at George Zimmerman's trial, claiming to be Trayvon's girlfriend, was perjuring herself, and Ben Crump not only knew it, he suborned it. You could read the book if you're interested. Or just watch the Bloggingheads video where Glenn Loury and John McWhorter conclude that he makes a very good case. Or -- Hell, I know! -- you can just use your omniscience to reject it out of hand!
Harris was selected to lock up the white college and post-college sorority girl vote, not the black vote.
J. Farmer said:
"Joel Gilbert is a goofball who peddles in conspiracy theories and mockumentaries. There were no nude photos of Obama's mother ..."
Jupiter replied:
There most assuredly are nude photos of Obama's mother, and the evidence is strong that Davis took them.
Here you go.... NSFW, it goes w/o saying
Here's her high school pic:
Decide for yourself if that's the same person.
J. Farmer said...
Was Ike a front man for the machine that bears his name? And what was the name of the machine?
It has a few, but the most common are "Eastern Establishment" and "Rockefeller Republicanism." Some of the members include Richard Nixon, Thomas Dewey, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., John Dulles, and Prescott Bush.
Non-responsive. There were/are Republican machines, but the question remains: was Ike merely a "front man" for them, or was he a person with enormous political capital of his own?
Explain Ike's "military industrial complex" speech, if you will. Does that sound like something a "front man" would say?
As usual, you're being too-clever-by-half.
Can we please drop the “s” after “Harris’s”?
I mean, isn’t she like Jesus’ example?
Given at the end of his term, eisenhower pointed avoided direct confrontation in hungary vietnam suez among others.
As usual, you're being too-clever-by-half.
As usual, your eagerness to jump down my throat about something I've written has led you to leap at a shadow. You've misunderstood my point. I'm rejecting the notion that Obama is a front man by saying that we he is describing as a "front man" is something that all presidents have to do. Hence, my next sentence, "managing a team is what the job is all about, including resisting efforts by the team to manage you." Does that sound like what a "front man" does?
She will not have any less clout than she has personally earned.
Decide for yourself if that's the same person.
Haha. Those are even worse than the ones Gilbert had on his website.
Or -- Hell, I know! -- you can just use your omniscience to reject it out of hand!
As opposed to the omniscience to accept it out of hand, I suppose. I saw Gilbert's Dreams From My Real Father. If you find it credible, more power to you. The photos he claimed to have obtained from Davis were from a 50's fetish magazine. Obama's mother did not even live in Hawaii at the time.
chickelit said...
Can we please drop the “s” after “Harris’s”?
I mean, isn’t she like Jesus’ example?
According to the sine qua non Strunk and White, "Harris's" is correct. They make an exception for plurals ("The Democrats' abominable policies") and archaic names (Archimedes' discovery).
Jeez, I'm sorry I brought up all the crazy rumors.
I feel like I've unleashed all the demons of hell.
"I saw Gilbert's Dreams From My Real Father. If you find it credible, more power to you."
I wondered why you were dragging Gilbert into the question. So he made a movie about Lil' Barky and his Dad? I didn't know that, but I can't say I'm surprised. I'm kind of surprised no one has gotten a DNA sample off of one of Barky's cigarettes. It really shouldn't be that hard to sort the little fucker out. I suppose it's possible he doesn't know who his father was -- who does, really? It's a wise child. But it's awfully suspicious that he has so little contact with his "family" in Kenya. And also that his "father" split for Harvard shortly after he was born, and never bothered to see his "son" or his "wife" again. I'm thinking Obama wanted an American wife for immigration purposes, and the Dunhams wanted a husband for their knocked-up daughter and a father for His Excellency, and arrangements were made. But then Obama's Harvard gig fell apart, and Good-Bye To All That!
I wondered why you were dragging Gilbert into the question. So he made a movie about Lil' Barky and his Dad? I didn't know that, but I can't say I'm surprised.
Gilbert was the one who propagated the nonsense about Davis being Obama's father and lied about the nude photos, or what you referred to as "credibly alleged."
Davis was a pornographer, and published lots of photos in lots of magazines, and books as well. It is hardly surprising that, finding himself in frequent contact with a not-unattractive young woman, he got her to pose nude, then seduced her. Judging by her subsequent career, it probably wasn't real difficult.
As I said, my only familiarity with Gilbert's work is The Trayvon Hoax, which is an extremely convincing account of the Gilbert's research based upon Trayvon's very extensive phone records. It explains a lot about that whole episode. Like, first and foremost, why was a cool young player like Trayvon hanging around with that semi-retarded whale who testified at the trial? Answer -- he wasn't. He was hanging around with another girl, named Diamond Eugene, who was tres hot. But she refused to testify, about what she had or hadn't heard on the phone, so Crump and Trayvon's mother got the whale to pretend to be her. We'll be hearing more about this at the upcoming trial.
She's not black. Barack Obama, who was half-black (a mulatto, by defintion), had at least some African in him. IF she were a Republican, she's be described as a "white Jamaican"
Earnest Prole said...
Althouse and others noticed early on that Harris was the establishment choice.
Exactly. Harris is a solid pillar of the capitalist wing of the Democratic party, acceptable to the same big-money interests that supported Biden and Hillary before him. The idea Harris is some kind of radical who will deliver for BLM is a delusion of the Right.
11/15/20, 2:47 PM
That only serves to show the progression of the Overton Window. Imagine the reception of her policy prescriptions if offered in 1984. Or 2004.
"Kamala's father descended from African slaves brought by the British to work sugar plantations. "
why do you keep slanting things? Harris' father - from Jamaica - was a mulatto and his family OWNED slaves. To say, that Harris father was descended from slaves is partly and technically true, but false in spirit. He also was a Stanford economist who left Jamaica at 22 and made trips to Oxford before ending up at Stanford. His family experienced no segregation or discrimination.
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