[T]his campaign was always a referendum on Trump, rather than an affirmative endorsement of Biden and his agenda. That dynamic already cut against Biden claiming a strong positive mandate. He needed a crushing rejection of Trump to strengthen his case. He also needed the Senate...
Final results that fall short of a massive rejection of Trump, as seems likely, would fail to trigger the repudiation of Trumpism in the Republican Party that many Democrats — and a minority of Republicans — had hoped for. As John Harris argues, whatever the final numbers, Trump’s appeal to half the country has proven to be durable....
The article doesn't even mention the role of Trump himself. As ex-President, he'll be liberated to speak, building some new media operation. He'll be the Democrats' nemesis. And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
Washington Post: "There will be no expansion of health coverage, no aggressive legislation to address climate change, no move toward universal child care, no increase in the minimum wage, no new Voting Rights Act and no infrastructure spending. None of it."
Not to mention no packing the Supreme Court and no sewing two more stars onto Old Glory.
President Biden will have a hard time implementing his bold plan - except via executive order. Though Mitch and Trump have put a good number of conservative judges in place that the Republicans can engage to rescind any EOs they don't like. Just like the Dems did to Trump. If they have the balls, that is.
I'm starting to feel a little better about this.
It was my privilege and delight to vote last week for incoming Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM2), whose election to the House two years ago was stolen at the last minute when, "unexpectedly," a trove of ballots was found for her opponent in this county that President Trump won by more than 10 percentage points in 2016.
Yes, if Trump were 10 years younger, he certainly would be the front runner. In 2024 he'll be too old.
However, what if, as planned, Pence tops the ticket in 2024? What if Trump spends 4 years pushing for that? What if he accepts the VP position?
All moot points, as Trump is going to win.
Alas, in 2024 even PDJT will be too old. As Biden certainly is right now.
Alas, even PDJT will be too old in 2014. As Biden is right now.
I wonder what role his family will have in the future. Donald Jr., Eric, Jared K., Ivanka K., etc. Not necessarily presidential, but I would not dismiss them as politically irrelevant. They are certainly motivated to protect the Trump "brand" and they must have a "payback list".
Payback Is A Bitch
The Republican Senate will keep Biden from doing too much real harm, so he can be "good ol' granpa Joe" and be remembered as something better than he really is.
There will not be a President Biden. Trump is the winner and once the fraud / cheating in MI / WI / PA / AZ / GA are exposed, there will be no path to victory for Sleepy Joe Douchebag Biden
Wait, now it's "Biden got the most votes of any election!" because of turnout.
Mere inflation, I say.
Exactly what I said this morning.
He'll be a one term president, Kamala won't be in a 2nd or 3rd term.
He can still do harm though through the bureaucracy.
Soon President Biden will be challenged just trying to eat his soup without a bib. It's his puppet masters who are screwed.
If Trump wants to Make American Great Again, he should declassify everything that's known about ObamaGate, and pardon Snowden and Assange before he leaves office.
More bullshit from Politico. You are manifestly NOT screwed by winning the Presidency.
Anyway, no one expects that Biden will still be President by the Fourth of July.
"Biden looks screwed even if he wins"
He always looked screwed due to advancing incapacity.
"rather than an affirmative endorsement of Biden and his agenda"
What was his agenda? Did he even say anything about foreign policy? Even on Covid, did he actually propose doing anything different?
"He needed a crushing rejection of Trump to strengthen his case."
Well, that never stopped progs from doing their thing. A win is a win.
"would fail to trigger the repudiation of Trumpism in the Republican Party that many Democrats — and a minority of Republicans — had hoped for."
So, Trumpism might actually amount to something: love of country, rule of law, taking on China, closing borders, conservative judges, no worries about debt and deficit, strong defense, no crazy wars. Weird!
"As John Harris argues, whatever the final numbers, Trump’s appeal to half the country has proven to be durable...."
And slightly growing appeal among Hispanics. Nonetheless, the GOP will need more than Trump(ism).
"As ex-President, he'll be liberated to speak, building some new media operation. He'll be the Democrats' nemesis. And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?"
Quite possibly. But four years is a long time when you are in your seventies. As we see with Biden.
Well I don't know. Twitter will cut Trump off at the knees. Facebook will pout and block.
But Lindsey Graham will be investigating and McConnell will go over Biden nominees for the courts with a fine tooth comb. The Rethugs aren't very good at it, but folks can learn how to pay it back.
Win or lose Trump may choose the John the Baptist role in 2024.
Pence if you a Dem/Prog you do not want Pence..
But Biden will have managed to shut down the Durham investigation and that of his own son. Certainly high on his priority list.
On the flip side, AOC will be a constant thorn in his side. I don't envy the old man in that regard.
And two years down the road he will lose the House and hundreds of Dem office holders across the country. That's if his prior work in the White House is any indication.
And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president...
I’m really worried about the damage to our institutions based on the real or perceived irregularities here. But, other than that, I think this might be the best possible result long-term. Why?
We almost always change parties after 8 years. Only one exception since WWII. If Trump is re-elected, the dem is a near sure thing in 2024. And that dem won’t be a near-neutered Joe Biden, but one of the more modern, angry, destroy the system and hate the country dems who seem to be the only ones left under 75. And likely with a supportive Congress. I can’t imagine the damage that hypothetical person might do.
He will reinstate Critical Race Theory training in the government and that all by itself is enough destruction and that is just the tip of the spear.
A Biden win means he will be gone within the year.
It also means that the coup plotters/enablers will have gotten away with treason.
One can only hope that a special prosecutor is named to look into Hunter and Joe.
Also, people like McCabe, Hillary, and Comey need to be prosecuted ASAP...yes, old Joe could shut it down later, but it will still look very bad if he does.
They fucked him during his first term...he needs to return the favor.
Not. Good. Enough.
No, I don't think Trump (if defeated this time -- still a big if) will run again in 2024. Sure, he'd be tempted ("I'll show those bastards"). And Kamala looks like a target of opportunity. But he'd be 78 years old in 2024 (the same age as Joe Biden is now), compared to Grover Cleveland's 56 when he was elected to his second term. Eventually age catches up with us, even Trump. Besides, I don't think Trump enjoyed being President; what he enjoyed was using the bully pulpit. But, Hell! he can BUY the frigging pulpit. He can use his fame and experience and following to build popular support for his policies and principles. He can help to steer the Republican Party in a more populist direction (and help to keep it from falling into the hands of the Never-Trumpers). I bet he could also have a lot of fun and make a sh*tload of money doing it.
Biden's screwed because if Trump loses, then there is no reason not to have sour grapes and appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Hunter. However, I'm not sure Democrats would care. They'd let Biden get sworn in, because Biden wants the title, and then get rid of him.
That all hinges on the "if Trump loses".
And if Republicans and other parties of good faith pursue trials for Democrat coluders with China, Russia, Iran, and probably other special and peculiar interests, then there will be justice for the people harmed by the witch hunters, warlock judges, and protestors of 16 trimesters past, present and progressive.
Trump isn't kneeling. It's not over until the baby... Fetal-American stops crying.
I know the media is trying to make the GOP cuck, but what it's DOING is completely demotivating the left. Is there any chance in hell they're going to fight in the streets against cops who will eagerly crack their skulls open, just for this to be the outcome?
Hell fuck no.
And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
Why? He would be a one-termer like Jimmy Carter, except instead of losing to one of the all time great presidential candidates, Trump would have lost to a guy that needed two tries to get through the 3rd grade. Trump said it himself (and I think our hostess said it in her podcast): Joe Biden is the worst presidential candidate of our lifetime.
If you lose to Joe Biden you choked away and easy win and should go away and shut up forever.
I can only pray that the Democrat machinery is reconsidering their options and will withdraw the necessary fake ballots needed to achieve a victory in hopes of offering a superior candidate in 2024 and a proper untainted victory. By then the country will be ready for "a change" (tired of winning) and the economy will be strong enough to survive whatever they might bring to us.
Meantime may I offer the Serenity Prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr, a somewhat stoic theologian to offer some hope:
God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
One possibility that no one is considering yet is a Republican House and Senate and a Joe Biden presidency. I doubt it will happen, but the House looks like it will be very close. However, if it happens how long before the House files articles of impeachment against Biden?
I hope the Dems get the senate too so we can see how much of a socialist hellscape they want to create.
If they have the House, Senate, and White House, expect major gun control and confiscation, raised taxes, single payer healthcare, and nationwide lockdowns like what’s happening in the UK.
Fuck it —we voted for this mess.
"And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?"
No, because in 2024, he will have been President for eight years, and will therefore be ineligible to run for re-election. Unless the Constitution has been amended. Or discarded, of course, as is currently being attempted by various insurrectionists. But in that case, there will be no elections in the United States of America.
Don't they mean a "President Harris"?
I seriously don't think Biden will make it, at least mentally, to inauguration day.
Oh, the haters plan to ensnare Trump in multiple lawsuits and criminal proceedings.
They want him in jail for something there must be something.
Right about now, I'm having very warm feelings about our Founders and their dedication to Checks and Balances.
Trump will not be the front runner GOP candidate in 2024.
He will be constitutionally ineligible. He's going to win PA and AZ, he's already won NC and GA and the refusal to call those two for him is meaningless. He doesn't need MI or WI or NV.
Won't he be the Dems nemesis? Well, if he can save his companies from bankruptcy, win his tax case, and avaoid going to jail for state insurance or tax fraud, and if his reputation survives the cleaning of the Augean Stables of corruption he will leave behind.
Tom: "F*** it —we voted for this mess."
Actually, we didn't. Which is sort of the entire point right now.
I'll bring this from an earlier thread:
This is a fantasy. Dem institutional control was able to advance punitive leftism even under a Trump Presidency, why would a Biden Presidency be more difficult for them to manage?
Just a few areas off the top of my head:
Biden has already promised to roll back Devos' relatively weak attempts at sanity on Title IX, reinvigorating the campus Stasi Devos was never able to clear out.
Far left control of the Attorney General's office means sue and settle environmental tactics will resume. Even if they don't get the Green New Deal passed as legislation they will enact much of it through this illegitimate means. Limitations on fracking which support Russia and Iran will be first up.
Immigration law enforcement is effectively over.
Critical Race Theory will form the basis of government training and hiring. Under Trump The Department of Labor is a potential ally of those seeking to prevent race from being used in private sector hiring to support for that purpose. Left wing control converts it to an ally of race discriminators.
Government protection of violent left wingers will advance from limited leftist locations to the entire country through federal oversight of policing.
Federal police oversight will also allow the left to enact much of their defund the police initiative. The goal seems to have settled on segregating police duties so much of them can be assigned to social workers (at least on paper). These funds will instead go to support left wing political activists.
Any opposition to the 1619 Project which uses lies to convince young people (especially blacks) to hate America is over.
These are just a few impacts I can immediately think of. I'm sure there are dozens of others.
Left wingers self select into two groups. One fights for what they want, the other fights anyone who opposes the far left any way they can including by claiming the far left isn't important enough to fight.
It's revealing this second group who constantly argue opposing the far left is an overreaction made the same arguments about campus attacks on free speech, coddling of antifa and other left activists who violated others' civil rights, and Title IX Inquisitions. As we watched these elements move into the broader culture how many of these people changed their position to agree these elements are now a problem? I'll go with zero.
But if this group were honest that those original people were just a few campus crazies wouldn't the evolution into the broader culture change that justification? How many did so? Howard is above making the exact same arguments he always has, and he will always continue to do so because it's a role independent of facts and circumstances. So a rough estimate of people who hold these ideas honestly is 0%. These people are left wingers every bit as invested in achieving far left goals as the people who openly advocate them.
The Politico story is just another one: don't fight us, we won't do much. But then you wake up to riots and unable to speak without being shot, surrounded by people screaming in your face, or fired.
Biden, or whoever will be making decisions, will have a pen and a phone, won't he?
Mass amnesty and citizenship for millions, Iran's nuclear program, a resurgent Islamist movement, the Paris climate accords, an ascending and increasingly aggressive China, absurdist environmental regulations, an AG from the lawfare left, hard leftist leadership at at the cabinet positions, and et cetera, and et cetera, and et cetera.
All supported by a media which will shamelessly cheer them on and provide cover.
Biden's not screwed. The USA is.
Also, without Trump there to provide the backbone, the new Senate will revert to the Gang of Eight Quislings they were before he arrived.
Thanks for the help, Althouse.
Two Senate pickups for Republicans.
Lost two, also.
The House remains in play.
And the presidency will come down to lawsuits.
Democratical cheating of this scale means a Biden Administration will not govern with the consent of the governed.
I am unclear whether they care about such formalities.
But I care and took an oath promising always to care.
What's the over under on returning to more WAR, selling Israel down the river while The Biden's cozy up to Iran and China?
and make money doing so!
Are we already at the ditch Biden for Harris stage?
I just hope win or lose that Trump fires every single "political appointee' or whatever they call them.
Every. single. one.
let Joe and the Ho waste 2 years hiring back the swamp and by then R will have the house.
Sure, it's horrible to win. He probably wishes that he had fought to stop the counting like Trump.
"Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president..."
Mom doesn't approve of sarcasm.
Assuming Biden holds onto Arizona and Nevada, and doesn't get GA, NC, or PA, his administration only really needs to wait until the 2023 to get the Senate. I don't think there is a snowball's chance in Hell that Ron Johnson wins in WI, and Pat Toomey is retiring and sure to replaced by a Democrat. Additionally, the Republicans have to choose a replacement for Burr in NC, and defend GA again if Loeffler wins the runoff. I think it likely that Biden (or, more likely Harris) has both chambers by January 2023, and could still have control this coming term if they can find enough votes in NC and win both GA races in runoffs.
I think the covidiots here need to face facts. They provided Biden his victory. It seems clear that Trump lost ground with older white men, who worry about covid. Pushing Covidiot denialism, like many here did, estranged Trump voters.
I can’t name them all but
Michael K
Yancey Ward
Anne I am
Jersey Fled
Big Mike
Original Mike
deserve a shout out. President-elect Biden would like to buy you a beer!
Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president...
Well it is too old for Biden to be president, but unlike Biden, Trump is a vigorous man without dementia.
Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president...
If you have paid even the slightest attention over this past year to Biden’s behavior... his attempts to communicate... his angry old man non-sequiturs... etc., ad nauseum and haven’t reached the conclusion that he is too old for the office, you’d better keep pondering it.
Trump '24? We can only dream.
Kinda like burning down your house to get rid of the boogie man.
Boogie man is gone. Now what?
Trump has shown the Republican Party how to get out of the demographic cul de sac they are in. The question for me is, did any of them actually learn the lesson? If not for Trump, last night would have been Shelob's reelection night party- 100% certain. And given full control of the court, there is simply no way that any other Republican was likely to get elected again. This will probably still be the case if Trump wins or loses this race, but at least Trump served up the proper example to the Republican Party.
I look out over the party as it stands, and I don't see anyone that can fill Trump's shoes this way. There is literally no Republican in any position today that can contest states like WI, MI, and PA, not to mention the fact that NC and GA have continued their drift to the left electorally. There is only one Republican who seems to get Trump's lesson, but I don't think heart his in it any longer with regards to politics- that is Ted Cruz, the guy I voted for in the 2016 primaries, though I now realize he would have been crushed by Shelob.
So, perhaps, if he is healthy, Trump will contest the 2024 election if he doesn't pull off a miracle in this one. Trump increasingly looks sui generis. If Trump doesn't run again, I predict whoever the Republican nominee is won't win even 150 electoral votes. I think for the Democrat to lose in 2024, the country will literally have to be in a complete state of collapse, and in that case there probably wouldn't even be an election. So, Hail to President Harris for two terms, during which you had better be fucking wearing your face diaper.
"Blogger D.D. Driver said...
If you lose to Joe Biden you choked away and easy win and should go away and shut up forever."
I get it. But the win was never easy. Trump was running against Covid and Trump more than Joe. Strictly speaking, Joe wasn't running; he was fronting.
Maybe Trump should shut up. But I doubt he will.
Politico lives on Fantasy Island. Our current President is Donald J. Trump. Figurehead Biden hasn't won shit. The left shot their wad with summer looting and now autumn vote stealing.
Trump is a fighter and needs folks to fight with him.
The Democrats provided the model. To be legitimate Biden needs a special investigator to look into his son’s foreign ties and whether any monies from such arrangements were passed to Joe. We need a second investigation into Spygate and whether Joe played a role (ie the Jan 5 meeting with Comey, Rice et al).If Joe interferes with either investigation he should be impeached if the House flips in 2022. If this is not done the Democratic party loses all legitimacy.
Biden's most pressing business will be to rein in the DoJ investigation of his own family's wrongdoings as well as President Obama's complicity in the 2016 spying on Trump. He will succeed in rabbit holing the whole thing, thanks to a fawning media, half of whom will be consumed with making over Kamala's image.
If Biden wins, it puts this country one more step down the road to socialism.
And socialism (communism lite) is the second worst system of government ever devised.
It is evil. It ruins peoples' souls.
The only thing worse than white suburban women who voted for Biden is white suburban women who didn't vote at all.
It is cowardly and reprehensible. Closing ones eyes and ears doesn't make evil disappear...
Assuming they're successful in stealing this election, on the bright side for Joe, his family will have the opportunity to accumulate a multi-generational level of wealth. The Chinese alone will pay 100 million per concession on the tariffs and trade agreement (my guess is Biden's brother has opened the bidding already). And the black tar/meth pipeline to Oregon's Amsterdam on the Pacific will be worth a pretty penny to the cartel willing to pony up (we can nickname Biden's family the "Hole in the Wall Gang.")
The MSM can be counted on to provide cover. Any individual or organization attempting to publish evidence of such deals will be blocked forever from Twitter, Facebook and Google Search, and subjected to FBI investigation as an agent of Russia. "Screwed" is in the eye of the beholder.
Also, federal elections need to be run by the military, and every counting operation needs to be filmed real-time with those feeds being available to everyone.
I'm not an expert in blockchain technology, but I believe it has voting applications in regards to much higher security than we now have.
Of course, if Democrats are making the laws, none of this will ever happen.
Blogger John Althouse Cohen said...
And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president...
11/4/20, 3:54 PM
I guess you missed President Trump beat Covit-19 and barnstorm the country in the final week? You're comparison of age sounds like what a 'Millennial' would say? But other than that - nice political words!
One big thing to remember. Unlike Trump, Biden didn't mean everything he said.
Like the typical politician saying stuff they don't mean in order to win.
Biden will be able to blame republicans for his failure to follow through.
A win for him.
KenB a Branch Covidian?
Progressives learned a very valuable piece of information from the 'Masking of Citizens'. People just did what they were told. They obeyed. No 2nd opinion allowed. Gov't Health bureaucrats ruled.
Have you ever watched a mask wearer? or yourself, if you wear a mask? They adjust their mask constantly. Hand to face transmission of a virus. (The most common type of transmission. We already KNOW that.)
Grab the door handle...virus on your hand. Adjust your mask..virus on your mask. A very porous mask, with a microscopic virus sitting there waiting to be inhaled. Increase in 'cases'!
Anyway...went to vote yesterday. Nobody was wearing a mask. Wear I live, Homie don't play dat. Prog Science says we all should be dead by now. I'll check back in 2 weeks, when we're all dead. Ain't no fool like an educated fool.
<Jim Gust said...
Yes, if Trump were 10 years younger, he certainly would be the front runner. In 2024 he'll be too old.
A. Ron DeSantis, FL Governor. He's DYN-O-MITE!
Fuck it —we voted for this mess.
What do you mean “we,” Kemp Sabe?
two words, Grover Cleveland
I know, i know, he'll be like 78; but UNLIKE Jo Biden, he doesn't have Alzheimer's
and he will be Tanned, Rested, and Ready!
For men the posture’s the same
Whether voting or pissing.
Do women believe it lame
That sitting down is missing?
Grackle’s guess on the current mess:
The local & state judges will drag out the legal process for as long as possible. Perhaps past the inaugural date?
Reasons: It buys time to destroy evidence & give the participants in the fraud time to compose & rehearse their stories.
To expedite the proceedings would mean the SCOTUS would get it in a timely manner & they almost certainly do NOT want THAT to happen.
As I understand it the cheaters at present have sole custody of all the ballots which means that they can destroy Trump ballots with impunity if they wish to do so. I’m guessing that that will happen. A recount afterwards would be meaningless. It’s what I would do if I were them.
I’m not a lawyer or any kind of expert so I could be wrong about the above.
It was obvious to me when they mandated it that the mail-in vote mandates by blue state Governors were a scheme to enable the Dems to steal the election. I’ve wondered ever since why the Trump administration didn’t bring legal action immediately to stop them.
So, sad to say, I think Biden will be our next POTUS. I hope I am wrong.
+1 to Rick's comment, and now to address another commenter:
Also, go fuck yourself, K(ar)en B. Nothing, literally nothing seems to affect the spread of coronavirus, Ken, except for being on a fucking island. All we would have ended up with by following your advice is 50%+ unemployment and people killing each other for the last can of catfood in the empty Krogers. Whatever else you want to pile on Trump's shoulders, Ken, he saved us from that fate, at least until Joe takes office in January. If coronavirus is still "raging" on January 20th and Biden is the president, you had better be well stocked with food since Biden has more or less painted himself into a corner on the lockdowns.
Also, on Georgia, I think it likely now that Perdue will face a runoff. Ossoff won't get above 50% either, but he is almost assured of getting enough votes now to bring Perdue down under the 50% level- and that will be a tough runoff for Perdue to win without Trump at the top of the ticket.
So much for packing the court.
We definitely need Trump for four more years, so he can stop, by any and all means, this bullshit voting by mail fraud. Fuck that shit.
"If you lose to Joe Biden you choked away and easy win and should go away and shut up forever".
Well not if the race was stolen from him by democrat banana republic shenanigans. I'm not sure our country is strong enough to survive an illegitimate presidency during a pandemic. We barely made it through Bush-Gore 2000 without imploding. Bush only gained his sea legs and was fighting for legitimacy when 9/11 happened.
As of this writing there are still many outstanding questions of the vote totals in AZ, WI, PA & MI. God help us if the winner is not credibly certified before Inauguration.
And on Pennsylvania- the Democrats are stringing it out so that more mail-in ballots can be added to the present "counting" operation that goes on for days. If they actually counted up all the vote last night, like they probably could have done, then that sets the total vote at that point in time. By stringing it out- counting a thousand ballots an hour and then taking a 2 hour coffee break, the actual final count goes on for days and days while the mail gets slipped through the back door.
Trump won't run again. One of kids might.
Ken B said...
I think the covidiots here need to face fac"ts. They provided Biden his victory. It seems clear that Trump lost ground with older white men, who worry about covid. Pushing Covidiot denialism, like many here did, estranged Trump voters."
I think you need to get the sand in your vagina changed, Ken.
Early prediction: The next wining ticket will include Marco Rubio, but he'll need to adopt a little Trumpism.
A little Good news out of North Carolina
Remember this guy? He gave that 2nd amendment speech that went viral a few years back.
Thank you for your services, Mr. Durham. We'll read your report as soon as it's convenient, but I don't think we'll be taking any further action.
Congratulations, shady ex-IC figures. You beat the rap.
It's not just the socialism, folks- we will be ruled and smashed by the corrupt threesome. Biden-Pelosi-Clinton.
Assuming Biden winds, of course. The question then will be if he can hang on long enough to last a half term, so Harris can run in both 2024 and 2028.
At 78 yrs old it is hard to see Trump as front-runner for the GOP in 2024--king-maker, maybe.
That is assuming the Dems don't take the Senate and hold the House in 2022, in which case we had our last remotely competitive election for a generation, and the last remotely fair one was 2016, with 2018 rigged but not completely off the rails.
When a fair history is finally written, 2020 will be recognized as a pivotal, regine change elections, the election where the intel agencies allied with the tech giants, the media, and the Democratic Party to take over our politics for a generation or more. If it works they will not forget the playbook, they will perfect it.
Blogger Ken B said...
I think the covidiots here need to face facts.
Nice to hear the Canadian opinion. You seem to have trouble with Economics. I know you are a renowned epidemiologist, like Fauci, but that is not the sum total of wisdom. Peddle your wares in Democrat circles. Most of them are still getting paid their government salaries.
Biden is out there lying.
Lotta cheating and fraud in MI and PA.
See here
"Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported:
-23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden
-about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden"
Amazing how only votes for Biden are being found.
If Donald Trump loses, which he hasn't yet, it will be for several reasons, which will include some cheating by the Democrats. How much, I don't know, but some surely. One has to wonder whether they will come to regret that, cheating to get Joe Biden elected. Would you really want to pick that particular hill to die on?
If you're any one of the 21 or so other Democrats who ran for the nomination (excluding Kamala Harris) or anyone waiting in the wings for your chance, is it really so wonderful that the Democrats faked their way into getting Joe Biden into the White House this election cycle. Just to have to try and prop Joe Biden up to get to 2024 and then you have to deal with Kamala Harris becoming your standard bearer after that. Short term gain, longer term loss it seems like.
Bernie Sanders will not be the Secretary of Labor. Susan Rice will not be Secretary of State. Elizabeth Warren will not be the Treasure Secretary OR a Supreme Court justice.
Americans are screwed.
Biden and his family are essentially mobsters. The king mob boss would like you to cooperate and go to sleep.
Biden looks screwed by the 25th amendment
Even if Trump wins, I want a recount. If Biden doesn't demand it, then we know he knows what really happened.
Regardless, we need to know if our elections are fair or just a corrupt pile like a lot of shithole countries have.
And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
In 2024 Trump will be how old?
"Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos as Workers Block Windows, Bar Observers"
Now why would they need to do that? Are they trying on each others clothes or having sex in there?
Do you know what Christian Churches hate to teach in America? This: Jesus told us that Satan rules this World.
American FemChurch hates that. If you're gonna fill the pews, you have to preach: Happy,happy...Joy, joy... Love, love, love. It's human nature. Everybody wants to get rich. But, this guy, Jesus said...
"None come to me, lest He who sent Me, draws him." Jesus was sent by God. He was letting everybody know that the path to Salvation is a narrow gate, and few go in that way.
All of the history of the Ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament was superceded by Jesus.
Don't get your panties in a twist. Don't reject God because you don't believe in 'Hell'.
God doesn't torture you forever. You are already in Hell. It's not that bad. Got Netflix. God simply asks, "Would you like to get out? Granted, you have NetFlix, but... would you like to get out?.
You get more chances. Peter asked Jesus, How many times should I forgive someone? Jesus said 70 times 7. Buddha talked about having to come back. How many times? Go back and try again.
How would you feel about being forced to repeat the 4th Grade? Shame? Embarrassment? It's kinda like that. You have to go back. You have to start over.
Our world celebrates PRIDE, while God informs that humility is the baseline, to move on.
You know what sucks? I have never been a humble man. I have to go back.
We're here for a short time.
First Words
Reported Wisconsin voter turnout in 2020 is so high that it can only be viewed as a virtual statistical impossibility. It’s 5.5 standard deviations from the mean. It’s a black swan event. You’d never expect to see it in this world. This should be immediately investigated.
Seriously. The corrupt left are stealing it right in front of us.
In summary, more condescending BS from the Professor.
"I think the covidiots here need to face fac"ts"
That term doesn't really makes sense as you use it. It should apply to those who were fooled by the covid bullshit into dropping their Constitutional protections including a fair election which was also ruined by the Covid lies in order to facilitate widespread fraud. Those who jumped on that bandwagon are the covidiots. The rest of us just remained freedom loving Americans who don't panic away the most important things about our nation.
We cannot rest. We must fight the corrupt elite establishment.
"Early prediction: The next wining ticket will include Marco Rubio, but he'll need to adopt a little Trumpism."
I had early hopes years ago for Rubio...young, Hispanic.
But he turned out to be a dim bulb and a pussy on top of that.
I'd have a hard time voting for him unless he grows some balls (doubtful)....
>Biden looks screwed by the 25th amendment
I'm not sure the deep state will care enough to bother. They don't really need affirmative Presidential support to advance their agenda, so an enfeebled / do-nothing President will be fine from their POV.
The only thing they can't tolerate is Presidential opposition.
@Martin 5:59
Nailed it (unfortunately)...
Kimberly Strassel
"1) I am legitimately interested/confused by this. I checked, and the top number is indeed Wisconsin's active registered voter number as of Nov. 1. The bottom is approx. what has been counted. That is a (not feasible) 89% turnout.
Quote Tweet
Flag of United States
· 7h
Wisconsin has 3,684,726 active registered voters.
They are stealing this right in front of us.
They counted 3,288,771 votes.
That's, um, a bit unbelievable. "
BB&H asks the right question-- how old in 2024?
Too old. I voted for him this time, but I wouldn't vote for an older Trump for the same reason (among others) I didn't support Biden.
Consistent if nothing else
All the leftists are screaming to arrest and murder Trump within 5 minutes of Biden taking the oath of office in January, plus his family as well.
They might not get to murder him on the spot, but Trump will not be left alone to "annoy" the left any longer.
Every leftist I've seen has explicitly promised some sort of attack on the concept of "peaceful transfer of power." Power might be peacefully transferred... and then the violence will begin.
After all, who will stop them from just flatly murdering, say, McConnell? Or any other Senator? Just kill a couple of Republican Senators from states governed by Democrats, until Schumer gets enough votes. Then they own everything, and it's Katy bar the door... impeach all Republican supreme court justices, at the very least.
@Sally327: imagine how it must feel to be one of the other Democrat candidates and you were passed over for Joe Biden (that creepy POS) with Kamala Harris, she who never even lasted long enough to compete in a primary, as VP. There weren't many but there were some candidates who are honest and thoughtful people that were pursuing the office for positive reasons, not simply Orange Man Bad. They must be PISSED.
"Thank you for your services, Mr. Durham. We'll read your report as soon as it's convenient, but I don't think we'll be taking any further action"
Assuming Trump loses, what if Trump and Barr throws one last stink bomb on the way out the door and appoint Durham as special counsel until all russia gate business is complete in say...2023?
Also why not appoint a special council to look into influence peddling with Hunter Biden? Now we know a Biden administration can't credibly look into this without conflict of interest. I'm sure Mitch McConnell would be happy to set up some hearings on this as well.
Biden won't make it 4 years and everyone knows it. Kamala will step in - in another year or two. That places Kamala at the top.
This is just Politico pushing that process along.
Good. I love a hamstrung Dem POTUS.
"Biden looks screwed even if he wins" is just the new stanza of the "Is the country ungovernable?" song that gets sung every time there's a D in the Oval Office.
Funny how I didn't hear that question even once from the MSDNC chin-pullers in the four years Trump was in power. And watch it submerge again if he pulls out the win.
Such a cynic I've become
"Trump will be 78. I thought that was supposed to be too old for Biden to be president..."
Once you've matured and gained some life experience, you'll come to understand that people of the same age are not equally competent.
Or maybe you won't.
I wonder if Biden will close down the US Embassy in Jerusalem, you know, just out of spite.
Senate Republicans will block any crazy Democratic legislation coming out of the House that is NOT monetarily advantageous to them, but will let slide - with a little fussing for show - anything that pads the accounts of their family and friends. Especially, Cocaine Mitch.
It's fascinating to see California become a nearly 70% Dem state, and it's turning into a true hellscape of unbridled c-r-a-z-y policies. Yet people leave there and bring their degenerate political habits to other states, thus infecting the rest of the country.
America changed yesterday. I have felt all day today like I lost a loved one because, of course, I have. Voting, the cornerstone of our Republic, was sullied by widespread fraud committed openly at an appalling level. I owe it to America to resist those who have stolen my right to vote in fair elections. The rest of what I have to say will remain unsaid.
Biden won't be "hamstrung" because the hard left will be in power, not him, and they won't abide by any rules. They'll wreck the party and the country but do you think they'll care? Think Portland
I have been overcome by a sense of calm as Biden looks to be the next Preezy. Why? Because now it's up to him/her/them/it to fix all of these horrible problems Trump left behind.
Covid? Good luck. The hubris to think that humans can control a highly-contagious incredibly small respiratory virus is hilarious. There are so many derivations in results all around the world that there is neither rhyme nor reason nor a policy plan that can stop it in its tracks. Sweden has had the best idea, but who knows with our unhealthy population if it would work as well here.
The economy? You'll wreck it and you'll own it because you cannot help yourself. Taxpayers exist to be exploited. Sure, the media will write glowing treatises to "Recovery Summer, take 4" but we'll know how phony it all is.
There is a reason Obama/Hillary begat Trump. What awaits on the other side?
"Wait, now it's "Biden got the most votes of any election!" because of turnout."
It's almost as if we keep growing more and more Americans.
Ken B/Robert Reich
Compare and contrast.
Charlie Currie: "Senate Republicans will block any crazy Democratic legislation coming out of the House that is NOT monetarily advantageous to them, but will let slide - with a little fussing for show - anything that pads the accounts of their family and friends. Especially, Cocaine Mitch."
In 2022, the democraticals and their deep staters/Big Tech/media allies will target whichever republicans they want and they will use their now fully developed and tested election fraud tactics to deliver the majority in Nov of 2022 they need to enact every change they need to lock in a permanent one-state majority, and then, we are off to becoming an EU-like member nation.
My husband (very active in local GOP), is pretty depressed today.
Me? I think the voters voted for gridlock. Just trying to steady the boat before 2024. The Dems will be eating their young during the 2024 primary because there is no way Biden will be running for a 2nd term.
Redistricting right around the corner. 29 state legislatures are 100% GOP controlled. In my state (Washington), Dems control both houses BUT we have a "bi-partisan" redistricting commission which historically can't easily get away with gerrymandering.
Dems are screwed - Nancy has zero control; we have enough judges that we can stop the EOs (lesson learned, you stupid Dems. the GOP DOES learn from your excesses).
As ex-President, he'll be liberated to speak, building some new media operation. He'll be the Democrats' nemesis. And won't he be the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024?
That's what I'm afraid. The GOP needs to move in the direction of Trumpism, not Trump. Unfortunately, Trump doesn't know what Trumpism is and probably disagree with it if presented to him. He's a Reaganite, and in many ways his first term wasn't all that distinguishable from a third Bush term, except with an even more unhinged media and political opposition.
Some of the potential heirs to Trumpism like Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton have issues of their own. Tucker Carlson is probably the most known figure who articulates a Trumpist vision. If national conservatism is ever going to be a viable force in American politics, it will have to build institutional support. For now, only The American Conservatism has an editorial point-of-view that fits the description. There are others like V Dare and Taki's, but they are much deeper in the alt-right milieu.
If we had an honest curious press, Bobulinski would have been interviewed on every network. but alas- our press is corrupt and part of the corrupt democrat machine.,
Biden won't be "hamstrung" because the hard left will be in power, not him, and they won't abide by any rules. They'll wreck the party and the country but do you think they'll care? Think Portland
The power behind Biden, and even Kamala, is not "hard left." It's the centrist Clintonians who have dominated the Democratic Party for over 25 years. That's why they spent the last two primaries doing everything possible to stop Bernie Sanders. That's why they courted Mike Bloomberg. It's people like Neera Tanden and the Center for American Progress. It's why people like Glenn Greenwald were attacked from criticizing Biden from the left.
That said, there is obviously a leftward pull coming from within the party represented by factions around Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren supporters. The centrists are doing everything they can to resist this pull. On issues of identity politics and social justice, even that faction is divided between the "Bernie Bros" and Warren's supporters. We'll have to wait and see how these tensions all resolve themselves.
Kimberly Strassel's Twitter question on Wisconsin numbers:
1) I am legitimately interested/confused by this. I checked, and the top number is indeed Wisconsin's active registered voter number as of Nov. 1. The bottom is approx. what has been counted. That is a (not feasible) 89% turnout.
Since Trump is Hitler, asking the question is cruising for a bruising from Jack Dorsey, and perhaps, given Fox News coverage last night, from the WSJ itself.
If Pence tops the ticket we’re back to that NAZI Booosh. And Homala will drop him like a bad habit. Thankfully I’m in my eighties and can’t plan on being there.
“ It's fascinating to see California become a nearly 70% Dem state, and it's turning into a true hellscape of unbridled c-r-a-z-y policies. Yet people leave there and bring their degenerate political habits to other states, thus infecting the rest of the country.”
That’s kinda old news. What about Oregon that has apparently legalized pretty much any street drug you could want. What could go wrong? As the state becomes druggy paradise, bringing in junkies from around the country. Should be interesting.
Californian's, currently by a 12% margin, are rejecting Proposition 16, which would have reinstated affirmative action in various state contracts.
That's pretty huge I think, considering how much more diverse California is than in 1996, when the ban was enacted.
Expert nonlawyers on Twitter insist Trump needs to be dragged through the courts for his "criminal activity in office" whatever that is.
They never specify the crimes.
Logan Act stuff again?
Gilligan said...
>Biden looks screwed by the 25th amendment
I'm not sure the deep state will care enough to bother. They don't really need affirmative Presidential support to advance their agenda, so an enfeebled / do-nothing President will be fine from their POV.
The only thing they can't tolerate is Presidential opposition.
I pity the poor Secret Service agent whose sole job will be to empty Joe's droolcup as he sits naked next to the White House pool.
But with the Senate that close, are you sure some Republican won't flip, as Arlen Specter and Jim Jeffords did when control of the Senate was up in the air, and give control to the Democrats? Romney, Collins, Sasse? Also, some Senators may make get cabinet appointments. Bernie and Liz leaving wouldn't change the composition of the Senate (Bernie won't get an appointment, but Liz might, if the Republicans control the Senate and could block what she has in mind), but what if Biden appoints Sasse or some other Republican?
But of course, Trump could still come out on top, though it's less likely now than it was 24 hours ago.
(Ivanka) Trump 2020!
The cat fight between Jill Biden and Karmala Harris should be entertaining. Jill will certainly resist having her husband shuffled off to the old age home, if only to preserve her own perks.
For me the ultimate irony is the Dem who couldn't even make it through her first primary will preside over the dissolution of the republic.
This is deluded. It is not about normal politics.
Think in banana republic terms, because that is actually what you are.
Everything is about the unimpeded control of state power, which means the vast bureaucracies of the executive branch, and all its appurtenances like commissions and qangoes, and its cooperation with outside entities.
That structure effectively makes the laws through regulation and selective enforcement and lawfare.
The polite civics structure is a facade over reality.
It is unwise to assume that the means of communication, with which an effective opposition can be formed, will still be available to the opposition. Alternate communications channels were used with great success 2015-2020, much of it through the creative jiu-jitsu of Trump himself.
Be assured that your enemies have learnt this lesson.
I get the feeling these falsch shadenfreude articles are just a bit of reverse psychology to placate Republicans into giving up the idea the Presidency stolen.
I'm not a Trumpet anyway, never voted for him but it's obvious the media fix is in and that many government officials will go to great dishonest lengths to remove Trump. So voter fraud isn't out of the question.
Why can't the states tally their votes in secret and all release at the same time?
People say Biden and Harris, as if these people were the actual operative will behind your political opponents. But in fact you should discount their personalities entirely, you may as well forget that they even exist. As political actors these people are nonentities, empty vessels, puppets, facades.
Your opponents are effectively a committee, a collective entity that will be making all the decisions, and with which other parties will negotiate. That is, unless there is some single eminence grise somewhere, of which I have not heard so far.
It is interesting that the composition of this committee is, so far, uncertain or unknown.
Biden is screwed as President.......
We deny the premise! Fuck Biden - that cowardly figurehead who condones looting, arson, and now stealing elections.
J. Farmer: "The power behind Biden, and even Kamala, is not "hard left." It's the centrist Clintonians who have dominated the Democratic Party for over 25 years."
You could not be more wrong.
The power behind Kamala is the same power that got her in the race in the first place: the obama's.
And the obama's are not Clinton fans.
Obama will be running Kamala and her admin/staff for the duration.
J. Farmer said...
Some of the potential heirs to Trumpism like Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton have issues of their own. Tucker Carlson is probably the most known figure who articulates a Trumpist vision. If national conservatism is ever going to be a viable force in American politics, it will have to build institutional support. For now, only The American Conservatism has an editorial point-of-view that fits the description. There are others like V Dare and Taki's, but they are much deeper in the alt-right milieu.
11/4/20, 7:48 PM
The American Conservatism represents Trumpism?? I understand why you'd try to hijack an infinitely more popular agenda, but seriously: don't do that. Hawley, Cotton, Cruz- just about all of the Senate leaders with a chance of leading the party would laugh you out of the room. -Maybe- Rand Paul takes TAC seriously, but we're more likely to see a VDARE president than one backed by TAC. Naziism was defined by Hitler: and American populism, like it or not, will be defined by Trump. Until someone crueler comes along.
Tucker Carlson had a good run tonight, but he didn't call out Fox by name and that means quite a few people I know will make a permanent switch to Newsmax. He's the only nationalist voice on mainstream TV, but mainstream TV means less than it did.
I love the idea that only out of office would Trump finally be "liberated" to freely speak his mind. 'cause until now, the guy has been a sphinx.
The Biden presidency will live in history as a Corrupt Bargain.
That said, I'd take John Quincy Adams over Biden in a heartbeat. Let's see how the next few years roll out and see how the collapse of broadcast news and print media parallels the collapse of the Federalist Party in the wake of the election of 1824. With modern resources at his disposal, what would Andrew Jackson do in this time?
There's no script for what comes next, but we can find something it may rhyme with. Lots of questions are to be asked and few answered about shenanigans in the process. If this is a victory for the blob that is the ruling coalition fighting against middle America, it will be pyrrhic.
Read Matthew 7:24-27 and think of what Biden's presidency rests upon.
Be of good cheer. There are fantastic adventures and historic victories to come.
Since the voting is over, WHERE the hell is the Durham report. It's time.
The biggest thing for the Repugs to focus on is cleaning up the the effects of the mail-in vote genie that has been let out. Not to fight it, but to make sure that the sudden appearance of vote drops is at least minimized. Begin in the Repug states.
"... judges in place that the Republicans can engage to rescind any EOs they don't like. Just like the Dems did to Trump. If they have the balls, that is."
Hahahahahaha. Good joke.
Blogger Narr said...
"BB&H asks the right question-- how old in 2024?
Too old. I voted for him this time, but I wouldn't vote for an older Trump for the same reason (among others) I didn't support Biden.
Consistent if nothing else"
LOL. Your vote didn't count this time. What makes you think there's even going to be another election. The republic is dead so is the democracy it represented. Buwaya is right. We're just another banana republic. The rule of law is now fungible. I give it until February until officials start demanding bribes to do their jobs.
The whole country is officially Chicago.
There will be no Durham Report - he and Barr have been slow walking it, get through the election and if Biden wins it will be terminated, if Trump wins no one will care.
And the obama's are not Clinton fans.
My reference to "Clintonian" was not to the Clintons themselves but tti he style of third way, DLC style of Democratic politics that came to dominate the party following Clinton's election. He began as an organized movement within the party in response to Mondale's crushing defeat by Reagan. Their model was similar to one that coalesced around Scoop Jackson after McGovern's defeat in 1972. It is this centrist coalition, represented by figures like Klobuchar and Buttigieg, who dominate the party and are trying to stave off more left-wing figures.
The American Conservatism represents Trumpism?? I understand why you'd try to hijack an infinitely more popular agenda, but seriously: don't do that. Hawley, Cotton, Cruz- just about all of the Senate leaders with a chance of leading the party would laugh you out of the room. -Maybe- Rand Paul takes TAC seriously, but we're more likely to see a VDARE president than one backed by TAC.
The three issues that define Trumpism--immigration, trade, and militarism--are a paleocon agenda. The closest antecedent to them is Pat Buchanan's 1992 primary against George H.W. Bush, where he advocated an America First policy. TAC has been criticizing mainstream conservatism from a Trumpist perspective for over a decade. It does not advocate anything the libertarianism Rand Paul supports. Hawley published an op-ed in TAC last year called Restoring The Great American Middle.
The use of universal mail balloting, coupled with vote harvesting in California and other states, raised the participation level of this election to heights not seen in a century. But mostly it was the vote harvesting. That should really, really be stopped.
Asked about this, Kamala Harris scrinched up her face in a Joker-like grimace, cackled, and hurried off without answering the question.
It was a nice Constitution while it lasted. Too bad.
Trumpism; Illegal immigration, economic prosperity and anti-military involvement. Fixed it for ya J.
You may never be wrong, But you're hardly ever right.
The only thing that matters is getting rid of trump and his criminal enterprise! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
Trump 1 term fluke president.SDNY waiting for him.The virus will be inoculated by SLEEPY JOE,oh the irony beaten by Obams buddy! When hes in prison he can reflect on that...Left with less jobs produced than Herbert Hoover,increased the debt by trillions no healtcare,infrastructure and spent more tax payer $$$ on golfing then any president in history!
Trumpism; Illegal immigration, economic prosperity and anti-military involvement. Fixed it for ya J.
Oh, right, no other Republican in 2016 was running on "economic prosperity." The way Trump distinguished himself from the field was his attack on trade liberalization, which Republicans had largely been supporting since Reagan.
You may never be wrong, But you're hardly ever right.
Oh, Rusty, you're as lost as a fart in the wind. A walking pastiche of talk radio and cable news clichés.
J. Farmer said...
The three issues that define Trumpism--immigration, trade, and militarism--are a paleocon agenda. The closest antecedent to them is Pat Buchanan's 1992 primary against George H.W. Bush, where he advocated an America First policy. TAC has been criticizing mainstream conservatism from a Trumpist perspective for over a decade. It does not advocate anything the libertarianism Rand Paul supports. Hawley published an op-ed in TAC last year called Restoring The Great American Middle.
11/5/20, 7:46 AM
Hawley's op-ed is not diagnostic: Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed for the NYT, but no one claims partenrship based on that. The policy of America First is a founding principle of Trumpism, and it's why Hawley sticks as closely as he does to the President. Rand Paul's perspective on militarism and foreign policy is the closest influence TAC has over the government on the ideals it really focuses on.
But the proof of who's right in this debate is in the results. The Federalist Society and Steven Miller have far more influence on the Trump Administration than TAC is likely to manage. Vox Day probably has more influence over Trump supporters than TAC does. So they'll remain a fusion device, alt-lite if you would, but nothing more serious than that.
So they'll remain a fusion device, alt-lite if you would, but nothing more serious than that.
You've misunderstood my point. It was never about influence. That it is not very influential was my point. I wrote, "If national conservatism is ever going to be a viable force in American politics, it will have to build institutional support. For now, only The American Conservatism has an editorial point-of-view that fits the description." That is, TAC it has a national conservative point-of-view but not institutional support.
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