From "Biden picked up the weight of the presidency and much of the nation set down its burdens" by Robin Givhan (WaPo).
ADDED: This column has been up since 6:37 last night, yet no one has corrected the homophone typo "lesson" (for "lessen"): "He was a pragmatic choice, but that doesn’t lesson his value."
What is the "lesson" here? Givhan is saying that Biden's "value" is not lessened by his having been selected because he could partially alleviate the suffering of black people and that was, pragmatically, the best you could realistically hope for in systemically racist America. If that is the theory of his election, then what was he elected to do? If he just gives us a rest — a long gentle absence of badness — will he be regarded as a big success? Or is the suggestion that he got in on low expectations, but somehow he does owe the people something more in line with "revolutionary goals that would fundamentally remodel this country."
AND: Speaking of pragmatism, who exercised the pragmatism and at what point? We're invited to see meaning in the pragmatism, but whose pragmatism was it? Biden "was a pragmatic choice." Does Givhan mean that Biden was the pragmatic choice of Democratic Party insiders, who needed to find the best path for stopping Bernie Sanders and who put Jim Clymer forward to endorse Biden and leverage the black vote to give Biden some momentum at long last? Or does Givhan mean that black people were pragmatic in accepting Biden as the best chance they had in this systemically racist country?
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
That’s probably news to the black people who voted for Trump.
Also, so we can just make up wild whopper lies about the president of the united states? We can do that now?
And a black persons life just magically became easier because Biden “picked up the weight of the presidency?” All of the sudden his rent has been halved, traffic parts before him and donuts don’t have calories?
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
So explain to me how Trump's vote increased among all minorities?
Do they believe this drivel and fantasy that they write about? Not likely. They just hate Trump that much.
Just when it seems the media can't make themselves more irrelevant, they do.
This is all so funny to me. Watching it happen again after 4 years is amazing to behold.
YEah, my lefty friends on Facebook were talking about how they could just feel the world being happier, that everything had already changed. And I just want to tell them, "no, that's on you. Your feelings are inside you"
I think of the way the street parties yesterday were treated by the media vs how the Trump rallies have been treated. Over all 4 years. I don't blame people and reporters for being biased toward themselves, but can they at least realize it? Realize the world isn't healed just because *they* like the guy who won?
So did white supremacy first grow and thrive since 2016 - or has it been here since 1619?
And Jews! Has anyone been paying attention to DeBlasio and Cuomo, and what they are doing and saying about the Jewish communities in New York?
They've gone from school to school, looking for illegal school goers. Yet Times Square yesterday was a-ok with them. Fun!
Have the oceans stopped rising again?
yeah, this site has turned into the theatre of the absurd. Im out
Kind of reminds me of how Obama stopped the seas from rising.
And how he gave us world peace and got some kind of prize for it.
if Mein Kampf was published today, this site would be talking about the nuance of what Hitler really means when he says exterminate the Jews.
It has been reported that Biden has cut short victory celebration as he is now in route to Stockholm to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize.
Burst on the American scene several years ago. No legislation authored when in senate for a couple years. Not raised culturally African American. Have we seen this before? Will she heal Joe's racism? Both Joe and her put African Americans in prison under dubious circumstances, so what is the 'minority' attraction. Healing? Joe can start with Hunter!
Biden lifted the sadness and anger that hovered over ..... the Black Community, immigrants, Jews and others. Others being China.
Jesus wept.
Hi Han would have been praising the redo lance at Auschwitz and perhaps even praised the mustachioed perp. Ignoring that more blacks voted for Trump is somehow their rising hopes for Biden is quite 1984-ish.
Good point, Humperdink.
The Yuan has gained a lot since the attempted stealing of the presidency.
Professor Benford is impressed.
The massive rise of anti-Semitism lies on the left. In our universities, at the core of all of the Marxist movements, including BLM. And within the Black community which embraces Louis Farrakhan. More Jews are catching on. Liberal Jews consider Liberalism their main religion. Being Jewish is secondary or tertiary at best.
Of course Robin Givhan would not see this. It's hard to see much from a 20th story condo cocktail party in Georgetown. So you have to depend on your circle of influencers who...just happen to all think alike, hang out in the same places, read and listen to the same things, and tend to know next to nothing about the 70 or so million who do not think like you but share your country.
The myth of Trump's racism and anti-Semitism continues to be put forth by the ignorant. It's as predictable as the sunrise. The growth of both the Conservative Jewish movement and Conservative Black movement got a huge jumpstart under Trump. This will not be forgotten and it will continue to grow. The left can continue to spout its smug, ever predictable shibboleths. I'll keep saying this- we have only begun to fight.
The MSM can dish this garbage out but they can't make me eat it.
Someone's being played!
What a puff piece. Isn’t the author on the style or fashion beat for WaPo?
Joe and Barack had 8 years to fix systemic racism.
Butkus 6:51
Well, bye.
What disgusts me the most about the left is their extreme conceit and complete lack of empathy.They are literally incapable of grasping that half the country is feeling sadness and anger over a Biden Presidency. Not to mention possibly stealing the election.
Okay, 6:31. Still, announcing your departure is the least impactful thing you can do, ever. Just go away already.
Given is nothing but a race hustler. A not very bright race hustler.
Cacimbo, yeah the Trump era was filled with empathy for the other side.
You're just getting the same dish you have been serving the country for 4 years.
Buckle up snowflake, you might have your feelings hurt again. Poor fragile white dudes are going to have to grown up finally.
I can hear Oh Happy Day in the background there. With a full choir.
I agree with MayBee at 6:30 AM, you really do just have to laugh. I think they're trying hard to convince themselves that Joe Biden was worth it, all their hatred and vitriol and lies and deceit over the last 4 years. To say nothing of the money they spent to defeat Donald Trump. When they could have been using all that cash to fund a reparations program.
by Robin Givhan
C'mon, man, she black.
I mean, you got the first mainstream Affirmative-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking gal. I mean, that's a storybook, man. Well, probably clean at least, but not bright.
but that doesn’t lesson his value
no editors
See Joe brag about his vote fraud organization.
Wait - you mean the lesson of this election is that disagreeing with Democrats is racist? Since Biden isn't one of the crazy leftists, does this mean this is the "Reasonable Democrat" position?
Quite right, Howard.
Blogger Butkus51 said...yeah, this site has turned into the theatre of the absurd. Im out
Ok, bye.
Blogger Butkus51 said...if Mein Kampf was published today, this site would be talking about the nuance of what Hitler really means when he says exterminate the Jews.
I thought you were leaving.
Nothing ever changes. Hero worship of their guy, insane hatred of not their guy, then hero worship of their guy again. It’s all the same.
One thing I can assure you: Joe Biden is no healer.
no one has corrected the homophone typo "lesson" (for "lessen")
Probably nobody read that far.
The Democrats run all the places where Black men are shot in the back every night by the police. They have treated Blacks like slaves since the end of the civil war. And now black people feel a weight lifted? The slave master is now the President and you chumps are celebrating! I've got news for you, soon you will be America's Palestinians. Trump did amazing things for Black people - lowest unemployment in history, early release from Biden & Harris' prisons, and he stopped flooding the country with illegals who took jobs from your kids. What did he get for it? A few percentage increase in votes? BLM - why should anyone care? You had a chance and now you are back to the plantation! Good bye and good riddance!
Good Robin! Good little stooge! Here's a biscuit.
They just hate Trump that much.
But why? 4+ years later and the source of that hate is yet to be identified. The racist trope is just that, a trope. Nothing to support the allegation.
My best explanation is the fact that the media and the dnc are exactly the same group of people. President Trump is changing foreign policy focus. Since WWII the United States has ignored our self interests, for the sin of WWI and WWII (also lesser conflicts). All trade and foreign policy has been structured to repay those past sins. Subsidizing the economies of our allies. All those subsidies are financed by American citizens. All the flow of US $ to foreign nations and entities (NGO's) is where the vigorish lives, the vigorish is how DC power players amass their wealth.(the only bipartisan activity in DC) every $ of foreign "aid" has a cut taken by DC politicos(the media gets some of the crumbs falling from the power players plates)
All the DC players have foundations, think tanks, charities( Clinton foundation ring any bells/) that receive donations from NGO's doing Gods work in developing nations.
Biden has, through is raw ineptitude, exposed several more of the ways money is transferred.("10% held for the big guy") $1.5 BILLION to a hedge fund managed by your coked out son, nets $15 MILLION every single year in just a 1% management fee, not counting trading fees. The graft/vigorish is non stop.
President Trump is dismantling this legal corruption. Thus the need to demonize the person threatening their very existence. And we have the masses led by the media to believe something without a basis, and hate is perpetuated.
Re: this column.
Consider the source.
He’s not legitimate.
Wait until the cheating gives them both Senate seats in GA. And they will stop at nothing to do it, mark my words.
Then the real pain begins.
So... come January 21, 2021, does The Washington Post do away with "Democracy Dies in Darkness."
Or replace it with "Democracy Dies in Dementia"?
The hatred of Trump has different sources depending on who we are talking about. The government insiders and DC players hate him for all the reasons you detail. People like my 88 yr old Democrat MIL hate him because of his purported meanness. Some hate him because he pulled the US out of the Paris Accords. Others because they see him as kowtowing to Israel and the Jews (at the expense of the Palestinians). Still others hate him because he has rolled back the government coddling and subsidizing of diversity, LGBTQ, and his refusal to give in to BLM and Antifa.
Still and all they couldn't dissuade half the US electorate from supporting President Trump, further inflaming the Left's hatred of him and us. There will be no healing.
Trump--Best employment numbers in history for Blacks, Hispanics, and women. Getting rid of Trump will do wonders for the Black community.
Remember when Obama joined Biden for his last rallies in Michigan and the turnout looked like a high school car wash--one where the cheerleaders weren't wearing Daisy Dukes?
Just let me know which of these books you'd like to discuss the finer points of...
Or does Givhan mean that black people were pragmatic in accepting Biden as the best chance they had in this systemically racist country?
@Althouse, your blunder is in trying to make sense out of a Robin Givhan column. And it is racist to correct the misspellings of a black person! The Madison police will be by sometime in the next couple days to escort you to your Critical Race Theory remedial class.
This kind of lying propaganda creates real anger. “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is their motto, not a warning. That’s why they refused to report any actual news that might have hurt Biden and why they make up lies now. Trump increased his margin among minorities and appears to have lost his election due to his loss of white men.
One thing we know, is that the co-ordinated press is very good at creating appearances.
Biden has mumbled WAY more Racist crap than Trump EVER has. He even Eulogized Robert Byrd. The Robinette Family owned slaves. Spare me the white supremacy crap that the media and their masters spewed out to scare little white liberals into rioting and looting and making our country a third world wonderland. They are who they claim WE are. They are the ones that they hate. Screw them, and screw their fake ass unity calls.
"Wait until the cheating gives them both Senate seats in GA.”
Our only hope is that they use that Schumer clip effectively, and maybe they should clean up their election laws pretty quickly.
Joe Biden's controversial son Hunter was by his side on Saturday night as the president-elect thanked America for sending him back to the White House.
“I didn’t vote for Hunter.”
Oh yes you did.
I've been in contact with Trump lawyers. As a poll watcher I also was barred from watching the election process, in clear violation of the law (wish I'd known that at the time). I don't think there was any in person fraud at my district (if so they're really bad at it, cause Trump got over 70% in this historically blue district) but as far as I can tell no one got to watch the mail in vote count.
I am a data analyst during the day. I paid for the Bucks County voter registration list and ran the numbers. Biden got 7 points higher in the category "mail in ballot" than be did in the category "registered Democrat". This despite about 22% of mail in ballots having been requested by Republicans. So fucking ridiculous, so much fraud.
Just got here to Althouse a little while ago while eating breakfast and drinking my coffee. Seeing all these articles makes me wonder if I have stumbled onto an American version of Pravda.
My wife has been following a couple of her lefty friends on FB and they reported they actually broke down and cried last night watching Joe and Kamala because they are now rid of Orange Man and have "two people of such good character all the world can respect." These fawning idiots know absolutely nothing about China Joe's corruption and Kamala sleeping with Willie Brown and wouldn't care if you laid out absolute proof right in front of them. The most important thing to them is Trump is gone.
Keen insight from the fashion editor.
Trump is all about free and fair. If the MSM-DNC-SiValley complex had treated him fairly, there would be no healing needed. Trump is not the source of the angst - that complex is still with us. That’s what we need to dismantle. They won’t stop on their own.
Hunter Biden's mere presence on the stage last night was probably worth a couple of billion dollars to him, hence also a boon to the cocaine trade. Wonder if Joe's cut goes up to, say, 20% when he becomes an even "bigger guy?"
Is this a great country or what?
They should change the law to position hi def cameras over the desks of those canvassing ballots and then the whole issue of access for scrutineers from both parties goes away. Which is why it will never happen, but some red states need to change some laws pretty quickly here, but it may be too late as they have had governors likely elected by fraud who will stand in the way of any meaningful reform.
It’s going to be like Charlottesville, they will bury the evidence for all time, and just tell us what outcome they manufactured.
I think folks consider Trump a racist because they listen to what he says and tweets, and they consider him a misogynist because of his insults and the dozen of women who have brought law suits against him. In revenge they grabbed him by the ballot.
What are the comments at the WaPo like?
Perpetuating TDS and the plantation. Making excuses for the corpse. Figures.
The Post's motto:
"Democracy dies in darkness."
They are not promoting democracy. They are promoting darkness.
They can change it now to
"Democracy died in darkness."
Mission accomplished.
In the next four years:
The economy will enter a recession.
Taxes will go up.
The price of energy will go up.
Government will get bigger.
Unemployment will go up, the welfare rolls will swell. (compared to pre-COVID)
Israel will be abandoned and Iran supported.
China will increase their aggressive actions around the world.
Russia will blackmail Europe through access to energy.
The Left will spike the football and continue to harass those on the Right.
I can't wait for the explanations of why everything turned to shit after Biden won.
"With strong support of the library’s senior leadership, the AUL [Harvard's Associate University Librarian] for Antiracism will help synthesize, integrate and further catalyze the library’s equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and antiracism efforts across all aspects of the library’s mission."
Oh, Althouse! How can you disrespect Rep Jim Clybourne so! Jim Clymer? The man’s name is Representative James Clybourne.
See your white fragility! You can’t even get the man’s name right! And how about some respect for his office!
This is the kind of structural racism we have to deal with in this country. It is very, very serious. Just ask anyone who voted for that ratbastard Biden .
Gahre—largely agree, and the media will say that it is all Trump’s fault.
I think folks consider Trump a racist because they listen to what he says and tweets, and they consider him a misogynist because of his insults and the dozen of women who have brought law suits against him. In revenge they grabbed him by the ballot.
And instead they voted for a man known as Creepy Joe because of the documented way he acts around girls and young women, who opposed school integration and busing using racist language, who eulogized a high ranking member of the KKK, who was forced to drop out of multiple races for president because of his lies and whose son had sex with his dead brother's wife and daughter.
MountainMan said...
My wife has been following a couple of her lefty friends on FB and they reported they actually broke down and cried last night watching Joe and Kamala because they are now rid of Orange Man and have "two people of such good character all the world can respect."
They think Biden is a reset to the glory days of Obama. Boy, will they be in for a surprise!
R/V—why did Trump improve his support among every group but white men?
Oh, for God's sake.
I was prepared for Trump to lose - I was far from convinced that he would, but I was prepared. I was prepared for him to lose through shenanigans - thought that was the likeliest way for him to lose. I was NOT prepared for the shenanigans to be so obvious - as in, "how stupid do they think we are, anyway?" obvious, as in, "party of science apparently doesn't understand statistics" obvious - nor for the happy eagerness of my political interlocutors to embrace the shenanigans. And I really wasn't - am still not - prepared for this attempt to transmute Biden - Joe Biden - into a noble statesman-Messiah like Muad'dib.
You mean like this Qwinn?
Just got emailed evidence of a PA nursing home resident who is not registered to vote and yet when her family checked, she was listed as having voted by mail in 2020
I spent most of my career coming up with ways to tease actionable meaning out of torrents of data, I don’t think it will be that hard to make a case that the election was stolen, maybe not in time, but maybe in time to enact some reforms.
Blogger Greg Hlatky said...
The MSM can dish this garbage out but they can't make me eat it.
11/8/20, 6:48 AM
Unfortunately, a lot of people did and will continue to do so.
It's the WaPoo.
This election was stolen. The pandemic gave the nimble Demmies the tools (mail-in voting and social distancing at counting centers) to do the job.
Now watch 100,000 people move to Georgia before December 7 to knock off those Georgia senators. I can look out my window and see hundreds who would do it for $5,000 or less. They don’t have to show up for work anywhere even if they have jobs. They spent all day yesterday driving around honking. I assume they were on somebody’s payroll.
What a ridiculous argument! If you are a Democrat you are a super hero who saved America from white supremacy. But it's an argument that obviously works and they will keep on making it.
This Georgia thing is serious. It is going to be like bleeding Kansas. I hope the Trump troops are ready to move. Trump appears to be flatfooted on his legal response, so I doubt anyone has thought about the fact that there is only a 30 day residency requirement to vote legally in the January run-offs.
If Biden wanted to be a true healer, he would concede.
No thought to the anger in 70+ million Trump voters created by stealing the election.
Ben Wikler probably has every u-haul in Wisconsin rented until December 10 to do Wisconsin’s part to win Georgia.
Jamie at 0812.
I agree completely.
They are gaslighting us. Convincing us that thinking that 2+2=5 is really in our best interest.
We don't want to be put on their list.
Racism is so evil and so ... systemic, we have to be pragmatic. Ok. Journ-o-lisming
These ideologues test the limits of one’s patience. They are nothing more than hot wind in sails.
Note #1: I appreciate the prof’s legal wisdom and her maintenance of this blog.
Note #2: I’m well aware that the prof’s endorsement or lack thereof is not of significant importance in the outcome of any election.
Caveat: Prof, you’re about to get the “boring” politics you hoped for. The White House press corp. will be polite and deferential to Biden and toss softball questions at him. No more sarcasm and insolence. Biden will not be vetted in office any more than he was in the campaign.
The press will kiss his ass. They will roll over even more flagrantly once Harris assumes the throne.
That’s what you get with boring.
Biden’s no healer, he’s a shitheel.
Why didn't Biden fix it in the 47 years he has been in Congress?? Why didn't Saint Obama?? Because it is BULLSHIT...and Obama is the one who divided us by race, gender, religion and class. Admit it.
"Biden was willing to acknowledge the existence of systemic racism not in theory, but in reality"
After serving decades in the Senate and 8 years under black O, B discovers "systemic racism." You'd almost think it's a cynical political tool.
"Black voters raised up Biden because he was the tonic they believed a divided and exasperated nation could accept and he was the reliable partner they could trust."
Umm, South Carolina put him over the hump because he was not-Bernie.
"He didn’t come to this race with revolutionary goals that would fundamentally remodel this country. Perhaps there will be time for that."
And that's how it starts, the leftward push. Question is, does Joe retain more of his faculties than he showed during the campaign? As a one-termer, he's a lame duck from the outset; as a one-termer, he also has some immunity from leftist wrath.
I only have one thing to say about this bullshit:
Make Orwell Fiction Again!
Chapelle called you people White n-words last night in his opining diatribe. Who is going to alleviate your existential pain and suffering? Rudy G? Kanye and Kim? Enquiring minds want to know.
Democracy Dies in Sheep Dip
Biden led the “high tech lynching” of Justice Thomas in the Senate.
Biden notwithstanding, I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to take the plywood off the windows.
I don’t think it will be that hard to make a case that the election was stolen, maybe not in time, but maybe in time to enact some reforms.
Who will enact them? Georgia is going left in January. Amadeus 48 is exactly right.
I didn't catch the typo lessen/lesson because I had gone to bed. Believe me, I would have been the first to call it out. So there.
I guess I should go see what everybody else has to say before commenting further.
Good morning.
Back in a jiffy
Who is going to alleviate your existential pain and suffering?
After years reading here, Howard, you still don't understand. Politics is not our lives. We are not the government employees who managed to raise taxes in Arizona.
The lockdowns are resisted because many of us run small businesses. The teachers' union, the shocktroops of the DNC, don't care if schools are closed for years as long as their salaries are paid on time.
"Existential pain and suffering" comes from real things, like American soldiers still being killed in Afghanistan. After 20 years !
Mark said...
"Cacimbo, yeah the Trump era was filled with empathy for the other side.
You're just getting the same dish you have been serving the country for 4 years.
Buckle up snowflake, you might have your feelings hurt again. Poor fragile white dudes are going to have to grown up finally."
Poor little Mark. Feeling all superior and self righteous. You had to lie, cheat and steal to get what you wanted. You're still a loser. But you knew that already.
"But why? 4+ years later and the source of that hate is yet to be identified....My best explanation is the fact that the media and the dnc are exactly the same group of people."
I think a big source of the hate is that his very election called their entire self-image and self-esteem into question. Eight years of Obama - yaaay! - and enough Americans were willing to take a flyer on a loud, brash real-estate guy and reality TV personality trying to make the Presidency his first elected office, saying, "I can do better than these guys."
Did they look at that result and say, "Wow, we really do kind of suck"? Or did they say, "The American people have become too anti-intellectual to trust experts anymore. And I guess they always were a bunch of racists. Either that or the Russians did this"?
It reflects the split between people saying Hillary! was the most accomplished person ever to seek the White House, and those asking, Wait, what did she accomplish? To the former, her accomplishments were the degrees she received and the jobs she held, and that's all that should matter.
All this hate and neurosis and mass public nervous breakdown is the status anxiety of that class insisting, We are supposed to be in charge, and the system is broken if we're not!
As for white supremacy, I don't believe for a second that it's been on the rise during the Trump years; I think Givhan and her allies have turned the gain way up on a small and wavering signal.
Most hard core leftists hate Jews.
Well I see a Biden "win" did nothing to heal the mental illness of Wapo writers.
Dave Chappelle! Comic genius; loved his show.
But he knows squat about anything but comedy.
So sad he resorted to name-calling LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Most hard core leftists hate Jews.
Especially the Jewish ones.
Speaking of typos: Clyburn, not Clymer, was the deus ex machina that brought Biden out of obscurity by helping him win South Carolina.
My first reaction is a big "boo-hoo." Trump gained votes from Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and gays. It was White guys who failed him. And Jews as Jews didn't hate him. It was a class thing. If you are college-educated, suburban, middle class and liberal, you hate Trump, and many Jews are in that demographic. In some parts of Brooklyn and Rockland County, though, Trump is quite popular with Jews. I don't go in for the "Liberals/progressives hate Jews" line - with large groups it's hard to make such sweeping generalizations - but the writer really doesn't know what she's talking about.
Caveat: Prof, you’re about to get the “boring” politics you hoped for. The White House press corp. will be polite and deferential to Biden and toss softball questions at him. No more sarcasm and insolence.
@Shouting Thomas, I think you’re right. Will Althouse ever connect the dots and accept that her interest in “boring politics” will come at the expense of genuine economic pain for many, many people not blessed with the same good fortune she has had. In exchange, perhaps Althouse can support a local food bank for the families of people who lost their jobs due to the over-hyped coronavirus epidemic and will not ever get those jobs back under the economic theories Biden and Pelosi propose to push. And maybe she can take a turn or twelve on the local suicide hot line, talking young people down from overdosing in the face of economic despair.
And perhaps Hell will freeze shut.
biden's win is just like all his international grifting. We all know he is a crook and we all know the corrupt leftwing machine did this.
Biden has been in elected office nearly 50 years. He has accomplished nothing except to enrich his family. To suggest hehas any core values is a joke. This administration, if it stands, will be run by the one-worlder types like Oboma/Jarrett. Expect more Benghazis.
Bye Bye Middle East peace Deals...HELLO IRAN, HELLO China!! More wars!!! YAY!!!! Back to normal...just what the left wants.
Robin has come a long way since divorcing Mike Tyson.
Biden is illegitimate and corrupt
Trump revealed how much of the bureaucracy is corrupt..nearly all
Trump revealed how much of the media is corrupt...nearly all
Trump revealed how much of big tech is corrupt...nearly all
And now Trump revealed how much of the electoral process can be corrupted by the unholy alliance of all of the above
Is it clear that I’ve lost confidence in nearly all of those who pretend to run this nation.
Trump should not concede
I will not concede
JPS is right on. There's a yuge amount of unearned and self-awarded elite status-anxiety in the Joe&Ho vote.
The MSDNC and lefties in general tend to be totally schizo on class and elitism.
They're all for the common man and woman but love to crow about credentials, and longevity in the higher echelons of power as reason enough to elect someone.
Fernandinande, I weep for my profession. That kind of BS is why I was glad to get out in 2015. Case in point, from a nearby school: after decades of incompetence, the African-American female head of libraries (for whom a new and grand title and perks had been devised, along with a 50% increase of the basic salary over that of her white male predecessor) was unseated. With tenure of course, she's still on the payroll making more money than anyone else in the library--including if I'm not mistaken her white male replacement.
The kicker is that she hangs about and specializes in issues of diversity and inclusion.
In related news, the University prez this summer appointed a committee to root out racism and sexism on campus. Two Black women (Ed.D. and J.D.) are in charge, with a wide purview. Two guesses as to where two credentialed black women with carte blanche to investigate racism and sexism, appointed by a white male president with elite credentials, will find racism and sexism. (Protip: NOT among upper administrators and the holders of elite credentials.)
Universities are now little surveillance statelets on behalf of petty despots
Blogger wendybar said...
Bye Bye Middle East peace Deals...HELLO IRAN, HELLO China!! More wars!!! YAY!!!! Back to normal...just what the left wants.
These will seem like child’s play if Trump concedes and Dems cheat their way to a 50/50 senate in January.
I wonder who induced Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Pete to drop out when they did, and what the quid was for the quo.
I think ultimately the problem is that too many people really believe government can and must further their personal (and financial) self-interests (probably some portion of Trump voters think this as well). This is why people can leave California for greener pastures and turn them as blue as the state they left in frustration (think Colorado and now Arizona and soon maybe Texas).
The far, far left (the real socialists and communists) have always complained their nations failed because "the wrong people were in charge". They don't get the brilliance of limited government with checks-and-balances, because the "right people" are so few and far between as to be irrelevant. The "wrong people" are always the default, and they will take out the "right people" by any means necessary to gain power.
Trump's ascendancy threatened the slow, steady concentration of power in the Federal government and the comforts that concentration has brought to millions of office-holders, policy-makers, bureaucrats, the media (even nominally "conservative" media), and all of the pigs who have fed at the Washington trough for decades (the "civil rights" establishment, rent-seeking businesspeople, unions, and so on). His main issue was foreign trade, but the Trump threat extended to the makeup of the judiciary, race relations, and more. So Trump just had to go. By any means necessary.
I think COVID was the coup de gras, and the "establishment" got lucky. They found something they could scare people with and blame Trump for failing to protect them. It also helped them to structure the election so fraud could be easier to commit.
Yeah, I think there was fraud in this election. But it wouldn't have mattered if more people weren't quite so trusting of government to be their "friend" and savior.
She's correct that rabid diversity (i.e. color judgment), denial of individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, normalization of color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, not limited to color supremacy, under the selective, opportunistic, relativistic, politically congruent, ostensibly "secular" quasi-religion is a clear and present condition. Color bias is intrinsic, prejudice is progressive. That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one.
That’s probably news to the black people who voted for Trump.
They're not 1-2 Americans, burdened by progressive paradigms. They're American conservatives: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
though, Trump is quite popular with Jews
With Orthodox Jews, not the ham-and-cheese-sandwich Reform Jews. I lost a lot of Jewish friends over the past 4 years, but I am not into groupthink and was actually happy that the Schwartzers had jobs thanks to Trump.
They did not enjoy my pointing out that Trump had more Jewish grandchildren than any of them.
And Jews! Has anyone been paying attention to DeBlasio and Cuomo, and what they are doing and saying about the Jewish communities in New York?
DeBlasio et al share the old... oldest concern: Jew privilege, a phobia which has liberalized and progressed in recent decades.
Biden led the “high tech lynching” of Justice Thomas in the Senate.
Thomas doesn't fit Biden's post-apartheid (i.e. separation) model, so he is socially justified to exercise liberal license, and there is progressive precedent to lynch judge soon to be justice Thomas. This happens again, and again, and again under the relabeled, euphemistic responsibility and cancellation commissions.
LOL - WaPo ignores the Gorilla in the room! President Trump increased his take of the
Black votes and is causing the Democratic Party to implode given his massive increase in Hispanic voters voting for President Trump.
I am wrong. The Georgia statute that restricts voters for the runoff to those duly registered for the original election that didn't produce the majority.
"Georgia code 21-25-501 (10): The run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff shall be a continuation of the primary, special primary, election, or special election for the particular office concerned. Only the electors who were duly registered to vote and not subsequently deemed disqualified to vote in the primary, special primary, election, or special election for candidates for that particular office shall be entitled to vote therein, and only those votes cast for the persons designated as candidates in such run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast. No elector shall vote in a run-off primary or special primary runoff in violation of Code Section 21-2-224."
R's will have to come up with a more competent white Nationalist to lead ,one tht doesnt get caught at everything,can string a real paragraph together and can say something without 1 single lie in the sentence..Fascism will have to hide a little better.1st incumbent in 28 years to get beaten by a record 75,000,000 voters,,Democracy can prevail..Next up GEORGE SENATE RACE send it in folks milllions and millions....Moscow Mitch is upset...
And while I am fessing up to error, it is Rep. Jim Clyburn, not Clybourne.
I could say I was ironically misspelling his name while chastising Althouse for getting his name wrong, but I would be lying.
DINKY DAU 45-- You don't write English well.
There is a difference between being a US nationalist--putting the interests of the US and its citizens first--and being a white nationalist. Think of how many black and hispanic Americans joined Team Trump this time around. And Democrats are closer to being fascists and authoritarians than Republicans are. Got your mask on?
And how many of those 75 million Biden voters are live human beings and not visitors from the spirit world?
I'm there was that level of systemic racism after eight years of the Obama administration? Or it was something that Trump restarted or created out of whole cloth the second he got into office?
Great moments in Democrat healing:
When Sarah Palin was blamed for Gabby Giffords shooting, and then Obama had a big memorial in Tuscon with preprinted t-shirts that said "United We Thrive".
The White Supremacy Big Lie was BECAUSE of Trump's success in raising Black and Hispanic and Asian and White employment to historically high levels. Such Republican success could not be tolerated. Better to burn down several Democrat urban centers than allow such Republican success with people of color. So they did.
Amadeus 48,
Any idea how Georgia code 21-25-501 (10) is enforced? What does one have to do to prove they're eligible to vote in the runoff? Know the secret handshake? Bring their "I voted" sticker from the general election?
I wonder who induced Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Pete to drop out when they did, and what the quid was for the quo.
Pete gets a job in the cabinet.
Amy gets a fork for her salad.
So according to racist pig Robin Givhan, all those black people who voted for Trump "ain't black"?
I think folks consider Trump a racist because they listen to what he says and tweets, and they consider him a misogynist because of his insults and the dozen of women who have brought law suits against him.
Oh, bullshit. Trump spent 30-40 years in public life and was none of these things until he ran for President.
You're really too stupid to breathe.
Any idea how Georgia code 21-25-501 (10) is enforced? What does one have to do to prove they're eligible to vote in the runoff? Know the secret handshake? Bring their "I voted" sticker from the general election?
You’ll just need a paper ballot. Nothing else. We’re in a pandemic you know. These are lost. We are fucked.
Howard @ 10:11 AM
Robin Givens is Mike Tyson’s ex-wife. Robin Givhan is a totally different person.
Jim said'"
You're really too stupid to breathe."
Your typical democrat voter. Except for the ones who have quit breathing. Those showed up in droves to vote for Biden.
Nevermind, Dude
Bob--I was concerned that a 30 day residency window might give people a chance to move into the state and vote in the run-off.
I don't practice law in Georgia, but from the statute, it appears they do this:
The registered voter roll is the official list of voters eligible to vote in an election. They have the registered voter rolls for the November 3 election. Those registered voters, whether they voted or not on November 3, are the voters eligible to vote in the run-off. They strike those that have been disqualified (i.e., dead people, non-residents, etc.) subsequently discovered on those registration rolls, if any, and that corrected registered voter roll is the one for the January run-off. No secret handshakes or paper ballots or "I voted" stickers needed.
A major issue is whether the November 3 list is any good, but at least the Dems can't flood the zone with new residents before the runoff.
Anyone familiar with Georgia practice?
Love the concept that our last Dixiecrat senator is better for black people than the guy who produced the lowest black employment since records were kept and who previously broke color barriers in luxury housing and country clubs. What do people think will happen to black unemployment when Biden opens the borders for the nice compliant and cheap non-citizen Mexican workers.
"Mark" said... You're just getting the same dish you have been serving the country for 4 years.
Bingo. Here we get the leftist pathological mind in action. Project on to the enemy all sorts of evils. Then rationalize and justify doing that same evil saying that the other side did it first and this is just payback.
Of course, the first accusation is utter bullshit to begin with. So it is all artifice. Power, by any means necessary.
Liberals like this are nasty, vicious, vile slanderers. This garbage is evidence of severe moral defectiveness.
What percentage of liberals share this same moral defect?
Narrative Engineers are assigning options to Plantation residents
Amadeus 48,
Thanks for the further explanation. Makes sense.
I hope the Republicans can hold the Senate.
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