Student loan forgiveness programs are again being discussed as brilliant Democrat economic minds such as Chuck Schumer and Liz Warren are pushing Biden to get on board with. There are many excellent arguments as to why this is a bad idea, mostly centered around the lower middle class financing the better-off college educated class for debts that the latter took on willingly. Also, it can be well argued that the payoff will not result in a stimulus to the economy as many Democrats claim.
Putting those arguments aside for the moment, I see few just questioning the basic morality of the loan forgiveness. Of all of the possible uses of public tax revenues to help people who may be in very difficult financial situations due to situations largely beyond their control, why the concern with those who have enjoyed the benefits of one of our most elitist institutions: higher education. Did someone force them into this situation? I can tell you that someone encouraged them in their plight: the US Government through educational loans, and the universities themselves, feeding at the trough of public money for worthless degrees that often leave the student without serious job prospects. Yet there has been ample warning about these abuses, and still college enrollment increases. Student loan forgiveness is fraught with problems: what about those who worked hard to repay their loans, or took low paid public service jobs to earn forgiveness over a ten-year period… how is it fair to them? What about future students – will they go into the universities expecting some kind of forgiveness like the cohort of the recent past? What incentives would be put into place to make sure that future tax monies were not wasted ‘educating’ students in worthless studies?
It seems to me that allowing bankruptcy for these loans is a much better way to go. It gets around the moral dilemma of free money for a ‘lucky’ set of students (bankruptcy is no picnic), while on the other end, puts pressure on a system where the government hands out our tax money freely to students with no risk assessment for repayment, while the university systems take advantage of that bottomless bucket of money to increase salaries, add useless administrators to their payrolls, etc. Coupled with a bankruptcy policy, government loans should be prohibited except in certain handfuls of cases where the student in under contract after graduation to fulfill some needed government role for a minimum period of time.
"Student loan forgiveness is fraught with problems: what about those who worked hard to repay their loans, or took low paid public service jobs to earn forgiveness over a ten-year period… how is it fair to them?"
Why would anyone in the government care about someone who has demonstrated any sort of self-reliance?
It seems to me that allowing bankruptcy for these loans is a much better way to go.
The present rules were put in place precisely because it became pretty standard for students to take out large loans, especially for med school, and then declare bankruptcy early in one's career when income was very low. Later on one is a successful doctor and makes lots of money, and the student debt is ... gone.
.... In another case, he [Hunter Biden] hooked-up with a married woman. According to the women, Hunter made her feel “wanted and important”. But he also convinced her to give him 40% of her future divorce settlement in exchange for helping her find a high power divorce lawyer. Yes, if you didn’t already know, Hunter is a practicing attorney and a member of the bar. ...
How to get 40% of someone’s legal settlement without doing any legal work? A lady friend in desperate need writes Hunter ”I remember you telling me you could help retain a top notch divorce lawyer so long as I share 40% of settlement with you.”
If the Biden family drug infestation wasn’t so destructive it could have been made into a comic TV series. On at least one occasion, during his travels and stays in high-end hotels, Hunter ‘misplaced’ a large amounts of drugs and cash which resulted in frantic searches and finger pointing within his entourage. ....
Regarding the claim of a firewall between Joe Biden and Hunter’s activities. This is a complete fiction, it simply didn’t exist. The evidence shows close Biden family collaboration and regular communications using various cutout like Hunter’s mother (AKA Nana), his uncle Jim, his aunt Sara, his sister in law Liz, and others. Of note is that Hunter was using Joe Biden’s cell phone and was receiving calls and messages directed to his father. It’s unclear why Joe Biden agreed to the arrangement, perhaps he incorrectly assumed that the device was secure from his days at the White House.
Some of the activity on that phone included:
1) Conversations regarding the sourcing of drugs: blow, crack, Xanax, and weed
2)Receiving text and calls addressed to “Vice President Biden”
Some of the communications sent to Joe Biden’s phone used by Hunter came from Luis Freeh’s FGIS executives. Louis Freeh, is the former director of the FBI. He sits on the board of the Beau Biden Foundation
A disturbing insight into the Biden family psyche is how dysfunctional, unsupportive, and predatory Joe Biden and Jim Biden were towards their own children. In several instances, his father and his uncle distanced themselves from the children and grandchildren in order not to tarnish their reputation. ...
Other events relating to potential child abuse, neglect, and negligence can also be found in direct communications between adult family members who discuss their drug and sex habits and confirm that the children are abandoned, neglected, and are exposed to an unsafe home environment.
Beyond the issues of Hunter’s inappropriate business dealing with Ukraine and China, there are some evidence of what could be involvement in human trafficking activity.
In one interaction with a Ukrainian women, Hunter was working out the logistics of bringing her into the US. The purpose of her relocation was to ‘work’. The woman, named Vicky, had no professional skills and exceedingly poor English. Hunter, who was always on a lookout for damsels in distress, indicated that he was willing to help her finance the purchase of an apartment for her mother in Ukraine and pay for her move to the US. Obviously, an extremely generous gesture, but what is not so obvious is what was Hunter getting out of this investment and how/why the State Department processed Vicky’s US work visa. ...
From the wealth of evidence, It’s clear that the Biden family is full of debauched degenerates with some serious criminal, drug, sex addiction, and child abuse issues and that none of them is suited to hold public office or professional licenses of any sort. They are as corrupt as one can get without spontaneously combusting.
What still puzzles me though is how propaganda outlets like NYT, WaPo, and CNN in a true RICO fashion are able to shield the Biden’s from any legal and public scrutiny. ...
“As for the conservative ‘leaders’ who think it’s their job to tell their readers, viewers, and listeners what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear for the good of the country, my contempt is total. In a system with weak parties, it is incumbent on the ideological allies of the party to explain to the rank-and-file what is true and right. Pandering to them is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. The whole point of the conservative movement is to protect and preserve the legitimacy of the constitutional order and the blessings of liberty such an order was intended to secure. Indulging feelings—no matter how sincerely felt—when they don’t align with the actual facts undermines that project.”
Whiskeybum: Nicely stated, cogent arguments. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I fear that cogent arguments are no substitute for "happy thoughts" in a Democratic administration.
Jonah Goldberg has a "reach" of about 200 insider democrats and others who simply stop by to see what a train wreck looks like.
For those who don't know, the only reason Steve Hayes was ever given time on the Bret Baier's now failing show is because Steve and Bret were roommates in college.
I wouldn't be concerned about the future prospects for these pro-dem grifter however. It is my understanding that the far left and radical democrats who pay Steve and Jonah's salary remain quite impressed with Steve and Jonah's "hot takes" on cool cat pictures and discussions regarding whether hot dogs should be considered a sandwich or not.
Hey Chuck, have your purchased your tickets for the next The Dispatch cruise yet?
I look forward to the Hollywood miniseries on the life and times of Hunter Biden. It should be very entertaining should anyone be bold enough to make it.
Yes, I agree that there's some level of risk that students would go for bankruptcy as a relatively easy way out. Perhaps our bankruptcy laws need a new code to cover student loans explicitly with tighter rules about when debt can be discharged (e.g., not within the first XX years of the end of the loan), or how it might get paid back once the student had steady income. Another, possibly better amendment of bankruptcy laws pertaining to student loans would be to have schools accepting these loans to be partially or totally responsibly for the losses. Universities need skin in the game or they will continue their out-of-control spending.
Following up on comments: No one gives a shit about the debt. We’re all modern monetary theorists now.
I'm not sure that I feel like disputing this. But if so, what keeps a politician from promising an end to the income tax for everyone with income below (say) $100,000. What a winning platform! And I'm not even sure it would result in much reduction of gov't revenue.
An imaginative right-winger would propose something like this: "No taxes! (for most americans)" just to see if Democrats would sign on, or would object.
An hour or so ago on Twitter, as the opinion and order in Trump Campaign v. Boockvar was released this evening: Marc E. Elias @marceelias For non-lawyers, this is what a complete ass-kicking of the president's legal effort looks like.
mccullough: "Chuck, You and your bullshit conservatism are a fucking joke.
Jonah Goldberg is a fat, fucking moron whose mom got him a job with Conservative Media."
In LLR-lefty Chuck's defense, Chuck is on the far left of the democrat party policy spectrum now and cannot begin to relate to the 95% of republicans who supported Trump so its only natural that he would be tone deaf to what actual conservatives think and believe.
And yes, Jonah Goldberg of the "prestigious" Goucher College (you can stop laughing now), whose mother had to fight to get him into that place since Jonah couldn't hack anything better, would have likely ended up driving a bus in Maryland if it had not been for his accomplished and principled and talented mother.
Jonah, like the rest of the "Washington Generals" neocon fakers, has never achieved or built anything, never won any battle for the conservative cause, never even really fought for the conservative cause (because that's how you lose invitations to parties in DC and NY where they serve jumbo shrimp(!)) and is always fully prepared to lose on command to his democratical superiors.
He's another of those morons who thinks the conservative base can't wait to see him and his pals back in charge and "in action" and posting more on the money cat videos while losing, with dignity, to the democraticals.
LLR-lefty Chuck, now pushing Marc Elias on Althouse blog!!
The central figure in every hoax operation the democraticals have launched against republicans for the last decade!
Again, its a very positive development that LLR-lefty Chuck rarely tries to reignite his fake TrueConservative online persona at Althouse blog any longer, now that the jig is well and truly up.
Truth in advertising is a positive thing and its helpful when the Moby's stop Mobying quite so much.
On May 17, 2012, President Obama nominated Brann to be a United States District Judge for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
Self-reliance is Boomers expecting Social Security and Medicare for the next 50 years when they didn’t pay nearly enough into those programs.
@mccullough, I cannot speak for other Boomers, but for me to get back the money I paid into Social Security I will have to live to age 108. But if you want to give me back what I paid in — with interest and adjusted for Jimmy Carter’s inflation — in exchange for no future monthly payments, that would work fine for me.
BTW, the oldest Boomer will turn 75 in January. Make sure you’re not talking about the worthless scum from Joe Biden’s generation.
mccullough: "Chuck is an ambulance chaser who went to Detroit Law School."
You should have seen Chuck not that long ago pushing a narrative that he was a significant hot shot legal beagle who requires tens of thousands in retainer fees and $1,000/hour for his "insight" and "skilled" "legal" "acumen" which was an amusing follow on to his tales of professional golf expertise and consummate skill and how every PGA Tour event has personnel just waiting by the phone to receive the next phone call from Ball Hawking Chuckie regarding rules violations perceived by LLR-lefty Chuck while watching at home and quaffing tankards of gin and tonics!!
It was nearly, but not quite, as amusing as LLR-lefty Chuck's long winded musings, which he shared with the blog, naturally because "Chuck", regarding his harrowing and tortured decision as to whether or not to join the military when he was younger.
After reading through the massive content dump Chuck labored to provide to us over this singularly traumatic decision for Chuckie, one began to realize that this entire War and Peace length Treatise really only covered an approximate 98 second thought process that our young Intrepid Future Golf Rules & Legal Star Chuck put himself thru before he decided that no, he was simply too important to "waste" as a military man and his True Value And Potential To Our Nation had to be found elsewhere.
Matthew Stiegler @MatthewStiegler Conservative twitter is erupting w these Obama-judge takes, but it's all delusional. Judge Brann was a Federalist Society member who served on the Pa. GOP State Comm, on his county Republican committee for 18 years. He reportedly was picked by Toomey.
My other favorite LLR-lefty Chuck moments invariably involve his attacks on black conservatives, usually in the most racist of ways, followed by his angry attacks on republicans with distinguished military records.
But nothing compares to his vicious rhetorical assaults against conservative women.
If you take all those things together, you can easily see how it might keep an entire team of therapists fully employed for many years.
Humperdink: "Wait a second, according to someone in the know on this blog, Trump got his butt kicked. I though it was over."
What you have to understand about our LLR-lefty Chuck, is that on weekends in particular, the gin and tonics flow quite freely and the facade of Chuck the Conservative usually goes on full display.
It was over just such a weekend years ago when, in a drunken stupor, LLR-lefty Chuck let his mask fall off completely and gleefully, seriously it was with absolute glee that came through loud and clear in his postings, that LLR-lefty Chuck proudly and loudly boasted that he was only here to smear and lie about Trump as well as attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
It was also on a weekend when Chuck attacked Barron Trump and called Melania an escort and a prostitute.
There is quite a lot of unclean and disturbed things going with our Chuckie, which clearly played a role in LLR-lefty Chuck being banned from this blog. Of course, being not quite "altogether 'there'", if you know what I mean, Chuck can't help himself and he simply keeps coming back.
You’ve been lying about me for more than four years. Now that Trump is the biggest loser and headed for criminal prosecutions, I’m going to hand around and make it stick with you.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You’ve been lying about me for more than four years. Now that Trump is the biggest loser and headed for criminal prosecutions, I’m going to hand around and make it stick with you."
Ah yes.
Criminal prosecutions. Again.
This marks about the 4,539th time in the last 5 years LLR-lefty Chuck, again usually on a weekend when he's quite schnockered, like tonight, will go off on all the criminal prosecutions that will nail Trump.
The Walls Are Closing In! Again. As always for our inebriated mendacious far left FakeCon, who, once again, is to the left of most democrats on open borders, post-birth abortion and attacks on religious conservatives.
BTW, it was impossible not to notice that LLR-lefty Chuck couldn't even bring himself to lie about supporting ACB the way he forced himself, thru gritted teeth no doubt, to fake support for Kavanaugh.
Again, perhaps that sort of transparency is a strong step in the right direction in terms of transparency.
If that is the case, I congratulate you Chuck. Your emerging embrace of the reality that your multi-year experiment in crafting a Mobyish TrueCon (FakeCon) online persona has utterly failed and so you might as well let your pro-dem Freak Flag fly pal.
psst: even the lefties here know it and don't bother pretending anymore that you are anything but what you really are.
Do you know why? Because you are so far to the left of them that they probably feel dumb attempting to push the charade any further.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You sick f***ing lying piece of s*** Drago."
Actually "Counselor" (wink wink), it was your exposure as a "sick f***ing lying piece of s***" that directly led to you being banned.
So your comment betrays an astonishing (but typical for you) degree of projection.
And we know that all far left lunatics at Althouse blog are "bigly" projecters.....which, logically speaking, is another data point in the vast sea of data points that demonstrably mark you as a FakeCon lefty performing a circus Moby act....which has failed.
mccullough: "Chuck hates blacks more than he hates Trump."
This is demonstrably true as evidenced by his incredibly racist attack against Ben Carson.
In LLR-lefty Chuck-World, the worst thing you can be is, in order: 1) A black conservative 2) Any conservative who actively fights against LLR-lefty Chuck's Beloved Democraticals 3) Any conservative with a distinguished military record (he really hates that) 4) Any female conservative
There are more naturally and are all of a theme, as it were.
So, if you really want to blow LLR-lefty Chuck's mind, ponder what he would do if he were to encounter a strong conservative, who was effective at attacking Chuck's democratical heroes, who also happend to be a black female with a distinguished military record!!
Well, lets just say if that scenario were to occur I'd be afraid we might see another "Hodgkinson"-type incident.
No Mark. As with the Rittenhouse thread earlier today where you moronically asserted Rittenhouse was a murderer, and promptly had your lefty rear end handed to you over your defense of your murderous, wife beating antifa heroes being killed in self defense by Rittenhouse (proven by videotape), we actually have all 5+ years of LLR-lefty Chuck's postings here at Althouse to lean on.
So go ahead, pretend away that LLR-lefty Chuck hasn't fully exposed himself for what he is with his very own words in his very owns posts on this very blog.
I would expect nothing less from Dumb Lefty Mark. Nothing less at all.
He’s big on typing that he’s LOLing. And, he tells other commenters that they are “hardest hit.”
Are you suggesting that his mind may not be fully sorted and self-aware? As if there’s some sorta desperate self-cheering and deflecting via projection going on?
Governor "Ozzie" Newsome (D-Fraud) had quite a dinner at the French Laundry restaurant. As more facts emerge, it get worse for the Oz.
> "Two top officials at the California Medical Association attended a birthday, Dustin Corcoran, the organization's chief executive officer and Janus Norman, a senior vice president, were among a dozen people at the dinner."
> "The California Medical Association represents 50,000 doctors in the nation's most populous state and has recently tweeted messages including #StayHome and #WearAMask." None of the attendees wore a mask.
> The restaurant offers a "$350 per person tasting menu. Other options include a $450 per person menu for parties of up to 12 people, .. and another for $850." You read that right $850 per person.
BTW, who F-ing cares about an expensive restaurant? It’s still small dough. Even normal income folks could afford a few grand for a meal. Obviously sly not every day. But, it’s not like buying cars that cost hundreds of thousands. Or a jet. A few grand for a meal is nothing. Such a strange thing to fuss about. IMHO.
Exactly. Much more interesting is why the people in power who insist that everybody wear masks choose not to wear them themselves when they think nobody is watching.
It's almost like they don't actually believe what they publicly proclaim.
Gavin the hypocrite (is an International Emmy in the offing for Newsom for "Adherence to Covid Rules Issued By Demcraticals"? It ought to be, considering Cuomo's) is simply another example along the lines of the elites jetting into Davos to the tune of 1,500 private jets to have a long discussion about how to make everyone else live up to the New Green Deal "ideals".
I’ll rank the importance of the three things IMHO:
3) cost of food 2) the mask (and lack of social distancing) thing (The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help.)
1) Very, very much more important (IMHO) is finding out if there was any jabber re the gov re putting the thumb on the scale for some industry. Sure, it’s important for the gov to communicate w/ and work w/ biz, but that could be a cover for corruption. Need to suss that out. That’s what makes me fussy.
I saw that yesterday the scotus rearranged justices assigned to the circuit courts. Seems Kavanaugh is @6&8, and ACB took over his spot @7 where she worked previously. To take effect immediately. Sotomayer went from 6 to 2.
Probably just rearranging after RBG passing, but maybe tactical move for emergency requests.
"The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help."
Maybe not, but what it does demonstrate is that our rulers don't think the rules they dream up for ordinary folk apply to them. And that they don't believe that covid is the risk they make it out to be.
I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing. And anytime they were anywhere near normal folks who didn’t get a ton of testing they could be wearing three masks stacked on top of each other.
Seems like some may say that access to personal testing is more of a privilege than expensive food. IMHO.
2) "the mask (and lack of social distancing) thing (The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help.)"
Geez Louise, the whole purpose of the various lockdowns is to prevent contact. Ozzie violated the basic premise.
1) "Very, very much more important (IMHO) is finding out if there was any jabber re the gov re putting the thumb on the scale for some industry."
Did you happen to catch the word lobbyist in the article? Read the attached link regarding Ozzie's lobbyist friend and birthday boy. He has Ozzie in his back pocket.
adSs: "I’m moving many tens of millions to family because of the Biden win. I will 100% lose control of all of that forever. Not my first choice."
There isn't a revocable trust arrangement available whereby you do not lose control? Until you are dead of course.
I suspect there is.
I fully expect my trust beneficiaries to execute along the lines mandated, though I already know I will begin voting straight ticket democrat after my demise.
I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing."
tsk tsk tsk
Those conditions are no excuse, said every democratical everywhere.
But only everyone. And everywhere.
Look, you'd be better off lambasting them for their moronic hypocrisy which exposes the lies they intend for us to live under if you want to retain a bit of credibility on this since, if the political parties in this were reversed, I don't believe for one second you would be so nuanced about it all.
"I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing."
Are people who have been tested excused by law from following the rules imposed on everybody else?
"And anytime they were anywhere near normal folks who didn’t get a ton of testing they could be wearing three masks stacked on top of each other."
No doubt, they could be. What do you suppose the odds are, that they do?
[BTW, I deleted my earlier comment were I’d typed that I “didn’t” know about the lobbyist. That wasn’t some uncoscious slip, just one of my normal mistakes (like adding “sly” after “obviously” in a comment earlier in this thread. Editing and thinking about what I type is too much work.]
Gov. Gavin Newsom apologized Monday for attending a birthday party earlier this month, acknowledging his actions undermined the message he’s been preaching for months as he asked other Californians to avoid gathering with their friends and family.
“I made a bad mistake,” Newsom said. “The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradictory, and I’ve got to own that, so I’m going to apologize to you.”
"On Sept. 23, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to ban hydrofracturing in the state by 2024.
Just three weeks later, on Oct. 16, his administration approved permits to frack six new wells owned by a company with whom he has lobbying ties. That company, Aera Energy – a joint venture of Shell and ExxonMobil – is represented by the lobbying firm Axiom Advisors.
Axiom’s lobbyists include Jason Kinney .." (French Laundry birthday boy)
While it might have been moving in the direction of "pretty standard" for doctors to declare bankruptcy...
It was happening less than 1% of the time when the law was changed.
@Birkel, I did not know that. What I remember reading at the time were outraged articles detailing the evil, greedy med school students who were routinely abusing the student loan program by declaring bankruptcy during their period as an intern or resident. The press made it sound as though nearly everyone was doing it. Sorry, but that was back when one could still trust the press to more or less get it right.
I 100% support Trump's continuing efforts to achieve justice using the legal mechanisms. There are two possible economies - the Trump economy which brings prosperity to all and the Biden economy which is like the one Obama ran which brings prosperity to Hunter, the one who matters to a doting dotard father, and to a few others who are eating out for $3000. The rest of us are fine till the credit card we're borrowing on maxes out and the oil shuts down. If Trump doesn't get justice then we get the Biden economy. And worse. At the start of World War II the French Army wouldn't fight. It thought it would just go home and the Germans would come in and life would all be the same except that the bosses would have German names. But the men of that surrendered French Army were sent into Germany as slave labor for the rest of the war. And there are people yawning now, as Trump fights, who will be sorrowing for their children in camps with the Uighurs if he loses. for if he loses, we lose our democracy. Really all this pushing and shoving is just the necessary battle to get democracy out of the clutches of Big Tech and The Globalists. It would be very easy to do it now by acting on the universal knowledge that the Dems cheated. But as we know there are people talking about a "lockdown" in which they wait at home for others to grow their food, ship their food, cook their food and deliver their food which they pay for by taxes on those out there growing, shipping, cooking and delivering. And these people. called Techers, also think that it will make no real difference to them if an American President is ch d out of his second term and his voters see it happening. It is my prayer that these value-free louts don't learn their lesson by finding out along with all of us that 2020 was just a warm-up for 2021.
Business owners have a meeting in western NY in defiance of NY Governor Sonny Cuomo. Health dept, along with several sheriff deputies show up and are given the boot. "Civil disobedience starts here" is the shout. "Where's your warrant?" Sweet video.
"Jonah Goldberg is a fat, fucking moron whose mom got him a job with Conservative Media."
Many years ago, Goldberg wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. It is a very good book, laying out in considerable detail the historic roots of European Fascism, which are entirely on the Left, as well as the considerable sympathy and even enthusiasm that American Progressives expressed for fascist ideas like eugenics. It was well-researched, well-written and well-received, and seemed to give promise of a useful and successful career as a conservative scholar.
[The following comment is NOT about "Chuck"; it would be better for the commenting experience if all sensible people, right, left, or other, ignored him.] I am a real life-long Republican: Goldwater to Trump. Often disappointed, by losers as well as winners. I was favorably surprised by Trump. I thought he would govern as a "moderate Republican" building bridges to the Left. Maybe he would have done so if the Democrats had been willing to work with him; but they weren't. If the people really decided not to re-elect Trump, I'm mystified. I find it hard to believe that Covid (which wasn't his fault) outweighed all that he accomplished for our economy and country. But so far I don't see a path to proving that he really won. BUT (and this is a very important BUT) we should do everything possible to show the extent to which the Democrats tried to steal the election, even if we can't show that Biden really didn't win. If we face 4 years of a Biden, or Biden-Harris, Presidency, its legitimacy should constantly be challenged, just as Trump's legitimacy was.
John henry: "Careful Drago. Next Dick will be whinging to our hostess about how mean you are. Again.
Then he'll start threatening you."
My favorite LLR-lefty Chuck/other lefties defending him threads are those where Chuck's far left and marxist pals call for me to be they defend Chuck...who was banned...
That particular irony always escapes them...which makes them perfect LLR-lefty Chuck.
"Business owners have a meeting in western NY in defiance of NY Governor Sonny Cuomo. Health dept, along with several sheriff deputies show up and are given the boot. "Civil disobedience starts here" is the shout. "Where's your warrant?" Sweet video."
Unfortunately, those sheriffs and health department apparatchiks will most likely make it their life's mission to ruin the folks who challenged their authoritah.
The most overrated restaurant in America. The absolute pinnacle of dining out as status symbol. The waiters’ and captains’ spiels sound like Mad Magazine parodies of haute cuisine. There is absolutely nothing in the food or service to justify their prices or self-congratulatory self-regard.
John henry: "Careful Drago. Next Dick will be whinging to our hostess about how mean you are. Again.
Then he'll start threatening you."
My favorite LLR-lefty Chuck/other lefties defending him threads are those where Chuck's far left and marxist pals call for me to be they defend Chuck...who was banned...
That particular irony always escapes them...which makes them perfect LLR-lefty Chuck.
Godfather: "I was favorably surprised by Trump. I thought he would govern as a "moderate Republican" building bridges to the Left. Maybe he would have done so if the Democrats had been willing to work with him; but they weren't."
I think most of us were genuinely curious whether or not Trump would toss his victory, achieved on conservative populist principles, into the trash can precisely as Schwarzenegger did in CA before he then moved completely left.
To our great surprise, Trump delivered a more conservative governance by far than any other republican would have or could have and more conservative than Reagan.
And that's when the wheels of the congressional republican establishment clown car came off and those morons reneged on every single issue they had been touting for decades.
Now, we had long suspected this might be the case but it was Trump calling all their bluffs that exposed them all.
And that has been more valuable than we can yet quantify, and more importantly is why the republican base, 93-95% "aint never" going back to business as usual.
The Chamber of Commerce has been completely coopted by the dems, as has the Idiocracy at The Dispatch, The Bulwark, 2/3rds of National Review, 85% of Fox News, and on and on it goes.
The realignment is in full swing.
We are now on an irrevocable collision course to see if the power and maximum corruption of the US/global establishment, joined at the hip with the media, Big Tech, the ChiComs, the EU (and all the associated global entities), the Iranians etc have what they need to complete their conquest over individual rights and freedoms to create their utopian New World Order.
If we are honest, right now it appears they have the strong upper hand, which is why, contra Dumb Lefty Mark's assertion earlier, I did not ever say Trump would win because the margin needed to overcome fraud approached galactic proportions and as we see with the pro-dem McCainiacs in AZ and NeverTrump Kemp/Raffensberger in GA, those were some very long fraud-based odds.
This battle is occurring across the west. See eastern Europe, Australia, Italy, UK/Brexit.
Trump didnt start this train rolling. He was just so pro-American he happily jumped aboard and ran to the conductors station to lead the fight.
We will always owe a great debt of gratitude for that, for surely he did not have to do it and could have simply lived out his gilded life.
Who here knows that 2 county election secretaries have already resigned over irregularities in Georgia?
Who here wants to know why Georgia bought the dominion software and election machines at the last minute?
Who here wants to predict the Georgia SOS Raffensburger and Kemp being the 2 latest Republicans gaining sudden new respect from democrats over the next couple of Days?
If two states wanted to change their borders, can they do that? Is that solely a matter for the two states? Or is there a federal element? Is it something voters in each state would have to vote on, or the politicians do it themselves?
I am daydreaming about rural parts of some states being merged into other more R type states. For example, portions of Eastern Washington or Oregon into Idaho or say Southern Illinois being apportioned to Missouri, Indiana, and Tennessee.
Would be complicated, but an opportunity for creative minds.
Well, now the Kraken possibly stalking Newsmax. Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton. Alleges huge conspiracies this year starting with Republicans in GA. Organizing GOP for the run-off will be so fun to watch.
And POTUS tweeting insanity also. Now I see why they insist he spend hours on golf course distracted from watching and reacting. I maintain he has never been the same since contracting covid.
Agree. And it somehow seemed eager to emphasize its ordinariness. For years now Keller hasn’t been a chef or even a restauranteur. He’s been a “brand” (god I’m sick of that word). He’s the anti-Gordon Ramsay. Zen, cerebral, self-effacing. He’s also been the recipient of embarrassingly over-the-top good press. When Pete Wells at the NYT awarded Per Se two stars back in 2016, it was the first negative thing I ever read about Keller. I actually hated Wells’ harsh review of Guy Fieri‘s Time Square restaurant. I thought it was a really cheap shot and reeked of elitism, but I had a bit of schadenfreude reading his takedown of one of Keller’s crown jewels.
Long before the January runoffs in GA, which I believe Kemp/Raffensberger will hand to the democraticals, the place to watch the maneuverings of Team Great Reset will of course be Britain.
With Biden already issuing direct economic threats against the UK for having the unmitigated nerve and gall to go against obama's previous direct threats against Brexit, which did indeed infuriate the Brits and probably played a part in delivering the victory to the pro-Brexit side in UK, we will see the full force of the global "elite" team in action.
Our global betters won't attempt to force a 3rd Brexit vote on the Brits, though "forcing revotes until the result is correct" has been historically what the EU elites have done when member states don't vote the way they have been directed to vote (this goes back 30 years and impacted France, Denmark, Netherlands, etc), instead, using the Harris/Biden administration as the leverage, Biden will cut an independent and probably WTO terms-economic status Britain out of the US markets and, in the words of Saint Barack himself, move Britain "to the back of the queue" in trade matters. The US under Biden will demand that the Brits abide by every law and regulation the EU operates under.
It will be a Brexit in name only with all functional control still maintained in Brussels.
So, we are going to see if the Brits are still made of the same "stuff" they were when Winnie was leading them thru the dark days of the Blitz.
I apologize if these historical references flummox readering, who has shown a severe lack of basic historical knowledge and understanding in the past. Though he/she/xe "made up" for the historical ignorance by being even more pro-Soviet. Which wasn't surprising.
Again, Brexit under a deal or no deal happens before the January runoff in GA and will give us a real sense of the power imbalances which will come into play between an aligned EU/ChiComs/Big Tech/Big Media/Biden vs the western populists.
To our great surprise, Trump delivered a more conservative governance by far than any other republican would have or could have and more conservative than Reagan.
I think this is undoubtedly true. I believe Trump was largely incompetent on the issues and ineffectual in execution, but his agenda is in the great tradition of America First 1920s Republicanism. Revisionist history absurdly considers the decade a time of “isolationism,” which it then even more absurdly blames for the upheavals of the following decade. This revisionism has since become conventional wisdom. Since Ike defeated Taft in 1952, internationalism has been the reigning ideology of the Republican Party. Trump’s victory in 2016 was the most significant rebuke of internationalism since 1920. We might quibble on his governing record, but that alone secures his place in the history book.
One might argue that the maccumber tariff was two little and hawley too much. The washington naval convention was probably too idealistic the dawes plan did stabilize europe till 30-31
Farmer, I think our only quibble is that, in my opinion, it was impossible for Trump to marshall sufficient allies in places of power in the first several years because, lets face it, McCain and Ryan and the rest of the republican idiots in the establishment really did fall for the hoax collusion and hoax dossier lies every bit as much as the morons like readering did.
By the time the republicans figured out they had been had and played for chumps by these establishment/deep state actors, the first 3 years were essentially lost.
In that same first 2 to 3 years McConnell and his Senator pals let Trump know in no uncertain terms that he would be allowed to work with them to get judges thru but he would not be allowed to staff up in accordance with his own policy goals.
So, Trump had a choice to make: at a time when a corrupt and hoaxed up/frame up "investigation" was underway, he could choose to go public with this to his base and go to full war with McConnell and the republicans, which of course would ensure large losses in the 2018 midterms in the Senate, (with a record 55 republican retirees following Ryan's pro-democrat abandonment agenda in the house already sealing the fate of the House in 2018), I don't think Trump could afford to go full war on the weak Senators if he wanted to achieve anything at all.
So, we are going to see if the Brits are still made of the same "stuff" they were when Winnie was leading them thru the dark days of the Blitz.
Very true. Twice the Brits were told by their rulers they must sacrifice blood and treasure to prevent German domination of the continent. And they have wound up the province of a Germany-dominated superstate. Globalizing forces do not tolerate even the slightest pushback. Since they consider globalization a teleological result of progress, anything that resists globalization is considered pathological.
“@Birkel, I did not know that. What I remember reading at the time were outraged articles detailing the evil, greedy med school students who were routinely abusing the student loan program by declaring bankruptcy during their period as an intern or resident. The press made it sound as though nearly everyone was doing it. Sorry, but that was back when one could still trust the press to more or less get it right.”
It wasn’t just doctors. A lot of law school students took bankruptcy class so that they could do their own.
I actually don’t mind a whole lot with the doctors. It typically takes a long time, a lot of very long nights, and hard work, to come out of a residency in a good paying specialty. We probably need more doctors, not fewer. We don’t need more gender studies, environmental justice, etc, PhDs, or, probably as many JDs. Or, maybe with the physicians, just a lot less paperwork. Thank you Obama/Biden and their (Un)Affordable Care Act for that.
Right now, student loans put some limit on useless graduate degrees. My view is that there is decent correlation between availability to get research grants and the usefulness of PhDs. In my kid’s (STEM) department, their experience was typical - one year as a TA, paid for by the school, and 3-4 years as an RA, funded by corporations or government agencies. The PhD candidates all had stipends sufficient that they didn’t have to incur any student debt, and the university made money, charging significant overhead. And that research money mostly wasn’t being flushed down the toilet - there was a lot of neat stuff being done. They had roommates, and were in graduate student groups with non-STEM PhD candidates, and the non-STEM ones almost all either were piling on student debt and/or working long hours as TAs, with little time to do their research. That’s where a lot of that student loan debt is in - useless graduate degrees.
Winnie was not a man with a heart - he was not on the front lines, I was, and I know what I am talking about: THE VICTORY WAS NOT FAT WINNIE'S VICTORY THE VICTORY WAS WON BY MEN WHO WERE BETTER THAN HIM EVEN IF HE DRANK THE BEST CHAMPAGNE (God forgive the poor little fat man for not sharing the way he should have shared - I REMEMBER)
Sullivan is not widely respected
Let not your hearts be troubled my friends
This world belongs to GOD in the first instance
and yes, Russia and China have had bad days but we are better men than the men and women who let the evildoers in China and Russia run rampant were ......
I pity the fool who thinks otherwise .... WE ARE FREE
Farmer: "Very true. Twice the Brits were told by their rulers they must sacrifice blood and treasure to prevent German domination of the continent. And they have wound up the province of a Germany-dominated superstate."
It is amazing, isn't it, that the East German born and raised (and young communist member and leader) Merkel has nearly achieved what every former German/Austrian/Prussian leader in the past has wanted: control over Europe.
And to think all it took was coopting, once again, the pathetic French (who do whatever she dictates) and a few of the smaller states to keep all the other EU members in line while simultaneously the US leadership has allowed Merkel and crew to use US blood and treasure to act as the world police to protect EU interests while also using the US as a trade sucker piggy bank which they draw on over and over again.
Meanwhile, Putin now provides about 35% of Germany's total energy requirements thru his natural gas pipelines and oil imports (after Merkel "helpfully" trashed her coal, nuclear and even wind capacities) in order to bring in more of Vladimir's sweet sweet natural gas....while the US spends billions "defending" Germany from.......Russia! By the way, in about 5 to 10 years, Putin will directly control 50% of all energy needed by Germany.
50%. And he can flip that switch whenever he wants to.
The entirety of the EU is sucking at the russian and Iranian energy teets (amongst others) while claiming Trump is owned by Putin.
Only children would fall for such obvious lies and projection.....(yes readering, everyone is looking at you).
I was going to say that gadfly is also like a child who falls for such obvious lies and projection as well, but that would be a very unfair comparison to children everywhere.
I completely grant your argument regarding the institutional resistance Trump faced. Unparalleled in contemporary American history. I just don’t think that refutes the criticisms I’ve made of Trump. But I have no interest in relitigating Trump’s record at the moment. Assuming the results stand, Republicans will need to keep just as much an eye on other Republicans as on Biden. The GOP is still split between its nationalist and globalist factions. Going right on identity politics and left on economic politics is the golden ticket. People want higher minimum wages and a universal healthcare plan, but they don’t want tranny bathrooms and a flood of third world immigrants. That’s the working class, of all races, that Trump won. Right now, no party offers them that.
Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton.
I completely grant your argument regarding the institutional resistance Trump faced. Unparalleled in contemporary American history. I just don’t think that refutes the criticisms I’ve made of Trump."
I Callahan: "Gadfly posts a tweet from “Right Wing Watch”. Sounds like a non-biased, fair source."
gadfly is a LLR-lefty Chuck mini-me who a few years back apparently decided that Chuck's FakeCon schtick was worth copying and so gadfly is like the busy little bee flitting back and forth between the most idiotic fever swamp lefty sites and Althouse blog where he/she/xe then pretends to have original thoughts while cutting and pasting whatever the lunatic lefty conspiracy theories of the day happen to be all the while claiming to be a conservative.
Has any reporter asked Kemp or Raffi-what's-his-name about the allegations that they or their families received financial favors in e change for approving contracts to purchase Dominion voting machines?
I miss the old days when reporters tried to scoop each other on stories like that.
Mr. Majestyk: "Has any reporter asked Kemp or Raffi-what's-his-name about the allegations that they or their families received financial favors in e change for approving contracts to purchase Dominion voting machines?"
And they approved the purchase at the "last minute".
Gee, nothing strange about that at all.
However, they are almost certain to get away with it.
Trump has significant decisions to make about how he throws his clout around in the coming years. With a single comment he could force some of these pro-dem "republicans" right out of office....but that would result in the election of far left democraticals and ever more socialist policies, which is what LLR-lefty Chuck wants.
Democracy dies in Deutscheland. To the Germans' credit, they have supported the investigation of outsourcing, offshoring the vote. This, and other "irregularities", are active cases in tracing transconstitutional, transnational sociopolitical contagions.
They were passive aggressive then, re this whole investigative dance graham burr mcconnell not to mention ryan, of course it was a lie but it took years to bury it.
Kavanaugh has tipped his hands in significant waves even gorsuch has wavered.
Trump has significant decisions to make about how he throws his clout around in the coming years. With a single comment he could force some of these pro-dem "republicans" right out of office....but that would result in the election of far left democraticals and ever more socialist policies, which is what LLR-lefty Chuck wants.
So I would counsel caution.
Caution is over with. Trump knows this is life or death for him and everyone in his family. After this point the persecution and reeducation begin if Trump is taken down.
You will be fired from your job if you say the wrong thing. You will not get a job in any large company if you say the wrong thing.
You will not be allowed to attend college if you say the wrong thing. Your kids will be attacked in school if you say the wrong thing.
You will be wearing a mask the rest of your life and churches will be closed forever. COVID will shut the country down until small businesses are eliminated from the economy.
Kemp and Raffensburger are lawyering up right now because they betrayed everyone that voted for them in the most vile way possible. There is no "oh they betrayed us to the socialists but we should keep them in power or the socialists take over."
Blogger Achilles said... Does anyone here know who is on the 3rd Circuit and how it will likely rule in the Pennsylvania Equal Protection case?
If they are Democrats will they be as stupid as the Obama judge that immediately ruled on the case or will they drag it out?
Does anyone think Kavanaugh or Gorsuch will cave?
The District Court opinion and order was so strong, a 3rd Circuit panel will unanimously and summarily affirm it. And the Supreme Court will not hear it.
If youre parents lived in a communist country, they become very aware of this. Silly them, they waited eight years to fer out of their and half a century later, they face the same hobsons choice.
@Readering said... Wondering what Powell will do if Flynn judge sits on motion to dismiss until Barr leaves DOJ and then denies it.
Trump’s Barr-led DOJ, working with plaintiff's attorney, Sidney Powell, falsified FBI workpapers related to the actions of traitor Mike Flynn, by submitting altered exhibits from Strzok and McCabe in a failed attempt to fool Judge Sullivan.
Going back to the stevens case, the prosecutors relied on a thoroughly unreliable witness william allen who presented falsified evidence against stevens, his fbi handler had let us say an nc 17 association with him, the whistleblower who pointed this out was forced out, she stayed however.
Gore concedes, then raises questions about a few counties in a single state. resulting in weeks of delay. Trump team raises affidavit and data based questions regarding multiple states and prospect of similar delay is absolutely unpatriotic.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump "Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!"
I think the GOPe traitors and warmongers realize they are all in too.
It wasn’t just doctors. A lot of law school students took bankruptcy class so that they could do their own.
That's what I remember as the driving force behind the change.
And J. Farmer, feel free to explain how moving our embassy to Jerusalem ad getting several countries to sign what amounts to meaningful peace treaties with Israel demonstrates incompetence. Along with withdrawing from several treaties that were harmful to America. Starting with the much ballyhooed Paris Climate Agreement- treated as sacred by Democrats and the media, but never actually submitted to the Senate for ratification, so he withdrew us from a treaty harmful to our interests that wasn't even a treaty....
Well, now the Kraken possibly stalking Newsmax. Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton. Alleges huge conspiracies this year starting with Republicans in GA. Organizing GOP for the run-off will be so fun to watch.
Did you watch the interview on Newsmax?
Or did you read excerpts of the interview on a different site?
Do you think there was more evidence in the court filings of the Trump team or more evidence in the Steele report used to start the Russian collusion investigation?
Gore concedes because news organizations call Florida, then the call is rescinded because the gap statewide is a few hundred votes. The fight that follows is over the recount. Trump makes wild accusations of fraud in the face of all news organizations calling states for Biden in the same total as Trump's 2016 "landslide", which he has to do because the gaps in the closest states are five or six figures, which no amount of recounting can ever close. And his litigation has produced nothing but crushing defeats in state and federal courts in every state. And he is litigating with a raggedy bunch of fourth rate lawyers, in contrast to the top firms that represented both sides in Bush v Gore.
readering: "Gore concedes because news organizations call Florida, then the call is rescinded because the gap statewide is a few hundred votes. The fight that follows is over the recount."
Must you lie about EVERY historical event?
Gore "unconceded" because the democraticals hatched a plan to use the FL democrat controlled supreme court to allow just the 3 most corrupt democratical controlled counties to change the rules by which they assessed ballots (including inventing out of whole cloth mindreading rules to allow democratical poll workers to assess voter "intent", and they tried to do it behind closed doors).
All the while the democraticals pushed for absolutely stringent rules to throw out active duty military ballots across the state, which Lieberman and the democratical party had to apologize for.
This absolutely corrupt democratical ploy was shot down by the US Supreme Court 7-2, after which the lefty hacks on the SC offered up 4 votes to let the state SC go back to the drawing board to try and steal the race.
Fortunately, the 5 conservative justices (NOT Justice Roberts types) saw the democraticals ploy to override the constitutional perogatives of the state legislature and replace it with corrupt democratical judicial rulings, so they shot that one down 5-4.
Isnt readering supposed to be some sort of legal type?
I guess he/she/xe knows as much about the law as he/she/xe does about history....and not in a good way.
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
If two states wanted to change their borders, can they do that? Is that solely a matter for the two states? Or is there a federal element? Is it something voters in each state would have to vote on, or the politicians do it themselves?
The Constitution has a process for a portion of a state to split off from the rest of a state but the rest of the state has to agree to let it go This was exercised to create West Virginia during the Civil Wae. With a little bit of chicanery.
When I was in Medical school, you could "pay off" part of your loan by working in a poor area for two years. Why not require community service? My son did this in Americorps to get money for tuition, and one of my grandsons joined ROTC to get money for college. But working class folks don't like to go into debt so will have little sympathy with some of these students.
If they went to a state school or community college I'm okay with that. I am less okay if they went to a fancy school and got a degree in something that didn't allow them to get a job. Indeed, those colleges should be fined for fraud, because they enticed students to go into debt.
The Third Circuit appears to be 8-6 R-D, with the R side split evenly between GW Bush and Trump nominees, while the Ds are split 2 Clinton and 4 Obama. Unfortunately this means that if Trump loses one of the Bush judges, it is tied, and the district court decision stands.
But the Supreme Court is split 6-3 right now, with 3 of the Republicans having been nominated by Trump, and two of the others having joined in the A II, § 1, P 2 concurrence to Bush v Gore that would have also reversed the FL court on the basis that only the legislature, and not the courts, nor presumably the executive, could/can change election law for President. Breyer joined the EP majority in the decision, which means that it is possible for the Court to go as high as 7-2 for Trump. As I have said before, I think that the critical Justice here is Kavenaugh. Smearing him at his confirmation May turn out to have been a strategic mistake. My prediction is that CJ Roberts is the sixth vote either way, in order to get control over writing the majority decision. I expect that he very much wants to keep that away from Thomas, who has a tendency to use a very broad brush in his more heated opinions. Fine sometimes, but probably not when writing about the Dems and the Deep State stealing elections.
“ Do you think there was more evidence in the court filings of the Trump team or more evidence in the Steele report used to start the Russian collusion investigation?”
He has essentially answered that with his gross mischaracterization of the Flynn case.
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
What the goal? What is the best what is the best way to attain the goal. What must be sacrificed?
I have always had an "open door policy"
Employees found the first time they exercised that policy, they learned the process was two way. They had a problem? tell me your solution, and exactly what you are willing to sacrifice to reach a solution. My open door policy came up with a few great solutions, and kept the whiners out of my sight.
The fight about the recount was because the Florida SC ordered a recount nobody asked for.
Readering is going to explain to everybody exactly how a court that did not have a case before it ordered a recount. SCOTUS couldn't figure out how they did it and stayed their overreach and demanded to be informed exactly where the court found such judicial power. I cant wait to be informed by readering
One of the more humorous claims that was making the rounds yesterday was that ignored Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland was being considered as Biden’s AG. Dems, in recent decades, have appointed highly political AGs, with the current height (comparable maybe JFK’s brother RFK) of political bias having been Obama’s “Wing Man”, Eric Holder. My theory is that they need political fixers in the position to protect themselves and their cronies from attacks based in their corruption. Obama, not as corrupt maybe as Clinton or Biden, might have been able to afford a race warrior like Holder. But Biden himself, as well as his family, are epically corrupt, more corrupt probably even than the Clintons. Garland, as a political fixer AG, for the Biden family, would give the lie to the claim that he was a moderate nominee. Of course he wasn’t - he was just as unradical that Obama thought that he could get away with, without consulting with a united Republican Senate majority. He was a bit of a stealth radical leftist, but not stealthy enough.
“Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.”
And how many of those cases are ending up in the ER or ICU? Are our medical facilities being severely strained? Or is testing just ramped up enough that a lot of benign and asymptomatic cases, along with probably even more false positives, are being detected? If the hospitals are being slammed, then sure, get worried. But if not, we are mostly talking hype, I think, in order to blame the crisis on Trump (and in their minds, the solution on Biden).
To keep this in perspective, think about the rate of testing that would be required to get this level of detection. Are we talking 10 million tests a week? When this all started, with the CDC severely controlling all testing, we were talking hundreds, or maybe low thousands of tests a week. We are apparently talking millions now. Thank you Donald Trump and Michael Pence.
Talking about their successes in this area. Obviously, the near availability of at least two vaccines is a monumental achievement. Operation Mach Speed was, of course,by rousing success. But has anyone else noticed the mask situation? There is a glut, with literally everyone and their grandmother producing them. I can remember back in March (April and May) when my second mask order hung in Amazon limbo for almost three months. They had supposedly been shipped in March, then April, etc. I finally demanded my money back about the first of June. Of course, it didn’t help that I had put in my order before NYC had. They were still hyping the Chinese New Year. But you walk in Walmart, a grocery store, even Home Depot, and they are running 2 for 1 sales, often having at least a half dozen, often many more, alternatives available. 3M, Hanes, Tommy Somebody, etc. Everyone is in on the action. Why? Trump and Pence again, of course, who brought the private sector in, and convinced them to cut over production from other goods.
I will admit to a bit of cynicism here. I pick up at least one free mask a day from businesses that virtue signaling about requiring masks to keep us all safe. My rule is that if they indicate that they are doing it due to government mandate, I will bring in my own mask. But if it is supposedly for my own good, and that of their other customers, I will happily accept their donation of a free mask.
Another, possibly better amendment of bankruptcy laws pertaining to student loans would be to have schools accepting these loans to be partially or totally responsibly for the losses. Universities need skin in the game or they will continue their out-of-control spending.
Absolutely. I asked my medical students every year how many were using student loans for tuition? (Tuition = $57,000 a year) All hands went up. Then I would ask how many considered the military, which would pay their tuition in return for 7 years' service? No hands went up. Doctors don't make the incomes we did 40 years ago. Student loans are a real burden when young doctors are doing "gig work" in Urgent Care shops.
Readering: "Fan fiction. Now explain the current monstrosity"
"Fan fiction" and "gibberish" are the tells that readering has run up against the documented and written record and has been caught out misrepresenting the facts.
Again. Not surprising for someine who thinks Putin controlled the 2016 election outcome.
Hey dummy, the Bush v Gore 7-2 and 5-4 votes at the US SC re: 2000 FL election, along with their reasoning, is publicly available.
And J. Farmer, feel free to explain how moving our embassy to Jerusalem ad getting several countries to sign what amounts to meaningful peace treaties with Israel demonstrates incompetence.
For starters, I would quarrel with your word "getting," as if Trump's or even the US' role was pivotal. I think that role was most likely played by Mohammed bin Zayed. I also don't believe normalization between Israel and the UAE or Bahrain, fine in and of themselves, has much of anything to do with American national interests, especially not if it's coupled with unquestioning and unwavering indulgence of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Both countries are led by young, impetuous rulers who have contributed to a great deal of instability in the region.
Watching a program on PBS about community gardens. I'm more and more convinced that they are the reeducation camps in our future. More is said in this program about land ownership and community activism than about the art and craft of gardening. I also see a lot of micromanagement of the participants' choices about what will be grown and how to distribute the fruits of their labor.
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
LOL! This guy thinks golf causes more virus cases. Must have got that info from CNN.
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१७६ टिप्पण्या:
maybe change that pic to black & white
...seems to be the trend lately
Anyone seen the Kraken? Is it stalking Fox News maybe?
Student loan forgiveness programs are again being discussed as brilliant Democrat economic minds such as Chuck Schumer and Liz Warren are pushing Biden to get on board with. There are many excellent arguments as to why this is a bad idea, mostly centered around the lower middle class financing the better-off college educated class for debts that the latter took on willingly. Also, it can be well argued that the payoff will not result in a stimulus to the economy as many Democrats claim.
Putting those arguments aside for the moment, I see few just questioning the basic morality of the loan forgiveness. Of all of the possible uses of public tax revenues to help people who may be in very difficult financial situations due to situations largely beyond their control, why the concern with those who have enjoyed the benefits of one of our most elitist institutions: higher education. Did someone force them into this situation? I can tell you that someone encouraged them in their plight: the US Government through educational loans, and the universities themselves, feeding at the trough of public money for worthless degrees that often leave the student without serious job prospects. Yet there has been ample warning about these abuses, and still college enrollment increases.
Student loan forgiveness is fraught with problems: what about those who worked hard to repay their loans, or took low paid public service jobs to earn forgiveness over a ten-year period… how is it fair to them? What about future students – will they go into the universities expecting some kind of forgiveness like the cohort of the recent past? What incentives would be put into place to make sure that future tax monies were not wasted ‘educating’ students in worthless studies?
It seems to me that allowing bankruptcy for these loans is a much better way to go. It gets around the moral dilemma of free money for a ‘lucky’ set of students (bankruptcy is no picnic), while on the other end, puts pressure on a system where the government hands out our tax money freely to students with no risk assessment for repayment, while the university systems take advantage of that bottomless bucket of money to increase salaries, add useless administrators to their payrolls, etc. Coupled with a bankruptcy policy, government loans should be prohibited except in certain handfuls of cases where the student in under contract after graduation to fulfill some needed government role for a minimum period of time.
DC forecast tomorrow, 58 and cloudy. Golf weather?
"Student loan forgiveness is fraught with problems: what about those who worked hard to repay their loans, or took low paid public service jobs to earn forgiveness over a ten-year period… how is it fair to them?"
Why would anyone in the government care about someone who has demonstrated any sort of self-reliance?
It seems to me that allowing bankruptcy for these loans is a much better way to go.
The present rules were put in place precisely because it became pretty standard for students to take out large loans, especially for med school, and then declare bankruptcy early in one's career when income was very low. Later on one is a successful doctor and makes lots of money, and the student debt is ... gone.
The Smartest Guy Joe Knows
.... In another case, he [Hunter Biden] hooked-up with a married woman. According to the women, Hunter made her feel “wanted and important”. But he also convinced her to give him 40% of her future divorce settlement in exchange for helping her find a high power divorce lawyer. Yes, if you didn’t already know, Hunter is a practicing attorney and a member of the bar. ...
How to get 40% of someone’s legal settlement without doing any legal work? A lady friend in desperate need writes Hunter ”I remember you telling me you could help retain a top notch divorce lawyer so long as I share 40% of settlement with you.”
If the Biden family drug infestation wasn’t so destructive it could have been made into a comic TV series. On at least one occasion, during his travels and stays in high-end hotels, Hunter ‘misplaced’ a large amounts of drugs and cash which resulted in frantic searches and finger pointing within his entourage. ....
Regarding the claim of a firewall between Joe Biden and Hunter’s activities. This is a complete fiction, it simply didn’t exist. The evidence shows close Biden family collaboration and regular communications using various cutout like Hunter’s mother (AKA Nana), his uncle Jim, his aunt Sara, his sister in law Liz, and others. Of note is that Hunter was using Joe Biden’s cell phone and was receiving calls and messages directed to his father. It’s unclear why Joe Biden agreed to the arrangement, perhaps he incorrectly assumed that the device was secure from his days at the White House.
Some of the activity on that phone included:
1) Conversations regarding the sourcing of drugs: blow, crack, Xanax, and weed
2)Receiving text and calls addressed to “Vice President Biden”
Some of the communications sent to Joe Biden’s phone used by Hunter came from Luis Freeh’s FGIS executives. Louis Freeh, is the former director of the FBI. He sits on the board of the Beau Biden Foundation
A disturbing insight into the Biden family psyche is how dysfunctional, unsupportive, and predatory Joe Biden and Jim Biden were towards their own children. In several instances, his father and his uncle distanced themselves from the children and grandchildren in order not to tarnish their reputation. ...
Other events relating to potential child abuse, neglect, and negligence can also be found in direct communications between adult family members who discuss their drug and sex habits and confirm that the children are abandoned, neglected, and are exposed to an unsafe home environment.
Beyond the issues of Hunter’s inappropriate business dealing with Ukraine and China, there are some evidence of what could be involvement in human trafficking activity.
In one interaction with a Ukrainian women, Hunter was working out the logistics of bringing her into the US. The purpose of her relocation was to ‘work’. The woman, named Vicky, had no professional skills and exceedingly poor English. Hunter, who was always on a lookout for damsels in distress, indicated that he was willing to help her finance the purchase of an apartment for her mother in Ukraine and pay for her move to the US. Obviously, an extremely generous gesture, but what is not so obvious is what was Hunter getting out of this investment and how/why the State Department processed Vicky’s US work visa. ...
From the wealth of evidence, It’s clear that the Biden family is full of debauched degenerates with some serious criminal, drug, sex addiction, and child abuse issues and that none of them is suited to hold public office or professional licenses of any sort. They are as corrupt as one can get without spontaneously combusting.
What still puzzles me though is how propaganda outlets like NYT, WaPo, and CNN in a true RICO fashion are able to shield the Biden’s from any legal and public scrutiny. ...
If they plan on forgiving fifty thousand for student loan, only fair to give every other adult in America fifty thousand dollars.
So the US borrows the money from itself to pay off college debt.
Instead of the US borrowing from itself to fight wars? Bailout Wall Street?
Fund Green Energy?
No one gives a shit about the debt.
Self-reliance is Boomers expecting Social Security and Medicare for the next 50 years when they didn’t pay nearly enough into those programs.
This country has been a joke for a long time.
Jonah Goldberg at The Dispatch:
“As for the conservative ‘leaders’ who think it’s their job to tell their readers, viewers, and listeners what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear for the good of the country, my contempt is total. In a system with weak parties, it is incumbent on the ideological allies of the party to explain to the rank-and-file what is true and right. Pandering to them is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. The whole point of the conservative movement is to protect and preserve the legitimacy of the constitutional order and the blessings of liberty such an order was intended to secure. Indulging feelings—no matter how sincerely felt—when they don’t align with the actual facts undermines that project.”
"Self-reliance is Boomers expecting Social Security and Medicare for the next 50 years when they didn’t pay nearly enough into those programs."
50 years? Retirement age is 66, life expectancy in the US is currently 78. Something's off in your calculation.
"the lower middle class financing the better-off college educated class for debts that the latter took on willingly"
What portion of the "lower middle class" still pays any federal income taxes?
Whiskeybum: Nicely stated, cogent arguments. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I fear that cogent arguments are no substitute for "happy thoughts" in a Democratic administration.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Jonah Goldberg at The Dispatch:"
Only democrats care about what other democrats are writing and saying.
Which is why only far left democrats fund lefty/democrat webzine The Dispatch.
"What portion of the "lower middle class" still pays any federal income taxes?"
What is the definition of "lower middle class"?
No one gives a shit about the debt.
We’re all modern monetary theorists now.
You and your bullshit conservatism are a fucking joke.
Jonah Goldberg is a fat, fucking moron whose mom got him a job with Conservative Media.
Jonah Goldberg has a "reach" of about 200 insider democrats and others who simply stop by to see what a train wreck looks like.
For those who don't know, the only reason Steve Hayes was ever given time on the Bret Baier's now failing show is because Steve and Bret were roommates in college.
I wouldn't be concerned about the future prospects for these pro-dem grifter however. It is my understanding that the far left and radical democrats who pay Steve and Jonah's salary remain quite impressed with Steve and Jonah's "hot takes" on cool cat pictures and discussions regarding whether hot dogs should be considered a sandwich or not.
Hey Chuck, have your purchased your tickets for the next The Dispatch cruise yet?
I hear those tickets are hot Hot HOT commodities!
I look forward to the Hollywood miniseries on the life and times of Hunter Biden. It should be very entertaining should anyone be bold enough to make it.
Big Mike said... @ 7:05
Yes, I agree that there's some level of risk that students would go for bankruptcy as a relatively easy way out. Perhaps our bankruptcy laws need a new code to cover student loans explicitly with tighter rules about when debt can be discharged (e.g., not within the first XX years of the end of the loan), or how it might get paid back once the student had steady income. Another, possibly better amendment of bankruptcy laws pertaining to student loans would be to have schools accepting these loans to be partially or totally responsibly for the losses. Universities need skin in the game or they will continue their out-of-control spending.
Following up on comments: No one gives a shit about the debt. We’re all modern monetary theorists now.
I'm not sure that I feel like disputing this. But if so, what keeps a politician from promising an end to the income tax for everyone with income below (say) $100,000. What a winning platform! And I'm not even sure it would result in much reduction of gov't revenue.
An imaginative right-winger would propose something like this: "No taxes! (for most americans)" just to see if Democrats would sign on, or would object.
An hour or so ago on Twitter, as the opinion and order in Trump Campaign v. Boockvar was released this evening:
Marc E. Elias
For non-lawyers, this is what a complete ass-kicking of the president's legal effort looks like.
mccullough: "Chuck, You and your bullshit conservatism are a fucking joke.
Jonah Goldberg is a fat, fucking moron whose mom got him a job with Conservative Media."
In LLR-lefty Chuck's defense, Chuck is on the far left of the democrat party policy spectrum now and cannot begin to relate to the 95% of republicans who supported Trump so its only natural that he would be tone deaf to what actual conservatives think and believe.
And yes, Jonah Goldberg of the "prestigious" Goucher College (you can stop laughing now), whose mother had to fight to get him into that place since Jonah couldn't hack anything better, would have likely ended up driving a bus in Maryland if it had not been for his accomplished and principled and talented mother.
Jonah, like the rest of the "Washington Generals" neocon fakers, has never achieved or built anything, never won any battle for the conservative cause, never even really fought for the conservative cause (because that's how you lose invitations to parties in DC and NY where they serve jumbo shrimp(!)) and is always fully prepared to lose on command to his democratical superiors.
He's another of those morons who thinks the conservative base can't wait to see him and his pals back in charge and "in action" and posting more on the money cat videos while losing, with dignity, to the democraticals.
Chuck is an ambulance chaser who went to Detroit Law School.
LLR-lefty Chuck, now pushing Marc Elias on Althouse blog!!
The central figure in every hoax operation the democraticals have launched against republicans for the last decade!
Again, its a very positive development that LLR-lefty Chuck rarely tries to reignite his fake TrueConservative online persona at Althouse blog any longer, now that the jig is well and truly up.
Truth in advertising is a positive thing and its helpful when the Moby's stop Mobying quite so much.
Drago; Trump sure isn’t losing with any dignity. Trump is losing with confusion, incompetence, ugliness and mendacity.
So he’s got that goin’ for him. Which is nice.
On May 17, 2012, President Obama nominated Brann to be a United States District Judge for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
Self-reliance is Boomers expecting Social Security and Medicare for the next 50 years when they didn’t pay nearly enough into those programs.
@mccullough, I cannot speak for other Boomers, but for me to get back the money I paid into Social Security I will have to live to age 108. But if you want to give me back what I paid in — with interest and adjusted for Jimmy Carter’s inflation — in exchange for no future monthly payments, that would work fine for me.
BTW, the oldest Boomer will turn 75 in January. Make sure you’re not talking about the worthless scum from Joe Biden’s generation.
On September 26, 2020, President Trump announced his intention to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court.
Big Mike,
When were you born?
You also forgot about Medicare. Hip replacements and cancer treatments for seniors are expensive.
The 'Wall Street Journal' has morphed into 'Ebony Magazine' slowly but surely.
About 50% of the articles in the Weekend Magazine, Friday real estate section, and the Saturday style and arts sections features African-Americans...
Go figure.
It would be a logical takeover target by BET.
mccullough: "Chuck is an ambulance chaser who went to Detroit Law School."
You should have seen Chuck not that long ago pushing a narrative that he was a significant hot shot legal beagle who requires tens of thousands in retainer fees and $1,000/hour for his "insight" and "skilled" "legal" "acumen" which was an amusing follow on to his tales of professional golf expertise and consummate skill and how every PGA Tour event has personnel just waiting by the phone to receive the next phone call from Ball Hawking Chuckie regarding rules violations perceived by LLR-lefty Chuck while watching at home and quaffing tankards of gin and tonics!!
It was nearly, but not quite, as amusing as LLR-lefty Chuck's long winded musings, which he shared with the blog, naturally because "Chuck", regarding his harrowing and tortured decision as to whether or not to join the military when he was younger.
After reading through the massive content dump Chuck labored to provide to us over this singularly traumatic decision for Chuckie, one began to realize that this entire War and Peace length Treatise really only covered an approximate 98 second thought process that our young Intrepid Future Golf Rules & Legal Star Chuck put himself thru before he decided that no, he was simply too important to "waste" as a military man and his True Value And Potential To Our Nation had to be found elsewhere.
Matthew Stiegler
Conservative twitter is erupting w these Obama-judge takes, but it's all delusional. Judge Brann was a Federalist Society member who served on the Pa. GOP State Comm, on his county Republican committee for 18 years. He reportedly was picked by Toomey.
Zero Hedge headline: "Pennsylvania Judge Throws Out Trump Campaign Lawsuit, Setting Stage For Supreme Court Showdown"
Wait a second, according to someone in the know on this blog, Trump got his butt kicked. I though it was over.
My other favorite LLR-lefty Chuck moments invariably involve his attacks on black conservatives, usually in the most racist of ways, followed by his angry attacks on republicans with distinguished military records.
But nothing compares to his vicious rhetorical assaults against conservative women.
If you take all those things together, you can easily see how it might keep an entire team of therapists fully employed for many years.
Chuck is neither a Conservative nor an attorney.
Humperdink: "Wait a second, according to someone in the know on this blog, Trump got his butt kicked. I though it was over."
What you have to understand about our LLR-lefty Chuck, is that on weekends in particular, the gin and tonics flow quite freely and the facade of Chuck the Conservative usually goes on full display.
It was over just such a weekend years ago when, in a drunken stupor, LLR-lefty Chuck let his mask fall off completely and gleefully, seriously it was with absolute glee that came through loud and clear in his postings, that LLR-lefty Chuck proudly and loudly boasted that he was only here to smear and lie about Trump as well as attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
It was also on a weekend when Chuck attacked Barron Trump and called Melania an escort and a prostitute.
There is quite a lot of unclean and disturbed things going with our Chuckie, which clearly played a role in LLR-lefty Chuck being banned from this blog. Of course, being not quite "altogether 'there'", if you know what I mean, Chuck can't help himself and he simply keeps coming back.
You sick fucking lying piece of shit Drago.
You’ve been lying about me for more than four years. Now that Trump is the biggest loser and headed for criminal prosecutions, I’m going to hand around and make it stick with you.
mockturtle: "Chuck is neither a Conservative nor an attorney."
Most of us realized that in 2015.
But hey, perhaps there is a Reid Hoffman in the background somewhere making it all worthwhile for our FakeCon amigo.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You’ve been lying about me for more than four years. Now that Trump is the biggest loser and headed for criminal prosecutions, I’m going to hand around and make it stick with you."
Ah yes.
Criminal prosecutions. Again.
This marks about the 4,539th time in the last 5 years LLR-lefty Chuck, again usually on a weekend when he's quite schnockered, like tonight, will go off on all the criminal prosecutions that will nail Trump.
The Walls Are Closing In! Again. As always for our inebriated mendacious far left FakeCon, who, once again, is to the left of most democrats on open borders, post-birth abortion and attacks on religious conservatives.
BTW, it was impossible not to notice that LLR-lefty Chuck couldn't even bring himself to lie about supporting ACB the way he forced himself, thru gritted teeth no doubt, to fake support for Kavanaugh.
Again, perhaps that sort of transparency is a strong step in the right direction in terms of transparency.
If that is the case, I congratulate you Chuck. Your emerging embrace of the reality that your multi-year experiment in crafting a Mobyish TrueCon (FakeCon) online persona has utterly failed and so you might as well let your pro-dem Freak Flag fly pal.
psst: even the lefties here know it and don't bother pretending anymore that you are anything but what you really are.
Do you know why? Because you are so far to the left of them that they probably feel dumb attempting to push the charade any further.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You sick f***ing lying piece of s*** Drago."
Actually "Counselor" (wink wink), it was your exposure as a "sick f***ing lying piece of s***" that directly led to you being banned.
So your comment betrays an astonishing (but typical for you) degree of projection.
And we know that all far left lunatics at Althouse blog are "bigly" projecters.....which, logically speaking, is another data point in the vast sea of data points that demonstrably mark you as a FakeCon lefty performing a circus Moby act....which has failed.
Chuck hates blacks more than he hates Trump.
mccullough: "Chuck hates blacks more than he hates Trump."
This is demonstrably true as evidenced by his incredibly racist attack against Ben Carson.
In LLR-lefty Chuck-World, the worst thing you can be is, in order:
1) A black conservative
2) Any conservative who actively fights against LLR-lefty Chuck's Beloved Democraticals
3) Any conservative with a distinguished military record (he really hates that)
4) Any female conservative
There are more naturally and are all of a theme, as it were.
So, if you really want to blow LLR-lefty Chuck's mind, ponder what he would do if he were to encounter a strong conservative, who was effective at attacking Chuck's democratical heroes, who also happend to be a black female with a distinguished military record!!
Well, lets just say if that scenario were to occur I'd be afraid we might see another "Hodgkinson"-type incident.
chuck, this is all Drago has.
This is his sum achievement, being Althouse's lousiest commenter. Most spittle covered of all the poo flinging idiots here.
The grief stages take buffoons like this a long time. Seems to be stuck in anger permanently.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "chuck, this is all Drago has."'
No Mark. As with the Rittenhouse thread earlier today where you moronically asserted Rittenhouse was a murderer, and promptly had your lefty rear end handed to you over your defense of your murderous, wife beating antifa heroes being killed in self defense by Rittenhouse (proven by videotape), we actually have all 5+ years of LLR-lefty Chuck's postings here at Althouse to lean on.
So go ahead, pretend away that LLR-lefty Chuck hasn't fully exposed himself for what he is with his very own words in his very owns posts on this very blog.
I would expect nothing less from Dumb Lefty Mark. Nothing less at all.
“Seems to be stuck in anger permanently.”
He’s big on typing that he’s LOLing. And, he tells other commenters that they are “hardest hit.”
Are you suggesting that his mind may not be fully sorted and self-aware? As if there’s some sorta desperate self-cheering and deflecting via projection going on?
Drago, after claiming Trump would win you got your ass handed to you.
Kraken fails to appear.
It's just one long stream of meaningless invective spewed in anger. Good luck with that.
Governor "Ozzie" Newsome (D-Fraud) had quite a dinner at the French Laundry restaurant. As more facts emerge, it get worse for the Oz.
> "Two top officials at the California Medical Association attended a birthday, Dustin Corcoran, the organization's chief executive officer and Janus Norman, a senior vice president, were among a dozen people at the dinner."
> "The California Medical Association represents 50,000 doctors in the nation's most populous state and has recently tweeted messages including #StayHome and #WearAMask." None of the attendees wore a mask.
> The restaurant offers a "$350 per person tasting menu. Other options include a $450 per person menu for parties of up to 12 people, .. and another for $850." You read that right $850 per person.
I wonder who picked up the tab.
Those are not new facts for everyone.
BTW, who F-ing cares about an expensive restaurant? It’s still small dough. Even normal income folks could afford a few grand for a meal. Obviously sly not every day. But, it’s not like buying cars that cost hundreds of thousands. Or a jet. A few grand for a meal is nothing. Such a strange thing to fuss about. IMHO.
Re: French Laundry
A friend of mine went (he can afford it) a few years back.
With wine, etc., it was closer to $3k for the two of them.
He said it was good but wouldn't go back...
Joe proves my point.
BTW, I feel this way about bicycles too.
Normal folks can spend around fifteen grand on a very high level bike. The same level for a car would be a million.
Big Mike:
While it might have been moving in the direction of "pretty standard" for doctors to declare bankruptcy...
It was happening less than 1% of the time when the law was changed.
"Such a strange thing to fuss about. IMHO."
Exactly. Much more interesting is why the people in power who insist that everybody wear masks choose not to wear them themselves when they think nobody is watching.
It's almost like they don't actually believe what they publicly proclaim.
What's up with that?
I’m not S,
Plus the folks that could be lobbying for particular industries is notable.
Cui bono
The point is not the price of the meal, it's the hypocrisy of the maskless event...
It's the whole 'do as I say, let them eat cake' attitude of the socialist, silver-spooned asshole guv.
And, beg to differ, it depends on who you consider 'normal folks.'
I don't think anyone making the U.S. median income of $68k is rushing to book a table.
Chuck returns and ruins another post. I'd gladly give him a bag of my shit to fuck off and die.
Mark: "Drago, after claiming Trump would win you got your ass handed to you."
Feel free to post that comment of mine.
Spoiler: you'll be looking for a long time...and in vain.
But go ahead.
I'll wait...(but not holding my breath since, you know, you're wrong)
Does the michigan marauder provide anything but momentary amusement
adSs: "BTW, who F-ing cares about an expensive restaurant?"
Every single democratical.
Every single one.
At least, when everyone is watching.
When no one is watching? Yeah, not so much then........
Gavin the hypocrite (is an International Emmy in the offing for Newsom for "Adherence to Covid Rules Issued By Demcraticals"? It ought to be, considering Cuomo's) is simply another example along the lines of the elites jetting into Davos to the tune of 1,500 private jets to have a long discussion about how to make everyone else live up to the New Green Deal "ideals".
Ridin' with Biden to Gitmo
adS responded: "Those are not new facts for everyone. ..... It’s still small dough. Even normal income folks could afford a few grand for a meal."
The initial hue and cry was the maskless gathering itself, not "settled science" medical community in attendance.
The last time I shelled out over a grand for a cooked meal was daughters wedding.
I’ll rank the importance of the three things IMHO:
3) cost of food
2) the mask (and lack of social distancing) thing (The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help.)
1) Very, very much more important (IMHO) is finding out if there was any jabber re the gov re putting the thumb on the scale for some industry. Sure, it’s important for the gov to communicate w/ and work w/ biz, but that could be a cover for corruption. Need to suss that out. That’s what makes me fussy.
I saw that yesterday the scotus rearranged justices assigned to the circuit courts. Seems Kavanaugh is @6&8, and ACB took over his spot @7 where she worked previously. To take effect immediately. Sotomayer went from 6 to 2.
Probably just rearranging after RBG passing, but maybe tactical move for emergency requests.
Full scotus list from scotusblog
"3) cost of food"
Pelosi had the same problem...the maskless hair appointment and the pricey ice cream in refrigerators that were as expensive as some people's cars.
It's the's ALWAYS the hypocrisy.
And all from the party of the people; the working man.
Another thread wasted on the scat flinging monkey from Michigan.
"The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help."
Maybe not, but what it does demonstrate is that our rulers don't think the rules they dream up for ordinary folk apply to them. And that they don't believe that covid is the risk they make it out to be.
Where is the hypocrisy? Are you sure that the Rs aren’t better at giving benefits to rich folks?
I’m moving many tens of millions to family because of the Biden win. I will 100% lose control of all of that forever. Not my first choice.
The goal is to crush sme's
I’m not S,
I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing. And anytime they were anywhere near normal folks who didn’t get a ton of testing they could be wearing three masks stacked on top of each other.
Seems like some may say that access to personal testing is more of a privilege than expensive food. IMHO.
3) Cost of food.
"Let 'em cake" comes to mind.
2) "the mask (and lack of social distancing) thing (The right masks and social distancing does help w/ spread, so even if Gav and pals didn’t do this that doesn’t mean masks and social distancing don’t help.)"
Geez Louise, the whole purpose of the various lockdowns is to prevent contact. Ozzie violated the basic premise.
1) "Very, very much more important (IMHO) is finding out if there was any jabber re the gov re putting the thumb on the scale for some industry."
Did you happen to catch the word lobbyist in the article? Read the attached link regarding Ozzie's lobbyist friend and birthday boy. He has Ozzie in his back pocket.
adSs: "I’m moving many tens of millions to family because of the Biden win. I will 100% lose control of all of that forever. Not my first choice."
There isn't a revocable trust arrangement available whereby you do not lose control? Until you are dead of course.
I suspect there is.
I fully expect my trust beneficiaries to execute along the lines mandated, though I already know I will begin voting straight ticket democrat after my demise.
adSs: "anti-de Sitter space said...
I’m not S,
I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing."
tsk tsk tsk
Those conditions are no excuse, said every democratical everywhere.
But only everyone. And everywhere.
Look, you'd be better off lambasting them for their moronic hypocrisy which exposes the lies they intend for us to live under if you want to retain a bit of credibility on this since, if the political parties in this were reversed, I don't believe for one second you would be so nuanced about it all.
"I don’t want to make excuses for them because I don’t think they are excusable. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the folks at that table were getting a ton of testing."
Are people who have been tested excused by law from following the rules imposed on everybody else?
"And anytime they were anywhere near normal folks who didn’t get a ton of testing they could be wearing three masks stacked on top of each other."
No doubt, they could be. What do you suppose the odds are, that they do?
I did know about the lobbyist link.
The details are not new to me.
[BTW, I deleted my earlier comment were I’d typed that I “didn’t” know about the lobbyist. That wasn’t some uncoscious slip, just one of my normal mistakes (like adding “sly” after “obviously” in a comment earlier in this thread. Editing and thinking about what I type is too much work.]
Doesn't there have to be a crime before there can be a criminal prosecution, dick? At the very least an allegation of a crime?
What "crime" do you think president or citizen Trump committed?
Other than OMB, of course. Sadly, as much as you want it to be a crime, it isn't. And you a lawyer. By your own admission!
John Henry
Careful Drago. Next Dick will be whinging to our hostess about how mean you are. Again.
Then he'll start threatening you.
John Henry
Gov. Gavin Newsom apologized Monday for attending a birthday party earlier this month, acknowledging his actions undermined the message he’s been preaching for months as he asked other Californians to avoid gathering with their friends and family.
“I made a bad mistake,” Newsom said. “The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradictory, and I’ve got to own that, so I’m going to apologize to you.”
Do you suppose he would have apologized if he hadn't been caught in his hypocrisy?
Me neither.
You do know the election has not been held yet, don't you?
Nobody has won or lost yet. And won't for another 3 weeks or so. Maybe longer.
Lots can happen between now and then.
It wasn't over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor and it isn't over yet.
John Henry
Mistranslating hungarian phrases for one.
"On Sept. 23, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to ban hydrofracturing in the state by 2024.
Just three weeks later, on Oct. 16, his administration approved permits to frack six new wells owned by a company with whom he has lobbying ties. That company, Aera Energy – a joint venture of Shell and ExxonMobil – is represented by the lobbying firm Axiom Advisors.
Axiom’s lobbyists include Jason Kinney .." (French Laundry birthday boy)
"I’m moving many tens of millions to family because of the Biden win. I will 100% lose control of all of that forever. Not my first choice."
I'm sorry, but I don't know what this means.
The hypocrisy is the Democrats going on and on about being the party of the people.
'Lunch pail Joe.' 'Scranton.' You know what I mean.
The parties have swapped places...all of the massive corporations are now run by Democrats and (even if for PR purposes only) leftists.
Trump turned the Republicans into a populist party of 'regular folk.'
The 'working man' wants to actually work.
The Dems want to put everyone on the dole because they don't want to do the work necessary to achieve a paltry 3% economy.
And giving people other people's money will get them elected until the end of time.
As logical as anything else
Cuomo was antifracking as well despitr contributions from blavitsky (sic) a russian oligarch
This guy like gusteriev who donated to hunter
John Henry, do you have a slip across the way?
While it might have been moving in the direction of "pretty standard" for doctors to declare bankruptcy...
It was happening less than 1% of the time when the law was changed.
@Birkel, I did not know that. What I remember reading at the time were outraged articles detailing the evil, greedy med school students who were routinely abusing the student loan program by declaring bankruptcy during their period as an intern or resident. The press made it sound as though nearly everyone was doing it. Sorry, but that was back when one could still trust the press to more or less get it right.
I 100% support Trump's continuing efforts to achieve justice using the legal mechanisms. There are two possible economies - the Trump economy which brings prosperity to all and the Biden economy which is like the one Obama ran which brings prosperity to Hunter, the one who matters to a doting dotard father, and to a few others who are eating out for $3000. The rest of us are fine till the credit card we're borrowing on maxes out and the oil shuts down. If Trump doesn't get justice then we get the Biden economy. And worse. At the start of World War II the French Army wouldn't fight. It thought it would just go home and the Germans would come in and life would all be the same except that the bosses would have German names. But the men of that surrendered French Army were sent into Germany as slave labor for the rest of the war. And there are people yawning now, as Trump fights, who will be sorrowing for their children in camps with the Uighurs if he loses. for if he loses, we lose our democracy. Really all this pushing and shoving is just the necessary battle to get democracy out of the clutches of Big Tech and The Globalists. It would be very easy to do it now by acting on the universal knowledge that the Dems cheated. But as we know there are people talking about a "lockdown" in which they wait at home for others to grow their food, ship their food, cook their food and deliver their food which they pay for by taxes on those out there growing, shipping, cooking and delivering. And these people. called Techers, also think that it will make no real difference to them if an American President is ch d out of his second term and his voters see it happening. It is my prayer that these value-free louts don't learn their lesson by finding out along with all of us that 2020 was just a warm-up for 2021.
Business owners have a meeting in western NY in defiance of NY Governor Sonny Cuomo. Health dept, along with several sheriff deputies show up and are given the boot. "Civil disobedience starts here" is the shout. "Where's your warrant?" Sweet video.
"Jonah Goldberg is a fat, fucking moron whose mom got him a job with Conservative Media."
Many years ago, Goldberg wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. It is a very good book, laying out in considerable detail the historic roots of European Fascism, which are entirely on the Left, as well as the considerable sympathy and even enthusiasm that American Progressives expressed for fascist ideas like eugenics. It was well-researched, well-written and well-received, and seemed to give promise of a useful and successful career as a conservative scholar.
Then he forgot everything he learned
[The following comment is NOT about "Chuck"; it would be better for the commenting experience if all sensible people, right, left, or other, ignored him.] I am a real life-long Republican: Goldwater to Trump. Often disappointed, by losers as well as winners. I was favorably surprised by Trump. I thought he would govern as a "moderate Republican" building bridges to the Left. Maybe he would have done so if the Democrats had been willing to work with him; but they weren't. If the people really decided not to re-elect Trump, I'm mystified. I find it hard to believe that Covid (which wasn't his fault) outweighed all that he accomplished for our economy and country. But so far I don't see a path to proving that he really won. BUT (and this is a very important BUT) we should do everything possible to show the extent to which the Democrats tried to steal the election, even if we can't show that Biden really didn't win. If we face 4 years of a Biden, or Biden-Harris, Presidency, its legitimacy should constantly be challenged, just as Trump's legitimacy was.
John henry: "Careful Drago. Next Dick will be whinging to our hostess about how mean you are. Again.
Then he'll start threatening you."
My favorite LLR-lefty Chuck/other lefties defending him threads are those where Chuck's far left and marxist pals call for me to be they defend Chuck...who was banned...
That particular irony always escapes them...which makes them perfect LLR-lefty Chuck.
Which amuses me.
"Business owners have a meeting in western NY in defiance of NY Governor Sonny Cuomo. Health dept, along with several sheriff deputies show up and are given the boot. "Civil disobedience starts here" is the shout. "Where's your warrant?" Sweet video."
Unfortunately, those sheriffs and health department apparatchiks will most likely make it their life's mission to ruin the folks who challenged their authoritah.
I got a hip replacement last year, paid for by Medicare. Gonna have the other one done next year, and Medicare will pay for that one too.
Too bad for you, huh?
at the French Laundry restaurant
The most overrated restaurant in America. The absolute pinnacle of dining out as status symbol. The waiters’ and captains’ spiels sound like Mad Magazine parodies of haute cuisine. There is absolutely nothing in the food or service to justify their prices or self-congratulatory self-regard.
Drago said...
John henry: "Careful Drago. Next Dick will be whinging to our hostess about how mean you are. Again.
Then he'll start threatening you."
My favorite LLR-lefty Chuck/other lefties defending him threads are those where Chuck's far left and marxist pals call for me to be they defend Chuck...who was banned...
That particular irony always escapes them...which makes them perfect LLR-lefty Chuck.
Which amuses me.
Does Althouse announce all bannings?
"The most overrated restaurant in America."
Keller started a 'regular' restaurant in Yountville as well...called Ad Hoc.
We though we'd try it and had high hopes.
It was mediocre...
And yet he comes back, i directed to the good prosecutors cozy cul de sac. But he diesnt seem interested.
Godfather: "I was favorably surprised by Trump. I thought he would govern as a "moderate Republican" building bridges to the Left. Maybe he would have done so if the Democrats had been willing to work with him; but they weren't."
I think most of us were genuinely curious whether or not Trump would toss his victory, achieved on conservative populist principles, into the trash can precisely as Schwarzenegger did in CA before he then moved completely left.
To our great surprise, Trump delivered a more conservative governance by far than any other republican would have or could have and more conservative than Reagan.
And that's when the wheels of the congressional republican establishment clown car came off and those morons reneged on every single issue they had been touting for decades.
Now, we had long suspected this might be the case but it was Trump calling all their bluffs that exposed them all.
And that has been more valuable than we can yet quantify, and more importantly is why the republican base, 93-95% "aint never" going back to business as usual.
The Chamber of Commerce has been completely coopted by the dems, as has the Idiocracy at The Dispatch, The Bulwark, 2/3rds of National Review, 85% of Fox News, and on and on it goes.
The realignment is in full swing.
We are now on an irrevocable collision course to see if the power and maximum corruption of the US/global establishment, joined at the hip with the media, Big Tech, the ChiComs, the EU (and all the associated global entities), the Iranians etc have what they need to complete their conquest over individual rights and freedoms to create their utopian New World Order.
If we are honest, right now it appears they have the strong upper hand, which is why, contra Dumb Lefty Mark's assertion earlier, I did not ever say Trump would win because the margin needed to overcome fraud approached galactic proportions and as we see with the pro-dem McCainiacs in AZ and NeverTrump Kemp/Raffensberger in GA, those were some very long fraud-based odds.
This battle is occurring across the west. See eastern Europe, Australia, Italy, UK/Brexit.
Trump didnt start this train rolling. He was just so pro-American he happily jumped aboard and ran to the conductors station to lead the fight.
We will always owe a great debt of gratitude for that, for surely he did not have to do it and could have simply lived out his gilded life.
Who here knows that 2 county election secretaries have already resigned over irregularities in Georgia?
Who here wants to know why Georgia bought the dominion software and election machines at the last minute?
Who here wants to predict the Georgia SOS Raffensburger and Kemp being the 2 latest Republicans gaining sudden new respect from democrats over the next couple of Days?
If two states wanted to change their borders, can they do that?
Is that solely a matter for the two states? Or is there a federal element?
Is it something voters in each state would have to vote on, or the politicians do it themselves?
I am daydreaming about rural parts of some states being merged into other more R type states. For example, portions of Eastern Washington or Oregon into Idaho or say Southern Illinois being apportioned to Missouri, Indiana, and Tennessee.
Would be complicated, but an opportunity for creative minds.
Well, now the Kraken possibly stalking Newsmax. Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton. Alleges huge conspiracies this year starting with Republicans in GA. Organizing GOP for the run-off will be so fun to watch.
And POTUS tweeting insanity also. Now I see why they insist he spend hours on golf course distracted from watching and reacting. I maintain he has never been the same since contracting covid.
CE Owens,
Nope, I don't e en own a boat anymore.
John Henry
Where's Hunter's laptop?
Put up a copy of the hard drive for all to see, minus the under-age porn, of course.
Wiener's too while you're at it...minus the under-age porn, of course.
It was mediocre...
Agree. And it somehow seemed eager to emphasize its ordinariness. For years now Keller hasn’t been a chef or even a restauranteur. He’s been a “brand” (god I’m sick of that word). He’s the anti-Gordon Ramsay. Zen, cerebral, self-effacing. He’s also been the recipient of embarrassingly over-the-top good press. When Pete Wells at the NYT awarded Per Se two stars back in 2016, it was the first negative thing I ever read about Keller. I actually hated Wells’ harsh review of Guy Fieri‘s Time Square restaurant. I thought it was a really cheap shot and reeked of elitism, but I had a bit of schadenfreude reading his takedown of one of Keller’s crown jewels.
Wondering what Powell will do if Flynn judge sits on motion to dismiss until Barr leaves DOJ and then denies it.
Sullivan didnt care that his negligence in the stevens case contributed to his death, it took the schuelke report for him to act at all.
Long before the January runoffs in GA, which I believe Kemp/Raffensberger will hand to the democraticals, the place to watch the maneuverings of Team Great Reset will of course be Britain.
With Biden already issuing direct economic threats against the UK for having the unmitigated nerve and gall to go against obama's previous direct threats against Brexit, which did indeed infuriate the Brits and probably played a part in delivering the victory to the pro-Brexit side in UK, we will see the full force of the global "elite" team in action.
Our global betters won't attempt to force a 3rd Brexit vote on the Brits, though "forcing revotes until the result is correct" has been historically what the EU elites have done when member states don't vote the way they have been directed to vote (this goes back 30 years and impacted France, Denmark, Netherlands, etc), instead, using the Harris/Biden administration as the leverage, Biden will cut an independent and probably WTO terms-economic status Britain out of the US markets and, in the words of Saint Barack himself, move Britain "to the back of the queue" in trade matters. The US under Biden will demand that the Brits abide by every law and regulation the EU operates under.
It will be a Brexit in name only with all functional control still maintained in Brussels.
So, we are going to see if the Brits are still made of the same "stuff" they were when Winnie was leading them thru the dark days of the Blitz.
I apologize if these historical references flummox readering, who has shown a severe lack of basic historical knowledge and understanding in the past. Though he/she/xe "made up" for the historical ignorance by being even more pro-Soviet. Which wasn't surprising.
Again, Brexit under a deal or no deal happens before the January runoff in GA and will give us a real sense of the power imbalances which will come into play between an aligned EU/ChiComs/Big Tech/Big Media/Biden vs the western populists.
To our great surprise, Trump delivered a more conservative governance by far than any other republican would have or could have and more conservative than Reagan.
I think this is undoubtedly true. I believe Trump was largely incompetent on the issues and ineffectual in execution, but his agenda is in the great tradition of America First 1920s Republicanism. Revisionist history absurdly considers the decade a time of “isolationism,” which it then even more absurdly blames for the upheavals of the following decade. This revisionism has since become conventional wisdom. Since Ike defeated Taft in 1952, internationalism has been the reigning ideology of the Republican Party. Trump’s victory in 2016 was the most significant rebuke of internationalism since 1920. We might quibble on his governing record, but that alone secures his place in the history book.
One might argue that the maccumber tariff was two little and hawley too much. The washington naval convention was probably too idealistic the dawes plan did stabilize europe till 30-31
Farmer, I think our only quibble is that, in my opinion, it was impossible for Trump to marshall sufficient allies in places of power in the first several years because, lets face it, McCain and Ryan and the rest of the republican idiots in the establishment really did fall for the hoax collusion and hoax dossier lies every bit as much as the morons like readering did.
By the time the republicans figured out they had been had and played for chumps by these establishment/deep state actors, the first 3 years were essentially lost.
In that same first 2 to 3 years McConnell and his Senator pals let Trump know in no uncertain terms that he would be allowed to work with them to get judges thru but he would not be allowed to staff up in accordance with his own policy goals.
So, Trump had a choice to make: at a time when a corrupt and hoaxed up/frame up "investigation" was underway, he could choose to go public with this to his base and go to full war with McConnell and the republicans, which of course would ensure large losses in the 2018 midterms in the Senate, (with a record 55 republican retirees following Ryan's pro-democrat abandonment agenda in the house already sealing the fate of the House in 2018), I don't think Trump could afford to go full war on the weak Senators if he wanted to achieve anything at all.
So, we are going to see if the Brits are still made of the same "stuff" they were when Winnie was leading them thru the dark days of the Blitz.
Very true. Twice the Brits were told by their rulers they must sacrifice blood and treasure to prevent German domination of the continent. And they have wound up the province of a Germany-dominated superstate. Globalizing forces do not tolerate even the slightest pushback. Since they consider globalization a teleological result of progress, anything that resists globalization is considered pathological.
“@Birkel, I did not know that. What I remember reading at the time were outraged articles detailing the evil, greedy med school students who were routinely abusing the student loan program by declaring bankruptcy during their period as an intern or resident. The press made it sound as though nearly everyone was doing it. Sorry, but that was back when one could still trust the press to more or less get it right.”
It wasn’t just doctors. A lot of law school students took bankruptcy class so that they could do their own.
I actually don’t mind a whole lot with the doctors. It typically takes a long time, a lot of very long nights, and hard work, to come out of a residency in a good paying specialty. We probably need more doctors, not fewer. We don’t need more gender studies, environmental justice, etc, PhDs, or, probably as many JDs. Or, maybe with the physicians, just a lot less paperwork. Thank you Obama/Biden and their (Un)Affordable Care Act for that.
Right now, student loans put some limit on useless graduate degrees. My view is that there is decent correlation between availability to get research grants and the usefulness of PhDs. In my kid’s (STEM) department, their experience was typical - one year as a TA, paid for by the school, and 3-4 years as an RA, funded by corporations or government agencies. The PhD candidates all had stipends sufficient that they didn’t have to incur any student debt, and the university made money, charging significant overhead. And that research money mostly wasn’t being flushed down the toilet - there was a lot of neat stuff being done. They had roommates, and were in graduate student groups with non-STEM PhD candidates, and the non-STEM ones almost all either were piling on student debt and/or working long hours as TAs, with little time to do their research. That’s where a lot of that student loan debt is in - useless graduate degrees.
Winnie was not a man with a heart - he was not on the front lines, I was, and I know what I am talking about: THE VICTORY WAS NOT FAT WINNIE'S VICTORY THE VICTORY WAS WON BY MEN WHO WERE BETTER THAN HIM EVEN IF HE DRANK THE BEST CHAMPAGNE (God forgive the poor little fat man for not sharing the way he should have shared - I REMEMBER)
Sullivan is not widely respected
Let not your hearts be troubled my friends
This world belongs to GOD in the first instance
and yes, Russia and China have had bad days but we are better men than the men and women who let the evildoers in China and Russia run rampant were ......
I pity the fool who thinks otherwise .... WE ARE FREE
trust me I know in my heart what this country is.
Tucker gets Pizza-Gated for badmouthing Sidney! Funny made even funnier by the actors not being able to say their lines without screw-ups.
Some people finally having some courage to stand up to the Deep Karen State.
Farmer: "Very true. Twice the Brits were told by their rulers they must sacrifice blood and treasure to prevent German domination of the continent. And they have wound up the province of a Germany-dominated superstate."
It is amazing, isn't it, that the East German born and raised (and young communist member and leader) Merkel has nearly achieved what every former German/Austrian/Prussian leader in the past has wanted: control over Europe.
And to think all it took was coopting, once again, the pathetic French (who do whatever she dictates) and a few of the smaller states to keep all the other EU members in line while simultaneously the US leadership has allowed Merkel and crew to use US blood and treasure to act as the world police to protect EU interests while also using the US as a trade sucker piggy bank which they draw on over and over again.
Meanwhile, Putin now provides about 35% of Germany's total energy requirements thru his natural gas pipelines and oil imports (after Merkel "helpfully" trashed her coal, nuclear and even wind capacities) in order to bring in more of Vladimir's sweet sweet natural gas....while the US spends billions "defending" Germany from.......Russia! By the way, in about 5 to 10 years, Putin will directly control 50% of all energy needed by Germany.
50%. And he can flip that switch whenever he wants to.
The entirety of the EU is sucking at the russian and Iranian energy teets (amongst others) while claiming Trump is owned by Putin.
Only children would fall for such obvious lies and projection.....(yes readering, everyone is looking at you).
I was going to say that gadfly is also like a child who falls for such obvious lies and projection as well, but that would be a very unfair comparison to children everywhere.
I completely grant your argument regarding the institutional resistance Trump faced. Unparalleled in contemporary American history. I just don’t think that refutes the criticisms I’ve made of Trump. But I have no interest in relitigating Trump’s record at the moment. Assuming the results stand, Republicans will need to keep just as much an eye on other Republicans as on Biden. The GOP is still split between its nationalist and globalist factions. Going right on identity politics and left on economic politics is the golden ticket. People want higher minimum wages and a universal healthcare plan, but they don’t want tranny bathrooms and a flood of third world immigrants. That’s the working class, of all races, that Trump won. Right now, no party offers them that.
Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton.
Actually, that’s almost certainly true.
Gadfly posts a tweet from “Right Wing Watch”. Sounds like a non-biased, fair source.
"I actually hated Wells’ harsh review of Guy Fieri‘s Time Square restaurant."
It was a cheap shot but it was epic nonetheless...
Everything I've heard about Fieri is good. He's seemingly a genuinely nice guy (sorry).
Yes, he has a schtick, but that's what sells on TV.
The owners of the restaurants he's featured on his show all seem to love him...
J. Farmer: "@Drago:
I completely grant your argument regarding the institutional resistance Trump faced. Unparalleled in contemporary American history. I just don’t think that refutes the criticisms I’ve made of Trump."
I can live with that.
I Callahan: "Gadfly posts a tweet from “Right Wing Watch”. Sounds like a non-biased, fair source."
gadfly is a LLR-lefty Chuck mini-me who a few years back apparently decided that Chuck's FakeCon schtick was worth copying and so gadfly is like the busy little bee flitting back and forth between the most idiotic fever swamp lefty sites and Althouse blog where he/she/xe then pretends to have original thoughts while cutting and pasting whatever the lunatic lefty conspiracy theories of the day happen to be all the while claiming to be a conservative.
It's hilarious.
Has any reporter asked Kemp or Raffi-what's-his-name about the allegations that they or their families received financial favors in e change for approving contracts to purchase Dominion voting machines?
I miss the old days when reporters tried to scoop each other on stories like that.
Mr. Majestyk: "Has any reporter asked Kemp or Raffi-what's-his-name about the allegations that they or their families received financial favors in e change for approving contracts to purchase Dominion voting machines?"
And they approved the purchase at the "last minute".
Gee, nothing strange about that at all.
However, they are almost certain to get away with it.
Trump has significant decisions to make about how he throws his clout around in the coming years. With a single comment he could force some of these pro-dem "republicans" right out of office....but that would result in the election of far left democraticals and ever more socialist policies, which is what LLR-lefty Chuck wants.
So I would counsel caution.
Does anyone here know who is on the 3rd Circuit and how it will likely rule in the Pennsylvania Equal Protection case?
If they are Democrats will they be as stupid as the Obama judge that immediately ruled on the case or will they drag it out?
Does anyone think Kavanaugh or Gorsuch will cave?
Powell: Servers were 'confiscated' from electronic voting company 'in Germany,' and 'it was our forces that got' them
Democracy dies in Deutscheland. To the Germans' credit, they have supported the investigation of outsourcing, offshoring the vote. This, and other "irregularities", are active cases in tracing transconstitutional, transnational sociopolitical contagions.
They were passive aggressive then, re this whole investigative dance graham burr mcconnell not to mention ryan, of course it was a lie but it took years to bury it.
Kavanaugh has tipped his hands in significant waves even gorsuch has wavered.
Drago said...
Trump has significant decisions to make about how he throws his clout around in the coming years. With a single comment he could force some of these pro-dem "republicans" right out of office....but that would result in the election of far left democraticals and ever more socialist policies, which is what LLR-lefty Chuck wants.
So I would counsel caution.
Caution is over with. Trump knows this is life or death for him and everyone in his family. After this point the persecution and reeducation begin if Trump is taken down.
You will be fired from your job if you say the wrong thing. You will not get a job in any large company if you say the wrong thing.
You will not be allowed to attend college if you say the wrong thing. Your kids will be attacked in school if you say the wrong thing.
You will be wearing a mask the rest of your life and churches will be closed forever. COVID will shut the country down until small businesses are eliminated from the economy.
Kemp and Raffensburger are lawyering up right now because they betrayed everyone that voted for them in the most vile way possible. There is no "oh they betrayed us to the socialists but we should keep them in power or the socialists take over."
Blogger Achilles said...
Does anyone here know who is on the 3rd Circuit and how it will likely rule in the Pennsylvania Equal Protection case?
If they are Democrats will they be as stupid as the Obama judge that immediately ruled on the case or will they drag it out?
Does anyone think Kavanaugh or Gorsuch will cave?
The District Court opinion and order was so strong, a 3rd Circuit panel will unanimously and summarily affirm it. And the Supreme Court will not hear it.
If youre parents lived in a communist country, they become very aware of this. Silly them, they waited eight years to fer out of their and half a century later, they face the same hobsons choice.
@Readering said...
Wondering what Powell will do if Flynn judge sits on motion to dismiss until Barr leaves DOJ and then denies it.
Trump’s Barr-led DOJ, working with plaintiff's attorney, Sidney Powell, falsified FBI workpapers related to the actions of traitor Mike Flynn, by submitting altered exhibits from Strzok and McCabe in a failed attempt to fool Judge Sullivan.
The rest of the story
Not true in the are a cocksucker extraordinaire.
The FBI is as dirty as your soul.
Going back to the stevens case, the prosecutors relied on a thoroughly unreliable witness william allen who presented falsified evidence against stevens, his fbi handler had let us say an nc 17 association with him, the whistleblower who pointed this out was forced out, she stayed however.
How flawed a witness, lets say hunter might have hung out with him.
Never mind then
Gore concedes, then raises questions about a few counties in a single state. resulting in weeks of delay.
Trump team raises affidavit and data based questions regarding multiple states and prospect of similar delay is absolutely unpatriotic.
Your link and yourself, Gadfly, are lying sacks of shit.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
"Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!"
I think the GOPe traitors and warmongers realize they are all in too.
This is as good a time as any to point out the people that own Joe Biden are carrying out genocide on full view of the world.
There are 2 places where people are immune to COVID. One is burning down a store. The other is a democrat fundraiser in a shutdown bar in New York City.
Democrats are just stupid and evil people.
Bruce Hayden said...
It wasn’t just doctors. A lot of law school students took bankruptcy class so that they could do their own.
That's what I remember as the driving force behind the change.
And J. Farmer, feel free to explain how moving our embassy to Jerusalem ad getting several countries to sign what amounts to meaningful peace treaties with Israel demonstrates incompetence. Along with withdrawing from several treaties that were harmful to America. Starting with the much ballyhooed Paris Climate Agreement- treated as sacred by Democrats and the media, but never actually submitted to the Senate for ratification, so he withdrew us from a treaty harmful to our interests that wasn't even a treaty....
Readering said...
Well, now the Kraken possibly stalking Newsmax. Powell gave an interview and she was torched. Her rantings were insane. Even claimed Sanders was paid off after the primaries in 2016 were fixed for Clinton. Alleges huge conspiracies this year starting with Republicans in GA. Organizing GOP for the run-off will be so fun to watch.
Did you watch the interview on Newsmax?
Or did you read excerpts of the interview on a different site?
Do you think there was more evidence in the court filings of the Trump team or more evidence in the Steele report used to start the Russian collusion investigation?
Gore concedes because news organizations call Florida, then the call is rescinded because the gap statewide is a few hundred votes. The fight that follows is over the recount. Trump makes wild accusations of fraud in the face of all news organizations calling states for Biden in the same total as Trump's 2016 "landslide", which he has to do because the gaps in the closest states are five or six figures, which no amount of recounting can ever close. And his litigation has produced nothing but crushing defeats in state and federal courts in every state. And he is litigating with a raggedy bunch of fourth rate lawyers, in contrast to the top firms that represented both sides in Bush v Gore.
readering: "Gore concedes because news organizations call Florida, then the call is rescinded because the gap statewide is a few hundred votes. The fight that follows is over the recount."
Must you lie about EVERY historical event?
Gore "unconceded" because the democraticals hatched a plan to use the FL democrat controlled supreme court to allow just the 3 most corrupt democratical controlled counties to change the rules by which they assessed ballots (including inventing out of whole cloth mindreading rules to allow democratical poll workers to assess voter "intent", and they tried to do it behind closed doors).
All the while the democraticals pushed for absolutely stringent rules to throw out active duty military ballots across the state, which Lieberman and the democratical party had to apologize for.
This absolutely corrupt democratical ploy was shot down by the US Supreme Court 7-2, after which the lefty hacks on the SC offered up 4 votes to let the state SC go back to the drawing board to try and steal the race.
Fortunately, the 5 conservative justices (NOT Justice Roberts types) saw the democraticals ploy to override the constitutional perogatives of the state legislature and replace it with corrupt democratical judicial rulings, so they shot that one down 5-4.
Isnt readering supposed to be some sort of legal type?
I guess he/she/xe knows as much about the law as he/she/xe does about history....and not in a good way.
Fan fiction.
Now explain the current monstrosity.
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
If two states wanted to change their borders, can they do that? Is that solely a matter for the two states? Or is there a federal element?
Is it something voters in each state would have to vote on, or the politicians do it themselves?
The Constitution has a process for a portion of a state to split off from the rest of a state but the rest of the state has to agree to let it go This was exercised to create West Virginia during the Civil Wae. With a little bit of chicanery.
re student loan forgiveness.
When I was in Medical school, you could "pay off" part of your loan by working in a poor area for two years. Why not require community service? My son did this in Americorps to get money for tuition, and one of my grandsons joined ROTC to get money for college. But working class folks don't like to go into debt so will have little sympathy with some of these students.
If they went to a state school or community college I'm okay with that. I am less okay if they went to a fancy school and got a degree in something that didn't allow them to get a job.
Indeed, those colleges should be fined for fraud, because they enticed students to go into debt.
The Third Circuit appears to be 8-6 R-D, with the R side split evenly between GW Bush and Trump nominees, while the Ds are split 2 Clinton and 4 Obama. Unfortunately this means that if Trump loses one of the Bush judges, it is tied, and the district court decision stands.
But the Supreme Court is split 6-3 right now, with 3 of the Republicans having been nominated by Trump, and two of the others having joined in the A II, § 1, P 2 concurrence to Bush v Gore that would have also reversed the FL court on the basis that only the legislature, and not the courts, nor presumably the executive, could/can change election law for President. Breyer joined the EP majority in the decision, which means that it is possible for the Court to go as high as 7-2 for Trump. As I have said before, I think that the critical Justice here is Kavenaugh. Smearing him at his confirmation May turn out to have been a strategic mistake. My prediction is that CJ Roberts is the sixth vote either way, in order to get control over writing the majority decision. I expect that he very much wants to keep that away from Thomas, who has a tendency to use a very broad brush in his more heated opinions. Fine sometimes, but probably not when writing about the Dems and the Deep State stealing elections.
“ Do you think there was more evidence in the court filings of the Trump team or more evidence in the Steele report used to start the Russian collusion investigation?”
He has essentially answered that with his gross mischaracterization of the Flynn case.
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
What the goal? What is the best what is the best way to attain the goal. What must be sacrificed?
I have always had an "open door policy"
Employees found the first time they exercised that policy, they learned the process was two way. They had a problem? tell me your solution, and exactly what you are willing to sacrifice to reach a solution. My open door policy came up with a few great solutions, and kept the whiners out of my sight.
I'm still waiting for a defined goal, re, covid.
The fight that follows is over the recount.
The fight about the recount was because the Florida SC ordered a recount nobody asked for.
Readering is going to explain to everybody exactly how a court that did not have a case before it ordered a recount. SCOTUS couldn't figure out how they did it and stayed their overreach and demanded to be informed exactly where the court found such judicial power.
I cant wait to be informed by readering
One of the more humorous claims that was making the rounds yesterday was that ignored Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland was being considered as Biden’s AG. Dems, in recent decades, have appointed highly political AGs, with the current height (comparable maybe JFK’s brother RFK) of political bias having been Obama’s “Wing Man”, Eric Holder. My theory is that they need political fixers in the position to protect themselves and their cronies from attacks based in their corruption. Obama, not as corrupt maybe as Clinton or Biden, might have been able to afford a race warrior like Holder. But Biden himself, as well as his family, are epically corrupt, more corrupt probably even than the Clintons. Garland, as a political fixer AG, for the Biden family, would give the lie to the claim that he was a moderate nominee. Of course he wasn’t - he was just as unradical that Obama thought that he could get away with, without consulting with a united Republican Senate majority. He was a bit of a stealth radical leftist, but not stealthy enough.
“Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.”
And how many of those cases are ending up in the ER or ICU? Are our medical facilities being severely strained? Or is testing just ramped up enough that a lot of benign and asymptomatic cases, along with probably even more false positives, are being detected? If the hospitals are being slammed, then sure, get worried. But if not, we are mostly talking hype, I think, in order to blame the crisis on Trump (and in their minds, the solution on Biden).
To keep this in perspective, think about the rate of testing that would be required to get this level of detection. Are we talking 10 million tests a week? When this all started, with the CDC severely controlling all testing, we were talking hundreds, or maybe low thousands of tests a week. We are apparently talking millions now. Thank you Donald Trump and Michael Pence.
Talking about their successes in this area. Obviously, the near availability of at least two vaccines is a monumental achievement. Operation Mach Speed was, of course,by rousing success. But has anyone else noticed the mask situation? There is a glut, with literally everyone and their grandmother producing them. I can remember back in March (April and May) when my second mask order hung in Amazon limbo for almost three months. They had supposedly been shipped in March, then April, etc. I finally demanded my money back about the first of June. Of course, it didn’t help that I had put in my order before NYC had. They were still hyping the Chinese New Year. But you walk in Walmart, a grocery store, even Home Depot, and they are running 2 for 1 sales, often having at least a half dozen, often many more, alternatives available. 3M, Hanes, Tommy Somebody, etc. Everyone is in on the action. Why? Trump and Pence again, of course, who brought the private sector in, and convinced them to cut over production from other goods.
I will admit to a bit of cynicism here. I pick up at least one free mask a day from businesses that virtue signaling about requiring masks to keep us all safe. My rule is that if they indicate that they are doing it due to government mandate, I will bring in my own mask. But if it is supposedly for my own good, and that of their other customers, I will happily accept their donation of a free mask.
Big Mike - Thank you very much.
Another, possibly better amendment of bankruptcy laws pertaining to student loans would be to have schools accepting these loans to be partially or totally responsibly for the losses. Universities need skin in the game or they will continue their out-of-control spending.
Absolutely. I asked my medical students every year how many were using student loans for tuition? (Tuition = $57,000 a year) All hands went up. Then I would ask how many considered the military, which would pay their tuition in return for 7 years' service? No hands went up. Doctors don't make the incomes we did 40 years ago. Student loans are a real burden when young doctors are doing "gig work" in Urgent Care shops.
Readering: "Fan fiction.
Now explain the current monstrosity"
"Fan fiction" and "gibberish" are the tells that readering has run up against the documented and written record and has been caught out misrepresenting the facts.
Again. Not surprising for someine who thinks Putin controlled the 2016 election outcome.
Hey dummy, the Bush v Gore 7-2 and 5-4 votes at the US SC re: 2000 FL election, along with their reasoning, is publicly available.
@Readering, and what, precisely, do you imagine Senile Joe Biden will do that Donald Trump wasn’t already doing?
And J. Farmer, feel free to explain how moving our embassy to Jerusalem ad getting several countries to sign what amounts to meaningful peace treaties with Israel demonstrates incompetence.
For starters, I would quarrel with your word "getting," as if Trump's or even the US' role was pivotal. I think that role was most likely played by Mohammed bin Zayed. I also don't believe normalization between Israel and the UAE or Bahrain, fine in and of themselves, has much of anything to do with American national interests, especially not if it's coupled with unquestioning and unwavering indulgence of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Both countries are led by young, impetuous rulers who have contributed to a great deal of instability in the region.
Watching a program on PBS about community gardens. I'm more and more convinced that they are the reeducation camps in our future. More is said in this program about land ownership and community activism than about the art and craft of gardening. I also see a lot of micromanagement of the participants' choices about what will be grown and how to distribute the fruits of their labor.
The program is Laura Flanders - Food Justice. Watch at your discretion; draw your own conclusions.
"I also see a lot of micromanagement of the participants' choices about what will be grown and how to distribute the fruits of their labor."
But of course. You need the enlightened to lead the mundanes, in order that they do not make unapproved choices.
Readering is a Branch Covidian? Who woulda thunk it.
Readering said...
Meanwhile, with a million new positive covid tests every 6 days we'll be past 20 million well before the inauguration. How many more rounds of golf I wonder.
LOL! This guy thinks golf causes more virus cases. Must have got that info from CNN.
I got the idea from listening to Trump 2009-17.
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