Elegant. I love the experience of being out in freshly falling and fallen snow, the world is soft and quiet then. We have none of that here in southern Maine, too early. Now, December, that's when the action picks up.
It's supposed to be a La Nina year. That means snow's likely here in King County, WA. Usually two, maybe three storms a year. Nice to look at, often gridlock to drive on. The forecasts have really improved over the last 30 years, so surprise snow storms are very rare. It's the surprise snow storm in the midafternoon that causes gridlock around here. On a weekday. Non-covid years.
I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
Apparently, Brad Heath thinks it's a "carpet bomb" for the State's brief to argue "We already certified so whatever Trump wants doesn't matter. Too late. Neener."
This is supposed to be a massive, shocking, awesome response that puts to bed every issue.
Since Chuck the c#*t decided to show up and open his filthy cock holster I wonder how many fraudulent ballots he produced or caused to be produced for Biden in Michigan. You know his hatred for Trump is his guiding principal so I bet he was very busy. falsus uno falsus omnibus or words to that effect. eh Chuck.
'Baris noted a statistical oddity from 2020’s election returns: “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Barnes added that in those “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” In the states that mattered most, so many mail-in ballots poured in for Biden from the cities that he put up record-breaking numbers and overturned state totals that looked like comfortable leads for President Trump.'
Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. Huh. President Shithole.
I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
Then Alito can finish off his previous work now that the SC is going to be 5-4. And the 5 judge can tell Roberts to fuck right off with his traitorous shit shit leftist friends.
China Joe wants to impose a $200/year/item tax on "assault" rifles and magazines. It'll be a pity when all those items accidently wind up in the lakes and rivers. The other pity of his plan is that it's a direct tax, which is unconstitutional. But little items like the constitution don't matter to China Joe. It would also be an infringement of 2A rights.
Achilles, I actually don't think Roberts is a leftist at heart.
I think they have some God-level blackmail on him. Whatever it is would destroy him utterly. He'll do whatever the hell they want.
It doesn't make any practical difference, but I just think that's what's going on behind the scenes. There *was* a "John Roberts" on the flight logs to Epstein's Island, after all.
At any rate, I agree, what happens in the 3rd is only going to matter insofar as it does, or doesn't, piss Alito off even more than he already is.
One question the Republican senators should ask all of China Joe's appointees: Do you put America first? Jim Mattis doesn't. Reject any appointee who can't answer: "Yes, absolutely!" China Joe will have a lonely tenure as President, since none of his appointees could answer that question affirmatively and satisfy all of China Joe's good little leftist friends.
Hey Chuck - THIS is what a carpet bomb looks like.
IV. — The government data report and estimates support that the election result is void.
15. Petitioners have submitted the government data report of their expert Matthew Braynard.
116. — The results show that the election result is void because of illegal votes counted, legal votes not counted, counting errors and election official illegalities.
117, — The estimate of ballots requested in the name of a registered Republican by someone other than that person is 14,426.
118. — The estimate of Republican ballots that the requester returned but were not counted is 12,071.
19. The total of these two categories is 26,497—enough to change the election result.
120. — Further, the estimate of persons who voted where they did not reside is 26,673.
121. —The estimate of electors who avoided Wisconsin Voter ID laws by voting absentee as an indefinitely confined" elector and were not indefinitely confined is 96,437.
122. The estimate of out of state residents voting in Wisconsin is 6,966.
123. — The estimate of people double voting in Wisconsin is 234.
124, — The total, including all categories, is 156,807—enough to change the election result.
So apparently Biden received about 10 million more votes this year than Obama did in 2008 (and still counting!). Gives you an idea of how many Democrat racists there are out there.
And here comes the motorization of goalposts again, I'm betting.
Cause it used to be: "You can't possibly find enough illegal votes to overturn the election!"
Before this is all over, it's going to become:
"Estimates don't count, it doesn't matter even if it's extrapolated from actual discovered fraud to the total population! You have to list the name and address of every single illegal vote, hundreds of thousands of them, explain in explicit detail exactly how each vote was stolen, have each one of those tens of thousands of illegal ballots individually adjudicated by a court of law, and do it NOW, before we certify in the morning."
Mike of Snoqualmie: "China Joe wants to impose a $200/year/item tax on "assault" rifles and magazines. It'll be a pity when all those items accidently wind up in the lakes and rivers. The other pity of his plan is that it's a direct tax, which is unconstitutional. But little items like the constitution don't matter to China Joe. It would also be an infringement of 2A rights."
We are about 15 minutes away from the all pro-democratical FakeCon LLR-lefties offering up "The Conservative Case for Why The Second Amendment Should Be Abolished".
Chuck said... I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
Blogger Rusty said... Since Chuck the c#*t decided to show up and open his filthy cock holster I wonder how many fraudulent ballots he produced or caused to be produced for Biden in Michigan. You know his hatred for Trump is his guiding principal so I bet he was very busy. falsus uno falsus omnibus or words to that effect. eh Chuck.
I caused to be produced 3,141,592 fraudulent ballots. Hard work, but very satisfying. Heck, it was hard to count them all! Especially when we had to make them to order at 3:30 am after the polls closed, and we figured out how many votes were needed for Comrade Biden.
Rising CO2 due to natural variability, which may, in fact, follow rising temperature, and a green environment, not Green blight advocated by knowledgeable and green people in pursuit of sociopolitically indemnified, environmentally shared/shifted/obfuscated corruption, redistributive/consolidated greenbacks. Save the birds, the bats, whack a wind turbine. Do it for the unPlanned Children.
“There are still legal challenges going on and [Biden] is not president-elect and the delegates have not even been selected, much less voted,” she told Newsmax TV host John Bachman. “And the next president for the next four years will be sworn in on January 20, 2021, and … the current president—President Trump—is very very much aware of that, and so he’s focused on the actual constitutional procedures and actually making sure to safeguard election integrity. He’s not out there, you know, just trying this in the court of public opinion and saying things, like Joe Biden, that ultimately do not matter.”
Just nice to hear from a much better lawyer than all of the people pretending to be one on this blog.
Biden is facing an existential challenge in the next two weeks, I think. A challenge he will almost certainly fail (sad). I mean, beyond the fact that he is senile, stupid, and has been a subservient fool since he was in his 20s --- sad stuff. This guy is no Kennedy who had such dreams to spend time in the White House with total access to recreational drugs, illegal drugs, and young women who would get carded at most bars. He is an old guy who probably suffers from, in addition to senility, most of the other aches and pains that you can see in his sad Botox-lidded eyes.
Anyway, beyond the fact that he is a human being who publicly rejoices in sin, and who is growing older and more senile every day, he has this problem ....
I doubt he thinks that he actually would have won a fair election. That is a big problem unless you are down in the mud with creeps like Brezhnev and his ilk. Assuming he knows that, does he publicly say --- I support the investigations --- or does he say --- I don't support the investigations?
Right now, there are no investigations at all except from people who are suing the courts to get access to information. Those people are being harassed and threatened by evildoers in the media, in the political structures, and elsewhere. But those people are doing the Lord's work, and when God is on your side that is all you need ....and if those people fail to get the info on time, but succeed a little too late ---- Biden will be a stinking despised joke for as long as people care about American history.
If those people do get the info on time, Biden will not be inaugurated.
Do you see the old creep's dilemma?
These are not "legal" issues, these are "investigation of fraud issues", specifically "how fast can you investigate fraud under conditions of harassment from the swamp" issues. Stop looking at the little shiny object of what judges will say , look at what is important ---- how much of the cheating will be exposed in time?
Now, I think it is possible that Biden won Wisconsin (not likely he won Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Georgia, though). The truth will be out there in a year, no matter what happens ----and Biden has to be asking himself right now ---- do I want to be the least respected president in the United States since that guy who was elected president of the Confederacy????
Because that is where our foul-mouthed little protege of KKK Bob Byrd is heading if he supports the blocking of investigations, and if it turns out, as it very may well happen, that those investigations were slowed down enough by the thieving creeps on Biden's side to have succeeded too late. If that happens, Biden's name will rank lower than Jefferson Davis's - at least Jefferson Davis is not considered a thief.
So Biden can say, tomorrow, I support real audits in the four states where there is the greatest suspicion that my supporters cheated and broke the law and stole the vote from old veterans and from good Americans, and gave the vote to thieves. Or he can, as the scared senile little old man he is, give in to his worse self, give in to the creep inside, and not say that.
He won't, I think. He is too far along in puppet-hood, and his puppet-masters will not allow him to save his reputation by trying to be fair.
He is old, and senile, and has never shown much love for the truth. well, at least, if he does spend some time as a despised Commander-in-Thief, he won't hand out as many STDs to innocent young women as Kennedy did.
Super-lawyer Jenna Ellis, doing what all super lawyers do on Twitter in the middle of major litigation: Jenna Ellis @JennaEllisEsq MicroPenis syndrome. Sad.
I think Chuck's overconfidence on how the 3rd will rule is born out of an absurd inability to even consider the reality that the judges who have been siding against Trump were in on the steal. They either twisted election law to enable fraud, or go to all the same parties with those jidges who did. It was utterly predictable that they would rule the way they did. None of us supporting Trump were ever counting on them. Hell, they're the ultimate defendants.
He can't even imagine that they ruled that way to cover their own asses. He thinks the only possibility is because Trump's case is weak. And he certainly never bothers looking at ANY of the hundreds of links that have been put up with evidence, he ONLY looks at anything related to the election if some lefty has assured him that a Trump supporter made a mistake he can mock.
Well, that's actually the generous interpretation. More likely is that Chuck is also in on the steal and is lying about everything. But let's pretend for a nanosecond that he's not desperately trying to cover up what he very much knows was a stolen election because he loves the result.
The 3rd doesn't have to cover up anything. The 3rd may actually consider the merits of the arguments, something not a single PA judge has even considered doing.
I think Chuck is going to be quite surprised at how the 3rd rules. But even if I'm wrong, the Wrath of Alito is still in play.
Chuck's bluster and overconfidence and insults is something he'll need to be reminded of every moment of every day for the next 4 years, I think.
per @mattbrayard - In GA, nearly 100% of the voters who disguised a postal facility as their residential address voted absentee, with nearly zero voting on Election Day. REMARKABLE.
Super-lawyer Jenna Ellis, doing what all super lawyers do on Twitter in the middle of major litigation:
Jenna Ellis @JennaEllisEsq
MicroPenis syndrome. Sad.
I suppose we are supposed to be impressed that Chuck is trading insults with Jenna Ellis? She seems personally familiar with the titty twisters shortcomings. Sad!
The Great Gatsby - 1974 .... I have thought that Robert Redford was "not a fit" for James Gatz. Redford seems too WASPY, establishment. What mid 70's actor would be a better James Gatz? Right now I came up with Kris Kristofferson, but wanted to hear from the AA peanut gallery.
That path in the second photograph looks so much like the edge of a field I used to walk through on the way to school when I was in a kid in Madison. When it was warmer I would ride my bike but when there was snow on the ground I would walk. It took about an hour.
I'm not sure why but I really liked the snow and the cold and the wind.
.... In Wisconsin it's relatively easy to register to vote without presenting a photo ID. HOWEVER, it's not so easy to apply for an absentee ballot without presenting a photo ID. MOREOVER, Wisconsin law explicitly states that absentee voting is a privilege, that all procedures are mandatory -- they must be followed for the purpose of avoiding fraud -- and that failure to comply invalidates the ballot in question.
With that in mind, the way you can vote absentee in Wisconsin while avoiding the normal requirement to provide a photo ID is to self-designate as being “indefinitely confined by age, physical illness, or infirmity, or is disabled for an indefinite period of time.” (We covered this in an earlier post.) Naturally, the county clerks in ultra Left Dane and Milwaukee counties, in the leadup to the election, publicly encouraged people to apply for absentee ballots for the express purpose of avoiding the photo ID requirement. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin ordered the clerks to knock it off--slapping an injunction on them. But of course the harm was already done and no other relief was requested.
SWC believes that it's that class of absentee ballots that the Wisconsin recount is targeting. The recount will seek to lower the margin, and then the absentee ballots will be targeted for those that evaded the photo ID requirement by self designating as indefinitely confined. ...
I went cross country skiing for the first time in 25 years and had a blast! Everything came back and I didn’t fall once. The snow was a bit slushy, though.
I dunno...that "monolith" seems very ... derivative.
IOW ..it's been done. By Arthur C. Clarke.
The article I read says it seems to be made out of 'some sort of' metal.
OK? What sort? It would take a second or two to shave enough off it to be analyzed. If it's any alloy made by humans...then it's a human-made artifact.
MY take: it's just a newer version of Crop Circles, which turned out to be a couple of blokes pushing around boards in English wheat fields and creating patterns. Yet for years, it was aliens...
No i dont think kristopherson i agree that redford doesnt it has to be some one that pull of soave but a more grittier take, remember he comes from working class roots also redford was 37 so he was older than gatsby, like steve mcqueen who could be sophisticated but younger. Maybe steven collins. Who was just getting his break around that timr
Qwinn said... Why do I even bother following Chuck's links?
Apparently, Brad Heath thinks it's a "carpet bomb" for the State's brief to argue "We already certified so whatever Trump wants doesn't matter. Too late. Neener."
This is supposed to be a massive, shocking, awesome response that puts to bed every issue.
Yes, it's as if he's blissfully unaware of the federal constitutional issues being raised in a federal court.
Jupiter and Saturn will appear closer to each other in Earth’s night sky than they have been for nearly 800 years, between 16-25 December.
“Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another,” says astronomer Patrick Hartigan from Rice University. “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”
You cannot believe how fast mental health issues will explode upon you.....and then, the diseased want to draw you into their fantasy.
The relative lives in a suburb north of Seattle. She's been a late night run-away for a couple of weeks. She has finally drawn enough attention from the local police that she was committed at the hospital by the local police.
I'm thankful!!......but what the fuck.....I'm not endorsing "defund the police".......
......but why are they the first line of defense in the war-on-mental-illness???
My wife argues, that being in a smaller community outside of Seattle probably saved her life. In Seattle, she would have been foisted off on social services.
On another note, ive been watching cosmos with god help me, neil tyson, this episode os about the astronomer who discovered saturns rings cassini and the russian scientism who devised the trajectories for interplanetary travel taken up by an american houbolt some 40 years laterm
Michael Sarrazin, but he would need a really really good director. Maybe a young Bruce Dern.
Kristoferson did a really good job as James Jones, the Thin Red Line writer, in a movie that was sort of Gatbyish, but Kristofferson, back in the day, was too much of the sort of guy who naturally attracted boring women and did not know that with a little more effort he could have been in the big time. So I don;t think he could have pulled off the Gatsby role, but I could be wrong.
Whit Stillman is seriously the only living human I know who could competently direct a Fitzgerald movie. And I have seen all of his movies and he has never hired an actor who could pull off the Gatsby or the Nick characters.
...and Twitter-- letting damaging dis-info about their competitor, Parler trend on their platform-- anti-trust suit material? Isnt Twitter super seriously scouring for mis-info? A glitch. It must have been some minor glitch.
......but why are they the first line of defense in the war-on-mental-illness???
Access to mental health resources is VERY difficult. My relative has a tremendous family with many resources surrounding her, but we have to wait for the police.
yeah that is why Sarrazin would have been able to do it.
Robert Downey Jr could have done it after his jail term, but by then he was too old, and he had always been too short, not enough natural charisma ---- too much struggling, like Dustin Hoffman. Redford was at his best in buddy movies ---- when his pretty boy act could be toned down by the fact that yes, he had male friends ---- but as a leader, that vacuous look of the pretty boy was always too much to overcome in the better roles, like Gatsby.
Ralph Richardson and Donat would have been perfect, but wrong generation, wrong country.
James Woods is a little too intellectually self-centered, Walken a little too regularly off.
I really don't know enough about Hollywood to know who Whit Stillman would have hired if he had the bucks to hire whoever he wanted. Maybe someone who was famous for a year or two on some TV show? Like that guy on Grays Anatomy that all the young doctor chicks loved so much? Or maybe that guy from 13 hours?
Anyway, it does not matter now. There is zero chance that in the next couple of generations there is going to be anywhere near enough people who care if the role of Jay Gatsby is casted well or casted badly to make any kind of difference at all to the universe.
Chuck I'd have the same question as others. What about Trump offends you? Something personal? It looks that by your measuring stick that Biden is a much worse personality in politics. That means the eye of the worm is in you.
madAsHell said... You cannot believe how fast mental health issues will explode upon you.....and then, the diseased want to draw you into their fantasy.
Been there. In Seattle. You need to find her a mentor outside of the legal system and social services. Who will treat her like an unfortunate commodity. She need a mentor. Something who can build trust with her and work with the medications. The Good Shepard Center there in Wallingford had a WAMI office at one time. Not sure if they still do.
Find housing close to Harborview and develop a WAMI relationship with a doctor and a counselor. That is probably the best you can do short of moving the person into an isolated nature situation.
Note to readering: The Kraken isn't anything that Powell or the Trump legal team has waiting. It's not a piece of paper for a judge to consider. The Libs thing that Trump supporters have resigned, have been beaten down, have been demoralized, have surrendered.
The Kraken is 350 million guns mostly in the hands of Trump supporters. Release the Kraken at your own peril.
Oh, and readering, don't go out and try to find a gun and ammo now. Too late.. Biden is the best gun and ammo salesman since Obama. Which is pretty fucking impressive.
Watching Frontline on Supreme Court. Imagine if McConnell had been less ruthless. We'd probably have a Court of Roberts, Thomas, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Garland, Gorsuch, and Barrett (assuming Trump would replace RBG with a woman). Would that be so bad?
I understand it is traditional for for an outgoing president to leave a letter for the incoming president in the top drawer of the Resolute desk. Assuming Cheatin' Joe is inaugurated, what should Trump's letter say? I'll offer some possibilities, but I look forward to hearing what others think.
1. "Go to hell, you cheating bastard." 2. "Hey, congrats on the steal, man. Now go to hell, you cheating bastard." 3. "You will die a horrible, demented death. On the bright side, you'll forget these words in the next 30 seconds. Did I mention you're a cheating bastard?" 4. "Let me be the first to say to you, our Cheating Bastard-in-Chief, that your cheating your way into the Oval Office is a Big Fucking Deal (you cheating bastard)." 5. "Don't crap your Depends, dude, but this job is gonna kill your cheating bastard ass." 6. "Good job on bringing back industry, Joe. But industrial cheating wasn't really what we had in mind, you cheating bastard." 7. "The most important piece of advice I can give you for this job is: never cheat. Oh, yeah, right. I almost forgot. Nevermind." 8. "When you're giving the State of the Union speech, for heaven's sake don't mention (again!) that you put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud operation in history to steal the election. Sure, we all know it, but still, mentioning it puts your media lapdogs in a difficult position as they try to cover and otherwise run interference for your cheating bastard ass. Instead, plagiarize some well done State of the Union speech. I'm sure no one will notice." 9. "Keep doing what got your cheating bastard ass here (I mean, besides the massive, industrial-scale cheating). So, more stories about Corn Pop and how the kids like to touch your hairy legs. More insults to average Americans, like calling them "fats" or "dog-faced pony soldier." Definitely more challenges to pushup contests. I suggest the Rose Garden as the venue. Repeatedly mumble nonsensical words and phrases, but but only if you periodically reassure us that you're not losing your mind. Indignantly atack anyone with the temerity to ask you -- the President! -- a question more difficult than what flavor ice cream you bought. And most important of all,say "C'mon, man!" as much as your cheating bastard ass can." 10. "May a diseased yak become addicted to sniffing the old man stench emanating from your nasty, gray, thinning hair, Oh, I almost forgot, you're a cheating bastard, you cheating bastard."
Unfortunate racist RBG postponed retirement in order to prevent our first black President the opportunity to nominate a justice. Perhaps the Obama administrations' subtle antisemitism influenced her.
This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Dr.Wealthy have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar issues to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: wealthylovespell@gmail.com or you can also contact him or whatsapp him on this +2348105150446..... thank so much Dr.Wealthy. ...
"SWC believes that it's that class of absentee ballots that the Wisconsin recount is targeting. The recount will seek to lower the margin, and then the absentee ballots will be targeted for those that evaded the photo ID requirement by self designating as indefinitely confined. ..."
So your suggested outcome for clerks giving bad information is to strip some people of their votes? That seems to punish voters for following the rules they were told, which seems like an unlikely remedy for the court to impose.
Is it in the main body of the Constitution or in one or more of the Amendments where it says the sitting President must concede the election in order for the winner of the Electoral College to be named as the new president? If Trump doesn't concede does he get to continue as POTUS?
Qwinn said...Before this is all over, it's going to become:
"Estimates don't count, it doesn't matter even if it's extrapolated from actual discovered fraud to the total population! You have to list the name and address of every single illegal vote, hundreds of thousands of them, explain in explicit detail exactly how each vote was stolen, have each one of those tens of thousands of illegal ballots individually adjudicated by a court of law, and do it NOW, before we certify in the morning."
"Otherwise, we win. Neener."
Go fuck yourselves.
It doesn’t matter in the slightest what people on either side will say. It only matters what the judges will say and, despite your brushing off the objection to using estimates, it is a devastating critique. The bar to overturning an election is high, as it should be, and votes aren’t going to be thrown out based on estimates. For one thing, you can’t prove your sample is representative—that the fraud you have shown in some locations happened equally in every location. Sorry to say, but the thing you think it would be ridiculous to have to do is exactly what Trump’s lawyers will have to do.
When comment moderation was instituted on this blog, I accepted that the decision was purely in the purview of the blogger. But if a blog is going to be moderated, why in the world does it allow comments urging readers to contact this or that witch doctor for hire (and all your problems will be solved)? One category of comments I think should be "moderated out" are comments promoting commercial websites. (comment at 3:59)
Riiiight. So if 10 unarmed black men are shot by cops in a year, that utterly proves "systemic racism", which justifies the authorities in Democrat districts to allow riots and looting with zero law enforcement for 6 months, all during a pandemic.
But if the number of Wisconsin voters that claim to be "indefinitely confined" (COVID does not satisfy that requirement) goes up from something like 5000 to 100,000 in 2020, all because that allows people to evade voter id, and encouraged to do that by Democrats in explicit violation of the law, that doesn't prove "systemic" anything, right? We have to individually take each of those 100,000 newly minted "indefinitely confined" people to court to prove that the number of "indefinitely confined" people didn't magically explode by a factor of 20 or more in 2020? Suddenly voter fraud can't be systemic.
"Nothing like threats of domestic terrorism on the Althouse blog." I'm sure King George the 3 thought along those same lines. But he called us something else.
The most insulting and infuriating gaslighting in all this is the constantly assumed notion, asserted multiple times in these PA judges' bullshit opinions, that an illegal ballot that completely negates a legal ballot is somehow not disenfranchisement. And that if you throw out a batch of votes that is chock full of illegal ballots, that every legal ballot thrown out in such an action is disenfranchisement, but the removal of each illegal ballot does not represent correcting a case of disenfranchisement.
But if a blog is going to be moderated, why in the world does it allow comments urging readers to contact this or that witch doctor for hire (and all your problems will be solved)?
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११६ टिप्पण्या:
Snow is great!
For other people.
I wish we had snow. We got wet slop. Snow and 15F is better.
Elegant. I love the experience of being out in freshly falling and fallen snow, the world is soft and quiet then. We have none of that here in southern Maine, too early. Now, December, that's when the action picks up.
It's supposed to be a La Nina year. That means snow's likely here in King County, WA. Usually two, maybe three storms a year. Nice to look at, often gridlock to drive on. The forecasts have really improved over the last 30 years, so surprise snow storms are very rare. It's the surprise snow storm in the midafternoon that causes gridlock around here. On a weekday. Non-covid years.
I’m in Vero. There’s some crappy winds so I can’t fish and there ain’t a whole lot to do around here. Which seems to be the point.
I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
Why do I even bother following Chuck's links?
Apparently, Brad Heath thinks it's a "carpet bomb" for the State's brief to argue "We already certified so whatever Trump wants doesn't matter. Too late. Neener."
This is supposed to be a massive, shocking, awesome response that puts to bed every issue.
Whose woods these are I think I know...
One of the finest lyric poems in English. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Since Chuck the c#*t decided to show up and open his filthy cock holster I wonder how many fraudulent ballots he produced or caused to be produced for Biden in Michigan. You know his hatred for Trump is his guiding principal so I bet he was very busy. falsus uno falsus omnibus or words to that effect. eh Chuck.
There's a pheasant in that brush somewhere. Be fun to go out there and kick one up.
'Baris noted a statistical oddity from 2020’s election returns: “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Barnes added that in those “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” In the states that mattered most, so many mail-in ballots poured in for Biden from the cities that he put up record-breaking numbers and overturned state totals that looked like comfortable leads for President Trump.'
Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. Huh. President Shithole.
Chuck said...
I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
Then Alito can finish off his previous work now that the SC is going to be 5-4. And the 5 judge can tell Roberts to fuck right off with his traitorous shit shit leftist friends.
surprise otter,
China Joe wants to impose a $200/year/item tax on "assault" rifles and magazines. It'll be a pity when all those items accidently wind up in the lakes and rivers. The other pity of his plan is that it's a direct tax, which is unconstitutional. But little items like the constitution don't matter to China Joe. It would also be an infringement of 2A rights.
Achilles, I actually don't think Roberts is a leftist at heart.
I think they have some God-level blackmail on him. Whatever it is would destroy him utterly. He'll do whatever the hell they want.
It doesn't make any practical difference, but I just think that's what's going on behind the scenes. There *was* a "John Roberts" on the flight logs to Epstein's Island, after all.
At any rate, I agree, what happens in the 3rd is only going to matter insofar as it does, or doesn't, piss Alito off even more than he already is.
One question the Republican senators should ask all of China Joe's appointees: Do you put America first? Jim Mattis doesn't.
Reject any appointee who can't answer: "Yes, absolutely!" China Joe will have a lonely tenure as President, since none of his appointees could answer that question affirmatively and satisfy all of China Joe's good little leftist friends.
That's a great link, narciso, thanks.
Hey Chuck - THIS is what a carpet bomb looks like.
IV. — The government data report and estimates support that the election result is void.
15. Petitioners have submitted the government data report of their expert Matthew Braynard.
116. — The results show that the election result is void because of illegal votes counted, legal votes not counted, counting errors and election official illegalities.
117, — The estimate of ballots requested in the name of a registered Republican by someone other than that person is 14,426.
118. — The estimate of Republican ballots that the requester returned but were not counted is 12,071.
19. The total of these two categories is 26,497—enough to change the election result.
120. — Further, the estimate of persons who voted where they did not reside is 26,673.
121. —The estimate of electors who avoided Wisconsin Voter ID laws by voting absentee as an indefinitely confined" elector and were not indefinitely confined is 96,437.
122. The estimate of out of state residents voting in Wisconsin is 6,966.
123. — The estimate of people double voting in Wisconsin is 234.
124, — The total, including all categories, is 156,807—enough to change the election result.
So apparently Biden received about 10 million more votes this year than Obama did in 2008 (and still counting!). Gives you an idea of how many Democrat racists there are out there.
And here comes the motorization of goalposts again, I'm betting.
Cause it used to be: "You can't possibly find enough illegal votes to overturn the election!"
Before this is all over, it's going to become:
"Estimates don't count, it doesn't matter even if it's extrapolated from actual discovered fraud to the total population! You have to list the name and address of every single illegal vote, hundreds of thousands of them, explain in explicit detail exactly how each vote was stolen, have each one of those tens of thousands of illegal ballots individually adjudicated by a court of law, and do it NOW, before we certify in the morning."
"Otherwise, we win. Neener."
Go fuck yourselves.
Which episode of "The Walls Are Closing In" are we up to now? I'm sure anything's possible, but damn- this show has more sequels than Rocky.
Badgers not playing this Saturday. Unfortunately the Huskers are playing on Friday.
We had snow a few times in Tucson last winter. We've already had one freeze warning but then it warmed up.
Mike of Snoqualmie: "China Joe wants to impose a $200/year/item tax on "assault" rifles and magazines. It'll be a pity when all those items accidently wind up in the lakes and rivers. The other pity of his plan is that it's a direct tax, which is unconstitutional. But little items like the constitution don't matter to China Joe. It would also be an infringement of 2A rights."
We are about 15 minutes away from the all pro-democratical FakeCon LLR-lefties offering up "The Conservative Case for Why The Second Amendment Should Be Abolished".
I'll drop this into the evening stew pot, Michigan’s Election Results Are ‘Physical Impossibility'.
Chuck said...
I think we are about 22 hours away from the 3rd Circuit hammering the Trump Campaign's Pennsylvania appeal, to send us all off for a happy thanksgiving:
So you think that'll be the end of it, eh? You think the Supremes will duck the case?
Blogger Rusty said...
Since Chuck the c#*t decided to show up and open his filthy cock holster I wonder how many fraudulent ballots he produced or caused to be produced for Biden in Michigan. You know his hatred for Trump is his guiding principal so I bet he was very busy. falsus uno falsus omnibus or words to that effect. eh Chuck.
I caused to be produced 3,141,592 fraudulent ballots. Hard work, but very satisfying. Heck, it was hard to count them all! Especially when we had to make them to order at 3:30 am after the polls closed, and we figured out how many votes were needed for Comrade Biden.
Heres an interesting element re dominion
WMO: “impact of the COVID-19 confinements [on CO2] cannot be distinguished from natural variability”
Rising CO2 due to natural variability, which may, in fact, follow rising temperature, and a green environment, not Green blight advocated by knowledgeable and green people in pursuit of sociopolitically indemnified, environmentally shared/shifted/obfuscated corruption, redistributive/consolidated greenbacks. Save the birds, the bats, whack a wind turbine. Do it for the unPlanned Children.
Jenna Ellis:
“There are still legal challenges going on and [Biden] is not president-elect and the delegates have not even been selected, much less voted,” she told Newsmax TV host John Bachman. “And the next president for the next four years will be sworn in on January 20, 2021, and … the current president—President Trump—is very very much aware of that, and so he’s focused on the actual constitutional procedures and actually making sure to safeguard election integrity. He’s not out there, you know, just trying this in the court of public opinion and saying things, like Joe Biden, that ultimately do not matter.”
Just nice to hear from a much better lawyer than all of the people pretending to be one on this blog.
Biden is facing an existential challenge in the next two weeks, I think. A challenge he will almost certainly fail (sad). I mean, beyond the fact that he is senile, stupid, and has been a subservient fool since he was in his 20s --- sad stuff. This guy is no Kennedy who had such dreams to spend time in the White House with total access to recreational drugs, illegal drugs, and young women who would get carded at most bars. He is an old guy who probably suffers from, in addition to senility, most of the other aches and pains that you can see in his sad Botox-lidded eyes.
Anyway, beyond the fact that he is a human being who publicly rejoices in sin, and who is growing older and more senile every day, he has this problem ....
I doubt he thinks that he actually would have won a fair election. That is a big problem unless you are down in the mud with creeps like Brezhnev and his ilk. Assuming he knows that, does he publicly say --- I support the investigations --- or does he say --- I don't support the investigations?
Right now, there are no investigations at all except from people who are suing the courts to get access to information.
Those people are being harassed and threatened by evildoers in the media, in the political structures, and elsewhere. But those people are doing the Lord's work, and when God is on your side that is all you need ....and if those people fail to get the info on time, but succeed a little too late ---- Biden will be a stinking despised joke for as long as people care about American history.
If those people do get the info on time, Biden will not be inaugurated.
Do you see the old creep's dilemma?
These are not "legal" issues, these are "investigation of fraud issues", specifically "how fast can you investigate fraud under conditions of harassment from the swamp" issues.
Stop looking at the little shiny object of what judges will say , look at what is important ---- how much of the cheating will be exposed in time?
Now, I think it is possible that Biden won Wisconsin (not likely he won Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Georgia, though). The truth will be out there in a year, no matter what happens ----and Biden has to be asking himself right now ---- do I want to be the least respected president in the United States since that guy who was elected president of the Confederacy????
Because that is where our foul-mouthed little protege of KKK Bob Byrd is heading if he supports the blocking of investigations, and if it turns out, as it very may well happen, that those investigations were slowed down enough by the thieving creeps on Biden's side to have succeeded too late. If that happens, Biden's name will rank lower than Jefferson Davis's - at least Jefferson Davis is not considered a thief.
So Biden can say, tomorrow, I support real audits in the four states where there is the greatest suspicion that my supporters cheated and broke the law and stole the vote from old veterans and from good Americans, and gave the vote to thieves. Or he can, as the scared senile little old man he is, give in to his worse self, give in to the creep inside, and not say that.
He won't, I think. He is too far along in puppet-hood, and his puppet-masters will not allow him to save his reputation by trying to be fair.
He is old, and senile, and has never shown much love for the truth. well, at least, if he does spend some time as a despised Commander-in-Thief, he won't hand out as many STDs to innocent young women as Kennedy did.
Super-lawyer Jenna Ellis, doing what all super lawyers do on Twitter in the middle of major litigation:
Jenna Ellis
MicroPenis syndrome. Sad.
I think Chuck's overconfidence on how the 3rd will rule is born out of an absurd inability to even consider the reality that the judges who have been siding against Trump were in on the steal. They either twisted election law to enable fraud, or go to all the same parties with those jidges who did. It was utterly predictable that they would rule the way they did. None of us supporting Trump were ever counting on them. Hell, they're the ultimate defendants.
He can't even imagine that they ruled that way to cover their own asses. He thinks the only possibility is because Trump's case is weak. And he certainly never bothers looking at ANY of the hundreds of links that have been put up with evidence, he ONLY looks at anything related to the election if some lefty has assured him that a Trump supporter made a mistake he can mock.
Well, that's actually the generous interpretation. More likely is that Chuck is also in on the steal and is lying about everything. But let's pretend for a nanosecond that he's not desperately trying to cover up what he very much knows was a stolen election because he loves the result.
The 3rd doesn't have to cover up anything. The 3rd may actually consider the merits of the arguments, something not a single PA judge has even considered doing.
I think Chuck is going to be quite surprised at how the 3rd rules. But even if I'm wrong, the Wrath of Alito is still in play.
Chuck's bluster and overconfidence and insults is something he'll need to be reminded of every moment of every day for the next 4 years, I think.
We had a blazing magenta sunset tonight. I'm still delighted, though I haven't sailed in decades.
check out the 2 GA graphs-- when Biden jumps/Trump 'loses' votes
per @mattbrayard
- In GA, nearly 100% of the voters who disguised a postal facility
as their residential address
voted absentee,
with nearly zero voting on Election Day. REMARKABLE.
According to experts, snow fall is a thing of the past. This is a fake photo.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Super-lawyer Jenna Ellis, doing what all super lawyers do on Twitter in the middle of major litigation:
Jenna Ellis
MicroPenis syndrome. Sad.
I suppose we are supposed to be impressed that Chuck is trading insults with Jenna Ellis?
She seems personally familiar with the titty twisters shortcomings.
The Great Gatsby - 1974 .... I have thought that Robert Redford was "not a fit" for James Gatz. Redford seems too WASPY, establishment. What mid 70's actor would be a better James Gatz? Right now I came up with Kris Kristofferson, but wanted to hear from the AA peanut gallery.
I just came by to see if I dropped anything here earlier. I guess not, sorry to interrupt.
Y'all keep it down, OK?
And be nice
That path in the second photograph looks so much like the edge of a field I used to walk through on the way to school when I was in a kid in Madison. When it was warmer I would ride my bike but when there was snow on the ground I would walk. It took about an hour.
I'm not sure why but I really liked the snow and the cold and the wind.
What's The Trump Strategy In Wisconsin?
.... In Wisconsin it's relatively easy to register to vote without presenting a photo ID. HOWEVER, it's not so easy to apply for an absentee ballot without presenting a photo ID. MOREOVER, Wisconsin law explicitly states that absentee voting is a privilege, that all procedures are mandatory -- they must be followed for the purpose of avoiding fraud -- and that failure to comply invalidates the ballot in question.
With that in mind, the way you can vote absentee in Wisconsin while avoiding the normal requirement to provide a photo ID is to self-designate as being “indefinitely confined by age, physical illness, or infirmity, or is disabled for an indefinite period of time.” (We covered this in an earlier post.) Naturally, the county clerks in ultra Left Dane and Milwaukee counties, in the leadup to the election, publicly encouraged people to apply for absentee ballots for the express purpose of avoiding the photo ID requirement. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin ordered the clerks to knock it off--slapping an injunction on them. But of course the harm was already done and no other relief was requested.
SWC believes that it's that class of absentee ballots that the Wisconsin recount is targeting. The recount will seek to lower the margin, and then the absentee ballots will be targeted for those that evaded the photo ID requirement by self designating as indefinitely confined. ...
I went cross country skiing for the first time in 25 years and had a blast! Everything came back and I didn’t fall once. The snow was a bit slushy, though.
I dunno...that "monolith" seems very ... derivative.
IOW ..it's been done. By Arthur C. Clarke.
The article I read says it seems to be made out of 'some sort of' metal.
OK? What sort? It would take a second or two to shave enough off it to be analyzed. If it's any alloy made by humans...then it's a human-made artifact.
MY take: it's just a newer version of Crop Circles, which turned out to be a couple of blokes pushing around boards in English wheat fields and creating patterns. Yet for years, it was aliens...
No i dont think kristopherson i agree that redford doesnt it has to be some one that pull of soave but a more grittier take, remember he comes from working class roots also redford was 37 so he was older than gatsby, like steve mcqueen who could be sophisticated but younger. Maybe steven collins. Who was just getting his break around that timr
He would be closer to the age range (26) when the movie debuted. Which is closer to gatsbys age.
Dirk benedict who was no where as famous as he needed to be, kind of a rogue type woth western roots.
I hadnt really thought of who woulf be a better fit, and in that age rage.
Back on your heads
Qwinn said...
Why do I even bother following Chuck's links?
Apparently, Brad Heath thinks it's a "carpet bomb" for the State's brief to argue "We already certified so whatever Trump wants doesn't matter. Too late. Neener."
This is supposed to be a massive, shocking, awesome response that puts to bed every issue.
Yes, it's as if he's blissfully unaware of the federal constitutional issues being raised in a federal court.
IIRC he's supposed to be a lawyer.
Hes the count vizzini of law,
on a brighter note:
Jupiter and Saturn will appear closer to each other in Earth’s night sky than they have been for nearly 800 years, between 16-25 December.
“Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another,” says astronomer Patrick Hartigan from Rice University. “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”
You cannot believe how fast mental health issues will explode upon you.....and then, the diseased want to draw you into their fantasy.
The relative lives in a suburb north of Seattle. She's been a late night run-away for a couple of weeks. She has finally drawn enough attention from the local police that she was committed at the hospital by the local police.
I'm thankful!!......but what the fuck.....I'm not endorsing "defund the police".......
......but why are they the first line of defense in the war-on-mental-illness???
My wife argues, that being in a smaller community outside of Seattle probably saved her life. In Seattle, she would have been foisted off on social services.
On another note, ive been watching cosmos with god help me, neil tyson, this episode os about the astronomer who discovered saturns rings cassini and the russian scientism who devised the trajectories for interplanetary travel taken up by an american houbolt some 40 years laterm
Michael Sarrazin, but he would need a really really good director. Maybe a young Bruce Dern.
Kristoferson did a really good job as James Jones, the Thin Red Line writer, in a movie that was sort of Gatbyish, but Kristofferson, back in the day, was too much of the sort of guy who naturally attracted boring women and did not know that with a little more effort he could have been in the big time. So I don;t think he could have pulled off the Gatsby role, but I could be wrong.
Whit Stillman is seriously the only living human I know who could competently direct a Fitzgerald movie. And I have seen all of his movies and he has never hired an actor who could pull off the Gatsby or the Nick characters.
Yes stillman has the wasp oevre down pat, but to have someone do gatsby which was an outsider is still problematic.
Murderers, rapists got unemployment money in massive $1 billion California taxpayer fraud
election fraud, though, is impossible
...and Twitter-- letting damaging dis-info about their competitor, Parler
trend on their platform-- anti-trust suit material?
Isnt Twitter super seriously scouring for mis-info?
A glitch. It must have been some minor glitch.
Tim matheson is my final suggestion, but he was starting to make it with magnum forde.
......but why are they the first line of defense in the war-on-mental-illness???
Access to mental health resources is VERY difficult. My relative has a tremendous family with many resources surrounding her, but we have to wait for the police.
So i guess redford was the likeliest availble choice in that instance.
Available choice. Yes deinstitutionLizing was a bad detour we took
yeah that is why Sarrazin would have been able to do it.
Robert Downey Jr could have done it after his jail term, but by then he was too old, and he had always been too short, not enough natural charisma ---- too much struggling, like Dustin Hoffman. Redford was at his best in buddy movies ---- when his pretty boy act could be toned down by the fact that yes, he had male friends ---- but as a leader, that vacuous look of the pretty boy was always too much to overcome in the better roles, like Gatsby.
Ralph Richardson and Donat would have been perfect, but wrong generation, wrong country.
James Woods is a little too intellectually self-centered, Walken a little too regularly off.
I really don't know enough about Hollywood to know who Whit Stillman would have hired if he had the bucks to hire whoever he wanted. Maybe someone who was famous for a year or two on some TV show? Like that guy on Grays Anatomy that all the young doctor chicks loved so much? Or maybe that guy from 13 hours?
Anyway, it does not matter now. There is zero chance that in the next couple of generations there is going to be anywhere near enough people who care if the role of Jay Gatsby is casted well or casted badly to make any kind of difference at all to the universe.
I have no real idea who Tim Matheson is.
There is a novelist with a similar name. Peter Matthiessen, liked to write about snow leopards.
Otter from animal house, jon voight has done patrician roles now, but he was very raw then.
“jon voight has done patrician roles now”
BTW, nobody could not laugh at Voight getting his POTUS award:
Ok final choice william devane, also in the same age range perhaps two wasp see matathon man a few years later.
.....and where the fuck is everyone buying ammo!!
Cuz it ain't Cabellas!!
Hmmm....I'm commenting about a relatives mental health, and asking for more ammo.
Isn't life interesting!
Dont know
What about Biden gets your (micro penis) aroused? Dementia? Corruption? Nude swimming?
Time to shed the skin.
Chuck I'd have the same question as others. What about Trump offends you? Something personal? It looks that by your measuring stick that Biden is a much worse personality in politics. That means the eye of the worm is in you.
Where should Humper sit in the Biden admin?
Ask Charlie Sykes and David Brooks.
Oh..that Michigan (R) soyboy gave an impressive display of courage.
Might have been Chuck(!)'s kid.
madAsHell said...
You cannot believe how fast mental health issues will explode upon you.....and then, the diseased want to draw you into their fantasy.
Been there. In Seattle. You need to find her a mentor outside of the legal system and social services. Who will treat her like an unfortunate commodity. She need a mentor. Something who can build trust with her and work with the medications. The Good Shepard Center there in Wallingford had a WAMI office at one time. Not sure if they still do.
Find housing close to Harborview and develop a WAMI relationship with a doctor and a counselor. That is probably the best you can do short of moving the person into an isolated nature situation.
Norad tracks Santa. Suppose Norad also tracks the Kraken?
Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence
Sounds more like a Coast Guard thing.
I want this to be true, but at best it's a troll, and at worst an idle threat.
In any event, I've begun my traditional Thanksgiving weekend gun cleaning and ammo inventory. Unzipped and waiting.
Oh good. Trump headed to Gettysburg. Or a hotel nearby.
Note to readering: The Kraken isn't anything that Powell or the Trump legal team has waiting. It's not a piece of paper for a judge to consider. The Libs thing that Trump supporters have resigned, have been beaten down, have been demoralized, have surrendered.
The Kraken is 350 million guns mostly in the hands of Trump supporters. Release the Kraken at your own peril.
Oh, and readering, don't go out and try to find a gun and ammo now. Too late.. Biden is the best gun and ammo salesman since Obama. Which is pretty fucking impressive.
Watching Frontline on Supreme Court. Imagine if McConnell had been less ruthless. We'd probably have a Court of Roberts, Thomas, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Garland, Gorsuch, and Barrett (assuming Trump would replace RBG with a woman). Would that be so bad?
Wouldn't know where to look.
Listening to Graham on Frontline. What a preening twit.
I understand it is traditional for for an outgoing president to leave a letter for the incoming president in the top drawer of the Resolute desk. Assuming Cheatin' Joe is inaugurated, what should Trump's letter say? I'll offer some possibilities, but I look forward to hearing what others think.
1. "Go to hell, you cheating bastard."
2. "Hey, congrats on the steal, man. Now go to hell, you cheating bastard."
3. "You will die a horrible, demented death. On the bright side, you'll forget these words in the next 30 seconds. Did I mention you're a cheating bastard?"
4. "Let me be the first to say to you, our Cheating Bastard-in-Chief, that your cheating your way into the Oval Office is a Big Fucking Deal (you cheating bastard)."
5. "Don't crap your Depends, dude, but this job is gonna kill your cheating bastard ass."
6. "Good job on bringing back industry, Joe. But industrial cheating wasn't really what we had in mind, you cheating bastard."
7. "The most important piece of advice I can give you for this job is: never cheat. Oh, yeah, right. I almost forgot. Nevermind."
8. "When you're giving the State of the Union speech, for heaven's sake don't mention (again!) that you put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud operation in history to steal the election. Sure, we all know it, but still, mentioning it puts your media lapdogs in a difficult position as they try to cover and otherwise run interference for your cheating bastard ass. Instead, plagiarize some well done State of the Union speech. I'm sure no one will notice."
9. "Keep doing what got your cheating bastard ass here (I mean, besides the massive, industrial-scale cheating). So, more stories about Corn Pop and how the kids like to touch your hairy legs. More insults to average Americans, like calling them "fats" or "dog-faced pony soldier." Definitely more challenges to pushup contests. I suggest the Rose Garden as the venue. Repeatedly mumble nonsensical words and phrases, but but only if you periodically reassure us that you're not losing your mind. Indignantly atack anyone with the temerity to ask you -- the President! -- a question more difficult than what flavor ice cream you bought. And most important of all,say "C'mon, man!" as much as your cheating bastard ass can."
10. "May a diseased yak become addicted to sniffing the old man stench emanating from your nasty, gray, thinning hair, Oh, I almost forgot, you're a cheating bastard, you cheating bastard."
Biden would send that letter to the Smithsonian quickly before Trump could think better of it.
Unfortunate racist RBG postponed retirement in order to prevent our first black President the opportunity to nominate a justice. Perhaps the Obama administrations' subtle antisemitism influenced her.
This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Dr.Wealthy have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar issues to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: wealthylovespell@gmail.com or you can also contact him or whatsapp him on this +2348105150446..... thank so much Dr.Wealthy. ...
"The Kraken is 350 million guns mostly in the hands of Trump supporters. Release the Kraken at your own peril."
Nothing like threats of domestic terrorism on the Althouse blog.
Classy place you keep here Ann
Prof. A: Tell us more about moderation. I am looking at the post by “Elena Antonio” at 3:59 AM.
"SWC believes that it's that class of absentee ballots that the Wisconsin recount is targeting. The recount will seek to lower the margin, and then the absentee ballots will be targeted for those that evaded the photo ID requirement by self designating as indefinitely confined. ..."
So your suggested outcome for clerks giving bad information is to strip some people of their votes? That seems to punish voters for following the rules they were told, which seems like an unlikely remedy for the court to impose.
I am fine, and have moved on to greener pastures.
Owen, same comment for all posts.
narciso & stephen cooper - Thank you for the feedback. Dirk Benedict and Tim Matheson could produce the Gatsby smile.
Is it in the main body of the Constitution or in one or more of the Amendments where it says the sitting President must concede the election in order for the winner of the Electoral College to be named as the new president? If Trump doesn't concede does he get to continue as POTUS?
Qwinn said...Before this is all over, it's going to become:
"Estimates don't count, it doesn't matter even if it's extrapolated from actual discovered fraud to the total population! You have to list the name and address of every single illegal vote, hundreds of thousands of them, explain in explicit detail exactly how each vote was stolen, have each one of those tens of thousands of illegal ballots individually adjudicated by a court of law, and do it NOW, before we certify in the morning."
"Otherwise, we win. Neener."
Go fuck yourselves.
It doesn’t matter in the slightest what people on either side will say. It only matters what the judges will say and, despite your brushing off the objection to using estimates, it is a devastating critique. The bar to overturning an election is high, as it should be, and votes aren’t going to be thrown out based on estimates. For one thing, you can’t prove your sample is representative—that the fraud you have shown in some locations happened equally in every location. Sorry to say, but the thing you think it would be ridiculous to have to do is exactly what Trump’s lawyers will have to do.
Trump’s letter to Biden: If you think China is our friend, turn over.
It says the same thing on the other side.
When comment moderation was instituted on this blog, I accepted that the decision was purely in the purview of the blogger. But if a blog is going to be moderated, why in the world does it allow comments urging readers to contact this or that witch doctor for hire (and all your problems will be solved)? One category of comments I think should be "moderated out" are comments promoting commercial websites. (comment at 3:59)
Chuck the c#*t admits to vote fraud. Had yer friends help did ya? it's a felony, vot fraud, right? Can't be a lawyer if you commit a felony, right?
Readering. Did you cheat your way through law school? Because your acting like you just stole something. Don't be too proud of it.
Jane - No
tim maguire:
Riiiight. So if 10 unarmed black men are shot by cops in a year, that utterly proves "systemic racism", which justifies the authorities in Democrat districts to allow riots and looting with zero law enforcement for 6 months, all during a pandemic.
But if the number of Wisconsin voters that claim to be "indefinitely confined" (COVID does not satisfy that requirement) goes up from something like 5000 to 100,000 in 2020, all because that allows people to evade voter id, and encouraged to do that by Democrats in explicit violation of the law, that doesn't prove "systemic" anything, right? We have to individually take each of those 100,000 newly minted "indefinitely confined" people to court to prove that the number of "indefinitely confined" people didn't magically explode by a factor of 20 or more in 2020? Suddenly voter fraud can't be systemic.
I already answered that. Go fuck yourself. War.
Nothing like threats of domestic terrorism on the Althouse blog.
Much worse than the actual political violence committed by the Left over the last four years....right?
I think it might have worked switching Waterson and the vacuous Redford if they'd darkened Redford's hair. Nick seemed like a bystander to me.
IIRC he's supposed to be a lawyer.
I don't think Chuck is a lawyer at all...which just proves that nobody is all bad.
"AllenS said...
I am fine, and have moved on to greener pastures."
Good to hear, and damn!, you're one of my favorite commenters.
Happy trails!
"Nothing like threats of domestic terrorism on the Althouse blog."
I'm sure King George the 3 thought along those same lines. But he called us something else.
The Electoral College was designed to keep elections from being stolen by a man like Joe Biden
Qwinn said...I already answered that. Go fuck yourself. War.\
You seem incapable of distinguishing between what matters and what doesn't.
And though he is part of the USA
He doesn't seem to care
He just keeps on lookin' to the East.
Talkin' 'bout China Joe
Oh oh, China Joe.
Thanks Allen S. Glad to hear it.
votes aren’t going to be thrown out based on estimates.
No. They were actually thrown out on the whim of the democrat tabulator.
The most insulting and infuriating gaslighting in all this is the constantly assumed notion, asserted multiple times in these PA judges' bullshit opinions, that an illegal ballot that completely negates a legal ballot is somehow not disenfranchisement. And that if you throw out a batch of votes that is chock full of illegal ballots, that every legal ballot thrown out in such an action is disenfranchisement, but the removal of each illegal ballot does not represent correcting a case of disenfranchisement.
But if a blog is going to be moderated, why in the world does it allow comments urging readers to contact this or that witch doctor for hire (and all your problems will be solved)?
Don't knock it if you never ever tried it.
oo ee oo aa aa, ting, tang, walla walla bing bang!
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