From "Winning Was the Easy Part/Now Joe Biden needs to repair a badly broken country" by Franklin Foer (in The Atlantic).
७ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"As a young widower, he drove them to school, blasting Elton John’s 'Crocodile Rock' from the car radio, willing normalcy’s return."
"In an effort to heal, he rushed to wrap himself around others in mourning. Like Steven Spielberg’s E.T., he seems to instinctually believe in the healing power of physical connection—even if that intimacy can sometimes feel a bit too close. As the Irish literary critic Fintan O’Toole has written of Biden’s grasp, 'There is something religious in this laying-on of hands. It is an act of communion.'
After the destruction of the Trump era, the nation is desperate for a parental figure to cultivate renewal amid ruin; shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing."
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Oh sure, but when I try to heal the ladies at the bar, I get asked to leave.
why does the left always think this country is broken? I'll admit they tried to break it with all the stuff they tried to pull over the last four years to oust a legally elected President. Do you think you'll see any Republicans at Biden's inauguration wailing and rioting and behaving like lunatics? Doubt it. Like a child, when the left doesn't get its way, it whines. We on the right will try and build on what we learned in 2020 and be better prepared in '22 and '24. That's the way it's supposed to be done. That's what grown ups do.
Making fun of religion... I am seeing that a lot. There is a Twitter called Right Wing Watch that does this. I have Buddhist friends showing it to me and laughing, and all I can think to myself is if I could record supposed white Trump supporters doing what you do.....
Religious Trump supporters are not burning down their cities and looting the local businesses.
Then if you had watched the Dem Convention the whole campaign motto was—
Battling for the Soul of America (Or some such shit). If you had watched it, with its accompanying aversion to looking patriotic you might have projectile vomited.
This coming from the Left is just such hypocrisy.
Medicore guitarist...
Imbecile poet...
And lying traitor
weak sauce jersey
"After the destruction of the Trump era, the nation is desperate for a parental figure to cultivate renewal amid ruin; shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing."
I guess that is one way of rationalizing that a pervert is OK.
'Badly broken country'? 'Shattered institutions'? WTF? If these morons think we're just going to roll over for their destructive policies, they are sadly mistaken. No, we won't be rioting and looting--those are leftist tactics--but we will fight tooth and nail for our Constitutional rights. And as for 'healing', you can ditch that fantasy right now. Maybe the Progs will be healed of their TDS but the chasm between Left and Right will remain.
The young widower slandered a truck driver who had not caused the accident.
It is a sort of Streisand Effect that we now all now that Biden's wife was the cause of the fatal accident. We have known he was a liar and cheat all along but I have never had much interest in that story about his first wife.
Sorry, but this is not how I think of Biden when his nose is deep in some woman's (or young girl's) hair. If this were really a quasi-religious "laying on hands" (the most BS explanation I have heard so far), why wouldn't he do the same with/to men and little boys?
So Biden’s plan to deal with Covid is the laying on of hands. I never pictured the old crook as a Faith Healer.
That old ass lays hands on my Granddaughter he will have three men hunting, father, Godfather, and Grandpa. (Because of age GP will have to use his nightstick.
He is one sick puppy.
"After the destruction of the Trump era, the nation is desperate for a parental figure to cultivate renewal amid ruin; shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing."
What bullshit.
What Foer laments is the damage the bourgeois has done to its self.
The last thing I read by Foer was some idiotic essay about how sorry he was that he was born into a wealthy, intellectual family who saw to all of his needs.
This hagiography is bonkers. I mean I understood it for Obama, but Joe Biden? These guys are high in their own product.
All my social media friends who have been spewing anti-Trump, anti-GOP, posting updates whenever they saw a person not wearing a mask, expressing revulsion of pictures of people who dared to go to a Trump rally (even pre-covid), made fun of a barber who got his license pulled for trying to open during the pandemic, are now sharing on Facebook that "kindness wins" and "Now the healing begins".
It would be repulsive, but it is so very hilarious.
shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing."
wtf does this even mean?
In all of Trump's presidency, there was one time and only one time I remember the media saying "Trump became president tonight"
And it was when he bombed Syria. So....that gives us a clue about what they want.
The healing begins with the enemies lists.
Is Biden the new Lightbringer? Does Mark Morford have to anoint him like he did to Obama?
Joe don't hafta do nothin'. Media will do the repair, just like they fucked everything up.
Normal people hating Trump and Trump voters because of what they were told, and not told, by media,not by anything he actually did.
Ah the left and its "badly broken country" populated by millions of fools who voted for Trump. Worse yet even more of them voted for Trump after four years of Democrat vilification than voted for him in 2016. Time to send those fools to reeducation camp!
Get grip there Buckwheat (aka Franklin Foer). You've been engaged in mental
"onanism" for four years, wasting what little intellectual seeds you have. Biden has probably been elected, more or less, but mostly less, fair and square. Let us all get on with our respective lives---and stuff your "healing" where the Sun don't shine.
MDT (2:26pm):
About the only molesting women and girls thing:
1. A religious traditionalist in any one of several traditions might say "At least he's not a GAY molester".
2. A cynic might say "At least that cuts down the number of victims by 50%".
3. I'm hoping the trendy leftists will learn to say "What kind of cishet monster only molests heterosexually? Burn the bastard!". To which his defenders could say "Why do you assume Joe's gender? Half the time he feels like a woman! It's just that so far when he's feeling gropy and pervy he's always happened to be in a gay mood when he's feeling feminine and a straight mood when he's feeling masculine." Looking forward to this particular kerfuffle.
Let the puff pieces begin.
Joe Biden isn’t the only American who has suffered personal loss, but he’s number two on dining out on it after the wretched Kennedy family.
And he did a heck of a job raising Hunter the crackhead oil and gas expert that fucks whores and strippers. Good Catholic family.
This thing is NOT over.
Joe Biden will get as much respect from me as he gave Republicans, and as much respect as Democrats gave Donald Trump.
Trump never had the chance to have a “normal” presidency. That is not due to Trump, at all.
No one can live up to these expectations, and they do him no favors in placing all of this on him. You wanna heal the country? Stop saying that politicians will perform superhero (or supervillain) feats.
You know what though - healing means THEIR healing, from the trauma of living temporarily in Trumpland. They’re not talking about reconciliation with us deplorables. They mean healing in terms of restoring the good right and proper order of things - that the deplorables are never allowed to participate in government or society again. We can continue refining their gas (until they outlaw it) and growing their food, they’ll allow us that, but we’re not influencing anything anymore. They don’t want multiparty rule. They don’t want a variety of viewpoints. They don’t want tolerance. They want us to FOAD.
It seems kind of fitting the NYT would celebrate the pseudo election of a pedophile and a whore in 2020.
That sounds gross. Are they really going to switch back to Obama-style hero worship after their 4 year dive into Trump-hate? What is wrong with these people!
Our shattered institutions? Ignorant dumbass.
The truck driver she pulled out in front of died with that slander against him. Given his kids are cross-addicts I would bet the house SHE was drunk driving. No charges laid against the truck driver. Joe's own little secret. Family's predisposition is bankable.
Get ready for the Great Recession II.
Nothing like enemies lists and “accountability projects” to promote healing. Oh yeah, and let’s see what kind of charges SDNY can invent to try to throw Trump in prison for daring to represent the working class.
"You know what though - healing means THEIR healing,”
Yeah. The “nation” is them, not us.
This stuff is literally insane, and I'm glad to see you with a "religon substitutes" tag here. Because that's exactly what is going on, and it's stunning. Here's what I'm constantly arguing: People accuse Trump voters of being idolaters, cultists, and so on. I say that if your deep happiness and peace of mind is dependent on Trump being out of office - *you* are the idolater, not me.
There's also a level of immaturity that I see at work. "This person's role in my world is making me feel a certain way. Stop making me feel this way! Stop making me feel bad! Let me have my way so I can be happy and then I'll cooperate with you! " It's toddler/annoying tween level crap.
Hey... Come to think of it, Joe's almost a Kennedy!
with your icy-cold fingers on Lady Liberty’s nape
your lecherous nuzzles a prelude to rape
... you give ‘love’ a bad name
Demented Joe the Grifter is not up to undoing the damage done by seditious Democrats, their Brownshirts and the leftmediaswine and likely doesn’t want to.
Amy, According to Dennis Prager, who has studied leftists all his life, leftists have an immature world view. They religiously ignore human nature. This is borne out in my leftist friends.
More than half the country believes, with ample justification, that the election results were obtained through massive levels of fraud. This includes Democrats who are aware of the extensive fraud but so happy to see Trump go that they are willing to turn a blind eye. Joe Biden has no way to reunite a country that he and his party spent four years trying to tear apart.
Joe, tell Antifa to sit-stay.
Question for constitutional lawyers:
A month or two ago, I read somewhere that the 25th Amendment only applies to presidents, not presidents-elect. Makes sense: the VP and cabinet have no legal powers until they're sworn in, so how could they remove someone? So Harris cannot replace Biden before the Inauguration unless he dies (unlikely in such a short time, even at his age).
So what happens if Biden's mental condition deteriorates so fast that he can't say the oath at all on January 20th, even with someone prompting him for every word? If he just stands there with his mouth hanging open, drooling, or mumbles complete gibberish, then what? (I suppose if we ever elect a deaf-mute, it would be reasonable to have him take the oath in American Sign Language, or maybe even sign a written copy with a pen, but that wouldn't work in my hypothetical case.) Who becomes president?
A complication for everyone to consider:
If the Senate count comes out 50-50, the Democrats can win every vote if no one defects and VP Harris uses her Constitutional powers. But if she uses the 25th Amendment to replace Biden as President, she's not VP any more and has no tie-breaker vote. And the 50-50 Senate is not guaranteed to approve whomever she selects as VP. It takes a majority of both houses of Congress to approve her selection. If 50 Senators - one of them next in line for the Presidency - would rather not have any VP at all, they can make that happen. They could even tell her "VP Trump, or no one" if feeling particularly recalcitrant. DuckDuckGo (I dumped Google a couple of days ago) tells me there have been 18 presidents who had no VP for at least part of their time. One of them was LBJ, while he was serving out the remainder of JFK's term.
I've tried to practice a certain amount of decorum over the years, and I've often been complimented on my manners, but nearly every time I read something like "the nation is..." or "the American people want..." or similar, I want to shout obscenities or, as people of earlier generations may have said, give the writer a "fat lip."
Glad ACB got confirmed.
These are recitations used instrumentally, not logically or according to the actual meanings of words. They are trying to convince themselves, and/or trying to be the Great White Journalist who brings the litany that others will begin reciting. The insistence that the country is badly divided into goods and bads, rather than having multiple opinions and interests, was a common Marxist tactic in the 20th C. Marxism, in fact, depends on there ultimately being no shades of gray, only our tribe and your tribe. The only healing is if you accept Big Brother.
I am a big CS Lewis fan. Even though the third book of the Ransom series (from the 1940s, anticipating what came after as presciently as Orwell) That Hideous Strength is the weakest of the lot, and likely the least-coherent thing he ever wrote, it provides stunning insight into this half-spiritual, half political nonsense spewed forth by the very people who created the problem in the first place.
Note to Mike K: Yes, using the media as an adjunct to legal manipulation for relatives. See also Al Gore's son's drug use and felonious driving offenses, or the Obama daughters endangering the Secret Service agents assigned to protect them.
Screw healing. Screw Biden. Screw the Democrats and the progressive left.
We are entering the, “If Trump’s gone, what do we do now?” era.
Nothing is really necessary. Just keep the graft coming into the swamp.
We are entering the, “If Trump’s gone, what do we do now?” era.
Nothing is really necessary. Just keep the graft coming into the swamp.
I can accept that Biden is President. I don't like it, I don't like him, he's a creepy, opportunistic weasel but I'm not a willing rider on the Trump train to hell. I won't even be at the station when it finally pulls out for good. But I really wish the Biden sycophants would spare us the gassy encomiums, of which I'm sure this is just the first of many to come. Isn't it enough to win, do they really have to try and make us accept this creepy wax figure as the new light bringer, putting his hands all over us, touching and healing and communing. From afar, of course, very, very afar, thank God, but incredibly disturbing nonetheless.
Guy with dementia who challenges people to fist fights, makes inappropriate physical contact with women and minors, thinks half the country is deplorable, and spends most of his time hiding is going to heal the nation.
Good luck with that.
Pants @ 2:57 - nailed it.
The Atlantic and any writing within is pure democrat corruption excusing schitt.
This is a "careful what you wish for" election result. Does Joe even have the stamina to work a Presidential day? Does he have the predisposition to share his power with Kamala or will he simply depend on Jill to play Mrs. Wilson leaving Kamala with the least important parts of the VP role? So many people cheered her saying to Mike Pence "I'm speaking". Mike Pence? Is she planning on doing the same thing as a method of proving her worth with world leaders? I confess I am rooting for a level or gridlock at the moment. While I expect Biden/Harris getting a long honeymoon from the media, I don't think the progressive left will be as kind. If Republicans keep the Senate and take the House in 2022, the last two years of the Biden administration will be long. 2024 may see primary challenges for both Republicans and Democrats. Hopefully none of the challenges will connections with Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden. There are 300 million plus Americans. We deserve better choices.
Bon Jovi - rich left wing asshole.
Bruce Springsteen - rich left-wing asshole. Fake every-man. Fraud
Jane Fonda - rich left wing asshole - she knew the chi com virus is the left's best friend. They successfully crushed most of the world's poor for their power.
These people have no interest in governing.
They need a mandate.
Seriously, any mandate will do.
The riots and looting will continue until the nation is healed.
What did Trump destroy?
The chi com virus destroyed a lot, especially the working poor. Thanks to a perfectly timed virus release from China- the world's working poor are out of work and many are out on the street.
I just saw a mother with a 3 year old holding up a sign asking for help with rent.
The leftwing press (the press) destroyed our trust in media. They hid Biden's corruption and manufactured Trumps.
A free and honest press in America is DEAD. Rich leftists are giddy.
Ain't going to happen. Where do these people live?
And the hands Joe Biden lays on young women and adolescent girls are not meant for healing.
Joe Biden is a corrupt piece of shit. How to you heal a nation with a corrupt piece of shit?
Oh - you use the hack-D press. Corrupt as the day is long.
Hunter likes to lay his hands on underage girls, including underage family members.
Jesus Christ, did an actual adult write that? How embarrassing.
OMFG, Joe Biden isn't the person to "heal" anything. These people have far too much faith in their political avatars. They could have gone a fair ways towards that "healing" had they not decided Trump must be "resisted" at all costs. May they reap the whirlwind.
“The media and leftist leaders would have a whole lot more credibility on the unlikelihood of the election being rigged if they hadn’t spent the past 4 years selling a conspiracy about Russia rigging the election in 2016.
And that’s why it’s important to not be a hack, kids.”
Biden lied about the car accident that killed his wife.
Big fucking deal...
What Kevin said at 336pm.
It really does feel like the beginning of a cult.
It's increasingly hard to take Ds seriously as sentient beings.
Whoop it up while you can
Apologies to Melanie...
Lay on, lay on, lay his hands on
Let that old man fondle
Little girls on the South Lawn
Lay on, lay on, lay his hands on
Let that old bird feel up
little girls before they’re gone
"...the nation is desperate for a parental figure..."
I have no words. Just needed to highlight that and to say: WTF? I guess we are all children now?
WHAT destruction of the Trump era? The Big Lie lives, apparently.
The Biden that exists in Foer's head is no more real that the Trump he sits beside.
Also, Biden's not a Baby Boomer, Franklin. We get enough criticism without adding this ratfucker to the list.
BUMBLE BEE said...
The truck driver she pulled out in front of died with that slander against him. Given his kids are cross-addicts I would bet the house SHE was drunk driving. No charges laid against the truck driver. Joe's own little secret. Family's predisposition is bankable.
The truck driver was sober and also did all that could be done to avoid the accident, including executing a swerve that caused his rig to go over on it's side. There were rumors that Neilia Biden was intoxicated and that Joe and the Delaware AG at the time covered that up.
Didn't read the article linked. Can't stomach it, but the tease you posted is just the purest bullshit I'll ever see. Just fucking bullshit.
Has any pundit commented on the crease in Slow Joe's pants yet?
Sorta miss the days when we respected truth instead of insisting on our own personal versions of truth. Biden is corrupt and demented, and Trump is a self-absorbed blowhard with decent policy instincts.
No need to pretend you'd want one of these guys living on your block. Acting as if either has any religious scruples in our post-religious society is BS, and we all know it.
If the Democrats had run someone normal -- and we have many honest, accomplished, careful people in this country -- they could have had their damn mandate.
Foer is Wile Coyote hanging in midair after running off a cliff. Wait till he looks down.
MD Greene: Normal people do not run for political office.
Americans were going to unite behind Biden.
But before they could he called a lid.
"After the destruction of the Trump era [I don't think this is what the writer meant, but it's true that Biden and his Democrat handlers have attempted to destroy the Trump era, along with the economic growth and jobs it created, but they'll have to try harder to destroy all of it], the nation is desperate for a parental figure [well, in Biden's case its more of a "grandparental figure"] to cultivate renewal amid ruin [all the new jobs, even in the face of a pandemic from Joe's favorite country, are "ruin"?]; shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing." If the faith is in Biden and/or Harris, yes, it would be irrational.
Look, we don't elect Saints or Miracle Workers, we elect Presidents. There's no good reason to expect Joe Biden to be good or even adequate at being President, but if his supporters want him to be judged as a Saint or Miracle Worker, so be it. I understand that he or his supporters have turned Republican ballots into Democrat ballots, so that's a start on the Miracle Worker bit, but it undermines the Saint part.
"the nation is desperate for a parental figure “
Fucking lefties and their fearless leaders/
Hoo boy:
GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger@GaSecofState
Fulton has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Fri. Officials are at State Farm Arena to rescan that work. I have a monitor & investigators onsite. Also sent Dep. SOS as well to oversee the process to make sure to secure the vote and protect all legal votes
My leftist friends calling for unity on Facebook are getting their asses handed to them.
I don't do politics there, so it's fun to sit back and watch.
Memory Hole up and operational!
You knew it was only a matter of time before they got to that. Remember they were going to create a search engine for and then said it was too hard? Too dangerous for the powers that be is what they meant.
I need to make plans, is all I can say.
Well Kamala got a V.P. position for whatever she had to do.
I’m thinking Foer gets a Supreme Court nomination or maybe ambassador to Monaco.
Get a room!
When you need someone to spread the schmaltz, you can't go wrong with an Irishman.
Joe Biden is the most gothic figure in American politics. He is haunted by death, not just by the private tragedies his family has endured, but by a larger and more public sense of loss.
Sure and begorrah, they said that about the Kennedys, too.
Richard Ben Cramer, in his classic account of the 1988 presidential primaries, What It Takes, wrote how even then it was a journalistic cliché to define Biden by the terrible car crash that killed his first wife, Neilia, and their daughter, Naomi (and injured Beau and his brother, Hunter), in 1972, shortly after Biden was elected to the Senate at the age of twenty-nine. Cramer refers to the “type that fell out of the machine every time they used Biden’s name: ‘…whose life was touched by personal tragedy…’ Joe Biden (D-Del., T.B.P.T.).”
So it's a thirty year old cliché, but O'Toole goes with it anyway.
After the destruction of the Trump era, the nation is desperate for a parental figure to cultivate renewal amid ruin; shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing.
I wonder about the "shattered institutions." Are our institutions so weak and so insecure? that they a few tweets can shake and smash them? And aren't we supposed to be skeptical about authorities, and speak truth to power?
I wonder about the longing for a parental figure to renew the country. Aren't we supposed to be adults, capable of living in the adult world without looking for father-figures or messiahs?
Most of all, I wonder about Foer's command of the English language. "shattered institutions will require an almost irrational faith in healing?" I would tell Franklin to leave the attempts at fine writing to his brother, the novelist, but is Jonathan really that good at it.
If Biden (the dopey figurehead) and his administration want to “heal” then the absolute without question #1 priority should be an initiative to ensure clear, impartial, secure and verifiable voting and election procedures.
I for one might be willing to eat this shit sandwich in the name of national unity and the preservation of our republic, if I were given reason to believe that this will never be allowed to happen again.
I am not thinking that anything like that will happen.
Because it would mean acknowledging the obvious.
So until that happens, I will be 100% behind President Trump and his challenges to this outrage.
Foer has to to know that he's selling a bowl of Filboid Studge.
As painful as it is to read, it must be worse to write.,will%20think%20my%20offer%20a%20piece%20of%20presumption.%22
Screw Biden and screw anything supporting a democrat.
How long before Aaron Sorkin has West Wing II in production? Story line involving an elderly President losing his faculties and the crises met by the beautiful & diverse Vice President? The episode when the President realizes that he needs to resign so that his Vice President can save the nation and earn the Nobel Peace Prize will be a certain Emmy winner...
Well, that makes another Bon Jovi song I could not make it through.
Why should that one be different?
boatbuilder said...
If Biden (the dopey figurehead) and his administration want to “heal” then the absolute without question #1 priority should be an initiative to ensure clear, impartial, secure and verifiable voting and election procedures.
Short of a Constitutional amendment establishing a universal system for voting in federal elections, Such an initiative will come to naught.
In Congress why would the Democrat Crime Syndicate want to change a system that will allow them to rule in perpetuity? No chance of an amendment coming from them.
It would take 2/3 of the States to form an Article V Convention of the States to amend the Constitution, and there aren't enough GOP or reform-minded Dem controlled-states to do that.
We are well and truly screwed.
"As a young widower, he drove them to school, blasting Elton John’s 'Crocodile Rock' from the car radio, willing normalcy’s return."
Just dawned on me!
Crocodile Rock lyrics
I remember when rock was young
Me and Suzie had so much fun
Holding hands and skimming stones
Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own
But the years went by and the rock just died
Suzie went and left us for some foreign guy
Long nights crying by the record machine
Dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
That's the perfect theme song for Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Of course, Jethro Tull's "Living In The Past" might be better.
Assistant Village Idiot,
I can see what you mean about That Hideous Strength; it's hard to make something entirely coherent of a book about interplanetary powers, Merlin reanimated, magic-wielding on all sides, visions, and not-at-all-creeping authoritarianism. But one thing it does do superbly is lay out how academic politics (and by extension, all politics) works. The description of that Fellows' meeting at Edgestow at the beginning of the book is worth reading for that purpose even if Lewis' Christianity puts you off; I've never seen how to wangle a bunch of bored and hungry academics into doing whatever you want them to put forth so meticulously.
"Easy part"? That amount of fraud takes a SHITLOAD of hard work!
One of my liberal friends' wife shared this on Facebook. It tells you the kind of condescending people we are up against.
White liberals like to do a lot of their work in communities of color, but this election has shown us that white progressives have the most work to do in rural white communities. Communities of color have shown us that they’re doing their own work and doing it well. But we have a major deficit in white communities, particularly in rural white communities—of creativity, of compassion, of critical thinking, of care.
It’s easier to go into marginalized communities—white saviors—and feel good about the work we do. But those communities feel so good to work in precisely because they have so much creativity, compassion, care, critical thinking.
It’s much more difficult to deal with the spiritual and political toxicity in white communities. More dangerous, more emotionally treacherous. But that’s really what we must do next.
You’re not going to change red state culture campaigning for presidents. You need to do it by working with young people. Changing a culture. The few after school programs in rural white communities are often evangelical church-related, or focus on gun culture in some way.
There are amazing teachers in public schools, but this is not the work they're given the freedom to do in rural white communities.
You won’t sway the votes of MAGA voters with logic or numbers or a pandemic that has killed a quarter of a million of their fellow citizens.
We’ve learned that. We need a revolution that brings art and history and science to the young people that live among the MAGA crowd, that sets them up for a higher education that makes them critical thinkers. Not political work, but heart work. Mind work. Our communities are sick. We like to believe we can heal other communities, but we're not dealing with our own.
When I was 14, at Detroit Catholic Central, a predominantly white Catholic school on the edge of the Detroit/Redford border, I had a white teacher named Mr. Bean. He had us reading W.E.B. DuBois and Malcolm X and Dudley Randall and Angela Davis. Changed my life. Gradually—a few years later, it doesn’t work overnight—this changed the way I thought about race and understood American history and embraced creativity and found my work.
I’ve lived in rural Midwestern communities most of my adult life now. I’ve been thinking of an initiative that draws on my past experience as public humanities professional, rural arts center director, and teacher of creative writing that confronts what we need to confront. Stay tuned. Help out. More soon.
I read it and was appalled.
Clyde@ 6:38: Thank you for sharing that pile of excrement with us. It ruined what had been up to now a reasonably pleasant evening. ;-)
My advice to rural people of all races [this pea-brain obviously thinks all blacks live in the inner city]: Just say no to these messengers of Satan. Cling to your Bibles and your guns. You will most certainly need both.
The pea-brain is the prog stooge who wrote the letter, not Clyde. Clyde is not a pea-brain. ;-D
Curious if any software types have any thoughts on the new story about the software "error" that apparently flipped Trump votes to Biden votes.
Not fucking happening. War motherfuckers. Period. The end.
If some Liberal Progressive comes knocking on my door trying to reeducate me, they will not like my reaction. Since my door is 75 feet from the road that gives me a good long run to make their retreat very painful.
Fintan O’Toole may well be mentally retarded, like Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is not Jesus, Elmer Gantry or my father. (I had a very good father. I'm not looking for a new one.) I hope he will be a centrist president, rejecting the Sanders/AOC left and showing respect for working-class Americans. I hope I'm wrong about his cognitive decline.
Once Trump is out of the way, Biden will take the blame for coronavirus, the economy and everything else. The press will stop protecting him. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a movement to get him to resign in mid-term and let Harris run in 2024 as an incumbent.
The man looks like he needs a dribble bib when he's vertical...
Wholelottasplainin-you and I agree.
Not gonna happen on a constitutional level. And I am not suggesting that I think anything like that will happen on a political level.
Certainly not from these people.
But that’s what it will take. At a minimum. Because faith has been broken-and they are demanding that we accept it.
Not me. How stupid do they think we are?
That last question was rhetorical...
@ Michelle Dulak Thomson - Diana Glyer, who wrote Bandersnatch, attributes the incoherence to an oversupply of creativity that Lewis did not always well control. Tolkien disliked the Narnia books because there were too many mythologies crowding in, unlike his own more focused books. Lewis's "Dymer" poem simply has too much going on, and some think the same of his finest novel Till We Have Faces. If you ever read the introduction to the second edition of The Screwtape Letters, you can get lost in the outpouring of authors, philosophers, artists and cultural figures he references in three pages - about sixty of them, all almost off-handedly.
Now do the sticking in of a finger.
"After the destruction of the Trump era, the nation is desperate for a parental figure to cultivate renewal amid ruin;..."
This drives me nuts. I've heard this phrase 3 times just today. That the nation is in need of a President who can act as a father to heal them. Bullshit. Democrats always look for the President to make them feel better. Assuage their fears. Talk nice. Say the good things. Make the bad men go away.
Democrats look for a national daddy and mommy. Republicans are looking for the government to shrink thyself so we can manage our own lives.
Christ. This is going to be a nauseating few years.
The minorities in the inner cities (the ones who voted for Biden 95-5) now need to get what they deserve.
More crime. More drugs. More gangs. Shit schools. Unwed mothers. Abortion, etc.
White people can't save them and black politicians are correct in that they don't have to do anything to earn their vote.
Let them stew in their misery. This is what they asked for...
Clyde - wow. Just, wow.
Is there anything worse than a busybody know it all missionary? Maybe if it’s a modern one who almost certainly sits in moral judgement of 19th century Christian missionaries but is too pig-stupid to understand that she is no different.
Healing? From the people who have called those of us they disagree with bigots, Nazis, racists, homophobes, deplorables, white supremacists, etc. for four years? Sorry, they are not Florence Nightingales. Nurse Ratched is more like it. I've seen a lot of these "Hate Has No Home Here" signs in my neighborhood. I thought of putting up a sign reading "Hatred of Trump Has No Home Here." Wonder what sort of healing I could count on in that case.
This was from a FB connection:
The last years have been exhausting.
We can finally stop being hyper vigilant about our leader. I am so ready to go days and weeks without thinking about what our president is doing and saying.
It’s time to rest and heal.
I sometimes think that I live in a different world from people who've been rabidly opposing Trump, and it has less to do with ideology than it does with this kind of thing. "We can stop being hyper vigilant about our leader?" I mean, it's not surprising, because this person, who is not in government or political work - has posted about Trump several times a day for years - but I really don't get it.
I hope Trump is able to prove the voter fraud. I’m in shock over how brazen it was, and it may be worse than I imagine.
I want the NY Post to eat it’s editorial.
Trump fights, which is why he got elected, and survived multiple attempted coups.
This is coup 5.0
That is why AOC is soliciting and enemies list
People who need
Glad you abstained, Althouse? Is this the America you want? You're welcome to it. If you like your fraud, you can keep your fraud.
"We can finally stop being hyper vigilant about our leader.”
"Hyper vigilant" is a sign of an emotional disorder, good strategy by the Dems to weaponize it, but it isn’t going to go away if Trump loses.
"Once Trump is out of the way, Biden will take the blame for coronavirus, the economy and everything else. The press will stop protecting him”
Can I have whatever it is that you are smoking?
If Biden is setting up his transition, I sure hope he doesn’t violate the Logan Act.
Har har har. We all know that Joe Biden only thinks that’s illegal if it’s one of his political opponents. The fact that Biden suggested using that against Trump only shows what a corrupt authoritarian who only views the law as an instrument of personal power Biden is.
Will Joe even be able to do press conferences? Is Obama really the guy behind the curtain?
We better be ready for GA senate runoff shenanigans. This corruption must be stopped! It’s sickening that We the People are being silenced by a group of unelected peons!
The vice president, who got her start polishing knobs in San Francisco, the shit-on-the-sidewalks capitol of the world, will giggle her way in the Oval Office through three and a half years of Biden's term .
I got something Biden can lay his hands on.
After the destruction of the Trump era,
Do any of these lickspittles have 401(k)s?
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