२३ नोव्हेंबर, २०२०
"A federal district court opinion issued in Pennsylvania Saturday laid bare both the dangerousness and vacuousness of Mr. Trump’s litigation strategy."
"Rudy Giuliani, acting as one of the president’s lawyers, failed to persuade Judge Matthew Brann — an Obama-appointed Federalist Society member and former Republican official — to disenfranchise nearly seven million Pennsylvania voters and to let the state legislature name a slate of presidential electors. The court held that the Trump campaign offered a 'Frankenstein’s monster' of a legal theory and that the complaint was full of nothing more than 'strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence.'... Dilatory tactics like delaying certification or recounts will be rejected by courts or governors, and not even a single state legislature (much less three) seems eager to incur the wrath of the American people through a power grab that would violate the rule of law, trigger massive street protests and call the legislators’ own elections into question.... By the time President-elect Biden takes the oath of office, millions of people will wrongly believe he stole the election.... Mr. Trump’s false claims will delegitimize a Biden presidency among his supporters.... Mr. Trump’s litigation strategy also will make things worse when it comes to voting rights.... These unsuccessful lawsuits will... provide a false narrative to explain how it is that Mr. Biden declared victory and serve as a predicate for new restrictive voting laws in Republican states...."
Rick Hasen,
Trump 2020,
voting rights
११३ टिप्पण्या:
By the time President-elect Biden takes the oath of office, millions of people will wrongly believe he stole the election.
I'll correctly believe that it remains a plausible possibility.
And even if the election wasn't stolen by vote fraud, it was stolen by four years of intensely and consistently dishonest MSM/DNC reporting.
Hard read the “news” within that barrage of opinion and loaded modifiers. Just another reason we don’t trust DNC-Media Inc. to report accurately and dispassionately. This “reporter” or team of same is way too eager to score points than report actual facts. Looks like they don’t plan on reviving their dead business model. Fuck ‘em.
You mean "voting rights" like, if you are a Biden voter you are nearly 4 times less likely to have your ballot subjected to signature verification than if you're a Trump voter?
In the district in which I was a poll watcher, 88% of Trump votes were subjected to signature verification, while only 55% of Biden votes were. That means 12% chance of no verification if you voted for Trump, 45% chance of no verification if you voted for Biden.
And that was unconstitutionally enacted by partisan hack Democrat courts and AG, witbout input from the state legislature, the only body actually empowered to set election law.
And attacking that gross violation of equal protection is an attack on "voting rights"?
Go fuck yourselves. War.
Obama appointed judge with Republican ties. Oh bullshit. Thats a Bill Kristol Republican.
How do you disenfranchise fraudulent votes? That’s a new one. Even for an Obama appointed hack.
More NYTs propaganda disguising itself as mainstream again this morning. I sense a boring pattern.
Rudy is the oxychloroquine of election fraud.
Mr. Trump’s false claims will delegitimize a Biden presidency among his supporters
Turnabout is fair play.
What about the rights of 73 million Trump voters? We had no say in the flood of illegal ballots mailed under cover of COVID! Look fat, they said they would do anything to beat Trump and I take them at their word. The obvious evidence says they did exactly what they promised, right out there in front of us, as well as with those crappy “tabulating machines” too. The elites won’t like the next version of a DC wrecker we send there and the next one won’t be as gentle as Trump was. Enjoy the last boring presidency because we are about to live through very interesting times, as the Chinese say.
Hey, I'm the expert on Frankenstein!
To be fair, this was published as an opinion piece.
But why they would publish such an unhinged rant from this so called "legal scholar" is beyond me.
Compare and contrast to the Tom Cotten opinion piece that got someone fired.
I would have never thought it was possible to at least attempt to contact all of the Republican voters in swing states, and yet it’s being done. 46%, of Republican voters contacted who claimed that they had voted absentee never had their votes count.
It’s thousands of votes. It’s not just disappeared absentee ballots either.
This is a separate effort that contacted just a couple of thousand PA Republicans and lookie what they found
Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter.
"I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801,"
According to Pennsylvania state data for early and absentee ballot requests, there are roughly 165,000 ballots requested in the names of registered GOP voters that had not been counted as of Nov. 16.
Voters in that state described to Just the News receiving absentee ballots in spite of having not requested them; when they showed up at their polling place, they were required to vote with provisional ballots.
You can try to pressure Trump to drop this stuff, but it’s coming out. No serious person gives a rat’s ass what the New York Times has to say unless they are the ones pushing the propaganda
Jon Solomon was fired from the Hill for investigating Joe Biden’s Ukraine corruption.
I think that so many people pitched in in this election stealing operation free lance that they may have made it too big to hide. Who would have thought of calling every Republican voter in the swing states? That’s their goal, but it’s brilliant.
Never mind that it's the same set of judges that unconstitutionally enabled the fraud whose decisions we are now being required to submit to to adjudicate the claims of fraud. As if there was any possibility that they'd rule that their own actions were illegitimate.
You must think we're all morons. Again, go fuck yourselves. War.
Rudy is not a good public face of this effort. He is an interesting guy, but he should write, not do these videos and public opinions. He is too easy to mock on his appearance and he is no longer as smooth on camera as he once was.
By the time President-elect Biden takes the oath of office, millions of people will wrongly believe he stole the election.... Mr. Trump’s false claims will delegitimize a Biden presidency among his supporters...
Hmmm. Where have a heard that before?
a December 2016 YouGov poll found half of all Clinton voters that year didn’t just believe that Russia “interfered” in the election to the advantage of Trump, but that they tampered with the ballot tallies and effectively hacked the voting machines. By 2018, a supermajority of Democratic voters expressed this belief. And the belief didn’t become widely-adopted as a result of standard looney-tunes off-the-reservation conspiracy-theorizing, which is typically understood to emanate from the fringes of society. Instead these crazy, evidence-free beliefs were deliberately engineered by the most Serious precincts of mainstream respectable opinion, particularly those allied with the Democratic Party and its think tank / media affiliates.
According to the NYT and the left generally believing obviously false conspiracy theories prove the right is mentally unstable, but at the same time the left believing obviously false conspiracy theories says nothing about them. This is how the left always works. Judgements for the out group are certain and damning. Judgments of the in-group include whatever benefit of the doubt is necessary to conclude there is no problem.
Sure Grace and 57% of Biden voters said they never heard about Hunter’s laptop, proving that coordinated propaganda efforts across many platforms worked wonderfully this time. Turns out low information voters ignore the news very well, but the little bit of corporate propaganda that filters through the radio and and other non-network media is ubiquitous enough to keep a myth moving forward. Truly, I am amazed at how well it worked. Almost 3/5ths of Joe’s voters heard no bad news about good old Joe, a guy with a half century of gnarly fuck-ups on his resume and he skated in with more voters than Obama! This is their new high water mark, better than 1960!
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
The New York Times didn’t fire their reporters who were coming up with the same Biden corruption stuff as Jon Solomon of JustTheNews, they just told them to lay off the story and find something helpful to Democrats to write about.
What do you think Joe Biden owes Carlos Slim, the Mexican national who owns the New York Times? Biden is already inviting a massive influx from Mexico during a pandemic when American citizens in many places are locked down and subject to curfews and attempts to limit their family Thanksgiving celebrations.
I'd like Ann's take on that district court opinion. Trump Campaign, Inc. didn't have standing.
Looks like a legal fuck up by Trump's lawyers. Trump should have been the plaintiff.
Trump should have been ready for this. I blame Rudy.
As I noted in another thread, the decision explicitly does not weigh the equities, when it is equity that is being sought. It only looks at one side, and ignores the other. Good to see though that it was an Obama judge. The 3rd Circuit is now 8-6 (real) Republican. And SCOTUS 9-3, of course.
"I would have never thought it was possible to at least attempt to contact all of the Republican voters in swing states, and yet it’s being done. 46%, of Republican voters “
In PA, sorry.
Obvious lesson for any Republican out there, never vote by mail. It might be interesting to do a massive phone canvass of seemingly lost states like Colorado which has universal “vote by mail” and Republicans can’t win there.
As mark levin points out, brann ignored the issues at hand, and so did his parrots.
Grace said...The press has no obligation to be unbiased
No legal obligation. But does no obligation arise from the press's own insistence that it is unbiased?
I have no inside information and my expectation right now is that Biden will be sworn in as our next president, but among the people working on Trump's challenges are lawyers who I have followed for years and whose legal opinions I respect. They claim confidence not only that Trump was robbed, but that he will in the end prove it. Lower level judicial decisions are just steps to go through to get to the real hearings. They are not the real hearings.
I think Rudy is working for Biden, his sweaty clown show has stamped for history just how absurd the Trump legal claims have been, and the topping is Powell claiming Hugo Chavez rigged the election.
MJB Wolf is so dense he missed the fact it is clearly marked as an editorial. As usual, another Republican snowflake up in arms about their own mistaken impression.
Fainting couches for all the right wingers here
I think the Trump campaign's post-election strategy does nothing to convince the people that voted against him that they should have done otherwise and has the unfortunate effect of encouraging those of us who voted for him to reconsider that decision.
I have begun to see the wisdom in the Althouse position, neither man was worthy of a vote. I probably would still have voted for Trump but this clown show that he and his legal team are putting on doesn't make me want to shout it from the rooftops with joyous fervor. I wonder if Trump thought that challenging the election would be like filing bankruptcy for one of his casinos.
Why accept the steal that this gibbering fool will be front man for a gang of theieves and wreckers no thanks.
MJB Wolf is so dense he missed the fact it is clearly marked as an editorial. As usual, another Republican snowflake up in arms about their own mistaken impression. Fainting couches for all the right wingers here
And this negates his opinion exactly how?
You have a pattern. Drop stupid little comments into the thread and when people respond to them, and by never responding to the meat of the discussion, show us what a little coward you are.
That sound you just heard was the 50 million (maximum) actually legitimate Biden voters shitting their pants.
but this clown show that he and his legal team are putting on doesn't make me want to shout it from the rooftops with joyous fervor. I wonder if Trump thought that challenging the election would be like filing bankruptcy for one of his casinos.
It's a "clown show" because the media have pushed a narrative that it's a "clown show". And it looks like you've fallen for the BS.
The United States does not have a state-run media that has an obligation to provide unbiased reporting. The press doesn't steal an election when it influences voters. Voters have never been more able to seek out their own news and verify sources for themselves.
Interesting to see the blank profile new commenters spout leftist dogma. I will agree that the press didn't steal the election. They are just hiding it as best they can.
"88% of Trump votes were subjected to signature verification"
How do you even know? In my state the ballot wouldn't even be out of the privacy envelope yet. And after the fact it would be long separated and kept in a different pile.
You're saying that the poor saps that get stuck taking them out of the privacy envelopes and flattening them for the scanner actually check each vote, then take Trump votes back to the ballot receiptors for re-verification? That's idiotic.
This misinfo is why I can't take these theories seriously.
If you're saying this is about urban areas like philly then why not be clear whom you're talking about?
wild chicken:
I laid out the numbers in detail. 88% of Trump votes were in-person votes, subject to signature verification. 55% of Biden votes were mail-in, NOT subject to signature verification. This is because mail-in ballots in all of PA were not subject to signature verification, via an unconstitutional edict handed down by partisan Democrat judges in PA.
I can support every single one of those numbers. They are ironclad. Indisputable. If you wanted to know those numbers, you could have asked AND WAITED FOR AN ANSWER before saying it was misinformation and you "can't take these theories seriously". GFY.
(I laid the numbers out in detail in a thread yesterday, I meant)
“You're saying that the poor saps that get stuck taking them out of the privacy envelopes and flattening them for the scanner actually check each vote, then take Trump votes back to the ballot receiptors for re-verification? That's idiotic.
This misinfo is why I can't take these theories seriously. “
Just as idiotic as believing George Soros has been arrested in PA on election interference, LMAO, Qwinn.
Inga, there's a photo of the indictment at that link. Looks perfectly legit. Are you claiming that's photoshopped? On what basis?
Theres is data and conjecture try to differentiate.
“Blogger Qwinn said...
11/23/20, 8:28 AM”
“Blogger Qwinn said...
That sound you just heard was the 50 million (maximum) actually legitimate Biden voters shitting their pants.”
11/23/20, 8:34 AM
Yes Qwinn, as I said to you yesterday, I’m not impressed with your reasoning skills. You didn’t help your credibility here, lol.
@ Qwinn...
“Fact-Check from Lead Stories
Lead Stories
Fact Check: George Soros NOT Arrested For Election Interference, NOT In Federal Custody | Lead Stories
About This Notice
Independent fact-checkers say this information has no basis in fact.
Curious how Facebook works with independent fact-checking organizations? Learn more”
Damnit, it might be fake. Never mind until I look into some of the claims that it's fake.
Grace said...
Mike, you're criticizing voters
Nope. All the criticism is on our monoculture hyper partisan media, which chooses what news to hide and what to promote. Some secondary blame belongs on social media for their coordinated censorship, but most passively consumed news is of the network broadcast type that filters through even if people avoid seeking news from them. I don’t blame anyone for tuning out. Propaganda is hard to stomach for very long.
"It's a "clown show" because the media have pushed a narrative that it's a "clown show". And it looks like you've fallen for the BS.
It's a clown show because nothing Trump or his legal team has said or done has worked to provide even a glimmer of hope that he is going to reverse this loss. This is not some garden variety dispute with his creditors where Trump can play art of the deal and file suit as a tactic to buy time and use the system to restructure debt and force a more congenial (for him) settlement. It's an election. He lost.
I'm sure there was cheating, I'm sure there is in every election, just as I'm sure there is cheating on both sides. Did it really make a difference? It's hard to believe it when there are so many reasons why people would legitimately vote against him. But if it did, he's got a limited period of time to prove that and he hasn't done it. This isn't Jarndyce and Jarndyce, the case of Trump vs. Unnamed Philadelphia Mail-in Voters, et al., it's not going to go on for 40 years.
Just because the media says something, doesn't mean it isn't so.
So Al Gore didn't try to 'delegitimize' Bush?
Hillary didn't try to 'delegitimize' Trump?
Pelosi didn't try to 'delegitimize' Trump?
What goes around... comes around.
MJB Wolf is so dense he missed the fact it is clearly marked as an editorial. As usual, another Republican snowflake up in arms about their own mistaken impression.
There is no reason for loaded conclusory language in an editorial. A good writer can provide a clear opinion without relying on propagandistic language to deride and marginalize those who disagree. Remember the old saying that one could disagree and yet fight for your right to an opinion? Well that ain’t how these fucker’s roll now. It’s all Orwellian all the time. If that confuses you go read his essays on the English language.
Welcome to Grace.
We needed a new Concern Troll around here.
There is no such thing as voting rights. There is no right to vote. Go back and read the 15th, 19th and 26th Amendments. They don't grant a right to vote, they merely state that you can't be prevented from voting because of your color, sex or age (as long as you are over 18).
It would be entirely constitutional to pass a law that prevented blue eyed people from voting. Or red heads.
"It's hard to believe it when there are so many reasons why people would legitimately vote against him."
As if there aren't legitimate reasons to vote against Biden? Please.
Remember when Trump said that there'd be a vaccine this year back around May, and the news at the time all said "it would take a miracle"? Miracle happened. And yet the only thing we heard before the election was about Trump's "horrible mishandling of COVID". "He couldn't possibly have done worse".
Pretending that level of gaslighting doesn't affect an election outcome is ludicrous.
Two thoughts:
1.) Invalidating votes comes with a high political price, and that undoubtably was part of the calculation when massive changes to allow a flood of junk mail ballots was made by Democrats. Riots and "packing the court" are already teed-up as a response if SCOTUS acts. Maybe that was what Biden meant with his "wait and see" answer to court packing?
2.) If nothing else, even if no retroactive relief is provided, the Supreme Court presumably will be able to prospectively rescind extra-legal changes to voting procedure made in the run-up to the 2020 election by everyone but state legislatures, as prescribed by the US Constitution.
Importantly, might that injunctive relief be issued in time to include the Georgia US senate run-off elections?
Sorry, correction to my numbers above: In that post at 8:43am, I said that 55% of Biden's votes were mail-in. That is incorrect (I was pissed). 55% of Biden's votes were in-person, meaning they were subject to signature verification, while the remaining 45% were not. Whereas only 12% of Trump's votes were mail-in, and thus not subject to signature verification. So my point stands, Biden votes were almost 4x likely to not be subjected to signature verification than Trump votes.
I don't believe I made that error in any of my other posts.
A look at the anomalies in the numbers indicates the Biden, by way of his Democrat Party operatives, stole the election. Doesn't mean he did - the situations needs to be thoroughly examined especially so as to understand and explain the anomalies.
If there is any voter disenfranchisement happening it is not the result of Trump's legal challenges. That boogey-man is becoming as overused as the racist accusation.
Qwinn, I checked Pacer, and that document at the link you provided in fact is doctored. No indication that Soros is a defendant (or anything else) in that case.
And it saddens me to say so.
Remember that there is no need for publishers to be objective.
That's why so many of them take Chinese bribe money to print pro-communist "stories" for the rubes like Grace.
Tell us, Grace, are you paid by the CCP also or do you give away the goods for free?
Mattman, yeah, you're right, it does look that way. Which is a shame. If there was ever a more likely individual culprit to the voter fraud, it's him.
My bad. Got taken in.
There is no attack on “voting rights.” Challenging an election has nothing to do with voting rights. Ask Al Gore or Stacey Abrams.
The mainstream media accounts and some judicial actions give the impression that Trump’s “legal team” is disorganized and some extrapolate from there that there is no election fraud. Maybe not. However, other news sources have offered convincing accounts of both fraud and monumental incompetence in several states.
It is unlikely that Trump’s lawyers can make a case to overturn the election. Nevertheless, they have exposed serious problems with the integrity of our elections that must be addressed by Congress and state legislatures. These are American problems, not Trump or partisan problems. The “voting right” at issue here is our right in the most technologically advanced nation in the world to have elections we can believe in. The 2020 election of Joe Biden does not meet that standard.
Actually, I take that back. The most likely individual culprit is Eric Coomer.
Serious Question
How long does it take you, when reading these clips; to realize: Oh! this is the NYT's?
So on the one hand you have sloppy lawyers who didn't write things up the best way, and on the other hand, you have the media promoting all along the narrative that the case is "without evidence." What does that mean for the actual validity of the affidavits and other data? Of course people are going to see Biden as in some sense illegitmate if the claims of fraud aren't ever seriously examined.
I only read the Conservative Beaver for "the articles."
It probably will go nowhere, but man, on the face of it, the numbers do not add up.
Biden got 15m more votes than Obama in 2012.
Sitting Presidents who add to their vote totals tend to win. Trump added 10m votes.
Trump performed better with minorities than in 2016. Even increased white female vote (Suburban moms). Lost ground with white males.
Biden underperformed Clinton in most urban areas --- save for Milwaukee, (Greater)Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Detroit.
Biden lost 19 of 20 Bellwether counties. 51 of 58. Won the 7 expanded bellwethers by an average of 4 points. Lost the other 51 to Trump by an average of 14-15 points.
Biden lost Ohio and Florida.
Biden's "Historical" VP candidate did zero press conferences.
What a lying piece of crap. How can people write this, and then in the next breath call themselves Journalists? Oh wait, its the NYT. Sorry, nevermind.
Anyway, The Judge was an Obama partisan, and would NEVER help Trump EVER, unless absolutely FORCED TO, by the plain, clear, and overwhelming meaning of a statue or law.
That's what ALL The Democrat judges are like. We have this weird situation, where the Democrat judges ALWAYS vote their politics, and only Republican judges will put their politics aside and rule as the law dictates. We all know that if this goes to the SCOTUS, the Liberal judges will vote as a BLOC, (Breyer, Sotomayor, kagan) just like they always do, for whatever helps the D's or Liberalism. Only the R Judges will vote against "Their side".
"Anyway, The Judge was an Obama partisan, and would NEVER help Trump EVER, unless absolutely FORCED TO, by the plain, clear, and overwhelming meaning of a statue or law."
Citation needed on the second half of that sentence. The plain, clear, overwhelming meaning of a statute or law or even the Constitution itself has been repeatedly completely ignored in almost every ruling so far. I see no precedent whatsoever for the claim that *anything* could "FORCE" these Democrat judges to rule against whatever favors Biden. Especially not what the law is or says.
I was under the impression that ONLY the legislature can change voting laws in PA.
The PA legislature abdicated their responsibility in regard to late votes.
Every late vote should be thrown out.
I'm no WI law professor, but it doesn't seem that difficult...
Finally occurred to me: More Americans voted FOR Trump than voted FOR Biden - since thousands of voters didn't vote FOR Biden but AGAINST Trump.
It does not matter how loud the NYT's screeches.
Democrats broke election laws. Democrats violated equal protection.
The election is illegitimate. We will not accept it. Period.
You can continue with the Biden farce. Get ready to see what Irish democracy looks like.
Joe Smith said...
I was under the impression that ONLY the legislature can change voting laws in PA.
The PA legislature abdicated their responsibility in regard to late votes.
Every late vote should be thrown out.
I'm no WI law professor, but it doesn't seem that difficult...
You are correct. It isn't hard to understand.
You have to be willfully ignorant.
Voting is a zero sum game. That means that allowing someone to vote illegally is the exact same thing as denying someone the right to vote legally
Except that I can try to work to get my legal vote in, because I know I've been denied. I have much less ability when it comes to someone else allowing you to vote illegally
1: You don't have the right to vote illegally
2: If you do a mail in ballot and screw it up, I, as a someone who didn't do that, have the RIGHT that your illegal vote shall not cancel my legal one
3: If the written law passed by the State Legislature, or the State Constitution, says that you are not eligible to get a mail in ballot, then it is a violation of my voting rights for you to get such a ballot, and cancel out my legally cast ballot
4: A mail in ballot scheme that does not have strong security methods is an invitation to vote fraud. As such, it is an all out assault on the voting rights over everyone who voted legally
No moral human being would ever support such a plan
5: In previous years, where most of the people voting by mail were people who'd done it before, the ballot failure rates has ranged from 3% to 25%. Any place that had a ballot rejection rate below 3% for this election should have all its results thoroughly examined. If the law was not followed, and illegally cast ballots were counted, then all mail in ballots should be tossed. If that changes the election results, then teh vote should be held again, after everyone who allowed an illegal ballot has been fired.
Chuck - I easily admitted it was fake. I didn't have to be browbeaten into it. That's called intellectual honesty. Why would that require moderation? Why would you require hiding common agreement from both sides that it turned out it was fake to be moderated away?
On the other hand, you have yet to confess that your claim that the Wood affidavit directly compared Minnesota precinct voting data to Michigan precinct population data. Which is impossible. Not only did you never withdraw it, but you followed it up with a WaPo link pretending it also backed up your gartantuan lie, which it absolutely did not.
Tell me, when was the last time you made ANY claim, posted ANY link that turned out to be false, and acknowledged that it was fake as quickly as I admitted mine turned out to be? I can't think of a single time that has ever happened. And not just from you, but from any of the lefties here. Once you guys post a link, it goes into the permanent narrative, it doesn't matter how utterly it is debunked. Ever.
Dave Begley said...
I'd like Ann's take on that district court opinion. Trump Campaign, Inc. didn't have standing.
We knew that is the way the judge would rule. The purpose of the suit is to built evidence at the district level, and have the SC address the Standing issue, because they're the only ones who can
So boiling it down to its essence, it doesn't matter who people in Pennsylvania actually voted for. That is assuming that the courts in Pennsylvania are dominated by left-wing judges. Because it is only right and proper that Pennsylvania always 'votes' in accordance with the preferences of these left-wing judges.
If we were honest we could just skip the election. All we need to know is the political preferences of the left-wing judges.
Because henceforth, and certainly in this election, it doesn't matter who people actually for.
It's the same "march through the institutions" we have seen in other contexts. It's the same thing we have seen at the universities, but just on a larger scale. Once your courts get taken over by the left, there will never ever be a real election again.
So, Grace's position is that fraud is perfectly fine, so long as it's done by her side
Thanks for clearing that up
(Lying to people is fraud. Claiming to be an honest news source, while suppressing all news that hurts your political side, is lying. Is fraud.)
Yes, Grace, the first beneficiaries of the First Amendment were individuals pushing their political beliefs. Which is why bloggers, twitter posters, and all the rest of us have the exact same First Amendment rights as do people who work for NBC, CNN, Fox, etc.
The signal is getting out.
There are eye witnesses to massive voting fraud.
There is massive evidence that this election was illegitimate.
Sticking with Biden is a mistake.
what indeed,
“The PA legislature abdicated their responsibility in regard to late votes.
“Every late vote should be thrown out.”
Agree with the latter, but not the former. As far as I can tell, the PA legislature ne’er really looked at the issue, so their election laws were the laws of the state at the time of the election. They should have been obeyed. Instead the other two branches appropriated their power, and, unconstitutionally (Article II § 1 ¶ 2) amended or modified their election laws.
Every vote that did not have signature verification should be thrown out as well.
That was also an unconstitutional modification of election law, applied ONLY to mail-in ballots which were expected to heavily favor Biden.
It's not *just* that the PASC didn't have the Constitutional authority to do that. The fact that different standards were applied was also an obvious equal protection violation on its face. Not just one but two constitutional violations in play here.
Does that mean every single mail-in ballot needs to be thrown out? Yes. Absolutely. It is tragic that Democrats invalidated all those votes, and the only fair remedy I see is to reconduct the vote.
LOL - I just heard on Newsmax that the PA judge that ruled that the Trump team didn't present enough evidence *didn't allow the Trump team to present any evidence*!
Is that in fact the case? Anyone have a supporting source for that?
Tony Heller, who I see as one of the heroes of our time for his outspoken criticism of the pseudoscience
in 'climate science,' is no longer being allowed to post by YouTube.
And the reason likely is that he commented on Dr. Andreas Noack being arrested in Germany,
although who knows for sure if that is the reason, since YouTube rarely explains.
See Watch Dr. Andreas Noack be arrested in brutal display of German lockdown police state
On YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter it seems now to be illegal to mention Dr. Andreas Noack and if you do
you get banned. My suspicion is that Facebook and Twitter are happy to ban anyone on the right, and
that would include lockdown sceptics now, but that YouTube would rather not. Except that if YouTube
doesn't take down people that talk about things that governments in Europe don't want talked about,
then YouTube will face huge problems in Europe.
So in other words, our American public forum, the place where most ideas we are expressed and heard, is
now being censored by Europe.
The reason I think this is relevant to this election thread is that we can see where things are going.
Pretty soon it will become a bannable offense to talk about, for instance, vote counting software that
gives whatever results the people that are operating it want.
Let's enjoy our remaining freedom for however short that time may be.
“The PA legislature abdicated their responsibility in regard to late votes.
“Every late vote should be thrown out.”
Agree with the latter, but not the former. As far as I can tell, the PA legislature ne’er really looked at the issue, so their election laws were the laws of the state at the time of the election. They should have been obeyed. Instead the other two branches appropriated their power, and, unconstitutionally (Article II § 1 ¶ 2) amended or modified their election laws.
Yes, there is a huge difference between the PA legislature abdicating their responsibility and the executive and judicial branches of Pennsylvania breaking the law. The Pennsylvania legislature was not obligated to do anything.
The Pennsylvania legislature and the citizens of Pennsylvania have every right to expect that the governor of Pennsylvania and the courts will not break the law.
There are some serious equal protection problems in PA. Equal protection was what got the partisan FL supreme court batted down in 2000.
tim in vermont.
Zach Larsen is an associate of some Republican friends of mine. He is in the Lansing office of Clark Hill. I do not know him personally. I would presumptively regard him as credible. You have posted a paraphrasing of his affidavit. I have read his affidavit, which did not prove any fraud.
I have read the other affidavits. So did Judge Tim Kenny, who is just about the most experienced trial court judge in Michigan, and one of the most respected.
So you've asked a perfectly decent question, and I've given you a brief response. I won't waste any more time on this -- even though I might like to -- because Meade and Althouse will just preemptively delete my comment.
There are some serious equal protection problems in PA. Equal protection was what got the partisan FL supreme court batted down in 2000.
I can't recall the exact issue, but at some point during the Gore imbroglio, the Florida SC issued a ruling based on the state constitution, or maybe state election law, and the US SC told them, no it has to be Federal law / US constitution for a presidential election: Rethink your opinion and get back to us on that basis.
Anyway, the Florida SC totally blew off the US SC and never came back on that issue. I'm pretty sure this is what decided the Supremes that they were dealing with a bunch of bozos, and had to get fully involved.
If the PA guys can avoid personally PO-ing the USSC, they may be in like Flynn...
Both leftie/MS media and lower circuit courts have shat their reputations over the last 4 years but NOW we're supposed to find the Hawaiian judges and the media credible this time. Fuck that...
We're well into the political phase of the election. Media is speaking on behalf of Republicans supposedly calling for Trump to knock it off. No word on why those politicos need a surrogate to communicate for them...
I'll wait for the Supreme Kraken before I form an opinion...
When the dust settles, let's tighten up voting. I smell a rat with all those mail-out, mail-in ballots. I'd prefer in person voting, paper ballots, and ink-dipped fingers.
I don't believe a single word that Althouse reads in NYT or WaPoo.
Trump is destroying voting rights?
Orwell is smiling.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Providing unlimited ballots to groups and individuals cut off from current legal registrations, with no regard for the security of those ballots or the voter's identification is Voting Rights.
Vote deletion and addition late at night is enhanced Voting Rights.
I loved that Soros goes to jail thing. Liked that FBI search warrant on Soros office in Toronto, WAY_TO_BE ! Best comment was from the guy who is actually an FBI himself and his partner is working on this case, so he knows all about it already!
"Conservative Beaver" ... sounds like The Bulwark/Lincoln Project gang have started making pornos.
Of course, Soros wasn't arrested. There are so many layers between him and people who actually did anything that it's stupid to think that he could be arrested for what some pollwatchers in Philadelphia or Detroit or Atlanta did.
The judge was part of the Federalist Society, so probably not an Obama stooge. But Bush and McCain loyalists aren't loyal to Trump, nor are conservative movement stalwarts. Plus, there's the pleasure judges get from rebuking lawyers whose work they think is sloppy, even if they are technically on the same side politically. And, indeed, Trump may have a case for historians to consider, but it may not be something the courts can resolve or want to get involved in.
Tragic results? This is a process- the end will be better if we all go through it. Plus, if the right people are whining about it that means it's a good thing.
"Rethink your opinion and get back to us on that basis.”
It had to do with not allowing a partial recount in Dade County, which was only recounting the low number precincts, which were older, center city, and stopping the recount before it got to the more Cuban exurbs which were numbered higher.
Ok, I see now that the judge was appointed by Obama.
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: said...
If the PA guys can avoid personally PO-ing the USSC, they may be in like Flynn...
Too late. The SC ordered that the late received PA ballots be segregated from the other ballots, and not counted. PA Election officials blew them off, and Alito was pissed:
You better believe there's nothing funny about Trump's legal challenges -- once he rehires Sydney Powell and she releases that Kraken on Steroids, you're going to see some Serious Shit.
Gahrie said...
There is no such thing as voting rights. There is no right to vote. Go back and read the 15th, 19th and 26th Amendments. They don't grant a right to vote, they merely state that you can't be prevented from voting because of your color, sex or age (as long as you are over 18).
It would be entirely constitutional to pass a law that prevented blue eyed people from voting. Or red heads.
Yeah, that "Equal Protection of the Laws" thing is sooooo over.
And that "Voting Rights Act" thingy of 1965 ensuring that blacks would be able to vote as stated in the 15th Amendment...
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
...conveyed nothing new, nor did it reinforce the 15th's language and meaning.
Nah...no right to vote in there.
I agree with Greg but am uncertain if that will be enough.
The whole "voter suppression" thing is about voter ID. It is a ridiculous lie that the poor and black can't get voter ID. Everybody knows that. The "vote suppression" consists of trying to stop fraud, another item of common knowledge.
So looks like the 3rd District Court granted expedited review on appeal of the case by the Trump team regarding the bullshit legal decision that this post is about
A big win.
Cause, you know, our resident lefties told us these cases would go absolutely nowhere, and won't ever get near the USSC.
So, that would make this big. Really big. Kraken big. Wouldn't you say?
Hey, don't blame us. It's not us who claimed that what just happened would never ever happen.
Qwinn the 3rd Circuit gave the Trump team until 4 pm to file a brief. The Defendant-Appellees get until 4 pm tomorrow.
Then, I promise you, it is hammer time.
Cause, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this put their case one single step away from review by the very justifiably angry Justice Alito, whose order to not intermingle late votes was brazenly defied by PA apparatchiks?
Pretty sure thats the case.
The litigation of civil rights follows a diverse course. NYT is celebrating Democrat democratic gerrymandering achievement prematurely. The baby... the investigation is viable and evolving, and NYT cannot see the order in the chaos.
Kinda spooky how quiet all our lefties got after that news.
In 2017 The Dominion guy demonstrated how their machine could take a blank ballot and fill it out,
Something important, uh, on these marks that are created on the ballot is we have a huge library of handmade marks so it’s not a perfect oval that you are going to be able to identify that that was a mark by a machine. But it’s, it’s ah, it’s a library of different random hand marks that looks like somebody else used a Sharpie to vote the ballot. So you are never going to be able to say this is ah, a ballot voted by the accessible uh voter, this is a ballot voted by a person with a Sharpie for example, for, with the mark.
Birkel said...
"Welcome to Grace.
We needed a new Concern Troll around here."
Nah, Just racist Howard tryin on a new dress.
How do I know there's been vote fraud? Because when a precinct has 1000 registered voters and 2000 people vote.
Chuck said...
Qwinn the 3rd Circuit gave the Trump team until 4 pm to file a brief. The Defendant-Appellees get until 4 pm tomorrow.
Then, I promise you, it is hammer time.
You do know, don't you, that Trump's people are in *federal* court, and that they will be able to appeal to the Supremes on a "emergency" basis?
Can't touch this!!
"How do I know there's been vote fraud? Because when a precinct has 1000 registered voters and 2000 people vote."
That's totally fake! Cause those places have same day registration! So obviously they just had 1000 new people register on election day! Nothing at all unusual about that!
My above attempt to channel our lefty posters fails in that it is considerably more plausible than their normal rebuttals.
When they actually bother to offer a rebuttal.
Which is actually pretty frikkin' rare, when you scroll back and check it out. Snark is pretty much all they've got.
The recent PA Sup Ct decision says "These appeals present the question of whether the Election Code requires a county board of elections to disqualify mail-in or absentee ballots submitted by qualified electors who signed the declaration on their ballot's outer envelope but did not handwrite their name, their address, and/or a date, where no fraud or irregularity has been alleged." Read that last part again: "where no fraud or irregularity has been alleged." Why has no fraud or irregularity been alleged? There are two possible reasons: Either (1) no fraud or irregularity existed, or (2) fraud or irregularity is VERY hard to prove under the circumstances, so we're trying to see how far we can go with this without proving that. My best guess is that there's more evidence of fraud or irregularity in the PA election results than there were of "Russian collusion" in 2016, but I guess where that leads is that Biden opponents in 2021-2022, should act like Trump opponents in 2017-2019.
If they didn't write their name and address, how could they *possibly* confirm that the vote came from a registered voter?
"“The PA legislature abdicated their responsibility in regard to late votes."
Just heard one of the Pa State legislators (R) interviewed on the Chris Stigall show a few days ago. Our governor is a Big Ol Lefty, but the state legislature is solidly Republican. This representative explained that last year, out of a Rep. desire that the state's shift to electronic voting machines still generate a paper ballot, a bi-partisan bill was passed where the R's got a paper ballot printed for every electronic vote and in return the ability to ask for an absentee ballot was expanded. There were safeguards specifically in place to protect against things like accepting late ballots. Of course the Dem's reneged on this compromise, and the Pa Supreme Court (5 D's, 2 R's) ordered these duly-enacted rules be ignored in time for this election.
So, yeah. Lots of room for legal challenges.
All the R's theories up in here, they should bring them to court! Oh wait they did and they were thrown out with vigor. 1 for 37 and Rudy deemed a fool, thats the best guy,he's like the Penguin in the Batman show, nothing but op eds, rants with no proof, no proof or evidence,just ranting or as Ann Althouse says' sad they lost scenarios" I believe after FOX stopped lying about everything they made up new sites for the head between their tails gang and the ole stand by conspiracy channels NEWSMAX and OAN where you can love trump so much more..even newer than that as Monty Python said"Run away! :) cheer up there will always be more conspiracy channels for the 73 million that got beat by 79 million ,and landslide Electoral group(see trump about those landslide numbers)
cheer up there will always be more conspiracy channels for the 73 million that got beat by 79 million ,and landslide Electoral group(see trump about those landslide numbers)
At least you didn't claim the 79 million were voters, troll.
Chuck said...
Qwinn the 3rd Circuit gave the Trump team until 4 pm to file a brief. The Defendant-Appellees get until 4 pm tomorrow.
Then, I promise you, it is hammer time.
I look forward to hearing what Justice Alito has to say about the 3rd circuit opinion.
Question is will Roberts join the other 5 to keep Alito or Thomas from writing the opinion.
They should tell Roberts to stick with his douchey allies and fuck off imo. 5 is enough.
Roberts has to write an opinion that the others will agree to
And, even if he does, if Alito writes a "concurrence" that gets 4 more votes it's still a Holding of the Court
Rip Van Hansen woke up four years too late.
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