There are 53 Republican Senators. As of this morning, three Republican Senators (Tillis, Lee, and Johnson) have tested positive. This means there are only 50 Republican Senators who can attend Senate proceedings. (The Vice President does not count for these purposes.) So if Senate Democrats boycott proceedings, they might be able to grind Senate business to a fault....To a fault? I'm guessing he meant to say "to a halt." Anyway... Adler observes the Judiciary Committee has been allowing members to participate remotely, so it can reach its quorum that way. And someone needs to be present to raise the quorum issue, and that person — one of the Democrats — would be the 51st Senator. So there's a quorum without Tillis, Lee, and Johnson. Also, under Article I, section 5, the Senate can ask the sergeant-of-arms to go get missing Senators and drag them to the floor.* Lastly, they could try to authorize remote attendance for the full Senate and include the quarantined Senators that way (but that has its own procedural difficulties, described at the link). Adler also notes that 2 of the covid-positive Senators seem to have caught the disease at the ceremony announcing the Barrett nomination.
That is the literary device known as poetic justice.
Notably, poetic justice does not merely require that vice be punished and virtue rewarded, but also that logic triumph. If, for example, a character is dominated by greed for most of a romance or drama, they cannot become generous. The action of a play, poem, or fiction must obey the rules of logic as well as morality. During the late 17th century, critics pursuing a neo-classical standard would criticize William Shakespeare in favor of Ben Jonson precisely on the grounds that Shakespeare's characters change during the course of the play. When Restoration comedy, in particular, flouted poetic justice by rewarding libertines and punishing dull-witted moralists, there was a backlash in favor of drama, in particular, of more strict moral correspondence._________________
*In 1988, Republican Senator Bob Packwood was arrested and carried into the Senate chamber:
As Oregon senator Robert Packwood recalled years later, "They found me through no fault of my own by going into my reception room and asking the cleaning lady if she had seen Senator Packwood. And she said, ‘Oh, he's down in his office'." The New York Times reported that the senator thwarted their entry by wedging a heavy chair against one door. He hastily bolted another, but the police had a pass key. Pushing it open, they met minor resistance. "It was their mass against my mass," the apprehended senator noted.Is that the kind of theater Republicans want roiling the brains of the people in the run-up to the election?
At 1:17 a.m. the police and the senator approached the Chamber's entrance. By prearrangement, Senator Packwood collapsed into the arms of the officers who then transported him feet-first into the Chamber. On his feet again, he announced, "I did not come fully voluntarily."
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Everyone knows Zoom school is no replacement for actual school, the GOP is supposed to make us think rushed Zoom hearings are the same as actual hearings?
Good luck with that.
I think most people look at the Rose Garden ACB ceremony with so many maskless and think that this might be an own goal by the GOP. Many people work all day in masks, including most in the service sector. To see these people sitting silent and maskless is a reminder of privilege.
They don't need a Democrat to simultaneously raise and moot the quorum issue. I'm sure Romney will handle it for them.
"Also, under Article I, section 5, the Senate can ask the sergeant-of-arms to go get missing Senators and drag them to the floor."
That's actually in the Constitution? Nothing new under the sun, I guess.
But what if the Republican side gets the Rona and recovers and then, as the time for the vote arrives, the Dems get it?
COVID positive Senators could show up in a haz-mat suit. That would be something to see.
Theater. I hate the theater of politics.
Look at what people do, what issues they support and push, not the shit they say, not their pandering.
A pox on all of them.
This is why the framers wanted the government to have no more power than it needs, not the limitless power it took for itself.
Althouse you are sick if you think this is poetic justice. He’s done more to address public health than any presidential endeavor in my lifetime with the possible exception of whoever started that presidential fitness thing we boomers did in school. Trump did as much as a itssuddnt can do. There is no example of any prior president taking such extensive action to address a public health threat. The Spanish flu, the Hong Kong flu and whatever that was in ‘57 or so required absolutely zero involvement of our executive branch. Local health people handled it. Some governors took action. By what metric can you judge Trump’s actions lacking and deserving of a potential deadly illness? Please explain your application of the word “justice” because you appear to be saying he deserves to be ill or dead.
i am so Proudly waving : I was first to comment about can D prevent quorum for hearing when ACB nomination was blogged.
Democrats had better start praying that Tillis, Johnson, and Lee die, otherwise Barrett is going to be confirmed by Halloween.
Its amazing that the Democrats can determine with such certainty exactly when, and in what settings, these Senators acquired the virus.
Like they had no contact with anyone else during the relevant time period.
I guess they have some "science" that I don't know about.
I am not sure which point you are emphasizing Althouse.
1. The quorum issue which can be solved very easily as you stated or:
2. The idea of Republicans dragging Democrat senators to the floor- a very physical version of "Republicans pounce!"
We may see the latter sort of spectacle with former Obama administration members when John Durham pounces.
Are Democrats immune??
I'm trying to remember: Did it roil all our brains when the Democrats did this?
One of the reasons so many people are tuning out the media is that when the Republicans play bare knuckles politics reporters get the vapors but when Democrats do so, at least half the stories seem to have an undercurrent of admiration for their doing what it took. I remember Dole asking, "Where's the outrage?" Clinton got reelected. At least some Republicans paid attention to that. McConnell and Trump are among them.
If, for example, a character is dominated by greed for most of a romance or drama, they cannot become generous.
Lest the audience be forced to confront their initial judgments and grapple with the case they were wrong about the character all along.
Yes, I can see why the media might have an issue with this...
You would think someone working at Reason would have reasoned out the points which came so easily to Althouse.
Maybe they need to rename the publication As Yet Unchecked Speculation?
How long until the quorum is required, and is there enough time for these 3 to recover?
"You would think someone working at Reason would have reasoned out the points which came so easily to Althouse."
I'm summarizing Adler's points.
Jersey Fled said...
Its amazing that the Democrats can determine with such certainty exactly when, and in what settings, these Senators acquired the virus.
Technically, Jonathan Adler works at the Volokh Conspiracy, which is sponsored(?) by Reason.
if RGB can "work from home" so can the others
"When Restoration comedy, in particular, flouted poetic justice by rewarding libertines and punishing dull-witted moralists,">
See Bad Teacher
The left let Antifa do what they want.
The GOP must get this done - no matter what Bs stands in the way. Including chi-com Hillary virus.
It's kind of amazing how contagious it is.
"To see these people sitting silent and maskless is a reminder of privilege.”
I think the word you are searching for is ‘hubris.'
Lindsey Graham should stop fooling around and cancel the hearings. Barret already had her hearing less than three years ago. Instead go for the vote, now. Unless the three afflicted Republican Senators require hospitalization they can show up to vote in a hazmat suit. It's going to be a straight party vote with one or two Republicans joining the Democrats. The hearings are just for show and will change no Senator's vote.
"Notably, poetic justice does not merely require that vice be punished and virtue rewarded, but also that logic triumph." That lets "liberals" out. They wouldn't know a syllogism if one bit them in the hiney.
We are a free porous society. It is foolish to believe that we can stop a virus in its tracks. That's the seed of fascism.
Public health can be accurately described as public health folly.
Do masks work or not? Everyday its a different folly. The only way to tell in a United States is to make California and Illinois mask states complemented by Florida and New York as non mask states.
All these scientists and doctors are really doing is babbling for fame and money.
The House started allowing voting by proxy back in May. What's good enough for the House is good enough for the Senate. Problem solved.
Lastly, they could try to authorize remote attendance for the full Senate and include the quarantined Senators that way (but that has its own procedural difficulties, described at the link).
Let's all remember when Democrats faced a procedural problem with not having enough votes for Obamacare they passed it with a legislative gimmick.
Ted Kennedy died and was replaced by anti-Obamacare (from Mass of all places) Scott Brown leaving Dems one vote short of overcoming a filibuster. Instead of dealing with the lack of c=votes honestly Dems used the "reconciliation" process which was not subject to filibuster. This limitation was supposed to be limited to budget changes but Dems used their institutional control to ignore the rules and pass it illegitimately.
So let's not pretend some procedural rule should be limiting. Dems have established the precedent that any procedure limiting the majority's goals can simply be overridden.
To see these people sitting silent and maskless is a reminder of privilege
Open, circulating air and one of the senators was masked. It's not privilege, but a mischaracterization of viral transmission modes.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Definitely."
Dumb Lefty Mark and the rest of the lefties had no problem with RBG issuing rulings from her hospital bed so I think we are good with zoom meetings....since they've been using them for months now.
Comey himself had no problem lying his a** off via zoom so there is no reason the rest of the Judiciary democraticals cannot do the same.
tim in vermont: "It's kind of amazing how contagious it is."
Nonsense. All you have to do is click your heels together 3 times and say "Peaceful Protest, Peaceful Protest, Peaceful Protest" and you are automatically immune.
Dumb Lefty Mark can explain it further if required.
We are a free porous society. It is foolish to believe that we can stop a virus in its tracks. That's the seed of fascism.
Yes, and how quickly the millions of armchair epidemiologists apply causation when correlation is observed. How quickly the smug gloat when the smug are vulnerable, too...
diblasio's health department, was a superspreader, cuomo killed seniors, like an eskimo ruling council, of course they as much as infected the rest of the country, through air and road travel,
Keep the faith, Democraticals.
Justice Barrett will remember her treatment at your hands.
Obvious question. How did this happen? How can this be coincidental? Were these three there when Trump got infected? They seem to have had a super spreader event in one of the most secure situations possible. Everyone was tested beforehand. Nobody showed positive or with a temperature. Someone suggested that the Secret Service is probably going crazy figuring out how this happened. If they can’t find the vector (by checking everyone there), they are going to suspect a bioterrorism attack.
They needed three Senators to lose quorum, so that the Republicans won’t be able to confirm ACB (suggesting that Roberts has been compromised, and they expect the election to be decided by SCOTUS). They got their three. And they needed Trump out of action so that Biden doesn’t have to debate, and Trump can’t do any rallies. Way too coincidental for me.
John Durham ain’t pouncing on squat.
I have a real beauty of an idea. Have the Senators vote by mail! You know, just like voting for the President!
Boxty said...
"The House started allowing voting by proxy back in May. What's good enough for the House is good enough for the Senate. Problem solved."
This seems quite reasonable.
I look forward to hearing why it actually represents an unconscionable violation of the norms of the Senate.
"I have a real beauty of an idea. Have the Senators vote by mail! You know, just like voting for the President!”
A live ballot just showed up for me in a state where I haven’t voted in years. I bet I am the only one, though, so no need to worry.
"of course they as much as infected the rest of the country, through air and road travel,”
You forgot the part about telling New Yorkers it was racist not to attend the Chinese New Year street festival over fear of some virus you can’t even see when this was all starting in NYC. Even if you are “asymptomatic” from COVID, the cold air alone is going to lead to sniffles and sneezes and leaving droplets of mucus around that are loaded with the virus. At that time, people were still moving around in public with symptoms as if we were talking about the common cold.
In a rational society, Cuomo would be in prison. Or at least removed from office forthwith.
"They seem to have had a super spreader event in one of the most secure situations possible. Everyone was tested beforehand. Nobody showed positive or with a temperature. “
Testing is lousy strategy. Any test accurate enough for this purpose is going to take way too long. Not everybody sick has a temperature, 20% don’t even lose their sense of smell, and that is the most prevalent symptom. It’s so contagious that once one case gets through the door to your “secure area” it’s going to run rampant. The only way to thoroughly protect somebody is isolation, which is not an option for the POTUS. I agree with the others, he was doing his job, which has inherent risks, just like the jobs he sometimes has to ask others to do who serve the United States.
If you want to talk about conspiracy theories, you can ask why China discovered a virus that is extremely close to this a few years ago causing pneumonia among miners, and was fucking around with it at Wuhan without adequate precautions. The truth is bad enough.
Of course I wouldn’t put it past this press corps for a member to hide he was sick to get close to the president.
three years ago. Instead go for the vote, now. Unless the three afflicted Republican Senators require hospitalization they can show up to vote in a hazmat suit.
Or, speaking of norms, let three Democrats vote for ACB, to support their colleagues who cannot attend. Didn't Murkowski play that?
Better than shooting three Ds amirite?
“ Democrats had better start praying that Tillis, Johnson, and Lee die, otherwise Barrett is going to be confirmed by Halloween.”
Take this time to contemplate the risk involved with electing a 78 year old as the newly minted executive. Choose wisely...
I know you some of you won't...
"Do masks work or not? Everyday its a different folly. The only way to tell in a United States is to make California and Illinois mask states complemented by Florida and New York as non mask states.”
Such studies have been done and results are known, you studiously ignore them and bloviate nonetheless. This is why I don’t give links anymore. What’s the point?
What the hell, I am sure I am not going to change your mind, but maybe others will be interested to hear the other side, the one with all of the people doing medical research on it, that is.
A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%, whereas the risk of transmission from less intense and less sustained encounters is below 5%.5-7 This finding is also borne out by recent research associating mask wearing with less transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in closed settings.8
If you go to my hot link, there are further hot links to the studies. It’s not a “different story every day” from anybody but the bloggers and the “They’re face diapers!" brigade with Sarah Hoyt as their Joan of Arc. it’s a story that has developed over months as the research has come in. The letter to the New England Journal of Medicine linked above is the writers walking back an article that they had written in March that was published April 1st that said that mask wearing was largely symbolic. The only people saying that right now, with what we have learned, are political commentators and politicians and those who trust and believe them.
I blame Fauci for a lot of this, and when lefties refer to him as some kind of a saint, I can only think that they have never read anything of what he was saying back in March and April. Trump listened to him and it was a mistake.
"It’s so contagious that once one case gets through the door to your “secure area” it’s going to run rampant."
IDK, I had it, my wife didn't get it. A good friend of mine knows a couple where the wife died (she had a lot of comorbitities) and he never got it. There's just a lot of seeming randomness.
Adler also notes that 2 of the covid-positive Senators seem to have caught the disease at the ceremony announcing the Barrett nomination.
And you seem to be taking his bald assertion pulled out of his ass as verified truth.
well well well
The sloppiness might be from some people with covid who aided debate prep.
"Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate. The cases were a result of debate pre-planning and set-up, with the majority of cases impacting out-of-state travelers, particularly debate organizers and members of the media."
Democrats tend to follow the common sense distancing guidelines and the Republicans not so much. This proves that Trumpers are so motherfucking incompetent that they believe their own ChanAnon 4Q conspiracy bullshit. Now they getting high on their own supply like Tony Montana in Scarface.
Drago now wants Zoom debates.
Just what we need.
"Take this time to contemplate the risk involved with electing a 78 year old as the newly minted executive.”
That’s the only reason half of the Democrats are voting for him, so that they can get Harris in there doing the bidding of Google and the other Silicon Valley billionaires. They want her, the American people don’t, as the primaries showed, so this is their Plan B.
The reality is that even those who have tested positive but are not suffering from any symptoms should be allowed to participate in any event. They should be masked because it is the positive testers who need to be kept from expelling the virus. It has been thus all along , but since so many cases are unidentified the masks have been a decent fall back for those individuals who should be concerned ( people over 50 or with complicating factors.)
I don't accept any conspiracy theory on Trump testing positive. I think Covid spread like any flu is more random than anyone realizes. As far as I can tell it pops up in places that it shouldn't with regularity. Look at the NFL teams that have, in theory had closely controlled and "safe" conditions since they started training camp. All of a sudden the Pats, the Titans, and the Chiefs have people testing positive. Where the hell is it coming from if there isn't some random component?
At 1:17 a.m. the police and the senator approached the Chamber's entrance. By prearrangement, Senator Packwood collapsed into the arms of the officers who then transported him feet-first into the Chamber. On his feet again, he announced, "I did not come fully voluntarily." Is that the kind of theater Republicans want roiling the brains of the people in the run-up to the election?
Absolutely. That gives us wonderful campaign ads about Democrats refusing to do their jobs, and that therefore you should vote Republican.
They will work well the the ads showing the GOP Senators coming to the Senate in hazmat suits with respirators on to get in their votes.
Further, the GOP can hit the Dems with a Catch-22:
Propose a change to the rules allowing remote voting. That takes a 2/3 vote. Which means there have to be 27 Dem Senators in the area to vote "No". Which means the Senate has a quorum. Any time there's no Democrats around, propose a rules change allowing remote voting. If Dems don't show up, the proposal passes unanimously. If they do show up, table the motion, order the Sergeant at Arms to keep all the Democrats there, and continue with the confirmation.
tl;dr: It's not going to be stopped that way
One word: ZOOM it.
OK, two words
Is there some rule that prevents Covid-positive senators from showing up?
If that’s the game they are going to play-screw ‘em.
What moral reprobates!
We are beyond parody these days.
Who cares what the senate has to do to get it done, just get it done. The democrats filibuster every nominee anyway. I think the senate should call for confirmation yesterday. This is all a game anyway.
Grocery stores and restaurants are open. I think Congress can do their jobs or figure out a way like most other businesses have been for forced to do. If you are comfortable with the conditions of the job - resign. Those folks are not irreplaceable.
Whatever it takes for the senate to confirm her do it, and do it without offering any explanation. I'm doing it because I can AND because democrats have completely made a joke of the confirmation process.
The idea that the senate is the "worlds greatest deliberative body" has been made a joke by the democrat party. There isn't any deliberations here, the votes are already counted.
Let's run down the last few nominations:
Kavanaugh - 50-48 Republican
Gorsuch - 54-45 Republican
Kagan - 63-37 Democrat
Sotomayor - 68-31 Democrat
Note a pattern here. The democrats filibuster everyone. They only respect raw political power, give it them, and hard.
Howard said...
Democrats tend to follow the common sense distancing guidelines and the Republicans not so much. This proves that Trumpers are so motherfucking incompetent that they believe their own ChanAnon 4Q conspiracy bullshit. Now they getting high on their own supply like Tony Montana in Scarface.
Meanwhile Howie stays quite comfortable in his mommy's basement.
Propose a change to the rules allowing remote voting. That takes a 2/3 vote.
What! There's a Senate rule that says it takes a 2/3 vote to do something? Overturn it with a majority vote — just like the filibuster rule.
You left out Garland.
Howard said...
Democrats tend to follow the common sense distancing guidelines and the Republicans not so much.
Especially at their "mostly peaceful protests", right Howie?
tim in vermont said...
A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%, whereas the risk of transmission from less intense and less sustained encounters is below 5%.5-7 This finding is also borne out by recent research associating mask wearing with less transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in closed settings.8
Let's start with their conclusion:
We therefore strongly support the calls of public health agencies for all people to wear masks when circumstances compel them to be within 6 ft of others for sustained periods.
IOW: wear a mask when you're home. If you social distance you don't need to wear a mask.
Now the references:
8 is this:
Reduction of secondary transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in households by face mask use, disinfection and social distancing: a cohort study in Beijing, China
Results The secondary attack rate in families was 23.0% (77/335). Face mask use by the primary case and family contacts before the primary case developed symptoms was 79% effective in reducing transmission (OR=0.21, 95% CI 0.06 to 0.79). Daily use of chlorine or ethanol based disinfectant in households was 77% effective (OR=0.23, 95% CI 0.07 to 0.84). Wearing a mask after illness onset of the primary case was not significantly protective. The risk of household transmission was 18 times higher with frequent daily close contact with the primary case (OR=18.26, 95% CI 3.93 to 84.79), and four times higher if the primary case had diarrhoea (OR=4.10, 95% CI 1.08 to 15.60). Household crowding was not significant.
4 was this:
Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks
We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a trend toward reduced detection of coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets. Our results indicate that surgical face masks could prevent transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses from symptomatic individuals.
So, we have the advice that you should wear a mask when you are at home, because you have a 40% chance of catching it there, vs a < 5% chance of catching it outside the home. Masks are 79% effective in preventing transmission before symptoms appear (with a 95% CI of 0.06 to 0.79) but cleaning is only 77% effective (with a 95% CI 0.07 to 0.84). This to me look like interesting math on their part.
Surgical face masks reduce RNA in exhaled droplets. Does this lead to a decrease in Covid infection rates? If so, they don't yet have a study proving that.
Did you not read these articles before you posted that?
tim in vermont said...
In a rational society, Cuomo would be in prison. Or at least removed from office forthwith.
Now there we are in complete agreement
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Drago now wants Zoom debates. Just what we need."
Nice try.
Nancy Pelosi has already set the stage for zoom hearings, but no one is talking about debates being via zoom. Not surprised you missed that given your recent history of being unable to execute simple google searches. Try harder.
Once again, dems hoisted on their own petards.
I'd cue the Sad Trombones but we've run out from all the democraticals lack of gaming things out fully before taking rash actions.
Great comments and especially as always, indeed Bruce Hayden.
I certainly believe that it is somehow deserving that Senator "Russian Ron" Johnson will be unable to vote on the Barrett nomination. He and Senator Grassley have been interacting with Russians to dispense false information about the Ukraine and he has been beating the drum to get "Guilty Mike" Flynn off for lying to the FBI, providing information to the Russians and receiving cash from Turkey while National Security Director. Johnson also keeps hammering on Billy Barr's tail-chasing Dunham investigation which attempts to make the the FBI and CIA somehow responsible for Trump's interactions with foreigners. More time and money has been spent on this empty conspiracy theory (which found that an FBI lawyer misinterpreted information he received) than was spent by the Special Counsel investigations which nabbed eight Trump associates.
Drago, always dragging the conversation into personal attacks.
Go duck yourself Drago
“I certainly believe that it is somehow deserving that Senator "Russian Ron" Johnson will be unable to vote on the Barrett nomination. He and Senator Grassley have been interacting with Russians to dispense false information about the Ukraine and he has been beating the drum to get "Guilty Mike" Flynn off for lying to the FBI, providing information to the Russians and receiving cash from Turkey while National Security Director. Johnson also keeps hammering on Billy Barr's tail-chasing Dunham investigation which attempts to make the the FBI and CIA somehow responsible for Trump's interactions with foreigners.”
Viciously idiotic. Wishing ill on anyone is bad. Maybe worse if it was on a political enemy.
But what made it idiotic was supporting it with a long string of debunked nonsense. You just wish that it was not true, that Flynn had lied, etc. What you missed was that he was coerced into a guilty plea, despite the FBI and the Mueller SC prosecutors knowing, as a fact, that he had not lied. (There is zero legally admissible evidence that he lied (FD 302s submitted to court are inadmissible hearsay - they weren’t anywhere near contemporaneous), and significant evidence that he didn’t). Latest in the scandal that you are trying to pretend away is that it was your candidate, Crooked Hillary, who was working with the Russians to set up her political opponent. This was reported to Obama and Biden by the CIA in July, 2016, and to Comey and Strzok in early September.
“Not surprised you missed that given your recent history of being unable to execute simple google searches. Try harder.”
Try any search engine besides Google first. There are numerous examples of them disappearing articles critical of the Dem line on COVID-19, as well as the Dem connected riots that have burned so many Dem controlled cities over the last 4 1/2 months. The won’t find articles even if provided the title, author, AND even URL of an article contrary to their preferred narrative. Not even ranking it low, but not finding it at all. Meanwhile, non Google based search engines will pop the article first using the exact same search string. I use DuckDuckGo, and have been quite happy with it.
Gadfly - so everyone you hate is a Russian spy?
All while your gal Hillary received massive payments from the Russians while she was sec of state.
Let me see if I understand this:
* Cancer-riddled and possibly brain-addled RBG allowed to participate in deliberations of major Supreme Court decisions remotely: GOOD
* GOP senator who pop asymptomatic -- with a reasonable chance for a false positive -- for the Wuhan Flu allowed to participate in choosing her replacement: BAD
Readering said...
You left out Garland.
You will note something, rendering
Well, sane people who don't go around with their heads up their asses will note something: The last time a President of one Party got his SC nominee approved by a Senate of the other Party was Clarence Thomas, in 1991.
And that only happened because Thomas is "black", and Southern Democrat Senators needed the "black" vote to be competitive, so they didn't feel like they could vote against him.
Every single SC nominee that's been confirmed since then has been where the President's Party controlled the Senate.
And in those cases, a bunch of GOP Senators voted to confirm the Dem nominee nominee, and almost no Dem Senators voted to confirm the GOP nominee.
Because, every step of the way, it's been the Dems who were the problem.
Well: 6-3. The Dems are no longer going to be the problem
Blogger Readering said...
You left out Garland.
10/3/20, 11:22 PM
I also left out:
Miers, Harriet -- Withdrawn Republican
Roberts, John G -- Withdrawn Republican
Breyers - 87-9 Democrat
Ginsburg - 96-3 Democrat
Thomas - 52 - 48 Republican
I think my point holds.
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