Said Charlamagne Tha God — who says he's voting for Biden (because of Harris) — quoted in "Charlamagne tha God: I understand why black voters are drawn to Trump" (NY Post).
When Charlamagne Tha God had Biden on his show last May, Biden uttered the unforgettable line: "Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
६४ टिप्पण्या:
Are we allowed to talk about how all black people are not alike?
The way we talk about race in politics is despicable.
Trump won a larger percentage of black men in 2016 than most Republicans have done. Of course, the MSM ignored it and refused to discuss it.
What won Biden the nomination could lose him the election: the fact that most Black voters really don't agree with the wokist fringe of the Democratic Party. I'm not saying young Black men will vote for Trump, but many will not be voting Democrat this time.
Maybe Trump will get 10% of the black vote this time. That will be an all-time high.
Trump may not be a surrogate father, but he is seen as the 'strong horse.'
Young black men respect the strong horse.
Black people.
And they think there's something wrong with Kansas?
"who said he is voting for Sen. Kamala Harris instead of Joe Biden" Sounds like he's writing in Kamala Harris for president! I'm in favor of his doing that.
More winning. Good for you people.
They are waking up!! Time to leave the Democrat plantation for good. It's time!!!
White Liberal women are devastated.
Said Charlamagne Tha God — who says he's voting for Biden (because of Harris)
Say, where is Harris btw? Wouldn't this be a good time for an energetic, attack-dog surrogate for Biden to be, you know, a *little* visible?
"He’s directing ads toward them"
Just heard one now from west central Wisconsin. Funny, I'm the darkest person in the township.
Oh, Biden is also targeting young black male voters. He has a rapper video that is so cringeworthy I dare anyone to try to watch more than 30 seconds of it. These guys must have needed the money very badly. If you can still find it. The campaign has apparently taken it down. Biden is so obviously uncomfortable with POC he doesn't know how to deal with them other than in an awkwardly pandering and patronizing manner.
Showing Biden's speech about black kids and his hairy legs should be enough.
So, Charlemagne is showing his true colors. In 2 ways.
Boy black people are really racist in their politics.
Trump already took the working class voters away from the Democrats, snd he is taking the Hispanic voters and a pretty decent fraction of the black vote. He has cemented the support of the small business owners, who supported the GOP before, because the GOP used to ignore their needs while the Democrats actively hated them. Meanwhile the Democrats are the party of violent lefty extremists, women who are frightened of violent lefty extremists (!!!), race-baiters, limousine liberals, and billionaires Without the support of tech billionaires and folks like George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Reid Hoffman, the Democrats would be nowhere, and without the support of the working class Trump would be nowhere, so Trump has in key respects turned the old stereotype on its head.
@rcocean, I am thinking 15%. If black churches were allowed to have services, it would be higher yet (and don’t think for one moment that hasn’t been taken into account by the likes of Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsom, et. al.)
Trump is racist because he calls black, female politicians names. He's also sexist for calling female politicians names. Just ask any female democrat. Any person who runs and wins an office is open for criticism. If they can't take the criticism, then they don't belong in office. Or, as Harry Truman said: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Diversity dogma that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, not limited to racism, sexism, ageism (e.g. selective-child, selective-granny), etc.
Pollsters who actually know what they are doing understand that Trump can hardly get a single Black college-educated female vote, but he is definitely making significant inroads with Black males, especially Black blue collar males.
He's voting for Biden because of Kamala? She is not African American. She's Indian {dot}. He doesn't know that.
Howard: "More winning. Good for you people."
Good for OUR people: freedom loving red/brown/yellow/black/white people.
Here's the set up...Biden townhall meeting. You man asks Joe: "Why should young black people vote for you?" Biden rambles for 5 plus minutes.
The young man's reaction is priceless.
It's fair to say Joe had a hard time answering the question in an articulate and persuasive manner.
While I share all of the truly enlightened ideals of color-blind diversity being presented here by many commenters. I know how hollow much of that support really is.
Lauding Trump for carrying a slightly improved percentage of minority voters while at the same time endorsing policy after policy that have the unfortunate side-effect of keeping minorities "in their place", like literally; on the other side of town. Away from us.
Black people as individuals are in a bit of bind when it comes to electoral politics in this country that's for sure. And I agree it is a shame that they have been pretty much ghetto-ized as a race-based group into a Democrat party "Ward". And the more courageous of them are stepping out of that political "ghetto". And that's a net positive outcome I believe we would agree.
But, I'm reminded of several statements I've overheard or been a conversant witness to in my life that are along the lines of: "These F**k*n' N*****rs are to stupid to see that the Democrats aint doin nothin for em!" (Incidentally, these were conservative officers of law enforcement, as was I). Do you think the White men that made those statements were *really* concerned about the well being of those Black individuals and their inherent right to vote as individuals and Not as part of a race-based group? Probably not.
Now, is that all Republican voters? No, not at all. But, it's probably enough of them to paint an unforgettable impression in the minds of many a Black voter.
(Oh, and there's also the Dixiecrats that became Republicans who, y'know, didn't want them to be able to vote at all. So, there's that too.)
"Charlamagne Tha God"? Seriously?
This is both a comment and a question. After the election, we will be told what percentage of black voters chose Trump. But will it be accurate? What is the source of this information? Just surveys? Why would most black voters want to reveal that they voted for Trump? Can anyone enlighten my on this?
Jupiter said...
"Charlamagne Tha God"? Seriously?
I couldn't agree more. Or, well, I could but it would involve profanity.
I'm not sure why black 'leaders' can't comprehend the following strategy:
Cut a deal with the Republican party/Trump to throw full support their way, but make it clear that you want a substantial piece of the pie in return.
Yes, you are getting your cut already from Democrats but that has been going on for sixty years now with not much to show for it...even the low information voters are beginning to ask questions.
You're essentially doing a broader version of what Ice Cube did. He got results.
It would be near impossible for Democrats to disavow you for fear of being called racist.
This would work for a number of election cycles...
If the Republicans don't come through you can always go back to the mothership and work the same old hustle...
Biden's remark that if a black person has to think about whether to vote for him, "you ain't Black," is the most racist utterance by a Presidential candidate in my lifetime. Even plantation owners or Jim Crow era Southerners didn't have the power to declare that a black person who thought for themselves was not Black, was someone that no respectable Black person could associate with or listen to.
The (barely) unstated assumption that all Blacks vote Democrat, with absolutely no rational decision involved, is purely racist. But the further notion, that a white Democrat political leader has the absolute power to tell the Black community who is, and who is not legitimately Black, to use that power to terrorize them upon pain of banishment from their own community into publicly supporting and voting for Democrats: is that not the true epitome of "White Supremacy"?
Yet, as far as I can tell, no Black leader (political, religious or cultural) has the courage to say this truth.
If CTG publicly said that he is voting for Trump, he would be completely marginalized my the MSM and the ‘influencers’’. The fact that he’s speaking up for Trump says to me that he wants young black to support Trump, and he is claiming to be voting for Biden just so his opinion will not get dismissed out of hand. CTG is really going to pull the Trump lever in the privacy of the voting booth.
Jupiter: ""Charlamagne Tha God"? Seriously?"
I wouldn't read that much into the name.
On the plus side, according to himself, he read up on the exploits of the real Charlemagne, Charles the Great, and was so impressed by what he read he took on the name.
That's not a bad thing.
q12345q6789: "While I share all of the truly enlightened ideals of color-blind diversity being presented here by many commenters. I know how hollow much of that support really is.
Lauding Trump for carrying a slightly improved percentage of minority voters while at the same time endorsing policy after policy that have the unfortunate side-effect of keeping minorities "in their place", like literally; on the other side of town. Away from us."
When you launch your comment with a series of lies like that, it really isn't worth anyone's time reading anything more that you offer up.
But the good news is you will a good LLR-lefty "lawyer" pal in Michigan, should you ever need one.
So good luck with your 2016 talking points! I'm sure they'll play every bit as effectively in 2020.
Every bit.
Mike Petrik: "Pollsters who actually know what they are doing understand that Trump can hardly get a single Black college-educated female vote, but he is definitely making significant inroads with Black males, especially Black blue collar males."
Do you think the White men that made those statements were *really* concerned about the well being of those Black individuals
Do I think you are an honest commenter or a troll?
q12345q6789: "Now, is that all Republican voters? No, not at all. But, it's probably enough of them to paint an unforgettable impression in the minds of many a Black voter.
(Oh, and there's also the Dixiecrats that became Republicans who, y'know, didn't want them to be able to vote at all. So, there's that too.)"
I'll violate my own suggestion to ignore you to take on this particular lie specifically.
Of the 200 some odd registered Dixiecrats in the House and Senate in 1964 at the point of the passage of the Civil Rights bill, only 2, just 2, switched party to become republicans.
Watson in the House and Strom Thurmond in the Senate.
And AFTER he became a republican, Thurmond made history in 1971 by being the first member of the Southern congressional delegation to hire a black legislative assistant.
And all anyone has to do to nail this topic down fully is to look at precisely when the State Houses and State Senates in the South went republican. It wasn't until the 90's and into the 2000's that the Southern State Houses and Senate's became consistently republican.
Why was that you ask? Because as the South became more business friendly, more and more people moved there from other parts of the nation, republican's mostly, seeking a better business climate, along with the older dixiecrat/democrat voters dying off. Voila! Republicans begin winning.
Having personally worked in Texas in the 80's in a suburban swing district of a major urban area, we simply couldn't get the old yellow dog democraticals to switch to republican so we focused ALL our resources on getting those that had moved there from other places and younger voters to jump on board.
Note: The Texas House did not flip to republican until 2002.
For the morons like q12345q6789, that is just about 38 years AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights bill.
And POOF goes the "dixiecrats became republicans" lie.
For fun, just google the rest of the south as well and see for yourself when the parties switched control. All of them are 30 to 40 years later.
johns. Good question about "reveal", considering the threats in Tulsa and New Hampshire. We have some friends who are undergoing a long-term health issue. Their neighbors cut them off--not a word or eye contact--upon our friends" TRUMP sign.
Some folks have a lot to lose letting that out.
Yep, President Trump's campaign is on fire - why? Cause they have out registered Republicans vs. Democrats for massive numbers in major swing states. Furthermore, they have also gone after Blacks, Hispanics and Union members. Notice that the data on Republican registrations have exhibited that these are voters who had previously not voted in past elections. What a terrific strategy. If Trump gets higher percentages from Blacks, Hispanics and Union members vs. 2016 it will be a wipeout of Biden.
The smear of RRRRRAAAAAAAACCCIISSSSSSSSMMMM! loses a lot of its power when it used to describe every single thing in the entire history of Western Civilization. It loses whatever power is left to it, when used against a man who loves to point out how well PoC did under his first years in office, especially compared to any other Presidents.
"Lauding Trump for carrying a slightly improved percentage of minority voters while at the same time endorsing policy after policy that have the unfortunate side-effect of keeping minorities "in their place", “
You mean like lowering black unemployment to record low levels prior to COVID, which has decimated most economies, BTW. If European stye socialism and single payer are the answer, you couldn’t prove it by looking at Europe.
When I worked in sales we were told that you have to ask for the business. Trump is asking for the business.
q12345q6789 Substantiate your thesis. Just what are these policies and side effects that keep minorities in their place. You're talkin shit and that doesn't play here. Lay it out or move on.
"Oh, and there's also the Dixiecrats that became Republicans"
Name 'em.
"Trump change, not chump change" would be a great slogan.
Biden has been a liar for a long long long time
Too bad Obama selected him. Imagine if Obama didn't pick Hillary or Biden - but actual people with integrity.
THE daughter of a truck driver, who Joe Biden wrongly accused of being drunk at the wheel in a crash that killed his wife and baby, says the presidential nominee's "blatant lie" devastated her family.
Trump keeps talking about how his policies have increased jobs and business opportunities for Black people. Biden says "if you aren't supporting me, you aren't Black." I really TRY to put my WHITE feet in Black people's shoes, but I can't figure out why most Black voters think it's a good idea to vote for Biden (the Senator from what he proudly claimed was the almost-Confederate State of Delaware) instead of Trump.
Hi Johns. Going into the election, I don't have a high degree of confidence in polls, because they need to make a priori judgments about the composition of their sample (how many R, how many D, how many rural, how many urban, etc.). But after the election, what we will have are "exit polls". How much confidence should I have in those? If (say) Trump supporters, systematically refuse to answer pollsters, or if there is a systematic difference between those who vote "live" (and therefore are subject to exit pollsters) and those who vote "early" or "by mail", then the exit polls may be way off. Possibly (probably?) there will be "exit polls" that try to reach all voters who voted (say by phone, rather than by in-person when they leave the polls). But here, too, we are left with the possibility that the composition of those answering the pollsters is biased in a systematic way. I think this election is especially problematic, because no one on either side is inclined to accept the usual "declarations" of who has won. So no one will believe the exit polls, and since the network declarations are based in no small part on exit polls, no one will believe the network declarations (and in addition the networks have indicated to many a pro-Biden bias). Conceivably if ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc declare Trump the victor in PA, FL, WI, etc., that might be conclusive, but even then, I think we'd have Hillary and others saying "never concede!"
Trump is our first black president.
Trump is our first black president.
Normally, chasing the youth vote is foolish because the young do not reliably turn out to vote, (2008 was the big exception. Obama excited them. Biden is about as exciting as a bowl of Cream of Wheat.)
However, in this case, it might be very smart indeed for Trump to go after young black male voters. Older black voters attached themselves - with dire consequences - to racial flim-flam men like the Revs. Jesse and Al and the Congressional Black Caucus. They will have a very difficult time shaking loose the voting habits of a lifetime. Younger blacks - the ones not radicalized by BLM - can see things through a fresh pair of eyes. Biden is just more of the Dem same old same old - "vote for us because the other guy is racist."
No, Trump won't get a majority. He doesn't have to. If he can pick off 20 percent of the black vote, Biden is toast.
"Too bad Obama selected him. Imagine if Obama didn't pick Hillary or Biden - but actual people with integrity."
Though VPs have a bad track record succeeding 2 term presidents, it might well have been a big missed opportunity for Obama to cement his legacy when he chose Joe Biden as VP. He could have chosen someone moderate enough with actual brains and savvy that could have run against and defeated Clinton for the nomination in 2016. I have often thought that he chose Biden because that was the price Clinton demanded in 2008- she wanted a true lightweight or some too old to run in the VP office. Funny how all that turned out.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Biden has been a liar for a long long long time
Too bad Obama selected him. Imagine if Obama didn't pick Hillary or Biden - but actual people with integrity.
Obama has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling influence. He is just as corrupt as Hillary and Joe.
Obama has told just as many lies per word spoken. Obama's "If you like your doctor You can keep your doctor" lie will get it's own paragraph on history books when they discuss lying politicians.
Obama was in charge when they used the government to spy on political opponents.
Obama is just as much a traitor and piece of shit as Hillary and Joe are.
"Said Charlamagne Tha God — who says he's voting for Biden (because of Harris)
Charlamagne tha God: I understand why black voters are drawn to Trump" (NY Post).
Charlamagne is a coward. He knows the truth but he also knows if he speaks the truth he loses his gig.
He knows Kamala is a very privileged person who was born into wealth and never faced a single moment of difficulty or any particular issue due to her race.
Voting her because she is black is either terminally stupid or pure racism.
Drago said: "When you launch your comment with a series of lies like that, it really isn't worth anyone's time reading anything more that you offer up."
BUMBLEBEE said: "Just what are these policies and side effects that keep minorities in their place. You're talkin shit and that doesn't play here. Lay it out or move on."
OK, folks. I won't rehash the whole raft of comments again (you can see them here:
That's from yesterday on Althouse. Essentially, Trump is arguing that women in the suburbs should vote from him because he is all that is standing between them and the brutish, horrible poor people from the inner cities invading *their* suburbs. Most of those poor, brutish, awful people will be, let's say, "Brownish" minorities and everyone knows it. This policy Trump is explicitly endorsing has the added benefit of working to keep the carefully gerrymandered districts intact along existing class, racial, and party lines.
I see there was no comments on the two middle paragraphs so I'll just move on to the last.
@Drago:"For the morons like q12345q6789, that is just about 38 years AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights bill."
You know what, I want to admit that I shouldn't have used the term Dixiecrat when that's not really what I meant. That was an off the cuff remark and you are correct that the term 'Dixiecrat' is a very specific term from US history. And using it didn't really elucidate what my previous point was. BUT, I'll note that you did focus on that term and not the thrust of my comment. No matter.
So instead of writing 'Dixiecrat' I should have just noted that the *majority* of Anti-black racist White people have found their home in voting for the Republican party in my lifetime (Note: I am *not* saying the majority of Republicans are racist!) All of the racist Whites that I know (and yeah, I do know some quite well) vote Republican. And Black people as individuals know this.
There *are* anti-Black racist Democrats, I'm sure. But, they are mostly cowed into submission by the majority of the Party and so they will remain a small, silent part of it. Hopefully, this is changing. As I for one, would welcome it if more Black people came into the Republican party. I think it would be really good for the Party and for the country.
@ Michael K: "Do I think you are an honest commenter or a troll?"
in my best Inigo Montoya voice:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
BTW my 2016 talking points were *much* more Pro-Trump.
Ah, sweet Summer child. To be so young and so innocent again.
I'm not even fully "Anti-Trump". I might end up, ugh, voting for him as I hold my nose. But I am going to call 'em like I see 'em. And I refuse to be an apologist for this President.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
Normally, chasing the youth vote is foolish because the young do not reliably turn out to vote,
My grand daughter who is 18 and voting for the first time, spent hours waiting to see Trump in Newport Beach. She did get a video of him waving. Her father says there were probably 3,000 waiting since 9 AM and there was no rally and nothing had been announced except a fund raising lunch in Newport.
She says she will vote IN PERSON for her first vote ! No mail in for her.
Biden is racist and his comment to C T G shows that CTG is a #BetaBoi who is afraid to leave the Dem plantation.
LBJ was right.....they're still voting Dem.
Drago, thanks for dragging that fool with his idiotic Dixiecrats became Republicans LIE. It has been disproved so many times that only a mentally-challenged tool would try to bring it out as fact.
It's appreciated. I come home late in the day and glad someone is minding the sheep.
It wasn't a Republican president who boasted that he "have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years". Lib and Dems, who see all things through race, are the most racist people around.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Biden has been a liar for a long long long time
Too bad Obama selected him. Imagine if Obama didn't pick Hillary or Biden - but actual people with integrity.
this is all assuming Obama would appreciate, admire and desire to have around him "actual people with integrity."
“integrity is a disease, and you can only catch it from someone who has it.”
― Lois McMaster Bujold, Winterfair Gifts
Charlemagne, Charles the Great >>>
Q: is same person as Charles Martel the Hammer?
I don't know any Europe history - what were their achievements?
q etc. has backed off the word "Dixiecrats" (thank you to Drago, was it? who explicated that timeline - I've been thinking about it but haven't taken the time to do my own research!) to say instead that all the racists he knows vote R. q, I submit that that claim hinges on what you mean by "racist." If you're talking about using racial epithets, for instance, I'm willing to believe you don't know any Ds who have used them (in front of you, at any rate) - this would go along with the tendency of those on the D side to be extremely sensitive to language. But if you were to define racism as "a belief that members of one 'race' are superior/inferior to members of another," then it seems to me you probably know quite a few racist Ds, based on mainstream D policies that take it as read that black Americans do not, statistically, succeed at the same rate as white Americans (and Asians) because they cannot. As Candace Owens and others have said, to tell a person that she cannot succeed because of how she looks is a terrible cruelty. And to create or support policies that are based on that assumption is to indicate that one believes it.
I once tried to get my English prof to grade my boyfriend on a different scale from everyone else in the class, because he was special - he didn't take to authority, you see, was too intelligent and free-spirited to follow arbitrary rules. She, quite correctly, gave me the most painful dressing-down I have yet experienced. It was awful. But more awful still was my realization that I'd done it not because I thought he was too bright to be constrained by her standards, but because I thought he couldn't meet those standards. Expand that principle to the way Ds, especially white Ds, treat black Americans as a group and I'd argue you're talking about some particularly insidious and dangerous racism.
q12345q6789: "That's from yesterday on Althouse. Essentially, Trump is arguing that women in the suburbs should vote from him because he is all that is standing between them and the brutish, horrible poor people from the inner cities invading *their* suburbs. Most of those poor, brutish, awful people will be, let's say, "Brownish" minorities and everyone knows it. This policy Trump is explicitly endorsing has the added benefit of working to keep the carefully gerrymandered districts intact along existing class, racial, and party lines."
Oh great. More of your happy horses***.
There is so much nonsense packed into this comment I don't have time to address them all.
A couple important ones: Suburban areas are not "carefully gerrymandered districts" and they are full of all kinds of people. All kinds. But the one thing all those people have in common is that they choose to live in particular neighborhoods for particular reasons. Better schools where the teachers/administrators are more responsive to their requirements (talk to all my indian immigrant neighbors about that!), less crime, etc.
The obama/Biden/radical left/LLR-left plan to move authority for zoning and housing authority to the Federal level and then require low income housing to be plopped into established low/middle/high middle income areas is simply an insult to everyone who worked hard to build a better life for their families.
Note: none of the democratical/LLR-lefty politicians will be living next to low income/subsidized housing.
And everyone knows this will crater the property values of everyone who already lives in those middle class areas. Areas that are full of lots and lots of all kinds of people.
But hey, when all you've got is the race card, its gonna be the card you're gonna play.
And something tells me q12345q6789 (doesn't that just roll of the tongue?) knew exactly what he/she/xe was doing with that dixiecrat lie and threw it out there anyway to see if they could get away with it.
Not on this blog.
Go back to the far left blogsites like Democrat Underground or The Bulwark or The Dispatch if you want to find morons who will go along with such transparent nonsense.
To a large degree it goes back to "What have you got to lose?".
The best part of this post's comments:
People telling Black people that they should think for themselves while simultaneously telling Black people they are too stupid to see the Democrats are bad for them.
Just. Delicious.
"Go back to the far left blogsites"...
Pump your brakes buddy. I will come and go as I please.
And there's nothing you're going to do to stop me.
DO you think this is your blog? Let me check that masthead again. I do wonder what poor Mrs. Meadhouse thinks of her comment section these days. At one time years ago it was a pretty vibrant place with all kinds of different perspectives. Right, left, and moderate, outer-space voices interacting. Now, it's been overrun with angry, avowedly Trump or Die folks who want to kick you out of the comments if you don't parrot their worldview.
Althouse has a stated "cruelly-Neutral" emphasis on her perspective and a moderate tone to boot. Dudes am not "trolling" your right-wing website because: 1. it's not yours and 2. it's not a right-wing website.
It's a blog with an almost sublimely artistic and purposeful perspective that is so unique that if the National Archives ever deigned to preserve blogs this would be my nomination.
Much of the comment section , however, reads like the daily transcripts of episodes of Rush & Hannity repeatedly copied and pasted.
In the actual real world I'm known as someone quite moderate who kinda leans-right. Here I'm considered by some to be a flaming pinko super-leftist to be shunned away and stomped down so you can get back to y'alls I mean Althouse's.. echo chamber. Sad!
"q etc. has backed off the word "Dixiecrats."
Yeah, because that's what you do in a conversation that's meant to actually elicit understanding. @Drago still thinks it was a planted word "to see if they could get away with it." Wut? Get "away" with what? Are their prizes here? Who declares the winner? Lemme guess...
"Suburban areas are not "carefully gerrymandered districts". If you don't think they are in carefully gerrymandered districts then you are just ignorant of that. Some districts look like spaghetti noodles now to get the right "mix" of voters in them. Not all areas are able to do this, but the practice definitively exists (albeit for both parties to protect their interests to keep districts "safe" i.e. homogenized).
Man, I'm not "playing" a race card. I'm sharing facts, opinions, and observations on a blog comment section. What do you think it is you're doing?
But you did prove my point for me because I said the same thing. Trump is using an explicit class-warfare message to appeal to the voters And I said there just happened to be some racial minority baggage. There's no doubt, I agree, that *more* minorities live in the suburbs. But even Trumps rosy figure of 30% of suburbs including *all* minorities therefore means, no, they aren't *full* of any minority.
And, yeah it's obvious why people want to move to the suburbs. But lots of folks will never have the means to leave or even the belief that they can leave that go waaay back. But I know you don't pay any attention to the hows of the whys and they should all just bootstrap themselves up.
Handwaving centuries of oppression, government mandated discrimination, cultural isolation, violent recrimination, blah blah blah. Yeah I'm a pinko for mentioning that stuff, I know.
AND I Agree: If Republicans had any imagination left they would mandate that most of this housing be adjacent to very upscale progressive enclaves. Most of this would happen in deep blue cities anyway. And then demonstrate the actual hypocrisy when these progs balk.
Hey, tell me to leave again, I thought it was cute.
No one is truly color blind when it comes to skin color. We are all fundamentally tribal. The change has been that white people have tried to be less tribal - in many cases spurning their own tribe in favor of those with more melanin in their skin. We call that White Guilt.
But in truth, white people remain tribal. Ask any white New Yorker what he thinks about white southerners or white Texans. Ask any white Texan what he thinks about white people in California. Tribalism is clearly evident in regional biases, and support for local sports teams.
It is not ONLY skin color that results in tribalism. There are a myriad of factors that play into tribalism. The real question then becomes how to deal with the reality of tribalism, which plays out in many ways in society.
To me it seems more than dishonest to say that I'm color blind, or unaffected by other forms of tribalism. Even as someone who has lived in 8 American states, and another country during my life; even as someone who has an interracial family that includes African Americans, Hispanics and white people (primarily Anglo); I find that tribalism affects many areas of my life. For example: I am staunchly pro-American above other nations. I am a Texan by birth and heritage, and quite proud of it. I am very religious. These are all tribal identities. My being white (primarily Anglo) is just another tribal identity. And for the record, I have know biases against other white ethnicities also. So it is more than skin color that affects my attitudes.
I dare anyone who is honest with themselves to claim they are completely devoid of biases. Also, some tribal identities are benign, while others can be malignant. My best friend (a Wisconsinite of French/Scandinavian extraction is a die-hard Green Bay Packers fan to the point of putting a street sign on his 1/2 mile driveway on his farm in Holman, WI that says "Packerbacker Blvd." He LOVES that it annoys me every time I see it - most recently at the August wedding of his daughter. I'm a lifelong Cowboys fan from Dallas TX. My proud
Anglo/Texan/Cowboys fan background makes me not part of his tribal identity as a French/Scandinavian/Wisonsonite/Packers fan. But we share tribal identities in other areas.
I have 3 children who are 1/2 hispanic, and 3 nephews/nieces that are 1/2 African American. So we don't 100% share tribal identities when it comes to race. But the more important fact is that we are blood relatives.
I don't suffer from white guilt. I also don't deny that I have my biases. But I do work to make them benign, and not malignant. And I resent others saying that I don't have a right to my biases - even as I work to make sure I treat people according to who they are - not according to stereotypes.
What is wrong with the modern Democratic party is that their power DEPENDS on entrenching malignant tribal loyalties based on sex, race, etc. - the very antithesis of what they claim. And they do not allow us to flow freely from one tribal identity to another, so that we can find common ground with others who don't share ALL of our tribal identities. These are evil people who want to put people in boxes (ideological prison cells) and never release them.
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