You can watch here.
ADDED: He says he’s immune to Covid now so he wants to walk into the audience and KISS everyone — including “the beautiful women.”
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
You can watch here.
ADDED: He says he’s immune to Covid now so he wants to walk into the audience and KISS everyone — including “the beautiful women.”
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Love the rally.
Question those saying "derp derp Biden's in PA ergo he is worried about losing PA" while Trump is in FL bragging about being ahead by more than he was in 2016 in FL.
Doesn't the same logic apply: If Trump is in FL he must be worried about winning it?
You can be hard-core partisan and have a hatred of Commies to match mine without being a total self-unaware jabberer.
Watching it...the difference in energy between Trump and Biden is stark.
My review of the debate was essentially: Trump had the facts/law on his side and said "fuck it I'ma pound that damn table too!" and looked like a jerk.
It became all about Trump instead of the facts, but he had the facts and even stated them but at the wrong time, no doubt figuring he had to otherwise they wouldn't be said at all per Wallace.
Trump is a politician by definition. If I were making $400K as a consultant, I could help him transition to the 2022 elections where we may need the Senate to complete filling court vacancies. There will be no Trump running for any individual Senate seats in 2022, so we can't depend on Trump Trump Trump coattails.
Beautiful women are a huge source of germs.
Nobody showed up for Harris Biden in Arizona.
and....Trump sure can talk a lot. Wonder how much sleep he needs..
Ya know, it occurs to me that he did test positive, but maybe it was a false positive and he's just milking it to drive the Left crazy.
I'm good with that!
Already testing negative for the virus according to his physicians. Nothing stops Trump. The impenetrable stupidity of his enemies does slow down the potential good he could do. Too bad they don't put America first too, but they gave that up decades ago.
He's nuts.
Love that guy.
Love that guy.
President Trump is out and immune. Mike Lee, Senator Utah, is also back in the saddle. Both are following the CDC guidelines. And the Left is still loosing their collective minds. CDC says lockdowns are detrimental. Old evidence is accumulating the lack of mask efficacy. Cases are higher, but deaths are not. Flattening the curve is NEVER mentioned.
There are lots of old and new facts, and lots of education treating Wuahan flu, that are being ignored. Protocols formulated in March, are still being used in October, like all of the things we have learned over 7 months should be ignored because, reasons.
I haven't hear "follow the science" in a couple of days, wonder why.
Well if you've committed to kissing the guys, ya might as well get a kiss from the pretty girls too. The Horror!
Meanwhile, Joe and Kamalla held a campaign event in Arizona at which no one showed up. Literally, there was no one there except reporters and campaign members. A superabundance of caution, I suppose.
He's immune from the viral and social contagion, and his enthusiastic embrace of the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, is contagious and spreading.
I am waiting for the lefty freakout here.
Why . . . why . . . how un-PC!
To even hint at a natural physical attraction between people of different sexes just . . . oppresses the HECK out of the alt-sexed victims of the world!
He must only speak of kissing ugly small boys.
(Dang, I love him as President.)
Jeez... I bet Rush isn't perplexed.
Trump, a politician, just preached to go vote.
When a proglib does it, like at the DNC, it don't make no sense for them to do it, because they are ahead so much so indeed Rush wonders 'why be concerned about getting out the vote?' if ahead by such a margin.
After Trump says over and over in FL, that they are kicking more ass than they did when they won in 2016, I doubt Rush will notice anything inapt about Trump preaching "vote vote vote" like is required of every politician including Trump, but not presented so Rushwise for self-harming reasons of mere limitation.
Buckley threw 80,000 ... well actually I can't tell you.
Shoot, I gotta go. Farewell.
Have been wondering why he has still been bothering with the mask. The odds of reinfection are for all practical purposes zero so why not plunge into the crowd?
If you have the best case, to argue it with excess drama that only subtracts from that best case, isn't 4D chess, it's a half a step too smart.
The Trumpster was full of "piss and vinegar" tonight.
He's flailing and losing. Sorry, lovers of freedom and independent thought. It's over. It's always been over.
Beautiful women are a huge source of germs.
And Germans.
including “the beautiful women.”
He is absolutely pandering to the Spanish-speaking communities. They love that stuff. Strong man!!
Yeah....try to convince me that Trump hasn't heard the legend of Quetzalcoatl.
Like Lazarus.
He has engendered move love from his supporters than any President in my memory.
The odds of reinfection are for all practical purposes zero so why not plunge into the crowd?
He can be the first President to crowdsurf.
iowan2 said...
Cases are higher, but deaths are not.
If you mean absolute number of positive tests, of course. The more tests we do the higher the number of positives.
If you mean the proportion of positives to total tests, blame the cdc/nih.
The pcr tests run amplification cycles. The more cycles, the smaller the amount of kung flu detected. At 30 cycles it xsn't detect any amount of virus, no matter how concentrated.
At 40 cycles, it will detect the virus in an eggplant.
The recommended number of cycles was 35 up to a month or two ago. Then it was raised to 38. The person who tests negative at 35 cycles now tests positive at 38 clcles.
Ergo, more cases.
All the data is shit.
Even the 200m US deaths. That may be the number of people who died with kung flu. (or maybe not)
But the number who died of kung flu is around 12m.according to cdc.
The with/of distinction it is critical and it just gets ignored.
John Henry
OMG! How can Trump do that?! Non-scientists say its so wrong.
Hey baby. Want a suite of furniture? I'm CV-19 free and I've been President of the USA.
The Most Inga-like Poster at Althouse, readering: "He's nuts."
Just today Biden stated, once again, he was running for the Senate, forgot the state he was in, didn't know where to go after he was done, approached people without his mask and couldn't remember Romney's name and called him "The Mormon".
The best part?
Today was one of Dementia Joe's "good days".
As an indication that Biden voters and supporters as as stupid as Biden voters on this blog a teenagrers tried to duplicate the scam when kids reserved seats at a Tulsa rally, but got outwitted. They ended up donating $16,000 instead.
“On Sept. 19, out-of-staters using fake, frequently lewd names — including ‘Grabemby DePussay,’ ‘Ivana Punchyou’ and ‘F–kyou Trump’ — began signing up online for the ‘TRiUMPh Rally,’ a free get-out-the-vote event,” according to the New York Post.
“We had about 1,500 RSVPs from Staten Islanders,” explained Staten Island GOP chairman Brendan Lantry. “Then all of a sudden we started seeing the numbers tick up to 10,000, 15,000, 75,000. We knew something was not right.”
Lantry’s wife Jessica was able to track down a TikTok video with over half-a-million views from a 19-year-old Brooklynite known as Felisrae, who essentially urged followers to sign up for the event and not attend. (The video has since been made private.)
Yes but
Catherine Herridge uploaded the Durham full link 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet
re: "pee pee tape",
FBI spreadsheet cites Steele's primary sub-source who was subject of 2009 FBI probe as possible NATSEC threat and Russian agent.
“no confirmation that Trump stayed here. There is no 'Presidential Suite' currently listed on Ritz Carlton website.”
IG Horowitz faulted FBI over lack of corroboration and evidence of circular reporting.
Trump sure can talk a lot. Wonder how much sleep he needs..
10/12/20, 6:30 PM
His norm is 4 hours a night. If I got 4 hours of sleep a night, I'd be walking into walls in a few days.
He has immense energy. I can't imagine what he was like at 30.
That time he spent at Walter Reed was probably the most sleep he's had in years. It seems to have refreshed him, I'd say.
Remember the last scene of Being There, when Chauncey Gardner walks on water? That has absolutely nothing to do with this rally, Trump's recovery, or the presidential campaign. Really, nothing at all.
Is Harvard nuts too, Readering?
One point in favor of campaigning even in states Trump is certainly he will win: it wouldn't hurt to win the popular vote as well as the electoral vote this time. Republicans know the former is utterly irrelevant, but it did provide Hillary an angle to try to justify her sore-loserdom. Winning convincingly both ways would shut her, and Biden, up.
Funny - now the link goes to a Biden rally. Nice Google.
The reception for Justice (to be) Barrett was said by the press to be a "superspreader" event, and something like 35 attendees, including Trump, came down with the Wuhan Disease after attending. That might make a pretty good test for how dangerous this disease is to healthy, active people. Trump was treated and quickly released to go back to work. I heard that Chris Christie is out of the hospital -- if true, then that's a good sign, because obesity is supposed to be one of those pre-existing conditions that can make Covid more dangerous. Have there been any reports about how the other people who got sick after the Barrett reception are doing? I assume the media will be reporting each recovery in real time. Right? Right?
The local Fox News anchor covering the Biden “event” said:
“I’m told by one of the Biden staffers, local staffers, that they kind of kept the details about the visit, as far as the timing and the exact location, they didn’t really want to give that out to the public, because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum. They realize we are in a pandemic and they don’t want a crowd of more than fifty people at any of their events.”
..."because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum."
Well, that worked well.
Typhoid Don loaded on Roids, sweating and spitting and getting more orange by the minute.Load em in, We'll watch as he takes his last few farewell tours! :)
The difference between Trump and Biden events is that Trump is rallying with his voters and Biden is simply looking for voters!
..."because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum."
Well, that worked well.
10/12/20, 9:49 PM
Does anybody believe that the Dems would turn away crowds of adoring Biden fans if they actually existed? They'd love to have footage of people lined up to see old Joe in the flesh.
They didn't have qualms about marching in BLM rallies or going to George Floyd's 20 funeral services. Because we all know that covid only infects conservative crowds.
If you want to keep the crowds at a minimum, why have an event. Stay in the basement
"...because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum."
"Their appeal is becoming more selective."
: )
When you come here to Concern Troll, please be less obvious.
This ain't the place for that weak shit.
Also, Trump will win every state he won in 2016 plus several new ones.
Follow the voter registration data, dipshit.
Trump is doing a full-scale rally right now.
"He says he’s immune to Covid now so he wants to walk into the audience and KISS everyone — including 'the beautiful women.'"
Suck My Kiss
Should of been, could of been
Would of been dead
If I didn't get the message
Goin' to my head
I am what I am
Most motherfuckers
Don't give a damn
Oh baby think you can
Be my girl, I'll be your man
Hit me you can't hurt me suck my kiss
Kiss me please pervert me stick with this
Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss
Your mouth was made to...
suck my kiss
Good point, Godfather
I'm expecting Trump to be making it in a week or so, as part of his "vote for me, the Democrats are nuts" pitch.
"35 of us got sick. Every one got better. We need to get the country going again, vote Republican!"
I blame Althouse. She wanted boring, nothing says boring like small crowds.
Ok, he has company.
sterlingblue said...Sorry, lovers of freedom and independent thought. It's over. It's always been over.
If it’s always been over, then it hasn’t yet begun.
"If it’s always been over, then it hasn’t yet begun."
We've only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way
(We've only begun)
Before the risin' sun, we fly
So many roads to choose
We'll start out walkin' and learn to run
(And yes, we've just begun)
Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talkin' it over, just the two of us
Workin' together day to day
And when the evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
(And yes, we've just begun)
Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talkin' it over, just the two of us
Workin' together day to day
And when the evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
And yes, we've just begun
Trump has a secret weapon. ACB is praying for him to make America great again. And she is only one of many prayer warriors.
Doesdn't sound any different than at previous events, so no Covid brain fog. The media must be so disappointed.
“Gallup reported last week 56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were four years ago—would’ve been under the Obama-Biden administration,” the reporter said to Biden. “So why should people who feel they are better off today, under the Trump administration, vote for you?”
Biden responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”
“They think 54% [sic] percent of the American are better off economically today than they were under our administration?” Biden asked. “Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.”
I listened to a bit of it and I had two thoughts: There are simply not many 74 year olds with the energy of this guy. And probably none that are a week off of a Covid case. Second, I could hear heads exploding in NYC and DC.
walter @ 7:01
shorter Biden: 'Stupid deplorables don't know what's good for them.'
The Godfather said...
The reception for Justice (to be) Barrett was said by the press to be a "superspreader" event, and something like 35 attendees, including Trump, came down with the Wuhan Disease after attending. That might make a pretty good test for how dangerous this disease is to healthy, active people. Trump was treated and quickly released to go back to work. I heard that Chris Christie is out of the hospital -- if true, then that's a good sign, because obesity is supposed to be one of those pre-existing conditions that can make Covid more dangerous. Have there been any reports about how the other people who got sick after the Barrett reception are doing? I assume the media will be reporting each recovery in real time. Right? Right?
10/12/20, 9:48 PM
If the media/left (same difference) is not talking about it, it is not good news for them...
walter said...
“Gallup reported last week 56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were four years ago—would’ve been under the Obama-Biden administration,” the reporter said to Biden. “So why should people who feel they are better off today, under the Trump administration, vote for you?”
Biden responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”
“They think 54% [sic] percent of the American are better off economically today than they were under our administration?” Biden asked. “Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.”
That Biden, he's such a charmer, and a class act!
Riding through central IN this weekend, ran into a Trump Caravan containing dozens, if not hundreds, of trucks and cars. Took several minutes to pass. I was at a gas station watching with a variety of people, including some other, harder-core, bikers. The interesting thing was how angry everyone was at the nonsensical polls, the crapola media, and how much they were looking forward to election day. Happiest bunch of warriors I've ever seen. Inspirational for someone coming from IL, where we are constantly awash in the Left's b*llsh*t.
Biden responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”
“They think 54% [sic] percent of the American are better off economically today than they were under our administration?” Biden asked. “Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.”
Wow, this is probably the hardest question that has been tossed Joe's way in weeks and he whiffed it. This sounds like a variation of "If you're black and don't vote for me you aren't black"
Anyone with a memory longer than 3 years knows how much better the economy was once the obama years were behind us. No one wants to bring those back, particularly as we will be digging ourselves out from under the covid induced recession.
Am I the only one who goes whizzing past all these posts that are basically song lyrics? Hey, thanks, but that's what I use Giggle for.
One would think the media would make a big deal about wuhan flu deaths, finding the touching, heart-tugging stories of average Joes and famous beloved liberals who have succumbed to this DEADLY PANDEMIC, and smothering the nightly news with their treacly concern, while tut-tutting that Trump doesn't care about the dead.
My guess is that media bigshots realize there is an army of internet sleuths waiting to pounce on any story that turns out to be about someone dying WITH wuhan flu, rather than FROM. And other silly, spurious things the drive-by media is apt to do.
Much easier and safer for the media to focus on NEW CASES!
WRT Biden's rallies: The constitution does not allow for "NOT TRUMP" to appear on the ballot, so they needed a name. Biden got the honor. Enthusiasm for NOT TRUMP does not include even the mildest inconvenience to appear at a Biden rally.
"When you're a star, you can do anything..."
Guildofcannonballs said...
"...Love the rally...If Trump is in FL he must be worried about winning it?.." 10/12/20, 6:14 PM
Not really, polls have Biden + 4 so why is Biden campaigning in Florida? You can't have it both ways!
"Am I the only one who goes whizzing past all these posts that are basically song lyrics?"
At least two of us here, bro.
Biden is not only using his frailness/covid as to avoid the embarrasment of anemic turnout, but he also fears the appearance of the wrong kind of democrat - a bernie sanders mic seizing conflict, for example. All cops are bastards regalia. Etc
Gk1 said...
Biden responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”
“They think 54% [sic] percent of the American are better off economically today than they were under our administration?” Biden asked. “Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.”
I have to admit Joe is right about hard times for his family.
no yuans coming their way for the past 4 years.
"Already testing negative for the virus according to his physicians. Nothing stops Trump. The impenetrable stupidity of his enemies does slow down the potential good he could do. Too bad they don't put America first too, but they gave that up decades ago."
1. If you believe the claim.
2. There's also, more to the point, Trump's utter and undiluted amorality, narcissism, and lack of caring or concern about any other human beings.
3. What does "putting America first" mean, and how does it help America in a completely interconnected world facing multiple common emergencies? Now is the time where we all have to work together.
"Have been wondering why he has still been bothering with the mask. The odds of reinfection are for all practical purposes zero so why not plunge into the crowd?"
OMG, not this again. One does not wear a mask to protect one's self against infection; one wears a mask to reduce the chance one might infect others. It is the wearing of masks by others around us that we are (to whatever degree) protected against infection.
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