Said Donald Trump in Carson City, Nevada yesterday. Transcript.
१९ ऑक्टोबर, २०२०
"The women come up to me, the women who they say don’t like me, they actually do like me a lot. Suburban women, please vote for me."
"I’m saving your house. I’m saving your community. I’m keeping your crime way down. I keep hearing, you know, it’s all fake stuff. Remember they said last time about women. Women will never vote.... Then the end of the evening, they’re all crying. Oh my God, what happened?... They want to... destroy your suburbs. I say that to the women because I keep hearing. They said, 'The women from the suburbs.' No, I think the women from the suburbs are looking for a couple of things. One of them is safety. One of them is good, strong security. And one of them is they don’t want to have low-income housing built next to their house. And you know, who makes up 30% of your suburbs? Minorities. African Americans. Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, minorities. Okay? People think, 'Is it racist?' It’s not racist. It’s the opposite. I’ve had people come to me and say, 'Thank you so much.' But they keep talking about the women from the suburbs. I say, 'I think we’re going to have a big resounding, "What the hell happened with women to the suburbs? They really like Trump a lot."' Only vote for me if you’re a woman from the suburbs....But it’s interesting because I really think that women from the suburbs are going to like Trump, because it is about safety. It is about safety. And when you see what happens in our cities, where they run and ransack. They’re anarchists. And you know what? They actually say the suburbs are next. And just so you know, it’s so important. These are Democrat-run states and cities.... Biden supports cutting police funding, abolishing cash bail. You’ve got a murder. Oh, let’s let them out. Oh, let’s let them walk the street. You see what’s happening in New York? What they’re doing to New York, our governor, what he’s doing to New York is horrible. And he called law enforcement, Sleepy Joey called law enforcement, recently, 'the enemy.' No, no. Law enforcement has done an incredible job."
४६ टिप्पण्या:
It loses a lot on the printed page.
You sort of have to see him in action.
He doesn't say women want an economic system that won't collapse because women don't think that way. So you have to go with what you're working with. You let women vote and you have to deal with idiocy.
Even for Trump, that's awfully meandering, but he gets it--if not dissuaded, suburban women may vote for the one who tweets pretty, but they care more than anything about the safety of their families and if they don't understand how the Democrats' disinterest in controlling street violence affects them, then he needs to get serious about pointing it out to them.
The women that I know who are voting for Trump are informed. The woman I know who are voting for Biden aren't. They don't pay attention, except to Hollywood, or Access Hollywood type shows. It's sad, but it's true.
Trump is talking about the facts. But many of these white "educated" women just don't like him.
I watched it and it was kind of charming IRL.
Blogger wendybar said...
The women that I know who are voting for Trump are informed. The woman I know who are voting for Biden aren't. They don't pay attention, except to Hollywood, or Access Hollywood type shows. It's sad, but it's true.
rhhardin: "He doesn't say women want an economic system that won't collapse because women don't think that way. "
Well, I think that way & I'm a suburban mom. My three adult sons need good secure jobs to feed their families. I voted for Trump in '16 & will do so -- in person -- again.
Wendybar, my female friends are "informed," but only via NPR or the NYT. They take pride in being NPR listeners/NYTimes readers, unfortunately.
I am with Lurker21 and MayBee here. I watched that speech and Trump was riffing like a stand-up comic or a jazz player, jumping from word to word and back again, bouncing and sliding around his theme. What came through was not a precise wonky list of Stuff I Will Do For You but a warmth, a sense of caring, a shared point of view. Maybe that won’t sell to those not present, but I can understand how it does sell to those who were there.
Poor Trump! The things elections make him say. As usual, when you transcribe his remarks they appear disconnected, but they don't seem that way when he speaks, since he uses his voice to convey meaning. He also does what professional politicians avoid; he uses hyperbole, sarcasm, salesman puffery and irony. That adds to the enjoyment but makes him look bad in cold print.
He's not only talking about the Antifa and riots, he's talking about the D' scheme to "diversify" the suburbs through massive use of housing vouchers and other means. IOW, if you moved to a big city suburb to escape the crime and bad behavior, well, the D's are going to ship the crime/bad behavior to your neighborhood.
Do any of these "soccer moms" in the Philadelphia or Detroit suburbs know what's coming down the road if Biden wins?
Well, with text like that it's no surprise it takes him well over an hour to get through his speech.
Maybe it makes sense spoken, but they aren't putting those words on any monument.
Donald Trump, suburban woman whisperer. LMAO. History will not be kind.
The problem with "White suburban women" is they should be voting the way their husbands do. But instead, they vote Democrat. That give Democrats the win, because they are winning blacks, Jews, and other minorities, by 2-1 margin (overall). So, the R needs to win the white vote by a substantial margin and that means ALL whites, not just white men.
BTW, Black women vote D by the astounding margin of 90 or 95% - no matter what.
It's a little late in the day for Trump to be worried about how a large part of the voting population don't like him because he is mean-spirited and vicious in his attacks on other people. When he doesn't have to be. He doesn't have to be a gutter mouth, he could be smarter than that, but he's very much the kind of man who demands that everyone has to accept him on his terms, which he insists has to include being a jerk when he feels like it.
He's the kind of husband who'd tell his wife she looks fat in that dress in front of a bunch of other people. He'd call her Porky Patty, can I get a side of fries with that, you know, just being affectionate with the insults and the nicknames.
I'm not going to let this influence my vote because I dislike Joe Biden and fear what the Democrats will do if back in power but I understand why other women are turned off by Trump.
Suburban white female Trump voter here. Same with my sister, sisters-in-law, and daughter. My "credentialed" acquaintances are, of course, Biden voters. As Stepper indicated, they think themselves informed because they listen to NPR. I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics they have to perform in order to consider voting for the dotard.
"Only vote for me if you're a woman from the suburbs." I'm rolling.
Trump is the antidote to Althouse's #Era Of That's Not Funny.
The proto-suburban women brought us Prohibition along with Women's Suffrage.
Still waiting for them to get shit right.
I am Laslo.
From my experience, of all women out there, it's suburban women that are most likely to be Trump supporters. It's not young women, it's not old women, it's not college educated or professional women. It's high school educated suburban middle class moms that are dependably Trump. I know and see lots of them.
Dems lie.
The transcript is divided into paragraphs.
On this blog, it all is one paragraph.
Women who are on the fence at this point are as irrational as the women who are committed to Biden. But nice try Mr. President.
Biden is likely demented, certainly a grifter, but he will leave the country in the hands of Kamala, AOC, Queen Nan and other female idiots after ruining the economy and the Constitution and selling out to China. Is that the appeal?
Unless you get some exposure to either Fox or some other conservative leaning source, you know less than half the stories that are relevant to this election, and probably have a skewed set of facts on the ones you know. If you avoid Fox and such sources, you will hear some stories not covered by the conservative side, but they are mostly irrelevant, dishonest, or just made up. Some of the biggest stories at sources like MSNBC are completely made up. You find that out eventually, but by then you have dug yourself in so far telling others those stories that you have to just ignore that you got it wrong to save face. That's a bad roller coaster, man.
I believe this statement is going to be sloppily or deliberately misinterpreted as a racist argument against low income housing.
"No, I think the women from the suburbs are looking for a couple of things. One of them is safety. One of them is good, strong security. And one of them is they don’t want to have low-income housing built next to their house. And you know, who makes up 30% of your suburbs? Minorities. African Americans. Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, minorities."
I think, on re-reading it, that his intention was to say that minorities make up 30% of the suburbs and they are also against low-income housing in their neighborhoods. But at a fast read through it seemed that he was arguing against low income housing in the suburbs and then immediately referencing minorities, so I'm predicting that that's how it will be reported.
Trying to understand/explain Hollywood's TDS ... Trump has brought the speech cadences of Hollywood into Washington DC, or rather into his rallies, to wit:
I love you
I just love these guys and they love me
He's just great and she's great too
He's doing a great job ,,, great guy ...we love him ....
They're all great, don't you just love them? You gotta love them ...
But seriously folks
It must drive movie people mad to hear their own speech patterns in politics ...
You'd think "Jobs, not mobs" would resonate with suburban women.
Give Trump credit for even bringing up the social engineering/federalization of zoning headed our way if Dems get control.
But it should have been hammered on ever since it was getting a bit of attention a year or so ago. But as he alludes to, D's want to turn any opposition into "raaaaaccciiiissst!"
@Lurker21 at 8:35
I read this comment right here, or really misread it at first. It sounded like he was saying he is stropping low income housing from being built in the neighborhoods and putting minorities next to people. But then I went to the transcript(thank you for linking), and it's not quite what he was saying. He was trying to say that 30% of the suburbs are minorities, and he believes they will vote for him for the same reason: security. Unfortunately, his rambling style seemed to make a connection he didn't intend, between low income housing and minorities.
I am in no way defending his comments, merely pointing this out.
The argument about aggressive housing changes under Biden is valid but I wonder how many women not at Trump rallies get it? My DIL was probably in Newport Beach with my son and their kids to see Trump. She is a college educated woman who runs a successful business from home and, as soon as my son can retire, from another state.
I don't know how unusual she is. Two of my daughters are lefties but one is now a mother and I wonder how much that has influenced her?
tim maguire: "Even for Trump, that's awfully meandering, ...."
Many of Trump's transcript "breaks" or "meanders" come from his engaging with the crowd as they speak back to him or shout things out or react to what he is saying. Its very conversational and that is not reflected by transcripts that don't include crowd reactions.
If you watch it instead of reading it, it is quite comfortable and relaxed.
Trump is trying, figuratively, to grab the suburban mom vote by the pussy.
My suburban female friends are about half-informed about Trump, and they are currently only seeking information that confirms their impression that he is bad. They seek no information about Biden. Any new stories about Biden are just Trump campaign smears and are not worth considering.
Trump is kidding us on this one. Suburban ladies never listened to him and they aren’t now.
Trump got 53% of white women votes in 2016. Running against...a white woman. Now he's running against a doddering old hair-sniffing fraud who is afraid to come out of his basement.
I'm guessing that some of them lived in "the suburbs."
I'm guessing that most of them are going to vote for Trump again.
More pre-election gaslighting.
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Sleepy Joe, then you ain't a suburban woman."
Stepper female friends are "informed," but only via NPR or the NYT. They take pride in being NPR listeners/NYTimes readers, unfortunately.
10/19/20, 9:24 AM
Like I said "Hollywood, or Access Hollywood type shows" NPR and NYT are have the same talking points as the two I listed. The same exact thing. They get told what to think.
It depends on the suburb. Some are very conservative, some are very liberal. To lump all suburban women in lock step with Antifa, BLM, Biden, and the Democrats is not accurate at best and outright lies at worst.
"I’m saving your house. I’m saving your community. I’m keeping your crime way down.
I'm bringing your sons and daughters home.
I'm keeping them out of stupid wars.
It's already happening. There are two forms of voting going on for concerned suburbanites: voting at the polls and voting with their feet.
I drive around and see that there are more "for sale" signs than "Biden/Harris" signs in Madison.
Let that sink in for a moment...
Regarding the difference between seeing Trump in person and transcripts: His rallies continue to draw huge numbers of Democrats and first time voters. Barely half of attendees are what could be called his base. These are pretty consistent numbers. He must have reached millions outside his base by now.
I prefer the dance video.
Oh wow it's toward the end of the campaign season and President Trump is pulling in large crowds and asking for their votes. Meanwhile Biden is sequestered somewhere getting ready for the next meaningless debate (and not pulling any crowds at all) - which won't move the needle for Biden.
Question I have - why is this news? Trump wants it! Biden on the other hand keeps making stupid remarks like: “There’s nothing special about being an American.”; or Biden to coal miners: “…Learn to Code..”; Telling a voter to vote for someone else; and the best, "you ain't black..." This must be a new strategy for endearing voters to the Biden/Harris ticket?
I wonder if covering the Kavenaugh debacle would help. The testimonials against Kavenaugh were unsupported, a lie or withdrawn.
Suburban mothers, they can do this to your son if he finds himself in their cross hairs.
In fact they already did DO this to your sons - until Trump intervened through the Campus Kangaroo Courts.
So Trump is offering improved law enforcement and security to the women of Las Vegas. Somehow he conveniently ignores the city's current continuing increase in violent crimes in the face of the Mandalay Bay slaughter that happened on Trump's shift where 58 concert-goers died and 850 more were injured.
Stepper: " female friends are "informed," but only via NPR or the NYT."
So they're informed like Althouse is informed!
To be fair though, Althouse is more critical with the (dis)information she gets from those sources than the average person. Not so critical to consider other sources, though.
Sorry, just being cruelly neutral here.
In the year of our Lord 2020,
The Publicly announced Trump-ist *REASON* why someone should vote for him is to: *explicitly* enunciate support for a Class-based argument for cementing into place as much of an economic caste system as possible into city planning. Purposefully using the power of the National Government to push people as far as possible into poor-neighborhoods and poverty away from the "good" people. Of which most poor-neighborhoods are minorities. This is what they are willing to proudly say in front of people. It's a good thing there's NO support for "White supremacy" in the Republican party. Because if there were, what would that look like?
Who says the Republican party hates poor people? Or minorities?
Good Luck Poors! We mean it! But, Don't you dare come over here!
But, hey, we're Republicans building a 21st century coalition: SO Vote for us poor Whites, Blacks, Hispanics - We kept most of your homies in their place. Over there. You're Welcome!
The Republican party (and many of it's base) are simply not 21st century focused.
That will end up badly for all of us.
P.s. "I lived in a brownstone, I lived in a ghetto. I've lived all over this town." Me too. I love freedom, I love liberty, I hate caste-SYSTEMS.
P.S.2. I originally came to this post's comment section to see just how many commenters here would voice opinions along the line of removing women's or minorities right's to vote; because I knew the number would not be zero. Check.
@ D Books and Kevin Linehan - exactly. I thought at first he was equating low-income housing with minorities and was appalled. But on ttrereading, he is saying the opposite. He is pointing out that the suburbs have lots of minorities in them, and they still support his ideas.
@q12345q6789 - you misread the quote, as I did at first, and thus drew the opposite conclusion to his intention. Next time you might want to make sure the gun is loaded before shooting.
@ Assistant Village Idiot:
No. I didn't misunderstand. I grokked what he meant. I have gotten quite good at translating Trumpspeak into proper English syntax.
He's claiming that 30% of the suburbs are occupied by all the combined minorities (I have no idea if that's true). And that he's going to keep the "Poors" away from them too. Incidentally, even if, say 8% of the suburbs were "Black" that doesn't mean 8% of Blacks live in "suburbs". But that's a different discussion.
He is telling women in the suburbs that he is all that is standing between them and the nasty, horrible, fellow-citizen "Poors" who need to be kept housed in properly relegated poor parts of town at all costs. Most of those "poors" are minorities. And everyone knows it. And they need to be kept away from being housed anywhere near these delicate, perfect, gerrymandered suburbs. It's an *explicit* class-based argument for designing and enforcing an economic caste into city-wide zoning. To keep property values high and people down. Who just happen to be mostly Brown.
But, thankfully that's just a coincidence.
Again. It's money and temporary power over civic engagement, community, and value sharing. This is why the f*ckin' socialists are gaining so much traction. There can't even be an iota of common-cause. So when people have had enough, they rebel.
People sense that the pie is shrinking. And the few people with the most just want more and more and more.
BTW: My guns are always clean and loaded. And I'm a pretty decent shot.
gadfly sez:: " …. ignores the city's current continuing increase in violent crimes in the face of the Mandalay Bay slaughter that happened on Trump's shift where 58 concert-goers died and 850 more were injured.”
I SO would like to respond, but either gadfly or someone else will have to first explain what the comment means.
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