১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০২০

Savannah Guthrie interrupted Trump aggressively and actively battled him throughout last night's town hall, but she failed to pin him down and left me still wondering...

... whether Trump failed to get tested the day of the debate with Joe Biden. That debate was September 29th. Look at how annoyingly evasive Trump is and how Guthrie never figures out the right question to do anything more than exaggerate the annoying evasiveness. 

I want a clear answer to the question whether it's possible that Trump already had the coronavirus during the debate and whether, suspecting that he was becoming ill, he avoided getting tested on the day of the debate. 

From the transcript:
Savannah Guthrie: (08:07) Your first positive test was Thursday, October 1st, okay? When was your last negative test? When did you last remember having a negative test? 

President Trump: (08:18) Well, I test quite a bit, and I can tell you that before the debate, which I thought it was a very good debate, and I felt fantastically, I had no problems before. 

So he, on his own, offers an assertion he "felt fantastically" — bad English, by the way — which gets out in front of my suspicion without exactly saying that he experienced no symptoms at all. There are may ways to feel fantastic, such as by taking a drug that masks symptoms or by concentrating not on your bodily feelings but on your mind. He'd just claimed it "was a very good debate" — which strains credulity — so he might have been thinking of his mood when he said he felt fantastic. Then he adds, "I had no problems before." Before the debate? Exactly when did he feel his first symptom? During the debate? 

Savannah Guthrie: (08:27) Did you test the day of the debate? 

President Trump: (08:29) I don’t know, I don’t even remember.

This is so important. I don't believe he can't remember! Wouldn't he have focused hard on proving that he had no knowledge of the approaching disease at the time of the debate? If he didn't test on that day, why didn't he? Was it because he felt the first twinge of a symptom and didn't want to lose out? Was it that he didn't want the misfortune of a false positive to pop up on that important day?

I test all the time. But I can tell you this, after the debate, I guess a day or so, I think it was Thursday evening, maybe even late Thursday evening, I tested positive. That’s when I first found out about it. 

The debate was on Tuesday, so did he have a negative test at least on Wednesday? Are both Tuesday and Wednesday blank in his memory? That's hard to believe, and why wouldn't he have checked the record to see when the tests were? It's so important. But he switches to what he "can tell" us — what we already know — that he tested positive on Thursday. Notice that he says "I tested positive," not "I first tested positive." But he says he "first found out" on Thursday evening. First found out what? It's weaselly, so that I'm thinking he's splitting hairs, concentrating on the fact that he got the Thursday test results in the evening of that day and not exactly saying that the Thursday test was the first positive test. 

Guthrie doesn't listen to his words and parse them back to him to pin down the meaning. She jumps to another point in time.

Savannah Guthrie: (08:44) Well, back to the debate, because the debate commission’s rules, it was the honor system.

 President Trump: (08:48) Yeah. 

Savannah Guthrie: (08:48) Would be that you would come with a negative test. You say you don’t know if you’ve got a test on the day of the debate? 

President Trump: (08:53) I had no problem. Again, the doctors do it. I don’t ask them. I test all the time. And they- 

Completely, annoyingly evasive! 

Savannah Guthrie: (08:57) Did you take a test, though, on the day of the debate? 

President Trump: (09:00) If you ask as the doctor, they’ll give you a perfect answer. But they take a test and I leave and I go about my business. 

Like he just doesn't bother to get up to speed on these little details. Ask my underling! Who knows?! I'm a busy man.  

Savannah Guthrie: (09:06) So you did you take a test on the day of the debate, I guess is the bottom line? 

President Trump: (09:07) I probably did, and I took a test the day before and the day before and I was always in great shape, and I was in great shape for the debate. And it was only after the debate, a period of time after the debate that I said, “That’s interesting.” And they took a test and it tested positive. 

On Thursday. What about Wednesday, the first day after the debate? Guthrie should listen to his words and use them in asking the next question, but she backs off and lets her eagerness to move on show:

Savannah Guthrie: (09:25) Just to button it up, do you take a test every single day?

President Trump: (09:26) No. No, but I take a lot of tests. 

Savannah Guthrie: (09:29) Okay. And you don’t know if you took a test the day of the debate? 

Now, she's repeating what he already said, that he doesn't know about that one day — the crucial day — and leaving the next day — Wednesday — completely unexplored.

President Trump: (09:31) Possibly I did, possibly I didn’t. But the doctor has very accurate information and it’s not only that doctor, it’s many doctors. The one thing, if you’re President, you have a lot of doctors you’re surrounded by.

Wouldn't he have wanted to know this information very exactly and found out for himself? It fits importantly into an argument he needs to make! Why hasn't he asked? I don't believe he hasn't.  

But I was in great shape for the debate. And sometime after the debate, I tested positive, then that’s when they decided to, let’s go. 

Savannah Guthrie: (09:50) Okay, good. I hopefully provided some clarity for folks.

Missed opportunity and I think she knows it. It's like she's weakly pleading for us to accept her work —  "I hopefully provided some clarity for folks." No. At best, you let him display unclarity. 

২৮৩টি মন্তব্য:

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wendybar বলেছেন...

Darrell said...
Althouse officially becomes a Branch Covidian.


Birkel বলেছেন...

Joe Biden wants to use federal law to force state and local governments to make bathrooms and sports teams available for boys/men.

Goodbye, women's sports; 'Twas nice knowing ya!
Title IX? That was just an idea.

And never you mind the rapes that will come.
Those will be completely unrelated.

wildswan বলেছেন...

What was the point of the precautions at the debate - the distancing and so on - unless they meant that no one could spread the infection?

Gospace বলেছেন...

I had the flu shot this year. Vaccinations are pretty important, and one doesn't have them that often. It was 2 or 3, maybe 4 days ago. It wasn't yesterday. But I can't recall when. I have the piece of paper from the pharmacy in the car showing the date I had it so I can document to my employer I had it- as required since I work at a hospital. I also had a sinus infection this year- either September or August, but I can't recall which- can't even narrow down the month.

All these courtroom dramas- "Where were you on the night on the 18th? and the witness recalls- are BS. There are very few dates or events people recall with any clarity, even if they just happened. 13 Sep 1973- enlisted in the Navy, 16 Aug 1978- got married. 30 Sep 1994- retired from active duty. Everything else? If I need to know, I look it up.

As far as the dreaded covid goes- I've been tested twice for antibodies. I could look up the dates- they were my last two blood donations. I'll be tested next on 31 Oct- my next scheduled donation. 2 to 3 weeks later- I won't recall that date as my last donation- it'll be in the past, no longer important.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Joe Biden:

Supports sex change operations for 8 year olds
Wants to pack the Supreme Court.
Thinks the police should shoot violent criminals "In the leg"
Lied about not knowing his Son was getting $millions from foreigner for access.
Supports open borders and unlimited immigration.
Refuses to denounce the Antifa riots and violence.

But we need to talk about when Trump got CV-19.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think Althouse should read this and see if she still thinks that the emails are made up.


Remember that the Feds have the computer, and could easily expose any fakery, but that seems pretty darned authentic to me.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Remember when Biden's big "very fine people" lie was disqualifying? Apparently, not so much any more, even though he repeats the lie incessantly."

The difference, of course, is that Althouse never wanted Biden to be the Democratic nominee- so that lie was obviously disqualifying at that point in time. Now that he is the nominee, not so disqualifying any longer.

We all rationalize our ultimate votes, but most of us don't do it so publicly in a manner that our past words get used against us with hard to deny quotes.

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

Not one word about Joe Biden's Massive Bribery Scandal was spoken last night on ABC's two-hour tongue-bath of the candidate. ABC News: "We Take the Candid Out of Candidate!"

Even the NY Times felt compelled to mention the Clinton's Bribery Empire once in 2016 before they buried it forever. But not this year.

Facebook and Twitter aren't the only ones censoring Americans. ABC is censoring itself, as is CNN, which is now the COVID News Network, full-time Fear Porn. They simply do not care their candidate is in the pay of foreign dictators and taking kickbacks.

Watching CNN, as I did briefly out of curiosity, has a Soviet-feel to it. I never thought that America in 2020 would have a full-Iron Curtain Propaganda Media, but so it is. It only proves Pres. Reagan's warning:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children about Tater Stetler's Krispy Kreme addiction."

I quote from memory. Jack Dorsey's Approved Version.

Even Uni-Party senators are in favor of Big Tech propagandizing and censoring the American people--for the Greater Good, of course. Isn't it always?

Razor: “Biden campaign says the Hunter story is debunked by Twitter, which relied on the Biden campaign, which is the logic behind how you get a FISA warrant.”

Catch-45. It is indeed the Circular Logic of the Police State(tm), except this time in reverse:

Then: “These stories we planted in the Press prove that we need to investigate Donald Trump!”

Now: “The censorship of these stories in the Press prove that we don’t need to investigate Joe Biden!”

BTW, it’s not a “Hunter story”. It’s a “Joe”-story.

I don’t think they can get away with it. But I do think they’re going to try like hell.

Browndog বলেছেন...

MayBee said...

Our whole conversation around COVID is so stupid. It's like a witch hunt. We want to blame people who get it for not following some rule, as if that will make us safe. It's like a moral failing if you get sick. I've known three college students...

This is a great point. Very smart observation. It needs to be part of our national conversation about covid that we're not allowed to have.

gerry বলেছেন...

Althouse is pissed. She was trolled by Trump?

I am looking forward to statistics leaking in the next few years revealing that the entire COVID panic response was pseudo-scientific politics. It was bullshit.

This is so important. I don't believe he can't remember!

The debate was on Tuesday, so did he have a negative test at least on Wednesday? Are both Tuesday and Wednesday blank in his memory? That's hard to believe, and why wouldn't he have checked the record to see when the tests were? It's so important.

Actually, more importantly, will the people of Fever Falls ever forgive Cassandra for not telling Trask that she wanted a divorce before Shellie's trip to Muncie?

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

The fact that you pretend to be an idiot to cover for Trump says a lot about you.

10/16/20, 7:05 AM

Thanks for not pretending.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Do people realize that Trump has been tested CONSTANTLY since March? That's six months. Again, this is the same TIRED game the Press has been playing for 4 years. ALWAYS there's some Trump conspiracy that has HIDDEN information that MUST BE INVESTIGATED. Trump is ALWAYS Lying about it, and THE PUBLIC MUST KNOW THE TRUTH.

Trump was hiding his Russian contacts with Putin. His Tax returns were full of hidden crimes. His bank records would disclose ties to Putin. His doctor's were lying about his CV-19 illness, he was REALLY deathly ill. Trump SECRETELY has ties to white nationalists and QAnon. Trump and Melanie Secretly hate each other. Trump SECRETELY is friends with Chinese, NK, Syrian, Iranian, Ukrainian Dictators because...whatever. Trump's firing of Comey? It will be worse than Watergate.

One FAKE gotcha story after another. Meanwhile, Biden is corruptly using his VP position to help foreign chinese and Ukranian Corporations funnell $millions to his son. But who cares?

rcocean বলেছেন...

I'm going to be very sad if Trump loses, because it will mean the lying, dishonest, irresponsible Press and Social Media companies will be rewarded for their disgraceful behavior.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Missed opportunity and I think she knows it. It's like she's weakly pleading for us to accept her work — "I hopefully provided some clarity for folks." No. At best, you let him display unclarity.

It appears Ann is going to vote for Biden.

Your vote for Hillary was despicable.

And Ann continues to run from the fact that Biden has been selling influence to foreign countries for at least two decades just like Hillary did.

Everyone knew Hillary was a criminal. But they all voted for her. What a joke you people are.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"And as I said, and others did too...Savannah was a c word. Period. She NEVER would have treated Obama like that, nor would she treat Biden like that. Blatant bias makes Trump look better except to rabid haters."

Actually, all sitting politicians and aspirants to office should always be grilled hard by serious journalists as to what they've done, what they will do, what they want to do, where they've failed their constituents and why, etc. If they're asking us to vote for them, we need to vet them they way we would grill someone we're hiring to handle our finances (which they will be) or our children (which they will be), etc.

(Trump doesn't look good under any circumstances except to those who have swallowed the Kool-Aid, and neither did any of the others in the running, not least, Biden and Harris. As Caitlin Johnstone calls it, they're all dogshit candidates.)

rcocean বলেছেন...

Why are people calling it a Hoax? Its not a Hoax - its A LIE!

Rabel বলেছেন...

"Trump is tested regularly, though it is not clear precisely how often. People who work in the White House are tested daily, including members of the press corps, and anyone scheduled to meet with the president is tested beforehand."

That's from Bloomberg.

Hope Hicks was the first staff to report being ill (Wednesday, following the Tuesday debate) and the first testing positive (Thursday).

If (1) the staff is tested daily then and (2) none of those tests were positive on the day of the debate then (3) it follows that Trump (who was not tested daily), and Trump alone, was the only person in the debate group who was positive on the day of the debate.

Unless there is a conspiracy involving dozens of people to cover up multiple positive tests among staff, then it is most unlikely that Trump (and only Trump) would have tested positive on the day of the debate.

My logic is geometric.

tim d বলেছেন...

Utterly inane post. Althouse normally better than this. How did this pass the better than nothing standard (purportedly such a high bar, lol)? Or the interestingness standard? TDS and CDS are neither.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It is pretty ludicrous to believe that Trump hid a positive test result from before the debate- just about impossible to do this in this White House which has moles everywhere. It is less ludicrous to believe that Trump hid an illness from before the debate, but the debate was on a Tuesday, and he was only really ill enough to be treated on a Friday. My experience with multiple respiratory illnesses over the course of my life suggests that isn't unusual at all. I think the sequence is pretty obvious on its face- Hicks turned up ill and was tested the day after the debate, which then necessitated everyone in contact with her to also be tested- Trump on that Wednesday/Thursday.

I think the mistake here is believing Trump is tested every day or every other day- I can't imagine a President submitting to such a regime, and I doubt even Joe Biden submits to such a thing, and there is no reason for either of them to do so. I think Trump was perfectly happy to allow Guthrie to believe such a regime is in place. At best, everybody who meets Trump during a day is prescreened with a saliva antigen test, but I am doubting even this is really the case- at best, probably a temperature screen, something of which I submit to every day going to the gym. Really- think about it- would you submit to the invasive nasal swab every day? Trump should have turned the question around on Guthrie and asked her how many times she has been nasal swabbed- I am guessing it was once in the last 6 months- remember- all of these tests get reported to the CDC, and the US has run 115,000,000 tests- probably far less than 1/6th of the US population has even been tested a single time. Why do I believe these things? Because so many people turned up positive at the same time- if they really were screening people every day, that would not have happened. I think the illness was likely spreading through multiple paths at the White House, and they only started looking for it when Hicks turned up ill. If Trump is hiding anything here, it is that they aren't testing everybody every day or even every other day- they are doing exactly what pretty much every other organization does- relying on self-reporting of symptoms, or doing temperature checks- in other words, behaving sanely and not like Karens would.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

If you live a normal life today you will be in the proximity of dozens of people with the virus every week. It's unlikely that a single day passes when you are not withing spitting distance of someone with the virus, who may or may not know they have it. Big freaking deal. Get over it. It hasn't killed 200K Americans. 200K people died with a positive test, some were false positives, and the vast majority did not die from Covid-19. The real risk has been similar to others we have always taken without much concern, because they did not come with all the hype of this mass hysteria. The facts are out there, not hidden, just ignored. There is no scientific reason why someone with a positive test could not debate with simple precautions if we could address it rationally. The horrible terribly scary thing already happened. The President caught it, and it affected nothing real. It created a bunch of bullshit, and bullshit is the real pandemic hurting us.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Trump has been POTUS for 4 years, and the great focus of the reelection contest is a virus that came from elsewhere in 2020, and that has had roughly comparable impacts in just about every nation in the world. Where is the critique of Trump's policies? Why is nobody complaining about unemployment, inequality, and inflation? It's obvious. Despite his many flaws, Trump has ended up with pretty good results. And our nation's biggest problems stem from the state and city governments run by Democrats.
Biden's 47 years of public life have been devoted to going along with whoever seems to have power, while privately enriching himself. His poll popularity says something scary about the extent of the malleability, docility and compliance of the American voter. There are very few who are prepared to fight for their freedoms. Not hard to see where that will end up.

Ryan বলেছেন...

Ken B said: "Althouse is looking for an out: a “neutral” reason to vote for Biden."

She has already said she is not voting in this election. Meaning, I believe, neither candidate is acceptable.

Achilles বলেছেন...

I don’t know, I don’t even remember. This is so important. I don't believe he can't remember! Wouldn't he have focused hard on proving that he had no knowledge of the approaching disease at the time of the debate? If he didn't test on that day, why didn't he? Was it because he felt the first twinge of a symptom and didn't want to lose out? Was it that he didn't want the misfortune of a false positive to pop up on that important day?

What a crock of shit.

This is not important.

What is important is the entire corporate media and the wealthy corporate oligarchs trying to hide the story that Joe Biden made Billions of dollars selling influence.

What is important is the FBI and other government agencies knowing Biden was a criminal and trying to impeach Trump for asking them and the countries he sold out to to investigate.

We. Will. Not. Accept. A. Biden. Victory.

We know there are not enough amoral shitheads out there to elect a corrupt child groping rapist who is suffering from dementia.

We know it will be fraud.

If you want to reward violence then violence you will get.

This is a much more important passage where Trump crushes the stupid white supremacy garbage and sticks BLM/Antifa right back in Samantha's face.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

This is also interesting, not to @Althouse, but to people who are looking at this rationally:

“I’ll give you something that really verifies it,” Giuliani said. “before this came out, they were called about, Hunter Biden’s lawyer called the merchant, and asked him if he could have the hard drive back,” he said. “We have email evidence of that. So if the lawyer is asking for the hard drive back — it must be the hard drive.” - Fox and Friends.

Via Kate at SDA http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/index.php/2020/10/16/say-it-isnt-so-joe-68/

It’s weird to me that she made a judgement during the "fog of war” when this first came out, and doesn’t seem interested in the evidence that has piled up since. Always wait a couple of days, at least, before closing your mind, if you insist on closing your mind.

Once again, the Feds have the hard drive and could come down on Giuliani like a sack of hammers if he’s lying. They could seal the election right there.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Get over it. It hasn't killed 200K Americans. 200K people died with a positive test, some were false positives,”

So what killed the extra 200K+ Americans who have died this year compared to other years?

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

NY Times has a good article about the details on Covid testing, confirming many of my suspicions and also demonstrating why Trump might "evade" going into detail about testing. The general public would have no clue about subgenomic materials and testing procedures and what they mean. See: What Does ‘Negative’ on a Coronavirus Test Really Mean?
President Trump’s recent tests are a reminder that although many products exist, none test for infectiousness.

n.n বলেছেন...

Plausible. It's more likely that he was infected in temporal, perhaps spatial proximity by a leftist or Democrat-empathizing spreader with a progressive and aggressive pathogen strain. After 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, protests, and granting safe sanctuary, why the unprecedented desperation, what are they hiding?

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Is Savannah Guthrie a white supremacist? We don't know. No one has asked her that? Same question for Chris Wallace? Why won't they state whether they support white supremacy or not?

Ken B বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward: “ We all rationalize our ultimate votes, but most of us don't do it so publicly in a manner that our past words get used against us with hard to deny quotes.”

This is why Althouse cares so much about this point. If she can convince herself this is the moral equivalent of Trump shooting a man on Fifth Avenue then, of course!, she is released from prior scruples. It’s her get out of jail free card.

That she wants it so desperately is revealed by the fact she won’t wait for (or even discuss) what the doctors say, but wants to parse her way through Trump-speak to the sought after conclusion.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Yes, she has said that. My contention is that it isn’t true. Read my other comments, where I explain what I think is going on.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Readering said...
OMG looks like POTUS got lower ratings than veep.

10/16/20, 11:17 AM

Probably because like me, I wanted answers about the Biden Collusion with Ukraine. Of Course, George Clinton never even asked him about it. Silence is violence after all.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Ann got all wee-wee'd up.

10/16/20, 11:10 AM

Thanks for my chuckle of the day!!

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...

Trump willfully infected wife and young son. Where do enemies and strangers fall on that pecking order?

Joe Biden was a knowing part of a conspiracy to spy on political opponents willfully lying to courts and committing fraud.

Joe Biden willfully tried to frame political opponents for crimes they didn't commit.

You and all your democrat allies are just awful people.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

The underlying premise of Guthrie's questioning, and Althouse's obsession with this trivia, is that--directly contrary to the "science"--there is a huge cohort of people who think that every one of the millions of people who have at any time tested positive for Covid are walking Typhoid Mary's spreading a "deadly" and incredibly contagious disease to anyone who comes anywhere near them. And thus the very idea that a person who might possibly fall within the realm of testing positive who did not and does not at all times remain on the highest alert about it is "reckless" and possibly even a party to homicide if not murder.

It is hard to comprehend--and yet it is what we are dealing with.

And despite those fears, most of them are absolutely convinced that they are safe if they wear a mask.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

No, it’s not true that 85 percent of mask wearers caught the virus

Well let us assume that Trump is correct, that masks do not mitigate COVID.....then, that is even a worse outcome. You would have to assume that most of the transmission is via the oral-fecal route. The first US patient in Washington, they found the virus in his feces even after he was testing negative for the virus in his upper respiratory system via the nasal swabs.

So that would be a worse outcome— if it were true— for controlling the spread since it would be mostly through food contamination at restaurants and entertainment venues. It is a lot easier to enforce a mask policy compared to a hand washing policy, or food temperature policy,

Hopefully Trump is wrong about that statistic. There are countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, maybe Thailand that seem to be doing well and that might be the mask compliance difference.

Singapore had their army pack up masks to distribute something like five masks per family which is probably going to prove to be cheaper than distribution of massive stimulus. Singapore and South Korea also did aggressive contact tracing and notification of hot spots to the public. That was fought in the United States—some of that involves cell phone data— but in the long run that might have lead to less lockdown measures and therefore ultimately more freedom.

What is particularly weird about Trump surrogates is not only do they fight masks wearing which is not made mandatory in all situations but they go out of their way to belittle and make fun of people that wear masks.

Kurt Schlichter is one example. People are trying to help and they wear masks. They are actually trying to help the economy, which would be favorable to Trump— yet they make fun of them. If you are in a car alone with a mask it is possible that you forgot to take it off. I jump in and out all day once I go around in my car and I simply forget to take it off. Some people responded to Schlichter saying they wear a mask in the car because they are going to pick up an older relative and they do not wish to endanger them. There is also the possibility that they are on immunosuppressants or someone in their family is and Kurt Schlichter has such a loss of generosity of the soul that he cannot even imagine that.

Finally if Kurt Schlichter was still active duty, although I think he was always reserve— but if he was active duty he would know that masks are a requirement to “go on base”. It is a simple force protection measure. If the military is doing it— how is it “virtue signaling” and hysteria or “soy boys” as the Trump surrogates like to slur people? This is the stupidest thing the Trump campaign and their people are doing.

I think Ann is right about her observation. It is kind of surprising that Trump is not good at essentially lying. There is evasion going on for some reason. Go back to his debates with Hillary. He made a lot of claims, about dealing with China, putting Conservatives on the court, he was telling the truth....he actually got those things done.

The mask argument though—that is not a winner for a Trump or his surrogates—it is a pretty small consolation to make for perhaps a huge long term gain and they refuse to simply try masks or support mask policy for awhile even though the United States military is doing it—bigly.
(Ironically being cruelly neutral it is the majority youth liberal vote that you needed to get compliance from the most and so the feeling that they were being anti-Trump by wearing masks might have worked for awhile. However this is now the same Youth Vote that is for the most part protesting and partying on campuses without much regard for the spread of the virus.)

mandrewa বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said, "Because so many people turned up positive at the same time- if they really were screening people every day, that would not have happened."

That's a good point. You're right. It doesn't seem plausible that 150 people in and around the White House all got the virus on the same day.

Someone should have gotten it before the others did. And that should have been detected by a test. So that seems to imply they weren't being tested every day!

But on the other hand, why wouldn't they test everyone every day, especially with a non-invasive antigen test?

This picture doesn't add up. Either way it doesn't make sense.

Is it possible to come up with narrative that makes sense?

Readering বলেছেন...

POTUS more bonkers each day. Covid/treatment or polls/news?

SensibleCitizen বলেছেন...

Perhaps the most important qualification for a world leader right now is having already survived the virus. You can't run a country in a vacuum. If Biden was keeping Trump's schedule, he would likely have it too by now. I don't like Biden's chances of a quick recovery.

Overall, small beer.

rehajm বলেছেন...

You would have to assume that most of the transmission is via the oral-fecal route.

It rides in farts.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Maybe it's already been asked but since when it is the job of a 'moderator' to pin down anything?

Jim at বলেছেন...

Both he and his doctor have refused to answer. You do not have to wonder, he did not get tested. - Asshole Mark

So fucking what, Mark? Have you been tested? Daily?
If not, why not?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Stole this: “The smidgeons have come home to roost.”

If Obama was Nixon, and he was, Biden is Agnew, who was a crooked pol from Baltimore.

Birkel বলেছেন...

tim in vermont wants to know about extra deaths.

Let's assume tim in vermont is not full of shit today.
Meanwhile, in the real world, medical testing and medical care was shut down for patients all across the country.
There was less preventative care.
There were few diagnostic tests.
All the things we are told prevent death - regular checkups and early diagnosis - were stopped.

Yeah, I cannot understand how people like me were warning about lockdowns causing more problems than they could ever solve and then the facts beat out my analysis and now I am being asked to explain what I foresaw months ago.

I also predicted starvation in poorer countries 6 months ago.
And now UN relief agencies are affirming that I was correct about that too.

It is a wonder.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

is this in the transcript? Donnie dimples? is this in the transcript?

Darrell বলেছেন...

Cloth masks are wishful thinking. And people saying, well, they worked in Asia. There’s no evidence that they worked in Asia. In fact, it’s very clear that the healthcare workers in China, they may have been wearing cloth masks to start with, but when you look at pictures of what they were wearing later, they were wearing respirators. They were wearing full face gear and body gear and gloves. It was clear that even surgical masks weren’t working in healthcare settings or controlling COVID-19. I don’t understand it. The Asian countries wear masks for societal and cultural reasons, not because they actually think they’re protecting.


hstad বলেছেন...

AA - who cares? Here's a man (Trump) who has fielded hundreds of interviews, most of which where adversarial and downright "Orange Man Bad" events. Why should Mr. Trump answer any question from Guthrie which may hurt his campaign? Guthrie looked and acted exactly like I thought she would - a dumb activist and shill for the Democrats. I thought Trump won again! These people are nuts if they think they can trip him up. Trump's done these adversarial interviews so many times he's gotten a Phd., in interviewing in the process. In my memory, I don't think any President or candidate has ever opened himself up to this many negative events ever. Trump comes out very well in this theater. Because, unlike most politicians (he's a businessman), he doesn't hold back and gives 'heat' to the idiot journalist every time. Loved it - he's a fighter. Biden's interview was a disaster. I think it was mostly incoherent - "word salad" - as AA states. Biden's "Townhall Interview" confused the average voter. What voter, other than the rabid partisans, would vote for Biden based upon this poor interview? Especially the undecided voter?

Jim at বলেছেন...

I’m not catching why this is a big deal worthy of a dozen paragraphs?

It's not. But do remember this is the person who sterilized her tennis shoes back in March.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

Regarding covid...

Death totals according to the CDC website (in 2020, total deaths in the US are running around 55,000 a week, total below is based on 55,000 x 52).

2017- 2,813,503
2018- 2,839,205 (25,702 more than 2017)
2019- can't find
2020- 2,860,000 (20,795 more than 2018)

Why is so much of the country locked up and so many people afraid to go outside without a face diaper?

wildswan বলেছেন...

"But on the other hand, why wouldn't they test everyone every day, especially with a non-invasive antigen test?"

Nasal swab testing is quite painful though it doesn't take long. And I doubt that the area swabbed could take being rasped that way every day. So maybe testing every day is not yet a real option.

n.n বলেছেন...

"You would have to assume that most of the transmission is via the oral-fecal route."

It rides in farts.

It's transmitted in forceful expultions from symptomatic individuals. It's aerosolized in farts, but its primary transmission mode is fecal. This is backed by observation of pathogenic distribution in controlled, closed spaces.

n.n বলেছেন...

You would have to assume that most of the transmission is via the oral-fecal route.

This explains the high infection rate in warm, humid climates, Planned Parent, etc., with inadequate sanitation, and poor hygienic practices.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I suppose it could be the lack of mountains in Madison that leaves Althouse to ponder the majesty of mole hills.

n.n বলেছেন...

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study

The value of masks is backed by intuitive evidence. They are known to present some value to block forceful expulsions from symptomatic patients. There is scientific evidence that they are unproductive or counterproductive when used by trained users, and even less effective in general use. The virus has spread in warm, humid climates, and pathogenic distribution in controlled, closed spaces, indicates that the transmission modes have been mischaracterized supporting the wrong mitigation strategies. The spread reached its peak before mandates, and proceeded to decline for weeks until the mandates were enforced.

Zelenko tell-all: 'Mortality dropped 8-fold with use of those two drugs'

Interview with Dr. Zelenko and Professor Risch. Late or improper treatment, and Planned Parent (PP), are the leading causes of excess deaths.

There is information about Singapore's strategy to aggressively promote and enforce good sanitation and hygienic habits, especially in super spreader medical centers, which was necessary and sufficient to control the spread without causing excessive "burden"... burden

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said... Althouse never wanted Biden to be the Democratic nominee- so that lie was obviously disqualifying at that point in time. Now that he is the nominee, not so disqualifying any longer.

To be fair, Althouse has demonstrated less than 100% loyalty to her tribe in pointing out ONE of Joe Biden's blatant lies. There are many others of course, but she can't go there emotionally and socially.

Althouse has been generally honest about her thinking, but seems un aware of how her emotions cloud those thoughts. This first became obvious during the Kavanaugh Inquisition.

Her thinking also strikes me as surprisingly narrow, which may be a strength for academic lawyers. There was a hint of that when she criticized Andy Ngo for calling George Floyd a porn star. She assumed it could only be an insult because in her mind it was.

I have a great deal of fondness for Ann Althouse and it will not change she she announces her vote for Joe Biden.

Rosa Marie Yoder বলেছেন...

Why do you care? It's obviously one of those "shiny things." Very telling.

DeepRunner বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
"I want a clear answer to the question whether it's possible that Trump already had the coronavirus during the debate and whether, suspecting that he was becoming ill, he avoided getting tested on the day of the debate."

So...to quote Hillary...what difference would it have made? Why is this important now? He got sick, he got better. Did Social-Distancing Circle Joe? I get the import of public health, and no, Trump should not have been on the stage if he was sick. But the animals are out of the barn on this one. If you want clear answers, Professor, perhaps we can wait for a lucid moment from Circle Joe, who can tell us that he's not really going to pack the court. Maybe not, anyway. Sort of. Not really sure, but won't rule it out. It just...depends. Or maybe he can tell us that all the stuff on the hard drive is fake.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Re Vermont: I look at the Johns Hopkins Wuhan flu deaths by state once a week. The state of Vermont has not had an increase in its reported deaths (58 to date per the JH website) in 8 or 9 weeks. Does that seem likely to anyone?

Rosa Marie Yoder বলেছেন...

I have to ask another burning question, which is, "Why does Savannah think so poorly of herself that she won't find a decent hairdresser?" I find it at least as relevant as asking President Trump about when he first tested positive. Maybe more so.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

" There is scientific evidence that they are unproductive or counterproductive when used by trained users, and even less effective in general use.”

No there isn’t, not when it comes to COVID. You are talking about bacterial infections. More grasping for straws because the COVID research does not back you up.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"It's transmitted in forceful expultions from symptomatic individuals. “

This is just sad. Is laughter a forceful expulsion? Yes, so is singing, so is talking loudly. You are simply ignoring the evidence and trying to make up for lack of quality evidence through repetition.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Meanwhile, in the real world, medical testing and medical care was shut down for patients all across the country.
There was less preventative care.
There were few diagnostic tests.”

200,000 of them? These kinds of deaths, and there will be quite a few, will not show up for months to years. If this is really happening now, in numbers of thousands a month, where are these additional deaths in the numbers. Is every one of these deaths caused by putting off care happening by an amazing coincidence in people who are also testing positive for COVID? Do the logic, use Venn Diagrams if you want, if you are right, it would have to be. But the odds are incalculably low that this is the case. This is why I call you a moron, you can’t think quantitatively.

As for cloth masks, I have never seen any convincing evidence that they work and I only wear the surgical kind.

"There’s no evidence that they worked in Asia.”

Deaths per million pop S. Korea 9, United States? 674, Japan? 13

They are wearing surgical masks on the subways and in public in Japan and Sout Korea, like the ones Hawkeye wore in M*A*S*H, not N-95s We are not talking about hospital settings.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If asymptomatic people didn’t spread it, it would be over by now.

"Zelenko tell-all: 'Mortality dropped 8-fold with use of those two drugs’”

That’s why continued lockdowns are unconscionable.

gilbar বলেছেন...

TiFnV said....
gilbar, when you have your facts demolished time after time

i'm STILL waiting for the first time...
IF masks work, and most people have been wearing masks for months,
WHY do we still have a problem?
waiting... Still waiting....

Sorry I have a hard time communicating

it's Not that hard; or, Wouldn't be IF you had ANY facts. Do you? Of COURSE NOT
waiting... Still waiting....

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

"I want a clear answer to the question whether it's possible that Trump already had the coronavirus during the debate and whether, suspecting that he was becoming ill, he avoided getting tested on the day of the debate."

You already have a clear answer: It's possible. You can reason your way to that answer, no need for a Dem activist to hector it out of Trump. As for a definitive answer - it's none of your business. And HIPAA precludes it being your business.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan Reportedly Kills Members of SEAL Team 6

President Barack Obama said Saturday that the deaths of Americans in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan are a reminder of the "extraordinary" price the U.S. military is paying in the decade-long Afghan war. (note : he did not say Americans/our nation are paying the price)

Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who killed former Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, U.S. officials said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American forces in the decade-old war against the Taliban.

I would not put it past Obama and team to offer them up as you can have this eye for the eye we took out. [including other military members to also be killed to cloak the specific deal made with insurgents.]

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
Sorry I have a hard time communicating on the same level as gilbar.

You may not be able to communicate on the same level as gilbar but you did say what he said you would say.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Darrell said...Cloth masks are wishful thinking. And people saying, well, they worked in Asia. There’s no evidence that they worked in Asia.

It depends on the meaning of the word "worked". I have been wearing masks here in AZ since February. It works in terms of the psychological comfort of Karens in grocery stores. It also works to make me feel better because I am not literally trying to kill people like Trump is doing. At least, that's what I hear in the media.

My stepson wore masks every time he was in public, yet he caught the WuFlu. His mother briefly freaked out (she is a Democrat) but calmed down fairly quickly. He was fine in a week without any medical treatment. It was a mild flu, probably not unlike Trump's case, except that Trump is more than 50 years older.

Drago বলেছেন...

Readering: "OMG looks like POTUS got lower ratings than veep."

TV viewership only.

Streaming tells a different story.

But that is one level of complexity too much for failed historian readering.

The best part? The democraticals are simply repeating all of 2016...but LOUDER this time.

Because that should do it.

Achilles বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...

"Meanwhile, in the real world, medical testing and medical care was shut down for patients all across the country.
There was less preventative care.
There were few diagnostic tests.”

200,000 of them?

This is complete bullshit.

You are a liar and you are spouting lies constantly.

The CDC refuses to tell us how many people died of Covid. They lump everything in with Pneumonia and Flu on purpose.

200,000 have not died of Covid.

No honest person anywhere has claimed this. Nobody has cited any number of people who have died in the US of Covid.

Additionally there are no scientific studies showing masks slow the spread of Covid. None. None of this is scientific. None of this makes any sense.

You are just a parrot spouting media lies.

Birkel বলেছেন...

tim in vermont finally gets around to admitting bacterial infections exist.


Birkel বলেছেন...

Lockdowns were always bad ideas.

An informed public will generally make good decisions to protect themselves and others.
A public that is commanded will bristle and buck.

Beside that truth, the attendant diminution of God-given and constitutionally recognized rights is unacceptable.
The juice was never worth the squeeze.

Birkel বলেছেন...

tim in vermont supported lockdowns.
I hope he rests easy at night with all those increased suicides on his conscience.

Remember months ago when I asked if older people would prefer to keep human contact or be quarantined "for their own safety"?
And I guessed - correctly - that they would prefer human contact, by and large!!

Imagine my surprise at being correct again.

RobinGoodfellow বলেছেন...

“Trump, who had to be hospitalized, was actually walking around for days infecting people, including Hicks, with covid. Ffs.”

Flu Manchu: A disease so debilitating you must get tested to know if you even have it.

Jason বলেছেন...

Mark: "Just like when someone pleads the 5th, we know what this answer means."

Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist. Every time.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Mandrewa asked:

"But on the other hand, why wouldn't they test everyone every day, especially with a non-invasive antigen test? This picture doesn't add up. Either way it doesn't make sense. Is it possible to come up with narrative that makes sense?"

By the time the antigen test is positive, you have an infectious case, and likely have had it for a day or more. The RT-PCR test is far more sensitive (indeed, too sensitive), and can pick up the infection out of a single strand of the RNA target for replication, even if you had the virus 2 months ago and just have viral detritus remaining in your nasal cavity, or just got infected the minute before the swab was taken. So, the antigen test is fairly non-invasive and quick, but won't prevent an infected person from getting into the White House. The RT-PCR test can indentify people who have been infected, but are not yet infectious, but you can't practically force people to take this test every day because of how invasive and physically damaging it is.

Add in the false positives and false negatives into the equation along with low prevalence, then a testing regime run on everyone everyday quickly becomes self-defeating. I think rational people took a hard look at it, and opted for something just as good on a practical level, but without informing the public about it because it would have caused an outcry from the Karen brigade- just take people's temperatures on a regular basis- do the antigen tests every day on people who come into and exit the White House, and use the PCR test sparingly. The lie is simply that everyone gets the PCR test every day- never was believable to me- still isn't.

n.n বলেছেন...

Flu Manchu: A disease so debilitating you must get tested to know if you even have it.

Sometimes, 20, 30, or more cycles to get a reading that is probably a false positive.

n.n বলেছেন...

Is Savannah Guthrie a white supremacist?

She's probably Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, a diversitist, probably rabid, a superset of color supremacist, that deny individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, normalize color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Guthrie asked Trump over 60 questions.
Voters were able to ask Trump only 10 questions.

mandrewa বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said, "By the time the antigen test is positive, you have an infectious case, and likely have had it for a day or more."

Yes, but by the same token you're not infectious in that first day or two. PCR testing as you point out can pick up incredibly low levels of the virus. But the odds are exceedingly low that people with such low levels will infect anybody.

One of the advantages of antigen testing is that it only detects people who have infectious levels of the virus. Plus the antigen tests I've been reading about give a result in 15 minutes.

So the obvious strategy is to test each person as they come into work and have them stay separated for the first 15 minutes, and then if they get the all clear they can go to work. Otherwise they go home, and probably stay at home for the next 10 days.

So unless this an antigen test I'm unfamiliar with, which could easily be the case, the antigen testing should have caught anyone with infectious levels before they infected anyone else at the White House.

TJM বলেছেন...

Why is the moderator named after a racist, Southern City?

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It helps, Mandrewa, but it doesn't really stop the spread- it just slows it- these antigen tests have big false results on both sides- a necessary outcome given the nature and cost of the test. Everybody will eventually get infected no matter how much you test them. Only an effective and widely taken vaccine will stop it, and I am beginning to believe we won't get one- we will get one that is about 20-30% effective in younger people, and pretty much useless in anyone over the age of 75. It might be better to just focus on thereupeutics like the mab's Trump took, but even then you might have to develop new ones on a regular basis.

This virus is endemic now, just like all the other airborne coronaviruses.

Readering বলেছেন...

A few more days pass and Trump-Pence remain unable to move the needle.

John Clifford বলেছেন...

I can see that a man who has been tested mostly daily for the past several months might not remember if he was tested on a specific day if he is tested most days. How many of us can remember what we had for lunch on a specific day last week? It's because him getting tested is not something special that stands out... it happens all of the time. I also am confident that he doesn't get all of the test results back, and that he's likely had false positives from the test, he gets retested the next day, he's negative, etc. He likely caught the test 4 to 5 days before he started showing symptoms, which would put it right on Sunday or Monday... perhaps Saturday. Even so, people are asymptomatic for that 4 to 5 days and often won't test positive for 24 to 48 hours. So, he tests negative daily for several days, he has one positive (maybe it was a false positive on Sunday), he tests negative on Monday, maybe they don't test him on Tuesday, he tests Wednesday and it's positive, he tests Thursday and it's positive, and he starts feeling like crap on Friday. Likely, people including the doctors got a little complacent because Trump is in this bubble mostly and everyone around him is tested daily.

The virus only has to be lucky once, we all have to be lucky every time. This is why I believe that we will all either get the virus or get the vaccine... and the longer it takes to get the vaccine the more of us will get the virus.

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