Nolte writes:
The [NBC News] headline... is… "How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge." The sub-hed is… "A 64-page document that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake 'intelligence firm.'" And this story has absolutely nothing to do with the credible allegations currently swirling around Joe and Hunter Biden. But as you can see, it has been positioned, angled, and headlined as a decoy to fool NBC News consumers into believing the allegations are all fake and have now been debunked.
What’s more, no one I know has ever even heard of this “64-page composition that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump [and] appears to be the work of a fake “intelligence firm” called Typhoon Investigations, according to researchers and public documents.” I sure as hell have never heard of it. Breitbart News didn’t cover it, and way down deep in the story, NBC is forced to admit that a few obscure blog posts about the document were only shared 5,000 times across Facebook and Twitter, which is nothing.
But NBC News writes that it "went viral on the right-wing internet"! So deceptive. And yet NBC's story will go viral. It's exactly what gets rewarded these days. And lots of people will glance at it and think the Hunter Biden story is debunked. It will completely work!
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
NBC= Nothing But Crap network. Funny how they ran with the Russian hoax for years. But then again what can one expect from a propaganda arm of the Democrat party?
Does tell you everything you need to know about NBC news. But if you were paying attention you already knew.
I commented elsewhere last night- I follow this stuff almost obsessively, and I never heard about it until last night.
The CIA guys are masters of propaganda war. Nice try. The CCP is getting their money’s worth.
Yes, Ann, it will work for many people.
NBC is simply campaigning for Joe Biden. Just like the NYT, WaPo and CNN.
How did we ever end up in this place?
It's exactly what gets rewarded these days. And lots of people will glance at it and think the Hunter Biden story is debunked. It will completely work!
Me:If only there was something we could do to try to change the way things are these days. Maybe try to elect politicians who are trying to get us back to a place reasonable politics.
Althouse: He's "your president."I could never lower myself to vote for someone like that. He's icky. Eew!
appears to be the work of a fake “intelligence firm” called Typhoon Investigations
Are the people behind Typhoon Investigations related to the people behind “Crossfire Hurricane”?
Fortunately facebook, twitter and google won't allow NBC to use their platforms to spread this disinformation. Just kidding - expect those entities will frontpage this.
No doubt Juan Williams will cite this today on The Five, just as he has misused the WSJ column that found “no official corporate records” of Joe doing business with China, claiming that debunked the laptop stories, which have not in fact even been denied by any Biden or their campaign. And corporate documents are not among the highlights. These are:
+ Emails and texts that have been validated
+ Verified chain of custody for the laptop with receipts signed by Hunter
+ Audio and video files of Hunter
+ Numerous references to The Big Guy who witnesses swear is Joe
+ Video of Hunter sex acts with 14-year-old Chinese girl (whom Joe references by name in texts, further thickening the plot)
+ And much much more (partnership w Zuckerberg, snorting cocaine off naked white underaged girl’s butt, etc.) that various entities have verified independently
Classic #FakeNews. Maybe narcissi can tell us if Haspel’s greasy fingerprints are on this too.
Nothing to see here, people . . . move along . . . .
Surprise, surprise, surprise....
NBC News: Covering for the Biden Crime Family 24/7/365. Anything to get Dementia Joe across the finish line. We'll suppress any news that harms that glorious endeavor, use non-existent anonymous sources and create strawman stories. Whatever it takes!
It will so totally work. Another teetering addition to the Edifice of Lies, which will come down, eventually, because gravity.
The lefty/LLR-lefty media don't have time to "verify" the actual evidence against the Bidens, but they have all the time in the world to sift thru a bunch of randoms so they can tee that up as if it is what the accusations are all about.
Classic Intelligence/National Security state tactics being used domestically against political opponents.
We've seen this for decades in other nations our intel agencies were/are undermining....and now we have reached the point where our agencies are going full Stasi against us here at home.
On top of that, the democraticals own the media as well as Big Tech.
If I might paraphrase Hillary from 2016, why isn't Biden leading by 50%?!!!
Because enough Americans are on to the lefty/LLR-lefty scam and they will vote for DJT against these globally aligned forces even if it means they, the voters, will be permanently ostracized and attacked.
Garbage media, deliberate coordinated propaganda.
"lots of people will glance at it and think the Hunter Biden story is debunked. It will completely work!"
Unless sensible people abstain from abstaining.
Make yours a protest vote.
" It will completely work!"
Yes, it will, but only on people who want it to work, who do not want to know the truth. So it will work on fools.
What else is new?? American Pravda will do anything to censor the truth of the corruption of the left. It's been happening for many years. Wake up. It's NOW or NEVER!!!
They could literally bury (sic) in their report that [NBC] made up the document that was disseminated on facebook, and people would believe it to be genuine, and Trump is a lying dog faced pony soldier.
Where's that Meth-Head Hunter? Has he tried to sleep with his Stepmother, Jill yet?
Obviously a fake created by the Biden campaign. Intended to be an obvious fake (creepy AI-generated "author" that is recognized as such by anti-deepfake tools, etc.). Only seen by a few thousand people but just enough like the real documentary evidence to let the Democrats pretend they are discrediting the real evidence.
Very clever. Now we know why the Biden campaign hasn't admitted the laptop docs are real.
Failing to vote for Trump is de facto voting in favor of Biden. Trump must not only win, he must win in a landslide.
If you want to see more of this, it's easy! Just abstain!
I really hope Americans do not reward all this corrupt press. That would be the worst outcome this election could have. Nobody will ever tell you the truth again unless it benefits Democrat politics. For The United States to have a press that operates just like a totalitarian state is abhorrent. Journalism - another in the long list of institutions destroyed by leftists.
The poohbahs at NBC are trying really, really hard to prove Greenwald's thesis about the corruption of political reporting by MSM outlets, and are succeeding admirably in doing so. Can't wait for the movie version -- perhaps they'll call it "Truth -- the Sequel."
When you believe you’re bravely fighting the world’s worst Hitler, lies are heroic.
Sure glad The New York Times doesn't pull this kind of stuff.
The corporate Media, which now seems to include The Intercept, is all min with Biden and the corrupt DNC. It is amazing to see this massive effort by the insiders and their funders. What could withstand this? The American people ?
A slight gleam of light. CNN's SE Cupp is a little worried.
Oh Oh. It's just an "uneasy feeling" but who knows ?
"Close associates" sounds like "senior administration official in the White House", so probably some disgruntled caddy at Trump's DC golf course.
Much of baldingsworld product comes from jimmy lal and apple daily, dissident publishers in hong kong subject to the extradition act
It's a most dismal election season, so I thank y'all for trying so hard to make "Fetch" happen, and performing outrage that it didn't happen.
I, for one, await the definitive interview between any CNN/MSNBC propagandist and the recognized world expert on corruption in high government office, Hillary Clinton. It won't have a laugh track, but adding one will make it a classic for years to come.
It's interesting how Trump hate, and hatred of his supporters, has destroyed the usefulness of polls.
But under Trump’s “America first” policies, steel furnaces restarted, manufacturing jobs began to come back, and oil and gas boomed. A giant ethane “cracker” plant sprang up outside Pittsburgh, with more to come in Ohio and, locals hope eventually, if the greenies can be stopped, in West Virginia.
This re-energized economy, albeit with a pandemic pause, accounts in large part for the loyalty many former Democratic voters feel toward the president today.
“I support Trump because he’s pro-life, he supports the right to bear arms and because he supports my livelihood, which is oil and natural gas,” says Ohioan Jason Laster, 44, a maintenance foreman for Southwestern Energy who joined the Trump Train in Weirton.
We see the hatred right here in some commenters.
The nut balls on the left and the right are both praying for silver bullets
The highly educated population of Madison, WI will feel completely vindicated.
Is it worse if NBC really believes what they report, or do so as stooges for Biden's campaign?
Mike at 11:41 AM, that was my first thought too. I watch The Five most days and last night Juan was all about the WSJ "debunking" of the scandal. He seems like a good and honest guy, but he is tragically gullible when it comes to defending and propping up Democrats.
This is very analogous to the positioning of the Climatologist's quote: ( "hide the decline" ) as referring to modern temperatures, which were widely and correctly measured to not declining but rising. But the "decline" was not temperature, but the level of statistical correspondence and confidence in the tree rings as representative of temperature. Confidence was declining, and needed to be concealed.
The media is either idiotically careless in what the investigate, or diabolically biased.
I have to admit that's a fairly clever deceit. The propagandists at NBC understand full well that most people will only glance at the headline, and even among those that bother to read it will lack the ability to fully comprehend that this particular "story" has absolutely nothing to do with the Hunter Biden laptop story. And it's all fairly defensible since, yes, there was some silly fringe story being lightly propigated on social media.
Goebbels would be proud.
Dave Begley said "How did we ever end up in this place?"
Our educators and self-felating educated elite brought us here. While they were busy dumbing down the masses, they slid down he chutes instead of climbing up the ladders. It's consistent with the Godless secularism that has polluted our institutions under the guise of the "separation of church and state".
They are nothing more that modern day sophists. Except the sophists were actually good speakers.
Shades of amateur video caused Benghazi.
No, it won't work.
It's like people never read the postmortems of the Soviet Union's propaganda efforts.
The Soviets failed because people believe their lying eyes.
You should meet more working class folks, Althouse.
They're here.
They're not stupid.
Get used to it.
Although the Professor has announced her 2020 abstinence in voting or making a choice this election, she knows power gained in this manner can only lead to a great deal of human suffering and destruction. But when you are protected by the plausible deniability of "cruel neutrality".... you can convince yourself you are just an observer. Pensions allow for that.
As long as the check clears, why rock the boat? There really is no difference between NBC News and the University of Wisconsin.
If the media refuses to play its role of government watchdog, then our only choice for making sure our government is held accountable is to elect politicians that the media WILL scrutinize.
Now, all the other colluding Media sites can say "An NBC report on the fabricated Hunter Biden story...."
No wonder they're always screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" at NBC and MSNBC. They've clearly been schooled by Russians on how to create disinformation.
I'd say this is embarrassing, but let's face it, our Journalist! class is now basically lower than whale shite. There is no 'return to normal' for them. They are done. No one believes anything they are producing any longer. And there is a steady drip, drip, drip, of actual journalists (Bari Weiss, Andrew Sullivan, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and others) who have courageously said 'NO!' to these party apparatchiks and have left to work in an actual free press format, in which curiosity and research are accepted, even if they are not approved by the Democrat National Committee members.
From the NY Times to NBC, CNN to ABC, CBS to PBS, WaPo to LA Times and most all of the rest- these people are nothing more than party apparatchiks. Vladimir could not be more proud.
Remember when Chuck Todd replaced Tim Russert? Seems like light years ago now.
Tell us something we don't know. Of course propaganda works; that's why they do it.
The DNC propaganda media lie to their audience because they know that they're either not paying attention enough to notice or they're people who want to be lied to; people who believe they're better than the deplorables who would vote for Trump.
You're their audience; people like me got angry and stopped paying attention to them during the Bush administration. And we vowed to punish them for their corruption by never voting for any candidate the liars in the media support.
They know you'll keep listening to them no matter how often they lie to you. And they don't have to worry about pushing any of their audience to Trump. They know you think you're too good to ever vote for him.
"I don't usually link to Breitbart".... Because of course NBC News, the NYTs, and the Wash Post have proven themselves to be credible news outlets.
Talk about being stuck in the past and not adjusting to change....
But that is part of the empty elite culture where the Madisonians look down upon, and giggle at the Breitbartonians. It's part of the reason they believe you can polish a plywood turd with mediocre art to hide condoned community destruction, and shed alligator tears over the closing of community diner. That's how we got here Mr. Begley.
"Another teetering addition to the Edifice of Lies, which will come down, eventually, because gravity"
Caroline - a perfect description of the Soviet Union.
This is probably an active information countermeasure- Biden's supporters plant fake information, and when the Trump supporters latch onto it and spread it, the big media networks immediately "debunk it". How do they debunk so quickly is the question than on one seems to ever ask- the answer is pretty obivous if you think about it- they, NBC in this case, are working with the people who created it, whether they know it or not. I suspect that a great deal of the QANON material is of this nature- it is how I would discredit a group where I inclined to care about it- plant easily disproved information.
To their credit, neither nor the NYPost have taken up this material of questionable pedigree, but places in the alt-right blogosphere are not quite as meticulous or information savvy enough to realize they are being played.
If you want a taste of some this, just google Yaacov Apelbaum. He is a true genius at information authentication/debunking same. The stuff he does is truly next level information sorting and connecting. He will, probably, eventually get to this story, too.
The Iago Effect.
The media is at Walter Duranty level deception. You Cannot Trust The Main Stream Media today.
Old news.
"Plausible Deniability" just like Hunter Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski said it would go down, if what they were doing was ever exposed.
Link to video
BTW, If you don't know how to spell Bobulinski's name Google/YouTube wont help you. - They got their hands on the scales. Do no evil my ass.
Although it has officially been denied, although there is not one tiny bit of evidence, I read that 51% of American believe that the Hunter story is Russian disinformation.
That is how ignorant the electorate is today. It's a miracle we can still train people to be doctors and lawyers, the education system is so degraded.
It's disinformation being spread by Biden-supporters in the Kremlin.
The absolute dishonesty is heartbreaking. If the press are willing to be this dishonest and cover for an obvious crook like Biden,- they are certainly willing to steal the election in other ways. America is done.
Fake news.
The half voting for Biden think Trump's making it up.
serious question:
Are there Really people, that do NOT see Jo Biden as a demented individual?
serious question:
Are there Really people, that do NOT care that Jo Biden is a demented individual?
serious question:
Are there Really people, that Really WANT, a brain dead pervert "running" our government?
From Matt Taibbi:
When the likes of Brennan, Clapper, and Hayden wrote a joint letter decrying the recent Post story as a seeming Russian mischief, they were very careful in what they said. They used the term “information operation” instead of “misinformation,” and prominently included the line, "We do not have evidence of Russian involvement."
However, in the recent Intercept story quoting that letter, describing the Post story has having “the classic earmarks of Russian misinformation,” the the line about not having evidence was left out.
“The CIA letter was more honest than The Intercept,” is how Greenwald puts it.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
Where's that Meth-Head Hunter? Has he tried to sleep with his Stepmother, Jill yet?”
I think he prefers them a little ... younger.
Word that the NYT is planning to drop a "bombshell" on Saturday or Sunday.
But 80m people have already voted! LOL.
"The half voting for Biden think Trump's making it up.”
That’s kind of a tacit admission that they know all of the stuff against Trump was made up.
I think that after 2016, they had a plan in place to deal with another Wikileaks situation and they put in in place as soon as the stuff dropped. I also think Rudy should have trusted this stuff to grow and fester on account of it’s true and it’s awful, and brought it out sooner.
"I don't usually link to Breitbart, but I found Nolte's piece after I read the NBC News piece and had my own independent reaction and went looking to see if anyone was saying what I thought, which was: What document is this? I'd never heard about it."
How would you describe the pill's taste?
Blogger Wa St Blogger said...
If the media refuses to play its role of government watchdog, then our only choice for making sure our government is held accountable is to elect politicians that the media WILL scrutinize.”
This why we should always elect Republicans. Not necessarily because they are better, but because at least we can expect great media scrutiny.
Associates close to Trump, including Giuliani and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, have promised more blockbuster leaks and secrets, which have yet to materialize. -nbcnews
Flat out lie. Bobulinski happened, for one, there is the million dollar contract from the China’s spy chief to Hunter, etc, etc, etc.
But if you only read Blue Check Twitter, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, I can see how you might have missed these stories.
What ABC, NBC, CBS, CBSBS, NBCPMS, ABCLSD, and other MSM outfits call their reporting is really cruel neutrality. Heavy emphasis on really.
More news the MSM ignore
BREAKING: I was jumped by BLM rioters while they were looting more than a dozen stores,
including Wal-Matt, T-Mobile, & 5-below
Though in pain, I didn’t stop reporting because
Americans need to see what the corporate media refuses to show
A vote for Biden is a vote FOR Antifa and FOR Media liars.
“They are nothing more that modern day sophists.”
I date it to that fucking book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The whole argument of the novel was that the Sophist were right and the Empiricists were wrong, and that Western Civilization took a disastrous turn when the Empiricists won out. His concept of “Zen” is that people already know the right answers, and thinking just screws things up. So I guess he is saying that it would be better if technological progress ended in the Iron Age.
Let's try this on for size; Joe Biden had nothing to do with, and knew nothing about, the business dealings that his son and his brother had with foreign nationals.
Makes sense. Jim and Hunter were just scamming all those stupid fucking billionaires. The dumb-ass billionaires running China and Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and that dim-bulb wife of the mayor of Moscow, who wired Hunter three million, all just got taken to the cleaners by Hunter and Jim. They're just separating fools from their money, nothing wrong with that. And God, are these foreigners fools! Will they ever learn? Probably not.
So, hey, I guess that's all fine. Carry on.
The scariest part is - where are the CIA and FBI on Biden family international grifting?
They gave it a pass from day one.
I love stuff like this comment on a Taibbi story: “I get what Taibbi and Greenwald are saying, but dying on this hill in the service of another four years of a guy who is openly saying he wants to be a dictator...”
The propaganda smog is so thick people don’t even know when they are lying.
"close associates of President Trump"
"laid the groundwork"
"went viral"
Those are right up there with "Senior Administration Official" from the NYT.
If Democraticals were so sure of their pending electoral success, why do they act like such cheating, spoil sport losers?
Those in the know understand they are about to lose badly.
After picking up two seats in the Senate, possibly losing one or two...
After regaining the House...
And after Trump wins 340 Electoral College votes...
What then?
going forward - "debunked" without being debunked and "Russian disinformation" will be used by hack press to cover any democrat crime.
What Yancy said... Apelbaum is golden. He led the way through collusion and Russiagate with clear evidence. Thanks to narciso on that tip. BTW heard that Biden Harris support Late Term abortion. Maintaining plausible deniability by not definitively they oppose it. That includes "dismemberment" abortion. Cruising into Josef Mengele territory IMHO.
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it about Breitbart that you find so offensive and deem unlink-worthy, given your daily dosage of the NY Times?
> only shared 5,000 times across Facebook and Twitter, which is nothing.
Yea, but what about that other social media site that must not be named? Or that other social media site that *really* must not be named?
Althouse said…" I don't usually link to Breitbart"
Maybe you should start. I almost never went to Breitbart. It just wasn't a habit. But when Trump came down with Covid readering started posting 'Trump is on Death's Door' comments. Sure enough, CNN, NPR, NBC, et al. were all reporting Trump was gravely ill. I went looking for a conservative news site for confirmation. I landed at Breitbart and they were reporting a much different story. And sure enough, in the end it played out the way Breitbart was reporting it. CNN et al. were grossly wrong (I have no doubt on purpose, but YMMV).
When it comes to news gathering, you are far from the neutral observer you think you are.
From the Taibbi article...
How do you get from here...
Greenwald recalls today: “We saw in the media, reporters were quoting CIA officials about Snowden and about me. They were essentially stenographers. The Intercept was created to avoid that.”
to here?
She [Betsy Reed] added that “it’s not helpful to the left and to all the candidates and causes we favor to continue to doubt the existence of some kind of relationship between Russia and the Trump campaign.”
It's almost like the system was designed to reward ass-kissers and suckups.
NBC: No Biden Crimes.
Now, that’s what I call mukbang.
Unknown said...
"Another teetering addition to the Edifice of Lies, which will come down, eventually, because gravity"
Caroline - a perfect description of the Soviet Union.
From recent(?) reporting of comments by Gorbachev : Russians got to see Dallas (TV show) pirate broadcast(?) into USSR
What pirate broadcast are we waiting for?
What pirate broadcast are we waiting for?
Russians at least have clear conscience knowing their "vote" is joke instead of opportunity for eruditionally justified virtue signaling
this should be bumped and kept at the top of your blog thu Nov 3rd. thank you.
Gahrie said...
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it about Breitbart that you find so offensive and deem unlink-worthy, given your daily dosage of the NY Times?
daily dosage of the NY Times? - Could be Professora is now gustatory connoisseur of throwing up in own mouth? and enjoys it!
You mean like this?
Hunter Biden’s Pornhub Page
You tax dollars hard at work.
BTW heard that Biden Harris support Late Term abortion. Maintaining plausible deniability by not definitively they oppose it.
Selective-child... wicked solution... social progress. After the 1st month, the child has a viable nervous system, the presumptive (scientific) seat of consciousness.
That includes "dismemberment" abortion. Cruising into Josef Mengele territory
Remember #CecilTheLion? It was reported around the same time as the #CecileTheCannibal (i.e. Planned Parenthood) story came out. Clinical cannibalism... medical progress.
This is spot on :)))
It's disinformation being spread by Biden-supporters in the Kremlin.
Russia's "Deep State" that colluded with the players in the Kiev coup.
Have you reconsidered your decision to vote for neither Biden nor Trump? This kind of stuff, and this is far from the only or worst example, just strengthens my decision to vote for Trump. Tha media needs to be defeated maybe even more than Biden does. I want them to wake up after the election and realize how much we revile them.
Do you think that Breitbart is as guilty of right wing dishonesty as the NYT and WaPo is of left wing dishonesty?
What prevents Trump from removing these DNC propaganda organs from the White House Press Corp? And if he can't do that, he should at least be able to forbid any Executive Branch person from communicating with them. There's no "press" value in NBC and CNN at all. They're now outright lying for Biden's benefit.
I know that for a while Breitbart was trying to do tit for tat with dishonest headlines like the ones we are used to reading from CNN or the WaPo, but they seem to have backed off of that strategy, which is good.
apelbaum has also pointed out some of the dodgier aspects of quanon, and some images nsfwapnt
( "hide the decline" ) as referring to modern temperatures, which were widely and correctly measured to not declining but rising
Confidence (e.g. baseline establishment through proxies, retrospective and prospective models), attribution (i.e. organic vs anthropogenic), and declining temperatures in a larger frame (e.g. Medieval Warm Period, early 20th century) of reference.
I had several classmates in my law school class who'd been student politicians at USC along with Donald Segretti (all this in the first half of the 1960s). "Dirty Tricks" were standard operating procedure in the USC student body politics game at the time. Segretti went on to be the master of "dirty tricks" in the Nixon campaigns. Two of my classmates went to work in the Nixon White House--and they got to testify before the Senate Watergate Committee;.
This NBC news gambit looks like a stupid replay of stupid dirty tricks in a college student body election campaign. But you can shrug it all off with Kamala Harris laugh, or a Harry Reid, "well it worked didn't it". Smart scum is still scum.
The CIA guys are masters of propaganda war. Nice try. The CCP is getting their money’s worth.
We know that amorality in favor of alt-religions (e.g. Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, ethical) is a progressive condition; but, you would think there are sufficient competing interests to mitigate progress.
This Very Long article about the Balding report was posted on ZeroHedge on 10/24.
Highly detailed. Fascinating.
There is a link to The Typhoon Investigation at the very end.
I bookmarked this because I was wondering how long it would be available.
I did see it posted on Redstate less than a week ago. I read it and then realized it was a privately produced report. I did a company search and found nothing. So, I ignored it.
Would need more corroboration to be consider news worthy.
That said, what the New York Post has run is absolutely news worthy and the main stream media, FB, and Twitter have indicted themselves through their intentional bias and deception.
If in fact NBC fabricated this document, it should be bigger than the Dan Rather scandal, since in that case CBS didn't create the document, they just ran with it even though it was an obvious fake. If NBC received the document but didn't authenticate it, it's just as bad as the Rather case, except that no one is fooled this time.
Blogger Michael K said..."...It's interesting how Trump hate, and hatred of his supporters, has destroyed the usefulness of polls...."
People will lie to their accountant, doctor, priest and family member. And we’re supposed to believe they shed all of that when they get on the telephone [and answer a Poll] with a stranger and become Honest Abe? Moreover, polls are driven by who commissions the poll not one was done with altruism as its goal. They're GIGO since the industry started. But interesting view of life "Michael K"?
Don't believe NBC - Instead we should believe the garbage that Breitbart printed about Hunter Biden that sourced to law-breaker Steve Bannon and his fugitive Chinese millionaire friend Guo Wengui instead.
Wengui,it has been told, has a website containing an amateurish and mostly fake collection of alleged Hunter Biden pictures, videos, and emails that "are clearly not intended to persuade anyone, let alone really convince law enforcement or intelligence personnel to take them seriously. Rather, they’re intended to push misinformation and agitprop out through outlets like Carlson’s show on Fox News, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, and The New York Post so the President and his key surrogates like Rudy Giuliani can refer to them at rallies and during media hits. And Don Jr. can shitpost them on Twitter."
There is a reason everybody's breath at NBC smells like Joe Biden's ass crack.
"Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it about Breitbart that you find so offensive and deem unlink-worthy, given your daily dosage of the NY Times?"
Exactly! A simple side by side comparison of the truthfulness and bias of both sites would not leave the NYT looking like a superior source, and you would realize how much you are being led away from the real stories, but it's all about appearances, posing, and being above the average American these days, even if it involves promoting lies.
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good bloggers and voters do nothing."
MNN BREAKING NEWS…Hunter Biden Retroactively Registers as a Russian Agent Under FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The Biden Campaign immediately released this statement:
“It’s official; the man pictured in photographs of sex and drug abuse was an admitted Russian Agent. The bribery emails were written by a registered Russian Agent and the computer was dropped off at the repair shop by a confirmed Russian Agent. This should put an end to this matter forever.”
In other news, all of Official Washington is bracing for the mandatory amphibious SWAT assault on Jack Dorsey’s house for Lying to Congress.
MANUFACTURED NEWS NETWORK: “Democracy Dies In Harry Reid’s Crawlspace Like All the Others!”
MNN BREAKING NEWS…Hunter Biden Retroactively Registers as a Russian Agent Under FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The Biden Campaign immediately released this statement:
“It’s official; the man pictured in photographs of sex and drug abuse was an admitted Russian Agent. The bribery emails were written by a registered Russian Agent and the computer was dropped off at the repair shop by a confirmed Russian Agent. This should put an end to this matter forever.”
In other news, all of Official Washington is bracing for the mandatory amphibious SWAT assault on Jack Dorsey’s house for Lying to Congress.
MANUFACTURED NEWS NETWORK: “Democracy Dies In Harry Reid’s Crawlspace Like All the Others!”
NBC's Decoy report is several levels of Fakiness-deep. That's why I call them #Professional Liars. They have thought of ways to lie to you never seen before. They have charted a dozen lies they're going to foist on you before you've even had your first cup of coffee. They are actually subtracting from the sum of human knowledge each time they open they're slutty One-Party pieholes.
"It's almost like the system was designed to reward ass-kissers and suckups.”
It’s like they are trying to snuff the Enlightenment one ember at a time.
And Twitter backs down Re: The New York Post. The Post never gave in. Ha Ha!
MSNBC and CNN are flat out propaganda operations that use many of the mind control techniques of cults.
gadfly is doing another tantrum about stuff he read somewhere.
Meanwhile, Democrat governors in a panic are asking Democrat voters to go to the virus infected polls and VOTE!
Forget about that covid scam. This is important !
Gov. Tony Evers urged Wisconsin voters to come to the polls on Election Day, discouraging them from mailing in their ballots with just four days remaining in the presidential campaign.
"We need everyone to make their vote count," Evers said at a press conference on Friday.
And he means everyone ! Even the dead.
“ Do you think that Breitbart is as guilty of right wing dishonesty as the NYT and WaPo is of left wing dishonesty?”
Don’t read it enough to have an opinion. I’m more oriented toward criticizing traditional media, not reading more trashy feeling things. Not looking for a place to be biased toward the right, if that’s what it is. If the presentation were more aesthetically pleasing, I might spend time reading that, but it’s nothing I feel drawn toward. So it’s just not something I’m watching.
"Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it about Breitbart that you find so offensive and deem unlink-worthy, given your daily dosage of the NY Times?"
It's a class thing.
Althouse: "Don’t read it enough to have an opinion. I’m more oriented toward criticizing traditional media, not reading more trashy feeling things."
Yes. A prolific MoDo reader wrote that.
Just now.
They're GIGO since the industry started. But interesting view of life "Michael K"?
I think we have gone from a high trust society to a low trust one. Nobody 30 years ago thought about answering the telephone. You just did it. Now we have robocalls. My kids don't answer the phone unless they recognize the number, usually family. The polls probably gave some people someone to talk to. I can't recall ever being called but my mother, who lived to 103, had lots of conversations with strangers. At one point someone got her credit card number and ran up some bills in a strip joint. She called the credit card company and said, "I am a 98 yer old woman. How likely do you think I would be going to a strip club?
"Dirty Tricks" were standard operating procedure in the USC student body politics game at the time.
A freshman medical student ran for USC student body president on a platform of abolishing student government. That would have been 1965, I think. He was elected.
Ann Althouse said...Don’t read it (Brietbart) enough to have an opinion. I’m more oriented toward criticizing traditional media, not reading more trashy feeling things. Not looking for a place to be biased toward the right, if that’s what it is. If the presentation were more aesthetically pleasing, I might spend time reading that, but it’s nothing I feel drawn toward. So it’s just not something I’m watching.
I really don't know where to start.
It makes sense that you are a voracious reader of the NYT and WaPo. They are more aesthetically pleasing.
Its probably best to leave it at that.
"I’m more oriented toward criticizing traditional media, not reading more trashy feeling things.
The stuff you link to from the 'NYT' and 'Atlantic' seem very trashy...especially the opinion's all fueled by emotion and no knowledge.
How can a 'reporter' write a piece about anything without doing research? If they flat-out refuse to acknowledge the existence of a certain laptop, for instance, that's strike three against anything else they have to say.
Gahrie said...
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it about Breitbart that you find so offensive and deem unlink-worthy, given your daily dosage of the NY Times?
Ann’s self image is built from the foundation that she is a part of a superior tribe.
Getting information from outside the tribe is difficult and requires a lot of self awareness and an adventuresome spirit and the ability to view things in an abstract manner.
Most people are still governed by their tribal instincts.
If Biden loses, will the Dems finally learn they should not nominate criminals?
Well then
Every single traditional "news" source is 100% corrupted. They simply publish lies. This is obvious.
WaPo, NYTimes, MSNBCNN, every one is 100% lies. Read them exactly as Pravda.
Less than 100% of other news sources are lies.
Use common sense and Pravda methods of reading to understand what's really going on.
If you think you're too cynical, you're not being cynical enough.
For example, I formerly thought Penguin was just being stupid in advancing $30M to Obama for his memoirs. That is not cynical enough.
What has really happened, especially given Biden revelations, is that it's Barry's commission from Iran for the pallets of cash, laundered through Penguin. Penguin is a private company, doesn't have to publish quarterly results or answer to the SEC etc.
"Ann Althouse said...
“ Do you think that Breitbart is as guilty of right wing dishonesty as the NYT and WaPo is of left wing dishonesty?”
Don’t read it enough to have an opinion. I’m more oriented toward criticizing traditional media, not reading more trashy feeling things. Not looking for a place to be biased toward the right, if that’s what it is. If the presentation were more aesthetically pleasing, I might spend time reading that, but it’s nothing I feel drawn toward. So it’s just not something I’m watching."
Keep sniffing that perfumed hanky, lest you detect us trashy and malodorous Deplorables, Miss Ann!
The article could end with the line: "This entire article is fake. We made it up fool you."
It would still be sited as proof of Biden's innocence by people all over the media and internet and probably by Biden himself over and over again.
"If the presentation were more aesthetically pleasing..."
I'm know I'm kind of new here, but really... are you saying appearances matter more to you than what's actually happening? I'd be embarrassed to say that out loud where everybody could see. But then... that's just me.
Classic Intelligence/National Security state tactics being used domestically against political opponents.
We've seen this for decades in other nations our intel agencies were/are undermining....and now we have reached the point where our agencies are going full Stasi against us here at home.
I wish this sounded like a nutso conspiracy theorist, but what Drago says is plainly correct. The information operations use "agents" like this NBC NPC, but now the "former" spy chiefs straight up sign their names to crazy provocative unsubstantiated shit like that Russian disinformation letter. We're not a banana republic, but we do have that level of political class. I struggle to understand how anyone doesn't want to run this crew out of Washington, again and again. And again.
In defense of Ann, Breitbart does have a cluttered tabloid layout. The tack is honestly partisan, with few in depth articles.
I never went regularly until 2016 when the media's hanky panky(dearth of honest coverage) against DJT began in earnest once he secured the nomination.
I go daily now.
If that document were to turn out to be solid research, as it appears, then it's also yet another example of how badly these analog age discourse-masters can't work digital era instruments. I had seen this thing because narciso posted it, or someone made a post that reminded me of narciso. But a bunch of lefty friends who are dying to debunk sent this to me, and they'd surely not seen it, although they've now heard a LOT about the Biden family's business dealings.
A lot of pain reflected in these comments.
With all due respect, the NYT, Breitbart and WaPo are the same. Go back and run Avenatti thru a search of WaPo or NYT and tell me that Breitbart is trashier? Remember the affair that McCain was not having with the lobbyist but the NYT thought that it was front page news. No difference.
Some beholders who are - as Glenn says credentialed but oh-so poorly educated - believe that reading the NYT or the WaPo reflects that they are superior. It says something about these people that this is where they find their self-esteem.
You write this entry about the MSM and then, without irony, you refer to Breitbart as "trashy"?
How woke of you.
"fugitive Chinese millionaire friend Guo Wengui"
Considering the nature of the Chinese government and its friends, a fugitive from that milieu has greater credibility (this is relative of course), by definition. Sort of how everyone gives dissidents from the Russian regime credibility, to some degree.
And you cannot have much real information about the Chinese regime without a Chinese source. So where does that leave us all, wrt to information from China? The best sources therefore are fugitives.
A lot of pain reflected in these comments.
Now analyze the temper tantrum the Left has thrown the last four years...
One more reason to avoid NBC...not that I needed another. Well, the whole msm...
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