"... as he ran away, according to a federal complaint made public Friday. A sworn affidavit by the FBI underlying the complaint reveals new details about a far-right anti-government group’s coordinated role in the violence that roiled through civil unrest over Floyd’s death while in police custody. Ivan Harrison Hunter, a 26-year-old from Boerne, Texas, is charged with one count of interstate travel to incite a riot for his alleged role in ramping up violence during the protests in Minneapolis on May 27 and 28. According to charges, Hunter, wearing a skull mask and tactical gear, shot 13 rounds at the south Minneapolis police headquarters while people were inside. He also looted and helped set the building ablaze, according to the complaint, which was filed Monday under seal.... As police clashed with protesters, Hunter and other members of the Boogaloo Bois discussed in private Facebook messages their plans to travel to Minneapolis and rally... 'Lock and load boys. Boog flags are in the air, and the national network is going off,' the complaint states... 'Go for police buildings,' Hunter told [another Boogaloo member], according to charging documents.... Hunter had bragged about his role in the Minneapolis riots on Facebook, publicly proclaiming, 'I helped the community burn down that police station' and 'I didn’t’ protest peacefully Dude ... Want something to change? Start risking felonies for what is good.'"
To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" associated with
anti-racism? There are some useful links at Wikipedia article
"Boogaloo Movement." Look for the footnotes at the line "There are also groups that condemn racism and white supremacy, although attempts by some individual elements of the movement to support anti-racist groups and movements such as Black Lives Matter have been met with wariness and skepticism as researchers are unsure if they are genuine or meant to obscure the movement's actual objectives."
७६ टिप्पण्या:
They're anarchists. There's nothing "white supremacist" or "right-wing" about them.
BLM’s “actual objectives” are extortion, rioting, looting, arson and cop killing.
What makes them far right?
False flags. And there's going to be a lot of them going forward. 4chan (I know I know...) has documented anarchist cells are collecting all kinds of 'infiltration' material, from flags, to hats, 'curating' their social media accounts and getting other bits and pieces to implicate their enemies in all kinds of criminal activity moving forward.
It's really going to muddy the water, especially when you consider that a lot of us are doing the exact same thing. Civil War 2.0 is going to a very very nasty.
Well, the important thing is that the media have another straw man to flog during voting.
Very interesting. So there were indeed "outside agitators" during the riots in Minneapolis. That's not been true in Portland, Oregon, however, where the rioters are homegrown and much better disciplined. They have perfected the art of committing just enough violence and property destruction to force the police to respond. Videos of the police response, without any scenes of the provocations, are then lapped up by the idiots in the mainstream media as proof of "police brutality." This is a well-thought out, well-organized strategy to undermine public confidence in the country's mores and institutions. There's no random shooting of police stations or looting of stores allowed, that would interfere with the message.
He's so far left he's far right.
These people are crazies that want to tear down civilization. It is too bad that the Democrat Party has decided to ally with these people. Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with black lives. It is one of many Marxist groups who are being paid by billionaires like one of the Walton heiresses. People like Soros seems to thrive on chaos, which provides investment opportunities. His role in the world has never been a constructive one.
Mostly, "boogaloos boys" are who media blame when they don't want to blame "Antifa".
""There are also groups that condemn racism and white supremacy, although attempts by some individual elements of the movement to support anti-racist groups and movements such as Black Lives Matter"
Really? How does a group that defines people by the skin color ("Black" Lives) count as "anti-racist"?
They're the epitome of racism
Inga and I are alike: we both condemn this act of terror by Boogaloo Boy Hunter.
Inga and I are different: I condemn BLM murdering Secoriea Turner and Jessica Whitaker. Inga only condemns these murders if it can be proved that they were not committed by BLM or any other left-wing organization.
while you watch footage of actual admitted Antifa arsonists and rioters smashing and burning - you should blame the boogaloo.
Mattman26 said...What makes them far right?
Male gendered, white race, Hawaiian shirts, and AK-47. Do you need further proof?
>There are some useful links at Wikipedia article
LOL at citing Wikipedia nowadays (it was a wonderful, but fundamentally flawed, dream)
"What makes them far right?"
Why Chris Wray of course...
I think politics is a circle (or sphere). You go far enough left, you become just like the far right, and vice versa.
They speak truth to facts (e.g. cargo cult). They indulge warlock judgments and hold protests. Floyd wasn't killed. He died while in custody from illicit drug toxicity and comorbidities.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment) dogma, an insidious euphemism, another one, denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, not limited to racism, sexism, is a progressive choice and condition.
Some, Select Black Lives Matter was founded and evolved from a false premise. They are the Neo-KKK, the Democrat's contemporary revisitation of their legacy KKK movement, but now under the mainstream, national diversity racket.
I'll see your Bug Boy and raise with a "Bernie /Bro" complete with Four rifles,handguns, explosives and quotations of "Shall I Kill Biden?"
At last. I guess antifa isn't the responsible party anymore. I'll wait for the left to confirm that though.
They're anarchists. There's nothing "white supremacist" or "right-wing" about them.
The political spectrum runs from left/totalitarian to right/anarchist, but the spectrum is an ouroboros, where the left-right nexus is leftist.
Color bias is intrinsic. Color prejudice is progressive. Diversity [dogma], not limited to racism, is a bigoted philosophy based on principles that deny individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value. Diversity is a dogmatic belief under a notably selective, opportunistic, relativistic, politically congruent quasi-religion (e.g. "ethics").
What makes them far right?
They're aiding and abetting the progress of a totalitarian state.
"Hunter and other members of the Boogaloo Bois discussed in private Facebook messages their plans to...."
Private, you say? Reason 1002 to not like Facebook.
BLM’s “actual objectives” are extortion, rioting, looting, arson and cop killing.
A diversity racket to be exploited for leverage, profit, and cancellation. The Neo-KKK with its special and peculiar diversity (i.e. racist) orientation.
OK, let's start with what we know: The KKK was organized and run by Democrats, so I assume that at the last debate (I didn't watch it) the moderator asked Biden to condemn White Supremacy, right?
The lefties/dems/LLR-lefties finally found a shooting they disagreed with!
Congratulations lefties/LLR-lefties! It's a big step for you.
(Note: Later on we'll probably find out it was some sort of false flag or an actual FBI cooked up deal, but still, credit where credit is due for our lefties)
Just another bunch of leftists trying to start a race war.
They belong in jail with the rest of the democrat funded and endorsed anti-police movements.
A supposed White Supremacist wants justice for George Floyd?? Progressive will believe ANYTHING...won't they??
There is no actual “boogaloo movement “. There are a few isolated whackos in small groups not associated with others who use boogaloo or variation in their name. Most of them likely already have either a government informer or agent provocateur in their midst.
Boogaloo is a concept, an idea, not a movement. There are many preparing for it, but they don’t actually want to see it. The preppers I know are about evenly split between it’s inevitable and it’s avoidable. Having a long gun and a shotgun for each family member and a few thousand rounds of ammunition is a reasonable precaution. With a thirty day food supply and backup power. The latter two you should have all the time anyway unless you live in an area with no earthquakes, volcanoes, or other natural hazards nearby and where there are no tornadoes, hurricanes, major storms that bring flooding, and it never snows. In other words, nowhere that I’m aware of.
When/if the boogaloo happens you’ll know it’s happening. You’ll have to pick a side. Choose wisely.
Whew! Finally found a Hunter who is safe to investigate.
I read wikipedia for many topics. Topics with political overtones, not bloody likely.
It's really going to muddy the water, especially when you consider that a lot of us are doing the exact same thing. Civil War 2.0 is going to a very very nasty.
The official federal government policy should be "Take no prisoners".
Notice this BB was indicted and arrested. When can we expect this for then antifa-ass*s from Portland and Seattle? The County prosecutors for these cities aren't interested in enforcing the law.
If you fire on a police station, then burn and loot, does it matter which side of the political continuum you are? As if you can do these things if your heart is in the right place.
I have 2 questions:
1) What is "far right" about them?
2) Were they wearing Hawaiian shirts?
Any BLM or antifa people arrested for rioting and burning down the police station?
"An AK-47 style gun..."
An AK-47 is a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Fully-automatic. A machine gun. Those are exceedingly rare in civilian hands. He'd need a pretty quick finger to only fire 13 rounds.
I mean, you can buy a gun that looks like an AK-47 that's only semi-automatic. That just means you bought a gun that's exactly like every other semi-automatic weapon in the US. But, I suppose they had to make it sound as scary as possible.
I doubt the rest of the story is any more accurate.
To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" associated with anti-racism?
To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" "far right"? The left asserts this continually but the only evidence is their own fantasies. The entire classification basis seems to be 'it's not following our directives so it must be far right'.
Hmmm. The only thing that seems to differentiate the actions and intent of this loser from Antifa is the STrib’s characterization of the group as “far right anti-government”. What makes them far right?
I smell a rat.
I favor arresting rioters and looters. I don't really care what their purported reasons are, although I have a hard time taking seriously the claim that one riots and loots for "conservative" reasons. If he did the things he is accused of, I'm glad he was arrested and I just hope the charges won't be dismissed by a Soros DA.
Maybe we'll hear again from Igna again. She always claimed the riots were the work of right-wing White Supremacist provocateurs. But for some reason, this did not lead her to want all the rioters arrested and thrown in prison.
Whatever they are they should be handled. Slowly and painfully handled.
What horseshit.
Are the Boogaloos in any way related to Juggalos? Those people are the real threat to our society...
Whoever it is obviously thought that blacks would join in. There's no point doing it all by yourself.
I'm surprised he didn't leave his copy of the Turner Diaries, signed by Richard Spencer and Donald Trump, at the station.
Crisis actor, false flag. Alex Jones was right, as ever.
The motivation of the guy with the lighter doesn't matter much when you're on fire. Put em all in jail. There is a whole system in place there to play your race wars, but they don't play so nice as us on the outside.
Let me channel my Jerry Nadler (Boogaloo Bois a "myth") or Joe Biden (Boogaloo Bois an "idea" not a group. That said whatever the Boogaloo Bois are the New York Times and Washington Post are going to use a number of barrels of ink equal to the number of members in the "myth" or "idea" claiming that these little bozos are operating under the direction and control of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy or members thereof.
Note the other false element in the news coverage -- pretending that one man, acting alone, is a "coordinated attack" because he told his friends what he was going to do.
When I was in prolife in the non-violent section we were constantly being infiltrated by others who advocated and even committed violence. We had marshals to contain them at demos and other ways to try to identify them and prevent them from changing our non-violent orientation. It's just a fact about any group in America which is willing to act, peacefully or otherwise, and which is covered by the media that the whole entire spectrum of political opinion in America tries to use it to also get covered by the media by infiltrating, allying, or opposing this active group. And a group like BLM which wears masks and uses violence in the dark is just bound to be infiltrated by and accompanied by the violent from other groups. I've never made up my mind whether BLM is childishly unaware of this danger or whether it childishly thinks it can use the anarchy following from the presence and tactics of varying groups with different aims. But anyway it worked, BLM is responsible for being irresponsible.
I had to look up a Boog Flag. An Igloo? I’d say you can’t make this stuff up, but it looks made up to me.
Who knew wood could boogaloo, whatever boogaloo-ing is?
I hate people who use foreign words trying impress the rest of us.
I hasten to add that I don't think there's anything funny about killing police officers, or anyone else for that matter. People who kill police offers should hang.
I don't give a sh!t what their reasons are, either.
> Precinct with an AK-47-style gun
NOT an AK-47 or an automatic but a "style"
> and screamed 'Justice for Floyd'..."
The BLM/Antifa reason
> shot 13 rounds at the south Minneapolis police headquarters while people were inside. He also looted and helped set the building ablaze, according to the complaint
but the wrong reasoning?
It literally sounds like the Boogaloo Bois in this indictment aren't right wing at all. We were literally told by many on the left that the Boogaloos were right wingers whose only goal with their violence was to discredit BLM and Antifa, but all three groups look like they had the same goal- attack the police and the station. Look at the citations- they weren't bragging about discrediting Antifa and BLM, they were bragging about getting justice for Floyd.
If they weren't calling themselves Boogaloo Bois, what would you conclude from the indictment document and the citations? You would surely conclude they were left-wingers, wouldn't you?
In any case, I need to see actual evidence that they did this- lots of online people brag about things they never actually did. I assume that the FBI have videos of them participating- if they don't, then there is good reason to suspect this is someone bullshitting to his friends and getting arrested for it. If you just go by the internet, there were millions of people at Selma marching, or at Woodstock. Show me some videos.
Moderators day off, I see.
Threatening messages sent to Democrats blamed on Proud Boys actually came from Iran, FBI says. The foreign disinformation was meant to incite more unrest and damage the candidacy of Donald Trump.
"They're aiding and abetting the progress of a totalitarian state."
Which is hilarious as almost all 'totalitarian states' are left-wing, socialist, marxist, etc.
"I favor arresting rioters and looters."
I favor shooting rioters and looters.
Fixed it.
Of thought crimes, and a minority of one. Bugaboo!
To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" "far right"? The left asserts this
For the seam reason they associate diversitists, including color supremacists; socialists; fascists, etc. with the right. Libertarians, really? #PrinciplesMatter
The FBI is trying to help the Left escape responsibility.
I think that's awfully sweet of them.
Meanwhile the Leftist Collectivists cheer the rioting and mostly peaceful looting and mostly peaceful arson.
But the people who live in those neighborhoods...
Do they believe the FBI?
Just another bunch of leftists trying to start a race war.
Either that, or it's a fund raiser for the diversity racket. Let's observe if this story is lost in a black hole... whore h/t NAACP.
"Althouse said…"To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" associated with anti-racism?"
When you want to know if the criminal is on your side before rendering a judgement, you are the problem.
One Hawaiian shirt= Boogaloo= white supremacist= all ANTIFA violence excused= Biden46= civil war 2.0 guaranteed.*
This guy does not like Trump:
The FBI is bull shitting again.
Good grief, n.n, by this measure:
"They're aiding and abetting the progress of a totalitarian state"
the Bolsheviks were far-right, too.
Everything I've heard about the BBs is they operate in small groups and often alone or with one other. Antifa ass*s and BLM operate in company-size groups (100-200) and repeatedly come back night after night.
Pro-BLM anarchists are also on the right side, politically?
The FBI is lying.
The video is of the accused voicing his support for BLM.
I want to see the Venn Diagram that includes his articulated positions and those ascribed to him by the FBI and media.
It's bull shit.
"AK-47-style gun" because there are many guns on the market that look somewhat like an AK-47 and are based on the same or similar cheap, stamped steel receiver and same or very similar mechanism for semiautomatic fire, but are not true AK-47s. An example is the Galil rifle, which is made in Israel and imported into the United States via a company called IWI.
There have been reports of several hundred arrests, carrying federal charges, against violent rioters. There have been reports of revolving door local arrests with city or state charges dropped for violent rioters. There have been the FBI arrests of "plotters" who have anarchist flags in their homes, who are also called right wing. And there is this one report of this guy.
I, for one, like my propagandists to work a bit harder than this to convince me of a Big Lie, a Blood Libel, about important matters this close to an election. At least make a list of arrestees, with each one's political affiliation and some kind of proof of that assignment.
Really weird that these guys are classified as "far right" when they're sending money to Hamas. And they're talking about killing white supremacists.
researchers are unsure if they are genuine or meant to obscure the movement's actual objectives.
Who are these "researchers"? The Southern Poverty Law Center has made a lot of money by fighting the "far right." All their financial incentives are biased towards labeling any violent group as "far right."
So if you want to know why people who send money to Hamas and want to shoot white racists are "far-right," well, it's because journalists are lazy and biased, and the SPLC is corrupt and dishonest.
The SPLC put Ben Carson in a hate group. When you hear about the stupid things they've said and done, it's astounding that anybody quotes them about anything.
"To what extent are "Boogaloo Bois" "far right"?
It reads like they're Antifa. Just with more colorful wardrobes.
Racist Howard should worry.
When you want to know if the criminal is on your side before rendering a judgement, you are the problem.
@Original Mike, great response to Althouse! That needs to be chiseled into the facade of the Wisconsin Law building.
As with the attempt to frame the anarchist Gov. Whitmer kidnapping plotter as a “far-right Trump supporter,” all this incessant shoving of mentally ill people with no consistent political philosophy into binary categories does is make those doing the shoving look idiotic.
Grown men who call themselves "bois"? It's more than a little "gai" -- not that there's anything wrong about that.
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