October 7, 2020

In the headlines: Care Bears!


Anonymous said...

Here's Dave Chappelle on the Care Bear Stare.

Daniel Jackson said...

Talk about a spurious association: of course ANYONE'S care today with corona will be better than the care given six months ago; even three months ago. Yeah, he's the president, which means the staff has to be EXTRA careful with there needles; but, the overall medical profession has LEARNED considerably during the past six months.

As an aside, when I was hospitalized from a stroke and diabetic complications four weeks ago in Morocco, I was put in quarantine since I presented symptoms of corona although no respiratory issues. I received everything Trump received (except the fancy cocktails) and was released to the diabetic ward for insulin therapy thirty six hours later. I got the same batches of D, C, Zinc, and a bunch of other stuff very similar to Trump and the corona covid isolation ward in southern Morocco is no Walter Reed by any means. However, the learning curve across borders has grown as fast, if not faster than the virus although it is vogue to pretend medical professionals are paleolithic in method and praxis.

There appears to be a standard treatment NOW that was not in place six months ago that is available to everyone. If Trump received some sort of experimental goodies, and he agreed, then more power to him since those who fall prey to the virus in the future will benefit from the lessons learned from HIS treatment.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is how bad this shit is: My doctor of over 15 years lied to me.

I told the intake nurse that Trump’s recovery proved that the panic was vastly overstated. She apparently communicated this to my doctor.

The doctor spent the exam ranting about Trump’s stupidity and irresponsibility and the absolute necessity of masks.

“If you don’t think it’s that bad,” he told me, “there are refrigerator trucks sitting outside the hospitals to hold the corpses.”

I didn’t say anything. Ulster Co., where I live, hasn’t recorded a virus death in six weeks. My doctor flat out lied to me to try to keep me scared. I follow the virus stats every day on the county site.

Part of the lying was out of concern for me, I know. My doctor wants me to be careful. But, he’s a very liberal Democrat, and he obviously wants the shutdowns to continue because he considers them an effective weapon to use against Trump.

Marcus Bressler said...

I started singing the tune (I remember the show from my younger daughter's childhood) as soon as I saw it

Marcus Bressler said...

Shouting Thomas: I suppose you like your doctor (and want to keep him). I wouldn't want to see a doctor with so much TDS on display. YMMV


I had an internist I had seen for over 20 years. He had successfully treated me for Lyme Disease in 1994 where other doctors had failed or had refused treatment (including the vaunted Cleveland Clinic). But when ObamaCare took away my affordable insurance, I went to him due to a painful cyst. He didn't want to see me as I had no funds and wish to be billed. I finally convinced him to examine me and he did it in the RESTROOM! (Perhaps the two exam rooms were full and he wanted to dispatch me quickly). I paid the bill ($125) within 90 days and NEVER WENT TO HIM AGAIN.

tim maguire said...

The Times now wants to deny the president the best care available. $5 says that's not the most disgusting position they take today. $10 says it's not the most disgusting position taken on this comment thread.

tim maguire said...

Shouting Thomas said...“If you don’t think it’s that bad,” he told me, “there are refrigerator trucks sitting outside the hospitals to hold the corpses.”

Did you point out that they are empty?

Jaq said...

"My doctor wants me to be careful. But, he’s a very liberal Democrat, and he obviously wants the shutdowns to continue because he considers them an effective weapon to use against Trump.”

How do you guys keep mixing the masks with the shutdowns? Is it that you are simple minded and can’t keep very many very many factors in your head as you are forming thoughts?

What Trump’s illness has shown us is that this care will trickle down to us as testing of new therapies is completed and production of monoclonal antibodies is ramped up and that the future is not a grim one of never ending endemic COVID waiting to take us all “home” too soon one unlucky day during the retirement we worked for our whole lives.

clint said...

Another NYTimes headline jumped out at me yesterday. When describing President Trump's return to the White House, they wrote: "Back at the White House, Trump Minimizes Virus Risks"

The obvious first read is that President Trump is being careful and taking appropriate precautions, which isn't at all what they mean.

Headlines are hard. Concision makes everything more challenging.

Have they been laying off experienced editors, again?

Jaq said...

“there are refrigerator trucks sitting outside the hospitals to hold the corpses.”

That was true not too far from your location not too many months ago, BTW. So maybe he was a little careless with the specifics, but it was no lie fabricated out of whole cloth, and a lot of it has to do with how you interpreted what he said, filling in details he never specified to make him sound worse. You are like the media when Trump is a little non-specific, and they fill in some details to create the worst possible meaning.

MD Greene said...

Yeah, the NYT hates Trump. No surprise there.

What concerns me is the mounting illiteracy of reporters and editors. A headline this clunky should have been spotted and tossed by the first news editor who saw it.

I'm also a little tired of stories titled: "What You Need to Know Now".

I make no claim to intellectual distinction, but I know more than these clods.

MayBee said...

1- If Trump were some other president, he would be praised for daring to try the more experimental medication. He put his money where his mouth is, did he not?

2- Drs only get experience in Corona Virus when and where Coronavirus happens. Keeping people locked up does not allow doctors to learn more about the virus

3- Ford Hospital systems in Michigan did a test on hydroxychloroquin and found benefits. For political reasons, some governors are not allowing it to be used in treatment. Is that fair?

Temujin said...

Most New York Times headlines or copy bears little resemblance to the actual facts of any given story.

And? 'copy bears' here.

Paco Wové said...

A bunch of people in Trump's orbit got infected recently – how are they doing? If most or all of them bounce back, will the NYT rush to assure their readers that all those people got extra super duper medical care as well?

Howard said...

Hahahaha. Just watched the first episode of Brideshead Revisited last night. Was Sebastian's Aloysius the first care bear?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Facebook grandmas have assured me that Trump would be dead if he wasn’t President.

Tom T. said...

Remember, the NYT doesn't want you to have access to HCQ+azithromycin+zinc, which has been shown to be an effective treatment. They're not actually concerned with your care.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Sad news yesterday. A friend of the family died yesterday.

He was a good worker but a little odd. Worked for years as a cook then bartender then manager for a restaurant/bar. A couple of years ago went out and started his own catering company. Of course he lost everything.

Shot and killed himself. Left a wife a child.

Mr. Forward said...

This is fake news. All Care Bears resemble Trump.

MayBee said...

ow do you guys keep mixing the masks with the shutdowns? Is it that you are simple minded and can’t keep very many very many factors in your head as you are forming thoughts?

In my state, we still have a hybrid of masks and shutdowns. There are still restrictions on businesses like fitness studios, hair and nail salons, and restaurants and bars. There are a lot of small businesses still being hurt by not being able to fully operate. Sporting events are still severely limited. Schools aren't fully in session. So it isn't just masks vs shutdowns.

Bruce Hayden said...

We also provide our President:

- his own theme song, band, flag, and honor guard
- a mansion filled with priceless antiques to live in rent free
- a fleet of visually distinctive, heavily modified jumbo jets, helicopters, and armored vehicles for his personal use
- heavily armed private security force, with immediate access to crew served weapons, and quick access to everything else. Everything - up to and including nuclear weapons.

The stock market doesn’t respond one way or another when we say things. It very much does when he speaks. Indeed, the stock market gains when he recovered far more than paid for his care at Walter Reed. And note that he is putatively a billionaire, which means that he would have gotten that level of care even if he weren’t President.

Think about it this way - we need to provide our President the best medical care possible, regardless of cost. We need the person who can issue nuclear response orders to be as healthy as possible. Remember Crooked Hillary’s 3 AM telephone call campaign ad? That is one reason that this country cannot afford Sundowner Joe Biden in charge - because he wouldn’t really be.

chuck said...

This is how bad this shit is: My doctor of over 15 years lied to me.

My doctor, who has had covid-19, took the opposite approach: the virus was not a big deal. He was pushing calm rather than panic. I expect there are a lot of panicky people who need soothing after watching the MSM.

DarkHelmet said...

Interesting thing -- the president's healthcare is different from the average American's. So is his transportation (bullet proof limo, helicopter, custom 747) and so is his house (a old mansion in the middle of D.C. with extensive grounds). His daily routine is rather different form the average American's too, I imagine, what with security briefings and press gaggles and discussions with foreign dignitaries and whatnot.

Another interesting thing: Trump was a very rich guy before he became president. I imagine he would have gotten the best of COVID care even as private citizen Donald Trump.

Finally, there is no way the NYT would have run such a headline during the reign of Barack Obama (or any other Democrat). The NYT sole reason for existence at this point is to try to chew on Trump's ankle.

Jersey Fled said...

I call BS.

According to the latest CDC data, 94.6% of people in DJT's cohort (70 years of age and older) who contracted the disease make a full recovery.

The NYT just wants to keep the "we're all going to die" narrative going.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another media misadventure in which they breathlessly report more than a dozen WH staff and aides have the COVID but then... they only report on the one guy who had symptoms and went to the hospital. Now tell us if ANYONE else is symptomatic. That’s important, right? Why won’t they tell us the effects on all the other pols who tested positive?

You know why. It would reinforce the very real impression that 99% of us who DO get the virus breeze through it.

JAORE said...

What makes Trump's treatment even more outrageous is that when Obama was ill he was made to go to the neighborhood Doc-In-A-Box.

Wow, the POTUS gets good care? How freaking outrageous.

Expat(ish) said...

There WERE trucks full of dead people. Because the authoriteeze wouldn't let them be buried. Because corona.

Remember, most people are buried outdoors.

Cremation? Also not allowed. Because corona. Remember, most people working with cremation are wearing respirators already.....

Sheesh. Get a new doc.


Bay Area Guy said...

i think a better NYT headline would be, "Trump defeats the China Virus!"

But, they are woke, Incel ninnies at the NYT.

Didn't Maureen Dowd write a "devastating" column on Friday?

Todd said...

tim in vermont said...

“there are refrigerator trucks sitting outside the hospitals to hold the corpses.”

That was true not too far from your location not too many months ago, BTW. So maybe he was a little careless with the specifics, but it was no lie fabricated out of whole cloth, and a lot of it has to do with how you interpreted what he said, filling in details he never specified to make him sound worse. You are like the media when Trump is a little non-specific, and they fill in some details to create the worst possible meaning.

10/7/20, 6:58 AM


That would be the case if the doctor said "was" but he didn't [as reported], he said "are", plain meaning being "right now". Nice try though...

wsw said...

"Editors? We don't need no stinking' copy editors!" - NYT
"We've secured an 'earned mention' for you in today's New York Times. It was our pleasure." - Care Bears' PR rep, to The Care Bears

Ann Althouse said...

I wondered why so many people were off topic... then I realized you're just discussing the NYT headline as the NYT intended it. I wouldn't have blogged that... but okay.

Still, don't forget to stop and smell the flowers.

Leland said...

I see the NYT has discovered a new privilege, those who got infected later and have access to doctors with better understanding of the disease. Except, wasn't that the whole point of the original lockdown, to keep doctors and nurses from being overwhelmed until they can manage the disease. And now, if they are capable of providing great care from the hard lessons learned; shouldn't that mean all lockdowns can be lifted?

TrespassersW said...

Regarding refrigerated trucks: Yeah, this was true in a couple of cases (although I haven't heard anything recently). But what so many fail to mention (out of ignorance or malice, I'm not sure) is that they were needed because people were not being allowed to hold funeral services. Therefore, morgues were having to store bodies for longer periods, and few morgues have loads of excess capacity to store corpses.

In short, the need for refrigerated trucks was not caused by a massive death toll, but by delays in the final disposition of the deceased.

TrespassersW said...

Does Covid Bear wear a mask, or have an image of a mask on its tummy?

Jersey Fled said...


For most of us our only exposure to the NYT is here, since we refuse to support them through subscriptions.

Thats why we may seem to get off topic sometimes.

Yes, the headline was stupid, but so apparently was the premise of the article.

Marshall Rose said...

Trump's Care Bears look different than other people's Care Bears?

Scientific Socialist said...

The NYT consistently redefines itself as, to paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, a newspaper about nothing.Trump also has access to a Boeing VC-25 (aka Air Force One) and a Sikorsky VH-3D (aka Marine One), that aren't available for public transport. Why? Because he's the #$%^&*@ POTUS!

Joe Smith said...

Forget the 'care bears,' as cute as it is...it's just an awkward sentence.

At least they nailed the plural possessive...

Skeptical Voter said...

Well yeah--whenever Trump suggested that some drug or course of treatment would help patients, the Fauci followers soon denounced it as a quack remedy. So yup none of the Fauci fanatics is getting that "icky" stuff.

rcocean said...

Honestly, this has to be the dumbest story ever, which is remarkable given the low bar set by the NYT's.

You mean the leader of the free-world, the POTUS, is getting superior medical care? Wow, that's incredible. Every President since FDR has had his own Doctor, on call 24/7. How may people have that? Here's something else that shocking. The President has a group of men, who protect him 24/7. Why don't we all have that? The President lives in a Mansion filled with art and has his own chef. Why don't we all have that?

I think the NYT's pointing out the obvious was truly an amazing piece of journalism. Yes, obviously amazing.

Daddy Binx said...

Ann Althouse said...
"I wondered why so many people were off topic... then I realized you're just discussing the NYT headline as the NYT intended it. I wouldn't have blogged that... but okay.

Still, don't forget to stop and smell the flowers."

In an effort to stay on topic, I googled images using the phrase "care bares".

Boy, was I disappointed!

Paco Wové said...




D.D. Driver said...

There is a hymn that always makes me double-take and chuckle to myself. The lyrics go:

"Each newborn servant of the Crucified bears on the brow the seal of Him who died."

"Crucified" as a noun and "bears" as verb, how are you not going to have the mental image of a bear on a cross? At least the seal seems to make it out okay.

Paco Wové said...

The crash blossoms on that twitter thread are pretty awesome. What inner 10-year-old could resist "French push bottles up German rear"?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"Still, don't forget to stop and smell the flowers."

I tried, but for some reason I have lost my sense of smell.

Along with my sense of humor and my sense of empathy for anyone who votes or supports Democrats.

Theranter said...

Didn't what's his name from ATL receive pretty much the same drugs months ago in the very same city as the NYT?

Aggie said...

So the leader of the Free World gets excellent medical care, and we're to pretend that's both news, and a scandal. If the NYT was any smarter, I'd suspect they were trying to trigger people.

The only way to win is not engage, and let things like the NYT wither on the vine.

n.n said...

Another straw clown posing as a care bear. How did they ever manage to appropriate the culture?

wildswan said...

Why shouldn't people Trump's age get the same care? Is it really hard? This not a fatal disease or even a serious disease for most people. Focus on the group that is in danger, namely, older people with risk factors. If they test positive monitor them closely and give them C, D and zinc. If they get flu-like symptoms and are short of breath give them oxygen and take them to the hospital. At the hospital offer the Regeneron treatment explaining it is experimental but it was used by the President. Offer remdesivir and explain it is experimental but was used by Trump. If they turn those down, treat them however it is being done in their area. (If that's NYC and they are elderly members of the black community they are out of luck but that's another whole issue. BLM could get them care like that of Trump in a heartbeat but BLM won't.)

Rt41Rebel said...

No love for Gladly the cross-eyed bear?

gilbar said...

isn't this THE DEFINITION of White Privilege ?
i mean, assuming that Care Bears are white

hstad said...

Blogger Jersey Fled said...10/7/20, 7:54 AM
"...I call BS. The NYT just wants to keep the "we're all going to die" narrative going..."

Yep, don't forget, it sells clicks, narratives, and MSM porn. Look, even AA gets sucked in (daily) and so did we, by commenting on such moronic narratives.

Bruce Hayden said...

The latest is that Trump is now apparently producing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, and has been symptom free for three days.

FullMoon said...

Trump says gonna provide regeneron for free. Dems are crying.


ken in tx said...

I see your, "Crucified Bears"
and raise you, "Up from the gravy, a rose"

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