Why would I allow the Debate Commission to change the rules for the second and third Debates when I easily won last time?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2020
১ অক্টোবর, ২০২০
If you think you need to change the rules, you must be revealing that you believe you lost.
That's the meaning of this new Trumptweet:
১০৮টি মন্তব্য:
Yup. Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Watch where they go:
Biden camp two weeks ago: we don't need to door knock and people don't want us to knock on their doors.
Biden today: this weekend will dispatch several hundred newly trained volunteers to knock doors across Nevada, Michigan, NH, and Pennsylvania
Biden is good at beating up on weaklings like Paul Ryan who has been on the other side from the start.
Biden has always been a rather dim witted bully who also likes to touch women inappropriately and is a rapist to boot.
They are just mad that Trump fought back and made them all look like assholes.
This implies that .the Debate Commission has taken a side.
That was my original comment. If Biden had won, there is no way they would give up the advantage. Heard clips of this AM WH presser. McEneny listed all the time the President denounced all manners of racism and white supremacy. Robert of FOX then asked, 'just to clear things up, will you, this morning denounce all racism and white supremacy? McEneny said, exasperated, "I just did".
So the press is demanding the White House staff perform like carnival animals and continually perform tricks on demand.
I this is the best they got now, the media/dems must have internal polling showing Trump beating biden with blacks.
Joe Biden needs more protection. That's why they want to change the rules.
BTW, its a townhall debate next time. So, we'll get the usual fake 'real people' 10 of whom are mysteriously picked to ask questions. Look for a black/minority to ask trump about Charlottesville or White supremacy again. Plus at least one immigrant to ask why Trump hates immigrants and puts brown babies in cages.
That we have townhall's during these debates, shows the lack of seriousness among the American people. We should have one debate on foreign policy, one on economics, and one on social issues. But people wouldn't like that. IT would be "boring".
To be fair I suppose you could make a similar argument about the many people who are clearly Biden boosters making the argument that the rules need to be changed (that is, if Biden clearly won with the current rules, why are you agitating so fiercely for them to be changed now?)
Personally I can't judge if Trump truly won or lost since I have no idea what moves undecided people anyway. And I don't fully trust polls either. But despite that my general sense is it was a wash, no needle moving.
The man's got a point. I notice the Lefty MSM are taking it one step further, they want Biden to back out.
Trump's constant interruptions served to bail Biden out. The proposed rule changes could work in Trump's advantage. He needs to be patient and build up his zingers into a crescendo.
Microphone cut-off switches?
How predictable. The left has a pernicious and overweening ambition to police what you say, and failing that, wants to control your ability to say anything. How completely in character.
The funny thing is, if the rest of the debate were actually run fairly, then Trump would benefit from this because it would stop him from stepping all over his own points. Or stepping on his own dick, to put it less delicately.
But, the reality is that the moderator will probably be attacking him alongside his sleepy erstwhile opponent. And so if Trump isn’t allowed to speak out of turn sometimes in order to rebut or answer the moderator, he will be in a bad position.
If Trump were debating someone with a record of clean and gentlemanly debates, then I might have some sympathy for those requesting a rule change. Given Biden’s history of thuggish and rude behavior in prior debates, he should just have to take his chances and drink his bloody medicine.
Oh look, future moderator Steve Scully is a former Biden intern and a former staffer to Ted Kennedy.
I guess that’s a refreshing change from registered Democrat and notorious Trump-hater Chris Wallace.
Great, let him drop out. Hah, not happening! So instead he'll battle the moderator again. This time a woman in a town hall format. That should be a good look for Trump!
The Emperor has no clothes and here is his tweet insisting that he does.
The people see the truth, Mr. Trump.
I have heard nothing about Biden saying the rules need to change. The Commission is reacting to terrible public reaction to the first debate.
Or that the debate you're talking about was a complete shit show...
Don is a "horse trader", he should allow rule changes IF he gets some of his rules too. Like:
a) both get "checked" for electronic devices
b) drug test
Yeah, I'm in total agreement. Moving goalposts is always a clear sign.
He's basically right, though, isn't he? If Biden's supporters really thought it went well for Biden and badly for Trump, why would they be agitating for a rule change or cancellation?
The outcome seems to have been mixed -- Biden didn't do well, but he outperformed the extremely low expectations Trump set with his trash talk (my expectations were not quite as low as that, but Biden outperformed them by regurgitating his talking points successfully, managing to follow the thread better than he often has in recent interviews, and not obviously falling apart as it got late).
But Trump also didn't do a great job. Subjectively, my impression is that he talked over Biden more than he did Clinton (has someone tracked this?) but I didn't sit down to watch all the way through either in 2016 or now. A few memorable interjections (e.g. "you'd be in jail") would go a lot further than endless cable news crosstalk.
Progressivism is a neurotic obsession with change. This is why God sends all progressives to Hell. In heaven they would protest and call for change. It doesn't matter what change - better clouds, more time off, angel wings for pedophiles, etc.
Someday when Utopia is achieved their will be progressives marching and carrying signs saying "Down with Utopia - we can do better!
True that the Debate Commision lost.
If you don't get the result you want, just change the rules, even though the original rules were the results of "experts".
This is why all govt programs need success criteria. Failing to meet those criteria should result in shuttering the program. Instead, it's always more rules and more money.
I don't know if Trump "won" or not (the only definition that matters is how he fared among swing voters who watched, and I have no idea how they reacted; I've seen no polls), but the essence of his tweet is correct--losers want to change the rules.
From Trump's perspective he has a point. Man, here's the deal, Biden can't handle it and that ain't malarkey.
The market is up sharply since the debate.
1. Biden won the debate
2. The market prefers Trump
One of these things isn't true.
You have to let these things sift out a bit before proclaiming who won or lost. It is now occurring to some observers that Trump, through his interruptions and heckling, forced Biden to take positions that certain portions of his base will not like - denying the Green New Deal as an example, and brought out other topics that the media would rather keep quiet, such as Hunter's Excellent Ukrainian Adventures. These cannot be permitted to become part of the public discussion so change the rules or Trump may really push them to the public attention.
Speaking of changing the rules.....
I just received in the mail that my military health costs are going to significantly increase.
Trump is right the military are possibly all the names he supposedly calls us.
Supposedly these significant increases were passed down to retirees of the military by the Republican Senate.
They did this to my Dad also. My Dad survived WW II, he went to Korea as the occupation force shortly after the hot conflict, and the. Did Vietnam, even though he was Air Force (which he decided to join after being infantry with the Bloody buckets during the Battle of the Bulge)—he earned the Bronze Star. I only found the Bronze Star after he died so do not know how he got it.
My dad was promised military health care for life in the military system. This was to compensate for lower pay. After my Dad survived the Hurtgen Forest, the Ardennes and Vietnam......he retired near one of the bases that he thought would never kick him out of the military health care system. They did that anyway. They took his choice from him to buy health insurance because he believed their enlistment promises and she too many of guys like him lived longer than needed they were booted out into Medicare.
Now they are doing this again to retired military. It’s been a pattern, they do it to one group at a time, one section at a time.
This year is unbelievable because the letters telling us of the significant increase just went out this month. Got mine yesterday.
Again supposedly the Republican Senate did this.
NYT restaurant critic Frank Bruni wants the rest of the debates called off.
Trump voters want a bare knuckle brawler who will drain the swamp and flush the media while he's at it. Robert's Rules of Order be damned. That's what they got in the first debate. The worst thing he could do is change the script for debates two and three.
Telemundo had a very unscientific internet poll that had Trump winning the first debate roughly 60% to 40%. Biden can't afford to even break even with Hispanics and win.
The media elite, beltway pundits, and neurotic suburban white women will hate Trump even if he acts like John-boy Walton in the next debate.
Do what you do Donald. The rest of us love it.
I assume if there is a rules change it will apply to the upcoming vp debate first, so we'll see if it works ok or not. (Is there a special veep debate rule that two candidates may not be left alone together in green room, but must be accompanied by spouses?)
One thing I have seen consistently from progressives after the debate is how deeply they are unhappy with Biden as their standard bearer. I think the debates only depress fence sitters and the younger voters who supposedly would come out to vote for Slow Joe.
The disgust has been universal on both candidates but only one side is committed to crawl over broken glass and that is your average trump voter. They will endure mile long lines to get into a crowded airport for just a glimpse of trump. While Joe's events can't even draw flies.
Look which side wants rule changes and look which side wants to continue as agreed. That's almost always a democrat who wants to change the rules in the middle of the game and the sap, boy scout republicans who want to go with whats agreed to. Its always been that way.
Here is a link of some military people discussing this and an article about it.
Here is a comment that rings true tome and is heartbreaking. Enlisted get paid.....anyways. The divorce rate is extremely high. So after divorces which Trump should understand enlisted guys can end up near poverty. Also during wars they put restrictions on voting with your feet so in critically manned specialties you could not jump out. Our they would change the exit times for guys who went to the academies.
I can’t explain the unfairness of breaking the contract with guys who escape death, with guys who cannot I do their disabilities, or to their families who cannot do two careers because they move every two to three years and lose all support from family and friends due to the tyranny of distance so to speak.
Anyways here is that comment:
Dee Organ on May 8, 2020 at 11:20 pm
When I was providing refreshments for boots at Parris Island, taking care of 5 extra children whose father was overseas and mother had a heart attack, buying my UNDERWEAR at Goodwill, telling my kids we couldn’t have broccoli because we didn’t have enough money to pay for it, when I was walking my child two miles to kindergarten because I was alone with no money to fix it, taking my last 5 dollars to buy a little extra food so Marines wouldn’t have to spend Thanksgiving in the barracks and worst of all when I could not go to my Grandmother’s funeral because we couldn’t afford to get me 3000 miles to attend I was part of the Military “family” and always would be because I’d earned it through my very real sacrifices to help keep our military strong. Now my husband is retired and my body is broken and worn out due to those sacrifices I’m a leech bleeding our readiness dry by not dying fast enough.
Trump is right we are dopes to believe in other things besides money. This is what our government does to us— for believing their promises.
I’m in Nevada, a lot of my people live I. The Florida Panhandle and they are getting hit with the same letter in the mail o breaking promises that I got— after being hit by a hurricane.
Maybe I will get over being pissed off in time to go vote for you or maybe Iwill reread what Tom Ridge and Mattis said about you even though it kills me to watch antifa in the streets.
AZ Bob said...
Trump's constant interruptions served to bail Biden out. The proposed rule changes could work in Trump's advantage. He needs to be patient and build up his zingers into a crescendo.
Paul Ryan did this and lost.
You don't cower in front of bullies.
You make them whine.
"Go Home to Mommy!"
The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them. The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones.
The debate rules are to destroy Trump, By Any Means Possible.
Fox News is complicit with the absurd "White Supremacist" meme.
Regardless of what happens in the election, I am hoping that more and more people will take the red pill in order to see how absolutely corrupt the mainstream media is. Their purpose is to advance the progressive agenda, not report the news.
Trump is not running against Biden. Biden was incompetent before having strokes. He is running against the propaganda media.
"The system is broken". The dem's most often spoken line. Rule change tacitly defines Joe as "Special Needs Biden". His image will be on every "Memory Care" commercial!
bagoh20 said...
Progressivism is a neurotic obsession with change. This is why God sends all progressives to Hell. In heaven they would protest and call for change. It doesn't matter what change - better clouds, more time off, angel wings for pedophiles, etc.
Someday when Utopia is achieved their will be progressives marching and carrying signs saying "Down with Utopia - we can do better!
Actually, for some reason they never get past the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Once they get power things stop changing.
It is magic.
Personally I can't judge if Trump truly won or lost since I have no idea what moves undecided people anyway. And I don't fully trust polls either. But despite that my general sense is it was a wash, no needle moving.
The only other addition is I see more people are willing to turn off the debates because of Chris Wallace. I got there after Wallace's moderation in 2016, but I'm glad to have more company.
Biden today: this weekend will dispatch several hundred newly trained volunteers to knock doors across Nevada, Michigan, NH, and Pennsylvania
Several hundred?
I did door knocking in NV in 2008. It's at least 5 minutes per person talked to. There's travel time, eating time, bathroom time, etc. So if you can get your volunteers to work 8 hours a day you're going to get 6 hours / day x 12 people / hour x 2 days = rough 140 people contacted per weekend
100 people doing that in a perfectly well-oiled operation gets you 14,000 contacts
So they're sending "hundreds" of people across 4 States that the public polling says all are "in the bag" for Biden.
Trump's been doing tens of thousands, IIRC.
Either they ramp this up, quickly, or it's a joke
And I find it very interesting , the States they're doing. That's not a campaign that thinks they're winning
The rule needs to be changed because Biden lost.
A mute button to stop interruption is basic leftist learned response. Silence that which you fear.
The mute button will be used to shut down President Trump when he ignores the question and demands Biden address court packing. Demand Biden promise not to allow his family to enrich themselves like Hunter enriched himself, $1.5 BILLION to manage. What 1/2 percent to manage the portfolio? $7.5 MILLION per year income for doing nothing. This reminds me of Clintons wife's exceptional savvy in navigating the cattle futures market. Money management is a great way to grift the donors. President Trump is just the man Americans would believe to explain the grift Biden is running.
sakredkow said...
Because it would go even better for Biden if Trump had to shut his fucking mouth while someone else was speaking.
Then I guess Chris Wallace should have told Biden to shut up when he di the first interruption, no?
you don't get to interrupt someone, like Biden did, or let it pass, like Wallace did, and then complain about the other guy returning the favor, like Trump did.
"But Trump did so much more!" Yes, he did. So what?
Biden and Wallace set the rules, Trump followed them
That's a correct inference. Who suggests “best two out of three” after winning the coin toss?
It seems dear readering in its excitement about Trump possibly being rude to a woman moderator at the Town Hall forgets Megyn Kelly last time around. It's all old hat at this point.
I heard this afternoon that Biden has said "One and done" on debates.
It will be interesting to see how this goes. I expect him to quit. Too risky.
The commission saw no need to change the rules when Biden pulled all sorts of antics in the 2012 VP debate, from pulling faces to interrupting countless times. That Biden "prevailed" with his rudeness in 2012 set his strategy in dealing with Trump. It was Biden who lead with the low blows of interrupting first. Trump was in no way gonna take that kinda guff from Biden.
Freder Frederson said...
The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them. The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones.
Silence is violence.
You can't take the mic away from the president--any president--and any opponent he may face in a debate. If either wants to run his mouth constantly, alienate much of the public and make an ass of himself, then let him do just that. If Americans chose not to watch or vote for such a performance than that is their choice. It's clear that the Committee for Presidential Debates doesn't care for Trumps methods, but that's just tough shit for them. He's the president, it's his campaign. Let him run it, or ruin it, the way he sees fit.
Victoria Toensing has a tweet asking where the pro-Trump debate moderators are. That's a good question. Is there any problem with a pro-Trump media person, or even a not rapidly pro Biden media person, inviting a debate, and Trump can come, and BIden can refuse, and someone can answer for BIden using his public statements?
Someday when Utopia is achieved their will be progressives marching and carrying signs saying "Down with Utopia - we can do better!
"Utopia is not under the slightest obligation to produce results: its sole function is to allow its devotees to condemn what exists in the name of what does not."
-French philosopher Jean-François Revel
readering said...
I have heard nothing about Biden saying the rules need to change. The Commission is reacting to terrible public reaction to the first debate.
Complete bullshit.
They said nothing when Biden did worse to Paul Ryan.
readering and these leftists don't believe a single thing they say. It only comes down to whether or not it helps democrats.
They do anything they can to shut down their political enemies. They are completely amoral people and the only thing they care about is power.
The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them. The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones.
Sounds good. I think we should have a kill switch for Biden when he is negotiating with foreign leaders too. Because they don't play by the rules. Mommy, mommy, he said bad things about me. Grow up.
Freder Frederson said...
The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them. The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones.
This is the only answer the fascists have.
readering: "I have heard nothing about Biden saying the rules need to change. The Commission is reacting to terrible public reaction to the first debate."
The Commission IS the democrats and Biden campaign. That's one reason they selected George Clooney's vacation buddy Wallace, former Biden intern and pal Scully and NBC Trump-hater Welker to "moderate" (heh) the Presidential debates.
2012 VP debates, Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times, according to the next day, ABC news reporting. According to ABC the debate was raucous, and Biden got very personal with his insults of Ryan. Democrats loved it.
With leftists, history starts anew upon waking.(That's why media/dems are asking the President to repeat multiple times a day to denounce racism)
Freder Frederson: "The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them."
Somebody should have told 2012 Biden that when he was debating nice guy and secret dem Paul Ryan.
Biden interrupted Ryan an estimated 82 times.
And then Biden was universally praised as a strong debater for doing just that.
Of course, that was more than 15 minutes ago so not a single lefty recalls it after their last auto-history-reset.
Here is how mic cutoffs will used- only on Trump, not when Biden interrupts. The moderators will use them so that they, themselves, can attack Trump without him being able to reply immediately. Trump would a be a fool to agree to any changes at this point.
Trump is right- the Democrats and the media (yeah, I know I am being redundant) are all acting like Biden lost, not acting like he won on Tuesday night. It is always important to pay more attention to what people do than what they say.
To those who still believe that Trump prevented Biden from making a fool of himself- that isn't what would have happened- if you think that is what would happen, then you haven't been watching enough Biden videos. What happens to Biden is that he loses the thread on what he is saying- he can't keep up a coherent answer to anything for more than about 30 seconds- but he is lucid enough to know this when it happens he stops and says, "Look, here is the thing," and he then returns to stock stories about growing up in Scranton and Delaware, stories about how his wife died, stories about his children, stories about the death of his son, etc. Biden is good enough at covering up the problems- you don't notice the problem the first time you watch a video of him answering questions- you notice when you see him losing the thread and then going off to unrelated stories of the past every fucking time he is answering questions that require more than a yes/no answer.
In other news demonstrating the democraticals and LLR-lefties "confidence" in their chances (short of their intended outright theft via mass mail in vote chaos and lawfare), the Biden campaign has announced they are initiating an emergency rapid spool up of Door to Door canvassing programs in key battlegrounds states after spending the last 3 months trashing the Trump campaign for doing that exact thing as a dangerous approach given ChiCom flu.
Something tells me that the death of RBG has completely befuddled our democraticals who were depending on John Roberts delivering the judicial coup de grace to Trump by voting with the SC leftists to create 4 to 4 splits which would leave in place the pro-democratical rulings expected from the lower courts for the outright theft of battleground state elections/electors.
With ACB going to be confirmed prior to the end of October, which we learned today from Ted Cruz in an interview, that means there should be a relatively solid block for 5-4 rulings in support of the actual Constitution that the leftists hate so much since republicans do control the State Houses in NC, PA, MI and WI.
But not MN, alas.
Chennaul said...
And exactly what did Obama bin Biden do for vets? At least Trump isn't getting us into more wars and unlike Obama bin Biden didn't abandon our people to die when they could have been saved and then made a ridiculous excuse. I agree, vets and enlisted personnel need raises and better benefits. I don't see China Joe and his New Communist Party proposing that either. Strip magical cargo cult energy scheme money and use that for the vets and enlisted men.
Just learned that Chris wallace interrupted Trump 75 times, and Biden 15 times. Incredible
"I have heard nothing about Biden saying the rules need to change. The Commission is reacting to terrible public reaction to the first debate"
Readering, you couldn't find your own ass with three hands and a map.
Chris Wallace asked Trump the same question about white supremacists in a debate March 3 2016. Trumps answer is clear, he condemns that group and others.
Speaking of the Telemundo poll favoring Trump this might be one of the reasons:
"The problem is not the rules, but that trump ignored them. The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones."
1) Biden was the first to interrupt.
2) Do the rules include the moderator filling in for one of the candidates when things get tough for him.
3) The moderator was the worst part of that debate. He picked silly gotcha questions that did little to inform us of which man will govern best. He picked fights with one candidate and not the other.
And guess what we have next time:
"Second Presidential Debate Moderator Steve Scully Interned in Joe Biden’s Senate Office"
"After sparring with a hostile Fox News anchor, Chris Wallace, during the first presidential debate this week, President Donald Trump will next go toe-to-toe with a former Joe Biden intern, C-SPAN’s Steve Scully."
Well, isn't that special?
I bet that a lot more people learned about what happened at the debate than actually saw the debate. And a lot of them learned about it from the MSM. I watched Good Morning America, which told me that Trump said he didn't condemn white nationalists. Wrong, he did so in direct response to Wallace's question. What the GMA folks focused on was the follow-on qustions about whether Trump denounced a particular group as a white nationalist militia. Most Americans have never heard of the "Proud Boys", and apparently that's also true of the GMA news staff, who referred to the "Poor Boys". GMA didn't tell me that Biden refused to say whether or not he supported packing the Supreme Court, and that Wallace didn't press him to do so. Is there any potential change in our federal government structure that would be more important than packing the Court whenever a party captures control of the Presidency and both Houses of Congress?
Apparently it's not enough to "win" the debate. You also have to win the MSM reportage on the debate. I guess Trump's position is hopeless.
They changed the rules to remove a search for wires. There are no rules if they change willy nilly.
Last time all the Leftists just knew that Trump lost every debate.
Same thing this year.
I'd suggest that Trump and his data team have a firm understanding of his goals.
The Leftists cannot abide.
They are the un-Dude.
So long as it isn't really a debate I'm good with the knock down, drag out style we saw the other night.
I watched the 2012 Biden-Ryan debate, and my thoughts at the end of that were what an absolute asshole Joe Biden is and what a weak suck Ryan turned out to be. Biden DID get a strong dose of his own medicine Tuesday night. He should consider himself lucky because the elderly bag o’ schiff deserved much worse.
If the moderator would tell the Non-speaker to shut the fuck up, not interrupt, not heckle, not disrupt, it would work out just fine.
Biden is a liar, a coward and a figurehead for Leftwing assholes who hate America.
One rule that must never change: "attack the Republican - protect the Democrat".
It's only fair - they have issues.
Stay in the basement, Joe. This is a rough town.
That’s what it means.
Chennaul, is this what you are talking about?
Tricare Prime
While active duty family members pay no enrollment fee for Tricare Prime, the annual fee for retirees who entered the service before 2018 and their dependents will increase from $297 annually to $300 for individual coverage while family coverage will go from $594 to $600.
For those retirees who entered the service after Jan. 1, 2018 and their beneficiaries the annual premium for individual coverage will go from $360 to $366 while the family plan will increase from $720 to $732.
Some copayments will increase as well; specialty and urgent care visits will cost $1 more in 2020
It was clear from three minutes of CNN that they were rattled. They were throwing every bulls hit Trump trope at him: he’s white supremacist, beyond the pale, they’re shocked, appalled, frightened. Then they cut to some focus group of undecideds and asked if anyone changes for Biden, then if anyone changed to Trump. Few changes, but one or two more for Trump than Biden. Cut to Van Jones, Santorum and company: Biden needs to bail on the next debates. I hope Santorum is paid well, or his dignity Is cheap. This debate was for the dudes, the townhall will be for the ladies. Trump likes a dramatic arc.
Duties and rights
The House of Representatives has two main duties: making laws and scrutinising the work of the Government. The main task of the Senate is considering bills approved by the House of Representatives. The Senate makes only limited use of its right to scrutinize the work of the Government. Both chambers together constitute the States-General (the Parliament). The Government is obliged to provide both chambers with the necessary information, so as to enable Parliament to scrutinise the work of the Government properly. This obligation is laid down in the Constitution.
The Senate can only consider the bills from the House. I would think that anything relating to the military would have to start with the House.
You want to talk about poverty in the military? In 1967 I made $1664.73 and paid FICA tax of $73.22 and Fed tax of $141.48.
>>The only solution is to give the moderator a kill switch for the microphones.
Yes, let's give the former Biden intern, the moderator of the next debate, the power to silence Trump. Great idea.
You lefties aren't even pretending anymore, are you? Speech you don't like must be stopped.
Trump is uninterested in debate points. His goal in the debate was to make Joe come out of the basement and say whether he’s with the Hillary people, the Obama people or the Bernie Bro’s . Pick one-any way you lose. And if you pick any or all of the you don’t support law and order.
You can’t be a blank slate if you have to take a position. And if you tell gigantic whopper lies In a debate, the media can try to cover but people actually see you say them.
No rules in a knife fight, as Butch illustrated so well.
Personally I can't judge if Trump truly won or lost since I have no idea what moves undecided people anyway. And I don't fully trust polls either. But despite that my general sense is it was a wash, no needle moving.
After the debates, I was listening to KCBS radio. All of their commentators talked about what a mess it was, how it was out of control... They did not say one word about polls, nor about what either candidate said. Even today, I had to look up polls. Some say Biden won, though not by much. Some, usually internet based, said Trump won. But here's the thing: I remember debates in the past where all they wanted to talk about where the insta-polls and the focus groups.
I think you are right that this was a wash. If Biden had come anywhere close to doing himself some good, they would have been playing clips and and screaming polling data left and right. Biden didn't keel over on stage, but neither did he put in the kind of appearance where everyone said the stuff about him getting old was seriously overblown. And he said a half-dozen things to tick off the left-wing. They really want to bury this.
There seems to be a lot of white nationalists in NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Sf, Madison................or is it just me?
Trump should tell any and all democrat hack moderators to go to hell.
enough of this.
When do we EVER get a real neutral or even slightly right of center moderator?
Never. and it's bullshit.
And now we know why the NYT was hiding the actual Trump tax return documents: Because Trump actually paid almost $7.5M in taxes (via Alternative Minimum Tax) using government approved assets for $7.4+M and for some reason, the tax attorneys also included on a separate line on the Tax Forms an additional $750 dollars that was owed.
And what did the NYT do? Well, knowing how easy it is fool Freder and r/v and readering and the idiot gadfly, they simply worked directly with the Biden campaign and other media so the Biden-ettes would slap together their lying commercials and get the pre-written stories lined up in order to rocket the lie around the world long before the truth could catch up.
Not only is that a successful strategy given the ignorance of just about all democratical and LLR-lefty voters (especially the dead and illegal ones), but to this very moment the gadfly's of the world STILL think it was only $750 paid by Trump even after the truth emerges!
TriCare Prime
Taking care of my mother!!
@ Blogger Chennaul - I think you are either a fake or a pussy. So I think you should go with Biden and the Democrats. See you in the streets.
I heard this afternoon that Biden has said "One and done" on debates.
I'm not surprised. The first polls to include the debate look really good for Trump.
The only debate format I would like would be one where Joe Rogan, Scott Adams, and Jocko Willink moderated and lead the questioning.
Those moderators actually cover American society.
Can one of our dumb lefties, Dumb Lefty Mark or readering perhaps, explain how it is that supposedly white supremacist Proud Boys have about 20% minorities in their group and have a black cubano as their Chairman?
I mean, is that a mistake, failure to vet properly, color blindness?
Gee, that must be the least white supremacist white supremacy crew EV-AH!
@AllenS - Ironically, the tax code was a lot LESS progressive back then. Today there's no way a junior military member is paying 9% average Federal Income Tax rate, especially against pre-tax income.
Sorry, I meant to write "especially against unadjusted income".
But AllenS, what about your free stylish clothes and delicious food?
Achilles wrote:
>"Biden is good at beating up on weaklings like Paul Ryan who has been on the other side from the start."
I wonder. Biden likes to huff and puff about how he would have taken Trump back behind the gym and beaten him up -- revealing since Trump has only used words against Biden.
Biden does not like what you have said, so Biden beats you up?
Back in junior high, I faced a group of three bullies who kept assaulting me in gym class. Finally, I had enough. I grabbed one of them and started pounding on him.
The PE instructor took us down to the assistant principal and explained that these guys had been picking on me and that I had finally had enough. The assistant principal asked us if it was over, and we said it was. He sent us back to class.
And it was over. One time of fighting back and the cowardly little bullies never bothered me again. The nasty tough guys just wilted away.
No, none of them was named "Joe Biden." But they could have been.
I think on Tuesday night, Trump fought back against the bully. And the bully wilted.
"Joe Biden" = "fake tough guy."
God help America if fake-bully Joe ever has to stand up to a real man like Putin!
Apparently it's not enough to "win" the debate. You also have to win the MSM reportage on the debate. I guess Trump's position is hopeless.
10/1/20, 5:23 PM
Wasn't that also true in 2016? Never once do I remember the media saying the next day that "Trump won the debate."
“To those who still believe that Trump prevented Biden from making a fool of himself- that isn't what would have happened- if you think that is what would happen, then you haven't been watching enough Biden videos. What happens to Biden is that he loses the thread on what he is saying- he can't keep up a coherent answer to anything for more than about 30 seconds- but he is lucid enough to know this when it happens he stops and says, "Look, here is the thing," and he then returns to stock stories about growing up in Scranton and Delaware, stories about how his wife died, stories about his children, stories about the death of his son, etc. Biden is good enough at covering up the problems- you don't notice the problem the first time you watch a video of him answering questions- you notice when you see him losing the thread and then going off to unrelated stories of the past every fucking time he is answering questions that require more than a yes/no answer.”
Biden is a BSer. So was my partner’s father. He hid his Alzheimer’s for quite some time from everyone. It was an uphill battle for her convincing anyone that anything was wrong. He even had good excuses why he had gotten lost driving around the city that he had lived in for 30-40 years.
If I were Trump, and they were to cut off my microphone mid-sentence, you know what I'd do? I'd stroll right over to Dementia Joes' podium and get smack up in his face and keep talking. I bet his microphone won't get cut off, as long as he's trying to stammer out some kind of response.
That would win the election for Trump, right there.
If the Green New Deal will pay for itself, why would Joe distance himself from it?
Pelosi said one and done not Biden, and Drago I can’t find a source for your tax claim,,please give link.
Allen s,
I went active in 1967.
I seem to recall making $78/month as an e-2 out of boot camp. Might have been a few dollars more or a few less.
7 1/2 years later, 1974, as an e-6 over 6 years, I was making less than $700 month
Baq,comrats and some other bennies might have added $150 to that.
When my tour in pr finished, I could expect to go back to sea for 10 years before being eligible fo a 2 year shore assignment.
At that time navy ships could expect to be underway 20 days a month. When we were home, 3 section liberty was the norm. That meant w days out of 3 I could go home at night. Unless there was work to be done. Then I might be expected to stay aboard.
Most ships would make a 6 month cruise, to the med, westpac or someplace.
Some people tell me i I should be ashamed of using my gi bill, homeloan, medical care.
I earned all that many time over. It was part of the deal and I'm going to use it.
BTW :VA medical care here is absolutely top notch. But it seems to vary dramatically between hospitals.
John Henry
AllenS said...
You want to talk about poverty in the military? In 1967 I made $1664.73 and paid FICA tax of $73.22 and Fed tax of $141.48.
yes, but; didn't you not only get free room and board, but also medical/dental/life insurance, AND free clothing?
AND, let's not forget the money our government spent on entertainment opportunities for you!
Those munitions don't grow on trees, you know!
[all kidding aside, thanx for your service!]
Having said all that, I wouldn't trade my time for anything. The life lessons learned, professional and other, continue to serve me well 45 years after getting out.
John Henry
It was in the fucking NYT article, roesch/voltaire.
That's where the info was fucking hidden.
Be better at trolling, you ignorant shit.
He should certainly change moderators. Today's Instapundit has a profile of Steve Scully, scheduled to be moderator for the second debate, and "the political editor at C-SPAN and host of Washington Journal, who once worked as an intern for Senator Joe Biden in college, later working as a staff assistant in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s communication office."
More "objective journalism." After Chris Wallace, the plan to have Joe Rogan host the debates seems better and better.
“ I heard this afternoon that Biden has said "One and done" on debates.”
Tying everything together. Biden’s people spent weeks putting him in shape to barely survive last Tuesday’s debate. Two more of these, and they aren’t sure that he can pull it off again. And again They can’t actually call it off themselves, since that would be trumpeted by Trump as an admission of weakness, and that Trump had won the first debate. And they can’t really demand a cut off button for use by the moderator, after what Biden did to Ryan eight years ago. But what they can maybe do is use their control over the debate commission to impose new conditions that Trump probably won’t stand for, and hopefully have Trump be the one to back out.
It should be interesting. If this is the case, I almost expect Trump to call their bluff. Trump called Wallace (will never watch the slime ball again) out a couple times. Next guy was apparently a Biden intern and Teddy Kennedy staffer. He probably won’t be able to resist protecting his old boss, and I would expect Trump to then call him out a couple times. Then something more drastic. Maybe just walk off the stage. Stock up on popcorn.
Trump is right. Why change the rules? Everyone who tuned-in was looking for a good bare-knuckle brawl and they got one, good and hard. The Nationally-Televised Food Fight was great theater. Doesn't say a lot about the politesse of society that we would be drawn with prurient interest to observe such a train wreck, but it was great reality TV, all we needed was the crying lady and cat meme to make it perfect.
If they do change the rules, they should allow the candidates to ask each other questions. That is a true debate.
John Henry,
I was promoted to PFC (E3) on 24 Jan 1967. I was also an Army paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, at that time and received (iirc) $50 a month for being Airborne. Promoted on 23 Aug 1967 to E4 (SP4), and deployed sometime in October to Vietnam with the 173d Airborne Brigade where I then received combat pay.
That's how I made all of that money. Oh, the memories of my life as a young man.
Chennaul said...
Here is a link of some military people discussing this and an article about it.
Maybe I will get over being pissed off in time to go vote for you or maybe Iwill reread what Tom Ridge and Mattis said about you even though it kills me to watch antifa in the streets.
10/1/20, 3:24 PM
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increase from $297 annually to $300
Oso Negro said...
@ Blogger Chennaul - I think you are either a fake or a pussy. So I think you should go with Biden and the Democrats. See you in the streets
Yeah, you got there ahead of me with Mr Stolen Valor there. New poster, hidden profile, quickly predictable, suddenly claims (vet/active?) status. Got it in one, I'd say. The hidden hands come out to play.
With ACB going to be confirmed prior to the end of October, which we learned today from Ted Cruz in an interview, that means there should be a relatively solid block for 5-4 rulings in support of the actual Constitution
6-3 hopefully which is better. CJ Roberts, the Vicar of Bray, will blow with the wind and not defect, if defecting doesn't work.
Greg The Class Traitor said...
sakredkow said...
Then I guess Chris Wallace should have told Biden to shut up when he di the first interruption, no?
"But Trump did so much more!" Yes, he did. So what?
Biden and Wallace set the rules, Trump followed them.
Japan only sank like eighteen ships and killed a lousy 2,403 noncombatants at Pearl Harbor. Geez, what's up with all this firebombing and nuking and blockading and submarine warfare?
Tojo and Hirohito set the rules, FDR and Truman followed them. And they remembered China like Trump remembered the 2012 debates.
Don't start none, won't be none.
Readering said...
I assume if there is a rules change it will apply to the upcoming vp debate first, so we'll see if it works ok or not. (Is there a special veep debate rule that two candidates may not be left alone together in green room, but must be accompanied by spouses?)
10/1/20, 3:20 PM
My wish is that KH, alone in that fabulous Green Room, offer MP every kind of delicious forbidden sex to throw the match. MP accepts and they come out onstage fumbling with their clothes and her Something About Mary hair.
MP then politely smashes KH.
KH afterwards seethes at MP and says she'll expose him, she wore a wire.
MP says here, have a copy of my three-camera video to remember it by. By all means share it with the media if you think that's a good look for you. Oh, Karen gave me a hall pass and by the way, she's better than you.
Nichevo said...
With ACB going to be confirmed prior to the end of October, which we learned today from Ted Cruz in an interview, that means there should be a relatively solid block for 5-4 rulings in support of the actual Constitution
6-3 hopefully which is better. CJ Roberts, the Vicar of Bray, will blow with the wind and not defect, if defecting doesn't work.
Things that would have gone 5-4 for the Left will go 6-3 for the Constitution. Roberts clearly hates Trump, because Trump shows up that Robert's class is a dumpster fire of failure. But moving it from 6-3 to 5-4 just makes the Court look "bad", so I don't think Roberts will be doing a lot of that
My dad did just that, joined the paratroops for the extra $, Jumped at Munsan-ni to stop the commies (as he always said although with more descriptive expletives). He also dumped his M-1 carbine ASAP for an M-1 after watching the results of the carbine on the padded Nork winter gear. Used the extra money to buy a ring for my mother. My mother's family was all Navy or Marines during both world wars actually, so didn't take a shine to an army type.
I'm betting mask rule won't need commission enforcement at veep debate.
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