I say out loud, overhearing CNN heads yammering after the President's doctor gave his little press briefing. There must be problems. They commentators are urgently, fervently trying to scare up some Orange-Man-Bad news. I hear the phrase "big potential problems" and start writing this post. Before I can get to the end, I hear "potentially disturbing revelations." The word "potential" appears over and over. They're so hot to come up with some stories, just brainstorming in front of the cameras. We're laughing.
UPDATE: Now they've reported that Chris Christie — who was involved in Trump's debate prep — has tested positive.
Also on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta nails the serious anti-Trump theme: "It could have been avoided with basic public health measures." Yes, why wasn't Trump scrupulously protected? I presume he chose not to accept the protection, and that protecting the President from disease is not like protecting him from other kinds of physical threats, where security experts overrule the President's preference.
७३ टिप्पण्या:
CNN = Certainly Not News
Adding "potential" to the very short list of frequently used headline words (along with "could")that signal that an article or column can be ignored.
Adding "potential" to the very short list of frequently used headline words (along with "could")that signal that an article or column can be ignored.
Does CNN always have that coronavirus (which came from Chy-Na) tally on their screen?
It's a better look on camera than Oh please! Oh please! Oh please!!!
My wife has Fox News on all day, just like her late mother. I can't stand it. I have to go off and do something else. They have nothing to report so they fill the entire day with speculation or interviewing a doctor who knows nothing about the details of Trump's condition. 24 hour news - I hate it. Bring back John Cameron Swayze and his 15 min evening broadcast. That's really all we need.
This is another advantage for Russia. Journalists who go too far occasionally get capped as an example to the rest.
Did the doctor reveal if Trump denounced white supremacy this morning?
"It could have been avoided with basic public health measures."
Gupta doesn't know about, or chooses to forget, basic statistics. "Basic public health measures" reduce (to some uncertain degree) the likelihood of transmission, they don't eliminate it.
Latest theory is that Fr. John Jenkins from Notre Dame infected Hope Hicks and others at the ACB nomination event. He was in contact with a covid positive person before he came to DC; exact details not known.
Jenkins is from Omaha. His brother was in my high school class.
Headline: Omaha Native Infects the President.
"It could have been avoided with basic public health measures.
...the way no doctor or nurse anywhere has been infected since they wear their ppe.
The only take away point of this outbreak is this- continuous testing and tracing does not work. Seriously- these people are tested every other day and virus still got them. The White House would have been much better off if they hadn't had any measures at all- the virus would have infected them by early Summer and been done with all of them now.
You can't live your fucking life in a goddamned basement with a face diaper.
I'm beginning to give more credence to the possibility that the virus was introduced to the President and his closest advisors deliberately. Given everything the left has done over the past few years, it is not something to totally discount.
If the Fake News couldn't speculate, they'd have nothing to talk about.
I'm speculating that the Cornhuskers are going to win the Big Ten this season. I further speculate that Creighton basketball will be in the Final Four.
One guess is actually much better than the other, but I doubt either will happen.
Stick to the facts, Fake News!
Trump made the choice to expose himself more, to run a Presidential campaign, and to be President.
The President of America can’t hide in a basement, making Zoom appearances and putting a “lid” on activities by 9am for months on end. Not and actually be President he can’t.
So he took some risks - and now the dice finally came up snake eyes. Hopefully he will be ok.
Part of leadership is putting yourself forward and accepting some extra danger in order to LEAD. Folks who have been in the military understand this. Most Democrats do not.
What if a nurse is helping to shave President Trump, and inadvertently nicks him, drawing blood. And what if the bloody bandaid inadvertently gets sent to the DNA analysis lab by mistake. And what if an error in the DNA lab causes a report to be generated that Donald Trump is genetically Prince Charles's older brother. And then what if Queen Elizabeth dies, and Donald Trump is asked to become the next King of England? How would you deal with that potentiality? Hmmmmm? I bet you hadn't thought about that, had you?
Probable lie from the VP's doctor:
Under the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Vice President is not considered a close contact with any individuals who have tested positive for COVID, including President Donald J. Trump. Vice President Mike Pence does not need to quarantine.
Close contact is defined by CDC as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Last Saturday at the SCOTUS announcement he was sitting within six feet for more than 15 minutes of at least two people who have since tested positive.
Amen! Although I think they should change their name to NEONN; National Enquirer Of Network News.
My Trump-hating family members have been glued to it non-stop since it was announced he'd tested positive. It's worse than a bunch of old maids gossiping over the back fence, each trying to out horrify the others. And Anderson Cooper and Fredo Cuomo are the worst of the lot!
I'm one of those who does not believe a mask will stop the virus (though, it doesn't stop me from wearing one). If you're around it, knowingly or unknowingly, it's very contagious as you all know. Nations requiring mask wearing have done no better, and in some cases, worse than the US (#of cases/million). Trump is surrounded by people everyday. They are, as far as I've read, tested before gaining access to the Pres. But in a larger event, such as his campaign stops, or the Amy Coney Barrett announcement, was everyone present tested? Did everyone need to be tested, or just those in close proximity to the Pres?
Also Chris Christie was just announced to also be positive and he was with the Prez to work on the debate prep, along with Rudy Giuliani. I wonder if they could possibly even pinpoint the source? I would guess not.
Would it be out of the realm of possibility that Trump was the victim of a hit, an assassination by virus? Even if it does not kill him, it may kill the possibility of a second term. Certainly our FBI has shown that they'll do pretty much anything to keep him out of the White House. And so have he Dems, non-stop for 4 years. I had to toss this out as my 90 year old mother said to me today, very off-handedly, "Frankly- I thought someone would shoot him before they sprayed the virus on him." This, from someone who is not typically tuned in to these things.
Despite our efforts viruses are very adept at spreading. That is all they do. They’re good at it. The conclusion one might draw from the evidence is WE DON’T FUCKING KNOW as much as “experts” pretend to know about this virus and then they scrupulously avoid reciting the known verified facts that have been established. Not one person has established the fact that germophobe Trump “failed to take precautions” as Althouse asserts here. After all the first to test positive was Hope Hicks, well known for being a strict mask-wearer.
Someone explain to Dr Gupta that even with scrupulous attention, protective measures are not 100% effective unless you completely isolate yourself from others. 100% isolation is not possible for a functioning government.
I can see it now; his headstone is going to bear the epitaph: "Shoulda listened to Fauci"
I don't believe it is possible to protect 100% against exposure to a virus like this without being permanently isolated, which isn't feasible in this case.
Lots of people practicing basic public health measure get diseases every day.
For example- where do sinus infections come from? My son and I came down with one at the same time. We don't hang around the same people. We work in different spots. He works around people- I'm on shift by myself. M-F he's in a hotel room at his worksite, weekends he's home. Yet, at exactly the same time- symptoms, doctor visits, antibiotics. And bacteria are bigger than the dreaded covid virus- how did they find us? Him wearing his mask at work, me working on shift alone? It's mystery...
Viruses are going to do what viruses are going to do. Infect people, multiply, infect some more. Mutate, then infect even more. It's the way of the world.
Did CNN find that Malaysian airliner yet ?
It’s an imaginary news operation contest. The winning fiction creator gets to be tomorrow’s buzz word in all news casts including Weekend Fox. Can you imagine how bad Orange Man was today??
The Press were their usual stupid selves peppering the Doctors with inane questions, asking for irrelevant data (to be used to attack Trump), and asking the same question about Oxygen over and over again. They're such stupid assholes.
Several world leaders like Boris Johnson, Abe, the President of Brazil and others have gotten CV-19. Did they get it because they were so "lax"? I doubt it. Obviously, The President was assuming that if people tested negative they were OK to be around. Everyone is tested before they can see the President. But it looks like the test failed. That's the breaks. It was probably a 100-1 shot.
6 million Americans have gotten CV-19. People are still getting it, despite the lockdowns and the mask wearing. Yesterday, 50,000 Americans got CV-19, how many of them were wearing masks? Probably a lot. Hello? Its a Pandemic. Social distancing and mask wearing *reduces* the chance of you getting it. It does NOT eliminate it.
BTW, the entire state of Hawaii has been locked down since March and outsiders have to go into a 14 quarantine. Yet, 12,000 Hawaiians have gotten CV-19.
I just read this over at Townhall
"Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate. The cases were a result of debate pre-planning and set-up, with the majority of cases impacting out-of-state travelers, particularly debate organizers and members of the media."
Masks protect other people. If you inhale infected droplets onto a mask, the bugs are absorbed into the fabric and...in probably ten minutes you've taken the mask off, or adjusted it, and the bug's on your hands. It doesn't protect you unless you wash your hands thoroughly every time you touch the mask.
Deanna @ 11:18
Adding "potential" to the very short list of frequently used headline words (along with "could")that signal that an article or column can be ignored.
No KIDDING. I would love to see the press impose a moratorium for one week on the use of may, might, could.... in any headline. Stop trying to predict and just tell us what HAS happened.
The talking heads refuse to accept that we are one and all likely to get COVID before the pandemic is over. At least until herd immunity kicks in, or a vaccine is in widespread use.
That was how we were sold the two week shutdown, NOT as a way of preventing the disease, but simply to slow its spread enough that healthcare would not be overwhelmed by a flood of patients. We succeeded in that effort. Now get on with life.
I stopped watching those "talking head" shows long ago. They can speculate endlessly with just one sentence. Remember the rumor that Donald Trump told Michael Cohen to lie under oath? The kept telling us that the "walls were closing in on Trump" if Cohen's story was true. They spend all Friday yakking it up. Robert Mueller had to release a statement that this was a false statement.
The talking head "journalists" are evil people.
From all the reports it sounds like potus has a serious case of covid.
Trump has made you all look like fools.
As a former news reporter and editor, I avoid outlets whose reporters very subtly (ha!) weave their political views into articles and broadcasts. This is just about all of them now.
I don't care which side it is. I simply do not care.
Been reading a lot of good books lately.
"Also on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta nails the serious anti-Trump theme: "It could have been avoided with basic public health measures."
That is far from a given. I lived as to close to a hermit's life as possible, masked when I did go out, wiped down everything that came into the house, and I still got it. I'm beginning to believe the opposite of what Gupta's claiming here. It's not possible to avoid. Doesn't mean everyone will get it, there's a randomness to life, but if you're living you're at risk.
Trump did what he's asking others to do; go on working.
The hysteria was dialed up to 11 almost four years ago with the election of Putin stooge Donald Trump.
It's probably at 20 due to Trump's overt White Supremacy.
Will Trump's impending COVID-19 death completely break the volume knob?
Stay tuned.
Blogger cfs said..."I'm beginning to give more credence to the possibility that the virus was introduced to the President and his closest advisors deliberately. Given everything the left has done over the past few years, it is not something to totally discount."
I would not be at all surprised.
Last Saturday at the SCOTUS announcement he was sitting within six feet for more than 15 minutes of at least two people who have since tested positive.
Steve, as usual, has neglected to educate himself about the Diamond Princess test case. A cruise ship with about 3,000 passengers and crew, probably more than half of the passengers Trump's age, plus crew were quarantined together for a month at the beginning of the pandemic.
After that period 20% of the total had been infected by the virus and a total of 8 had died.
Blogger Readering said...
From all the reports it sounds like potus has a serious case of covid.
Hoping does not make it so, you creep.
Blogger Readering said..."From all the reports it sounds like potus has a serious case of covid."
"Sources say"!
From CNN: "A source has told White House pool reporters that President Donald Trump's vitals in the last 24 hours have been "very concerning,""
OK, that sounds bad…
" and that he is "still not on a clear path to full recovery.""
…and the air comes out of the balloon.
We'll see Readering, but didn't "Russia! Russia! Russia!" teach you anything?
It looks like Trump's approach placed excessive reliance on testing. I think that suggests that reopening strategies (e.g. for schools) predicated on deployment of massive ongoing testing are similarly vulnerable. But no strategy is 100% -- masks and social distancing aren't 100% either. It's all about reducing the risk.
Money Laundering Jay Inslee wanted to do contract tracing at restaurants by driver's license.
Then someone pointed out that if we do contact tracing in restaurants by state issued ID, then we can also do it for voting.
That was the end of that idea!
Original Mike said...
"Also on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta nails the serious anti-Trump theme: "It could have been avoided with basic public health measures."
The White House physician and others have said that EVERYONE there and elsewhere (Air Force One) who has direct contact with the POTUS is tested **daily**, and has to maintain social distancing. Virtually no one among the general public is given such protection.
It's just more snot-flinging by the Left (and Miss Ann, apparently) to say that Trump was cavalier about covid.
Dave Begley said...
Latest theory is that Fr. John Jenkins from Notre Dame infected Hope Hicks and others at the ACB nomination event. He was in contact with a covid positive person before he came to DC; exact details not known.
If they can't quickly and accurately contact trace Hope Hicks then we know contact tracing is a scam.
Wow, level of denialism high here.
"From all the reports it sounds like potus has a serious case of covid."
True enough-
JUST IN: A source familiar with Trump's health told reporters:
“The president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”
With that, all other "news" organizations ran with NPR's "source", proving Trump's doctors are lying.
all I know is that after 7 months POTUS, who from all observation rejects masks and social distancing (I trust him on hand washing based on his germophobia), has covid, and Biden and I don't.
The only thing you can believe whats on DNC TV is whatever the Party line is for the day. Not saying the line is true, but only that that is the Party's line of the day.
Notice how the very same people who wish Orange Man Bad dead are criticizing him for allegedly not taking precautions to avoid him being dead from COVID19.
cfs said...
Given everything the left has done over the past few years, it is not something to totally discount.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said her Democrats have 'arrows in our quiver' yet to deploy."
Given that, why shouldn't the press ask Pelosi to deny, clarify and renounce the use of Covid against her political opponents?
There are two threads of MSM reporting on Trump:
1. "Devastating" quotes without context, i.e. Charlottesville and the debate.
2. What Trump could possibly, maybe, do.
Heck, they mustn't report facts. That would wreck the narrative.
wholelottasplainin' at 2:33pm: That wasn't my quote.
"all I know is that after 7 months POTUS, who from all observation rejects masks and social distancing (I trust him on hand washing based on his germophobia), has covid, and Biden and I don't.
Me: "Hybris! Over here! Here's another one!"
Hybris: "I'm busy!"
On the plus side, if Trump comes through this ok, he is more likely to have natural antibodies and not be as susceptible to reinfection. However, Biden will still be very vulnerable and keep to his more limited appearances approach. Trump could be unleashed.
Yancy Ward @11:29 You CAN live your life with a face diaper on all the time in... VERMONT!
Readering said...
From all the reports it sounds like potus has a serious case of covid.
Those sports are from anonymous media sources. The doctors treating Trump were much more positive.
You guys have to create a crisis atmosphere for your political operations.
Basic health practices kills hundreds of thousands... in HOSPITALS, every year. Denialism? There exists no science behind face masks and virus prevention.
We know how he got it?
Oh. We're speculating, for political advantage. Ok then: the Democratic National Committee might have slipped in an infectious agent. After all, cui bono? Does George Conway have access to Kellyanne's garments?
Blogger Readering said..."Wow, level of denialism high here."
If by denialism you mean denying that "sources say" from CNN is credible then yes. Guilty. The past four years has demonstrated beyond credible contestation that CNN and anonymous sources feel unburdened by the truth.
If by denialism you mean denying the President is seriously ill, I don't "deny it" because I have little way of knowing.
JFK ignored the advice of his security detail in Dallas and rode in an open car. We all know how that turned out.
Fox reports that Chuck Schumer accuses Trump of lying about his condition and demands immediate transparency. How he knows Trump is lying they did not say.
> "It could have been avoided with basic public health measures."
Focus of Liberals is always
behavior control
and it will all turn out OK.
ritual: Just sort your garbage and the planet will be saved. Just take a knee and racism will be eliminated.
Disregard cost, as Newsom and DiBlasio destroying business and quality of life in the name of exterminating the common cold and the flu.
Readering said...
Wow, level of denialism high here.
Yeah, most people here will deny the moon is made of green cheese. Sad!
Blogger Readering said...
all I know is that after 7 months POTUS, who from all observation rejects masks and social distancing (I trust him on hand washing based on his germophobia), has covid, and Biden and I don't.
Do you also stay in your basement doing nothing?
Well, he's not on Death's Door yet:
Must admit, those photos of Walter Reed look mighty nice. Not Trump Tower, but I could accept an extended stay there.
Just for gosh sakes don’t bother to notice that they aren’t doing what they demand that we do.
"It could have been avoided with basic public health measures."
Liar, idiot, hack.
Plenty of people who followed all the "basic public health measures" have caught Covid 19, and plenty of other diseases.
There is no certainty, there are no guarantees. Life is unsafe
Get over it
I am very bothered by this idea that people who get this disease- in a pandemic- are at fault. It's like a moral panic on top of a health panic.
all I know is that after 7 months POTUS, who from all observation rejects masks and social distancing
One of the attendees was wearing a mask. The event was held outdoors without a greenhouse effect. The probable explanation for the observed disparity is that given the assumptions/assertions of the consensus, the conclusions of later studies mischaracterized the transmission modes.
Testing is not perfect and just because someone doesn't test positive at 8 am doesn't necessarily mean they are not infectious at 8 pm. And everyone knows some leftist snuck (sneaked)into Trump's greenroom at the debate and spread the virus all around the room and into the ventilation system.
Blogger Michael K said...
"Blogger Readering said...
all I know is that after 7 months POTUS, who from all observation rejects masks and social distancing (I trust him on hand washing based on his germophobia), has covid, and Biden and I don't.
Do you also stay in your basement doing nothing?"
He's a public sector employee. He gets paid to wank.
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