1) Who's laptop will be the most toxic to a Dem campaign?
A) Weiner's? B) Humper's?
"Bimbo Eruptions" vs "Laptop Lava-flows" ??
Once again, pervy Dem males bring down the Party -are Dem Feminazis not pissed enough to expunge them? -are Dem males driven to pervy sex due to repulsive Dem-Fems? -is Dem culture conducive to perversion? -all of the above?
#2) "Covid" or "Dementia" or a hybrid?
Since 3 of Team SloJo have the 'Rona, and Humper's 'Ukranium 1' scandal is burgeoning, and will eventually sink cellar-dweller Joe, do the Dems:
A) Yank Joe under the pretext of the virus? --pros: Doesnt look as bad as corruption --cons: Doesnt provide cover from incoming Burisma scandal
B) Yank Joe because "He Just Doesnt Seem Like Himself Lately"? --pros: Can use dementia to possibly mitigate culpability --cons: Will validate what everyone knows-- been unfit for office
C) Yank Joe under a hybrid pretext-- "Covid" gives you "brain fog", which is why SloJo is so slow
The Washington State Supreme Court just ruled 9-0 against I-976, the $30 car tabs initiative. The court said that the ballot title confused the voters and was misleading. The ballot title was created by the Democrat AG, Bob Ferguson. AG Ferguson did everything in his power to undermine the defense of the initiative. He was late in filings and his filings were weak. Tim Eyeman, the sponsor of the initiative had to step in to defend the I-976.
Two of the justices who ruled on the initiative are up for election this November. They have no opponents. Washington voters can write in "Car Tabs" as their choice for Positions 4 and 7.
I read an article a little while ago about Amy Coney Barrett being accused of adopting a phony NY accent and that it was cultural appropriation, which I found amusing because who would voluntarily want that kind of accent and because it seems absurd to consider an accent as cultural. But more interesting was how apparently her way of speaking is very common in New Orleans and it was described as a yat accent, which I have never heard of.
So, after shutting up many, many, many conservative people/outlets because of political expression, Twitter today went down, a widespread service outage preventing people from posting or accessing parts of their accounts.
Five minutes in...Savanah Guthrie is a world class cunt...what a hack.
All attack questions...'Didn't you...' 'Why did you...'
She used to be cute but is reaching her sell-by date...we'll see how long she lasts when the Matt Lauers of the world no longer care about what favors she can bestow.
Also, even C-SPAN, formerly the last trusted news source because of its iron-clad rule of neutrality, is now outed as complete hacks themselves when they backed and promoted Steve Scully's LIE about his Twitter account. They have pissed all over Brian Lamb's baby.
Whether Trump wins or loses, there will be someone else for R pres in 2024. Who do you like? I want Condi. Kamala (Assuming a Biden win and he does not make it to the end of his term) vs Condi would be awesome!!
How does Joe Lockhart have a job? How many times can you lose your credibility, and still persist in the public realm? Must feel that the "Obama" reference on his resume shields him from all accountability. Does he get embarrassed for being so wrong so often? Does he want his friends and family to respect him? This is the wrong way to do that.
Funny, I'm well within the Seattle city limits, and I cannot receive the over-the-airwaves broadcast for either one of the local NBC, or ABC affiliates.
Well, I caught the last 10 minutes of the POTUS town hall... he was energized and I could tell by Rachel Madcow’s comments at the end that it went waaaaayyyy too well for Trump, as she was making it clear that “we at MSNBC had nothing to do with that, it was an NBC production”.
Hard to believe that Biden is up 27 points with female voters when Hillary Clinton only had a 13 point advantage. Hillary is a feminist icon and a major historical figure.
As a dem, I was just impressed with Judge Barrett. Dem senators in particular Hirono, Coons, Klobuchar, Booker, and Blumenthal were an embarrassment. Surprised that a smart woman like the judge is nominated by Trump. Wished the prof had live blog the hearing. Was it a missed opportunity?
Next POTUS is Biden. Next VPOTUS is Kamala. Next Majority Leader is Schumer. Pelosi remains as Speaker.
ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 15 (UPI) -- NASA will fund a project by Nokia to build a 4G cellular communication network on the moon with $14.1 million, the space agency announced.
I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well. Was he running from somebody? Trying to fix something and he needed to be on the phone? I can’t remember.
But more interesting was how apparently her way of speaking is very common in New Orleans and it was described as a yat accent, which I have never heard of.
“Yat” really doesn’t refer to her type of accent. It refers to the residents of certain suburbs who use the phrase “Where y’at?” It’s a bit of a slur really, referring to people from Jefferson Parish areas like Metairie and the West Bank as opposed to Uptown.
But the fact is that virtually no one in NO has a typical southern accent and it is common for people to think that folks from there talk like New Yorkers. My mom is from Brooklyn and when we moved down there people thought she was a native. For a good example of a typical New Orleanian, listen to Harry Connick Jr.
Huh. I am in northern Wi and the local NBC affiliate is WJFW out of Rhinelander. They seem to be playing regular programming. I don't know what this is, but it ain't a townhall with Trump.
I watched the Trump appearance, but switched over to Biden during the breaks. In the part I saw, Biden rambled but didn't quite lose the thread. Stephanopoulos asked a few skeptical questions. He wasn't hostile but the questions about fracking were probing.....Savannah had way too much make-up. It was distracting. Her questions were hostile, but Trump didn't have any trouble batting them away and, in my opinion, didn't look sexist while doing so. I thought Trump came out ahead. She was a more attractive and interesting debate opponent than Biden who's unattractive and boring.....Did George ask Biden anything about Hunter?
Why are we getting ANOTHER question about White Supremacy?
Yeah, that is weird. Americans are not, in principle, or the majority in practice, past or present, diversitists, let alone rabid diversitists. It's not in our character, not in our charter nor Constitution. Their obsession with diversity is motivated by political congruence, which presents them a cover to hind behind, and leverage to force people to kneel (e.g. cancelled, redistributive change).
I'd pick Amy Coney Barrett with the background of an Irish girl from a haute convent school in the Northeast like Sacred Heart. She definitely doesn't give off a southern belle vibe. I think she said her family was originally from France. I don't think we should hold that against her.
Since I already believe that Burisma put Hunter Biden on its Board specifically to be in a position to exert influence over Joe Biden and American policy regarding Ukraine and did exert that influence, I don't find the emails to be all that interesting. Confirmation bias and all that. I believe the laptop is real and it was used by Hunter Biden. I don't believe that he dropped it off at some computer shop to have it fixed. I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain.
What I want to know is what the FBI has been doing with it. Why did the FBI take possession of it? Where deep is that rabbit hole?
tim in vermont said... ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 15 (UPI) -- NASA will fund a project by Nokia to build a 4G cellular communication network on the moon with $14.1 million, the space agency announced.
I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well. Was he running from somebody? Trying to fix something and he needed to be on the phone? I can’t remember.
IIRC, he was trying to eyeball the ships that were trying to destroy the catapult, because Mike was leery of using the radars.
TO the commenter at 7:55: I couldn't find the Trump town hall either, Cox communications was not helpful, so I watched a ball game with a live audience from Texas.
Anyway, the election is over, so it doesn't matter whether the Trump town hall was shadow-banned ( very few people know this - that the election is over - but that does not matter either).
(And the people who know who already won are mostly freaks of nature who spend too much time on this sort of thing.)
Let's think about more important things.
Let us think about, and pray for the winners and losers --- for example, let's think about poor Joe Biden, a fellow human being, and a bad law student who later lied about his law school scores (in real life I know hundreds of lawyers and not a single one has ever bragged about their law school grades ---- not one in the 30 or so years where I have professionally associated with lawyers. And poor Biden not only bragged about his grades, but he lied about them. That is some sinister stuff).
Poor old decrepit Joe - who we need to care about as a fellow human being, a man who has suffered much - knows that he lost a wife , that he lost a son , that he did his best to be sort of like the great Democratic politicians of yesteryear ----- and for those reasons we need to treat him like a fellow human being ----
anyway, in those short years between the Democratic KKK years and the Democratic heartless partial birth abortion years, in that short time-frame after Democratic politicians gave up the racism of their KKK days and before they were overwhelmed, like ignorant students are often overwhelmed at college by charismatic but phony professors, by the partial-birth abortion dirtbags who ran the Democratic party after Kennedy died and Johnson crawled back to Texas with his arrogant little tail between his little greedy fat-man arrogant legs (sorry for that visual, but Johnson was not a nice guy, and he does not get a nice visual) -
it was in that short time frame, think about it, where poor Joe with his second-rate mind and his second-rate heart was formed.
Back in the 70s, in the VA hospitals, there were still a few guys with bad mental disorders who still spoke the exact lingo they spoke when they were deployed in the Pacific or European Theater - it had been the only time in their life when they were treated with respect, and after some accident or another, being banged on the head here, or nearly pummeled to death there, they never wanted, with the consciousness they had left, to leave behind those few years when they considered themselves useful because they were brave soldiers. God bless them all.
(and yes, there is a guy at my local Trader Joe's who talks to me as if we are still living in 1968 ---- I refuse to quote him, because that would be, like, to be a user, man, which would definitely not be cool). (but you know what guys like that sounded like, God bless them. God loves us all).
tim in florida not vermont said... I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well.
manuel went up to the surface to watch the first of the grain bombs hit North American Directorate There were Federation ships orbiting the moon, and TRYING HARD to find the launch site.. So, using a patch cord instead of the wireless comms just made sense
Our local NBC affiliate is not showing Trump's town hall live but is showing it taped, I guess, at 7:00 PDT. My daughter in ID said they're showing it there at 8:00 PDT!
"Original Mike said... Huh. I am in northern Wi and the local NBC affiliate is WJFW out of Rhinelander. They seem to be playing regular programming. I don't know what this is, but it ain't a townhall with Trump."
There are only two counties in the USA that have no reported COVID-19 cases. Esmeralda County in Nevada (pop. 783) and Loving County, Texas (pop. 134). But I bet they don't really want this publicized.
"I want Condi. Kamala (Assuming a Biden win and he does not make it to the end of his term) vs Condi would be awesome!! " They probably both voted for Obama. https://althouse.blogspot.com/2008/12/condoleezza-rice-is-asked-about-widely.html
Is there anything as to reality that cannot be simply explained by the average US black IQ being 86, and as to campaign strategy by women being always ruled by feelings of the moment.
The target viewers are women.
Trump has a way to deal with the former, teach good character, but not the latter.
I just finished watching both townhalls. The leftists just don't get it- treating the candidates differently this way isn't helping Biden- it is helping Trump. I made this point several times now- you have to get out the bubble around your head and ask yourself how a non-partisan voter will judge such disparate treatment by the moderators. The left just doesn't seem capable of making this leap of imagination- they really do believe that Guthrie's behavior in the first 20 minutes, and her constant interrupting of Trump makes Trump look bad. What it does is it makes Guthrie look like a hero to hard core Democrats and look like a rude, incompetent, political hack to everyone else. A lot of people on the right don't get this point, either, though- they want to see the opposite where Biden gets grilled by someone and Trump gets nothing but deferential treatment and softball questions.
That said, Trump should have insisted on an indoor studio- the sound outdoors is just bad and makes for a poor visual to boot. I think there were probably only 3-4 Trump supporters in that crowd, and they probably had to lie to the NBC producers just to get a foot in the door (the lady nodding her head in agreement all night was one of the three as was the lady who complimented Trump on his smile, plus the two people who clapped to that remark. I was beginning to wonder if the audience would ask any questions as Guthrie used up over 1/3 of the time for the program for her own stupid and old questions- who gives a flying fuck about QAnon- only hard core leftists and rightists even know what it is. And, again with all the leftist framing of questions. At some point, Trump should just say, "That is a stupid question- next."
Biden got really only one tough question, but it was obvious that he and his staff knew every question in advance- the talking point rendition in the first two segments is a dead give-away- just too rehearsed to be real. The problem for Biden, though, is that after that first 40 minutes, he flagged very badly over the last half of the program- constantly slurring his words and losing the thread of what he was saying, with Stufflepig going to break every 5-6 minutes just to give Biden a breather- I think they broke about 8 times over the last 45 minutes. Biden just has no stamina at all- this is why a lid is put on almost every morning. Even worse, though, Biden gives no direct answers to anything outside the realm of "Trump bad, I better." Maybe that will persuade uncommitted voters, but I doubt it- the two men compared tonight aren't even in the same league- Biden is playing little league and Trump is playing in the big leagues. It really is that simple. I asked earlier today- can any of you imagine Biden sitting down for a townhall arranged by Tucker Carlson? Of course you can't- it would be a fucking bloodbath.
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?
I just found out that I've been blocked from YouTube for "hate speech." I'm not hat shocked, given what's been happening on the rest of the Internet. It's not like I've been using profanity or racial epithets. I have been sending in mocking comments in response to some bonehead posts on leftwing channels; I guess in the Orwellian world we live in, pro-liberty comments are considered "hate speech". Anyone had this happen to them? Did you ever get the ban lifted? If so, how did you do that? I'm thinking of starting a new account using a different e-mail address, but I guess they could still track it to this computer.
I can't wait to see the ratings comparison between the two town halls. Although the way things have been going lately, if the Trump town hall had higher ratings it would just be suppressed by the MSM.
First of all, after having done a shallow dive, checking out Pornhub for the articles I happened to find some dirty short movies. I checked out some of the vanilla straight heterosexual shorts.
The porn stars are the women. The guys are just anonymous “actors,” and sometimes nothing is shown besides male genitalia. I read an article about women's soft porn made by women and I tried to check it out but it cost about $10. I've heard of John Holmes and Jeremy fat boy but I didn't notice any male stars.
I also wonder about gay porn, if anybody could enlighten me. I won't even do a shallow dive here. Are there big gay porn stars with anonymous “actors,” or do they mostly do co-stars?
I saw about 25 minutes of “Behind the Green Door” on Times Square on my first visit to Times Square when I was 18 with my buddy. We had never seen one of those legendary stag films so we were quite interested. However, the sticky floor and the legions of pervs jerking off into their hats drove us out.
I think it was when the internet was new and the Tanya Harding wedding tape came out, it was my second porn film.
Through some program at Loyola of Chicago I had a Nigerian mid-20s dude living in my house for six week. I also had two 17-year-old girls at home, my daughter and extra daughter. My wife tells me that George is surfing porn in the evening after work in the basement while the girls were doing homework, where there were four PC workstations because we worked at home.
He came from a probably 26 baud connection in Lagos to a DSL in Chicago. He was in hog heaven and very culturally inappropriate. I had to tell him that viewing online porn was a private matter, don't make porn shortcuts on my desktop and you're probably exposing me to viruses so be careful the next four weeks before you go away.
However, intrigued, and this is about 2000, I checked to see about how much free porn my 15 y-o son could access. OMG, SMDH.
Now I had read an older study out of the Netherlands that legal pornography could give an outlet to child molesters and rapists. Not to mention single old guys with prostate issues, theoretically. I have not read a really contradictory opinion and I haven't seen any recent studies. I don't want to support full censorship.
I was a virgin until almost 18. Now I understand that oral sex is going on in middle schools. Is there some middle ground here?
I stick to the Hallmark channels. Who doesn't think Autumn Reese is a total hottie while being totally age inappropriate?
"I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain."
You'd have to know that the owner wasn't a Biden supporter, in Delaware. You'd have to know that he wouldn't just erase and reconfigure it for resale, without checking the content. I think the most likely answer is that younger Biden didn't want to hand a corrupted computer full of smutty stuff back to someone who would report that to his father.
"Whether Trump wins or loses, there will be someone else for R pres in 2024."
Trump will be the last Republican President for a generation. Maybe forever. Universal mail-in voting, along with vote harvesting, removes the natural advantage that Republicans always had at the polls. (That is, Republicans always vote; Democrats vote if it's a nice day.)
Going forward, American Federal government will be run by a highly self-entitled tribe of Democrats. The Constitution will become meaningless. The rule of law will collapse. And then, in the distant future, revolution.
Sally327: "I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?"
Fen's Law applies equally to leftists and their trained pets/"Washington Generals", NeverTrump republican's.
And poor Biden not only bragged about his grades, but he lied about them. That is some sinister stuff).
He may not have lied but he sure did use some confusing language to obfuscate. In the now famous quote he said "In my first year I was not highly motivated and was in the bottom 2/3 of my class. Then I got into it and graduated in the upper half.
Which could mean that he improved from below 66% to something more. But he is being tricky with the math here. He just as well could have declined from 66% to 52%.
Quote above is from memory. Fake but probably accurate.
Sally327 said... I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican? *****************
Have you been in a medically induced coma since..1988?
Sally327 said... I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?
Ben is positioning himself for the post-Trump era.
The main reason to vote Trump in 2020 is to destroy the establishment Republicans. Is Ben Sasse another Mitt Romney or John McCain - Democrat lite in competition for government graft.
The Democrats are a much tougher cancer to defeat, but it will never happen with the GOPe in ascendancy.
And remember, Biden did nothing today but the townhall, Trump spoke for almost 2 hours in NC at a rally this afternoon. One man is a dynamo, the other a couch potato.
I like Bearded Cruz, and honestly last time around I really didn’t like him. I think he was too heavily into the evangelical vote, or maybe it’s just because he’s better looking with the beard, but also I had never heard of him before he ran, and he has done a lot now to show he’s a fighter.
Twitter will no longer block and remove hacked content and will instead label tweets after Republicans said they threatened to subpoena CEO Jack Dorsey for shutting down President Trump's campaign account and blocking links to Biden Ukraine stories.The company's Legal, Policy and Trust & Safety Lead announced the policy changes on Thursday, saying the new rules applied unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them.'Over the last 24 hours, we've received significant feedback (from critical to supportive) about how we enforced our Hacked Materials Policy yesterday,' Vijaya Gadde posted.
The weird thing is that it wasn’t hacked. The password was freely given and the contents were voluntarily surrendered by Hunter Biden, the same coke head who abandoned a rental car with his brother’s AG badge in it and two DC driver’s licenses. I don’t know if they both belonged to him, but it wouldn’t surprise me, who wouldn’t want to have different driver’s licenses to give the cops, depending on circumstances.
“My problem is I made a mistake of teaching constitutional law for 21 years…”
No, his problem is that he was a terrible father who raised a crooked, incompetent, son.
Note that he taught constitutional law, but in his debate against Sarah Palin he misidentified what it is that Article I defines. He said it defines the Executive Branch. (You could look it up.). However Article I actually defines the Legislative Branch. (You could look that up, too,) And that was in 2008, before senility set in.
All I can say, is Savannah Guthrie is a c word. She was debating the President herself, not moderating a townhall. Joe got softball questions...and NOTHING about his son. Must be great to be a corrupt Democrat in our world with our Propagandists behind you.
Spiros Pappas said... How can a scandal as big and sleazy as Hunter Biden be ignored? Did Trump get impeached to protect Biden (and, by extension, Obama)?
This is exactly what happened. But not so much protect Biden, but to hide all of Obama's sleazy illegal actions. Using the Intelligence community, State Dept and the DoJ to spy on a political campaign, AND the new administration transition team. All the investigations, Mueller, impeachment...all the dog and pony show, was a device to give cover to agencies not responding to document requests. "gee we just cant get involved during a live investigation."
All the documents needed are in the public domain. They have come piecemeal from a wide variety of agencies. The dnc/media are working overtime to explain away the obvious.
Overnight headline from the local Boston rag: "A combative Trump and deliberate Biden battle from afar at town halls." One screen, two movies. Indeed.
Local MA online news headline, "Biden town hall: Win or lose on Election Day, Joe Biden calls for unity and dignity". Biden doesn't call for anything of the sort, but women put off by Trump's aggressive communication style are all too willing to believe this nonsense.
Dueling town hall events, one for each candidate, at the same time. The media do it this way to create a clearly competitive environment. But not competitive for the candidates, they are competing for advertisers and revenue. And Trump hate sells.
I voted yesterday. 70 minutes to vote absentee in person. There was also a line to drop off your ballot. A couple was beside me when they were being processed. Woman went thru fine but the poll worker didn't accept the guy's ballot. First he was told he had not sealed the envelope then after he fixed that he had no witness signature so he was told to come back...
"I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain.”
Looks like R(obert)H(unter) Biden’s signature on the paperwork dropping it off. I just don’t find it that hard to believe, he abandoned a rental car with a crack pipe in it. It’s like the climategate leak, everything in there was authentic, and it was all just what people had predicted would be found, which is why they fought so hard to prevent releasing it.
"What I want to know is what the FBI has been doing with it. Why did the FBI take possession of it? Where deep is that rabbit hole?”
My theory is that when they looked at what was on the hard drive, because the repairman gave them a copy, they shit a pickle and constituted a bullshit grand jury, which they will neither confirm nor deny, so that they could subpoena the computer and make it disappear that way, refusing not just to answer questions about the content (grand jury secrecy) but refusing to even acknowledge it exists. Of course if the dirt was on Trump, the grand jury process would be leaking like a sieve, but in this case it will be tighter than a drum. This way the laptop ends up someplace like where the government stores the Ark of the Covenant in the Indiana Jones movie. Its the Delaware Federal Prosecutor who has it, now and he has already refused to even acknowledge whether the subpoena in that post story is legitimate.
Don’t look for any pronouncements on the emails from the DOJ unless they are fake. Giuliani woud never take that risk. If they are fake, the counterpunch to Trump that they could produce would be devastating. Of course they are not fake.
"Overnight headline from the local Boston rag: "A combative Trump and deliberate Biden battle from afar at town halls." One screen, two movies. Indeed.”
True enough, but it was all down to a combative moderator vs a coddling one.
tim in vermont said...""In my first year I was not highly motivated and was in the bottom 2/3 of my class. Then I got into it and graduated in the upper half.”
That is funny. This statement could be true even if his motivation changed nothing and he finished exactly where he started.
" I have been sending in mocking comments in response to some bonehead posts on leftwing channels; I guess in the Orwellian world we live in, pro-liberty comments are considered "hate speech”.
I used to comment a lot on Disqus and had something like 50K likes and I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that I had skewed the numbers in the small state of Vermont
An example that the Wired article gave of a ‘toxic comment’ was to say that Hitler was a socialist, which he was as a matter of historical record. So yeah, that could have been me.
Cut and paste the link to Conservative Treehouse. Don't give me any guff about using them as a source. Ignore their commentary, the link is to the actual document. The 3rd source memo authorizing the scope of Mueller investigation. So you can see the actual document. It was written by Andrew Weisman, the actual person that ran the "mueller" investigation...and the entirety of the DoJ. Not my opinion, that is what Rosenstein said under oath at a congressional testimony. That means the DoJ was under the control of Weisman, and Rosenstein was an autosign machine.
If it were dirt on Trump, the worst of those emails would already be leaked from the grand jury to the New York Times and Washington Post and Twitter would be promoting the stories. Even if all other circumstances were identical.
That’s why I am sick of this country. It’s an effort to end the enlightenment and turn us into serfs, like in the good old days. The joke about it being “turtles all the way down” is partly true, it’s turtles until you get down out of sight, and then the bottom turtle is up to its knees in bullshit. Just like the global warming nonsense.
I wish somebody who had an OED would look up a word for me that is not defined on-line ‘foyste.’ It’s some kind of boat, but I don't’ know whether it’s a canoe or a ship of some kind. Maybe it’s some kind of sailing boat a few men could ride on. Next time somebody googles it, maybe they will be directed here for the definition. It’s been used twice in a book I am reading, but it’s not really clear, since it’s assumed any reader would know what a ‘foyste’ was.
Blogger Big Mike said... “My problem is I made a mistake of teaching constitutional law for 21 years…”
"No, his problem is that he was a terrible father who raised a crooked, incompetent, son.
Note that he taught constitutional law, but in his debate against Sarah Palin he misidentified what it is that Article I defines. He said it defines the Executive Branch. (You could look it up.). However Article I actually defines the Legislative Branch. (You could look that up, too,) And that was in 2008, before senility set in.
Just Joe being Joe."
Judging from the emails, old Joe demanded half of everything his children could grift. Now the Biden family makes sensed.
Doesn’t take much to push the conspiracy theorists into frenzied activity.
That is quite a window into how some minds work. It's not enough that a guy who likes them young may have gone after someone who turned out to be a bit too young. No, it's got to be a big conspiracy pedophile ring, which ironically makes it more likely that nothing will come of it. This sort of crazed speculation turns people off. It almost doesn't matter if it's true--kind of the flip side of "The Big Lie." Speculate too crazy and people don't care where it leads.
THIS is why we are pointing and laughing at the left. Tom Nichols posted this tweet :"Journalists, if you don’t find out who that woman is nodding behind Trump at an “undecided” voter town hall, then I don’t know what you’re getting paid for" So he is all for doxing an innocent black woman because she DARES to agree with Trump. If this isn't sick, then I don't know what is. You must think alike...you must think alike,.....you must think alike...
I just wanted to say hi and thank you! I have read every single one of your blog posts since my second year of law school in 2006. This is my first comment. I'm an old Millennial (born 1982) with three daughters of the "COVID generation" -- ages 8, 5 and 16 months. I've always appreciated your perspective. Thanks for giving me a break from my echo chamber and keeping my critical reasoning skills sharp.
The book was written originally in the 15 century when they were in vogue. I thought by context it might be a pleasure craft, but your definition makes more sense. I just hate not knowing what a word means when I am reading a book. I guess the only guerdon (appears constantly in this book) I can offer you is my thanks.
If you want to know what the book is like, imagine one long Monty Python skit about green knights, black knights, white knights, arms lopped off, etc, etc, with all of the absurdity, but not writeen ironically in any way. It’s called Palmerin of England.
However, one of the accused, Tulsi Gabbard, has her own theory to explain it. Responding to Clinton’s accusation, the Hawaiian congresswoman shot back on Twitter, calling Clinton “the queen of the warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”
I wanna have Tulsi Gabbard’s baby! No wonder the establishment forced her out of the race!
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१३५ टिप्पण्या:
"...it's Thursday night."
coupla Q's for yooz
1) Who's laptop will be the most toxic to a Dem campaign?
A) Weiner's?
B) Humper's?
"Bimbo Eruptions" vs "Laptop Lava-flows" ??
Once again, pervy Dem males bring down the Party
-are Dem Feminazis not pissed enough to expunge them?
-are Dem males driven to pervy sex due to repulsive Dem-Fems?
-is Dem culture conducive to perversion?
-all of the above?
#2) "Covid" or "Dementia" or a hybrid?
Since 3 of Team SloJo have the 'Rona, and Humper's 'Ukranium 1' scandal is burgeoning, and will eventually sink cellar-dweller Joe,
do the Dems:
A) Yank Joe under the pretext of the virus?
--pros: Doesnt look as bad as corruption
--cons: Doesnt provide cover from incoming Burisma scandal
B) Yank Joe because "He Just Doesnt Seem Like Himself Lately"?
--pros: Can use dementia to possibly mitigate culpability
--cons: Will validate what everyone knows-- been unfit for office
C) Yank Joe under a hybrid pretext-- "Covid" gives you "brain fog", which is why SloJo is so slow
The Washington State Supreme Court just ruled 9-0 against I-976, the $30 car tabs initiative. The court said that the ballot title confused the voters and was misleading. The ballot title was created by the Democrat AG, Bob Ferguson. AG Ferguson did everything in his power to undermine the defense of the initiative. He was late in filings and his filings were weak. Tim Eyeman, the sponsor of the initiative had to step in to defend the I-976.
Two of the justices who ruled on the initiative are up for election this November. They have no opponents. Washington voters can write in "Car Tabs" as their choice for Positions 4 and 7.
Seeing as both will get "Why is Trump so terrible?" style questions, which should I watch?
I had to scratch my balls earlier today.It felt good.
paragraphs 14 and 15
Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi, which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule. But they said any encounter would have been cursory. Pozharskyi did not respond to a request for comment.And senior Biden advisers who spoke to POLITICO on Wednesday — including Michael Carpenter and Amos Hochstein, who staffed the vice president at the time — similarly said that while there was never an official meeting, it’s technically conceivable that Pozharskyi would have approached Biden on the sidelines of some broader U.S.-Ukraine event.
NBC wisely just gets people from across the political spectrum instead of rolling the dice that they actually only find undecided voters.
Our nbc affiliate is still on local news. Even though the menu sez town hall...
I read an article a little while ago about Amy Coney Barrett being accused of adopting a phony NY accent and that it was cultural appropriation, which I found amusing because who would voluntarily want that kind of accent and because it seems absurd to consider an accent as cultural. But more interesting was how apparently her way of speaking is very common in New Orleans and it was described as a yat accent, which I have never heard of.
So, after shutting up many, many, many conservative people/outlets because of political expression, Twitter today went down, a widespread service outage preventing people from posting or accessing parts of their accounts.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
An attack? A hack? Karma? Justice?
Five minutes in...Savanah Guthrie is a world class cunt...what a hack.
All attack questions...'Didn't you...' 'Why did you...'
She used to be cute but is reaching her sell-by date...we'll see how long she lasts when the Matt Lauers of the world no longer care about what favors she can bestow.
Isn't it Thursday?
Also, even C-SPAN, formerly the last trusted news source because of its iron-clad rule of neutrality, is now outed as complete hacks themselves when they backed and promoted Steve Scully's LIE about his Twitter account. They have pissed all over Brian Lamb's baby.
Whether Trump wins or loses, there will be someone else for R pres in 2024. Who do you like?
I want Condi. Kamala (Assuming a Biden win and he does not make it to the end of his term) vs Condi would be awesome!!
Hunter Biden's Smoking Guns.
Why are we getting ANOTHER question about White Supremacy?
Tucker Carlson will be making more Hunter Biden emails public tonight.
Do you think manlet Georgie Stephanopoulos will ask him anything on it?
So, anybody want to discuss their sexual preference?
I'll go first:
I prefer women.
How about sexual orientation?
I am straight.
Don't judge me, man.
Oh. Trump's on one of the other nbc nets.
I watched 5 minutes of each. The woman talking to Trump would not let him finish a sentence. Biden was rambling.
Steve Scully lied about being hacked, proving once again that it's not the crime, it's the cover-up that does the damage.
Honesty is such a lonely word.
How does Joe Lockhart have a job? How many times can you lose your credibility, and still persist in the public realm? Must feel that the "Obama" reference on his resume shields him from all accountability. Does he get embarrassed for being so wrong so often? Does he want his friends and family to respect him? This is the wrong way to do that.
"Shameless" is not a compliment.
Joe's hepped up tonight. They juiced him with something.
Biden is insane.
Let the fun begin.
There is a young black woman behind Trump that keeps nodding her head in agreement to what Trump is saying...so far they haven't moved her...
Some staffer or stage hand is going to get fired : )
Funny, I'm well within the Seattle city limits, and I cannot receive the over-the-airwaves broadcast for either one of the local NBC, or ABC affiliates.
My God!! Joe is a deer-in-the-headlights. I'm sure he's just regurgitating the earphone feed.
The female Charles Barkley is intimidating him.
Well, I caught the last 10 minutes of the POTUS town hall... he was energized and I could tell by Rachel Madcow’s comments at the end that it went waaaaayyyy too well for Trump, as she was making it clear that “we at MSNBC had nothing to do with that, it was an NBC production”.
Hard to believe that Biden is up 27 points with female voters when Hillary Clinton only had a 13 point advantage. Hillary is a feminist icon and a major historical figure.
Something I did not know about Biden.
“My problem is I made a mistake of teaching constitutional law for 21 years…”
America suffers from terminal stupidity. Instead of a debate you get simultaneous shows that most voters have to choose between watching.
As a dem, I was just impressed with Judge Barrett. Dem senators in particular Hirono, Coons, Klobuchar, Booker, and Blumenthal were an embarrassment. Surprised that a smart woman like the judge is nominated by Trump. Wished the prof had live blog the hearing. Was it a missed opportunity?
Next POTUS is Biden.
Next VPOTUS is Kamala.
Next Majority Leader is Schumer.
Pelosi remains as Speaker.
The Rubin Report: Scientists Forced To Take Woke Pledges To Get Funding (Pt. 1) | Gad Saad
I saw about 2 minutes of the NBC thing. "White Supremacy" again.
They are really panicked about losing the black vote.
Trump spent an hour debating Savannah Guthrie but couldn't debate Joe Biden?
ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 15 (UPI) -- NASA will fund a project by Nokia to build a 4G cellular communication network on the moon with $14.1 million, the space agency announced.
I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well. Was he running from somebody? Trying to fix something and he needed to be on the phone? I can’t remember.
But more interesting was how apparently her way of speaking is very common in New Orleans and it was described as a yat accent, which I have never heard of.
“Yat” really doesn’t refer to her type of accent. It refers to the residents of certain suburbs who use the phrase “Where y’at?” It’s a bit of a slur really, referring to people from Jefferson Parish areas like Metairie and the West Bank as opposed to Uptown.
But the fact is that virtually no one in NO has a typical southern accent and it is common for people to think that folks from there talk like New Yorkers. My mom is from Brooklyn and when we moved down there people thought she was a native. For a good example of a typical New Orleanian, listen to Harry Connick Jr.
One of Biden's questioners....
"“Besides ‘You Ain’t Black’ What Do you Have to Say to Young Black Voters”
His answer distinguished between school, and day-care. Isn't that
Are the hardballs launching?
Huh. I am in northern Wi and the local NBC affiliate is WJFW out of Rhinelander. They seem to be playing regular programming. I don't know what this is, but it ain't a townhall with Trump.
I fat fingered the keyboard, and posted an incomplete thought.
I suppose that doesn't surprise anybody.
I watched the Trump appearance, but switched over to Biden during the breaks. In the part I saw, Biden rambled but didn't quite lose the thread. Stephanopoulos asked a few skeptical questions. He wasn't hostile but the questions about fracking were probing.....Savannah had way too much make-up. It was distracting. Her questions were hostile, but Trump didn't have any trouble batting them away and, in my opinion, didn't look sexist while doing so. I thought Trump came out ahead. She was a more attractive and interesting debate opponent than Biden who's unattractive and boring.....Did George ask Biden anything about Hunter?
Isn't that......
I forgot to add the ellipsis.
Why are we getting ANOTHER question about White Supremacy?
Yeah, that is weird. Americans are not, in principle, or the majority in practice, past or present, diversitists, let alone rabid diversitists. It's not in our character, not in our charter nor Constitution. Their obsession with diversity is motivated by political congruence, which presents them a cover to hind behind, and leverage to force people to kneel (e.g. cancelled, redistributive change).
I saw about 2 minutes of the NBC thing. "White Supremacy" again.
They are really panicked about losing the black vote.
50 shades of South Africa, or Libya, where they stood against apartheid, while lynching deplorable native and indigenous people.
I'd pick Amy Coney Barrett with the background of an Irish girl from a haute convent school in the Northeast like Sacred Heart. She definitely doesn't give off a southern belle vibe. I think she said her family was originally from France. I don't think we should hold that against her.
Having Joe looking up to the Heavens while a question is asked?
Yeah, that really does not work. He's doing a first commencement portrait at Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence.
Why you should vote Trump
forget the personality. Vote on principle.
the bigger issue.
Since I already believe that Burisma put Hunter Biden on its Board specifically to be in a position to exert influence over Joe Biden and American policy regarding Ukraine and did exert that influence, I don't find the emails to be all that interesting. Confirmation bias and all that. I believe the laptop is real and it was used by Hunter Biden. I don't believe that he dropped it off at some computer shop to have it fixed. I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain.
What I want to know is what the FBI has been doing with it. Why did the FBI take possession of it? Where deep is that rabbit hole?
tim in vermont said...
ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 15 (UPI) -- NASA will fund a project by Nokia to build a 4G cellular communication network on the moon with $14.1 million, the space agency announced.
I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well. Was he running from somebody? Trying to fix something and he needed to be on the phone? I can’t remember.
IIRC, he was trying to eyeball the ships that were trying to destroy the catapult, because Mike was leery of using the radars.
TO the commenter at 7:55: I couldn't find the Trump town hall either, Cox communications was not helpful, so I watched a ball game with a live audience from Texas.
Anyway, the election is over, so it doesn't matter whether the Trump town hall was shadow-banned ( very few people know this - that the election is over - but that does not matter either).
(And the people who know who already won are mostly freaks of nature who spend too much time on this sort of thing.)
Let's think about more important things.
Let us think about, and pray for the winners and losers ---
for example, let's think about poor Joe Biden, a fellow human being, and a bad law student who later lied about his law school scores (in real life I know hundreds of lawyers and not a single one has ever bragged about their law school grades ---- not one in the 30 or so years where I have professionally associated with lawyers. And poor Biden not only bragged about his grades, but he lied about them. That is some sinister stuff).
Poor old decrepit Joe - who we need to care about as a fellow human being, a man who has suffered much - knows that he lost a wife , that he lost a son , that he did his best to be sort of like the great Democratic politicians of yesteryear ----- and for those reasons we need to treat him like a fellow human being ----
anyway, in those short years between the Democratic KKK years and the Democratic heartless partial birth abortion years, in that short time-frame after Democratic politicians gave up the racism of their KKK days and before they were overwhelmed, like ignorant students are often overwhelmed at college by charismatic but phony professors, by the partial-birth abortion dirtbags who ran the Democratic party after Kennedy died and Johnson crawled back to Texas with his arrogant little tail between his little greedy fat-man arrogant legs (sorry for that visual, but Johnson was not a nice guy, and he does not get a nice visual) -
it was in that short time frame, think about it, where poor Joe with his second-rate mind and his second-rate heart was formed.
Back in the 70s, in the VA hospitals, there were still a few guys with bad mental disorders who still spoke the exact lingo they spoke when they were deployed in the Pacific or European Theater - it had been the only time in their life when they were treated with respect, and after some accident or another, being banged on the head here, or nearly pummeled to death there, they never wanted, with the consciousness they had left, to leave behind those few years when they considered themselves useful because they were brave soldiers. God bless them all.
(and yes, there is a guy at my local Trader Joe's who talks to me as if we are still living in 1968 ---- I refuse to quote him, because that would be, like, to be a user, man, which would definitely not be cool). (but you know what guys like that sounded like, God bless them. God loves us all).
The Trump thing was on MSNBC. Remember NBC has three outlets.
Wonder if it was the brouhaha today made them move it to Maddow land?
finally - some good news.
"Whether Trump wins or loses, there will be someone else for R pres in 2024. Who do you like?"
I like Kristi Noem, current Governor of the great state of South Dakota.
tim in florida not vermont said...
I still remember that scene in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where the guy went outside the dome and had to stop because he was at the end of his phone cord. OK, I don’t remember it very well.
manuel went up to the surface to watch the first of the grain bombs hit North American Directorate
There were Federation ships orbiting the moon, and TRYING HARD to find the launch site..
So, using a patch cord instead of the wireless comms just made sense
Our local NBC affiliate is not showing Trump's town hall live but is showing it taped, I guess, at 7:00 PDT. My daughter in ID said they're showing it there at 8:00 PDT!
The son of Joe Biden - scroll down for the crack user sitting in the tub
"Original Mike said...
Huh. I am in northern Wi and the local NBC affiliate is WJFW out of Rhinelander. They seem to be playing regular programming. I don't know what this is, but it ain't a townhall with Trump."
Biden was on NBC. Trump was on ABC
Wow, my NBC local station isn't showing it at all, even though the 'Guide' says it is! WTF????????????
There are only two counties in the USA that have no reported COVID-19 cases. Esmeralda County in Nevada (pop. 783) and Loving County, Texas (pop. 134). But I bet they don't really want this publicized.
Our ABC affiliate IS showing Biden live, though. :-(
"I want Condi. Kamala (Assuming a Biden win and he does not make it to the end of his term) vs Condi would be awesome!! "
They probably both voted for Obama.
How bout the Braves slapping the Dodgers around. How bout Bryce?!
Biden voter
Is there anything as to reality that cannot be simply explained by the average US black IQ being 86, and as to campaign strategy by women being always ruled by feelings of the moment.
The target viewers are women.
Trump has a way to deal with the former, teach good character, but not the latter.
They are really panicked about losing the black vote.
While they were wetting their pants over losing a portion of the black vote, they appear to have lost at least half of the Hispanic vote.
White left females are The horrid. It's true. they prove it every day.
I just finished watching both townhalls. The leftists just don't get it- treating the candidates differently this way isn't helping Biden- it is helping Trump. I made this point several times now- you have to get out the bubble around your head and ask yourself how a non-partisan voter will judge such disparate treatment by the moderators. The left just doesn't seem capable of making this leap of imagination- they really do believe that Guthrie's behavior in the first 20 minutes, and her constant interrupting of Trump makes Trump look bad. What it does is it makes Guthrie look like a hero to hard core Democrats and look like a rude, incompetent, political hack to everyone else. A lot of people on the right don't get this point, either, though- they want to see the opposite where Biden gets grilled by someone and Trump gets nothing but deferential treatment and softball questions.
That said, Trump should have insisted on an indoor studio- the sound outdoors is just bad and makes for a poor visual to boot. I think there were probably only 3-4 Trump supporters in that crowd, and they probably had to lie to the NBC producers just to get a foot in the door (the lady nodding her head in agreement all night was one of the three as was the lady who complimented Trump on his smile, plus the two people who clapped to that remark. I was beginning to wonder if the audience would ask any questions as Guthrie used up over 1/3 of the time for the program for her own stupid and old questions- who gives a flying fuck about QAnon- only hard core leftists and rightists even know what it is. And, again with all the leftist framing of questions. At some point, Trump should just say, "That is a stupid question- next."
Biden got really only one tough question, but it was obvious that he and his staff knew every question in advance- the talking point rendition in the first two segments is a dead give-away- just too rehearsed to be real. The problem for Biden, though, is that after that first 40 minutes, he flagged very badly over the last half of the program- constantly slurring his words and losing the thread of what he was saying, with Stufflepig going to break every 5-6 minutes just to give Biden a breather- I think they broke about 8 times over the last 45 minutes. Biden just has no stamina at all- this is why a lid is put on almost every morning. Even worse, though, Biden gives no direct answers to anything outside the realm of "Trump bad, I better." Maybe that will persuade uncommitted voters, but I doubt it- the two men compared tonight aren't even in the same league- Biden is playing little league and Trump is playing in the big leagues. It really is that simple. I asked earlier today- can any of you imagine Biden sitting down for a townhall arranged by Tucker Carlson? Of course you can't- it would be a fucking bloodbath.
How can a scandal as big and sleazy as Hunter Biden be ignored? Did Trump get impeached to protect Biden (and, by extension, Obama)?
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?
And for some down the rabbit hole speculation about Hunter Biden, scoot over to the following link and take a gander.
Doesn’t take much to push the conspiracy theorists into frenzied activity.
So Biden was there in person. What was the point of The Debate Committee trying to make a video debate again?
I just found out that I've been blocked from YouTube for "hate speech." I'm not hat shocked, given what's been happening on the rest of the Internet. It's not like I've been using profanity or racial epithets. I have been sending in mocking comments in response to some bonehead posts on leftwing channels; I guess in the Orwellian world we live in, pro-liberty comments are considered "hate speech". Anyone had this happen to them? Did you ever get the ban lifted? If so, how did you do that? I'm thinking of starting a new account using a different e-mail address, but I guess they could still track it to this computer.
"I want Condi."
Condi is a Bush interventionist nation-building liberal.
I would vote for anyone but her.
I'd rather get a Noem/Grenell ticket (either order).
Noem is electable and Grenell is a fighter and conservative (and he knows where the bodies are buried).
I can't wait to see the ratings comparison between the two town halls. Although the way things have been going lately, if the Trump town hall had higher ratings it would just be suppressed by the MSM.
I want to talk about porn.
First of all, after having done a shallow dive, checking out Pornhub for the articles I happened to find some dirty short movies. I checked out some of the vanilla straight heterosexual shorts.
The porn stars are the women. The guys are just anonymous “actors,” and sometimes nothing is shown besides male genitalia. I read an article about women's soft porn made by women and I tried to check it out but it cost about $10. I've heard of John Holmes and Jeremy fat boy but I didn't notice any male stars.
I also wonder about gay porn, if anybody could enlighten me. I won't even do a shallow dive here. Are there big gay porn stars with anonymous “actors,” or do they mostly do co-stars?
I saw about 25 minutes of “Behind the Green Door” on Times Square on my first visit to Times Square when I was 18 with my buddy. We had never seen one of those legendary stag films so we were quite interested. However, the sticky floor and the legions of pervs jerking off into their hats drove us out.
I think it was when the internet was new and the Tanya Harding wedding tape came out, it was my second porn film.
Through some program at Loyola of Chicago I had a Nigerian mid-20s dude living in my house for six week. I also had two 17-year-old girls at home, my daughter and extra daughter. My wife tells me that George is surfing porn in the evening after work in the basement while the girls were doing homework, where there were four PC workstations because we worked at home.
He came from a probably 26 baud connection in Lagos to a DSL in Chicago. He was in hog heaven and very culturally inappropriate. I had to tell him that viewing online porn was a private matter, don't make porn shortcuts on my desktop and you're probably exposing me to viruses so be careful the next four weeks before you go away.
However, intrigued, and this is about 2000, I checked to see about how much free porn my 15 y-o son could access. OMG, SMDH.
Now I had read an older study out of the Netherlands that legal pornography could give an outlet to child molesters and rapists. Not to mention single old guys with prostate issues, theoretically. I have not read a really contradictory opinion and I haven't seen any recent studies. I don't want to support full censorship.
I was a virgin until almost 18. Now I understand that oral sex is going on in middle schools. Is there some middle ground here?
I stick to the Hallmark channels. Who doesn't think Autumn Reese is a total hottie while being totally age inappropriate?
"Surprised that a smart woman like the judge is nominated by Trump."
Why are you surprised?
It seems that he appreciates beautiful women and smart women.
Barrett and Melania are examples of both.
For the record, I know exactly what VA hospitals in the 70s were like.
I know some of you might not believe me, but I am fine with that.
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole.
A bit?? That phony punk wannbe Beto O'Rourke hasn't won a whole lot of friends either since he got to the Senate.
"I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain."
You'd have to know that the owner wasn't a Biden supporter, in Delaware. You'd have to know that he wouldn't just erase and reconfigure it for resale, without checking the content. I think the most likely answer is that younger Biden didn't want to hand a corrupted computer full of smutty stuff back to someone who would report that to his father.
"Whether Trump wins or loses, there will be someone else for R pres in 2024."
Trump will be the last Republican President for a generation. Maybe forever. Universal mail-in voting, along with vote harvesting, removes the natural advantage that Republicans always had at the polls. (That is, Republicans always vote; Democrats vote if it's a nice day.)
Going forward, American Federal government will be run by a highly self-entitled tribe of Democrats. The Constitution will become meaningless. The rule of law will collapse. And then, in the distant future, revolution.
He's doing a first commencement portrait at Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence.
Communion!!....not commencement!!
Give me a break!! I'm a Methodist. My wife is the Catholic!!
Blogger Curious George said..."Biden was on NBC. Trump was on ABC"
Put the bottle down and go to bed.
Sally327: "I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?"
Fen's Law applies equally to leftists and their trained pets/"Washington Generals", NeverTrump republican's.
And poor Biden not only bragged about his grades, but he lied about them. That is some sinister stuff).
He may not have lied but he sure did use some confusing language to obfuscate. In the now famous quote he said "In my first year I was not highly motivated and was in the bottom 2/3 of my class. Then I got into it and graduated in the upper half.
Which could mean that he improved from below 66% to something more. But he is being tricky with the math here. He just as well could have declined from 66% to 52%.
Quote above is from memory. Fake but probably accurate.
John Henry
Sally327 said...
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?
Have you been in a medically induced coma since..1988?
SINCE WHEN did Gop senators follow that rule?
Sally327 said...
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole. And whatever happened to President Reagan's 11th Commandment, about never speaking ill of another Republican?
Ben is positioning himself for the post-Trump era.
The main reason to vote Trump in 2020 is to destroy the establishment Republicans. Is Ben Sasse another Mitt Romney or John McCain - Democrat lite in competition for government graft.
The Democrats are a much tougher cancer to defeat, but it will never happen with the GOPe in ascendancy.
Did we note this:
And remember, Biden did nothing today but the townhall, Trump spoke for almost 2 hours in NC at a rally this afternoon. One man is a dynamo, the other a couch potato.
I think Ben Sasse, GOP Senator from Nebraska, may be a bit of an a-hole.
AKA Sassypants.
Althouse is not cruelly neutral re freedom re POVs.
With this moderation delay and batching of comments she makes it very hard for me re getting my favorite comment position.
And, she’s written that it’s boring to keep celebrating when she graduated from high school.
But, 42069 and 69420 rule!
Did Trump get impeached to protect Biden (and, by extension, Obama)?
@Spiros Pappas, you broke the code, Baby!
"So, using a patch cord instead of the wireless comms just made sense”
Now I feel stupid. In my defense, I was a teenager when I read it.
I like Bearded Cruz, and honestly last time around I really didn’t like him. I think he was too heavily into the evangelical vote, or maybe it’s just because he’s better looking with the beard, but also I had never heard of him before he ran, and he has done a lot now to show he’s a fighter.
Twitter will no longer block and remove hacked content and will instead label tweets after Republicans said they threatened to subpoena CEO Jack Dorsey for shutting down President Trump's campaign account and blocking links to Biden Ukraine stories.The company's Legal, Policy and Trust & Safety Lead announced the policy changes on Thursday, saying the new rules applied unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them.'Over the last 24 hours, we've received significant feedback (from critical to supportive) about how we enforced our Hacked Materials Policy yesterday,' Vijaya Gadde posted.
The weird thing is that it wasn’t hacked. The password was freely given and the contents were voluntarily surrendered by Hunter Biden, the same coke head who abandoned a rental car with his brother’s AG badge in it and two DC driver’s licenses. I don’t know if they both belonged to him, but it wouldn’t surprise me, who wouldn’t want to have different driver’s licenses to give the cops, depending on circumstances.
“My problem is I made a mistake of teaching constitutional law for 21 years…”
No, his problem is that he was a terrible father who raised a crooked, incompetent, son.
Note that he taught constitutional law, but in his debate against Sarah Palin he misidentified what it is that Article I defines. He said it defines the Executive Branch. (You could look it up.). However Article I actually defines the Legislative Branch. (You could look that up, too,) And that was in 2008, before senility set in.
Just Joe being Joe.
All I can say, is Savannah Guthrie is a c word. She was debating the President herself, not moderating a townhall. Joe got softball questions...and NOTHING about his son. Must be great to be a corrupt Democrat in our world with our Propagandists behind you.
""In my first year I was not highly motivated and was in the bottom 2/3 of my class. Then I got into it and graduated in the upper half.”
That’s actually pretty funny. So was “Dog faced pony soldier."
Spiros Pappas said...
How can a scandal as big and sleazy as Hunter Biden be ignored? Did Trump get impeached to protect Biden (and, by extension, Obama)?
This is exactly what happened. But not so much protect Biden, but to hide all of Obama's sleazy illegal actions. Using the Intelligence community, State Dept and the DoJ to spy on a political campaign, AND the new administration transition team. All the investigations, Mueller, impeachment...all the dog and pony show, was a device to give cover to agencies not responding to document requests. "gee we just cant get involved during a live investigation."
All the documents needed are in the public domain. They have come piecemeal from a wide variety of agencies. The dnc/media are working overtime to explain away the obvious.
Overnight headline from the local Boston rag: "A combative Trump and deliberate Biden battle from afar at town halls." One screen, two movies. Indeed.
Local MA online news headline, "Biden town hall: Win or lose on Election Day, Joe Biden calls for unity and dignity". Biden doesn't call for anything of the sort, but women put off by Trump's aggressive communication style are all too willing to believe this nonsense.
Dueling town hall events, one for each candidate, at the same time. The media do it this way to create a clearly competitive environment. But not competitive for the candidates, they are competing for advertisers and revenue. And Trump hate sells.
Wonder when twitter will get tired of the “I was hacked!” lies from people who make embarrassing tweets and take legal action against them.
I knew it!
From the twitterverse
Ann the day of the week wrong is like ACB forgetting one freedom in the First Amendment.
I voted yesterday. 70 minutes to vote absentee in person. There was also a line to drop off your ballot. A couple was beside me when they were being processed. Woman went thru fine but the poll worker didn't accept the guy's ballot. First he was told he had not sealed the envelope then after he fixed that he had no witness signature so he was told to come back...
"I think there may have been a black bag operation run by someone, which used the computer shop as a way to get the laptop into the pubic domain.”
Looks like R(obert)H(unter) Biden’s signature on the paperwork dropping it off. I just don’t find it that hard to believe, he abandoned a rental car with a crack pipe in it. It’s like the climategate leak, everything in there was authentic, and it was all just what people had predicted would be found, which is why they fought so hard to prevent releasing it.
"What I want to know is what the FBI has been doing with it. Why did the FBI take possession of it? Where deep is that rabbit hole?”
My theory is that when they looked at what was on the hard drive, because the repairman gave them a copy, they shit a pickle and constituted a bullshit grand jury, which they will neither confirm nor deny, so that they could subpoena the computer and make it disappear that way, refusing not just to answer questions about the content (grand jury secrecy) but refusing to even acknowledge it exists. Of course if the dirt was on Trump, the grand jury process would be leaking like a sieve, but in this case it will be tighter than a drum. This way the laptop ends up someplace like where the government stores the Ark of the Covenant in the Indiana Jones movie. Its the Delaware Federal Prosecutor who has it, now and he has already refused to even acknowledge whether the subpoena in that post story is legitimate.
Don’t look for any pronouncements on the emails from the DOJ unless they are fake. Giuliani woud never take that risk. If they are fake, the counterpunch to Trump that they could produce would be devastating. Of course they are not fake.
"Overnight headline from the local Boston rag: "A combative Trump and deliberate Biden battle from afar at town halls." One screen, two movies. Indeed.”
True enough, but it was all down to a combative moderator vs a coddling one.
tim in vermont said...""In my first year I was not highly motivated and was in the bottom 2/3 of my class. Then I got into it and graduated in the upper half.”
That is funny. This statement could be true even if his motivation changed nothing and he finished exactly where he started.
" I have been sending in mocking comments in response to some bonehead posts on leftwing channels; I guess in the Orwellian world we live in, pro-liberty comments are considered "hate speech”.
I used to comment a lot on Disqus and had something like 50K likes and I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that I had skewed the numbers in the small state of Vermont
An example that the Wired article gave of a ‘toxic comment’ was to say that Hitler was a socialist, which he was as a matter of historical record. So yeah, that could have been me.
My "sexual preference":
Slender blonde women under 35. No cats. No pit bulls. Not married or engaged to be.
Cut and paste the link to Conservative Treehouse. Don't give me any guff about using them as a source. Ignore their commentary, the link is to the actual document. The 3rd source memo authorizing the scope of Mueller investigation. So you can see the actual document. It was written by Andrew Weisman, the actual person that ran the "mueller" investigation...and the entirety of the DoJ. Not my opinion, that is what Rosenstein said under oath at a congressional testimony. That means the DoJ was under the control of Weisman, and Rosenstein was an autosign machine.
If it were dirt on Trump, the worst of those emails would already be leaked from the grand jury to the New York Times and Washington Post and Twitter would be promoting the stories. Even if all other circumstances were identical.
That’s why I am sick of this country. It’s an effort to end the enlightenment and turn us into serfs, like in the good old days. The joke about it being “turtles all the way down” is partly true, it’s turtles until you get down out of sight, and then the bottom turtle is up to its knees in bullshit. Just like the global warming nonsense.
I wish somebody who had an OED would look up a word for me that is not defined on-line ‘foyste.’ It’s some kind of boat, but I don't’ know whether it’s a canoe or a ship of some kind. Maybe it’s some kind of sailing boat a few men could ride on. Next time somebody googles it, maybe they will be directed here for the definition. It’s been used twice in a book I am reading, but it’s not really clear, since it’s assumed any reader would know what a ‘foyste’ was.
Still think Democrats deserve public office?
Blogger Big Mike said...
“My problem is I made a mistake of teaching constitutional law for 21 years…”
"No, his problem is that he was a terrible father who raised a crooked, incompetent, son.
Note that he taught constitutional law, but in his debate against Sarah Palin he misidentified what it is that Article I defines. He said it defines the Executive Branch. (You could look it up.). However Article I actually defines the Legislative Branch. (You could look that up, too,) And that was in 2008, before senility set in.
Just Joe being Joe."
Judging from the emails, old Joe demanded half of everything his children could grift. Now the Biden family makes sensed.
Gospace said...https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/105040637535559554
Doesn’t take much to push the conspiracy theorists into frenzied activity.
That is quite a window into how some minds work. It's not enough that a guy who likes them young may have gone after someone who turned out to be a bit too young. No, it's got to be a big conspiracy pedophile ring, which ironically makes it more likely that nothing will come of it. This sort of crazed speculation turns people off. It almost doesn't matter if it's true--kind of the flip side of "The Big Lie." Speculate too crazy and people don't care where it leads.
THIS is why we are pointing and laughing at the left. Tom Nichols posted this tweet :"Journalists, if you don’t find out who that woman is nodding behind Trump at an “undecided” voter town hall, then I don’t know what you’re getting paid for" So he is all for doxing an innocent black woman because she DARES to agree with Trump. If this isn't sick, then I don't know what is. You must think alike...you must think alike,.....you must think alike...
I'm thinking of starting a new account using a different e-mail address, but I guess they could still track it to this computer.
Virtual machines, and you can spoof the MAC address. At least, I think that should work.
‘foyste’...It’s some kind of boat...
My Webster's 3rd Unabridged defines foy boat as "a pilot boat used in and about the river Tyne."
Maybe that's what you're after...
‘foyste’...It’s some kind of boat...
My Webster's 3rd Unabridged defines foy boat as "a pilot boat used in and about the river Tyne."
Maybe that's what you're after...
‘foyste’...It’s some kind of boat...
My Webster's 3rd Unabridged defines foy boat as "a pilot boat used in and about the river Tyne."
Maybe that's what you're after...
old Joe demanded half of everything his children could grift
Probably why Hunter is still alive.
I just wanted to say hi and thank you! I have read every single one of your blog posts since my second year of law school in 2006. This is my first comment. I'm an old Millennial (born 1982) with three daughters of the "COVID generation" -- ages 8, 5 and 16 months. I've always appreciated your perspective. Thanks for giving me a break from my echo chamber and keeping my critical reasoning skills sharp.
No "foyste" in my massive 2 volume 1941 Funk & Wagnall.
Oops, Tim, just noticed, it defines foist as "1. obs: a light galley 2.obs: RIVERBOAT : BARGE"
[from earlier fuste, fr. MF, fr. fust wood, stick, beam, barrel, fr. L fustis cudgel
MRCTV: San Francisco Mayor to pay Pacific Islander and black women to become pregnant
Is it possible for the Democratic Party get any more racist?
who's on 'foist' ?
"Oops, Tim, just noticed, it defines foist as "1. obs: a light galley 2.obs: RIVERBOAT : BARGE””
Thanks. Galley is right, I think.
The book was written originally in the 15 century when they were in vogue. I thought by context it might be a pleasure craft, but your definition makes more sense. I just hate not knowing what a word means when I am reading a book. I guess the only guerdon (appears constantly in this book) I can offer you is my thanks.
If you want to know what the book is like, imagine one long Monty Python skit about green knights, black knights, white knights, arms lopped off, etc, etc, with all of the absurdity, but not writeen ironically in any way. It’s called Palmerin of England.
However, one of the accused, Tulsi Gabbard, has her own theory to explain it. Responding to Clinton’s accusation, the Hawaiian congresswoman shot back on Twitter, calling Clinton “the queen of the warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”
I wanna have Tulsi Gabbard’s baby! No wonder the establishment forced her out of the race!
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