Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob -Ulinski Went to the Feds, this is what he said, "Got the all goods ...on Humper's email threads!" Bob Ulinski Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob -Ulinski You got Joe rockin' and a-rollin' Toxic as Lewinsky Bob Ulinski Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob -Ulinski
Could the OrangeMan be any more misogynistic? Playing "Y.M.C.A." after every rally, and son-of-a-bitch even dancing!
Women like our gracious host certainly know who the song "Y.M.C.A." is geared toward, and it ain't no damn woman. "Young man ... young man ... young man" is all intelligent people need to know about Mr. Trump and his choice in art. And we haven't even gotten to the second verse for cryin' out loud!
Looks like the woman-hater just landed in NE for another damn rally.
Of course he is in NE, the women there aren't really women. Gimli's all. Sure sure they hide some of the excess hair better, but they still ain't foolin' no metros.
@Guildofcannonballs, someone with the same "Ricky Rebel" came up with a new set of verses for the "Y.M.C.A." -- "M.A.G.A". Here's an example of the song.
Austin is about 10 years behind Madison in the Loony Left City Council Sweepstakes, and only because the state government has held them partially in check.
The Bidens fucked with the wrong man in Lt.Bobulinski. He was a Penn State wrestler at 158 lbs and Team Captain. After graduation he taught Navy officers nuclear power mathematics and had Q level security clearance. This explains his confidence and focus to go to the mat with a Trashy Biden Crime Family. When I first watched him tonight, he seemed too good to be real, but after learning of his career it explains that he is a rare real deal.
Well, I told the Rays' manager: "Don't change pitchers! Snell is doing great and only 78 or so pitches." BUT DID THE IDIOT LISTEN?! Of course not! They never do. Stupid pitching changes are the undoing of many MLB managers.
I don't really care who wins but wanted a game seven.
Narciso @ 9:41. I've been reading some of The Great Reset. Scary. And it explains just about everything that's going on right now. Question of the day is, can we do anything about it?
There was a Tik Toc ad just before the top of the9th. I think it was Tic Toc. Had the skating ocean spray drinking dreamer, some other videos joining in. Ended with a quick glimpse of Stevie in her skates. Strike while the toc is hot.
"Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth" by Brian Stetler goes to #1 on the NYT Best Seller List.
Stetler wrote the book after several people at Fox privately expressed worry to him about the growing power of prime-time opinion hosts Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham at the expense of Fox’s news operation.
“There is a real resistance inside Fox News,” Stelter told The Associated Press. “Nobody there would use that term. But there are many people there who are uncomfortable with Sean Hannity’s lies and Tucker Carlson’s xenophobia. It’s just that they are powerless, or feel powerless, and the prime-time stars have all the power. There are Trump true believers at Fox, but there are many others who are concerned about the damage being done, and don’t feel that they can speak out publicly.”
Oh yes, Tucker Calson's xenophobia:
"Nice people, no one doubts that, but as an economic matter, this is insane," Tucker said of low-skilled immigrants. "It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it. Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this. We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins; we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans."
Almost as bad is Tucker's dishonest defense of the indefensible Donald Trump, even using unproven claims about the Biden family in an attempt to help Trump win. Hunter Biden is not running for anything and the stuff being said about the former Vice President conveniently appeared at Trump's behest, just before the election with no time to verify. In the end, Trump corruption will bring Tucker Carlson to his knees as well, even before the president goes to jail.
By the way, I didn't mention - amongst all my recorded "looting the Walmart,...TV's, computers, phones, video games,drugs, liquor gone" - Trump gets a nod on track 10.
Patagonia, the consumer goods company, ran an ad last night for Sara Gideon. It was a clean energy themed ad. Guess I won't be buying any of their high priced, quirkily designed clothing anymore. Oh, wait, I never bought their stuff in the first place. More of an L.L. Bean guy. Gideon lives in Freeport, home to L.L. Bean. Maybe it was a Collins ad? Sara is from away, you know; Rhode Island girl. Has only been here 15 years. WTF does she know about Maine and its people?
"If masks worked, states such as Illinois would be COVID free;”
I am going to assume that you are just engaging in a little hyperbole there and not haplessly deficient in the ability to think quantitatively. BTW, where mask wearing is almost universal, in many countries in East Asia, they nearly are “COVID free."
"instead, it leads the nation in new cases. Hmmmm, i wonder WHY we have mask mandates then?”
Let’s see if I can put this logic to use in another context:
"Where people don’t lock their doors, crime is low, but where door locking is almost universal, crime is high, therefore people shouldn’t lock their doors so that crime falls everywhere.” you might say that your point is that locks don’t work and this proves it, but I think that what you are really thinking is that if the masks go away, the pandemic will go away, that’s why you are willing to suspend rational thinking in this case.
I think that people who go batshit crazy over a little thing like wearing a mask are really more afraid of the pandemic that people who recognize it as a risk and take reasonable measures to mitigate it. I am living in a high crime neighborhood of Boston right now. I like the neighborhood though, I am not living in fear of crime, but I do take reasonable precautions, like having an alarm system and, you know, locking my doors.
Almost as bad is Tucker's dishonest defense of the indefensible Donald Trump, even using unproven claims about the Biden family in an attempt to help Trump win.
The claims about the Biden family are certainly proven beyond any reasonable doubt. And if the FBI still believed in the rule of law this would have been properly investigated a full year ago, before the primaries even started and Biden was nowhere near being the front runner. Neither Biden nor Harris would be on the ticket — perhaps Bernie and Klobuchar? But the evidence is what it is; the FBI is what Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Wray made it; and the Democrats are what they have always been, which is the party of rampant corruption.
Brennen knew it was all hokum before the investigation by the FBI even started? Has Brennen denied these were his notes? No.
gadfly expects us to use standards regarding Biden that are exactly the opposite of what he and The Bulwark use in regards to Trump. And expects to have a shred of credibility left after swallowing what are documented to be lies from Hillary hook, line, and sinker.
Face it gadfly, if you had 1/10th the evidence against Trump as is now out there against Biden, Trump would be in jail right now. Either you are not very bright, or totally dishonest or both.
from dave cullen's computing forever they've tried to demonetize him, for pointing this out, it's not about health, it's about power, like thousand currents spurring the rioters, the trial run was chile last year, they got their 'living constitution' enacted this year, fine wear a mask, lockdown but it doesn't solve the problem, it makes it worse,
“Anybody here plan on looting the WalMart? All TV's, computers, phones, video games,drugs, liquor gone. Grocery department still untouched.”
I think that if the left wing violence trends continue, and stores outside the inner cities of Dem strongholds are targeted, we may well see a counter trend of people defending the ones they like with guns. Sure, Walmarts are corporate owned, and it is a huge corporation that can afford te loss (unlike many/most of the small businesses looted and burned by AntiFA and their proxies). But it is run by business people who look at numbers, and burning out or looting a store changes the numbers for that community. Like McDonalds, Walmart is very careful about where they put stores, and expand in an area as long as there is marginal profitability. And burning down stores changes the profitability of the community in their numbers.
One of the interesting things about having moved from a moderate income neighborhood to a higher income one, is that the Walmarts, Kroger’s, etc are further apart and less packed. We had a Walmart about a quarter mile from the old house, and it would be packed all day, until maybe 10 at night. Very likely one that had long lines outside, when they were actively controlling how many people were in the store. The food isles, esp were mobbed. You knock out that Walmart, and you cut an awful lot of people from a lot of their necessities.
Let me add, that trying to loot and burn out rural Walmarts, in particular, is likely to become a fatal error for those involved. They are too essential to the people who live there, and most everyone has access to firearms.
A counter idea though. Amazon is Walmart’s biggest threat, and they aren’t nearly as vulnerable to looting and burning. Bezos (etc) May be profiting more than anyone else with the looting and burning. Could they be helping fund it? Unlikely, of course, because most of the funding appears to be anti American, and even foreign. But the company’s push into drone delivery could be seen as very prescient. On the flip side, their move into doing their own deliveries, In their own, very distinctive, vans at this point could be the opposite. In the past they used a lot of Fedex, UPS, and USPS. Those delivery services tend to have a large percentage of deliveries that have little use to looters. But Amazon is just the opposite - I expect that their percentage of consumer goods is much higher, making their vans more profitable to loot. Moreover, they carry the risk of loss when it happens.
Here are some numbers Groot is using to shut down Chicago: • 48 confirmed Covid patients are on ventilators. (10 unconfirmed aka "PUI" Patient under investigation. But let's not count those since they apparently haven't tested positive.)So out of 2,059 ventilators available. That's 3%. • 126 ICU beds in use by Covid confirmed patientsOut of 1,275 ICU beds available. That's 10% And these ridiculously tiny numbers - not anywhere near overwhelming the system - are what Groot and her staff are using to justify shutting down an already dying economy. Where do these numbers come from? • The City of Chicago Data Portal The system isn't anywhere near being overwhelmed. This is just another step in the scam.
"Nice people, no one doubts that, but as an economic matter, this is insane," Tucker said of low-skilled immigrants. "It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it. Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this. We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins; we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans."
This is like his claim that the charges against the Bidens are uncorroborated. They are aimed at the politically unaware. If you get your news from the MSM, they have done a decent job at hiding the emerging Biden scandals. At a minimum, gadfly comes here, so knows better. But if the MSM, Twitter, FB, are filtering your news for you, then you may be unaware of all the corroboration. Just think of Leslie Stahl last week claiming that Trump’s claim that he and his campaign were illegally surveilled by the government hadn’t been corroborated. We have known for several years what happened, who was doing it, and much of how they did it. Or, at least most everyone here. But her 60 Minutes audience? Much less so.
We also know that the importation of large numbers of uneducated third world peasants was uneconomic. It was pushed by the Dems to increase the number of sheeple they could import to guarantee themselves a permanent electoral majority. It was uneconomic for the country, because people with third grade educations, only marginally fluent even in Spanish, cannot perform many of the jobs in this technologically advanced country. That means that much, if not most, of their work is under the table, bypassing the collection of payroll and income taxes. Meanwhile, they cost in terms of public services such as education, police, fire, medicine, and in some states, even food and shelter. And this cost is borne by everyone else.
But that is really a side show right now. Illegal immigration is significantly down under Trump (duh!). The October Surprise this year is strong (corroborated) proof that the Chinese Communist Party has bought and paid for the Dem candidate for President. The ChiComs are not our friends. They never have been, since we gave them some material support against the Japanese in WW II. But five years later, we were fighting them in Korea. But this isn’t the first time they have done this. They appear to have done so for the past five elections (Lurch Kerry, Obama/Biden, O/B, Crooked Hillary, SLO Joe). The Dems have been doing deals for quite some time that give the ChiComs geopolitical or economic advantage over us, while Weakening us in relation to them around the world. Why did they do this? Now we know - they were bribed. The center of the Dem establishment has sold themselves out to our geopolitical, military, and economic enemies. Sure, there was a bit of blackmail going on too (e.g. Humper Biden). But blackmail is more a Russian thing. They seem to love it. The Chinese way is bribery, and with the Dems in charge, it could be hidden. And was.
This country, along with much of the rest of the world, has had their economies crash as a consequence of the ChiComs creating a novel coronavirus, then releasing it into their population, and hiding that until it was too late to adequately fight it through quarantine. Probably inadvertent on their part, after their dabbling where they shouldn’t have. But that is the xenophobia that the Dems are really worried about - that Trump has shown, again, that the ChiComs are not our friends. They are our largest and most dangerous geopolitical enemy. And they have been actively aided and abetted by the Dems (and yes, some Republicans). That isn’t xenophobia. It is reality.
Just watched the Tucker Carlson-Bobulinski interview. Was struck by the point Bobulinski kept making that texts and e-mails FROM the "Biden family" cannot be Russian disinformation. How can messages sent by Biden's son and brother be from the Russians?
16 Pick 'n Save grocery stores in Chicago mostly located inside the black community have been looted twice and now the broken windows are being replaced by plywood. The looting is mainly in the liquor section just as looting in CVS-type stores is mainly drugs. But the consequence is that the food and medicine supply inside the black community is threatened. Not that Dem mayors care.
"16 Pick 'n Save grocery stores in Chicago mostly located inside the black community have been looted" Pluck 'n Save Contact free, paperless commerce. Mask required.
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५७ टिप्पण्या:
Humper's Chinese spy chief contact was under a FISA
So the comms were monitored-- how many degrees separation?
'Pruggs' "The Big Guy" Biden in the chain?
FISA goes both ways, but since John Roberts runs the FISA court...
hey-- any shake-up in that arena cuz ACB??
50 cent got grabbed by the ex-pussy.
Boldly Steppin'
An album of material, from various projects, I've been developing over 2019-2020.
Bob Bob Bob
Bob Bob -Ulinski
Went to the Feds, this is what he said,
"Got the all goods ...on Humper's email threads!"
Bob Ulinski
Bob Bob Bob
Bob Bob -Ulinski
You got Joe rockin' and a-rollin'
Toxic as Lewinsky
Bob Ulinski
Bob Bob Bob
Bob Bob -Ulinski
Could the OrangeMan be any more misogynistic? Playing "Y.M.C.A." after every rally, and son-of-a-bitch even dancing!
Women like our gracious host certainly know who the song "Y.M.C.A." is geared toward, and it ain't no damn woman. "Young man ... young man ... young man" is all intelligent people need to know about Mr. Trump and his choice in art. And we haven't even gotten to the second verse for cryin' out loud!
Looks like the woman-hater just landed in NE for another damn rally.
Of course he is in NE, the women there aren't really women. Gimli's all. Sure sure they hide some of the excess hair better, but they still ain't foolin' no metros.
@Guildofcannonballs, someone with the same "Ricky Rebel" came up with a new set of verses for the "Y.M.C.A." -- "M.A.G.A". Here's an example of the song.
Receipts have been delivered to Hunter, Joe, Jill, the daughter, and the brother.
Voicemails. Emails. Phone calls.
The Biden clan is dirty and I would bet Tucker Carlson's ratings are phenomenal.
You can't stop the signal, Mal.
(Quote from Firefly)
Well, I guess this clears things up...
Tucker's Bobulinski interview... Obama administration was corrupt from Top to Bottom.
Here's a roundtable on ten questions about Austin safety and spending.
Austin is about 10 years behind Madison in the Loony Left City Council Sweepstakes, and only because the state government has held them partially in check.
Trump is running ads on YouTube saying "How To: Prevent A Zombie Uprising. Only You Can Keep A Zombie Out Of The White House."
Tucker’s interview was stunning. But it will make no difference. The haters will vote for Biden no matter what.
"Forging peace in the Middle East without spilling blood all over the sand." -Trump
The Bidens fucked with the wrong man in Lt.Bobulinski. He was a Penn State wrestler at 158 lbs and Team Captain. After graduation he taught Navy officers nuclear power mathematics and had Q level security clearance. This explains his confidence and focus to go to the mat with a Trashy Biden Crime Family. When I first watched him tonight, he seemed too good to be real, but after learning of his career it explains that he is a rare real deal.
Watch before corrupt Goog-Youtube-Twitter leftists take it down
Love your sunrises. Ballast against The Abyss.
I think Tallyrand had a quote about NR's Kevin Williamson.
First rule of holes, Williamson..
Well, I told the Rays' manager: "Don't change pitchers! Snell is doing great and only 78 or so pitches." BUT DID THE IDIOT LISTEN?! Of course not! They never do. Stupid pitching changes are the undoing of many MLB managers.
I don't really care who wins but wanted a game seven.
This isnt about health or well being
Did David Begley attend the Trump rally I Nebraska today (tonight?). If so, I hope he gives a report.
States and countries with the highest rates of individual mask use have not “controlled” the virus. If masks worked, states such as Illinois would be COVID free; instead, it leads the nation in new cases.
Hmmmm, i wonder WHY we have mask mandates then?
3M Benefits From Demand for Face Masks, to sell 2 billion N95 masks by the end of 2020
Etsy Bet on Face Masks. So Far It Is Paying Off
Anybody here plan on looting the WalMart? All TV's, computers, phones, video games,drugs, liquor gone. Grocery department still untouched.
Narciso @ 9:41. I've been reading some of The Great Reset. Scary. And it explains just about everything that's going on right now. Question of the day is, can we do anything about it?
"Only the beginning, Padawan.
They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].
The Crack Emcee: "Boldly Steppin'
An album of material, from various projects, I've been developing over 2019-2020."
I like "I don't mean to brag"
Althouse calls a Lid at 10 pm ;)
The Crack Emcee said...
Boldly Steppin'
An album of material, from various projects, I've been developing over 2019-2020.
Over the years, your audience has become increasingly--no, make that exponentially--selective.
Guildofcannonballs said...
Could the OrangeMan be any more misogynistic? Playing "Y.M.C.A." after every rally, and son-of-a-bitch even dancing!
Women like our gracious host certainly know who the song "Y.M.C.A." is geared toward, and it ain't no damn woman.
Millions of women will know what you DON'T know, which is that gay men openly and notoriously get along with straight women, just fine.
Start with Yves St. Laurent. George Balanchine. Go on from there.
To steal a line from Spongebob's Squidward:
"If I had a dollar for brain you DON'T have, I would have ONE DOLLAR."
Side 2 of 'Abbey Road' is the greatest musical achievement of the last 50 years.
And I'm not even a rabid Beatles fan, nor am I drunk.
There was a Tik Toc ad just before the top of the9th. I think it was Tic Toc. Had the skating ocean spray drinking dreamer, some other videos joining in. Ended with a quick glimpse
of Stevie in her skates. Strike while the toc is hot.
Kristi Noem is everything perfect perfection aspires to.
Some people need to start bowing down.
If China was as smart as they tell America-haters, nobody would need to hate America anymore.
It's that pesky Andy fellow
with video from the BLM riot in Philadelphia
"Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth" by Brian Stetler goes to #1 on the NYT Best Seller List.
Stetler wrote the book after several people at Fox privately expressed worry to him about the growing power of prime-time opinion hosts Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham at the expense of Fox’s news operation.
“There is a real resistance inside Fox News,” Stelter told The Associated Press. “Nobody there would use that term. But there are many people there who are uncomfortable with Sean Hannity’s lies and Tucker Carlson’s xenophobia. It’s just that they are powerless, or feel powerless, and the prime-time stars have all the power. There are Trump true believers at Fox, but there are many others who are concerned about the damage being done, and don’t feel that they can speak out publicly.”
Oh yes, Tucker Calson's xenophobia:
"Nice people, no one doubts that, but as an economic matter, this is insane," Tucker said of low-skilled immigrants. "It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it. Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this. We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins; we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans."
Almost as bad is Tucker's dishonest defense of the indefensible Donald Trump, even using unproven claims about the Biden family in an attempt to help Trump win. Hunter Biden is not running for anything and the stuff being said about the former Vice President conveniently appeared at Trump's behest, just before the election with no time to verify. In the end, Trump corruption will bring Tucker Carlson to his knees as well, even before the president goes to jail.
"I don't really care who wins but wanted a game seven.”
They are playing baseball?
Forget his/her background, the public face of Pennsylvania's Health dep't could cause one to lose their lunch.
"There's no viewpoint moderation."
By the way, I didn't mention - amongst all my recorded "looting the Walmart,...TV's, computers, phones, video games,drugs, liquor gone" - Trump gets a nod on track 10.
I should've mentioned it.
Carry on, Assholes.
Thanks, Ann, Meade. I'm out.
I just got to flag an email offering quality meat for sale as spam.
Both Biden and Harris yesterday claimed that Covid 19 has killed millions in the U.S. to date.
Harris did it twice.
Only off by a factor of 1000.
Tag: Follow the Science
Patagonia, the consumer goods company, ran an ad last night for Sara Gideon. It was a clean energy themed ad. Guess I won't be buying any of their high priced, quirkily designed clothing anymore. Oh, wait, I never bought their stuff in the first place. More of an L.L. Bean guy. Gideon lives in Freeport, home to L.L. Bean. Maybe it was a Collins ad? Sara is from away, you know; Rhode Island girl. Has only been here 15 years. WTF does she know about Maine and its people?
"If masks worked, states such as Illinois would be COVID free;”
I am going to assume that you are just engaging in a little hyperbole there and not haplessly deficient in the ability to think quantitatively. BTW, where mask wearing is almost universal, in many countries in East Asia, they nearly are “COVID free."
"instead, it leads the nation in new cases.
Hmmmm, i wonder WHY we have mask mandates then?”
Let’s see if I can put this logic to use in another context:
"Where people don’t lock their doors, crime is low, but where door locking is almost universal, crime is high, therefore people shouldn’t lock their doors so that crime falls everywhere.” you might say that your point is that locks don’t work and this proves it, but I think that what you are really thinking is that if the masks go away, the pandemic will go away, that’s why you are willing to suspend rational thinking in this case.
I think that people who go batshit crazy over a little thing like wearing a mask are really more afraid of the pandemic that people who recognize it as a risk and take reasonable measures to mitigate it. I am living in a high crime neighborhood of Boston right now. I like the neighborhood though, I am not living in fear of crime, but I do take reasonable precautions, like having an alarm system and, you know, locking my doors.
I don't really care who wins but wanted a game seven.
@mockturtle, lots of us want things we can’t have.
Almost as bad is Tucker's dishonest defense of the indefensible Donald Trump, even using unproven claims about the Biden family in an attempt to help Trump win.
The claims about the Biden family are certainly proven beyond any reasonable doubt. And if the FBI still believed in the rule of law this would have been properly investigated a full year ago, before the primaries even started and Biden was nowhere near being the front runner. Neither Biden nor Harris would be on the ticket — perhaps Bernie and Klobuchar? But the evidence is what it is; the FBI is what Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Wray made it; and the Democrats are what they have always been, which is the party of rampant corruption.
Is 'suicide by cop' an act self-sacrifice to allow one's brethren a night of looting and rioting?
A new TMR post: The Truth About US Cults and Cultism In The World? The Rest Of Y'all Ain't There, Yet (You've Just Scratched The Surface) But, You're Getting Warmer
I'm still shocked - SHOCKED - cultism's not the biggest topic in the world,...considering it's the biggest topic in the world.
"Almost as bad is Tucker's dishonest defense of the indefensible Donald Trump, even using unproven claims”
You know this didn’t come from Hunter Biden’s laptop, right?
Remember when Hillary decided to smear Trump with a charge of “Russian collusion” when her own problems with emails got a little hot?
Brennen knew it was all hokum before the investigation by the FBI even started? Has Brennen denied these were his notes? No.
gadfly expects us to use standards regarding Biden that are exactly the opposite of what he and The Bulwark use in regards to Trump. And expects to have a shred of credibility left after swallowing what are documented to be lies from Hillary hook, line, and sinker.
Face it gadfly, if you had 1/10th the evidence against Trump as is now out there against Biden, Trump would be in jail right now. Either you are not very bright, or totally dishonest or both.
from dave cullen's computing forever they've tried to demonetize him, for pointing this out, it's not about health, it's about power, like thousand currents spurring the rioters, the trial run was chile last year, they got their 'living constitution' enacted this year, fine wear a mask, lockdown but it doesn't solve the problem, it makes it worse,
“Anybody here plan on looting the WalMart? All TV's, computers, phones, video games,drugs, liquor gone. Grocery department still untouched.”
I think that if the left wing violence trends continue, and stores outside the inner cities of Dem strongholds are targeted, we may well see a counter trend of people defending the ones they like with guns. Sure, Walmarts are corporate owned, and it is a huge corporation that can afford te loss (unlike many/most of the small businesses looted and burned by AntiFA and their proxies). But it is run by business people who look at numbers, and burning out or looting a store changes the numbers for that community. Like McDonalds, Walmart is very careful about where they put stores, and expand in an area as long as there is marginal profitability. And burning down stores changes the profitability of the community in their numbers.
One of the interesting things about having moved from a moderate income neighborhood to a higher income one, is that the Walmarts, Kroger’s, etc are further apart and less packed. We had a Walmart about a quarter mile from the old house, and it would be packed all day, until maybe 10 at night. Very likely one that had long lines outside, when they were actively controlling how many people were in the store. The food isles, esp were mobbed. You knock out that Walmart, and you cut an awful lot of people from a lot of their necessities.
Let me add, that trying to loot and burn out rural Walmarts, in particular, is likely to become a fatal error for those involved. They are too essential to the people who live there, and most everyone has access to firearms.
A counter idea though. Amazon is Walmart’s biggest threat, and they aren’t nearly as vulnerable to looting and burning. Bezos (etc) May be profiting more than anyone else with the looting and burning. Could they be helping fund it? Unlikely, of course, because most of the funding appears to be anti American, and even foreign. But the company’s push into drone delivery could be seen as very prescient. On the flip side, their move into doing their own deliveries, In their own, very distinctive, vans at this point could be the opposite. In the past they used a lot of Fedex, UPS, and USPS. Those delivery services tend to have a large percentage of deliveries that have little use to looters. But Amazon is just the opposite - I expect that their percentage of consumer goods is much higher, making their vans more profitable to loot. Moreover, they carry the risk of loss when it happens.
Here are some numbers Groot is using to shut down Chicago:
• 48 confirmed Covid patients are on ventilators. (10 unconfirmed aka "PUI" Patient under investigation. But let's not count those since they apparently haven't tested positive.)So out of 2,059 ventilators available. That's 3%.
• 126 ICU beds in use by Covid confirmed patientsOut of 1,275 ICU beds available. That's 10%
And these ridiculously tiny numbers - not anywhere near overwhelming the system - are what Groot and her staff are using to justify shutting down an already dying economy.
Where do these numbers come from?
• The City of Chicago Data Portal
The system isn't anywhere near being overwhelmed. This is just another step in the scam.
“Oh yes, Tucker Calson's xenophobia:”
"Nice people, no one doubts that, but as an economic matter, this is insane," Tucker said of low-skilled immigrants. "It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it. Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this. We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins; we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans."
This is like his claim that the charges against the Bidens are uncorroborated. They are aimed at the politically unaware. If you get your news from the MSM, they have done a decent job at hiding the emerging Biden scandals. At a minimum, gadfly comes here, so knows better. But if the MSM, Twitter, FB, are filtering your news for you, then you may be unaware of all the corroboration. Just think of Leslie Stahl last week claiming that Trump’s claim that he and his campaign were illegally surveilled by the government hadn’t been corroborated. We have known for several years what happened, who was doing it, and much of how they did it. Or, at least most everyone here. But her 60 Minutes audience? Much less so.
We also know that the importation of large numbers of uneducated third world peasants was uneconomic. It was pushed by the Dems to increase the number of sheeple they could import to guarantee themselves a permanent electoral majority. It was uneconomic for the country, because people with third grade educations, only marginally fluent even in Spanish, cannot perform many of the jobs in this technologically advanced country. That means that much, if not most, of their work is under the table, bypassing the collection of payroll and income taxes. Meanwhile, they cost in terms of public services such as education, police, fire, medicine, and in some states, even food and shelter. And this cost is borne by everyone else.
But that is really a side show right now. Illegal immigration is significantly down under Trump (duh!). The October Surprise this year is strong (corroborated) proof that the Chinese Communist Party has bought and paid for the Dem candidate for President. The ChiComs are not our friends. They never have been, since we gave them some material support against the Japanese in WW II. But five years later, we were fighting them in Korea. But this isn’t the first time they have done this. They appear to have done so for the past five elections (Lurch Kerry, Obama/Biden, O/B, Crooked Hillary, SLO Joe). The Dems have been doing deals for quite some time that give the ChiComs geopolitical or economic advantage over us, while Weakening us in relation to them around the world. Why did they do this? Now we know - they were bribed. The center of the Dem establishment has sold themselves out to our geopolitical, military, and economic enemies. Sure, there was a bit of blackmail going on too (e.g. Humper Biden). But blackmail is more a Russian thing. They seem to love it. The Chinese way is bribery, and with the Dems in charge, it could be hidden. And was.
This country, along with much of the rest of the world, has had their economies crash as a consequence of the ChiComs creating a novel coronavirus, then releasing it into their population, and hiding that until it was too late to adequately fight it through quarantine. Probably inadvertent on their part, after their dabbling where they shouldn’t have. But that is the xenophobia that the Dems are really worried about - that Trump has shown, again, that the ChiComs are not our friends. They are our largest and most dangerous geopolitical enemy. And they have been actively aided and abetted by the Dems (and yes, some Republicans). That isn’t xenophobia. It is reality.
Just watched the Tucker Carlson-Bobulinski interview. Was struck by the point Bobulinski kept making that texts and e-mails FROM the "Biden family" cannot be Russian disinformation. How can messages sent by Biden's son and brother be from the Russians?
16 Pick 'n Save grocery stores in Chicago mostly located inside the black community have been looted twice and now the broken windows are being replaced by plywood. The looting is mainly in the liquor section just as looting in CVS-type stores is mainly drugs. But the consequence is that the food and medicine supply inside the black community is threatened. Not that Dem mayors care.
"16 Pick 'n Save grocery stores in Chicago mostly located inside the black community have been looted"
Pluck 'n Save
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when are nerds going to rise up and start looting Barnes & Nobles?
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