They will not let the NYPost tweet until the NY Post tacitly ‘admits’ that they “violated policy” by publishing “hacked” materials, which the NY Post did not do. The NY Post came by the stuff legally, every step of the way. Twitter won’t climb down because then Twitter would be admitting the truth, that the materials were never “hacked.”
Of course Trump’s tax return leak was a Federal crime, but Twitter didn’t care. Twitter’s overreaction of course is the story. They have fallen into a trap. The Post is probably getting more views than they ever had because people are going directly there. It’s not really that hard to type into your browser.
Then we hear that the Biden campaign sent letters to all of the broadcast and cable networks not to have Giuliani on. Can you imagine them acceding to a like demand by Trump? Ha ha ha ha, JKLOL. It was a rhetorical question.
Peoples Pundit has data showing Trump by 2...if you're data poll samples women by 72%. Adjusting by estimated turnout Trump is LEADING Arizona by 5-7... extrapolate Nate's snake model and Trump needs just one rust belt state. Maybe that's why Obama (not the better one- it's Barack) is campaigning in PA...
The market here has a sign saying "Masks Required", but about 1/3 of the people there today weren't wearing one. And of those who were, a fair number had them pulled down below their noses. This is the third week in a row I've noticed at least one worker who had a mask pulled down below the nose, as well.
More details on the computer shop owner who gave Giuliani the hard drive material. An interesting part of the tale, at least to me, was this part:
"Two weeks later, the intrepid agents [Y.W. they had previously refused to take the hard drive or image it] called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer."
Why did this interest me? Because they lied to him about what they wanted to do- first they tell him they just want to image it, and then they show up and take it. Why would they do that? I can think of only one reason they would lie to him- to try to prevent him from making a copy before they can remove it from his possession- it is the only thing that makes sense. I wonder, though, whether the shopowner has told us the entire story- did they ask him at any point whether or not he had made a copy of it, and what did he tell them? I strongly suspect they did ask him if he made a copy of it, and he probably lied to them at some point. Even an honest FBI agent with no nefarious intentions would likely have asked about copies of the hard drive given that Mac had described the contents to them, a corrupt one would definitely have asked such a basic and obvious question.
One other detail of the story that had previously missed my notice:
"But that changed last Tuesday [Y.W.- ignoring the shopowner's request that the laptop be picked up], October 13, 2020. A person claiming to be Hunter Biden's lawyer called John Paul Mac Isaac and asked for the computer to be returned. Too late. That horse had left the barn and was with the FBI."
Unless I have missed something, the NYPost published the first story on Wednesday morning, so the impetus to try to retrieve the laptop had to have been initiated by the reporters' asking the Bidens for comments on a story they were about to run. Here is my question: did the reporters describe John Paul Mac Isaac to the Biden team? I am asking the question because if the reporters didn't do this- just vaguely described a computer that Hunter Biden failed to retrieve- then the act of asking for the laptop from Isaac specifically, before Wednesday's story dropped, is a pretty strong confirmation of the story's truthfulness. I will have to try to track down the description Giuliani gave about this request- he may have made the point that the Biden's weren't alert as from where the computer was received.
"The pedophilia claims against Hunter Biden have been debunked. It was just teenage prostitutes.”
LOL. You mean trafficked underage Ukrainian girls. “Prostitute” kind of implies that they made an adult decision. Besides, that was the least of it. I think that the fact that the Biden family was set up for corruption in a way that China very much understands, since China does this kind of corruption in exactly the same way. I think the fact that there is corroboration now, in the form of another email account where the recipient has confirmed that “the big guy” meant “Joe Biden” and that Hunter said that Joe made him give up half the graft to him. Maybe in bitcoin, maybe in offshore accounts.
This idea that the money isn’t on Joe’s financial disclosures or tax returns is ridiculous in terms of evidence he was not on the take. It was Hunter’s job to be the bag man.
In any even, the Chinese communists have given Hunter many millions of dollars, part of which went to Joe in some form, apparently. The Mayor of Moscow’s wife gave Hunter 3.5 million dollars, Biden would get half of that. She is a close friend of Putin, BTW.
The Mail can reveal that between 2012 and 2014, Hunter worked as a sort of go-between for Kenes Rakishev, a self-styled 'international businessman, investor and entrepreneur' with close family connections to the kleptocratic regime of his homeland's despotic former president Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Nothing a Biden likes better than a kleptocrat. Birds of a feather flock together, as they say.
It may even be that Joe Biden himself was dragged into the oligarch's orbit. An unverified photograph, published on the website of an anti-corruption group called the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, appears to show Hunter introducing his Dad to both Rakishev and one Karim Massimov, the former Kazakh Prime Minister. - narciso’s link
Remember that this stuff doesn’t come from the hard drive, it just corroborates it.
"Anna Makanju is the Facebook executive in charge of “election integrity on the platform”; and guess what her job was before that position… “Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden”.
Rainy and messy start to the day today, ended gloriously. Classic New England autumn day. Did about 30 miles on the bicycle with my brother in law. A leisurely pace so we could enjoy fhe sights and sounds and smells. Finished with a lovely meal, Italian wine, a great dessert, and some lovely Portuguese after dinner drinks (not Port).
Paid zero attention to the election. Must add I am surprised by the Biden signs here in MA. Why put up a sign, there is no doubt of him carrying the state, right?
He had every right to image the hard drive. They could subpoena a copy of a file, but they can’t make him give them a copy and delete the original. Not yet anyway, wait until Joe and the ChiComs are making the rules.
I see the Bidens and their propagandists are going with Russian Collusion again.
So, here is what a "hoax" would have had to do in this case:
(1) Hack Hunter Biden and get his photographs, videos, and emails;
(2) Arrange for John Paul Mac Isaac to be a cutout for the harddrive, give him an invoice signed with Hunter Biden's signature- this could only be done with Isaac's explicit cooperation;
(3) Fake all the incriminating e-mails, and get one of Hunter Biden's associates, in prison, to cooperate by not only confirming the authenticity of the e-mails on which he was cc'd, but also plant those same fake e-mails in the associate's Gmail account;
(4) Do all of this not just this last month, but do it over a year ago so that the FBI could be informed first by Isaac and give the FBI the opportunity to take possession of the laptop long before it came into Rudy Giuliani's hands.
Seriously- you have to be a drooling moron to believe this is a hoax at this point- a drooling moron. No one believe this is a hoax- not Adam Schiff, not Joe Biden, not any of the reporters floating the Russian angle- they are all just lying to you now.
Here is the single best documentary of Ukrainegate that I have seen anywhere- it is detailed, and it is supported at every point with documentary evidence. Part 2 is on the sidebar of the video to load automatically.
Yes, the two videos together are over 1 and 1/2 hours in length, but well worth the watch if you have any interest at in whether or not Joe Biden deserves to be President.
Am I the only person on the planet who still remembers the original plan the British were going to follow before they chickened out and locked down hard?
Also, read the comments in that twitter thread I linked to just above. It was always pure insanity to believe that we could extinguish the virus, or even slow it up all that much. The idea that we lock down until a vaccine is widely available was literally the stupidest approach of them all.
Regarding voting for ACB.....I think ACB will be confirmed. I guess Collins will vote "no" and argue the vote is against the "rushed" process and not ACB.I think that will actually hurt her as the Maine D voters will not be swayed and yet some R voters might be turned off. Just my guess.
This one is cheesy....What is the best motivational song that was part of a movie? My wife laughs at me because I have gotten hooked on "You're The Best" from The Karate Kid. I listen/watch on You Tube.
When you are in the early days/weeks/years of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, cancer just takes over your whole life. But with perseverance, a good medical team, and luck, eventually you reach a new normal and entire days go by without you having to think about it.
Let me encourage you by saying it won't always be the way it is for you now. It has been, amazingly, 15 years since my last treatment. The three years before that are a haze of surgeries and radiation treatments. Coming back from all that was like climbing out of a deep pit and it took longer than I wanted it to, but still.
The market here has a sign saying "Masks Required", but about 1/3 of the people there today weren't wearing one. And of those who were, a fair number had them pulled down below their noses.
The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing. It’s annoying to look at—having the mask just over the mouth isn’t mostly wearing a mask or almost wearing a mask, it’s pretty much not wearing a mask. It’s a wasted effort.
One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father. He was, essentially, his father’s bagman. In that, Crooked Joe seems to be following in the footsteps of his predecessor, as the Dem Presidential candidate, Crooked Hillary, in selling American foreign policy to the top bidders around the world. And people wonder why so many of us believe them to be truly evil.
The good thing is that Ann hasn’t really started blogging yet this morning. I just spent the last three hours on the Internet, when I should be asleep. I had the rare opportunity to be alone last night. We just drove 1400 miles from MT to AZ, for the winter. Two of us with the cat between us most of the time (until he started whining about the third day). Downstairs A/C was out in our new house here. She spent the night at her daughter’s, while I waited for the A/C guy. She can’t handle that much heat (84°), and hasn’t seen her daughter for awhile. The problem is that I expect her to call me in a couple short hours to pick her up.
A top official at one of Pennsylvania's most powerful labor groups slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for falsely boasting of the union's endorsement. Shawn Steffee, a trustee with Boilermakers Local 154, said that his members were shocked to hear the Democratic nominee claim their support on national television.
Remember when they called out Biden for his lies during the ’town hall'?
You know what, all of this Hunter Biden stuff, oh yeah and Joe Biden coming up on the radar of Kazakhstani Initiative of Asset Recovery, an anti corruption group angry that there poor country had been raped of many of its assets by kleptocrats, a coupld of whom they have in a photo with Joe and Hunter Biden on their website. All of this wandering rapacity, taking advantage of the opportunities for thievery afforded by American military power, and the fact that powerful Democrats other than Biden have been involved, as is documented in the New York Times which I will be happy to link should anybody call bullshit, anyway, with that as a preamble:
Doesn’t this put a whole different spin on the week during the primaries when Democrat powers that be, whose names we don’t know, cleared the field for Joe Biden, all except keeping Warren in for one more primary, as the best way to weaken the only real challenge to Biden by splitting the “more handouts” vote? Turns out that the handouts were for the people at the top, not those clueless Warren voters.
FourChan just changed the vote of the Mayor of Portland to Donald John Trump with a simple hack that anybody could do. Don’t worry though, paper ballots like other countries use are too exorbitantly expensive for the United States.
Not only can you see anybody’s vote, but if you don’t like how your wife voted, for example, you can just change it. We should have thought of such a system years ago!
Bruce Hayden said...One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father
Most of the emails are just embarrassing to Joe Biden (which may be enough to swing the election), but don’t directly involve him. Even the “thanks for the meeting” email doesn’t prove Joe lied or did something wrong (there are plausible harmless explanations).
But, the “old man” emails are in a different category—these are the ones that could bring down the Biden crime family. IF there is real evidence those emails definitely referred fo Joe AND that they are not a family joke that doesn’t really mean anything. Both are big ifs.
n one of his more famous books, Thompson recounts driving a rented car through the Nevada desert while on drugs.
“And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooning and screeching and diving around the car.”
Forty years later, Hunter Biden was in a rented car (in which he would later leave a crack pipe) out on the same desert at night, stoned out of his own mind.
“A large barn owl flew over the hood of the car and seemed to follow him … He said that he has no idea whether the owl was real or a hallucination.”
It’s hard to believe that this guy could forget about a laptop. Of course, he might have remembered it, and maybe it was a “fuck you” to dear old Pop, who, to be fair, has done a shit job of raising his son, making him commit crimes like acting as an unregistered foreign agent, you know, that’s the reason Manafort is in prison right now.
The Crack Emcee said... Anybody else seen this shit happening right before the election? A 30-day suspension.
don't worry! once the election is over and Jo Biden is appointed Boss EVERYTHING will go back normal If everyone summits to the rule of Rome, they'll let us pay our taxes in peace LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER!
serious question What does the Red "E" on the Bidden/Harris signs mean? i guess it's supposed to be the american flag? Showing that ...California ...New York ...Illinois are the only states that matter?
IIB - Doctors and pharmaceuticals do amazing work with cancer these days. I've seen treatment improvements over the course of my two unconnected cancers in the last decade. So hanging in there is the exact right thing to do. Sucks, but here's hoping for the best for you.
Ignorance is Bliss said... "Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it." You can beat this thing. I got faith in ya. Sending one out on your behalf anyway.
One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father. He was, essentially, his father’s bagman.
I thought it was half and I suspect both the Biden boys were well aware as to what their roles were going to be in the 'family'.
Ignorance is Bliss: I put a prayer request in for you at church. And I mentioned the high quality of your comments here too! Hope you have a good Sunday.
Blogger tim maguire said... ... The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing. It’s annoying to look at—having the mask just over the mouth isn’t mostly wearing a mask or almost wearing a mask, it’s pretty much not wearing a mask. It’s a wasted effort.
10/18/20, 5:03 AM
I thought we were a bunch of mouth-breathers, anyway.
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it."
Been there twice now. Given just a few months to live back in 2006. Modern medicine and surgery fixed it. I've been cancer-free and very healthy with zero issues ever since. It was a tough slog getting through, but well worth it. Expect the same, the odds are with you.
"You people are in full Adam Schiff mode. Enjoy the dopamine while it lasts.”
The difference is that we have actual evidence, Schiff was hiding evidence. Even you should be able to notice that difference. It’s no surprise that the best that the contrarians here seem to have is drive by jibes, free of actual reasoning.
@IgnoranceIsBliss: Sorry to hear about your struggle. Stay positive, and please keep posting.
@YanceyWard: Thank you for the link to the French documentary (with English voiceover and subtitles) about UkraineGate. The first two installments were indeed well worth the time to watch. As an advisory to potential viewers, I thought the first segment was rather too flattering toward Viktor Shokin, and I almost didn’t watch the second segment for that reason, but the second segment provided an effective counterweight. I also learned that the series is actually four parts, and a DDG search on documentarian Olivier Berruyer led me to this curious page presenting all four: .
"The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing."
I've been watching for some time now to see how people are responding to "mask required" signs. There were way more "fallen off" masks yesterday than there have ever been. I suspect they didn't really fall off. And then there's the increased number of people who weren't wearing one at all, which is hardly an accident.
Weird that some anti corruption organization in Kazakhstan would have a picture on their website that proves that Joe lied about never discussing his son’s overseas business with him. I guess they are just butt hurt over having their little country raped by the Bidens, same as Ukraine. Somebody should ask him if that meeting was on his “official schedule."
Joe Biden couldn’t get security clearance to work at the gate at the White House with what is currently known about him and the ChiComs.
"It was always pure insanity to believe that we could extinguish the virus, or even slow it up all that much. “
Norway’s under 70 (To rule out “dry tinder”) deaths per capita were an order of magnitude lower than Sweden’s Japan’s per capita death rate is an order of magnitude lower than Norways.
Countries that see masks as a common sense measure in times like these are doing far far better than those who see them as somehow countering the effectiveness of their tin foil hats.
But obviously it’s impossible to get people to take them seriously until their town gets hit hard and they see their own loved ones, the dry tinder, die. As Ben Franklin said: “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that.”
"Countries that see masks as a common sense measure in times like these"
Tim, you are just literally full of shit on this issue, not only does almost all of the science go against the usefulness of masks, but all of Europe has mask mandates in place, and have so since Spring- it didn't work there, did it- the same is true in almost all Latin America except for Mexico. The only thing that Norway and Japan had that was probably was effective is that both are essentially islands as far as border control goes, and probably neither of them has had a huge influx of foreigners into the country since last February. You keep picking the odd countries out of the whole of the world to make your mask claims, but the fact is that mask mandates have been in place for almost all of the western world since Spring, and most of those countries are now into their second and third waves of outbreaks. The only factor that seems to be meaningful is how much foreign travel a country gets or has gotten since the first of the year- the most notable thing is how actual islands have evaded the worst so far- see Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, but even there, with strict border closures, none of them have actually extinguished the virus- it is endemic and simply waiting for the chance to spread more widely- we should probably stop with all the nonsense virtue signalling and just let people take whatever measures they decide for themselves- that includes making masks optional.
Masks are a sign that others are taking all this seriously. After all, Democrats, male and female, have over 70% fear rates. Republicans are at about 30% fear rates. Of course Republicans include almost all small business owners who are getting hammered by the hysteria. Those on salary, like teachers, are fine. No price for virtue signaling and a bonus for doing so. Government employees, 98% of which are Democrats, have nothing to lose.
While the other swing states with available data typically show a weaker relationship, in most cases it is significant from a statistical standpoint.
Finally, the punchline: what is the current change in voter registration over the past four years in swing states? This is shown in the table below.
Needless to say, if Kolanovic's assumption is accurate, the change in voter registration data shown above would immediately invalidate all polls such as this one from Real Clear Politics showing Biden sweeping across the Battleground states. In fact, while he does not say it, the implication from the Kolanovic analysis is that Trump may well end up winning the critical trio of Pennsylvania (20 Electoral votes), Florida (29 votes) and North Carolina (15 votes).
Howard said... "You people are in full Adam Schiff mode. Enjoy the dopamine while it lasts." Racxist Howard finally admits Schiff is a lying gasbag. Not appropriate in this context, but what can you expect. Little steps Howard. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
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९१ टिप्पण्या:
The pedophilia claims against Hunter Biden have been debunked. It was just teenage prostitutes.
They will not let the NYPost tweet until the NY Post tacitly ‘admits’ that they “violated policy” by publishing “hacked” materials, which the NY Post did not do. The NY Post came by the stuff legally, every step of the way. Twitter won’t climb down because then Twitter would be admitting the truth, that the materials were never “hacked.”
Of course Trump’s tax return leak was a Federal crime, but Twitter didn’t care. Twitter’s overreaction of course is the story. They have fallen into a trap. The Post is probably getting more views than they ever had because people are going directly there. It’s not really that hard to type into your browser.
Then we hear that the Biden campaign sent letters to all of the broadcast and cable networks not to have Giuliani on. Can you imagine them acceding to a like demand by Trump? Ha ha ha ha, JKLOL. It was a rhetorical question.
Peoples Pundit has data showing Trump by 2...if you're data poll samples women by 72%. Adjusting by estimated turnout Trump is LEADING Arizona by 5-7... extrapolate Nate's snake model and Trump needs just one rust belt state. Maybe that's why Obama (not the better one- it's Barack) is campaigning in PA...
Ann, who is your favorite Beatle and why
My primary residence switched from a deep blue state to a reddish/purpley state but I didn't export blue, I brought useless red with me.
The more you know....
How about that
Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it.
Covid report from Idaho....
The market here has a sign saying "Masks Required", but about 1/3 of the people there today weren't wearing one. And of those who were, a fair number had them pulled down below their noses. This is the third week in a row I've noticed at least one worker who had a mask pulled down below the nose, as well.
Just sayin'.
It wasn't Anne'sville Wisconsin Trump rally tonight I guess.
More details on the computer shop owner who gave Giuliani the hard drive material. An interesting part of the tale, at least to me, was this part:
"Two weeks later, the intrepid agents [Y.W. they had previously refused to take the hard drive or image it] called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer."
Why did this interest me? Because they lied to him about what they wanted to do- first they tell him they just want to image it, and then they show up and take it. Why would they do that? I can think of only one reason they would lie to him- to try to prevent him from making a copy before they can remove it from his possession- it is the only thing that makes sense. I wonder, though, whether the shopowner has told us the entire story- did they ask him at any point whether or not he had made a copy of it, and what did he tell them? I strongly suspect they did ask him if he made a copy of it, and he probably lied to them at some point. Even an honest FBI agent with no nefarious intentions would likely have asked about copies of the hard drive given that Mac had described the contents to them, a corrupt one would definitely have asked such a basic and obvious question.
One other detail of the story that had previously missed my notice:
"But that changed last Tuesday [Y.W.- ignoring the shopowner's request that the laptop be picked up], October 13, 2020. A person claiming to be Hunter Biden's lawyer called John Paul Mac Isaac and asked for the computer to be returned. Too late. That horse had left the barn and was with the FBI."
Unless I have missed something, the NYPost published the first story on Wednesday morning, so the impetus to try to retrieve the laptop had to have been initiated by the reporters' asking the Bidens for comments on a story they were about to run. Here is my question: did the reporters describe John Paul Mac Isaac to the Biden team? I am asking the question because if the reporters didn't do this- just vaguely described a computer that Hunter Biden failed to retrieve- then the act of asking for the laptop from Isaac specifically, before Wednesday's story dropped, is a pretty strong confirmation of the story's truthfulness. I will have to try to track down the description Giuliani gave about this request- he may have made the point that the Biden's weren't alert as from where the computer was received.
Ah thats terrible
"The pedophilia claims against Hunter Biden have been debunked. It was just teenage prostitutes.”
LOL. You mean trafficked underage Ukrainian girls. “Prostitute” kind of implies that they made an adult decision. Besides, that was the least of it. I think that the fact that the Biden family was set up for corruption in a way that China very much understands, since China does this kind of corruption in exactly the same way. I think the fact that there is corroboration now, in the form of another email account where the recipient has confirmed that “the big guy” meant “Joe Biden” and that Hunter said that Joe made him give up half the graft to him. Maybe in bitcoin, maybe in offshore accounts.
This idea that the money isn’t on Joe’s financial disclosures or tax returns is ridiculous in terms of evidence he was not on the take. It was Hunter’s job to be the bag man.
In any even, the Chinese communists have given Hunter many millions of dollars, part of which went to Joe in some form, apparently. The Mayor of Moscow’s wife gave Hunter 3.5 million dollars, Biden would get half of that. She is a close friend of Putin, BTW.
The problem there is:
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it"
Sorry to read that, IIB. I hope you feel better soon.
But wait! There’s more!
The Mail can reveal that between 2012 and 2014, Hunter worked as a sort of go-between for Kenes Rakishev, a self-styled 'international businessman, investor and entrepreneur' with close family connections to the kleptocratic regime of his homeland's despotic former president Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Nothing a Biden likes better than a kleptocrat. Birds of a feather flock together, as they say.
It may even be that Joe Biden himself was dragged into the oligarch's orbit. An unverified photograph, published on the website of an anti-corruption group called the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, appears to show Hunter introducing his Dad to both Rakishev and one Karim Massimov, the former Kazakh Prime Minister. - narciso’s link
Remember that this stuff doesn’t come from the hard drive, it just corroborates it.
@ Ignorance is Bliss
Hang in there, we are pulling for you.
Well, maybe they filed paperwork that they would image it, but a higher-up, more in the know, told them to just take it.
"Anna Makanju is the Facebook executive in charge of “election integrity on the platform”; and guess what her job was before that position… “Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden”.
Thoughts and prayers IiB.
Rainy and messy start to the day today, ended gloriously. Classic New England autumn day. Did about 30 miles on the bicycle with my brother in law. A leisurely pace so we could enjoy fhe sights and sounds and smells. Finished with a lovely meal, Italian wine, a great dessert, and some lovely Portuguese after dinner drinks (not Port).
Paid zero attention to the election. Must add I am surprised by the Biden signs here in MA. Why put up a sign, there is no doubt of him carrying the state, right?
@Ignorance, hang in there. We are all pulling for you.
He had every right to image the hard drive. They could subpoena a copy of a file, but they can’t make him give them a copy and delete the original. Not yet anyway, wait until Joe and the ChiComs are making the rules.
@Ignorance is Bliss
I know some of the suckiness from past experience...but I came through and so can you.
Am now working on getting my wife through worse than what I had.
She will make it too.
Keep fighting...
Ignorance is Bliss: You are in my prayers every day.
Youve been warned
Settle down laslo
So Jeff Sessions was cornered into recusing.
None of the executives involved in smothering NYPost ever had to give it a thought.
Should / do private businesses have compliance framework for decision making?
I see the Bidens and their propagandists are going with Russian Collusion again.
So, here is what a "hoax" would have had to do in this case:
(1) Hack Hunter Biden and get his photographs, videos, and emails;
(2) Arrange for John Paul Mac Isaac to be a cutout for the harddrive, give him an invoice signed with Hunter Biden's signature- this could only be done with Isaac's explicit cooperation;
(3) Fake all the incriminating e-mails, and get one of Hunter Biden's associates, in prison, to cooperate by not only confirming the authenticity of the e-mails on which he was cc'd, but also plant those same fake e-mails in the associate's Gmail account;
(4) Do all of this not just this last month, but do it over a year ago so that the FBI could be informed first by Isaac and give the FBI the opportunity to take possession of the laptop long before it came into Rudy Giuliani's hands.
Seriously- you have to be a drooling moron to believe this is a hoax at this point- a drooling moron. No one believe this is a hoax- not Adam Schiff, not Joe Biden, not any of the reporters floating the Russian angle- they are all just lying to you now.
Across the pound
A vote for Slow Joe is a vote for his grifter son, Hunter the family Bagman.
The dude could use a good Billy Graham public baptism to wash away all that sin.
Here is the single best documentary of Ukrainegate that I have seen anywhere- it is detailed, and it is supported at every point with documentary evidence. Part 2 is on the sidebar of the video to load automatically.
Yes, the two videos together are over 1 and 1/2 hours in length, but well worth the watch if you have any interest at in whether or not Joe Biden deserves to be President. gonna comment here, and maybe somebody will see what I wrote.
Hunter Biden has an armory of smoking guns.
Anybody else seen this shit happening right before the election?
A 30-day suspension.
I'm suspicious.
This is hilarious.
Am I the only person on the planet who still remembers the original plan the British were going to follow before they chickened out and locked down hard?
Also, read the comments in that twitter thread I linked to just above. It was always pure insanity to believe that we could extinguish the virus, or even slow it up all that much. The idea that we lock down until a vaccine is widely available was literally the stupidest approach of them all.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it."
Lost a dear friend to it yesterday. Another, recently.
Here's a hope you've got something treatable.
I don't do a lot of that.
Regarding voting for ACB.....I think ACB will be confirmed. I guess Collins will vote "no" and argue the vote is against the "rushed" process and not ACB.I think that will actually hurt her as the Maine D voters will not be swayed and yet some R voters might be turned off. Just my guess.
This one is cheesy....What is the best motivational song that was part of a movie? My wife laughs at me because I have gotten hooked on "You're The Best" from The Karate Kid. I listen/watch on You Tube.
IgnoranceIsBliss -- hang in there.
When you are in the early days/weeks/years of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, cancer just takes over your whole life. But with perseverance, a good medical team, and luck, eventually you reach a new normal and entire days go by without you having to think about it.
Let me encourage you by saying it won't always be the way it is for you now. It has been, amazingly, 15 years since my last treatment. The three years before that are a haze of surgeries and radiation treatments. Coming back from all that was like climbing out of a deep pit and it took longer than I wanted it to, but still.
Life is good. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I'm Not Sure said...
Covid report from Idaho....
The market here has a sign saying "Masks Required", but about 1/3 of the people there today weren't wearing one. And of those who were, a fair number had them pulled down below their noses.
The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing. It’s annoying to look at—having the mask just over the mouth isn’t mostly wearing a mask or almost wearing a mask, it’s pretty much not wearing a mask. It’s a wasted effort.
Ignorance is Bliss... Hope you find your peace. Remain strong.
One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father. He was, essentially, his father’s bagman. In that, Crooked Joe seems to be following in the footsteps of his predecessor, as the Dem Presidential candidate, Crooked Hillary, in selling American foreign policy to the top bidders around the world. And people wonder why so many of us believe them to be truly evil.
The good thing is that Ann hasn’t really started blogging yet this morning. I just spent the last three hours on the Internet, when I should be asleep. I had the rare opportunity to be alone last night. We just drove 1400 miles from MT to AZ, for the winter. Two of us with the cat between us most of the time (until he started whining about the third day). Downstairs A/C was out in our new house here. She spent the night at her daughter’s, while I waited for the A/C guy. She can’t handle that much heat (84°), and hasn’t seen her daughter for awhile. The problem is that I expect her to call me in a couple short hours to pick her up.
A top official at one of Pennsylvania's most powerful labor groups slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for falsely boasting of the union's endorsement. Shawn Steffee, a trustee with Boilermakers Local 154, said that his members were shocked to hear the Democratic nominee claim their support on national television.
Remember when they called out Biden for his lies during the ’town hall'?
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Anybody else seen this shit happening right before the election?
It smells like flop sweat to me.
Junkie logic:
Make millions off dad's name.
Be mad at dad.
In rehab.
Also mad at ex-wife. Also at dead brother's widow/mistress.
In rehab.
Dump your hard-drive with a Trump-supporting goofball computer repair guy who looks like a Monty Python extra.
Never pick it up.
Now it makes sense to fall of the wagon again.
You know what, all of this Hunter Biden stuff, oh yeah and Joe Biden coming up on the radar of Kazakhstani Initiative of Asset Recovery, an anti corruption group angry that there poor country had been raped of many of its assets by kleptocrats, a coupld of whom they have in a photo with Joe and Hunter Biden on their website. All of this wandering rapacity, taking advantage of the opportunities for thievery afforded by American military power, and the fact that powerful Democrats other than Biden have been involved, as is documented in the New York Times which I will be happy to link should anybody call bullshit, anyway, with that as a preamble:
Doesn’t this put a whole different spin on the week during the primaries when Democrat powers that be, whose names we don’t know, cleared the field for Joe Biden, all except keeping Warren in for one more primary, as the best way to weaken the only real challenge to Biden by splitting the “more handouts” vote? Turns out that the handouts were for the people at the top, not those clueless Warren voters.
Ignorance is Bliss, don't ever give up.
FourChan just changed the vote of the Mayor of Portland to Donald John Trump with a simple hack that anybody could do. Don’t worry though, paper ballots like other countries use are too exorbitantly expensive for the United States.
Not only can you see anybody’s vote, but if you don’t like how your wife voted, for example, you can just change it. We should have thought of such a system years ago!
President Trump seems to be trying to turn Ben Sasse into another Flake or McCain — willing to vote against Republicans just to spite Trump.
Bruce Hayden said...One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father
Most of the emails are just embarrassing to Joe Biden (which may be enough to swing the election), but don’t directly involve him. Even the “thanks for the meeting” email doesn’t prove Joe lied or did something wrong (there are plausible harmless explanations).
But, the “old man” emails are in a different category—these are the ones that could bring down the Biden crime family. IF there is real evidence those emails definitely referred fo Joe AND that they are not a family joke that doesn’t really mean anything. Both are big ifs.
Another good one, from my captain, Howie Carr
n one of his more famous books, Thompson recounts driving a rented car through the Nevada desert while on drugs.
“And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooning and screeching and diving around the car.”
Forty years later, Hunter Biden was in a rented car (in which he would later leave a crack pipe) out on the same desert at night, stoned out of his own mind.
“A large barn owl flew over the hood of the car and seemed to follow him … He said that he has no idea whether the owl was real or a hallucination.”
It’s hard to believe that this guy could forget about a laptop. Of course, he might have remembered it, and maybe it was a “fuck you” to dear old Pop, who, to be fair, has done a shit job of raising his son, making him commit crimes like acting as an unregistered foreign agent, you know, that’s the reason Manafort is in prison right now.
Hunter Biden is a plagiarist. Who would have expected that?
The Crack Emcee said...
Anybody else seen this shit happening right before the election?
A 30-day suspension.
don't worry! once the election is over and Jo Biden is appointed Boss EVERYTHING will go back normal
If everyone summits to the rule of Rome, they'll let us pay our taxes in peace
serious question
What does the Red "E" on the Bidden/Harris signs mean?
i guess it's supposed to be the american flag? Showing that
...New York
are the only states that matter?
narciso Keep on rockin the free world. Apelbaum as well!
Wish I had talent like this young man - https://youtube/7yW9c7t8Hq0.
IIB - Doctors and pharmaceuticals do amazing work with cancer these days. I've seen treatment improvements over the course of my two unconnected cancers in the last decade. So hanging in there is the exact right thing to do. Sucks, but here's hoping for the best for you.
At the Times of London, Extraordinary images from the 2020 Landscape Photographer of the Year awards
Ignorance is Bliss I’m sorry that you are going through this. Please stay strong and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it.
It does. Hope you're as lucky as I've been. One year + three months out, feeling good. Let us know when you get on the other side of the treatment.
The best part is when you go from saying "feeling better" to saying "feeling good."
Hang tight. Better days are ahead. Getting there is no fun.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it."
You can beat this thing. I got faith in ya.
Sending one out on your behalf anyway.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it."
You have my prayers and best wishes.
You people are in full Adam Schiff mode. Enjoy the dopamine while it lasts.
Bruce Hayden said...
One of the more embarrassing emails appears to indicate that Hunter was required to kick back maybe 1/3 of his bribes to his father. He was, essentially, his father’s bagman.
I thought it was half and I suspect both the Biden boys were well aware as to what their roles were going to be in the 'family'.
Ignorance is Bliss: I put a prayer request in for you at church. And I mentioned the high quality of your comments here too! Hope you have a good Sunday.
Blogger tim maguire said...
The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing. It’s annoying to look at—having the mask just over the mouth isn’t mostly wearing a mask or almost wearing a mask, it’s pretty much not wearing a mask. It’s a wasted effort.
10/18/20, 5:03 AM
I thought we were a bunch of mouth-breathers, anyway.
"Cancer sucks. Hanging in there, but really not enjoying it."
Been there twice now. Given just a few months to live back in 2006. Modern medicine and surgery fixed it. I've been cancer-free and very healthy with zero issues ever since. It was a tough slog getting through, but well worth it. Expect the same, the odds are with you.
IIB best of luck. Stay strong.
When I mentioned Colorado is on fire, I was not kidding. This is a new fire, in addition to all the other fires.
Hang in there, Ignorance is Bliss.
FourChan just changed the vote of the Mayor of Portland to Donald John Trump with a simple hack
I truly believe the Democrats will scream about voter fraud they created, and claim the election is invalid.
"You people are in full Adam Schiff mode. Enjoy the dopamine while it lasts.”
The difference is that we have actual evidence, Schiff was hiding evidence. Even you should be able to notice that difference. It’s no surprise that the best that the contrarians here seem to have is drive by jibes, free of actual reasoning.
@IgnoranceIsBliss: Sorry to hear about your struggle. Stay positive, and please keep posting.
@YanceyWard: Thank you for the link to the French documentary (with English voiceover and subtitles) about UkraineGate. The first two installments were indeed well worth the time to watch. As an advisory to potential viewers, I thought the first segment was rather too flattering toward Viktor Shokin, and I almost didn’t watch the second segment for that reason, but the second segment provided an effective counterweight. I also learned that the series is actually four parts, and a DDG search on documentarian Olivier Berruyer led me to this curious page presenting all four: .
tim maguire-
"The exposed nose usually means the mask doesn’t fit right—it falls off the nose without the person realizing."
I've been watching for some time now to see how people are responding to "mask required" signs. There were way more "fallen off" masks yesterday than there have ever been. I suspect they didn't really fall off. And then there's the increased number of people who weren't wearing one at all, which is hardly an accident.
Weird that some anti corruption organization in Kazakhstan would have a picture on their website that proves that Joe lied about never discussing his son’s overseas business with him. I guess they are just butt hurt over having their little country raped by the Bidens, same as Ukraine. Somebody should ask him if that meeting was on his “official schedule."
Joe Biden couldn’t get security clearance to work at the gate at the White House with what is currently known about him and the ChiComs.
"President Trump seems to be trying to turn Ben Sasse into another Flake or McCain..."
Trump didn't have to 'turn' Sasse into anything.
He's always been a smug asshole.
IiB: I'll add my best wishes for a full and rapid recovery.
"It was always pure insanity to believe that we could extinguish the virus, or even slow it up all that much. “
Norway’s under 70 (To rule out “dry tinder”) deaths per capita were an order of magnitude lower than Sweden’s
Japan’s per capita death rate is an order of magnitude lower than Norways.
Countries that see masks as a common sense measure in times like these are doing far far better than those who see them as somehow countering the effectiveness of their tin foil hats.
But obviously it’s impossible to get people to take them seriously until their town gets hit hard and they see their own loved ones, the dry tinder, die. As Ben Franklin said: “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that.”
Just got here--IiB, hang tough!
(Easy for me to say.)
Howard is worried. This may take more ballot harvesting than he allowed for.
"Countries that see masks as a common sense measure in times like these"
Tim, you are just literally full of shit on this issue, not only does almost all of the science go against the usefulness of masks, but all of Europe has mask mandates in place, and have so since Spring- it didn't work there, did it- the same is true in almost all Latin America except for Mexico. The only thing that Norway and Japan had that was probably was effective is that both are essentially islands as far as border control goes, and probably neither of them has had a huge influx of foreigners into the country since last February. You keep picking the odd countries out of the whole of the world to make your mask claims, but the fact is that mask mandates have been in place for almost all of the western world since Spring, and most of those countries are now into their second and third waves of outbreaks. The only factor that seems to be meaningful is how much foreign travel a country gets or has gotten since the first of the year- the most notable thing is how actual islands have evaded the worst so far- see Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, but even there, with strict border closures, none of them have actually extinguished the virus- it is endemic and simply waiting for the chance to spread more widely- we should probably stop with all the nonsense virtue signalling and just let people take whatever measures they decide for themselves- that includes making masks optional.
Masks are a sign that others are taking all this seriously. After all, Democrats, male and female, have over 70% fear rates. Republicans are at about 30% fear rates. Of course Republicans include almost all small business owners who are getting hammered by the hysteria. Those on salary, like teachers, are fine. No price for virtue signaling and a bonus for doing so. Government employees, 98% of which are Democrats, have nothing to lose.
A bit of reading material for steve uhr
While the other swing states with available data typically show a weaker relationship, in most cases it is significant from a statistical standpoint.
Finally, the punchline: what is the current change in voter registration over the past four years in swing states? This is shown in the table below.
Needless to say, if Kolanovic's assumption is accurate, the change in voter registration data shown above would immediately invalidate all polls such as this one from Real Clear Politics showing Biden sweeping across the Battleground states. In fact, while he does not say it, the implication from the Kolanovic analysis is that Trump may well end up winning the critical trio of Pennsylvania (20 Electoral votes), Florida (29 votes) and North Carolina (15 votes).
Howard said...
"You people are in full Adam Schiff mode. Enjoy the dopamine while it lasts."
Racxist Howard finally admits Schiff is a lying gasbag. Not appropriate in this context, but what can you expect. Little steps Howard. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
👍 Ignorance is Bliss... you can and will beat this. Best wishes!
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