The most effective way to combat racial discrimination is to continually remind white people that they are inhuman demons who are beyond redemption.
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) September 7, 2020
Meanwhile, at the New York Times, "More Than Ever, Trump Casts Himself as the Defender of White America" and the basis for that assertion is this:
Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory‘ from Federal Agencies via @BreitbartNews This is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue. Please report any sightings so we can quickly extinguish!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2020
११० टिप्पण्या:
It was, (famously), pointed out at the introduction of affirmative action that the best way to combat racial discrimination was to not discriminate on the basis of race.
Extend it to government contractors and all entities receiving govt funds.
Good for him.
...and good for us.
...Pound Foolish!
Sights that cannot be unseen, personified.
The NYT piece seemed to have a feel of alternative reality as well as the silly corner that CRT proponents always paint themselves into — yearning for law and order is white. Just like critical thinking, working hard .....
I see a place available on Mount Rushmore for the face of another US President.
The white people are thinking that they're a lot smarter than the fat lady is. The women in addition are astounded by the collapse of niceness, and wondering if that means that they can mention comparative smartness now.
There's traces of Hawking radiation around her.
In theory, America owes a huge apology to the Soviets- most people would have turned the country over to the Reds if it meant this creature wouldn't have been the one lecturing them about racial theory that's even less coherent and more brutal than communism was.
In practice, the police will become "deaf squads" and affirmative-action beneficiaries will be expelled from the country, if that's what it takes to end this mad, cruel farce.
I don’t consider it a huge issue, I much prefer to beat Trump critics over the head with his China policy, prison reform (and, pre-COVID, the economy), but things like this really show that he gets it and is doing the little things right along with the big to clean up the rot in our society.
Patton said we need a war every 20 years. In some sense, he was right. In much the same way, we need a Trump every now and then.
Critical race theory ought to be open to criticism; until then, it's a good idea not to fund it.
Simple criticism, Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen." A demon invents a mirror that reflects every beautiful or good thing as ugly. His students marvel that now at last we can see things as they really are.'
They spread throughout the world teaching how to do it.
Augustine said that soul saving comes from thinking the best of people rather than the worst.
And make sure you read all the way to the bottom of the CRT presenter's flip chart: "Paypal me".
Titania McGrath is a national treasure. They've canceled him once and surely they will not allow him to continue for much longer. On the other hand, the NYT again inverts the truth of the situation and suffers little. Even Althouse donates. I shouldn't complain otherwise I wouldn't know about it! You do have to ask yourself, what they print is so predictable and banal, is it worth knowing?
These lost middle-aged women just make me sad. They want to change the world, to do good and make injustice better, and they ended up here. Being told they're shit by a woman in a sausage casing.
If the lady wants to help, a course in character for black teens would be good. That's mostly what keeps them from doing well.
Did you see the looks on the audience's face? The instructor might as well be being paid by Trump's campaign organization. I was going to say the GOP, but a good portion of that party seems to want to encourage this sort of thing. Anyway, I don't want my primary identity to be "White." I want it to be American. But, that doesn't seem to be an option any longer.
I have been called a Racist since the day Obama got elected. All because I didn't bow down. I've been laughing at Progressives since then, as they are the most RACIST, DIVISIVE people I have ever met....and yet they try to pin that on everybody who doesn't think exactly like they do.
My ardent Democrat friends who bow to nobody when it comes to TDS have stopped ranting about how bad Trump is. I suspect they are going to secretly vote for him or just not vote.
Black supremacy looks as petty as white supremacy, and the majority of the people buy into neither.
The Bleating Sheep at The A.D. 1619 New York Times bleated:
"More Than Ever, Trump Casts Himself as the Defender of White America"
Coupla thoughts. First off, we are nigh unto these last 60 years since Title VII. Race hustlers never die, nor do they fade away. They just keep stirring the pot. Blaming white folks for their whiteness is akin to seeing Black people for their skin color. Seeing only through the prism of race leads to the prison of the mind. That's The New York Times. Second, those who bleat for a "dialogue" seem most interested in a "monologue," with only their views represented. Sad really, that The Superior Intellect Society has gone from Orange Man Bad to White Man Bad. Yeah, you'll surely get "dialogue" with that point-of-view.
non-whites done extraordinary well under the Trump administration, especially when compared to prior 'sympatheic' administrations...
Democrats see the data that blacks are shifting to conservatives...
I'm past the name calling. We're now at the point where voters need to decide to reject the pressure or go along with it
I don't say this often, but good for Trump. "Critical theory" is anti-intellectual, deaf to the Christian teaching that all men are brothers and also to the enlightenment-inspired assertion that "all men are created equal."
Those were where we derived our sense of responsibility to others, not in the idea that there is no "truth."
The PayPal link on the board ....
I’m just gonna hope that room had good air conditioning.
But not too good.
Orange Man Bad.
White people bad.
There, have I helped? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller....
I’m sure there will be a lot of people criticizing her. But consider the positive: it’s nice to see Stacey Abrams again.
Thank goodness I retired from corporate life twenty years ago and don’t have to put up with this offensive nonsense.
This is truly appalling. And they had to sit there taking it.
Ann: Will there be a Biden boat parade on Lake Mendota today?
Blame it all on me.
I wrote one of the first online diversity courses.
"The Problem is NOT race. The Problem is a political party that builds its voter base on government dependence. For the past 50 years the Democrat party politicians have run low income areas of large metropolitan cities where they've done NOTHING POSITIVE to help the residents. They've made extremely poor decisions and constantly scream racism as their excuse to both hide their failures and to blame the Republicans so they can keep their voter base secure.
It's ONLY when we can get people to open their eyes and recognize the real problems, the socio-economic issues, that we'll begin to overcome the real problems such as job availability & single-parent homes, that have plagued inner-cities for many decades." Reid This-Facebook
Standard Nation of Islam stuff about “white devils.” Amazing it went mainstream while the media focused “white supremacists” who have pretty much zero cultural reach, I am sure some exist somewhere.
'CRT' Seems to be a variant of nazism, doesn't it?
BTW, a search on 'captive audience' & 'Free speech' led me to the following;
"Captive-audience doctrine refers to a legal principle prohibiting a person from making intrusive speech. It is also known as the captive-audience rule. The rule is recognized under both constitutional law and labor law. Under labor law, the rule prohibits a party to a union election from making a speech on company time to a mass assembly of employees within 24 hours of an election."
So it seems imposed seminars on CRT should even be illegal in the private sector. It may turn on what exactly 'captive audience' means but what it really misses is civil right law suits on the subject. Since this CRT stuff is so toxic, abusive and insulting, and seeing the litigatious character of the US I have to wonder why this BS isn't buried under lawsuits.
Shouting Thomas said...
“Blame it all on me.”
Virtue signaling.
Just looove her styling in clothes. And that doo. Ooh la la.
Her thinking is in alignment with the Democrat Party: The best way of persuading people to vote for your candidate is to burn down their city.
Well, I confess. I say this every day. That, and the ending of Diversity departments and their directors and consultants. Never has such hate-filled bilge had such a strong hold on an education system in an entire country as has critical race theory.
Oh wait. There was Soviet Russia. Nazi Germany. Pol Pot's Cambodia. Castro's Cuba. And the GrandMaster of them all, Mao's China.
So, yes, we've seen this genre before. Though this one has cloaked itself nicely as a racial justice thing (don't you love that justice is such a malleable word?) it's still the same collectivist indoctrination. This one is asking the majority of the population to flog itself, hate itself, and punish itself, shut up, quit thinking, and just submit. Kneel to all others. And giveth of all your worldly goods. Know that you are evil and do something about your evilness.
And for doing that, you'll either get to keep your job, or they'll give you one of those nifty diplomas with which you can wipe your shriveled bottoms.
No one has explained who's going to hire the Diversity Directors when all white folk are gone. No one else carries enough guilt to hire them.
There's traces of Hawking radiation around her.
Also audible gravity waves.
Who knew the path to helping black people was telling them not to be on time?
I couldn’t get over:
her choice of clothing (People can wear what they like, but if you are presenting to people what you wear matters) admittedly, for a chunky lady, it could have been a lot worse;
“White people are racist - paypal me”
My large public company employer, in the Tech sector, has hired a "Diversity Officer". I'm not sure when this happened but her presence (female, black) became known to me when they announced her and some new programs she would be running. This announcement came shortly after George Floyd's death. The Diversity Officer has run internal zoom meetings and webinars on the topic of diversity in the workplace. Participation is voluntary but I'm sure they keep a tally of who attends and who does not. I have not attended, and will not attend. I don't care.
CRT - cathode ray tube >>>> shows my age
At some point somebody somewhere...somehow going to remind everyone that blacks make up 13% of the population, yet demand at least 50% of...everything.
How many actually believe America is akin to S. Africa apartheid?
The twitter account of Titania McGrath is pretty funny. If you want some smiles, click and scroll. She's not afraid to be sarcastically offensive.
Masscon said...
Titania McGrath is a national treasure."
Yes, "she" is even though she is a Brit and the creation of comedian Andrew Doyle.
The accuser of the brethren and sisters. This is Satan world.
at the big Bank in America where i work, we had our monthly meeting on racism Friday. i, luckily bowed out again. not yet ready to be unemployed because i express opinions disagreeing with groupthink.
I see an early case of diabetes, and a heart attack. Nobody will tell her though.
I guess they haven't heard about negative reinforcement.
Raise your child by continually telling him/her they are stupid, useless, mean, can't do this or that, stress all the negative traits.....what do you get------> a useless, stupid, mean adult.
The kid figures...oh well...I guess this is what I I will accept it and be the best stupid, useless, mean SOB on the block.
Call me racist over and over and over....Oh well. Shrug You get what you get then.
How can we beat Trump if he keeps helping the majority of the people? It must be bad or "Immoral" some how.
Blogger rhhardin said...
"There's traces of Hawking radiation around her."
My bad. I thought it was Twinkies.
After two sentences I would have stood up and walked out. If my boss said anything, I'd file a lawsuit.
Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.
""Captive-audience doctrine refers to a legal principle prohibiting a person from making intrusive speech. It is also known as the captive-audience rule. The rule is recognized under both constitutional law and labor law. “
Why can’t we get CNN kicked out of airports then?
Hippo Devours whole watermelon in one bite
The session leader is an individual that is fully self-actualized.
I suspect she believes that white people owe her money for the emotional labor she must take on to explain how racist white people are directly to their faces. If her view does not conform to your sensemaking apparatus, you will have a great deal of adjustment to do before her utopian future arrives.
I suspect that if you ask her, she will confirm that this future will arrive irrespective of any cooperation or resistance from any of us. She is doing us a favor by explaining what is coming, and we should pay her for it.
So much utter madness. At least it's out in the open.
Anyway, I don't want my primary identity to be "White." I want it to be American. But, that doesn't seem to be an option any longer.
For at least five years I have been telling people that in the US, White people don't think of themselves as White, they think of themselves as American. The worst thing the Left can do is to convince White people that being White matters. They are well on their way to doing that.
gspencer: "Her thinking is in alignment with the Democrat Party:"
And with the FakeCon "LLR's" who post at Althouse.
If the lady wants to help, a course in character for black teens would be good. That's mostly what keeps them from doing well.
The problems in the Black community are caused by a lack of faith and fathers, not racism.
After seeing a photo from that session making the rounds, I did a quick googles and it looks like it's from a Netroots Nation conference, which is the Daily Kos / progressive activist crowd. It's not a corporate training for some ordinary company that an Althousian would be employed at. Those people are there for the flagellation, because they like it. It's just a new form of a tent revival.
Amazing it went mainstream while the media focused “white supremacists” who have pretty much zero cultural reach, I am sure some exist somewhere.
The only White Supremacists around are all fat black women teaching CRT seminars to corporate employees trapped by HR recent hires. Actually that's too simple. There are hundreds of thousands of blacks who have been convinced they need affirmative action and even segregated housing to get a worthless college degree. That doesn't mean they get one. Most of these unprepared kids never finish.
But they are certain they cannot succeed in a fair world. Only the white left can save them. If that requires some rioting and looting, that's OK.
If you watch till the last 8 - 10 seconds or so, you'll see the Netroots Nation banner on the right side of the frame. Most people here probably already know what that is, but for those who don't, it's an annual convention for far-left activists that the people at DailyKos started about 15 years ago. So I'm assuming this video was taken during a breakout session, and that the attendees are not only there voluntarily, but find an actual black person calling them irredeemable racists to their faces thrilling beyond measure.
The angle of "social justice as religion" has been done to death at this point, but this is really a sparkling example of it. High Priestess Ashleigh Shackleford telling her flock that they were all born in sin and will always be sinners. Unlike Christianity, there is no path to redemption, but by hitting up Ashleigh's collection plate, they can at least help fund the spread of the Gospel.
Ms. Pants, I promise I did not plagiarize your post...yours must have been in the moderation queue while I was composing mine. The similarities between your post and the first paragraph of mine really are remarkable though.
CRT - cathode ray tube >>>> shows my age
I'm such an old flyover hick that BLM means Bureau of Land Management.
This may be the single most important action taken by this administration. Kudos.
Is it racist to ask what the hell is she wearing?
That lump of lard owes Eddie Murphy money. She is recapitulating, at appalling length, his SNL refrain from 40 years ago:
Kill de white people!
But buy my record first!
At some point somebody somewhere...somehow going to remind everyone that blacks make up 13% of the population
I know very educated people who dispute me whenever I mention this, or the FBI crime statistics.
The Black Blimp says "I believe white people are not born into being human."
Walk back 170 years to the "Massa" on a cotton plantation in Mississippi and he will say, "I believe my "darkies" are not born as humans."
There really isn't any difference in the world view expressedother than that John McCain's great great grandfather may have said it on his plantation in 1850 and the tub of guts HR trainer said it in the video.
From the instructor's website:
"Ashleigh has utilized organizing, community kickbacks, real nigga shit, and art to ignite consciousness raising and political conversations around the issues of antiblack violence."
This really sums it up well:
Blogger Kate said...
These lost middle-aged women just make me sad. They want to change the world, to do good and make injustice better, and they ended up here. Being told they're shit by a woman in a sausage casing.
Ann, I love this post"neverTrump" version of you!
For at least five years I have been telling people that in the US, White people don't think of themselves as White, they think of themselves as American. The worst thing the Left can do is to convince White people that being White matters."
Plus they are adding white people are bad. There is nothing you can do to change that badness (although you can buy indulgences for a very temporary reprieve). And that the POC hate you.
What could go wrong?
R C Belaire observes: Sights that cannot be unseen, personified.
Late night at the local Walmart.
So, let me get this straight (you pardon the pun): all white people are inherently and irredeemably racist. The Democrats' presidential nominee is white, so the Democrats have nominated a racist. For whom do the anti-racists vote?
At first I thought...
Just as with fear of public speaking for the speaker, those made uncomfortable by listening to Critical Race Theory lectures should just picture the lecturer naked.
Scratch that now.
Did you see the looks on the audience's face? The instructor might as well be being paid by Trump's campaign organization. I was going to say the GOP, but a good portion of that party seems to want to encourage this sort of thing. Anyway, I don't want my primary identity to be "White." I want it to be American. But, that doesn't seem to be an option any longer.
The choice on table is white Ally, or white Nazi.
"Those people are there for the flagellation, because they like it.”
She’s a dominatrix, basically, and better paid than most possibly.
I wonder if any of the white ladies pushed back on that nonsense. I kind of doubt it. My world is filled with women who accept that those BLM lies and I get in trouble for pushing back. This is a big factor in the polarization of America.
If you want a good laugh follow Biff at 9:44's link.
"The most effective way to combat racial discrimination is to continually remind white people that they are inhuman demons who are beyond redemption."
Who says anyone is trying to "combat racial discrimination"?
Instead, what we have here is two things: 1. Grifters gonna grift; 2. Revolutionaries use race to fuel revolution.
I wonder if this will hurt or hinder her career. She can point to the criticism she's receiving as further examples of racism and thus of the urgent need for people like her to instruct them of their flawed state......The syllogism appears to be racists criticize blacks. X phenomenon or X personage is black. Therefore you are racist if you criticize X phenomenon or X personage.....I'm not sure how this will all end. Maybe race relations will never get better but neither will they get much worse. I'm reminded of Dostoevsky's character in Notes From the Underground who says: "I can go on like this forever".
Narayanan@7:35AM& Fernandiande@ 9:10AM
LOL! This slowly fossilizing geezer(age 76) is right there with you.. :)
"Fuck her and the horse she rode in on."
That chick's got her own gravitational field...don't get too close!
I am so glad to be retired because I really wouldn't sit through such a training session, and would get myself fired by not only walking out, but saying something on the way out the door.
The press is reporting this as banning "antiracism training" or "racial sensitivity training."
That is a lie.
They play down the fact that the ban is specific to Critical Racial Theory. And they certainly don't explain what Critical Racial Theory actually is.
Diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments), including racism, sexism, that denies individual dignity, denies individual conscience, breeds adversity. It is the evolution of neo-Nazi systems, processes, and beliefs at the Twilight fringe.
R C Belaire observes: Sights that cannot be unseen, personified.
Mockturtle> Late night at the local Walmart.
Truly. All we need to see is a back view, with skid marks on her body stocking
When that picture first hit, a lot of left-leaning types decried it as a 4chan meme or that it was "pedro'd". When the video came out soon after, it was pretty obvious what the whiteboard (lol) said was what she wanted it to say, not some photoshopped gotcha. Thus, even the left-leaning types thought it was too over the top to think it was real.
The worldview isn't really a threat. It's the currency of cranks and bizarro David Dukes. Academia and, now, corporate executives giving it serious mainstreaming IS a threat. This is not going to end well.
So much utter madness. At least it's out in the open.
The fact of that matter is that she is and will always be a deeply unhappy person.
I was going to respond to Narayanan's
CRT - cathode ray tube >>>> shows my age
with something about BLM being the Bureau of Land Management and not Black Lives Matter, but then Fernandinande beat me to that.
However: Anyone else remember when "SRO" (in crossword clues, mostly) meant "Standing Room Only"? That's been superseded, first by "Single-Room Occupancy" and more recently by "School Resource Officer" *i.e., a cop part of whose "beat" is the public school system).
It isn’t about race, though that is what they want you to believe, it is about class. Most people want to move up to the next economic class; blm and antifa won’t allow this. As more people realize this, Trump’s re-election is assured.
CRT is as close as it gets in the 21st Century, to Nazi race theory.
-Race is te driver of history.
-Some races take advantage of or oppress other races.
-Individuals do not count, your race defimnes you, whether you are good or bad, and what treatment you seserve.
-Progress requires repressing the bad races so that the good races can be elevated.
Hitler and BLM agree on all that, they would only differ on which races go where on the list.
They would both agree that Jews are a distinct race and far down hlst, btw.
And the last few months have been our Kristallnacht.
As I've said before: Fine. I'm a racist.
What else you got?
This guy does it better.
That’s a lotta green cheese!
Look, here's the deal. We are born racist, every single one of us. My grandmother, born on the plains of western Kansas in 1889, told a story about her first encounter with a black person when her family took a train trip to St. Louis. The black person was a porter at the train station and three-year old Stella Wright was terrified. She hadn't been taught to be afraid of blacks, but when the people you consider 'your people' are all one color, even a young child is suspicious of someone who looks different. Negation of racism is a function of civilization. Assume that everyone is racist. Judge them by how they behave despite their inborn prejudice.
The most destructive tenet of critical race theory is that only white people are racist, in itself a blatantly racist idea. BLM is the product of the notion that hating white people is necessary, but hating black people is a crime. It allows blacks to eschew self-examination and indulge the worst impulses of the limbic brain. Cast the beam from your own eye before you cast the mote from mine. It's the only way we can survive as a society.
As someone else remarked, I can’t tell if she’s just fat or full of shit.
- Krumhorn
Remember, every single democrat voter supports this and wants to expand this teaching to pre-schoolers and elementary school children, even those in kindergarten.
Every. Single. Democrat.
And every single FakeCon LLR as well.
That is, when they aren't out advocating for post-birth abortion, in particular minority children, and burning cities to the ground.
@Tyrone Slothrop
Stella...great's a 'family' name.
It isn’t about race, though that is what they want you to believe, it is about class. Most people want to move up to the next economic class;
There is truth to this.
In fact that desire often clouds people to an essential truth of the 21st century. The American people, as a whole, have the highest standard of living in human history. The biggest health crisis of our underclass isn't malnutrition, it's obesity. Homeless people sleep in camping tents and own cellphones. Access to food, shelter, information and jobs is better than at any other point in human history. Poverty is by definition a moving goal post, and is in fact redefined upwards every year by the government. The dark secret behind the war on poverty? It's literally a war you can never win. (It's like trying to make everyone above average in something)
Another essential truth is that culture matters. If the last fifty years have done anything, they have proven that to be true.
Disagree that her blackness is her most prominent feature.
Comedians need to unionize around a concept "A little bit of racism is ok" Tell a few jokes. See the shallow people blow up and collapse like thin balloons.
Noticing the non-response to the deaths of Black Lives Matter white allies
Out: All Lives Matter
IN: Black Lives Matter
White Allies, Cannon Fodder.
Tyrone Slothrop said...
Look, here's the deal. We are born racist, every single one of us.
Bullshit. Registering astonishment at seeing someone of a different race for the first time is NOT the same as considering that person as an inferior.
All you've done is confirm how the Left has debased the language.
Kevin said... "Who knew the path to helping black people was telling them not to be on time?"
That's the problem with flying CRT Airlines: you can never be sure when the flight is taking off. Or, lord help you, being taken to the CRT Emergency Department for treatment of an acute myocardial infarction.
But remember: bitching about a 7 hour delay is racist, doncha know?
“Born into being human?” What an odd way of putting that. Does that mean White people are human up until the moment of birth? Don’t tell that to the pro-choice crowd. Anyway, why not say White people “are not human,” “are less human,” or “have lost their humanity.” They’re all BS, but she could at least word the BS better than that.
Trump is woke. Woke to wokeness that is.
I also don't believe people are born racist. As a rule, children of different races seem to play together oblivious of differences.
She was a lot more straightforward in 2016:
Fuck You, Pay Me
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