"I don’t think I would have turned her in. I would’ve said, 'Well, you know, she’s a customer. I got to take care of my customers, right?' But she made them open, and the salon turned her in and the salon did business with her. How much do they hate Nancy Pelosi? Then she made a terrible mistake because you want people that can’t be set up. She said, 'I was set up. I was set up by the salon owner. I was set up.' I said, 'Tell me she didn’t say that, please.' I just put out, that if she was set up, then she shouldn’t be leading the House of Representatives. I want the salon owner to lead the House of Representatives, because she set up … Think of it. She set up the Speaker of the House. That was a big mistake. As soon as I heard, she said, 'Well, she’s set me up,' Nancy, you’re not supposed to get set up. You’re representing our country. You know what she should have done honestly? She should have said, 'I made a mistake, sorry,' and nobody would be talking about, this is like the biggest story. This is the big, crazy Nancy, highly overrated person."
From "Donald Trump Latrobe, Pennsylvania Rally Speech Transcript September 3."
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
She's SCUM for blaming the shop owner when SHE called for the appointment and as Speaker of the House who lives in San Francisco, SHE should know the rules and follow them. Even I know the rules in San Francisco, and I live in New Jersey. What an immature, hateful, mean woman she is.
Of course she was set up. Kinda like Marion Barry getting caught on video smoking crack with a hooker.
You know what she should have done honestly? She should have said, 'I made a mistake, sorry,' and nobody would be talking about, this is like the biggest story.
Right again but she just can't do it. When you're a megalomaniac you just can't risk looking weak.
Trump is right that, true or not, "I was a sucker" is not a good defense for a politician. But it beats the truth--that decades in Washington has gotten Pelosi in the habit of ignoring laws and using her power to do whatever she wants.
You cannot dissuade democrat voters from supporting democrats by citing moral failings.
Democrat voters have no morals.
The only way to dissuade democrat voters from supporting democrats is to attack their competence.
What’s really funny? Nan’s SF pal US Senator Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy driving her limo for years. These people are stupid.
As I wrote yesterday, in a sense, the salon owner did set Pelosi up, but it had nothing to do with hating Pelosi or even trying to help the Republicans- the owner has been watching her business go down the toilet because California still won't allow indoor hairdressing. I speculated that Pelosi and her personal hairdresser have been using the salon since March (Pelosi has spent almost all her time in California since then) with the tacit approval of the owner of the property. I think the owner was ok with this arrangement until she realized that she is likely to loser her business due to Newsome and Breed's COVID shutdown guidelines.
In short, the owner said, "Fuck it all, here is Pelosi on camera requesting and getting special treatment while Jane Schmoe has to cut and treat her own hair." I will even wager that Kious shopped the tape to the left media in San Francisco, but they didn't want it.
I hate Nancy Pelosi. I have hated her for years for many reasons, most of which have to do with her huge lies to the American people about, well...almost everything for decades. Plus she and her husband have made millions obtaining cush contracts with the US Govt. And her district is a hellhole.
All that said, this is a nothingburger to me. It's just not anything. She should be derided for so much more, so many other things. But this is stupid.
You know, deep down, more and more normals detest and resent the entitled Pelosi- John Kerry - Hunter Biden wing of the democrat party.
I mean, come on - how can you not?
Than again- the radical left are rallying around Pelosi by threatening the salon owner with death. Antifa got elite democrat-back, baby. Hey, Man.
Ignorance of the Order from our Supreme High Commander Newsom is no defense.
“A highly overrated person”.
Best. President. Ever.
Pelosi comes out badly in this affair.
Protesters Hang Blow Dryers on Tree Outside Nancy Pelosi’s Home
Send in Antifa to defend her honor.
Nancy Pelosi = master tactician
That lie has died. How must you feel now if you were outsmarted by Nancy Pelosi?
“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
On the plus side, Nancy has very good hair for a woman of eighty. I wonder if this will help or hinder the hair salon when the quarantine is lifted. By appointment to HRH Nancy.
"Only her hairdresser knows for sure." - Clairol
" But she made them open ..."
Nancy Pelosi, despite her standing, has no authority to make any business open its doors under any circumstance. How silly it is to use the juvenile "she made me do it" excuse. On the other hand, politicians get "set up" all the time, much as Scott Walker got fooled by a fake David Koch phone call during the GOP primaries in 2015.
Kinda like when George Romney was "brainwashed."
Ah The Donald has a rich fantasy life there. But I can understand someone from "the little people" getting ticked off at Le Grande Fromage Pelosi.
But the Trumpster has a point--if one of the "little people" can set Pelosi up, then she's in way over her head as Speaker of the House. The Babylon Bee--the nation's satirical newspaper of record (and often more accurate than the New York Times) has a story claiming that Nancy was lured to the "set up" by offering her a pint of her favorite fancy icecream. If so I suppose the pint of "bait" was stolen from Pelosi's own well stocked freezer which she displayed last month.
Not set-up - outed.
Lightfoot's statement was better: “I'm a person who, I take my personal hygiene very seriously..."
Pelosi wasn't just set up. She was washed & set up.
(Okay, ladies, you gotta admit, you didn't expect a guy to come up with that joke. I learned all about "wash & set" because my wife had to find a beauty parlor in Montgomery County, MD who still did them when my mother came to visit for a special event in the early 2000's. She did find a couple who still did them. Me sainted mum turned 93 on Wednesday. )
Pegs Pelosi precisely.
Maybe she could write a book about all the little people that let her down.
I'll bet Hillary knows a good ghost writer!!
Pelosi is now being mocked.
Would-be tyrants cannot suffer mockery.
The only reason she is Speaker, we are reminded, is because she is the single biggest fundraiser for the RNC. Because of connections, the details of which might be better left alone. Certainly neither her intelligence nor common sense, as she has repeatedly displayed a shocking lack of either. Corruption has been the linchpin of the Democrat Party from its founding.
As usual, despite his crazy lingo, Trumpe is more right than anyone else in the public sphere.
You would think he could give the poor woman a break. She is 80 years old, and she just had her hair done without a mask. She obviously has only hours left to live.
MaligNancy... with teh laughing eyes...
Best comic working today. Spot on. Fearless. Truthful.
Cold revenge in a heated moment of politics.
Hearing this, we muse over the number of times and the myriad ways his enemies have been trying to "set up" Donald Trump over the past five years or so. We're seeing an example of it with the "veterans quote" effort currently making the rounds.
It must be very satisfying for him to call out her ineptitude in this way.
and Joe must have treated that agent's girlfriend badly
Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent
...but so as to get out in front of this,
an "unnamed woman" accuses Trump of groping her
it's that time of the year, folks
pretty badly
Destroyed her business?.....kinda badly?
And then requests an appointment at the business she destroyed?
I never understood how a sequence of unintended consequences could result in a let-them-eat-cake moment, but here we are!!
Nutjob Nancy has proven herself a hypocrite dozens of times. What makes this so special?
She’s insufferable.
The Marion Barry “bitch set me up” defense? Really?
Fuck off. Fuck right off.
His point that they must have already hated her or they wouldn't have turned her in has the ring of truth. And for good reason. Turning around and attacking the salon owner like she has and making herself the victim. I'm sure that's how she conducts all her relationships. We all know people like that, you want to avoid them like the plague and it's all possible just get them out of your life. So in a sense the salon owner did succeed
1.4 million new jobs in August.
Unemployment is high because of states like California and New York and Nevada and their democrat governors are artificially keeping people unemployed.
Here are state by state unemployment numbers at the top:
Massachusetts ..................| 17.7 | 16.1 | -1.6
Nevada .........................| 15.2 | 14.0 | -1.2
New Jersey .....................| 16.8 | 13.8 | -3.0
Pennsylvania ...................| 13.2 | 13.7 | .5
California .....................| 14.9 | 13.3 | -1.6
Alaska .........................| 12.4 | 11.6 | -0.8
Illinois .......................| 14.5 | 11.3 | -3.2
Rhode Island ...................| 12.6 | 11.2 | -1.4
Delaware .......................| 12.6 | 10.4 | -2.2
Oregon .........................| 11.6 | 10.4 | -1.2
People are upset about this because Nancy is keeping these people from doing other people's hair while getting her own done.
People know the democrats are purposely hurting the country and being hypocrites about it.
The unemployment rate would be back to normal without democrat governor's purposely keeping people out of work.
It is all a set up alright.
Does Trump ever say, “um”? He seems to manage his word salads without ever using it. Impressive!
The Bee does well with this one:
I'm sick & tired of the false "set her up" accusation. The owner had nothing to do with it, the hairdresser rents a chair from the salon's owner, contract with Pelosi had nothing to do with owner. Normal security footage was reviewed by owner and she's, rightly, WTF, we're only allowed to serve clients outside.
You don't get the emotion by reading the transcript. What is so interesting about reading the transcript without his delivery is how much Trump connects emotionally with his audience. When he was speaking about taking care of your customers you could feel he was speaking as a genuine businessman who wants his customers to be happy and satisfied. He's authentic.
Joe Biden is coming across as the great white doctor or missionary who ventures into the darkness of Africa to save the natives.
the logic there escapes me.
The stylist who did Pelosi's hair rents a chair from the owner So the owner made nothing and is still closed, because there are no patio workstations that I can see. We don't even know if the chair renter has been paying rent since the closure. The arrangement was direct between a Pelosi aide and the chair guy.
Dear San Francisco Voters:
This is a private sale limited to those of you who believe Speaker Pelosi was "Set Up" about her no-mask-on-face visit to a salon as not allowed to you by her actions and influence.
The price is by bidding with 10% (Returnable) deposit; But, deposits and final payment must be by cash OR bit-coins.
Open bidding will continue until November 3, 2020.
Hopefully yours,
Hunter Biden
NO. IMPOSSIBLE. Not the Queen Qunt of Qunnilingafornia. Perish the thought before her serfs perish.
She is, after all, a good Qatholic.
My understanding is that Pelosi's stylist rents a chair in the salon, and only afterward the salon owner saw it was Pelosi and called Pelosi out on her hypocrisy.
Did Nancy treat the Salon Owner badly? You be the judge:
“Jonathan actually texted me and conveyed that he did have a discussion with her about not only not being allowed to open to do hair inside the salon,” Kious said. “Not only was the speaker fully aware that salons were closed for such services, but she and Jonathan actually discussed that fact during her appointment. The speaker’s excuse that she was set up is false.”
Kious repeatedly emphasized that if anyone set up Pelosi, it could only have been DeNardo, but also emphasized that she does not believe DeNardo set up the speaker of the house and that Pelosi has made him the scapegoat of the situation.
“I don’t owe anyone an apology,” Kious said with emotion. “Mrs. Pelosi owes the entire country an apology.”
She uses the salon and the salon turned her in? The salon turned her in.
My understanding is that the beautician who did Nancy's blowout rents a chair at the salon. And it seems like the owner of the salon was annoyed enough that she released the security footage. So Pelosi may have trusted the beautician but didn't realize that the Salon owner might have a problem with her blatant rule breaking.
It's sort of funny that Trump isn't evidently criticizing Pelosi over her rule breaking and hypocrisy, but that she was foolish enough to realize that even if the beautician was cool with it that the owner might not be. And that after she was caught she didn't just say "Yeah, you caught me. I broke the rules. I'm sorry. I won't do it again" or something along those lines but instead attacked the salon owner. You would think that Trump's default position of "never apologize" that he might agree with Nancy's method of response.
The Point is, every individual American, from business owners to customers, should have been much more entrusted to take account of the community risk and personal risk and set their rules/make their personal choices.
I figure that business woman would have appreciated being trusted by her government to set her own sane and reasonable procedures to work, but No. The Law from on High says you can't think for yourself. Only Pelosi and our Elite Supremacy Overseers can do that.
Trump is our only Hope.
Nancy deserves every ounce of ridicule she will receive, but how much will come from the Democrat Corporate Media?
Trump needs to keep this story alive because ridicule is an extremely potent political weapon.
Think Michael Dukakis' Snoopy moment.
Think GHW Bush's (fake) supermarket moment four years later.
New Tapes Show Salon Owner Luring In Unsuspecting Pelosi With Her Favorite Ice Cream
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
She falsely accused the salon owner.
False accusers are a lower life form.
Trump isn’t much for saying he’s sorry so kind of a joke that he is advising Pelosi to do it. What is with all the rich and powerful people? They have no grace, no humility, no savior faire, no sense of noblesse oblige.
I pledge that if I am ever rich and powerful I will not be like these wankers.
Nancy does not have the best judgement. We know that from her famous Ice Cream scene in front of her $20,000 refrigerators. Not to mention impeachment that was MIA in the Democrat convention.
Well, you know what they say - Hair today, gone tomorrow.......
Cue the Morgan Freeman meme GIF:
"He's right, you know."
Trump's comments are spoken like someone who does NOT treat "the help" poorly.
Unlike Pelosi
All that said, this is a nothingburger to me.
Sure. But it is resonating with people who normally dismiss this type of thing.
Sometimes it takes a nothingburger to get people engaged.
They impeached Trump for Biden's actual crimes.
shhhhh is the word.
This is freakin hilarious. Let the salon owner be Speaker. I'm rolling.
Why is "highly overrated person" cracking me up? It's a bit old-fashioned, a little stuffy and more presidential than some of his insults, in effect a winking euphemism for what he really thinks about her. It's a mellifluous combination of syllables, catchy like a pop hook.
I saw that people were hanging curling irons in the trees outside her house. THAT’s a peaceful protest.
Set Up By the 'Beauty' Salon!
Sounds like an Ed Wood production.
Trump has it figured out about right.
I hope he remembers the lesson as he is dealing with Bill Barr.
Now available on YouTube: Tucker Carlson's interview with the salon owner.
Meanwhile, demonstrators are outside Queen Nancy's house, using blow-driers for street theater.
And here I am, without popcorn.
AFter perusing some of the comments on SFGate and other places, it's my understanding that the hairdresser (male) is Nancy's go-to guy. He was unable to go to her house to deliver services (something she has him do often) at the time she requested due to a schedule conflict. The Monday option was offered and taken. So, the hairdresser, likely trying to cover his backside, pings the salon owner as a heads up. The salon owner knows full well that if this situation gets leaked to the media by a random passerby, it's going to end up with er out of the business and probably fined to the hilt.
As an aside, there was a small, vocal protest in front of Nasty Nancy's house yesterday, with hairdressers marching and hanging blow dryers and curling irons from a large tree along the street. I think people here are really cheesed about this.
I, for one, look forward to a House resolution in the very near future, cosponsored by every single Republican Congressman, complimenting Speaker Pelosi on her well coiffed head of hair.
> You would think that Trump's default position of "never apologize" that he might agree with Nancy's method of response.
We have to credit Nadlers "There is no antifa" as leader of "who do you believe, me or your own eyes"
- offered new info
- used opponents own claim to label them as incompetent
- obviously speaking off the cuff
Incidentally, what are the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates for a frail woman in her 80s?
Of course Trump is right that Pelosi saying she was set up was the worst thing she could have said. The commenters who say it wasn’t the salon owner who set her up miss the point. It doesn’t matter whether it was the salon owner or the hairdresser or whoever. It doesn’t even matter if it wasn’t a set-up at all but just an honest mistake by someone at the beauty parlor. NANCY says she — one of the most powerful women in US politics — was set up to be shown as a fool and a hypocrite. If she had any decency she’d resign and retreat to private life. Of course she won’t.
Where is the hairstylist metoo movement at?
Watched it all. "He wears a lot of masks..." was my fav.
"I hate Nancy Pelosi. I have hated her for years for many reasons, most of which have to do with her huge lies to the American people about, well...almost everything for decades. Plus she and her husband have made millions obtaining cush contracts with the US Govt. And her district is a hellhole.
All that said, this is a nothingburger to me. It's just not anything. She should be derided for so much more, so many other things. But this is stupid."
It is not at all reasonable to say this, and I trust you know what you meant and I mean now as "this," is stupid, please check your premises Sir. And you make yourself a fool to say this is "just not anything." Duh. Duh. Solipsism depends on more outer-influence than you at this point.
People want so hard to believe, and when they do and are lied to, illustrated in this stupid instance, then the stupidity is eclipsed by a glimmer of hopeful wisdom: divinity not stupidity.
Were you born a 60 year old skeptic?
If you rent space from someone, you are usually allowed to use that space after hours.
good luck getting an apology out of holier than thou Nancy.
Perhaps the Russians are to blame?
It's like a Mall: During the height of the pandemic, Malls were closed, but individual stores within the Mall were open (a few). Mask rules notwithstanding, I can't believe that someone would rent out a space and simply give up any and all access to it, pandemic or not.
Whenever I am tempted to feel sympathy for the slipping dentures or Nancy's brain freezes on camera, I remember the cold look on her face as she tore up Trump's State of the Union speech.
POTUS a nut job.
I starting reading the quote thinking it was the Professor speaking. I'll admit it sounded reasonable and then when I realized it was a Trump quote I thought "Damn!, nailed it and not in his usual belittling style."
And in a similar fashion I've thought with this and the refrigerator/ice cream video and with the Kente cloth display "How could she be so clueless, so self-unaware?"
What really surprises me is that Pelosi goes to a hair salon.As one of the uber wealthy elite I would have guessed her stylists come to her.
She didn't make a mistake. It wasn't an accident. She did it on purpose because she thinks she is above the law. In her mind, the only mistake was getting caught.
All these tyrants are breaking their own rules all the time, because the know it's mostly a hoax that they are part of. They only try to avoid getting caught.
The people who can't see through it will finally see after the election how much bullshit they have taken in over politics. No matter who wins, and especially if it's Biden, the crisis will disappear overnight. Even if Trump wins, it makes no sense to continue the hoax, because it won't get rid of Trump and handcuffing the economy until the next election just won't be tolerated. The tolerance is near an end already.
eadering said...
POTUS a nut job.
Readering weighing in on political philosophy. Thanks. Glad to see you weighing the candidates.
Speaking of setups, Kamala Harris was set up by some Russian radio pranksters a couple weeks ago.
She thought she was speaking off the record with Greta Thunberg. When Greta said she wanted to help the election campaign guess what Kamala told her?
1) "Absolutely not. That would be illegal!"
2) I will be happy to have your help.
For the guessing impaired, Kamala went with #2.
Story here:
Audio here:
John Henry
Saw this somewhere -
An 80 year old woman is having a national cat fight with the owner of her favorite salon and she's second in line to the presidency.
The beauty parlor owner says "Am I the Asshole?"
cacimbo said...
What really surprises me is that Pelosi goes to a hair salon.As one of the uber wealthy elite I would have guessed her stylists come to her.
Ya think? It's not like she lives in a studio apartment or some such!
Lots of hair dryers and curling irons hanging from trees in front of Nancy's mansion.
Nanny Botox is a nutjob.
Bagoh20: “She didn't make a mistake. It wasn't an accident. She did it on purpose because she thinks she is above the law. In her mind, the only mistake was getting caught.” Exactly. That's why her instinct was to demand an apology. The peons owed her deference, and didn’t show. Her only sin was trusting they would cover up for her.
"Incidentally, what are the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates for a frail woman in her 80s?"
This is the lead that got buried. CV-19 is so deadly that Nancypants has to shut down and ruin lives for months, but Nancypants, who is statistically the most in danger of all the population, thinks nothing of going out and doing normal business in close contact with others without wearing a mask.
Ahahaha! Best President evah!
I am fascinated that this guy can go this long on a speech with the riffs and all. Impressive for someone who is not a spring chicken and who is running from here to there all the time.
OK Washington, Lincoln and Reagan were great, but nobody comes close in the smack-talking department .
cacimbo observes: What really surprises me is that Pelosi goes to a hair salon.As one of the uber wealthy elite I would have guessed her stylists come to her.
I was also surprised at that.
Wow, this even has my apolitical, democrat leaning sister up in arms. That takes a lot. This hits a nerve that the elite don't really believe in any of this covid nonsense they have imposed on the rest of the country and the tape shows that without any explanation needed.
No wonder they had to roll out the phony "Trump disrespects the military smear" before it was ready. This is hurting them in areas they can't afford to lose.
Yes, considering Pelosi's many egregious acts, this one may seem minor. But it's one that people can relate to. Imagine, for instance, if a candidate were videotaped kicking a dog. They would be toast even though they may have a long history of taking bribes and committing drug felonies.
Nancy P is a super spreader. EWWWWWWW!
Busted down on Bourbon Street
Set up like a bowling pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearing thin
They just won't let you be
With Pelosi, the only thing that's "set up"
...is her Plaster of Paris make-up foundation
Pelosi is either extremely green or her mind is addled through managing of diverse myths over the many trimesters of her sociopolitical life. The tell-tales hearts beat progressively louder.
You have to understand that Pelosi's hair always looks good and that doesn't happen by chance. She's been breaking the rules all along and now she's called attention to the fact by being mean. And why? She was just mad because the whole incident made her feel she couldn't trust her hair coloring to this person again - and a hair coloring mistake when a new person uses a new formula can be awful. Republicans would pounce. Melania would smile the next time they met - Pelosi would know why. And Trump - God, imagine Trump!! Driven by fear, poor Nan lashed out mostly peacefully, though she did, metaphorically peaking, burn down a business run by a single mother - but who are we to judge? PoopCity's Queen didn't share the worries everyone had when everyone else had hair that was too long or hair that showed at the roots and needed coloring and had to be done at home; and we all were talking to each other about it. No, she was fine, getting everything done perfectly. But then September comes, summer ends, and "omigod, my colorist set me up, I need a new colorist." And there she was with those worries everyone else had together in March/April. Alone with them. So lonely at the top. (No, I don't mean the top of her head, though it did look as if her hairs would be lonely without rescue hairs.) But ... excruciating anxiety, I get it ... and so then, being basically nasty, she just couldn't help lashing out. Don't be like her. Do not go to her rallies carrying, concealed or otherwise, a blow dryer. Don't make blow dryer noises when she speaks. Don't send her bottles of Clairol. Don't circulate pictures of her with purple-green hair falling out in patches - that hasn't happened. Just sure her hair situation is OK around election time when the whole US situation is going to be pretty hairy.
Nancy Pelosi is really turning into Lucille Bluth these days.
Took a lot of guts to out Pelosi. Pelosi can ruin your life, as can any powerful politician. And, the death threats and hate were an expected consequence but she was willing to suffer that.
A Trump bumper sticker in San Francisco will get your car demolished.
Readering: "POTUS a nut job."
Readering, besides being an historical ignoramus as well as a syntax failure, seems very very upset about the huge improvement in unemployment and the growing number of peace treaties and trade deals Trump is delivering.
I'm sorry all that peace across the globe is happening to you readering.
Stay strong.
Read it again just for the flow. Front porch Faulkner. Is it a coincidence North Carolina started voting same day?
We got all the way to Rhinelander before we saw our first Biden yard sign, coming back was even more one sided, Trump wall to wall in Langlade and Portage counties. Then we started noticing the hair dryers in the trees.
Blogger Rosalyn C. said...
You don't get the emotion by reading the transcript. What is so interesting about reading the transcript without his delivery is how much Trump connects emotionally with his audience. ...
This is true: the transcript sounds (sic) like some conspiracy theorist smoking a ciggy behind the dumpster. This is what democrats hear. But when you actually listen to him talk it’s just a normal person talking. Democrats believe themselves to be the elite and superior, and they should be in charge because they know what’s best for us.
"She said, 'I was set up. I was set up by the salon owner. I was set up.'"
Shorter Pelosi: :Bitch set me up!"
Nothing but Trump signs in my 'hood. In fact, I've yet to see a Biden sign anywhere. But maybe it's because Biden's supporters are so confident of victory they know that advertising is unnecessary. ;-o
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