Yes, we should probably turn over the appointment of a Supreme Court justice, whose job it is to uphold the Constitution, to a group of people threatening to pack the court, impeach for pure politics, and add states willy-nilly. Can't see the downside.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 21, 2020
Morning shows conveniently ignored these clips today...
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) September 21, 2020
Mr. President, this is low. Even for you.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) September 21, 2020
No, I didn’t write Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish to a nation she served so well, and spent her whole life making a more perfect union.
But I am going to fight like hell to make it come true.
No confirmation before inauguration.
“Boy, y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it.”
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) September 21, 2020
६० टिप्पण्या:
Schiff seems to be squealing reflexively, as if a barb might have found its mark. Hmmm. Not to mention he is constitutionally powerless in the whole deal. The House isn’t stable enough to advise anything.
Schiff and Pelosi can huff and puff but they don't count in the Senate.
Good to see that Linsey Graham clip again.
I have in-laws who actively wish for the political demise of Lindsey Graham. The same people are presently driving a wedge within my own family and marriage.
Notice how much better Biden's faculties appear in that old clip. The decline is obvious.
if folks expected Republicans to hold the WH and Senate there would not be all this hysteria. Apparently few expect that.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish
Only a complete sleaze would pretend that her wishes, dying or otherwise, were of any importance to anyone other than her friends and relatives.
No confirmation before inauguration.
"No taxidermiation without representation."
I hope Americans aren't dumb enough to side with Crazy as a loon Nancy. She is almost as delusional lately as Old Joe is.
I get to vote for Miss Lindsey this time. I feel pretty good about it.
It’s a great short speech by Graham.
It would mean so much more, if he had stood by his equally well-articulated criticism of Trump personally, from 2015 and 2016. And his criticism of the Democrats’ terrible invocation of their nuclear option on federal confirmations in 2013. And if he hadn’t publicly lied for Trump on things large and small.
Never the kind to encourage violence of any sort, but if the Donks want to have a few riots inspired by the SCOTUS vacancy in the run-up to Election Day, then I'm good with that. It'll be a timely reminder that ultimately will serve a greater good.
Which all goes to show that if you have a Fervent Wish you should take care of it while you're alive, rather than leaving it to your posterity.
This has such a “Brexit” feeling to me. Trump ran, at least in part, on voters having a choice as to who gets to pick Supreme Court Justices. We voted. Hillary lost. Trump won.
Now they don’t like that result, so the Dems demand we wait until there’s another presidential vote before we fill this vacancy.
Um, no. We already voted on this issue. All those votes for Brexit (Trump) should count and they should be effective.
Wasn’t it the light-bringer who said “elections have consequences”?
This will be Ruthless.
we NEED to LISTEN to those Democrats!
we NEED to LISTEN to Jo Biden, when he said: "The American People DESERVE a Court of NINE!"
Lindsey Graham's finest hour....What they did to Kavanaugh wasn't politics...Why do they need to pack the Court if there is a Dem legislature and President? They can write and pass their laws. The sticking point with conservatives is not that the Court finds laws unconstitutional but rather that the Court keeps pulling rights out of their penumbra.
We remember what they did during the last nomination hearings. We haven't forgotten.
Sorry, Schiff, The Constitution does actually state that it's his Choice, their Choice, not your Choice or even her Choice. As for Ginsburg, let colorful clumps of cells lie, it was Her Choice. RIP
I wish for the political demise of Lindsey Graham.
South Carolina could upgrade to a better conservative.
I missed the Kavanaugh hearings. Wow...
It’s like an opera. Does any other country go to this level over Justices?
So the Death Note thing. When every other person goes before judges they have to have proof, a higher standard of proof, witnesses, signatures, maybe an audio recording but now when it comes to the battle for one of the highest justices in the land we are all tied to hearsay so far.
NPR used the language that Justice Ginsburg dictated this to her granddaughter.
All of us are tied up over this dying dictate. (There should be a law against that.).
Trump demanding an equal standard of evidence is treated as some atrocity. How dare you hold Justice Ginsburg or her family to the same evidentiary burden as every other commoner!
Why didn’t Justice Ginsburg trust Obama to replace her? Maybe she was hanging on for Hillary— who she might have thought was a needed correction. The Left should protest Nate Silver for duping Justice Ginsburg by giving Hillary a 90+% chance of winning. (He is probably trying to make up for that now.)
If someone polled the next BLM protest how many of them would know who Ruth Bader Ginsburg was? I doubt they will poll that.
Someone should tell Rep. Schiff that the House has no power over these appointments. And it isn't like Donald Trump owes him any favors.
I have been with people when they died. I wish there were some last words I can remember. Like my father-in-law who passed away in a bed in my home office, he stopped speaking about three weeks before he passed. He did not have final words, at least none that I can remember. My father, my mother, no last words I can remember.
If I were to guess at the final words I heard before they passed: My father, working on a crossword puzzle, "it's really hard to concentrate." My mother, "I want to go home." My father-in-law, I will just say ANGER.
There's no message. I wonder what will be my last words that my kids remember.
The mobs were out last night at Graham’s house. Can’t imagine that having violent mobs “protesting” or threatening you would be effective against any real American.
Wimp, terrified Frenchie types? Maybe.
But I bet this backfires on the left.
How exactly is Congressman Shifty going to "fight like Hell" to stop Trump's pick? The Constitution gives no role to House of Representatives in the Confirmation of justices. BTW, Antifa has shown up at the Senate Republicans PRIVATE residences to protest. Hear any complaints from Biden or the Senate Republicans "Good friends" across the aisle?
Your really wonder why the R senators are such wimps. Bought off? Or don't care, because they only care what the rich donors think? Remember when Flake got scared shitless by one 5 foot tall female protester?
Buzz Feed lists some group chats of a collective scream upon learning the news of Ginsburg's death. One scream in particular said it all:
One nut job:
"2020 is fucked up
i'm so done"
The other nut job:
"dude ikr
shud i like think about an iud
cus ruth"
First nut job:
"every bad thing that could happen keeps happening
deadass yes"
I suppose that if your primary concern about Roe is your birth control, then deadass yes, get an IUD. And not for nuthin', but i have collij students in a business law class at a large public university who turn in assignments written like this. One guy told me to "get over yourself" when I insisted that students proofread their work for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. That fella didn't make it to the finish line. He needed an IUD for his ass since that was the only way he was going to earn a living. cus ruth.
- Krumhorn
I wish Ben Shapiro would change sides. He's a disgusting twerp and a liar.
Good morning. Good Monday morning.
“This is the most unethical (pause while Lindsey looks down at his notes because he can’t remember the noun that comes after his adjective) sham since I’ve been in politics.” I guess he thinks there are ethical shams, like his flip flop on the issue of confirming Supreme Court Justices in an election year.
I dont’ think Trump should give Shifty the oxygen that insulting him brings.
I see no reason in playing their game, falling all over ourselves to justify appointing a Supreme Court justice. Their leadership has already thrown down the gauntlet by declaring they will not accept a Trump second term. Nothing will mollify the left short of total capitulation. Any attempt at a reasoned explanation will be seen as weakness, so ignore their taunts and let this farce play out like the ending of a Paddy Chayefsky film script!
Yes, we should probably turn over the appointment of a Supreme Court justice, whose job it is to uphold the Constitution, to a group of people threatening to pack the court, impeach for pure politics, and add states willy-nilly. Can't see the downside.
rocean, this tweet from Ben Shapiro is meant to be sarcastic. He's not literally for the people, ie. some people in the Democratic Party, who want to pack the Supreme Court, impeach a President for having political beliefs contrary to theirs, and add states to the United States without following the Constitutional process set down for this.
Well the good news is that the little shmuck Schiff doesn't get a vote in the Senate re confirmation. He's my Representative (we all have crosses to bear) but he is a loathsome little twerp.
Well the good news is that the little shmuck Schiff doesn't get a vote in the Senate re confirmation. He's my Representative (we all have crosses to bear) but he is a loathsome little twerp.
Time to dig out those Handmaid’s Tale outfits, ladies.
"Win one for the Bader"
(It is funny how the dems are falling all over themselves to politicize a bigwig funeral-again. Funny, because its never worked before)
@benshapiro, not for those reasons, no. But out of raw, piss your panties fear of the riots they promise if they don't get their way.
Or am I better off making sure my shotgun still patterns well?
This may all be part of the plan. She may well not have been in on it, but after Kavanaugh, dems have shown themselves to be lower than whale shit.
Left Bank: "I guess he thinks there are ethical shams, like his flip flop on the issue of confirming Supreme Court"
Looks like you and your army of dem liars really should not have run with those moronic smears about Kavanaugh being tge leader of an underage rape gang.
Whaddya think? Time to rethink those lies?
Chennaul said:
I missed the Kavanaugh hearings. Wow...
It’s like an opera. Does any other country go to this level over Justices?
It didn't used to be this way. Supreme Court vacancies were usually filled with 90+ ayes unless there was something really wrong with the nominee. In 1987, President Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork for a Supreme Court Justice position. Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden ambushed Bork by cherry-picking quotes from his decisions. The hearings were nasty. The Judiciary Committee rejected his nomination 9-5 and the full Senate rejected his nomination 42–58.
Clarence Thomas's nomination was similarly nasty, but he was confirmed.
It's gone down hill since then.
How exactly is Congressman Shifty going to "fight like Hell" to stop Trump's pick?
Don't you know he has PROOF Trump colluded with the Russians? Don't you know he has binders full of whistle blowers on a variety of topics? Don't you know he has a lesbian who will swear (but not be named) that was sexually assaulted why whichever name comes out of Trump's hat?
Trump brought up Schiff for good reason--to remind everyone what the Dems have in mind when they talk (again!) about impeachment as a tactic in response to Trump nominating a justice.
People have very short memories about political stuff, especially this year when its been one "crisis" after another. Who remembers January? (Trump does).
I don't know whether Justice Ginsburg actually wished that her seat on the Court remain vacant until a "new President" is elected. I do know that her jurisprudence held that a child has no rights until birth. It must follow that a person has no rights after death. So to honor Justice Ginsburg's legacy, her followers should ignore her wishes regarding her successor.
I want every democrat to jump up and down screaming and make a big scene about overturning the constitution and packing the court. It's not a good look (Shhhh don't tell them)
I wonder how dem senator in red states feel about that. How about Dems running in Maine or Arizona? Get them on record. We need to be warned and plan and vote accordingly.
I guess he thinks there are ethical shams, like his flip flop on the issue of confirming Supreme Court Justices in an election year.
I assume this is satire since no one is that dumb.
rcocean said...
I wish Ben Shapiro would change sides. He's a disgusting twerp and a liar.
What side do you think he's on? You want him to be on the side of the court-packers and impeachers?
"I have been with people when they died. I wish there were some last words I can remember."
Oley was dying in his bed. His family gathered around him to hear his dying last words.
"Is Einar here?"
"Yes, papa, Einar is here."
"Is Astrid here?"
"Yes, papa, I am here."
"Is Bjorn here?"
"Yes, Bjorn is here."
"Is Lotte here?"
"Yes dear husband, I am here. We are all right by your side".
"Then why is the light on in the kitchen?"
Everyone today has a phone with an audio recorder and a video camera. Why didn't the relative record the last words?
I hope to God that Lindsey Graham remembers that quote when it comes time to vote FOR Trump's nominee.
If not...he has no one to blame but himself for what happens.
Trump's offhand remark about RBG's last wish really struck a nerve. Schiff's tweet and then NYT rushed out an article calling it a "baseless" claim. Makes you wonder.
The claim about her last wish does not pass the laugh test.
Here is why:
RGB was smart enough to not look like a fool or someone who thinks that it's up to her to decide who selects the next judge and when, and that her dying at this time means that a 4-4 split could cause a lot of trouble with the coming election fraud challenges and result in civil war, coups and whatnot --- and so it could not be accommodated, even if everyone wanted to (and they don't).
Also the language is off, this is not how people actually speak, especially not on death beds, and no relative worth having would divulge such an embarrassing request that was possibly made under the influence of heavy painkillers (which is the alternative to the more obvious of it being made up).
Shame on her family and the Democrat for using the dead lady as a ventriloquist puppet and as a weapon to throw another tantrum with and smearing her as an entitled, pompous fool, it does not get lower than that.
So, Biden says it's the People's Choice, which in a Republic, in our Republic -- bureaucrats, Biden be aware -- is the President and Senate's Choice. Ha! Reconcile.
Readering said...
if folks expected Republicans to hold the WH and Senate there would not be all this hysteria. Apparently few expect that.
I expect Trump to win Re-election and the Senate to remain GOP.
However, I expect that under an honest election.
I understand that teh Democrats are going to try to steal the election, and I do not trust CJ Roberts to vote 5-3 to stop them.
I do expect that if ACB is on the Court, then Roberts will vote 6-3 to stop Democrat vote fraud, vote creation, and general corruption.
So I want ACB (or whoever Trump picks) on the Court to stop Democrat games ASAP
Chuck said...
It’s a great short speech by Graham.
It would mean so much more, if he had stood by his equally well-articulated criticism ... of the Democrats’ terrible invocation of their nuclear option on federal confirmations in 2013
The GOP warned the Dems that if they went nuclear, they would regret it.
Now they're making them regret it.
IOW, McConnell and Graham are sticking to what they said
Left Bank of the Charles said...
I guess he thinks there are ethical shams, like his flip flop on the issue of confirming Supreme Court Justices in an election year.
Boys and girls, it time for another round of "stupid, or just dishonest?"
So Leftie, are you stupid, and unaware that Graham dumped that position after the Democrats demonstrated their vile and evil nature at the Kavanaugh hearings?
Or are you dishonest, and so stupid you think no one will call you on your BS?
Seamus was on his Deathbed when he smelled the enticing aroma of something from the kitchen.
" my dear," he called to his wife, " what's that I smell?"
" roast mutton" his wife replied.
" could you bring me a slice or two?" Sheamus asked.
His wife answered: " you be having none of that, that's for the wake."
Is it possible RGB's "last wish" was actually an expression that she hoped to live longer?
So, dead democrats vote AND lie.
Did insert ever, ever decide a case based on someone’s second hand dying wish rather than on the law and the constitution?
I do expect that if ACB is on the Court, then Roberts will vote 6-3 to stop Democrat vote fraud, vote creation, and general corruption.
Worthwhile for President Trump to spend the time until Saturday determining whether this is in fact the case. If Amy Coney Barrett is a tool of the establishment, perhaps The Establishment will like her to vote with Roberts and the Sotomayor left. Same with the Cuban judge and any runner-ups. How 100% happy are we with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?
"Mr. President, this is low. Even for you." - Adam Schiff
That one probably got to Trump. He'll self-reflect and walk back rushing a nom. That's the SchiffTouch™. Nothing but net.
Ole Ruth could have retired under Obama and ensured her legacy carried on, but nooooo
she had to press the issue and found it hard to relinquish power.
But only because she was cocksure to see the day when the first woman president, HRC, would be able to name her eventual replacement.
So now we should simply give in to her regrets.....I think NOT!
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