"During a television appearance Monday, Trump said he would probably announce his nominee Friday or Saturday, which he said would leave 'plenty of time' for a Senate confirmation vote before Election Day."
WaPo reports.
And: "President Trump on Monday said he has narrowed his list of potential Supreme Court nominees to fill the seat held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to five people" (Fox News): "The president’s shortlist is said to include Judge Amy Coney Barrett from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Judge Barbara Logoa of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, and Judge Allison Jones Rushing of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, among others."
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Instead of Trump getting excoriated for being terrifyingly strange, he enters the last lap toward Election Day in his area of greatest normality — a President filling a Supreme Court vacancy with a stellar individual who manifests all the conventional attributes of a first-class judge.
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
Mistake not to name his nominee TODAY.
Don't cede and inch of ground. What the hell is Trump worried about? Dems are going to call him bad names, and claim he's heartless? Oh no!
Naming the nominee has no effect on her funerals, except for maybe libs burning down Washington during RBG's funeral because Trump is heartless.
Meh....It is his seat to fill because he has a Republican Senate. Of course there are those who hate Trump on the right, that will vote with Democrats...Thank God we dodged the Mitt bullet.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
It would be factual to state that every issue after the em dash exists because of every issue before the em dash.
Interesting to see if POTUS pays his respects like former POTUS did for Scalia.
Brothers, sisters, set down your Molotov cocktails; lower your fist from the store owner, the lowly clerk; hide your arms, your legs, your knives, and guns, too; set not another fire to force climate change; ensuring a viable replacement for Ginsburg is a seminal concern for social justice, social progress, and other purposes. Let us bray together in solidarity. #HateLovesAbortion
Are we absolutely certain that God will permit her to repose in state? Perhaps God will take her to His bosom and assume her to heaven, maybe with a prior stop at the Temple Mount.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news...
How to explain it? Probably because the media is wholly political, and are after anything that can trump Trump.
For Funsies >>>> enterprisingly chain yourself to coffin etc till election day
AA asks rhetorically: "Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Not crazy, but expected. The Left has used the Supreme Court to re-write into Constitutional stone the right to abortion. For some reason, for them, it is the hill to die on.
Making himself look conventional and presidential while the congressional crazies shriek and scream about how they want to shred tradition.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Not really crazy. Consider that the modern Greek word for newspaper, εφημερίδα (efimerída) stems from the same root as our word ephemeral.
Three day funeral for a SC justice. Ridiculous.
According to Jewish tradition, Justice Ginsberg must not be embalmed, and should be returned to the earth as quickly as possible.
But heck, if Congress is going to make her a martyr, I hope they do indeed place her unembalmed body in the Rotunda. On an open bier. For several weeks. And with any luck, the air conditioning will fail.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Yeah, it's as if someone kept Ginsburg hanging on until her departure would distract the mainstream media from the manufactured outrage of BLM, Antifa rioting, city and forest incinerations, and the collapsing COVID plague propaganda. Now the citizens can ask the Progressive Democrats who they want to nominate to the Supreme Court, and why the Progressive Democrats do not want to voice any suggestions. The Democrats and their Porgressive allies can now foment treasonous rebellion to prevent Consitutional governmental function. Truth will become undeniable, even for the MSM.
It's Providential.
2020 is getting wiley in its old age.
So much for halakha. She died just before Rosh Hashana, the "Head" of the Year, where we anually Crown HaShem as King of the Universe, and, thereby "Our" King, as well. Ho terribly sad that she stands before the Heavenly Court, now, with this final act.
Bob Woodward hardest hit.
The ritual seppuku and self-lighting of lefties on fire will dominate the news soon enough.
I keep saying it. The writers on the fifth season of "The President: starring Donald J Trump" have really outdone themselves with the dramatic twists.
What's this lying in state shit. She's Jewish. We don't parade around our dead like trophies. She's rotting meat now. Get her in the ground!
What's this lying in state shit. She's Jewish. We don't parade around our dead like trophies. She's rotting meat now. Get her in the ground!
"Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?"
If you think this is bad just wait until Queen Lizzie kicks the bucket.
The corpse will make the rounds to the SC building, then over to the Capitol building, then over to Planned Parenthood's lobby.
REAL Men will take the Trump vaccine for the Trump flu BEFORE the election, even if it is just bleach.
REAL Men trust their Normal President.
That is not kosher. She should be in the ground by now, according to Jewish law.
Of course this is the sole issue now.
The Dems are going to defend to the death any attempt to stop their best money laundering machine that sells fresh baby body parts to the highest bidder under legal cover of helping out women in trouble. Gotta keep that blood sacrifice engine going.
My wager is Lagoa.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Those other stories don't generate this and this.
The socials, the soap opera new medium, drive coverage.
I can't believe Ginsburg's family is allowing this spectacle. By Jewish law she should have been buried yesterday.
I must say this makes for incredible theater. He is in complete control of the situation exploiting every opportunity presented. He is not simply a master of the Deal; he is the master of political events.
Suddenly, the Democrats will be in a difficult position: to excoriate a woman judge of, as you say, first rate class. How will Harris, for instance, forced to return from the campaign trail, attack a woman of merit?
Moreover, all the drama will move to the Senate where Nancy has no say. She has been trumped.
Yes, Trump will get the opportunity to act presidential, exercising his powers and discharging the duties of his office. At the same time his foes will have the opportunity to indulge in rhetorical excess, an opportunity I expect them to take. The contrast between the two should be striking.
Just the way a master showman and marketer would frame it.
Isn't it crazy how the news and the Demmies (but I repeat myself) have treated Pres. Trump? The Democrats have always been the party of bushwhackers and racism, so my expectations are few from them.
But the newspapers and electric media! They used to be so pompous, and now they are so low. They have neither dignity nor shame. They are, as AG Barr noted, a collection of liars and they know exactly what they are doing.
But isn't the Ginsburg replacement story just going in on top of all the other stories in the litany of Trump hatred, including those made up (Trump disparaging the troops) and those ignored (peace breaks out in the Middle East)?
Ginsberg will then be entombed, in an authorized Lenin® glass casket, at the Planned Parenthood lobby.
It will be ready for you in weeks, not months. Enjoy!
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news
Sludgereport is still chock full of cootie fear porn.
"LONDON FEARS SECOND WAVE" with bogus graph goes to: "Pubs to close at 10pm across England as covid alert level RISES to 4"
10pm! They must really be a-scared!
Is she just going to have one funeral? That hardly seems fair.
Trump should and must nominate a replacement for RBG, that's his job and it is what the constitution requires. The senate should and must exercise it's responsibility and vote on Trumps nominee. Just do the job you were elected to perform. Vote either yes or no but just do your damn job!
Help me out here. I get that Obama/Biden, etc are reversing their position now vs back when Merrick was nominated. Understood.
How is the GOP not guilty of the same thing here?
I guess Ginsburg wasn't a practicing Jew. In Judaism, as I understand it, the dead person is supposed to be interred quickly. At least we shouldn't have another rerun of the John Lewis funeral rites where, for nearly every day for at least a month, we had a new funeral or memorial service, with the media telling us what a great statist he was.
On a cold, metal slab. Karmic irony.
Well that is the thing. Dems run on fear. First the fear was what would an unknown like Trump do in office? Heck who would he even pick for the Supreme Court? Some on the right were afraid he would work with the left too much.
Now there is no longer the fear of the unknown so now the Dems run on the fear of what they would do if they lose. And now there is the fear of what they will do if they win as retaliation.
Trump’s style has always reminded me of the younger Biden. His style is only weird as a Republican. He slings things like Democrats have done for a very long time. We use to want alerts for when Biden would come to the Senate floor and start with his nastiness.
President has to perform constitutional duties, news at 1,2,3...11,12
At this point, Trump is normal. It's the left that has become weird.
I reminisce back to the "grab 'em by the pussy" call. When the story broke, I heard about it second hand. But I didn't doubt it's veracity for a second. Of course Trump would talk like that while bullshitting pre-interview with media friends. Note the lack of shock and anger on their part - this kind of jargon was expected. And I think a lot of guys have made comments of a similar vein - maybe not those words exactly, but who hasn't been chilling in a bar or lounge with a couple of pals, seen a group of hot ladies walk in, and remark "I would go to TOWN on that redhead with her jugs out" or something similar? In that way, Trump's comment was a NORMALIZING thing for some people - people who can admit to remembering making similar crude comments among friends (usually without the immediate ability to follow thru). In the example above, the speaker isn't literally about to bend that big boobed redhead over a barstool regardless of consequence - but if she "let you do it", it would be an immediate and enthusiastic Yes. Hell, if she's the redhead I'm picturing, it probably wouldn't even wait for closing time.
For some of us, knowing that Trump talks like we do behind closed doors, using crude terms and occasionally bragging, helped make him a bit more human than most of the DC-elite talking heads we hear droning on over the airwaves 24/7. He's the normal one. They're the pod people. Of course, it doesn't help that the Left spends it's airtime literally denying reality or making shit up out of feelings. That's even more alienating.
Another benefit of getting all my news online - I can read it all and avoid watching the talking heads unless the video itself is important.
IRC, Scalia, a much greater justice, lay in repose at the SCOTUS building for one day and night. Why Ginsberg gets 2 days AND a day at the capital is mysterious. Of course, being dead, I doubt she's upset about it.
BTW, George Floyd got 3 nation-wide funerals. How many is Ruth Bader Ginsberg going to get? I assume Mittens, Collins, Miss Lindsey, and Lisa Murky will show up with tears in their eyes.
Just to recap.:
1) Senate Republicans, led by McConnell (not Trump) refused to bring Garland’s nomination to a vote because he was nominated in an election year by a President who was not running for re-election;
2) They called this the “Biden Rule” after the former chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee;
3) Democrats hated this, claiming Republicans had “stolen” the seat, and advancing that claim as a pretext for court packing;
4) Biden is now owning the Biden Rule, and claiming it also applies when the President IS running for re-election;
5) Democrats now claim that if this “ rule” isn’t followed, then THAT will be their pretext for court packing;
6) President Trump now threatens to do his constitutional duty by nominating someone to fill the seat (just as Obama did);
7) A well qualified nominee will be no more at fault than Garland was;
8) Squishy Republicans (Collins, Romney, Murkowski, & C) say they oppose voting on the nomination of a blameless nominee by a blameless President;
9) It’s not clear whether the squishy Republicans are upset because they thought using the Biden Rule in 2016 was wrong, or because they think using it in 2020 is right, or because they really root for the other side;
10) If Democrats succeed in “stealing” this nomination from Trump, then it is not clear what new pretext they will come up with for packing the court; AND
11) The elegant solution for Republicans would seem to be that the squishy ones oppose bringing the nomination to the floor (in Republican Senate caucus) while declaring that they will not vote against a well qualified nominee just because of what happened in 2016.
Oboyoboyoboy! Now there will be days of solemn mourning as the great and good file past the catafalque, to a narration of liberal-left mush and speculation.
Is this any way for a republic to act?
It would be unseemly to nominate her replacement while she lies in state. Perhaps that period of time should stretch to weeks.
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Not really. Everyone is SICK of all the stupid that surrounds ChinaFlu, the protests/riots are not working for the Dems so the MSM is being ultra-extra discreet in covering those, Woodward's book just does not titillate like they used to (What are you going to say about Trump that would shock anyone? You either don't care or you are shock-numb.), the forest fires also just look bad for the left-coast politicos so the less said the better.
All that leaves is jumping on WHATEVER Trump says, to try and rally the troops.
Scott M said...
Help me out here. I get that Obama/Biden, etc are reversing their position now vs back when Merrick was nominated. Understood.
How is the GOP not guilty of the same thing here?
9/21/20, 1:07 PM
Welcome to politics. The sideshow is that way.
"By Jewish law she should have been buried yesterday."
well, maybe she was. Who knows what's in the casket? In any case, Ruth was a self-described atheist, and while some atheists still follow Jewish law/traditions, many don't.
Why not just put a one-sided coin in a case there to represent her brilliant legal mind? It would be spherical, and if it lands on its side, the vote goes the way Schumer wants, and if it lands on its center core, cast the vote against Schumer.
The Ruth Bader Ginsburg death/memorial will delay the MSM planned Trump-attacks till next week. But don't worry, I'm sure some new sexual assault fairy-tale or disgruntled ex-white house employee's "Shocking" true-life story is getting teed up.
" In Judaism, as I understand it, the dead person is supposed to be interred quickly.”
I was only married to a Jew, and raise my kids Jewish, so I am no expert, but I thought that Jews were not embalmed and were buried in a pine box as quickly as possible, at least that’s how every Jewish funeral I ever attended went, but it looks like this stunt has bought them a couple days.
MadisonMan said...
It would be unseemly to nominate her replacement while she lies in state. Perhaps that period of time should stretch to weeks.
Was it "unseemly" when LBJ assumed the office of POTUS before JFK was even placed in a coffin?
"Help me out here. I get that Obama/Biden, etc are reversing their position now vs back when Merrick was nominated. Understood."
Yep this is opposite day in DC. Biden flips and flops and the CDC did another "Oh, Never Mind" statement on the transmission of Covid,.
So, I’m curious. Pretty much every Jewish commentator has said that this is an abomination; she should have been buried already.
What is the impact of this late burial? In the Jewish faith, is this a “do not pass go, go directly to hell” because she was not buried properly, and this was voluntary? I can’t imagine that the Jewish God would punish a dead Jewish sailor who died in a shipwreck and was not found for a few days to bury, for instance.
But a voluntary withholding of burial? Is this like the Muslim being buried with a pig dooms someone?
I really don’t know.
And to follow up:
If this does have eternal consequences for RBG, does that not mean that the Democrats have consigned her to eternal torment for crass political gain? That’s…. A nice “thank you” for all her years of service to the Democrat party.
It would be unseemly to nominate her replacement while she lies in state
While it was Her Choice, not her Choice, she's no longer viable. What greater way to honor her legacy than to strike down progressive statues, and keep her memorial private, short, and bare.
Will we have kneeling in front of the casket while adorned with kente cloth scarves??
There is a Constitutional way that RBG could have picked her own replacement.
She could have run for president, won, then resigned from the court.
Dictating your final words to your granddaughter doesn't meet that criteria.
Fake news headlines. RBG's corpse will lie in repose. RBG herself is no more.
As far as I can tell, RGB is the first Jewish person who has lain in state.
If you saw a Democrat unprotected by the media, unfiltered by the media, and attacked by the media It is quite possible they would look terrifyingly strange. Trump acts like a Democrat unfiltered. So basically this is an election between two of the same East Coast nasty Democrat style. One is checked by both parties and the media. The other is probably trying to check an element of his own party and incapable of doing it even to win, all while probably being the most protected presidential candidate by the media,—ever.
Not appointing judges the same year as a presidential election is a tradition but nine justices on the Supreme Court is not?
It would be Amazingly appropriate if Lying in State + cortege devolved into Khomeini/Soleimani level frenzy for holy relics.
Here's where I come to learn Jewish law on burials.
Interesting to see if POTUS pays his respects like former POTUS did for Scalia
Why wouldn't he, other than a fear that Democrats would not behave well.
I thought his initial response to her death was superb. I hope you follow his example when Trump passes on at some point in the future.
Vance said...
So, I’m curious. Pretty much every Jewish commentator has said that this is an abomination; she should have been buried already.
CAIR must be pleased ???? more respect shown to Osama bin Laden than to Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
(assuming there is body in the box)
Isn't it crazy how this story has overshadowed everything else in the news — the coronavirus, the protest/riots, whatever the hell was in Woodward's book, the forest fires...?
Not really, when you consider that all of these stories are unimportant, and are followed mainly as a result of the 3 year bout of hysteria that Trump's election caused a certain segment of our population. A segment not known for its firm attachment to reality.
There were five previous Supreme Court Justices who did not lie in state.
Lewis Brandeis
Benjamin Cardozo
Felix Frankfurter
Arthur Goldberg
Abe Fortas
Apparently Ginsburg earned this distinction for her strong advocacy for killing babies.
I was going to write that I was surprised about the delayed burial, but others beat me to it. I’m a little surprised that people are surprised, though. Not all Jews observe Halacha, and even fewer observe Halacha as interpreted by the Orthodox. (I mean, I do, but shockingly few people feel compelled to emulate me.)
And no hell for late burial. It’s certainly not under her control.
"In any case, Ruth was a self-described atheist, and while some atheists still follow Jewish law/traditions, many don’t.”
I think the "consigned to hell” comments are a little strong too, but the whole thing does seem weird. Most every Jewish person I know is a practicing atheist, but usually make some effort to keep the traditions. It just seems like a stunt to buy time.
I believe Hollywood is commissioned to Carbonite RBG for Supreme Court tympanum sculpture fronting the Supreme Court Building
Jewish traditions have kept them together since the Romans sacked Jerusalem in about the year 70. They have a power of their own.
How long until someone from the gallery runs over with a defibrillator and tries to shock her back to life?
Tensions are high. The Left to riot ASAP.
This is a notion not a claim.
A Covid-19 infection is not, necessarily, deadly to those young, fit, and in good health. It's seriously deadly to the aged, the infirm, and those with other underlying health conditions.
Health conditions like, just for example, pancreatic cancer.
IF the rumor went 'round that RBG died after exposure/infection/a positive test for/ symptoms of Covid-19 -- would anything in the media change?
"a President filling a Supreme Court vacancy with a stellar individual who manifests all the conventional attributes of a first-class judge."
. Pretty much every Jewish commentator has said that this is an abomination; she should have been buried already.
Wouldn't that ONLY Matter, if she was a Jew?
Of the 613 commandments, did she try to keep ANY?
This is what is called trying to run out the clock.
Nice to remind our Olympian Solons with whiff of mortality Sort of Presidential Precedent
"In the Jewish faith, is this a “do not pass go, go directly to hell”"
I have read there is no such thing as Jewish Hell, but if there is for Ginsburg, it's president is Donald Trump......for all eternity.
"Interesting to see if POTUS pays his respects like former POTUS did for Scalia."
Trump probably will if allowed. I don't remember Scalia ever writing or saying anything particularly negative about President Obama the way Ginsburg had about Trump, so there might be a basic difference. Also, Ginsburg's family might well have issued a McCain directive that Trump not appear.
What is the impact of this late burial?
I believe it's mainly just considered disrespectful of the deceased, as are embalming, cremation, open caskets. I don't think there are any implications for the afterlife, just a matter of propriety. If she had any regard for these customs she would have left instructions to her family. So either she didn't, or her family is disregarding them for political reasons.
Trump is not releasing his short list? How very Biden of him.
Or rather, the issue is that embalming and cremation are considered disrespectful, and consequently burial should be ASAP for obvious reasons.
You know, I am beginning to believe RBG's passing might just mean John McCains long national funeral has finally come to an end.
It's a BLM state funeral not a Jewish one. RBG failed. This will grow to be the norm if Biden is elected. If one is Jewish it would be well to accept this and put the religion aside.
State before Church. Not separate. Not Equal. It's one of the fundamental issues being voted in this election. God is a low life competitor to a marxist.
"Interesting to see if POTUS pays his respects like former POTUS did for Scalia."
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in repose
That caused me to fantasize about her corpse displayed in an open coffin stood up in front of the saloon with a placard saying SYSTEMIC RACIST on her chest.
Vance, the offense, if there is one, is not on the deceased but rather on her next of kin or community for whom there applies the commandment, or mitzvah, of a proper burial. If she's not headed for a Jewish cemetery anyway, the embalming and the extended stay above ground are not an issue.
I wonder if Ginsburg early voted? If not, I'm sure her death won't prevent her vote to be cast by someone.
I don't know why we ever (as a nation) started this lying in state nonsense.
I can see it for people like Eisenhower who won a World War.
But politicians and judges?
Last time I checked they worked for us...we signed their paychecks (along with the Chinese). They are our servants.
Too bad she wasn't Orthodox...she'd be in the ground already.
I am confused. Hasn't Ginsberg been sitting in "repose" for several years now.
There seems to be strong suggestion she was not especially religious about her Judaism.
Just like any deathbed "last wishes", hard to believe with her medical history she hadn't provided a formal guideline to her liking.
The inability of the media to focus on more than one issue at a time is only surpassed by that of Congress to do the same.
I am sure there are those who are a bit chagrined that the death of RBG overtaking many already long ago written stories about the death count from the Chinese - I mean Covid - virus surpassing the grim milestone of 200,000.
Klavan says that RBG's last wishes to be replaced by a different president should be respected because the's an angel now.
I look forward to all the articles about how the mourners will spread the Corona virus to thousands upon thousands of citizens.
"The writers on the fifth season of "The President: starring Donald J Trump" have really outdone themselves with the dramatic twists."
Wins the internet today. Thanks for the laugh.
Kyzer SoSay said...
Hell, if she's the redhead I'm picturing, it probably wouldn't even wait for closing time.
Good news! Christina Hendricks appears to still be separated from her very beta looking husband.
Maybe they are expecting her to rise on the third day and this makes it a little easier. Hey, she wouldn't be the first Jew to do that.
Instead of Trump getting excoriated for being terrifyingly strange....
Has he done something new? Even when I didn't like him I didn't find him terrifying. I find a president who makes peace deals instead of getting us into new wars to be the opposite of terrifying.
By nominating a replacement for RBG before her funeral, Trump invites the Dems to roll with Wellstone Funeral, Part II.
Scott, the difference between 2016 and 2020 situations is perhaps a bit subtle, but significant none the less....
In 2016 Obama. a Democrat. was in his last year of his presidency. The people had voted in a Republican Senate in the mid-term elections, presumably to counter Obama's ability to force through his agenda. In that scenario the Republican Senate blocking the vote was the right thing to do when the will of the people was so ambiguous.
In 2020 we have a Republican president and a Republican Senate. The will of the People is clear... fill judicial vacancies with more conservative justices.
It's a logical position that the Republicans are defending. Garland was proffered up as a way to entice the Republicans into foregoing their duties to their constituency. McConnell called their bluff by blocking the nomination; risking getting a far-Left liberal in a Hillary! administration should Trump not win the presidency.
And all perfectly constitutional.
Blogger gspencer said...
"Ginsberg will then be entombed, in an authorized Lenin® glass casket, at the Planned Parenthood lobby."
A good taxidermist is hard to find in DC.
"with the media telling us what a great statist he was."
You misspelled racist.
Dems: ABORTION UBER ALLES! What a sicko bunch
I hear she's amazing.
I can't recall her saying a fucking thing. Mumbling about something or the other maybe ...
Browndog said...
Mistake not to name his nominee TODAY.
I think he is still not sure who he is going to pick. Also, he could be giving Cocaine Mitch, time to count votes. I know that Collins and Merkowski have indicated they don't want to vote, but I wouldn't assume everyone else is on board. He also has to talk to the nominee and make sure they are ready for a fight. Even with Trump and Republican support, Kavanaugh would have tanked if he wasn't resilient enough to fight back at the hearings. Not everyone is up for a fight like that.
Justice Ginsberg died on Friday, it is the Monday after, just three days have passed, and I've already heard all the arguments and talking points. How much longer can they flog this horse?
I'd like to be able to be present at the viewing, just so I could say aloud; "she doesn't look any worse now than she did 3 months ago!"
As to the reality of everything else being pushed aside, and the "normal" Presidential exercise of appointing a SCOTUS Justice, that aligns exactly with what Rush has been saying since before the pandemic. All the pontificating in the ACELA corridor, is nothing but noise. Zero substance as far as election politics, because what the election turns on has yet to be imagined.
Here we are. The event that blocks out all old news, and at least 8 "bombshells" the dnc/media had in the hopper to smear, the President Trump.
Dems are desperate, they are just babbling incoherently now. Probably covered in earlier posts, this choosing and voting on a justice nominee has happened 26 times in history. And almost always, when the Senate and President is of the same party, its successful, and when not, no success. Exactly what we have seen play out twice now in 4 years.
By tradition, the dead are buried within twenty four hours. However, burials are performed on Shabbat or on Rosh Hashanah in this case. Monday is the Fast of Gedalia, so the burial should take place on Tuesday.
Be that as it may, she and her family were rather secular and would not care to make performance art of her passing.
From a different perspective, the symbolism of her passing on the eve of the beginning of the Days of Awe where the entire world passes before the Deity for judgment, from a Jewish perspective cannot be ignored. The Judge has been Judged.
The traditional blessing one gives when hearing of the death of friend or foe is: Blessed are you, Oh Lord our God, Ruler of the World, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE.
If she was the saint that the left thinks she is then she wouldn't need embalming.
"Thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption.
Psalm 16:10
Although maybe it's only Roman Catholics who believe in this part of the Torah.
Ginsberg finally met a clump of cells she couldn't kill.
The woman hasn't been buried yet, and Democrats are trying to start a fight with the GOP atop her corpse. Can you assholes just cool it for a couple days? Or is this illustrative of the level of respect you actually had for Justice Ginsburg?
Lucien said...
9) It’s not clear whether the squishy Republicans are upset because they thought using the Biden Rule in 2016 was wrong, or because they think using it in 2020 is right, or because they really root for the other side
or because they really ARE on the other side
Kevin said...
How long until someone from the gallery runs over with a defibrillator and tries to shock her back to life?
Now, that, is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! Bravo, Kevin!
REAL Men will take the Trump vaccine for the Trump flu BEFORE the election, even if it is just bleach.
REAL Men trust their Normal President.
And yet, as things have worked out, Trump is far more normal than the Dem nominee in 2016 and 2020. Not that you will ever consider this might be true, election results notwithstanding.
I call religious discrimination against Catholics.
There are many other examples in the US lately.
Some amount to open terrorism.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Kevin said...
How long until someone from the gallery runs over with a defibrillator and tries to shock her back to life?
Now, that, is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! Bravo, Kevin!
Is there Dr Frankenstein in Da House
stevew said...
Justice Ginsberg died on Friday, it is the Monday after, just three days have passed, and I've already heard all the arguments and talking points. How much longer can they flog this horse?
Me too. I didn't bother to listen to Limbaugh, Fox or anyone else.
It's all over-kill yada yada yada yada.
Trump will NOMINATE someone and the Senate will VOTE.
Anything else is just pure unadulterated bullshit.
Blogger Daniel Jackson said...
By tradition, the dead are buried within twenty four hours. However, burials are performed on Shabbat or on Rosh Hashanah in this case. Monday is the Fast of Gedalia, so the burial should take place on Tuesday.
Be that as it may, she and her family were rather secular and would not care to make performance art of her passing.
Thanks Daniel, I thought I was the only one losing my mind over their parading around her rotting corpse around like a waiter with the steak specials at Texas Roadhouse. Lying in state too, WTF? We don't do viewings! This is a shanda. Did I hear they may actually put her in the ground on Yom Kippur itself?! WTA?
Browndog said...
Mistake not to name his nominee TODAY.
I trust him. One thing is not to be hasty - if say ACB has issues, is a corporate bot, is conflicted, needs a second look, why not take it now, weigh all the finalists, instead of charging ahead?
Jess said...
I wonder if Ginsburg early voted? If not, I'm sure her death won't prevent her vote to be cast by someone.
One of the many reasons election day should be ELECTION DAY, not election week or month. I have read that in some states early voting is already happening. It's one thing if the voter votes then drops dead. But let's say between now and halfway from not until actual election day- Biden (or Trump) drops dead. And 10% of the people have already voted. As convoluted as some court decisions are- there is no way they could justify counting a vote for Biden-Harris (or Trump-Pence) as a vote for anyone else. But since they can't open the ballots up and see who voted for whom, could they invalidate all cast ballots and tell people they all have to vote again? Suppose it was Biden (or Trump) who dropped dead- why should Trump voters (Biden voters) have to vote again? Could people ask for their ballots back and revote? How would they find them?
One of many possible nightmare scenarios. Some cities are using ballot drop boxes. Are they being guarded 24/7 until election day? What's to stop someone from throwing some bleach or soap and water or something into the box making all the ballots illegible?
It is long past time to treat politicians ( and judges are politicians) as normal people. These are NOT special people. One day visitation, funeral and burial the next day.
Tim: It is long past time to treat politicians ( and judges are politicians) as normal people. These are NOT special people. One day visitation, funeral and burial the next day.
I agree wholeheartedly with Tim’s idea. Especially the part about not waiting for them to actually, you know, die first.
"REAL Men will take the Trump vaccine for the Trump flu BEFORE the election, even if it is just bleach.”
I heard this same argument IRL from some loser liberal. He added that “Trump called the soldiers ‘suckers’ and you would be a sucker to take the vaccine”
My plan is to take it as soon as it is available, since I know people are going to be skittish, and I know there are some risks, but it’s *something* I can do to help, another phase of testing, I guess. The guy just laughed and repeated what he had read in that joke of a magazine, The Atlantic. This was a couple of days after the Woodward book had come out where it was revealed that the “suckers” reference was about the US paying for the defense of South Korea. What was the point of getting into an extended argument with a moron who believes everything he reads in the New York Times though?
Amendment to Kyzer,
"Another benefit of getting all my news online - I can read it all and avoid watching the talking heads unless the video itself is important."
... and... the video almost never is.
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