Dr. Jill Biden will be arriving soon at the Daisy Cupcake Cafe in Madison. Supporters are gathering. pic.twitter.com/NLRfKAtFj5
— Jessica VanEgeren (@jvanegeren) September 28, 2020
Q: "Your husband has been known to make the occasional gaffe"
— The Hill (@thehill) September 27, 2020
Jill Biden: "You can't even go there. After Donald Trump, you cannot even say the word gaffe."
Q: "I can't even say the word gaffe?"
JB: "Nope. Done. It's gone."
Q: "The gaffe issue is over?"
JB: "Over. So over." pic.twitter.com/NV8bAs7TP9
१४७ टिप्पण्या:
Jill Biden? What is she running for?
She was in Omaha on Saturday and spoke to ten invited guests. Big joke.
Where's WalJoe?
Jill Biden?
Joe Biden is a fraud.
Democrat voters are just proving they are stupid dupes who will vote for anything put in front of them.
It's partly hilarious and partly cringe-inducing that she identifies herself as "Dr. Jill."
It is of course technically correct, just as it's true that electricity comes from the wall outlet and gasoline comes from the pump at the local service station, but for the majority of Americans, if you haven't graduated from medical school, you're not a doctor.
Meanwhile Creepy Joe is locked in his basement.
"Clap for that, you stupid bastards."
Joe Biden, speaking to a military audience.
I find it refreshing that the democraticals now dictate to the legacy media their instructions in public as opposed to in private as in all previous years.
Notice that Jake Tapper happily accepted his new directives and acted accordingly.
Because that's how you do "journalism-ing".
Media reply: Yes Ma'am! We will obey!
It's OVER, you lying dog faced pony solider. You know the thing. These truths are snuffelupagus.
I've noticed that you can't even notice things these days, yet alone mention them. Somehow, the rules just changed and the new all purpose phrase is "you can't say that. Don't go there." Except in the Althouse blog.
she gives stage direction. the media dutifully follows it.
I said it's over, b1tch. You know I have your balls right in my drawer here, right?
Hey! I went to a party in that house (many years, er, decades, ago).
As to Jill Biden's pronouncements, not sure which gaffes she's referring to. Hyperbolical claims aren't "gaffes", are they? They're something else.
Tapper "They are disgusting smears"
Wow - Trapper full on democratic operative.
But you can say "transgender girls" if you like.
What office is Jill Biden running for again?
Why does Jill Biden have supporters? What are they supporting her for?
"Now be a good boy, Jake, and get me another latte from inside."
I’m convinced!
Re: DOCTOR Jill Biden
I was doing management training seminars with State mental health employees in 1980 with two university adjuncts. They introduced themselves as "Dr. X and Dr. Y". The response from the (mostly HS and AA level) employees was cold and hostile..
When we had a post mortem discussion regarding what went wrong, one of the professors said, "Well, doctoring ourselves in was a big mistake." That is a line I have never forgotten.
Are people here impressed that Jill calls herself "Doctor" (with an Ed.D.) or do they think it is presumptuous?
Imagine Ivanka ordering the press around like that. You’d never hear the end of it.
When will Jill Biden release her Supreme Court list?
The gaffe issue is "over" until her used and abused senile hubby opens his mouth again.
BTW, what's with her bullshit "Doctor" honorary? She's not a medical doctor, just a PhD in something, something, right? Need gravitas?
Too bad her husband couldn't make it.
I guess Joe's loss of mental acumen has rubbed off on Jill.
Er, "Doctor" Jill.
Any examples of Trump's gaffes?
If I were Jake Tapper:
Q; Dr. Jill -- during your first marriage to Bill Stevenson, did you ever suck Joe Biden's cock?
I apologize in advance, but I am merely following the Brett Kavanaugh standard where the media pose really personal sexually-charged questions from decades ago.
A: Let's not go there. Trump!
Wow. They must fill up half a block. Meanwhile, Joe put a lid on the day just before 10am. He is going to be ultra prepared for the debate.
So.....Biden is at LEAST as bad as Trump at "gaffes" according to his wife, Dr. Jill.
When Jill was in Omaha, she was photographed without a mask. Is she going to go back to Delaware and infect Joe?
Has anyone ever asked her why she can make so many appearances and interviews but her husband can't?
Q: "I can't even say the word gaffe?"
JB: "Nope. Done. It's gone."
Q: "The gaffe issue is over?"
JB: "Over. So over."
In which we get to watch Jake Tapper perform an unnatural act on national TV. Or, perhaps, have an unnatural act performed upon him.
What is the point of letting supporters gather for her and not him?
What is the point of her not wearing a mask when he wants to mandate masks?
She should be investigated for elder abuse, but it’s amusing to see her emasculate that milksop Tapper.
Postmodernism strikes: Joe Biden's confusion and memory lapses do not exist and never have.
Doesn't Jill Biden have a PHD in education? That's the most reliable certification of philosophical madness one can earn.
Who are you gonna believe? Me?....or your lyin' ears!!
Is she going to be on the stage with Trump tomorrow?
Excuse me Mrs Wilson but your husband is a veritable.
Maybe being rid of gaffes or gotchas is a good thing. Biden has helped us reach some critical mass of gaffes that the media can no longer go there. Fine let’s do that.
Then Jill says that Trump only has that to go with— seriously— what the hell is Biden running on.
Instead of Tapper asking about gaffes he could have asked something useful like— who are Biden’s economic advisors?
Then shouldn’t they be in nets? I know they are trying to avoid COVID but what about West Nile virus.
Jake Tapper is on the Biden campaign payroll now? I missed the press release.
Another hardball unbiased interview by Fake Tapper.
"When your husband strokes out, are you going to play presidential puppeteer like Edith Wilson, or hand it all over to Kamala and go back home to Delaware?"
Question not asked: "Why am I sitting her with you instead of Joe Biden?"
I hope kids are watching and can use against their teacher : Gaffe is over and done : to challenge for improve their grades
Someone needs to hit Jill Biden in the face with a pie. Or would that be too sexist?
So much of the Democrats' debating technique seems to boil down to, "Shut up". Not that the brainwashed public will notice.
What did Tapper refer to as "disgusting"? Given that he is a professional journalist with a professional duty to be objective, I can only assume it referred to something he ate recently or maybe something he saw on the ground, and not some statement made by Trump. Because that would be unprofessional, which Jake Tapper isn't. Because he is a professional journalist.
Why are they sitting so far apart? I expect them to be shouting at each other from that distance. Was he spitting at her when they were setting up the chairs?
When Jill is visiting her husband in the home next year, I hope she has no regrets.
Jill: "It's not over, til I say it's over. And I say it's over."
Jake: "Okay, then. It's over."
I like the way Jake really honed in with the tough questions. Jill will be the greatest female American President since Edith Wilson. Edith never finished high school. Jill is clearly more qualified to steer the ship of state than Edith.
It was over with Obama, smothered by a biased... nay, prejudiced... nay, bigoted press, diversity racket, and influencers (e.g. Alphabet/Google et al).
There we go! Problem solved!
Jill pretends at being a doctor.
It's petty because it is a bull shit PhD.
She ain't no doctor.
Yup, that is verboten, just like Hunter Biden.
"You can't even go there. After Donald Trump, you cannot even say the word gaffe."
So if Biden starts babbling incoherently live on stage tomorrow night it's totally excusable because the orange man is bad. It's totally fine if Biden's brain is porridge cuz Trump said mean things.
And does CNN just roll over when Jill Biden (sorry...DR Jill Biden) says that. How typical of a Democrat to say what you can or cannot ask them.
Monica Lewinsky: If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer.
I wish *i* was dr jill Biden!
Must be nice to be able to set the agenda
She’s a whore.
Look for the Sour Gaffe Cupcakes on the day old shelf.
Is the Café on State Street? That, I'd like to see.
Ed.D. ain't no Ph.D. It's a credential to move into higher pay tiers on education union contract scales. My late father (a Ph.D. in chemistry) was the school board president, and rated Ed.D. as a "toilet paper credential for pay". BTW, Bill Cosby (America's Prison Dad) also has an Ed.D.
A perky, pleasant blonde villain, that’s what she is.
Jill's as awful as Joe is.
There must be tens of people waiting to catch a glimpse...
How long will it take for crazy Joe to go off the rails tomorrow? I say within 15 minutes and then straight downhill.
And Wednesday we will hear how Biden was surprisingly good. Then they will trot out the caskets of McCain, Bush, Reagan and Nixon where they will vote for good old 40 year politician blue-collar Joe.
Are people here impressed that Jill calls herself "Doctor" (with an Ed.D.) or do they think it is presumptuous?
No one is.
Anecdote time: my best friend growing up had a mom who was a school psychologist, more or less. She had an Ed.D. basically because she'd make more in salary with it and the district paid for her to get it. I mean, free money amirite? She, honorably, never ever referred to herself as 'Doctor' and corrected those who did.
Another anecdote: my older kids' stepmother is studying for a doctorate in history. My son adorably mispronounces this as "[Stepmom] is getting her doctorette." Yeah, kinda. She's gonna be a doctorette.
So...does this mean we don't get to talk about Trump's gaffes either?
"Bombshell NYT story on Trump tax returns shows that he received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a corrupt Russian tied to Vladimir Putin. Oh wait, no, that was Hunter Biden, and the NYT didn't even report it"
That's a Yuuuge crowd there for Dr. Jill. It's at least two ranks deep and stretches along the street for half a blaock or more. I bet that there are at least 80 people there to here her say that "gaffe" is done when it comes to her Joe. Mumble and stumble maybe but "gaffe" is so over.
Tapper: "They're smears. Disgusting smears."
Wow Jake.
Wow, that is the first time I saw a photo for a Biden event that didn't look like a bunch of fat, lazy, democratic operatives rousted out of bed so it doesn't look completely pathetic.
Is this support for Jill since Joe will be napping a majority of the time as president?
Blogger Tomcc said...Is the Café on State Street? That, I'd like to see.
It appears to be where Willy St. turns the corner (Atwood St.) to go around Lake Monona. Maybe that area hasn't been destroyed by the rioters yet.
The only people who call themselves “Dr” and are PhD not MDs are people with useless degrees like Dr.Ed. I’ve personally met 6 Nobel laureates in the sciences and not a single one referred to himself as Dr.
She's exploiting her white privilege to tell Jake to STFU about her hubbie's gaffes.
Pay no attention to the demented old man in the bunker.
Followup Q: "Are you here because your husband can't be trusted to answer questions without getting the answers from a teleprompter?"
The technical term is "whataboutism".
Having read some Ed. Theses (I sat for years on a local school district civil service appeals board, and I was curious about one of our Executive Director employees who was an Ed. D), I have to say I'm not impressed with the level of intellectual attainment it takes to earn an Ed. D. Nothing wrong with going for the degree---here in Southern California if you want to move up in school district administration, you'd better get one. You get paid more for one thing so you're more likely to attain the rank of high school principal. And when you fail there (as sometimes happens) you can go down to District headquarters and get an Assistant Superintendent's job in charge of any number of federally mandated programs. Now those programs may be the advanced bureacratic equivalent of counting paper clips, but there you go.
But if we were living where they speak Obama's "Austrian language", every headwaiter in every restaurant in Vienna knows the precise ranking of these honorifics. I don't know whether a doctor of education would rank below an electrical engineer (but the engineer's name would always have "Ing." in front ot it). But I think the electric engineer would be smarter than your average doctor of education (in the US at least). And what the heck I have a "Juris Doctor" on my law school diploma, but I'd be embarrassed to ask anyone to address me as "Doctor Skeptical Voter".
"it's magic! I say its over, and boom! water carriers make it happen. You should try it"
Q: "I can't even say the word gaffe?"
JB: "Nope. Done. It's gone."
Q: "The gaffe issue is over?"
JB: "Over. So over."
Ahhh, so Joe is going to replaced by Jill on the ticket. Interesting.
I didn't think about it that way. Biden's gaffes paved the way for Trump.
"She, honorably, never ever referred to herself as 'Doctor' and corrected those who did."
I have two very close friends who could use the term 'Dr.'
One has a PhD in the hard sciences (science is really hard) from Stanford.
The other is an orthopedic surgeon who counts olympic athletes among his patients.
I've never heard either of them refer to themselves as 'Dr.' unless it was in a professional setting.
I only call them 'Dr.' when I want to give them crap : )
Skeptical Voter - We attorneys should one-up Dr. Jill when it comes to pretentious and insist on being called "Doctor Skeptical Voter, Esquire."
Francisco D said...
Are people here impressed that Jill calls herself "Doctor" (with an Ed.D.) or do they think it is presumptuous?
No, and I don't think it's presumptuous. I think it's fucking ridiculous!
I also think that you couldn't have found a better wife for an ego-maniacal narcissist like Joe Biden.
I'm also bummed that no one at the GOP saw fit to hire a bunch of operatives to follow her around and rush in screaming; "Help! Help! We need a doctor! Now!" when she's making a personal appearance.
Two big reasons that make Delaware a lot less appealing a place. Thomas Capano et al a very distant third.
How many have been harassed for not wearing a mask outdoors??
It seems to have become a real us v. them issue.
<<BTW, Bill Cosby (America's Prison Dad) also has an Ed.D.
Yep. Flunked out of high school, I think. Never finished his bachelor's. And wrote a thesis about how great his TV cartoon show was.
I like me some Daisy Duke Cupcake
Excuse me Mrs Wilson but your husband is a veritable.
Should read: Excuse me Mrs Wilson but your husband is a vegetable.
The finger rape issue is so over since NFL players put Jacob Blake's name on their helmets.
The chaos will be over when Joe’s elected?.... hmm, I wonder why that may be...
Joe’s the statesman? She completely ignores the fact that Trump has just rec’d a third nomination for the Nobel Peace prize due to his statesmanship. She’s a piece of work.
Thanks, Danno. I'd be surprised if Kamala's campaign staff would allow Jill's privileged white arse anywhere near the artistically enhanced dead zone.
"Shut up", she said.
And shut up he did.
The only question was whether he apologized sufficiently for his improper conduct.
As Al Sharpton would say:
the only color in that crowd
...was the chocolate frosting
Maybe Jill just forgot to bring Joe along this time.
Or maybe she figured "why bring him along" if the media would just pretend they didn't notice anyway.
>>Are people here impressed that Jill calls herself "Doctor" (with an Ed.D.) or do they think it is presumptuous?
Actually, we PhD's are the real doctors. MD's do a bunch of on-the-job training and call themselves doctors.
My dad was an elementary school principal for many years. One of his friends and colleagues in the district got an Ed.D. degree. He was a nice man and competent in every way, but after that when introduced as Mr. Crain, he invariably corrected the speaker by saying "Doctor" Crain. My dad mocked him mercilessly in private for it.
I see that I have been corrected.
Thank you for pointing to my error.
And I agree that Ed.D. Is even less impressive than PhD.
Her name is Jill.
Who will watch all the cats?
And who will make sure timecards get punched for on the clock enrichment?
"It's partly hilarious and partly cringe-inducing that she identifies herself as "Dr. Jill."
... but for the majority of Americans, if you haven't graduated from medical school, you're not a doctor."
I had a college friend earn his Ed.D. We threw him a party. Then we announced we'd refer to him as Dr. Williams for that night only. As it should be.
Where's Hunter?
Tomcc said...Is the Café on State Street? That, I'd like to see.
Nope. It's a good hike from campus and downtown..in the pretty unscathed funky hippy area.
Free Corn Pop Cupcakes!
Jill Biden says, "[Joe] has the integrity, he has the...he's strong, he's resilient..."
Oh, Jill, you lying, dog-faced pony soldier you.
Doctor Biden was a special education teacher (low in the teacher hierarchy) and her Ed.D. is not in Education (which is pitifully easy) but in Educational Leadership.
My (Democrat) wife is an Art teacher with an MFA. She absolutely scoffed at Jill's degree. "It's a matchbook degree for teachers." She said that anyone who can afford the tuition can get the degree. It is neither competitive nor academic.
Friendly territory for Jill Biden. She'll be preaching to the choir there, but then, the choir was already voting for Joe.
Gives you an idea why she allows her slowly mentally decaying husband to continue to embarrass himself.
Nixon was tanned, rested and ready. Biden is just tanned and rested.
Whoopi Goldberg thinks Dr. Jill would make a good Surgeon General!
I say Lake Monona
Oh, Monona
I say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Monona
Oh, Monona
Here is a scenario in which Dr. Jill plays a rile in tomorrow night's debate:
Trump says "I care about America because I have a lot of grandkids. Joe you have how many grandkids?"
Joe stares ahead, steam rising.
Trump: "Joe do you know how many grandkids you have?"
Joe stares ahead barely containing his rage.
Trump: "Maybe we should ask Jill. You're a doctor, tell us how many grandkids Joe has?"
Joe explodes and accuses Trump of destroying the soul of the nation before storming out.
Trump shrugs and says, "Now you know why I wanted drug tests."
Hitler drew large, enthusiastic crowds. Trump draws large enthusiastic crowds. Nobody will liken the Bidens to Hitler (except for the Kristallnacht thing).
Don’t worry, Joe, mommy told them “gaffes” are off limits. Here’s a cookie!
“ 9/28/20, 4:21 PM
Blogger NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Whoopi Goldberg thinks Dr. Jill would make a good Surgeon General!”
Whoopi’s an idiot. DOCTOR! Jill wouldn’t even make a good Thighmaster General.
facepalm, but unsurprising,
Francisco D for the late win!
Sidewalk Gurus in India have more intelligent followers and worshippers.
What the hell is wrong with University cities in USA?
Jill Biden: Keeping the C-word alive in the 21st century.
the emperor has no clothes. Biden should avoid parades in front of people that will inspect him,
The Democrats' Jedi mind control over the media is truly impressive.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Why is Biden Hiding. Because he has Alzheimers and this woman is an elder abuser and is forcing him to do this. What a terrible wife. Screw Her. His gaffes are fair game. She can suck eggs.
Nixon was tanned, rested and ready. Biden is just tanned and rested.
Jill went full Hillary:
“You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette. I’m sitting here because I love him, and I respect him, and I honor what he’s been through and what we’ve been through together. And you know, if that’s not enough for people, then heck—don’t vote for him.”
Q: "I see you're at the Daisy Cupcake Cafe."
Jill Biden: "You can't even go there. After Donald Trump, you cannot even say the word cupcake."
Q: "I can't even say the word cupcake?"
JB: "Nope. Done. It's gone."
Q: "Cupcakes are over?"
JB: "Over. So over."
Q: "Your husband, Joe..."
Jill Biden: "You can't even go there. After Donald Trump, you cannot even say the word Biden."
Q: "I can't even say the word Biden?"
JB: "Nope. Done. It's gone."
Q: "The Biden Campaign is over?"
JB: "Over. So over."
I wouldn't bang Jill Biden with a six foot pole.
Jake Tapper calls a lid on his professional reputation.
wendybar said...
Why is Biden Hiding. Because he has Alzheimers and this woman is an elder abuser and is forcing him to do this. What a terrible wife. Screw Her. His gaffes are fair game. She can suck eggs.
then her gaffes are a fair game? -
"Shut up,' she explained."
According to the Biden tax returns they (Joe & Jill) paid $3.7 million in taxes while using S corporation to reduce their tax bill by $500k. What source of incomes provide them that income? Since he's been a public servant for 4 decades and she was a school principal. Could some journalist ask them?
Good to see that veteran hard-nosed political bulldog reporter Jake Tapper followed up on the brutal questions about Biden getting angry about alleged "attacks on his family" by asking whether Joe supports Hunter's actions, and whether it is fair to bring up whether Hunter used his father's political status and connections as VP to enrich himself and his family.
Oh, he didn't ask those questions?
Never mind, then.
"I wouldn't bang Jill Biden with a six foot pole."
I think the classic joke is, "I wouldn't fuck her with Hillary Clinton's dick."
: )
Joe must be ticked off that "not Trump" is still more popular than he is.
"Over. So over."
I can't even imagine what will be rolled out tomorrow on the debate stage. Is this "So over" some kind of battle space prep?
I hope Trump has a security team above, and beyond the secret service.
Snowflakes and Cupcakes. A delicate intersection.
Some folks might think High School teacher Jill Biden has all the charm of used toothpaste. So, calling the Gaffe Machine for what he is, is over. However...time to see what Bluto thinks.
"Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over 'til we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! (Germans? Forget it, he's rolling) And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go!"
Sorry, just had to get that out. One of the funniest soliloquys of all time. Much more of 2020 and Election Day will be like the parade at the end of Animal House.
How much do you suppose the Biden family spends annually on plastic surgery?
BTW, what's with her bullshit "Doctor" honorary? She's not a medical doctor, just a PhD in something, something, right?
Jill Biden is a Doctor of Education (Ed. D.). But by the way, philosophers, mathematicians, and “natural philosophers”’(chemists and physicists) were entitled to be called “Doctor” back when surgery was a barely profitable sideline for barbers. You can look it up.
Kevin, good job.
It appears to be where Willy St. turns the corner (Atwood St.) to go around Lake Monona.
Is this a dirty joke? (she asked hesitantly.)
NorthOfTheOneOhOne, your suggestion for the GOP (to have a few people show up at every Jill Biden event to cry out, "Is there a doctor here? We need a doctor!") made me literally LOL. Which doesn't happen that much, in the Benighted Year of Our Lord 2020.
Jill can kiss my grits.
Showtime joey.
Blogger madAsHell said..."...Is she going to be on the stage with Trump tomorrow?..."
9/28/20, 1:11 PM
She sure will - whispering in "Joe Biden's" earpiece!
Big Mike: thanks for the calming hand on the shoulder. Actually, I have small issue with anyone displaying to the world what they have accomplished. Aside from the general aversion to, what we call in the South "putting on airs", I have a minor concern that the low information citizens will make a Doctor Phil, Doctor Jill authoritarian connection and lend more weight to her manipulations than they should. Love "natural philosophier" tag, though I would have applied it to a national parks and recreation management Doctor of Philosophy moniker. Heh.
Better answer: "Good morning, Sunday morning.."
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