"I always have a mask. I always have a mask, for me, for the people I’m encountering, but for my family as well. But I don’t wear it when I’m getting my hair washed. And that picture is when I just came out of the bowl of getting my hair wet."
From Nancy Pelosi Hair Salon Statement Transcript September 2.
To answer her question — "Do you wear a mask when you’re washing your hair?" — I don't wear a mask when I'm alone in my bathroom washing my hair, but when I went to the salon to have my hair done, I wore a mask the entire time I was inside, including when my hair was washed. And I did not have a choice in the matter.
Also at the link, she blamed the salon for telling her to come in: "It was clearly a setup."
१८० टिप्पण्या:
If she doesn't know what the rules and regs are for the common folk, that's understandable.
She is, after all, 'elite'. She's 'special', and not in a good sense.
I despise her beyond belief, but you almost have to admire the shamelessness.
Has she answered the question about the other times since March she has gotten her hair done? The press is mightily incurious.
Nancy Pelosi is above the law and not above lying about that.
Her hair does look really good. I like the subtlety of the high (low?) lights. So maybe this will be a boon for her stylist, he'll get business out of it.
I wear a mask in the salon. But then I care about the health and well-being of the person tending to my hair. Perhaps Pelosi believes her germs are too geriatric to travel all that far.
I recently got my first haircut in close to three months. I was required to wear a mask the entire time -- even when they were trimming the hair around my ears and trimming my sideburns. To make that possible, I removed the elastic strap from around one ear while holding the mask in place with my other hand. It was inconvenient and I would have preferred not to do it. But, I'm not a powerful politician so it was either that or leave the hair around my ears untrimmed.
"I always wear a mask. Always."
"That picture of me not wearing a mask was me with a mask on. You just can't see it."
I wore a mask at the barber shop, as did everyone else in there.
"she blamed the salon for telling her to come in: "It was clearly a setup."
The only possible reason she is saying this is that she thinks Americans are mentally deficient. It's preposterous. No doubt her propagandists will pass along to us without skepticism. The same old story with the Dems.
"Whenever I'm unfairly attacked with irrefutable evidence, I like to reach into one of my SubZero freezers for a comforting pint of Jeni's $13 a pint ice cream. Don't you?"
Taleb made a great deal out of the case where NO transmission happened in a salon where BOTH wore masks. So those patrons wore masks.
I think Trump should do a video of that smug ironic clapping Pelosi did, and tearing up her high priced lawyer’s letter.
When a politician gets to the "I was set up" defense they generally have entered Marion Barry Land.
Where you can be re-elected, anyway, because:
• those stupid enough to believe you were 'set up' are stupid enough to vote for you again;
• those smart enough to know you are lying will vote for you again, because they know the Kabuki is just needed to placate the proles.
Marion Berry: too honest for today's government.
I am Laslo.
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
Third in line to the president. Our “elite” leaders really kinda stink.
I go to a stylist who has a hair cutting station in her home. When I returned there after the shutdown, I wore a mask the entire time INCLUDING while being shampooed. When she cut around my ears which required me to remove the ear loop, she said "Just hold the mask to your face while I cut around your ears."
She was careful and I appreciated it. (She wore a mask the entire time as well.)
This Pelosi thing is a clear and obvious example of hypocrisy and "Rules are for the little people."
And as one of the little people, I see it and am furious.
Anyone who buys her excuses is being deliberately obtuse.
As if we needed more evidence that Nancy is arrogant and dishonest in every single thing she does and says.
And yet these people presume to lecture us about Trump and to rule us in the end.
Also at the link, she blamed the salon for telling her to come in: "It was clearly a setup."
It was clearly Powerful Politician Privilege. But note how her inability to understand her own bubble leads to the belief she is targeted for persecution. Someone tell me more about Trump's paranoia.
How clueless do you have to be to not understand almost everyone is alone when they wash their hair? And then she concludes it was a nefarious act by the people who (in reality) bent over backward to accommodate her. What a terrible person to be around irl.
Nobody really cares about the mask...she is using that as a distraction.
People care about their employee knowingly breaking the laws of the City of San Francisco to do something that is denied to her employers.
And then claiming she didn't know what the law was? So, the smartest woman (supposedly) on Capital Hill doesn't know the laws of her own district?
The worst part, of course, was throwing the salon owner completely under the bus. She pulled a Marion Barry..."The bitch set me up!"
She's FoS as usual.
- the salon rents out chairs to stylists
- Pelosi had been using the stylist for years
- pelosis staff called stylist, without going though the owner and arranged the appt.
- don't know if the stylist has been paying rent for an empty chair, but clearly wanted the work and didnt want to ruin her rep with powerful customer
it's the owner who has been destroyed...
Pelosi is clearly just a rich & powerful old bitch who always gets her way, and has no understanding of why the rest of us peons don't see that that's just the right & natural order. She's just different, you understand.
Pelosi showed herself to be incredibly tone deaf before with her COVID lockdown video showing her $14K freezer filled to the top with $8 a pint ice cream.
I understand why Republicans bitch about this stuff. I just don't understand why rank & file Democrats don't take their leadership to the woodshed over crap like this. For example, I think that after Chris Cuomo was busted for not keeping quarantine in spite of putting on a big show that he was, he should have been fired. But, no, CNN & the whole media went along with the big lie and filmed him pretentiously leaving his basement. Why? Why defend these people? They seem so obviously not worth defending.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Do you suppose she called the salon or the salon called her? If she called them, then it wasn't a set up. Not only do I have to wear a mask when my stylist washes my hair, but he's not allowed to use a blow dryer. There are no dryers going at all in that salon. I have seen women sitting out in the sun in the parking lot with stuff in their hair to try to get the heat to do something. I am not buying her excuse. Maybe her people insisted she be given special treatment, who knows? But, really, she should know what is going on in her hometown as far as COVID restrictions go. Living in DC most of the time is no excuse.
Hair color for me, not for thee!
The gal is wacked.
Alas, she has so much power to cause so much destruction to the country.
Don't let Nancy Pants do to the US, what she's already done to San Francisco and California.
Keeping at it Nancy, blame others for your failure and hypocrisy.
It is funny- the video I saw yesterday deleted the first question and answer that is in the transcript. Someone did ask Pelosi both about how many times since March she has gotten her hair done there, and whether or not she was the person who initiated contact. She refused to answer both questions!
Oh, boy, what a terrible liar she is.
Her response is embarrassing. She violated rules, has no mask in her hand and obviously was getting special treatment as the sole person in the salon.
She's blamed everyone else. They invited me, it was a setup, blah blah.
So what? Does that mean you weren't violating rules of where you live AND choosing not to wear a mask indoors while in close contact with someone not of your household?
In one sense, she was set up, but I think it likely that this is what has happened:
The owner has accomodated Pelosi and the stylist repeatedly since March, illegally, but has finally realized that Newsome isn't going to relent on the lockdowns before she loses her business altogether. This latest special treatment for Pelosi was the last straw and she released the video in revenge.
She wasn't washing her hair. A paid servant at risk from her COVID breath was washing her hair.
Aww, she was set up? Gee, how does it feel? She was lucky the hairdresser didn't stick the scissors into the back of her neck.
I am loving the Marion Barry defense.
Always go with the classics.
Oh, she's using the Marion Barry defense.
Let's see if that works.
supporters/Voters by telling Trump to come into the White House >>> set him up for the Mueller collusion investigation
while the nice, kind democraticals are warning Trump to stay away to this day!!!
Someone needs to turn Nancy's head into a canoe, then she won't have to worry about blow-outs.
She was washing her hair? Why pay the salon if you are washing your own hair?
What a cunning plan: let Pelosi wash her own hair alone in a room. Then charge her money for it!
I have had my hair done twice since all this crap started and YES, I wore my mask the entire time, including when I was getting my hair washed.
Pelosi is a hypocritical, loathsome human being. And now her minions will stop at nothing to ruin this salon owner. Disgraceful.
Suppose she was in DC : does Congress have own salon space for blow-jobs (pun intended)
Old Hegelian
They aren’t defending these people for their own sake, they are defending the principle. You don’t fight a civil war because you think Charles I is a fine fellow, but to defend the divine right of kings.
Many salons are limiting services to haircuts only. No shampoos, color, beard trims, etc since it is difficult to do with a mask on.
Apparently Nancy wanted the full boat and didn't expect to get caught.
Nothing to see here. Just move along folks.
Yes, the salon had me wear a mask while getting my hair washed.
Look, she's a multimillionaire. Obviously, rules are for everybody, and multimillionaires find ways to get what they want anyhow.
Of course, she doesn't like that she got caught.
All very understandable.
"Didn't you see that stop sign?!" "Officer, of course I saw the stop sign... But I didn't see you :) !"
“ Not only do I have to wear a mask when my stylist washes my hair, but he's not allowed to use a blow dryer. There are no dryers going at all in that salon. ”
This is maybe worse. You aren’t supposed to blow dry in salons, for the same reason that a lot of places have turned off their hot air hand driers In restrooms - they involve blowing warm, possibly virus containing, air everywhere. After that, if Palsi were COVID-19 positive, there would have been a distinct possibility that the virus for the disease would have been on every surface around, as well as on the every person in the room. Talk about a superspreader event.
So how is it that the hair dresser's shop was even open for business? A simple message on the door and on the automatic answering machine as well as a substantial lock would have ended a controversy before it began. If Pelosi got in, somebody had to illegally open the shop.
But Pelosi doesn't think straight; for example, she claims that science can solve everything now:
"Let me just say three words about the wildfires and the hurricanes and about the coronavirus, three words: science, science, and science."
The dog washes my hair.
Is it possible that she was abducted and did not share the same space-time continuum for the last 6 months with the rest of us? She sounds so green, even innocent.
I despise her beyond belief, but you almost have to admire the shamelessness.
The science, art, and religion of shamelessness. The tell-tale hearts beat progressively louder.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Dems lost California? I may have to revise up my 40 states prediction.
Blaming the salon (eyeroll). It's certainly never Nancy Pelosi's fault.
Shut up peasants. I had my usual hair cut last week once our place opened up, after looking like an F-ing hippy, with hair below my ears, but not the collar! No 2 blade on the sides, and a #3 on the top. Kept my mask on all the time. I'd go with an old fashioned high and tight, but it scares some of my liberal co-workers. Hair styles are now triggering for the left, but not if it's pink, blue, green or dreadlocks, then all is good. And if you complain, you're a racist bigot. Feh, this country is hosed, and I don't have a clue as to fixing it. At my age I shouldn't care, but I do have kids who will have to live in the rubble, which I'm becoming more convinced is our future.
corruptocrats are never to blame - for anything. They hold no responsibility - ever, for anything, even after 30+ years serving herself as your leader.
After months and months ...and months of no hair cut, I finally had mine cut back in July.
I needed a hair cut but more importantly I wanted to give my hairdresser (who is a democrat) some business.
I wore a mask the whole time. Not hard.
You must worship the left and help them cover for their lies, deceit and hypocrisy ... or they will destroy you.
Vote Biden!
Two things that are making me laugh the most in this one. The Marion Barry defense and the fact that Nancy is so dumb that she didn't know/understand that video footage would eventually leak out. There are cameras literally everywhere you go now. Dunce.
When I finally got my hair cut, I wore a mask when they washed my hair and throughout the entire process.
When a prominent Dumbocrat gets caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing, standard tactic number 1-b, rev. 42 says to pick the one small part of their transgression that is most defensible, and try to make it all about that small thing. As a rule, the media help out because Democrat politician privilege. In this case, Pelosi wants to make it about her mask, but that’s just one part of what she did wrong. Her trip to the hair stylist violated the following regulations:
(1) On August 31, when this episode happened, salons were closed — period. They opened one day later. She couldn’t wait one day? Democrat politician privilege says she doesn’t have to.
(2) She’s indoors. On September 1st salons were opened for outdoors use only. Stylists could work on their customers outdoors, but not inside. Unless you’re Nancy Pelosi and have Democrat politician privilege, so she doesn’t have sit outside where the lower classes can gaze upon her.
(3). She’s walking around without a mask on. Women can debate among themselves whether the mask could be or should be worn while hair is being washed, but the security can shows her walking around in the (should have been closed!) shop without her mask. More Democrat politician privilege.
DARVO defend, attack reverse victim and offender
DARVO is an acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers. The abuser will: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender
When a politician gets to the "I was set up" defense they generally have entered Marion Barry Land.
Laslo, that's exactly what occurred to me: The Marion Barry drug deal. And he was re-elected, as I'm sure our most honorable Speaker will be.
Sydney said...
Do you suppose she called the salon or the salon called her? If she called them, then it wasn't a set up.
Of course Nancy did not make the call. She has people who make appointments for her, just as she has people who pick up her laundry, cook her meals, clean her house, tend her yard, etc.
She is a political aristocrat. Common people should not question her actions.
I don't understand why she didn't just have the stylist come to her house to avoid all the trouble. Hair & makeup people do that all the time.
Reporters actually asked her how many times she'd visited the salon during the lockdown - no answer. And furthur, noted she was the one who called the salon, thus refuting the notion that it could be a setup - no comment.
Really, this is the master political strategist? Those other politicians must be real dullards if this is the best we've got. She seems surprised by the questions - she shouldn't be, and she doesn't seem to be able to think very clearly or with any depth on her feet.
Pelosi is easily the most despicable person in government and that's saying a lot when one considers the fierce competition. I hope her opponent, Pakistani Democrat-socialist lawyer, Shahid Buttar, drinks her milkshake. Hell, I might even send money to his campaign! I noted that Pelosi refuses to debate him, as he is really unworthy of sharing a stage with her. I wish her luck and all of it bad.
The optics of not wearing a mask is a distraction from the real issue. Why are salons still closed if she can safely have her hair done?
Thanks to all who reminded that this is indeed the Marion Barry defense.
Although "Bitch set me up!" was pithier.
Haven't had my hair cut since this whole plandemic erupted. I've trimmed it a couple of times--mostly just my bangs. The rest of it I wear in a 'messy bun' or in a ponytail sticking through a baseball cap. It's not like I've attended any formal events of late.
The Pelosi's have $100+ million. They are immune to any outrage, and Pelosi will own that seat in Congress until she dies, and probably after. It would not surprise me in the least that another Pelosi family member wins that seat long after Nancy departs.
They are beyond mere mortal justice.
If it hadn't been Pelosi, I'm sure the stylist would have had his license revoked at the behest of the Governor.
This is what my son said:
She's like 80 years old. She's high risk. But she's got her mask off in public. If she is as scared as she says we all should be, she wouldn't *want* to take her mask off. When someone in leaning over her washing her hair? Breathing on her from inches away?
She should be terrified to do that. But she isn't. So what does she know about how scared we should all be?
Yancy Ward- I think that's right.
So maybe this will be a boon for her stylist, he'll get business out of it.
They're getting death threats.
Pelosi should have stuck with the Chewbacca Defense.
Nancy Pelosi - Doing for America what her family did for Baltimore.
John Henry
I wear a mask when I'm washing my pubic hair. Does that count?
Pelosi is too wonderful to admit error, even when it demands an explanation last used unsuccessfully by DC Mayor Marion Barry, when "The bitch set me up!" became a casual playground joke.
Pelosi exudes that level of class, that excess of self-worth, that "apres moi le deluge" self-importance, which demands a tumbril, a crowd and a guillotine.
Anna James Zeigler
An eighty-year-old woman who's having a national cat fight with her hair lady is second in line for the Presidency.
George Chapman
Let's state the obvious.
If she tipped well, this never leaks out.
As far as the mask thing goes, I'm not sure what I enjoy more:
The virtue signaling by the masktards, or the virtue signaling by everyone that knows masks don't do a damn thing yet climb all over libs when they don't wear one.
Nancy is white. She is, therefore, a bigoted bitch, tainted helplessly with a white-privileged upbringing and white-tainted genetic biology.
I feel sorry for her, since she is flamed for things about which she can do nothing. She has, like all other whites, been deputized to kill black people.
Watch out if Pelosi comes into your hair salon. She's setting you up.
This is really getting traction. Lots of social media comments today, with only the most scant and listless defense from my lefty friends.
Every woman in a lockdown state who's been washing her own hair for four months is saying "Who the hell does she think she is?"
It's also pissing off massive numbers of small business owners, even if they're Democrats.
If Trump is a crafty political animal, which he is, he'll rag on this trivial but deeply symbolic event all the way to November.
So how does this work when you wear a mask to a barber/stylist?
You are both there, for 15-20 minutes, in intimate contact with each other.
Every time either of you breathes out most of the breath escapes around the edges of the mask.
So you are both surrounded by a clout of exhaled air, breathing in, breathing out each others whatevers.
And the mask helps how?
For the true believers here, what percentage of your exhalations do you think passes through the mask and what percent escapes unfiltered? 50% or so?
And for the inhalation, what percentage of virus/virii are trapped by your mask? 50% or so?
Seems to me that if I sat in the chair holding a chicken foot and muttering incantations I would have just as much protection and neither wearing a mask.
Perhaps more since neither of us would be constantly that germ laden mask to adjust it. The stylist would not be transferring bacteria/virii from their mask to the customer's hair and skin.
And it might take a few less minutes of exposure to each other's toxic clouds.
Good on Nancy. She finally did something I agree with. She showed how unnecessary masks are.
John Henry
"It was clearly a set up."
Why yes, yes it was. Oh, you mean the hair appointment? Let's bring on a special counsel. That's how we handle these things. And the Russians made her do it. Collusion!!
How stupid does she have to be to use the words "set up". -Rhetorical.
I've been cutting my own hair for years. I just put the thinnest shield on a $25 pair of clippers and cut everything about once a month or so.
Recently got a nice battery clipper from Remington on Amazon. It has a curved cutting head which makes it a lot easier to get right.
And I don't wear a mask when I am doing it.
Or any other time I am not legally required to under threat of fine or jail.
Fuck masks.
John Henry
What is it with women and paying to have someone wash their hair? It's never made sense to me.
It's just hair. Stand in the shower, get it went, run a bar of soap over it and done.
Costs nothing in time or money.
I don't understand women's clothes
or makeup
or shoes
and a bunch of other stuff.
John Henry
Yancy Ward @ 12:09 PM
Someone did ask Pelosi both about how many times since March she has gotten her hair done there, and whether or not she was the person who initiated contact. She refused to answer both questions!
If questions about hair salon use, questions that before Wuhan Flu would have been considered trivial and innocuous, get a Fifth Amendment response, we know that things have changed in our country.
By refusing to answer, Nancy Pelosi implied that, like trial witnesses pleading the Fifth, she refused to incriminate herself. Innocent people don't refuse to incriminate themselves.
I will say this about Nancy Pelosi. While she is a nasty piece of work, the mental and physical vigor with which she pursues her political agenda is amazing for someone almost 80 years old.
For various reasons I don't care if Nancy Pelosi wears a mask. Not a big deal to me. The media backlash is dull here.
It's not a setup, when a video shows a crime being committed. Nancy broke the law, and the video is proof.
The mask, perhaps not. She can purse her lips, huff, puff, and blow the virus away. However, that she doesn't wear goggles, especially in an environment where water droplets lurk in the open, is simply inexcusable. The eyes are a window to contagion.
Echoes of Cindy Sheehan?
When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow?
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance
Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise
Rush- A Farewell to Kings(and Queens)
of course its a ridiculous rule, but london breed, winning the future, made it, john henry did you get what I sent you?
Nancy lawyers up:
When you're the Speaker of the House and third in line to the presidency and you intend to throw someone under the bus, you don't do a half-assed job of it. You get down on your hands and knees and make sure to jam the body tightly up under the tire treads with the heel tips of your Louboutins.
Also at the link, she blamed the salon for telling her to come in: "It was clearly a setup." Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre it was.
John Henry 9/3/20, 1:53 PM:
"I don't understand women's clothes
or makeup
or shoes
and a bunch of other stuff."
Classic country song in the making.
I am Laslo.
Nice to see the old girl scrambling. Usually she's standing on a great height sneering at the rest of us.
Next up on the excuse parade: Boogaloo-ers stole her mask on the way into the salon....and then they took her subway sandwich too while screaming "This is maskless MAGA country!".
I bet this isn't the first time she's had her hair done there during the lock down. This is why you can't get rid of these people - the power & privilege they exercise is like a drug to them. They are addicted to it. And just like drug addicts, they will destroy anyone who gets in their way. They are disgusting.
"On August 31, when this episode happened, salons were closed — period. They opened one day later."
This makes Pelosi's defense even harder since it is clear that the appointment was made explicitly to skip the line on opening day/week.
"As it turns out, it was a setup... in the garden... of Gethsemane.
So I take responsibility for falling for a setup in which that squirrely little Iscariot kissed me and called me 'rabbi'.
And that’s all I’m going to say on that."
—Jesus of Pelosi
What was the exact quote? Was it: "Bitch set me up."?
I only wish she had been caught in a gym. Just to cover for her maybe mine would open today.
so the hairdresser was the gate keeper, lol,
Meade at 2:34 PM.
Ol turkey neck Pelosi a real douche nozzle ain't he/she/? Looks like L.A. has it's own Whitmer!
Let's say, for the sake of argument, she was set up.
Do you want a Speaker of the House who can be set up this easily? What if a political opponent tries to set her up? Or BLM? Or the Chinese?
It is not about her fucking hair. It is about the thousands of hairdressers who cannot work, cannot make a living. About the millions who can’t get a decent haircut. It is about the oppression we are accepting like children asked to line up. These people give not one shit about the devastation they have gleefully caused.
There will be no vaccine acceptable to all. There will never be enough “%testing” to satisfy, there will never be a medical professional to declare an all clear. Because we have become sheep this will go on. And on.
“Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”
—- MaligNancy Pelosi
Well this goes right along with the video of her in front of $10,000 refrigerator eating pricey ice cream. She is an elite and she knows it. There are rules foe us and then there are rules for her and her pals! Her nephew, Newsome, shut all the wineries in Napa but kept his and Nancy's open. They are Cloud People and we are the Dirt people!
Vampires don't breathe.
"The owner of a San Francisco hair salon, which was visited Monday by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in violation of multiple city guidelines, said she has received "death threats" and will likely be forced to move her business from the city she has serviced for more than a decade."
The left really hates the truth. When it pops up, they want to smash it like "Whack-a-Mole".
How can you trust or have anything but contempt for such people. I don't understand how they have any support at all.
Our Dem governor here in Nevada, is constantly demeaning and threatening the people he works for for not wearing a mask, yet he has been caught multiple times at parties and restaurants without one, having a grand ole time, and continuing to both collect a paycheck and prevent others from doing the same. Do they really believe this virus is dangerous or not. It seams they don't, so all their lecturing and restrictions are inexcusable and the voters should show them what that means for their jobs.
How was she set up? They didn't invite her. They didn't tell her not to wear the mask. Nobody is going to tell Nancy Pelosi to do anything she doesn't want to.
We could bring down the whole Democrat Party power structure just by burning down the Metamucil factory. C'mon ANTIFA, do your thing.
Blogger gerry said...
Nancy is white.
No Gerry, she is Italian. Of the D'Alessandro family who ran and destroyed Baltimore for decades.
Italy is the natal home of all things Latin so Italians are Latinos. And everyone knows that Latinos are POCs. That's "people of color" not "pieces of crap". Though it works either way in Nancy's case.
John Henry
And yet the citizens of the US turn over more and more power to these hypocritical a holes.
It's just hair. Stand in the shower, get it went, run a bar of soap over it and done.
That doesn't get rid of the gray. (I don't believe she went just to get her hair washed and dried.)
Blogger Jim at said...
They're getting death threats.
Remember Memories Pizza? They got death threats and more.
Part of the "more" was over $800m in GoFundMe donations. Plus a big boost in their business of people who were sympathetic to the shit the deep thinkers put them through.
They can't make money cutting hair so they'll cash out this way.
Now if they can just get some demos and arson threats on the salon, the owner will pay them to break the lease.
John Henry
(2) She’s indoors. On September 1st salons were opened for outdoors use only.
This salon wasn't opening for outdoor work. They specialize in hair coloring and because of the use of chemicals, can't operate outside.
I don't understand women's clothes
Women know, men appreciate, that they enhance the feminine.
RichardJohnson said...
I will say this about Nancy Pelosi. While she is a nasty piece of work, the mental and physical vigor with which she pursues her political agenda is amazing for someone almost 80 years old.
Biden was Born: Nov 20, 1942 (age 77) >>>
Pelosi was Born: Mar 26, 1940 (age 80) over 2 1/2 years older!!!
I go to a one-stylist salon; she works out of a building with windows that open. Schedules one person per hour. And we both wore masks the entire time.
Let's talk *dentists* - I am excited to get my teeth cleaned for the first time since JAN. Gum disease is a genetic factor no matter how much I brush/floss I gotta get in for a cleaning. Going to be the very first appointment of the day. Considering the space has people in it all day long breathing out of open mouths....it is the one place I have been reluctant to go to.
"Yancey Ward said...
"On August 31, when this episode happened, salons were closed — period. They opened one day later.
"This makes Pelosi's defense even harder since it is clear that the appointment was made explicitly to skip the line on opening day/week."
The theory I've heard is that they weren't planning to reopen the salons so soon, but Gov. Newsom ordered it tout de suite to give his buddy Nancy some cover -- "What's the big deal? She could have done the same thing the next day."
Blogger narciso said...
john henry did you get what I sent you?
No, I don't think so. What did you send and when?
I just searched my inbox for Narciso and find nothing. Can you send it again to johnfajardohenry@gmail.com
Put Narciso in the subject so I make sure to look for it.
John Henry
Hopefully she won’t have her and her family murdered. Her being Eyetalian and all.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
Classic country song in the making.
I am Laslo.
"My tears spoiled my aim"
Can't ever top that one.
John shelton Reed got a whole book out of it.
John Henry
John Henry
And the mask helps how?
They're supported by intuitive evidence backed by government mandate. In other words, peace of mind, and a false sense of safety. That said, they do have limited value, depending on the environment, on the duration, the likely transmission mode (e.g. contact), maybe. Mostly, they're for a show of solidarity. WHO, for one, doesn't advise their general use, or for asymptomatic people. And viral evolution has followed a conventional course, reaching its peak before the mandates were passed. The single greatest risk factor is Planned Parent, and, generally, exposure of at risk populations. Denying, stigmatizing early treatment (e.g HCQ cocktail) to mitigate disease progression was another.
Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
Ol turkey neck Pelosi a real douche nozzle
Why is this an insult? If I ever get reincarnated I'd like to come back as a douchenozzle. Look where they get to spend their time. Sounds like fun to me!
Much better than Prince Charles desire to come back as wassername's tampon.
John Henry
"What is it with women and paying to have someone wash their hair? It's never made sense to me."
I would rather not get into my car with my hair covered with coloring chemicals.
Nancy really is clueless about her massive privilege. First she has a photo of herself sitting in front of the $20,00 refrigerators eating $13 a pint ice cream. Then she does the hair salon thing. Why not just have the stylist come to her house ? This just sounds like arrogance out of control.
Now my comments are not being accepted, as best I can tell. I even checked captcha for then first time in years,
>>Hopefully she won’t have her and her family murdered. Her being Eyetalian and all.
The corruption and vindictiveness of our political class makes the Mafia look like a girl scout troop.
Kinda funny listening to all the women complain that they have to wash their own hair.
Never knew that was a thing, but I'm s guy, so-
"It would not surprise me in the least that another Pelosi family member wins that seat long after Nancy departs."
Her daughter Christine, now in her 50s, has followed her mother by entrenching herself on the Democratic National Committee. She lives in San Francisco.
Again, Pelosi's immediate family has been on the government payroll continuously since 1926.
Off topic but so what? This is just a bash Pelosi post.
"I am Antifa."
"So, you're actually a Trump supporter?"
"I want to destroy capitalism and the American way of life."
"It's getting harder and harder to spin this..."
Being in SF I cannot see my hairdresser in her shop - I can, however, drive over the county line to San Mateo and get it cut there. So absurd.
Even the commenters on SF Gate, a reliable lefty site if there ever was one, are giving Pelosi the business, and calling BS on her "it was a set-up" statement. They do give the salon owner a finger-waggling, and surmise that she's been likely seeing clients on the sly herself, so the stylist saw no issues with the arrangement.
But,when you've lost the commenters on SF Gate...
Nancy is an attractive woman. Certainly, when she was younger. Now, She is perhaps the hottest Octogenarian since Zsa Zsa Gabor!
Slow Joe would sniff that hair, if he could.
The only possible reason she is saying this is that she thinks Americans are mentally deficient.
Correction. The only possible reason she is saying this is that she thinks her constituents are mentally deficient. A brief glance at the condition of San Francisco suggests she perfectly secure in her position of power for as long as she wants it. The look of San Francisco's streets is a stark example of a shit-eating grin. For decades Bat Area voters have mandated for themselves a steady diet of leftwing excrement. What's one more shit sandwich?
Now if they can just get some demos and arson threats on the salon, the owner will pay them to break the lease.
...speaking of hair salon leases, top salons often get sweetheart leases in class A buildings to help building owners get top dollar for the space upstairs...
Since everything is about Trump- there's the famous story of Trump giving a hair salon free rent in Trump tower. Not just any salon but the salon modeling agencies sent their models to. The leasing agent stands on the sidewalk with the prospective tenants while beautiful women are walking into and out of the building all day. Works like a charm!
Is it possible that someone in her position and with her wealth honestly doesn't see the distinction between paying someone to do something and doing that same thing herself?
It isn't hard to imagine that she has assistants that help her get dressed. If so, she would refer to it as "getting dressed" as opposed to "being dressed". When she is going somewhere in a car, and talking on the phone she could conceivably say "I'm driving to the ..." when she is almost certainly "being driven".
Maybe a stretch, but even we peons say "I'm flying to..." not "I'm being flown to...".
Nancy is an attractive woman.
Really, if the Dems wanted to lose, and lose badly, what would they be doing different ?
I'm getting more worried everyday.
"What is it with women and paying to have someone wash their hair? It's never made sense to me."
Well, it's not like having the Pope wash your feet.
I used to believe lefties relish the hypocrisy but everything they do, everything they say MUST end in hypocrisy. It isn't pleasure it's their lifeblood...what ancient Nancy uses to maintain the slight illusion of beauty...
B.A.G., yes, despicable as she is, Pelosi is very pretty and chooses her clothing well. Hildebeeste should have asked her for advice before her campaign. But maybe she thinks oven mitts are elegant.
she had to break the law
...to see what was in it
The clerisy cannot be expected to keep up with the rules they impose on mere proles.
Usually uncomfortable stories about Democrats are swatted away by the media and they stay swatted away.
This one however, seems to have grown legs.
Thanks to lockdown fatigue.
Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania...
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney publicly apologized on Monday after he was busted for sneaking across the border to enjoy a meal at a Maryland restaurant over the weekend.
Restaurants and bars in Maryland are allowed to offer limited indoor dining—capacity is capped at 25 percent of what would normally be allowed in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Establishments elsewhere in Pennsylvania are operating under similar restrictions as well. But in Philadelphia, indoor dining is still fully forbidden under restrictions imposed by the city government—the one that Kenney runs.
Douchenozzle is too polite. I don't know how people are still willing to put up with this nonsense.
my barber, Clarence, is like EIGHTY years old; when i'm getting a hair cut is The Only Time i feel i SHOULD wear a mask. I wear them other times, like today i went into communist held country (Decorah) to get some craft beer for my brother in law's birthday (they make beer with Mangos now! go figure!!)
Glad to be back in America (fayette county, ia) were the ONLY place i have to wear a mask is getting my hair cut
My 90 year old mom used a speakeasy hairdresser a couple months ago and wore a mask for most of it. She did remove the mask when they were working around her ears. Sure, it was illegal, but she doesn't make the rules.
Setup? Hmm. Ain't that a bitch?
What was the exact quote? Was it: "Bitch set me up."?
"She set me up. The Goddamn bitch set me up" is the way I remember it.
I've gotten mine cut several times and never wore a mask.
They're stupid and useless. They never should have been recommended, let alone mandated anywhere.
Ask Hawaii how that's going.
Bad Orange Man is so powerful he can even make his enemies ape his misbehavior.
Hahahaha. Did the bank set up the bank robber by keeping all that money there?
For the clueless men in the thread. The reason a woman wants someone else to pamper her and attend to her hair is so she can ascend to a work of art. If you're not doing it for her someone else is.
The salon worker TOLD the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States to "come in" and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States not only obeyed that command, violating the local business closure mandate while doing so, but failed to protect herself by wearing a mask at all times?
We have a drooling dementia addled presidential candidate in Joe Biden, and someone too precious to describe accurately in Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi is about 6-7 years younger than my mother.
Back in the day, Mom used to go to the salon on Thursdays for hair styling. That is when it was washed because her beehive was so sprayed that it stood up on its own. She slept with a towel around her hair and when she showered in order not to muss the 'do
One wonders what old lady habits Pelosi still has. My mother stopped with the fussy 'do about 40 years ago. She found it liberating to be able to wash her own hair.
I was set up by two white men who were wearing red MAGA hats that pulled me into the salon. They poured water and shampooed my hair while saying this is MAGA country.
--Nancy Pelosi
I tell everyone
that I am always
virtual signalling
Hey I though civil disobedience brought "change"?
Skipping your face rag is much worse than burning down a furniture store to end systemic racism
Remember Dan Rostenkowski and the stamp scandal?
Maybe the public will tire of these petty tirants
and get some new and better tyrants
like AOC
she's on the side of the Little People
@Mary Beth, you do get that your comment at 3:08 is a total non sequitur, right?
Whitmer apologizes to stylists, barbers for suggesting people could 'Google' how to cut hair
advice to Nancy
from a fellow DEMONAZI
John Henry said ...
"So you are both surrounded by a clout of exhaled air, breathing in, breathing out each others whatevers.
And the mask helps how?"
The mask keeps the government from taking away the hair stylists licence - that's how it helps. That's what I was told when I finally got my hair cut - and we both wore a mask. Anyhow, Pelosi has no roots showing and no split ends so she's been in that place or another professional stylists' place many times, and if she didn't know the rules, she's been breaking them while SF hairstylists have been going out of business. They should agree as a group that no one will do her hair till Newsom releases all the hairstylists. We'll know by her roots if she's sneaking out to a back alley colorist.
I should also say that I think that those who write the regulations have a special responsibility to abide by those regulations. I realize that this may seem strange, perhaps even radical, but in the long run it’s for the best.
Here in California, not only do you wear a mask (outside) they are not allowed to blow dry your hair. You hafta do it yourself at home.
Of course, that was last week. May have changed,again, this week.
Also,is she dyeing her hair safely at home? Seeing a lot of gray roots at the supermarket lately.
Once again. If Madame Pelosi is so dumb she let a salon owner set her up how can she say she’s qualified to be Speaker of the House?
The reason a woman wants someone else to pamper her and attend to her hair is so she can ascend to a work of art
And, within reason, no man in his right mind would complain.
When a politician gets to the "I was set up" defense they generally have entered Marion Barry Land.
One of my personal favorites. He was set up. I saw it on TV, prior to internet. Woman kept insisting he take a hit. He kept refusing, she kept insisting.
Finally, he took a hit,because he came there to get screwed.
He was successful.
Not to say he had not indulged frequently before, but this time he was nagged into it.
I was set up by two white men who were wearing red MAGA hats
The often mentioned, never observed, bugaboos!
Lem suggests: Usually uncomfortable stories about Democrats are swatted away by the media and they stay swatted away.
This one however, seems to have grown legs.
Thanks to lockdown fatigue.
Maybe this is how people are beginning to feel:
I'm Mad as Hell...
ICTA@4:53: Good one!
thanks, Mock!
your fellow 'Zonian AZBob @6:22 had a better one!
ps good to see u back in action after yer hiatus!
I now sport a DIY mohawk rather than go to a barber and wear a mask.
My wife handles the trimming in back where I cannot see.
I love having a mohawk in the grocery store, Karens look at my ugly mug and decide that I'm not an easy target, they scowl, but stfu.
She seems very sensitive about this, which for a Democrat should have been a minor, 1-day story if any media picked it up at all. Like her $2000 freezers full of $12/pint ice cream a few months ago.
Why so sensitive?
Bay Area Guy said...
Nancy is an attractive woman. Certainly, when she was younger. Now, She is perhaps the hottest Octogenarian since Zsa Zsa Gabor!
Slow Joe would sniff that hair, if he could.
work with me here :
after the election Joe 'resigns" under some machination to make Pelosi President/ Joe is Speaker of House (does not need to be member).
Pelosi gives State of Union Speech. Joe can sit behind and inhale emanations
Who’s been coloring her hair all this time? Personally, I’ve purged that task altogether and feel great about it. But someone’s been coloring her hair,... Cmon man, fess up!
Aparently Madame Speaker is unaware of the raft of new anti-choice regulations in her state. She should go to Planned Maskhood where the helpful staff can help her abort her liberties with a wide array of tasteful-looking muzzles.
The entire thing is a farce. Dentists have been open here in New York for 3 months. For the hygienists to do their job, they have to be closer than 6 feet, for well over 15 minutes, not only in front of someone not wearing a mask, but working directly in their mouth. Each of them has by now seen hundreds of patients, and yet, there is no epidemic of dental office staff getting sick. And no, they were not required to wear face shields, they only had on the usual masks they always have worn when seeing patients.
If dentists can be open, there is very little logical reason any other contact-based business cannot be open for indoor, in-person service. Since logic is anathema to politicians, they will probably start shutting the country down again to protect us from the flu by the end of the month.
So I guess that "We're all in this together" thing is over, then?
does a face made out of stretched human skin and botox
... count as a mask?
"If dentists can be open, there is very little logical reason any other contact-based business cannot be open for indoor, in-person service."
Response: Not necessarily. Anyone entering the office is subjected to stringent questioning and temperature checks. Scrupulous hygienic techniques are regular common practice in dental offices but not so in hair salons and that make dental hygienists a lot better protected than the common hair stylist.
Here's a tip for the guys: washing hair is easy, it's the blow out that makes all the difference between an elegant hairstyle and a frizzy or limp mess. Blow outs are hard to do for yourself. Check Google for the details.
I’m thinking this story has legs because Madame Nancy von Blowdry isn’t universally admired in SF. KPIX the local CBS affiliate gave the story some serious coverage today. Somewhere Saul Alinsky is smiling.
todd galle,
It's not my kids (or grandkids) living in the rubble that worries me, it's them dying in the rubble.
"Those other politicians must be real dullards if this is the best we've got. "
Yes, they are.
Take Biden, for just one example.
I don't wear a mask.
According to Trump, it's a "Beauty Parlor" (in caps, in two separate tweets) ....not a Salon.
She's an ASSHOLE. Rules for all of us peons, but not for her Majesty Pelosi??? She is a sick person that she blames other people for her own fucking actions. SHE called for the appointment....the owner of the salon didn't put a gun to her freaking head.
Lived the video running on a loop behind the press secretary yesterday. Heh, punch back indeed.
My salon in SoCal was open for about 10 days in May, I think. I got the first appointment one of those days, and my stylist cut my hair dry and worked in the rinse, all while the outside door was open and we both wore masks,
Then I put on my swim cap and a straw hat, paid for a full treatment and a double tip, and walked home to do my own washout.
I'm in another state now, and I have paid my CA stylist double to send me a rinse mix with instructions, billed to our family FedEx account. I can trim my own bangs (badly) and live with the rest until I am back in CA.
Like Ms. Pelosi, I was raised Catholic. It's not for me to exalt myself or judge her, but my conscience would trouble me if I had behaved as she did, even if I were a very important national politician.
Wow. I don't know what most of those words mean. 'worked in the rinse'. 'washout' 'rinse mix' 'raised catholic.
I am going to quietly back out of this place, and say nothing.
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