There is no such thing as a "transgender girl". Just as there are no "transspecific unicorns". Your belief that you are a unicorn does not make you one. It appears NBC has lost sight of that rather obvious fact.
I find it interesting that this is the hill that the Dems are willing to die for. Gov Newsom has apparently just signed into law legislation that would require that his state place trans women into women’s prisons. And can do it based solely on personal sexual identification. Essentially, fully sexually functioning guys can get placed in women’s prison based solely on their claiming to be women.
Trans women (genetic males) are destroying women’s sports right now. Even transitioned trans women tend to retain their genetic male advantages of being bigger, stronger, more fast twitch muscles, etc. Thi is not what that legislation was supposed to be promoting.
Absolutely the right thing to do. Allowing "transgender" males to compete with females is absurd and will mean the end of women's sports - for which, I believe, there is serious protection already in Federal law. Besides that it is f**king stupid and why certain people think it's right is beyond me.
The bigger news is that California is now putting men who "identify as women" in prison with women. That includes convicted rapists (and any other man who would prefer to be locked up with women).
Frankly I'm torn. I can't figure out if this is a direct result of feminism or a direct threat to feminism. They are quite frankly BOTH true. Similarly, I'm inclined to see both avenues for action as beneficial. First, I'm inclined to believe that we should do nothing and let women and girls have all cis-female activities invaded by men until there's literally nothing they can call their own. But second, I'm inclined to restrict 'biological males' from women's sports (and other female-only spaces) for no other reason than to watch the battle between real women and dudes-in-dresses intensify. Honestly, nothing makes me happier than watching these white women burring Harry Potter books because Rowling makes the world 'unsafe' for trans-people.
It's delicious. They pilloried Christian white women for burning books and screeching about witchcraft, only to burn the same book because women with penises are not being respected as real women.
The policy on inverted commas tell you all you need to know :
A group of Republican senators have introduced a bill that would make it a violation of federal civil rights law for schools to allow transgender females to compete in girls sports.
Under the proposed “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” schools that allow “biological males” to compete in girls athletics could lose federal funding, according to a statement Tuesday by Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., the bill’s lead sponsor.
I suppose there is no set of rules we could impose, in which everyone who might wish to be competitive in sports could be. Sports are inherently elitist, singling out a small number for success, and condemning all others to nonparticipation or failure. The creation of girls' sports selects one group - athletically talented girls - for success who would fail if they were to compete with boys. If, instead, we choose to confer that privilege on crazy boys with their balls cut off, well, that is merely a different selection criterion. They used to castrate little boys so they could sing like girls. I suppose that has now become legal again, hasn't it?
Actually, they seek to clarify Title IX, which was made the provide "equality" for women to attend universities, particularly for this subject based on availability of athletic scholarships. Now men, unable to compete against other males, can choose to identify as a female and take scholarships from women. The title particular uses the term "based on sex" and not "gender".
Anyone who has been through puberty as a biological male has such an overwhelming lead in muscle mass development over someone who went through puberty as a biological female that the difference can never be made up later even with later illegal injections of testosterone and other steroids.
My youngest daughter was the captain of her high school swim team. Some of the girls had better times than the boys, but there is no way that a girl would ever finish in the top five against the boys at the state swim meet.
I believe this would be prohibited by the recent Supreme Court decision, as it eviscerated the concept of biological sex. Perhaps that's the point. I hope that ACB gets asked about this so that the Dems can accuse her of being a religious nut for thinking that H.S. girls track meets should be fair.
Leftists don't do nuance, do they. Do the trans/neo-females (i.e. males) have masculine physiology? We should distinguish between the sexes in sports to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes for fitness purposes. We could also have combined sporting events and market that distinguishes between competitors by "weight" classes, which would include trans/neo and inter-sexes and edge cases.
And for some reason this is going to be seen as "controversial" and "against children" and further proof of "Nazi Trump".
So listen up women and girls! You now know where you rank on the victim scale, below trans boys/men. The Democrats/MSM would rather have "chicks with dicks" in your bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports than stand up for women/girls rights to privacy, protection, personal "safe" spaces, and a chance to fairly compete in sports.
Guess you can all kiss those college sports scholarships goodbye...
Where are the feminists? If anyone can choose to be female, doesn't that nullify everything they stand for? I truly wish that people still pretended to have principles.
Last year, I met an Olympic gold medalist. She competed in multiple Olympic games and won her medal on the last event of her career. She is a truly remarkable person who trained hard for over 20 years before achieving her ultimate goal. It would be a shame if people such as her would get shoved aside by transgendered people with an unfair genetic advantage. Yes, preventing such transgendered people from competing could be considered unfair, but what about all of those biological females? Are they supposed to suck it up and give up on their athletic ambitions in the name of fairness? What's fair about that?
Banning men in disguise from competing in women's sports and beating up on real female athletes is common sense. Ergo: it is illegal in Progressive Fantasy Land.
I used to care about this. But, just like liberals who vote for terrible mayors and get their cities burned to the ground, I just don't anymore.
Not only that, I've pivoted to someone who fervently wants liberals to get what they ask for.
I now want laws that permit 'men' of any stripe to compete at all levels, from kindergarten to the professional ranks, with 'girls' and 'women' (sad that those words have to be in quotes these days).
The result will be no girls' or womens' teams when there are funding considerations (i.e. how schools will pay for a particular program).
There will be the mens' team (the best athletes) and the other mens' team (not so great athletes or kids who don't want to train so rigorously).
There will be no official team where a majority of women or girls participate.
There will be no women's professional sports.
I've said it before, but I worked at a high school that had a very strong athletics program. Every track and field record there would have been a women's world record.
Nice girls should just quit competitive sports, rather than rally behind such a cruelly exclusionary movement. Especially the nice girls who don’t want their skulls beat in by a transgender MMA fighter.
"Last year, I met an Olympic gold medalist. She competed in multiple Olympic games and won her medal on the last event of her career."
If it was for any speed or strength sport (track and field or weightlifting, etc.), then there are thousands of high school boys in any given year who would beat her.
The most recent Supreme Court decision on transgenders, Bostock v. Clayton County written by Gorsuch, is based on an interpretation of the 1960s Civil Rights Act, not the Constitution. So if Congress passes a more recent law concerning transgenders, then you have two statutes, and you generally can't overturn a more recent statute because it conflicts with an earlier statute.
So no, unless the SCOTUS is willing to say the Constitution itself requires treating biological males who consider themselves female as female, something they haven't done yet, then there is no precedent for this proposed law to be overturned by the courts.
In order to be woke, you need to be further out on the lefty limb than even woke people were yesterday. That makes you better than them and further confirms your virtue.
I can't even imagine what comes next. And I'm not sure I want to.
Even if they had their own tees to account for that, the men are far better putters. The LPGA just a couple of years ago made the rule that the usually male caddies were not allowed to physically line the women up for putts. The LPGA sets up cushy greens for the ladies, and the PGA sets up grueling greens for the men.
I took golf lessons from a former LPGA pro and she played on the mens team for a division one college, although it wasn’t known for its golf team, because she had her eye on the LPGA from when she was about 12 and she wanted the competition. She grew up on the course we were at, and people there still remembered her spanking the ball when she was a kid.
But whatever. I think let them compete. It just makes more people pissed off against the Democrats who are pushing this stuff.
treating biological males who consider themselves female as female, something they haven't done yet, then there is no precedent for this proposed law to be overturned by the courts
Twilight Amendment a.k.a. penumbras and emanations. Women will have to decide what sacrifices including selective-child a.k.a. planned parenthood a.k.a. reproductive rites a.k.a. wicked solution are worth to securing their feminine identity. They have four choices and the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic quasi-religion ("ethics") of the Progressive Church (PC). Will they throw girls under the proverbial bus, too?
In order to be woke, you need to be further out on the lefty limb than even woke people were yesterday
Woke and drowsy. Liberalism is a divergent (e.g. generational) ideology. We've already seen the segmentation, the factional splits, the sectarian schisms. We'll soon see just how far the condition has progressed.
I play (ed, before the pandemic) women's soccer. Our league has at least 2 trans girls. One is not a big deal because she/they are not athletic. The other VERY much is and dominates every game she's in, and its really not fair. Like scoring multiple goals and still celebrating.
There is a definite difference in the styles of play in the men's and women's games at the amateur level, and you can imagine which one this player falls into.
I don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct..
Probably at least partly because of the Olympic games which will be held next year, COVID willing. Not to say that some countries will enter trans entrants but at least making the USA team would be fair to women. If transgender people want to compete they should have their own venue. Of course, in my opinion the whole transgender thing is sick and perverted.
This is a feminist issue--real biological girls ought not to have to compete in high school against those individuals who've had 12 or 13 years of testosterone to develop bones and strength. Fairness to the females I say!
A compelling social imperative to construct a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes. So, we follow different dress standards. We have a king and a queen. We have competitions with first man, first woman, top man, top woman, etc. The key is to reconcile "equal in rights and complementary in Nature".
Note: don't asses sex differences based on a sole gender statistic (e.g. hormones). The Progressives have had a field day exploiting the marginal physiological differences and ambiguity that follow from one-dimensional analytics.
Both sides do the easy shit like this and avoid fixing any of the hard stuff.
This is not easy, there is ambiguity in the transgender spectrum. They previously tried to draw the line at trans/homosexuals, but social progress (e.g. selective-child, friendship with "benefits", female chauvinism, male chauvinism) had already taken its toll, and the issue was settled through the construction of a political congruent ("="), and a trans/homo judge's favorable legislation from the bench.
"If there were ever a sport that should be Co-Ed -- it is golf."
Anika Sorenstam - arguably the greatest female golfer of all time - played in the celebrity tournament at Lake Tahoe a few years ago. She got smoked by people like Tony Romo, Rick Rhoden, et al.
I doubt she could play consistently on the Korn-Ferry Tour, let alone the PGA.
Jupiter said... There is no such thing as a "transgender girl". Just as there are no "transspecific unicorns". Your belief that you are a unicorn does not make you one...
Washington Examiner Amy Coney Barrett is not a feminist, she's a unicorn by Suzanne Venker | September 28
'Fellow right-leaning writer, Erika Bachiochi, has written at Politico that Amy Coney Barrett is America's "new feminist icon." Actually, she's not.'
"...Indeed, there are three overarching tenets of feminism. The first is that it's a grave injustice that women have babies and men do not. Thus, the abolition of this fact (via abortion, universal child care, and a deep well of government subsidies for single mothers) must be the goal. How else can we get the babies out of the way so women can become professionals, which feminists consider far more valuable than raising children?"
OK, so Amy Coney Barrett is a certified unicorn who has children. Wouldn't it be proper to identify her as a female unicorn? Like, a unicorness. You know, prince and princess.
Are there any unicornesses around?
The first image in this short video apparently depicts one.
Of course, we still have to figure out the proper spelling (one or two n's.)
What has consistently appalled me about this slowmo trainwreck is that there is no requirement for any of these supposed walking gender crises to actually commit themselves to their supposed choices. At least Renee Richards, who started the whole mess, actually had his wedding tackle completely amputated, past hope of change, in order to compete as a 6'+" player against actual, typically much smaller females. These lunatics today have no more onerous obligation to substantiate their claimed "beliefs" than in some cases having to take a course of hormones which will in no way alter their established pre-existing advantages. Does anyone investigate their day to day activities to see if they evidence any actual female behaviors in real life? If this has ever been done I haven't heard.
And the same applies to the CA EO on prisoners. It applies across the board, regardless of class of crime or nature of designated prison facility, so any male convicted and sentenced to a max security facility due to the appalling crimes he committed to get there, can still demand transfer to a womens' facility, which are typically much less secure and much less harsh, thus a massive incentive to make the claim. I guarantee that there will be decades of litigation demands for construction of such lesser facilities to accommodate the "needs" of generations of serial murderers/rapists all with the idea of demanding immediate release if their demands are rejected due to lack of facilities.
This is a clever form of Failure Theater by the Republicans. They'll propose the policy change, and the democrats will shout it down, or vote it down if it comes to that.
Biological males in drag competing against biological females outrages everyone involved except the boys in drag (and maybe their parents). Now everyone will know which side to blame for letting it happen.
I’m sure this will really help get those moderate suburban women to vote Trump. They seem to view any move slowing the march of the alphabet people as an attack on their own rights (or, perhaps more importantly, their feelz). While I think it’s right to pursue this, it really did not need to be done right now. My GOP showing yet again why they are the party of stupid.
mockturtle said... If transgender people want to compete they should have their own venue.
Sounds good to me. Wheelchair people have their own events because what they are doing is fundamentally different from what others are doing. Transgenders don’t want to compete with men, fine. But they shouldn’t compete with women because they’re not women. So compete with each other.
They should have shut this down sooner. Either eliminate women sports and let them play with the men officially or allow women who are genetically female play in women sports. Allowing these mentally ill men play act as women is ludicrous.
"Even if they had their own tees to account for that, the men are far better putters."
My brother-in-law used to be a +2 handicap...he regularly shot in the 60s on professional courses (he was not a pro).
He would always laugh at the way the LPGA set up the greens...slow with the pin dead center. He could never figure out why the ladies weren't better putters as it takes no strength.
One grand daughter plays soccer and the other swims. The rest are small. Both will have a hard time if transgenders are allowed to compete as girls. The left seems to want this after first destroying mens minor sports. No logic. Logic is racist.
"I play (ed, before the pandemic) women's soccer. Our league has at least 2 trans girls. One is not a big deal because she/they are not athletic. The other VERY much is and dominates every game she's in, and its really not fair. Like scoring multiple goals and still celebrating."
I played coed outdoor soccer for twenty years. A lot of ex-college players and a few aging pros. Very competitive. I was an all-league goalie in high school but only an OK field player 40+ years ago.
When in my mid to late 40s I had the task of marking a 30-year-old woman on the other team who had played for the women's US Olympic team. It wasn't very hard.
Her boyfriend also played with her and had played on the US men's team. He was early 30s and a force of nature. I've never seen anyone that fast up close, and he was big...6'2" big and not skinny. He was just playing to stay in shape as he could pretty much score at will.
"Anika Sorenstam - arguably the greatest female golfer of all time - played in the celebrity tournament at Lake Tahoe a few years ago. She got smoked by people like Tony Romo, Rick Rhoden, et al."
Day-in-day-out Anika would beat the celebrity guys under 'real' tournament conditions. She gives up only a little in length but is far more consistent.
She was a hell of a player and I'd argue the best female golfer in history even if she didn't have the 'best' swing. But there are a lot of golfers with 'perfect' swings picking up balls at the driving range : )
Forget chess. Hou ranks #85 in FIDE 100, easily lost to Nakamura.
Sex-correlated mental, specifically cognitive (e.g. focus, processing, breadth) attributes, maybe. Sex-correlated distributions would be another reason, other than "complementary", to recognize separate standings of the sexes, and further exposes the insidious progress of political congruence.
It’s illegal for an elite female athlete to dose herself with testosterone to improve her athletic performances, but Democrats want them to compete against athletes equipped with testicles that are producing plenty of testosterone.
Democrats avoid the Constitution, civil and human rights. Republicans stand with women and girls, and babies, too. Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
What took them so long? Republicans are really slow off the line.
NC Republicans passed HB2 in 2016 to keep males out of female lockerrooms and restrooms, after Charlotte let them in. The state then lost several major sporting events, and the Rep Gov was defeated for reelection.
At the time, national Women's sporting orgs decried the bill! They deserve to be destroyed.
Early this year I was following the exploits of an Australian high school rugby player that looked like a young Thor and was setting all kinds of records in the female division. "She" plowed through all those 5'2" girls and dragged a couple as they held on to "her" ankles. A "female" athlete like that only comes around once in a blue moon.
"Transgender girls" are boys. "Transgender boys" are girls. To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology. We ought to refer to girls who aspire to be boys as transgender girls (because they ARE girls, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be), and to boys who aspire to be girls as transgender boys (because they ARE boys, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be).
A mule is neither a horse nor a donkey. And although the mule may identify with either of its parents it makes little for any of the three to compete against either of the others in athletic competition.
A mule is neither a horse nor a donkey. And although the mule may identify with either of its parents it makes little for any of the three to compete against either of the others in athletic competition.
She was a hell of a player and I'd argue the best female golfer in history even if she didn't have the 'best' swing. But there are a lot of golfers with 'perfect' swings picking up balls at the driving range : )
I grew up with some of them. Yes, she was probably the best. We'll never knew what Babe Zaharius could have done with modern equipment.
To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology.
Yes, there has been a lot of progress since social liberals conflated sex and gender, since feminists socially distanced from selective-child through identifying a baby as a Fetal-American, since the Cult normalized diversity (i.e. color judgments) and exclusion, witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests through em-pathetic appeals. They're stubbornness to avoid reconciliation is the quintessential character of an Ass.
Since no one else, including Ann, raised these points I feel someone should. First, in accord with their "Always lie, lie big, even if the truth might also work", the network is massively question-begging here. The legislation does not "ban" action by the school or state in accepting or endorsing transgender participation, doubtless because any act proposing to do so at the federal level would be immediately reversed as way outside Congress' power. What Congress CAN do, is turn off the money spigot to any institution that sponsors/endorses transgenders in female sports long established as such. Which IS within Congress' power to do. Trump could probably do it by EO, but those are always subject to immediate reversal by hostile subsequent administrations, and as we've seen are the instant focus of rabid lawfare efforts to block and forestall.
Second, for those who claim this is timewasting "easy" stuff, if it were easy it would have been done ages ago. The left has been working this angle for a long, long time (remember Renee?) and its Useful Idiots are legion.
Third, Newsom had to proceed by EO because even the CA legislature wouldn't support it; maybe a few members could look forward to what it invites -- endless litigation to either close CA penal institutions or bankrupt the state by forced compliance with Court-issued diktat after diktat. Cloward-Piven, in fact, as a strategy for destroying governments is easy to understand once you see it in action.
Allow me to take this opportunity to wonder why the federal government thinks it is right to take, at threat of violence and imprisonment, my hard-earned money and give it (or at least some small, post-graft prtion of it) to anyone, so that they can play f'ing sportz. And i say that as someone who loves sportz.
don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct.
Unfortunately that's true of about 90% of what the federal government does, but that ship has sailed. In this case it's just because of federal dollars going to state and local schools, which should also be non-existent. There also could be civil rights laws at stake, equal protection, etc.
If it was for any speed or strength sport (track and field or weightlifting, etc.), then there are thousands of high school boys in any given year who would beat her.
In 2017 the US women’s national soccer team was beaten by a U15 boys’ team. That’s a team of boys 14 years old or younger, against adult women who are the best in the country (not to mention best women’s team in the world).
When I was 15, I had been a competitive swimmer for 9 years. I'd done pretty well in statewide competitions, and was on a good YMCA team. At one swim meet, I swam against another 15 year old, who was about 9 months younger than me, but who was 18 inches taller than me, with arms like an orangutan. I had my personal best time in the 500 yeard freestyle. He lapped me. Wearing a fiberglas cast on one forearm. My Olympic dreams, as the saying goes, died that day.
Still, I knew it was a fair competition, won by a genetic variation within the norm for people like me. Had he been a Martian, I'd have been pissed he was allowed to compete with us boys.
I think the same thing applies to people who have gender dysphoria. They can compete with the kids genetically within the norm compared to them, XX vs XX or XY vs XY. XX can sometimes win against XY, jsut recall Bobby Riggs, but XX should not have to compete against XY on what is laughingly called a fair basis.
Thinking outside the box: Are women’s versions of men’s sports good for women at all. Think for instance of what used to be women’s figure skating—precise control, grace and woman lines. Now, no figures but triple jumps. What good is bad soccer or bad tennis for women? How about women’s golf that is more about precision than power? How about competitive women’s rock climbing or wall climbing with an emphasis on grace, analysis and speed? What is the morality of sports that beat up women’s bodies?
simple solution (which is guaranteed to please NO ONE) to paraphrase Al Smith... Let's take a look, at the Dictionary
there are Two sexes...... Male, and Female there are Three genders.. Masculine, Feminine, and Neutral
we, as a nation, should embrace EVERYONE'S right; to choose their gender we, as a nation, should REALIZE, that gender and sex are NOT the same things
if you are a 'transgender male'; that would make you a Feminine male (or a Neutral male) if you are a 'transgender female'; that would make you a Masculine female (or a Neutral)
"hey Billie? what are you?" "hi! i'm a skirt boy! I like to wear perfume, and makeup!!"
"hey Sam? what are you ?" "hi! i'm a Bull dyke! I wear flannel shirts, and swear a lot!!"
and since Billie is male, he Can't win the women's division of the Chess club
Frankly, I'm torn. I can't figure out if this is a direct result of feminism or a direct threat to feminism.
Here's where qualifying adjectives are our friends. Men competing in women's sports is a direct result of insane feminism (feminism + post-modern Marxism = insane feminism/intersectionality). Men competing in women's sports is a direct threat to non-insane feminism. I think Camille Paglia would agree.
Now we must face the sad truth that non-insane feminism is a diminishing class. In a three-dimensional Venn diagram, insane feminism is represented by Jupiter, whilst the non-insane variety is represented by Earth.
Kelly Loeffler is turning out to be a real tough cookie. Only sports team owner anywhere to tell her employees -- the athletes -- to shut up and play ball. Defending female athletes from the LGBTQQA mafia.
Matt, if you care so much, start your own league for trans people wanting to compete against biological females who want to compete against them.
I will not have my gender or sex or body legally erased by a bunch of resentful angry anonymouse men who won't pick targets their own (lobby bottom-line) size.
Blogger Peter said... Good article in Quillette re transgender women in women’s rugby.
I should read it but my daughter, when she was at UCLA, decided she needed a sport so she went to a women's rugby practice. It was just an intramural thing, no varsity sport. She said she had never seen such bull dyke lesbians. She left but it was almost a year before they stopped calling her. She is beautiful and now married and a mother.
How about two new leagues -- Transgender Male and Transgender Female -- in every single sport at every level from junior high through the Olympics?
It would be difficult to get up teams at non-progressive schools, but it would shine a spotlight on people who want to be congratulated for making difficult choices. And you wouldn't need to build great big stadiums for fans.
Despite all the shit we take from the culture, it is still best to be a plain-wrapper white heterosexual man. You just avoid so much self-inflicted bullshit and controlling demands from those claiming to want to help you. Nobody wants to help us, and that's great.
This will have a surprising amount of appeal. Surprising to the left that is. The whole point of separating Men's and Women's sports is so that there can be a fair playing field. The semantics used by many aside, a trans girl or woman is actually a boy or a man. And once males and females hit the age of about 11 or 12 there is a noticeable advantage for males in almost all athletic activities. I have sympathy for trans-people. Life has dealt them a tough hand of cards to play. But it is unreasonable for a trans-person's treatment to include the rest of society has to play make believe, and accommodate them in every single facet of life.
I also like how NBC used 'girls' to describe the trans-people. I believe the preferred nomenclature in LGBT communities is MTF trans person.
Blogger Lance said... Wow. Runaway deficits, out-of-control federal agencies and a Supreme Court nominee to confirm, and this is what GOP senators decide to work on?
I would hope the Senate prioritizes the supreme court nomination. I suspect, as I suspect you suspect, that is being offered now for mainly political reasons. This is something that will have broad appeal especially to Suburban moms. Also this will highlight a very big divide in the Left. There are lots of feminists on the left, who are uncomfortable with treating trans-women as women in all facets of life. They believe that biology is real and can matter. They are pejoratively referred to as TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists). Nothing saps the motivation to go out and vote for your party like acrimonious in-fighting.
As far as the Federal Government using funding to weigh in on a social issue at the state level, I would have been against it normally, but the last couple generations have shown the left repeatedly use this tactic to forward their social values. If it is going to be done, I would at least like it used to preserve the status quo.
The GODFATHER : "Transgender girls" are boys. "Transgender boys" are girls. To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology. We ought to refer to girls who aspire to be boys as transgender girls (because they ARE girls, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be), and to boys who aspire to be girls as transgender boys (because they ARE boys, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be).
That ship has sailed. But I concede the terminology is confusing (deiberately.)
A simple trick to deduce which way is up, and who's got a willy, is to remember that :
transgender girl = pretend girl transgender boy = pretend boy
He could never figure out why the ladies weren't better putters as it takes no strength.
I believe there have been calculations on where female pro golfers lose shots to male ones, and it turns out they do actually lose more shots in the short game.
Hah Quaestor, Just brought in my kilt, hose and spats from the car. Left the pipes at work though. 43 acre Delaware River site in the middle of a landfill, no complaints about sour notes, though I sincerely hope the New Jersey folks across the river are occasionally annoyed.
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About time.
There is no such thing as a "transgender girl". Just as there are no "transspecific unicorns". Your belief that you are a unicorn does not make you one. It appears NBC has lost sight of that rather obvious fact.
That's some good election year politicking.
I find it interesting that this is the hill that the Dems are willing to die for. Gov Newsom has apparently just signed into law legislation that would require that his state place trans women into women’s prisons. And can do it based solely on personal sexual identification. Essentially, fully sexually functioning guys can get placed in women’s prison based solely on their claiming to be women.
Trans women (genetic males) are destroying women’s sports right now. Even transitioned trans women tend to retain their genetic male advantages of being bigger, stronger, more fast twitch muscles, etc. Thi is not what that legislation was supposed to be promoting.
Wow. Runaway deficits, out-of-control federal agencies and a Supreme Court nominee to confirm, and this is what GOP senators decide to work on?
As Reynolds like to say: worst political class ever.
I hope they're planning that non-transgender biological males can still compete in women's sports.
The Bobby Riggs act.
Absolutely the right thing to do. Allowing "transgender" males to compete with females is absurd and will mean the end of women's sports - for which, I believe, there is serious protection already in Federal law. Besides that it is f**king stupid and why certain people think it's right is beyond me.
I don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct.
The bigger news is that California is now putting men who "identify as women" in prison with women. That includes convicted rapists (and any other man who would prefer to be locked up with women).
Thats because "transgender girls" are actually dudes pretending to be girls.
Have you seen a male weightlifter, posing as a female weightlifter? They are still real big. And, they usually win.
Have a you seen a male track runner, posing as a female track runner? They are still real fast. And they usually win.
Ditto for Crew.
Probably, ditto for golf - which, ladies, is very embarrassing for you. If there were ever a sport that should be Co-Ed -- it is golf.
Have a nice day!
That should help reform the tax laws.
Frankly I'm torn. I can't figure out if this is a direct result of feminism or a direct threat to feminism. They are quite frankly BOTH true. Similarly, I'm inclined to see both avenues for action as beneficial. First, I'm inclined to believe that we should do nothing and let women and girls have all cis-female activities invaded by men until there's literally nothing they can call their own. But second, I'm inclined to restrict 'biological males' from women's sports (and other female-only spaces) for no other reason than to watch the battle between real women and dudes-in-dresses intensify. Honestly, nothing makes me happier than watching these white women burring Harry Potter books because Rowling makes the world 'unsafe' for trans-people.
It's delicious. They pilloried Christian white women for burning books and screeching about witchcraft, only to burn the same book because women with penises are not being respected as real women.
2020 has been a great year.
The policy on inverted commas tell you all you need to know :
A group of Republican senators have introduced a bill that would make it a violation of federal civil rights law for schools to allow transgender females to compete in girls sports.
Under the proposed “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” schools that allow “biological males” to compete in girls athletics could lose federal funding, according to a statement Tuesday by Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., the bill’s lead sponsor.
1. transgender females +
2. "biological males"
3. gaslighting
I suppose there is no set of rules we could impose, in which everyone who might wish to be competitive in sports could be. Sports are inherently elitist, singling out a small number for success, and condemning all others to nonparticipation or failure. The creation of girls' sports selects one group - athletically talented girls - for success who would fail if they were to compete with boys. If, instead, we choose to confer that privilege on crazy boys with their balls cut off, well, that is merely a different selection criterion. They used to castrate little boys so they could sing like girls. I suppose that has now become legal again, hasn't it?
Meanwhile “transgender girls” are about to overwhelm the California prison system.
I especially like the quotes around "biological males". It does make a degree of sense to put quotes around that phrase. It is a bizarre phrase.
Actually, they seek to clarify Title IX, which was made the provide "equality" for women to attend universities, particularly for this subject based on availability of athletic scholarships. Now men, unable to compete against other males, can choose to identify as a female and take scholarships from women. The title particular uses the term "based on sex" and not "gender".
Anyone who has been through puberty as a biological male has such an overwhelming lead in muscle mass development over someone who went through puberty as a biological female that the difference can never be made up later even with later illegal injections of testosterone and other steroids.
My youngest daughter was the captain of her high school swim team. Some of the girls had better times than the boys, but there is no way that a girl would ever finish in the top five against the boys at the state swim meet.
On the face of it, this seems perfectly reasonable.
There's a lot of conflicted leftists and feminists as a result.
That will be overturned by one of our Masters in Black Robes by sundown. It will take a Constitutional amendment to put that policy in place.
Well Duh, huh?
And this is wrong how?
That's because "transgender girls" are boys.
This is just the kind of thing that makes Tom Friedman terrified.
I believe this would be prohibited by the recent Supreme Court decision, as it eviscerated the concept of biological sex. Perhaps that's the point. I hope that ACB gets asked about this so that the Dems can accuse her of being a religious nut for thinking that H.S. girls track meets should be fair.
Leftists don't do nuance, do they. Do the trans/neo-females (i.e. males) have masculine physiology? We should distinguish between the sexes in sports to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes for fitness purposes. We could also have combined sporting events and market that distinguishes between competitors by "weight" classes, which would include trans/neo and inter-sexes and edge cases.
And for some reason this is going to be seen as "controversial" and "against children" and further proof of "Nazi Trump".
So listen up women and girls! You now know where you rank on the victim scale, below trans boys/men. The Democrats/MSM would rather have "chicks with dicks" in your bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports than stand up for women/girls rights to privacy, protection, personal "safe" spaces, and a chance to fairly compete in sports.
Guess you can all kiss those college sports scholarships goodbye...
This seems right, and a winner politically.
Well the alternative is to let them destroy women's sports, which is actually OK with me because Title IX destroyed men's minor sports.
Where are the feminists? If anyone can choose to be female, doesn't that nullify everything they stand for? I truly wish that people still pretended to have principles.
Last year, I met an Olympic gold medalist. She competed in multiple Olympic games and won her medal on the last event of her career. She is a truly remarkable person who trained hard for over 20 years before achieving her ultimate goal. It would be a shame if people such as her would get shoved aside by transgendered people with an unfair genetic advantage. Yes, preventing such transgendered people from competing could be considered unfair, but what about all of those biological females? Are they supposed to suck it up and give up on their athletic ambitions in the name of fairness? What's fair about that?
Banning men in disguise from competing in women's sports and beating up on real female athletes is common sense. Ergo: it is illegal in Progressive Fantasy Land.
The cucktraitors are no longer in charge of the Republican Party.
I can’t believe they are interviewing Biden’s wife.
I think you're kind of en fuego today, Althouse.
I used to care about this. But, just like liberals who vote for terrible mayors and get their cities burned to the ground, I just don't anymore.
Not only that, I've pivoted to someone who fervently wants liberals to get what they ask for.
I now want laws that permit 'men' of any stripe to compete at all levels, from kindergarten to the professional ranks, with 'girls' and 'women' (sad that those words have to be in quotes these days).
The result will be no girls' or womens' teams when there are funding considerations (i.e. how schools will pay for a particular program).
There will be the mens' team (the best athletes) and the other mens' team (not so great athletes or kids who don't want to train so rigorously).
There will be no official team where a majority of women or girls participate.
There will be no women's professional sports.
I've said it before, but I worked at a high school that had a very strong athletics program. Every track and field record there would have been a women's world record.
Wokeness run amok...
There's a lot of conflicted leftists and feminists as a result.
Irreconcilable, thus the Progressives' Pro-Choice quasi-religion to tamp down cognitive dissonance and other purposes.
Nice girls should just quit competitive sports, rather than rally behind such a cruelly exclusionary movement. Especially the nice girls who don’t want their skulls beat in by a transgender MMA fighter.
In an odd way does seem consistent with Title IX's aim to protect women's athletic participation from being crowded-out by that of men.
"If there were ever a sport that should be Co-Ed -- it is golf."
Not golf...the men hit the ball way too far. The longest woman on tour would be #253 playing with the men...
But what about pool/snooker, curling, darts, and chess?
Why are those sex segregated? You can make an argument that taller men have a reach advantage at pool. But chess???
"Last year, I met an Olympic gold medalist. She competed in multiple Olympic games and won her medal on the last event of her career."
If it was for any speed or strength sport (track and field or weightlifting, etc.), then there are thousands of high school boys in any given year who would beat her.
"That should help reform the tax laws”
Don’t worry readering, if Biden wins, your blue state tax cuts for the wealthy are getting fast tracked. Biden has promised it.
The most recent Supreme Court decision on transgenders, Bostock v. Clayton County written by Gorsuch, is based on an interpretation of the 1960s Civil Rights Act, not the Constitution. So if Congress passes a more recent law concerning transgenders, then you have two statutes, and you generally can't overturn a more recent statute because it conflicts with an earlier statute.
So no, unless the SCOTUS is willing to say the Constitution itself requires treating biological males who consider themselves female as female, something they haven't done yet, then there is no precedent for this proposed law to be overturned by the courts.
Ha! That won't prevent me from competing in girls' under 12 boxing because UFC doesn't take any federal money.
Commonsense legislation.
In order to be woke, you need to be further out on the lefty limb than even woke people were yesterday. That makes you better than them and further confirms your virtue.
I can't even imagine what comes next. And I'm not sure I want to.
“Not golf...the men hit the ball way too far.”
Even if they had their own tees to account for that, the men are far better putters. The LPGA just a couple of years ago made the rule that the usually male caddies were not allowed to physically line the women up for putts. The LPGA sets up cushy greens for the ladies, and the PGA sets up grueling greens for the men.
I took golf lessons from a former LPGA pro and she played on the mens team for a division one college, although it wasn’t known for its golf team, because she had her eye on the LPGA from when she was about 12 and she wanted the competition. She grew up on the course we were at, and people there still remembered her spanking the ball when she was a kid.
But whatever. I think let them compete. It just makes more people pissed off against the Democrats who are pushing this stuff.
treating biological males who consider themselves female as female, something they haven't done yet, then there is no precedent for this proposed law to be overturned by the courts
Twilight Amendment a.k.a. penumbras and emanations. Women will have to decide what sacrifices including selective-child a.k.a. planned parenthood a.k.a. reproductive rites a.k.a. wicked solution are worth to securing their feminine identity. They have four choices and the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic quasi-religion ("ethics") of the Progressive Church (PC). Will they throw girls under the proverbial bus, too?
Croquet is about the only competitive sport I'm good at. I think women and men would have pretty equal chances in that one.
In order to be woke, you need to be further out on the lefty limb than even woke people were yesterday
Woke and drowsy. Liberalism is a divergent (e.g. generational) ideology. We've already seen the segmentation, the factional splits, the sectarian schisms. We'll soon see just how far the condition has progressed.
I play (ed, before the pandemic) women's soccer. Our league has at least 2 trans girls. One is not a big deal because she/they are not athletic. The other VERY much is and dominates every game she's in, and its really not fair. Like scoring multiple goals and still celebrating.
There is a definite difference in the styles of play in the men's and women's games at the amateur level, and you can imagine which one this player falls into.
I don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct..
Probably at least partly because of the Olympic games which will be held next year, COVID willing. Not to say that some countries will enter trans entrants but at least making the USA team would be fair to women. If transgender people want to compete they should have their own venue. Of course, in my opinion the whole transgender thing is sick and perverted.
What took them so long?
Republicans are really slow off the line.
This is a feminist issue--real biological girls ought not to have to compete in high school against those individuals who've had 12 or 13 years of testosterone to develop bones and strength. Fairness to the females I say!
Both sides do the easy shit like this and avoid fixing any of the hard stuff.
My high school 100m dash time was 10.2. That would be almost 0.3 secs faster than the women's world record.
Why are those sex segregated?
A compelling social imperative to construct a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes. So, we follow different dress standards. We have a king and a queen. We have competitions with first man, first woman, top man, top woman, etc. The key is to reconcile "equal in rights and complementary in Nature".
Or, “rules unchanged” since this was status quo not so long ago.
Note: don't asses sex differences based on a sole gender statistic (e.g. hormones). The Progressives have had a field day exploiting the marginal physiological differences and ambiguity that follow from one-dimensional analytics.
"But what about pool/snooker, curling, darts, and chess?"
Forget chess. Hou ranks #85 in FIDE 100, easily lost to Nakamura.
What Soup said
Both sides do the easy shit like this and avoid fixing any of the hard stuff.
This is not easy, there is ambiguity in the transgender spectrum. They previously tried to draw the line at trans/homosexuals, but social progress (e.g. selective-child, friendship with "benefits", female chauvinism, male chauvinism) had already taken its toll, and the issue was settled through the construction of a political congruent ("="), and a trans/homo judge's favorable legislation from the bench.
Quick! Distract the masses with a culture war issue!
"If there were ever a sport that should be Co-Ed -- it is golf."
Anika Sorenstam - arguably the greatest female golfer of all time - played in the celebrity tournament at Lake Tahoe a few years ago. She got smoked by people like Tony Romo, Rick Rhoden, et al.
I doubt she could play consistently on the Korn-Ferry Tour, let alone the PGA.
I don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct.
I agree. Why are the Repubs always coming to the rescue of people living in blue areas.
Let the girls get the snot beat out of them by boys or stop voting for people who believe in this nonsense.
But I fear the libs and corporate republicans have already answered this question at the USSC.
Jupiter said...
There is no such thing as a "transgender girl". Just as there are no "transspecific unicorns". Your belief that you are a unicorn does not make you one...
Washington Examiner
Amy Coney Barrett is not a feminist, she's a unicorn
by Suzanne Venker | September 28
'Fellow right-leaning writer, Erika Bachiochi, has written at Politico that Amy Coney Barrett is America's "new feminist icon." Actually, she's not.'
"...Indeed, there are three overarching tenets of feminism. The first is that it's a grave injustice that women have babies and men do not. Thus, the abolition of this fact (via abortion, universal child care, and a deep well of government subsidies for single mothers) must be the goal. How else can we get the babies out of the way so women can become professionals, which feminists consider far more valuable than raising children?"
OK, so Amy Coney Barrett is a certified unicorn who has children. Wouldn't it be proper to identify her as a female unicorn? Like, a unicorness. You know, prince and princess.
Are there any unicornesses around?
The first image in this short video apparently depicts one.
Of course, we still have to figure out the proper spelling (one or two n's.)
What has consistently appalled me about this slowmo trainwreck is that there is no requirement for any of these supposed walking gender crises to actually commit themselves to their supposed choices. At least Renee Richards, who started the whole mess, actually had his wedding tackle completely amputated, past hope of change, in order to compete as a 6'+" player against actual, typically much smaller females. These lunatics today have no more onerous obligation to substantiate their claimed "beliefs" than in some cases having to take a course of hormones which will in no way alter their established pre-existing advantages. Does anyone investigate their day to day activities to see if they evidence any actual female behaviors in real life? If this has ever been done I haven't heard.
And the same applies to the CA EO on prisoners. It applies across the board, regardless of class of crime or nature of designated prison facility, so any male convicted and sentenced to a max security facility due to the appalling crimes he committed to get there, can still demand transfer to a womens' facility, which are typically much less secure and much less harsh, thus a massive incentive to make the claim. I guarantee that there will be decades of litigation demands for construction of such lesser facilities to accommodate the "needs" of generations of serial murderers/rapists all with the idea of demanding immediate release if their demands are rejected due to lack of facilities.
Next Up: Third string NFL player "comes out" as transgender, and becomes fabulously famous for 15 minutes.
And wealthy.
I guess this means that Howard will have to change his plans for athletic glory.
Reading the comments, even libs overwhelmingly agree that boys pretending to be girls shouldn't be competing with actual girls.
This is a clever form of Failure Theater by the Republicans. They'll propose the policy change, and the democrats will shout it down, or vote it down if it comes to that.
Biological males in drag competing against biological females outrages everyone involved except the boys in drag (and maybe their parents). Now everyone will know which side to blame for letting it happen.
Without the House it's all for show. They can introduce bills every day.
As the daughter of a GIRLS volleyball player, I support this 100%. It’s f’ing science.
I’m sure this will really help get those moderate suburban women to vote Trump. They seem to view any move slowing the march of the alphabet people as an attack on their own rights (or, perhaps more importantly, their feelz).
While I think it’s right to pursue this, it really did not need to be done right now. My GOP showing yet again why they are the party of stupid.
mockturtle said... If transgender people want to compete they should have their own venue.
Sounds good to me. Wheelchair people have their own events because what they are doing is fundamentally different from what others are doing. Transgenders don’t want to compete with men, fine. But they shouldn’t compete with women because they’re not women. So compete with each other.
They should have shut this down sooner. Either eliminate women sports and let them play with the men officially or allow women who are genetically female play in women sports. Allowing these mentally ill men play act as women is ludicrous.
"Even if they had their own tees to account for that, the men are far better putters."
My brother-in-law used to be a +2 handicap...he regularly shot in the 60s on professional courses (he was not a pro).
He would always laugh at the way the LPGA set up the greens...slow with the pin dead center. He could never figure out why the ladies weren't better putters as it takes no strength.
One grand daughter plays soccer and the other swims. The rest are small. Both will have a hard time if transgenders are allowed to compete as girls. The left seems to want this after first destroying mens minor sports. No logic. Logic is racist.
Next Up: Third string NFL player "comes out" as transgender, and becomes fabulously famous for 15 minutes.
And wealthy.
A Democrat activist and community leader.
"I play (ed, before the pandemic) women's soccer. Our league has at least 2 trans girls. One is not a big deal because she/they are not athletic. The other VERY much is and dominates every game she's in, and its really not fair. Like scoring multiple goals and still celebrating."
I played coed outdoor soccer for twenty years. A lot of ex-college players and a few aging pros. Very competitive. I was an all-league goalie in high school but only an OK field player 40+ years ago.
When in my mid to late 40s I had the task of marking a 30-year-old woman on the other team who had played for the women's US Olympic team. It wasn't very hard.
Her boyfriend also played with her and had played on the US men's team. He was early 30s and a force of nature. I've never seen anyone that fast up close, and he was big...6'2" big and not skinny. He was just playing to stay in shape as he could pretty much score at will.
"Anika Sorenstam - arguably the greatest female golfer of all time - played in the celebrity tournament at Lake Tahoe a few years ago. She got smoked by people like Tony Romo, Rick Rhoden, et al."
Day-in-day-out Anika would beat the celebrity guys under 'real' tournament conditions. She gives up only a little in length but is far more consistent.
She was a hell of a player and I'd argue the best female golfer in history even if she didn't have the 'best' swing. But there are a lot of golfers with 'perfect' swings picking up balls at the driving range : )
They are NOT "Transgender GIRLS"!!!
Forget chess. Hou ranks #85 in FIDE 100, easily lost to Nakamura.
Sex-correlated mental, specifically cognitive (e.g. focus, processing, breadth) attributes, maybe. Sex-correlated distributions would be another reason, other than "complementary", to recognize separate standings of the sexes, and further exposes the insidious progress of political congruence.
“ 9/28/20, 1:45 PM
Blogger Larry J said...
Yes, preventing such transgendered people from competing could be considered unfair, ...”
Why would it be unfair? They are free to compete with the rest of the males. As they should.
It’s illegal for an elite female athlete to dose herself with testosterone to improve her athletic performances, but Democrats want them to compete against athletes equipped with testicles that are producing plenty of testosterone.
Democrats avoid the Constitution, civil and human rights. Republicans stand with women and girls, and babies, too. Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
What took them so long?
Republicans are really slow off the line.
NC Republicans passed HB2 in 2016 to keep males out of female lockerrooms and restrooms, after Charlotte let them in. The state then lost several major sporting events, and the Rep Gov was defeated for reelection.
At the time, national Women's sporting orgs decried the bill! They deserve to be destroyed.
Anika played in the men's PGA Colonial tournament in 2003. She finished 96th out of 111 players.
The 15 men that she beat had to play with their penises out at the next tournament.
(I made that last part up)
Early this year I was following the exploits of an Australian high school rugby player that looked like a young Thor and was setting all kinds of records in the female division. "She" plowed through all those 5'2" girls and dragged a couple as they held on to "her" ankles. A "female" athlete like that only comes around once in a blue moon.
"Transgender girls" are boys. "Transgender boys" are girls. To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology. We ought to refer to girls who aspire to be boys as transgender girls (because they ARE girls, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be), and to boys who aspire to be girls as transgender boys (because they ARE boys, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be).
As they should. Why do Progressives hate women??
A mule is neither a horse nor a donkey. And although the mule may identify with either of its parents it makes little for any of the three to compete against either of the others in athletic competition.
A mule is neither a horse nor a donkey. And although the mule may identify with either of its parents it makes little for any of the three to compete against either of the others in athletic competition.
tim maguire said...
I don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct.
Tell that to "GG", who sued in Federal Court to force a school district to let her use the boys restroom under Title IX.
Tell that to all the Democrats at teh Obama Admin, who backed her lawsuit
Tell that to the Left wing Justices who didn't toss the case on the grounds that there was no proper Federal component to that question
When they all agree, THEN you can tell that to Trump
"Why do Progressives hate women??"
Only the non-transgendered kind.
Obviously (I trust) "little" should have been "little sense".
She was a hell of a player and I'd argue the best female golfer in history even if she didn't have the 'best' swing. But there are a lot of golfers with 'perfect' swings picking up balls at the driving range : )
I grew up with some of them. Yes, she was probably the best. We'll never knew what Babe Zaharius could have done with modern equipment.
My question when the supposed "genderism" of prohibiting biological males from competing in women's sports is: "Why do we have women's sports?"
This generally stumps the progs.
Chicks with dicks? And Joe is cogent? Kamala excelled in the primaries. It truly is the End Of Days.
To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology.
Yes, there has been a lot of progress since social liberals conflated sex and gender, since feminists socially distanced from selective-child through identifying a baby as a Fetal-American, since the Cult normalized diversity (i.e. color judgments) and exclusion, witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests through em-pathetic appeals. They're stubbornness to avoid reconciliation is the quintessential character of an Ass.
Why do Progressives hate women??
Feminists with a capital "F", inclusive of feminine and masculine chauvinists. Keep women barefoot, available, and taxable.
Since no one else, including Ann, raised these points I feel someone should. First, in accord with their "Always lie, lie big, even if the truth might also work", the network is massively question-begging here. The legislation does not "ban" action by the school or state in accepting or endorsing transgender participation, doubtless because any act proposing to do so at the federal level would be immediately reversed as way outside Congress' power. What Congress CAN do, is turn off the money spigot to any institution that sponsors/endorses transgenders in female sports long established as such. Which IS within Congress' power to do. Trump could probably do it by EO, but those are always subject to immediate reversal by hostile subsequent administrations, and as we've seen are the instant focus of rabid lawfare efforts to block and forestall.
Second, for those who claim this is timewasting "easy" stuff, if it were easy it would have been done ages ago. The left has been working this angle for a long, long time (remember Renee?) and its Useful Idiots are legion.
Third, Newsom had to proceed by EO because even the CA legislature wouldn't support it; maybe a few members could look forward to what it invites -- endless litigation to either close CA penal institutions or bankrupt the state by forced compliance with Court-issued diktat after diktat. Cloward-Piven, in fact, as a strategy for destroying governments is easy to understand once you see it in action.
Allow me to take this opportunity to wonder why the federal government thinks it is right to take, at threat of violence and imprisonment, my hard-earned money and give it (or at least some small, post-graft prtion of it) to anyone, so that they can play f'ing sportz. And i say that as someone who loves sportz.
don't see why this is a Federal issue, even if the goal is correct.
Unfortunately that's true of about 90% of what the federal government does, but that ship has sailed. In this case it's just because of federal dollars going to state and local schools, which should also be non-existent. There also could be civil rights laws at stake, equal protection, etc.
If it was for any speed or strength sport (track and field or weightlifting, etc.), then there are thousands of high school boys in any given year who would beat her.
In 2017 the US women’s national soccer team was beaten by a U15 boys’ team. That’s a team of boys 14 years old or younger, against adult women who are the best in the country (not to mention best women’s team in the world).
When I was 15, I had been a competitive swimmer for 9 years. I'd done pretty well in statewide competitions, and was on a good YMCA team. At one swim meet, I swam against another 15 year old, who was about 9 months younger than me, but who was 18 inches taller than me, with arms like an orangutan. I had my personal best time in the 500 yeard freestyle. He lapped me. Wearing a fiberglas cast on one forearm. My Olympic dreams, as the saying goes, died that day.
Still, I knew it was a fair competition, won by a genetic variation within the norm for people like me. Had he been a Martian, I'd have been pissed he was allowed to compete with us boys.
I think the same thing applies to people who have gender dysphoria. They can compete with the kids genetically within the norm compared to them, XX vs XX or XY vs XY. XX can sometimes win against XY, jsut recall Bobby Riggs, but XX should not have to compete against XY on what is laughingly called a fair basis.
Good article in Quillette re transgender women in women’s rugby.
Thinking outside the box: Are women’s versions of men’s sports good for women at all. Think for instance of what used to be women’s figure skating—precise control, grace and woman lines. Now, no figures but triple jumps. What good is bad soccer or bad tennis for women? How about women’s golf that is more about precision than power? How about competitive women’s rock climbing or wall climbing with an emphasis on grace, analysis and speed? What is the morality of sports that beat up women’s bodies?
"based on sex" and not "gender"
simple solution (which is guaranteed to please NO ONE)
to paraphrase Al Smith... Let's take a look, at the Dictionary
there are Two sexes...... Male, and Female
there are Three genders.. Masculine, Feminine, and Neutral
we, as a nation, should embrace EVERYONE'S right; to choose their gender
we, as a nation, should REALIZE, that gender and sex are NOT the same things
if you are a 'transgender male'; that would make you a Feminine male (or a Neutral male)
if you are a 'transgender female'; that would make you a Masculine female (or a Neutral)
"hey Billie? what are you?"
"hi! i'm a skirt boy! I like to wear perfume, and makeup!!"
"hey Sam? what are you ?"
"hi! i'm a Bull dyke! I wear flannel shirts, and swear a lot!!"
and since Billie is male, he Can't win the women's division of the Chess club
Bobby Riggs took a dive.
I hope he didn't think he'd get in her into bed.
Frankly, I'm torn. I can't figure out if this is a direct result of feminism or a direct threat to feminism.
Here's where qualifying adjectives are our friends. Men competing in women's sports is a direct result of insane feminism (feminism + post-modern Marxism = insane feminism/intersectionality). Men competing in women's sports is a direct threat to non-insane feminism. I think Camille Paglia would agree.
Now we must face the sad truth that non-insane feminism is a diminishing class. In a three-dimensional Venn diagram, insane feminism is represented by Jupiter, whilst the non-insane variety is represented by Earth.
"hi! i'm a skirt boy! I like to wear perfume, and makeup!!"
Should be careful with that skirt boy stuff. A short tale from the annals of the Battle of Balaclava is illustrative
Trooper Aleksandr Ivanovich: Pasha, behold thin red line of skirt boys!
Trooper Pavel Mikhailovich: Da, Sasha. They are girly men who cry "Mama!" when we kill them.
(somewhat later)
Trooper Aleksandr Ivanovich: Pasha, we did not kill many... Pasha? Pasha? Where is your head?
Kelly Loeffler is turning out to be a real tough cookie. Only sports team owner anywhere to tell her employees -- the athletes -- to shut up and play ball. Defending female athletes from the LGBTQQA mafia.
Matt, if you care so much, start your own league for trans people wanting to compete against biological females who want to compete against them.
I will not have my gender or sex or body legally erased by a bunch of resentful angry anonymouse men who won't pick targets their own (lobby bottom-line) size.
Blogger Peter said...
Good article in Quillette re transgender women in women’s rugby.
I should read it but my daughter, when she was at UCLA, decided she needed a sport so she went to a women's rugby practice. It was just an intramural thing, no varsity sport. She said she had never seen such bull dyke lesbians. She left but it was almost a year before they stopped calling her. She is beautiful and now married and a mother.
How about two new leagues -- Transgender Male and Transgender Female -- in every single sport at every level from junior high through the Olympics?
It would be difficult to get up teams at non-progressive schools, but it would shine a spotlight on people who want to be congratulated for making difficult choices. And you wouldn't need to build great big stadiums for fans.
Despite all the shit we take from the culture, it is still best to be a plain-wrapper white heterosexual man. You just avoid so much self-inflicted bullshit and controlling demands from those claiming to want to help you. Nobody wants to help us, and that's great.
This will have a surprising amount of appeal. Surprising to the left that is. The whole point of separating Men's and Women's sports is so that there can be a fair playing field. The semantics used by many aside, a trans girl or woman is actually a boy or a man. And once males and females hit the age of about 11 or 12 there is a noticeable advantage for males in almost all athletic activities. I have sympathy for trans-people. Life has dealt them a tough hand of cards to play. But it is unreasonable for a trans-person's treatment to include the rest of society has to play make believe, and accommodate them in every single facet of life.
I also like how NBC used 'girls' to describe the trans-people. I believe the preferred nomenclature in LGBT communities is MTF trans person.
Blogger Lance said...
Wow. Runaway deficits, out-of-control federal agencies and a Supreme Court nominee to confirm, and this is what GOP senators decide to work on?
I would hope the Senate prioritizes the supreme court nomination. I suspect, as I suspect you suspect, that is being offered now for mainly political reasons. This is something that will have broad appeal especially to Suburban moms. Also this will highlight a very big divide in the Left. There are lots of feminists on the left, who are uncomfortable with treating trans-women as women in all facets of life. They believe that biology is real and can matter. They are pejoratively referred to as TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists). Nothing saps the motivation to go out and vote for your party like acrimonious in-fighting.
As far as the Federal Government using funding to weigh in on a social issue at the state level, I would have been against it normally, but the last couple generations have shown the left repeatedly use this tactic to forward their social values. If it is going to be done, I would at least like it used to preserve the status quo.
The GODFATHER : "Transgender girls" are boys. "Transgender boys" are girls. To get this problem sorted out we need to fix the terminology. We ought to refer to girls who aspire to be boys as transgender girls (because they ARE girls, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be), and to boys who aspire to be girls as transgender boys (because they ARE boys, regardless of what they'd LIKE to be).
That ship has sailed. But I concede the terminology is confusing (deiberately.)
A simple trick to deduce which way is up, and who's got a willy, is to remember that :
transgender girl = pretend girl
transgender boy = pretend boy
Easy peasy.
He could never figure out why the ladies weren't better putters as it takes no strength.
I believe there have been calculations on where female pro golfers lose shots to male ones, and it turns out they do actually lose more shots in the short game.
It's probably that spatial rotation thing.
Hah Quaestor,
Just brought in my kilt, hose and spats from the car. Left the pipes at work though. 43 acre Delaware River site in the middle of a landfill, no complaints about sour notes, though I sincerely hope the New Jersey folks across the river are occasionally annoyed.
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