২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২০

"Good lawyers wanna get rid of bad lawyers and dachshunds...."

৭৪টি মন্তব্য:

WisRich বলেছেন...

I'm sure it all makes sense in his mind.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Does that fit the definition of rhetoric? Is there a gibberish tag?

MayBee বলেছেন...


Biden has obviously been trained to bring it back to Trump not doing "what needs to be done" whenever he gets over extended.

Happy Warrior বলেছেন...

I'm beginning to feel sorry for Biden. Dachshunds? Trump often speaks in sentence fragments I'll admit, but I don't get a sense that with Trump it is due to cognitive impairment.

J2 বলেছেন...

He was going for "docs" which is how he refers to doctors. Likely "good docs want to get rid of bad docs".

Clyde বলেছেন...

And Biden's case of COVID coming up in 3... 2... 1...

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Trump probably hacked into Biden's teleprompter and is randomly inserting gibberish

gilbar বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
gilbar বলেছেন...

HOW can you be "a legitimate journalist", and hear that, and Not ask;
Who's John???

wendybar বলেছেন...

I still can't believe his family is getting away with elder abuse. This man should be as far away from the Presidency as we can get him. He should be NO WHERE near the nuclear codes, and he should NEVER be able to talk to China and Russia, amongst other countries we need to talk to.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I think he said Datsuns. Lawyers are like Datsuns...

PhysicistDave বলেছেন...

This is really sad.

I remember when there was doubt about Reagan running for a second term because he was too old and might be getting senile: Reagan left office at a younger age than Biden will be when Biden takes office.

And Reagan's senility only became clear some time after leaving office.

I remember the real Joe Biden, who ran the Clarence Thomas hearings, for example. Not a genius, for sure, but a real person who was quick on his feet and good with people and who charmingly often blurted out the truth whether it served his political interest or not.

We are not seeing that Joe.

Why is Jill Biden doing this to him? Where is someone who cares about this poor old man?

Humperdink বলেছেন...

If Chris Wallace had guts .....

Chris Wallace 9:01PM Tuesday: "So tell us Mr. Vice President, why dachshunds?"

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Note the look on the interviewer's face. She knows what's happening and just wants it to be over.

rehajm বলেছেন...

That's the craziest thing he's said since he got to the Senate 180 years ago, or so he said.

Rocketeer বলেছেন...

This has beyond just sad to watch, and is well on its way to passing horrifying.

Birkel বলেছেন...

McCain, I would imagine.
But it's hard to know with dementia patients.

DEEBEE বলেছেন...

Love the expression change from a kind smile to bemusement to straight seriousness, lest the smile be seen as a smirk. Or perhaps the realization “we are f....”

michaele বলেছেন...

That interview contained some doozies. I think he also said, at some point, he had gotten to the senate 180 years ago. https://youtu.be/C5h_pg_REIc I wonder what the teleprompter had written on it that his brain took in as 180 years. I can't come up with what the true content might have been.

Matthew Heintz বলেছেন...

We've got to stack pallets full of bad dachshunds and have bad lawyers named John load them onto golf carts for the Biden parade in my basement after Trump wins the erection on November 14th!

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

It's his secret signal that he's for Wisconsin, he's against badger dogs.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I think he was trying to say "bad lawyers and doctors" but missed.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Working the mind of Biden crossword puzzle is a time consuming nuisance.I actually feel sorry for the Media who run the Dem party having to engage with that BS. Maybe he can send Hunter out for interviews.

Temujin বলেছেন...


Joe had a lid put on him at 9:32 am Saturday. He's seriously in need of 24/7 care. You've seen how he goes nowhere without Jill right by his side? She's there to pick up the spills. Stop the gaffes (as best she can).

He's a mess. And like everything else in this country which spent the last 3 years promoting a coup, the media will keep working with the Democrats to hide and protect Joe. They just want the office. Nothing else matters. Once they have the White House, Joe can be put in front of a TV with a bowl of cereal. On occasion, they'll prop him up in front of a teleprompter to read the words written for him by young progressives with black glasses who work for Kamala, or AOC or Bernie or Elizabeth.

If Trump does not win, we will have our first big time Potemkin Administration. Or maybe it would be better called a Kabuki Administration. Either way, it'll be a fraud and will bring on a torrent of initial progressive laws, followed by a removal of most Democrats from office.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Biden won’t debate Trump.

I predicted here months ago that he will withdraw and Kamala will go to the tool.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

What the heck is he talking about? Who is John? What do dachshunds have to do with it? Is this a Bad Lip-Reading clip? How can we tell?

Can Trump sit back and let Biden put his cards on the table? Will he bully Joe? People say they want Trump to be more presidential. Presidential like Truman? Like Obama? Like Clinton? Like Reagan? Like LBJ? JFK? Nixon? Bush whichever?

I'd like Joe to be more presidential, whatever that means.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Move along. Nothing to see here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

John? Who's John? John the Baptist?

But to be fair, I don't think he said "dachshunds." I think he tried to stammer out "docs and..."

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Of course, I don't think he said "dachshunds," but why are we endlessly guessing at what he's trying to say? That's my point.

Plus, he doesn't get to just stop any time he gets confused and say "Look" as if what he was saying what confusing to us and now he's going to put it more clearly so that we can understand. It's the same ruse over and over.

He's not speaking clearly. Some of it is a stammer, but all of it is human frailty to which would should be generally sympathetic, but that's not a reason to trust him to be our President.

pacwest বলেছেন...

I want to know what is inside that Trojan horse. We all have our guesses, but I think it may be even worse than anyone can imagine.

Retail Lawyer বলেছেন...

"Any Functioning Adult 2020". That's what the yard signs read in my 'hood. Since way before the primaries. How can that not be read as a pro Trump sign at this point?

Wince বলেছেন...

Althouse said...
Plus, he doesn't get to just stop any time he gets confused and say "Look" as if what he was saying what confusing to us and now he's going to put it more clearly so that we can understand. It's the same ruse over and over.

Biden uses the word "Look" like a pot head with a damaged vinyl record collection used banging the turntable when the "record player" skipped.

Limited blogger বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

As a young man, Biden was a babbling, incoherent buffoon. And a liar too - see, plagiarizing episode when Bifen got booted out of the 1988 Dem primary.

Now, he's just older. Real old. Age 78, old. Grandpa Simpson old.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

John is the founder of Citizens for a Weiner Dog Free America.
He' has DDS.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

It sounds like the ‘bad lip reading’ videos without the actual lip reading.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Makes me wonder how FDR would appear running for a fourth term today.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Look Fat

Johnny Dachshund was a lawyer with golden hairs on his legs

I came out with a chain and offered him ice cream.

JAORE বলেছেন...

He stays in the basement to avoid the spread of covid. That's the story.

But his wife makes numerous campaign stops.

So, is the covid excuse a lie to hide his dementia or does Jill Biden want to KILL your grandmother?

When I see these split screen videos I watch Biden with the sound on a time or two. The I mute the video and closely watch the face of the media puppet. Rising panic seems to cover it.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy, the lie that really grates on me was his repeated despicable claim that his previous wife was killed by a drunk driver.

Two-eyed Jack বলেছেন...

Trump supporters say that Russiagate is the greatest scandal in American political history, but if Biden is actually in severe mental decline, the media and the Democrats trying to pass him off as a presidential candidate beats all of that hands down.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Grandpa Simpson old.

Old Man Yells At Cloud.

Biden and John are convincing me that violence is acceptable.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Who Is Johnny?

Michael K বলেছেন...

I still say it is 50/50 he shows up Tuesday.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I assume it’s John as in McCain and that he was momentarily confused about either what year it was or who his opponent is. We have seen such glitches before.

mikee বলেছেন...

In college, while riding bicycles off campus, a loose dachshund started chasing my friend, who was riding ahead of me. Then, realizing that stubby legs were no match for 10 gears going downhill, the dachshund stopped chasing him. And turned broadside to me, right in my path. I went ass over teakettle, the bike went flying off, and the dog remained completely unharmed. He ran back to hiss owners in their front yard, who asked if I was OK as I picked myself up. Well, my arm was broken, but other than that, yes, I was just fine.

I remain the only person I know to have had a bone broken via dachshund. I resent them mightily to this day, decades later. Biden just came damn close to getting my vote. Damn close. Pity about his dementia. But he came close.

Mr. D বলেছেন...

Joe is awful strong, bet your life he's putting us on
Oh lordy, oh lordy, you know I need some loving
Oh move me, touch me
John, I'm only dancing

-- David Bowie, 1974

Kate বলেছেন...

Donald John Trump. Maybe someone named John plays Trump in debate prep and it's all too confusing now.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
He's not speaking clearly. Some of it is a stammer, but all of it is human frailty to which would should be generally sympathetic, but that's not a reason to trust him to be our President.

Joe's condition is known as Aphasia. It is progressive and will only get worse as the dementing process moves forward.

The question in my mind is whether he suffers from strokes/TIAs or some other brain insult. It may not be Alzheimer's, but it is still a very clear sign of growing cognitive impairment.

Running him for POTUS is elder abuse. He needs to be at home resting and enjoying the twilight years of his life.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

democrats destroy everything and then they promise - next time! they will clean it all up.


Biden is a crook... along with PELOSI and Clinton.


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...


"And Reagan's senility only became clear some time after leaving office."

Yes! At age 78, Reagan left the White House. At age 78, Biden wants to enter the White House. What a sick joke.

Remember when Slow Joe came in 4th & 5th place in the Iowa caucus & NH primaries? Remember when Bernie Sanders had the big primary lead up unti Super Tuesday? And then the Democrat Gods that be said, we cannot allow Bernie to win, clear the decks for Old Slow Joe!

And it was done.

FleetUSA বলেছেন...

Talk about a word salad. What did sleepy joe say?

Drago বলেছেন...

PhysicistDave: "And Reagan's senility only became clear some time after leaving office."

Reagan was fine until, after leaving office, he took a terrible fall from a rearing horse on a sloped hill and was sent head over heels off the back of the horse and landed square on his head on . This was in July of 1989.

The media reports at the time downplayed how dangerous the fall really was.


LA_Bob বলেছেন...

Okay, let's stipulate Biden suffers from some degree of cognitive impairment.

But he also seems to have trouble with his false teeth. I've seen him grimace and struggle with some words, and there's sometimes a lisping sound like his teeth are loose. I can't imagine why a guy in his position can't get a decent denture fit. Is he allergic to denture cream?

So, I think he started to say "Donald", his palate slipped, and it came out "John", and he stopped himself before he spat his teeth out. On top of that he's trying to maintain his composure because he knows he sounds like a struggling old man (which he is) and he's frustrated as hell.

If they do debate, Trump will be covered in Biden spittle, no matter how far apart they stand (or sit).

Iman বলেছেন...

Evil, racist dachshunds!!!

David Begley বলেছেন...

Joe’s wife was in Nebraska yesterday. She didn’t wear a mask when she spoke to about 10 people.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Remember all the calls that Trump's good health report was phony?

Imagine what would be said if Trump hid most days, barely ventured out and then couldn't even read the teleprompter well.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

John, like Corn Pop, is a bad dude.

Tomcc বলেছেন...

In my fevered imagination, I think of his opening statement at the debate:
"I will not dignify this person (DJT) by debating him, rather I shall use this time to read aloud to our collective audience "Green Eggs and Ham".

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Doc K says 50/50 odds the debate happens, I'm saying 80/20 the debate is shut down. Lid goes on Biden campaign tomorrow morning. Late tomorrow, flu like symptoms but, negative covid test, have to cancel, see you all at debate II. Rinse and repeat.

This is elder abuse. He sounds just like my mother, and mother in law. Both died of/with dementia They both forgot how to eat. Lasted about 3 days.

AllenS বলেছেন...

If the debate actually happens, Trump won't hesitate to say: "Who the fuck is John?"

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

God help us.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Trump probably hacked into Biden's teleprompter and is randomly inserting gibberish"


Michael K বলেছেন...

The question in my mind is whether he suffers from strokes/TIAs or some other brain insult. It may not be Alzheimer's, but it is still a very clear sign of growing cognitive impairment.

Remember his history. Two aneurysm bleeds. Brain damage is a given and the remaining brain has to take up the slack. There is a phenomenon called "post-Polio Syndrome" in which a polio victim who has recovered begins to deteriorate again in middle age. The neurons that had survived the virus wear out prematurely. That may resemble what is going on with Biden.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"If Trump does not win, we will have our first big time Potemkin Administration."

Wilson's second term comes to mind.

Iman বলেছেন...

Dat hungry little dachshund !!!
He could’ve won it
But then he went and done it
he never meant that much to me
but now I see
Poor Joey
Poor Poor Joey

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

On "John", I think Ken B has figured it out- he was thinking McCain, as in Candidate John McCain for President.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Look" as if what he was saying what confusing to us and now he's going to put it more clearly so that we can understand. It's the same ruse over and over."

Over and over doesn't really do it justice, does it.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

---What the heck is he talking about? Who is John?

Don. He couldn't remember his opponent's name. Maybe, as Kate suggests, he skipped from Donald to John in DJT, but I think he just had the approximate sound and couldn't remember the actual name. In the next sentence or two, he starts, "We can let..." then realizes he doesn't have the correct name to plug in there, and abandons that sentence and re-starts with a different grammatical angle.

wildswan বলেছেন...

I think maybe the plan is to have the debate but Biden knows the questions and Chris Wallace is going to do a Candy Crowley if Biden slips. [Chris didn't give the Dems the questions but they have them is how I see it.] This means that the themes in the press over the next few days are going to be the questions or lines of attack. These themes have to be implanted in the mind of the public so we can fill in for ourselves whatever Biden messes up. So I've been studying Dem stories looking for themes.
This, maybe, is one.

When presidents run for reelection, the key question is whether Americans are better off than they were four years earlier.
Trump does not have foreign policy achievements and has not helped the economy.
Trump's trade and Peace Prize deals are merely continuation of Obama-Biden deals or else they don't do much. Anyhow the economy in 2020 is worse than it was under Obama-Biden. This is Trump's America.
[I say this is Covid's America and the question is who can wrest the economy away from Covid: Basement Biden or MAGA? Basement will go back to Obama-Biden policies along with masks and lockdowns. We'll all be living in basements when he's through. Trump will go back to lower energy prices, lower taxes, fewer regulations, end the masks, end the lockdowns, put resources from a strong economy into helping the high risk group. Back to jobs and fun. Yay.]

Another line of argument says that Trump's trade deals and foreign policy successes "look a lot like" Obama-Biden policies or do much less than Trump says.
For instance:
the “New NAFTA” trade deal that Trump negotiated with Mexico and Canada "looks a lot like" the old NAFTA Biden supported.
New U.S.-Korea trade deal also "looks a lot like" Obama’s U.S.-Korea trade deal.
The Gulf states United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel are not huge steps they are quite small steps and "look a lot like" Obama-Biden policies.

404 Page Not Found বলেছেন...

I took the trouble to transcribe it. This is literally what a guy who has a good chance to be our next President sounds like:

"..get rid of bad cops as muh..much as you know..bad lawyers wanna get rid of bad uh luh good lawyers wanna get rid of bad lawyers and dachsunds you know...like violence is never acceptable...that's the one thing I gotta...we gotta communicate...

John...John...uh...look...this whole notion...we have whats going on here is we can NOT let...uh...have an excuse...for him to AVOID what needs to be done."

Pray for this country, folks.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

I just want to know what drugs he's on Tuesday evening.

In lower doses, they might be interesting. Kind of like Barry Bonds' regimen but for the brain.

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

I really am beginning to think Biden's got some kind of contract which pays out a huge amount if he can make it to Nov. 3. That explains why his wife is so eager for him to continue. If he should be so fortunate to win the election there is no way he will serve. The Dem's will sadly invoke the 25th Amendment that they've so often threatened to use against Trump. I also have a feeling that Obama is calling the shots behind the scene.

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

I don't see how they can cancel and get away from it at this point.

With the "lid" going on early morning most days, I wonder if they are juicing him up somehow before the debate so he can go like a top for 90 minutes.

Something weird is going on with the dems. They know something we don't know, or have some cheating thing up their sleeves such that they don't care how bad he looks.

Or are they this dumb?

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