"When the plane was hijacked, they called their families and learned that America was also under attack. Then they faced the most fateful moment of their lives. Through the heartache and the tears, they prayed to God, they placed their last calls home, they whispered the immortal words, I love you. Today, those words ring out across these sacred grounds and they shine down on us from Heaven above. When terrorists raised to destroy the seat of our democracy, the 40 of Flight 93 did the most American of things. They took a vote, and then they acted.... In the days and weeks after 9/11, citizens of all faiths, background, colors, and creeds, came together, prayed together, mourned together, and rebuilt together....We were united by our conviction that America was the world’s most exceptional country, blessed with the most incredible heroes, and that this was a land worth defending with our very last breath. It was a unity based on love for our families, care for our neighbors, loyalty to our fellow citizens, pride in our great flag, gratitude for our police and first responders, faith in God, and a refusal to bend our will to the depraved forces of violence, intimidation, oppression, and evil...."
From a transcript of President Trump's speech yesterday in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
From a transcript of Kamala Harris's speech yesterday in Virginia: "I was in California [on 9/11]. It was early in the morning there, I was actually at the gym and then the images started to come on the TVs and everyone stopped, got off their equipment, and we all stood around in utter disbelief, in utter disbelief. Strangers were hugging each other. People that had never spoken to each other before were holding each other and crying. Out of that tragedy and as we try to reconcile and understand what was happening, without any reflection, we as Americans, as our first reaction, without pause, was to hug and hold each other. Perfect strangers. Understanding at our core without reflection, without thinking about it, that we’re all in this together. We’re all in this together.... [I]n times of tragedy, in times of despair, in times of suffering and pain, we by our very nature as who we are, we stand together. We stand together, understanding we are all in this together.... What our attackers fail to understand is that the darkness they hoped would envelop us on 9/11 instead summoned our most radiant and defined human instincts. The instinct to care for one another, to transcend our divisions, and see ourselves as fellow citizens. To race toward danger and risk everything to protect each other. The instinct to unite."
८९ टिप्पण्या:
Too bad that there are too few willing to state the truth.
Muslims did this to us, in an act of holy war (their jihad), based on the express instructions of their Qur'an in order to get us to submit. In Arabic Islam means to submit.
You left off the end of Kamala Harris' statement:
"...And if Donald Trump had not been in New York on 9/11 this would have never happened!"
I don’t believe her. She sounds phony. And shh is every story all about her? I thought badorangeman was the narcissist in Chief.
We watched it on live TV at work and nobody hugged and nobody cried.
President Trump: The heroes of Flight 93.
Kamala Harris: Me-me-me-me. Hugs Feelings.
By the way. Rewatched old fav Joe Dirt last night. He said, “that little boy was me!” and I realized Kamala is a plagiarist too.
We are all in this together but some of us are more in it than others.
Kamala is clearly lying about the "instinct to unite". The left can ONLY win by breaking us down into our identity groups and then sowing increased division and playing those groups off against each other, as we've seen leftists do across the globe for hundreds of years.
But she has to say this even thought she doesn't believe it. Similar to Ilhan Omar finally figuring out yesterday that saying "some people did things" was not an effective way to cover for her marxist intent so she changed her tune to sound like a normal American who loves this nation....even though she does not love this nation. At all.
To be perfectly honest, I'm surprised that the islamic supremacist supporting lefties in the US have not yet claimed it was actually guys with hawaiian shirts that were the real hijackers.
Probably because that would interfere with the majority of democrats (yes, a solid majority) who STILL believe that W Bush either let 9-11 happen on purpose or made it happen on purpose (LIHOP/MIHOP).
Sometimes its not possible to untangle the previous lefty/LLR-lefty fake narratives sufficiently to create new fake narratives.
Democratics prey on those feelings of community to impose their collective will.
She can sod off.
"What our attackers fail to understand is that the darkness they hoped would envelop us on 9/11 instead summoned our most radiant and defined human instincts. The instinct to care for one another, to transcend our divisions, and see ourselves as fellow citizens."
Says the promoter of division. Also, why did Harris give a speech and not Biden? To ask the question is to answer it.
Trump talks about the people who were willing to give their lives to save others, Harris talks about herself and how she felt.
Understanding at our core without reflection, without thinking about it, that we’re all in this together. We’re all in this together.... [I]n times of tragedy, in times of despair, in times of suffering and pain, we by our very nature as who we are, we stand together.
Before one full week had passed allies of the Democrats were trying to tear us back apart, and the Democrats did not lift a finger to stop it.
Just two days ago Harris was calling those same people white supremacists.
My instinct says that Trump means it and that Kamala was just reading something that could have just as easily had said, "Trump wants to kill your kids with global warming."
I'm sure those on the other side are saying the same thing.
So much unity. So much love today in our country. It did not just start in 2016.
The difference in viewpoint couldn’t be more stark. On the one hand, there is a description of sovereign individuals independently agreeing with each other on a course of action and executing the plan. On the other, it is collectivist, needy, and dependent parts of a hive just waiting for instructions from a wise and forward-leaning Dear Leader.
- Krumhorn
They're both very nice speeches, but wow what a difference in focus! Trump is all about standing together, risking it all to defeat evil. Harris is all about standing together and consoling each other after the evil has finished is work.
One is a message of strength to right wrongs, the other a message of endurance to bear wrongs.
Flight 93 was an inspiring example of heroism. "lets roll" produced a tear in my eye when i first heard the story in 2001.
Too bad the movie was such crap. But then Hollywerid isn't very good at real life heroism, they're good at comic books.
I was in the room when Tom Burnett's sister was crying and said she had talked to her brother on the phone and he had said they were going to attack the cockpit (on flight 93). She hadn't heard from him in the few hours since. Also I was in The World Trade Center building in August of 2001.
A few weeks later I was at a party when a bunch of Left Wingers tried to tell me that these terrorists weren't attacking me personally. About 5 minutes later I was not so politely asked to leave.
Interesting that Harris makes it all about herself and how her little group all hugged and cried, while Trump talks about heroism and the USA. I guess it shows the difference between men and women, i don't remember anyone crying or hugging where i lived. Mostly people were proud of the heroes and angry at the terrorists.
Others had different reactions, like Reverend Wright, remember him? "Goddamn America. Her chickens have come home to roost".
The people who orchestrated this or sided with them were also feeling pride in their heroes, they bonded over the murder, and they found unity in it. That was part of it on both sides. I know these sentiments seem so valuable because they feel good and are rare in our daily lives, but they are not the important things to remember. The reasons it happened need to be reflected on more, because that's what caused it, and what needs addressed to prevent it - the ideology and goals that made it happen need to be weakened, defunded, fought, and defeated to the point that they have little following. We do that through a dedication, an insistence and a tireless promotion of reason, truth, and compassion.
Currently the same dangerous mixture of mindless hatred and bigotry, and denial of facts and reason are heading us toward a similar, if not worse, tragedy. It has clear possibility again, but from internal sources. It has potential, because so many of us join in with the casual adherence to distance, aloofness, and avoidance of responsibility as we give in to fear and faith in the often disastrous turning the other cheek, That works fine if your objective is to start the afterlife soon or wait in submission for it to free you from the world you let happen.
I'm more interested in solidarity with those who share my basic values, than some superficial kumbaya moment followed by the next round of deprivation. I know we all badly want to get over this division in our country, but the good people with real compassion and love didn't fly those planes then, and are not burning our cities now. It's the same mindset with different words and different faces, but still bent on destruction with nothing better to offer. They hate peace, they hate tolerance, they hate you. They are acting on it. We are just watching and waiting again. Lets avoid the next need for a hug session in the ruins.
From a transcript of Kamala Harris's speech yesterday in Virginia: "I was in California [on 9/11]. It was early in the morning there, I was actually at the gym and then the images started to come on the TVs and everyone stopped, got off their equipment, and we all stood around in utter disbelief, in utter disbelief.
Phew! For a minute there I was worried she was going to start talking about her hair!
So.....now Trump’s speech is classified as rhetoric?
Trump told a story. Beginning, middle, end. Harris could've done that, too, but she got lost. KISS.
It's all about Kamala, isn't it?
And again, there's that repetitive, tautological tic when Harris doesn't have anything meaningful to say.
Understanding at our core without reflection, without thinking about it, that we’re all in this together. We’re all in this together... we by our very nature as who we are, we stand together. We stand together, understanding we are all in this together...
"Without thinking about it," indeed!
Trump should commission a statue in tribute to the passengers of Flight 93 and put it in front of the Capitol building they saved.
That it was not done immediately is emblematic of the building's self-centered occupants, like Kamala Harris.
I]n times of tragedy, in times of despair, in times of suffering and pain, we by our very nature as who we are, we stand together.
- K. Harris
Doesn't seem to apply in our current "times of despair.... suffering and pain" Should she add, "Unless there is political hay to make"?
Trump is ending the threat of Islamic terrorism one country at a time with Israeli Peace deals.
The Bush clan, Clintons, and Droney McDronekiller hardest hit.
Imagine thinking your feelings about the ORANGE MAN are more important than world peace.
What Harris is suggesting is that by electing Joe, we can get back to those wonderful days of unity. She says this while her party is rioting in the streets and is plotting - in the open - about how to steal the election.
There is still evil in the world and, in America, it resides in the Democrat party.
I didn't hug anybody on 9-11, but then I was just a working stiff and not a jumped-up political bimbo.
And I'd go to great lengths NOT to be hugged by her ilk under any circumstances.
Call me hard-hearted
Just last week there was a mass murder near Toronto. We knew the family slightly. The kids were next door earlier this summer; I remember them playing. All dead now.
That Harris speaks in that conclusory, tautological style goes a long way to explaining why she failed the bar exam on the first try.
Thistlerose wrote: Trump talks about the people who were willing to give their lives to save others, Harris talks about herself and how she felt.
That nicely captures Althouse's point, I think. Well done.
I like this passage too, "[t]he 40 of Flight 93 did the most American of things: They took a vote, and then they acted. Together, they charged the cockpit, they confronted the pure evil, and in their last act on this Earth, they saved our capital."
"Every passenger and crew member on the plane had a life filled with love and joy, friends and family, radiant hopes and limitless dreams."
Naah. They were nothing but little Eichmanns. Ward Churchill said so.
Yeah, I was petty officer of the watch onboard the Tarawa when the terrorists flew into the towers. There was no hugging, only general quarters and grim resolve.
rcocean said...
Interesting that Harris makes it all about herself and how her little group all hugged and cried, while Trump talks about heroism and the USA. I guess it shows the difference between men and women, i don't remember anyone crying or hugging where i lived. Mostly people were proud of the heroes and angry at the terrorists.
The Trump speech sounds like the inner Trump and refutes the idea that Trump would denigrate the service and sacrifices of soldiers and vets.
The Harris speech smacks of an invented meme to win votes. Like Hillary's sniper fire, or Joe's gangsta corn pop saga.
I don't believe she was at the gym before 6am PT, 5:48am to be precise. Very few gyms even open at that hour. Reminds me of my false memory of where I was when the Challenger shuttle blew up. For years I thought I was in the library at school, but the memory must be false because I was at a different school the year of the explosion. Maybe the memory is of the anniversary of the event and some commemorative assembly. I don't think there's a similar exonerating explanation for her likely lie. She just needed to put herself at the center of the story. Stolen valor, or in her case, stolen sympathy. What a hack.
Individual dignity. Intrinsic value. Inordinate worth. Reconcile.
That said, diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
She was at the gym before 6 am. I want proof.
They're both very nice speeches, but wow what a difference in focus! Trump is all about standing together, risking it all to defeat evil. Harris is all about standing together and consoling each other after the evil has finished is work.
One is a message of strength to right wrongs, the other a message of endurance to bear wrongs.
I also enjoy the sentiment about both speeches. Trump's speech was about duty and sacrifice and Kamala's was about compassion and unity. Both speeches are beautifully patriotic.
My problem is that you cannot spend 30+ years practicing identity policy and then tell me that we are all in this together. "We are all in this together against the heterosexual, white males."
Only professionals who get up that early on the west coast are trader types. And they're not at the gym at that hour, they're getting ready for markets to open. Such a stupid story. Not just working out at a gym at a very unlikely hour, but a crowded gym where everyone hugged one another. Just imagine Kamala and Dick Blumenthal kicking back beers at the Senate watering hole, he regaling her with stories of Vietnam days, and she the trauma of watching the towers collapse from an elliptical. Such admirable personages, our leaders.
Trump talks about the heroes on that day. Harris talks about herself.
And yet it's Trump who's the egomaniac.
Kamala starts her BS with an "I"
Everyone I spoke with at my factory on September 11, 2001, was ready to commit genocide against the entire Muslim world, and expected GW Bush to begin doing so within the hour. That GW Bush did not respond thoughlessly, and that he pulled the large part of the US population desiring that back from their anger to a more humanitarian position, deserves the greatest praise.
Trump talks about real regular people who did something heroic. Kamala makes up fake people in a fake setting sharing sympathy. Heroes vs zeroes.
Oh I know what happened. Neil Kinnock must have been at a gym at lunchtime, and Kamala accidentally grabbed Biden’s speech. These things happen when you don’t have a campaign as disciplined, as staffed to the gills with our brightest lights, as Clinton did.
Blogger D.D. Driver said...My problem is that you cannot spend 30+ years practicing identity policy and then tell me that we are all in this together."
No kidding.
Supposedly, Trump is the divider and the dems are going to bring us all together. Have you been listening to yourselves, dems?
Blogger Dave Begley said..."I like this passage too, "[t]he 40 of Flight 93 did the most American of things: They took a vote, and then they acted. Together, they charged the cockpit, they confronted the pure evil, and in their last act on this Earth, they saved our capital.""
I am so grateful to them. I believe it would have been the capital building. That would have been truly awful.
Miles Vorkosigan said ...
... the dead can’t cry out for justice. That it’s the duty of the living to do that for them.
She finessed the time by saying "images". They replayed the planes and the collapses over and over. She didn't claim to see it live.
Trump should commission a statue in tribute to the passengers of Flight 93 and put it in front of the Capitol building they saved.
Excellent idea I've never heard.
My Dad and I walked up to the Capitol several weeks later. Beautiful Saturday, but no other tourists and one policeman on each front. Some Morris dancers had just quit at the base of the hill. There were militarized police by the Senate buildings waiting in case the ANSWER rally by the Treasury came up the hill. We drove by the Pentagon gash, and maybe a hundred people were across the road just staring. I remember that day more vividly then 9/11, when I was at work.
You should have included Biden's comments:
" I'll never forget where I was that day... I was in the Capitol when we heard the news that a plane was on the way uh,
so I grabbed Ted Kennedy and we ran up to the top of the Dome where the anti-aircraft gun was, uh, I bet you didn't know that Roosevelt installed one after Pearl Harbor,uh, and I said, 'Ted, you keep feeding me the bullets and I'll keep firing'.... two old farts just doing their part. True story. You can ask Ernie Pyle.
Well, the plane never did make it to the Capitol. Afterwards, one of the page boys came up to me and said 'You're a hero Joe!' And I said, 'son, I'm no hero. The true heroes are those passengers who crashed the plane before I had a chance to shoot it down.'
Dad and Mommy.
The terrorists thought we were a bunch of mommy's. Then they met a bunch of our dads. Aw crap.
Harris, who really brought nothing to the ticket, was chosen to offer subliminal sex appeal to compensate for Joe's waning prowess. So her speeches will emphasize physical and emotional connection rather than substantive intellectual content such as policy. (Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar would have). It will be interesting to see if my prediction is valid. But then again, Biden hasn't done many policy speeches yet either. /sarc So that could just be the general strategy of the Democrats. So far when pressed on the topic Biden repeats he'd do what Trump is doing, just nicer.
My prediction for the presidential debates is that the questions will focus on feelings and empathy as well as favorite childhood memories and dad stories.
time of plane crashes into Towers -
Date: September 11, 2001; 18 years ago, 8:46 – 10:28 a.m. (EDT)
>>>>> = Date: September 11, 2001; 18 years ago, 5:46 – 7:28 a.m. (PDT)
for Kamala - may be a fact check is needed?
Btw, Joe Biden and the democraticals/LLR-lefties really are, literally, claiming Trump is making peace deals...but only accidentally!
“I think Trump is going to accidentally do something positive here, in terms of this issue of … other Arab states” making peace and establishing normal relations with Israel, Biden told a fundraiser hosted by the far-left J Street organization, as quoted by the Times of Israel."
Strangers were in shock. They were not hugging each other.
Dave Begley said...
I like this passage too, "[t]he 40 of Flight 93 did the most American of things: They took a vote, and then they acted. Together, they charged the cockpit, they confronted the pure evil, and in their last act on this Earth, they saved our capital."
given what has transpired in the 20 years >>>>> was the CAPITOL WORTH SAVING?
what is the difference between capital (Trump being "capitalist") and CAPITOL?
It was a great speech from Trump! I usually can't stand his cadence or affectations but this was really well written and delivered. Wow. Very moving.
Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed.
Date: September 11, 2001; 18 years ago, 8:46 – 10:28 a.m. (EDT)
likely Harris saw the collapsing building if she saw live.
likely also saw reruns - any other time that day.
We are not all in this together. Why I haven't thrown a Molotov cocktail or a bottle of frozen water at a cop in years. Outa practice I guess.
Have to be fair...I think Trump's was much better but Harris' speech wasn't bad either.
I was thinking find out who did it and bomb the shit out of them.
When I started reading the first speech, I could hear it in President Trump's voice before I knew it was him. His writers did a good job capturing his own way of speaking and elevating it.
Harris' writers need to learn to stop with the me, me, I, I. The second part wasn't terrible, after she quit talking about herself. But I never trust her NOT to talk about herself. And after this summer, I don't trust her talk about unity.
Donald Trump seeks to make America great, he endeavors to improve the lives and lot of all Americans, he is in that with all his focus and energy. Kamala Harris and the Democrats seek political power, in order to enrich themselves, and will do and say anything to achieve power and destroy and defeat Donald Trump. Her sentiments about 9/11 notwithstanding.
Blogger Wince said..."Trump should commission a statue in tribute to the passengers of Flight 93 and put it in front of the Capitol building they saved."
Capital idea. Seriously.
(And I think that's the right 'capital')
Narayan: If she saw replays that means she went to the gym after the attack — which was broadcast in real-time on each network. So in that case she either heard of the attack and went to the gym anyway, or she was too out of touch to know that they happened before she went to the gym. My bet is that she was in a bed not her own and is covering with a made up story.
Mike, I can easily believe that everyone at your factory was ready to commit genocide. That was the general feeling among most of the working class. I worked in an upstate prison then. Most inmates in the NY prison system are from NYC. They were all glued to the televisions. They were ready to do the same. It’s why history started being rewritten the next day.
2001 is ancient history for many. No one had cell phones with cameras. Picture taking required cameras. It was widely reported that muslim school kids in Hoboken, Jersey City, and Newark showed up to school that day with cameras. Within days that was scrubbed from news media. There were muslims celebrating in the USA. All mention quickly scrubbed.
Since 9/11/2001 there have been a number of muslim terrorist acts stopped. One I recall was from first a phone call from one son on the East coast saying his base was shut down because a car driven by a muslim couple was stopped at the gate of a naval base with a trunk full of C4. I went to the local newspaper website for that area and there was an article about it. A few hours later a call from son stationed on west coast. He had just been relieved from gate watch in a normally open thoroughfare because his base was shut down for the same reason. They had not talked to each other. Next day- nothing in the national news. Went to the local paper website to copy and link the article from the night before. It wasn’t there.
I’ve had occasion to talk with people in the intelligence community over the years. All are aware of similar incidents, without telling me details. And are all in agreement that if the government were to publish a list of all the attacks that have been stopped, the next day there wouldn’t be a mosque left standing in the United States.
Apparently opsec for muslim terrorists is horrible. The opsec for 9/11 was horrible, but it wasn’t stopped because of the intelligence wall erected by Jamie Gorelick under the direction of Janet Reno during the Carter administration. We had all the information to stop it, but it wasn’t getting to the people who could stop it.
Kamala's "I"s and "me"s locution
...Obama-esque narcissistic redirection of focus to co-opt import/gravitas from an event of actual significance?
Shanksville, PA, is a very small town between two county seats in western Pa (Somerset and Bedford) and very close to the exact middle of nowhere. The county seats have populations of 6,000 and 3,000; the borough of Shanksville has a population of 200 or so, although there are also farms outside the borough.
The field where Flight 93 went down is a big, open area ringed with pine or fir trees. It looks flat at first but all of that area is hilly because the Appalachian mountain range runs through just to the east of there. The memorial is a well done walkway with printed information, names inscribed in the bricks (IIRC) and just enough creativity to make the imagination go -- but not so much that it blocks your thoughts.
Its very plainness adds to the power of our memories. It happened here?, you think. Right out there? Yes, and the recollections of people living nearby are featured somewhere in the memorial. I remember how one described seeing the plane suddenly appearing over the hillside, upside down, incredibly close to the ground.
The Shanksville memorial has to be the polar opposite of whatever has been done to the lower Manhattan site, which I have never visited. It is stark, simple, and moving.
I want to point out to all of the readers what Althouse has done here.
From the Trump speech, she pulled a very nicely crafted section of prepared speech that Trump was reading. (Where the hell would the Trump Presidency be, if he had effectively confined himself to carefully-crafted and prepared comments from White House Communications? I’ll tell you; he’d be coasting to an easy re-election, pandemic or not.)
From the Harris speech, Althouse pulled the one section of her speech where she was off-script and acknowledging in a casual way her fellow speakers and including a personal anecdote that occurred to her for the occasion.
In this post, Althouse attempts to make Trump appear to be a statesman, which he isn’t. And she attempts to make Harris appear to be trivial and self-absorbed. (She may be, somewhat; but at least she isn’t a Trump-level sociopath.)
Harris birth certificate Harris birth certificate shows her mother Gopalan as Caucasian!
US Constitutional History -
Not All Caucasians Are White: The Supreme Court Rejects Citizenship for Asian Indians
In its decision in the case of U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court deemed Asian Indians ineligible for citizenship because U.S. law allowed only free whites to become naturalized citizens. The court conceded that Indians were “Caucasians” and that anthropologists considered them to be of the same race as white Americans, but argued that “the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences.” The Thind decision also led to successful efforts to denaturalize some who had previously become citizens. This represented a particular threat in California, where a 1913 law prohibited aliens ineligible for citizenship from owning or leasing land. Only in 1946 did Congress, which was beginning to recognize that India would soon be independent and a major world power, pass a new law that allowed Indians to become citizens and also established a small immigration quota. But major immigration to the United States from South Asia did not begin until after immigration laws were sharply revised in 1965.
I do remember being in a bar. Eating lunch later that day. Watching the news about the event on the television. One of the guys at the bar exclaimed," No way all that damage was done by airplanes." And I remember turning to him and with all the compassion and humanity I could muster and saying," You're a fucking idiot."
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Kamala's "I"s and "me"s locution
...Obama-esque narcissistic redirection of focus to co-opt import/gravitas from an event of actual significance?
Used to be : I know Famous/Celebrity ?? Famous/Celebrity shook hands with me!
you don't believe me ? See here : this is ny hand Famous/Celebrity shook
Gospace said...
Apparently opsec for muslim terrorists is horrible. The opsec for 9/11 was horrible, but it wasn’t stopped because of the intelligence wall erected by Jamie Gorelick under the direction of Janet Reno during the Carter administration. We had all the information to stop it, but it wasn’t getting to the people who could stop it.
in effect you are saying some other people did not do something so that some people were able to do something?
is there any point in getting angry at Ilhan Omar? who was let in the country by those some other people.
Ralph L said...
She finessed the time by saying "images". They replayed the planes and the collapses over and over. She didn't claim to see it live.
possible ?!
what about the hugs?
I was sitting watching Good Morning America and getting ready to catch the train to LA to spend the day teaching medical students. GMA was showing the tape of the first tower and the mystery of how a fire started when the second plane hit live. Diane Sawyer gave a big double take and off we went. I had to go and catch the train but then the medical school canceled class.
... major immigration to the United States from South Asia did not begin until after immigration laws were sharply revised in 1965.
>>>> I was ready to hatch birtherism based on Harris was born 1964.
but stopped because ...
Only in 1946 did Congress, which was beginning to recognize that India would soon be independent and a major world power, pass a new law that allowed Indians to become citizens and also established a small immigration quota.
Come together
Right now
Over me
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I’ll tell you; he’d be coasting to an easy re-election, pandemic or not.)"
Guy who has been wrong on absolutely every issue for over 5 years, and embarrassingly so on many occasions, wants everyone to believe that suddenly, from out of the blue, he now has deep insight as to hypothetical actions and probable outcomes...all the while attempting to demean others who have been proven correct over and over again.
I know...its amusing isn't it?
> including a personal anecdote that occurred to her for the occasion.
I was takin' a shit
listenin' to Howard Stern
As I reached to wipe, there was a cut...
Oh, my personal story is not as good as hers?
She was probably "Hi-Fiveing".
I was on the west coast and in the gym that morning – the only person in the gym at our apartment complex, turned the news on at about 5:55 to accompany my treadmilling. Lots of newsperson chatter about a plane hitting one of the WTC towers, with only a blurry still photo that I couldn't make sense of because my brain was trying to make the image of the aircraft match a small private plane, which is what I assumed had hit, based on the comments being spoken. What was going on? Then just after 6 it became obvious. I got off the treadmill, and paced back and forth for about 5 minutes – I didn't know what to do. I felt I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do. Finally I just walked back to our apartment, to tell my spouse. Cars approached me and I looked at the drivers – did they know?
Blogger Gospace said...
Mike, I can easily believe that everyone at your factory was ready to commit genocide. That was the general feeling among most of the working class. I worked in an upstate prison then. Most inmates in the NY prison system are from NYC. They were all glued to the televisions. They were ready to do the same. It’s why history started being rewritten the next day..
Had construction site going. Everybody was extremely pissed off and wanted revenge. Two young Mexican guys kept getting more and more angry as day went on, they left early and said they were going to enlist. They didn't show up for work after that and I don't know what happened to them.
Ray Charles singing God Bless America on local A.m. all day.
Two days later, Lillian Garcia sings National Anthem WWE Smackdown. No kneeling.
likely Harris saw the collapsing building if she saw live.
So she woke up to the 9/11 attack and then just went to the gym? OK, I was in NYC, but I went ahead and skipped my dentist appointment that morning. Didn't even call to cancel.
I like seeing Kamala and Joe and all their gang wearing masks while at the podium..Projects intelligence and confidence. Kinda cute in a childish sort of way.
Anybody think Joe and Kamala believe the masks are actually necessary? Maybe Joe. I am beginning to think he is seriously un-informed about many things.
I was in my law firm offices in DC, and someone passing by in the hall said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Like Paco Wove (8:12 pm) I was thinking it was a small plane and it was an accident. Then someone said a second plane had hit the other tower. So, no accident. We didn't believe that the buildings could be destroyed that way, until we saw it on TV. One corner office on my floor had a view of the Pentagon, and when I went over there after the report of the attack on that target, you could see the black smoke rising up from behind the building (the plane hit the far side of the Pentagon from our viewpoint). One employee said she had seen a plane flying low over the city toward the Capitol (was that Flight 93?).
After awhile, everyone needed to go home. The street outside was jammed with traffic. A guy who worked in the parking garage went out to try to stop traffic so that one car at a time could get out of our garage. No one was willing to let anyone in. One woman told the garage guy that if he got in her way, she'd run him down. A lot of folks I know went to donate blood, and others went to church to pray. There were a lot of heroes that day, and there were also a lot of scared people who didn't know what to do.
K.Harris' mother was a Tamil I understand.
These people are in the main, as best as anyone can tell, mostly derived from the ancient South Asian population substrate prior to the Indoeuropean conquests. Their languages are in the Dravidian family, which is unrelated to any other.
As for genetics you may want to check with Razib Khan, who may be the worlds leading expert in the research on South Asian genetics. He seems to be the clearinghouse of all that. The gist seems to be that ancient Indian population, the predominant ancestors of the Tamils, is probably best considered an entirely separate branch of the "out of Africa" migration. As in anything Indian, it is also of course extremely complicated.
Whatever ancient American legal categories were, its not accurate to call these people Caucasian.
I have had a great deal to do with several Tamils, professionally, along with many other Indians, by no accident I think these were mainly other "Dravidian" southerners. I realize that I have been dealing with an intellectual upper crust here, very much like K.Harris' mother. These people are sharp and disciplined and, honestly, no offense meant, tend to be extreme nerds.
Knowing these people to a degree, I have a sneaking suspicion that the unintellectual K.Harris may have been a disappointment to her mother.
I didn't see anyone hugging strangers. I didn't even see coworkers hugging each other.
And sundowner said?? Nothing?
Knowing these people to a degree, I have a sneaking suspicion that the unintellectual K.Harris may have been a disappointment to her mother.
No doubt, especially compared to Kamala's sister. And yet Kamala is the one who seems to have better figured out success in America.
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