On a near-unanimous vote, the council passed an ordinance that creates a Civilian Oversight Board and Independent Police Monitor position, envisioned to work in tandem to oversee the police department. Only Ald. Barbara Harrington-McKinney, 1st District, did not vote in support; she abstained. Also approved were a final report that selects nine local organizations to nominate members for the civilian board and a budget resolution that outlines costs for the board and monitor, estimated at a total of $482,000 for 2021....$482,000. Why that's almost exactly the amount we spent a few years ago on an outside study to determine whether there's racism in the Madison Police Department.
Back to the WSJ:
Some said a few of organizations selected to make nominations, including local activist group Freedom, Inc. were too critical of police. But [UW-Madison law professor Keith] Findley said those groups are exactly who is needed to represent marginalized groups and those who have experienced over-policing. “Being critical or even very critical of police shouldn’t be a disqualifier,” Findley said.Explicit race discrimination is required in the composition of this board. The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black. I didn't watch the 9-hour meeting. Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?
The proposed ordinance creating the board requires that it have members from minority communities and members with experience in mental health, youth advocacy and substance abuse. At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record.
Half of the board’s members are required to be Black.
This is strictly thimbolic.
"The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black."
What fraction of those stopped by Madison police are black? Professor Findley refers to over-policing, after all.
Democrats doing what Democrats are meant to do... Best of luck with the results of this oversight.
Democrats doing what Democrats are meant to do... Best of luck with the results of this oversight.
Only 7% of the Madison population is black? Sounds like a textbook case of white supremacy. We really need to get to the bottom of why the entire city of Madison is so racist and unwelcoming to blacks. Who has been running the place all these years - the KKK?
Must be 50% black?
Lets see. I knew the 10th Amendment was written out of the Constitution years ago. Probably in the 1930s with West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish.
But I didn't know that the Equal Protection Clause was also removed.
Mad City gonna mad.
Everybody else: this is an example of how NOT to run your city.
We’ve got friends who will be selling their homes in Dane Cty because they can no longer bear to contribute their tax dollars to the never ending idiocy. It’s not just New York losing people!
I think that the citizens of Madison should go further and require all citizens to be 50% black. Just think of all the problems this would solve. We lost freedom of association in the 1960s. Let's just get this over! Miscegenate for justice!
Aren't Segregation and race discrimination great!! So Progressive!!!
the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?
actually, this explicit quota system IS a display of white privilege
they are saying that blacks are So Much Less than human, that they need extra voices.
whites, on the other hand; are SO AWESOMELY COOL; that they need only nominal representation
The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black.
Well, to be fair, I bet that 7.3% commit over 50% of the violent crime in Madison.
Or, 1/2 the board members are required to be white/White.
What's the average IQ of the board.
I genuinely fear we are on the verge of a civil war, and there is nothing anyone can do at this point to head it off.
I spent nearly a decade on a police review board for a city of 100K+ with serious ongoing problems (30-50 murders a year). Our budget was something like $50/meeting/person.
Vacancies were filled by posting an ad in the paper, city website, and posting flyers in city offices. Candidates interviewed with the head of the board, the city manager, and the mayor. We ended up with students, "activists," real estate developers, single mom's, retired teachers, etc.
Honestly I don't know if we purely represented the racial makeup of the city, though I felt like we were pretty diverse. And we did a good job.
This Madison thing sounds like a boondoggle and a pending disaster.
I genuinely fear we are on the verge of a civil war, and there is nothing anyone can do at this point to head it off.
look, progressives, liberals, leftists etc do not care a tinkers cuss about the constitution unless they can use it to bludgeon conservatives.
Jews, Chinese, Indians, native Americans, Japanese, Koreans, and the Irish need not apply.
those groups are exactly who is needed to represent marginalized groups and those who have experienced over-policing. “Being critical or even very critical of police shouldn’t be a disqualifier
because, AFTER ALL; to the privileged white upper class...
blacks == criminals == hate the cops
any room for hard working blacks, that Don't Hate cops? Not A Chance
I think the requirement for one member needing to have an arrest or conviction record is interesting. Those are two different things, which don't lead to the same experience necessarily or the same consequences. Plus there are lots of crimes and they don't all involve a great deal of exposure to the police.
Anyway, it reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from the movie Stripes.
On a near-unanimous vote, the council passed an ordinance that creates a Civilian Oversight Board and Independent Police Monitor position, envisioned to work in tandem to oversee the police department.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
During a more than nine-hour meeting that stretched from Tuesday into the early-morning hours Wednesday, the Madison City Council approved years-in-the-making police oversight measures...
So there's nothing preventing them from working the weekend night shift themselves in place of the MPD responding to radio calls after the regular force quits?
The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black.
This is what left wing democracy looks like. It always has.
>>Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination
Let's assume it's completely unconstitutional. Who has standing to contest this? Any white person in Madison?
How much spent on telling people not to resist arrest?
Wow. I'm amazed. As girfting goes $482k is pretty cheap. But you know what they say, when you throw pearls before swine, swine might not recognize them for JuJuBees. Or something like that...
Half the board is required to be black but 100% must be insane liberal Dems who hate the police.
Of course, retired law prof Ann Althouse wasn't invited. And why should she waste her time? The board is self-selecting with liberal activists.
Should the Democrats win the White House, along with the Senate and House, you will see much more of this on a national scale. No one does collectivism/tribalism and discrimination like the left. Get your thoughts pure now folks.
Or you could vote Dems out of office. It is your choice.
Why didnt they just go the full 100%? Cant disagree, because it would be racist. People talk about slippery slopes. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Is the council suggesting that 50% of police calls involve blacks, despite being only 7% of the population? Someone call Al Sharpton!
This is just starting. Proportional? Of course proportionality isn't to be expected because I'm sure half of them don't understand what the word means.
It is fitting though...when we speak about 'proportionality':
- 13% of the country is trying to hold the other 87% hostage
- Madison's 7.5% percent black population will make up 50% of the oversight board
- And, 90% of our crime problem would disappear if we could solve the cultural backwater existent in the 13% of the population trying to hold us hostage.
At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record.
So they are going to have the fox guard the hen house. I don't think this is going to work out well for the city of Madison.
Pandering to the perpetually offended is a popular form of virtue signaling among the keepers of the narrative.
The reform that is most needed is mandatory one-hour classes for Madison's Black citizens, teaching them that they should not try to resist or evade arrests. Attendance for Black citizens would be mandatory but paid (perhaps $20).
Attendance for non-Black citizens would be optional and paid.
The classes would include a lecture and some practice scenarios that would demonstrate the benefits of complying with police officers and the potential consequences of resisting or evading arrests by police officers.
Such classes should significantly reduce injuries and deaths of Black citizens in future arrest situations.
The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black.
Racists gotta race.
6.8% of Madison is black according to the census website, and also 9% is Asian, so if 50% of the board is to be black, 66% (=50%*(9/6.8)) of the board should be Asian, which means that -16% of the board should be white/misc. Newmath to go with the Newspeak.
Cancer metastasizing.
What is obvious is how clownish they look and they don't even know it. Someone needs to pop the bubble they live in................
those who have experienced over-policing
"Experienced over-policing" is Newspeak for "committed a lot of crimes".
I guess they are going with the % that commits crimes rather than the make up of the population?
Even putting aside Madison's below average proportion of black citizens, that's an enormously disproportionate number of blacks. So besides explicit discrimination, it also appears to be aimed at setting up a panel with an over-representation of minority views.
Ann: Would welcome your opinion on something I just came across in the workplace. Leader in HR instructed the companies leadership as follows, "If you have 2 candidates and the white one scores a 90 in their interviews and the minority candidate scores and 85, that's practically the same, go ahead and make the offer to the minority."
I have a problem with this type of discrimination. Why interview a white person for a position you will reduce their score/likelihood of being offered the position because of the color of their skin? If we are going to discriminate then at least be upfront about it, rather than behind the scenes insidious.
Thanks for the insight into local Madison politics. From here, to me, it seems like a combination of a funhouse mirror and perhaps a look into the future for us here in redder districts in a world with a lot less federalism in play than at present.
Perhaps all it will take is a Biden win. We'll find out soon enough.
How many folks here are inclined to take that chance?
An admittedly obscure metaphor: We sit on tectonic plates that move under us just as they have for millions of years. Can you feel that movement? If you can, it appears you have located yourself in the vicinity of an earthquake. If you are on the San Andreas Fault, this is not a surprise. If you are in Oklahoma or Florida, you're ready for twisters and hurricanes, not earthquakes.
To date, the USA hasn't been earthquake prone politically for a long time, compared to lots of the rest of the world. There was another small tremor in Madison this week. Have a plan. Tectonic plates are moving and colliding, and we are small critters in its path.
So the answer to "who will watch the watchmen," is "a collective of unelected community organizations"?
Dear Ann:
This is what you get when you elect Democrats.
They created a board that funnels $50,000/yr to preferred political organizations. Board membership requires experience in violating the law. Congratulations Madison, you're woke!
Anyone who could sit through a nine hour meeting should automatically be disqualified from ever holding any position of authority or trust.
If the Madison "City Council" is the same thing as the Madison "Common Council", here are pictures of the perps.
Is our nation suddenly awash with idiots, or have all these dopes been here the whole time?
What a fucking waste of time!!.....but the women feel better, and we will return to this subject in a couple of years, and waste more time.
What’s new? The Dems have been the party of racial discrimination for centuries. The ones in California have placed a ballot measure to remove their constitution’s prohibition on discrimination.
Explicit racial discrimination is breaking out all over. San Francisco Mayor Breed says she will partially defund the police and direct the money to the Black Community. She was just speaking and I would hope some City attorney somewhere would point out to her that this redirection of money would need to hide behind a proxy like "poor people" or "convicted felons". But the Oregon Cares program to distribute virus money explicitly allocates specific amounts to Negroes. So the state lawyers are boldly violating black letter Constitutional law . . .
We have been living under a Black Supremacist system as far as all institutions are concerned for many years, and now it is moving into the open, daring people to object.
What is the percentage of crime committed by that 7.3 percent of the population?
Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality
The left sees the Constitution as a speed bump on their journey.
Today they selectively misquote it -- "right to protest", rather than "the right of the people peaceably to assemble" -- when it suits their needs, and deem it "racist" and "the writings of white slaveholders" when they can't square the circle.
Sorry your rulers have gone insane.
"Over-policed." The crime numbers aren't going away. Pretending that something else is happening is going to mean more black victims of crimes in those neighborhoods.
Black Victims Matter.
I'm all in favor of making things better. This isn't that.
Can we mandate that 50% of NBA players be white? Can they change the rules to favor the play of white athletes? They've done it for black athletes. Come on, man. Fair is fair.
It's called a money grab.
To make this board functional and effective requires that the members have some expertise or special insight into the problem(s) it is designed to fix. The race of the board members doesn't guarantee either of those qualifications. I would observe then that this board is a condescending and patronizing sop to those upset and demanding change. A virtual pat on the head.
"The black population of Madison (according to the 2010 census) is 7.3%, yet 50% of the board must be black."
Perhaps the representation was based on crime statistics rather than population.
This is good in concept and it is something long-needed in American communities in general. Then of course they had to go and screw it up with the race bullshit.
"At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record."
I guess nothing should surprise me anymore, but this really did.
"At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record."
If 50% of the board is Black, this isn't going to be a problem.
"Also approved were a final report that selects nine local organizations to nominate members"
List the house...
This is good in concept and it is something long-needed in American communities in general. Then of course they had to go and screw it up with the race bullshit.
One thing about the left: they always go too far.
It's not enough to implement a good idea. They have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until it turns into a really bad one.
It's why they cannot be trusted to govern.
Gahrie said...
"At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record."
If 50% of the board is Black, this isn't going to be a problem.
Beat me to it. Maybe they will insist the arrested member be white. You know, system racism and stuff. That could be a challenge.
What is the percentage of crime committed by that 7.3 percent of the population?
When Black people do it, it's reparations.
(Capitalization of Black in this instance intentional.)
>>"At least one member is required to have an arrest or conviction record."
All members should be required to ride along with the 4-12P shift on Friday or Saturday nights in a high crime area at least every other week.
How can you provide oversight if you have no real world experience of the work?
Reparations by any other name would smell as sweet.
If you think the $482k sounds bad. just wait until all these board members are granted life time taxpayer paid health insurance and pension benefits.
"Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?" My guess is NO.
Fernandinande said...
If the Madison "City Council" is the same thing as the Madison "Common Council", here are pictures of the perps.
Jimminy Christmas. I thought I was visiting the Island of Misfit Toys. The one dude is literally a Conehead. WTF?
It must be tough to be a cop in a blue city in a blue state.
Blacks in Madison need to wise up. $482,000 spread across a small black population would be some nice walking around money. Why waste it on "programs"?
So that's what they mean by "Systemic Racism."
Question: Suppose the member with the mandatory criminal record is killed in a car crash on the way to the meeting, but they still have a quorum. Is one of the other members of this board legally required to go out and commit a crime in order to get an arrest/conviction record before any additional meetings could be held? Could the police arrest the members of the board if they tried to hold a meeting without such a person? Would that arrest then make the board meeting legal again?
Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?
You voted for this for 40 years.
Seriously wtf.
Affirmative discrimination is incontrovertible evidence that affirmative action has failed and that diversity dogma (e.g. racism) is a progressive condition.
It makes me wonder about living here.
But I didn't know that the Equal Protection Clause was also removed.
Twilight Amendment... selective, opportunistic, politically congruent.
I would have insisted on 100% black membership with one third female one third gay and one third trans. Sort that motherfuckers.
Wait, aren't police supposed to be overseen by civilians who are ELECTED by their community to oversee police?
So instead of elected officials being responsible for both staying elected and preventing police power abuse, the solution is an unelected and unaccountable board of members heavily directed by "organizations".....cause non-governmental organizations are NEVER corrupt.
Black Victims Matter.
or its corollary: Some, Select Black Lives Matter.
Great...another government board.
This is nothing but a shakedown doling out 50% of the slots to blacks. Quota hiring at its finest.
$480k now will be $4M in ten years.
I will give race-baiters like Sharpton and Jackson credit, they're not intellectuals, but they are brilliant at manipulating the emotions of guilt in white people and profiting mightily from it.
There's a reason humble men of the cloth fly in private jets.
Country wide police officers eligible for retirement have been fleeing the job.Pretty sure not many people of any skin color or gender identity are lining up to replace them.When paid police forces become extinct thanks to attrition,I am kinda doubtful that the volunteer citizen police groups who emerge next will be much interested in the opinion of fussy Boards like this.
I hope you are making contingency plans to get the hell out of Madison.
Even if you like WI you should be thinking about leaving the city limits.
Wait too long and your house will be worth nothing as all of your faster neighbors will have sold and driven your home price into the ground.
Ask anyone from Detroit how that works...
When I was a law student 50 years ago I noted early that a major benefit of studying law was learning to think logically within the legal framework and to revere the notion that we were a government of laws.
As I read the comments of the leftmedia’s pet law professors it becomes clear why the legal profession, in general, has become so despicable. Those lessons are not available from “educators” who don’t understand the concepts.
Of course the problem we are facing is THE POLICE! I am reminded of that each time I see the hulls of burnt out buildings particularly those that house businesses that used to serve black neighborhoods. THE POLICE did that! Right?
Democrat lefties are lunatics!
How about putting black police officers on this blue-ribbon panel. You might be surprised at what you learn.
In the 80's, early in my career as an LA prosecutor, an LAPD officer told me he avoided certain calls because they usually resulted in him being assaulted. He said when called to the 1,000-plus unit Nickerson Gardens housing project on a family disturbance call, he would drive around the complex once and say he was unable to find the reporting party. The officer was black. And the person assaulting the officer was usually the reporting party, the female "friend" of the person she was complaining about.
I remember when one of these domestic violence cases came through the court, a public defender told me that the police should have a policy of issuing "time outs" rather than make an arrest.
I guess this is what the left means when they say that police presence escalates violence.
Half of the board’s members are required to be Black. Also, half of the board’s members are required to be Latynx. Also, half of the board’s members are required to be transgender.
Should make for interesting meetings.
How many Browns? Brown Lives Matter. Yellows, Reds, Chartreuses?
Orange you glad you're not Albino? How Green... green do they think people are? Will we be served with a vinaigrette? Perhaps a nice Chianti.
Who will guard us from the guardians of the guardians? Asking for a friend of one of Jacob Blake's girlfriends.
What percentage of violent crime in Madison is committed by blacks?
That will answer the question of why the Board is to be 50% black.
Racism encoded in law.
Looks like treating on race different than another. I believe to eliminate systemic racism we should treat everyone with out reference to race.
Leftist can't get the simple things right.
Madison may be the most racist city in America by the numbers. Anyone who chooses to live in the city is complicit in the racism.
This reverse racism is just further evidence
John Henry
This is what happens in Left-wing environments like Madison. Things get more extreme and more extreme, and there's very little push-back. After all, liberals don't want to be labeled as "fascists" or "Racists". So, where does it end? it'll end where the radicals want it to end. And later, if they're not happy, things will get even more crazy.
If they were serious about reform they'd have required half the board members be people who'd been killed by the cops.
Even if you like WI you should be thinking about leaving the city limits.
Wait too long and your house will be worth nothing as all of your faster neighbors will have sold and driven your home price into the ground.
Yup. My father sold our house in Chicago in 1967 for 1/3 of what he had been offered 15 years before. It was in South Shore, a beautiful neighborhood destroyed by blacks after 1960. My sister lives in Beverly, part of southwest Chicago but still in the city. I would love to see her get out, at least out of the city. Her daughter just bought a house in Palos Hills, a nice southwest suburb that is safe. The remaining real estate equity in Chicago is headed for zero.
I talked to her yesterday. She is thinking about it. I told her to call "1-800-got-junk" to clean out the basement and garage. The house is paid for but who would want to live there ? Multiple shootings 8 blocks away.
Racist local government wants local racist organization to use charges of racism to destroy police authority and empower local racist organizations and local racist government.
Geez, the Dems have been doing this shit since Reconstruction. Send in Sherman, again.
Racist local government wants local racist organization to use charges of racism to destroy police authority and empower local racist organizations and local racist government.
Geez, the Dems have been doing this shit since Reconstruction. Send in Sherman, again.
This is why it's important that the racism be systemic. Because then you can create all kinds of jobs for favored people in an attempt to solve* the problem.
*The problem will never be solved, because then those jobs will go away.
Now, I do think a police oversight board could be a really good idea. We'll see.
If half of the board's members must Black, then it is necessary to define legally exactly who is, and who is not, Black. Maybe they could devise a test.
Check out the City of Madison Police department data & information page. For the first half of 2020, blacks committed 47.8% of all crimes in Madison.
Fifty percent? Why not three-fifths?
"I think that the citizens of Madison should go further and require all citizens to be 50% black."
If this keeps up, that's where Madison is headed as white liberals like Althouse (get out while you can!) leave in droves.
Madison will be on track to become Gary, Indiana, one of the most depressing cities on earth.
Good job, progressives!
In reference to the other article about 'systematic racism'. This seems to a perfect example that 'systematic racism' is indeed going on, by the democratic party of course.
Btw, about that board, how many victims of crime will be on it?
Mark O said...
Can we mandate that 50% of NBA players be white? Can they change the rules to favor the play of white athletes?
The three point shot was done to favor White and European style basketball.
However, it has not increased the number of American born Whites. Check out NBA rosters. The majority of Whites are born overseas, particularly from the former Yugoslavia.
I wonder. Madison is a wealthy college town, with 7% Black population. Is there really much crime there? And if not, just how much "over-policing" can you have? I mean, has any Black man, armed, unarmed or otherwise, ever been shot by a Madison police officer, of whatever color? It looks to me as if the Madison City Council has decided to solve the problem even if it doesn't exist.
"Blaska’s Bottom Line: Watch Freedom Inc., Urban Triage, and Amelia Royko Maurer’s Community Response Team flood the police monitor with a thousand paper cuts — all judged by a kangaroo court of cop haters. While Downtown Madison is boarded up by violent BLM/Resistance/BernieBois anarchists and high-speed shootouts in stolen cars roil the streets."
"For the first half of 2020, blacks committed 47.8% of all crimes in Madison."
Oh, so they already have a test. Or maybe just a list.
"... and high-speed shootouts in stolen cars roil the streets."
Hmmmm, maybe I have the wrong idea about Madison. Sounds vibrant!
"Some said a few of organizations selected to make nominations, including local activist group Freedom, Inc. were too critical of police."
Yesterday, Freedom, Inc., Urban Triage Inc., and the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) united for an action to demand an end to racist police terror. We gathered thousands of community members to stand in solidarity with Minnesota and demand justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Tony Robinson, and all slain Black people throughout the African diaspora. We demanded, and will continue to demand: defund the police, reparations for all Black people, release all incarcerated Black people from jail, get cops out of schools, and community control over the police.
Five years ago, when we protested for Tony Robinson, these same acts were not considered peaceful. We marched, we chanted, and we stood on the Capitol steps. We chained ourselves to the doors of the jail, in demonstration of our rage, of our hurt, and our pain. We were called thugs and violent antagonizers– leading to the arrest of several Black leaders and demonstrators. Now, the antiblack media, elected officials, and some community leaders are using the events of last night to divide our community; to criminalize Black youth while holding us as the example of a “peaceful” protest. This is indicative of the insidious nature of white supremacist patriarchal capitalism; changing the narrative as a matter of convenience to separate, divide and conquer while avoiding accountability for the violence bestowed upon Black bodies at the hands of the State. Please recognize that this is one of the many ways white supremacist patriarchal capitalism is perpetuated by progressive liberal cities like Madison, WI.
Do not use the names of Freedom, Inc., Urban Triage Inc., and the Party for Socialism and Liberation in vain. Do not use us to perpetuate white liberal agendas and narratives around peace. Peace comes when we end poverty and capitalism. Peace comes when we end violence of ALL forms against Black women, girls, boys, men, and LGBTQ+ folx. Peace comes when our children can be academically fulfilled. Peace comes when cops are out of schools. Peace comes when the jails are empty. Peace comes when we get justice for Tony Robinson, Genele Laird, George Floyd, and countless others around the world who have suffered at the hands of the police. Peace comes when you take your knees off of our necks. Peace comes when Black voices, lives, pain, and trauma are the center of all policies and discourse. Peace comes when white supremacist patriarchal capitalism is no more.
We echo the powerful words of Assata Shakur: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” Our organizations will not denounce any Black person’s display of grief and/or rage. All actions against racist state violence are justified and we will not minimize these contributions to liberation. Please lend support by donating to the Free the 350 Bail Fund to provide support to Black folks who have been arrested https://bit.ly/3dnn6uY. Please also sign the Movement for Black Lives Petition https://m4bl.org and follow our organizations on social media for updates on actions and events.
Love and Power,
Freedom, Inc.
Urban Triage Inc.
Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL
Here's some Portland action for the Board to review;
Black people make up 6.8% of Madison’s population, according to Census data, while 8.6% of the Madison Police Department’s officers, or 44, are Black, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. In Wisconsin generally (couldn't find Madison-specific data), the population is 6.7% black, according to the Census Bureau (as of 2019). Blacks made up 45% of arrests for murder in 2019, 27% of rape arrests, 67% of robbery arrests, 42% of aggravated assault arrests, 29% of burglary arrests, 30% of theft arrests, 26% of vandalism arrests, 22% of disorderly conduct arrests, 34% of simple assault arrests, 45% of weapons arrests, 11% of DUI arrests, 32% of marijuana sales arrests, and 26% of marijuana possession arrests, all according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
Of all of these categories, the two categories in which blacks comprise the lowest percentage of arrests are DUI and disorderly conduct. The latter of these strikes me as the charge that has the most police discretion to arrest or not arrest, and I would argue, particularly given the relatively high number of police interactions,this suggests that the police are not behaving in a systematically racist way. This does not, of course, necessarily suggest that systematic racism doesn't exist, only that it does not exist within the police department.
The analysis might change if, for example, there were a substantial number of these crimes for which no one was arrested, which might imply that police are choosing not to arrest whites for crimes that they arrest blacks for, but I have not seen any suggestion regarding this issue one way or the other - any Wisconsinites have any thoughts on this? Another thing that would influence the analysis would be the percentages of people who were arrested for multiple crimes. For example, 81 arrests for murder in Wisconsin in 2019 involved a black person. I am uncertain whether that means that 81 different black people were arrested for murder, or whether those 81 arrests could involve a single individual being arrested multiple times for murder (or for other of the reported crimes). If someone was arrested for a robbery that resulted in the shooting of the store clerk, that would probably constitute two arrests, but for a single individual.
Wow, a nice, new featherbedding operation. Watch as the council grows year after year. By 2030 it will have 500 employees with a budget in the 10s of millions, all of them doing absolutely nothing.
Multiple shootings 8 blocks away.
Closer than that. See the recent mass shooting at the eatery in Morgan Park, on Western Ave.
>>Send in Sherman, again.
I think he's dead.
Fifty percent? Why not three-fifths?
No, 50% or 1/2 as in, say, "African-American", is forward-looking policy. That said, stop discrimination of Fetal-Americans. #BabyLivesMatter
Jupiter said...
If half of the board's members must Black, then it is necessary to define legally exactly who is, and who is not, Black. Maybe they could devise a test.
How liberals wrap their minds around "Race isn't real" and "Blacks must be properly represented" is a mystery.
Because if race isn't real, which I've seen many times on this blog, how can you determine who's black? Do we give everyone a Ringelmann scale to compare skin color?
Roughcoat said...
Multiple shootings 8 blocks away.
Closer than that. See the recent mass shooting at the eatery in Morgan Park, on Western Ave.
That's the one. You're right though. I think it was 111th and that is 4.
Gospace: given the established precedents of Rachel Dolezal and Sean King (aka Talcum X) is this really a problem? I say just have 50% of the population of Wisconsin declare that they identify as Black...problem solved. They obviously don't have to LOOK Black (just as all those Trans females in womens' sports are not required to have any surgery or undergo any significant hormonal therapies that would radically alter their, erm, attributes, and if the one-drop rule applies probably most US citizens who didn't arrive last week from Finland could muster up SOME kind of supporting DNA argument (cf. Warren, Elizabeth) however dubious. It is, after all, what the Left has been arguing for all this time, isn't it?
What's amazing is that Wisconsin has a higher percentage of black people than the state of California.
"Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?
Umm, no, and yes. Next question.
The Constitution is over 100 years old, and asking these questions is itself a microaggression.
Gospace: "Because if race isn't real, which I've seen many times on this blog, how can you determine who's black?"
Progs determine how race is real. This is the thing about American progs: they aim to control reality itself.
@Oso Negro,
"I think that the citizens of Madison should go further and require all citizens to be 50% black."
The Left had already told us that men who self-identify as women can enter female track meets and female weight lifting competitions, so why can't a few white hipsters self-identify as black?
6.8% of Madison is black according to the census website, and also 9% is Asian
The obvious solution is for white cops to start shooting Asians.
>>Wait too long and your house will be worth nothing as all of your faster neighbors will have sold and driven your home price into the ground.
In 1974, I think it was, my parents essentially gave away the house they had owned in West Englewood for twenty-five years (probably ditto for my aunts and uncles who lived less than a mile away) and moved to a trailer park, where my mother lived for the next thirty-five years (my father died less than fifteen years in). Never understood the issues, but it supposedly had something to do with federally-insured mortgage requirements.
Apart from Hyde Park/Kenwood and maybe Bridgeport, Beverly has perhaps the best chance of surviving on the South Side but, with the whole city going down the tubes, who knows what will be left? At least a few of my relatives have decamped to northwest Indiana. It would be difficult to dynamite my sisters and some of my nieces outside of Illinois, but who knows? Never thought I would say this, but it's good that at least nobody is still in the city itself.
>>Maybe they could devise a test.
I think we've got a historical precedent: one drop.
>>See the recent mass shooting at the eatery in Morgan Park, on Western Ave.
Holy crap! Without checking a map, I would have guessed that was Evergreen Park, not even in the city. Not that it makes any difference. I hope not to jinx things again, but it's been very quiet in my current locale.
Yesterday, Freedom, Inc., Urban Triage Inc., and the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) united for an action to demand an end to racist police terror. We gathered thousands of community members to stand in solidarity with Minnesota and demand justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Tony Robinson, and all slain Black people throughout the African diaspora. We demanded, and will continue to demand: defund the police, reparations for all Black people, release all incarcerated Black people from jail, get cops out of schools, and community control over the police.
This is satirical. This is like Hans Gruber in Die Hard demanding the release of the Asian Dawn. It is not to be taken seriously. The real question is what vault are they cracking and what to do with the bearer bonds. Yippie-ki-yay!
“Did anyone agonize or tremble even slightly over the constitutionality of the explicit race discrimination or would any acknowledgment of this problem be a politically unacceptable display of white privilege?“
I doubt it.
Here's an article that speaks to who is committing the crime in Madison. "A black person in Madison is over 10 times more likely than a white person to be arrested, according to data analyzed by the State Journal that showed African-Americans — who make up about 7 percent of the city’s population — account for 45 percent of arrests." https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime-and-courts/analysis-blacks-in-madison-arrested-at-more-than-10-times-rate-of-whites/article_fd52f630-9647-5541-8114-a2541b8a8924.html
Here's an article that speaks to who is committing the crime in Madison. "A black person in Madison is over 10 times more likely than a white person to be arrested, according to data analyzed by the State Journal that showed African-Americans — who make up about 7 percent of the city’s population — account for 45 percent of arrests." https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime-and-courts/analysis-blacks-in-madison-arrested-at-more-than-10-times-rate-of-whites/article_fd52f630-9647-5541-8114-a2541b8a8924.html
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