“Every route of viral transmission would go down if we talked less, or talked less loudly, in public spaces,” Jose L. Jimenez, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who studies disease transmission, told me. “This is just a very clear fact. It’s not controversial.”...Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly — perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face." I don't know who makes these coffeehouse confrontation videos. Is it the rebel or a bystander who thinks the rebel is an asshole? Who knows? Obviously, the trouble with telling people to pipe down is that we think it's a free country and we've got to speak our mind and you're just giving us one more thing we want to talk about or yell and scream about. But you don't need rules that say "no talking" — like a stereotypical school marm. That's the sort of thing that incites rebellion and suspicion that the government is trying to repress us. Just use education and social pressure.
When you breathe or whisper, your respiratory system doesn’t emit large droplets. Jimenez told me that, compared with yelling, quiet talking reduces aerosols by a factor of five; being completely silent reduces them by a factor of about 50. That means talking quietly, rather than yelling, reduces the risk of viral transmission by a degree comparable to properly wearing a mask.
“The truth is that if everybody stopped talking for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off,” Jimenez said.... “In terms of the science, I am convinced that something like [a] library rule [in all public, enclosed spaces] would reduce all modes of viral transmission,” Jimenez told me....
But it can be hard to exercise social pressure on others to lower their voice. I'm thinking there could be a hand gesture — 2 outstretched hands, palms down, moved gently up and down — to signal to others that we can talk much more quietly. But some people will find that aggravating. You couldn't use it in a protest. And then another problem is that many people are hard of hearing. They'll have to use the hand-cupped-around-the-ear gesture to send the message that their disability overrides the general covid-mitigation quieting.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
“The truth is that if everybody stopped talking for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off,"
Oh I hate this because Gretchen Whitmer will read this as a real thing to try to make happen. Like when she used to say if we all just didn't go near other people for 6 weeks the pandemic would die off. So she made it illegal to buy seeds and paint.
Note to "scientists". This isn't going to happen. Don't fantasize about it.
"A smart person knows how to talk. A wise person knows when engage in spittle-flecked rants."
COVID-19 transmission would go down if we spoke less, or less loudly, in public spaces. Why aren’t more people saying so?
Fox Butterfield, line 1...
Two weeks to flatten the curve!
Look, Sweden did next to nothing. Next to nothing and now they're down to almost zero deaths per day.
Lemme repeat. They did next to nothing. No masks. No cancelled school. No closed business.
New York closed down though. So did New Jersey.
How'd that work out for them?
Asking people to talk less loudly is racist
"In terms of the science, I am convinced that something like [a] library rule [in all public, enclosed spaces] would reduce all modes of viral transmission,” Jimenez told me.
A corollary of the Sister Mary Elephant Rule.
Does this give Biden an out for participating in debates? He can take a 3-month "vow of silence."
How long before we're told that it's okay if you're saying the right things?
"If you have to shout to prove your point, you probably should use a megaphone."
"YELLING intensifies your message. Speak loudly so your children will know you're serious this time, goddammit."
"We can change the world by shouting, but our words can have more meaning if we shout them over and over again in unison."
Thanks for all the whiz dumb, goodreads!
Then stop asking me questions.
Seriously. I went to the dentist for the first time. Routine clean. I like the gal who does it she is very professional, and I like my dentist and I drive 45 minute out of my way to see them because they are really great - but she asks too many questions.
Damn humans. Breathing, and talking, and walking...and stuff. Why can't you all just do as we say?
I see he's worried about Conservative men, known rebels, who might be inclined to rebel even more by shouting into a barista's face.
Yep- he's got us pegged. It is us Conservatives who hang around Starbucks, demanding our vanilla soy half-caff lattes are just so. I wonder if he's worried at all about the shouting BLM/Antifa crowd who seem to either be shouting into the air at will or shouting into a bullhorn to lead the sheep in their dutiful denouncement of everything.
Clint @ 11:23 - No long.
Speech Crime, mind crime, and secret tapes.
We will be forced to vote democratic. If not, they keep counting.
First: Agree that if this is your solution, you have no solution because it's not going to happen.
Second: Seriously, like it's not hard enough for the middle-aged (raises hand) to make out mask mumble in the first place?
This is all just magical thinking
Why not tell sick/vulnerable people to stay home?
If sick and you absolutely have to leave home, then wear a mask
But the healthy people should be able to get on with life
Instead everyone is forced to act as if they are sick.
The clown show continues. Absurdity piled on absurdity even though there's nothing wrong with everyone keeping their mouths shut. Note how it's conservative men who will object and protest. Who knew they were such rebels! Yet I do see all the manboys and mangirls in Manhattan dutifully donning their masks while guarding the city from bicycles and sidewalk cafes.
Conservative men may not like masks, but they're not the ones I see on video yelling at people. It's mostly young women.
Why aren’t more people saying we should speak less - that’s funny.
It’s going away now no matter what we do. Follow the science h8ters!
I would encourage this. Years ago I read about Europeans and their "1 meter voice". Living in close quarters has taught them to be respectful of others around them and keep their voices down. Very unamerican (all North and South) but I think we would all be happier. Think of those yelling Antifa types. Would you like them to be calm and quieter? Hard to hear shouting, ironically.
EXTREMELY low likelihood of transmission if you are asymptomatic. So masks for the average person really only matter if you are ill and symptomatic.
It seems like would be very hard to use a 'talk very softly' strategy, a 'wear a mask strategy' and a 'keep your distance' strategy, all at the same time.
Surely the writer here knows this. Maybe the point of the column is to insult 'conservatives' for their speculative infractions of this speculative rule?
Question: does talking loudly with masks cause higher transmission than talking quietly without? IOW, might calm talking, with clear enunciation and some lip reading, actually help more than masks?
Question 2: why should people who run no significant personal risks stop talking?
“Every route of viral transmission would go down if we talked less, or talked less loudly, in public spaces,” Jose L. Jimenez, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who studies disease transmission, told me.
Did he bother to say what the current "level" of viral infection is for those talking in public spaces? What about the resulting mortality rate?
You know you can reduce traffic fatalities to zero if the speed limit country wide was set to zero.
Both of these are true but at what "price". Is this "if it saves just one life"?
"something like [a] library rule [in all public, enclosed spaces] would reduce all modes of viral transmission"
With an exception for loud talk about social justice, I assume.
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly — perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face."
Is this a trend? I sure as Hell haven't seen it at my local Starbucks.
But then I, like most of the conservative men I know, rarely feel the need to go to Starbucks. So maybe I'm missing something?
Lockdowns and other strategies have failed.
Excerpts from the WSJ article which is behind a paywall.
Where are the Winnie Xi Flu idiots now?
You know, I have been aware of this for months. It almost makes me laugh when I go into a grocery store, and the checker is all anal about everyone keeping six feet apart, and then when I finally get to the payment station, it's "How are you today? Did you find everything you were looking for? Could you please breathe hard in my face while you answer these pointless and inane questions?"
I just mutter inaudibly through my mask.
So, I'm assuming this would apply to protesters screaming directly in peoples faces, chanting & singing songs through neighborhoods, and gathering in huge groups to bellow out their demands? Or are they, as has been assumed, immune to COVID? I guess the "no talking" rule is being offered as a way to save the less magically holy amongst us.
Is this parody? I thought you didn't care for the Babylon Bee.
The CDClet the cat out of the bag when it declared that only6% of fatalities occurred without serious underlying conditions. This is a bullshit virus. There will never be a vaccine that everyone trusts. There will never be enough tests to satisfy the experts. No doctor will ever declare an all clear. Every single model has been wrong. We have gone from wash your hands and don’t touch your face (when was the last time you heard or read that?) to don’t talk in public.
Swedes are naturally self-isolating, eric. But yes. Link
My question: What does a similar plot look like for people who are maybe up to 25% Swedish who are in the USA?
“The truth is that if everybody stopped talking for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off,”
There is no evidence to support this assertion. Viral evolution follows the same path in different geographical and social spaces in spite of mitigation strategies, other than quarantine of people at risk. It depends on the transmission modes, which are not fully understood, and vary based on the state of the individual, environment, etc. That said, despite mitigation strategies, and because of exposure of at risk individuals (e.g. nursing homes), the virus evolved on the same schedule in disparate jurisdictions and the disease reached its peak before passage of restrictive mandates.
Currently, there is not enough evidence for or against the use of masks (medical or other) in healthy individuals in the wider community. However, WHO is actively studying the rapidly evolving science on masks and continuously updates its guidance. ...
Some reports have indicated that people with no symptoms can transmit the virus. It is not yet known how often it happens. WHO is assessing ongoing research on the topic and will continue to share updated findings.
Q&As on COVID-19 and related health topics
When and how to use masks
Don't forget your goggles.
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly... [Thompson] like a stereotypical school marm.
Principles or it's diversity dogma.
The loudest voice in the room has the authority until a peacemaker possessed person appears. So if Fake Science Guys want Americans to shut up, than remove the restraints on open carry firearms. Everybody will Then talk softly and carry a big 357magnum or a Springfield Colt M1912, like Dirty Harry used.
A corollary of the Sister Mary Elephant Rule.
It's not science if it hasn't been studied or tested. It doesn't matter that this mischaracterized speculation is attributed to an epidemiologist.* Still not science.
*(played by Bill Dana)
How long before we're told that it's okay if you're saying the right things?
An idea conceived nearly a century ago, birthed some time in the middle of last century, with rapid, viral progression ever since.
What America needs is men who can sneeze like men. When you feel one coming on, take as deep a breath as you can while vocalizing as much as possible. Next explode the sneeze as loud as your lungs will allow while yelling "CHEW!"
Just don't do it around your wife. I learned in my first year of marriage, she does not like uncovered, non-suppressed sneezes. Keep the real explosions for Biden voters.
I wrote here, I think, in March, that the Karens would end up advocating for butt plugs and ball gags to fight COVID. I was, of course, joking.
Infectious SARS-CoV-2 in Feces of Patient with Severe COVID-19
People must be prone to yelling in places like NYC, nursing homes, and medical facilities, or the transmission modes are not fully characterized, variable and evolving (e.g. context-sensitive).
More cover for a Biden no-show at the debate.
Hand gestures instead of talking?
I got some hand gestures for you.
If everyone stopped breathing we could have the pandemic under control in five minutes.
I already moderate my voice volume levels. For instance, I have a tendency to sing a little when I'm in certain public situations (alone in an elevator or stairwell for instance). I've stopped that completely. I think people wouldn't overall hate the idea of being urged to not talk loudly and excessively so it's a good public health message. One huge problem, that I don't think we could ameliorate, is that I often can barely hear or understand people wearing masks.
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly
I'm not saying that won't happen, but come on. Look at the numbers. You know what communities are getting slammed the hardest by coronavirus. It's not "conservative men." It's Blacks. And I know it sounds like victim blaming, but you can kind of infer that if there's any subgroup of Americans who have been disregarding safety precautions, it's probably the subgroup that's getting hit hardest.
I understand why writers don't want to talk about the elephant in the room here -- aside from heightened BLM sensitivities, from a public health perspective you legitimately don't want to alienate the people you need to trust your advice, and Blacks particularly need that advice given the disproportionate toll coronavirus is taking (if only our public health institutions took persuasion and credibility seriously all the time!). But it's tiresome hearing this constant refrain about conservatives or Trumpists, when from start to present, liberal cities, liberal states, and liberal subgroups have been the ones suffering hardest from and most at risk to spread the virus. Maybe in the future the worm will turn, but at the moment the overall numbers just don't support this constant, dumb attempt to blame conservatives for the virus erupting in liberal and Black communities.
I think it has something to do with hearing tones but it has always seemed to me that people who speak Chinese talk very loudly. So if loud talking is one of the main pathways of viral transmission, why wasn't China hit much harder than it apparently was?
These people don't know Cubans.
"Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly "
All the loud talkers in my life are women. Just an observation.
and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly — perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face."
The guy that believed it appropriate to cough hard on me and call me a fucker as I was walking in Boston seemed to think it was a good idea. I failed to catch his political affiliation but I reckon an educated guess...
I speak quietly. No one can hear me.
Measuring from the start of the year to each state’s point of maximum lockdown—which range from April 5 to April 18—it turns out that lockdowns correlated with a greater spread of the virus. States with longer, stricter lockdowns also had larger Covid outbreaks. The five places with the harshest lockdowns—the District of Columbia, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts—had the heaviest caseloads.
It could be that strict lockdowns were imposed as a response to already severe outbreaks. But the surprising negative correlation, while statistically weak, persists even when excluding states with the heaviest caseloads. And it makes no difference if the analysis includes other potential explanatory factors such as population density, age, ethnicity, prevalence of nursing homes, general health or temperature. The only factor that seems to make a demonstrable difference is the intensity of mass-transit use.
-WSJ editorial
Zen Master: For the next 5 minutes, observe complete silence.
1st Student: Yes, Master, I will obey you in this as in all things!
2nd Student: You idiot, you are already disobeying!
3rd Student smugly:*I* am the only one who knows how to follow instructions!
"perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face.""
Like this guy. (Okay, he may look like a black BLM supporter, but I'm sure he's a conservative white guy in disguise.)
Lock down in homes, wear masks, don't travel, don't go to church, now don't talk. But otherwise we are caring, and liberal.
I don't have to worry, I get my coffee from Mickey D's.
I don't have to worry, I get my coffee from Mickey D's.
Local TV news pulled a Karen on a bar in Sea Isle, NJ. It had video of the bar customers not social distancing and a reporter ran down there [75 mile drive] to interview the owner. The reporter's microphone was on an extension so he could keep some distance from his interviewee. But they both spoke into the same mike so didn't that defeat the purpose of the extension? If I was the bar owner I would have pointed that out to the reporter while I shoved it down his throat.
As someone who speaks very loudly (even when aided by a microphone, which, in my 39 years as a standup comic has only not happened three times), I find this kind of talk worrisome.
The left has never liked standup comedy, for the most part. They talk a good game about how it's subversive and sexy and has the power to topple the powerful. But only if they agree with the comic.
In the '80s, they hated Sam Kinison and Bob Goldthwaite. They called them, and others like them, "screamer comics" and they also called them mysoginistic and hate-filled. One scholarly book sought-- without evidence-- to connect these comics to violence and murder.
They think they finally got us now. Stop talking loudly in enclosed public spaces? You mean, like comedy clubs? What about plays? Are we only to produce plays that feature characters that speak softly? There goes pretty much everything by Mamet. How about singing? No more rock 'n' roll, only soft, squishy ballads. I went to see Chicago in concert, here in Vegas on March 13. Packed house at the Venetian. Horns blowing droplets all over the front six rows. Haven't heard yet that the Chicago Fan Club (which made up a good chunk of the crowd) has disbanded due to mass deaths.
You only have "suspicion" that the government is trying to repress us? I have gone beyond that. My livelihood is disappearing before my eyes. Rebellion might be the only answer.
This is insanity.
I have to talk louder because I have to stand so far away from people, and be outside where the traffic drowns out my quiet voice.
The "library rule "?
We're all supposed to watch porn and publicly masturbate like the homeless?
That's now a rule?
As a conservative I do object to this new rule.
The current science and stats:
- Cases are declining
- Hospitalizations have dropped >35% in the last month
- Deaths attributed to Covid declined dramatically and now seem to have leveled off
- CDC says 90% of positives are in people with so little virus they are not a threat to be ill nor infect others
- Just 6% of Covid attributed deaths are in patients with only Covid, no other illnesses
- Children do not become ill from the virus and do not spread it in numbers
Yet it's now time to increase the lockdowns and mandatory masks by restricting and preventing speaking in public. As for those boogeymen, the "Conservative Men that Refuse to Wear a Mask", can we just shoot 'em?
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly — perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face."
Funny but in the past 10 years the only people who have gotten in my face and yelled have been 30-something Obama voters. Men, yes, but not conservative men. Trump haters and supporters of Mayor Pete, if I’m not mistaken.
Interesting they choose yelling as the example. Laughing spreads droplets, too. I guess the Left doesn't see a lot of cheer.
I'm thinking there could be a hand gesture — 2 outstretched hands, palms down, moved gently up and down — to signal to others that we can talk much more quietly.
How about one upraised finger?
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule" — and this might lead them to talk even more and more loudly — perhaps "filming videos of themselves purposefully yelling into a barista’s face."
Well, I guess we know who he is voting for.
Here is one of those conservative men spreading the virus.
I would call and ask them if they are also scrupulously masking these days but I wouldn’t want to risk triggering them.
Thompson observes that "some Americans—mostly conservative men" rebel against masks, and these people might get outraged by a "library rule"
Conservative men? Try black women.
I look forward to legions of Karens gesturing wildly at them.
I had a drill sergeant once who insisted a person only needed to use one square of tissue from a toilet paper roll.
So a BLM riot where looters only whisper? Sounds ominous.
Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...
The left has never liked standup comedy, for the most part.
Joe Rogan is in trouble if Biden wins. His speech is something they covet. Comedians are thought leaders. Even if they are super woke their bits are not correct unless a woke committee has approved them.
I believe Rogan already has had a comedian on who was woke censored on a college campus. Rogan's going to have to come out for Trump if he wants to survive. He's not immune by being rich or in Texas.
I think the epidemic would soon be over if we shoot all the epidemiologists and gag all the politicians.
I'm actually in favor of this approach. Unfortunately, the people who really need to shut up for two months won't.
Covid is OVAH. Here is the cdc site that has been tracking all deaths in the US and now additional deaths as related to covid. It pretty much ended as someone had predicted on the 25th of August.
Guess this is the whackadoo thinking behind keeping people from singing in church. Especially those conservatives.
@Limited Perspective: That's my husband. He sneezes hard enough to lift himself off the chair. It's been 20 years of marriage and it's not gonna change. I've learned to pick my battles.
Jose L. Jimenez
He was an astronaut back in 1968
The truth is that if everyone would say the rosary every day the pandemic would probably disappear.
Science is gone, it's all sacraments now.
The truth is if everybody stopped breathing for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off.
Of course, so would we.
Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, and it's been that way with COVID-19 for some time now.
Oso Negro,
You had me at shooting.
You lost me at only gagging.
Let's be more consistent.
COVID-19 transmission would be reduced if we were all just dead. These days seems not such a bad prospect.
Haven't got the heart to read through all the comments. Has it been observed yet that a mask tends to muffle and make indistinct one's words so that one cannot help but speak louder?
Old prog taunt: "Learn to code".
New prog taunt" "Learn to Sign."
Don’t say the m-word, it frightens the children.
Ross had a quite down hand signal.
How does screaming “get down on your knees” impact COVID?
Oddly, excess deaths per the link above are still above well above normal, which stands to reason since 957 people reportedly died of COVID yesterday.
biden's mouthpiece saying you have to stand 12-15 feet away, lol
" I'm thinking there could be a hand gesture — 2 outstretched hands, palms down, moved gently up and down..."
@Althouse: Ross gesturing to lower the noise
I am Laslo.
The people that speak most, and most loudly, are all the Liberals and Progressives, especially the Karens. So I'm going to chime in with two thumbs up on this one.
"Every route of viral transmission would go down if we talked less, or talked less loudly..."
Aha, that explains all the bullhorns used by the rioters. It's that they care so much about not infecting the people they are shouting at from 6 inches away.
Has it been observed yet that a mask tends to muffle and make indistinct one's words so that one cannot help but speak louder?
Yes, it has, especially when around people who have hearing impairments. There are other problems with masks in general use, which raise infection and other risk.
Rational use of personal protective equipment for
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations
during severe shortages
In addition, cotton cloth masks are not fluid-resistant and thus may
retain moisture, become contaminated, and act as a potential source of infection.
The evidence that masks in general use are effective barriers is intuitive and social (as in political). Not only does PPE effectiveness and safety vary by transmission mode but also in context. People should be careful to avoid causing or incurring personal harm in a known viral environment.
Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.
- Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
The transmission mode matters. Wear a mask when symptomatic.
Infectious SARS-CoV-2 in Feces of Patient with Severe COVID-19
This would explain why physical distancing has limited effect. Wash your hands with soap (the virus is fat soluble) and water.
Does WHO recommend wearing medical masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
Currently, there is not enough evidence for or against the use of masks (medical or other) in healthy individuals in the wider community.
Thompson clearly has not walked through a black or brown neighborhood since corona started if he thinks "conservative men" are the main rebels against masking.
Thompson clearly has not walked through a black or brown neighborhood since corona started if he thinks "conservative men" are the main rebels against masking.
"...there is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible, and wrong," said H.L. Mencken.
The lock-down was wrong. Mask-up and shut-up is wrong. Testing, at least the way it's being done, is wrong.
“The truth is that if everybody stopped talking for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off,” Jimenez said....
Maybe. Maybe not. But people might learn to enjoy the quiet. And a lot of "entertainment" might go out of business.
tim in vermont said...
Oddly, excess deaths per the link above are still above well above normal, which stands to reason since 957 people reportedly died of COVID yesterday.
I hope you are aware of a difference between people who died OF COVID and people who died WITH COVID.
The economic incentive is to make COVID the cause of death when it was only present.
The political incentive to increase COVID deaths is obvious. A few years from now, we will be SHOCKED, SHOCKED I SAY to find out that we were severely manipulated by COVID hysteria put forth by the Democrat Media.
Imagine being tim in vermont and not being able to address anything but the strawmen of his own creation.
That must be awful.
Would you care to address the arguments that have been presented?
At this point, you're not even disagreeing.
You're braying.
Herd immunity is the historical solution to respiratory disease
All these creative, expensive ones
are political posturing
The best way to drastically reduce both cases and deaths from Covid would be to simply count them accurately. Only use accurate testing, and only count deaths due to Covid. That would make the epidemic into not an epidemic.
The tests are up to 90% false positives, and the deaths are as low as 6% of current figures. We already have the solution, and it's called truth.
In retirement now, I work in a small retail store. I am constantly asking customers (all masked, that's the RULE) to speak up as I cannot hear them clearly. I always frame it as my problem, saying, "I'm sorry, I can't hear you." Speak in Library voice. NFW.
There was a story yesterday about a woman who was harassed because she did not have a mask OVER THE HOLE IN HER THROAT. My departed Irish mother, who had a laryngectomy after developing throat cancer (smoked for 40 years), used a stoma (instead of the electronic device) and once attended one of those 12 Step meetings and stood in front of 125 people and gave me my 10-year medallion. She also sang at my third and final wedding reception. If she would alive today, and someone gave her a ration for not having a mask over her breathing device/hole, she would have definitely told them to go fuck themselves.
Its a made up crisis ... The covid . So yeah, acting normal is, well, normal.
Fear kills.
"Has it been observed yet that a mask tends to muffle and make indistinct one's words so that one cannot help but speak louder?"
I am a 60-year mumbler. Since the masking began, literally nobody has expressed any trouble understanding what I just said. I can only conclude that I've been comparatively yelling because of the mask.
Reminds me of:
"Japan lifted its state of emergency at the end of last month, prompting East and West Japan Theme Park Associations, which is made up of 30 major amusement parks including Tokyo Disneyland, DisneySea and Universal Studios Japan, to change its health and safety guidelines.
Many of these guidelines are fairly stock-standard, like increased sanitising measures and body temperature tests as well as wearing face masks and social distancing, but according to CNN, the association is also asking visitors riding outdoors attractions, including rollercoasters, to wear masks and refrain from shouting and screaming.
We’re not 100 per cent sure how that would work, considering most of the screaming people do on those rides are involuntary.
The guidelines also note that some of the restrictions may prove difficult for employees, predicting masks may compromise customer service.
“As a new style of customer service, even when you’re wearing a mask, you can use a combination of smiley eyes, hand gestures, etc., to communicate with visitors,” one of the suggestions notes."
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