Yesterday, I received a single 3/8x16 zinc plated hex nut from Lowe's in the mail. Merchandise total $0.13.
I noticed that the packing slip included the comment "Total Savings: $5.99". It seems that someone has found a flaw in the program, and they're nickel, and dime-ing Lowes.
I'm receiving stuff I never ordered, and I'm saving $6 dollars??? It's a good thing Obama never figured this out.
It turns out Lowe's doesn't do customer service. They provide phone numbers for every contingency, but wait queues are cheaper.
Trump mini-stroke - counter attack for Biden's senility Atlantic Story - Trash Trump with Veterans/Military who favor Trump 60-40. Woodward story - attack Trump on CV-19 now that things are getting better.
All of these Anonymous based NYT/Wapo/MSM attacks coordinated with Biden, who often ran campaign ads incorporating these "fake news" stories. Its just going to keep on coming too. Look for another to drop just before the 1st Debate, so Chris wallace can make some anti-trump "news" story his lead question.
Rachel Dolezal's sister had been studying for a PhD in "mass communications" at UW-Madison as an undercover "black."
And now she's not.
Oh the tradegy. The world needs - desperately - more holders of PhDs in mass communication. Just like it needs more PhD holders in gay studies and black studies.
Ken B: "TDS is a real thing. Birkel has it: Truman Derangement Syndrome."
This is another of your completely inexplicable dumb remarks. Similar to your remarks about how Trump supporters hated Reagan and Thatcher. Amazing.
Ken B: "People very seriously undervalue the international leadership we had immediately post-war and through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations."
Well duh. Since we were the only surviving industrial economy in the world with the most powerful military the world had ever seen with forces spread out across the globe. So, yeah. I guess that "helped" us with that whole "international leadership" thing.
Interesting: Your original post about Biden's lie ("Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie") appears to be blocked by Google. I get this message:
Your current account ( does not have access to view this page. Click here to logout and change accounts.
It's blocked for the several different gmail accounts I tried. Here's the link:
Althouse, a fun topic to consider: The Atlantic Magazine has officially called for the end of Nobel Peace Prize....on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week.
This means that the Atlantic knows that critical mass of peace negotiation success has been achieved by Trump and that if the Nobel committee does not award it to Trump after the last month of massive, game changing success, then what little credibility it has left will be destroyed, along with all the other institutional Ships of State that have destroyed themselves on the Trump Success Shoals.
My prediction: The Nobel Committee will announce that it simply cannot identify qualified candidates for the peace prize this year and will defer to next years selection process in the hope that Biden will be elected President and they can give the prize for Trump's successes to Biden as a going away present in stepping aside for Kamala.....who will also receive a Peace Prize.
My remote usually starts stopping on baseball at this time of year, now I am not even sure that they are playing, and I just read that the NFL played a game last night. Who knew? Who cared? I used to love PGA golf on a Sunday afternoon. The first time I tuned in since the pandemic, there was some wokescold player’s wife lecturing me. I haven’t clicked it on again since. I am enjoying reading, as there is an infinite, in any practical sense anyway, supply of good books, and even the bad ones can be interesting.
Why don't union teachers want to get back to work, besides still getting paid?
Because the "Red for Ed" teachers unions are like the armored divisions of the Democrats. Some DNCs have reported that 25% of the delegates are teachers union members. Not to mention their monetary contributions. Yay! Let's pay them more.
Since many of them are planning "to wait until after election to open," best bet is that they will be deployed in platoons going to door-to-door, harvesting ballots.
Trump's success in the middle east is explained, as I have never seen it in this article by Lifson
The bad mistake of the climate change activists to ignore nuclear power is in this article
I know you think I'm just bringing Instapundit links to bear. But is it impossible to imagine a series of Trump ads that make these points. And aren't they really quite effective points?
Ken B. is either ignorant of the level of corruption in the Truman administration, or has a high tolerance for official corruption. Truman himself seems to have been honest, key members of his administration, not so much.
"People very seriously undervalue the international leadership we had immediately post-war and through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations."
Who else was left standing? WWII Translates into World War 2. Means, the rest of the world was left in rubble. Except the United States
What President Trump has understood, and is fighting to change, is that WWII agreement where by the United States deferred on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense. Those were agreements from 70 years ago. The circumstances are no longer war recovery footing. The United, the people of the United States must pay to support the EU and others in all things. President Trump says "no more." That's the battle the President is fighting in our name
"My general sense is that.....the NFL died with Kaepernick."
My theory is that the NFL wants to switch to soccer to eliminate the brain injury issue and market themselves worldwide. Before they make the move, they have to destroy demand for American football so a new league doesn't step up.
I was close to giving up, when the Prof laid down a short burst of comments. (Do you really think Rush and Insty [swoon] read this stuff? Maybe I better put a better photo up!)
In light of the anniversary, and not having seen a book-a-thon Friday recently, I'll throw out a few titles.
Frank Lambert's "The Barbary Wars" is a good overview of the problems posed to the early Republic by the limitations of the AoC and fiscal and naval weakness. Lacking the protection of the Union Jack, American ships were pirated in the Atlantic and Med, and crews enslaved for ransom, by the four Barbary states. For a time it was Portuguese(!) warships that protected US merchant shipping; early presidents had to send tribute in money, military stores, and finished warships to the deys and beys (to the tune of 15-20% of the federal budget some years). Very enlightening on a period and conflict almost forgotten.
I'm halfway through Douglas Murray's "The Strange Death of Europe." A clear exposition of the wishful thinking, half-truths, and outright lies indulged by the mass-immigrationists of Europe in the last 60 years, SDE moves from high-level analysis to astute on-the-ground observation.
For all the differences between Europe and the USA, we face similar and cognate problems, and as one goes so goes--most likely--the other.
"In 2000, 19 months before Sept. 11, 2001, Donald Trump wrote extensively of the terrorism threat the United States was facing.
Trump, who at the time was considering a presidential bid on the Reform Party ticket, went so far as to say that an attack on a major U.S. city was not just a probability, but an inevitability."
The whole country is in the middle of this, all schools are to open, opening schedules are staggered through September, starting with the youngest children.
There have been a few cases, mainly in Madrid, where a Covid detection (no actual cases so far as is known) has sent a whole classroom into 14-day quarantine.
There is a regular schedule of testing schoolchildren, details vary according to the local government.
how bad and widespread will the riots be if charges against Chauvin are reduced or dropped?
George Floyd Trial: Judge Disqualifies Hennepin Co. Attorney Mike Freeman From Case 'pill visible in Floyd's mouth during arrest' 'will not decide on motion to dismiss'
The US deliberately opened its economy to imports, in stages, post-1945 in the context of postwar recovery. The critical bit was the 1947 GATT treaty. The purpose was geo-strategic, initially to permit Europe and Japan to recover by giving them access to the US market. Also part of this was the Bretton Woods agreement, that pretty much cemented favorable exchange rates for foreign exporters to the US.
The US market was the great global prize post-1945, the biggest bribe the US could give a country that was prepared to exploit it. Many were too stupid/backwards/conflicted/ideologically infatuated to take advantage of it, but the best part of the world did, eventually. The US ended up carrying the world into recovery, and then mass prosperity.
The cost was the deliberate sacrifice of many US industries, in some of which the US was once the technological leader. One favorite case of mine is the US camera-optical industry (I used to collect cameras and lenses; most of which I sold for our international move). The effect is seen in the total collapse of this sector and the economic destruction of Rochester NY, once a sort of "Silicon Valley" of high tech startups. There were many Rochesters, but the general prosperity created by constant technology improvements masked the costs overall, as new Rochesters popped up. The US was creative and dynamic that way.
The costs are greater in terms of intangibles. Technology leadership or even capability, is not something independent of the general society. It is a collective thing, largely a bottom up thing, and is not produced by universities. You can generate great theorists but in themselves they cannot create an industry. Hewlett and Packard became HP not just because they went to Stanford, but because they could do great things in their Palo Alto garage, because they had the ability to easily create and sell products, and benefit from the feedback loop with their customers. Your problem today is not that you have lost Stanford, but because you are running out of those garages, the ability to do, not just think. Those garages went to China and East Asia.
There is a synergy between thinking and doing. You cannot create tech without making it work, and making it commercial. Without an industry all that thought is sterile. The cost of US trade policy has been deeper, more insidious than what is immediately obvious, such as Rochester NY.
This one is for a specific LLR-lefty FakeCon marxist dem supporter from Michigan:
Scott Adams@ScottAdamsSays Nov 10, 2018
"Step 1: The Khashoggi situation makes Saudi Arabia more flexible on Yemen. Step 2: The Iranian economy reaches the breaking point, making them flexible in general. Step 3: President Trump brokers a Middle East peace deal. Step 4: Trump wins a second Nobel Peace Prize."
in reply to
Zeina Khodr@ZeinakhodrAljaz French presidency source: Trump, Macron agreed Saudi authorities need to shed full light on murder of #Khashoggi - also the Khashoggi affair should not be allowed to cause further destabilization in Mideast & it could create opportunity to find political resolution to Yemen war 1:23 PM · Nov 10, 2018
Some successful people have a knack for deploying analytical frameworks that enable them to consistently come up with seemingly prescient predictions which play out over the long term.
And then those successful people with analyses that are borne out over time attacked for years by FakeCon LLR-lefties from midwestern states with violence issues who defend everything the marxist dems do while claiming to have enlightened capabilities....which makes everyone laugh.
US growth and general economic benefits from technological development hit a wall in the 1970s, mostly due to foreign competition, migration of industries along with their tech synergy, and the socioeconomic coagulation of bureaucracies and legal systems. This was relieved, or slowed down for a while, in the 80's-90's, but the balance was not maintained.
Economic development btw is mainly the result of exploitation of new technology. Not the development of new tech but the application of it, or of old tech for that matter, in a backward country.
It seems that everything since has been one desperate effort after another to bypass all the increasing impediments to economic life. Software, internet, telecoms (all really attempts to develop industries in unconstrained, unregulated areas) homebuying, zero interest rates, massive government deficits - everything is like an animal trying to escape, each stage more destructive, more eating of seed corn.
You will not fix this with an election. Your elite caste needs to die, your institutions that are now all net negatives need to die with them.
“I think Trump is going to accidentally do something positive here, in terms of this issue of … other Arab states” making peace and establishing normal relations with Israel, Biden told a fundraiser hosted by the far-left J Street organization (on 9/10/20), as quoted by the Times of Israel.
It is remarkable, to me anyway, how petty are the terms of politics.
All this desperate thrashing in public over stupidities like "social justice", when the socio-cultural-economic rot is so far advanced. You are dying of cancer, and obsessing over hangnails.
On May 26, we ordered a Dishwasher from our local Lowes. Delivery schedule for June 18. I checked the online status a few times – always showed “In Process.” I checked the status on June 18, and it still showed that delivery date. I rechecked the delivery status the day before it was scheduled for delivery and it still showed that arrival date, so I removed the old dishwasher. I then decided to call the online service phone number to try to get a better ETA on the day of delivery. I was on hold for 45 minutes. When someone eventually answered, all she could find out was the order was "...on a truck somewhere, it maybe should have been delivered to the store..." but she could not find out when the store was actually going to deliver it to us. She said she could not get in touch with anyone at the store. Eventually, she gets a delivery date of July 9th. I call the store FOUR times – never got anyone to answer – it always would just cut off after 8 or 10 rings. I canceled the order.
I go on line, and see that another local Lowes has one in stock. I call that store several times, and never got ahold of anyone in appliances, and when I got a customer service person we got cut off…
We go to the store – it still shows one is in stock. We talk to someone in appliances – and she says no, the only one in stock is the display model and it is not for sale. A woman from another department volunteers to look in the back. She returns – nothing, only an entry level model which we were not interested in. I ask her to get a manager.
35 minutes and three intercom pages later, a manager shows up. He tells us they don’t have one and he is not allowed to sell the floor display and he would be happy to sell us a different brand. I discuss this with him for 10 minutes. I don't want a different brand. Finally, he says he will go look. Returns and says he can’t find it, but he then scans the inventory code on the floor model, and it shows that two are available. So he says he is going to check every single Bosch dishwasher in the store. It takes a long time. He returns and tells us he can’t find the model we want, BUT, he found a discontinued model one level up. He asked us what the price was of the one we ordered, and that he’d sell this one to us for that price. I tell him $719 plus a military discount. He says, you know, forget it, it isn’t even showing up in our inventory. I’ll give it to you for $500.
He has the cashier ring it up, he takes it out and we load it into or truck and I installed it that night. That thing is so quiet, I can hear the hoots of Woodsy Owl in the Santa Fe National Forest.
It was a $999 unit, not showing in inventory, discontinued last year…I wonder how long it would have sat there…
Long story short, agreed, don't buy stock in Lowes.
Just a reminder, President Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. I love that the second nomination, Korsova-Serbia, was made by a member of the Swedish Parliament.
I had a perfect post erased, This Has Nothing To Do With Althouse, but I would pay $100 if she could help me recover it. I will do my best to repeat:
The best meal I ever had was by J.
Ham Lasagna and Eggplant Parmesan.
J. was great. Hung around after hours with restuarant owners a lot. Talked a lot about wine. Italian start to finish. Dated a local artist, decent enough guy. I remember my mom and I went a saw his gallery and didn't ask to say hi, so when he heard we were there and my mom "didn't want to take up his time but was happy to browse the gallery" or something close to approximating that, he was super happy and gave an honest grin that said, to me, "Would it were more people had your mom's discernment."
911 I had the day off.
Woke up.
"Get your head out of your ass we're being attacked! I have family in NY!"
So I woke up and went and relieved J and later on got cooked the best meal ever.
***I wrote a better version of this a half hour ago that was erased by google, I assume. There was better structure, but the facts are all accurate.
There was more of "the artist respecting the humbleness of someone who knew if she spoke with the owner of the gallery and he bullshitted her she would end up buying something she wouldn't value, much, and he wasn't in a position needed to sell anything so why rigamaroule?
The effectiveness of their showmanship is how I judge Buckley/Trump. Although extremely weak as a rule, federal judges are appointed now by Trump, and have thankfully been for quite some time.
But Buckley knew more, so spent 33 years on PBS saying it with anyone who wanted to chat.
Buckley knew if he had won the very first thing he would have to do is demand a recount, but that was because NYC was* is* a corrupt shithole.
Fair enough.
*Were it not for Rudy Guiliani, New York wouldn't* be New York today, but only in the good sense. The corollary is frightening reality now.
“It's more important than say, 15 "wiped" phones.”
The Mueller prosecutors kept their investigation going for 2 1/2 years by threatening everyone from the President on down, as well as Congress, with Obstruction of Justice. Their theory was that anything that interferes with their investigation, including trying to legitimately shut it down, was Obstruction. Well, guess what? The geniuses who thought that up were just caught with their pants down, interfering with the investigation into their investigatory abuses by forcibly resetting their government issued cell phones to clear their phones’ memories of the calls they made, the texts they sent, and the emails they sent and received. It is probably also destruction of evidence and a violation of the Official Records Act too.
Their excuse is, frankly, ludicrous. They all apparently almost simultaneously used the wrong unlock code 10 times to unlock their phones. What they aren’t taking into account with that bogus excuse is that iPhones lock up for longer and longer times with incorrect unlock codes, and it thus takes maybe 12 hours to do a hard reset this way. 12 hours each for at least 12 cell phones almost simultaneously. Codes that they likely use at least a dozen times a day. Credible? Of course not. What they almost assuredly did, was to go into their Settings, select “Reset”, then “Erase All Contents and Settings”, followed by their 4-6 digit unlock code. Probably under 30 seconds. Compounding this, they are mostly, if not all, attorneys. Lying like that is also an ethical violation. Oh, and telling the DOJ IG that they accidentally reset their phones this way, accidentally, is probably also a violation of 18 USC §1001 - the same statute they charged Gen Flynn with, except he didn’t lie to them, while they did lie to the OIG.
Anyone remember all of the hard disk crashes when Lois Lerner and her confederates At the IRS were being investigated?
on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week.
These are not "peace agreements." Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain were not at war, so there was no peace to negotiate. They've merely made explicit what has been an open secret for meany years. Israel and the Gulf Arab states quietly cooperate on shared interests, primarily in seeing Iran as a common enemy. The Gulf Arabs also see Israel as a conduit to influence Washington. And it's not even all that quiet. Israel established a mission through IRENA in Abu Dahbi back in 2015, though they used a little diplomatic sleight of hand to make sure it didn't look like bilateral relations. Netanyahu has aggressively pursued normalization with Sunni Arab states for several years now. His goals are containing Iran and making sure the two-state solution stays dead. The widening acceptance that the two-state solution is dead is probably also helping normalization.
But here's the thing. If I sit down and start making a list of the problems America and Americans face, a lack of bilateral relations between Israel and Bahrain wouldn't make the Top 500. What the fuck does this have to do with America First? When people voted for Trump in 2016, was the big hope that he would help make a de facto cooperation between two small states de jure? Why are we in the middle of this anyway?
What President Trump has understood, and is fighting to change, is that WWII agreement where by the United States deferred on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense.
With all due respect, I find that an extremely bizarre reading of post-war history. The Atlantic Charter and the Bretton Woods system were examples of the US deferring "to europe and the rest of the world"?
Mrs. stevew and I have been watching The Mandolorian recently. Nicely entertaining. I think you have to like and enjoy the Star Wars franchise and approach to like this. In any case, with all the sports back in play I would ordinarily find my way to watch a little bit of something here and there (reports are that the Red Sox are terrible, Bruins got bounced, and I don't care for basketball) but at our rental place we do not have a cable tv package. Interesting that the various sports are making it difficult and expensive to stream their content. I'm not a fan so I'm not signing up the streaming package - I would watch, with ads, but that isn't an option. Then there is the social nonsense and lecturing from multi-million dollar earning athletes. Oh well, The Mandolorian it is. Watched Lighthouse recently; that is one disturbing flick.
Off to roam around Harpswell today. Mid-60's for a high, currently 47 degrees. Virtual Autumn has arrived.
It’s coming real soon and a ton of people are on edge..and frankly...should be.
Remember when I said, wake me when there are indictments and or arrests? Well, a solid DOJ source just told me to "set my alarm clock." I said, I'll believe it when I see it.
Here's to hoping for a beautiful huge success for Trump in making peace with the Taliban and pulling out of Afghanistan. He needs a bigly win because few will trust his November surprise vaccine.
"Interesting: Your original post about Biden's lie ("Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie") appears to be blocked by Google. I get this message...."
It works for me. If I google the title, it comes up at the top of the search and I can click in.
I cut and pasted the address provided by unknown;postID=4780486153579383920
And I got the same message that he did.
I searched in DuckDuckGo for "Althouse Biden Announcement" and was taken to this page: as top choice, and this as second:
"on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week." My take on this is that now that Iran has been gelded its neighbors are confidant that reaching an accord with Israel will not have dire consequences for them. Qatar and Kuwait will probably be next.
Howard said: "He needs a bigly win because few will trust his November surprise vaccine."
Trump's vaccine? Why the guy is a miracle worker. Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Tireless campaigner. All the while developing on a vaccine in the White House basement. He gets my vote!
About psychologists reactions to Hitler and related mass psychology of such cases, etc. etc.
YMMV on Peterson lectures, so maybe skip to 45:30 or so, where he explains some of the difference in our natural and the "scientific" approaches to perception. In a minute or so -
"we are not natural scientists, we are natural engineers"
You have some other problem with that search, but ...
Google always manipulates results with political content; Sailer happens to have another example today.
You can find funnier and more dishonest examples with a search on [ "google" "bing"], mostly in their autocomplete suggestions: this one is a classic.
With all due respect, I find that an extremely bizarre reading of post-war history. The Atlantic Charter and the Bretton Woods system were examples of the US deferring "to europe and the rest of the world"?
Farmer, I'm not getting into stupid back and forths on meaningless minutia. My post was was a general comment on worldview, and why.
buwaya @10:39 lays out with an example of what I am talking about. The United States,(its citizens) have been subsidizing the developed nations through trade policy, and defense. (think Germany not paying up for NATO, or South Korea). President Trump is upsetting those rice bowls. Which is how our politicians have created their massive wealth.
St. Floyd was arrested in 2019: "When approached by police he placed drugs in his mouth in an attempt to avoid arrest, and swallowed them. When interacting with police he engaged in diversionary behavior such as crying and acted irrationally. An ambulance was called to transport Mr. Floyd to the hospital."
It’s amazing to me how Howard lines right up with every new CNN conspiracy. Now he is an anti-vaxxer. Because if the vaccine is good, it would help Trump, therefore no vaccine can possibly be good, until the day after the election, as long as Biden wins, of course. If fish were as stupid as Howard, fishing would be boring because it would be too easy. It’s like he can’t see the tumblers turning in the heads of people at CNN.
“You know, if a vaccine comes before the election, that could really help Trump. It said so right in the Washington Post!”
“Wouldn’t it be good for America too?” said another at the table.
“Get security to escort that guy out of here.”
Moving of chairs, security shows up, puts a dunce hat on the guy and takes him out.
“Now, after that rude interruption, we have to do something about this. We have to scare people so that they won’t accept the vaccine, no matter how well it has been tested, it’s of fierce moral urgency that no matter what, America not trust this vaccine.”
“It’s gonna be dangerous and Trump is gonna suppress the results and order them to distribute it anyway just for political gain.” said another at the table.
“That’s what I am talking about! You can have that other guy’s parking space. What’s your name?"
This is how the “party of science” thinks. Howard swallows it every time.
Rusty: "My take on this is that now that Iran has been gelded its neighbors are confidant that reaching an accord with Israel will not have dire consequences for them. Qatar and Kuwait will probably be next."
The Arab states have had enough of the Palestians getting fully aligned with the Iranians.
The Iranians are looking to recreate the Persian empire which directly threatens the Arab states and everyone knows it so the Arab states, under Trump admin guidance, are dumping Tehrans allies and officially forming the Resist Iran coalition.
This could have happened under any American President willing to move away from 60 years of the stupid Foggy Bottom Hate-Israel philosophy and Perma-War establishment types.
Farmer is very upset about Trump's Middle East policy to remove American troops as much as he can while creating an effective new and open Arab League diplomatic acceptance of Israel to contain Iranian troublemaking in the region.
I will leave it to others to venture a guess as to why that might be.
Farmer also fails to appreciate the "political weapon" moves of this sort provides to Trump for domestic use.
Of course, we are talking about Farmer here who has explicitly stated the unprecedented political corruption and coup maneuvering and weaponizing domestic spying and framing of the Trump team by the obamaites against Trump was simply the "normal back and forth" during a power transition.
The United States,(its citizens) have been subsidizing the developed nations through trade policy, and defense.
I don't deny that. The part I found bizarre was to say it was the result of the US deferring "on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense."
Drago. I honestly think the Palestinians didn't enter into it. Look who's playing. Everyone just across the Persian Gulf from Iran. Sudan also wants normal relations with Israel. Don't know what's up with that other than Iranian surrogates have lost there influence.
I will leave it to others to venture a guess as to why that might be.
For a very simple reason: this "policy" is a figment of your imagination. Trump has bolstered US military presence in the Middle East, not reduced it, including once again stationing troops in Saudi Arabia.
The Iranians are looking to recreate the Persian empire which directly threatens the Arab states
The "Persian empire" line is just threat inflation and scaremongering. Iran has practically no capacity to project conventional military force outside its borders. Its ambitions, like any other regional power's, are constrained by a number of countervailing forces.
The most significant "troublemaking in the region" in the past decade was the arming and funding of a Sunni jihadist insurgency against the Assad regime Syria, supported by our wonderful Gulf Arab partners.
" Iran has practically no capacity to project conventional military force outside its borders." But it was pretty good at asymetrical warfare. I like you're use of "practically". Which means if they thought they could win they'd do it. Now that they've gone through all the Obama bribe money they're hurting. The Ayatollahs don't want to bring back Persia. The Ayatollahs want to bring back the caliphate.
I don't deny that. The part I found bizarre was to say it was the result of the US deferring "on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense."
So the hill you die on is the word 'defer' The US is not defering to other nations, they just let them have the better end of all trade deals, and the US subsidizes their defense.
We agree. you just cant accept that we agree.
I speak of the great engineering of a 100 story sky scrapper, and you disagree because they used 1/4" 10-32 screws instead of 5/16" 8-24 screws on trim work in the parking garage. Meaningless minutia.
I like you're use of "practically". Which means if they thought they could win they'd do it.
No, it means that while there capacity is not exactly zero, it may as well be. It's military equipment largely dates back to the days of the Shah. It also has limited air defense capabilities, which would leave it quite vulnerable to attack in the event of a conventional military campaign.
The Ayatollahs don't want to bring back Persia. The Ayatollahs want to bring back the caliphate.
With all due respect, Rusty, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Which caliphate are you referring to? Which Ayatollahs? Who would they consider the caliph? Why do you think the Ayatollahs aren't even created a caliphate in Iran?
So the hill you die on is the word 'defer' The US is not defering to other nations, they just let them have the better end of all trade deals, and the US subsidizes their defense.
No, your entire premise is 180 degrees wrong. The Atlantic Charter and Bretton Woods systems were designed to transfer Britain's financial power to the US and to put the US in a dominant position in world trade. The notion that postwar Europe got "the better end of all trade deals" with the US is absolutely ludicrous.
"With all due respect, Rusty, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about." Ironic, no? It's OK. I have a way of pissing people off. For some reason my self appointed betters seem to take it personally that an ill educated, blue collar drone can come up with a just as reasonable counter argument based on facts. it's a gift. " Which caliphate are you referring to?" The one the Ayatollahs always talk about. The Iranian ayatollahs J.
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८९ टिप्पण्या:
No, that's a subtle interesting sunrise. I still think you should branch out into Sunsets and match them up.
Max Cooper: Reflect
A Rothko-esque sunrise #63- Gray, Blue and Black...
Yesterday, I received a single 3/8x16 zinc plated hex nut from Lowe's in the mail. Merchandise total $0.13.
I noticed that the packing slip included the comment "Total Savings: $5.99". It seems that someone has found a flaw in the program, and they're nickel, and dime-ing Lowes.
I'm receiving stuff I never ordered, and I'm saving $6 dollars??? It's a good thing Obama never figured this out.
It turns out Lowe's doesn't do customer service. They provide phone numbers for every contingency, but wait queues are cheaper.
Don't buy their stock.
Now that I know the ten types of sunrises I want to know more about your running program.
Sean Trende at RCP on whether pollsters have figured out the mid-west.
tldr: we won't know until after the election.
It's going to be awesome to have a sunny day when it happens.
Last 3 news cycles.
Trump mini strokes.
The Atlantic story
Bob Woodward book
All in one weeks time, the media has thrown 3 BS stories at Trump.
The Biden camp is polling these stories and focus group testing them. They are not sticking, which why they die after 3 days.
-David Chapman from the twitterverse
One more data point in favor of it doesn't feel like the incumbent will lose:
Consumer Spending Update: Economic Confidence Rebounds to Highest Level Since March
Your free one year trial subscription has expired. Please deposit $1.50 for each additional sunrise.
strenuous efforts being taken to confirm who will be signing peace agreements with Israel.
anonymous sources will not be credited.
Reason for stories:
Trump mini-stroke - counter attack for Biden's senility
Atlantic Story - Trash Trump with Veterans/Military who favor Trump 60-40.
Woodward story - attack Trump on CV-19 now that things are getting better.
All of these Anonymous based NYT/Wapo/MSM attacks coordinated with Biden, who often ran campaign ads incorporating these "fake news" stories. Its just going to keep on coming too. Look for another to drop just before the 1st Debate, so Chris wallace can make some anti-trump "news" story his lead question.
Rachel Dolezal's sister had been studying for a PhD in "mass communications" at UW-Madison as an undercover "black."
And now she's not.
Oh the tradegy. The world needs - desperately - more holders of PhDs in mass communication. Just like it needs more PhD holders in gay studies and black studies.
TDS is a real thing. Birkel has it: Truman Derangement Syndrome.
People very seriously undervalue the international leadership we had immediately post-war and through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations.
Ken B: "TDS is a real thing. Birkel has it: Truman Derangement Syndrome."
This is another of your completely inexplicable dumb remarks. Similar to your remarks about how Trump supporters hated Reagan and Thatcher. Amazing.
Ken B: "People very seriously undervalue the international leadership we had immediately post-war and through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations."
Well duh. Since we were the only surviving industrial economy in the world with the most powerful military the world had ever seen with forces spread out across the globe. So, yeah. I guess that "helped" us with that whole "international leadership" thing.
the marshall plan yes, the abandoning of chiang kaishek, not really,
but the choices were between wallace, who was stalins tool and truman, the product of the pendergrast machine of kansas city,
Gotta love these ‘inclusive’ Democrats
Interesting: Your original post about Biden's lie ("Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie") appears to be blocked by Google. I get this message:
Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.
Click here to logout and change accounts.
It's blocked for the several different gmail accounts I tried. Here's the link:;postID=4780486153579383920
Methinks Google is trying to throw the election.
Althouse, a fun topic to consider: The Atlantic Magazine has officially called for the end of Nobel Peace Prize....on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week.
This means that the Atlantic knows that critical mass of peace negotiation success has been achieved by Trump and that if the Nobel committee does not award it to Trump after the last month of massive, game changing success, then what little credibility it has left will be destroyed, along with all the other institutional Ships of State that have destroyed themselves on the Trump Success Shoals.
My prediction: The Nobel Committee will announce that it simply cannot identify qualified candidates for the peace prize this year and will defer to next years selection process in the hope that Biden will be elected President and they can give the prize for Trump's successes to Biden as a going away present in stepping aside for Kamala.....who will also receive a Peace Prize.
That would be my guess.
My remote usually starts stopping on baseball at this time of year, now I am not even sure that they are playing, and I just read that the NFL played a game last night. Who knew? Who cared? I used to love PGA golf on a Sunday afternoon. The first time I tuned in since the pandemic, there was some wokescold player’s wife lecturing me. I haven’t clicked it on again since. I am enjoying reading, as there is an infinite, in any practical sense anyway, supply of good books, and even the bad ones can be interesting.
Why don't union teachers want to get back to work, besides still getting paid?
Because the "Red for Ed" teachers unions are like the armored divisions of the Democrats. Some DNCs have reported that 25% of the delegates are teachers union members. Not to mention their monetary contributions. Yay! Let's pay them more.
Since many of them are planning "to wait until after election to open," best bet is that they will be deployed in platoons going to door-to-door, harvesting ballots.
A date in US History when "some people did something".
We may never know their motives.
Question: were any of the hijackers wearing hawaiian shirts? I understand that's been a big big problem across the nation.
Trump's success in the middle east is explained, as I have never seen it in this article by Lifson
The bad mistake of the climate change activists to ignore nuclear power is in this article
I know you think I'm just bringing Instapundit links to bear. But is it impossible to imagine a series of Trump ads that make these points. And aren't they really quite effective points?
Drago's speculations about the Nobel prize are ... not stupid. But don’t count Greta out yet!
Ken B. is either ignorant of the level of corruption in the Truman administration, or has a high tolerance for official corruption. Truman himself seems to have been honest, key members of his administration, not so much.
Here's something dumb which serves to distract from what's important.
There's still time to blog about it.
It's more important than say, 15 "wiped" phones.
Maybe if Arnold Schwarzenegger passes you could squeeze the word "penis" into a blog post headline.
Just a suggestion.
"People very seriously undervalue the international leadership we had immediately post-war and through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations."
Who else was left standing? WWII Translates into World War 2. Means, the rest of the world was left in rubble. Except the United States
What President Trump has understood, and is fighting to change, is that WWII agreement where by the United States deferred on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense. Those were agreements from 70 years ago. The circumstances are no longer war recovery footing. The United, the people of the United States must pay to support the EU and others in all things.
President Trump says "no more." That's the battle the President is fighting in our name
Speaking of brilliant, there are a lot of great minds on Althouse. Maybe, ahem, even mine.
I hope the Trump campaign has an intern reading Althouse daily for a sort of conservative zeitgeist. Rush and the Instapundit do.
Peace in the Middle East in our time. Nuclear, a clean, green (not Green), ecologically sound energy solution.
"And aren't they really quite effective points"
The bears are back!
Waiting for dinner in the middle of the brook. Loading up for Winter,
Man, that water's gotta be cold!
I just read that the NFL played a game last night
How much have the NFL owners devalued their franchises with their obsequious decisions to a marginal demographic?
My general sense is that.....the NFL died with Kaepernick.
Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie
Works for me.
11 unborn human babies are listed with their mothers on the memorial
So Drago guessed wrong. Announced that Trump nomination forged, probably by same forger as last time.
The Nobel Committee has awarded Joe Biden the Nobel Peace Prize
for supporting war in Iraq, Syria, Serbia and Libya,
...and "not being Donald Trump"
"My general sense is that.....the NFL died with Kaepernick."
My theory is that the NFL wants to switch to soccer to eliminate the brain injury issue and market themselves worldwide. Before they make the move, they have to destroy demand for American football so a new league doesn't step up.
This Is How It Looked Early On That Mostly Peaceful Tuesday Morning
I was close to giving up, when the Prof laid down a short burst of comments. (Do you really think Rush and Insty [swoon] read this stuff? Maybe I better put a better photo up!)
In light of the anniversary, and not having seen a book-a-thon Friday recently, I'll throw out a few titles.
Frank Lambert's "The Barbary Wars" is a good overview of the problems posed to the early Republic by the limitations of the AoC and fiscal and naval weakness. Lacking the protection of the Union Jack, American ships were pirated in the Atlantic and Med, and crews enslaved for ransom, by the four Barbary states. For a time it was Portuguese(!) warships that protected US merchant shipping; early presidents had to send tribute in money, military stores, and finished warships to the deys and beys (to the tune of 15-20% of the federal budget some years). Very enlightening on a period and conflict almost forgotten.
I'm halfway through Douglas Murray's "The Strange Death of Europe." A clear exposition of the wishful thinking, half-truths, and outright lies indulged by the mass-immigrationists of Europe in the last 60 years, SDE moves from high-level analysis to astute on-the-ground observation.
For all the differences between Europe and the USA, we face similar and cognate problems, and as one goes so goes--most likely--the other.
And to all a good night!
"In 2000, 19 months before Sept. 11, 2001, Donald Trump wrote extensively of the terrorism threat the United States was facing.
Trump, who at the time was considering a presidential bid on the Reform Party ticket, went so far as to say that an attack on a major U.S. city was not just a probability, but an inevitability."
Updates on Spanish school openings -
The whole country is in the middle of this, all schools are to open, opening schedules are staggered through September, starting with the youngest children.
There have been a few cases, mainly in Madrid, where a Covid detection (no actual cases so far as is known) has sent a whole classroom into 14-day quarantine.
There is a regular schedule of testing schoolchildren, details vary according to the local government.
how bad and widespread will the riots be if charges against
Chauvin are reduced or dropped?
George Floyd Trial: Judge Disqualifies Hennepin Co. Attorney Mike Freeman From Case
'pill visible in Floyd's mouth during arrest'
'will not decide on motion to dismiss'
what made Nate Silver swing so much in a day?
...does he not want to look two stoopid this go 'round?
The US deliberately opened its economy to imports, in stages, post-1945 in the context of postwar recovery. The critical bit was the 1947 GATT treaty. The purpose was geo-strategic, initially to permit Europe and Japan to recover by giving them access to the US market. Also part of this was the Bretton Woods agreement, that pretty much cemented favorable exchange rates for foreign exporters to the US.
The US market was the great global prize post-1945, the biggest bribe the US could give a country that was prepared to exploit it. Many were too stupid/backwards/conflicted/ideologically infatuated to take advantage of it, but the best part of the world did, eventually. The US ended up carrying the world into recovery, and then mass prosperity.
The cost was the deliberate sacrifice of many US industries, in some of which the US was once the technological leader. One favorite case of mine is the US camera-optical industry (I used to collect cameras and lenses; most of which I sold for our international move). The effect is seen in the total collapse of this sector and the economic destruction of Rochester NY, once a sort of "Silicon Valley" of high tech startups. There were many Rochesters, but the general prosperity created by constant technology improvements masked the costs overall, as new Rochesters popped up. The US was creative and dynamic that way.
The costs are greater in terms of intangibles. Technology leadership or even capability, is not something independent of the general society. It is a collective thing, largely a bottom up thing, and is not produced by universities. You can generate great theorists but in themselves they cannot create an industry. Hewlett and Packard became HP not just because they went to Stanford, but because they could do great things in their Palo Alto garage, because they had the ability to easily create and sell products, and benefit from the feedback loop with their customers. Your problem today is not that you have lost Stanford, but because you are running out of those garages, the ability to do, not just think. Those garages went to China and East Asia.
There is a synergy between thinking and doing. You cannot create tech without making it work, and making it commercial. Without an industry all that thought is sterile. The cost of US trade policy has been deeper, more insidious than what is immediately obvious, such as Rochester NY.
This one is for a specific LLR-lefty FakeCon marxist dem supporter from Michigan:
Scott Adams@ScottAdamsSays Nov 10, 2018
"Step 1: The Khashoggi situation makes Saudi Arabia more flexible on Yemen. Step 2: The Iranian economy reaches the breaking point, making them flexible in general. Step 3: President Trump brokers a Middle East peace deal. Step 4: Trump wins a second Nobel Peace Prize."
in reply to
Zeina Khodr@ZeinakhodrAljaz
French presidency source: Trump, Macron agreed Saudi authorities need to shed full light on murder of #Khashoggi - also the Khashoggi affair should not be allowed to cause further destabilization in Mideast & it could create opportunity to find political resolution to Yemen war
1:23 PM · Nov 10, 2018
Some successful people have a knack for deploying analytical frameworks that enable them to consistently come up with seemingly prescient predictions which play out over the long term.
And then those successful people with analyses that are borne out over time attacked for years by FakeCon LLR-lefties from midwestern states with violence issues who defend everything the marxist dems do while claiming to have enlightened capabilities....which makes everyone laugh.
US growth and general economic benefits from technological development hit a wall in the 1970s, mostly due to foreign competition, migration of industries along with their tech synergy, and the socioeconomic coagulation of bureaucracies and legal systems. This was relieved, or slowed down for a while, in the 80's-90's, but the balance was not maintained.
Economic development btw is mainly the result of exploitation of new technology. Not the development of new tech but the application of it, or of old tech for that matter, in a backward country.
It seems that everything since has been one desperate effort after another to bypass all the increasing impediments to economic life. Software, internet, telecoms (all really attempts to develop industries in unconstrained, unregulated areas) homebuying, zero interest rates, massive government deficits - everything is like an animal trying to escape, each stage more destructive, more eating of seed corn.
You will not fix this with an election. Your elite caste needs to die, your institutions that are now all net negatives need to die with them.
“I think Trump is going to accidentally do something positive here, in terms of this issue of … other Arab states” making peace and establishing normal relations with Israel, Biden told a fundraiser hosted by the far-left J Street organization (on 9/10/20), as quoted by the Times of Israel.
though things may look troubling now--
At Least We Have Thanksgiving To Look Forward To
Big Mike seems to be ignorant of the threat of communism in Europe in the 1940s ... using Big Mike’s own rules of inference.
It is remarkable, to me anyway, how petty are the terms of politics.
All this desperate thrashing in public over stupidities like "social justice", when the socio-cultural-economic rot is so far advanced. You are dying of cancer, and obsessing over hangnails.
“ My general sense is that.....the NFL died with Kaepernick.”
So, you are saying Kaepernick is the hero then.
ohhhh. So it wasn't brought on by Reptile Dysfunction.
Prehistoric Gender Reveal
On May 26, we ordered a Dishwasher from our local Lowes. Delivery schedule for June 18. I checked the online status a few times – always showed “In Process.” I checked the status on June 18, and it still showed that delivery date. I rechecked the delivery status the day before it was scheduled for delivery and it still showed that arrival date, so I removed the old dishwasher. I then decided to call the online service phone number to try to get a better ETA on the day of delivery. I was on hold for 45 minutes. When someone eventually answered, all she could find out was the order was "...on a truck somewhere, it maybe should have been delivered to the store..." but she could not find out when the store was actually going to deliver it to us. She said she could not get in touch with anyone at the store. Eventually, she gets a delivery date of July 9th. I call the store FOUR times – never got anyone to answer – it always would just cut off after 8 or 10 rings. I canceled the order.
I go on line, and see that another local Lowes has one in stock. I call that store several times, and never got ahold of anyone in appliances, and when I got a customer service person we got cut off…
We go to the store – it still shows one is in stock. We talk to someone in appliances – and she says no, the only one in stock is the display model and it is not for sale. A woman from another department volunteers to look in the back. She returns – nothing, only an entry level model which we were not interested in. I ask her to get a manager.
35 minutes and three intercom pages later, a manager shows up. He tells us they don’t have one and he is not allowed to sell the floor display and he would be happy to sell us a different brand. I discuss this with him for 10 minutes. I don't want a different brand. Finally, he says he will go look. Returns and says he can’t find it, but he then scans the inventory code on the floor model, and it shows that two are available. So he says he is going to check every single Bosch dishwasher in the store. It takes a long time. He returns and tells us he can’t find the model we want, BUT, he found a discontinued model one level up. He asked us what the price was of the one we ordered, and that he’d sell this one to us for that price. I tell him $719 plus a military discount. He says, you know, forget it, it isn’t even showing up in our inventory. I’ll give it to you for $500.
He has the cashier ring it up, he takes it out and we load it into or truck and I installed it that night. That thing is so quiet, I can hear the hoots of Woodsy Owl in the Santa Fe National Forest.
It was a $999 unit, not showing in inventory, discontinued last year…I wonder how long it would have sat there…
Long story short, agreed, don't buy stock in Lowes.
Just a reminder, President Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. I love that the second nomination, Korsova-Serbia, was made by a member of the Swedish Parliament.
Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie
Did not work for me. I suspect it's a glitch rather than a diabolical plot.
A Google query of "Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie" leads to the post as the first hit. And it comes up fine.
I had a perfect post erased, This Has Nothing To Do With Althouse, but I would pay $100 if she could help me recover it. I will do my best to repeat:
The best meal I ever had was by J.
Ham Lasagna and Eggplant Parmesan.
J. was great. Hung around after hours with restuarant owners a lot. Talked a lot about wine. Italian start to finish. Dated a local artist, decent enough guy. I remember my mom and I went a saw his gallery and didn't ask to say hi, so when he heard we were there and my mom "didn't want to take up his time but was happy to browse the gallery" or something close to approximating that, he was super happy and gave an honest grin that said, to me, "Would it were more people had your mom's discernment."
911 I had the day off.
Woke up.
"Get your head out of your ass we're being attacked! I have family in NY!"
So I woke up and went and relieved J and later on got cooked the best meal ever.
***I wrote a better version of this a half hour ago that was erased by google, I assume. There was better structure, but the facts are all accurate.
There was more of "the artist respecting the humbleness of someone who knew if she spoke with the owner of the gallery and he bullshitted her she would end up buying something she wouldn't value, much, and he wasn't in a position needed to sell anything so why rigamaroule?
The effectiveness of their showmanship is how I judge Buckley/Trump. Although extremely weak as a rule, federal judges are appointed now by Trump, and have thankfully been for quite some time.
But Buckley knew more, so spent 33 years on PBS saying it with anyone who wanted to chat.
Buckley knew if he had won the very first thing he would have to do is demand a recount, but that was because NYC was* is* a corrupt shithole.
Fair enough.
*Were it not for Rudy Guiliani, New York wouldn't* be New York today, but only in the good sense. The corollary is frightening reality now.
“It's more important than say, 15 "wiped" phones.”
The Mueller prosecutors kept their investigation going for 2 1/2 years by threatening everyone from the President on down, as well as Congress, with Obstruction of Justice. Their theory was that anything that interferes with their investigation, including trying to legitimately shut it down, was Obstruction. Well, guess what? The geniuses who thought that up were just caught with their pants down, interfering with the investigation into their investigatory abuses by forcibly resetting their government issued cell phones to clear their phones’ memories of the calls they made, the texts they sent, and the emails they sent and received. It is probably also destruction of evidence and a violation of the Official Records Act too.
Their excuse is, frankly, ludicrous. They all apparently almost simultaneously used the wrong unlock code 10 times to unlock their phones. What they aren’t taking into account with that bogus excuse is that iPhones lock up for longer and longer times with incorrect unlock codes, and it thus takes maybe 12 hours to do a hard reset this way. 12 hours each for at least 12 cell phones almost simultaneously. Codes that they likely use at least a dozen times a day. Credible? Of course not. What they almost assuredly did, was to go into their Settings, select “Reset”, then “Erase All Contents and Settings”, followed by their 4-6 digit unlock code. Probably under 30 seconds. Compounding this, they are mostly, if not all, attorneys. Lying like that is also an ethical violation. Oh, and telling the DOJ IG that they accidentally reset their phones this way, accidentally, is probably also a violation of 18 USC §1001 - the same statute they charged Gen Flynn with, except he didn’t lie to them, while they did lie to the OIG.
Anyone remember all of the hard disk crashes when Lois Lerner and her confederates At the IRS were being investigated?
“It's more important than say, 15 "wiped" phones.”
Here is a partial list of some of the criminal statutes that these Mueller lawyers likely violated by erasing their cell phones:
18 U.S. Code § 1001. Statements or entries generally (false statements)
18 U.S. Code § 1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
18 U.S. Code § 1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
44 U.S. Code § 3106. Unlawful removal, destruction of records
on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week.
These are not "peace agreements." Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain were not at war, so there was no peace to negotiate. They've merely made explicit what has been an open secret for meany years. Israel and the Gulf Arab states quietly cooperate on shared interests, primarily in seeing Iran as a common enemy. The Gulf Arabs also see Israel as a conduit to influence Washington. And it's not even all that quiet. Israel established a mission through IRENA in Abu Dahbi back in 2015, though they used a little diplomatic sleight of hand to make sure it didn't look like bilateral relations. Netanyahu has aggressively pursued normalization with Sunni Arab states for several years now. His goals are containing Iran and making sure the two-state solution stays dead. The widening acceptance that the two-state solution is dead is probably also helping normalization.
But here's the thing. If I sit down and start making a list of the problems America and Americans face, a lack of bilateral relations between Israel and Bahrain wouldn't make the Top 500. What the fuck does this have to do with America First? When people voted for Trump in 2016, was the big hope that he would help make a de facto cooperation between two small states de jure? Why are we in the middle of this anyway?
What President Trump has understood, and is fighting to change, is that WWII agreement where by the United States deferred on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense.
With all due respect, I find that an extremely bizarre reading of post-war history. The Atlantic Charter and the Bretton Woods system were examples of the US deferring "to europe and the rest of the world"?
Mrs. stevew and I have been watching The Mandolorian recently. Nicely entertaining. I think you have to like and enjoy the Star Wars franchise and approach to like this. In any case, with all the sports back in play I would ordinarily find my way to watch a little bit of something here and there (reports are that the Red Sox are terrible, Bruins got bounced, and I don't care for basketball) but at our rental place we do not have a cable tv package. Interesting that the various sports are making it difficult and expensive to stream their content. I'm not a fan so I'm not signing up the streaming package - I would watch, with ads, but that isn't an option. Then there is the social nonsense and lecturing from multi-million dollar earning athletes. Oh well, The Mandolorian it is. Watched Lighthouse recently; that is one disturbing flick.
Off to roam around Harpswell today. Mid-60's for a high, currently 47 degrees. Virtual Autumn has arrived.
It’s coming real soon and a ton of people are on edge..and frankly...should be.
Remember when I said, wake me when there are indictments and or arrests? Well, a solid DOJ source just told me to "set my alarm clock."
I said, I'll believe it when I see it.
It feels like fall here in center Mass. The pond was still 75 yesterday. No wetsuit yet. The water will feel warm this morning.
Here's to hoping for a beautiful huge success for Trump in making peace with the Taliban and pulling out of Afghanistan. He needs a bigly win because few will trust his November surprise vaccine.
"Interesting: Your original post about Biden's lie ("Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie") appears to be blocked by Google. I get this message...."
It works for me. If I google the title, it comes up at the top of the search and I can click in.
Can others try that and tell me what happens?
I cut and pasted the address provided by unknown;postID=4780486153579383920
And I got the same message that he did.
I searched in DuckDuckGo for "Althouse Biden Announcement" and was taken to this page: as top choice, and this as second:
It is visible. with no problem. It makes me wonder if the problem is with the address provided by Unknown.
"on the very day that Trump has delivered the 3rd major peace in the Middle East agreement and all will be signed next week."
My take on this is that now that Iran has been gelded its neighbors are confidant that reaching an accord with Israel will not have dire consequences for them. Qatar and Kuwait will probably be next.
Google located that title, lists it at the top of the page, and clicking the link brings me to the post (April 25, 2019).
Howard said: "He needs a bigly win because few will trust his November surprise vaccine."
Trump's vaccine? Why the guy is a miracle worker. Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Tireless campaigner. All the while developing on a vaccine in the White House basement. He gets my vote!
A Jordan Peterson lecture someone sent me -
About psychologists reactions to Hitler and related mass psychology of such cases, etc. etc.
YMMV on Peterson lectures, so maybe skip to 45:30 or so, where he explains some of the difference in our natural and the "scientific" approaches to perception.
In a minute or so -
"we are not natural scientists, we are natural engineers"
Can others try that and tell me what happens?
Your blog post is the top result
Next in order:
Video altered to suggest Biden fell asleep in interview
Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
Trump stokes birtherism conspiracy theory about Harris - The ...
2020 Democratic National Convention: Day 4 -
1st up in bing and google
Thanks for testing Google!
I'm thinking there's no problem.
Methinks Google is trying to throw the election.
You have some other problem with that search, but ...
Google always manipulates results with political content; Sailer happens to have another example today.
You can find funnier and more dishonest examples with a search on [ "google" "bing"], mostly in their autocomplete suggestions: this one is a classic.
With all due respect, I find that an extremely bizarre reading of post-war history. The Atlantic Charter and the Bretton Woods system were examples of the US deferring "to europe and the rest of the world"?
Farmer, I'm not getting into stupid back and forths on meaningless minutia. My post was was a general comment on worldview, and why.
buwaya @10:39 lays out with an example of what I am talking about. The United States,(its citizens) have been subsidizing the developed nations through trade policy, and defense. (think Germany not paying up for NATO, or South Korea). President Trump is upsetting those rice bowls. Which is how our politicians have created their massive wealth.
'pill visible in Floyd's mouth during arrest'
St. Floyd was arrested in 2019: "When approached by police he placed drugs in his mouth in an attempt to avoid arrest, and swallowed them. When interacting with police he engaged in diversionary behavior such as crying and acted irrationally. An ambulance was called to transport Mr. Floyd to the hospital."
Those tactics didn't work so well this last time.
It’s amazing to me how Howard lines right up with every new CNN conspiracy. Now he is an anti-vaxxer. Because if the vaccine is good, it would help Trump, therefore no vaccine can possibly be good, until the day after the election, as long as Biden wins, of course. If fish were as stupid as Howard, fishing would be boring because it would be too easy. It’s like he can’t see the tumblers turning in the heads of people at CNN.
“You know, if a vaccine comes before the election, that could really help Trump. It said so right in the Washington Post!”
“Wouldn’t it be good for America too?” said another at the table.
“Get security to escort that guy out of here.”
Moving of chairs, security shows up, puts a dunce hat on the guy and takes him out.
“Now, after that rude interruption, we have to do something about this. We have to scare people so that they won’t accept the vaccine, no matter how well it has been tested, it’s of fierce moral urgency that no matter what, America not trust this vaccine.”
“It’s gonna be dangerous and Trump is gonna suppress the results and order them to distribute it anyway just for political gain.” said another at the table.
“That’s what I am talking about! You can have that other guy’s parking space. What’s your name?"
This is how the “party of science” thinks. Howard swallows it every time.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Farmer is here to argue.
Ha ha ha ha! The Atlantic, your go-to source.
Rusty: "My take on this is that now that Iran has been gelded its neighbors are confidant that reaching an accord with Israel will not have dire consequences for them. Qatar and Kuwait will probably be next."
The Arab states have had enough of the Palestians getting fully aligned with the Iranians.
The Iranians are looking to recreate the Persian empire which directly threatens the Arab states and everyone knows it so the Arab states, under Trump admin guidance, are dumping Tehrans allies and officially forming the Resist Iran coalition.
This could have happened under any American President willing to move away from 60 years of the stupid Foggy Bottom Hate-Israel philosophy and Perma-War establishment types.
Farmer is very upset about Trump's Middle East policy to remove American troops as much as he can while creating an effective new and open Arab League diplomatic acceptance of Israel to contain Iranian troublemaking in the region.
I will leave it to others to venture a guess as to why that might be.
Farmer also fails to appreciate the "political weapon" moves of this sort provides to Trump for domestic use.
Of course, we are talking about Farmer here who has explicitly stated the unprecedented political corruption and coup maneuvering and weaponizing domestic spying and framing of the Trump team by the obamaites against Trump was simply the "normal back and forth" during a power transition.
The United States,(its citizens) have been subsidizing the developed nations through trade policy, and defense.
I don't deny that. The part I found bizarre was to say it was the result of the US deferring "on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense."
Drago. I honestly think the Palestinians didn't enter into it. Look who's playing. Everyone just across the Persian Gulf from Iran. Sudan also wants normal relations with Israel. Don't know what's up with that other than Iranian surrogates have lost there influence.
I will leave it to others to venture a guess as to why that might be.
For a very simple reason: this "policy" is a figment of your imagination. Trump has bolstered US military presence in the Middle East, not reduced it, including once again stationing troops in Saudi Arabia.
The Iranians are looking to recreate the Persian empire which directly threatens the Arab states
The "Persian empire" line is just threat inflation and scaremongering. Iran has practically no capacity to project conventional military force outside its borders. Its ambitions, like any other regional power's, are constrained by a number of countervailing forces.
The most significant "troublemaking in the region" in the past decade was the arming and funding of a Sunni jihadist insurgency against the Assad regime Syria, supported by our wonderful Gulf Arab partners.
" Iran has practically no capacity to project conventional military force outside its borders."
But it was pretty good at asymetrical warfare. I like you're use of "practically". Which means if they thought they could win they'd do it. Now that they've gone through all the Obama bribe money they're hurting.
The Ayatollahs don't want to bring back Persia. The Ayatollahs want to bring back the caliphate.
I don't deny that. The part I found bizarre was to say it was the result of the US deferring "on all things to europe and the rest of the world on trade and defense."
So the hill you die on is the word 'defer' The US is not defering to other nations, they just let them have the better end of all trade deals, and the US subsidizes their defense.
We agree. you just cant accept that we agree.
I speak of the great engineering of a 100 story sky scrapper, and you disagree because they used 1/4" 10-32 screws instead of 5/16" 8-24 screws on trim work in the parking garage. Meaningless minutia.
I like you're use of "practically". Which means if they thought they could win they'd do it.
No, it means that while there capacity is not exactly zero, it may as well be. It's military equipment largely dates back to the days of the Shah. It also has limited air defense capabilities, which would leave it quite vulnerable to attack in the event of a conventional military campaign.
The Ayatollahs don't want to bring back Persia. The Ayatollahs want to bring back the caliphate.
With all due respect, Rusty, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Which caliphate are you referring to? Which Ayatollahs? Who would they consider the caliph? Why do you think the Ayatollahs aren't even created a caliphate in Iran?
So the hill you die on is the word 'defer' The US is not defering to other nations, they just let them have the better end of all trade deals, and the US subsidizes their defense.
No, your entire premise is 180 degrees wrong. The Atlantic Charter and Bretton Woods systems were designed to transfer Britain's financial power to the US and to put the US in a dominant position in world trade. The notion that postwar Europe got "the better end of all trade deals" with the US is absolutely ludicrous.
"With all due respect, Rusty, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
Ironic, no? It's OK. I have a way of pissing people off. For some reason my self appointed betters seem to take it personally that an ill educated, blue collar drone can come up with a just as reasonable counter argument based on facts. it's a gift.
" Which caliphate are you referring to?"
The one the Ayatollahs always talk about. The Iranian ayatollahs J.
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