"... you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder. I believe that city staff could have died last night. I cannot and I will not tolerate that.... Don’t think for a moment that if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the re-election campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are. If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up."
Said Ted Wheeler, quoted in "Portland mayor rips into rioters for ‘attempting to commit murder" (NY Post).
११९ टिप्पण्या:
Sounds like he needs to be put up against a wall somewhere.....
somehow - in leftwing Portland, all those violent toddler mafia leftwing antifa nazi thugs - are boogalooo!
They were provoked by Maddow's lies. Can you blame them?
btw- Biden is taking his time announcing his VP pick, because it's Hillary.
Ooh boy, antifa has had it! Wheeler's a real tiger when he's angry!
Again- Andy NGO's twitter feed is all the news you won't find at leftwing NYT, or leftist chi-com CNN, or the leftwing MSDouchebag
It's only wrong because it might help trump.
what an ass.
Rioting, arson, assaulting police - OK (although murder may a bit dicey). Making Trump look good - bad, bad, bad.
1. Sow
2. Reap
What he said was that the rioters were helping to produce Trump's campaign ads for the fall and if they didn't want to contribute to that result they should stop showing up. He left out the part where this rioting bullshit is wrong.
Ted Wheeler has been covering for antifa for four years. Antifa could block intersections, blockade the local ICE office for over a month, attack other groups (Proud Boys) holding their own demonstrations, attack journalists (Andy Ngo). His dis-honor the mayor is the head of the Police Bureau and controls how the police handle such events. The cops would stand by and watch as antifa harrasses the citizens. No prosecutions. When someone resists antifa by showing a weapon, the harrassed is prosecuted for assault, not the mob.
Now he finally condemns them. Too late.
He's running for reelection this fall. His opponent is an antifa support and is even more left-wing than he is.
I'm not sure if Trump is supposed to favor burning-building murders or if it's just the democrats.
Summer of Glove continues.
He (is Ted still a "he?") has a big problem with tolerance. "Will not tolerate" sounds like a Nazi, Bull, hit them upside the head kind of ze.
But it's ok if it's a fed building, and the people inside are federal stormtroopers.
Shorter Wheeler- "We're on your side, Bro!"
It is fucking hilarious to watch the left only discovering the rioters when they are suddenly attacking leftish politicians and their staff. I guess things are intensifying in Portland.
"The murder thing, that's not good, but getting Trump re-elected ... that's beyond the pale!"
Not said, but implied, by Mayor Wheeler.
There must be some mistake. Mark told us there was peace once the Feds left.
What a dumbass. I have progressive family up there and even they think Wheeler is a dipshit that needs to go. They fault him for letting the homeless problem spiral out of control on top of allowing the city to become a cosplay ground for pretend revolutionaries that live with their mom and dad.
Trump was smart not to let the Antifa kiddies not burn down a federal courthouse and to put the state and local law enforcement in charge of security on the way out the door. If it does burn down the feds can move all federal courts and their ancillary offices to Corvallis or The Dalles and leave that freak show for good.
The Portland mayor may be waking up as opposed to being woke.
I doubt it, but maybe.
Seems like somebody has discovered that crocodiles do indeed exist.
I hear he's putting Antifa on double-secret probation.
The mayor equivocates on his record, then offers an em-pathetic projection to draw fire away from himself. 50 shades of other Democrat governors, mayors, advocates, and activists.
i'm confused?
i thought that the reason these protesters were protesting; was because of Fed Agents?
now that the Feds have left; Why are they attempting to burn down police stations?
Come to think of it; if the reason these protesters were protesting; was because of Fed Agents,
Why did they Start a month and a half before the Feds showed up
Confusion Confusion Confusion
Interesting about face. The latest Gallup poll must show the riots trending negatively with likely voters.
Mayor Ted might be starting to read the secret polls.
"Shorter Wheeler- "We're on your side, Bro!""
Shades of Madison's mayor. Attacking people isn't a problem, as long as they're the right people.
Could hear a protest at the Mineral Point Road police station from our house last night. Sounded very soothing and peaceful.
He doesn't give a damn about people getting hurt or killed....it's all about how it affects Trump's reelection. Priceless.
So while we are having a discussion about people dying in a fire.
Ted Wheeler isn't mad about the violence.
He is mad that people are going to help Trump get re-elected.
Democrats and the people that support them are evil people.
Mike said...
Ted Wheeler has been covering for antifa for four years. Antifa could block intersections, blockade the local ICE office for over a month, attack other groups (Proud Boys) holding their own demonstrations, attack journalists (Andy Ngo). His dis-honor the mayor is the head of the Police Bureau and controls how the police handle such events. The cops would stand by and watch as antifa harrasses the citizens. No prosecutions. When someone resists antifa by showing a weapon, the harrassed is prosecuted for assault, not the mob.
Now he finally condemns them. Too late.
He's running for reelection this fall. His opponent is an antifa support and is even more left-wing than he is.
There is no more playing stupid.
Democrats are evil. They are using the same playbook the National Socialist Workers Party used in Germany. The creative ones are mimicking the Chinese Social Revolution.
Mea culpa is good! But poor "Ted" it's all on you and your Leftist beliefs. Kinda late - you could've stopped this early on, but where to political in your fantasy land beliefs.
The Dems are desperately trying to denounce the rioters that they sponsored. Soros must be in absolute terror, because he knows he's going to summer camp. Except it lasts all year, and the food's not as good, and he's never going to leave.
Good for you Ted Wheeler! Democrats and people on the left do not endorse anarchy, mayhem and murder, despite what Trump wants his followers to think. Most Americans know better than to align themselves with extremists.
Wheeler had no problem with protestors setting fire to a federal courthouse and trying to blind federal agents.
He’s, what, fifty days late? Sixty? Three years?
I wonder how many people will take note of the fact that the Mayor considers voting for Trump a more pernicious side effect of mostly peaceful demonstrations than burning people alive. I wish he had taken a less hedged position on this burning people alive thing. I think our elected officials should oppose burning people alive without any kind of reservation.
This idiot said there are two kinds of arson, good arson and bad arson. The real questions are why are the police even obeying this Marxist asshole and the city commision since they are obstructing justice. They should arresting said Marxists. Worse still, where is the governor in all this? The governor should halled in the guard long ago and if need be have the state take over Portland since the city government has completely failed to do their duties. Third AG Barr should have had all these Marxist who empowered the rioters and aid and abet them prosecuted on the relevant federal charges.
"you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder"
They are demonstrating: demonstrating what murderous thugs they are.
Time for another NYT report, don't y'all think?
Who knows, maybe someone will even blame "antifa" or whatever it's called, if it even exists, though so far I see no evidence, none whatsoever, that would satisfy Althouse.
That's the problem with scorpions, Ted.
(At what point will he embrace the "umbrella man" narrative?)
Wheeler didn't have a problem with the idea of people being murdered, just that it might help Trump. Liberals are pure evil.
LOL, Inga- won't work, dearie- we remember all of your previous comments on this subject.
"Good for you Ted Wheeler! Democrats and people on the left do not endorse anarchy, mayhem and murder, despite what Trump wants his followers to think."
Really? How many MONTHS did it take him to speak out?
Learned a new Latin phrase recently: qui tacet consentire videtur, "he who is silent is taken to agree"
Not the first such fire set by Portland rioters.
The real crime is making a Trump look good??
Is this quality reporting Althouse?
"Democrats and people on the left do not endorse anarchy, mayhem and murder, despite what Trump wants his followers to think."
For the millionth time, they don't condemn it either. And that's a big fucking deal...
Inga- those leftwing Portland extremists are all on the left. All Of them. Leftwing thuggery from top to bottom. Now they are beating up the elderly. Your Party, Inga. All of it.
Now that one D finally speaks out - you climb on board? What took you so long?
We have yet to hear you (or any corruptocrat) denounce the thuggery and leftwing terrorism going on there - by leftwing terrorist.
You have yet to say one negative thing about the very leftwing Antifa trash in your own back yard, the violent thuggery that you and your party so giddily supported not long ago. "Antifa" = Trump hate. But wow -that Trump hate sure did get out of hand. right?
Waiting to hear you chuck out lies about how the leftist thugs of Portlandia must all be boogaloo. It's on a leftwing wiki page, doncha know..
Inga is a fraud.
“Learned a new Latin phrase recently: qui tacet consentire videtur, "he who is silent is taken to agree"
Silence is violence...so to speak. I came out early in these comments threads as NOT agreeing with defunding police and rioting.
The only way to stop such attacks which "present a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" to law-abiding citizens is to shoot down those bestial criminals.
“LOL, Inga- won't work, dearie- we remember all of your previous comments on this subject.“
Really? Go find some in which I agreed with the violence, rioting and defunding the police. I’ll wait.
So how are the Covid death predictions going Yancey, old boy? I guess your “7,500 tops in the US” was predictive of your mad skillz.
Democrats and people on the left do not endorse anarchy, mayhem and murder,
Yes. You do. You support it. You endorse it. You make excuses for it and when it starts to hit a bit too close to home, you blame Republicans for it.
These are your people. Own it. And choke on it.
Spreading the meme that Antifa is a bunch of nihilists and Maoists is apparently no longer horrible.
Mike said...
Ted Wheeler has been covering for antifa for four years. Antifa could block intersections, blockade the local ICE office for over a month, attack other groups (Proud Boys) holding their own demonstrations, attack journalists (Andy Ngo). His dis-honor the mayor is the head of the Police Bureau and controls how the police handle such events. The cops would stand by and watch as antifa harrasses the citizens. No prosecutions. When someone resists antifa by showing a weapon, the harrassed is prosecuted for assault, not the mob.
Now he finally condemns them. Too late.
He's running for reelection this fall. His opponent is an antifa support and is even more left-wing than he is.
8/8/20, 1:03 PM
He made a campaign appearance on the side of Antifa 2 weeks ago, along with his not yet defunded police escort, at the Federal building. He got jeered.
He's running for re-election and his opponent is an Antifa guy. So now Wheeler is trying to be the Law and Order candidate after supporting Antifa antics for 4 years.
Only in Portland
- an Oregon (non-Portland) guy
My cousin in Portland has been rotating overnight armed guard duty with his ethnically diverse neighbors. Packing up and leaving for the Dakotas in a couple weeks.
Most Americans know better than to align themselves with extremists.
I take it then that you are planning on changing to a different political party?
I hear he's putting Antifa on double-secret probation.
You can riot, but do it under the radar, behind a wall, out of sight, privately. It's a quasi-religious ("ethical") thing.
The regular people in Portland must be sending signals to Ted that he's toast if he doesn't act soon.
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said..."Inga- those leftwing Portland extremists are all on the left. All Of them. Leftwing thuggery from top to bottom. Now they are beating up the elderly. Your Party, Inga. All of it"
Yeah. Charming.
Rioters Storm Portland Suburb: Throw Paint On Elderly Woman, Harass Another Using Walker
This is how to effectively handle AntiFA and BLM: Utah BLM Protesters Could Face ‘LIFE IN PRISON’ For Attacking District Attorney’s Office
“There’s some people who want to engage in protest, but they want to be absolved of any behavior,” Gill said. “This is not about protest, this is about people who are engaging in criminal conduct.”
Several Black Lives Matter protesters in Utah could face up to life in prison if they’re convicted for splashing red paint and smashing windows at the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office during so-called ‘demonstrations against racial injustice’, The Associated Press reported Thursday. The far-left media and Democrats have portrayed these demonstrations as ‘peaceful protests,’ despite their physical damage to local and federal property
Prosecutors announced this week that the felony criminal mischief charges, which carry a gang enhancement, are justified because protesters allegedly teamed up to cause thousands of dollars in damage.
"I came out early in these comments threads as NOT agreeing with defunding police and rioting."
Defunding, maybe. But the rioting? You were too busy blaming it on the right.
And show use a dem politician who denounced them.
Inga- you STILL have not denounced leftwing antifa terror.
We will wait.
Last night I re-imagined the police and I think I see how it works up to a point. OK, so we have Mostly Peacefuls locking civil servants and Former Laws' Former Upholders inside a building and setting about to burn it and them. OK, so we send a medic and a social worker worker to help them, the Mostly Peacefuls, with their problems, be they what they may. balloons, crayons, Nike shoes, plasma TV reimagine the police again - whatever their pain wants drive them to despairingly, etc. So the Mostly Peacefuls respond by unlocking the doors and throwing the Reimagined Police in the building with the Former Laws' Former Upholders. Imagine that. Then, keep imagining the same thing over and over till all the Reimagined Police are inside along with the politicians who came down to help the Mostly Peacefuls be happier. Then the building burns. So at that point my imagination fails. What happened? Of course, the Former Laws' Former Upholders shot their way out. But did the Reimagined Police follow them out on a path cleared by deplorable, militaristic methods, thus abandoning their principles and maintaining the cycle of violence? You tell me.
Drill SGT, as an Oregon (non-Portland) girl, I agree with you. I am flummoxed by all the people who don't live anywhere near Portland claiming that Antifa doesn't exist, or is just a hazy set of principles left over from 1930s Germany. They are there, and they aren't shy about saying so. Who was it who was supposed to be directing traffic in Portland some months back? A bunch of unrelated, concerned citizens without leadership?
I think that by now it's past time for the police to leave Portland. All of them. If Portland as such doesn't want cops, let there be no cops, period.
I realize that it isn't, of course, all of Portland that actually wants no cops; it's maybe a couple of thousand young jerks in a city a hundred times that size. But they don't and won't realize how outnumbered they are unless and until someone gives them exactly what they've asked for.
Let the other city functions -- sanitation, water, electricity, &c. -- go on as before, but don't pick up any trash not in bins, and don't scrub off any graffiti. That's what these kids want the city to look like; let it stay that way until they are ready to do the cleanup and the scrubbing-off themselves. Don't let ordinary citizens mess with that appearance in any way.
I understand that this would require a huge monetary outlay. The police and their families must be provided for, and so must everyone unfortunate enough to live or work in the affected zones. And don't discount the possibility that the affected zones will expand as the kids get tired of trashing the same bits they've trashed already, and spread out. This is a horrible time to ask anyone to contribute money to a cause, but I'd wager that such a campaign would attract nationwide support.
Ted: You are in charge of the police. Send them in and arrest everyone.
Inga needs to change the subject when it comes to the radical leftwing antifa terrorists blinding cops, burning buildings, beating up the elderly, destroying public property, and getting close to actually murdering police.
Inga- don't you want to climb on board and blame boogaloo? Blame Trump's evil storm troopers who the hack press claim have no identification - even though that's a huge fucking lie?
Come on Inga- do the Susan Rice dance, and pick a nice juicy lie.
Or how Donald Trump lost me.
Or the time Althouse votes for anti-American candidate.
Here's what the leftwing Schitt show does for you.
Improving life in America one lie at a time.
use = us
So Mayor Ted has seen the light (bright green, I'm guessing), and realizes that armed gangs have been attempting murder in his city. Shouldn't he take some kind of action? Appoint a commission, or give some money to some violent Negroes?
Blogger Dave Begley said..."Ted: You are in charge of the police. Send them in and arrest everyone."
He's not going to have any officers to send in. Portland Cops Are Getting the Hell Out of Antifastan and Retiring in Record Numbers
Minneapolis too. A Third Of Minneapolis Police Could Leave The Force By The End Of The Year With No Replacements In Sight
The left is getting what they want. Who needs to defund the police when there aren't any police left?
And when you supported the "protestors" attempting to commit murder of federal officers; what was that Ted?
I think that by now it's past time for the police to leave Portland. All of them. If Portland as such doesn't want cops, let there be no cops, period.
About 100 will retire this year. They are all looking for jobs in suburbs, I'm sure.
So in ‘attempting to commit murder" is ok. Being a prop for Trump's reelection is not.
Brilliant move lefties. That will go well with voters.
To be fair to Inga, her cache only stores 24 hours of memory at a time.
She is a human Etch-a-Sketch.
It is cruel to try to get her to remember her positions from just a few days ago, much less months ago.
The First Amendment gives Americans the right to burn the American flag. It's long been a hallowed part of our traditions. At Valley Forge freezing soldiers would sometimes try to keep warm by burning the American flag....It's time for progressives to extend this right. If the First Amendment gives protesters the right to burn the American flag, it seems to me that by logical extension that same amendment gives protesters the right to burn those people who wave the flag. How can you tell the dancer from the dance and the flag waver from the flag. I realize that it would be cruel and unusual to burn ordinary people to death, but we're talking about cops who are notorious for their flag waving. Progressives must progress.
So how are the Covid death predictions going Yancey, old boy? I guess your “7,500 tops in the US” was predictive of your mad skillz.
By the time Commie Cough has had its way with us, he will have missed the mark by roughly 193,000.
That's quite the miss.
But you and your experts will have missed by 1,800,000.
I'll stick with Yancey's mad skillz, as would anyone who isn't wildly innumerate.
NB: Yancey drew obvious conclusions from publicly available information to whomp the experts.
It is worth serious investigation to learn why being a progressive is so diagnostic of thoroughgoing inability to think mathematically.
So how are the Covid death predictions going Yancey, old boy? I guess your “7,500 tops in the US” was predictive of your mad skillz.
Stoopid Yancey. Can't believe he didn't predict this one.
And it's not just Portland, Inga.
Ferguson. Your people.
Baltimore. Your people.
Minneapolis. Your people.
Seattle. Your people.
Portland. Your people.
Every city. Every riot in the United States.
Is done by your people.
All your denials and deflections don't change that fact one bit.
If people on the left did not support Antifa and rioting, the riots would have been stopped weeks ago.
Wasn't the fire mostly peaceful? What's Wheeler complaining about. The Portland Mayor had zero problem with antifa blinding Federal Agents with industrial strength lasers, But OMG, "City Staff" might have gotten hurt. Well, that's different.
If the politicians on the left didn't support rioters and destruction, Nancy Pelosi would not have called the Federal Agents protecting US Property "storm troopers".
So the worst thing here is not attempted murder, it's that it makes Democrats look bad.
The Portland Mayor is a fucking idiot, he enabled and encouraged the Portland violence, including, arson, for the past 60 days.
The Democrat Party supports riots, arson, looting and murder as a political tactic in the deep Blue cities.
The word must have gone out from TEAM OBAMA that the riots were no longer an assets, so time to fold up the tents.
Wheeler has given murderous Antifa a stern talking to. Tommorrow, he will wag his finger at them. He's holding a nasty tweet in reserve.
I'm sure they will stop.
Biotrekker: "The word must have gone out from TEAM OBAMA that the riots were no longer an assets, so time to fold up the tents."
Quite so.
For the longest time Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck and the rest of the leftist liars were going on and on and on about the righteousness of the uprisings.....right up until it was determined by the lefty masters that it was really all about Steve Bannon and the Electric Boogaloo-ers who were causing all the mayhem.....right up until it was determined by the lefty masters that the riots were not happening at all(!)...right up until it was determined by the lefty masters that those lies weren't going to fly and then voila!
It's time to criticize the marxist radicals in the streets burning down cities and attacking innocent people across the nation daily because that's what the polls say needs to happen.
The best part is watching our resident lefty idiots like Inga, LLR-lefty Chuck, Howard, readering et al simply roll with the new contradictory talking points every single day.
"Really? Go find some in which I agreed with the violence, rioting and defunding the police. I’ll wait."
You spent fucking weeks, Inga, blaming the violence on the right wing despite literally all the evidence showing it was the left wing perpetrating almost all of it. You blamed Trump for the violence in Portland in numerous comments in just the last couple of weeks. You have several times tried to claim that "Defund the Police" didn't mean what it actually says- I will give you that token ok, but it still puts you in a horrid light as basically lying your ass off about the demands of BLM.
That it takes Ted Wheeler finally admitting what is happening in Portland for you stand up say clearly, "Go Ted Wheeler," is really galling to those of us who know your positions. If Ted Wheeler had instead praised the rioters, you would have either written nothing, or you would have voiced support for Wheeler, and all us in these comment threads know it.
>>Shades of Madison's mayor. Attacking people isn't a problem, as long as they're the right people.
Trying to blind airline pilots with green lasers: A monstrous crime.
Trying to blind police officers with green lasers: A peaceful protest
I'm sure it's a coincidence that Wheeler starts talking tough at the same time as the NYT's modified limited hangout.
"The word must have gone out from TEAM OBAMA that the riots were no longer an assets, so time to fold up the tents."
And why not? They've banked their hundreds of millions from woke corporations run by brain-dead CEOs. Quit while you're ahead.
“You spent fucking weeks, Inga, blaming the violence on the right wing despite literally all the evidence showing it was the left wing perpetrating almost all of it.”
Wrong, as usual. I said the rightists groups like Boogaloos had infiltrated the George Floyd protests early on. Before Portland was even in the news. And unless you live under a rock, which I suspect you do, you’d have read about those who were arrested for murder, riot and arson who belonged to Boogaloo associated militias and groups.
“You blamed Trump for the violence in Portland in numerous comments in just the last couple of weeks.”
It does have a log to do with anger over Trump, yes indeed.
“You have several times tried to claim that "Defund the Police" didn't mean what it actually says- I will give you that token ok, but it still puts you in a horrid light as basically lying your ass off about the demands of BLM.”
Now you’re just trying to put words in my mouth. I pointed to Biden saying that NO he was not in favor of defunding the police, even when dummies like you claimed he had said so. I reiterate several times that I didn’t agree with defunding the police, SAME as Biden.
So now go back to your prognostications about Covid and death totals.
Birkel: "To be fair to Inga, her cache only stores 24 hours of memory at a time.
She is a human Etch-a-Sketch.
It is cruel to try to get her to remember her positions from just a few days ago, much less months ago."
Demonstrated best and in the most amusing way by how Inga now pretends her 4+ year, 24-hour per day, everyday, trump/russia collusion lie spewing never happened at all and she has no idea why anyone believes she made a big deal of it!
Still waiting fro Inga to denounce leftwing antifa terror
I'm in Bend, Oregon today.
There are several people with recall petitions waiting to be signed in their front yards. Governor Kate Brown is toast.
There are no Inslee yard signs IN Seattle. Outside of Seattle, all the yard signs are for the Republican challenger.
I did see an Inslee bumper sticker today. It said "Fuck Inslee".
He just can't help but bash Trump in the midst of reproving his party's base as they attempt murder.
When you commit arson, especially if it could hurt someone, you’re not a nice person — period!
And unless you live under a rock, which I suspect you do, you’d have read about those who were arrested for murder, riot and arson who belonged to Boogaloo associated militias and groups.
Absolute bullshit but that is what we expect from you. What an idiot !
“She is a human Etch-a-Sketch.”
One of my favorite Dilbert cartoons showed the gang teaching their pointy headed boss how to reboot his “computer” by shaking it over his head.
c365 said...
He just can't help but bash Trump in the midst of reproving his party's base as they attempt murder.
as parent to child spanking dialog goes >>> it hurts the mayor more to have to reprove his party's base than his reproof will ever hurt them so he builds in a deflection target.
Ok Inga, I'll take you at your word that you "do not endorse anarchy, mayhem and murder". But the actions of the Dem leadership tells me otherwise about them.
When they defund the police and a citizen shoots a would be arsonist and just leaves the body in the street, what's going to happen?
Because that's coming.
Sure it's wrong to commit arson and attempt to burn people to death, but you know what's even worse?
Giving Trump good footage/talking points. Let's keep the big picture in mind, people!
In other news, America's dumbest, most gullible morons continue to demonstrate their unerring knack for reliably identifying 998,975 out of every five actual Boogaloos.
Royal ass Inga still believes the lies about Boogaloo Bois.
But you cannot be mad at her.
She is, after all, stupid.
I mean the sort of idiot who wears a helmet just in case.
No, Inga, you didn't point to Biden's empty rhetoric- you flat out wrote that "Defund the Police" wasn't really about defunding the police. You lied, or were just too fucking stupid to understand BLM's demands.
History always begins this morning with you, Inga. Always. Drago performs a thankless task, and even though I sometimes wish he would tone it down, it days like this when I realize these threads need it- he reminds people of the things trolls like you try to pretend they never wrote.
All the leftwing Antifa terror going on in leftwing Portland - Inga is so brainwashed - she blames the non-existent leftist scapegoat - bogaloo..
Inga stands in lock step with her new hero - Biden.
Biden on funding the police: "redirect!" (ooo but see - his mealy-mouth word "redirect" gives Biden a pass from the hack press and Inga)
"When asked during a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan if he agrees “that we can redirect some of the [police] funding,” Biden responded, “Yes, absolutely.”"
Old inga:
Inga said...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient."
Inga said...
"Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."
New Inga - I'm with Biden!
redirect funds to Police = defund the police.
"We are living for the moment between Democrat talking points, when riots and destruction of property and violence towards grandma and the police are both (a) totally righteous and justified, and (b) the dastardly work of Trump, Russians, white nationalists, etc."
1. Arrive Pacific Northwest.
3. Start fire.
I don't see a tag on this post for "Too little, too late." Sorry, Portland mayor, YOU own this violence, and every other night of violence in your fair city.
Interesting phrasing. Since this is the first time he explicitly condemned the violence that's been going on for months (when directed against city officials), it seems that Wheeler is A-OK with the mob attempting to murder federal officials.
But no doubt I'm being unfair.
Is he upset that they tried to commit murder or that they are helping Trump?
I’ve said Biden was senile, I’ve also said Trump is senile. I’ll take senile Biden over Senile Trump any day.
Another night of democrat protesting: After Burning Police Union, Portland Rioters Threaten Nearby House: 'We're Gonna Burn Your Building Down'
I have to say, when the democrats were protesting the police station a couple of blocks away the other (Friday?) night, I was sure hoping they didn't decide to take a loop into the neighborhood.
Hundreds of dead rioters would end this. An army is attacking and you must fight. Arrest and release will not work.
Why do you guys pay so much attention to Inga anyway?
Democratics always accuse Republicans of doing what Democratics are, right in that moment, actually doing.
And right on cue Royal ass Inga says Trump is senile while admitting the truth about the senile candidate of the Democratics.
Typical. "Don't risk being a prop for Trump" is a stronger argument than "Thou shalt not murder."
The sad thing is that for his audience, that is no doubt true.
Nah - let democratic nazis burn down their own town. Vote Democratic!
Inga said...
I’ve said Biden was senile, I’ve also said Trump is senile. I’ll take senile Biden over Senile Trump any day.
8/9/20, 10:36 AM
The trouble for you is that President Trump is not senile. The problem for the country is that you will take senile Biden over non senile Trump.
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