If you’ve never have food poisoning, it’s roughly like this... pic.twitter.com/KEUZpvQmk9
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 14, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
If you’ve never have food poisoning, it’s roughly like this... pic.twitter.com/KEUZpvQmk9
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 14, 2020
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Kamala Harris has replaced Hillary Clinton as the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. Or else, I think.
She is so shameless, it does seem sociopathic. I
"If you’ve never have food poisoning, it’s roughly like this"
The obsequiousness of the media/celebrities is nauseating.
Performance art.
The only Colbert I see is when the Prof posts something, and this is why I avoid him and his ilk.
Scripted, self-satisfied chuckling is best done in private
I started to watch this on twitter and i stopped at "haymakers at Joe Biden".
She reminds me of Tom Cruise's buddy from Risky Business: "That was just bullshit, Joel. I'm surprised you listened to me."
Sometimes you just gotta say what the fuck.
The idea that it might be too easy to score points on Joe Biden these days.
Colbert sucks up to the dems almost, almost, as much as LLR-lefty Chuck.
But LLR-lefty Chuck will always lead in that category.
But was it a debate?
Will this stop the thousands of leftie morons pestering Ted Cruz about his debate remarks against Trump? Doubtful.
At least Willie never faked HIS orgasms.
The laughing was the best part. Absolutely shameless.
She’s a performer all right. I notice that her answer is completely opaque: “It was a debate,” leaving the audience to draw the desired inference “So I lied. Meh.” Which both absolves her of hypocrisy for flipping her position and yet does not commit her to having been insincere during the debate.
It is a perfect mind-f*** of a move. She is under complete control even as she seems to be so relaxed and candid with Colbert. And his presentation/reaction play perfectly. I rather think they rehearsed this a good deal, or certainly agreed on the script.
She is as dangerous as Hillary: smart, ruthless, focused. But with less charisma, if that’s even possible.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Democrats treated like kids and royalty by the hollywooders.
Imagine that childish fool sitting in the Oval Office making decisions affecting the life or death of millions of people.
Imagine her facing Putin.
Imagine her facing Li.
Imagine her facing Kim.
Sweet bleeding Jesus.
She sounds so fing dumb to me.
Those were actual chiclets. No candidates were injured in the performance of these "debates."
Harris is not saying that she lied, she is saying that the purpose of the event was to debate.
Colbert thinks like a woman.
I'd be embarrassed, but we're no longer to shun people in transition.
It was interesting to see that Colbert could give as big a blow job to Kamala as Kamala gave to Willie Brown but I don't see how this celebrity bullshitting gets democrats to get off the couch and vote for these two putzes. Kamala just admitted she's a disingenuous politician who will say anything to get ahead. How is that helpful?
Two pieces of shit, chortling together, thinking the rubes will just swallow the shit.
Owen, with respect, I don't think she's smart at all or she'd have been able to have consistent, well thought out positions in the primaries. Instead she spun like a kid's propeller on a stick from week to week. And garnered two percent of the vote.
And anyone who thinks mandatory wearing a mask outside is a must or remotely enforceable ain't that smart.
Not to mention green new deal, open borders, free health care for illegals, or Cavanaugh is a serial rapist.
You're confusing evil with smart.
3 months...that is all...
...then sweet silence
What does she think the word "debate" means? She just says that over and over like it's incredibly obvious, a tautology. Debate means a public discussion or argument. It does not mean "lie."
It was a debate. Obama and Biden also debated, remember?
Laughing when interviewed by a Late night Comic? WTF?
I guess she didn't have time to carefully craft a response, or practice her expressions and intonations. She seemed like the question took her by surprise.
Why is this a surprise? Politicians do it all the time. Bush, Obama, Clinton all had a list of things they were going to accomplish in the first 100 days in office.
Then, they got in and didn't even try to implement any of them.
When asked, they flat out told us that nobody should take campaign promises seriously.
In the words of the immortal Otter Stratten: "You fucked up. You trusted us."
I think one of the so many Trump supporters is because of all the promises he made in campaigning, he managed to keep a number of them, some, like the border wall are ongoing and others he made a good faith effort to keep them and failed for one reason or another beyond his control (Courts, funding, Congress)
Very unusual in a politician.
I don't think I would have even asked Kamala the question. We already know the answer. Like all politicians, from all parties major and minor, from municipal to national, we don't expect them to do anything more than play a charade of whatever they need to say or do to get elected.
John Henry
Now do Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, talking about Trump... in debates.
It was a debate! It was a speech! It was a deposition! When do we believe her?
Of the three women who have made it the farthest in American politics, Ferraro seems to have been the only one to rise through the ranks the old fashioned way.
Hillary married power and Kamala fucked her way to the top.
Whatever happened to 'I am woman...'?
She was playing the "what if you had to argue" game.
i admire that she admits that she is nothing but a lying whore;
that will say and do Anything to advance her career
a LOT of people aren't that honest with themselves or others
no need to take D seriously or literally
looks like Joe also understood “It was a debate,” since they shook hands after and now she is VP PICK.
BUT it is DEATHMATCH and “It is NOT a debate,” between D and R
ADJUST YOUR THINKING ACCORDINGLY = comments indicate insufficient grasp of change of perspective
She must have known this sort of question would come when she was offered the VP slot. This is the best she, her staff, and Biden's staff could come up with?
The best part of the Clinesmith guilty plea and likely plea deal?
It is now conclusively demonstrated that every single assertion made in LLR-lefty Chuck's Beloved Adam Schiff-tys hoax "memo" was a lie.
Every single assertion Schiff-ty made was a lie.
Just like every LLR-lefty Chuck post.
Every. Single. One.
Without exception.
"You fucked up. You trusted me."
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Now do Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, talking about Trump... in debates."
Who wants to explain to marxist Chuck that Pence is the VP?
Should we draw straws?
Im open to suggestions.
I'm not going to watch the video because I can't stand Colbert. The only thing he has going for him is that he isn't some smarmy foreigner with a late night show telling us how awful the Republicans are.
Chuck and readering were both pretty good in the shameless department.
John Henry ... I don't think I would have even asked Kamala the question. We already know the answer. Like all politicians, from all parties major and minor, from municipal to national, we don't expect them to do anything more than play a charade of whatever they need to say or do to get elected.
but Stephen Colbert did - was he asking for a red pill? did he get it? will he take it? that is the question?
As I said in another thread, we deplorables are not nearly cynical enough.
But you'd think that a few progs here and there would remember the actual haymakers--you know, like, Joe consorting with racists and committing assault.
Of course, we know it doesn't matter. Nothing does. Except one thing. Progs being progs. They like their pols shameless.
But, not that it will make any difference, we'll remember, the next time any prog dares to accuse any righty of lying or bullshitting.
She laughs when she doesn't have a good answer to a question. She did the same thing when asked about the Smollet case after it became impossible to deny that it was a hoax.
She hasn’t learned to fake sincerity, and doesn’t even try.
Hmmmm...I get this intuitive suspicion that it was A DEBATE. (The subtext of what she is saying is that, because it was A DEBATE; none of what she said can be construed to be what she actually believes...because it was A DEBATE.)
I am so pleased that rules now is that you can accuse others of racism and sex abuse and it doesn't mean a thing. I'd hate it if the Democrats who accuse me of being a racist because I like my local zoning weren't just funning.
It really wasn't a funny question; the forced laughter was telling.
She must mean debate in the sense of able to argue either side, rather than the PC accusation talking point stuff they do today.
I don't think she wants to say that there's a valid un-PC argument though. Nobody debates PC itself.
That could be a Trump/Pence ad. Play a few seconds of Sen. Harris' moving oratory, culminating in "That little girl was me." Then cut to "It was a DEBATE!" followed by laughter.
Then the narrator says, "Sincerity. If you can fake that, you've got it made."
"Hey, it was a debate! It didn't mean anything. I was just trying to knock him down to size a bit. That's what you do to the biggest threat on the stage. Now that I know I can do it, wait till you see what I do once I'm -- I mean, Joe -- is elected!"
“Progs being progs. They like their pols shameless.”
As if Trump isn’t shameless. What planet do you people live on?
i suppose, that this ties into how democrats can spend a republicans entire life; calling him Hitler, Ronnie Raygun, Worse than Hitler, Worst President Ever...
and then, when the republican dies; act like they Always Admired him (unlike the current republican)
They're saying that they Personally Believe; NOTHING. They are just like a highschooler in debate class; they're given a position, and they present it
NYPD union endorses Trump: ‘We need your strong voice across the country’
That doesn't fit the corrupt media(D) narrative.
the still shot alone is like that Montezuma's revenge
She "was that girl on the bus!"
memory holed.
It's not what Rubio, Cruz and Graham said to Trump to his face in debates. It's what they said outside the debates. Basically, that he's an unqualified, dangerous, f'ing moron. Came to pass.
I think we can all agree shamelessness is a quality we admire when deployed by our side and detest when deployed by the opposition.
JPS: "That could be a Trump/Pence ad. Play a few seconds of Sen. Harris' moving oratory, culminating in "That little girl was me." Then cut to "It was a DEBATE!" followed by laughter.
Then the narrator says, "Sincerity. If you can fake that, you've got it made."'
Solid. Very solid.
The best part? It will drive LLR-lefty Chuck back into therapy.
readering: "It's not what Rubio, Cruz and Graham said to Trump to his face in debates. It's what they said outside the debates. Basically, that he's an unqualified, dangerous, f'ing moron. Came to pass."
I'm sorry. You'll have to speak up. I cant hear you over all the foreign policy and trade deals getting passed that ALL the experts said were literally impossible.
Thanks for playing.
Hows your research into the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact coming along? Dont hold back now. "Wow" us......
OK. Which is it?
1.) She was cynically lying in the debate to score points on Joe Biden unfairly. She didn't actually believe the line she was peddling but knew if she accused Biden of supporting segregation and if she implied that he was a friend to racists then he would be put on the defensive and perhaps commit a campaign ending gaffe. At the very least she it could win points with the woke for "speaking truth to power." It didn't work. Now that she has been tapped to be VP, she is can be candid about her support of Biden and acknowledge that he was an admirable man all along who has acceptable views on race. All of that implying that he wanted to keep oppressed brown little girls like her in their place was all so much gamesmanship and empty rhetoric. Stop taking it so seriously! Why you gotta be so literal, bro? No word yet if she still believes Tara Reade.
2.) She was actually convinced that Joe Biden's many racial gaffes, his opposition to school bussing and desegregation in 1970's Delaware, and his cozy relationship with unreconstructed Southern Democratic leaders, demonstrated that he was a bigot who didn't deserve to be president. She stood up and confronted him forthrightly on his history and was disappointed to see those body blows land without much effect, both because he mounted a decent defense and because his character was buoyed and burnished by the Democratic Party and their apparatchiks in the media. Now that she has been tapped to be VP, she must cynically dissemble and downplay her disgust at Biden's racism. She must take her burden as a former little brown girl, oppressed by the White Supremacist patriarchy, personified in Joe Biden, and suppress her true feelings, shuck and jive and make light of her suffering with buffoons like Stephen Colbert, in order to win a spot at the table, and to have a chance, perhaps, to take real power when the moribund Biden finally fades into history. Still no word on Tara Reade.
What does she think the word "debate" means? She just says that over and over like it's incredibly obvious, a tautology. Debate means a public discussion or argument. It does not mean "lie."
M: Yes, but I came here for a debate!!
A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!
Inga: "As if Trump isn’t shameless. What planet do you people live on?"
Planet Not-Russian-Collusion / Not-A-Spy-Carter-Page / Not-A-Gang-Rape-Leader-Kavanaugh.
What planet do you live on?
Oh, thats right. You live on Steve-Bannon-Is-Responsible-For-All-The-Riots planet.
Whats the atmosphere there? Mostly methane?
Preening on a clown's show on a Friday afternoon
Cackling 'bout the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When she gets to choose
Every way I look at it I lose.
Jokin' Joe I pass some gas for you
Boy, you people on the Left got really angry that Trump had another foreign policy success!
I can see why name calling appeals because you cannot attack his record.
Carry on, brave fascist fuckers.
I'm not a serious person and you can't take Anything I say seriously, therefore I should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, with a decrepit old man at the top of the ticket that will be in a long-term, assisted care facility within 5 years. See how I laugh at legitimate questions? See how frivolous and uncaring I am?
"Basically, that he's an unqualified, dangerous, f'ing moron. Came to pass."
Except they now call him "Mr. President." Life's a bitch.
At least Cruz and to a minor extent, Graham, seem to know on which side their bread is buttered.
Rubio is a pretty boy who isn't pretty, and that's a terrible thing to be. He doesn't even have principles to fall back on...
The Gal is stupid and a liar. I reckon the poignant take-home point - "That little girl was me!"- was just racially charged "debating"
Earnest Prole said...I think we can all agree shamelessness is a quality we admire when deployed by our side and detest when deployed by the opposition.
No, we can't all agree on this. Some people have standards. People without standards don't really understand this though.
I remember reading in the Clinton era that someone had done a study on liars. Apparently liars think all people are liars. But its not true. Some people don't tend to lie, and consider it a mark of bad character in those who lie often and with ease.
I think we can all agree shamelessness is a quality we admire when deployed by our side and detest when deployed by the opposition.
I think some of us recognize projection when we see it, and others deny it.
James Woods tweeted...
"If you’ve never have food poisoning, it’s roughly like this..."
Yep, Kamala kept regurgitating/vomiting the word "debate" over and over. FWIW, she never really answered the question, at least in the clip we saw. Nothing new, I guess. But those "debate" accusations are in the public record now. If you thought what she said to Stevie Kohl-burt was regurgitating, wait 'til the avalanche of ads from Trump, and oh yeah, the "debate" she's gonna have with Mike Pence.
"Kamala: 18-24 year olds are ‘stupid’ – Also Kamala: Let’s have ‘conversation’ about lowering voting age to 16"
"At a Democrat primary Townhall, Harris said:
“I think there is no question if we are looking at what is going on in our country, we’re putting more responsibilities on people at young age the larger number of people we can involve in the electoral process, I think the more robust it would be..."
More responsibilities? As they hang at home longer? Like what?
"Shameless hussy" has been around since the 16th century.
Kamala learns a new word, and remembers it through repetition.
Soooo, basically, she admits Dems call people racists as a political tool even when they know the accusation is not true.
But, we are supposed to believe her in the future. Cuz she only lies during debates or something.
Could this have been any worse a pick for VP than if Trump himself had made it for ol Slow Joe?
The Smirk and the Jerk.
Billy Blaze - "Always be sincere whether you mean it or not".
Owen said...
She is as dangerous as Hillary: smart, ruthless, focused. But with less charisma, if that’s even possible.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
8/14/20, 7:01 PM
Man, what are you basing that on? A clever if dull opponent would have found some way to deflect the question in front of a preposterously friendly interviewer. Instead she melted down whining that "it was a DEBATE!" And it was at least as meme-worthy as Ben Shapiro trying to rap.
It's ironic: if Donald Trump started saying that major policy moves and core identity meant nothing to him- for instance, saying that Epstein wasn't so bad and we need to put all this behind us- that would damage my support for him, in a way that the tsunami of liberal clickbait doesn't. At this point, I'd only click on HotAir articles to have some vague idea of whatever vapid lie they're selling- and to remind people that there is an alternative. But why bother refuting the zombie dinosaur of election liberalism? It's the same songbook from 2016, and that ended in a Trump victory. Stay the course, ignore the cucks, and push to victory with the new core issues of China Flu, Black Lies Murder, and Soros/ Bloomberg/ Epstein.
"I don't even believe a word I say" isn't a good basis on which to campaign.
Prof Althouse,
There are far worse things about Kamala Devi Harris than her fake smile and fake explanations to a partisan hack and alleged comedian.
How many times has this woman opened up on television about her Brahmin mother who is the single biggest reason for her successful life in the States today? Every one knows her fathers name Harris..but how many people know about her mother Shyamala Gopalan ?
Her mother was a true trail blazer.She was one of the earliest Indians who came to America on a student visa in 1957. This was a full 8 years before the US opened up legally in 1965 via the Immigration and Naturalization Act to non Caucasian immigration of any kind.Upto that point there seems to have been a quota system for legal immigration which generally preferred European or Canadian immigration.
An unmarried Brahmin woman relocating from India to a country as foreign as the United States more than 6 decades ago was unheard of.It simply never happened. But Shyamala Gopalan was made of sterner stuff and graduated with a Phd in nutrition and endocrinology from Berkley in 1965.She later on went into breast cancer reasearch and worked at Urbana Champaign and at the University of Wisconsin. I am pretty sure that liberal students in your campus would go nuts if they knew about this connection.
Donald Harris divorced Shyamala Gopalan in 1971.Her mother basically raised Kamala and her sister Maya as a single parent from the time they were in elementary school.She is the very epitome of what liberal feminists hail as the true heroines of America..the successful career woman/single parent who raised a family all by herself..an immigrant and breast cancer researcher who was an advisor to the NIH..
And yet...people barely know who she is.Even though Kamala has been in the political spotlight for more than a decade now.. Even today Harris is the name she goes by. Shyamala Gopalan is virtually unknown.
When she self identfies as a black woman, she cannot talk about her Brahmin mother..or deal with the fact that her mother came from a politically well connected family from India..Her grandfather PV Gopalan worked for the Indian Govt in the 60s.He was posted in Zambia by the Government which tried to engage Africa seriously as a leader of the Non Aligned Movement
Her mother was truly privileged to be able to pursue academic goals in the United States 6 decades ago, when 90% of the rest of India could barely afford three meals a day or a train ticket let alone airfare to the richest country halfway across the world
Given this background, Her sob story about being an underprivileged child that was bused to school to combat evil white racists..crashes and burns.
Kamala Harris is a clone of her mother when it comes to ambition and the drive to make it big in life.Unfortunately she greatly differs from her mother in actually being useful to humanity. Heres hoping that she doesn't cause any further harm to anyone than what she's already done.
Full disclosure: I lived in the US for 10 years and am now back home in India. Iam about 8 kms from where her Chitthi (Tamil for maternal aunt) lives in Chennai ..the hometown of Shyamala Gopalan.
The disheartening thing is that debate has become synonymous with "attack time". It's so stupid, the way the debates of our politicians are about knock-downs and zingers.
That wouldn't win a high school debate, and that's not what debate means. But we use our campaigns for entertainment.
Nagarajan Sivakumar said...
she cannot talk about her Brahmin mother..
or deal with the fact that her mother came from a politically well connected family from India
Her mother was truly privileged... when 90% of the rest of India could barely afford three meals a day or a train ticket let alone airfare to the richest country halfway across the world
and people Wonder, why she doesn't talk about this?
did Barry O'Bama talk about being raised by his RICH white bank executive grandmother?
Barry pretended that his mother needed foodstamps, while living off her bank executive mother
there is NO ROOM in the democrat party for rich parents. If we were going to talk about them, we'd have to talk about A LOT of parents
Paul Doty said...
I'm not a serious person and you can't take Anything I say seriously, therefore I should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency
Serious Question
we are voting on whether or not to choose HER as President, Not Jo Biden
Does ANYONE Want HER, for President?
The Nagarajan post above gives the reader some interesting facts. I suppose Kamala (and Obama too for that matter) are insightful enough to give proper weight recognition of their mother's role in their success in life, but it's not politic to talk about such things during election campaigns "It was a campaign, Mom."......Kamala may have landed a few haymakers, but the voters never warmed to her. This is the reason why. Trump called her a phony, and you can see his point.
Looks like a double win reply for the dems. Allows Kamala a get out of jail free card, and trivializes the debates; when joe and/or Kamala get squished in the upcoming debates they can fall back on ‘it’s just a debate, it doesn’t matter’.
We all live on A shameless planet that has failed to provide leadership to protect the county during the COVID-19 crises, failure to provide transparency, but success in firing IG, failure to establish agreements with North Korea beyond a photo op, failure to restrain from trying to profit from the highest public office, failure to keep experienced and ethical people in the cabinet, failure to read intelligence briefings, failure to call out Russia, and the list goes on...
When asked if making the campaign about race is a good strategy, Senator Harris answers, "I'm black, ha ha ha ha, I'm black, ha ha ha ha ha, I'm a black woman, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm black, ha ha ha, I'm a black woman, ha ha ha ha ha, I'm black, ha ha, I'm black ha ha ha ha ha."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It wasn't a debate in form or practice. It never is. It is supposed to be where you tell people why they should vote for you and not for the other guy. I guess her message is: vote for me, becuase I can say anything , and I don't mean any of it.
I hope Mike Pence reminds us of this during their debate when she says something that's supposed to make us all trust her.
I absolutely hate what the Democrats do with nominating and electing people. They pick people based almost entirely on things that don't really matter after the election: skin color, promises, visions of the utopia, etc. That's how we end up with people running the country like this lady or a guy worried about Guam tipping over.
Democrats are like a box of chocolates - ya never know what your gonna get. Actually you do. You get lies, graft, and incompetence.
That sounds like what I imagine as the third month of winter Wisconsin laugh. I was looking at Wikipedia and it has her dad at UW-Madison in 1968. It's not so clear about her mom but does say she was a prof in Wisconsin at some point. Maybe that's the genesis of the laugh?
roesch/voltaire: "We all live on A shameless planet that has failed to provide leadership to protect the county during the COVID-19 crises, failure to provide transparency, but success in firing IG, failure to establish agreements with North Korea beyond a photo op, failure to restrain from trying to profit from the highest public office, failure to keep experienced and ethical people in the cabinet, failure to read intelligence briefings, failure to call out Russia, and the list goes on..."
r/v thinks this is some sort of an effective retort.
But then you have to remember, r/v is the sort of idiot who agreed wholeheartedly with Crack's lunatic claim that whites alone invented murder, slavery, rape and lying...and that whites only did this for 300 years before any other race copued them.
Not figuratively.
r/v was all over that assertion.
Once you've gone that far down the lefty rabbit hole there really is no coming back.
I don't think I would have even asked Kamala the question. We already know the answer.
We know the answer, but her inability to answer a question that she should know will be asked of her is very informative. Especially since there's an obvious response that isn't really valid, but would get her off the hook. "This always happens when an opponent from the campaign gets chosen as a running mate. We can have our disagreements during the campaign, but move past those to unite in the purpose of defeating Donald Trump."
That answer (which elides the fact that it wasn't a mere "disagreement," it was an accusation of criminal behavior) would satisfy any MSM journalist, and it would be on to the next question. But she couldn't even manage that.
Kamala isn't very black, is she?
She looks white, and is married to a white guy. I think that makes all democrats racist.
ding ding ding -
"Soooo, basically, she admits Dems call people racists as a political tool even when they know the accusation is not true."
ding ding ding
except in Biden's kleptocratic case, it is true. Old man Joe is a racist.
I assume she answered the question because Mr. Colbert pronounced her first name correctly.
Wonder why this post drew out so many of our resident lefty cranks (is sunsong still sleeping?). Perhaps they truly think that Harris actually answered the question.
"And anyone who thinks mandatory wearing a mask outside is a must or remotely enforceable ain't that smart.?
This is what mandatory mask enforcement looks like -
I am, I think, an honest person; but if ever I am caught lying, I think from now on, if I'm ever caught contradicting myself or just plain loying, I'll say, "But it was a debate!" That seems to be like a "Get out of jail free" card.
Kamala, who cannot swim, asks Joe to carry her across a river on the Joe's back. Joe hesitates, afraid of being stung by Kamala, but Kamala argues that if she did that, they would both drown. Joe considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport Kamala. Midway across the river, Kamala stings Joe anyway, dooming them both. The dying Joe asks Kamala why she stung despite knowing the consequence, to which Kamala replies: "It was a debate, Joe. A DEBATE!"
roesch/voltaire believes we can completely control the physical world with our thoughts.
Have humans achieved this capacity?
A: No, you simpleton. Humans cannot control viruses/bacteria/etc. and your dreams otherwise count for shit.
Go hug a baby bison in front of its mother, dumb ass.
MeToo = the left doesn't really care.
Fake unverifiable accusations against Kavanaugh were all that mattered.
Billy Jeff? He gets to speak with his private server wife at the DNC convention.
The collective left = frauds, all.
These were the softest approach to that question as she is likely to see and yet she has no good answer, and she resorts to her worst nervous habit, inappropriate laughter. Weird mirthless uncomfortable laughter. This is her most off-putting trait, one she should have spent the summer in intense efforts to cease. Instead she appears to have adopted it as her version of “cmon man!” Ready to drop at any time a difficult subject arises. She seems unaware that year unlike all others is absolutely chock full of difficult subjects that a bumbling orange baboon (in her telling) is suddenly looking like a policy genius eliminating Isis, ending the Korean War (after 60 years), isolating Iran, peace among Arabs and Israel, economic recovery leading the world while enlisting India and Europe and Asia in opposing China.
Jeebus. Maybe in April ridge mdvrous giggling is the right response if your Joe’s running mate.
What an interesting defense, conflating a candidate’s debate with Oxford style student debates where people are required to argue positions they may personally oppose. It’s not a very strong defense or explanation, and it clearly rests on people being largely stupid. But she’s offering this explanation to the supposed literati of our society who watch Colbert, with his French sounding name.
I think what Harris was trying to say was that even if Joe is a racist and a criminal one, there are good people on both sides of that issue.
I did not (ha ha ha) hurl a charge of racism (tee hee at that man . . . Joe Biden.
It was a scripted answer by talented advisers. Scott Adams thought it was an effective answer in terms of persuasion. It will be sufficient for D partisans. R's and smart objective people will see it as a phony dodge. As to whether it has any significance, she will need to submit to questioning by a honest media person determined to force her to answer. I think that probably will not happen. The best questioner would will preempt her answer and throw her off stride with something like, "In the past, when asked about your attack on VP Biden at the debate for his opposition to busing and his support of segregationists, you simply said 'it was a debate.' We all know it was a debate, but I want to ask you about what you said at the debate. You said ____________________, do you still think ___________________?"
There is no truth but socialist truth, comrades.
Gees, another major gaffe! "The Late Show" has a large younger audience. But am not surprised, yesterday I saw another video of her saying 18 to 24 year olds are "stupid"? Don't disagree, but a critical voting blog she needs to have show up if Biden/Harris expects to be competitive.
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