Joe Biden’s policies put China first and America last, and that’s what he’ll continue to do, if he ever got this shot. And you will have a disruption in the market, the likes of which our country has never seen. You will have a crash in the markets, because he’s going double and triple your taxes. He’s going to do things that nobody ever would ever think even possible. Because he’s following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns. Destroy your second amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy, our kind of energy.No anything?!
Just yesterday, I was saying that Biden had spoken as if he "is losing the ability to maintain the boundary between what is said behind the scenes with his advisers and what is appropriate for speech to the general public." Trump spoke as if he were losing the ability to maintain the boundary between his inner thoughts and what is appropriate for speech to the general public. Within your own mind, I can see having short prompts for areas of thoughts like "Hurt the Bible, hurt God," but these are reminders to use material that conveys that feeling. They are not the actual material that you would present for public consumption!
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous. Does he believe in God? Is God not omnipotent in Trump's theism? Did he mean hurt God's feelings?
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
Hurt god as a role model. No religion necessary.
The notes style is Trump's style. The conventional presidential style is father-figure crap.
Speaking in full sentences is crap?
You know what he means if you are sympathetic to his position. He means undermine religion. But yes, taken literally, it’s nonsense. I doubt he is a believer, I think he is like a lot of us, a Christian Atheist. It’s like the old joke:
"Do I believe in baptism? Believe in it? I’ve seen it done!”
I don’t believe in God, but I believe in religion, so I accept my inability to believe in God as a personal flaw.
Speaking in full sentences is crap?
In terms of standards, this election is a limbo contest.
Election 2020 - a limbo contest, followed by Civil War?
"...a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.
But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do."
It's at the end. Interested to hear your thoughts, haven't seen this discussed here but I could be wrong. This was from last Sunday, I think.
Speaking only in full sentences could also be professorial or pedantic. Trump probably isn’t too concerned with winning the vote of grammarians or retired liberal law professors. There are those among us who communicate in a more gutteral fashion Professor Higgins, I mean Professor Althouse. There is a difference, which may be observed in our presidential candidates, between wild rhetorical excess, and occasional departure into gibberish.
Communication via fragmented sentence is a guy thing, Ann. Just structure, no filler. U'de understand if u CW'd. 73's
The difference between Trump’s oddness in this case and Biden’s is that Trump is saying things he’s said a thousand times. These are stock claims. So in a sense, yes, he’s turned off his brain. But it’s telling about how the framing of recent discussions affects framing of current discussions. In most contexts, you would have said he’s phoning it in (or some equivalent), but because we’re focussing so much on cognitive decline, the phrase you went for is, “lost the ability to think.”
Trump speaks like Americans speak. Not all of us are Law Professors who love the poise and lies of people like Barack Obama. Sure he sounds good, lies always do.....but actions speak louder than words, and Trump has done more for the American people...especially the black community than Obama EVER did. Get over it.
Trump speaks like Americans speak. Not all of us are Law Professors who love the poise and lies of people like Barack Obama. Sure Obama sounds good, lies always do.....but actions speak louder than words, and Trump has done more for the American people...especially the black community than Obama EVER did. Get over it.
He is speaking like many CEO’s I listen to. Formal speech can be a waste of time. I try to be more careful in speech but especially in webex some people get impatient and interrupt with a you mean ... because they think it means they are high energy if they talk short and fast.
He got you to talk about the speech, didn't he?
John Henry
actual quote:
"Trump on Biden: "No religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt ... God. He's against God, he's against guns."
the incredible shrinking trump base LOL
only hard core racists, misogynists and greedy money worshipers are sticking by him
Once, at a dinner party, the woman sitting next to him said she bet she could get more than two words out of him. Coolidge then famously responded: “You lose.” *
Soon after Calvin Coolidge took office, he received his first paycheck, which delivered a messenger from the Treasury Department. Coolidge solemnly told him, “Call again.”
His supporter Frank Stearns, son of department store mogul R.H. Stearns, thought Coolidge probably inherited his brevity from his father. As an example, John Coolidge once received an invitation to attend a presidential event. He replied:
Dear Gentlemen,
Can’t come.
Thank you.
John Coolidge
* likely apocryphal
The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
Genesis 6:6
How often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness
And grieved Him in the desert!
Psalm 78:40
But they rebelled
And grieved His Holy Spirit;
Therefore He turned Himself to become their enemy,
He fought against them.
Isaiah 63:10
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Ephesians 4:30
"Did he mean hurt God's feelings?"
If you believe God created man in his image, and we abort these creations like they are meaningless, I believe God is wondering what the fuck is wrong with us.
In an omnipotent way, of course.
I am Laslo.
But Moses tried to pacify the LORD his God. “O LORD !” he said. “Why are you so angry with your own people whom you brought from the land of Egypt with such great power and such a strong hand?
Exodus 32:11
Sir Thomas More, in A Man for All Seasons: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!"
In other words, "No anything". Pol Pot, Chavez, Stalin, Mao. Lawlessness leaves you no anything.
At. Beginning your well-practiced reentry sequence to ensure a safe, soft landing on Planet Democrat, I see. It's actually starting a bit late this cycle.
Sometimes he does speak like that. You can tell when he knows something really really well, and when he is just rambling.
Look, let's tackle the important stuff, like ending sentences with a preposition.
And using "like" instead of "such as."
When we're done, the Oxford comma debate can be settled, along with the "period space" controversy.
Man Woman Person Camera Tv!
Yeah, keep pushing the low expectations of Biden and propping up Trump's brilliance.
To the young, they are both decrepit.
That does come across as unhinged. I'm not watching the news, per se, but there was a clip going around yesterday where he scolded the press while calling his apparently unmasked supporters "peaceful protestors." He was communicating well but I noticed his face was made up so much they he actually looked like he had been bronzed. It was very strange. Maybe it was the lighting but it was distracting. Hopefully, the testosterone or HGH or whatever it is that I suspect that he has been doing to have such amazing stamina isn't finally getting to him.
Take Trump seriously, not always literally.
The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
But the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.
Psalm 147:11
Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.
Isaiah 42:1
Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.
1 Kings 3:9-10
I have no idea what Trump is trying to say about hurting God. Just wanted to clear up an apparent misconception that God either doesn't have feelings or is above them. That is totally contrary to Christian theology.
Without God there is a void. Nothing. Atheists scoff at the notion.
Destruction of religion so that the government can replace it.
President Trump slipped and began thinking in scripture. When red letter speaking ascended man Jesus reappears in Acts 9 to confront Saul on the road to Damascus, He identified Himself to Paul as “Jesus whom you are persecuting.” So God, rather than being all powerfully aloof, sees making murderous threats against Christians as men hurting Him. That Paul then switched Parties and went on to make the Roman Empire great again.
The wife says Trump looks tired. Making the American Empire great again is hard work.
Donald Trump has two key qualities that will get my vote:
1) He's not a Democrat. They hate America and are working overtime to rip it apart. You can stomp your feet and say I'm wrong, but I use the evidence of my senses over years. In the past 4 years, it's unrelenting destruction.
2) He's not of Washington's perpetual, lifetime class structure. He is not of them, so he is not beholden to any of them.
For those reasons, I put up with his tweets, his horrible public speaking, and the way his mind works. But don't confuse how Trump's mind works with how Biden's doesn't.
Sunsong: "only hard core racists, misogynists and greedy money worshipers are sticking by him"
You left out Putin cockholsters. You have a very eloquent and well considered argument that has me on the cusp of voting for the senile basement dweller, but if you are going to change all the minds on this blog you need to get through the entire left wing soliloquy.
There are few people in public that speak extemporaneously as President Trump. Politicians give statements that are practiced bullet point presentations. Dem and Republican seldom spend more than 10 minutes answering questions in public. The risk benefit analysis is upside down. The head of google, Microsoft, any silicon valley giant, would never talk to an adversarial press mob, for one minute let alone 10 minutes. The most powerful people hire PR flaks .
Maybe I'm wrong, I just dont remember others so willing to engage in public the way President Trump
“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”
Isiah 41:13
John Henry
Jerry Falwell Jr just got cancelled.
Cancel culture has gone too far.
“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”
Isiah 41:13
John Henry
The transcript is punctuated as sentence fragments, but there should be a colon and a comma separated list after “following the radical left agenda”. Hurting god is spoke from that perspective, a radical leftist who does not believe. Trump is a fellow traveler when it comes to religion. I don’t think he believes, he is just sympathetic to the religionists, whose leaders mostly aren’t true believers either.
There are those among us who communicate in a more gutteral fashion Professor Higgins, I mean Professor Althouse.
Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden.
Carlos Osweda has a pretty good thread on why he thinks pdjt will be reelected including about 20 specific things he's done or have been done against his supporters.
#1 is churches being forced to gather for services in Walmart and casinos (because that is permitted) instead of in their churches (because that is not permitted)
It doesn't matter where the service is held. The church is anywhere people are gathered in Jesus name.
But locking people out of their churches sure pisses a lot of people off. I mean voters.
Including many non churchgoers.
Not to mention violating 1A,right to assemble peacefully
I think yesterday at a press conference a presstitute asked pdjt why nobody was wearing a mask.
He said because "it's a peaceful protest"
I love that man. I've already violated my rule of NEVER giving money to a Pol. Gonna send another $200 when I get home.
John Henry
President Lee Ving speaks,
“No more peace talks
No more disarmament
No more Mr. Nice Guy
No more nothing (x3)
No more Playboy
No more Newsweek
No more Walter Kronkite
No more watered down television trash
No more nothing (x3)
No more whinin'
No more sulkin'
No more nothing (x5)
No more scientology
No more EST
No more Jim Jones
No more suck ass philosophy
No more nothing (x3)”
“ Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden.”
Exactly this. I doubt there are few commenters who believes she won’t.
Ann Althouse said...
Speaking in full sentences is crap?
when most full sentences are crap! = QED or non-sequitur as they used to say
One of the many parts of his appeal is that he does not speak pretty. Obama spoke pretty like a Ford model But even the articles were bullshit.
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous.
You don't even need the word "hurt".
Trump not being a Believer Does not take into account his long time spiritual connection to Paula White and his easy friendship with Herman Cain, Ben Carson, and Kanye West. By God’s providence he was raised by a Presbyterian Believer mother and that left a lifetime mark on him as did Monica on Augustine of Hippo.
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous.
You don't even need the word "hurt".
Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. If Biden wins, I predict he won't make many public appearances or off the cuff speeches.
If he is essentially senile, his choice of veep (acting POTUS) becomes really critical. Hence, the over-deliberation by his handlers. Biden: the first black female president.
Trump did seem needlessly rushed during comments he made at yesterday's press conference.
Trump should slow down and exude more confident leadership, especially now, because given the Democrats reactions lately -- from backtracks on extremism and Pelosi's snaps -- the Democrats know they are on the losing side.
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous.
Perhaps Trump should have said "smote God"?
Ann Althouse said...
Speaking in full sentences is crap?
Speaking in full sentences in a linear, logic based manner is White Privilege.
Tapping into genetic emotional memory in a fragmented manner is a true expression of knowledge that only the speaker can access.
Or so I have been told.
"Trump speaks as if he's lost the ability to think and is just reading from a note card."
"Joe Biden’s policies put China first and America last, and that’s what he’ll continue to do, if he ever got this shot. And you will have a disruption in the market, the likes of which our country has never seen. You will have a crash in the markets, because he’s going double and triple your taxes. He’s going to do things that nobody ever would ever think even possible. Because he’s following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns. Destroy your second amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy, our kind of energy."
Seems he has several thoughts here:
1. Joe Biden is more pro China than I.
2. Joe's policies will crash the market.
3. Joe follows the radical left agenda.
4. Joe is against gun rights.
5. Joe is anti-religious.
6. Joe is against energy production.
"hurt God" is inartfully put, but if we take him seriously though not literally, we understand perfectly well: a country under Joe will not be a Republic under God or protect religious liberty.
I count six thoughts, all good and correct as far as I am concerned. If this is evidence of Trump's inability to think, I am fine with four more years.
By the way, did Althouse ever charge "pragmatic" Barry O with losing his ability to think when he was just reading words written by others?
"Trump spoke as if he were losing the ability to maintain the boundary between his inner thoughts and what is appropriate for speech to the general public."
This is news to you? He's never had a filter; that's been one of the main complaints about him for years.
“But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
“In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do."“
Podesta is telling us that if the vote tallies in enough states are close enough to swing the election, that the DEMOCRATS WILL CHEAT. The way that they will do it is for the Dem governor to illegally send a second slate of electors to DC. Then, under the Electoral Count Act of 1887 (3 USC § 15), if both Houses don’t agree on which slate is valid, the decision goes with the Executive of the state (I.e. the governor). And, yes, these governors would use the old Dem standby, “voter suppression”, to justify this. Of course, they would be lying through their teeth - they almost assuredly couldn’t find enough “suppressed” votes to overcome Trump’s winning margins in those states. They never can - there never is more than a negligible amount of “voter suppression”. Far less than their usual level of over voting. Doesn’t matter. We have their game plan.
You wonder why Trump hasn’t committed to vacating the WH if he “loses” in the Electoral College? That is why - the Democrats have war gamed how to cheat their way into the White House.
And realistically, the chances that the succession threat is credible is low. Who cares? Ultimately, if they do, the Republicans will have control over both Houses of Congress, and military action can be utilized to quell the insurrection. If we even bothered. Very possibly, the solution would be to just let the eastern (farming) sectors of the three states stay with the Union (similar to what happened with WV). The three states would then starve, and LA would run out of water. No energy either. No military to speak of. And millions of Mexicans, and Central Americans storming their borders.
ick.T. said...
“ Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden.”
Exactly this. I doubt there are few commenters who believes she won’t.
Yup, and sunsong is turning into ARM as we watch. The Nation is telling us who will be allowed to be Biden's VP. Plus, Susan Rice is being exposed.
Althouse goes literal.
Forgets about serious.
Salena Zito, Althouse ain't.
Gahrie said...
There are those among us who communicate in a more gutteral fashion Professor Higgins, I mean Professor Althouse.
Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden.
will the excuses be articulated in full sentences? will they be expressed?
“Speaking in full sentences is crap?“
“No anything?!”
What’s crap is the demand that only other people speak only in full sentences.
""Hurt God" is especially ridiculous. Does he believe in God? Is God not omnipotent in Trump's theism? Did he mean hurt God's feelings?"
I think he was accusing Biden of disparaging God. After all, Trump does speak in shorthand language.
Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden.
I don't understand the infatuation. Why not just accept Althouse for who she is, and move on?
Althouse trying to talk about religion is especially ridiculous.
While it is true that under an Islamic conception of god, Allah is all-powerful and cannot be hurt.
Christianity is VASTLY different. The essence of Christianity is Jesus Christ, who is God become man. And at the center of Christianity is the Cross -- the Passion (a word from the Latin for "suffering") and death of Christ. That is, the suffering and death of God.
I know its all the rage to mock Trump, and he may not be all that knowledgeable about religion, but a person who speaks from ignorance is in no position to criticize.
As for the way Trump speaks, a LOT of people are sophisticated enough to understand what he means and there was nothing inappropriate about his rhetoric with respect to how to speak to the general public.
But thanks for the arrogant and elitist thoughts on the subject.
I like how Althouse is "just asking questions" about another person's religious beliefs.
It's better to pronounce your judgment than to "just ask questions".
Weak bull shit to put the thought out there and avoid taking a stand.
Really weak.
Coincidentally, the item appearing in my news feed just before this one:
Obama’s Deviousness, Trump’s Reliability
I would hurt God, if I could.
“ Christianity is VASTLY different. The essence of Christianity is Jesus Christ, who is God become man. And at the center of Christianity is the Cross -- the Passion (a word from the Latin for "suffering") and death of Christ. That is, the suffering and death of God.”
Let me suggest that the latter is not quite correct. For a lot of mainline Protestants, the Resurrection is more important than the Passion and death of Christ. It isn’t really a difference in scripture, but rather in emphasis. I should add that Trump, raised the way he was, probably believes closer to the Calvinist than the Roman Catholic emphasis.
It's not that Trump is inappropriately speaking his own inner thoughts. He is speaking his target listeners' inner thoughts and validating them. He knows what he's doing.
Yes, there are some who look to an empty cross.
But you can't get to the Resurrection without the death of Jesus Christ.
And even after the Resurrection, Jesus forever bears the marks of His Passion with the nail holes in His hands and feet and wound in His side.
Molehill, meet mountain...
Many people see God as as a parental figure. I someone told me that someone was going to "hurt" their parents, my first assumption would be emotional hurt, not physical injury.
“Jesus wept.” Why?
Also, “Hurt God” May simply refer to hurting God’s people, which Biden’s election will surely do.
Wendybar’s comment at 5:52 was worth posting twice!
Trump should steal Churchill's line:
"I'm a buttress of the Church--I support it from the outside."
US pols still have to genuflect before whatever the American public imagines is proper religiosity. The Constitution forbids religious tests for public office, which I consider one of the best and most important prohibitions in the document, but the electorate(s) impose their own religious tests.
And from their judgement there is no appeal
Sebastian said...
"Trump speaks as if he's lost the ability to think and is just reading from a note card."
WTF? The guy did a whole unscripted HOUR on Fox and Friends the other morning, without a hiccup.
What bullshit.
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous.
God suffers. Since God is present in creation, God is hurt when any aspect of creation is hurt. God especially suffers when people are injured. In all violence, abuse, injustice, prejudice, hunger, poverty, or illness, the living God is suffering in our midst.
-From United Methodist Member's Handbook, "What God Does"
God was just another sad loser before Trump came along to give him a makeover. God's ratings were in the toilet.
Trump made God what He is today, a populist, a popular populist, with more Instagram followers than Ivanka and Melania combined!
And, go God, go!
"Cut her some slack. She's trying desperately to find an excuse to explain voting for Biden."
If Biden is indeed on the ballot, I would be saddened that anyone, let alone an intellectual as our hostess surely is, could vote for him.
It would be immoral to burden the nation with a clearly compromised candidate.
Were I faced with that choice, I would vote write-in or third party, and I would make it known exactly why so that any party would never try to pull such a stunt again...not that they listen to us peons...
Here's another Coolidge anecdote :
"President Calvin Coolidge didn’t like to attend dinners, but he was prevailed upon to attend one function at which he was to be presented with a cane.
The man making the presentation went on at great length and finished up by saying, “The mahogany from which this cane is fashioned is as solid as the rock-bound coast of Maine, as beautiful as the sun-kissed shores of California!”
Mr. Coolidge accepted the cane, posed for a picture, then stood there for a few moments, staring at the cane. The audience sat hushed. Finally, the President spoke.
“Birch,” he said, and sat down."
Jeff Weimer said...
"Trump spoke as if he were losing the ability to maintain the boundary between his inner thoughts and what is appropriate for speech to the general public."
This is news to you? He's never had a filter; that's been one of the main complaints about him for years.
By Democrats. Many Republicans, probably most, like that he says what he thinks. No memorized speeches vetted by consultants. Why do you think Trump is so hated by the consultant class ? He tells truth as he sees it. Maybe exaggerates a bit but we get what we want. His thinking.
"Because he’s following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns. Destroy your second amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy, our kind of energy."
Biden is certainly following the radical agenda which is exactly what Trump describes. The fact that Biden PERSONALLY is not "against God" is irrelevant. What did it matter that Kerensky was a liberal and not a communist? He protected the communists, gave them guns to protect himself against a Russian General's march on Petrograd, and refused to move against them - even after they attempted a July 1917 coup.
And so, who cares if Biden PERSONALLY is "Pro-God" whatever the hell that is. He's in bed with the Extremists like the ACLU and supports SCOTUS Judges like Sotomayor and Ginsberg. He's not going to do one thing to move this country in a socially conservative direction and he's going to support the radical anti-God agenda.
In any case, why get upset at Trump's possible over the top rhetoric. This is man who's been called a racist by Biden and a supporter of Neo-nazis and killing people during the CV-19 crisis. All by - not some rock throwing radical - but by Biden, Schumer, or Pelosi.
Jeff Weimer said...
"Trump spoke as if he were losing the ability to maintain the boundary between his inner thoughts and what is appropriate for speech to the general public."
This is news to you? He's never had a filter; that's been one of the main complaints about him for years.
you misspelled both 'Complement' and 'Compliment'
Literally hurt God. The spirit is part of God. The spirit is fashioned ("made") in his image, then encapsulated in a soul (e.g. body and brain). The Earth is a proving ground for the spirit. Elective abortion prematurely destroys a soul, leaving an unconfirmed spirit. Spiritual corruption requires either a progressive reconciliation or its destruction.
God only carved out an exception to murder for self-defense. Trump is pro-life, pro-God.
Many times, things spoken have whole different valence when trnscribed and read. We have different expectations of what we read versus what we hear and see. The transcript does not convey inflection, mannerisms, and so on.
Heck, take almost any time Obama spoke without the Tele-Prompter and have the transcript honestly include all the "Uhs" and he reads like a total mope who can barely string a sentence together without over-taxing his brain.
Trump has always had a weak filter between the brain and teh mouth, and for the since he got on Twitter, between the brain and the Twitter-finger.
This transcript doesn't say anything more than that.
Trump lost the ability a long time ago to not verbalize the stream of his consciousness. This isn’t anything new with him. What is new is that more people are finally noticing and have stopped making excuses for him.
“Jerry Falwell Jr just got cancelled.
Cancel culture has gone too far.”
He should’ve kept his pants zipped up. What would his father think?
only hard core racists, misogynists and greedy money worshipers are sticking by him
Considering Trump's approval rating is seven points higher than President Precious during the same point in his term, that would be an awful lot of hard-core racists, misogynists and greedy money worshipers in this country.
And I always get a kick out of someone who refers to black people as Uncle Toms calling other people hard-core racists.
“One of the many parts of his appeal is that he does not speak pretty.”
And he often types in ALLCAPS!
Yes, there are some who look to an empty cross.
I remember in the first season of "The Walking Dead" (set in Georgia) our stalwart group made their way to a "Baptist" church. I put Baptist in quotes because when they went inside, there was a giant crucifix behind the altar.
Now, I don't know about other Protestant sects, but you would never find a crucifix in a Southern Baptist church.
Those are all complete sentences except for "No religion. No anything."
The subject in the sentences (Biden) is understood and thus not needed, like "Take away your guns."
"The party looks brain-dead wherever Trump touches it," writes David "Pants Crease" Brooks.
You know what's really brain dead, Pants Crease? Continuing to espouse statism no matter what poverty, chaos and Democide it causes.
I note that one of the organizations mentioned favorably is for RINOs who have fled libertarianism. Sure: you want to get as far away from the ideal of a free society as possible. Remember, though, it is far easier to get away from a free society than it is for those of us who still value freedom to get away from a statist one.
Martin wrote: "Heck, take almost any time Obama spoke without the Tele-Prompter and have the transcript honestly include all the 'Uhs' and he reads like a total mope who can barely string a sentence together without over-taxing his brain."\
Inga the State's Handmaid take note.
You allowed the transcript and punctuation to fool you. There should be a colon or perhaps a dash after "agenda." The "incomplete sentences" are a list of some of the things on that agenda. That's obvious in the video.
Still imperfect, but not supportive of the post title. I'm sure you know that transcripts are often defective and hearing and seeing a speaker gives a clearer understanding of their meaning - so I'm not sure why you jumped so quickly on this one without taking time to be accurate.
Now, I don't know about other Protestant sects, but you would never find a crucifix in a Southern Baptist church.
If you want religious ignorance, one of the first places to go is Hollywood.
It is still an annoyance, after over 20 years of this nonsense, that whenever some character walks into the worship space of a church in a Hollywood production, the priest/pastor/minister is just creepily hanging around. Never mind that they have actual OFFICES, often in another building, and if you want to see them, that is where you go to.
Never mind also that I have NEVER heard a priest or pastor or minister in real life refer to someone as "my son" or "my child," which of course they all do in movies and TV.
It ain't that hard, maroons.
I'm not sure why you jumped so quickly on this one without taking time to be accurate
Sure you do, Rab.
Ann has consumed too much NYT
> > The notes style is Trump's style. The conventional presidential style is father-figure crap.
> Speaking in full sentences is crap?
Non-sequiturs are crap
rrhardin delineate "speaking to" from "speaking down"
George Michael
I will be your father figure
Thank you for this, Temujin: …"I put up with his tweets, his horrible public speaking, and the way his mind works. But don't confuse how Trump's mind works with how 'Biden's doesn’t.”
And if you missed wendybar at 5:52 AM, please do yourself a favor: “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” it.
“ Now, I don't know about other Protestant sects, but you would never find a crucifix in a Southern Baptist church.”
Cross, yes. Crucifix never. The difference being the body of Christ on the cross. Many, if not most, Protestants, along with Jews and Sunni Muslims, consider that to be idolatry.
"Hurt God" is especially ridiculous. Does he believe in God? Is God not omnipotent in Trump's theism? Did he mean hurt God's feelings?
I often think of you as wishing to hurt God, of hating Him and wanting Him to die.
God is Great,
God is Good,
Yea God!
A satirical cheer from my high school days.
"only hard core racists, misogynists and greedy money worshipers are sticking by him."
Howling at the moon after the votes are in has become an enjoyable rite.
Ann Althouse mused...
"Trump spoke as if he were losing the ability to maintain the boundary between his inner thoughts and what is appropriate for speech to the general public."
Meh. Trump at 60% capacity is more than Biden at 125% capacity.
I have seen it in literature described as souls complementing >>> one starts a thought another completes it
So : Trump starts a fragment and lets compatible soul complete it.
!those who carp are not compatible?
loudogblog said...
Many people see God as as a parental figure. I someone told me that someone was going to "hurt" their parents, my first assumption would be emotional hurt, not physical injury.
interesting then for an emotional woman to jump to physical interpretation.
Didn't sound that unclear to me. You're complaining about his theology?!
Banjo: So which one(s) of the three are you? Kind of reminds me of the shopworn story:
Two guys getting to know one another at a bar.
Joe tells Andy he’s from Green Bay.
Andy says he never met anyone who’s from GB, and then comments that he’s heard the only people who live there are Packers and prostitutes.
Joe: "Hey, buddy , my wife hails from Green Bay”
Andy: "Really? Well I’ll be damned. What position does she play?"
Catholic Act of Contrition: "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, But most of all because they have offended Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love."
Hurting God is sinning.
AA, I really don't believe your advice on "...what is appropriate for speech to the general public..." for Presidents. We've had many "snake-oil salesman" masquerading as Presidents, Obama comes to mind, who were lauded because of their speech. Moreover, the average Joe/Jane cares diddly-squat about what AA or other so-called intellectuals think. Speaking well, is the first sign of the eloquence of speech masked as propoganda. Give me good old fashioned 'Deeds'.
AA, any thoughts?
"Hurt God" is a short hand way of referring to the disintegration of our culture and social norms when faith and God are dismissed, as they are by the Left which argues that "science" has replaced religion.
I'm sure there are many people who could write blog posts and books on the topic. Trump never goes into the details and people either get what he is saying or not, and those people who don't generally think he is a fool. Or worse.
If people don't understand does that make him stupid or them?
The listener gets to assign whatever meaning is appropriate for them in "hurt God". Seems effective to me.
Yes, Trump is uniquely minimalist.
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